Re: [CTRL] Contrails over Columbus, Ohio

2001-05-08 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 7 May 01, at 13:58, Aleisha Saba wrote:

> In summation we do not need enemies when we have people under Leading
> Edge Research producing maps of all our underground bases for the
> Chinese and/or Mossad and Russians?

I for one think we should have at least a vague where some of the money
diverted to black ops has been spent. It's not like they sent the exact
coordinates. And besides they have spy satellites who knows what else
that enables them to identify these locations. The American public is usually
the last to know, Saba.



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[CTRL] Contrails over Columbus, Ohio

2001-05-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Yesterday criss cross and tic tac over Columbus, Ohio - today skies
cloudy and rain is coming.  The planes were high enough they could not
be seen.

Inasmuch as Rickenbacher is refueling station and to the south you have
Wright Field one can conclude they are from Wright Field.

Leading Edge Research has this stuff; however, sometimes I wonder for a
map they had showed all our underground bases which of course an enemy
of the USA would love to have - why not just get a billboard and reveal

More on Cooper on the web and he was a Petty Officer in the navy - now I
know why my old boss who was FBI retired never had so much as a phone
book in his office..papers left out with people you think you can
trust when look at the FBI todayKGB operates within for now it is
this is the FBI/KGB/MOSSAD office and we have our overseas CIA agents
being murdered from time to time because of a fat pig like Kissinger who
lets lists of agents lying around (CIA caught that creep on that one but
not before KGB murdered Welch).

So read this about contrails and tell me, how do we know these are not
Russian planes loading up over here - remember the Egyptian Tutmosis
which crashed killing all aboard..Edwards AFB -

In summation we do not need enemies when we have people under Leading
Edge Research producing maps of all our underground bases for the
Chinese and/or Mossad and Russians?


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HomeLeading Edge Research Group Ongoing Report by Val Valerian
Death from the Sky?
Mystery Chemical Dispersion and Biological Terrorism?
What's Going On?

"The entire sky was 'canceled out' (covered) after about 5 hours of
trails being formed by jets. That's a lot of fuel, time, planes, pilots
for whatever is going on. My familiarity with commercial flight routes
causes me to completely dismiss the possibility that these trails were
caused by commercial jets flying normal commercial flights, I personally
witnessed several jets fly due south for perhaps fifty miles and then
turn 90 degrees to the west and continue to paint what I can only
surmise is a surreptitious tic-tac-toe game of who knows what awful
See registry of types of aircraft reported.
A Lab Analysis of Chemtrail Material Released 4/18/99 Apache
Helicopter Caught Dusting in Texas 4/16/99 "Contrails" vs Chemical
Trails: Where is the research going?  A Letter from Val Valerian
F.A.A. Facility Caught Launching Chemtrail Spray Aircraft April 12,
1999 Environmental News Service Reports  Worldwide Email
Discussions   Latest Report Senate Testimony on Aerial Dispersion
of Biochemical Weapons Letters to Congress on the Subject Technical
Other Significant Websites on this subject:
 Chemical Trails Over America   Chemtrail Investigations and News
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 Scan of Newsgroups  Chemical Trails and Spraying The Contrail
 Recent Reports   Recent Photos   Recent Sickness Reports
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 New Jersey Sightings  Chemical Trails Over Los Angeles
 Happy Spray Day - Grand Rapids Michigan   The Harbinger
 Photos From Maryland Las Vegas  Santa Fe, MN  Silver City, NM
 Kansas City Seneca Lake, NY  Long Island, NY
 Arkansas  Los Angeles  Oregon  SW New Mexico
 Satellite Photo East Coast   Chemical Trails in the United Kingdom
 Cloud Seeding or Genocide? Chemtrail Eyewitness
Accounts  Worldwide Reports
 Anomalous Spraying: Part of a Biowarfare Program "Defense" System?
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Our  Automated  Current Internet Information Scans on this Subject:
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Other Potentially Useful Links:
 Message Board
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Monitor Reported Flu Outbreaks
 1994 Senate Testimony of Leonard Cole, Ph.D.
Documented Government Open Air Biological Experiments
 Continuing Aerial Biowarfare in Washington State 1994 to Present
 Title 50 U.S. Code on Biological Warfare Permits Experimentation on
 More Testimonials  More Conceptually Related Links
 Author Linda Howe's Real Audio Report on Chemicals
 William Thomas Real Audio Interview on Art Bell Show, 3/17/99
 Flu Patients Continue to Fill Hospital Beds 2/19/99
 Flu Hits Tri-State Area 2/18/99
 Mystery Chemtrailss - Inexplicable Illnesses - Mass
Poisoning? 1/31/99
 Mystery Rings Over USA in Satellite Recon Persist 1/31/99
"Contrails" Mystify, Sicken Americans
By William Thomas,
SEATTLE, Washington, January 8, 1999 (ENS) - Contrails spread by fleets
of jet aircraft in elaborate cross-hatched patterns are sparking
speculation and making people sick across the United States. Washington
state resident William Wallace became ill with severe diarrh

[CTRL] Contrails, or 'Trails-CON?

2001-03-02 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-">
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Contrails/Weather Control aka Modification

2001-01-21 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Thursday afternoon I wore only a jacket and visited an establishment in
Columbus, Ohio in more of a country atmosphere.

Upon leaving at about 4:30 I walked out into this somewhat open area,
and above me edging to 1:00 was the biggest contrail I ever saw in my
life - it was sunny, and clear but for this one huge contrail that clear
across the sky but it looked huge in width - it looked like when the
Challenger went up leaving this trail right before it exploded - more
like satellite contrails.

Later I noted in the southern sky the 2nd contrail...I cannot
destribte how wide this contrail was and it was lower.

Then the next day weather gets colder and snow.

Week before there were contrails possibly planes from Rickenbacker even
though is just refueling now, and/or Wright Field.

Now, Weather Modification and Radar system are hooked together someway -
a gentleman wrote suggesting this was this HAARP think.

During this time my one sign got very ill - he travels, and now has
bronchitis something he NEVER had before, but it made me wonder.

Further since 1965 this program has been classified.they speak of
weather seeding clouds, but this stuff is being done by satellite, and I
believe like these mysterious (so called) crop markings, circle cuttings
in fields, and these contrails - they are marking areas for targeting

Dopper when you have medical tests are related to weather program
someway..using equiptment like radar measuring movements.
all this is old stuff - dead birds, geese off course, ship to shore
communications breaking down from time to time - plane crashes?   Is
this why everyone is supposed to have a flight plan but what if planes
are off schedule or coming in at a later timelike JFK Jr., or what?

I heard of this program then called "control" in the 50 period when I
was very, very young - present at this garden party - which ws held by
General Edwin Booth - who later headed up Task Force in Europe - and the
last Commodore - they were laughing and talking about this TV "star"
making remark about weather control - that whether we liked it or not,
it would be fact within 20 years.he stood by USAF jet plane - he was
in reserves - guy by name of Arthur Godfrey who was big propaanda tool
and later lost popularity, because he had a big mouth, I think..

In 1985 when our temperature hit 105 here - for over or about a
week.I then remembered things I had heard when younger and read -
for instance Viet Nam monsoons brought in months before schedule to aid
us in war = Castrol claiming that US had used the program against Cuba
in devasting hurricane which swept across island 4 times (same
one)..and we had this Bermuda Triangle stuff - and now suddenly you
hear about El Nino and La Nina.they are nothing new for Plato
mentions hese underground streams - one hot, one cold and somehow they
connect to the jet streams in the skyall being manipulated.

Well I was mad in 1986 whether weather getting worse  my house hit by
lighning 3 times in 2 years (one TV wrecked, and my web put out and
burnt up by lighting - and one tree a big fireball it itsounded like
WWII).but they now have the artificial lightning - or would laser be
more appropriate?   This MUIR is connected to this, that old rattletrap
and these people have been working with Russia and Red China and have in
their quest to control the weather, destroyed our farmers and someday
when the flowers no longer bloom on the trees, you will have no peaches,
oranges, cherries - bad crops all for the sake of these lousey third
world countries and Russia - idea is to warm up Russia and Udall in the
70 period was in on this stuff to his neck.

What I knew, I knew from speculation and remembering things when my
brother in law went to War College and was under Vandenberg at Joint
Chief of Staff and other places..he had many friends including Hap
Arnold and was pall bearer for this great manArnold's son married
Barbara Douglas of McConnel Douglass and was stationed in England with
my sister and brother in law and were good friends.this started the
missile sites and BMEWS over which he was Thor Chief in England and the
idea was then to defend this country and allies with all it took.

So who sabotaged the Apollo?   Who blew up the Challenger - and why did
Russian trawlers leave the scene immediately before as though they knew
something would happen..

All this stuff fits into top secret stuff - and I do know this, when I
told my brother in law that the Apollo was sabotaged, etc.he said
"lay off the ESP stuff - forget this stuff, it is dangerous, etc etc
etc" and forbid me to speak of anything connected to, this
one man said I had become attuned to the cosmos, whatever that meant.

Our homes are all wired for cable - sky full of satellites transmitting
day and night and we all are becoming receivers - some more sensitive
than others..

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell go


2000-05-24 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Original Message-
From: Surfing The Apocalypse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, 24 May 2000 20:11
Subject: [surfingtheapocalypse] CONTRAILS VS CHEMTRAILS - FACTS AND

Contrails Vs Chemtrails -
Facts And Chronology
>From Kim Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  I. Contrail vs. Chemtrail.

  A. A contrail dispurses. A chemtrail spreads into cloud cover and
  sometimes has fallout (cob-web like filaments, red/yellow powders,
  milky-white fluid).

  II. Purposes (??? weather modification, protection from ozone
  bio-vaccination, culling - ???)

  A. Weather modification.

  * Openly stated goal of the U.S. Military is "owning the weather"

  * UN environmental Program "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

  * UN "Capacity Development Initiative" on climate change ... in
  partnership with THE WORLD BANK as financiers (remember
  Seattle protests)

  * Dr. Bernard Eastlund took up the Tesla theories. Eastlund
  released his research and concernns on the internet AFTER the
  military took over, to cover his butt.

  * When DOD took over Dr. Eastlund's research, the birth of HAARP
  took place. HAARP is based in Alaska and it is being applied to
  Earth's ionosphere for weather control and mind control purposes.
  "Angels Don't Play This HAARP", Dr. Nick Begich [Earthpulse Press,
  PO Box 201393, Anchorage, AK 99520]; Concerned citizens group
  paper at

  * US Air Force IS involved. Early April 2000, KC135s were grounded
  and during the period immediately following spraying reports
  the US significantly dropped. See (OVER 700
  members - daily reports to track) Also see the research of William
  Thomas (Author, "The Scorched Earth", "Bringing The War Home",
  "Probing the Chemtrail Conundrum") (Email:

  * Our weathermen KNOW. The data doesn't support the cloud
  cover. For instance, last year in Sante Fe, NM there was a 21-day
  period of continuous clouud cover when humidity/dew point levels
  were no higher than 30%. Clouds can only form when humidity/dew
  point levels are 60% of higher. HOW DID THE CLOUDS FORM??

  B. There has definitely been biological warfare testing of

  * 1977 hearings before the U.S. Senate Committee on Human
  Resources SubCommittee on Health and Scientific Research (see

  * AGAIN 5/6/94 U.S. Senate testimony of Dr. Leonard Cole
  (Author, "Clouds of Secrecy") before the Committee on Veteran's
  Affairs (see

  * 3 segments aired on ABC / Ted Kopple's "Nighline" which
  included the testimony of Peter Kawaja on the biowarfare exposure
  of Gulf War vets. Of the initial 697,000 soldiers deployed to the
  War, 489,400+ (70%) are now discharged, 1000s have died and
  are dying, 67% of their babies born after are born deformed,
  family/friends/doctors/nurses becoming sick. Mycoplasmas are a
  part of their sickness.

  * UN Wildlands Project - the "re-wilding of America". 50% of the
  United States is being set aside for global parklands with NO
  HUMANS ALLOWED. Papers state "human population must be
  reduced." Concerned citizens site

  * Damning patents. U.S. patent 5534413 for invasive mycoplasma
  infection (isolated from the urine of AIDS patients), and THE
  Mycoplasmas can cause Epstein-Barr/mono, lupus, ALS, MS,
  meningitis, lymphoma, leukemia, alzheimers, Crohn's Disease, PID,
  arthritis, fibromyalgia, allergies, asthma etc etc etc. and

  * Lab results from ground samples taken from 2 unassociated
  parties (Sacramento and E.Oregon) after flyovers from unmarked
  aircraft reveal biowarfare bacterias named in over 160 Pentagon
  patents referencing biowarfare applications, toxic molds, ethylene
  dibromide (a pesticide banned by the EPA which damages
  lungs/heart/liver/kidneys). (See
  "The flu that's not the flu" - hospitals filled to capacity

Re: [CTRL] contrails/SF CA

2000-04-03 Thread Bill Huey

-Caveat Lector-">
 -Cui Bono?-

chem trails almost daily gainesville fl . As I travel to SF and other cities it's 
being done everywhere
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[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] contrails/SF CA

2000-03-31 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-">
 -Cui Bono?-

I cannot recall which one, but a Congressman from AZ or NM has recently
called for Congressional investigations of the chemtrails.  Of course there
is a conspiracy to the chemtrails disappearing  so it could be so that
this Congressman cannot see them at the time he is asking for
investigations. Makes it easier to pretend they do not exist.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] contrails/SF CA

> -Caveat Lector-">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, nessie wrote:
> > There was a BIG old contrail crosshatch over San Francisco
> > this afternoon.
> >
> > Anybody else see it?
> >
> No, but I find it AMAZING that EVERY DAY since Dec., 98 (except
> for several national holidays and VERY BAD weather) there has
> been AT LEAST TWO tankers SPRAYING in the shy here, but that they
> have been pretty much nonexistent here in central AZ between Phnx
> and Flagstaff for the last several weeks?!?!?
> Maybe we have the desired concentrations of WHATEVER in us by
> now?
> And, I am not exagerating when I say virtually EVERY DAY since
> Dec. 98!  I just got a digital camera over the net and wouldn't
> ya know it...Chemtrails no-more here in the high desert:(
> Maybe I should be :)  ???
> =
>  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT
>   *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
>Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.
> =
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
> and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] contrails/SF CA

2000-03-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-">
 -Cui Bono?-

On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, nessie wrote:

> There was a BIG old contrail crosshatch over San Francisco
> this afternoon.
> Anybody else see it?

No, but I find it AMAZING that EVERY DAY since Dec., 98 (except
for several national holidays and VERY BAD weather) there has
been AT LEAST TWO tankers SPRAYING in the shy here, but that they
have been pretty much nonexistent here in central AZ between Phnx
and Flagstaff for the last several weeks?!?!?

Maybe we have the desired concentrations of WHATEVER in us by

And, I am not exagerating when I say virtually EVERY DAY since
Dec. 98!  I just got a digital camera over the net and wouldn't
ya know it...Chemtrails no-more here in the high desert:(

Maybe I should be :)  ???

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] contrails/SF CA

2000-03-31 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-">
 -Cui Bono?-

There was a BIG old contrail crosshatch over San Francisco this afternoon.

Anybody else see it?">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Contrails

1999-12-02 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

 -Caveat Lector-

 It's happening here now and almost everyone I know in the last week has had
a cold, cough, sore throat etc including myself... This is nuts.


-Original Message-
From: C Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 8:12 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Contrails

 -Caveat Lector-

That happened here a few weeks ago...I got the flu. This was just one
planehigher than I have ever seen one before. The contrail stretched
across the sky.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Contrails

1999-12-02 Thread C Davis

 -Caveat Lector-

That happened here a few weeks ago...I got the flu. This was just one
planehigher than I have ever seen one before. The contrail stretched
across the sky.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Contrails

1999-12-01 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 01 Dec 1999 08:12:28 -0600
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Russell Brinkley)
Subject:[SO] Contrails

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Russell Brinkley)

Hello, Anna and All,

Monday started out with clear blue skys here in South Louisiana, but about
8:30 Am the planes started laying down the contrails. They started with
parallel lines and by noon the sky was full of lines going in all
directions. I watched all day (as did others) as they filled the sky and
turned to strange, wispy clouds. By the time I left work to go home the sky
was totally overcast with these strange clouds. I also observed "rainbows"
in these trails. The most vivid colors I have ever seen. One "rainbow" was
arched sideways! Not like a normal rainbow at all. The humidity was very low
that day so no reason for this.
Tuesday my nose started to run and the sneezing started. My son and his
girlfriend have upper respiratory infections and I suspect others as well
are feeling the effects.
Can anyone tell me what the heck is going on.? Even a friend who is a
skeptic noticed this event and is now doing research on the web about
Didn't have my camera with me so no photos, but do have other witnesses to
this event.
I've seen the contrails before, but never to this extent.


Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Contrails etc. Direct Link to Live RealAudio

1999-08-02 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

Good show.
Check out the archive if you miss the live program.


Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Contrails etc. Direct Link

1999-08-02 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

Good show. Check out the archive if you miss the live show.


Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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[CTRL] Contrails/HAARP possible connection.

1999-06-12 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi folks

Burlington, West Virginia , Harbinger chemtrail pages.
Some very strange stuff going on there. Check it out...

The HAARP connection to the contrails.


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Re: [CTRL] Contrails over N. Ca and Nevada Now!

1999-06-10 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Steve Wingate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This chemtrail is now directly above my house and at an apparent
> altitude of 3000-5000 feet. More discontinuous low level contrails
> to the north over Sonoma County. Batten down the hatches!

Funny you should mention this.  As I drove through Santa Rosa
[Sonoma County] around noon yesterday [Wednesday] I noted a
number of people standing in a mall parking lot, pointing at
the eastern sky.  I looked that way and saw, at an apparent
altitude of 5000 feet, a pattern of rainbow-colored contrails
over Sonoma Mountain.  The sky was otherwise lightly cloudy.

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[CTRL] Contrails over N. Ca and Nevada Now!

1999-06-10 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

There is a big X shaped billowing chemtrail forming east of here.  I took
several photographs of them. There is a huge cloud overhead now and a
chemical smell and 'feel' to the air, and hawk are circling overhead nearby.
I'm not kidding. And now as I write this I went outside and photographed as
yet the most bizarre contrail I have seen, right over my house laid as I was
writing this. This chemtrail is now directly above my house and at an
apparent altitude of 3000-5000 feet. More discontinuous low level contrails
to the north over Sonoma County. Batten down the hatches!

Some coincidence. But you don't have to wait for the photos to be
developed. You can view the most recent image, or make a javascript
movie, (data every 7 minutes now!). The image at 2:00 GMT under
Previous is a good start.

(click on Northern Cal. VIS)

Or if you want the best resolution, download the individual gifs in the
archives and make a gif animation.


Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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[CTRL] CONtrails or Chemtrails?

1999-06-05 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-06-04 13:18:34 EDT, you write:

<< All,

 Input on the contrail topic from a patriot pilot.  Not sure about the
 extent of his own personal research on this topic, but he's a sharp fellow
 and makes common sense observations from the viewpoint of a pilot.   ICE
 >Subject: CONtrails or Chemtrails? Re: We're Here From the
 spray you?
 >Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 02:05:28 -0700
 >I can't let this one go by. As you may or may not know, I'm a certificated
 >Airline Transport Pilot. I can tell you that there is no such thing as a
 >"normal" or "standard" contrail. Depending on the height of the aircraft and
 >the temperature of the air the aircraft is passing through, the contrail
 >could form at varying distances away from the rear of the engines, or not at
 >I've looked at all of the pictures on the website for Mr. Clifford Carnicom.
 >Interestingly, the only aircraft depicted are twin-engine aircraft, which
 >perhaps include a Boeing 737, a Boeing 757 and the French produced Airbus.
 >The contrails in all of these pictures, while it "appears" to be emanating
 >from the tips of the horizontal stabilizer, is in reality the stream of
 >exhaust particulate being released from the two engines -- they line up
 >perfectly. That the horizontal stabilizer tips just happen to represent the
 >approximate spacing of the extended centerline of the exhaust trail is
 >clearly evident. Notice that Mr. Carnicom's first three pictures are
 >distorted? In two of the pictures, either someone has played with the
 >developing cycle in the darkroom (the grainy background), or the pictures
 >have been deliberately "doctored" to enhance the effect of the contrail
 >being made to appear as if it is being "sprayed" from the tips of the
 >horizontal stabilizer. NONSENSE!
 >Next time we have some clearer weather and cold temperatures aloft, spend
 >some time watching the sky. I can assure you that if you take the time, you
 >too will observe that the contrails appearing at varying distances. By the
 >way, Mr. Carnicom emphatically states that the three aircraft pictured in
 >the first part of his website are in fact "Chemplanes". I recognize one of
 >the aircraft as being a commercial passenger plane in the paint scheme of
 >either United Airlines or British Airways.
 >There are numerous high-altitude jet routes above Sante Fe, New Mexico. In
 >all likelihood, these aircraft are commercial passenger jets overflying and
 >transiting Sante Fe enroute to their final destination. A little listening
 >on the aircraft radio frequencies would probably prove what I'm saying here,
 >that this is nothing more than someone's fantasy. Might I suggest.
 >Gee, I wish I had thought of this: "Contrails from  engines, chemtrails come
 >from nozzles". I wonder if Mr. Carnicom has ever looked at the rear of a jet
 >engine. It is sort of like a big nozzle. And if you look at the size of the
 >contrails immediately as they've formed, you'll notice that they form in a
 >tapered shape - from about the size of the rear opening of the engine and
 >then "plume". All of these pictures represent what are normal, everyday
 >"contrails". That they are somehow "chemtrails" and that these pictures are
 >"evidence" is pure lunacy. I think Mr. Carnicom has been CONfused by all of
 >the CONtrails over Sante Fe, and appears to be on his own little mission of
 >/s/ John R. Prukop/ATP
 >"Reason obeys itself; and ignorance does whatever is dictated to it."
 >--Thomas Paine, Rights of Man ("Conclusion")
 >"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void."
 >--Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137 (1803)
 >CCW Coalition: Citizens For A Constitutional Washington
 >John R. Prukop, Executive Director
 >11910-C Meridian Ave. E., #142
 >Puyallup, Washington 98373
 >TEL:  (253) 840-8071
 >FAX: (253) 840-8074
 > >>

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Contrails and the NWO (fwd)

1999-05-09 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 09 May 1999 09:24:32 +0100
From: Ashley Rye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Contrails and the NWO

Those following the subject of contrails would do well to check
out Al Cuppet, 6-year member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on May
7th, Sightings archives. I am not prone to hysterics on this
issue, but nonetheless I found what he had to say disturbing and
thought-provoking, including his analysis of UN troop movements
and foreign guards in FEMA compounds. If just a fraction of what
he says is true we are in some pretty hot water, and are being
exposed to some very questionable agendas while most people are
completely in the dark about it. Check out the Chemtrail
Investigation at:

to read the results of what, precisely, is in that gummy brown
substance spattered on the sides of houses - it isn't toffee, and
it makes people exposed to it ill - not simply poisoned; stricken
with respiratory diseases as a consequence of being exposed to
biological agents... agents which, in culture, grow more rapidly
than is usual for microflora, and have a history of covert
bioweapons testing.

  Another seperate item of interest is the update on the RAF
Bentwaters case, archived earlier, noteable for the in-depth
discussion and appearance of two new witnesses which cast fresh
light on the case.


Ash's mural gallery:

   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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Re: [CTRL] Contrails off Pacific NW on 4/24/99

1999-04-28 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 27 Apr 99, , DIG wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Steve,
> Just came back from the Pacific Northwest and saw criss-crossed contrails
> over Spokane, and over the Okanogan mountains, west of Ephrata.  I live in
> the east and have never seen them before.  However,  every time I come back
> from out there, I've been very sick with a respiratory illness I cannot
> shake, I've had this since December and it will not go away, I have a
> constant chest-deep racking cough and feel like there's a 200 weight on my
> chest, I am afraid I'm going to end up with pneumonia. I haven't been sick
> like this in 20 years, just when I go out west.  Must be something to it
> after all.

Just a few suggestions which may be helpful:

Go to your local healthfood store and buy some colloidal silver. Log onto the internet
and do a search. You will get information on how to use this and how to make it
yourself. It is supposedly effective against 650 bacteria and viral invaders.

Also buy some elderberry tea. Avita is a good brand. It will get at that deep chest
cough. Sambucol, an elderberry extract, is also extremely helpful. Sambucol is pricey
but very effective. The tea is cheaper and also excellent. Drink lots of it. If your 
is bad, indulge in the sambucol, too. You should see improvement in a day or two.

Look into homeopathics. They are amazingly helpful where other things seem to fail.

Hope this helps.

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Re: [CTRL] Contrails off Pacific NW on 4/24/99

1999-04-27 Thread DIG Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-


Just came back from the Pacific Northwest and saw criss-crossed contrails
over Spokane, and over the Okanogan mountains, west of Ephrata.  I live in
the east and have never seen them before.  However,  every time I come back
from out there, I've been very sick with a respiratory illness I cannot
shake, I've had this since December and it will not go away, I have a
constant chest-deep racking cough and feel like there's a 200 weight on my
chest, I am afraid I'm going to end up with pneumonia. I haven't been sick
like this in 20 years, just when I go out west.  Must be something to it
after all.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Contrails off Pacific NW on 4/24/99

1999-04-26 Thread Steve Wingate

Added a new contrail page to my site with a regional image and an
animation of the goes-10 satellite image of the contrails off the Oregon-
Washington coast on Saturday April 25, 1999. These are persistant
contrails that last for hours. Many have already been laid before the first
image begins at 7:00 am PT.

These contails appear to be well below the upper clouds, which are swept
rapidly to the east by the jet stream, while the contrails drift eastward
relatively slowly. Newly forming contrails are also visible. These unusual
contrails have been reported by several individuals living in this area.


Steve Wingate

California Director



Re: [CTRL] Contrails, Ozone and Bromine

1999-04-05 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

If you are serious about ozone depletion, just go back to 1962 and 1963
before the weather mod and other programs were about
the little nuclear plants up at the Artic Circle; the plan to melt down
the polar caps (oceans two inches deeper)  in order Russia may grow more
wheat, and here is Kissinger's dream - you corner the market on food as
a weapon, weather as a weapon was was already used during Viet Nam War
and is now being used against the farmer in the mid west, who are losing
their farms with little or no concern on the part of Uncle Sam, who has
said "its time they get in another business"add that to seedless
oranges, seedless grapes, and government control over seeds;  why is it
illegal to take seeds into certain countries.

Well, when they are not at war, take 1952...prior to Koreathe Joint
Chief of Staff was working on a program "how to absorb the colored
race"well, so much for the smelting pot of Ezekialbut who was
murdering Angola?

There is a lot of documented evidence out there re the ozone and what
really happened; I have some which makes a pretty good case for New
World Order and the selling of the American People.

Let us not forget behind every major scheme, and every monstrous plan,
you will find the oil companies.headed by Exxon in particular, ARCO,
who is getting in deep trouble.and a few other enterprises that are
giving away our tax dollars to foreign government, while there are still
children who go to bed hungry at night

Clinton, Albright, and Reno should be tried as criminals.not as war
criminals because there is no legal war is there, so how do you explain
WACO, SERBIA, IRAQ.Sadaam Hussein is a gentleman compared to these least, he was trying to take back Kuwait, which was
stolen from the people of Iraq.

Our country looks good on the outside, but it is rotten at the core - in
the midst of Ezekials wheel.   Are we, the American people to be
symbolized by monsters in our government who murder the innocents, while
they sit down and feed at our expense on a daily basis and live in a
House paid for with the blood of patriots, many of whom lie within
walking distance of the mad Butcher of Reno and the Draft Dodger
Presidentyes, our president is a coward.


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[CTRL] Contrails, Ozone and Bromine

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Contrails, Ozone and Bromine

Subject: Contrails, Ozone and Bromine
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Bowery)
Date: Sat, Apr 3, 1999 11:15 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A while back I was musing to a friend of mine that the 'contrail
 conspiracy' if it were real, might involve a small group of wealthy
or powerful people seeing if they can have enough impact on the ozone
layer to cause some sort of geopolitical or other effect.  While I
haven't really looked into the actual reports of contrails, and
cannot therefore assess whether the following theory fits the observations
or whether there is even anything unusual about the contrails being reported,
the possibility of global environmental attack by a small, but elite, group
was intriguing enough to see if it should be entertained by conspiracy
theorists.  My preliminary investigation yielded the following: says:

 This current assessment (in Chapter 6), as well as the last assessment
 (WMO, 1990), has pointed to the greater potential of bromine than
 chlorine per molecule to destroy stratospheric ozone. states that since
1991 ethylene diBROMIDE has been an ingredient of JP-8 -- a widely used
jet fuel -- and that "Several independent sources claim that samples of
fallout from the lingering smoke trails have been independently tested and
found to contain ethylene dibromide (EDB)."  They do mention the fact
that jets routinely dump fuel during landing approaches, but they don't
attempt to rationalize this fact with the observed contrails for some
unknown reason.

Also, interestingly, none of the contrail conspiracy theories mention ozone
depletion as far as I have looked (which I admit isn't far).

This would tend to discredit the contrail conspiracy theorists, but the
official NASA site dedicated to the study of the environmental effect of
stratospheric aircraft (see: has no mention of
JP-8 or ethylene or dibromide according to the Alta Vista advanced search
criterion: ' and (dibromide or jp8 or "jp-8" or
ethylene* or edb)'.

Also, at the ozone faq
there is only this (which doesn't mention jet fuel):

"Methyl bromide is also produced in the combustion of leaded gasolines,
which use ethylene dibromide as a scavenger. One estimate for the methyl
bromide emissions from this source gave 9-22 ktons/yr, but another
estimate gave only 0.5-1.5 ktons/yr."

>From this casual observation, it seems _everyone_ has a mental block when it
comes to considering JP-8 as a source of ozone depletion...

OK, so I'll do a rough assessment:

The ozone faq states the dominant source of bromine is oceanic with
leaded gasolines a distant fourth:

Oceans: 60-160 ktons/yr
Fumigation: 20-60 ktons/yr
Biomass burning: 10-50 ktons/yr .

They also state:

"This assessment estimates the atmospheric lifetime of methyl bromide
to be 0.8-1.7 years (best estimate 1.3 years) and its ozone depletion
potential to be about 0.6 . However, recent laboratory and field
experiments [Shorter et al.] indicate that large amounts of methyl bromide
are consumed by soil bacteria. This would push the atmospheric lifetime
down to the lower limit of 0.8 years, and reduce the ozone depletion
potential to 0.4; it may also require adjustments in the estimated sources."

This FAQ is generally skeptical of claims that man-made source of halogens
are a serious environmental threat, so using it as a guide is a good way
to take a conservative bias toward these issues:

In order to assess the real threat from a 'bromine conspiracy' one would
need to come up with an estimate of how much one could 'enrich' jet fuel
with ethylene dibromide, and how much bromine could be delivered as 'cargo'.

Jumbo jets can carry about 100 tons of cargo.  That means 2000 jumbo jet
flights could probably double all other sources of bromine combined AT THE
GROUND.  2000 jumbo jet flight equivalents is a major undertaking, and the
number of flights could only be cut by, perhaps 25% (to 1500 flight
equivalents) by heavily biasing the jet fuel with EDB.  Further, EDB is
almost all Bromine by weight so it doesn't do much good to carry pure Br2
rather than EDB.

However, since the skeptical FAQ's numbers are for Bromine sources AT THE
GROUND, there is a potentially large gain to be had by dumping Bromine
directly to the stratosphere.  How big is an open question.  One could
reasonably estimate that the number of flights could be reduced by a
factor of 5 if all bromine were dumped directly to the stratosphere.

So now we're looking at 300 jumbo jet flight equivalents to double the
effective bromine from all other sources delivered to the stratosphere
for approximately 1 year.

Finally, at there is the fact that bromine, once present in the

Re: [CTRL] Contrails in History?

1999-04-02 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

>From "Conspiracies, Cover-ups and Crimes:  Political Manipulation and Mind
Control in America" by Jonathan Vankin (1991, Paragon House Pub., N.Y., pgs

Author writing about William Bramley's theories, as expressed in, "The Gods
of Eden."

On the subject of the Black Death in the Middle Ages:

begin quote

The generally accepted explanation is that the plague was spread by rats
in the unimaginably unhygienic conditions of the time.  Bramley's research
contradicts the "rodent theory."  A "minority of cases seem to be related to
the presence of vermin," he found.  Far more common, his research revealed,
were reports of odiferous "mists" preceding outbreaks of the disease.  Also
coinciding with certain outbreaks, Bramley discovered, were -- lo and behold
-- reports of strange lights in the sky.

The foreboding aerial anomalies were described in contemporary writings
as "meteors" or "comets."  Bramley points out that back then anything moving
across the sky not identifiable as a bird or the sun was called a "comet."

These "comets" left deadly trails that killed trees and vegetation as
well as people.  Bramley connects these accounts with Mesopotamian writings
that mention flying "gods" who scorched the landscape, and quotes numerous
historical passages describing "mists" and "fogs" that were blamed for
outbreaks of disease going back to ancient Greece, where Hippocrates himself
advocated communal bonfires as a method of clearing the air of noxious

From these accounts, Bramley surmised that the plague was the result of
something other than poor medieval municipal sanitation services.  It was a
deliberate act of biological warfare perpetrated by the Custodians.  The
ranchers, for some reason known only to themselves, were reducing the herd.

end quote


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Re: [CTRL] Contrails, chemicals?

1999-03-23 Thread Fred Saluga

 -Caveat Lector-

 I would appreciate any information that you could forward  me on the activity
that is going on around the Uniontown area. I used to live in Cardale and I
was speaking with my ex-wife and she was telling me about the black
helicopters that were flying all over the place.

  I would appreciate any information that you can send me and I would like to
than you in advance for your information on this subject.


Fred R. Saluga

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[CTRL] Contrails, chemicals?

1999-03-23 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, some more observations from the South western area of PA.  I recently
observed a really weird formation of contrails which seemed to radiate from a
central place in the sky, and spread out like the spokes on a wheel.  The
color was darker than is normally seen and the effect lasted for quite some
time.  Also have been seeing many very low flying commercial (or they appear
to be anyway) aircraft, moving very slowly.  In conjunction with very high and
fast moving jets.  There has also been reputed black helicopter activity and
increased military presence noted in the area as well.

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[CTRL] Contrails (responce from Congress)

1999-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Contrails (responce from
Subject: Contrails (responce from Congress)
Date: Thu, Mar 11, 1999 1:00 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Our agency has been in contact with many Washington representatives on many of
the issues that we actively investigate, from UFOs to the ghosts of
Our representatives have always been more that willing to help in any way they
could and have even taken the time to call us on certain issues we have
contacted them on. Our most recent contact has been on the issue of the
contrails which have been seen over many American cities and which seem to
a direct connection with strange outbreaks of flu-like illnesses which have
caused some deaths. What follows is a copy of both the response we received
from Senator Lieberman and his letter to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Administrator Carol M. Browner. We should also remember and give our support
the politicians who have taken the time to contact us and review these issues
which we feel are important.

(Letter Received 10-March-1999)

United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510-0703

March 5, 1999
Mr. Jon Nowinski
24 Oakview Circle
Westport, CT 06880

Dear Mr. Nowinski:

I'm enclosing a copy of a letter which I recently sent to the Environmental
Protection Agency regarding you concerns about the possible release of toxic
chemical substances from jet contrails that have contributed to illnesses in a
number of states.

As soon as I receive a response from them, I will promptly contact you. In the
meantime, please don't hesitate to let me know if I can be of any further


Joseph I.


(Letter To The Administrator Of The EPA)

United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510-0703

March 5, 1999
Hon. Carol M. Browner
Environmental Protection Agency
401 M Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20460

Dear Administrator Browner:

I'm enclosing copies of letters and e-mails which I recently received from
of my constituents regarding their concerns about the possible release of
chemical substances from jet contrails.

My constituents are specifically concerned about reports of toxic spraying
populated areas in 41 states. According to the information they have provided,
these substances were chemically analyzed and reportedly contained ethylene
dibromide, a cancer-causing chemical and infectious pathogen. My constituents
further point out recent outbreaks of flu-like symptoms and other sicknesses
Connecticut and other states that may possibly be linked to jet fuel exhaust

I would greatly appreciate it if you would provide me with a response which
addresses the issues my constituents have raised.

thank you for your attention to this matter.


   Joseph I.

We will be glad to bring anyone who is interested further information on this
issue as we receive this and will continue to actively follow up the events
surrounding this issue. We also would like to encourage anyone who can to
to your Congressmen and inform them about issues which are concerning you.
Remember, they are there to help us, and the are always more than willing to.
Also, I will make both my agencies letters and investigations available to
anyone who wants them. Contact us for more information. ([EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Jon Nowinski ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Project Manager/Director
Smoking Gun Research Agency ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscr

Re: [CTRL] Contrails

1999-03-05 Thread Mike Moxley

 -Caveat Lector-

As I write this, the skies over Fayetteville, Ft.Bragg, Pope AFB, NC are
covered with crisscross contrails and there are several jets at high
altitude flying in straight lines going back and forth leaving trails.
This morning they were plastering the skies over Sampson, Jones,
Cumberland, Hoke, Moore, Bladen and Robeson county.
The skies were clear this morning and now the skies are hazy with spread
out contrails, yet you can still make out the checkerboard type pattern.
Over the last two weeks, the same thing has happened over south-eastern
North Carolina and ALL of South Carolina.
These jets have been over N. and S. Carolina everyday for 3 weeks producing
crisscross contrail clouds except wed. and Thurs. of this week because of
high winds and thunder storms.

If you live in eastern N.Carolina, look to the skies right now(Fri. 5th,
1425hrs) and you will see the jets and contrails.

At 12:14 PM 3/5/99 EST, you wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
>I'm on the East Coast - North Carolina. On Saturday (2/27/99) I saw strange
>contrails over Randolph County, a rural farming county. Being male, I've
>observed contrails all of my life and have lived within 150 miles of military
>installations all of that time. Ordinary contrails are usually singles or
>perhaps 2 to 3 in PARALLEL.  What I saw on Saturday were INTERSECTING. One
>formation could be described as a Pi symbol with an enlongated top line, or
>maybe more accurately, the bottom third of a tic-tac-toe field. To the left
>was a large, perfect X sitting on the horizon. To the right was another
>smaller and less perfect X. There were short, straight, horizontal contrails
>randomly all around these figures. I didn't see any aircraft; certainly there
>weren't 30 of them. What I can testify to is that I have NEVER in my life
>contrails like this. It was also my perception that the contrails were
>spreading in a more billowly fashion that normal and seemed to be holding
>together rather than disapating into sparce whisps like others that I have
>been familiar with. Don't know what to make of this but I do know that what I
>saw was, IMHO, highly unusual. BTW, had I had a camera on hand I would have
>photographed them, but wasn't that fortunate.
>CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
>and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
>To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
>To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Contrails

1999-03-05 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

 -Caveat Lector-

We've had a lot contrial activity here in Tulsa Oklahoma and they are
crossing in the sky, but the contrails don't look abnormal...  Weird...


-Original Message-
From: Sno0wl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 05, 1999 1:35 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Contrails

 -Caveat Lector-

These posts came in from another list I'm on. Almost everyone on this other
list lives
on the west coast--from Southern California to Washington State.and all
have been
reporting significant contrail activity

Hello Everyone,
This is probably just a coincidence, but I got so aggravated with Los
Angeles having so many contrail patterns, 24 hr day--I called my my
congresman and reported it. At the same time, a friend of mine in the
Valley called her congressman and reported it--the aid she spoke with
immediately knew what she was talking about--said he had been in Santa
Monica and it looked terrible- WHEN WE CALLED THERE WERE AT LEAST 30
I'm sure it is just a coincidence, but I think I'll call again when
Take care everyone, XX, Santa Monica

They are now blanketing all of LA County from the looks of them.  High,
wide, parallel, with one at about a 30 degree angle to the rest.  As
someone said, it looks a bit like tic-tac-toe in the sky.

So, what the HELL is it?  I'm becoming concerned.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Contrails

1999-03-05 Thread Jim Yester

 -Caveat Lector-

I'm on the East Coast - North Carolina. On Saturday (2/27/99) I saw strange
contrails over Randolph County, a rural farming county. Being male, I've
observed contrails all of my life and have lived within 150 miles of military
installations all of that time. Ordinary contrails are usually singles or
perhaps 2 to 3 in PARALLEL.  What I saw on Saturday were INTERSECTING. One
formation could be described as a Pi symbol with an enlongated top line, or
maybe more accurately, the bottom third of a tic-tac-toe field. To the left
was a large, perfect X sitting on the horizon. To the right was another
smaller and less perfect X. There were short, straight, horizontal contrails
randomly all around these figures. I didn't see any aircraft; certainly there
weren't 30 of them. What I can testify to is that I have NEVER in my life seen
contrails like this. It was also my perception that the contrails were
spreading in a more billowly fashion that normal and seemed to be holding
together rather than disapating into sparce whisps like others that I have
been familiar with. Don't know what to make of this but I do know that what I
saw was, IMHO, highly unusual. BTW, had I had a camera on hand I would have
photographed them, but wasn't that fortunate.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Contrails

1999-03-05 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Back in the early 80 period as I recall, 6 heliocopters went over our
buiding - up 6 floors it was an sinister sight; something about
heliocopters to me is so sinister.

Someone asked what was wrongI said probably SanSalvador.   It ws.
The migrating birds must be recorded by Audobon, but when there are a
lot of them out there, someone is usually preparing to go to war and
there is an alert.

So - let me toss this out.  When you have a lot of UFO reports being
circulated in the newspapers, some real, some false, usually it is a tip
off tht the Yanks are coming.

I imagine we will all be singing Skylark before it is all over.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Contrails

1999-03-05 Thread Scott Bourassa

 -Caveat Lector-

Forgive me if I'm insulting everyone's intelligence, but if someone on the west
coast could maybe start carrying their video camera, they could stand to expose
this charade to the wider populace, and make a substantial sum of money in the
process.  If the contrails *are* being laid out in a criss-cross pattern, by up
to thirty military aircraft at a time, even local media is bound to ask a few
questions (and when they do, coverage'll be sold to the major networks).  And,
as they do for those who obtain video coverage of storms and robberies, they'll
probably pay you a large sum of money for your VHS tape...

Just a thought,

Sgt Bee

03/05/99 09:44 AM

Subject:[CTRL] Contrails

 -Caveat Lector-

These posts came in from another list I'm on. Almost everyone on this other
list lives
on the west coast--from Southern California to Washington State.and all
have been
reporting significant contrail activity

Hello Everyone,
This is probably just a coincidence, but I got so aggravated with Los
Angeles having so many contrail patterns, 24 hr day--I called my my
congresman and reported it. At the same time, a friend of mine in the
Valley called her congressman and reported it--the aid she spoke with
immediately knew what she was talking about--said he had been in Santa
Monica and it looked terrible- WHEN WE CALLED THERE WERE AT LEAST 30
I'm sure it is just a coincidence, but I think I'll call again when
Take care everyone, XX, Santa Monica

They are now blanketing all of LA County from the looks of them.  High,
wide, parallel, with one at about a 30 degree angle to the rest.  As
someone said, it looks a bit like tic-tac-toe in the sky.

So, what the HELL is it?  I'm becoming concerned.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substancenot soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Contrails

1999-03-05 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

These posts came in from another list I'm on. Almost everyone on this other list lives
on the west coast--from Southern California to Washington State.and all have been
reporting significant contrail activity

Hello Everyone,
This is probably just a coincidence, but I got so aggravated with Los
Angeles having so many contrail patterns, 24 hr day--I called my my
congresman and reported it. At the same time, a friend of mine in the
Valley called her congressman and reported it--the aid she spoke with
immediately knew what she was talking about--said he had been in Santa
Monica and it looked terrible- WHEN WE CALLED THERE WERE AT LEAST 30
I'm sure it is just a coincidence, but I think I'll call again when
Take care everyone, XX, Santa Monica

They are now blanketing all of LA County from the looks of them.  High,
wide, parallel, with one at about a 30 degree angle to the rest.  As
someone said, it looks a bit like tic-tac-toe in the sky.

So, what the HELL is it?  I'm becoming concerned.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Contrails

1999-02-19 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

I'll probably take some flack for saying this, but after listening to William
Thomas tonight, I have to wonder if the late Doc Barry was sprayed by the


Very interesting MP3 (!): (Who's At The Wheel, by Markus James)

Steve Wingate

California Director

TODAY'S MP3: "I Wanna Watch the X-Files In The Rain", by DARKANGELES



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Contrails Mystify, Sicken Americans

1999-01-22 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

At 07:22 AM 1-21-1999 PST, "freestone wilson" wrote:
>is this a by-product of JET fuel being burned??
>I would like to read more about there any place
>on the net where this is discussed??!!

 Re: Contrails Mystify, Sicken Americans

 for updates, see:

 Forum: alt.conspiracy
 Author:Randy Sweeney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date:  1999/01/01
 Subject:   Re: Airforce Spraying Public With Chemicals

 On 9-18-97, Jerry Newport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


 The lab director of Aqua-tech Environmental using samples taken
 from JP-8 contaminated fields of Maryland and Pennsylvania,
 reported today (9/18/97) that ethylene dibromide, otherwise known
 as EDB, has been the contaminate in the fuel and water samples
 taken of submitted by farmers, pilots and tanker drivers. EDB is
 one of the most tightly controlled EPA substances and was banned in
 1983 due to its carcinogenieity. EDB is a pesticide that apparently
 is being placed in the jet fuel and dispersed on a daily, almost
 non-stop basis in our skies. The lines filling our skies are not
 contrails. The lines are dispersed and may linger for hours, slowly
 filtering down to unsuspecting pests, and I guess we're the PESTS.

 Water samples are contaminated with EDB and crops are dying. EDB is
 just one more avenue for the NWO folks to starve us to death and
 make us ill by weakening our already compromised immune systems.
 Exposure to this toxic chemical may lead to cancer, liver and
 kidney damage, pulmonary edema, damage to a developing fetus and
 reproductive organs of both men and women. Let's not forget that
 the chemical may also cause sterility. Doesn't that fit into their
 plan for population control? They have really found the perfect

 EDB is a carcinogen and a mutagen that may also cause eye and skin
 irritation, cardiopulmonary arrest, and binds to DNA. Skin blisters
 and respiratory failure are other conditions caused by ethylene
 dibromide. The conditions are too numerous to list but this will
 give you an idea of problems caused by this chemical. EDB is a
 carcinogen at any exposure level and humans are more susceptible
 than animals to the acute toxic affects. This does not mean that it
 will not kill animals. We have reports from California and Wyoming
 of the birds dying.

 Ethylene dibromide was used in leaded gasoline until 1983 to remove
 lead from engines and was found in engine exhaust This chemical is
 a heavy liquid with a chloroform-like odor that becomes a gas at
 temperatures greater than 40 degrees F. The higher the temperature
 it is dispersed at the more toxic It becomes, therefore dispersing
 from a jet would be ideal, The compound is stable, meaning it does
 not easily decompose. .This would account for the substance staying
 in the sky for long periods of time. EDB is only slightly soluble
 in water, but dissolves easily in organic solvents. JP-8 Is
 considered an organic solvent. A water sample from rain would be an
 excellent way to verify contamination and a fuel sample so much the

 Please note that EDB is a colorless liquid, with a sweet odor,
 however no smell does not mean you are not being exposed.
 Substances are also added that counteract the smell. Pilots please
 note that dispersing JP-8, along with these toxic chemicals is
 killing people. You are not counteracting any type of biological
 that has been spread, or any antidote of anytype.


 We now have proof that our goverment is using chemical agents on
 populated areas they are adding it to military jet fuel.

 Have you ever looked up at a vapor trail behind military aircraft
 flying so high a symbol of Americas power. Look again!!

 Commerical jets also leave a lovely (non-toxic) vapor trail when
 the heat from the turbines come in contact with the cool air
 condencing the water droplets into steam. Softly the lines defuse
 into the blue sky . So what is different about the military
 aircraft, the answer is simple, It's the Fuel JP-8+100 is some
 really bad stuff.

 When you look up over the skys of New York City on a clear, sunny
 morning you see the military aircraft making patterens across the
 sky with their vapor trails. The smoke is thick and does not go
 away. When it comes in contact with the sunlight it turns to a
 purple color, then desipates into a over cast Purple Haze.

 So what is this Purple Haze, A fuel sample of JP-8+100 was taken to
 an independent lab (NON GOVERMENT FUNDED) and broken down.

 The sample revealed Two toxic substances.

 1. Ethlyene Di Bromide
 2. Zinc Cloride

 1. EDB attacks the Liver , Lungs , and Skin. causeing liver damage,
 Lung and skin Cancer.

 2. Don't know the affects of Zinc Cloride yet. 

Re: [CTRL] Contrails Mystify, Sicken Americans - 2

1999-01-12 Thread Harry Hendrickson

 -Caveat Lector-


The article "Lines in the sky or lungs "  mentions two fine patriots and
films that further show these contrails and clouds.. Last week some
other fine Patriots from Pennsylvania, Fred & Sandra
 Ehrlich were kind enough to send me 2 videos of this contrail
 phenomena.  They are titled The Spraying of America 1 and 2.  The
 first deals with spraying (contrails) in San Diego, California in
 95 & 96 and the second is more recent in PA & Maryland.  For copies
 of these videos their fax # is (717) 235-8762 and the great part
 is: they only charge a nominal fee to cover cost.  I will be
 ordering additional material from their vast library.  I thank
 these fine Patriots for what they are doing to get the word out!

 The videos are part of the library mentioned in an earlier post. The
following list needs updating, but is an example of the various topics
available, and as was stated, the fee for them is VERY NOMINAL. If you
don't have a fax, just send me an e-mail and just say " VIDEOS - YES -
INTERESTED ". I will e-mail you back with further info.

Suppressed Videos
Revised 11/30/98
1. American perspective-- Jeff Baker
2. Day 51 (Waco)--UTV
3. Waco/Oklahoma City Connection--Brubaker, GNBN
4. Overview of our world and one dozen candles-- J. McManus/J.Birch
5. Death of Vince Foster--Citizens for Honest Government
6. Clinton Chronicles--Citizens for Honest Government
7. Waco, The Big Lie, part one-Linda Thompson
8. Waco, The Big Lie, part two-Linda Thompson
9.Helicopter attack (black halo fire bombs Dallas home whose home heads up
impeachment   movement which has 12 million signatures )
10. America under siege--Linda Thompson
11. The Panama Deception--Empowerment
12. Home video of Branch Davideans
13. Freemasonry/from darkness to light--Jeremiah films
14. Gay agenda in public education- Important!!! see tape # 205 (sexually
explicit material)
15. Satin is idolatry--John Weaver
16. Slave mentality--John Weaver
17. Watchman--John Lewis
18. Christian and Civil law--John Weaver and Jim Grove
19. Violence in rock music--Benoit
20. Satanism in rock music--Benoit
21. Aids and what you haven’t been told--Jeremiah films
22. Hard truth ( explicit material ) 9 minute abortion video
23. Gay agenda exposed ( sexually explicit material )important!!!-see tape
# 205
24. Concentration camps in America--Texe Marrs
25. Fascist terror stalking America--Texe Marrs
26. Treaty from hell--Texe Marrs
27. The bomb in Oklahoma--Star investigative reports
28. Reichstag: an American holocaust, pretext for tyranny
29. America’s secret destiny--Ralph Epperson
30. U.S.S. Liberty survivors, our story--Silgo productions
31. Atrocities at Ruby Ridge-R. Weaver story--KPOC-TV
32. L. A. Lawman, fully informed jury--Proclaim liberty Min.
33. Mena connection(Arkansas drug traffic)--for the people
34. Death and taxes(Gordon Kahl)--Country people productions
35. The two Kennedy’s European prod. ( banned 76-92 in U.S.)
36. Seven days in May(Hollywood production asking when is a traitor not a
37. Taking back our country--Gunderson/Koernke (Oklahoma City bombing )
38. Oklahoma City, 6 pack ( the bombing, a closer look )--for the people
39. Breaking the law in the name of the law--Proclaim liberty Min.
40. The mark of the new world--Mark V prod.
41. America’s back to God--Liberty Alliance, Jerry Falwell
42. Janet “-” Reno--Jack Thompson at unregistered church convention
43. Waco incident--KPOC-TV
44. Ruby creek massacre
45. The pestilence ( aids ) Global 2000
46. Anguish in Oklahoma(actual live feeds recorded off CNN--A.Sgarlatte
( paperwork shows actual seismograph surface readings of 2 blasts )
47. Waco: Triumph or treason--Jeff Baker
48. Government gone mad--Jeff Baker
49. The Crash: The coming economic crash--Jeremiah films
50. Is Caesar sovereign over church?
51. C-span coverage of senate subcommittee on militia
52. “ Amerika “ the movie ( eleven hours in length )
53. War powers act ( see also # 186 )
54. The secrets of the federal reserve
55. The new world order/ big business-big banking-big government
56. A nation betrayed-let’s take America back--Bo Gritz
57. Challenging the holocaust museum
58. Out based education debate- Elizabeth Town College
59. Murder by injection
60. Questions and answers--Linda Thompson on Waco
61. NAFTA/ treaty or treason?
62. Satan’s new age plan for a new world order
63. The birth of a nation ( made in 1915 )
64. GATT/ friend or foe?
65. Keys to good government and foundation of American government
66. The house of Rothchild
67. Big sister is Hillary Hellcats
68. The new money system-global 2000
69. On masters of America
70. The Gulf war overview
71. Clinton-the next four years
72. Mysterious monuments to the beast
73. The spirit of American revolution
74. Education and the founding fathers
75. A call to arms
76. Alien encounters?-UFO phenomenon
77. Alien autopsy?(Roswell, New Mexico )
78. Hoagland

[CTRL] Contrails Mystify, Sicken Americans

1999-01-11 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:  Mon, 11 Jan 1999 08:20:41 EST
Subject:IUFO: Contrails Mystify, Sicken Americans
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Contrails Mystify, Sicken Americans

By William Thomas

SEATTLE, Washington, January 8, 1999 (ENS) - Contrails spread by fleets of jet
aircraft in elaborate cross-hatched patterns are sparking speculation and
making people sick across the United States.

Washington state resident William Wallace became ill with severe diarrhea and
fatigue after watching several multi-engine jets spend New Year's day laying
cloud lines in an east to west grid pattern. A neighbor working outside came
down with similar symptoms. But their wives, who remained indoors, suffered no
ill effects from the inexplicable maneuvers which observers liken to high-
altitude "crop-dusting" by unidentifed multi-engine aircraft.

Series of aircraft contrails in a high traffic region over the northern Gulf
of Mexico 1992 (Images courtesy NASA)

Condensation trails, called contrails, are generated at altitudes high enough
for water droplets to freeze in a matter of seconds and not quickly evaporate
-typically where the temperatures are below -38 degrees Celcius.

Contrails can form through the addition of water vapor to the air from the jet
engine exhaust. Even tiny nuclei released in the exhaust fumes may be
sufficient to generate ice crystals, and hence, condensation trails.

Wallace wonders if ethylene dibromide, a highly toxic component of JP-8 jet
fuel, is making people sick. Similar incidents over Las Vegas last year
prompted a US Air Force spokesman to explain that the military aircraft were
"dumping fuel" before landing.

But the strange spray patterns are being reported repeatedly over towns in
Tennessee, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Nevada, Idaho, Mississippi,
Montana, Oklahoma, Washington state and California.

Wallace has been watching formations of high-flying jets weave grid-like
contrails above his home since last summer. Each time, "We get a taste in our
mouth," he reports. He and his wife Ann get "kind of tired and sick," having
"no energy to do anything."

After plants began dying around his mountain cabin, "I got real sick for about
three weeks," Wallace relates. "My eyes watered. Fluid came out of my nose. I
could hardly move my arm up above my head to comb my hair for about a week."

Wallace and his wife are not alone in their plight. In March, 1996, Dr. Greg
Hanford bought an expensive camera and binoculars to keep an eye on jets
spraying white bands above his Bakersfield, California home. Hanford has
counted 40 or 60 jets on some "spray days."

"Everybody seems to be getting sick from it," Hanford told ENS. "Hackin' and
coughin' when you really get nailed with this stuff." The dentist, many of his
patients and two receptionists have repeatedly contracted severe respiratory
infections. Hanford's illness lingered for five months despite courses of four
different antibiotics.

"It's really weird," Hanford says. "You think two jets are going to hit each
other - and then they make an X." The dentist says he has sometimes seen
"furry globular balls" spread downwind in a long feather from the high-flying

Unlike normal contrails, which dissipate soon after a lone jet's passage,
video taken by Wallace and Hanford show eerily silent silver jets streaming
fat contrails from their wingtips in multiple, criss-cross patterns. But
instead of dissipating like normal contrails, these white jet-trails coalesce
into broad cloud-bands that gradually occlude crystal clear skies.

"Passenger jets don't make contrails that stay and become clouds," Wallace

Government officials deny that anything unusual is taking place. When Hanford
called the local airport, tower personnel told him there was nothing going
on." The jets were "just commercial" undergoing "international flight

But a skeptical Hanford responded, "Is the FAA going to allow two jets to come
at each other?"

Pseudo-color, multispectral images taken April 20, 1994 by a NOAA satellite,
reveal a number of contrails over Oklahoma and Kansas.

X'es, overlapping W's and the Roman numeral XII are among the patterns flown
by the mystery aircraft. Last June, Hanford watched four aircraft spraying in
circles to form a perfect bulls-eye. Through his Swaroski binoculars, Hanford
could see what "looked like a 737" painted all-white on top with an "orangish-

Re: [CTRL] Contrails Mystify, Sicken Americans - 3

1999-01-11 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


   Military Conducting Biological Warfare in Washington
   Air Force General Threatens Local Resident
"Not to Connect the Dots"

 From Anita Sands

 In August of 1994, a bizarre sequence of events began to occur
 in the small town of Oakville, Washington.  Gelatinous blobs
 of biological material began to rain down over an area of over
 20 square miles during a storm.  It would happen six times in
 1994, and continue periodically thereafter.  The latest was
 during the third week of June 1997.

 The fact that this was going on would not generally be known
 outside of Oakville until an episode of Unsolved Mysteries on
 Thursday, May 8, 1997, hosted by Robert Stack: (9 min, 36

 (Introduction, Robert Stack):

 "It came from the skies to wreck havoc on the earth.  It
 sounds like a bad science fiction movie, but for the little
 town in Washington there was nothing entertaining about the
 scourge that befell them in 1994.  Six times it rained down
 from above, leaving dozens of local residents ill, and several
 pets and small animals dead."

 "It all happened in Oakville, Washington, population 665.
 Here in Oakville, clouds fill the skies daily, bringing rain
 some 275 days a year.  So, when it began pouring on the
 morning of August 7, 1994, no one was particularly concerned
 -- until they realized it wasn't raining rain.  It was raining
 tiny blobs of gelatinous goo.  It came down in torrents,
 blanketing 20 square miles, and brought with it something of a

 Maurice Gobeil (local resident): "I got sick, my wife got
 sick, my daughter got sick and everybody that lived here got

 Beverly Roberts (local resident): "Everybody in the whole
 town came down with something like the flu, only it was a
 really hard flu that lasted from seven weeks to two or three

 Robert Stack: "The local police were among the first to report
 the perplexing precipitation.  Officer David Lacey was on
 patrol with a civilian friend at 3am when the downpour began."

 David Lacey (police officer): "We turned our windshield wipers
 on, and it just started smearing to the point where we could
 almost not see.  We both looked at each other and we said 'gee
 this isn't right'.  We're out in the middle of nowhere,
 basically, and where did this come from?"

 Robert Stack: "Officer Lacey pulled into a gas station to
 de-goo his windshield.  As an added precaution, he put on a
 pair of latex gloves."

 David Lacey (police officer): "The substance was very mushy,
 almost like if you had jello in your hand.  You know, you
 could pretty much squish it through your fingers.  We knew it
 wasn't something we would normally see, because we had never
 experienced it before.  We had some bells go off in our heads
 that said that basically 'this isn't right, this isn't normal."

 Robert Stack: "Local resident Dotty Hearn was equally baffled.
 By the time she stepped outside that morning, the storm had
 ended, but the blobs were everywhere. "

 Dotty Hearn (local resident): "It looked like hail, laying on
 top of the wood box and everywhere else, so I just went over
 and I touched it.  It wasn't hail.  It was a gelatinous

 Robert Stack: "By mid-afternoon, officer Lacey had
 inexplicably taken ill."

 David Lacey (police officer): "I was to the point where I
 could hardly breathe.  I started to put together that possibly
 whatever the substance was, it had made me violently sick and
 ill like I had never been before, to the point where it just
 totally shut me down."

 Robert Stack: "Across town, Dotty Hearn wasn't fairing much

 Dotty Hearn (local resident): "I started feeling dizzy, and
 everything started moving around.  It got worse, and as it did
 I became increasingly nauseated.

 Robert Stack: "An hour later, Dotty's daughter and son found
 her sprawled on the bathroom floor."

 Sunny Barclift: "She was cold, drenched with perspiration and
 pale.  My mom had been vomiting, had extreme vertigo and had
 been complaining that she had extreme difficulty with her

 Robert Stack: "Dotty would spend the next three days in the
 hospital.  They diagnosed her with "a severe inner ear

 Sunny: "For some reason, as we were going out the door, I
 remembered the substance, and I wondered if perhaps it might
 have had some sort of effect on her.  So, I opted at that
 moment to take a sample of the gelatinous material to the

 Robert Stack: "A lab technician found the first startling
 clue.  The substance contained human white blood cells, but
 exactly what it was could not be determined.  The goo was
 promptly forwarded to the Washington Sta

Re: [CTRL] Contrails Mystify, Sicken Americans - 4

1999-01-11 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 News: alt.conspiracy
 From: Jerry Newport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: ? (about 1-1-99)
 Subj: Airforce Spraying Public With Chemicals


 The lab director of Aqua-tech Environmental using samples taken
 from JP-8 contaminated fields of Maryland and Pennsylvania,
 reported today (9/18/97) that ethylene dibromide, otherwise known
 as EDB, has been the contaminate in the fuel and water samples
 taken of submitted by farmers, pilots and tanker drivers. EDB is
 one of the most tightly controlled EPA substances and was banned in
 1983 due to its carcinogenieity. EDB is a pesticide that apparently
 is being placed in the jet fuel and dispersed on a daily, almost
 non-stop basis in our skies. The lines filling our skies are not
 contrails. The lines are dispersed and may linger for hours, slowly
 filtering down to unsuspecting pests, and I guess we're the PESTS.

 Water samples are contaminated with EDB and crops are dying. EDB is
 just one more avenue for the NWO folks to starve us to death and
 make us ill by weakening our already compromised immune systems.
 Exposure to this toxic chemical may lead to cancer, liver and
 kidney damage, pulmonary edema, damage to a developing fetus and
 reproductive organs of both men and women. Let's not forget that
 the chemical may also cause sterility. Doesn't that fit into their
 plan for population control? They have really found the perfect

 EDB is a carcinogen and a mutagen that may also cause eye and skin
 irritation, cardiopulmonary arrest, and binds to DNA. Skin blisters
 and respiratory failure are other conditions caused by ethylene
 dibromide. The conditions are too numerous to list but this will
 give you an idea of problems caused by this chemical. EDB is a
 carcinogen at any exposure level and humans are more susceptible
 than animals to the acute toxic affects. This does not mean that it
 will not kill animals. We have reports from California and Wyoming
 of the birds dying.

 Ethylene dibromide was used in leaded gasoline until 1983 to remove
 lead from engines and was found in engine exhaust This chemical is
 a heavy liquid with a chloroform-like odor that becomes a gas at
 temperatures greater than 40 degrees F. The higher the temperature
 it is dispersed at the more toxic It becomes, therefore dispersing
 from a jet would be ideal, The compound is stable, meaning it does
 not easily decompose. .This would account for the substance staying
 in the sky for long periods of time. EDB is only slightly soluble
 in water, but dissolves easily in organic solvents. JP-8 Is
 considered an organic solvent. A water sample from rain would be an
 excellent way to verify contamination and a fuel sample so much the

 Please note that EDB is a colorless liquid, with a sweet odor,
 however no smell does not mean you are not being exposed.
 Substances are also added that counteract the smell. Pilots please
 note that dispersing JP-8, along with these toxic chemicals is
 killing people. You are not counteracting any type of biological
 that has been spread, or any antidote of anytype.


 We now have proof that our goverment is using chemical agents on
 populated areas they are adding it to military jet fuel.

 Have you ever looked up at a vapor trail behind military aircraft
 flying so high a symbol of Americas power. Look again!!

 Commerical jets also leave a lovely (non-toxic) vapor trail when
 the heat from the turbines come in contact with the cool air
 condencing the water droplets into steam. Softly the lines defuse
 into the blue sky . So what is different about the military
 aircraft, the answer is simple, It's the Fuel JP-8+100 is some
 really bad stuff.

 When you look up over the skys of New York City on a clear, sunny
 morning you see the military aircraft making patterens across the
 sky with their vapor trails. The smoke is thick and does not go
 away. When it comes in contact with the sunlight it turns to a
 purple color, then desipates into a over cast Purple Haze.

 So what is this Purple Haze, A fuel sample of JP-8+100 was taken to
 an independent lab (NON GOVERMENT FUNDED) and broken down.

 The sample revealed Two toxic substances.

 1. Ethlyene Di Bromide

 2. Zinc Cloride

 1. EDB attacks the Liver , Lungs , and Skin. causeing liver damage,
 Lung and skin Cancer.

 2. Don't know the affects of Zinc Cloride yet.  also EDB lowers the
 immune system by depleteing the body of B vitamins and zinc. answer
 to problem, use a B Complex vitamin and Zinc.

 I wonder how these chemicals react with ( MTBE ) Methyl tert Butyl
 Ether, that is added to the gas that is used in you families car.

 It's bad enough they screw around with the Water but now the Air.
 Whats next Bottled Air! this whole thing stinks of a Goverment
 DePopulation Program.

  50 USC [U.S. Code], Sec. 1520 Jan. 16, 1996


Re: [CTRL] Contrails Mystify, Sicken Americans - 2

1999-01-11 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: SafanNews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998
 Subj: SAFAN NO. 1151.  Lines in the Sky or Lungs??

  SAFAN Internet Newsletter, NO. 1151, Apr. 4, 1998

 by Joe 6pk Burton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  4/3/98

 Last week my wife and I had the pleasure of meeting another great
 Patriot in Kingsport, TN.  Friends of ours had heard Tommy on the
 radio speaking about the sample he had obtained falling from the
 contrails.  They gave us his eMail address and I made contact with
 him and we have been communicating for the last month or so prior
 to our meeting.

 As we drove over for the meeting, I watched for the area where I
 had seen a Harrier sit down in the woods a year prior.  I gave the
 most likely area to him in an effort for us to pinpoint yet another
 secret base in that area.  Tommy has also witnessed the black chops
 running in silent mode in his area as well.

 We exchanged some documentation we each had.  He pulled out
 pictures of a substance that had fallen from contrails taken under
 magnification at a lab.  In the pictures of these stringy globules,
 you can clearly see from a layman's perspective, knots or nodules,
 possibly microbes included in the mass.  He described the matter as
 clear to gray and said as he touched it with something, it would
 begin breaking up.  He was quick thinking enough to place the
 remaining substance in the freezer for preservation prior to taking
 it to a lab.  The substance is as yet unidentified.

 He was kind enough to allow my wife to take some of the pictures to
 a copy machine nearby.  I would encourage anyone in the affected
 areas where this frequent spraying or contrail cloud forming occurs
 to do the following if you are able:  Go to your local state
 environmental agency or lab and obtain clean containers for
 gathering samples.  Any uncontaminated samples gathered should be
 frozen and then transported in a clean cooler to a private lab for
 further analysis.  Information gained should be shared among all of
 us in an effort to get to the bottom of this phenomena.  I am
 certain it is no accident that the illness rates in the affected
 areas have been so high.  It is obvious we are breathing these
 substances in and/or being contaminated by water or outside

 Also we need to find out if our Counties have granted permission
 for biological testing under Title 50 United States Code.  We
 should be raising cain with our local politricksters.  For added
 effect, contact your local TV meteorologist and ask why they are
 not reporting the difference between government military made
 clouds, (i.e. contrails from KC135's supertankers etc.) and those
 made by God's natural handiwork.  There is a BIG difference !!

 Last week some other fine Patriots from Pennsylvania, Fred & Sandra
 Ehrlich were kind enough to send me 2 videos of this contrail
 phenomena.  They are titled The Spraying of America 1 and 2.  The
 first deals with spraying (contrails) in San Diego, California in
 95 & 96 and the second is more recent in PA & Maryland.  For copies
 of these videos their fax # is (717) 235-8762 and the great part
 is: they only charge a nominal fee to cover cost.  I will be
 ordering additional material from their vast library.  I thank
 these fine Patriots for what they are doing to get the word out!
 I will be forwarding them some of my film when I get it transferred
 from 8mm to VHS.

 Just after viewing these two films, my wife & I were watching the
 movie remake of "the Little Rascals" (something I seldom do) and lo
 and behold in a near closing scene under a big tree, they meet to
 accept Alfalfa back into the club.  Over the tree you can see a
 couple of large contrails.  I estimate the film was shot
 approximately 4 years ago, so this is something that has been
 silently going on for some time now.  On many occasions I have seen
 it in commercials, as well as live shots on TV news.

 Since I spend a lot of time out in the field doing recon,
 researching, investigating, as well as running a list, it leaves me
 with very little time for writing in depth articles such as this.
 The following will be a mismash, if you will, of recent events.
 Some things I cannot go into detail for security reasons and some
 things due to time constraints.  I do however want to keep you
 abreast of what is going on.

 I recently approached and spoke with a pilot of one of the black
 choppers.  He readily admitted flying one and was inquisitive as to
 what my concerns were.  I told him of the UN having them, as well
 as other agencies and I gave him a brief run down as to what is
 going on in our country.  I said, "Let me give you a heads up.
 This is making all of you guy's look bad in the eyes of all of us
 who are awake and know what is going on in this country."  His eyes
 dropped to the floor momentarily and he looked back up at me and
 said sadly, "I kno

Re: [CTRL] Contrails Mystify, Sicken Americans - 1

1999-01-11 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: chang-colvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997
 Subj: [CTRL] Mystery Goop

 I have a little to add on this mystery goop.  I live in Seattle.
 Last night on the news, there was a story about this clear goo that
 fell from the sky near Seattle (in Everett, WA).  It looked like
 clear jello. They had very clear closeup footage of it.  It sounds
 just like the goo that was reported to have been dropped, by the
 military, on a Washington town a few months ago, which made
 everyone in that town sick (I forget the name of the town right
 now, maybe someone can help me here).  Also on last night's news
 was an extended article about the rash of flu and colds that have
 hit the area, and how to "keep yourself healthy."  Myself and many
 of my friends have been hit with this bug.  It has lasted almost
 two weeks, and it includes diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, and mucous
 congestion. It is very suspicious, particularly because it seems to
 last much longer than a regular cold.


 Henry Ayre wrote:

 Forwarded from SNETNEWS

 This is interesting.  Completely  unverified, but very interesting.


 Anyone remember the piece on "Unsolved Mysteries", and the post I
 posted here describing the same incident?  Only instead of clear
 jelly blobs being pooped down on people, this is like spider web


 by...The Dead Man

 A BlackOps Reporter Special Report


 Deposition of a Dead Man

 October 15, 1997

 As I stepped outside my workplace on my way to my vehicle, I was
 thinking the usual, too nice a day to be stuck inside... It was
 roughly 1:30 p.m. central time.

 I looked up in sky to the south-east as something caught my
 attention, a large pattern of unusual jet contrails. I say unusual
 because it was very obvious that these were of military origin. At
 the highest altitude was an almost perfect circular contrail, which
 of course being familiar with Air Force activity, would indicate
 the presence of an A.W.A.C. practicing guidance and monitoring of
 the dog-fight like activity just below. The lower contrails
 appeared to be created by roughly five to seven different aircraft,
 making sharp turns and steep dives and climbs.  Now, to the average
 person, sights like these are quite uncommon...So I went straight
 home and grabbed my camcorder.

 Going out to the porch and setting up my tri-pod, I realized
 something very strange was also occurring. Looking up towards the
 contrails, as far as the eye could see, was an extremely fine
 substance floating down from the exact location of the contrails.
 Quickly, locating my binoculars, I could see this angle-hair like
 substance floating down in a direct trail from the aircraft
 activity above. I taped what I could quickly, of this material
 floating gently down, and drove to some friends to see what their
 opinion was and to what degree this material was covering. About 1
 mile to the south of my home people driving on the interstate
 highway claimed it to be so thick that it appeared similar to snow
 flurries drifting across the road. Myself and several friends
 decided to carefully collect specimens.

 Not certain what course to take from here, and being careful not to
 jump to conclusions, I compared this material to spiderwebs,
 because that is exactly what it looked like. Some of it had "balled
 up" so the collection and comparison was quite easy. Doing the
 basic comparison tests, immulsion, heat, and basic chemical
 reaction, the "angel-hair" always reacted differently than the
 actual spider webs.

 Not wanting to sound paranoid or alarmist, the only thing left to
 do was either pass it off, or obtain a professional analysis of the
 material, to confirmation that it may be some harmless military
 application used in evasive maneuvers, such as a radar absorbent

 The first phone call I made was to the Ft. Smith Arkansas regional
 airport (F.A.A.) tower. The person here was anything but helpful
 and actually "dis-imformative". As he stated he knew nothing of the
 air traffic that I was describing to him, but yet made comments
 that they were in fact controlling "some" of the traffic. How can
 you control something you know nothing about is beyond me. He did
 however refer me to "Memphis Central" and "Dallas Ft. Worth" F.A.A.
 control centers that were in direct operations with the air traffic.

 These two locations were very helpful and not aprehensious about
 revealing any information at all. In an attempt to discover the
 possible identity of the material, I just related to them that I
 wasn't alarmed, but owned a small acreage of hay ground that this
 stuff was now covering and that some of my hay was sold to the
 owners of purebred race horses.  Being extremely careful with 

[CTRL] Contrails Mystify, Sicken Americans

1999-01-10 Thread Profr. Jerome Steiner A.

 -Caveat Lector-

Environment Source: 

Contrails Mystify, Sicken Americans
By William Thomas

SEATTLE, Washington, January 8, 1999 (ENS) - Contrails spread by fleets of
jet aircraft in elaborate cross-hatched patterns are sparking speculation
and making people sick across the United States.

Washington state resident William Wallace became ill with severe diarrhea
and fatigue after watching several multi-engine jets spend New Year's day
laying cloud lines in an east to west grid pattern. A neighbor working
outside came down with similar symptoms. But their wives, who remained
indoors, suffered no ill effects from the inexplicable maneuvers which
observers liken to high-altitude "crop-dusting" by unidentifed multi-engine

Series of aircraft contrails in a high traffic region over the northern
Gulf of Mexico 1992 (Images courtesy NASA)

Condensation trails, called contrails, are generated at altitudes high
enough for water droplets to freeze in a matter of seconds and not quickly
evaporate - typically where the temperatures are below -38 degrees Celcius.

Contrails can form through the addition of water vapor to the air from the
jet engine exhaust. Even tiny nuclei released in the exhaust fumes may be
sufficient to generate ice crystals, and hence, condensation trails.

Wallace wonders if ethylene dibromide, a highly toxic component of JP-8 jet
fuel, is making people sick. Similar incidents over Las Vegas last year
prompted a US Air Force spokesman to explain that the military aircraft
were "dumping fuel" before landing.

But the strange spray patterns are being reported repeatedly over towns in
Tennessee, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Nevada, Idaho,
Mississippi, Montana, Oklahoma, Washington state and California.

Wallace has been watching formations of high-flying jets weave grid-like
contrails above his home since last summer. Each time, "We get a taste in
our mouth," he reports. He and his wife Ann get "kind of tired and sick,"
having "no energy to do anything."

After plants began dying around his mountain cabin, "I got real sick for
about three weeks," Wallace relates. "My eyes watered. Fluid came out of my
nose. I could hardly move my arm up above my head to comb my hair for about
a week."

Wallace and his wife are not alone in their plight. In March, 1996, Dr.
Greg Hanford bought an expensive camera and binoculars to keep an eye on
jets spraying white bands above his Bakersfield, California home. Hanford
has counted 40 or 60 jets on some "spray days."

"Everybody seems to be getting sick from it," Hanford told ENS. "Hackin'
and coughin' when you really get nailed with this stuff." The dentist, many
of his patients and two receptionists have repeatedly contracted severe
respiratory infections. Hanford's illness lingered for five months despite
courses of four different antibiotics.

"It's really weird," Hanford says. "You think two jets are going to hit
each other - and then they make an X." The dentist says he has sometimes
seen "furry globular balls" spread downwind in a long feather from the
high-flying aircraft.

Unlike normal contrails, which dissipate soon after a lone jet's passage,
video taken by Wallace and Hanford show eerily silent silver jets streaming
fat contrails from their wingtips in multiple, criss-cross patterns. But
instead of dissipating like normal contrails, these white jet-trails
coalesce into broad cloud-bands that gradually occlude crystal clear skies.

"Passenger jets don't make contrails that stay and become clouds," Wallace

Government officials deny that anything unusual is taking place. When
Hanford called the local airport, tower personnel told him there was
nothing going on." The jets were "just commercial" undergoing
"international flight training."

But a skeptical Hanford responded, "Is the FAA going to allow two jets to
come at each other?"

Pseudo-color, multispectral images taken April 20, 1994 by a NOAA
satellite, reveal a number of contrails over Oklahoma and Kansas.

X'es, overlapping W's and the Roman numeral XII are among the patterns
flown by the mystery aircraft. Last June, Hanford watched four aircraft
spraying in circles to form a perfect bulls-eye. Through his Swaroski
binoculars, Hanford could see what "looked like a 737" painted all-white on
top with an "orangish-red" underbody and red engine cowlings.

Another 727-like aircraft was painted "all-white with a black stripe up the
middle of fuselage." None of the planes carried identifying markings.

Pat Edgar has been watching the jets spraying over eastern Oklahoma since a
sunny day in October, 1977 when as many as 30 contrails gradually occluded
the sky. "They look like they're playing tic-tac-toe up there," he says.
"You know darn well it's not passenger planes."

Edgar says he has watched "cobwebbing stuff coming down" from the
zigzagging jets flying "all day long, line after line, back-and-forth, like
furrows in a far