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2002-03-25 Thread saba

Well after watching Rosie on TV tonight I can see why this lound mouthed
Joan Rivers took a couple of digs at her.   Not sure what she said
exactly except when Rosie came out of the closet her alleged paramour
left her for she did not know Rosie was a lesbian

Tonight Rosie was on FOX with O'Reilly and on verge of tears several
time and backtracking on some of the gun stuff for she cried not for the
gun remarks but for herself no doubt - after all this powerful woman,
many believe, took down K Mart in her fall.   So now she fights the gay
causesaid it was right after Columbine she made the gun remarks and
golly gee she did not mean that.   It was in the agony of the moment.
Guns but what about those little propane gas tanks those kids had - K
Mart also sells those.

So a little item about homosexual priests which can be house trained
with a little help but only the pedophiles like Michael Jackson, whose
nose fell off - these cannot be cured.

Such lovely people - so Rosie backed down but now Gay Motherhood is her
forte.on the verge of tears and near hysteria O'Reilly was gentle
with her as compared to some.

Rosie is mad at Hollywood  and maybe this is why this Joan Rivers who
drags her little clone about with her - went out of her way to make an
obscene remark about here the night of the Academy Awards.it is said
1 billion people watched the Academy Awards and I do not believe this to
be true for Gallup would be up the next 1000 years on that one.
Garbage in, garbage out...oh the humanity.

So the Catholic Church no longer will tolerate these degenerate
Priests.who will be treated differently than other homosexuals and
why not - they have dirtied up the Church so open the floodgates and get
them all for they broke a vow.so now in this one black church in
particular - well the Church is closing down 4 black churches in Chicago
no doubt to assist in the payment of the lawsuits..rob Peter to pay


March 25, 2002
Whistleblower!: FBI Agent Reveals Clintons' Role in 9-11


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With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff
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 Monday, March 25, 2002 2:04 p.m. EST
Leo: Sex Scandal Priests Not Pedophiles
The sex scandal rocking the Catholic Church has been wrongly
characterized as one of pedophilia, says U.S. News  World Report
columnist John Leo.
True pedophiles are rare, he contends, citing statistics that show 5
percent or less of priests accused of molesting children actually fit
that description.
Most sexual victims of priests are teenage boys, according to one
estimate. A study of Chicago's 2,200 priests identified 40 sexual
abusers, only one of whom was a pedophile.
The distinction may have important legal implications. The church
expects to be hit with an avalanche of lawsuits filed by victims who
assert officials acted irresponsibly by merely reassigning offending
priests to different parishes after psychiatric treatment.
But, notes Leo, Abusers of teens are generally treatable. Pedophiles
aren't. That argument could let church officials reasonably claim that
they believed priest-abusers who had received treatment had been
So why aren't church officials themselves pointing out the distinction?
Most likely because opening up the issue of sexually-active gay priests
is itself explosive, even apart from charges of abuse, surmises Leo.
Still, even if the church manages to weather the legal storm, the
scandal's impact is likely to be long and profound, predicts the
columnist, adding, Confidence in the integrity and basic honesty of
church officials is basically gone.
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2001-01-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

LOVELY story on "senator" Hilliary Clinton who now is dodging the press
- when caught off guard, she is almost speechless and I wonder who
writes her speeches these day.

Now she had to cancel her speaking engagement with Jesse Jackson - and
now we find he has 2 illegitimate children and who pays for the other
one?   Any taxpayers or UA money involved in that Rainbow ripoff?

$10,000 a month child support would feed a lot of hungry children and
now it is the Jackson 7 it seems, no longer Jackson 5, or Jackson

So New York welcomes Hilliary - not exactly a breath of fresh air for
she brings more stench with her than your local sewage lines.


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January 26, 2001
Michael Reagan:: Recommends new book on Clinton's Bitter Legacy


For the story behind the story...

Friday, Jan. 26, 2000 9:59 a.m. EST

Hillary on the Lam From Pardongate Heat
Scandal-scarred Sen. Hillary Clinton was reported to be hiding out in
her Chappaqua, N.Y., mansion on Friday, canceling all public
appearances, including one with new daddy Jesse Jackson - as outrage
grew over charges she conspired to sell presidential pardons for
campaign cash.

The New York Post reports that Clinton has canceled all public
appearances for the day, including her address to Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH
Coalition's Wall Street Project, announced only yesterday.

Clinton also will pass up previously scheduled meetings with two top New
York City Democrats, Public Advocate Mark Green and Comptroller Alan

New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani saved the new senator the trouble of
canceling his meeting with her. He did that himself late Thursday,
saying he was outraged over the Clinton pardon of Marc Rich, the
tax-dodging fugitive whom Giuliani had indicted in 1983 when the mayor
was U.S. attorney for New York's Southern District.

Rich's ex-wife Denise has donated over $1 million to the Clintons and
other Democrats since 1993.

"I'm very upset about this," Giuliani told reporters yesterday. "I think
what the president did is an absolute outrage."

Mrs. Clinton may be able to dodge Pardongate questions for now, but both
Clintons could wind up trying to explain the cash-for-clemency scandal
to Congress before too long.

Yesterday House Government Reform and Oversight Committee chief Dan
Burton launched a preliminary investigation, saying,

"When a pardon appears questionable on the merits, the American people
have a right to know why the president made his decision, so that the
constitutional power to grant pardons will not be abused in the future."

Finis  -30-

So the pigs have gone home to roost and left a pig stye for others to
clean (no insult to the pigs intended).now that the power is
gone, let us see how friends stick to these Teflon Kidsremember John
Gotti - he was a piker compared to the Clintons..Remember Waco,
Remember Ruby Ridge, Remember the Balkans and above all Remember Janet
Reno, the one that walked with her left hand.

Inside Cover Stories
 Tiny TV Camera Produces Guided Tours Of Body's Byways
 NBC's Mitchell Disputes Charge That Bushies Also Trashed White House
 Hillary on the Lam From Pardongate Heat
 British Spy: Mandela Worked for Us
 A Second Jesse Jackson 'Love Child'?
 CIA Morale Woes Over Tenet, Deutch
 Top Judiciary Dem Leahy Defends White House Trashing
 Air Force One Looted on Last Clinton Trip As Aides Trash White House
 Greenspan Gives Boost to Bush Tax Cuts
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2000-12-21 Thread Aleisha Saba

Now why isn't Sharpton being investigated by IRS?

They harassed me over $50.00 once, and I ended up in Court of Appeals -
we settled for $35.00 (compromised, last section of Federal Income Code
- big shots use this one)...

IRS afraid of Clinton here?   Because Hill and Sharpton are such buddy
buddy birds of feather?


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December 21, 2000
$15,000 Value: Win Two FREE Tickets to the Super Bowl


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With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff
For the story behind the story...
Thursday, Dec. 21, 2000 4:41 p.m. EST
Rev. Al's Curious Finances
The Rev. Al Sharpton, a key political ally of Senator-elect Hillary
Clinton, lives what looks like a fairly lavish personal lifestyle -
dressing in expensive suits, paying top-dollar tuition for his two
daughters at a Brooklyn private school, and traveling the country
whenever the need arises for one of his patented "No Justice, No Peace"
One would hardly know the good reverend is practically broke - or so he
maintained in a deposition earlier this month, a copy of which was
obtained by the New York Times Thursday.
Sharpton says he can't afford to pay the $65,000 judgment against him in
a defamation lawsuit brought by Dutchess County, N.Y., prosecutor
Stephen Pagones.
The pompadoured preacher had smeared Pagones while championing the cause
of Tawana Brawley, a black teen-ager who fabricated rape charges against
the prosecutor and others in 1986.
To prove his impoverishment, Sharpton had to detail his finances to
Pagones' lawyer, Garry Bolnick, earlier this month.
Turns out that just about all the Rev. Sharpton's worldy goods were
either given to him or are on loan from his business operation, "Rev.
Als [no apostrophe] Productions."
Here's one of the more amusing excerpts from Sharpton's deposition.
BOLNICK: Rev. Sharpton, how many suits do you own?
SHARPTON: Well, you would have to - I debate whether I own it because a
lot of that is business expense, but I have access to about 10 or 12.
BOLNICK: And you say that you - you say they are business expenses. Are
they paid for by someone other than yourself?
BOLNICK: Are they paid for by the National Action Network [Sharpton's
Harlem-based civil rights operation]?
BOLNICK: Are they paid for by Rev. Als Productions?
SHARPTON: Maybe a couple.
BOLNICK: Any other wearing apparel of yours paid for by other parties?
SHARPTON: Yeah, I would say half my suits are gifts. The suit I have on,
a guy gave me.
BOLNICK: Have you ever purchased a suit for yourself?
SHARPTON: Not lately.
Other items Sharpton seems to possess without actually owning: a stereo,
a TV, cars, silverware and assorted other middle-class accoutrements.
Sharpton told Bolnick that 99 percent of his salary from his National
Action Network gig (about $70,000 a year) is immediately invested in
Rev. Als Productions.
Perhaps that's why he hasn't filed any personal income tax returns since
His daughters' $30,000 Polyprep Country Day School tuition is paid for
by the same company.
He claims Rev. Als was incorporated with New York state, but he can't
remember when and New York has no record of its existence.
Sharpton supplements his income with $300 bi-monthly "expense" checks
from his National Action Network radio show - plus donations he gets
from his "preachings."
"They pass the plate and give it to me," Sharpton told Bolnick about the
income he calls "love offerings."
"I could get $1; I could get $1,000," says the rotund Rev.
Despite his unorthodox financial arrangements, the Rev. Sharpton seems
to have escaped the scrutiny of the Clinton IRS.
Lucky for him his name isn't Jones, Flowers, Dale, Broaddrick or Gracen.

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Inside Cover Stories
 Zogby: Gore Leads Hillary for 2004
 Is Clinton Pulling the Plug on the Dow's Plunge Protection Team?
 Rev. Al's Curious Finances
 Poll: Don't Pardon Clinton or His Whitewater Cronies
 That Unbelievable Democrat Turnout
 Hillary's Book Set to Open Old Wounds for Foster's Widow
 Welcome to Tennessee
 Those GOP 'Thugs' in Miami Were Reporters
 Clinton: Blame Elian, Not Monica, for Gore's Loss; Jones Case a 'Fraud'
 Wash Post Digs Through Phone Records in 'Get Harris' Dirt Quest
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[CTRL] Fwd: NewsMax.com: Inside Cover Story

2000-07-21 Thread Aleisha Saba

So as Oscar Wilde said "He talks like a liberal, but eats with the

Something is wrong here with these contributions which could constitute
a gift.

When Arabs and Jews negotiate with the President, is it kosher for First
Lady to take what could constitute a gift or a bribe - from both sides,
saying I really love you the best?

This woman should get out of the race so long as she is First Lady - can
they get her for violation of hatch act, for she is at public trough and
has income from feds.

So much for As The Stomach Turns...and Peace, to Holy Land.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


[CTRL] Fwd: NewsMax.com: Inside Cover Story

2000-06-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

Nice story here re Secret Service under Bill Clinton and his lovely
wife..these two get uglier every day.   Note:  Secret Service
permitted Black Panthers to carry AKs ane now know whether any had
convictions for felonies - but one who did not have gun, had previous
felony narcotic convictions...I still remember Dallas when the
Secret Service let down their guard, and some wonder, was it deliberate,

Reagan's Secret Service Agent was ready to die for Reagan..who sent
these Black Panthers?   Next time send the Texas Rangers to run
background checks - also remember 8 of Clinton's former body guards,
ended up dead - and wonder.

So we see Clinton and his Secret Service who must be as corrupt as

A Saba -


Armed Panther Protest No Threat to Laura Bush: Secret Service

The Secret Service has arrested unarmed protesters who spoke harshly to
President Clinton and shoved reporters out of the way when they wanted
to question his wife, Hillary.

But when a group of Black Panthers carrying AK-47s, shotguns and other
rifles marched on the site where Texas first lady Laura Bush was about
to speak earlier this month, the Secret Service took no action, the
agency confirmed
on Tuesday.

"We were aware of the situation and we were monitoring it, but Mrs. Bush
was never in any danger," a Secret Service spokesperson told NewsMax.com
on Tuesday.

At noon on June 16, 15 members of the New Black Panther Party led by
Minister Quanell X emerged from a converted military vehicle to protest
the impending execution of convicted killer Gary Graham. The armed group
clad in black fatigues marched on the George R. Brown Convention Center
in the heart of downtown Houston, where the wife of presidential
candidate George W. Bush was scheduled to address the state GOP
convention the very next hour.

Like President Clinton, Vice President Gore and their families, the
Bushes are under round-the-clock Secret Service guard, a protection that
will continue for the duration of the presidential campaign.

When asked about the gun-toting Panther protest, a Secret Service
spokesman explained, "To our understanding there was no violation of the

Indeed, it is legal to carry assault rifles in Texas as long as strict
licensing regulations and other restrictions are complied with. The guns
cannot be "brandished" in a threatening manner and must not be aimed at
anyone in particular.

But Houston police did not confront the Panthers to check for
registrations or inspect the weapons for possible illegal modifications.
Neither were background checks for possible felony arrest records
performed. Texas law prohibits felons from carrying guns.

The Secret Service would not say whether they scrutinized the group for
possible weapons violations, but media reports from the scene indicate
there were no attempts by any law enforcement agency to question the
armed demonstrators.

The agency spokesman also refused to say whether the Secret Service knew
in advance that the Black Panthers had planned to march on the
convention. Houston Police Department spokesman Robert Hurst told
NewsMax.com last week that local law enforcement was aware of the
Panthers' plans.

Police did arrest Panther Frederick Robinson, who was unarmed, after a
GOP delegate complained Robinson had assaulted him at the scene. An HPD
background check turned up two recent felony narcotics convictions on
Robinson's record.

In the past the Secret Service hasn't waited for actual lawbreaking to
occur before acting, even in situations that pose little or no threat to
the first family and others under their protection.

In July 1996, agents arrested Glenn and Patricia Mendoza for threatening
President Clinton at the "Taste of Chicago" food fair, though the couple
were not armed and neither made any overt threats.

However, after Clinton approached Patricia to shake her hand, she
responded, "You suck and those boys died," a reference to the
then-recent deaths of 19 American soldiers in the Khobar Towers bombing.
Agents at the scene characterized Mendoza's words as "threatening."

Both Mendozas spent the night in the Cook County Jail, after being
arrested on suspicion of threatening the life of the president. Weeks
later, lacking evidence, the Secret Service dropped all charges.

The Mendozas are hardly alone. In 1993 the Secret Service arrested
William Kelly - also unarmed - who merely challenged Clinton at a town
meeting about his failure to deliver on a promised middle-class tax cut.
Not only was Kelly booted out of the meeting, hours later his home was
surrounded by armed agents who took him into custody.

In 1996 a pro-life activist who confronted Clinton after a Washington,
D.C., church service was detained and questioned by the Secret Service.

The Secret Service has been extraordinarily protective of Mrs. Clinton,
who, according to New York Post Albany bureau chief Fred Dicker, is
shielded from tough questioning, by bodyguards who physically block
reporters, even 

[CTRL] Fwd: NewsMax.com: Inside Cover Story

2000-06-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

They're Back.Jessie, NAACP, Black Panthers, a return to the 60
period and all controlled by guess who - why Hill and Bill are
engineering this with their henchmen.

For you do not believe Hill and Bill are Democrats do you  - Bill tried
to make himself in to a JFK imagine and some wanted to see this image
again in the White House.   Well what they saw, was not what they got.

Instead we got Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Balkans, little Monica with her
Pizza Pie and now it is a return to the 60 period using the same old
rituals and turning loose CIA controlled Black Panthers - Graham, a
Martyer and Revenge My Death.

This is a direct threat to the life of George W. Bush, Jr.They now
will try to get this man killed - and hey, who was the guy driving that
dump truck that nearly ran down Bush Jr.all he said was, NO AMERICAN

So if Bush gets elected he better watch who he puts in 2nd spot.make
it another Dan Quayle or a Gore type, that people would rather Keep
Clinton, than Have Gore for Presidentthe secret, to his sucess.

Jessie Jackson I have concluded is an evil man for he has triggered this
maybe in his own ignorance.so the NAAP wants to disarm White
America?   Well now is the time for White American to remember, the idea
of this country is to be on defensive, and that does not mean going to
your local K Mart and buying a sling shot.   AK's are in at Littleton
and at Black Panther Party.

Now these people will move to destroy the Republican Convention just as
they did in 1968 when an element took over the Democrat party threafter,
and it was never the same.

Remember Reaganhe left the Democrat Party and he was nearly murdered
by this same element for he took on this CFR who warned him right in the
open - lay off the Federal Reserve...and Hinckly gets weekends home
now?   Hope he doesn't watch any re-runs of Taxi with little Jodi.

They are turning wild animals loose in the streets.we saw Central
Park...we need more Guilianos and dump Hill and Bill before this country
ends up like South Africa.

A Saba 

Saturday June 24, 2000; 9:45 PM EDT
Gary Graham's Dying Wish: 'Avenge My Death'

Rev. Jesse Jackson compared Texas Governor George W. Bush to Pontius
Pilate for refusing to delay his execution. And after he was dead
Jackson and others called him a martyr.

But Gary Graham's dying words had nothing to do with Christlike
forgiveness or even remorse for the 19 victims he left in his wake.

Instead, Graham's last expressed desire on earth was for revenge.

"He urged his supporters to avenge his death by whatever means
possible," reported "News 2 Houston" on its Web site Friday.

And although Rev. Jackson made no mention of it in the immediate
aftermath of Graham's execution, he informed the dead man's family the
next day that his dying wish was a request to "avenge my death."

If Graham's supporters decide to heed his call, it wouldn't be the first

"Shortly before a previous execution date last year, Graham called on
his supporters to come armed with AK-47's," reported the Houston
Chronicle on Thursday. In the last week members of the New Black Panther
Party have complied not once but twice.

On June 16, 15 Panthers armed with AK-47s, shotguns and assault rifles
descended on the state GOP convention as Texas first lady Laura Bush was
about to speak. Repeatedly shouting "black power!" they assaulted one
delegate, who demanded to know if their guns were loaded.  [Nice work
Hill and Billl - we know your style, we saw it at Waco and Ruby Ridge]

Five days later, Panther Information Minister Quanell X warned that he
would lead the same group in a march on the Huntsville, Texas death
house on the day of Graham's execution. Asked by "Fox News" if his gang
would be armed as before, Minister X said, "It wouldn't make sense to
take a butter knife to a gunfight."

Minister X also had some choice words for Governor Bush:

"I believe George Bush is a racist white man. In fact, he's the biggest
killer of black men here in Texas. George Bush has put more black men to
death than any other nation on earth."

In its Thursday report, the Chronicle also noted that earlier in the
year, "Quanell X, who planned the demonstration in Houston last week,
urged young blacks to take out their anger against whites in wealthy
neighborhoods instead of their own community if the execution is not

As Graham's final moments approached, Minister X stood outside the
Huntsville Walls Unit death house and told a curious "Fox News"
reporter, "You're damned right we're armed."
Minutes later he turned to another reporter, who happened to be white,
and warned, "If I looked like you, I wouldn't be around when he dies,"

[CTRL] Fwd: NewsMax.com: Inside Cover Story

2000-06-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

When I read this story, I remembered one other story about the great
humanitarian, Al Gore.

He had an old dog, who was not give proper care and was found lying on
his porch wounded and unattended.   Rather like this property destribed
in the followiong story - Al Gore, Slum Landlord.

If he treats his pets in this manner, and permits his property to be
labeled a "slum", well what would he do to America.   The fact that most
of the slum property is owned by people such as the Gores, is disgusting

Seems to me the Vice President should get out of he slum landlord
business, for you know, this is what is wrong with Americalook to
Flint, Michigan, where the little black kid murdered the little white
kid.  All living in poverty because the great NWO took away life from
what was once a great city which thrived...take a look at what you
and your NWO/UN cronies have doe to America, Mr. Gore.

George Bush Jr. - Go get him.   This Great Liberal Democrat Gore is a
symptom of what is wrong in America.

A Saba

Monday June 5, 2000; 5:25 PM EDT

Call from 'Slumlord' Gore Leaves Needy
Tenants in Tears

Vice President Al Gore called Tracy Mayberry Monday afternoon to say he
was mad at her for speaking to the press about his failure to make
repairs on the house she rents on Gore's Carthage, Tenn., farm. The call
left Mayberry's family in tears.

"I talked to Al Gore earlier and he really had me upset," Mayberry told
WABC-NY talk radio host Sean Hannity. "He said that I was talking really
bad about him and I haven't been. I just told the truth."

"I only called one news channel, that's all I called," complained
Mayberry. "Now he's trying to make out like I'm trying to slam him to
everybody and I'm not."

"The way I see it, you know, is that if he's going to yell at me and
say, 'Hey, you know, you slandered my name, you know, you were talking
bad about me,' I just prefer not to meet with him. I just prefer to go
on. I'm not going to be talked to like that and have my family crying
and upset and everything. It's not worth it to me."

Gore had been trying to make amends ever since Mayberry told a Nashville
TV station that the Veep hasn't done anything to fix the rundown
property after a year of complaints.

The plaster walls are crumbling, the plumbing doesn't work and the
floor's linoleum has worn away, Mayberry said.

After the Nashville TV station reported her plight, Gore contacted
Mayberry. "He called me Saturday all sweet and said he was going to move
me into another house, a comfortable house, until he can get this taken
care of."

But by Monday the Veep's accommodating mood had soured. "Today he called
and said, 'Well, I'll move you into a motel,' He was aggravated," said

"He said I should have called him directly. And I said, 'How am I
supposed to call you directly? I don't have a phone number for you at
the White House.'"

Exasperated, Mayberry said she was ready to send her children to her
mother's house and spend the night in the family's truck with her
husband. They both have diabetes, he has heart disease, their 4-year-old
son has fetal alchohol syndrome, their 9-year-old daughter has a seizure
disorder and yet another daughter is mentally retarded.

Despite their many problems, the Mayberrys manage to get by on their
monthly $1536 Social Security check.

But it's landlord Gore that has Mrs. Mayberry at her wit's end. "I just
can't take it anymore. I'm just going to get out of here."

Read NewsMax.com's original report on the Gore 'slumlord' controversy

Inside Cover Stories

Call from 'Slumlord' Gore Leaves Needy Tenants in Tears

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Linda Tripp: Most Clinton Crimes Still Secret,
More Monicas to Come

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Clinton Favoring Missile Defense That Won't Stop Russian, Chinese Nukes

Gore Is 'Slumlord'
Summit Revelation: Putin Can Say 'Big Mac'
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A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy
