[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Flags (was: Ashcroft-The Artful Dodger)

2001-02-06 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

I suggest you read the following historical document taken
from the archives of your own state.  Note none of the 7-12
years as you stated and and the slaves were "without wage."
This is the exact opposite of your claim.  Of course I am
not talking about the legislation leading to the actual
outbreak of war but going back a bit to the way things were
in northern states from the last of the 1600 until around
1800.  Your description bears no resemblance to the truth of
the matter.  This petition, which the governor did not even
bother to present to the legislature states that the slaves
in Connecticut were born in this country in slavery and died
in slavery without wages.  This is the guilt which you
attempt to project onto the south alone as though these
things did not happen in the north but they most certainly
did.  I suggest you get yourself a history book as you are
full of false information and revisionist claims.  You often
stat the you are all for truth but you post fabrications.
Of course later situations changed because otherwise the
north would have been fighting itself.  And counting
conditions in territories at the outbreak of war has nothing
to do with the fact that slavery existed in the states that
were states prior to al the legislation and conflicts
beginning.  The document is posted below which tells the
truth of this "benevolent" northern slavery which you

 Documents menu

Petition of 1780 by slaves
for the abolition of slavery in Connecticut

Unto your Honner the govener and all the wise men of the
State of Connecticut which it hath Plesed god to Permit to
gather at Hartford unto you we the the Poor and opresed
Negro Sarvents of this Town By and with the advice of Each
other and By the Desier of all the Negro Sarvents in this
State Do in a most humble maner Criy unto you for Liberty
alltho we have Desiered this faver from your honners Time
after Time yet we are Not Discuriged But Do Still intend to
Beag this faver from Time to Time tho you Should not grant
us our Desiers this Time -

We are all of us the Same mind as we was when we asked this
advantige of your honners Last may that our marsters have no
more Rite to make us Searve them then we have to make our
Marsters Searve us and we have Resen to wonder that our Case
has not Ben taken into Consideration So fare as to Grant us
our Libertys But we must consider what the Book of
Eceleisastes says at 8 Chapter & at the 11 varce Because
Sentence aganst an Evel work is not Executed Speedily
theirfore the hart of the Sons of men is fully Set in them
to do Evel - and for this Reson we Think our Cause is Not
Regarded and we Still must Say as Jeremiah Says in his
Lamentations at the 5 Chapter & at the 5 varce Our necks are
under Persecution we Labour and have no rest - But we are in
good hopes that your honners will Take Notis of our Case and
Do unto us as you would be Glad that we Should Do unto you
if we was in your Condishon and you in ours But it hath
Plesed god to Place us in the Sitawaytion we are now in But
we Pray to god that he would Send forth his Good Spirit into
your harts and Remind you of your Duty and make you the
Instermints of Binding up the Brokenharted and of
Proclaiming Liberty to the Captives and the opening of the
Prison to them that are Bound We ask your good Will to Look
upon us and we Criy unto you in the words of Job at the 19
Chapter & at the 21 varce Have Pity upon me have Pity upon
me o ye my frindes - But we Still Look unto god Who
Pursarves Both the Servent and the marster for we Know that
in the 140 Psalm at the 12 varces That we have a Sartin
Promos viz. I Know that the Lord will maintain the Cause of
the afflicted and the Right of the Poor and we think that it
is time for us to Criy aloud for our Liberty for No Son of
man will give his Sarvent his Time unless he Thinks that he
Dos Roung in Keeping off him and So Considers that their is
a wa Ppurnounced aganst those that Take a way their
Neighbours Servise with wages and giveth him Not for his
work Jeremiah at the 22 Chapter & at the 13 varce wo unto
him that Buildeth his house By Unriteousness and without
wages and giveth him Not for his work and when their is a
man that will give his Searvent his Liberty we must think
that he Considers what the word of God Says in the 34
Chapter and the 10 varces of the Book of Jeremiah viz. Now
when all the Princes and all the people which had Entered
into the Covenent heard that Every one Should Let his maid
Searvent and Every one his man Servent go free that None
Should Serve themselves of them any more then they obeyed
and Let them go and We wish that all our marsters would
consider the word of God as Job Did and Consider the Cause
of his man Servent and of his maid Servent when we Contend
with our marsters But we Cant find Such men as will other
give or Sell ous Liberty & we all Both young and old Do

[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Flags (was: Ashcroft-The Artful Dodger)

2001-02-05 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

What a lovely fairy tale you have concocted concerning
slavery in the northern states!  Reread my sentence, too. I
said they EITHER gave them letters of freedom OR just dumped
them. meaning sold them in the South in an especially timely
manner, only when it was evident they were going to be freed
anyway.  Ditto those letters of freedom--only after it was
imminent anyway.  Hardly the magnanimous gesture you attempt
to fabricate. If my sentence makes no sense to you, it is
your reading deficiency as it is perfectly clear what I have
stated.  You often use the "no sense" tactic when you do not
like what you are reading.  There were not that many states
admitted in the Missouri Compromise and they were Midwestern
with low populations at the time. I have personally seen a
slave auction house in Illinois. New England where you live
is where the most slaves were.  Talk about your revisionist
history!  Southern slaves were often given letters of
freedom also and many did not leave their original homes
even after receiving their letters.  It had become
economically unfeasible in the South to maintain large slave
populations on individual farms and would have been
eliminated anyway but Lincoln wanted the credit, so it
became a pretext..And "freeing" them with no means to
provide for themselves was not the best way this could have
been handled.  The factories of New England wanted the adult
slaves to replace the children they were using as slaves in
their factories without the expense of having the cradle to
grave responsibility of slaves. Here was their chance to
have former slaves without having any investment in them.
They paid them a sub-slave wage and hoped to lure them there
with false promises to work in their factories instead of
the children they employed at the time.
I always wonder why so many Blacks stay in the evil South.
One would think they would escape by any means.  The latest
census confirms that since 1970 they have been returning in
large numbers now that there are jobs in the area. Of course
NAFTA has eliminated lots of those. But I cannot help but
wonder why they stayed right after TWBTS in such large
numbers. They could have all left the region and come to
live in the Northeast but most did not and stayed.  The
treatment and conditions varied greatly from situation to
situation in the South also and there was no standard just
as there was no standard for the way people were treated
within families. And yes, that is exactly what I am saying,
that whites shared what food they had with blacks for whom
they were responsible.  That is well documented and you are
the first person I have ever heard claim otherwise. But you
fabricate a nice story. And it is a way to project the
national guilt onto one section instead of all guilty
parties facing up to their own participation in a system
that was morally wrong.  How convenient!

- Original Message -
From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Flags (was: Ashcroft-The Artful Dodger)

> -Caveat Lector-
> From: "Amelia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Well, the Southern states were not the only states where
> > institution of slavery was practiced. I believe all
> > had it prior to TWBTS, some a few years back from that
> > time/event.
> No, that is wrong.  Free states admitted under the Missori
Compromise never allowed slavery within their
> borders...
> And those northern states that had at one time had slavery
had outlawed it long before the war.  Also, in
> northern states slavery had been utilized in a much
different manner than in the south...in the north, a slave
> could redeem him or herself, either by buying their
freedom (if they were lucky enough to be able to save
> enough), or by serving as a slave for a set period of
time; I believe this varied from state to state, but was
> usually from 7 to 12 years.  At the end of their term of
service, the slave was ruled to have redeemed his or
> her worth and was then set free.
> In many northern states, slave owners were also required
to pay their slaves wages, albeit much lower wages
> than required of a free man or woman...
> > They cleverly sold theirs into the South just
> > prior to the outbreak of the war. Some gave them letters
> > freedom but many just "dumped" them right before the
> > outbreak of conflict.
> This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.  If these
imaginary northern slaveowners gave their slaves letters
> of freedom, that can hardly be considered 'dumping' them.
And if these imaginary slaves had letters of
> freedom, how could they be sold into slavery in the south?
> > Also, remember the Emmmancipation
> > Proclamation was not signed until 1864, after a state of
> > general starvation existed in the South.  Then the
> > were freed with no way to feed themselves, etc. other
> > trying to take from people who were already

[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Flags (was: Ashcroft-The Artful Dodger)

2001-02-05 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Well, the Southern states were not the only states where the
institution of slavery was practiced. I believe all states
had it prior to TWBTS, some a few years back from that
time/event.  They cleverly sold theirs into the South just
prior to the outbreak of the war. Some gave them letters of
freedom but many just "dumped" them right before the
outbreak of conflict.  Also, remember the Emmmancipation
Proclamation was not signed until 1864, after a state of
general starvation existed in the South.  Then the slaves
were freed with no way to feed themselves, etc. other than
trying to take from people who were already starving.  This
was careful timing to ensure  maximum harm being done to all
parties.  Slavery is certainly a crime against humanity but
all parties here were guilty of practicing it.  So have many
"civilizations" such as Egyptian, et al.

But I do not care if you and Bill burn the Stars and Bars
because if we were going to protest too much, something
should have been done to stop the KKK from using it so much.
They also use the American flag but nobody protests that
either.  I have seen other strange flags waved around by the
KKK that I do not recognize, either.  Some look rather
"original" and I suspect are of their own design or lack
thereof. It (S&B) was not a design in the original state
flags, either, but incorporated around the time of
desegregation, so removing it should not create a big
problem.  In Montgomery, there is the former capitol of the
Confederacy where it flies and people often mistakenly think
it is the state capitol.  I think it should remain over the
historic capitol of the Confederacy, however.  Someone on
this list mentioned the KKK flag-wavers not being
descendents of original slave owners and that is for sure.
The KKK hates former slave-owning class and blames them for
the presence of Blacks in general  It never occurred to me
that people do not realize this.  They contend "We picked
our own cotton and they could have , too."  They are
by-and-largely two different groups entirely.  Of course
having married a Latin American and failing to keep the race
"pure" qualifies me for special hatred by this particular
group.  Guess they are not into widening of the gene pool
and all of that.  I know I live around some members of the
KKK but they have shown any sign of being concerned about my
presence in any way.  Hopefully, it is me in theory and not
personally to whom they object.  Also, the S&B often appears
on beach towels and swimming trunks, etc as does the British
Union Jack.  This is not especially respectful display and
has made it into more of an icon of trivia.

Re:  WWII and civilian populations.  If it was collateral
damage originally aimed at military targets, I suppose it
could not be helped.  If, however, civilians and human
suffering of same was the object I think it was very wrong.
I can think of one incident, Dresden, where this would
apply.  I am sleep depraved today and the "detail police"
who ignore the big picture and concentrate on details may
get me on this but my memory from reading long ago only says
the civilian population of Dresden tried for three days to
surrender and Allied troops ignored this attempt and bombed
the hell out of them, retribution and rage.  I think that
was wrong, if accurate.  More recently, the Balkans come to
mind where some of our actions were highly questionable like
the "enemy tractor" and train bombings.
- Original Message -
From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Flags (was: Ashcroft-The Artful Dodger)

> -Caveat Lector-
> From: "Amelia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >These things are considered war crimes by civilized
> Perhaps.  But what about the crimes against humanity the
Confederate States
> of America sought to perpetuate in the 'institution' of
human slavery.
> The Allies burned much of Germany in WWII,
also...including "homes, mostly,
> crops in fields, schools, churches, hospitals and every
mile of railroad
> track existing at the time as well as all civilian food
> Do you consider them guilty of war crimes, too?
> June

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Flags (was: Ashcroft-The Artful Dodger)

2001-02-04 Thread Amelia

We know how you folks like to burn things 
"Confederate"! Homes, mostly, crops in fields, schools, churches, 
hospitals and every mile of railroad track existing at the time as well as 
all civilian food reserves.  Yes, I believe this was the most successful 
scorched earth policy ever.  These things are considered war crimes by 
civilized people.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Flags (was: Ashcroft-The Artful 
In a message dated 2/2/01 9:26:18 PM Central Standard Time, 

Don't know about Samantha, but I know _I_ would burn the 
  Confederate flag 'and all for which it stands for', in a 
heartbeat...Me too...and have actually... 