Re: [CTRL] Impeachment and Clinton

1999-01-12 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-01-10 09:12:24 EST, you write:

 On Sat, 9 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To some it will seem a radical shift but I have changed my view on this
 issue, at least to a certain extent.  Let me explain.  I believe that there
 sufficient evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Clinton to have him
 solely on the charges against him.  There certainly is a LOT more behind the
 scenes that he is definitely guilty of (treason, and treachery against the
 which he swore to uphold, being the most damaging).  I am now convinced
 however that this whole issue should have been dropped before it began
 I don't like the puritanical emphasis that has already been the byproduct of
 the whole mess.

 Then, Teo, you are allowing them to win...

 Not only do you let them get away with the 'wrongdoing' you admit you
 believe was done, you let them get away with the blatant blackmail they
 are conducting...

 The answer is to NOT just drop it you really think they will
 stop the 'wrongdoing' if the watchdogs go aways?

I'm also surprised by your " this whole issue should have been dropped before
it began" sentiments. Before Bill was impeached everyone was saying he would
never be impeached. Now they're saying he won't be removed from office because
they don't have the votes. If other evidence can be introduced from testimony
via witnesses vis a vis the major acts of treason associated with Clinton's
Presidency then he may be removed, and ironically, for the right reasons.
Let's not forget that along with his litany of major and minor crimes I'm
convinced he knew about the OKC bombing before-hand and used the murder of 168
people, devastating the lives of hundreds more, to vilify "militia's",
"patriot's", talk radio and anybody else who was critical of his Presidency;
the main objective was of course to push "The Anti-Terrorism Bill" which had
stalled in Congress. The Bill gave unprecedented powers to the President and
law enforcement. There is no crime, no principle, no moral, no life that he
won't sacrifice in order to further the agenda's of the people who put him
there. That is why he has to go. Gavin.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Impeachment and Clinton

1999-01-12 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/12/99 9:50:46 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm also surprised by your " this whole issue should have been dropped
 it began" sentiments. Before Bill was impeached everyone was saying he would
 never be impeached. Now they're saying he won't be removed from office
 they don't have the votes. If other evidence can be introduced from testimony
 via witnesses vis a vis the major acts of treason associated with Clinton's
 Presidency then he may be removed, and ironically, for the right reasons.
 Let's not forget that along with his litany of major and minor crimes I'm
 convinced he knew about the OKC bombing before-hand and used the murder of
 people, devastating the lives of hundreds more, to vilify "militia's",
 "patriot's", talk radio and anybody else who was critical of his Presidency;
 the main objective was of course to push "The Anti-Terrorism Bill" which had
 stalled in Congress. The Bill gave unprecedented powers to the President and
 law enforcement. There is no crime, no principle, no moral, no life that he
 won't sacrifice in order to further the agenda's of the people who put him
 there. That is why he has to go. Gavin. 

Gavin, for all the peripheral reasons that you mention I am all for carrying
this through, it is just disheartening to see it turn into a big cover-up to
protect others in the government.  It is my hope that more will come out and
many more will go down but it is not likely.  My concern is that this is
turning into a morality issue, one in which the government will decide what
moral position is "acceptable" and what one is not, which is EXACTLY where we
stand now (even though those of us in the know, so to speak, know that it has
nothing to do with the real issues in this whole debate).  The government
intrudes in my life enough, WAY too much in fact, right now and I don't want
to give them any more opportunities to do so.  That is my concern.  I am
frustrated that the real issues were not brought up immediately and that be
the focus of this investigation.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Impeachment and Clinton

1999-01-12 Thread L. Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

This may be too simplistic for some but it seems to be the truth for me.  I
base things under the headings of Education or Human Sacrifice.
If each religion originally started as a school.
Think of your typical church for example A teacher at the front and the
students listening, (break)

A standard curriculum for the whole church, the history, economic,
interpersonal communications, international communications book called a
Bible.  Sometimes there would be two interpretations in a particular book of
it.  Why, Hypothesis - what would happen if this were true.  People would
learn to read just from learning the scriptures.  Religion is not dead - not
anymore than the teaching of English and History in our schools is dead.

(continued from break)
so that everyone could see that each person had their own idea of what it
said.  So if Religion was also a help for education what would be the end of
the world, the end of Religion, the end of education?  Bombs?  Not likely,
they are only a symptom of the disease.  A way to keep us sidetracked from
the true issues.  We have been living at the end of the world since at least
the time of "New Math"
Help Return The Law To A Learned Profession -
Is this true of professions like doctors?
How many "Professionals" how come out of our schools like Bush SR. did?
Abbreviated education the followed someone else's view of the world so that
they would advance that view point?  How many economics have degrees simply
because they would put out the right statistics when they were hired?

If much of what I am putting together is true, it means that the Clintons,
Bushs and others are committing the Genocide of America and Africa.  Also
that they are trying to make it seem that it is the will of the American
people so that they can slip out and leave America holding the bag.  So that
we will have a war and that they will profit.  Two areas that they would
defiantly want targeted is the Library of Congress and the Vatican, that
would allow them to re-write history.

The underlying theme though is that a constitutional government is not
viable.  That the education of the people is detrimental or that it can not
happen.  What has happened?  Can governments like the Soviet Union be
viable?  Look at the money, our government has been propping them up.  The
Cold War over?  It has just started.  The biggest problem is that we are
going to have to take care of it  (the cold war) inside of our own borders.
The US Military?  Do not count on the US Military they are capable of being
taken out the next time that the personal are required to be vaccinated.
Opps, Bad batch of Vaccine.  The Solders for this?  Our Educators, Our
Universities, Our Schools, Our Teachers.  Will the word go out this time in
total or will it end up being covered up by Headlines like "Kent State",
"Kennedy is Dead" - the message corrupted by using someone like John Lenin
and saying that his way of thought was true.  By talking about Homosexuals,
who hides behind (the true) Homosexuals?  Pedophiles.  What is an area that
the Clintons have supported?  The making of sexual movies through the art
foundation.  One World, Boring!  Viva La Difference.  But the belief in
life.  The Constitution was to be the next evolution of thought.

Remember "History Repeats It's Self"  If we do not do it now, the best we
can, if we can - this will be back again.

all for now.

AKA The Pied Piper

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Impeachment and Clinton

1999-01-12 Thread H Samuels

 -Caveat Lector-


Don't hold your breath, soon you will see a mock event that
will be used to make the stupid segment of society believe
an actual impeachment trial is going on.
It will be just like professional wrestling filled with rehearsed
moves ... Oh, oh they have the president down and he is about
to be pinned  splat, pow he is up and in the end part of the
act is clinton's  triumph against great odds.

Expecting crooked politicians to up hold the law is but
a joke, so don't join the ranks of the stupid.

Let them know before their coming mock trial will appease
the stupid, but  they are but mob party bosses who's show
will be used to obstruct justice and protect their criminals
party partner.

Instead of being stupid enough to believe the party mob
is about to uphold the law, send them a post (similar to the
one below) letting them know we know exactly what they
are about to do.
Send it to every news agency, every politician and especially
the family members of the senators.
Let them know what kind of dishonorable liar and crook their
little senators are.

They will continue to use phrases like
"They want to do what is best for America" and what is
"best for America" just happens to be what is best for the
democrats party mob...
What is "best for America" is to let a felon and sex molester
remain in office, so the democratic party is not embarrassed.

They will continue to use such words.. "they are taking care
of America", when in fact their only goal is to save their own
party ass.

Allowing criminals to hold high office is not what is best for
any nation, but to the contrary. Allowing criminals to hold public
office is but an evil cancer that will destroy a nation from the
inside out.
Allowing criminals to hold office, is what is best for criminal
mob families.


1)  If a politician does the same things others are branded as
criminals for, then why isn't that politician a criminal?

2)  Has Clinton committed the VERY SAME ACTS that other citizens
have been branded criminals/felons for?

3)  Unless these "honorable senators" are dishonorable liars, it
is not their own opinions they will use in deciding the fate of
Clinton. Every senator took an oath to uphold the laws of the land
and the law specifies IMPEACHMENT as the stated punishment.

In federal law, there are no degrees in felonies. Crimes come in
two categories, misdemeanors and felonies. Misdemeanors are low
crimes and felonies are high crimes.
4)  Obstruction of justice, perjury ... tell me Mr. Senator are
these misdemeanors/low crimes or are they felonies/high crimes?

Now because democrats are going to cover up for their criminal
partner and because the republicans are afraid to lose power and
money, we are about to have a mock trial. The end results will be
another politician joke on the American people.

5)  Tell me Mr Senator, is there one law for the politicians and
another law for the village idiots? If not, as soon as you slap
clinton on the wrist are you going to release every citizen who is
in prison on perjury and/or obstruction charges?
Are you going to strip all the obstruction and perjury laws from
the books, so no other citizen can be persecuted for the very same
things you are about to free clinton for? No, you do not believe
in equal justice for politicians and the people. You are about to
put on a sham trial for show and tell and then flip the finger at
the laws you took an oath to uphold.

One a talk show, Jones described how Clinton ran his hand up her
... and then pulled out his ... for her to suck. If she lied, then
why doesn't Clinton sue her for liable? Ask Clinton and Jones if
they will take a polygraph test and see who will come.
We have heard of Clinton's patsies rave on the great mind and
memory of Clinton and yet this great mind "couldn't remember who
Jones was".
Hustler magazine used to have a cartoon about Chester The
Molester. I have seen the publisher of Hustler magazine on talk
shows defending Chester Clinton.
Reno wasn't Clinton's first choice was she? If I remember right
the first "judge" Clinton chose was a woman who posed naked in a
   What was clinton's "bimbo control staff" set up for?

Other than the published case, how many dozens more UNWILLING
women has chester the molester clinton grabbed?
Tell me how it is that other men who sexually assault women like
Clinton are required to register as sex predators ... and yet this
sex molester is held as some great honorable president?

IF Clinton wasn't a powerful politician and he would have grabbed
the daughter of any of his PRESENT SUPPORTERS, then pulled out his
 for them to suck, he would have been jailed, fined and or
sued. If it were the daughter of his present day supporters, they
would probably have knocked the hell out of him.

Re: [CTRL] Impeachment and Clinton

1999-01-10 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 9 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
To some it will seem a radical shift but I have changed my view on this whole
issue, at least to a certain extent.  Let me explain.  I believe that there is
sufficient evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Clinton to have him impeached
solely on the charges against him.  There certainly is a LOT more behind the
scenes that he is definitely guilty of (treason, and treachery against the US
which he swore to uphold, being the most damaging).  I am now convinced
however that this whole issue should have been dropped before it began because
I don't like the puritanical emphasis that has already been the byproduct of
the whole mess.

Then, Teo, you are allowing them to win...

Not only do you let them get away with the 'wrongdoing' you admit you
believe was done, you let them get away with the blatant blackmail they
are conducting...

The answer is to NOT just drop it you really think they will
stop the 'wrongdoing' if the watchdogs go aways?

Clinton as well.  I wish the whole thing had never begun, BUT since it has I
want to see it played out to the full and that means full trial and witnesses

I'm confused...I thought you always supported an impeachment and trial...

It is my hope that some nugget of truth will fall out of the trial and
some good will come of it.

This is my feeling, also...and may be why certain parties are so against
calling witnesses, I suspect...there's a fear that much more damning
evidence may slip out if witnesses are allowed, evidence which will
possibly lead to the impeachment and/or prosecution of some highly placed
people -- perhaps Gore (explains the bleatings about the Repubs
'overthrowing' the election, which doesn't make sense on the surface,
since Gore would end up in "the catbird's seat"...BUT if evidence comes
out in the trial that he ALSO committed treason, well...) -- perhaps a
few Administration officials -- perhaps some important Congresscritters
from BOTH sides of the aisle...

He should be impeached and [possibly hanged along
with numerous others on both sides of the party aisle for his treason, and
that should be the issue before the Senate.

But it isn't.  The issue is perjury and obstruction of justice.

Even if it WAS treason, the Senate trial, not being a criminal trial,
doesn't have any power except to remove him from office...

My guess?  A good possibility that 'something' comes out in the Senate
trial which suddenly broadens it's scope beyond the perjury and
obstruction of justice charges...something which perhaps DOES show
possibly treasonous actions, not only on the part of Clinton, but
possibly Gore too...

The Dems complain loud and long about the Repubs conducting a 'witch
hunt', and demand that the Senate trial just stick to the original

But the new stuff is so 'hot', it can't be completely ignored...the
Senate, knowing that the only thing it can do is remove Clinton from
office no matter WHAT the charges are, votes to remove him from office
based solely on the perjury and obstruction of justice charges -- because
of the 'hotness' of the other stuff uncovered, the Senate Dems no longer
feel they can back the president and so vote to remove based on the
'lesser' charges...

The Senate then turns the 'hot' stuff it uncovered over to an independent
prosecutor to pursue possible criminal charges against Clinton...even if
it ostensibly isn't after anything on Gore, I predict there will be
enough fallout so that it will be hard to deny his the
criminal proceedings against Clinton proceed, the House Judiciary
Committee commences an investigation into Gore...with a lot of 'what did
he know, and when did he know it' stuff...

With the end result that by the time the year 2000 comes around, Gore
will effectively be unelectable...

Of course, if all the 'doom-and-gloomers' are right about the Y2K
problem, Gore may solve his problem by declaring martial law and
suspending all elections...

...just a day dream of mine, total speculation...

Clinton is scum but now I wish that they had just let him alone from the

'Just let him alone'?  To continue his scummy acts, including treason?

Let us all hope now that this will create a steamroller effect that will clear
Washington of ALL of the traitors and scum and we can start fresh, that is
really the only acceptable outcome.  Not very likely, huh?

One can only hope...and keep the pressure on one's own representatives to
NOT sweep it all under the rug...if we just sit back as passive viewers
and DON'T actively participate in attempting to change things, then we
deserve what we get...


  The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year,
  Of wailing winds and naked woods, and meadows brown and sear.
-- Wm. Cullen Bryant:  The Death of the Flowers

Re: [CTRL] Impeachment and Clinton

1999-01-10 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/10/99 9:12:24 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 Then, Teo, you are allowing them to win...

 Not only do you let them get away with the 'wrongdoing' you admit you
 believe was done, you let them get away with the blatant blackmail they
 are conducting...

 The answer is to NOT just drop it you really think they will
 stop the 'wrongdoing' if the watchdogs go away?


I am not for dropping anything, just, now, wish that the whole thing had never
begun in the first place.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Impeachment and Clinton

1999-01-10 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 10 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am not for dropping anything, just, now, wish that the whole thing had never
begun in the first place.

But that wouldn't have solved anything, fact, it may have
gotten worse, as they felt they could blatantly shred the Constitution to
their hearts content...


  The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year,
  Of wailing winds and naked woods, and meadows brown and sear.
-- Wm. Cullen Bryant:  The Death of the Flowers
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Impeachment and Clinton

1999-01-10 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/10/99 9:20:22 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 itnesses, etc.
  My problem is with the mentality that pervades all of this and that is that
  this is about sex (you and I both know that is not the issue here but Joe
  apparently thinks it is) and the possibility that this will turn into more
  laws infringing upon my freedom to do what I want without people peering
  every area of my life.  That is the main problem I have with it all.

It's all about marketing. Marketing. Marketing. Marketing. It was marketed as
sex. Everything is marketed. Government is marketed. New laws imfringing upon
our freedoms are marketed. The marketing is general Hegelian.   Interestingly,
this applies to getting Clinton on a sex rap (yes, it's perjury and
obstruction, but marketed as sex) when they really wanted to get him on things
that were too hot for them to touch (besides the fact that he covered his ass
pretty well - shredded, bribed, blackmailed, killed, etc.). The interesting
thing is... the sad thing is... that it might have backfired. All things
considered, I was willing the go along with the "Capone Prosecution,"
eventhough I felt as you do - it should have been done right. But now,
backfired or not, it's turned awfully ugly. Here's the origingal
miscalculation: Going after a man with NO character in the same way you would
go after a man WITH character. They just didn't know what they were bargaining


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Impeachment and Clinton

1999-01-10 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 10 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There are several things that I am now confused on.  Yes, circumstantial
evidence seems to indicate that Clinton should be investigated for treason.
However, the "trial" that is now taking place in the Senate does not include
that charge. I don't understand how evidence of a crime not a part of the
original indictment could be brought,

It shouldn't == UNLESS a witness lets 'something slip'...then that
witness's testimony becomes part of the record...and as I pointed out in
a prior post, the only thing the SENATE can do, no matter HOW many
charges are levied against the president or their severity, is to vote to
remove him from office...

But...if Monica Lewinsky is called to testify, and happens to mention
that Clinton was snorting coke on a couple of occasions during their
trysts...or that she overheard a conversation between Bill and a Chinese
bigwig where Bill promised state secrets in exchange for sizeable
donations...if Linda Tripp lets out something regarding Ron Brown...if
Kathleen Willey mentions something about Vince Foster...

Well, you get the picture...suddenly, the Senate has testimony which, in
theory, they could use to request ADDITIONAL witnesses to provide
corraborating testimony and perhaps evidence of these allegations...

Again, the most they can do is vote to remove Clinton...but if they get
any of this additional stuff testified on, it lays the groundwork for
possible criminal proceedings against Clinton after he is removed from
office...and perhaps possible criminal proceedings against some other
important personages, too...

unless that evidence was in support also
of the crimes being charged, ie perjury and obstruction. Should such evidence
be admitted,

The Senate trial can admit anything they please, since it isn't a
criminal trial...they could decide to listen to testimony that Clinton
didn't get a required license for his dog Buddy, if they wanted to...
but when it comes to the final vote, they'd only be able to vote on the
actual charges, e.g. perjury and obstruction of justice...

But that's not to say the D.C. dogwarden couldn't then turn around and
slap the Clinton's with a fine for not licensing their dog...

I would think that it would lead to a separate indictment, either
other articles of impeachment or indictment in criminal court.

Exactly.  It'd be highly unlikely that they'd try to draw up additional
articles of impeachment, the practical route would be that if damning
evidence of something like treason gets introduced into the Senate trial,
Clinton's Democratic supporters in the Senate would be hard pressed to
keep defending him, and will probably swing towards voting to remove him
from office on the perjury and obstruction of justice charges...and let
the other stuff be brought up in a possible criminal indictment

According to the Constitution, a president can not be criminally indicted
until after he is out of office, either via the natural ending of his
term, or via impeachment...

By the way,
does anyone know if the concept of double jeopardy applies to impeachment?

Probably it doesn't, since it isn't a CRIMINAL proceeding...

Could the President be impeached twice?

There is nothing in the Constitution to preclude it...but in practice, it
would be highly unlikely to happen, to Clinton or any OTHER president...

The Constitution says something like, ...not to exceed removal from office.
This would indicate that the Senate could do any number of things as
punishment but leave him in office.

"Says something like"???  In cases like this, one should make it a point
to find out the EXACT wording

 "The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all
Impeachments.  When sitting for that Purpose, they
shall be on Oath of Affirmation.  When the President
of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall
preside.  And no Person shall be convicted without the
Concurrance of two thirds of the Members present.

 "Judgement in Cases of Impeachment shall not
extend further than to removal from Office, and
disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of
honor, Trust or Profit under the United States; but
the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and
subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgement and Punishment,
according to Law."

--  The U.S. Constitution
Article I, Section 3

See above. However, when the Articles arrived at the Senate they contained the
wording, "and removal from office." Are you saying that since the Articles
contain this wording this precludes any other action by the Senate? I might
not be up to date on this little wrinkle.

The Senate could decide to put a dunce cap on Clinton and make him sit in
the corner...but it's highly unlikely...especially if even more damning
stuff comes out in the trial, the Senate would be 

Re: [CTRL] Impeachment and Clinton

1999-01-10 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/10/99 2:29:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,
(snip beginning)
I can't disagree with you (I rarely do) I only assume that you are right,
that the Senate can do pretty much anything that it wants since it's not a
criminal trial and there's not much precedent for presidential impeachment
trials. It just seems that bringing evidence, including slips of the tongue by
witnesses, would turn the whole thing into a circus. Don't get me wrong
though, I would like to see it come down just as you describe. I've said long
ago that the Democrats' worst nightmare is having to actually vote on this
thing. Of course I felt that this would apply to the committee hearings first,
but that came out down party lines. Then I figured that there would be more
honest Dems who would vote for impeachment in the House. Wrong again. So, with
limited testimony and limited evidence presented in an abbreviated trial, we
can expect the same thing - Slick will slide. The only hope is that the
scenario that you hope for plays out and then it will only be effective if
it changes public opinion. This is what the Dems most fear. In my opinion a
charge of treason could be proved conclusively in this trial and if the polls
didn't change, nothing more would happen. Even if all hell breaks loose in the
trial, as you and I hope, you'd probably have to have people go around to 90%
of the homes in the US and physically lock their TV sets onto C-Span.   BTW,
yes I'm aware that the Republicans are just as slimey as the Democrats, they
just happen to be lucky enough to be on the right side of this particular

  The Constitution says something like, ...not to exceed removal from
  This would indicate that the Senate could do any number of things as
  punishment but leave him in office.

  "Says something like"???  In cases like this, one should make it a point
  to find out the EXACT wording

   "The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all
  Impeachments.  When sitting for that Purpose, they
  shall be on Oath of Affirmation.  When the President
  of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall
  preside.  And no Person shall be convicted without the
  Concurrance of two thirds of the Members present.

   "Judgement in Cases of Impeachment shall not
  extend further than to removal from Office, and
  disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of
  honor, Trust or Profit under the United States; but
  the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and
  subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgement and Punishment,
  according to Law."

  --  The U.S. Constitution
  Article I, Section 3

OK... what I said has precisely the same meaning as the EXACT wording. They
don't have to kick him out of office. What I was wondering was whether the
wording in the Articles of Impeachment mandated removal.

  See above. However, when the Articles arrived at the Senate they contained
  wording, "and removal from office." Are you saying that since the Articles
  contain this wording this precludes any other action by the Senate? I
  not be up to date on this little wrinkle.

  The Senate could decide to put a dunce cap on Clinton and make him sit in
  the corner...but it's highly unlikely...especially if even more damning
  stuff comes out in the trial, the Senate would be hardpressed to do
  anything but to agree to remove him from office based on the charges sent
  to them...
But do you know this for sure? However, it's probably not a very important

  Starr has supposedly agreed not to pursue a criminal trial if there is a
  censure agreement.

  So they appoint another independent prosecutor...

  It's highly unlikely that if evidence of something like TREASON comes out
  in the Senate trial, that the matter would just be dropped if Clinton's
  removed from office...

  Do you think that they could effectively appoint another
  special prosecuter against Clinton?

  On something like treason?  Sure.


Anyway, keep on daydreaming! I am too. It's just that I'm getting awakened too


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.