[CTRL] Bush and bin Laden's Shared Political Goals Are Enough To Freak Out Anybody

2006-09-22 Thread Eric Stewart
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Bush and bin Laden's Shared Political Goals Are Enough To Freak Out Anybody 

by A. Alexander, September 20th, 2006Okay, now I'm freaked out. Look, nobody is suggesting the President of the United States and bin Laden trade phone calls, emails, and wish to be friends but it is beginning to become clear that each, for their own reasons, share similar political goals and agendas. Politically they need one another.The al Qaeda leader, bin Laden, is a lot things but stupid isn't one of them. During the 2004 Presidential campaign, bin Laden displayed a skillful knack for releasing tapes just when the Bush campaign appeared to need them most. He is well aware of his dark prince-like rock star status here in the United States. Bin Laden knows the press will never pass up an opportunity to garner market share by exploiting anything he says or in which he plays the lead role. If he releases an audio or video tape, he gets airtime just like the President.The President has been in a world of political hurt throughout 2006. In a fruitless attempt to try and push up his slumping approval ratings, George W. Bush has embarked upon a number of campaign-like tours across the country. Somewhere in the midst of each of these campaigns, bin Laden has been certain to release either an audio or video tape.Recently a poll found that approximately 40% of the American people believe there is more to 9/11 than the Bush administration has been conceding. Whether it is based in reality or born out of an extreme distrust of the administration, having people questioning the responsibility for 9/11 isn't helpful to the President, Republican election chances or, for that matter, bin Laden's "terror mastermind" street cred.If the American people are beginning to openly question the entire 9/11 story, that circumstance would serve to undermine the entire Rove 2006 campaign strategy. Can't scare the daylights out of people over terrorism, if they think the President might have somehow been involved in either knowing about and doing nothing to stop the attacks, or if they distrust Republicans enough in general to question their sincerity. And bin Laden certainly doesn't want people wondering if he really was the guy behind the devastating attacks. Such conditions undermine that entire "Islamic Jihad Warrior" persona that he's been so careful to cultivate.Generally speaking bin Laden needs the President and Republicans running America, because they are good for the terror recruitment business. They, as no other organization has or can, have played quite wonderfully into bin Laden's hands. The al Qaeda leader, long before 9/11, said the United States' only objective regarding the Middle East was to control their natural resources. The moment George W. Bush gave the order to invade Iraq, home to the world's second largest oil reserves, even moderate members of the Islamic faith said, "Hmmm...Binnie Boy is a nut-job, but he sure had that one pegged!" And every moderate leaning toward fanaticism said, "That's it for me! I'm all in on the Jihad movement!"Ever since 9/11, the President and Republicans have been devising ways to snoop on U.S. citizens, imprison -- without trial -- citizen and non-citizen alike, constructing and running secret prisons and, sadly, engaging in torture. These reactions to 9/11 have served two more goals espoused by bin Laden: First, to drive a wedge between the American people and second, to isolate the United States from the rest of the world...especially our historical allies. Bizarre as it may seem, bin Laden couldn't have himself written the script any better. Whether the American people can admit it or not, the President and Republicans have been good for bin Laden. And as everyone knows now, bin Laden, politically speaking, has been very good for George W. Bush and his Party. So good in fact, that Karl Rove has engineered three straight election strategies around the specter of bin Laden.All that finally brings me to the thing that has suddenly freaked me out: Very soon after that poll was released that showed so many Americans beginning to question the official story surrounding 9/11 and, too, just as the President began his big push toward altering the Geneva Conventions, bin Laden released a video showing the rituals and interviews of those who carried out the attacks on 9/11.They may not be pals, but the President and bin Laden certainly do share common political goals and objectives, and that is enough to freak anybody out!SOURCERelevant links:Al-Qaeda are the US govts greatest allyDoes al-Qaeda exist?Al Qaeda does not exist and never hasIsrael 'faked al-Qaeda presence'

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[CTRL] Bush Shields Dad on Chile Terrorism

2006-09-22 Thread Eric Stewart
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Bush Shields Dad on Chile Terrorism 

By Robert ParrySeptember 22, 2006Chilean investigators say the Bush administration is undercutting their case against former dictator Augusto Pinochet for his alleged role in the terrorist assassination of a political rival on the streets of Washington three decades ago, a crime that then-CIA Director George H.W. Bush appears to have tolerated and then helped cover-up.Now, George W. Bush has picked up the mantle from his father for protecting the 90-year-old Pinochet from ever facing justice for the murder of former Chilean Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier and an American co-worker, Ronni Moffitt, who were killed by a car bomb on Sept. 21, 1976, as Letelier drove down Massachusetts Avenue.Six years ago, near the end of the Clinton administration, an FBI team reviewed new evidence that had become available in the case and recommended the indictment of Pinochet. But the final decision was left to the incoming Bush administration, which has failed to act while also withholding relevant documents from Chilean investigators.“Every day it is clearer that Pinochet ordered my brother’s death,” human rights lawyer Fabiola Letelier told the New York Times. “But for a proper and complete investigation to take place we need access to the appropriate records and evidence.” [NYT, Sept. 21, 2006]By frustrating the Chilean investigation, the Bush administration also is protecting former President George H.W. Bush against possibly being implicated in this act of terrorism, conceivably as an accessory after the fact for diverting suspicion away from Pinochet.The Letelier-Moffitt murder is considered the worst act of state-sponsored terrorism in the history of Washington, D.C. At minimum, George H.W. Bush’s CIA operated with extraordinary incompetence and negligence in failing to act on explicit warnings about the assassination plot.Thirty-Year TaleThe case dates back to 1976 when the elder George Bush was running the CIA and right-wing military dictatorships – many with close CIA ties – were striking out at political adversaries through a cross-border assassination project known as Operation Condor.At the time, one of the most eloquent voices making the case against Pinochet’s regime was Orlando Letelier, who was living in exile and operating out of a liberal think tank in Washington, the Institute for Policy Studies.Earlier in their government careers, when Letelier was briefly defense minister in the leftist government of Salvador Allende, Pinochet had been Letelier’s subordinate. In 1973, after Pinochet took power in a military coup that killed Allende, Pinochet imprisoned Letelier at a desolate concentration camp on Dawson Island off Chile’s south Pacific coast. International pressure won Letelier release a year later.By 1976, however, Pinochet was chafing under Letelier’s criticism of the regime’s human rights record. Letelier was doubly infuriating to Pinochet because Letelier was regarded as a man of intellect and charm, even impressing CIA officers who observed him as “a personable, socially pleasant man” and “a reasonable, mature democrat,” according to CIA biographical sketches.Pinochet fumed to U.S. officials, including to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, that Letelier was spreading lies and causing trouble with the U.S. Congress. Soon, Pinochet was plotting with Manuel Contreras, chief of Chile’s feared DINA secret service, on how to silence Letelier for good.By summer 1976, Bush’s CIA was hearing a lot about Operation Condor from South American sources who had attended a second organizational conference of Southern Cone intelligence services.These CIA sources reported that the military regimes were preparing “to engage in ‘executive action’ outside the territory of member countries.” In intelligence circles, “executive action” is a euphemism for assassination.On July 30, 1976, a CIA official briefed State Department officials about these “disturbing developments in [Condor’s] operational attitudes.” The information was passed to Kissinger in a “secret” report on August 3, 1976.The 14-page report from Assistant Secretary of State Harry Shlaudeman said the military regimes were “joining forces to eradicate ‘subversion,’ a word which increasingly translates into non-violent dissent from the left and center left.” [See Peter Kornbluh’s The Pinochet File.]Targeting LetelierWhile information about the larger Condor strategy was spreading through the upper levels of the Ford administration, Pinochet and Contreras were putting in motion an audacious plan to eliminate Orlando Letelier in his safe haven in Washington, D.C.In July 1976, two DINA operatives – Michael Townley and Armando Fernandez Larios – went to Paraguay where DINA had arranged for them to get false passports and visas for a trip to the United States.Townley and Larios were using the false names Juan Williams and Alej

[CTRL] Bush Gives America an Education in Military Corruption

2006-08-16 Thread RoadsEnd
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http://www.irregulartimes.com/warmoney.htmlBush Gives America an Education in Military CorruptionPeople just can't seem to stop talking about George W. Bush's demand that he gets $87 billion extra dollars from American taxpayers in order to pay for his War On Evildoers. Folks, 87 billion dollars isn't the half of it.No, actually, that 87 billion dollars is something more like the 5th of it.If you've got questions about whether the $87 Billion dollars that George W. Bush is spending on the war in Iraq, you'll be just itching for answers when you find out that the House of Representatives just passed Bush's request for a $368 Billion military budget next year. The $87 Billion for Iraq is an extra item that has to be added on to the rest of the military budget, for a whopping total $455 Billion for the Pentagon.I call that a "whopping total" of 455 billion dollars because when Bush spends that kind of money in a time of record budget deficits, the American people get whopped.Bush says that this increase is absolutely necessary for the War On Evildoers. Therefore, it includes funding for a fleet of 55 submarines. After all, you never know when the evildoers are going to go snorkelling.Apparently, George W. Bush does not think it's absolutely necessary for American children to get a good education. You know that No Child Left Behind Act Bush talks about all the time? Well, it turns out that every single child in America was left behind. Bush's budgets haven't provided a single dollar in funding for that Act, which requires school districts to do a whole bunch of very expensive things.Because of Bush's mismanagement of the economy, the states, which pay the bulk of education expenses, are going into huge budget deficits. They can't afford Bush's No School Left a Dime Act, and Bush isn't helping. Some are forced to raise taxes, and others leave the tax raising to local communities. Of course, some local communities are just cutting basic school programs, like Head Start.Bush and his friends are fond of saying things like, "You can't just throw money at America's schools!" Actually, you can. I went down to my local elementary school this morning and tried it. It turns out that a quarter makes a very satisfying ping when it hits the flagpole.Be that as it may, the larger point is this: Bush and his Republican compadres are perfectly happy to throw huge bundles of money to military contractors who pay their CEOs millions of dollars of that money every year. So, if throwing money won't help us with the challenges facing America's educational system, how come throwing money works with the military?Actually, throwing money at the military only seems to be breeding enormous corruption high in the ranks. Right now, the American public is paying around $4 Billion every month to the military for the war in Iraq. The strange thing is that, every month, only $2.5 Billion of that $4 Billion is accounted for. Where is the missing $1.5 Billion going? Well, George W. Bush refuses to tell the American public, and won't even make a hint to Congress. It's another one of his secrets. Bush likes secrets.One Senator suggests that this $1.5 Billion in missing money could be going to bribe foreign leaders to get them to consider sending a few hundred soldiers to Iraq to make Bush look better. The fact is that the $1.5 Billion dollars that goes missing from the Iraq war every month could be going anywhere - heck, it could be going as kickbacks to Bush campaign supporters, for all we know. Missing money tends to be a sign of corruption at the highest levels of government. Yes, I'm talking about the Bush Administration when I say that.Contrast this loose military accounting with what George W. Bush does to America's schools. Bush says that he's going to be hard-headed with America's schools, forcing them to account for every dime that they get. Then, he promises to increase educational funding, but never lifts a finger to do so. You know that $87 Billion that Bush demands for the War On Evildoers? That $87 Billion dollars would have more than doubled the budget of the Department of Education.Oh, what could have been. Unfortunately, the priority for Bush is bombs, not books. If government works through a combination of the carrot and the stick, then Bush seems to be sending all the carrots over to the military, while he keeps all the sticks to hit America's schools with, when he gets in a snitty mood.For the schools, Bush won't give anything but increased regulation. For the military, Bush plays around with swimming pools full of money, just to have a good time.=
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[CTRL] Bush Planned Israeli Attack On Hizbullah in July

2006-08-14 Thread flw2
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Bush 'helped Israeli attack on Lebanon'

Dan Glaister in Los Angeles
Monday August 14, 2006
The Guardian

The US government was closely involved in planning the Israeli campaign in 
Lebanon, even before Hizbullah seized two Israeli soldiers in a cross border 
raids in July. American and Israeli officials met in the spring, discussing 
plans on how to tackle Hizbullah, according to a report published yesterday.
The veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh writes in the current 
issue of the New Yorker magazine that Israeli government officials travelled 
to the US in May to share plans for attacking Hizbullah.
Quoting a US government consultant, Hersh said: "Earlier this summer ... 
several Israeli officials visited Washington, separately, 'to get a green 
light for the bombing operation and to find out how much the United States 
would bear'."
The Israeli action, current and former government officials told Hersh, 
chimed with the Bush administration's desire to reduce the threat of 
possible Hizbullah retaliation against Israel should the US launch a 
military strike against Iran.
"A successful Israeli Air Force bombing campaign ... could ease Israel's 
security concerns and also serve as a prelude to a potential American 
pre-emptive attack to destroy Iran's nuclear installations," sources told 
Yesterday Mr Hersh told CNN: "July was a pretext for a major offensive that 
had been in the works for a long time. Israel's attack was going to be a 
model for the attack they really want to do. They really want to go after 
An unnamed Pentagon consultant told Hersh: "It was our intention to have 
Hizbullah diminished and now we have someone else doing it."
Officials from the state department and the Pentagon denied the report. A 
spokesman for the National Security Council told Hersh that "The Israeli 
government gave no official in Washington any reason to believe that Israel 
was planning to attack."
Hersh has a track record in breaking major stories. He was the first to 
write about the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and has written 
extensively about the build-up to the war in Iraq. He made his name when he 
uncovered the massacre at My Lai during the Vietnam war. Most recently he 
has written about US plans for Iran, alleging that US special forces had 
already been active inside the country. 

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[CTRL] Bush 'planted fake news stories, OTO, Network that exploits children

2006-05-30 Thread Smart News
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'planted fake news stories on American TV' By Andrew Buncombe in Washington 
Published: 29 May 2006 Federal authorities are actively investigating 
dozens of American television stations for broadcasting items produced by the 
Bush administration and major corporations, and passing them off as normal news. 
Some of the fake news segments talked up success in the war in Iraq, or promoted 
the companies' products.  Investigators from the Federal Communications 
Commission (FCC) are seeking information about stations across the country after 
a report produced by a campaign group detailed the extraordinary extent of the 
use of such items. The report, by the non-profit group Centre for Media and 
Democracy, found that over a 10-month period at least 77 television stations 
were making use of the faux news broadcasts, known as Video News Releases 
(VNRs). Not one told viewers who had produced the items
U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis (A pro-OTO site) May be heavy for 
survivors http://oto-usa.org/
fwd from L Moss Sharman - Network that exploits children uncovered 5/29/06 
AP Rome "Authorities across Europe arrested 41 Bulgarians on Monday after 
Italian police uncovered a network that exploited hundreds of children sold by 
impoverished families in the eastern European country, officials said. The 
arrests took place in northern Italy, Bulgaria, Germany and Austria, and an 
additional 75 people were placed under investigation, said Carabinieri 
paramilitary police in the northeastern Italian town of Trieste." http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_PrintFriendly&c=Article&cid=1148899687457&call_pageid=968332188492
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[CTRL] Bush and congress should lift environmental restrictions on Energy production

2006-05-29 Thread William A. Bacon
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Bush and Congress Should Lift Environmental Restrictions on Energy

by Andrew Bernstein

American supply of energy is being strangled by the policies of U.S.
federal and state governments.

With American consumers currently paying the highest gasoline prices in
recent history, and after another winter of high heating costs, many
Americans are properly concerned about America's energy future.
Predictably, many politicians and commentators blame the "greed" of U.S.
energy companies for the soaring prices. The truth, however, is that
prices rise when demand increases relative to supply, and that the
American supply of energy is being strangled by the policies of U.S.
federal and state governments.

A prime example of such strangulation is the moratorium on offshore
drilling for oil and natural gas imposed on 85 percent of America's
coastal waters for the past quarter century. Last week, when the House
rejected an attempt to lift the moratorium, it sent a powerful message
that the strangulation will continue.

Let us examine some of the other policies that have brought America--a
country blessed with abundant natural resources and possessing the
technology to produce energy more efficiently than ever--to a state of
energy poverty.

In addition to the moratorium on offshore drilling, the federal government
repeatedly refuses to permit oil drilling in Alaska's National Wildlife
Refuge (ANWR). Geologists claim that ANWR holds seven billion barrels of
oil, enabling it to add significantly to American energy production.
Further, in large measure due to environmental restrictions, America has
not built a new oil refinery for more than 25 years, meaning a diminished
ability to refine crude oil into gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, heating oil,
and other petroleum products. Our refineries run at capacity constantly,
making repairs difficult, leaving them more susceptible to breakdowns and
fires, and--with most centered in the Gulf of Mexico--leaving the
country's supply of refined oil vulnerable to such natural disasters as

Additionally, regulations have made building new nuclear power plants
economically uninviting--despite the fact that nuclear plants, operated in
free countries, where top minds are liberated to create advanced
technology, have proven their reliability and safety. In France, for
example, nuclear power provides roughly two-thirds of the nation's
electricity. American nuclear plants have had, and continue to show, a
superb safety record--and this includes Three Mile Island, whose 1979
partial meltdown led to no deaths or injuries.

Finally, environmental restrictions also limit production of natural gas,
which currently supplies 25 percent of the energy Americans consume, a
figure that will rise in the future. Huge natural gas reserves in places
such as the Rocky Mountain basins, Alaska, and the Outer Continental Shelf
are either "off limits" or have their development severely restricted.
These unnecessary restrictions endure despite the fact that the wholesale
price of natural gas has quadrupled since the 1990s. As an example of the
hurdles placed in front of natural gas companies, producers in Wyoming's
Powder River Basin, which holds 39 trillion cubic feet of gas, several
years ago saw the federal government suspend the issuing of drilling
permits pending the outcome of a second "environmental impact" study. Is
this kind of treatment going to encourage more companies to get into the
energy business?

The United States is a country rich in both energy sources and the
technology necessary to develop them. But the policies of our own
government are preventing such development from occurring. America needs
to learn from the bitter experience of England. Last century, a popular
expression "taking coals to Newcastle" (a center of English coal
production) was coined to indicate the absurdity of taking a product to a
place that was plentiful in it. But in the late 1940s, when the British
government nationalized the coal industry, shortages and rationing
resulted, and taking coal to Newcastle became a grim reality. Similarly,
the United States today, with its enormous supplies of oil, natural gas,
and other energy sources, is suffering high prices because of restrictions
imposed by our government.

If the U.S. government established freedom in the energy industry by
removing environmental restrictions, we would witness a significant
increase in domestic production of oil, natural gas, and electricity. This
would do more than increase supply and lower prices for American
customers. It would herald a new commitment by the U.S. government to
economic freedom and capitalism. The relative freedom of the computer
industry has led to an explosion of innovativeness and productivity. The
same freedom in the energy industry will lead to the same result.

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush Takes On the Brothels

2006-05-09 Thread Kris Millegan
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Begin forwarded message:From: thew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: May 9, 2006 8:41:56 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] Bush Takes On the BrothelsReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  May 9, 2006OP-ED COLUMNISTBush Takes On the BrothelsBy NICHOLAS D. KRISTOFI'm guessing that President Bush's foreign policy will stand up about as well to the assessments of future historians as a baby gazelle to a pack of cheetahs.Yet there is one area where Mr. Bush is making a historic contribution: he is devoting much more money and attention to human trafficking than his predecessors. Just as one of Jimmy Carter's great legacies was putting human rights squarely on the international agenda, Mr. Bush is doing the same for slave labor.We don't tend to think of trafficking as a top concern, so Mr. Bush hasn't gotten much credit. But it's difficult to think of a human rights issue that could be more important than sex trafficking and the other kinds of neo-slavery that engulf millions of people around the world, leaving many of them dead of AIDS by their early 20's.My own epiphany came in 1989, when my wife and I lived in China and covered the crushing of the Tiananmen Square democracy movement. Arrests of dissidents were front-page news, but no one paid any attention as many tens of thousands of Chinese women and girls were kidnapped and sold each year by traffickers to become the unwilling wives of peasants.Since then, I've seen the peddling of humans in many countries: the 8-year-old Filipino girl whose mother used to pull her out of school to rent to pedophiles; the terrified 14-year-old Vietnamese girl imprisoned in a brothel pending the sale of her virginity; the Pakistani teenager whose brothel's owner dealt with her resistance by drugging her into a stupor. The U.N. has estimated that 12.3 million people worldwide are caught in forced labor of one kind or another.In an age of H.I.V., sex trafficking is particularly lethal. And for every political dissident who is locked up in a prison cell, hundreds of teenage girls are locked up in brothels and, in effect, sentenced to death by AIDS.In 2000, Congress passed landmark anti-trafficking legislation, backed by an unlikely coalition of evangelical Republicans and feminist Democrats. Even today, the Congressional leaders against trafficking include a conservative Republican, Senator Sam Brownback, and a liberal Democrat, Representative Carolyn Maloney.But the heaviest lifting has been done by the State Department's tiny office on trafficking — for my money, one of the most effective units in the U.S. government. The office, led by a former Republican congressman, John Miller, is viewed with suspicion by some career diplomats who fear that simple-minded conservative nuts are mucking up relations with countries over a peripheral issue.Yet Mr. Miller and his office wield their spotlight shrewdly. With firm backing from the White House (Mr. Bush made Mr. Miller an ambassador partly to help him in his bureaucratic battles), the office puts out an annual report that shames and bullies foreign governments into taking action against forced labor of all kinds.Under pressure from the report, Cambodia prosecuted some traffickers (albeit while protecting brothels owned by government officials) and largely closed down the Svay Pak red-light district, where 10-year-olds used to be openly sold. Ecuador stepped up arrests of pimps and started a national public awareness campaign. Israel trained police to go after traffickers and worked with victims' home countries, like Belarus and Ukraine. And so on, country by country.Some liberals object to the administration's requirement that aid groups declare their opposition to prostitution before they can get anti-trafficking funds. But in the past, without that requirement, U.S. funds occasionally went to groups promoting prostitution. And in any case, the requirement doesn't seem to have caused many problems on the ground (partly because aid groups sometimes dissemble to get money). In Zambia, India and Cambodia, I've seen U.S.-financed programs work closely with prostitutes and brothel owners when that is needed to get the job done.Moreover, Ambassador Miller and his staff aren't squeamish prudes. Mr. Miller is sympathetic to the Swedish model: stop punishing prostitutes, but crack down on pimps and customers. He says that approach seems to have reduced more forced prostitution than just about any other strategy.The backdrop is a ridiculously divisive debate among anti-trafficking activists about whether prostitution should be legalized. Whatever one thinks of that question, it's peripheral to the central challenge: vast numbers of underage girls are forced into brothels against their will, and many die of AIDS. On that crucial issue, Mr. Bush is leaving a legacy that he and America can be proud of.Copyright 2006 The New York Times Company =

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush Scores His Points as He Mangles English

2006-04-27 Thread RoadsEnd
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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--- Begin Message ---
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 April 25, 2006GLOBALISTBush Scores His Points as He Mangles EnglishBy ROGER COHENInternational Herald TribuneNEW YORKPresident George W. Bush has a reputation — strongest in Europe and in those parts of the United States that most resemble Europe — for mangling the English language. At times, he's earned it.Here, for example, is Bush at the signing in 2004 of a $417 billion defense-spending bill: "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."Good to know.Or, a year earlier, on the cherished subject of liberty: "See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction."Unless, of course, they're for use at Hiroshima.You will note above Bush's use of "See" at the beginning of a sentence, a folksy way of gliding into an idea. Geoffrey Nunberg, a linguist at the University of California, Berkeley, says this deployment of "See" is in vogue among Republicans as a way of "clueing in a group in the know."The targeted group consists of the conservative red-state Bush supporters who see liberals, in Nunberg's words, as a "latte- drinking, sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New York Times-reading, body-piercing, Hollywood loving, left-wing freak show."See, values are central to American politics — they decided the last election — and such small verbal signals are important. Even Bush's linguistic gaffes can go down well: Only East Coast eggheads and the anti-death- penalty Massachusetts crowd speak posh, after all.Bush's late-life political ascension had much to do with his remarkable ability to parlay a blue-blooded, affluent background into the image of a regular guy. An average dude with lots of cash and Kennebunkport connections goes far.But even regular guys must learn how to talk in public when they get the biggest job in the world. Bush has become a much better speaker over the past five years. His pacing is better, his ideas clearer. Still, he continues to have his quirks.One that bothers me is the president's penchant for a little word: "Yet." He loves that particle.Of course, nobody can have anything against "yet" as a temporal adverb, as in "I haven't found love yet." But that's not the nature of Bush's yet fetish (call it a "yetish"). He adores "yet" as an introductory conjunction, as in:"Democracies in the Middle East will not look like our own, because they will reflect the traditions of their own citizens. Yet liberty is the future of every nation in the Middle East."Those two sentences are from the last State of the Union address, in which Bush used "yet" in this way 10 times. For example: "The only alternative to American leadership is a dramatically more dangerous and anxious world. Yet we also choose to lead because it is a privilege to serve the values that gave us birth."Or: "America is a great force for freedom and prosperity. Yet our greatness is not measured in power or luxuries, but by who we are and how we treat each other."And, from his swearing-in speech last year: "We have known divisions, which must be healed to move forward in great purposes — and I will strive in good faith to heal them. Yet those divisions do not define America."I could go on, but you get the idea. Bush likes this odd, archaic-sounding, lofty use of "yet." I called Erin Healey, a White House spokeswoman, three times to try to find out why. Yet the White House did not respond.So I put the question to Nunberg. His response was that the habit probably reflected one of the most inane but persistent of grammatical myths: that sentences should not begin with "But."The Merriam-Webster Dictionary of English Usage describes that notion as "folklore." Fowler's Modern English Usage calls the idea tha


2006-03-24 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

F. ROCHE JR. LOS ANGELES TIMES  -The Iraq war helped bring record 
earnings to St. Louis-based defense contractor Engineered Support 
Systems Inc., and new financial data show that the firm's war-related 
profits have trickled down to a familiar family name - Bush. William 
H.T. "Bucky" Bush, uncle of the president and youngest brother of former 
President George H.W. Bush, cashed in ESSI stock options last month with 
a net value of nearly half a million dollars. "Uncle Bucky," as he is 
known to the president, is on the board of the company, which supplies 
armor and other materials to U.S. troops. The company's stock prices 
have soared to record heights since before the invasion, benefiting in 
part from contracts to rapidly refit fleets of military vehicles with 
extra armor. 
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[CTRL] Bush & Bush at Bohemian Grove + Bush be 60 on 6/6/06

2006-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
PS. George will be 60 on 6/6/06


printed 1997

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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush just can't stop

2006-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan
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--- Begin Message ---
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Bush just can't stop lying

Mar 22, 2006, 07:38

Americans who tuned in for one of President George W. Bush's rare press 
saw a cornered animal trying to squirm his way out of trouble by doing what he 
always done - evading the truth.

Bush's attempt to showcase himself as a leader who could handle tough questions 
the press corps fell just as flat as his unscripted town-meeting style 
appearance in 
Cleveland the day before.

His eyes darted from side-to-side as he fielded questions about his real 
reasons for 
invading Iraq. He stammered. Stalled. Used the word "uh" more times than a 
caught red-handed. He still claimed his reasons for invading Iraq were just, 
though those reasons have been proven wrong. He claims the war can be won, a 
not shared by many of his generals. He claimed a lot of things - few of them 

"President Bush exhibited symptoms of pathological prevarication," says Dr. 
Stephanie Crossfield, a psychologist who treats people who have trouble telling 
truth and who watched Bush's performances on Monday and Tuesday at my request. 
eye movements, gestures, and changes in voice tone all display traits of 
evasion of the truth."

This isn't the first time I've asked Dr. Crossfield to study a politician. She 
watched several of former President Bill Clinton's press conferences and came 
similar conclusions about Clinton disassociation with reality.

When studying a subject, she watches the eyes.

"Eye movement is difficult to control," she said. "You find that the eyes dart 
in specific patterns when a person is not telling the truth. The President's 
dart a great deal. He is not comfortable facing the truth."

Dr. Justin Frank, author of the book, Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the 
President, agrees with Dr. Crossfield.

"President Bush marches deeper and deeper into a world of his own," says Dr. 
"Central to Bush's world is an iron will which demands that external reality be 
changed to conform to his personal view of how things are."

Republicans reluctantly admit Bush has lost touch with the truth. Sen. Chuck 
says the President is "disconnected from reality." 

Venture out beyond the Beltway and you find conservative Republicans shaking 
head and wondering the same thing.

Dennis Dalbey cuts the hair of Camp Pendleton's young Marines, giving them the 
regulation haircut before they head to combat in Iraq.  His barbershop on the 
Highway near the base in California is covered with painted yellow ribbons, 
and "We support our troops" banners. But Dalbey, a Republican and a 
conservative who voted for Bush, says he is fed up with the President's lies. 

"Enough is enough," he says. "It's time to bring the boys home."

In San Marcos, retired Navy veteran Herb Ranquist, 77, sits in the local VFW 
and says Bush is a failure. 

"I voted for him two times, and I wish I hadn't," Ranquist says. "It was 
one of the worst mistakes I ever made." 

Dr. Crossfield says it doesn't take a degree in psychology or advanced training 
spotting liars to realize the President plays fast and loose with the truth.

"More and more ordinary Americans see the evidence clearly every day," she 
says. "It 
is difficult to ignore."

Dr. Frank says Bush can't change his ways.

"Taking responsibility has always been hard for George W. Bush," he says.  
responsibility for inflicting harm on others, a major step in the development 
maturity, is a step President Bush has yet to make. Instead, he persists in 
lying to 

And to the American people.

© Copyright 2006 by Capitol Hill Blue
- - - -

[CTRL] Bush Makes Satanic Hand Gesture, Quotes Necronomicon

2006-02-18 Thread Al Hidell
-Caveat Lector-

Bush Makes Satanic Hand Gesture, Quotes Necronomicon

Observers have noted at least three occult references during the coronation of King George. Given the carefully-scripted nature of the event, you can be sure they weren't an accident. The most obvious was the Satanic hand signal given repeatedly by Bush, his wife, and daughters. So, just what the hell does it mean? 
According to Alex Jones (prisonplanet.com) and others, the symbol represents the horned head of Satan. The sign is also thought to represent the horned god of witchcraft, Pan or Cernunnos. With the thumb placed on the outside of the fingers, it's thought to be a sign of recognition between those involved in occult activities.
Apologists claimed the Bushes were simply making the "hook 'em horns" hand sign of the University of Texas football team. Perhaps, but why did they do it so many times? Is a Texas university football team really so important as to be honored repeatedly at a national inauguration? Most significantly, this explanation fails to account for the multitude of prominent figures who have been photographed making the gesture, people who have nothing to do with Texas football. A partial list: Bill Clinton, Paul McCartney, Prince William, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, General Tommy Franks, and even the cartoon version of John Lennon (on the cover of Yellow Submarine).
In addition, President Bush publicly referred to the Freemasonic concept of the New World Order for the first time: "We go forward with complete confidence in the eventual triumph of freedom ... When our Founders declared a new order of the ages ... they were acting on an ancient hope that is meant to be fulfilled." The words on the back of the dollar bill, "Novus Ordo Seclorum," which were placed there through Freemasonic influence, are Latin for "New Order of the Ages."
Finally, Bush used an odd phrase that cries out for an explanation: "This is the cause that unites our country and gives hope to the world and will lead us to a future of peace. We have a calling from beyond the stars to stand for freedom." A calling from beyond the stars? Are aliens now in charge of U.S. foreign policy? The researchers at cuttingedge.org offer this explanation: "Surprise, it comes from Illuminized Satanism!" 
The phrase appears in an occult text-variously said to have been invented by the American writer H.P. Lovecraft or written in Syria in 730 A.D.-known as the Necronomicon: "The amulet that I held in my hand, and hold to this very day, around my neck as I write these words, is this: Of the three symbols carved, the first is the Sign of our Race from beyond the Stars, and is called ARRA in the tongue of the Scribe who taught it to me, an emissary of the Elder Ones. In the tongue of the eldest city of Babylon, it was UR. It is the Sigil of the Covenant of the Elder Gods, and will not forget us. They have sworn!" 
Interestingly, the ancient city of Babylon was located in what is now Iraq. In this regard, researcher William Henry (williamhenry.net) has suggested that President Bush's interest in Iraq may be about more than oil. Henry notes that prior to the U.S. invasion, Saddam Hussein had increased the pace of archeological excavations in his country, in an effort to uncover and disseminate the texts of ancient Iraq. The sands of Iraq, Henry says, cover a commodity much more valuable than oil: ancient occult knowledge and technology.
From PARANOIA: The Conspiracy Reader, Issue 38
Al HidellPARANOIA: The Conspiracy ReaderPO Box 1041Providence, RI 02901-1041www.paranoiamagazine.com
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[CTRL] Bush-give-the-president-a-break!

2006-02-11 Thread Steve Wilson
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[CTRL] Bush Ordered Spying on Spies

2006-01-02 Thread flw2
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MADSEN REPORT -  NSA spied on its own employees, other U.S. 
intelligence personnel, and their journalist and congressional contacts. 
WMR has learned that the National Security Agency, on the orders of the 
Bush administration, eavesdropped on the private conversations and 
e-mail of its own employees, employees of other U.S. intelligence 
agencies -- including the CIA and DIA -- and their contacts in the 
media, Congress, and oversight agencies and offices.The journalist 
surveillance program, code named "Firstfruits," was part of a Director of 
Central Intelligence program that was maintained at least until October 2004 
and was authorized by then-DCI Porter Goss. . . Firstfruits was a 
database that contained both the articles and the transcripts of telephone 
and other communications of particular Washington journalists known to 
report on sensitive U.S. intelligence activities, particularly those 
involving NSA. According to NSA sources, the targeted journalists included 
author James Bamford, the New York Times' James Risen, the Washington Post's 
Vernon Loeb, the New Yorker's Seymour Hersh, the Washington Times' Bill 
Gertz, UPI's John C. K. Daly, and this editor [Wayne Madsen], who has 
written about NSA for The Village Voice, CAQ, Intelligence Online, and the 
Electronic Privacy Information Center.In addition, beginning in 2001 
but before the 9-11 attacks, NSA began to target anyone in the U.S. 
intelligence community who was deemed a "disgruntled employee." According to 
NSA sources, this surveillance was a violation of United States Signals 
Intelligence Directive 18 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 
1978. The surveillance of U.S. intelligence personnel by other intelligence 
personnel in the United States and abroad was conducted without any warrants 
from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The targeted U.S. 
intelligence agency personnel included those who made contact with members 
of the media, including the journalists targeted by Firstfruits, as well as 
members of Congress, Inspectors General, and other oversight agencies. Those 
discovered to have spoken to journalists and oversight personnel were 
subjected to sudden clearance revocation and termination as "security 
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[CTRL] Bush Boozing

2005-09-23 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

  Dangers of a Drunk Dubya
  Sep 23, 2005, 08:39
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According to the National Enquirer, President George W. Bush, an alcoholic, 
is drinking again.

In normal times, such a story in a tabloid like the Enquirer would be 
dismissed as just another fantasy for the newspaper that normally devotes 
its front page to gossip about celebrity divorces. But an America with Bush 
as President is anything but normal and too many warning signs point to the 
sad fact that Dubya the drunk is back on the bottle. Plus we reported the 
same thing in a story about Bush’s temper tirades on August 25.

Like the President, I’m a recovering alcoholic. Unlike him, I’ve been sober 
for 11 years, three months and 16 days. Bush says he quit drinking without 
help from any organized program. I had a lot of help – from family, friends 
and Alcoholics Anonymous.  As an alcoholic, I can say without hesitation 
that available evidence tells me that Bush is drinking and drinking heavily.

The signs have been there for too long. Bush fell off a couch after, his 
aides say, “falling asleep.” He has appeared in public with bruises on his 
face, the kind of injuries a person would suffer from falling in 
alcohol-impaired conditions. He disappears from public view for extended 
periods, takes more vacations than other Presidents, has trouble forming 
words, appears disinterested in public and mangles his sentences. In other 
appearances he rambles and appears unable to focus. During the Katrina 
crisis he displayed little emotion or compassion when confronted with the 
horrors along the Gulf Coast.

This web site reported last year that the White House physician had placed 
the President on anti-depressants. If Bush is mixing alcohol and 
anti-depressant drugs his judgment – which is already suspect – is impaired 
even more.

“The President all too often is out of control,” a White House source tells 
me. “People are afraid to risk his anger by telling him things he does not 
want to hear.  Newsweek magazine reported the same thing last week in their 
story: “How Bush Blew It.”

The Enquirer interviewed Dr. Justin Frank, a Washington D.C. psychiatrist 
and author of Bush On The Couch: Inside The Mind Of The President.

“I do think that Bush is drinking again,” Frank said. “Alcoholics who are 
not in any program, like the President, have a hard time when stress gets to 
be great. I think it's a concern that Bush disappears during times of 
stress. He spends so much time on his ranch. It's very frightening.”

Dr. Frank is a highly-respected psychiatrist at George Washington University 
and his book about the President’s problems has been praised by other 
psychiatric experts. We interviewed him last year for the stories about the 
President’s deteriorating mental state and his conclusions confirm Bush is 
losing it.

White House aides tell me rumors about the President’s drinking began 
circulating last year in the West Wing along with questions about possible 
abuse of prescription drugs. They report wide mood swings, cancelled 
meetings and an ever-decreasing number of aides with direct access to Bush.

“Two questions that the press seems particularly determined to ignore have 
hung silently in the air since before Bush took office,” Dr. Frank told us 
in August.  “Is he still drinking? And if not, is he impaired by all the 
years he did spend drinking? Both questions need to be addressed in any 
serious assessment of his psychological state.”

It’s scary enough to have a nutcase in the White House. It’s even scarier to 
think that nutcase may be drunk.

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[CTRL] Bush Buddies Land Fatcat Contracts for Katrina Relief

2005-09-12 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

  From Capitol Hill Blue

  Bush Buddies Land Fatcat Contracts for Katrina Relief
  By Staff and Wire Reports
  Sep 12, 2005, 06:39

  Companies with strong ties to President Bush are clinching some of the 
administration's first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the 
aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

  At least two major corporate clients of lobbyist Joe Allbaugh, 
President George W. Bush's former campaign manager and a former head of the 
Federal Emergency Management Agency, have already been tapped to start 
recovery work along the battered Gulf Coast.

  One is Shaw Group Inc. and the other is Halliburton Co. subsidiary 
Kellogg Brown and Root. Vice President Dick Cheney is a former head of 

  Bechtel National Inc., a unit of San Francisco-based Bechtel Corp., 
has also been selected by FEMA to provide short-term housing for people 
displaced by the hurricane. Bush named Bechtel's CEO to his Export Council 
and put the former CEO of Bechtel Energy in charge of the Overseas Private 
Investment Corporation.

  Experts say it has been common practice in both Republican and 
Democratic administrations for policy makers to take lobbying jobs once they 
leave office, and many of the same companies seeking contracts in the wake 
of Hurricane Katrina have already received billions of dollars for work in 

  Halliburton alone has earned more than $9 billion. Pentagon audits 
released by Democrats in June showed $1.03 billion in "questioned" costs and 
$422 million in "unsupported" costs for Halliburton's work in Iraq.

  But the web of Bush administration connections is attracting renewed 
attention from watchdog groups in the post-Katrina reconstruction rush. 
Congress has already appropriated more than $60 billion in emergency funding 
as a down payment on recovery efforts projected to cost well over $100 

  "The government has got to stop stacking senior positions with people 
who are repeatedly cashing in on the public trust in order to further 
private commercial interests," said Danielle Brian, executive director of 
the Project on Government Oversight.

  Allbaugh formally registered as a lobbyist for Halliburton subsidiary 
Kellogg Brown and Root in February.

  In lobbying disclosure forms filed with the Senate, Allbaugh said his 
goal was to "educate the congressional and executive branch on defense, 
disaster relief and homeland security issues affecting Kellogg Brown and 

  Melissa Norcross, a Halliburton spokeswoman, said Allbaugh has not, 
since he was hired, "consulted on any specific contracts that the company is 
considering pursuing, nor has he been tasked by the company with any 
lobbying responsibilities."

  Allbaugh is also a friend of Michael Brown, director of FEMA who was 
removed as head of Katrina disaster relief and sent back to Washington amid 
allegations he had padded his resume.

  A few months after Allbaugh was hired by Halliburton, the company 
retained another high-level Bush appointee, Kirk Van Tine.

  Van Tine registered as a lobbyist for Halliburton six months after 
resigning as deputy transportation secretary, a position he held from 
December 2003 to December 2004.

  On Friday, Kellogg Brown & Root received $29.8 million in Pentagon 
contracts to begin rebuilding Navy bases in Louisiana and Mississippi. 
Norcross said the work was covered under a contract that the company 
negotiated before Allbaugh was hired.

  Halliburton continues to be a source of income for Cheney, who served 
as its chief executive officer from 1995 until 2000 when he joined the 
Republican ticket for the White House. According to tax filings released in 
April, Cheney's income included $194,852 in deferred pay from the company, 
which has also won billion-dollar government contracts in Iraq.

  Cheney's office said the amount of deferred compensation is fixed and 
is not affected by Halliburton's current economic performance or earnings.

  Allbaugh's other major client, Baton Rouge-based Shaw Group, has 
updated its Web site to say: "Hurricane Recovery Projects -- Apply Here!"

  Shaw said on Thursday it has received a $100 million emergency FEMA 
contract for housing management and construction. Shaw also clinched a $100 
million order on Friday from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

  Shaw Group spokesman Chris Sammons said Allbaugh was providing the 
company with "general consulting on business matters," and would not say 
whether he played a direct role in any of the Katrina deals. "We don't 
comment on specific consulting activities," he said.

  © Copyright 2005 Capitol Hill Blue

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[CTRL] Bush surrounds Louisiana with armed Mexican troops

2005-09-08 Thread Total Information
-Caveat Lector-
< http://www.total411.info/2005/09/bush-surrounds-louisiana-with-armed.html > 
 Sept. 8 7:30pm CDT -- 
As the White House unsuccessfully insists on seizing control of the
Louisiana National Guard to institute full-blown martial law in New
Orleans, it has brought in foreign troops moving on the Western and
Eastern borders of the state.Washington Post
/AP Thursday, September 8, 2005; 4:31 PM
is peddling the government line that the soldiers are unarmed, but does
note that the Mexican Navy has brought hardware to the Mississippi Gulf
Coast: LAREDO, Texas -- A Mexican army convoy of nearly
200 people crossed the border into the United States on Thursday to
bring aid to victims of Hurricane Katrina, becoming the first Mexican
military unit to operate on U.S. soil since 1846.Mexico's first disaster aid mission to the United States was greeted at the border by dignitaries from both countries.[...]The
Mexican government already was planning another 12-vehicle aid convoy
for this week. It has sent a Mexican navy ship toward the Mississippi
coast with rescue vehicles and helicopters. But Alex Jones is reporting from several sources the troops in Texas are armed! From 
PrisonPlanet.com :  Two separate credible sources known to Alex Jones have reported that armed combat ready Mexican troops have entered Texas.The
Associated Press reported today that unarmed Mexican troops were being
escorted by the US army to help relief efforts for hurricane Katrina.However,
the report was only specific to one convoy. The convoys reported to
Alex Jones are said to be fully armed with Heckler & Koch German
assault rifles.The first sighting occurred at 12:30 on Highway
183 traveling towards Austin. The eyewitness described at least ten
vehicles, four jeeps (other witnesses described them as Humvees) and
six combat trucks brimming with armed Mexican troops wearing body
armor, helmets and rifles. The troops riding in the jeeps were wearing
holstered hand guns.The vehicles were not being escorted by the
US army or any other government vehicles and the vehicles were
festooned with insignia reading 'Mexico MP's' and the Mexican flag.The second sighting of a similar nature occurred north of Austin on I35 near Georgetown Texas.[...]
The following Louisiana authorities must be alerted about the threat of
armed foreign troops brought into the country by the Bush
Administration.Gov. Kathleen Blanco: 1-866.310.7617, (225) 342-0991, (225) 342-7015 or (225) 925-1938.Louisiana State Police: (225) 925-4755, (225) 925-6118, Louisiana National Guard: 225-925-7524. 

Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness:    225-925-7500

-- www.total411.infowww.total911.info
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[CTRL] Bush Says No to Pre-emptive Action Against Global Warming

2005-07-07 Thread Charles Bremer

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Bush looks to new technologies to tackle climate change
The World Today - Thursday, 7 July , 2005  12:14:00
Reporter: Hamish Robertson
HAMISH ROBERTSON: President George Bush has already made it clear that the 
United States will continue to oppose any Kyoto-style deal on climate 
change. But although he still rejects the concept of legally binding 
carbon emission reductions, he does accept that global warming is a 
problem and has to be dealt with.

GEORGE BUSH: I recognise that the surface of the earth is warmer, and that 
an increase in greenhouse gasses caused by humans is contributing to the 
problem. Kyoto didn't work for the United States, and it frankly didn't 
work for the world.

HAMISH ROBERTSON: President George Bush speaking in Denmark overnight.

Mr Bush also told a British commercial television network that he wants to 
discuss with his fellow G8 leaders how climate change could be tackled 
through the use of new technologies.

Well, does this amount to a significant concession by Mr Bush, or will it 
be dismissed out of hand by most environmentalists as inadequate?

A short time ago I put this to the distinguished environmental scientist 
Professor Stephen Schneider, co-director of the Centre for Environmental 
Science and Policy at Stanford University.

STEPHEN SCHNEIDER: I think it's a little bit of both. The President has 
long been in what we cynically call climate denial, and of course this 
doesn't surprise people from the environmental side, because the President 
and the Vice-President were all Chief Economic Officers of oil companies, 
and the fact that producing oil and burning coal oil and gas is the prime 
cause of the greenhouse gas increases, and therefore the number one 
concern for global warming, that they're not particularly interested in 
regulations on their former industries or their friends and campaign 

On the other hand, it is true that the President has been shifting back to 
his actual campaign position when he said that global warming should be 
taken seriously, then all of a sudden after getting into the office he 
flipped around on that and then said it was too uncertain for policy and 
that the policies would be economically devastating to America.

Now he's coming back again to saying well, we need to do something about 
it but we'll use our technological machinery to solve it. Actually, I 
happen to agree with that  we do need to use our technological machinery 
to solve it.

Where I strongly disagree with the President is the idea that somehow we 
can have a voluntary way by saying well, technologists, go out there and 
invent our way out of this problem that you've created through the 
technologies you developed in the Victorian industrial revolution, like 
coal burning and internal combustion engine automobiles.

People aren't going to spend a billion dollars a year on research and 
development without incentives, and the incentives either have to be 
direct subsidies, which is the less efficient way, or simply fees for 
everybody who dumps their waste in the atmosphere.

If we had a sewer fee, that would put a very strong incentive on being 
cleaner, which would then be a strong incentive for industries to develop 
those cleaning technologies, and that's what most people in the world are 
calling for that the President is still resisting, because he doesn't want 
any controls on his former industry.

HAMISH ROBERTSON: And you would clearly reject the frequent assertions by 
President Bush that any Kyoto-style deal would cripple the United States 

STEPHEN SCHNEIDER: Well, to be charitable, it's abysmal ignorance. To be 
less charitable it's deliberate misrepresentation. There have been study 
after study after study which shows that when you look at the numbers and 
you say it's going to cost the economy X number of tens of billions of 
dollars to do these actions, like taxing carbon or reducing the emissions 
from automobiles by putting some mileage standards on the sport utility 
vehicles, what these studies show is that those numbers, inside of the 
fact that they're exaggerated, even if they were true, they're a small 
fraction of the growth rate of the GDP.

If you take a look at the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, and people 
have run economic models, and I'm not talking about left-wing economists, 
this is mainstream stuff, what they find is that the average person in the 
United States at least, would be about 25 per cent richer in 2020 with 
Kyoto in April of 2020, and without Kyoto they'd be 25 per cent richer on 
New Year's Day.

So if that is too high a insurance premium to pay to start reducing the 
problem, then I think you have very seriously broken values, and I think 
that's the problem with the Bush administration, is that their values are 
all on private entrepreneurial rights and

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush administration to keep control of internet's central computers

2005-07-02 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: "Alamaine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 2, 2005 2:56:28 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] Bush administration to keep control of internet's central computersReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bush administration to keep control of internet's central computershttp://www.guardian.co.uk/online/news/0,12597,1519551,00.htmlGary Younge in New York and agenciesSaturday July 2, 2005GuardianThe Bush administration has decided to retain control over the principal computers which control internet traffic in a move likely to prompt global opposition, it was claimed yesterday.The US had pledged to turn control of the 13 computers known as root servers - which inform web browsers and email programs how to direct internet traffic - over to a private, international body.But on Thursday the US reversed its position, announcing that it will maintain control of the computers because of growing security threats and the increased reliance on the internet for global communications. A Japanese government official yesterday criticised the move, claiming it will lend momentum to the debate about who controls the information flow online."When the internet is being increasingly utilised for private use, by business and so forth, there is a societal debate about whether it's befitting to have one country maintaining checks on that ... It's likely to fuel that debate," said Masahiko Fujimoto, of the ministry of internal affairs and communications' data communications division.The computers serve as master directories that contain government-approved lists of the roughly 260 suffices used, such as .com or .co.uk. Anyone who uses the web interacts with them every day. But a policy decision by the US could, at a stroke, make all sites ending in a certain suffix unreachable.Despite many doomsday scenarios, the most recent US decision will have little if any immediate effect on internet users, and given the internet's anarchic nature it may simply represent a desire to assert state control even when it is not possible to do so.Claudia Bernett, 32, a digital design analyst in New York, said: "Scary as it seems, because of the nature of the internet, I think they'll be hardpressed to create a coherent system that is capable of the kind of monitoring they hope for ... Eventually, the people participating in the system will find the technological means to evade the watchful eye."Experts say that in the worst-case scenario, countries that refused to accept US control of the main computers could establish their own separate domain name system, with addresses in some places that others would not be able to reach, making the world wide web give way to discrete, regional web domains.Mr Fujimoto said that is also unlikely because of its complexity, but the US decision will raise serious concerns that will not be assuaged easily. The announcement comes just weeks before a UN panel is set to release a report on internet governance. Some nations want international oversight of the issue but historically the US has maintained the role because it was such a key player in the early years of the internet's development. Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2005~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AlamaineGrand Forks, ND, US of Awww.ctrl.orgDECLARATION & DISCLAIMER==ctrl is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.There are two list running, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and CTRL@listserv.aol.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] has unlimited posting and is more for discussion. CTRL@listserv.aol.com is more for informational exchange and has limited posting abilities. Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.Omimited posting abilities. Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.Om Yahoo! Groups Links<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ctrl/<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:    http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ 
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—i

[CTRL] Bush Hides Illegal Alien Survey

2005-06-29 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

  From Capitol Hill Blue

  Capitol Hillbillies
  Another GOP Congressman Questions Bush's Credibility
  Jun 29, 2005, 01:35

  A Colorado congressman is accusing the administration of trying to
hide documents showing that President Bush sparked a surge in illegal
immigration last year by proposing a guest-worker program.

  The documents _ obtained by the public-interest group Judicial Watch
through Freedom of Information Act requests _ show that aliens crossing
America's southern border in the weeks after the president's Jan. 7, 2004,
announcement interpreted his proposal as a general amnesty, said Rep. Tom
Tancredo, a Republican and chairman of the Congressional Immigration Reform

  Some 45 percent of aliens who were stopped at the border said they
were trying to enter the United States because they would be afforded an
opportunity to stay under the president's plan, the documents showed.

  The documents were obtained by Judicial Watch from the Department of
Homeland Security. After the president announced his policy, the department
ordered a survey of apprehended illegal immigrants to determine whether the
proposal influenced their decision to cross the border.

  About 1,700 questionnaires were filled out, Judicial Watch said, and
the department thus far has handed over 850 in response to the group's
Freedom of Information Act request. The results establish that a significant
number of the captured aliens were crossing the border to take advantage of
what they understood to be the Bush program.

  Once the outcome became apparent and could prove embarrassing,
according to Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, "the Bush
administration abruptly shut it down. The Border Patrol, at the behest of
the White House, instructed its agents not to provide the information about
the negative impact of the proposed amnesty program."

  Agents were given a document from Homeland Security, marked "internal
use only," that was described as "White House approved talking points" on
Bush's temporary-worker program. Agents were told, "Do not talk about
amnesty, increase in apprehensions or give comparisons of past immigration
reform proposals" and "do not provide statistics on apprehension spikes or
past amnesty data."

  "Unfortunately, at a time when the United States faces an
illegal-immigration crisis and a war on terrorism, Bush administration
officials directed Border Patrol agents to mislead the American people,"
Fitton said. "This administration improperly withheld information it knew
would be embarrassing."

  Fitton said information obtained from the 850 survey responses
provided to his organization established that Bush's guest-worker program
was "broadly interpreted as an amnesty program by illegal immigrants from
Mexico" and that the proposal "lured greater numbers of illegal immigrants
to the U.S." When asked if they would accept amnesty if offered, 80 percent
said yes.

  According to U.S. Border Patrol data, the number of illegal aliens
apprehended along the nation's southwestern border jumped 25 percent in the
first three months of 2004 compared to the same period in 2003.

  Tancredo accused Homeland Security of issuing a "gag order" and then
"stonewalling" when Judicial Watch sought information.

  The events, he said, "suggest that the administration is playing
politics with border-security data. I hope that this is not the case. It is
crucial that the American people know that their government is not letting
politics get in the way of national security."

  The White House had no immediate response to the claims.

  Immigration policy, which traditionally is an issue near the top of
the American public's list of concerns in polling, has dogged the
administration for months. While anti-immigration forces have called for
tightening border security and dispatching illegals back to their homelands,
the president has taken a softer approach, suggesting the creation of a
temporary-worker program for aliens and permitting those already in the
country to seek citizenship.

  The president told the 2005 Latino Small Business Economic Conference
meeting in Washington in May that the United States must have "a rational
policy when it comes to immigrants coming to this country."

  "I believe if somebody is willing to employ somebody and they can't
find an American worker, and somebody is willing to do the job, we ought to
make that connection a legal connection," Bush said. "People come here to

  The White House proposal, he said, would make U.S. borders more secure
"as opposed to people having to get in the back of 18-wheelers and sneaking
across, you know, Texas borders, or trying to walk across the desert to find

  Lawmakers have been signaling their intent for some time to crack down
on illegal immigration, saying the flow of undocumented aliens threaten

[CTRL] Bush Calls "Water Boarding", Torture by Drowning, Humane

2005-06-27 Thread Charles Bremer

-Caveat Lector-


Sonia Nettnin: Abuse of U.S. Prisoners Abroad
Friday, 17 June 2005, 12:44 pm
Article: Sonia Nettnin
Abuse of U.S. Prisoners Abroad

By Sonia Nettnin

Important Note: the following article is not intended for readers under 18
years of age or for sensitive readers.

(Chicago)  Human rights lawyer and Unitarian Universalist Service
Committees Stop Torture Permanently Campaign Director Jennifer Harbury
spoke about U.S. prisoners abroad and their experiences with abuse and

For the last 20 years Harbury worked for reforms in human rights
violations committed by the United States. She wrote about her first-hand
experiences in the book, Searching for Everardo, which chronicles her
efforts to save the life of her late husband, Mayan resistance leader
Efrain (Everardo) Bamaca Velasquez in the early 90s. Moreover, she is the
author of Bridge of Courage. Her forthcoming third book documents the
Central Intelligence Agencys involvement with torture in Latin America and
the Middle East.

According to the UUSC web site, the organization initiated the STOP
Campaign in 2004 in response to the human rights crisis created by the
U.S. torture and abuse of detainees in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo

In her introduction Harbury said: Anyonewho believes in the basic value
system of our (American) society were horrified by the torture practices
that occurred in Abu Ghraib, that maybe somehow we would lose our national

In the past, whenever she gave talks to Americans throughout the U.S., the
universal reaction she experienced from audience members was outrage. Some
Republican voters expressed to her that they voted for a particular
candidate, but not for torture.

We are facing a moral crisis, Harbury said, who believes many high-level
officials decided to de facto legalized torture.

Her lecture focused on the U.S. Governments responses to the political,
legal and national security issues surrounding the Abu Ghraib prison
scandal. She summarized the governments responses as follows: it was a
few, rogue operators; second, the abuses within U.S. prisons were just
short of the legal limits of torture, but protected by the established
guidelines; and finally, in the aftermath of 09/11 U.S. administrative
officials want to keep Americans safe.

First, Harbury answered with a rhetorical question: are these explanations
provoking the entire world and creating anti-American sentiment?

The official response from U.S. officials that the torture at Abu Ghraib
happened as a result of a few contractors and Military Personnel, a few
bad apples, is false. The Abu Ghraib photographs exhibited some of the
torture practices, as well as the use of cruel and degrading treatment.
The UUSC web site references the Abu Ghraib photograph of a hooded Iraqi
with wires attached to his fingers. They call this pose the Vietnam
position, hence the phrase has warfare meaning associated with it.

According to Harbury the abuse and torture practices used in prisons, like
Abu Ghraib, are methods refined by different intelligence agencies over

Torture Methods & Procedures

What is the definition of torture?

According to the U.N. Convention Against Torture (as explained on the UUSC
web site), torture is any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether
mental or physical, is intentionally inflicted on a person by any
government official or agent. This includes acts of torture inflicted at
the request of, or with the consent of, government officials as well.

For instance, in a water-boarding session, they tie up the person,
submerge him in water then drown him into convulsions and unconsciousness.
Immediately after they use cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), until they
revive him into consciousness.

Some other examples are denial of toilet privileges, prolonged exposure to
hot and cold by clothing removal and/or water, loud music, sleep
deprivation, stress and duress positions, and solitary confinement.
Usually, detainees subjected to torture will experience these practices in
combinations. She described one case where a man sat naked, short-bolted
to a floor for 24 hours. With the exception of solitary confinement, they
subjected him to these torture practices to the point he pulled out clumps
of his hair. The fact he acted on his distress demonstrates that torture
practices may cause mental breakdowns.

In Afghanistan a warlord threw a bomb at a U.S. military base. U.S. Forces
captured a man who had nothing to do with the incident. While imprisoned
they hit the mans leg over 100 times. As a result of his pulpification,
the man developed a blood clot in his leg and it killed him.

When they slam prisoners heads into walls, it is not uncommon for the
prisoners to die from it. During gang rapes they film the victim, and then
tell her they will show it to her parents, and/or air the tape in her
hometowns public square. The verbal threats terrorize the v

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush Administration Psychological Warfare Against the U.S.?

2005-06-25 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: MA PA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: June 22, 2005 9:37:49 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] Bush Administration Psychological Warfare Against the U.S.?Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Bush Administration Psychological Warfare Against the U.S.?Published by Crimes and Corruptions of the New World Order News, June 22, 2005Bush Administration Psychological Warfare Against the U.S.?An Interview with (ret.) Colonel Sam Gardiner describes “ what propaganda literature would refer to as the big lie.”By Kevin ZeeseSam Gardiner has taught strategy and military operations at the National War College, Air War College and Naval War College. He was recently a visiting scholar at the Swedish Defence College. During Gulf II he was a regular on the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer as well as on BBC radio and television, and National Public Radio.  He authored “The Enemy is Us” an article describing how the Bush Administration used disinformation and psychological warfare – weapons usually used against the 'enemy' – against the American public in order to support the war in Iraq. He has done an extensive analysis of the media coverage before the war, during the war and during the occupation as well as of the statements of Administration officials.  His conclusions are startling and of great concern.  He has put his findings in a report entitled: “Truth from These Podia.”Zeese:  Describe your professional background and expertise.Gardiner:  Sure, Kevin.  I'm a retired colonel of the US Air Force.  When I retired, I was teaching strategy at the National War College in Washington, DC.  Since I've been retired, I have continued to teach military strategy.  I've taught for the Naval War College.  I've taught at the Air War College in Montgomery, Alabama.  I also spent a period as a visiting scholar at the Swedish Defense College in Stockholm.  In addition, I have been doing war games.  You may have seen descriptions of some of the games I've done.  I did one on Iran that was covered in the December 2004 Atlantic Monthly.  More recently, I conducted a game addressing North Korea.  It was covered in the July/August Atlantic Monthly.Zeese: What is: "Truth from These Podia"? How did you conduct this media analysis?Gardiner:    It is a paper I published on the web that reflected four months of heavy research.   I had followed press reports of the war closely as it unfolded because of a job I had.  During the first couple months of Gulf II, I was under contract with the Newshour with Jim Lehrer.  With another retired colonel, we did an almost daily on-air analysis of how the war was going.As the war unfolded, I became increasingly uneasy about what was being reported out of the White House, Pentagon and Central Command.  I was hearing things that just did not make sense with what I knew and what my intuition was telling me.  I began tracking some of the stories.  It was just a matter of going over what we were told and connecting that with the truth as it emerged later.One of the first items that made me uneasy was when I heard we were encountering “terrorist death squads.”  I was very familiar with the Iraq military forces.  There were no terrorist death squads.  It became obvious the Pentagon wanted us to connect Iraq with 9/11.  Terrorists did 9/11.  There are terrorists in Iraq.  Iraq must have been behind 9/11. Zeese: Regarding the management of information about Iraq, I'd like to focus on the build up to the Iraq War initially.  There has been growing indications from a series of memoranda and meeting minutes from Great Britain that U.S. intelligence was “fixed” to support the war.  In your analysis of media management before the war do you see any indication that the United States Congress and public was manipulated into supporting the invasion of Iraq by misinformation?Continued:http://www.livejournal.com/users/mparent/279745.htmlMARC PARENT  CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS http://www.livejournal.com/~mparent/ For today's news overview scroll to bottom and work up :  http://www.livejournal.com/users/mparent/2005/06/      __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com   www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == ctrl is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives no credence to Holocaust denial and

[CTRL] Bush Govt Loses Track of $1.4 Trillion USD

2005-06-12 Thread Charles Bremer

-Caveat Lector-


Money, Money, Whos Got the Money? It Sure Isnt Veterans

By: Jack Dalton


It was approximately three years ago the GAO (General Accounting Office)
attempted to do what congress requested: an audit of the DoD/Pentagon.
After a solid year, the GAO had to report back to congress that they could
not complete the audit as there was no supporting documentation to account
for what had happened to a little over $1.4 Trillion, yes Trillion with a
capital T that was MISSING!

Now today we learn that even more money is missing. The GAO (Government
Accounting Office) has reported that the DoD has lost another $3.5 billion
of taxpayer moneymoney and equipment have just disappeared and no one
knows where. SEE:

DoD Management Control Breakdowns Result in Substantial Waste and

Right now, with more people being sent off to war, on any given day there
are between 300,000 to 500,000 veterans living on the streets of this
nation. Congress sees fit to acquiesce to the DoD/Pentagon and White House
demands for more money and they get a budget of $491 billion, which
includes the $82 billion the senate recently voted 100-0 for; and at the
same time veterans are being turned away from the V.A. due to substantial
under funding. That brings the grand total to right at $300 billion in
less, thats less, than three years; and all of it borrowed money. Since
being lied into invading Iraq BushCo is averaging $125 billion a year just
in Iraq alone.

Of the little over 360,000 veterans of this BushCo war of choice in Iraq,
85,000 have applied for care at the V.A. To date, right at 350,000
veterans of the first war in the Gulf are receiving disability from the
V.A. and Ive seen numbers as high as 150,000 that have been essentially
told, no more room at the Inn. There are Vietnam veterans that have fought
for 30, 35 and 36 years for that which had been promised, which to
paraphrase says, to care for those who have borne the brunt of battle

There are veterans from WWll and the Korean War that are still fighting
for their rights as veterans as V.A. facilities are being closed forcing
some of these veterans in their mid to late 70s and early 80s out of the
V.A. nursing homes they currently are residents ofnext stop, living on the

We must all remember what David Cho at the Pentagon had to say about
payments to veterans, The amounts have gotten to the point where they are
hurtful. They are
taking away from the nation's ability to defend itself.
Translationdisability payments to veterans are a threat to our national
security. Takes money away from those who started the very war that is
creating more veterans needing V.A. healthcarebut then as Cho said, they
[we] are now a threat to our national security.

Maybe that is why the head of the V.A. just recently announced the V.A.
will review ALL of the veterans that have been given disability ratings
and payments due to PTSDPost Traumatic Stress Syndromebetween 1999 to
2005. The single biggest reason this nation has never admitted to the harm
caused by the Agent Orange used in Vietnam is primarily because of the
money that would have to be paid out. That is also the primary reason this
nation is doing the very same thing to those who have been exposed to
Depleted Uranium in the first Gulf War and the current invasion/occupation
of Iraq. Its all about the money. There is enough money to start wars, to
send people to fight the wars, but there is not enough money to take care
of those sent to fight the wars.

The amount of money Rumsfelds  Department of War loses every few months
would be more than enough to properly fund the V.A--instead veterans of
this nations wars are being denied access on a daily basis; others wait
for months to get appointments for even basic medical services;
specialized care is even worseall due primarily to under funding. SEE:

From Vietnam to Iraq: Ignoring the Veteran Healthcare Crisis


GAO: Pentagon Squandering Billions on Excess Property

Tuesday, June 07, 2005 -- The Government Reform Committee National
Security Subcommittee holds a hearing to examine a new GAO study on waste
and inefficiency in the Defense Department. The report finds that the
Department has improperly disposed of valuable equipment at a cost to
taxpayers of more than $3.5 billion.

The litany of Administration mismanagement of federal contracts is long
and costly. The value of no-bid contracts has skyrocketed under the Bush
Administration. Oversight of federal contracts has been turned over to
private companies with blatant conflicts of interest. And when government
auditors do find abuses, their recommendations are ignored.

Nearly every week, the papers are of full of stories of contract abuse.
The Department of Homeland Security has was

[CTRL] Bush and 'the memo'

2005-06-11 Thread Bush and 'the memo'Charles Bremer

-Caveat Lector-


Bush and 'the memo'

Friday, June 10, 2005

PRESIDENT BUSH apparently thinks he can dismiss the damning "Downing
Street memo" with a few glib words.

If he is right, it is a sad commentary on the state of American democracy
and values.

The memo, recounting the details of a July 23, 2002, meeting at British
Prime Minister Tony Blair's official residence on 10 Downing St., strongly
suggested that the message had been sent across the Atlantic that the Bush
White House had made the decision to wage war on Iraq. The minutes of the
meeting indicated that Blair and his top-level intelligence and
foreign-policy aides were given clear signals that military action was

In the most disturbing passage of the minutes, the head of Britain's MI6
intelligence service, reporting on his recent trip to Washington, told the
group that "intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy" of
a war to remove Saddam Hussein from power.

Bush was finally asked about the memo directly this week, during a media
availability with Blair. Bush tried to discredit the memo because of the
timing of its disclosure -- just days before Blair's re-election. But it
is important to note that no one has challenged the authenticity of the
memo nor the accuracy of its account of the meeting.

Bush also scoffed at the suggestion that the decision to go to war had
been made by July 2002, nearly a year before U.S. bombs began raining on
Baghdad. "There's nothing farther from the truth," Bush told reporters.
"My conversation with the prime minister was, how can we do this

Americans deserve to have a more intensive investigation and expansive
explanation to the extremely serious allegation that their government
"fixed" intelligence to justify a pre-emptive war. The White House wants
to dismiss it as "old news" and the Republicans who control both houses of
Congress assume they can shrug off the demands of a bloc of Democrats --
led by Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich. -- for hearings on the Downing Street

There should be no statute of limitations -- or shortness of public
attention span -- on an issue that cuts to the core of this government's
integrity and credibility. Congress must fully investigate the actions in
Washington that led the highest officials in Great Britain to be convinced
that the Bush administration was hell-bent on war and working to concoct a
rationalization for it.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] BUSH 'VICTORY' MARGIN NARROWS - 400 Demand Recount at Ohio Statehouse

2004-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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BUSH ¡®VICTORY¡¯ MARGIN NARROWSWhat a farce it all is 
400 Demand Recount at Ohio Statehouse 
Associated Press Writer

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- About 400 protesters gathered outside the Statehouse on Saturday to support a recount of the presidential election in Ohio and call for an investigation into Election Day irregularities.
Speakers addressing the crowd alleged that many voters were the victims of a fraud in which votes intended for John Kerry were given to President Bush.
"I would like to welcome you to the Ukraine," said Susan Truitt, referring to the country where a new presidential runoff election was ordered after observers said the first one was rigged.
On Friday, a federal judge in Columbus ruled that a recount may proceed if two minority party candidates who sued for it can pay for it. Green and Libertarian party officials say they can.

A recount would likely not begin before Dec. 13, when Ohio's 20 electoral votes are officially counted.
Kerry would have won the presidency had he carried the state's 20 electoral votes. He conceded the day after the election, saying there were not enough provisional and other ballots to swing the results his way.
Bush won the state by about 119,000 votes, or 2 percentage points, according to an analysis of county board of elections results by The Associated Press.
Critics say Ohio's numbers are suspect because of several irregularities on election night. Those included disparities in the vote totals for different Democrats on the same ballot and the disqualification of more than 90,000 presidential votes on punch-card ballots because the choices could not be determined. A computer glitch on election night also recorded an extra 3,893 votes for Bush in one precinct in suburban Gahanna.

Election News

400 Demand Recount at Ohio Statehouse 
Low Turnout Expected in La. Runoff Votes 
Corzine Announces Bid for N.J. Governor 
Cheney Stumps for House Candidates in La. 
Impeachment Trial Opens for Nev. Official 
Judge Tosses Challenge to Nev. Bush Win 
Rossi: Gov-Elect, but Not Gov-For-Sure 
GOP's Schundler to Again Run for N.J. Gov 
Correction: Texas Exit Poll Glance 
Review Finds Fla. Counties Voted for Bush 

"There was no doubt in my mind that Kerry had enough votes. My fear was the votes would not be counted and that's been borne out," said Melissa Hedden, one of the protesters.
State and county election officials have said there were irregularities on Nov. 2, but no more than in any other election. They adamantly have denied there is any evidence of widespread wrongdoing.
The Kerry campaign has joined the lawsuit seeking a recount. Officials said they are not disputing the outcome of the race but want to make sure any recount is "done accurately and completely."
?2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy.
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ctrl is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

There are two list running, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] has unlimited posting and is more for discussi

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush Plans to Annex Canada

2004-11-26 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Centre for Research on Globalisation

Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation


Is the Annexation of Canada part of Bush's Military Agenda?
by Michel Chossudovsky

www.globalresearch.ca 23 November 2004 

The URL of this article is: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO411C.html 

Territorial control over Canada is part of Washington's geopolitical and military agenda as formulated in April 2002 by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.  "Binational integration" of military command structures is also contemplated alongside a major revamping in the areas of immigration, law enforcement and intelligence.
At this critical juncture in our history and in anticipation of the visit of George W. Bush to Canada on November 30th, an understanding of these issues is central to the articulation of a coherent anti-war and civil rights movement.
The purpose of this detailed report is to encourage discussion and debate in Canada and Quebec, as well as in the US.  Kindly circulate this article widely. The Summary can be forwarded by email with a hyperlink to the complete text.

For nearly two years now, Ottawa has been quietly negotiating a far-reaching military cooperation agreement, which allows the US Military to cross the border and deploy troops anywhere in Canada, in our provinces, as well station American warships in Canadian territorial waters. This redesign of Canada's defense system is being discussed behind closed doors, not in Canada, but at the Peterson Air Force base in Colorado, at the headquarters of US Northern Command (NORTHCOM).
The creation of NORTHCOM announced in April 2002, constitutes a blatant violation of both Canadian and Mexican territorial sovereignty. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced unilaterally that US Northern Command would have jurisdiction over the entire North American region. Canada and Mexico were presented with a fait accompli. US Northern Command's jurisdiction as outlined by the US DoD includes, in addition to the continental US, all of Canada, Mexico, as well as portions of the Caribbean, contiguous waters in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans up to 500 miles off the Mexican, US and Canadian coastlines as well as the Canadian Arctic.
NorthCom's stated mandate is to "provide a necessary focus for [continental] aerospace, land and sea defenses, and critical support for [the] nation’s civil authorities in times of national need."
(Canada-US Relations - Defense Partnership – July 2003, Canadian American Strategic Review (CASR), http://www.sfu.ca/casr/ft-lagasse1.htm 
Rumsfeld is said to have boasted that "the NORTHCOM – with all of North America as its geographic command – 'is part of the greatest transformation of the Unified Command Plan [UCP] since its inception in 1947.'" (Ibid)
Following Prime Minister Jean Chrétien's refusal to join NORTHCOM, a high-level so-called "consultative" Binational Planning Group (BPG), operating out of the Peterson Air Force base, was set up in late 2002, with a mandate to "prepare contingency plans to respond to [land and sea] threats and attacks, and other major emergencies in Canada or the United States".
The BPG's mandate goes far beyond the jurisdiction of a consultative military body making "recommendations" to government. In practice, it is neither accountable to the US Congress nor to the Canadian House of Commons.
The BPG has a staff of fifty US and Canadian "military planners", who have been working diligently for the last two years in laying the groundwork for the integration of Canada-US military command structures. The BPG works in close coordination with the Canada-U.S. Military Cooperation Committee at the Pentagon, a so-called " panel responsible for detailed joint military planning".
Broadly spe


2004-11-24 Thread Mark McHugh
-Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:

I'm waiting for the statues to go up and Bushburg, Bushville, Bushtown to appear
in every state.

Mark McHugh

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2004-11-24 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Mysterious ‘George W. Bush: Our leader’ Clear Channel political public service billboard graces Orlando freeway
Raw Story | November 22 2004
A billboard recently put up in Orlando bearing a smiling photograph of President Bush with the words “Our Leader” is raising eyebrows among progressives who feel the poster is akin to that of propaganda used by tyrannical regimes.
RAW STORY confirmed the billboard’s existence Monday evening. At our behest, a member of an Orlando media organization drove past the billboard on two occasions and verified that it was indeed the one pictured.
The billboard pictured, which is on I-4, says that it is a “political public service message brought to you by Clear Channel Outdoor.”
The member, who declined to be named out of concern for their employer, discovered a second billboard bearing the same image along the same route, paid for by Charles W. Clayton Jr.
Clear Channel Outdoor Orlando said they could not respond to requests for comment this week because their press person was “away.” They referred calls to their San Antonio corporate parent, which did not return two messages for comment.
One Orlando resident penned a concerned letter to the (registration-restricted) Orlando Sentinel on Saturday about the billboard. As the site is restricted to members, the letter appears below.
“The first thing I thought was, when was the last time I have seen a president on a billboard?” wrote resident Dianna Lawson. “Didn’t Saddam Hussein have his picture up everywhere? What next, a statue?”
Reporters at the Orlando Sentinel told RAW STORY they’d also seen the photograph.
Others said they’d seen a similar sign in Jacksonville along I-95.
“We don’t do political advertising,” said Clear Channel sales representative Brad Parsons in Jacksonville. He said the photograph was bogus.
A second Jacksonville rep acknowledged the company did political advertising but only when paid for by a third party. When asked if he would look at the picture for verification, he declined to give out his email address.
The posted was first noticed by the liberal forum Democratic Underground.
Developing… Additional photographs forthcoming…
The letter in the Orlando Sentinel:
Billboard message
On my way to work Wednesday morning, I looked up and saw a giant billboard with a picture of George W. Bush and the words “OUR LEADER” under it. The first thing I thought was, when was the last time I have seen a president on a billboard? What is going on? Didn’t Saddam Hussein have his picture up everywhere? What next, a statue?
I am so concerned with our country and the division. I still stand by my vote, which was for John Kerry. George W. Bush has a lot of work to do to change the way I feel. Putting him up on a billboard does not make him a better president. His actions speak louder than words.
I wonder if anyone else finds the president’s picture on a billboard odd? I’m sorry, but it reminds me of countries with dictators, and it seems people are making him out to be the messiah, the savior of our world.
Fear, fear, fear. I’m tired of being afraid.
Dianna LawsonOrlando 



[CTRL] Bush Renews Migrant Pledge

2004-11-23 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

We have had a "guest worker" program for decades. Legal immigrants are 
issued a "green card" which allows them to work legally in the U.S. Every year, 
thousands of Mexicans get green cards  many of them crop harvesters called 
braceros who follow the harvesting of crops from California and Texas as far 
north as Michigan.There is no need and no justification to legalize immigrants 
who broke our laws and may be terrorists or terrorists sympathizers.
Bush is following this agenda as a sop to Mexico's Vincente Fox in return 
for his support and influence with Latin countries in passing the Free Trade 
Area of the Americas (FTAA) which is at the top of Bush's stealth agenda. This 
is also behind the move to include Mexican workers (legal and "legalized") in 
our Social Security program. - JR



Bush Renews Migrant Pledge
President tells Mexican leader Vicente Fox that he plans to push ahead with 
a measure to give illegal immigrants guest-worker status.By Peter Wallsten 
and Richard BoudreauxTimes Staff WritersNovember 22, 
2004SANTIAGO, Chile — President Bush vowed Sunday to push a plan that 
would allow undocumented immigrants to remain in the United States as guest 
workers even though it appears less likely to win backing in a Congress that 
grew more conservative in this month's elections. Bush made the 
commitment during a half-hour meeting with Mexican President Vicente Fox in the 
Chilean capital, where the two leaders are attending the annual Asia-Pacific 
Economic Cooperation conference. But neither Bush nor his aides could offer any 
details of where the plan stood on Capitol Hill."I told President Fox 
that I had campaigned on this issue," Bush told reporters as he sat with Fox in 
the Hyatt Regency hotel in an upscale Santiago neighborhood with views of the 
snow-capped Andes mountains."I made it very clear, my position that we 
need to make sure that where there's a willing worker and a willing employer, 
that that job ought to be filled legally in cases where Americans will not fill 
that job," Bush said.The encounter brought the two neighbors full circle 
on the most complex and contentious issue between them. Bush and Fox began their 
terms within months of each other, promising reforms to ease the flow of 
migrants across their more than 2,000-mile border. But the attacks of Sept. 11, 
2001, quickly pushed immigration off a Washington agenda that came to be 
dominated by security concerns.On Sunday, Bush conceded a point that Fox 
and his aides have been making: Legalizing the flow of large numbers of 
immigrants would free the U.S. Border Patrol to concentrate on terrorists, drug 
smugglers and other security threats. "We share a mutual concern to make 
sure our border is secure," Bush said. "One way to make sure the border is 
secure is to have reasonable immigration policies." He said he was 
undeterred by congressional opposition and intended to change minds by "working 
it.""I'm going to find supporters on the Hill and move it," he told 
reporters Sunday night, during a news conference with Chilean President Ricardo 
Lagos at the presidential palace.Asked about a letter sent to him by 
nearly two dozen lawmakers claiming the plan amounted to an amnesty program for 
undocumented workers, Bush said he was unfazed."I get letters all the 
time from people that are trying to steer me one way or the other when it comes 
to legislation," the president said. "But I'm going to move forward. In the 
letter, I noticed that they said, well, this is because … they're objecting to 
the program because it's an amnesty program. It's not an amnesty program; it's a 
worker program."A senior U.S. official, who briefed reporters on 
condition that his name not be used, said the Bush administration had begun 
"consultations up on the Hill, and this is going to be part of the president's 
legislative agenda for this coming session of the Congress."Bush's plan, 
not yet written into a bill, would be the first overhaul of immigration rules in 
18 years. It would allow three-year work visas for an undetermined number of the 
millions of illegal immigrants living in the U.S. Guest workers could 
then apply for permanent legal status, but their applications would have to 
include letters from employers stating that the migrants were filling jobs that 
could not be filled by U.S. citizens.Bush announced the plan in January, 
when it appeared that states with heavy Latino populations — Florida, Nevada, 
New Mexico and Arizona — would be crucial to his reelection. Campaign 
strategists hoped that having the president back a moderate immigration policy 
would boost his support among a fast-growing bloc of voters.But the plan 
quickly came under criticism from within Bush's party. Rather than alienate his 
conservative Republican base, the president did not pursue the issue in Congr

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush Got 130,000 Excess Votes in Florida. Evoting System Challenged by Dems in FL

2004-11-21 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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 Sunset Rider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date:  Sun Nov 21, 2004  12:39 am Subject:  Fwd: [ElectionFraud2004] Fw: Bush Got 130,000 Excess Votes in Florida. Evoting System Challenged by Dems in FL

  Check  this  out  ...   Jack   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --- Begin forwarded message: From: "D. Cinelli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 11:47:54 -0500To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Election Fraud 2004" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [ElectionFraud2004] Fw: Bush Got 130,000 Excess Votes in Florida. Evoting System Challenged by Dems in FL

Ooooh.  I hope this means the doo-doo is hitting the fan.
From:  Tammy Ballard -Impeach BushDate:  Thu Nov 18, 2004  10:38 am Subject:  Breaking, Bush Got 130,000 Excess Votes in Florida. Evoting System Challenged

Thursday, November 18, 2004

NH/Ohio/Florida: Where to begin? Good day sunshine! 
The big news, of course, is this. But some other goodies/developments:
Vote Recount to Settle Doubts? by Kim Zetter of Wired News - everything you wanted to know about the New Hampshire recount. Plus more that you didn't necessarily want to know, but will gladly skim!
Wait, maybe this is the big news. From the Cleveland Plain Dealer: 

"Seeming to brush aside John Kerry's concession speech, the Ohio Democratic Party has launched a federal court fight over nearly 155,000 provisional ballots by contending a proper accounting of those votes might decide who really won... County officials across the state began tabulating provisional ballots Friday. "Given the closeness of the presidential and other elections," Ohio's provisional ballots "may prove determinative of the outcome," Democrats argue in a legal filing made public Wednesday by the U.S. District Court.
The lawsuit asked U.S. District Judge Michael H. Watson to order Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell to impose uniform standards for counting provisional votes on all 88 counties. Democrats want the judge to take action quickly - before the results of the election are certified.
Watson, who was appointed by Bush, has not set a hearing. Don McTigue, a Columbus lawyer who filed the lawsuit for the Ohio Democratic Party, said the Democrats have concerns that different standards are being applied from county to county.
"Our action is not tied to some hope of changing the outcome of the election. We're being consistent with the Kerry campaign, and the Democratic Party's interest in seeing all eligible ballots are counted," McTigue said.
Carlo LoParo, a spokesman for Blackwell, defended Ohio's rules for handling provisional ballots as explicit. He said Blackwell, a Republican, is adamant that every valid vote will be counted.
In court papers, the Democrats cite Bush v. Gore - the Supreme Court ruling after Florida's contested election that awarded Bush the White House in 2000 - as a legal precedent for the Ohio lawsuit. That case was decided by a majority of five justices.
"In Bush v. Gore, the United States Supreme Court held that the failure to provide specific standards for counting of ballots that are sufficient to assure a uniform count statewide violates the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution," their court filing said.
In Ohio, Democrats argue, the state lacks clear statewide rules that guarantee provisional ballots are processed consistently from county to county.
First we have Nader pushing for recounts to Democrats' potential benefit, and now we have Democrats citing Bush v. Gore as precedent. Let's buy our irony in bulk!
And, finally, things seem to be percolating in Volusia County in Florida, where Bev Harris of BlackBoxVoting.org fame might be on the verge of having evidence of fraud. Maybe. ""We began to compare the special printouts given to us wit

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush Faces Mounting Allegations of Widespread Fraud in 2004 Election

2004-11-15 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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(Will alternative talkshow hosts like Art Bell and others cover this, or do 
they know for whom
the bell tolls (no pun intended)...

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   "a_cascadian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:  Mon, 15 Nov 2004 04:43:40 -
Faces Mounting Allegations of Widespread Fraud in 2004 Election

Bush Faces Mounting Allegations of Widespread Fraud in 2004 Election

Commentary ~ November 14, 2004: The evidence is mounting against
George Bush and his election team for committing widespread fraud in
the November 2004 elections. Documented allegations range from
telephone subterfuge to get Democrats to stop voting, to high-tech
warfare that suppressed the votes of thousands of Kerry supporters.

By far the most effective method for Bush may have been the use of
electronic voting machines, provided by three companies run by close
friends of the Bush family. A total of three companies manufacture
"black box" computer voting machines. All three were committed to
re-electing Bush.

Black box voting machines leave no paper trail. No paper trail means
no recounts: what the computer says is the what gets accepted – even
if exit polls show the exact opposite. In Ohio, for example, exit
polls showed Kerry leading Bush. But the black boxes told a different

Diebold Election Systems provided the electronic voting machines that
are in use all over Ohio. Diebold's president, Walden O'Dell, told
Republicans in the summer of 2003 that he was "committed to helping
Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year." Diebold,
which is based in Ohio, provided computer voting machines for 16 Ohio
counties with somewhere around 800,000 voters.

Bush claimed he won Ohio by 136,000 votes – not counting the
provisional ballots still in dispute. Ohio's 20 electoral votes put
Bush over the 270 mark and effectively handed him the presidency for
another four years.

The Associated Press, quoting election officials, reported that an
error with an electronic voting system gave Bush 3,893 extra votes in
suburban Columbus. Franklin County's unofficial results had Bush
receiving 4,258 votes to Kerry's 260 votes in a precinct in Gahanna.
Records show only 638 voters cast ballots in that precinct. Matthew
Damschroder, director of the Franklin County Board of Elections, told
The Columbus Dispatch that Bush actually received only 365 votes in
the precinct.

Also in Ohio, eligibility criteria for provisional ballots (which are
expected to favor Kerry) changed after the election in Cuhayoga
County. Ballots without birth dates were ordered to be thrown out even
though earlier instructions clearly stated lack of birth date was not
a disqualifier. Meanwhile, in West Dayton, Ohio, registered Democrats
received calls reminding them to vote on Nov. 5 — three days after the

Over in Nebraska, Sarpy County election officials are trying to figure
out how they ended up with more votes than voters in the general
election. As many as 10,000 extra votes have been tallied and
candidates are still waiting for corrected totals.

In Indiana, in a predominantly democratic county, more than 50,000
votes were not counted due to an electronic voting machine "glitch".
At about 7 p.m. on election day, it was noticed that the first two or
three printouts from individual precinct reports all listed an
identical number of voters. Each precinct was listed as having 300
registered voters. That means the total number of voters for the
county would be 22,200, although there are actually more than 79,000
registered voters. LaPorte County Clerk Lynne Spevak said workers at
the clerk's office thought a 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush Plans to Purge the 'Disloyal' at CIA, Dumbya: Bush Administration SS Gives Anti-Bushies Das Boot, White House And Goss Intend To Remake CIA Into PNAC True Belie

2004-11-15 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Dumbya: Bush Administration SS Gives Anti-Bushies Das BootPosted on Sunday, November 14 @ 14:24:19 EST Topic: G. Bush 

WASHINGTON -- The White House has ordered the new CIA director, Porter Goss, to purge the agency of officers believed to have been disloyal to President George W. Bush or of leaking damaging information to the media about the conduct of the Iraq war and the hunt for Osama bin Laden, according to knowledgeable sources. "The agency is being purged on instructions from the White House," said a former senior CIA official who maintains close ties to both the agency and to the White House. "Goss was given instructions ... to get rid of those soft leakers and liberal Democrats. The CIA is looked on by the White House as a hotbed of liberals and people who have been obstructing the president's agenda." 
CIA plans to purge its agency
Sources say White House has ordered new chief to eliminate officers who were disloyal to Bush

One of the first casualties appears to be Stephen R. Kappes, deputy director of clandestine services, the CIA's most powerful division. The Washington Post reported yesterday that Kappes had tendered his resignation after a confrontation with Goss' chief of staff, Patrick Murray, but at the behest of the White House had agreed to delay his decision till tomorrow.
But the former senior CIA official said that the White House "doesn't want Steve Kappes to reconsider his resignation. That might be the spin they put on it, but they want him out." He said the job had already been offered to the former chief of the European Division who retired after a spat with then-CIA Director George Tenet.
Another recently retired top CIA official said he was unsure Kappes had "officially resigned, but I do know he was unhappy."
Without confirming or denying that the job offer had been made, a CIA spokesman asked Newsday to withhold naming the former officer because of his undercover role over the years. He said he had no comment about Goss' personnel plans, but he added that changes at the top are not unusual when new directors come in.
On Friday John E. McLaughlin, a 32-year veteran of the intelligence division who served as acting CIA director before Goss took over, announced that he was retiring. The spokesman said that the retirement had been planned and was unrelated to the Kappes resignation or to other morale problems inside the CIA.
It could not be learned yesterday if the White House had identified Kappes, a respected operations officer, as one of the officials "disloyal" to Bush.
"The president understands and appreciates the sacrifices made by the members of the intelligence community in the war against terrorism," said a White House official of the report that he was purging the CIA of "disloyal" officials. " . . . The suggestion [that he ordered a purge] is inaccurate."
But another former CIA official who retains good contacts within the agency said that Goss and his top aides, who served on his staff when Goss was chairman of the House intelligence committee, believe the agency had relied too much over the years on liaison work with foreign intelligence agencies and had not done enough to develop its own intelligence collection system.
"Goss is not a believer in liaison work," said this retired official. But, he said, the CIA's "best intelligence really comes from liaison work. The CIA is simply not going to develop the assets [agents and case officers] that would meet the intelligence requirements."
Tensions between the White House and the CIA have been the talk of the town for at least a year, especially as leaks about the mishandling of the Iraq war have dominated front

[CTRL] Bush revives bid to legalize illegal aliens

2004-11-10 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush revives bid to legalize illegal aliensBy Bill SammonTHE WASHINGTON TIMES 
President Bush yesterday moved aggressively to resurrect his plan to relax rules against illegal immigration, a move bound to anger conservatives just days after they helped re-elect him. The president met privately in the Oval Office with Sen. John McCain to discuss jump-starting a stalled White House initiative that would grant legal status to millions of immigrants who broke the law to enter the United States. The Arizona Republican is one of the Senate's most outspoken supporters of expanding guest-worker programs and has introduced his own bill to offer a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. 

"We are formulating plans for the legislative agenda for next year," said White House political strategist Karl Rove. "And immigration will be on that agenda." He added: "The president had a meeting this morning to discuss with a significant member of the Senate the prospect of immigration reform. And he's going to make it an important item." While the president was huddling with Mr. McCain, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell was pushing the plan during a visit to Mexico City. "The president remains committed to comprehensive immigration reform as a high priority in his second term," he told a meeting of the U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission. "We will work closely with our Congress to achieve this goal." But key opponents in Congress said Mr. Bush's proposal isn't going anywhere. "An amnesty by any other name is still an amnesty, regardless of what the White House wants to call it," said Rep. Tom Tancredo, Colorado Republican and chairman of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus. "Their amnesty plan was dead on arrival when they sent it to the Congress in January, and if they send the same pig with lipstick back to Congress next January, it will suffer the same fate," he said. With the House and Senate already clashing over border security and deportation provisions in the pending intelligence overhaul bill, some Capitol Hill aides said it's almost impossible that Congress could agree on a broader immigration proposal. Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), said he "suddenly went from calm to stressed out" after learning of the president's renewed push for immigration relaxation. He predicted the plan would continue to meet vigorous opposition from House Republicans. "If the House wouldn't deliver this bill before the guy's election, when he claimed he needed it for the Hispanic vote, why would they deliver it after the election, when their constituents overwhelmingly oppose it?" he said. "Why would House leaders follow the president over a cliff?" White House officials insisted the move was not "payback" to Hispanic voters who supported Mr. Bush in greater numbers last week than in 2000. Although the president first proposed relaxing immigration shortly after taking office, he mothballed the idea after September 11, 2001, and downplayed it on the campaign trail. "The president has long believed that reforming our immigration system is a high priority," White House deputy press secretary Claire Buchan said yesterday. Mr. Stein said Mr. Bush is already a "lame duck president" whose proposal "has no credibility." He expressed astonishment that the president resurrected the plan before pushing other second-term agenda items, like tax simplification or Social Security privatization. "There's a sense of obstinacy in the face of overwhelming evidence that it's a losing approach," he said. "I mean, the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing, expecting a different result." Though most members of Congress agree on the need for a guest-worker program to fill unwanted jobs, House Republican leaders, including Majority Leader Tom DeLay, Texas Republican, have panned other parts of the president's proposal as an amnesty. Mr. Bush has not sent immigration legislation to Congress, though seven bills have been introduced by members of the House and Senate, according to Numbers USA, an organization that lobbies for stricter immigration controls. They range from a proposal to give legal status to fewer than 1 million agricultural workers to a bill that could legalize most of the estimated 10 million illegal immigrants currently living in the United States. But none of the bills has passed even one chamber. Mr. McCain is sponsoring a bill, along with Reps. Jim Kolbe and Jeff Flake, both Arizona Republicans, that would go further than the president's principles by explicitly allowing those now here illegally to enter a guest-worker program and eventually apply for permanent residence. White House press secretary Scott McClellan said the president wants to "provide a more humane treatment" of illega


2004-11-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Bush Inauguration: Symbolism for a Police State

2004-11-07 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

November 07, 2004
Bush Inauguration: Symbolism for a Police State

“Everything has changed since 9/11, so there is a different context in which this inauguration is being planned,” Terrance W. Gainer, chief of the U.S. Capitol Police, told the Washington Post. 
The only thing that has changed since 9/11 is that we no longer elect our rulers, they are appointed and steal elections. The Bush war dictatorship has promised numerous terror attacks over the last three years but terror attacks are no longer necessary because the Bushcons do whatever they want without resorting to staged attacks designed to stampede frightened Americans into supporting endless war and surrendering their civil liberties. Of course, since a prolonged state of fear is required, there will be phony terror attack warnings for the foreseeable future. 
“Law enforcement authorities do not have specific information that al Qaeda or another terrorist group is targeting the inauguration. But the events will attract political leaders from throughout the country and the world and will be staged outside symbols of American democracy, officials said.”
Not “symbols of American democracy,” but symbols for a police state. As should be apparent to all Americans—with the exception of “red” voters who actually believe Osama and al-Zarqawi are out there, who believe Osama and Saddam are twins separated at birth—democracy in America is dead and not coming back anytime soon. It is now a partial police state—as evidenced by the fact I am allowed to write this without jackbooted thugs in SWAT uniforms breaking down my door and stealing this computer—but give them time. For as the “red” zombies chanted, Four More Years. Now that Bush owns all branches of government, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights will be completely eviscerated and thrown on the scrapheap of history. 
Of course “al Qaeda or another terrorist group” are not targeting the inauguration. CIA or Pentagon false flag ops, with plenty of help from Mossad, do not target leaders, unless they are disposable Democrats, such as Tom Daschle (sent packing on November 2) and other Democrats. Recall Daschle receiving an anthrax letter in October, 2001. Said Sen. John McCain at the time, “I’m not afraid. Not at all. I feel perfectly safe.” Of course McCain felt safe—he is a Republican and no CIA-Fort Detrick anthrax letters were sent to his office. Now that Bush has stolen another election, and Democrats are completely marginalized (having lost even more seats in Congress), there will probably be no need to send them anthrax letters or shoot them as they play golf on their exclusive courses, that is unless they start acting up and filibuster Bush’s Supreme Court nominations, something they say they will not do, having received the message loud and clear from the Borg Hive that resistance is futile and they will be assimilated or suffer the consequences.
“Officials said the inauguration will be the culmination of a series of high-security events, including the summer political conventions, the Sea Island, Ga., summit of leaders from industrialized nations in June and the funeral in Washington that month of former president Ronald Reagan.”
In other words, no eggs will be thrown at Bush’s motorcade, as last time, and our Caesar will actually walk to be “sworn in” on the steps of the capitol. As the campaign leading up to the theft of election 2004 showed, demonstrators will be harshly dealt with, as they are in all dictatorships. In the months ahead, as outrage over the filched election and escalating mass murder in the Middle East intensifies, we can likely expect a return to the good old days when soldiers fired on demonstrators with live ammo, as they did at Kent State on May 4, 1970. Nothing sends a message like murdered students. 
“In addition, officials said the new Joint Forces Headquarters-National Capital Region is prepared to pre-deploy 4,000 active-duty combat forces in the District—a significant departure from past inaugurations.”
It may very well be a “significant departure,” but it is an ominous sign of things to come. Let there be no doubt—we now live in a military dictatorship. Americans need to wake up to this fact. Unless they take their government back from the Bushcon criminals and the Christian Zionist Republicans, things will only get worse. This will not be an easy task since the government learned an important lesson during the Vietnam War—popular resistance to insane policies can and does effectuate change. However, this time around, the fascists who have seized control of our former republic understand this and are burning the midnight oil, preparing legislation (Son of Patriot and more draconian laws) to outlaw and subvert the right of the people to “petition the government for a redress of grievances.” Grievances will no longer be tolerated. In fact, you may end up in a domestic Camp Gitmo or be deported for demanding

[CTRL] Bush Advisor: War Launched to PROTECT ISRAEL

2004-11-06 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

IRAQ:War Launched to Protect Israel - Bush Adviser Emad Mekay Iraq under Saddam Hussein did not pose a threat to the United States but it did to Israel, which is one reason why Washington invaded the Arab country, according to a speech made by a member of a top-level White House intelligence group. WASHINGTON, Mar 29 (IPS) - IPS uncovered the remarks by Philip Zelikow, who is now the executive director of the body set up to investigate the terrorist attacks on the United States in September 2001 -- the 9/11 commission -- in which he suggests a prime motive for the invasion just over one year ago was to eliminate a threat to Israel, a staunch U.S. ally in the Middle East. Zelikow's casting of the attack on Iraq as one launched to protect Israel appears at odds with the public position of President George W. Bush and his administration, which has never overtly drawn the link between its war on the regime of former president Hussein and its concern for Israel's security. The administration has instead insisted it launched the war to liberate the Iraqi people, destroy Iraq's weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and to protect the United States. Zelikow made his statements about ”the unstated threat” during his tenure on a highly knowledgeable and well-connected body known as the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), which reports directly to the president. He served on the board between 2001 and 2003. ”Why would Iraq attack America or use nuclear weapons against us? I'll tell you what I think the real threat (is) and actually has been since 1990 -- it's the threat against Israel,” Zelikow told a crowd at the University of Virginia on Sep. 10, 2002, speaking on a panel of foreign policy experts assessing the impact of 9/11 and the future of the war on the al-Qaeda terrorist organisation. ”And this is the threat that dare not speak its name, because the Europeans don't care deeply about that threat, I will tell you frankly. And the American government doesn't want to lean too hard on it rhetorically, because it is not a popular sell,” said Zelikow. The statements are the first to surface from a source closely linked to the Bush administration acknowledging that the war, which has so far cost the lives of nearly 600 U.S. troops and thousands of Iraqis, was motivated by Washington's desire to defend the Jewish state. The administration, which is surrounded by staunch pro-Israel, neo-conservative hawks, is currently fighting an extensive campaign to ward off accusations that it derailed the ”war on terrorism” it launched after 9/11 by taking a detour to Iraq, which appears to have posed no direct threat to the United States. Israel is Washington's biggest ally in the Middle East, receiving annual direct aid of three to four billion dollars. Even though members of the 16-person PFIAB come from outside government, they enjoy the confidence of the president and have access to all information related to foreign intelligence that they need to play their vital advisory role. Known in intelligence circles as ”Piffy-ab”, the board is supposed to evaluate the nation's intelligence agencies and probe any mistakes they make. The unpaid appointees on the board require a security clearance known as ”code word” that is higher than top secret. The national security adviser to former President George H.W. Bush (1989-93) Brent Scowcroft, currently chairs the board in its work overseeing a number of intelligence bodies, including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the various military intelligence groups and the Pentagon's National Reconnaissance Office. Neither Scowcroft nor Zelikow returned numerous phone calls and email messages from IPS for this story. Zelikow has long-established ties to the Bush administration. Before his appointment to PFIAB in October 2001, he was part of the current president's transition team in January 2001. In that capacity, Zelikow drafted a memo for National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice on reorganising and restructuring the National Security Council (NSC) and prioritising its work. Richard A. Clarke, who was counter-terrorism coordinator for Bush's predecessor President Bill Clinton (1993-2001) also worked for Bush senior, and has recently accused the current administration of not heeding his terrorism warnings, said Zelikow was among those he briefed about the urgent threat from al-Qaeda in December 2000. Rice herself had served in the NSC during the first Bush administration, and subsequently teamed up with Zelikow on a 1995 book about the unification of Germany. Zelikow had ties with another senior Bush administration official -- Robert Zoellick, the current trade representative. The two wrote three books together, including one in 1998 on the United States and the ”Muslim Middle East”. Aside from his position at the 9/11 commission, Zelikow is now also director of the Miller Centre of Public Affairs and


2004-10-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Posted By: PROZZAK Date: Thursday, 7 October 2004, 10:16 p.m. 

A recent video release by the Bush team is titled 'Changing World.' What at first glance appears to be a warm and fuzzy video, however when slowed down frame by frame using Final Cut Pro reveals a plethora of subliminals. These subliminals, or images which are being understood by the unconscious mind, but not recognized by the conscious mind are very disturbing. 
At last count I have found 32 images which show everything from: skull and bones, numerous alien faces, men in trench coats, mysterious men in black appearing for no apparent reason in random frames, curtains transforming into human faces, simulated guns to heads, bombs going off in backgrounds, oral sex, and so forth. 
The reason that I chose the cropped two frames above to show that subliminals exist in Changing World is because it is one of the easiest for all computer users to find in the video without requiring special software. Anyone with Quicktime or RealPlayer/Windows MediaPlayer can simply go the the 24 second mark in the video, pause, then release and pause again. To the right of each cropped image above is George Bush's head. 
I have shown the collection of video clips to more than 20 people, and all have walked away astounded - and angry. My desire is not to anger people, but merely to show what is actually contained in a particular video released by the Bush team. 
Do I see a totally different facial structure, nose, hair, eyes, ears and even shape of head in the two images above which are a mere 1/15th of a second apart? Definitely. Should I? Absolutely not. If this were the only image that was found I would still be greatly disturbed because of the content and because of the direction of where America is seemingly headed today. But unfortunately there are another 31 more obvious images that I will be releasing shortly. 
Please consider this first image to be the primer to subliminal encoding of video. I have been involved in the video industry for more than 9 years. Future images will include definitions which we should all become acquainted with, why the NWO wants us addicted to television, which I recommend that you pull the plug on, and how images are used to program your emotions and unconscious mind. 
My aim is to show the complete set of the remaining 31 video clips in a 5 part series. For those who find what they believe are subliminals, please email me at the address above and if they are ones that I have not yet discovered I will get back to you. Thank you in advance. 
To download the video, please visit: 
http://georgewbush.com/ then click on LATEST VIDEOS then download Changing_World07. 


Messages In This Thread 

BUSH VIDEO SUBLIMINAL - FROM HITLER TO BUSH! *PIC* (views: 593)PROZZAK -- Thursday, 7 October 2004, 10:16 p.m. 

"I'M THE SLIME" LYRICS - FRANK ZAPPA *PIC* (views: 47)Free_Speak -- Thursday, 7 October 2004, 11:29 p.m. 

BUSH VIDEO SITE IS DOWN - OVERWORKED OR TAKEN OFF? *NM* (views: 32)TruthPassion -- Thursday, 7 October 2004, 11:33 p.m. 

BUSH VIDEO MOT EVEN ON THE MENU ANYMORE! *NM* (views: 21)Free_Speak -- Thursday, 7 October 2004, 11:58 p.m. 

DOWNLOAD 'CHANGING WORLD' NOW - BEFORE IT'S GONE! (views: 46)PROZZAK -- Thursday, 7 October 2004, 11:52 p.m. 

ANOTHER LINK PROVIDED BY READER (views: 16)PROZZAK -- Friday, 8 October 2004, 12:11 a.m. 

THIS ONE DIDN'T WORK EITHER! *NM* (views: 6)TruthPassion -- Friday, 8 October 2004, 12:46 a.m. 

READER FEEDBACK - HE FOUND ONE NOT ENHANCED! (views: 44)PROZZAK -- Friday, 8 October 2004, 12:43 a.m. 

DIRECT LINK TO VIDEO FOUND (views: 50)PROZZAK -- Friday, 8 October 2004, 7:18 a.m. 

PART 2 IS COMPLETED! (views: 50)PROZZAK -- Friday, 8 October 

[CTRL] Bush Regime Fits Definition Of Messianic Cult

2004-10-24 Thread BillK
-Caveat Lector-





  Global Eye
  http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2004/10/22/120.htmlBy Chris Floyd 

Now we come at last to the heart of 
darkness. Now we know, from their own words, that the 
Bush Regime is a cult -- a cult whose god is Power, 
whose adherents believe that they alone control reality, 
that indeed they create the world anew with each act of 
their iron will. And the goal of this will -- 
undergirded by the cult's supreme virtues of war, fury 
and blind faith -- is likewise openly declared: 
You think this is an exaggeration? Then 
heed the words of the White House itself: a "senior 
adviser" to the president, who, as The New York Times 
reports, explained the cult to author Ron Suskind in the 
heady pre-war days of 2002.
First, the top Bush insider mocked the 
journalist and all those "in what we call the 
reality-based community," i.e., people who "believe that 
solutions emerge from your judicious study of 
discernible reality." Suskind's attempt to defend the 
principles of reason and enlightenment cut no ice with 
the Bush-man. "That's not the way the world really works 
anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act, we create 
our own reality," he said. "And while you're studying 
that reality, we'll act again, creating other new 
realities, which you can study too, and that's how 
things will sort out. We're history's actors ... and 
you, all of you, will be left to just study what we 



Anyone with any knowledge of 
20th-century history will know that this same 
megalomaniacal outburst could have been made by a 
"senior adviser" to Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini or Mao. 
Indeed, as scholar Juan Cole points out, the dogma of 
the Bush Cult is identical with the "reality-creating" 
declaration of Mao's "Little Red Book": "It is possible 
to accomplish any task whatsoever." For Bush, as for 
Mao, "discernible reality" has no meaning: Political, 
cultural, economic, scientific truth -- even the 
fundamental processes of nature, even human nature 
itself -- must give way to the faith-statements of 
ideology, ruthlessly applied by unbending zealots.
Thus: The conquered will welcome their 
killers. The poor will be happy to slave for the rich. 
The Earth can sustain any amount of damage without 
lasting harm. The loss of rights is essential to 
liberty. War without end is the only way to peace. 
Cronyism is the path to universal prosperity. Dissent is 
evil; dissenters are "with the terrorists." But God is 
with the Leader; whatever he does is righteous, even if 
in the eyes of unbelievers -- the "reality-based 
community" -- his acts are criminal: aggressive war that 
kills thousands of innocent people, widespread torture, 
secret assassinations, rampant corruption, electoral 
Indeed, the doctrine "Gott mit Uns" is 
the linchpin of the Bush Cult. Tens of millions of 
Americans have now embraced the Cult's fusion of Bush's 
leadership with Divine Will. As a Bush volunteer in 
Missouri told Suskind: "I just believe God controls 
everything, and God uses the president to keep evil down 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush tries to steal election: One more crime

2004-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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"Gary Fleck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date:  Sat Oct 23, 2004  4:23 pm Subject:  Fw: Bush tries to steal election: One more crime

- Original Message -
From: ImpeachBush 
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 3:03 PM


Dear ImpeachBush.org member, 
The criminal conduct of the Bush administration seems boundless. Having intimidated Congress into supporting his war of aggression against Iraq and the simultaneous assault on civil liberties at home, the Bush team is organizing a massive intimidation campaign against voters in predominantly African American communities in urban areas in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and other swing states. 
This effort - reminiscent of the disenfranchisement of voters that has been the ugly legacy of racism in this country - is plainly designed to steal the election.
“Republican Party officials in Ohio took formal steps yesterday to place thousands of recruits inside polling places on Election Day to challenge the qualifications of voters they suspect are not eligible to cast ballots,” reports the NY Times of October 23.
“Election officials in other swing states, from Arizona to Wisconsin and Florida, say they are bracing for similar efforts by Republicans to challenge new voters at polling places, reflecting months of disputes over voting procedures and the anticipation of an election as close as the one in 2000. 
“Ohio election officials said they had never seen so large a drive to prepare for Election Day challenges. They said they were scrambling yesterday to be ready for disruptions in the voting process as well as alarm and complaints among voters. Some officials said they worried that the challenges could discourage or even frighten others waiting to vote.”

For the past 18 months, VoteToImpeach/ImpeachBush.org members have been active all over the country and have played a central role in exposing the criminal acts of Bush administration officials. The media has given increasing coverage to the grassroots movement for impeachment. Covering the recent Million Worker March at the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Post reported, “From a podium on a wide granite landing on the memorial steps, former U.S. attorney general Ramsey Clark called for the impeachment of Bush for war crimes.” 
It’s not just in the media, people all over the country are taking action. They are wearing the Impeach Bush t-shirts, carrying signs, and they are distributing the articles of impeachment on-line to friends who in turn are forwarding the message to other friends. This is a huge effort. You can join those who have Voted to Impeach at ImpeachBush.org where you can also visit the Impeach Bush Resource Center and pick up t-shirts, bumper stickers and lawn signs (see below for images) that raise the powerful call for impeachment.
Please help with the costs of this tremendous effort - your contributions make the difference in the ability to spread this message far and wide. Make Bush and all those who are hoping to carrying out voter intimidation see the clear message from the people of the U.S. that not only will they not be intimidated, they demand he be held accountable for his criminal conduct.


You can make a donation now online through the secure server by clicking here, where you can also get information to write a check.There has never been a more urgent time to interject the impeachment issue than right now. Going through the run-up to the election process without vigorously raising the underlying issue of criminal conduct by high officials sets a dangerous precedent. 
As Ramsey Clark wrote, “Only Impeachment Now Can Prevent Further Lawlessness by the Bush Administration And By Its Warning, Future Administrations. There will be more aggression before the November el

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush' Texas Rangers' plot thickens into tax evasion and more

2004-10-22 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Bush' Texas Rangers' plot thickens into tax evasion and more
By Jerry MazzaOnline Journal Contributing Writer http://www.onlinejournal.com/Special_Reports/102404Mazza/102404mazza.html
Download a .pdf file for printing.Adobe Acrobat Reader required.Click here to download a free copy.
October 20, 2004¡ªAs if Bush's sale of his $606,000 share of Texas Rangers stock to owner Tom Hicks for $15 million wasn't enough, there's more from deep in the heart of Texas to nail the good old boy, namely the possibility of tax evasion. That is, Bush declared the proceeds as a long-term capital gain, which it wasn't, as opposed to ordinary income, which it was. This means Bush paid at the capital gains' rate of 20 percent as opposed to the ordinary income rate of 39.6 percent. Beating the IRS out of nearly 20 percent in additional taxes. But the fun doesn't stop there.
As reported by MakeThemAccountable.com, Bush had had prior business with Tom Hicks, who also was cofounder, with his brother R. Steven Hicks, of a radio company that merged in 1999 into AMFM, Inc. It was soon engulfed and devoured by Clear Channel Communications, of which old Tom became vice chair (I think the title is appropriate, don't you?).
Tom, a busy bee, is also chief corporate raider for the firm Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst. In addition to being Bush's No. 4 career patron, Hicks, Muse wanted to dip into the $13 billion University of Texas (UT) endowment for takeover deals, sort of like Michael Milken's old corporate raider "treasure chests." And we all know what happened to Mike. Indicted in 1989 of 98 counts of fraud and racketeering. In 1990, banned from operating in the securities industry for life and sentenced to 10 years in prison for security fraud by then straight shooting New York D.A., Rudy Guiliani. Sentence later reduced to 22 months, served at a "Club Fed," a fenceless prison camp for low risk inmates. Ah well, life at the top. But let's move on . . . 
Coincidentally, as Bush stepped into the Texas governor's office, Hicks was confirmed as a University of Texas regent, first chair no less. Hicks corralled some lobbyists to help pass a bill to create the UT Investment Management Co (UTIMCO). Love the acronyms. Then UTIMCO handed out contracts to private investment firms to "manage" pieces of the endowment¡ªlots of foxes in the old hen house. When a media scandal (remember those) actually exposed UTIMCO's juicy contract deals with firms connected to Hicks and Bush, and even one that President Bush 1 reportedly had a piece of, well, folks weren't too happy. Nevertheless, the management fees to Hicks for "investing" the TU billions could easily have topped the $250 million he paid for the Texas Rangers. In so many words, Bush in his official duties as governor passed Hicks the money to buy the team.
Right there and then Junior should have been busted for misuse of his office for personal profit. He wasn't. And, as mentioned, he bilked even more bucks out of the deal by wrongly reporting taxes due on the team sale. In fact, an IRS agent who worked on the 1972 Governor of Illinois Otto Kerner's case, commented . . ."The government concluded, and the jury affirmed, the fact that people in official policy positions who enhance the value of their own property in whole or in part are guilty of a corrupt practice, and accordingly the gain is not capital gain. This is consistent with the theory behind giving tax incentives only for legitimate capital appreciation."
It's about as clear as a day in Crawford, Texas that Governor Bush had a real incentive to direct public policy for personal benefit. In contrast, Kerner had been a rich man already, and the proceeds he filched didn't add up to much considering his net worth. But Junior's $12 million payoff was the mother lode of his assets. 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush-Style Democracy in Florida

2004-10-21 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 21 Oct 2004 05:52:42 + (UTC)
Subject:[RadarMatrix2003] Guardian Unlimited: Dirty tricks return to the 
sunshine state

Doug Murray spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

Note from Doug Murray:

And the underhanded tricks continue.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Dirty tricks return to the sunshine state
US election begins with voting in Florida dogged by controversy over faulty machines 
and disenfranchised voters
Oliver Burkeman in Tallahassee
Tuesday October 19 2004
The Guardian

Gordon Sasser first got the feeling that something strange was going on when the 
pierced the silence of a weekday afternoon at his house on the swampy fringes of 
northern Florida.  

An automated voice had some surprising news: did he know that he could now cast his 
presidential vote by phone, and could do so right now, using the keypad? Mr Sasser's 
that somebody was trying to trick him into thinking he was casting a vote - presumably 
so that 
he wouldn't cast a real one - was far from unique.   

James Scruggs, another Tallahassee resident, remembers a similar unease about the 
young woman 
who phoned him at home, insistently offering to collect his absentee ballot to ensure 
its safe 

Then there was the elderly woman who called the local elections office last week to 
her husband for an absentee vote. According to office staff, as she hung up she made a 
of thanking them: she wouldn't have thought to get in touch about her husband, she 
said, if it 
hadn't been for their helpful call the night before, when someone had taken her own 
assuring her that she was now registered and would receive a ballot.   

But the elections office makes no such calls.   

"It's Alice in Wonderland here now," sighed Ion Sancho, elections supervisor for Leon 
which includes Tallahassee, Florida's capital. "Up is down, and down is up ... My 
feeling is 
that someone has essentially conned her into believing that she's going to be voting." 

Mr Sancho is a longstanding thorn in the side of Florida's governor, Jeb Bush, who 
from a building across the street. But even he seems astonished by the reports 
reaching his 
office these days.   

"I've been an elections supervisor for 16 years now, and nobody has ever called me 
with this 
kind of activity occurring," he said.   

The mysterious calls are only the most vivid symptoms of broader problems in Florida 
critics fear could leave thousands of citizens disenfranchised on November 2.   

New electronic voting machines have proven error-prone, and may not be capable of 
recounts. State authorities are threatening to withhold votes from people who forget 
to tick a 
box confirming that they are US citizens, even though they signed a statement to the 
effect on the same form. And among several legal feuds, Florida Democrats are accusing 
state of failing properly to implement measures designed to prevent a repeat of the 
fiasco, when thousands of African-Americans were wrongly prevented from voting.   

The US election officially began in Florida yesterday, as early voting sites opened 
across the 
state - though in Duval County, a Republican-run area with a large African-American 
population, that too is a subject of dispute. Only one early voting site, far from 
populated neighbourhoods, has been made available for the entire county.   

"One location for a county of 831 acres - that's the most asinine thing I

[CTRL] Bush And Kerry, Kramden And Norton: Some Handshakes Are More Secret Than Others

2004-10-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

     Patricia Seremet

Bush And Kerry, Kramden And Norton: Some Handshakes Are More Secret Than Others
October 6, 2004

Dear Mr. President, As you face your second debate Friday, here's some advice: Look to the handshake. Beware of the secret handshake.

President George W. Bush and Sen. John F. Kerry are the first presidential candidates running against each other who both were members of Yale University's most elite secret society, Skull and Bones. They are, in the words of the S&B society, Bonesmen, joining the ranks of Bush's grandfather Sen. Prescott Bush; and father, President George H.W. Bush; the late Sen. John Heinz (Kerry's wife Teresa's first husband); Time publisher Henry Luce; and President William H. Taft.

Skull and Bones is shrouded in secrecy, and even under Tim Russert's grilling last year on "Meet the Press," neither Kerry nor Bush would weaken and divulge any of the society's rituals.

"It's so secret, we can't talk about it," Bush told Russert.

But the way that Bush fell apart from the get-go in the debate suggests that perhaps the president was under a Skull and Bones spell, courtesy of Kerry.

Kerry approached Bush, placed his left hand on the small of the president's back, shook hands with his right - to the uninitiated eye, it all looked very normal.

Java tried to find out if this was, indeed, a Skull and Bones mesmerizing moment but only reached a few knowledgeable Yalies. Former Hartford lawyer John Murtha, a member of the rival Scroll and Key Society at Yale, seemed familiar with the Skull and Bones exchange but would not betray his own handshake nor that of the Bonesmen.

"A secret handshake was part of a ritual," Murtha said. "Theirs was pretty much the same as ours. I'm not going to get into it. But even if I could, I wouldn't."

But he did say it in Eli-style, ever so politely.

WTIC-AM (1080) personality and Yale graduate Colin McEnroe also did not get tapped for Skull and Bones but did make the Egg and Spoon Society, which he said "only met for breakfast."

He doesn't know about the Skull and Bones handshake, but he did say this: "I'm guessing it involves more than the hand. It is my understanding that Skull and Bones members like to touch each other's buttocks."

Personally, I would feel more comfortable with candidates who were members of a less elitist group, like the International Order of Friendly Sons of the Raccoons, with members in good standing like Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton.

Bus driver Kramden (Jackie Gleason) and sewer worker Norton (Art Carney) belonged to that fraternity on the TV show "The Honeymooners," and they weren't at all shy about divulging their official greeting.

They touched elbows, first right, then left, followed by a "Wooo" sounding cry as they wiggled the raccoon tail on their coonskin hats. They ended by chorusing, "Brothers under the pelt."

Not only would this society be less secretive than Skull and Bones, it also would be much more entertaining to see the candidates interact by wiggling their raccoon tails.

There is also a Friendly Sons of the Raccoons drinking toast that Bush and Kerry could recite when they reach for a glass of water under the podium: "Fingers to fingers, thumbs to thumbs, watch out below, here she comes."

Should one rise to be Raccoon of the Year in the organization, there are several privileges, including: opening the first clam at the annual clambake; free burial, with spouse, at Raccoon National Cemetery in Bismark, N.D.; throwing the first bag of water out of the hotel window at the Raccoon convention.

Tell me that doesn't beat "Hail to the Chief," Secret Service and having friends sleep over in the Lincoln Bedroom.

Abbey's Set Delayed In Customs

Uncertain that the set for the Abbey Theatre's production of J.M. Synge's "The Playboy of the Western World" could clear U.S. customs in time, the Shubert Theater in New Haven scratched its first performance slated for Thursday night. The rest of the Friday-to-Sunday run will take place, said a spokesman for the theater. The New Haven run was the first stop in a two-month U.S. tour for the Irish theater, which is celebrating its 100th year.

The production will play the Shubert Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. The tour will also play the Rich Forum at the Stamford Center for the Arts Oct. 19 to 24.

Marilyn Manson Engaged; Will The Bride Wear Black?

Well, it's not exactly every parent's dream bridegroom, but gothic rock star Marilyn Manson will marry his girlfriend, Dita von Teese, in Berlin sometime in November.

The 35-year-old androgynous singer, known for his macabre lyrics and gruesome stage shows, and his former stripper fiancée, 32, are looking for a castle where they can hold the ceremony.

Three's The Charm (She Hopes) For Katey Sagal

Katey Sagal is remarried with children.

The "Eight Simple Rules" 

[CTRL] Bush Twin Chose Skin Over Skull And Bones

2004-10-07 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

Bush Twin Chose Skin Over Skull And Bones
October 7, 2004
By KIM MARTINEAU, Courant Staff Writer

NEW HAVEN -- Her dad was Skull and Bones. So was her grandfather and great-grandfather. By not joining Yale's secret society, Barbara Bush broke with that tradition.

But she embraced another - the naked party.

Yale's naked parties have been described as an intellectual salon without the clothes. Incoming freshmen hear about the ritual long before setting foot on campus.

The creme de la creme of naked parties is the springtime event held by the Pundits, a society synonymous with streaking through the library during finals. This one is invitation only for about 40 to 50 "A-list" guests. A bouncer checks names at the door.

In the spring of 2002, Barbara Bush, then a sophomore, arrived at a house on Crown Street for the fun, according to at least two people who saw her there. Not known: the whereabouts of her Secret Service protection.

Like everyone else at the party, sources say, she left her inhibitions at the door and her clothes in a changing room, then mingled with the other guests over wine, cheese and pool.

Naked parties are not orgies, not even close, despite their name, say those who attend. Stripped of clothing and other status markers, students are rendered equal. There's more eye contact, less small talk. Everyone's vulnerable.

"At most clothed parties, it's more overt that people are hitting on each other - naked parties are actually less sexual," one student was quoted as saying in a 1999 Yale Daily News story titled, "Nude Haven."

In 2002, rumors about Barbara in the buff ran rampant on campus. A year later, porn king Larry Flynt caught wind of it and reportedly offered a million bucks for film of the presidential twin, according to a blurb in The New York Post. But nothing materialized. In fact, aside from a vague reference in a student newspaper, nothing more about Bush's party appearance surfaced until police were deep into their investigation of a sexual assault on another guest who had left the party.

Rumpus, an off-color tabloid produced by Yale students, alluded to the soiree in a May 2002 column titled, "Rumpus Rumpus: Rumors, Truths We Couldn't Prove and Other Allegations."

"If you are a daughter of a very important person and shun media exposure, why would you expose your whole self at a naked party this spring?" the editors wondered. "Secret exhibitionist tendencies? Following in the family tradition of doing stupid [expletive] at college that will come back to haunt you later? Or just showing off that reportedly blissfully cellulite-free booty?"

A call to the White House seeking comment from Barbara Bush was referred to the office of her mother, first lady Laura Bush, which declined to comment this week.

Courant Staff Writers Joseph A. O'Brien, Gregory Seay and Arielle Becker-Levin contributed to this story.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush, Kerry and the CFR, It's All In The Family

2004-10-03 Thread Kris Millegan
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Bush, Kerry and the CFR, It's All In The FamilyBy Laurence H. ShoupOct 2, 2004, 17:43
George Walker Bush and John Forbes Kerry are wealthy members of the upper class. They are  both multimillionaires born into privilege, educated in the finest New England private schools, and holding memberships in the most exclusive private clubs.  
The wealth of the Bush-Walker family comes from oil, banking, sports teams, and the military-industrial complex. Historically, they have been economically connected to the Rockefeller and Harriman families. Exact figures are hard to come by, but the current president’s personal wealth has been estimated at $10 to $26 million. Bush family wealth would, of course, be much greater.   
Kerry is part of the Boston Brahmin Forbes family, historically intermarried with prominent New England families like the Winthrops, Lowells, Cabots, and Emersons. The Kerry-Forbes family wealth comes from land ownership and John Kerry’s marriage to Teresa Heinz, who controls the Heinz foods fortune. Largely as a result of this marriage, Kerry’s personal wealth is estimated to range from $165 to $839 million.  
As his father did, George W. Bush graduated from Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, an exclusive preparatory school. As a youth, John F. Kerry went to a Swiss boarding school and to the prestigious St. Paul’s preparatory school in Concord, New Hampshire. Both Bush and Kerry went on to Yale University and both were members of Skull and Bones, an elite secret society and the most exclusive social club at Yale. Bush vacations at Camp David, at the family retreat at Kennebunkport, Maine, or at his Texas “ranch,” a site purchased and built specifically for political purposes. Kerry flies around the country in his $35 million Gulfstream V private jet, cruises on his $800,000, 42-foot speedboat, or vacations in one of the five multimillion dollar houses he and Teresa Heinz-Kerry own. (These five houses are collectively worth $29.5 million according to the May 3, 2004 issue of Newsweek.)  
 The running mates of these two candidates are also very wealthy: Vice President Richard Cheney’s fortune is estimated at about $50 million and vice presidential candidate John Edwards’s at $12 to $60 million. Forbes magazine remarked that this year’s presidential election has “probably the richest set of candidates in U.S. history…maybe the first time in history when all four major-party candidates could afford to work for free.”  
The CFR & the Ruling Class  
One of the prime characteristics of the U.S. upper class is its high level of organization. One of the central organizations, accurately called “the citadel of America’s establishment,” is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Founded in 1921, the CFR is the most influential of all private policy planning groups. Its great strength is mainly exercised behind the scenes and stems from its unique position among policy groups: it is simultaneously both a think tank for foreign and economic policy and also has a large membership comprising some of the most important individuals in U.S. economic, intellectual, and political life. The Council has a yearly budget of about $30 million and a staff of over 200. 
The CFR’s think tank consists of three overlapping activities. One is convening an “influential forum,” mainly held in New York and Washington, DC, where senior government and corporate leaders, prominent intellectuals, and foreign dignitaries meet with Council members to discuss and debate the U.S. role in the world and the strategy and tactics required to accomplish U.S. goals. Another think tank function is organizing and implementing a wide-ranging studies program where CFR fellows draw on members and others to collectively study a foreign policy issue. The result of this work is then report

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush-Nazi Family Alliance: Alex Jones Interviews John Buchanan

2004-09-30 Thread Kris Millegan
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"Paul Joseph Watson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date:  Thu Sep 30, 2004  12:06 am Subject:  

Bush-Nazi Family Alliance: Alex Jones Interviews John Buchanan
Nazi treasure has been used by the globalists to take over the United States and they are setting up a Fourth Reich right here in America.
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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush-Nazi Family Alliance: Alex Jones Interviews John Buchanan

2004-09-30 Thread Kris Millegan
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"Paul Joseph Watson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date:  Thu Sep 30, 2004  12:06 am Subject:  

Bush-Nazi Family Alliance: Alex Jones Interviews John Buchanan
Nazi treasure has been used by the globalists to take over the United States and they are setting up a Fourth Reich right here in America.
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ctrl is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush Ordered 9/11 -- Cheney Ran the Operation

2004-09-19 Thread Kris Millegan
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 "CM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date:  Sat Sep 18, 2004  7:32 am Subject:  Bush Ordered 9/11 -- Cheney Ran the Operation


From: Christopher Rudy [EMAIL PROTECTED]NOTE: The article below has proven to be quite prophetic - written more than a year ago. The real method to the madness of the on-going Iraq attack status is equivalent to throwing gasoline on a smouldering fire... so that even greater "war powers" can be justified by the Skull & Bones War Party flying their pirate flag in both the Bush and Kerry campaigns.Desperate pirates do desperate things. What people don't realize is that the power elite worldwide have felt the pressure of populist-democratic accountability, due to the Internet and exposure of their war-creation history. The response of the power elite has been tighter control of the media for orchestration of endless war agendas - the last gasp or the tyranny tyrants who are desperate to sustain their love of power, money and their aristocratic way of
 life. Now the unspeakable, unthinkable TRUTH is coming out, thanks to the Alex Jones interviews with Stanley Hilton who is bringing a lawsuit against the US Government on behalf of the 9/11 victims, saying that, "Bush and his puppets Rice and Cheney and Mueller and Rumsfeld and Tenet, were all involved not only in aiding and abetting and allowing 9/11 to happen but in actually ordering it to happen." Hilton has deposed top military officials who assert that the government were complicit in the attack. Audio of this "Must Hear" interview is at http://www.prisonplanet.tv/audio/091204hilton.htm . A transcript is at Stanley's website at http://www.deprogram.info Once you realize how evil our leaders are -- murdering thousands of Americans for their endless war agenda -- you will understand the articles previously sent explaining how these Illuminati satanists use war for human sacrifice of blood even as they consider abortion a satanic rite. When will the sheople wake up to the wolves in sheep's clothing in Church and State, devouring our children with so much religious and patriotic BS? -CR - article follows:
Elite Sets the Stage for World War Three 
"While Americans are distracted by jingoism and jiggle, they are being set up for a nasty fall. The leadership class has already "left the building" as it were. The end of the Iraq war will find the United States isolated and reviled. As the Bush cabal tries to push its advantage, it will come into conflict with China and other nuclear powers."By Henry Makow Ph.D. March 24, 2003 Something very worrisome is happening. Some of Rockefeller's best toadies oppose the Iraq war. But Rockefeller and his ilk are responsible for this war. What gives? It appears the global elite is dividing its minions into two "house teams" again. The last time this happened we had the Fascist-Communist slugfest called World War Two. The same satanic cabal controlled both sides and picked Germany to take the fall. This time, the U.S.,
 Britain and the "coalition of the willing" are on one side. On the other are France, Germany, Russia and China. The centre of global power is moving to China, Europe and Russia. I see a world war over Korea, or more likely Iran and control of Middle East oil. The U.S., overextended from Kuwait to Korea, will come up short. My guess is that the US will find itself increasingly isolated and vilified as a result of the Iraq war. I suspect the hidden agenda is to bring down the world's last superpower; to replace the UN with a new instrument of "world government"; to kill a lot of people, and to wean Americans off democracy and their high standard of living. GLOBALISTS AGAINST THE IRAQ WAR?Jimmy Carter, Nelson Mandela, George Soros, Mikail Gorbachev and Walter Cronkite are all globalist elder statesmen-for

[CTRL] Bush orders sactions against Venezuela for sex trafficking

2004-09-12 Thread Daniel Mio
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[CTRL] Bush Administration Plays the Dutch Boy Plugging the Nuke Dike

2004-09-12 Thread flw2
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S. Korea Nuclear Project Detailed
Work Called Near Weapons Grade
By Dafna Linzer
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, September 12, 2004; Page A24

As the Bush administration tries to ratchet up pressure on Iran, emerging
details of clandestine nuclear work in South Korea indicate that the U.S. ally
was more successful than Tehran in producing the key ingredient for a bomb and
used deception to conceal the illegal activity from U.N. inspectors for years.

In interviews late last week, diplomats with knowledge of both covert programs
disclosed that South Korean scientists enriched uranium to levels four times
higher than did their counterparts in Iran. Seoul conducted those experiments,
in violation of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty, two years before Iran did
and kept them secret for nearly two years after Iran's came to light, said the
diplomats, who would discuss the investigation by the International Atomic
Energy Agency only on the condition of anonymity.

The South Koreans appear to have experimented with smaller quantities of uranium
than Iran did, and there is no indication that Seoul invested the kind of money
and resources that Tehran has put into its program, the diplomats said.

IAEA inspectors have yet to uncover the full scope of the activities of either
Iran or South Korea. Until two weeks ago, there were no public indications that
South Korea had conducted any weapons-related work, and it was not understood
how similar the program was to Iran's efforts.

The South Korean revelations have thrown the Bush administration's efforts on
Iran and North Korea into turmoil. Over the weekend, U.S. officials said they
were forced to scale back plans to refer the Iran issue to the U.N. Security
Council by month's end. And a statement from North Korea on Seoul's nuclear work
cast further doubt on U.S. hopes of resuming talks later this month aimed at
persuading North Korea to dismantle its nuclear weapons program.

U.S. officials had hoped to push its Iran agenda at the IAEA's board meeting
that will begin in Vienna tomorrow. But with little support inside the Security
Council for muscling Iran, U.S. officials are backing a competing plan from the
Europeans that would give Tehran until late November to suspend suspect nuclear
work or face the possibility of council action then.

"We tried, but we had to give up on our 'noncompliance' resolution right now,"
said one U.S. official. "We're hoping that triggering language, calling on Iran
to take a series of steps by a certain deadline or face an automatic referral,
will do the trick."

Under the new resolution, the IAEA's board would reconvene at the end of
November and judge Iran's compliance based on the full history of its program.

European diplomats said a final draft of the resolution is being worked out and
emphasized that the new wording offers no guarantee that the matter would wind
up before the Security Council.

U.S. officials have said it is too early to know whether the South Korean issue
should be referred to the council, but they worked hard to avoid the appearance
of being softer on friends than on foes.

"One thing I can assure is that we will not allow a double standard in terms of
how we treat the violations," said John R. Bolton, undersecretary of state for
arms control, who negotiated with the Europeans on an Iran resolution in Geneva
last week.

The IAEA, which has suspected South Korea of violating the nonproliferation
treaty for six years, confronted the Seoul government last December. Several
months later, diplomats said, South Korea began to acknowledge the work.
Publicly, officials in Seoul said the experiments were one-time efforts by
scientists working on their own.

But diplomats challenged those assertions and revealed over the weekend that the
Seoul government officially and repeatedly blocked IAEA inspections months after
the experiments in 2000 and told the IAEA false cover stories.

"In 2001, the IAEA asked to conduct a regular inspection and was denied. That
happened at least twice before the South Koreans, under some protest, allowed
the inspectors in two years later," a diplomat said.

During an IAEA inspection last week, South Korean officials could not produce
documentation or several scientists who were involved in the work, the diplomats
said. That portrayal differs significantly from those offered by U.S. officials
who have repeatedly praised South Korea for coming clean voluntarily and
cooperating with the IAEA.

South Korea says it has cooperated fully with the IAEA and has not been
obstructionist. South Korean officials say they have produced reports for
inspectors as quickly as possible given the sketchy details remaining about the
1982 plutonium experiment and the February discovery of the 2000 uranium
enrichment program.

The IAEA investigation revealed South Korea's work on uranium enrichment,
plutonium reprocessing and the production of nuclear equipment including ur

Re: [CTRL] Bush Orders Sanctions Against Venezuela for Sex Trafficking

2004-09-11 Thread Daniel Mio
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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush braced for Kitty treatment

2004-09-10 Thread Kris Millegan
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Bush braced for Kitty treatment Suzanne Goldenberg in WashingtonWednesday September 8, 2004
The Guardian She's famous for her scandalous portraits of iconic figures, and her victims know she has no interest in being kind to the powerful. 
So George Bush has good reason to feel queasy about the latest work of Kitty Kelley, the muckraking celebrity biographer, who has turned her poisoned pen on America's pre-eminent political family.
The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty is not scheduled for publication for another week, but details of its revelations are already circulating on US websites and in gossip columns - much to the delight of Democrats and the chagrin of Republicans.
They include claims that Mr Bush snorted cocaine at the Camp David retreat when his father was president, and may have helped a girlfriend obtain an abortion.
Though she is not regarded as a serious biographer by any stretch, Kelley is undeniably a bestseller. The initial print run for the book is 600,000 copies, and anticipation about its contents sent a frisson through Republicans at last week's convention.
And, after a highly effective campaign to smear the wartime record of John Kerry, the Kelley biography is seen as an occasion for Democrats to sling some mud of their own against a Christian president who claims to stand for conservative values.
Next week also promises a fresh examination of President Bush's activities during the Vietnam war. CBS 60 Minutes is due to broadcast an interview with a former lieutenant governor of Texas, Ben Barnes, speaking out for the first time about his shame in arranging Mr Bush's assignment to the air national guard, which spared him being sent to Vietnam. 

Kelley's publicists say her book will minutely examine Mr Bush's service record, including the so-called lost year when he transferred from Texas to Alabama, ostensibly to work on a Republican Senate campaign. 
It claims to dig behind the jealously guarded public facade of the family to reveal "the matriarchs, the mistresses, the marriages, the divorces, the jealousies, the hypocrisies, the golden children, and the black sheep".
It is uncertain what effect the revelations will have on Mr Bush's re-election effort. He acknowledged his mis-spent youth during the 2000 elections - including a 1976 arrest for drunk driving - and while the bad behaviour raised doubts among conservative supporters, it did not seriously damage his campaign.
He has admitted that alcoholism nearly cost him his marriage but claims to have turned over a new leaf in 1986 after giving up alcohol and becoming a born-again Christian.
While some revelations will be familiar to Americans, Kelley claims the 700-page tome has extraordinary new detail. For the first time it airs allegations that Laura Bush, the first lady, might also have experimented with cocaine.
Pre-publication leaks say Kelley had access to Sharon Bush, the ex-wife of the president's younger brother, Neil. Since their bitter divorce, Ms Bush has been eager to air her insights on the family inner circle, and was quoted yesterday as being the source of the Camp David allegations.
Mr Bush's use of alcohol is reported in the book to have started at school and followed him to Yale, where he is first alleged to have used drugs.
The book also claims to have circumstantial evidence that he helped a girlfriend obtain an abortion, a charge that has circulated in the past on left-leaning websites.
What Kelley said about ...
Frank Sinatra
· His mother was a New Jersey abortionist
· He ate bacon and eggs from a prostitute's breasts
· He bought $200,000 worth of furniture in cash in wrapping paper from a Las Vegas casino
Nancy Reagan
· She is a witch who managed to trap Ronald into marrying

[CTRL] Bush Still Stonewalling on His Natl Guard Service

2004-08-25 Thread Adam Bruce
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/24/2004 7:14:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Via NY Transfer News Collective  *  All the News that Doesn't FitUSA Today - August 23, 2004http://www.usatoday.com/news/politicselections/nation/president/2004-08-23-bush-service_x.htmQuestions About Bush's Guard Service UnansweredBy Dave Moniz and Jim DrinkardWASHINGTON  At a time when Democratic presidential candidate JohnKerry has come under fire from a group of retired naval officers whosay he lied about his combat record in Vietnam, questions aboutPresident Bush's 1968-73 stint in the Texas Air National Guard remainunresolved. (Related item: Bush urges end to TV attack ads by outsidegroups.)* Why did Bush, described by some of his fellow officers as a talentedand enthusiastic pilot, stop flying fighter jets in the spring of 1972and fail to take an annual physical exam required of all pilots?* What explains the apparent gap in the president's Guard service in1972-73, a period when commanders in Texas and Alabama say they neversaw him report for duty and records show no pay to Bush when he wassupposed to be on duty in Alabama?* Did Bush receive preferential treatment in getting into the Guardand securing a coveted pilot slot despite poor qualifying scores andarrests, but no convictions, for stealing a Christmas wreath androwdiness at a football game during his college years?The White House has released hundreds of pages of records, but thefiles released so far haven't answered those questions. Since thedocuments were released in February, at least a half-dozen newsorganizations, including USA TODAY, have filed new requests for Bush'smilitary records under the Freedom of Information Act.In an e-mail to USA TODAY last week, presidential spokesman DanBartlett said: "The president has authorized the release of hisrecords and we are complying with all requests. Some are taking longerthan others, but all will be addressed."Past military service and qualifications to be commander in chief havebecome a central theme in the 2004 presidential campaign.Questions about Bush's record predate the current campaign. Theapparent gap in his Guard service first surfaced before the 2000election, when The Boston Globe reported that Texas Guard commanderswere unable to account for Bush's whereabouts from May 1972 to April1973.Bush has not said what he did in the Guard during that period. Asidefrom a statement by a former Alabama Air Guard officer who said he sawBush report for duty there in the fall of 1972, the only evidence hewas at Dannelly Air National Guard Base in Alabama was a record of adental exam on Jan. 6, 1973, at the base.Bush said in a TV interview in February that he would make all hismilitary records available. That month, the White House released morethan 400 pages of Bush military records, including some duplicates,and said the documents were a complete catalog of his personnel files.But some documents still have not been made public. The White Housedid not release Bush's medical records from his Guard files butallowed a group of reporters who cover the White House to review themfor 20 minutes. They found nothing unusual. Kerry released some of hismilitary records earlier this year. He has also declined to releasehis complete medical records but showed them to reporters as Bush did.Since February, the White House has banned all Guard and militarycommanders outside the Pentagon from commenting on Bush's records orservice. Requests for information must go to the Pentagon's Freedom ofInformation Act office.The Pentagon last week responded to a 4-month-old request from USATODAY for additional records from Bush's files by sending another copyof documents that were released by the White House in February. Thedocuments do not address the unexplained year in Bush's Guard serviceor his decision to stop flying.The Associated Press filed a lawsuit this summer requesting copies ofBush's military records stored in a Texas archive on microfilm. Itsought information that might explain why Bush did not take his flightphysical and whether he showed up for duty in Alabama in the fall of1972, AP spokesman John Stokes said.                                       *Search the NYTr Archives at:http://olm.blythe-systems.com/pipermail/nytr/To subscribe or unsubscribe or change your settings via the web, visit:http://olm.blythe-systems.com/mailman/listinfo/nytr=  NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems           Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us              339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012  http://www.blythe.org                  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]= 

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[CTRL] Bush & Sharon: The Oil Connection

2004-08-05 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

FPIF Commentary 

Bush & Sharon: The Oil Connection

By Conn Hallinan | May 26, 2004

Editor: John Gershman, Interhemispheric Resource Center (IRC)

Foreign Policy In Focus www.fpif.org

On its face, President George Bushâs recent endorsement of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharonâs land grab in the occupied territories makes little sense. The plan, under which Israel would abandon Gaza while permanently annexing most of the West Bank, has met with almost universal condemnation. 

>>>It has stirred rage in the Arab world, where, according to U.S. ally Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, âthere exists a hatred of Americans never equaled in the region.â 

>>>European Union (EU) foreign policy spokesperson, Brian Cowen, said that the âEU will not recognize any change to the pre-1967 borders other than those arrived at by agreement of the parties.â 

>>>A letter by 52 former senior British diplomats called Prime Minister Tony Blairâs support for Washington on this issue, âone-sided and illegal,â and predicted it âwill cost yet more Israeli and Palestinian blood.â A Financial Times editorial called the letter âthe most stinging rebuke ever to a British government by its foreign policy establishment.â 

At a time when the U.S. is desperate for an international bailout in Iraq, why would the White House go out of its way to alienate allies? 

The most popular explanations are: 

>>>The influence of pro-Israeli lobbies, and a Republican strategy to woo Jewish voters and money away from the Democrats; 

>>>A bow to the Bush Administrationâs Christian Evangelical wing, which is rabidly pro-Israel because it is convinced the Second Coming is upon us. 

There is no question that pleasing evangelicals is an Administration priority, and certainly Republicans would like to cut into traditional Jewish support for the Democrats. But this explanation assumes that foreign policy is all about partisan politics and God. 

Bush certainly has the inside track with evangelicals. However, there is virtually no difference between Republicans and Democrats on Israel. If anything, the latter are slightly more hawkish. 

There is a simpler explanation for the White Houseâs posture, one the Administration laid out four months after taking office. In May, 2001, Vice-President Dick Cheneyâs National Energy Policy Development Group recommended that the President âmake energy security a priority of our trade and foreign policy.â 

U.S. Policy and Oil 

The recommendation was hardly a bolt from the blue, and the Republicans didnât invent the idea. The recent move of oil companies and the U.S. military into Central Asia is a case in point. It was President Bill Clinton, not George W. Bush, who crafted that strategy. It was not the Republicans who brought Halliburton and Cheney into the Caspian region, but Clinton advisor Richard Morningstar, now a John Kerry point man. 

A flood of future Bush Administration heavies followed in Cheneyâs wake. Condolezza Rice helped ChevronTexaco nail down drilling rights for Kazakhstanâs Tenez oil fields. James Baker, who pulled off Bushâs Great Florida Election steal, helped British Petroleum get into the area. 

When it comes to oil, partisan politics stop at the U.S. coastline. And if it is about oil, itâs about the Middle East. 

Oil production in the US, Mexico, and the North Sea is declining, and a recent study by the University of Uppsala in Sweden suggests reserves may be far smaller than the 18 trillion barrels the industry presently projects. If the new figure of 3.5 trillion barrels is correct, sometime between 2010 and 2020, worldwide production will begin to decline. 

Given that most oil geologists think there are few, if any, undiscovered resources left, that decline is likely to be permanent. 

So the price of oilânow $41.65 a barrel, a jump of $32 since 1997âmay not be a temporary spike. World pumping capacity is going full throttle, but a combination of economic growth, coupled with cash shortages for investment, have kept supplies tight. Only during the Iranian revolution and the Iran-Iraq War did oil cost more. 

With U.S. consumption projected to increase 1/3 over the next 20 yearsâtwo-thirds of which will be imported by 2020âthe name of the game is reserves. The bulk of those reserves lie in the Middle East. Between Saudi Arabia, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, the Gulf States control 65 percent of the worldâs reserves, or close to 600 billion barrels. In comparison, the U.S. reserves are a little under 23 billion. 

Whoever controls these reserves essentially controls the worldâs economy. Consider for a moment if the U.S. were to use its power in the Middle East and its growing influence in Central Asia to tighten oil supplies to the exploding Chinese economy. 

China presently uses only 8 percent of the worldâs oil, and accounts for 37 percent of consumption growth. 

Lest anyone think this scenari

[CTRL] Bush Calls for New Intelligence Director

2004-08-02 Thread DIG Joanne Panettieri
-Caveat Lector-

Bush Calls for New Intelligence Director
Bush Seeks New National Intelligence Chief to Advise President, First Step in Post-9/11 Reform
WASHINGTON Aug. 2, 2004 â AP
President Bush on Monday endorsed creation of a national intelligence czar and counterterrorism center his first steps in revamping the nation's intelligence-gathering system to help prevent a repeat of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. 
"We are a nation in danger," Bush said as he announced his position during an appearance with top administration national security figures in the White House Rose Garden.
Bush thus embraced, with some changes, two key recommendations of the Sept. 11 commission, which outlined lapses in intelligence that left America vulnerable to the attacks.
The bipartisan panel's most overarching recommendations in a 567-page report were for creation of a counterterrorism center, which the commission envisions as a joint operational planning and intelligence center staffed by personnel from all the spy agencies, and a national intelligence czar.
The chairman of the Sept. 11 commission, former New Jersey Gov. Thomas Kean, and former Rep. Lee Hamilton have insisted that the center and the national intelligence director position be placed in the executive office of the president to give the White House clout in dealing with all the nation's intelligence agencies. Bush said he wants them set up outside the White House.
"I don't think the person should be a member of my Cabinet," Bush said. "I will hire the preson and I can fire the person. ... I don't think that the office should be in the White House, however, I think it should be a stand-alone group to better coordinate."
Intelligence reforms to help thwart a repeat of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 took on special urgency with the announcement Sunday by authorities that they had uncovered a plot by the al-Qaida terror network to attack five prominent financial institutions in New York City, Washington and Newark, N.J.
"The work of security in this vast nation is not done," Bush said. "The elevation of the threat level in New York, New Jersey and Washington, D.C., is a serious reminder a solemn reminder of the threat we continue to face."
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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush-Cheney Campaign Headquarters: What They Don't Want You To Know

2004-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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"Nowon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date:  Sat Jul 31, 2004  8:51 am Subject:  



From: Steve Lazarus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bush-Cheney Campaign Headquarters: What They Don't Want You To Know
by Wayne Madsenhttp://fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/072704_bush_headquarters.shtml JULY 27, 2004: 1000 PDT (FTW) -- Amid a towering cluster of office buildings in northern Virginia stands a 10-story red brick and glass edifice. One of many new office buildings rising along Arlington County's growing Rosslyn-Ballston business corridor, the structure nestled at the end of a cul-de-sac at 2107 Wilson Boulevard has a special mission this year: to ensure that the Bush-Cheney administration is guaranteed another term in office.

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One of three buildings in the Colonial Place office complex, Bush-Cheney headquarters has some special features that its two neighboring buildings lack: 360 degree pan and zoom cameras that resemble street lamps and roving private security guards. The reasons for the added security are quite understandable: working at the building full time are Bush-Cheney campaign chairman Marc Racicot; Ken Mehlman, Bush-Cheney '04 campaign manager and former White House assistant to presidential counselor Karl Rove; and a host of other GOP politicos who share the building. Common sights in the driveway are the parked black SUVs and sedans, drivers always waiting at the wheel. Sporting U.S. government license plates and darkened windows, the vehicles are a sign that 2107 Wilson receives a number of high-level government officials along with their Secret Service security details.Part time employees at 2107 Wilson include George W. Bush's two twins, Jenna and Barbara (although the building is surrounded by tap rooms and bars, there have been no reports that the two girls, known for their late night drinking sprees, have patronized any of the local establishments).Absent from the building are any campaign banners or signage indicating that this is the central hub of the national Bush-Cheney campaign. But there are telltale signs that a political campaign is being waged here. Above the maze of cubicles are televisions tuned into CNN (apparently even the Bush-Cheney campaign doesn't put much faith in Fox News and its politically biased, sensationalistic reports). Tacked to the occasional cubicle is a Bush-Cheney '04 bumper sticker or sign.Yet the Bush-Cheney operation,
 with all of its security cameras and guards, does not fully appreciate the importance of operational security. While recently walking past the building on a well-traveled pedestrian sidewalk that leads to the Court House Metro station, I noticed that on the first floor, in clear view of anyone who wanted to look, were two 25-inch plasma computer screens. Both had color-coded maps of the United States. Stopping to marvel at the data being represented on the screens, I realized that one of the screens represented GOP tracking polls. In many cases, such internal political party polls - which are always highly classified - represent truer numbers than what is being reported by the national media organizations. Quickly scanning the map, I saw that the GOP numbers are a matter of serious concern. Using blue for its safe states (possibly the GOP feels that using red is too socialistic for its tastes),
 the Bush campaign sees itself in a commanding position in most of the wheat belt Prairie states, the upper Rockies, and the Bible belt South. Using yellow for toss-up states, the GOP pollsters seem particularly concerned abou t Louisiana, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Arkansas, Colorado, and North Carolina. Solid red states (in this case they are Kerry states) include the same states

[CTRL] Bush Using Drugs to Control Depression, Erratic Behavior

2004-07-28 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

>From Capitol Hill Blue

Bush Leagues
Bush Using Drugs to Control Depression, Erratic Behavior
Editor, Capitol Hill Blue
Jul 28, 2004, 08:09

President George W. Bush is taking powerful anti-depressant drugs to control his
erratic behavior, depression and paranoia, Capitol Hill Blue has learned.

The prescription drugs, administered by Col. Richard J. Tubb, the White House
physician, can impair the President's mental faculties and decrease both his
physical capabilities and his ability to respond to a crisis, administration
aides admit privately.

"It's a double-edged sword," says one aide. "We can't have him flying off the
handle at the slightest provocation but we also need a President who is alert

Angry Bush walked away from reporter's questions.
Tubb prescribed the anti-depressants after a clearly-upset Bush stormed off
stage on July 8, refusing to answer reporters' questions about his relationship
with indicted Enron executive Kenneth J. Lay.

"Keep those motherfuckers away from me," he screamed at an aide backstage. "If
you can't, I'll find someone who can."

Bush's mental stability has become the topic of Washington whispers in recent
months. Capitol Hill Blue first reported on June 4 about increasing concern
among White House aides over the President's wide mood swings and obscene

Although GOP loyalists dismissed the reports an anti-Bush propaganda, the
reports were later confirmed by prominent George Washington University
psychiatrist Dr. Justin Frank in his book Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of
the President. Dr. Frank diagnosed the President as a "paranoid meglomaniac" and
"untreated alcoholic" whose "lifelong streak of sadism, ranging from childhood
pranks (using firecrackers to explode frogs) to insulting journalists, gloating
over state executions and pumping his hand gleefully before the bombing of
Baghdad" showcase Bush's instabilities.

"I was really very unsettled by him and I started watching everything he did and
reading what he wrote and watching him on videotape. I felt he was disturbed,"
Dr. Frank said. "He fits the profile of a former drinker whose alcoholism has
been arrested but not treated."

Dr. Frank's conclusions have been praised by other prominent psychiatrists,
including Dr. James Grotstein, Professor at UCLA Medical Center, and Dr. Irvin
Yalom, MD, Professor Emeritus at Stanford University Medical School.

The doctors also worry about the wisdom of giving powerful anti-depressant drugs
to a person with a history of chemical dependency. Bush is an admitted
alcoholic, although he never sought treatment in a formal program, and stories
about his cocaine use as a younger man haunted his campaigns for Texas governor
and his first campaign for President.

"President Bush is an untreated alcoholic with paranoid and megalomaniac
tendencies," Dr. Frank adds.

The White House did not return phone calls seeking comment on this article.

Although the exact drugs Bush takes to control his depression and behavior are
not known, White House sources say they are "powerful medications" designed to
bring his erratic actions under control. While Col. Tubb regularly releases a
synopsis of the President's annual physical, details of the President's health
and any drugs or treatment he may receive are not public record and are guarded
zealously by the secretive cadre of aides that surround the President.

Veteran White House watchers say the ability to control information about Bush's
health, either physical or mental, is similar to Ronald Reagan's second term
when aides managed to conceal the President's increasing memory lapses that
signaled the onslaught of Alzheimer's Disease.

It also brings back memories of Richard Nixon's final days when the
soon-to-resign President wondered the halls and talked to portraits of former
Presidents. The stories didn't emerge until after Nixon left office.

One long-time GOP political consultant who - for obvious reasons - asked not to
be identified said he is advising his Republican Congressional candidates to
keep their distance from Bush.

"We have to face the very real possibility that the President of the United
States is loony tunes," he says sadly. "That's not good for my candidates, it's
not good for the party and it's certainly not good for the country."

© Copyright 2004 Capitol Hill Blue

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[CTRL] Bush Sending Geezers To Die For Him in Iraq

2004-07-17 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

July 18, 2004
In Iraq War, Death Also Comes to Soldiers in Autumn of Life

UGUSTA, Ga. - Master Sgt. Thomas R. Thigpen was 52 when he fell dead of a heart
attack during a touch-football game in Kuwait on March 16 - a casualty that does
not quite fit the standard template of wartime tragedy: the fresh-faced
18-year-old cut down with the promise of a full life ahead.

He was not the oldest to die since the invasion of Iraq. That would be Staff
Sgt. William D. Chaney, 59, who operated the machine gun in the door of his
unit's Black Hawk helicopters - the same job he performed in Vietnam - and died
after surgery for an intestinal problem. Sgt. Floyd G. Knighten Jr., 55, serving
in Kuwait in the same unit as his 21-year-old son, died of heat stroke while
driving a Humvee without air-conditioning across the scorching Iraqi desert.

In all, 10 soldiers age 50 or older have died in the Iraq war, some of medical
ailments that might have excluded them from earlier conflicts, others under fire
in the heat of battle. That is a small percentage of the nearly 900 American
service members who have died since the Iraq war began, but it is 10 times the
percentage of men in that age group who died in Vietnam. It is nearly as many as
those of that age who died in the entire Korean War.

And those 10 deaths, if no sadder than those of the young soldiers who never
left their teens, have created a far different, and perhaps surprising,
landscape of grief. It is a scene not of spring, but of harvest: a total of 11
grandchildren left behind, 21 decades of marriage, years of service to
communities, mortgages nearly paid off, and long careers that were already
pointed toward retirement.

"I told him, `Daddy, you're too old to be going over there like that,' " said
Liza Knighten, 57, who met her husband, whom she called Daddy, 34 years ago near
her home in the Philippines while he was in the Navy. "He told me, `I'm not too
old to fight for our country.' "

The war deaths of middle-aged soldiers are a consequence of a specific moment in
American history. With a shrinking roll of full-time soldiers and no draft to
replenish it, the nation's armed forces have had to reach deeper into the
Reserves and the National Guard, where men in their 50's typically train and
serve alongside soldiers in their teens. About 5,570 of the 275,000 American
troops in or about to leave for Iraq and Afghanistan are 50 and older, nearly
all of them members of the Guard and Reserves.

The deaths raise questions about why older men, many of them veterans and some
in obviously questionable health, are deployed to a war zone. Seven of the 10
died of heart attacks or other "nonhostile'' causes, as the Pentagon classifies
them, while three were killed in combat.

Though the Army and other service branches have mandatory retirement regulations
that can kick in anywhere from age 55 to 62, depending on a soldier's length of
service and other circumstances, there are no age limits on the battlefield. "If
you're a soldier, you're expected to be able to do your job and to go where
you're needed," said Lt. Col. Gerard Healy, an Army spokesman. "Where you're
needed is most likely to be in a combat zone.''

All members of the armed forces must pass periodic physical fitness tests -
meeting standards in push-ups, sit-ups and a two-mile run - and military
regulations require physical examinations on base at least once a year for
members of the Reserves and the Guard. But medical assessments can be
subjective: A condition like high blood pressure that would bar a new recruit
from enlistment is allowable in an experienced soldier if it can be controlled
through medication.

Most of the older soldiers understood the potential sacrifice they were being
asked to make, because many of them had faced it before, in Vietnam or the
Persian Gulf war of 1991. And if they or their families had doubts - "Let's sit
this one out," one veteran's wife urged him - those misgivings were most often
squelched with a nod to duty, country and an almost fatherly sense of
responsibility to the younger soldiers they had taught.

Sergeant Thigpen, a National Guardsman from Augusta, was to become eligible for
voluntary retirement in June 2003, but that February, his unit was called up to
serve in Iraq, pushing his retirement date back at least a year. When his wife
of 25 years, Theresa, visited him at a training camp in Indiana before he left,
"he broke down and cried," she said.

"He said, 'I don't want to, but I know I have to go.' He told me he had
19-year-olds, who he trained, crying on his shoulder, and there was no way he
could let them go by themselves."

In Shape, They Thought

His scheduled return was more than a month away, but Mrs. Thigpen, 50, had
already packed their suitcases for a Caribbean cruise when, in March, word came
of her husband's death. Now, their modest one-story 

[CTRL] Bush, “I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn’t do my job."

2004-07-17 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-


>>>At the end of the session, Bush reportedly told the group, âI trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldnât do my job<<

Bush quietly meets with Amish here; they offer their prayers
By Jack Brubaker
Lancaster New Era
 Published: Jul 16, 2004 12:55 PM EST
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LANCASTER COUNTY, PA - President Bush met privately with a group of Old Order Amish during his visit to Lancaster County last Friday. He discussed their farms and their hats and his religion.

He asked them to vote for him in November.

The Amish told the president that not all members of the church vote but they would pray

Bush had tears in his eyes when he replied. He said the president needs their prayers. He also said that having a strong belief in God is the only way he can do

This story has not been reported before. You might think an observant press follows the president everywhere, especially during a re-election campaign, but no reporter attended this

Sam Stoltzfus, an Old Order historian and writer who lives in Gordonville, spoke with a number of people present at the session with the p

He related what happened to the Scribbler, saying the Amish âcaught Bushâs

The 20-minute meeting with Bush occurred immediately after the president addressed a select audience at Lapp Electric Service in Smoketown Friday a

An Amish woman who lives on a farm across Witmer Road from Lapp Electric that morning had presented a quilt to the president with a card thanking him for his leadership of the

Bush said he would like to talk to the quilter and he

So the Secret Service invited the family to meet the president. Friends wanted to come along, and the entire assembly eventually numbered about 60. They were evenly divided between adults and children of

The group walked together across the road to Lapp

Stoltzfus reports: âIt took a while to get them through the metal detectors as these were farmers and shop men, with vice grips, pocket knives, and nuts and bolts in their pockets. Some ladies had baby gear. All pockets had to be e

When the Amish were âfound not to be a serious threat to national security,ââ they were allowed inside the office area of Lapp Electric and waited about 30 minutes for the president t

âBabies got restless. Children squirmed,ââ Stoltzfus reports. âSuddenly the president and five Secret Service men stepped into the room. One housewife said, âAre you George

The president replied in the affirmative and shook hands all around, asking the names of all. He especially thanked the âquilt frau,ââ who operates her own business selling quilts an

âHe seemed relaxed and just like an old neighbor,ââ says S

Bush said he had never met any Amish before and was curious about why the men were wearing straw hats rather than black wool hats. The Amish explained that they wear cooler straw in summer. Bush tried

The president commented on the appearance of Amish farms, and an Amish man spoke apologetically about how he and his friends were not expecting to see the president and were wearing soiled work clothes. Bush said he did not m

Another man remarked that he has twin daughters, as does Bush. The man said one of his twins had dreamed the night before that she was shaking hands with the president and now she actually had d

âOne of the young girls wanted to give Bush a whoopie pie cookie,ââ Stoltzfus says. âBush declined it. The Secret Service man took it, as presidents arenât supposed to eat unteste

At the end of the session, Bush reportedly told the group, âI trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldnât do

As the president left the room, one Amish man wished him good luck in

âThe Amish group headed back to their farms and shops,ââ reports Stoltzfus. âMothers took their children home for a nap and went back to their sewing and g

Bush moved along to an appearance in York County, leaving behind a group of Old Order admirers who have tales to tell for the rest of the

The Scribbler column runs Tuesdays and Fridays in the

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Somehow I find the image of Amish going through metal detectors amusing. I know that violence doesn't limit itself to particular people groups, but an assassination attempt by Amish? What were the SS men thinking?


Well, the Amish have had to pass through metal detectors since May of 2001 to enter the courthouse.


Q: Gandalf, What goes clip-clop...clip,clop...clip,clop...clip,clop bang,bang,bang...clip,clop...clip,clop?

A: An Amish drive-by shooting.


Time for the armless jacket and the rubber room. Is this guy for real? "god speaks through me"?

And BTW I thought Amish didn't

[CTRL] Bush on the Bus - The president's magical mystery tour through our American nigh

2004-07-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

July 16, 2004   
Bush on the Bus 
The president's magical mystery tour through our American nightmare 
by Justin Raimondo  
If Dick Cheney isn't F-you-ing Democrats on the floor of the U.S. Senate, George W. Bush is flipping off teenage boys in East Lampeter, PA, as the Bush-mobile swings through town and the residents come out to greet their sovereign Lord:

"The action got started off right when we arrived on the scene, and seven or eight teenage guys decided to 're-enact' the prison abuse scandals in Iraq by stripping down to thongs and making a human pyramid, while donning black hoods. The police officers on the scene immediately tackled them and led them out in handcuffs. It will be interesting to see how that plays out in court." 

I wonder what they're charged with: sunbathing without a permit? Illegal simulation of a Madonna music video? Now here's an antiwar movement that even Andrew Sullivan can learn to appreciate.

Oh, but these kids were just getting warmed up:

"Now comes the good part. After waiting around for about 45 minutes, the motorcade passed by us again. A few police cars, followed by a van or two, drove by. Then, a Bush/Cheney bus passed, followed by a second one going slower. At the front of this second bus was The W himself, waving cheerily at his supporters on the other side of the highway. Adam, Brendan, and I rose our banner (the More Trees, Less Bush one) and he turned to wave to our side of the road. His smile faded, and he raised his left arm in our direction. And then, George W. Bush, the 43rd president of the United States of America, extended his middle finger.

"Read that last sentence again: I got flipped off by George W. Bush."

Yes, the Bush bus tour sure is mixing it up with the masses and showing what a regular guy the president is, roughing it in the wilds of Pennsylvania, and penetrating darkest West Virginia, where, in Charleston, he was met by more of his happy subjects:

"A husband and wife who wore anti-Bush T-shirts to the president's Fourth of July appearance aren't going down without a fight: They will be represented by lawyers from the American Civil Liberties Union as they contest the trespassing charges against them Thursday morning in Charleston Municipal Court.

"Police took Nicole and Jeff Rank away in handcuffs from the event, which was billed as a presidential appearance, not a campaign rally. They were wearing T-shirts that read, 'Love America, Hate Bush.'"

Mr. and Mrs. Rank had tickets, and entered the event legally, but apparently weren't in what we call nowadays a "free speech zone" â outside of which the Constitution no longer has effect. Nicole Rank, who was working for FEMA, was told the next day that she is "no longer needed," but the couple, based in Corpus Christi, Texas, are staying in the area to fight the charges. 

The president is losing a lot of supporters: I mean, I doubt the Ranks are Republicans, but even Francis "The End of History" Fukuyama wants to see an end to George W. Bush's presidency:

"Famous academic Francis Fukuyama, one of the founding fathers of the neo-conservative movement that underlies the policies of US President George W. Bush's administration, said on July 13 that he would not vote for the incumbent in the November 2 US Presidential election.

"In addition to distancing himself from the current administration, Fukuyama told Time magazine that his old friend, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, should resign."

Once a rising young star in the neocon firmament, Fukuyama signed a 1998 letter to then President Clinton, sponsored by the Project for a New American Century, urging him to take out after Iraq, and another one shortly after 9/11, urging George W. Bush not to be distracted by Osama bin Laden when he should really be going after Iraq, Hezbollah, Syria, and the Palestinians â oh, and don't forget that "a serious and victorious war on terrorism will require a large increase in defense spending." 

But people can always change their minds â yes, even at the End of History. 

It can be pretty frustrating, living in George W. Bush's America: people are going a little crazy, in an amusing sort of way. Like the guy who â pissed off at the intrusive idiocy displayed by airport security, had some Epsilon-Minus Semi-Moron waving a wand at him and decided to just drop his trousers, then and there. He wasn't wearing any underwear.

Undergarments are so 9/10-ish â I mean, these days, you never know when you're going to be stopped and searched. So why not make it easier on Homeland Security? 

I was going to write about the Niger uranium brouhaha, a labyrinthine scandal which has lately acquired a few more layers of complexity. The issue has been revived by the release of the Senate's report â not to mention the Butler report [pdf file], over on the other side of the Pond â which supposedly debunks Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson's debunking of Iraq's alleged atte

[CTRL] Bush Should Follow Saddam Into The Dock

2004-07-05 Thread William Shannon
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Bush should follow Saddam into the dock 
07/04/2004 13:14

If Saddam Hussein is in court, why isn't Bush?
Saddam Hussein is accused of a number of crimes committed during his Presidency of Iraq. An analysis of four years of government under the Bush regime reveals some shocking parallels.

Saddam Hussein is supposed to have sent people to their deaths as President of Iraq. George Bush sent people to their deaths as Governor of Texas. 

Saddam Hussein is accused of being responsible for acts of torture committed during his presidency.

However, George Bush was President when the prison at Abu Ghraib in Baghdad was turned into a medieval torture chamber by US military personnel and George Bush is today President and the tortures continue at Guantanamo Bay. 

Who would ever have thought that a President of the United States of America would have to defend himself against accusations of torture? And more than accusations, they are fact.

Saddam Hussein is accused of committing acts of mass murder. Would these mass murders be including the need to put down armed insurrection inside his own country after the United States had interfered, financed and armed the insurgents/terrorists? And is George W. Bush not responsible, as Commander in Chief of his country's Armed Forces, for the ten thousand civilian deaths during this illegal war, including one thousand children? Is George W. Bush not responsible for the mutilation of thirty-five thousand people, their legs and arms and faces and futures blown away by his Armed Forces? Is George W. Bush not responsible for the cluster bombs deployed in civilian areas or the Depleted Uranium munitions which left swathes of Iraqi territory radio-active?

Does George W. Bush think he can target civilian infra-structures with precision weaponry, destroy sewage and water and electricity supply systems, hand the contracts without tender to his friend Richard Cheney and walk free?

Are the United States and the international community not ultimately responsible for millions of deaths inside the Iraq that Saddam Hussein was trying to govern, his task made impossible just because he refused to allow the Americans access to control his economy?

Saddam Hussein is accused of attacking three neighbouring countries. However, how convenient it is to forget that Saudi Arabia was attacked in a very small incursion during the First Gulf War and Iran was attacked with the full blessing and support of Washington. Rumsfeld even went to Baghdad to pat Saddam on the back and shake his hand, although later he had difficulty in remembering what he had done.

And was the invasion of Kuwait not due to the Kuwaiti authorities performing acts of cross-drilling, stealing Iraq's oil? And was this invasion also not due to a need to defend Iraq's economy because Kuwait had been told by Washington (as a provocation) to reduce its oil prices? And was Kuwait not warned several times by Iraq that it was ruining Iraq's economy and that the only way out was war? Did the international community listen to Baghdad? No.

It did not. Washington had created the monster by arming Iraq to the teeth and decided to launch phase two, which was substituting Saudi Arabia by Iraq as its strategic base in its attempt to take a stranglehold of the resources in the Middle East and in Central Asia and sit on Iraq's vast oil wealth.

On the subject of illegal invasions, did George Bush not commit the same crime he accuses Saddam Hussein of, in attacking Iraq outside the UN Charter? This invasion was based on lies, bullying, blackmail, cajoling, forgery. Where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction? Did the Bush regime not show maquettes of models with satellite photos, complete with arrows and affirmations like "We know where they are"? So, where are they?

Saddam Hussein is accused of using chemical weapons against the Curds. Who sold them to him and what type were they? Did Washington say anything when gas was used to stop the Iranian army breaking through? Is Depleted Uranium not a form of chemical weapon? Is the act of dropping cluster bombs into housing estates any better?

Or is George W. Bush, President of the United States of America, nothing more than a barefaced liar, as well as a mass murderer and a war criminal? 

In which case, why isn't he in the dock alongside his country's former buddy and comrade in arms, Saddam Hussein?

Or is George Bush above the law just because he was born in the US of A? Welcome to freedom and democracy, winning hearts and minds by blasting the legs off six-year-old kids playing in their back yard, in their city, in their country. And the crime goes unpunished?

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

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[CTRL] Bush Family Company signed by President's Great Grandfather - 1920's

2004-07-03 Thread Kris Millegan
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Bush Family Company signed by President's Great Grandfather - 1920's Channel: Antiques
Dealer: Scripophily
Contact: Bob Kerstein
Email Dealer

Dealer accepts: American Express, Master Card, Visa, Personal Check, Money Order, Wire Transfer, PayPal
 Price: $69.95 USD  - Currency Converter

Shipping inside United States: $4.25
Shipping outside United States: $9.25

Description: Beautifully engraved historic Certificate from The Buckeye Steel Castings Company issued no later than 1927. This historic document was printed by the Edwards and Franklin Company and has an ornate border around it with the name of the company in fancy print. This item is hand signed by Samuel Prescott Bush as its President and is over 76 years old. The certificate has cancellations through the signature to acknowledge redemption of the stock.
The Buckeye Steel Castings Company was incorporated in 1894 as The Buckeye Malleable Iron & Coupler Company. They changed thie name in 1908. They manufactured steel car couplers for trains, truck bodies, bolsters, truck fenders, yokes, etc. Their annual out at the time this certificate was issued was approximately 100,000 tons.

Discussed on CNBC by Bob Kerstein Buckeye Steel filed for bankruptcy reorganization Dec. 20,2002 along with its parent company, Buckeye Holdings Inc. It has been out of operation since Oct. 15, 2002 after its lenders refused to extend its credit facility. The company was forced to lay off about 700 workers without pay while it searched for a buyer.
Samuel P. Bush ( Samuel Prescott Bush b. 1863. d. 1948) was the President of the Buckeye Steel Castings Co. in Columbus, Ohio, makers of railcar parts from 1907 - 1927. His entire career had been in the railroad business-- supplying equipment to the Wall Street-owned railroad systems. Samuel Prescott Bush, was a close adviser to President Hoover. Samuel P. Bush was also the first president of the National Association of Manufacturers. Samuel Prescott Bush was a member of the Stevens Institute of Technology class of 1884. Bush was on the varsity football and baseball teams, and belonged to the tennis club and served a term as a director of the Stevens Athletic Association, all while earning his bachelor's degree. In the early 1890s, Bush assisted Ohio State football coach Jack Ryder and helped organize an amateur baseball league in Columbus - - he played second base on the Pennsylvania Railroad Columbus Shop team. In 1892 he and two others organized one of Columbus's first tennis clubs. Later, as a charter member of the Scioto Country Club in that city, he chaired the club's golf- course construction committee. Bush, who died in 1948, was a noted industrialist -- railroads and steel were his businesses -- who also performed extensive civic and community service. Stevens recognized that service in 1947 by awarding him an honorary - degree of doctor of engineering. Samuel is the Grandfather of President Bush, the Father of Prescott S. Bush (Prescott Bush, was a senator and the tallest man in the Senate for many years) and the Great Grandather of George W. Bush. Samuel married Flora Sheldon, daughter of Robert Emmet Sheldon and Mary Elizabeth Butler, on 20 Jun 1894 in Columbus, OH. We donated Buckeye Steel Castings Certificates signed by Samuel Prescott Bush to the Bush Family Library. Below is a copy of the letter we received from President Bush:
Below is the family tree of President George W. Bush: Great Grand Parents Samuel Prescott Bush, b. Brick Church, N.J., 4 Oct. 1863, living Franklin Co., Ohio, 1920, d. Columbus, Ohio, 8 Feb. 1948 m. Columbus, Ohio, 20 June 1894 Flora Sheldon, b. Franklin Co., Ohio, 17 Mar. 1872, living with husband Franklin Co., Ohio, 1920, d. "Watch Hill", R.I., 4 Sept. 1920 Grand Parents Prescott Sheldon Bush, b. Columbus, Ohio, 15 May 1895, living in St. Louis, Mo., in 1920, U.S. Senator from 1952 to 1963, d. New York, N.Y., 8 Oct. 1972 m. Kennebunkport, Maine, 6 Aug. 1921 Dorothy Walker, b. near Walker's Point, York Co., Me., 1 July 1901, living with parents St. Louis, Mo., 1920, d. Greenwich, Conn., 19 Nov. 1992 Parents George Herbert Walker Bush, b. Milton, Mass., 12 June 1924, U.S. Vice President from 1981 to 1989, U.S. President from 1989 to 1993 m. Rye, N.Y., 6 Jan. 1945 Barbara Pierce, b. Rye, N.Y., 8 June 1925 President George Walker Bush, b. New Haven, Conn., 6 July 1946, Governor of Texas, m. Glass Memorial Chapel, First United Memorial Church, Midland, Texas, 5 Nov. 1977, Laura Welch, b. Midland, Texas, 4 Nov. 1946, dau. of Harold Bruce Welch and Jenna Louise Hawkins Buckeye Steel's history: 1881 Murray-Hayden - manufacturing malleable iron products 1883 Munsen Hayden - Murray sells to Munsen 1886 Buckeye Malleable Company In 1891 Buckeye Automatic Car Coupler Company formed using Buckeye Malleable Company's castings 1894 Buckeye Malleable Iron and Coupler Company formed from the merger of Buckeye Malleable Company and Buckeye Automatic Car Coupler Company. 1902 Buckeye 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush and Hitler: What The 'Torture Memos' Reveal

2004-06-27 Thread Kris Millegan
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This article appears in the July 2, 2004 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

Bush and Hitler: What The 'Torture Memos' Revealby Edward Spannaus

In the Spring of 1941, as Nazi Germany was preparing to invade the Soviet Union, Adolf Hitler issued an infamous edict which has become known as the "Commissar Order," to govern the conduct of German armed forces on the Eastern Front. This order provides a largely-unnoticed precedent for the "legal" rationalizations found in a number of hitherto-secret Bush Administration legal memoranda, which have recently come to light.
As is documented in William L. Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Hitler outlined this policy during a meeting with the heads of the three armed services and key army field commanders early in March 1941: "The war against Russia will be such that it cannot be conducted in a knightly fashion. This struggle is one of ideologies and racial differences and will have to be conducted with unprecedented, unmerciful, and unrelenting harshness. All officers will have to rid themselves of obsolete ideologies German soldiers guilty of breaking international law will be excused. Russia has not participated in the Hague Convention and therefore has no rights under it."
On May 13, 1941, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, the head of the Armed Forces High Command, issued an order in Hitler's name, severely limiting functions of the military courts martial system, and virtually giving immunity to German forces for war crimes against Russians: "With regard to offenses committed against enemy civilians by members of the Wehrmacht, prosecution is not obligatory, even where the deed is at the same time a military crime or offense." Yhe army was explicitly instructed to go easy on any such German offenders, "remembering in each case all the harm done to Germany since 1918 by the 'Bolsheviki.' "
Underlying such orders was the legal philosophy set forward by the "Crown Jurist of the Third Reich," Carl Schmitt, whose writings have unfortunately undergone a revival in the United States in recent years. Schmitt contended that, in times of emergency and crisis, the actions of the Leader were not subordinate to justice, but constituted the "highest justice." In passages which remind one of the legal defenses of "necessity" and "self-defense" posed by John Ashcroft's Justice Department (DOJ) today, Schmitt wrote: "All law is derived from the people's right to existence. Every state law, every judgment of the courts, contains only so much justice, as it derives from this source. The content and the scope of his action, is determined only by the Leader himself."
'A New Kind of War'
President George W. Bush's counsel, Alberto Gonzales, addressed a memorandum to the President on Jan. 25, 2002, about four months into the "war of terrorism." Gonzales noted that Bush had called the war against terrorism "a new kind of war," which "renders obsolete" and "quaint" some of the provisions of the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war. And Gonzales warned the President that he and other officials stood in potential danger of being prosecuted for war crimes; he suggested steps that could be taken by Bush to set up "a solid defense to any future prosecution"¡Xmost importantly, to declare that the Geneva Convention did not apply to the war against Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.
Jan. 9, 2002: The alarm as to possible war crimes prosecutions was sounded by John Yoo, a Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Justice DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC)¡Xa traditional haunt of right-wing ideologues in times of Republican administrations.
Yoo and Robert Delahunty pulled together the arguments for ignoring international treaties and laws, in a 42-page draft memorandum addressed to Department of De

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush, The Hinckleys and the Assasination Attempt ...

2004-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan
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In a message dated 6/13/04 5:53:21 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The Bush family keeps getting away with robbery, violence,mayhem and
murder.How is it the American people don't see this and they continue to
allow the Bush's and the Illuminati to screw them over BIG TIME??? It's like
the people of the whole American Nation are under major mind control.

when kids are citing the pledge dailygrowing up to think America is blessed by God above all other nations that others hate us because of our goodness, our wealthetc etc...

I can see how they are easily brainwashed to see the world as us and them...not all one species .  And then you get the fear angle.like with a 911..fear will traumatize the mind enough so that people look for security over freedom... 

the same goes on in all nations...it is easy to set up people to have fears and hatreds towards each other... and get them to fight when it serves a larger purpose...unknown to the masses.

so you have the absolute truth and the relative truth...absolute being everything is a manipulation... and the relative truth...is that there are really wars and violence and hatreds out there.

people need to see the matrix from the outsideas an observer...not as a pawn from the inside.

Please let us stay on topic and be civil.-Home Page- www.cia-drugs.org 

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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush, The Hinckleys and the Assasination Attempt on "The Gipper"

2004-06-13 Thread Kris Millegan
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Conspiracy Brutha Vince" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]...> Date:  Sat Jun 12, 2004  5:29 pm Subject:  Bush, The Hinckleys and the Assasination Attempt on "The Gipper"
CONSPIRACY BRUTHA'S CORNERhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/ConspiracyBruthasCorner

Click to subscribe to openmindandcodenews 
**When Questioned, Bush Sr said he had never met the Hinckleys.. Turned outthat not only did he KNOW the hinckleys, but Neil Bush was to have dinnerthat night with John Hinckley's brother but cancelled at the last minute!and youre not supposed to question crap like this?? pueaze
Bush 41 And The ReaganAssassination Attempt
By Michael Shore[EMAIL PROTECTED]...6-9-4
George Bush Sr., who was President Reagan's Vice President, was really the"President" during most of Reagan's term in office, especially after thefailed assassination attempt carried out by John Hinkley Jr.. What nevercame out in the corporate controlled media is that the Bush family and theHinkley family were good friends. Bush Sr. and John Hinkley Sr. were bothoil men.John Hinkley Sr.helped raise funds for Bush Sr's unsuccessfulattempt to wrest the Republican nomination for President fromReagan...pretty far out!!!
John Hinkley Jr. allegedly fired the shots at Reagan that almost got BushSr. into the Presidency before Bush Sr. was eventually elected President.Thebullet that entered Reagan's body came within ONE INCH of hitting Reagan'sheart. Bush Sr.was literally a heartbeat away from becoming the President ofthe USA.
On the night after the assassination attempt, Scott Hinkley, John HinkleyJr's brother was scheduled to have dinner with Neil Bush, who is VicePresident Bush Sr's son. They intelligently canceled the dinner after someof the media picked up on this story.
Would a father sacrifice his son to help achieve the Illuminati agenda? Thislooks like a good possibility in this case. Members of connected groups tothe Illuminati are out to kill millions and possibly billions of innocenthuman beings, so to sacrifice a son for the "cause" is nothing major forthese sick individuals. John Hinkley Jr.appears to be suffering from majormind control that is an Illuminati specialty.The ridiculous reason given ofwhy John Jr. did the "deed" because of his infatuation with actress JodyFoster makes no sense at all, unless this was the inside trigger used forJohn's mind to act on cue and shoot Reagan.
The white wash investigation and trial of John Hinkley never asked anyquestions relating to the Bush/Hinkley family relationship Wouldn't it beinteresting to find out if Bush Sr. was involved in the Regan failedassassination attempt??? Just ask "who benefited if Reagan was successfullyassassinated?" and George Bush Sr. is at the top of the list!!!
After this event Reagan was in no condition to run the country, so he just"acted" as president, when in fact, according to many reports, Bush Sr. wasthe decision making President in the White House. So some of the informationprovided in the article titled "Planet Reagan" on Rense.com could really belooked at being about Bush Sr's relationship with Saddam Hussein and OssamaBin Laden and not Reagan's..
Also it was Bush Sr. who was heavily involved in the Iran Contra scandal andthe Savings and Loan scandal One of the possible main reasons Bush Sr.started the first Gulf War was to divert attention away from he and hisson's involvement in the savings and loan scandal, which was a theft of over$500,000,000,000 {five hundred billion dollars}. Only one person actuallywent to jail for this h

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush Ducks Question About Torture UH..I DON'T RECALL Reagan Revisited

2004-06-12 Thread Kris Millegan
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Jay Shaft/EDITOR CFTM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date:  Fri Jun 11, 2004  1:41 pm Subject:  

Bush Sidesteps Question About Torture
By LARA JAKES JORDANAssociated Press Writer
Jun 11, 2004

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The State Department warned the White House two years ago that rejecting international standards against torture when dealiing with detainees could put U.S. troops at risk.
A department memo from Feb. 2, 2002, surfaced Thursday as President Bush said he ordered U.S. officials to follow the law while interrogating suspected terrorists. Bush sidestepped an opportunity to denounce the use of torture.
"What I've authorized is that we stay within U.S. law," Bush told reporters at the close of the G-8 summit in Georgia.
Asked whether torture is ever justified, Bush replied, "Look, I'm going to say it one more time. ... The instructions went out to our people to adhere to law. That ought to comfort you."
The memo followed recommendations from the Justice Department advising the president he could suspend international treaties prohibiting torture. It warned that failing to apply the Geneva Conventions to detainees from the war in Afghanistan - whether al-Qaida or Taliban - would put U.S. troops at risk.
"A decision that the conventions do not apply to the conflict in Afghanistan in which our armed forces are engaged deprives our troops there of any claim to the protection of the convention in the event they are captured," State Department legal adviser William H. Taft IV wrote in the 2002 memo to presidential counsel.
Furthermore, refusing Geneva standards to detainees "weakens protections afforded by the conventions to our troops in future conflicts," Taft wrote. The Associated Press obtained a copy of the memo.
The Justice Department also told the White House that U.S. laws against torture do not apply to the fight against terrorism. The department memos say torture "may be justified" against al-Qaida detainees in U.S. custody abroad and laws and treaties barring torture could be trumped by the president's supreme authority to act as necessary in wartime.
Bush said Thursday he does not recall seeing any of the Justice Department advice.
Democrats say that by suggesting that Bush could legally authorize torture, the memos would have lain the legal foundation for Iraqi prisoner abuses at Abu Ghraib prison.
In its memo, the State Department also advised that following Geneva standards "demonstrates that the United States bases its conduct not just on its policy preferences, but on its international legal obligations."
Five days after the State Department memo was written, Bush decided the Geneva Conventions apply to Taliban prisoners but not to captured al-Qaida terrorists.
The Bush administration has said that even though it does not believe the Geneva Conventions apply to prisoners in the war on terror, it has complied with the treaty's guidelines.
© 2004 The Associated Press
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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush dynasty ex-wife set to spill the beans

2004-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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Bush dynasty ex-wife set to spill the beans
By Steve Bloomfield and Sophie Goodchild
30 May 2004 

A new book on the Bush dynastyis set for release just six weeks before November's knife-edge presidential election. The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty by Kitty Kelley will have an initial print run of 500,000, and the main source is believed to be Sharon Bush, the ex-wife of Neil, President George W Bush's wayward brother.
Kelley, whose unauthorised biographies of Frank Sinatra, Jackie Onassis and the British Royal Family have told tales of affairs, electric-shock treatment and more affairs, has turned her attention to America's first family.
The book could be the most damaging yet for the President, with the publishers, Random House, promising it will "cause controversy". __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

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[CTRL] Bush Graffiti Revealed

2004-05-31 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

"I must blast Saddam to Hell.

The reason why, I cannot tell.

But this I know, and know full well,

I must blast Saddam to Hell."

(With apologies toTom Brown's "Dr Fell".)

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Bush White House checked with rapture Christians before latest Israel move

2004-05-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush White House checked with rapture Christians before latest Israel move
The Jesus Landing Pad
by Rick Perlstein
May 18th, 2004 10:00 AMIn Focus: George W. Bush 

t was an e-mail we weren't meant to see. Not for our eyes were the notes that showed White House staffers taking two-hour meetings with Christian fundamentalists, where they passed off bogus social science on gay marriage as if it were holy writ and issued fiery warnings that "the Presidents [sic] Administration and current Government is engaged in cultural, economical, and social struggle on every level"âthis to a group whose representative in Israel believed herself to have been attacked by witchcraft unleashed by proximity to a volume of Harry Potter. Most of all, apparently, we're not supposed to know the National Security Council's top Middle East aide consults with apocalyptic Christians eager to ensure American policy on Israel conforms with their sectarian doomsday scenarios. 

But now we know. 

"Everything that you're discussing is information you're not supposed to have," barked Pentecostal minister Robert G. Upton when asked about the off-the-record briefing his delegation received on March 25. Details of that meeting appear in a confidential memo signed by Upton and obtained by the Voice. 

The e-mailed meeting summary reveals NSC Near East and North African Affairs director Elliott Abrams sitting down with the Apostolic Congress and massaging their theological concerns. Claiming to be "the Christian Voice in the Nation's Capital," the members vociferously oppose the idea of a Palestinian state. They fear an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza might enable just that, and they object on the grounds that all of Old Testament Israel belongs to the Jews. Until Israel is intact and David's temple rebuilt, they believe, Christ won't come back to earth. 

Abrams attempted to assuage their concerns by stating that "the Gaza Strip had no significant Biblical influence such as Joseph's tomb or Rachel's tomb and therefore is a piece of land that can be sacrificed for the cause of peace." 

Three weeks after the confab, President George W. Bush reversed long-standing U.S. policy, endorsing Israeli sovereignty over parts of the West Bank in exchange for Israel's disengagement from the Gaza Strip. 

In an interview with the Voice, Upton denied having written the document, though it was sent out from an e-mail account of one of his staffers and bears the organization's seal, which is nearly identical to the Great Seal of the United States. Its idiosyncratic grammar and punctuation tics also closely match those of texts on the Apostolic Congress's website, and Upton verified key details it recounted, including the number of participants in the meeting ("45 ministers including wives") and its conclusion "with a heart-moving send-off of the President in his Presidential helicopter." 

Upton refused to confirm further details. 

Affiliated with the United Pentecostal Church, the Apostolic Congress is part of an important and disciplined political constituency courted by recent Republican administrations. As a subset of the broader Christian Zionist movement, it has a lengthy history of opposition to any proposal that will not result in what it calls a "one-state solution" in Israel. 

The White House's association with the congress, which has just posted a new staffer in Israel who may be running afoul of Israel's strict anti-missionary laws, also raises diplomatic concerns. 

The staffer, Kim Hadassah Johnson, wrote in a report obtained by the Voice, "We are establishing the Meet the Need Fund in Israelâ'MNFI.' . . . The fund will be an Interest Free Loan Fund that will enable us to loan funds to new believers (others upon application) who need assistance. They will have the opportunity to repay the loan (although it will not be mandatory)." When that language was read to Moshe Fox, minister for public and interreligious affairs at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, he responded, "It sounds against the law which prohibits any kind of money or material [inducement] to make people convert to another religion. That's what it sounds like." (Fox's judgment was e-mailed to Johnson, who did not return a request for comment.) 

The Apostolic Congress dates its origins to 1981, when, according to its website, "Brother Stan Wachtstetter was able to open the door to Apostolic Christians into the White House." Apostolics, a sect of Pentecostals, claim legitimacy as the heirs of the original church because they, as the 12 apostles supposedly did, baptize converts in the name of Jesus, not in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Ronald Reagan bore theological affinities with such Christians because of his belief that the world would end in a fiery Armageddon. Reagan himself referenced this belief explicitly a half-dozen times during his presidency. 

While the language of apocalyptic Chri

[CTRL] Bush Installing Veteran Intriguer As Iraqi ‘Dictator’

2004-05-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush Installing Veteran Intriguer As Iraqi âDictatorâ

Despite having played key diplomatic roles during the Vietnam War, the Iran-Contra scandal, the creation of NAFTA and the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq, very little is known about John Negroponte, the man who will be the âde facto governor-general of Iraq.â


By Christopher Bollyn


John Dimitri Negroponte (above), U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, will become ambassador to Iraq on June 30. Negroponte, a controversial figure who has served 37 years in the foreign service, will replace Presidential Envoy to Iraq L. Paul Bremer as the administrationâs point man in Baghdad. 

âHeâll hold the title of ambassador, but heâs really being appointed de facto governor-general of Iraq because the U.S. is going to retain a lot of authority,â Ted Galen Carpenter of the Washington-based Cato Institute said about Negroponteâs appointment.

Negroponte, who was hastily confirmed as U.S. ambassador to the UN one week after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, was recently rushed through another confirmation process to become U.S. ambassador to Iraq. On April 19, President George W. Bush nominated Negroponte to head the massive U.S. mission in Baghdad with some 3,000 employees. On May 6 he was confirmed by a vote of 95 to 3 in the Senate.

Colin Powell, secretary of state, is a member of the controversial Council on Foreign Relations, as is Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) said there âis no better candidate to represent the United States in Iraq than Ambassador Negroponte,â according to Voice of America news. 

âHe understands the gravity of the situation and its complexity,â Lugar said. âHe does not have a doctrinaire point of view, but clearly recognizes the political realities in Iraq, in this country, and in our international relations.â

Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) was among the three voices in the Senate who opposed Negroponte because of the controversy surrounding his actions in Honduras where he served as ambassador from 1981to 1985.

âMr. Negroponte showed a callous disregard for human rights abuses throughout his tenure as U.S. ambassador to Honduras,â said Harkin. 

In light of the damage done to its credibility in the Middle East as a result of the torture and abuse of Iraqi detainees, Harkin said the United States cannot afford to have an ambassador with a questionable human rights record.

The Washington-based Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA) has followed Negroponteâs record in Honduras and called him an âarch authoritarianâ with âprofound moral derelictionsâ in a press release issued during the recent Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirmation hearings. 

âAs a would-be harbinger of democracy to Iraq, it would be little more than a cruel joke to pretend that [Negroponte] had a bone of democratic rectitude to him,â COHA wrote.

âOur hostility and criticism is centered on his record in Honduras,â Larry Birns, director of COHA, told American Free Press. Negroponte is an âauthoritarian personality,â Birns said, who âtenaciously works for the administration of the day unburdened by any lasting principles.â

Asked about Negroponteâs flaws, Birns said: âHe lied and deceived Congress saying he knew nothing about the death squads.â

COHA wrote:

âThe central fact to the Negroponte story is that he misled Congress . . . about his complicity in helping to cover up his knowledge and direct personal involvement in the training, equipping and distracting attention from the heinous acts of Battalion 316, the Honduran death squad, which at the time of Negroponteâs residence in Honduras was responsible for the murder of almost 200 Honduran dissidents.â

In 1995, The Baltimore Sun published an extensive investigation of U.S. activities in Honduras during the period Negroponte served as ambassador. The paperâs investigation found that the CIA and U.S. embassy knew of the abuses but continued to support Battalion 316 and ensured the embassyâs annual human rights report did not reveal the truth. 

Despite his âsordid human rights record,â Negroponteâs appointment to serve as U.S. ambassador to the UN was hastily confirmed in the immediate aftermath of the attacks of 9-11 without the âwithering cross-examinationâ he would have otherwise faced.

Negroponte played a key role in getting the leaders of Mexico and Chile to fire their respective ambassadors to the UN because they opposed Negroponteâs position on Iraq, according to COHA. 

During the run-up to the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq, Negroponte accused Iraq of violating UN resolutions by obtaining weapons of mass destruction. Despite the fact that Negroponte conspired in an illegal invasion, a crime under international law, and that no evidence of banned weapons has been found in Iraq to validate Negroponteâs all

[CTRL] Bush nominates secretive archivist

2004-05-01 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-


A Controversial Choice for the Position of Archivist of the United States:
Part of the Bush Administration's Secrecy Strategy?

Friday, Apr. 23, 2004

On April 8, the U. S. Senate received the President's nomination for a new
Archivist of the United States -- historian Allen Weinstein. For most
Americans, this is an obscure post. But the Weinstein nomination has rightly
been gathering increasing attention.

Indeed, within the archival and historical communities, the nomination has
sent sirens screaming and bells clanging. No fewer than nine professional
organizations that deal with government records have expressed concern --
faulting Weinstein for his excessive secrecy.

As I have argued in my latest book, President Bush has had a problem with
excessive secrecy for quite awhile. As Governor of Texas, he made sure to
block any later access to his gubernatorial records. As President, he has
tried to seal off the government from scrutiny in numerous ways.

Such secrecy is not a partisan matter. Rather, it is an issue of good
government versus bad government -- and secrecy smells of bad government.

Why is President Bush so eager to switch archivists? Bruce Craig of the
National Coalition for History explains http://hnn.us/comments/33519.html
that the Administration is likely motivated both by "the sensitive nature of
certain presidential and executive department records expected to be opened
in the near future," and also by "genuine concern in the White House that
the president may not be re-elected."

Craig also notes that "in January 2005, the first batch of records (the
mandatory 12 years of closure having passed) relating to the president's
father's administration will be subject to the Presidential Records Act
(PRA) and could be opened."

Finally, Craig (like many others) also reports that there is White House
concern about the release of the 9/11 Commission records.

Bush's Earlier Texas Trick To Hide His Gubernatorial Records

Texas has one of the nation's strongest public information laws. But
Governor Bush wanted to keep his papers secret anyway. Accordingly, in 1997,
he sought and obtained a change in Texas law to help him do so.

The new law allows the governor to select a site for his papers other than
the Texas State Library -- as long as it is in Texas. But the governor must
first consult with the state's library and archives commission to make
certain any alternative arrangement satisfied the state's open access law.

When Bush became president-elect, however, he simply sent his papers and
records with no consultation whatsoever to his father's presidential library
at Texas A&M University -- known as the most secretive of all the existing
presidential libraries.

The result was, in effect, to federalize the papers and records, placing
them in a legal limbo where no one could have access. Bush Senior's
presidential library is run by the Federal Government -- specifically, the
National Archives And Records Administration (NARA).

But Peggy Rudd, Director and Librarian of the Texas State Library and
Archives Commission, refused to accept Bush's designation of his father's
library as the repository for his papers. Eventually, she procured a ruling
by the Texas attorney general, making Bush's gubernatorial papers subject to
the Texas Public Information Act -- whereupon they were sent to Austin for

Soon, however, Texas Governor Perry -- Bush's friend and hand-picked
successor -- and the new attorney general found new exceptions in the
state's information law that they claim give them the keys to the relevant
filing cabinets. Good luck to those seeking access.

Now it appears Bush is doing what he did in Texas, on a national level.

Gutting the 1978 Presidential Records Act

This effort began on November 1, 2001, when Bush issued Executive Order
13233. The Executive Order drew loud objections from not only historians
http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20011128/ and archivists
http://www.archivists.org/statements/stephenhorn.asp , but also members of
Congress -- who were highly critical of the Order in hearings. In the end,
however, the Republican leaders quelled the grumbling, and Congress took no

The Executive Order gutted prior law -- specifically, the 1978 Presidential
Records Act. The Order granted all former presidents, as well as any persons
selected by them, an unprecedented authority to invoke executive privilege
to block release of their records. In addition, it granted the power to
invoke executive privilege to present and former vice-presidents as well.

Moreover, it shifts the burden to the requester to establish why he or she
seeks the presidential records. (In contrast, the 1978 law properly put the
burden on the former president who seeks to withhold them.) And Bush's Order
empowers a current president to block release of a former president's
records even when the former president

[CTRL] Bush 'stole' the presidential election: Cherie

2004-04-28 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

Bush 'stole' the presidential election: Cherie

PTI[ SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 2004 08:20:21 PM ]

LONDON : In a forthright view that is likely to embarrass her husband, Cherie Blair, wife of Prime Minister Tony Blair, is reported to have observed that George W Bush "stole" the US presidential election from Al Gore.
 "Cherie Blair still believed that Bush had stolen the White House from Gore," author Philip Stephens wrote in his book "Tony Blair: The Making of a World Leader. "
 Although Tony Blair was pragmatic about Bush's victory, Mrs Blair was far less sanguine about the Supreme Court decision that gave him the keys to the White House.
 She believed Al Gore had been "robbed" of the presidency and was hostile to the idea of her husband "cosying" up to the new President.
 Even as they flew to Washington for their first meeting with the presidential couple, Mrs Blair was in no mood to curry favour, the book stated.
 The book's disclosures of Mrs Blair's forthright views will cause embarrassment in Downing Street, because of Blair's good working relations with Bush, and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, although they will not surprise officials or ministers who know her well.


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[CTRL] Bush Stashes WMD in Iraq

2004-04-21 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

April 21, 2004
Charade in the Sands
Bush Stashes WMD in Iraq

"I thought it was very interesting that Charlie Duelfer, -- he's the head of the Iraqi Survey Group -- reported some interesting findings from his recent tour there. And one of the things was, he was amazed at how deceptive the Iraqis had been toward UNMOVIC and UNSCOM; deceptive in hiding things. We knew they were hiding things -- a country that hides something is a country that is afraid of getting caught. And that was part of our calculation. Charlie confirmed that. He also confirmed that Saddam had a -- the ability to produce biological and chemical weapons. In other words, he was a danger." 

President George Bush, April 13 Press Conference

"Even knowing what I know today about the stockpiles of weapons, I still would have called upon the world to deal with Saddam Hussein. See, I happen to believe that we'll find out the truth on the weapons. That's why we've sent up the independent commission. I look forward to hearing the truth, exactly where they are. They could still be there. They could be hidden." 

Bush 4-13-04

"But it will all settle out, John. We'll find out the truth about the weapons at some point in time." 

Bush 4-13-04

It is difficult enough trying to unravel the current set of White House fabrications without having to anticipate the next wave of lies bubbling up to the surface.

It's a full time job.

In this case it seems that critical clues in the Bush Press Conference may have been passed over without proper scrutiny because so much attention was devoted to the 9-11 investigation and the continuing turmoil in Iraq.

The President's quotes (above) however, imply that there could possibly be a major development regarding the missing WMD's in the very near future.

A careful reading of the text shows Bush trying, once again, to prove that Saddam was skillful at "hiding things" and a "master of deception."

At the same time, Bush demonstrates surprising confidence that after a year's time, we will "find out the truth about the weapons."

Why the sudden burst of confidence?

Does Bush know something we don't know?

"The President's self assurance is conspicuous in his final remark, "But it will all settle out, John. We'll find out the truth about the weapons at some point in time."

Again, how is it that after 1,400 weapons inspectors have spent a full year searching for any trace of the phantom weapons, and the President's own man (David Kay) has filed a detailed report that such weapons never existed during the 1990's, Mr. Bush is still brimming with confidence?


Bush's comments probably would have passed unnoticed if it wasn't for recent reports that suggest that the Administration may be planting weapons in Iraq right now. Certainly, the present chaos would provide the necessary cover for smuggling in the weapons and hiding them in a believable location.

An article by Professor Ira Chernus that appeared in Common Dreams said that, " U.S. forces secretly unloading parts for long range missiles in Southern Iraq."

He continues by saying, "Mehr News Agency has discovered, through a source in the Iraq Governing Council, that the U.S. has been secretly unloading parts for long range missiles in Southern Iraq. It seems as though "ordinary cargo ships were used to download the cargo, which consisted of weapons produced in the 1980's and 1990's." It also appears that the weapons being unloaded are weapons that the "U.S. obtained through confiscations during banned arms sales over the past two decades." According to the Mehr News Agency's source, "the parts are old ones, just like the kind the U.S. gave to Saddam Hussein in the 1980's."

Another article states that the weapons parts are being transported around Iraq in crates marked Maersk in trucks with fake Jordanian license plates. Apparently, a member of the Iraqi Governing Council discovered what was going on and contacted an Iranian news service.

Of course, all of this sounds very "conspiratorial." The only thing that makes it seem at all believable is that the charade is being carried out by the Bush Administration, whose record of misleading the public is already impressive. Hiding WMD would just be one more in a long list of deceptions.

No one would be the least surprised if Bush and his cadres were pushing missals into the dessert sands right now; in fact, we'd be surprised if they weren't.   
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[CTRL] Bush Blows It Again

2004-04-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush Blows It Again
by Charley Reese

President George W. Bush continues to mislead the American people as to the cause of terrorism directed against the United States.

This week he guaranteed that more Americans will die from terrorist attacks due to his stabbing the Palestinians in the back. He has from the beginning acted as if he were a ventriloquist's dummy and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon were the ventriloquist.

He proved it again by buying into Sharon's scheme to steal great globs of Palestinian land in the West Bank, and by arrogantly denying the right of Palestinian refugees to return home or be compensated. Israel has no legal right to the land occupied by settlements; the whole world recognizes this and has for decades. The United States used to recognize it until Bush decided to kiss the most ample part of Sharon's anatomy.

How dare George Bush tell Palestinian refugees, ethnically cleansed in 1947-48 and again in 1967, that they have no rights? What unmitigated gall and arrogance he shows, what contempt for the Palestinians and indeed for the whole Muslim world. When did God give George Bush the power to abolish the human rights of other people?

It's no wonder he has to lie through his teeth to try to explain terrorism. We are not victims of terrorism because terrorists hate us or democracy or freedom. We are victims of terrorism because George Bush's policies inflict grievous harm on Palestinians, on Afghans and on Iraqis.

One hates to say it, but Osama bin Laden makes more sense than Bush. If you doubt the role of our support for Israel's brutalizing Palestine in causing terrorism, listen to what bin Laden says:

"The greatest rule of safety is justice, and stopping injustice and aggression. It was said: Oppression kills the oppressors, and the hotbed of injustice is evil. The situation in occupied Palestine is an example. What happened on 11 September and 11 March (the Madrid bombings) is your commodity returned to you."

In plainer English, the more the Israelis shed Palestinian blood with our unadulterated support, the more of our blood bin Laden hopes to shed. He says quite plainly â addressing himself to the people instead of politicians â why don't you stop shedding our blood so we can stop shedding yours?

He scoffs at being called a terrorist and says, "Our acts are reaction to your own acts, which are represented by the destruction and killing of our kinfolk in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine."

He goes on to say that rational people would not sacrifice their security, their money and their children "to please the liar of the White House. Had he been truthful about his claim for peace, he would not describe the person who ripped open pregnant women in Sabra and Shatila (a reference to Sharon) and the destroyer of the capitulation process (a reference to the peace process) as a man of peace."

Bin Laden says further: "He also would not have lied to people and said that we hate freedom and kill for the sake of killing. Reality proves our truthfulness and his lie. The killing of Russians was after their invasion of Afghanistan and Chechnya; the killing of Europeans was after their invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan; and the killing of Americans on the day of New York was after their support of the Jews in Palestine and their invasion of the Arabian Peninsula."

As much as you might hate bin Laden, he is telling the truth about the cause of the conflict, and Bush is lying. 

Bush ought to come clean and tell the American people the truth about why we are in this war instead of spreading the lie that we were just innocent bystanders picked on by madmen. Even terrorists have rational reasons for what they do.

Bush is following the Israeli example. Rather than address the cause of the problem, he just tries to kill his way out of it. That policy has failed the Israelis, and it will fail us.

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[CTRL] Bush Says Al Qaeda Threat Was Not Specific ... so...

2004-04-12 Thread Tony Dickinson
-Caveat Lector-

.. there was in the case of Saddam Hussein ?...
.. what was the time and place ?...


> "The P.D.B. was no indication of a terrorist threat," Mr. Bush said.
> "There was not a time and place of an attack. It said Osama bin Laden
> had designs on America. Well, I knew that. What I wanted to know was, is
> there anything specifically going to take place in America that we
> needed to react to?"

Y  Dr. Tony DickinsonY
Y   Visiting Research Fellow/Lecturer in Psychology & Medicine   Y
Y   McDonnell Centre for Higher Brain Function   Y
Y Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology Y
YWashington University School of MedicineY
Y Box 8108, 660 S Euclid Avenue  Y
Y  St. Louis, Missouri   Y
Y MO 63110  USA  Y
Y  http://eye-hand.wustl.edu/lab/people/tony.htmlY

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Bush and Blair made secret pact for Iraq war

2004-04-04 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

Bush and Blair made secret pact for Iraq war

· Decision came nine days after 9/11
· Ex-ambassador reveals discussion

David Rose
Sunday April 4, 2004
The Observer

President George Bush first asked Tony Blair to support the removal of Saddam
Hussein from power at a private White House dinner nine days after the terror
attacks of 11 September, 2001.
According to Sir Christopher Meyer, the former British Ambassador to Washington,
who was at the dinner when Blair became the first foreign leader to visit
America after 11 September, Blair told Bush he should not get distracted from
the war on terror's initial goal - dealing with the Taliban and al-Qaeda in

Bush, claims Meyer, replied by saying: 'I agree with you, Tony. We must deal
with this first. But when we have dealt with Afghanistan, we must come back to
Iraq.' Regime change was already US policy.

It was clear, Meyer says, 'that when we did come back to Iraq it wouldn't be to
discuss smarter sanctions'. Elsewhere in his interview, Meyer says Blair always
believed it was unlikely that Saddam would be removed from power or give up his
weapons of mass destruction without a war.

Faced with this prospect of a further war, he adds, Blair 'said nothing to

Details of this extraordinary conversation will be published this week in a
25,000-word article on the path to war with Iraq in the May issue of the
American magazine Vanity Fair. It provides new corroboration of the claims made
last month in a book by Bush's former counter-terrorism chief, Richard Clarke,
that Bush was 'obsessed' with Iraq as his principal target after 9/11.

But the implications for Blair may be still more explosive. The discussion
implies that, even before the bombing of Afghanistan, Blair already knew that
the US intended to attack Saddam next, although he continued to insist in public
that 'no decisions had been taken' until almost the moment that the invasion
began in March 2003. His critics are likely to seize on the report of the two
leaders' exchange and demand to know when Blair resolved to provide the backing
that Bush sought.

The Vanity Fair article will provide further ammunition in the shape of extracts
from the private, contemporaneous diary kept by the former International
Development Secretary, Clare Short, throughout the months leading up to the war.
This reveals how, during the summer of 2002, when Blair and his closest advisers
were mounting an intense diplomatic campaign to persuade Bush to agree to seek
United Nations support over Iraq, and promising British support for military
action in return, Blair apparently concealed his actions from his Cabinet.

For example, on 26 July Short wrote that she had raised her 'simmering worry
about Iraq' in a meeting with Blair, asking him for a debate on Iraq in the next
Cabinet meeting - the last before the summer recess. However, the diary went on,
Blair replied that this was unnecessary because 'it would get hyped ... He said
nothing [was] decided, and wouldn't be over summer.'

In fact, that week Blair's foreign policy adviser, Sir David Manning, was in
Washington, meeting both Bush and his National Security Adviser, Condoleezza
Rice, in order to press Blair's terms for military support, and Blair himself
had written a personal memorandum to the President in which he set them out.
Vanity Fair quotes a senior American official from Vice-President Dick Cheney's
office who says he read the transcript of a telephone call between Blair and
Bush a few days later.

'The way it read was that, come what may, Saddam was going to go; they said they
were going forward, they were going to take out the regime, and they were doing
the right thing. Blair did not need any convincing. There was no, "Come on,
Tony, we've got to get you on board". I remember reading it and then thinking,
"OK, now I know what we're going to be doing for the next year".'

Before the call, this official says, he had the impression that the probability
of invasion was high, but still below 100 per cent. Afterwards, he says, 'it was
a done deal'.

As late as 9 September, Short's diary records, when Blair went to a summit with
Bush and Cheney at Camp David in order to discuss final details, 'T[ony] B[lair]
gave me assurances when I asked for Iraq to be discussed at Cabinet that no
decision [had been] made and [was] not imminent.' Later that day she learnt from
the Chancellor, Gordon Brown, that Blair had asked to make 20,000 British troops
available in the Gulf. She still believed her Prime Minister's assurances, but
wrote that, if had she not done so, she would 'almost certainly' have resigned
from the Government. At that juncture her resignation would have dealt Blair a
very damaging blow.

But if Blair was misleading his own Government and party, he appears to have
done the same thing to Bush and Cheney. At the Camp David meeting, Cheney was
still resisting taking the case against Saddam and his alleged weapons of mass

[CTRL] Bush Political Ads Reveal Morbid Presidential Hipocracy

2004-03-07 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

At the outset of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Bush
issued a Presidential Edict that the American People
were not to see any pictures of coffins with dead U.S.
soldiers being returned from Iraq.  Bush stated he
ordered this out of respect for the privacy and
feelings of the families of the dead soldiers.

But Bush wants everyone to see the bodies of 9-11
victims in his political ads on TV.  These ads show
firemen carrying dead victims on stretchers from the
rubble of the World Trade Center. He is using these
bodies for his own political purposes.
Using his own rationale, Bush approves the use of
these bodies in his political ads because he has no
respect for the privacy or feelings of the families
who lost loved ones in the attacks of 9-11.

The Republican Party Convention will be held in New
York City. Are we now going to see the spectacle
of Bush making his acceptance speech at "Ground Zero"?

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Search - Find what you’re looking for faster

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bush Betrays Border Patrol

2004-03-02 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush Betrays Border Patrol
by Charley Reese

The Christian Science Monitor recently published a report that noted that U.S. Border Patrol agents are demoralized and feeling betrayed by their own government.

This is because President Bush â the Enron Kid, as I call him (Enron had contributed more than $600,000 to his political aspirations) â has increased the incentive for more illegal immigrants to cross our borders with his proposed stupid guest-worker program.

No wonder the agents are down in the dumps. They literally risk their lives and work long and hard hours trying to protect our borders while Mr. Know-Nothing tells people the world over that we are prepared to reward law-breakers by giving them legal status. Of course this is the same Know-Nothing who recently signed an official economic report that said the loss of American jobs to cheap-labor countries was a good thing.

We need to do three things. One, Congress must reduce the number of legal immigrants admitted to the United States. The number (around 600,000 a year) is way out of kilter in the year 2004. Two, the Border Patrol should receive 100 percent support from the U.S. government, which is not likely with the Bush administration. Instead of support, it is scheming to gut the Patrol's union, now that the Border Patrol is part of the so-called Department of Homeland Security. And, three, the United States needs to get tough with Mexico.

The ruling elites in Mexico have for decades failed to provide opportunities for the great mass of the Mexican people. It's no surprise. These relatively few families own practically the whole country and live the luxurious lives of the old conquistadores. The Mexican government encourages its poor to cross the U.S. border. Better they violate American laws, change our culture and send money back to Mexico than fester in Mexican poverty and perhaps one day rebel against their exploiters.

Instead of speaking out against this wrong policy on the part of Mexico, the U.S. government has insanely rewarded it. First, it established the maquiladora program, which encouraged American companies to put their factories on the Mexican side of the border and distribution facilities on the U.S. side. This allowed corporations to exploit Mexican workers and pollute the Mexican landscape while laying off thousands of American workers.

As if that weren't bad enough, the United States signed the North American Free Trade Agreement. This allowed the American big three in the grain-export business to impoverish what was left of the small Mexican farmers as well as encourage more American corporations to move their jobs south, where, for the price of a few bribes, they need not concern themselves with such bothers as decent wages and health, safety and environmental regulations.

Americans should not worry about terrorists. Our own corrupt politicians and greedy corporations are gutting the nation from within, while much of the corporate media do a poor job of informing the American people, except of course in the area of entertainment.

The Enron Kid likes to talk about national security. Well, the first and foremost task of national security is to protect the borders of the United States. This he is miserably failing to do. And the Congress, so riddled with lobbyists' influence, is failing with him.

If you've never seen a great nation commit national suicide, stick around. You're watching it. The United States today is already unrecognizable from the United States I grew up in, and I fear it will be even more so, in a negative way, for my grandchildren.

Everything that made America great â a government people could trust, the work ethic and frugality, high moral standards, a fine education system, and patriotism based on America's historic values â is being undermined by the present-day corporate and political elite.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substanceânot soap-boxingâplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'âwith its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsâis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bush: Who What When Where Why...When Its Convenient

2004-02-25 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Who What When Where Why...When Its Convenient

In the official version of George W. Bushâs chronology during his National Guard years is a striking statement which has been totally overlooked in the major media. A timeline of President George W. Bush's service in the National Guard compiled by The Associated Press says, for 1971: âParticipates in drills and alerts at Ellington. Begins work for Houston-based agricultural company.â 

We always become suspicious when we see the major media get suddenly vague. The AP has no trouble at all with the name of the air base Bush served at. But they say only that Bush âworks for a âHouston-based agricultural company.â 

âWorks for a Houston-based agricultural companyâ is wordy. And since it would have been less work to just write âworks for the XYZ Companyâ (because reporters are uniformly lazy and incurious dogs) we already knew we would find something juicy hidden here. 

We recalled that the Chicago Tribune had carried a whole story about the mysterious German couple who recruited Mohamed Atta to come to Hamburg from Cairo in 1992. But the paper never once named the couple in the account. 

When the major media falls down on the old âwho what when where & why business,â its usually for a reason. And the reason is always the same: Somebody is covering something up.

Tropical Plants and "La Vida Loca" in Houston

Before moving to Alabama âassuming he didâBush spent over a year, states his public resume, working for a plant nursery firm in Houston. âGeorge's job was to travel around the United States and to countries in Central America looking for plant nurseries his company might want to acquire,â reads a typical account. âGeorge W. Bushâs responsibilities included sizing up plant nurseries for possible acquisition,â wrote Texas Monthly. 

We were immediately suspicious. Its hard to picture George W. Bush as Mr. Green Jeans. 

The idea seems ridiculous on its face, especially as his plant nursery job comes smack dab (as they say in Texas) in the middle of a time when Bush was living la vida loca, engaged in major boozing amid persistent rumors of other drug-taking as well. 

Bush lived then at Chateaux Dijon, an apartment complex near the Houston Galleria known for its singles scene, which included water volleyball games in its swimming pools. Friends describe him as taking a hearty approach to his social life, and Bush himself has said famously that he was "young and irresponsible" in Houston, that he "raised a little hell." 

A jug of wine, a load of bread, and thou

Working inside a company engaged in the unglamorous plant nursery business could hardly have been seen as a plus by Bush in engaging female companionship for his partying activities. 

So, what then? The questions come unbidden: Was it some kind of therapy for young Bush? A respite from debilitating drinking bouts amidst beautiful pink fragrant flowers? A soothing naps underneath a baobab tree after long hours of piloting screaming warplanes through the wild blue yonder? 

Somehow, we doubted it. W e recalled that Bush had learned Spanish just to court the Hispanic vote. If he had spent more than a year working with horticulturalists in a plant nursery, wouldnât he have boasted of this âgreenâ credential? 

Besides, what did George W. Bush know about tropical plants that made him a horticultural expert sharp enough to be deployed overseas looking for acquisitions? 

The question answers itself: Nothing. So George W. Bush was, clearly, not involved in the tropical plant business during the year he says he was. 

Which brings up the real question: what business was Bush involved with? 

Coat & Tie...and a Snug-nosed 38?

Bush himself would later refer to his time at the plant nursery firm as a dull coat-and-tie job, an odd description for a position which entailed jetting about Central America. 

But the MadCowMorningNews has discovered evidence pointing to a conclusion that what George W. Bush was doing in Central America was serving a âtour of dutyâ in the shadowy arm of the U.S. Government which Watergate burglar and disgraced CIA Agent E. Howard Hunt called âClandestine Services.â 

Flying for the National Guard may have just been the future Presidents âcoverâ while the young second lieutenant was actually detachedâofficially or otherwiseâto the CIA. 

Coincidentally, or not, there was a massive clandestine U.S. government operation going on just at this time in Central America. It was called Operation Condor. 

Was George W. Bush working for the spooks? 

Such a charge demands evidence, some of which we will shortly present. But first, a little background on the outfit the young George W was so intent on transferring into, the Alabama Guard. 

The Secret History of the Alabama Guard

The Alabama Guard, we discovered, while writing âBarry & âthe boys,ââ is rich with the secret history of American covert operations over the last half-centu

[CTRL] Bush, Cheney resist interview by the entire Kean commission

2004-02-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Panel on 9/11 has new fight; Bush, Cheney resist interview by the entire Kean commission [ Post 1295810 ] 

    Category: News & Opinion  Topic: Government 
    Source: The Star-Ledger 
    Published: February 16, 2004  Author: ROBERT COHEN  
    For Education and Discussion Only.  Not for Commercial Use. 

WASHINGTON -- Another showdown between the national commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the White House may be in the offing, this time over whether all of the panel's 10 members or only some of them will be able to interview President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. 

The White House announced Friday evening that Bush had agreed to a request from former New Jersey Gov. Thomas Kean, the commission's chairman, and former Rep. Lee Hamilton, the vice chairman, to meet in a closed-door session to discuss the 9/11 disaster. But it now appears the White House is trying to limit how many commissioners will meet with the president during the private session. 

Some commissioners expressed anger yesterday over the possible restrictions, which could add to the friction that already exists between the investigative panel and the White House. 

Al Felzenberg, a spokesman for the commission, said the letter to Bush inviting him to appear in private session was "clearly written by Kean and Hamilton on behalf of the entire commission." 

"The president accepted the invitation to meet with the commission," Felzenberg said. "Obviously negotiations will have to ensue." 

Felzenberg said Cheney is placing conditions on his appearance, indicating a willingness to meet with "representatives of the commission." Negotiations are continuing with the vice president, he said. 

Commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste said it is "disappointing the president created the impression he was accepting our invitation" to meet with all 10 members of the panel, and then a spokesman later offered a different view of what had been "a reasonable interpretation." 

"The commission is quite clear that the decision about who attends any interviews is a decision made by the commission and not anyone else," said Ben-Veniste, a Democrat and a former Watergate prosecutor. Bush has said he "wants to be cooperative with the commission, and it creates the expectation that he will," Ben-Veniste said. 

Commissioner Tim Roemer, like Hamilton a former Democratic congressman from Indiana, said the White House's position on the presidential interview is unacceptable, and represents the latest attempt by the administration to impede the investigation and to backtrack on what appeared to be commitments of cooperation. 

"I hope President Bush and Vice President Cheney cannot just select a couple of commissioners and isolate all the others," Roemer said. "The commission can't let this happen. The testimony from Bush and Cheney is too important and absolutely too vital." 

Roemer said all of the commissioners need to hear directly from Bush on what he knew before Sept. 11, 2001, what he was thinking and how he responded on the day of the attacks. 

Shutting out members of the commission from asking questions will undermine the "independence and integrity" of the final report, Roemer said. 

The panel, among other issues, wants to question Bush about a White House intelligence briefing the president received in August 2001 that suggested al Qaeda might be planning terrorist strikes using commercial airplanes. 

Almost 3,000 people died when terrorists hijacked four airliners and crashed them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in southwestern Pennsylvania. 

Kean said Saturday that Bush will not testify under oath, and that some of the information he provides will be classified and have to be kept secret from the public. 

But he said it is "rare for presidents to testify at all" and he was "delighted" by Bush's willingness to meet with the panel. 

Kean could not be reached for comment yesterday about the new White House stance on the president's commission interview, a story first reported yesterday in The Washington Post. The White House declined yesterday to comment. 

The new controversy follows a series of other problems between the White House and the commission. 

For months, the commission had trouble getting access to highly classified presidential briefing papers, but finally reached a compromise in November to allow a few members to view the sensitive documents. 

The panel last week agreed to accept a summary of the presidential intelligence papers prepared by a four-member commission review team and edited by the White House. 

The commission voted against subpoenaing the original documents, with three members, including Roemer, dissenting and arguing that the summary gave them an inadequate view of what Bush and former President Bill Clinton and other top policy-makers kne

[CTRL] Bush Aides Accused of Destroying Military Documents

2004-02-14 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

February 12, 2004 | 
Bush Aides Accused of Destroying Military Documents

Just four days after pledging to open up his entire military file1, President Bush has reneged on the pledge, with "Administration officials declining yesterday to commit to releasing further records"2 on top of the inconclusive ones they have already released. Additionally, new charges have surfaced that Bush actually deployed his Texas gubernatorial staff to destroy incriminating records. 

As first reported by the Dallas Morning News, retired National Guard Lt. Col. Bill Burkett said that, in 1997, Joe Allbaugh (chief of staff for then-Governor Bush) told the National Guard chief to get the Bush file and make certain "there's not anything there that will embarrass the governor." Burkett said that a few days later at Camp Mabry in Austin, he "saw Mr. Bush's file and documents from it discarded in a trash can."3 

While the White House has claimed the attack is baseless, Burkett's credibility was bolstered today after the New York Times reported that he made his complaint known right after the incident. In 1998, he sent a letter to a member of the Texas State Senate saying Bush and his aides improperly reviewed the file to "make sure nothing will embarrass the governor during his re-election campaign." Burkett repeated in interviews this week that Bush and his aides "ordered Guard officials to remove damaging information from Mr. Bush's military personnel files."4 

Yesterday, the commander of the Alabama unit Bush claimed he served in during his year-long absence said "[Bush] never did come to my squad. He was never at my unit."5 Additionally, in a signed report, commanding officers in Houston said Bush "has not been observed."6 In order to clear up the controversy, the president would have to follow through on his Sunday pledge to release all of his records rather than continue stonewalling. 

Meet the Press, 02/08/2004. 
"1973 Document Puts Bush on Guard Base", Washington Post, 02/12/2004. 
"Aides say records prove Bush served", Dall Morning News, 02/10/2004. 
"Move to Screen Bush File in 90's Is Reported", New York Times, 02/12/2004. 
"Bush met military obligation, aide says", The Birmingham News, 02/11/2004. 
"Guard Records On President Are Released", Washington Post, 02/11/2004. 

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bush attacks American "evildoers" and "madmen"

2004-02-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush attacks American "evildoers" and "madmen" who want to exercise their First Amendment rights. 
By Regis Sabol

Once again John Ashcroft's Department of Injustice has taken bold steps to protect the freedom we Americans possess from what George Bush has often described as "evildoers" and "madmen." Last week, prosecutors in the United States attorney's office for the southern district of Iowa began handing out subpoenas to Drake University and participants in a forum at the university last November on how they could use acts of civil disobedience to best convey their opposition to the occupation of Iraq. Among the 21 participants in the forum were the executive director of the Catholic Peace Ministry at Drake and a 52-year-old file clerk. Both were arrested the day after the forum for "illegal trespass", along with ten others when they demonstrated outside the nearby Camp Dodge National Guard base.

I've had a couple experiences with the Bush regime's efforts to protect America's freedoms. Twice in September, 2002, I was caged in "Free Speech Zones" established, under direct orders from the White House, to keep anti-war, anti-Bush demonstrators out of sight and out of mind of our Fearless Leader. Those who attempted to express their right to free speech by stepping even one foot outside the Free Speech zones were immediately arrested. Some things never change.

In the latest attack in the "War on Terrorism," at least four participants in the conference have been subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury on Tuesday to explain just what they were doing by discussing the nonviolent philosophies of Mahatma Gandhi and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at the Nov. 15 anti-war forum sponsored by the Drake University chapter of the National Lawyers Guild. Lawyers for the Guild went to court Monday to block the demands of the federal prosecutors.

Prosecutors stressed they were limiting the scope of their investigation to learning more about one person who they claim had tried to scale a security fence at the National Guard base during the following day's protest.

Stephen Patrick O'Meara, the prosecutor, issued a written statement that claimed, "The United States attorney's office does not prosecute persons peacefully and lawfully engaged in rallies which are conducted under the protection of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States." O'Meara added, "The narrow purpose and scope of that inquiry has been narrowed to determine whether there were any violations of federal law, or prior agreements to violate federal law, regarding unlawful entry onto military property--and specifically to include whether there were any violations as a result of an alleged attempt to enter within the fenced, secure perimeter at Camp Dodge."

I'm relieved that the Justice Department wants to protect our rights to freedom of speech and assembly as protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution by instituting a grand jury investigation to determine who that evildoer was who the federal prosector thinks might have tried to climb that chain-link fence at Camp Dodge. Lord only knows what that madman might have done to endanger our homeland security if he had made to the other side of that fence and into that National Guard base somewhere north of Des Moines. While O'Meara contends some dangerous miscreant attempted to scale the fence, no one at the rally recalled seeing anyone getting even a foot off the ground.

Brian Terrell, executive director of the Des Moines Catholic Peace Ministry, who helped conduct "nonviolence training" at the forum, entitled, "Stop the Occupation! Bring the Iowa Guard Home!" got his subpoena last week. Terrell said he'd been involved in anti-government protests and sometimes was arrested over a number of years. Wendy Vasquez, who was also arrested outside the National Guard base, had also been subpoenaed. Coincidentally, Vasquez said that she too had been arrested in the past for such heinous crimes as protesting U.S. support for the war in El Salvador and advocating for homeless people. Terrell and Vasquez sound like a couple of danger hombres to me.

In an insidious effort to disguise their nefarious schemes, organizers mailed a leaflet about the forum to a sergeant in the Des Moines police department and had at least one local television station filming the forum activities. "Everything we did was completely in the open," Terrell said. "We've been doing this sort of thing a long time. The police know the routine. We know them. Usually things here in Iowa are very friendly." Clever ploy.

In its earnest attempt to narrow the narrow scope of the Justice Department's investigation, the U.S. attorney's office has also subpoenaed Drake University demanding detailed information on the Lawyers Guild and its members, including the names of those who are officers,

[CTRL] Bush Committee contains seeds of future "Intelligence Failures"

2004-02-07 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush Committee contains seeds of future "Intelligence Failures"

by Tom Mysiewicz
(Saturday 07 February 2004) 

"It would probably be useful to expand the investigation to include the Vice President's "Office of Special Projects" shadow intelligence agency as well as the seeking of asylum in Sweden by American intelligence official(s) indicating intense pressure to fabricate Iraqi WMD intel in the run-up to the war." 

A legitimate investigation of alleged "intelligence failures" leading up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq would have to examine the possible confusion of U.S. and Israeli national interests--intelligence often mixed the possibility of Iraqi WMD attacks on Mid-Eastern targets with U.S. ones--and whether or not the Israelis deliberately misled President Bush. This is particularly pertinent in light of the revelation of Israeli lawmaker Yossi Sarid who was quoted by journalist Laurie Copans on Feb. 4th as saying that "...Israeli intelligence knew beforehand that Iraq had no weapons (WMD--Ed.) stockpiles and misled U.S. President George Bush." 

President Bush's signing of an Executive Order establishing an investigative commission on intelligence failures leading up to the Iraq war is a good first step. However, several of the Bush appointees will be of questionable value in ascertaining to what extent Israel was involved in the decision for war. Thus, the seeds for future "intelligence failures" may already have been sown. 

The co-chairs of Bush's commission raise a few eyebrows in this regard. Former Virginia Governor Robb has gone on record with his opposition to a unilateral Palestinian state and forged close educational and financial ties with Israel as Governor. Judge Laurence Silberman is considered by many to be a Neocon and has worked closely with Donald Rumsfeld on Mid-East affairs. (A positive is that Silberman was opposed to Jonathan Pollard, who set off the current Iraq tinderbox with his leaks of U.S. intel on Iraq to Israel in the early 1980s.) 

The selection of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is also curious. In 2003 he and other legislators visited Israel and praised Ariel Sharon and his Palestinian Wall--in direct opposition to official Bush Administration policy--setting off a wave of terrorist attacks. His potential lack of objectivity is further evidenced by his comments in the December 2003 Reader's Digest article "Why Israel": 

"Israel is a strong and loyal ally in a region of the world that is vital to us--a region under siege by radical Islamists...In standing by Israel, we are merely being true to ourselves. If we ever turned our back on Israel, we would be abandoning the principles that built our nation." 

Other Bush appointees offer varying degrees of objectivity. Admiral William Studeman, former acting CIA Director is a CFR member, but also campaigned to keep Pollard behind bars. Rick Levin, the first Jewish president of Yale University, has at least displayed some objectivity in resolving issues involving Jews and non-Jews. Lloyd Cutler, former White House counsel to Carter and Clinton, is a moderate when it comes to Mid Eastern affairs. Appeals court judge Pat Wald is kind of a wild card, but would probably lean toward moderation. 

It would probably be useful to expand the investigation to include the Vice President's "Office of Special Projects" shadow intelligence agency as well as the seeking of asylum in Sweden by American intelligence official(s) indicating intense pressure to fabricate Iraqi WMD intel in the run-up to the war. 

In short, a sanitized "politically acceptable" outcome to the investigation will make future Iraqis all the more likely. 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2004-01-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


Oh what spiritual horrors often come from the unseemly ambitions of political men! Take for example, the graphic example of President George W. Bush.

When running for the office of Governor for the State of Texas back in '93, the younger Bush was asked at a news conference if he believed Jesus was the only way to heaven. In response, George W. Bush stated, "I believe that people who do not accept Jesus cannot go to heaven."

That was in 1993. It was good politics, because Texas has a large populace of conservative Christians who believe exactly this very same thingâthat Jesus is the only way, and that only he is the Saviour of humanity (John 3:16). Appreciating George W's stand for Jesus, many Texas Christians warmly embraced their brother-in-Christ (they thought!). Bush went on to easily beat his Democratic opposition, the silver-tongued reprobate, Ann Richards, and became Governor of Texas.

Bush Sought Jewish Approval for the Presidency

But, in 1998, just five years later, tiring of his Governor job and seeking greener pastures in Washington, D.C., Bush knew he would have to first win the approval of the Jewish bigwigs if he were to ever become President of the United States. Chief among the Jewish groups he would have to bow down to were the talmudic elite of the Jewish ADL. 

Obediently wearing his Jewish skull cap, then Governor George Bush prays at the wailing wall of the Jews in Jerusalem.

That organization was determined to straighten politician George W. Bush out. To the antichrist Jews of the ADL, his religious views about Jesus didn't make muster. If you want to be President, Abe Foxman, head of the ADL, warned Bush, you will have to ditch the idea that Jesus is the only way to heaven.

No problem. Not for an unprincipled and ambitious, would-be President of the United States. Young George just rounded up his mother, Barbara, and his Illuminati family pal and Judaizer extraordinaire, Billy Graham, and, using them as "cover," he just up and changed his religious views on a dime.

As Governor Bush's spokesperson, the talented Karen Hughes, put it in an official statement made to the Austin American-Statesman newspaper (Austin is the capitol city of the state of Texas), Mother Bush, Barbara the gray head, an Episcopalian who, incidentally, is a big believer in abortion, assured her son that people of all faiths, Hindu, Buddhist, Jew, Moslem, were going to go to heaven even if they rejected Jesus as Lord.

Then, reinforcing Mama Bush's wide, umbrella-like religious spirit, Billy Graham told an inquiring Bush seeking the renowned evangelist's sage advice that he should never, but never preach to people that only the Christian religion was right or that Jesus was the only way. "Never play God...don't be harshly judgmental of others," Graham counseled Bush.

Smart Politicians

Smart politician, that Billy Graham. Under George W's new, revised, more politically correct Christian doctrine, it was decided that Jesus would no longer be the saviour of all mankind. No longer would Jesus be the way to heaven. No longer need a man or a woman believe in Him if they wanted to get to heaven. The exclusive deity of Jesus had to be ditched, and it was, by Bush.

What a difference a run for the Oval Office makes! According to George W's new, more politically astute religious beliefs-acceptable to Jews and liberals-Jesus lied when he said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6)

Georgeâs mother, Barbara, told her ambitious son that Jews do not have to believe in Jesus to go to heaven, and neither do Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists, and other religionists. Billy Graham backed up Mama Bush, telling George he should disregard the scriptures.   

Judgements About Heaven Do Not Belong 

"Judgements about heaven do not belong in the realm of politics or this world," Bush announced in a formal statement he made on the subject (Austin American-Statesman, online archives, December 13, 1998, page B3).

Moreover, to prove to his erstwhile Jewish critics that he's no longer a "Jesus Only" man, George W. trekked over to Israel in November and December, 1998 (Austin American-Statesman, on-line archives, December 4, 1998, page B1), on a trip paid for and sponsored by the National Jewish Coalition. While there in Jerusalem, he went up to the ruins of the Temple wall, put on his Jewish yarmulke (skull cap) and prayed just like he was a Jew. None other than Ariel Sharon, then Defense Minister of Israel, escorted him around the country.

"I was there to listen and learn a lot," Bush said. "Smart folks," he added, referring to the Jews.

A Different Man, A Tolerant Man

George W. came back from Israel a different man, formally endorsed and beloved by the Jews and ready for his successful run at the White House. "I have shown people th

[CTRL] Bush-Nazi Files Ready For Download!

2004-01-08 Thread Mark S Bilk
-Caveat Lector-

White Rose is the most extensive website detailing the support
of Hitler's Nazi regime by the Bush family and other predatory
U.S. businessmen.  It has won many awards from anti-fascist


This information is extremely important in the current political
situation.  So the author, Glen Yeadon, has made a zip file of
the entire site (487 files, 5808145 bytes), and it's available at:


Please download this 6 MB file (which takes about 20 minutes by
modem, or 30 seconds by DSL or cable), and put it in a directory
(folder) on your disk.

You can unzip it (using WinZip, etc.), and put all the files into
that directory.  You can then read them with your web browser,
starting at the file whiterose.htm .

You can also upload the files to a directory on your website,
and thereby instantly create a White Rose mirror site.  (Almost
all Internet accounts come with free web space of at least
10 megabytes.)

We urge you to make a mirror site if the original on spiritone.com

But please download the zip file now, in case cosmicpenguin.com


Since this information is so important it is vital that as many
people as possible download a copy of the zip file and keep it.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush thinks rights and protections are icky

2004-01-08 Thread Kris Millegan
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--- Begin Message ---
Title: Bush thinks rights and protections are icky
-Caveat Lector-

January 8, 2004 

U.S. Reasserts Right to Declare Citizens to Be Enemy Combatants 

WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 — The Bush administration on Wednesday reasserted its broad authority to declare American citizens to be enemy combatants, and it suggested that the Supreme Court consider two prominent cases  at the same time. 

The Justice Department, in a brief filed with the  court, said it would seek an expedited appeal of a federal appeals court decision  last month in the case of Jose Padilla, jailed as an enemy combatant  in 2002. 

The divided  Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit,  in New York, ruled on Dec. 18 that President Bush lacked the authority to indefinitely detain  an American citizen like Mr. Padilla who was arrested on American soil simply by declaring him an enemy combatant. Mr. Padilla has been held incommunicado at a military brig in South Carolina.  American authorities say he plotted with operatives of Al Qaeda  overseas to detonate a "dirty" radiological bomb in the United States. 

But the Justice Department said in its brief that the ruling was "fundamentally at odds" with court precedent on presidential powers. 

The decision "undermines the president's constitutional authority to protect the nation," Solicitor General Theodore B. Olson wrote. 

The Justice Department said it  hoped  the Supreme Court would consider an  appeal  in April. 

The court is also expected to decide in coming days whether to consider an appeal  involving an enemy combatant, Yaser Esam Hamdi, who has been held alongside Mr. Padilla in the Navy brig. Mr. Hamdi, an American citizen, was arrested in Afghanistan in 2001 while fighting with Taliban troops.  The  administration's decision to declare him an enemy combatant was upheld by a federal appeals court  in Richmond, Va. 

Frank W. Dunham Jr., who is representing Mr. Hamdi, said in a brief to the Supreme Court that the Padilla decision "clearly conflicts" with the decision in the Hamdi case. 

Copyright 2004  The New York Times Company |

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[CTRL] Bush Sells Out US Workers To Lowest Bidder

2004-01-05 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush to Propose Immigration Law Changes

AP White House Correspondent
Published January 5, 2004, 8:15 PM CST

WASHINGTON -- President Bush will propose immigration law changes to allow workers from Mexico to enter the United States if they have jobs waiting for them, officials said Monday in previewing an election-year measure intended to bolster support among Hispanic voters. 

Advocacy groups were invited to the White House on Wednesday to hear details of the program. 

"The president has long talked about the importance of having an immigration policy that matches willing workers with willing employers," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said. "It's important for America to be a welcoming society. We are a nation of immigrants, and we're better for it." 

Immigration advocacy groups characterized Bush's move as a politically drawn effort to curry favor with Hispanics, a potent political force, particularly in key states like Florida, California and border states. Two sources speaking on condition of anonymity said Bush would outline a set of principles rather than a detailed piece of legislation, and that the policy statement would draw on bills already pending in Congress. 

"It looks very much like a political effort and what they do with these `principles' is going to determine whether this is really a policy initiative or not," said Cecilia Munoz, vice president for policy at the National Council of La Raza. "The Latino community knows the difference between political posturing and a real policy debate." 

She said the initiative was crafted by Bush's political strategist, Karl Rove, and that the immigration policy community was excluded from the deliberations. 

"We know of no one in the immigration policy community, business groups or Latino groups who has been consulted," she said. 

Rove, with Bush at a campaign fund-raiser in St. Louis, deflected questions about Bush's proposal. 

"Stay tuned," he told a reporter. 

Bush's planned announcement comes five days before he meets in Mexico with President Vicente Fox on the sidelines of the Summit of the Americas, a meeting of the hemisphere's leaders. 

Mexico is seeking a measure of legality for the approximately 4 million undocumented Mexicans living in the United States and wants a legal way for others to work in the country in the future. 

Immigration talks between the United States and Mexico stalled when the Sept. 11 terror attacks prompted the United States to tighten border restrictions, and were set back further by Mexico's refusal to support the Iraq war. Tensions also arose over Bush's refusal to stop the execution of a Mexican national in Texas. 

Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, at a town hall meeting in Miami last month, hinted at a change of policy when he said the United States needs to "come to grips" with an estimated 8 million to 12 million illegal immigrants and "determine how you can legalize their presence." He also said that the immigrants should not be rewarded citizenship. 

Bush, at a year-end news conference in January, said he was preparing to send Congress ideas about an "immigration policy that helps match any willing employer with any willing employee." He said he is "firmly against blanket amnesty," or a mass legalization. 

Two guest-worker bills have been proposed in Congress: One from Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain and two of McCain's Republican House colleagues, Jim Kolbe and Jeff Flake; and a second from Sen. John Cornyn. 

Cornyn, a Texas Republican, has proposed that illegal immigrants could volunteer to work for up to three years if a job exists for them. When they've worked three years, they could apply for legal permanent residence, but must return to their country of origin to do so. 

Workers illegally in the United States would have 12 months to apply to the program and after that would no longer be eligible. Those accepted would be given a "blue card," allowing them to travel outside the United States. 

The Cornyn proposal would give guest workers the same rights granted Americans under Labor Department laws and would set up accounts for workers in which employers would deposit money drawn from workers' wages in lieu of withdrawing the money for Social Security or Medicare. 

The money would be held by the Treasury and would be refunded to the worker when the worker returns to his or her home country.   

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That bein

[CTRL] Bush Derangement Syndrome; Brilliant Theory, Faulty Premise

2004-01-01 Thread William Shannon

Bush Derangement Syndrome; Brilliant Theory, Faulty Premise 
By: Teresa Simon-Noble 


An answer to Charles Krauthammerâs recently uncovered Bush Derangement Syndrome. 

In a recent Op-Ed piece dated Dec. 5, 2003 , posted in the Washington Post and entitled âThe Delusional Deanâ, in which he indicates that it has been 25 years since he discovered a psychiatric syndrome, http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A37125-2003Dec4?language=printer Charles Krauthammer writes, âA plague is abroad in the land. Bush Derangement Syndrome: the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency â nay â the very existence of George W. Bush.â 

Krauthammer goes on to write, âNow, I cannot testify to Howard Deanâs sanity bef or e this campaign, but five terms as govern or by a man with no visible tics and no history of involuntary confinement is pretty good evidence of a normal mental status.â And, he adds, âWhen he avers, however, that âthe most interestingâ theory as to why the president is âsuppressingâ the Sept. 11 report is that Bush knew about Sept. 11 in advance, itâs time to check on thorazine supplies.â 

-To make truth tellers appear crazy is nothing new. Krauthammer knows that. Such was the fate, according to novelists like Lawrence Schoonover, of Juana la Loca a/k/a the Prisoner of Tordesillas in Spain in the Middle Ages, or the burning at the stake of Joan of Arc during the reign of Charles VII of France in 1431. 

By the l970s, twenty-five years, or so, ago, while Charles Krauthammer was busy discovering a new âpsychiatric syndromeâ which he called âSecondary Maniaâ, psychiatry in America was seeing the dawning of new ways to think about and conceptualize mental illness. These new ways of looking at mental illness would take psychiatry away from the established âmedical modelâ seemingly used by Charles Krauthammer to diagnose patients, and would become known as the Family Therapy Movement. 

Research practitioners like Murray Bowen, M.D., August Napier, PhD, Nathan W. Ackerman, M.D., Jay Haley, M.A., C. Christian Beels, M.D., Carl Whitaker, M.D., Donald Jackson, M.D., Paul Watzlawick and many others were part of a pioneering movement of thinkers, who in the 1950s had begun to for mulate new theories and had, by the l970s brought their new the or ies and treatment modalities to the field of mental health. They thought of the individual not as an island unto himself but as part of a system. These thinkers worked independently of each other but were united in their approach to understanding that an individualâs symptoms may have their root cause in the system of which he or she is a part. 

The underlying concept of this new, systemic way of looking at mental illness which we know today as Family Therapy, posited that understanding the dynamics of a family would provide a clue to the serious emotional symptoms in a given individual. They believed, and Family Therapy still believes, that emotional symptoms in any individual point to the individualâs family system as being out of balance. The symptom bearer in any given family system ânay, in any given systemâis not the problem. Rather, he or she is the voice, the standard bearer, the compass which points to a problem somewhere else in that system. 

F or these pioneers of psychiatric research and early practitioners of family therapy, Thorazine and other psychotropic medications never were, and never are, the honest to God scientific way to treat a problem. 

The key to working on a problem and relieving a symptom is to locate the source of the problem within that system and treat the problem, not the symptom. They posited that this type of an intervention, in and of itself, balances the system and relieves the symptom bearer. 

For instance, if a child is exhibiting symptoms of underachievement, and if, in examining the system a parent is found to be overbearingly overprotective of the child, the key to treating the childâs symptomatic underachievement is to treat the parentâs overbearing protectiveness of the child so as to give the child breathing room to grow in self confidence and, in the development of his or her own abilities and talents. 

Sometimes, it is easier for a parent who does not want to face a problematic area within self, to focus solely on the child. Making the childâs underachievement the source of the parentâs problem provides said parent an escape from a painful or troubling aspect of his or her marriage, or family of origin history. The parentâs projection of his or her problem onto his or child weighs the child down. 

In family therapy parlance these are children who triangled by the system, or who are part of systems that are so enmeshed that there is no room for growth, individuality, or independent thinking, no space for breathing. These may be systems where the togetherness forces prevail over the ind

Re: [CTRL] Bush Plans to Stop Mad Cow Disease and Howard Dean

2004-01-01 Thread Kick The NWO
-Caveat Lector-

That would be an impressive opening sequence, perhaps Act II could show the
part where they storm the farmer's house and drag him, together with his wife
and kids, out shackled -- after discovering a cache of Almanacs (terrorist
manuals). Next stop Gitmo.

- Original Message -
From: "Nakano Nakamura" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 2:50 AM

> According to a "highly placed source" (is there any
> other kind?), President Bush may be planning to
> respond to the threats of Mad Cow Disease (MCD)
> and Howard Dean.
> Just picture this.
> Two or three big Army helicopters swoop down
> and land beside a large cattle feedlot.
> With the cameras rolling, Bush jumps out of a
> helicopter carrying an M-16 and wearing a combat
> uniform, a helmet and body armor.
> 30 or 40 U.S.Special Forces soldiers jump out behind
> him and run to surround the feedlot.
> Bush yells: "Death to the Evildoers" and opens fire.
> And then the soldiers start shooting and wipe out
> the cows threatening our homeland security!
> What a magnificent photo op this would be!
> What a dramatic demonstration of true presidential
> leadership in ridding our nation of the dreaded
> Mad Cow Disease (MCD).
> This would be even better than the aircraft carrier
> landing. Bush's approval ratings would soar even
> higher.
> Howard Dean would be vanquished as he could do
> nothing to top this.
> They could call this "Bush Gun 2 - The Sequel"

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Bush Plans to Stop Mad Cow Disease and Howard Dean

2004-01-01 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-


According to a "highly placed source" (is there any
other kind?), President Bush may be planning to
respond to the threats of Mad Cow Disease (MCD)
and Howard Dean.

Just picture this.

Two or three big Army helicopters swoop down
and land beside a large cattle feedlot.
With the cameras rolling, Bush jumps out of a
helicopter carrying an M-16 and wearing a combat
uniform, a helmet and body armor.
30 or 40 U.S.Special Forces soldiers jump out behind
him and run to surround the feedlot.
Bush yells: "Death to the Evildoers" and opens fire.
And then the soldiers start shooting and wipe out
the cows threatening our homeland security!
What a magnificent photo op this would be!
What a dramatic demonstration of true presidential
leadership in ridding our nation of the dreaded
Mad Cow Disease (MCD).
This would be even better than the aircraft carrier
landing. Bush's approval ratings would soar even
Howard Dean would be vanquished as he could do
nothing to top this.
They could call this "Bush Gun 2 - The Sequel"

Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush Cabal Hides Patriot II Police State in HR2417

2003-12-21 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Bush Cabal Hides Patriot II Police State in HR2417

"The Clinton administration's paranoid and prurient interest in monitoring international e-mail is a wholly unhealthy precedent especially given this administration's track record on FBI files and IRS snooping. Every medium by which people communicate can be subject to exploitation by those with illegal or immoral intentions. Nevertheless, this is no reason to hand Big Brother the keys to unlock our e-mail diaries, open our ATM records or translate our international communications." 
- JOHN ASHCROFT, as a U.S. senator, opposing the Clinton administration's request for broadened authority to eavesdrop on high-tech communications. From his Aug. 12, 1997 op-ed piece in the Washington Times, "Welcoming Big Brother." 

 "Fear the United States, for you will lose your liberty."  
- General John Ashcroft speaking before the Senate Judiciary Committee, December 6, 2001
Aftermath News Service
Citizens Resisting Tyranny, War, Crime and Corruption Update___
Conspiracy Planet - Dec 19, 2003
Bush Cabal Hides Patriot II Police State in HR2417 

Media Credit: Rick Kozak
Mr. Speaker, I rise with great concerns over the Intelligence Authorization Conference Report. I do not agree that Members of Congress should vote in favor of an authorization that most know almost nothing about--including the most basic issue of the level of funding.
What most concerns me about this conference report, though, is something that should outrage every single American citizen. I am referring to the stealth addition of language drastically expanding FBI powers to secretly and without court order snoop into the business and financial transactions of American citizens. These expanded internal police powers will enable the FBI to demand transaction records from businesses, including auto dealers, travel agents, pawnbrokers and more, without the approval or knowledge of a judge or grand jury. 
This was written into the bill at the 11th hour over the objections of mmbers of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which would normally have jurisdiction over the FBI.
The Judiciary Committee was frozen out of the process. 
It appears we are witnessing a stealth enactment of the enormously unpopular "Patriot II" legislation that was first leaked several months ago. Perhaps the national outcry when a draft of the Patriot II act was leaked has led its supporters to enact it one piece at a time in secret. Whatever the case, this is outrageous and unacceptable. I urge each of my colleagues to join me in rejecting this bill and its incredibly dangerous expansion of Federal police powers.
I also have concerns about the rest of the bill. One of the few things we do know about this final version is that we are authorizing even more than the president has requested for the intelligence community. The intelligence budget seems to grow every year, but we must ask what we are getting for our money. It is notoriously difficult to assess the successes of our intelligence apparatus, and perhaps it is unfair that we only hear about its failures and shortcomings. 
However, we cannot help but be concerned over several such failures in recent years. Despite the tens of billions we spend on these myriad intelligence agencies, it is impossible to ignore the failure of our federal intelligence community to detect and prevent the September 11 attacks. Additionally, it is becoming increasingly obvious that our intelligence community failed completely to accurately assess the nature of the raqi threat. These are by any measure grave failures, costing us incalculably in human lives and treasure. 
Yet from what little we can know about 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush Administration Quarantines Dissent

2003-12-16 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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--- Begin Message ---


December 15, 2003 issue
Copyright  2003 The American Conservative

âFree-Speech Zoneâ

The administration quarantines dissent.

By James Bovard

On Dec. 6, 2001, Attorney General John Ashcroft informed the Senate Judiciary Committee, âTo those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty â your tactics only aid terrorists, for they erode our national unity and â give ammunition to Americaâs enemies.â Some commentators feared that Ashcroftâs statement, which was vetted beforehand by top lawyers at the Justice Department, signaled that this White House would take a far more hostile view towards opponents than did recent presidents. And indeed, some Bush administration policies indicate that Ashcroftâs comment was not a mere throwaway line.

When Bush travels around the United States, the Secret Service visits the location ahead of time and orders local police to set up âfree speech zonesâ or âprotest zonesâ where people opposed to Bush policies (and sometimes sign-carrying supporters) are quarantined. These zones routinely succeed in keeping protesters out of presidential sight and outside the view of media covering the event.

When Bush came to the Pittsburgh area on Labor Day 2002, 65-year-old retired steel worker Bill Neel was there to greet him with a sign proclaiming, âThe Bush family must surely love the poor, they made so many of us.â The local police, at the Secret Serviceâs behest, set up a âdesignated free-speech zoneâ on a baseball field surrounded by a chain-link fence a third of a mile from the location of Bushâs speech. The police cleared the path of the motorcade of all critical signs, though folks with pro-Bush signs were permitted to line the presidentâs path. Neel refused to go to the designated area and was arrested for disorderly conduct; the police also confiscated his sign. Neel later commented, âAs far as Iâm concerned, the whole country is a free speech zone. If the Bush administration has its way, anyone who criticizes them will be out of sight and out of mind.â

At Neelâs trial, police detective John Ianachione testified that the Secret Service told local police to confine âpeople that were there making a statement pretty much against the president and his viewsâ in a so-called free speech area. Paul Wolf, one of the top officials in the Allegheny County Police Department, told Salon that the Secret Service âcome in and do a site survey, and say, âHereâs a place where the people can be, and weâd like to have any protesters put in a place that is able to be secured.ââ Pennsylvania district judge Shirley Rowe Trkula threw out the disorderly conduct charge against Neel, declaring, âI believe this is America. Whatever happened to âI donât agree with you, but Iâll defend to the death your right to say itâ?â

Similar suppressions have occurred during Bush visits to Florida. A recent St. Petersburg Times editorial noted, âAt a Bush rally at Legends Field in 2001, three demonstratorsâtwo of whom were grandmothersâwere arrested for holding up small handwritten protest signs outside the designated zone. And last year, seven protesters were arrested when Bush came to a rally at the USF Sun Dome. They had refused to be cordoned off into a protest zone hundreds of yards from the entrance to the Dome.â One of the arrested protesters was a 62-year-old man holding up a sign, âWar is good business. Invest your sons.â The seven were charged with trespassing, âobstructing without violence and disorderly conduct.â

Police have repressed protesters during several Bush visits to the St. Louis area as well. When Bush visited on Jan. 22, 2003, 150 people carrying signs were shunted far away from the main action and effectively quarantined. Denise Lieberman of the ACLU of Eastern Missouri commented, âNo one could 

[CTRL] Bush Administration Quarantines Dissent

2003-12-15 Thread William Shannon

December 15, 2003 issue
Copyright  2003 The American Conservative

âFree-Speech Zoneâ

The administration quarantines dissent.

By James Bovard

On Dec. 6, 2001, Attorney General John Ashcroft informed the Senate Judiciary Committee, âTo those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty â your tactics only aid terrorists, for they erode our national unity and â give ammunition to Americaâs enemies.â Some commentators feared that Ashcroftâs statement, which was vetted beforehand by top lawyers at the Justice Department, signaled that this White House would take a far more hostile view towards opponents than did recent presidents. And indeed, some Bush administration policies indicate that Ashcroftâs comment was not a mere throwaway line.

When Bush travels around the United States, the Secret Service visits the location ahead of time and orders local police to set up âfree speech zonesâ or âprotest zonesâ where people opposed to Bush policies (and sometimes sign-carrying supporters) are quarantined. These zones routinely succeed in keeping protesters out of presidential sight and outside the view of media covering the event.

When Bush came to the Pittsburgh area on Labor Day 2002, 65-year-old retired steel worker Bill Neel was there to greet him with a sign proclaiming, âThe Bush family must surely love the poor, they made so many of us.â The local police, at the Secret Serviceâs behest, set up a âdesignated free-speech zoneâ on a baseball field surrounded by a chain-link fence a third of a mile from the location of Bushâs speech. The police cleared the path of the motorcade of all critical signs, though folks with pro-Bush signs were permitted to line the presidentâs path. Neel refused to go to the designated area and was arrested for disorderly conduct; the police also confiscated his sign. Neel later commented, âAs far as Iâm concerned, the whole country is a free speech zone. If the Bush administration has its way, anyone who criticizes them will be out of sight and out of mind.â

At Neelâs trial, police detective John Ianachione testified that the Secret Service told local police to confine âpeople that were there making a statement pretty much against the president and his viewsâ in a so-called free speech area. Paul Wolf, one of the top officials in the Allegheny County Police Department, told Salon that the Secret Service âcome in and do a site survey, and say, âHereâs a place where the people can be, and weâd like to have any protesters put in a place that is able to be secured.ââ Pennsylvania district judge Shirley Rowe Trkula threw out the disorderly conduct charge against Neel, declaring, âI believe this is America. Whatever happened to âI donât agree with you, but Iâll defend to the death your right to say itâ?â

Similar suppressions have occurred during Bush visits to Florida. A recent St. Petersburg Times editorial noted, âAt a Bush rally at Legends Field in 2001, three demonstratorsâtwo of whom were grandmothersâwere arrested for holding up small handwritten protest signs outside the designated zone. And last year, seven protesters were arrested when Bush came to a rally at the USF Sun Dome. They had refused to be cordoned off into a protest zone hundreds of yards from the entrance to the Dome.â One of the arrested protesters was a 62-year-old man holding up a sign, âWar is good business. Invest your sons.â The seven were charged with trespassing, âobstructing without violence and disorderly conduct.â

Police have repressed protesters during several Bush visits to the St. Louis area as well. When Bush visited on Jan. 22, 2003, 150 people carrying signs were shunted far away from the main action and effectively quarantined. Denise Lieberman of the ACLU of Eastern Missouri commented, âNo one could see them from the street. In addition, the media were not allowed to talk to them. The police would not allow any media inside the protest area and wouldnât allow any of the protesters out of the protest zone to talk to the media.â When Bush stopped by a Boeing plant to talk to workers, Christine Mains and her five-year-old daughter disobeyed orders to move to a small protest area far from the action. Police arrested Mains and took her and her crying daughter away in separate squad cars.

The Justice Department is now prosecuting Brett Bursey, who was arrested for holding a âNo War for Oilâ sign at a Bush visit to Columbia, S.C. Local police, acting under Secret Service orders, established a âfree speech zoneâ half a mile from where Bush would speak. Bursey was standing amid hundreds of people carrying signs praising the president. Police told Bursey to remove himself to the âfree speech zone.â

Bursey refused and was arrested. Bursey said that he asked the policeman if âit was the content of my sign, and he said, âYes, sir, itâs the content of your sign thatâs the problem.ââ Bursey stated that he had already moved 200 yards from w

[CTRL] Bush misled America on Iraq, Clark asserts

2003-12-05 Thread Sean McBride
Title: Chicago Tribune: Bush misled America on Iraq, Clark asserts
-Caveat Lector-

  Clark said the war in Iraq had 
  nothing to do with the war on terrorism."Many in the military knew 
  this was a bad idea to go after Iraq," he said. "They knew it early and they 
  knew this administration--even as President Bush was promising Osama bin Laden 
  dead or alive--this administration was planning a 
  bait-and-switch."Clark said Bush has since handled himself 
  poorly."Only someone who hasn't seen war firsthand would say something 
  as fatuous as `bring it on,'" Clark said. "You don't make policy by taunting 
  the enemy."


Bush misled America on Iraq, Clark assertsBy Jill ZuckmanTribune 
national correspondentDecember 5, 2003NASHUA, N.H. -- Intensifying his criticism of President Bush's handling of 
foreign policy, retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark accused the administration 
Thursday of misleading the American people with "the greatest, most wasteful, 
disastrous bait-and-switch" by invading Iraq in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 
terrorist attacks.In a frequently personal critique, Clark told an 
overflow crowd at Daniel Webster College in Nashua that Bush "misled the 
American people" and Congress, and never presented evidence for invading 
Iraq."Instead of using the bully 
pulpit as a foundation for leadership in America, this administration is all 
bully and no pulpit," he said. "It doesn't feel an obligation to tell the truth. 
It doesn't feel an obligation to make a convincing case."Clark's remarks 
come as two new polls show him moving into third place in New Hampshire while 
Sen. John Kerry (D.-Mass.) is losing ground among voters but holding on to 
second place, behind former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean.In his talk, Clark, 
a Vietnam veteran and former supreme commander of NATO, promised to end the war 
in Iraq, bring home U.S. troops and use military force only as a last resort. He 
said his first act as president would be to "put the pre-emptive strike doctrine 
through the shredder."Clark said the war in Iraq had nothing to do with 
the war on terrorism."Many in the military knew this was a bad idea to 
go after Iraq," he said. "They knew it early and they knew this 
administration--even as President Bush was promising Osama bin Laden dead or 
alive--this administration was planning a bait-and-switch."Clark said 
Bush has since handled himself poorly."Only someone who hasn't seen war 
firsthand would say something as fatuous as `bring it on,'" Clark said. "You 
don't make policy by taunting the enemy."He disagreed with the 
administration's decision to lock out people who want to witness the arrival of 
caskets at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware.He said Bush has failed to 
comfort soldiers' families."He'll go to a dozen fundraisers for 
re-election, but he won't go to one single home and put his arms around a mother 
who's lost her child, and that's wrong," Clark said.
Copyright © 2003, Chicago Tribune 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Bush and Blair Are In Trouble (John Pilger)

2003-12-03 Thread Sean McBride
Title: ZNet | Iraq | Bush And Blair Are In Trouble
-Caveat Lector-



ZNet | 

Bush And Blair 
Are In Trouble

  by John Pilger; 
December 02, 2003 
Shortly before the disastrous Bush visit to Britain, Tony 
Blair was at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday. It was an unusual glimpse 
of a state killer whose effete respectability has gone. His perfunctory nod 
to "the glorious dead" came from a face bleak with guilt. As William Howard 
Russell of the Times wrote of another prime minister responsible for the 
carnage in the Crimea, "He carries himself like one with blood on his 
hands." Having shown his studied respect to the Queen, whose prerogative 
allowed him to commit his crime in Iraq, Blair hurried away. "Sneak home and 
pray you'll never know," wrote Siegfried Sassoon in 1917, "The hell where 
youth and laughter go." 
Blair must know his game is over. Bush's reception in 
Britain demonstrated that; and the CIA has now announced that the Iraqi 
resistance is "broad, strong and getting stronger", with numbers estimated 
at 50,000. "We could lose this situation," says a report to the White House. 
The goal now is to "plan the endgame". 
Their lying has finally become satire. Bush told David Frost 
that the world really had to change its attitude about Saddam Hussein's 
nuclear weapons because they were "very advanced". My personal favourite is 
Donald Rumsfeld's assessment. "The message," he said, "is that there are 
known knowns - there are things that we know that we know. There are known 
unknowns - that is to say, there are things that we now know we don't know. 
But there are also unknown unknowns ... things we do not know we don't know. 
And each year we discover a few more of those unknown unknowns." 
An unprecedented gathering of senior American intelligence 
officers, diplomats and former Pentagon officials met in Washington the 
other day to say, in the words of Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst and 
friend of Bush's father: "Now we know that no other president of the United 
States has ever lied so baldly and so often and so demonstrably ... The 
presumption now has to be that he's lying any time that he's saying 
And Blair and his foreign secretary dare to suggest that the 
millions who have rumbled the Bush gang are "fashionably anti-American". An 
instructive example of their own mendacity was demonstrated recently by Jack 
Straw. On BBC Radio 4, defending Bush and Washington's doctrine of 
"preventive war", Straw told the interviewer: "Article 51 [of the United 
Nations Charter], to which you referred earlier - you said it only allows 
for self-defence. It actually goes more widely than that because it talks 
about the right of states to take what is called 'preventive action'." 

Straw's every word was false, an invention. Article 51 does 
not refer to "the right of states to take preventive action" or anything 
similar. Nowhere in the UN Charter is there any such reference. Article 51 
refers only to "the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence 
if an armed attack occurs" and goes on to constrain that right further. 
Moreover, the UN Charter was so framed as to outlaw any state's claimed 
right to preventive war. 
In other words, the Foreign Secretary fabricated a provision 
of the UN Charter which does not exist, then broadcast it as fact. When 
Straw does speak the truth, it causes panic. The other day, he admitted that 
Bush had shut him out of critical talks in Washington with Paul Bremer, the 
US viceroy in Iraq. Straw said he was "not party to the talks, not a party 
to his [Bremer's] return visit". The Foreign Office transcript of this 
leaves out that Straw had complained that "the UK and US [are] literally the 
occupying powers, and we have to meet those responsibilities". The US 
disregard for its principal vassal has never been clearer. 
Both are now desperate. The Bush regime's panic is reflected 
in its adoption of Israeli revenge tactics, using F-16 aircraft to drop 
500lb bombs on residential areas called "suspect zones". They are also 
burning crops: another Israeli tactic. The parallels are now Palestine and 
Vietnam; more Americans have died in Iraq than in the first three years of 
the Vietnam war. 
For Bush and Blair, no recourse to the "bravery" of "our 
wonderful troops" will work its populist magic now. "My husband died in 
vain," read the headline in the Independent on Sunday. Lianne Seymour, widow 
of the commando Ian Seymour, said: "They misled the guys going out there. 
You can't just do something wrong and hope you fin

Re: [CTRL] Bush & The Nazis: New Documents

2003-11-29 Thread Brian Salter

On Saturday, November 29, 2003, at 03:09 AM, William Shannon wrote:


Bush and the Nazis: New Documents
Herbert Parmet,  November 26, 2003

The link for Anton Chaitkin in the article above turns up this interesting recent letter to the History News Network site:


EDITOR'S NOTE:  We received the following email from Mr. Chaitkin on Nov. 13, 2003. 

I co-authored {George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography}, published 1992, the definitive story of the Bush family's relations with the financing of Hitler and the Nazi war machine. I wrote that account based in part upon the work of my father, Jacob Chaitkin, the legal cousel and strategist for the Boycott against Nazi Germany carried on by the American Jewish Congress. 
I am history editor of Executive Intelligence Review, the weekly 72-page magazine associated with the political movement of Lyndon LaRouche. 
In the "Bush / Nazis" field at present, you are operating in the following geometry. We, and those working with us, are acting to bust up the Cheney-Rumsfeld-Ashcroft-Wolfowitz cabal, aiming for the immediate ouster of Cheney. This fight is now at the stage of an absolute showdown, with a potential nuclear war the possible outcome if we do not break these lunatics right away. IN THIS SITUATION, some people are reviving the Bush / Nazis story in order to deflect attention from the political struggle now underway. For example, as you know, former President Bush ("41") has been acting in what strikes many as strange ways recently, evidently trying to restrain Junior from going over the abyss with Cheney. Thus, the story - which I put into the political mainstream in 1992 is only now being trotted out, for NOT necessarily good purposes. 
For example, John Loftus, who did almost no original research, is now being hyped as the big source for the Bush-Nazis story; Loftus was recently at a war-crazies' "summit" in Israel with Richard Pearl et. al., promoting a new set of wars. [*]
A test of the sincerity of any new promotion of this story, would be whether the promoters actually get in touch with me, now. Here is my phone number - . Please give me a call -- I'd be pleased to talk with you, and assist you in any way that I can. 
By the way, you can access the entire Unauthorized Biography, on many different websites. Just put my name and Bush into a search engine. 
Yours truly, 
Anton Chaitkin 
Executive Intelligence Review 
60 Sycolin Road, Leesburg, VA 20175 

[* http://www.jerusalemsummit.org/eng/summit.php]

[CTRL] Bush & The Nazis: New Documents

2003-11-28 Thread William Shannon

Bush and the Nazis: New Documents
Herbert Parmet, ÂNovember 26, 2003 

Editor's Note: For the past couple of months, we've been corresponding with a Florida-based freelance journalist named John Buchanan. In October, Buchanan began publishing a series of articles documenting the Bush dynasty patriarch's business deals with Nazi-era businesses. This summer, Buchanan discovered newly declassified documents in the National Archives that he claims shows Prescott Bush (seen in photo), the president's grandfather, was more connected toÂNazi GermanyÂthan had previously been known. He broke the story in the New Hamsphire Gazette, a small, fiercely independent newspaper founded by the current publisher's ancestor in 1756. But when Buchanan began to reach out to mainstream news organizations, his story was ignored. The Associated Press ran an article,Âbut it largely discounted the new findings' significance. Buchanan went on the offensive, sending belligerent emails to news organizations that refused to investigate (he's something of a loose canon), and has launched a campaign to run for President of the United States on the Republican ticket to publicize his findings (as I said, he's something of a loose canon). Buchanan argues that only through investigating Prescott Bush's connections to the Nazis that we can fully understand the Bush family fortune and the true nature of their political legacy. Does the story hold up? Even if it does, can you hold the son to blame for the sins of the father (or grandfather, in this case)? Recently our new friends at George Mason University's History News Network asked noted historian Herbert Parmet to investigate. This is his report: 

What Should We Make of the Charge Linking the Bush Family Fortune to Nazism? 

John Buchanan is a free-lance journalist with a mission. He intends to alert the media, and all who will listen, about how Prescott Bush, the progenitor of two presidents, was in league with some of Hitlerâs âwilling helpers.â Minimized or totally dismissed by the public, the story was revived from its World War II roots by Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in their "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography" (1992) and given a strong additional push in John Loftusâs sensationalist "The War Against the Jews" (1994). 

Allegations involving the âfatherâ of what has become the Bush dynasty relate to his association with Brown Harriman and Company, the Wall Street investment banking firm, which evolved from a 1931 merger of W. A. Harriman and Company and Brown Brothers, which was brought together by George Herbert Walker, president of the former, and his son-in-law, Prescott. 

The younger Bush, by then, was one of the seven directors of Brown Brothers Harriman, a board that included W. Averell Harriman and his brother Roland. 

Buchananâs charges of a Bush-Nazi past are hard to ignore, largely because of his passion as a true-believer and an effective series of articles in a highly independent New England publication. His enthusiasm for getting âat the truthâ of all this has been further emboldened by Loftus, who has suggested that Prescott Bush âshould have been tried for treason, because they continued to support Hitler after the U.S. entered the war. Loftus, who describes himself as âa former prosecutor with the U.S. Justice Departmentâs Nazi-hunting unit,â has added the reassurance that he âcould have made the case.â 

Treasury and Justice department files, including what was then the Office of Alien Property, declassified as recently as September, do indeed show that the U. S. government acted to seize numerous assets held by Harriman affiliated companies. âAfter the war,â Buchanan has written, âa total of 18 additional Brown Brothers Harriman and UBC-related [Union Banking Corporation] client assets were seizedâ under the Trading With the Enemy Act, which Franklin D. Roosevelt signed right after Pearl Harbor. 

George Herbert (Bert) Walkerâs relationship with Averell Harriman went back to 1919, reported Buchanan, when both went to Paris to set up âthe German branch of their banking and investment operations, which were largely based on critical war resources such as steel and coal.â Other corporate entities, all with ties to similar German interests, were then created by UBC, which had Prescott Bush on its board â most notably, the Hamburg-American Line, the Holland-American Trading Corporation, and the Seamless Steel Corporation. On October 12, 1920, the St. Louis Globe-Democrat headlined âEx-St. Louisan Forms Giant Ship Merger,â explaining that Bert Walker was the âmoving powerâ behind the âmerger of two big financial houses in New York, which will place practically unlimited capital at the disposal of the new American-German shipping combine.â In the summer and fall of 1942, Congress, under the authority of the Trading With the Enemy Act, seized the first group of entities, the UBC, the Holland-Amer

Re: [CTRL] Bush Blasphemes God Again.

2003-11-24 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/23/2003 10:00:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
ust because muslims believe in god it does not mean that it is the exact samegod christians worship even though they are both called god to each religion
Now that's a thought.  And you may be right.  The pani in Italy certainly tastes a lot better than the bread in the U.S.  Prudy
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Bush Blasphemes God Again.

2003-11-23 Thread Daniel Harrison
-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 23 Nov 2003 00:03, you wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> At 06:45 AM 11/22/03, you wrote:
> >-Caveat Lector-
> >In a message dated 11/22/2003 2:38:16 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> >LONDON (BP)--In an answer likely to upset evangelicals and other members
> > of his Christian base, President Bush said Nov. 20 that Christiaans and
> > Muslims worship the same God.
> >
> >But for once Bush is telling the truth.  Allah is the Arabic word for God.
> >  I think the Arabic word for Jesus is spoken just a bit differently also.
> >  It's like how when you're in Italy, you eat pani, and when you're in the
> > United States, you have the same thing to eat, but it's called bread.
> > Who are these weirdos who think people in Arabia should worship in
> > English?  How stupid do you have to be to be a practicing evangelical?
> > Prudy
> No you are very wrong.  Allah is the specific personal name of a historical
> god dating back to a pagan fertility moon-god cult.  I don't know where you
> got your information but it's wrong.  And your bread analogy is absurd.
> And Bush is both wrong and absurd.
just because muslims believe in god it does not mean that it is the exact same
god christians worship even though they are both called god to each religion

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> These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many
> half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by
> different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the
> spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to
> the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you
> read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
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Daniel Harrison

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush Blasphemes God Again.

2003-11-22 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/22/2003 8:07:12 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

said Nov. 20 that Christiaans and Muslims worship the same God.But for once Bush is telling the truth.  Allah is the Arabic word for God.  I think the Arabic word for Jesus is spoken just a bit differently also.  It's like how when you're in Italy, you eat pani, and when you're in the United States, you have the same thing to eat, but it's called bread.  Who are these weirdos who think people in Arabia should worship in English?  How stupid do you have to be to be a practicing evangelical?  PrudyNo you are very wrong.  Allah is the specific personal name of a historical god dating back to a pagan fertility moon-god cult.  I don't know where you got your information but it's wrong.  And your bread analogy is absurd.  And Bush is both wrong and absurd.
Right, all bread is absurd; however, since the Moslems accept the Christ myth completely, then I guess they must think that Christ is the son of a pagan fertility moon-god.  Talk about absurb.  Where do YOU get your information?   
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush Blasphemes God Again.

2003-11-22 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

At 06:45 AM 11/22/03, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector- 
In a message dated 11/22/2003 2:38:16 AM Eastern Standard Time,

LONDON (BP)--In an answer likely to upset
evangelicals and other members of his Christian base, President Bush said
Nov. 20 that Christiaans and Muslims worship the same

But for once Bush is telling the truth.  Allah is the Arabic
word for God.  I think the Arabic word for Jesus is spoken just a
bit differently also.  It's like how when you're in Italy, you eat
pani, and when you're in the United States, you have the same thing to
eat, but it's called bread.  Who are these weirdos who think people
in Arabia should worship in English?  How stupid do you have to be
to be a practicing evangelical?  Prudy
No you are very wrong.  Allah is the specific personal name of a
historical god dating back to a pagan fertility moon-god cult.  I
don't know where you got your information but it's wrong.  And your
bread analogy is absurd.  And Bush is both wrong and

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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