Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Off to Baghdad!

2002-04-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 20 Apr 2002 at 17:27, Xxx Yyy wrote:

 And what seem to be the rules by which the Muslims

And don't forget that the Islamic countries have been living by those rules ever since
they were codified and enforced for almost 15 hundred years.  They have a tough
system over there.  Given the natural tendencies of the indigenous and the type of
lifestyles imposed by the environment, it has been deemed necessary.  But I am not
to judge as they have their own sand to sweep.  But also don't forget that while the
advanced, enlightened and superior Europeans were living through the Dark Ages,
the Moslems were going through a period of great vitality.

 No other prominent culture today speaks about holy war the way
 several main Muslim currents do. Sending young Palestinian children
 to attack soldiers is one aspect of it.

This, unfortunately, borders on propaganda, appealing to the superior Western mind
as being an example of atrocity perpetuated by the Islamists against a more humane
group.  Whenever there is a case of pushing a group to their limits, there are always
extreme behaviours and consequent deeds to be reported.  In the case of the
Palestinians, whether one accepts that they voluntarily vacated what is now Israel or
they were helped along, the point remains that they are in a bad way.  No one
wants to inherit them or their problems.  Jordan already has a large number of
Palestinians.  The issue in that part of the world remains, first and foremost,
WATER.  Jordan has recently concluded agreements with Israel to establish a
desalination plant on their common borders.  The problem is so severe that many
lakes and streams have been depleted and have died due to overusage and drought.
The Palestinians are water poor while their Israeli settlement neighbours do the
splish-splash in treated swimming pools.  We need not go into evaporation and
casual losses.

But, water is just one example of how the population is being intimidated.  The
overall point is when they or anyone else gets to a point of no return, beyond that
point is when the more advance of our three brains begins to shut down or just space
out given or lacking certain stimuli.  Then the second most advanced, that
corresponding to other mammals, is given priority.  See your cat.  That makes the
third and most fundamental, common to reptiles (hence, references to Reptilian
humans), has a greater role to play.  Then the survival instincts, individual and 
take over, overtaking the civilising or socialising influences most of us enjoy.  When 
gets down that far, anything goes, especially when you might be dying anyway ... of
thirst, hunger, tyranny, whatever.

This is not -- repeat NOT -- unique to the Middle Easterners.  I would be willing to
wager that in the 1940ies Europe, there were groups who experienced oppression
and feared annihilation, doing some pretty bizarre things as a result.  They might
have worked for their oppressors and fed their own people into ovens once they had
died from disease or malnutrition.  They might have actually taken food from the
near-dead ill to supplement their meager nutritional intake.

Those left in the cities and the ghettoes may have decided to create disturbances or
stage uprisings against their oppressors or even make bargains in hopes that they
would be able to improve their lot and the likelihood to better survive.  To be
successful, everyone had to play a part as everyone was equally liable to have their
lives terminated if their specific strategies didn't work.  Some even became willing
lackies, the kapos in order to get a leg up.  But, if and when the end was near, I
wouldn't suppose that they held on to any shreds of civility.  Regardless of age.

This was true also for the vanquished in the Japanese theatres.  Women and
children were convinced that the big, bad 'Mericans would do despicable things to
them if they surrendered.  They jumped off of cliffs rather than test the truth or 
of their leaders' hypotheses.

In Viet Nam, they had similar views.  Lt Calley and perhaps Sen Kerrey (NE)
participated in massacrees of the indigenous.  The Japanese might have been right
to predict what the 'Mericans would do and were thereby justified in splattering
themselves on the rocks below.

Mr  Mz Cool got some friends and went up into the mountains in the fall.  Brought
lots of warm clothing and lots of provisions.  Got snowbound in a cabin.  After a
while, one or more of the group started to act oddly.  The Cools began to exhibit what
is known as cabin fever, the urge to break free of confinement and experience the
wild and free wide open spaces.  But it was 10 below outside and snowing and the
routes out were impassable.  Mr or Mz Cool began to lose it, their sense of the
rational.  Hope was lost, morale sinks, life lost its lustre.  Strange days indeed.

And they have everything they really need: food, warm clothing, wood for fires,
companionship, and above all, 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Off to Baghdad!

2002-04-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

AT WorldNetDaily, an article was posted, On to Baghdad (URL AT bottom).
These are my thoughts that I shared with the author.  AER 

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Isn't this an interesting thing about words:  On to ...  means
pretty much the same as Off to [Baghdad, the races, et cetera] ... 

Anyway, we've got this whole war thing upside down.  Isn't it a sort
of perversion that people spend so much time and effort raising their
kids to be productive members of society -- educated, socialised,
family-oriented, reverent, thrifty, and all that?

Perverse?  But those are admirable traits!!! you might exclaim.
What kind of whacko are you to write me this, this, this ...
abominable abomination!

Yes, perverse and there is no other word for it.  Of course, I'm a
child of the 1950ies, a Cold War boomer baby and educated through the
1960ies and 1970ies.  And I was not a fortunate son.  But I wasn't
drafted but I did enlist later on (beating the state at its own game!
Ha!).  Yes, perversion and I fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
And more line and the pole and the reel.  Almost got to bite at the
hand that was feedin' me, too.

We spend oddles and kaboodles of time, effort, and money to bring each
child to their prime, young adulthood.  Then we elect (or select)
leaders who think up these interesting policies, many of which --
lately -- entail going off to to some distant land to show these
leaders' muscle.  Yes, they all volunteered to have children then
their children volunteered to become subject to the leaders' need to
flex their muscles (if only all the leaders could be as specific as
Bill-Jeff Blythe-Clinton as to which muscle is most enjoyably flexed
(but this is all about impotence or cuckoldry anyway, in the end,
isn't it?)).

So, for example, W decides we need a War on Terrorism and then we
have to bomb and rape an pillage and plunder (trite but true) some
place like Aghanland that has not known the absence of war for who
knows how long (well, that goes for Iraq, too, but the rules are
different for the Cradle of Civilisation).  Salt in the wound.  But so
what?  A quick telephone call goes to the Chairman, Joint Chiefs who
then relays the orders down the chain, plans are pulled off of
shelves, more calls made, bases and posts and formations and armadas
are set to a-scurryin'.  Let the younguns show how strong we are,
they all sing out an a-capellan cacophonous chorus.  Send our best
and brightest, those in whom we invest our moneys and our values,
those who hold the best hope for the future.  Yes, send in the
younguns.  This is where it becomes plainly perverse, upside down,
where the side that never seen no sunshine exposes itself, like a
black hole, sucking energy and matter and mind and spirit into an
infinite maelstrom, around - around - around and down ... and out.
The equal and oppostie reaction to a hard-boiled egg and dark beer
fart; bad enough when it comes out but just think of it going back in.

It's time change the established order.  The old men and women want to
make war, they tell us.  But they go to the young men and women to
serve as their proxies for this, this orgy of vaicariation, this
initiation into the cult of the blood lust.  Oops!  No more!  If the
leaders want to make war ... Bush (41 and 43), Blythe-Clinton,
Wolfowitz, Perle, Rummy, and any of the other old and addled, they get
to go themselves.  And, what will be nice about this is they get to
not only relive their youths, when they was arm chair generals, but
now they get to take to the field.  And all the leaders from the
warmaking branches of government get to get outfitted in their plume
bedecked pork-pie hats, their polyester leisure suit uniforms with the
mystery metal ornaments, mystery mettle adorements, and their
snake-skin pointy- toed combat boots.  Shoot, we've got it all; we've
even got generals who have a bonafide tin-foil covered cardboard
replicas of real swords.  On-ward, off-ward!, they can command.  And
the Britlanders will know exactly what to do.

There will be the requisite cries of Foul! and Unfair! from the
old men and women.  I'm not in shape!, says one.  I'm too fat,
says another.  But I have my retirement ahead of me, says a third.
And then and there we find out that all their kids were ever worth
were deductions on about two decades worth of tax returns.  The kids
were really meant to be used for expense accounts and to later be
sacrificed at the altars of Mars, the eternal God of War, the deity of
the War Parties, the deity of the Imperial Globalists.  To sate the
martial Mars, all things red must be devoted to it.  Offers are made
of endless streams of blood, the life-force eternal, vital, renewable,
transferable, immutable in its sacredness.

But I am a Christian!, a lonely voice speaks out above the throng.
I conscientiously object on the words of the Master!  'The meek shall
inherit the Earth.' 'Blessed are the peacemakers.'   Read them for
yourself; they too 

Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Off to Baghdad!

2002-04-20 Thread Xxx Yyy
What a poetic little piece alamaine. Recently I read a piece in which a journalist claimed that it was "outrageous" that she was actually checkpointed when she wanted to get to Arafat. And then there's the real world where evil, cruelty, powerlust, revenge, jealousy can possess the minds of men who have left the restraits of morality behind. Yes, it's primitive at the individual, community and country levels. It happens in homes, on backstreets, in boardrooms and on the battlefield. Sometimes laws can restrain these displays but only if everyone agrees to play by those rules and punish everyone who breakes the rules. The Islamic countries have been living by their own set of rules which are in conflict with other sets of community rules. And what seem to be the rules by which the Muslims live? Here is an exerpt from a larger piece which spells some of them out.
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
March 2001
Manfred Gerstenfeld

Propagating Murder

The importance of Palestinian education is particularly important for two reasons. Today, Islam is the one powerful, worldwide ideological stream in many parts of which a culture of death and murder is widely propagated. 

This trend is not limited to the Shi'ites, of whom Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah are prime examples. In Sunni Baghdad, tens of prostitutes were beheaded last year. In Saudi Arabia beheadings are a regular punishment. In Algeria, major massacres by Muslim fundamentalists have been going on for years. During the month of Ramadan alone, at the end of 2000, more than 300 people were murdered there. In Syria, Bashir Assad has come to power whose father killed tens of thousands of civilians in Hamma. Although not officially proven, it is very likely that the Libyan government of Kaddafi had the bomb placed on the PanAm plane which exploded over Lockerbie.

It is hardly by chance that the world's most wanted terrorist, the Saudi Osama Bin Laden, is an Arab. He has been indicted by the United States for the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania which killed over 200 people. Furthermore, he is suspected of having organized the attack in October 2000 on the American ship USS Cole in the port of Aden, where 17 American servicemen were killed; even after that, he moved so freely in Afghanistan that he was shown in January 2001 on an Arab satellite channel, attending the wedding of his son.15

In Indonesia, a country of "moderate" Southeast Asian Islam, the recent explosions of mass murder and expulsion in Timor and the Moluccas are a further example of violence inspired by Islam. During Christmas 2000 in various parts of Indonesia, bombs exploded near churches, killing 13 and wounding 200.16 Over the past decades, hundreds of thousands have been killed in pogroms of various kinds. 

No other prominent culture today speaks about holy war the way several main Muslim currents do. Sending young Palestinian children to attack soldiers is one aspect of it. This is not a new tactic, however; it was already applied by the Iranians in their war against Iraq.