[CTRL] The ADL pushes tolerance? Why I'm leaving after 25 years

2001-08-02 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

   Jewish World Review June 4, 2001 / 14 Sivan, 5761

   Foxman never tires
   in his search for
   'hate' --- real or

   The ADL pushes ''tolerance? Why I'm leaving after 25 years

   By Carl Pearlston

   http://www.jewishworldreview.com -- MY love affair with the ADL began
   almost 25 years ago. It has just ended with a curt note from the Board
   President advising me that I haven't shown a sufficient demonstration
   of commitment to the ADL to warrant retention on the Executive
   Committee or the Regional Board. How did it come to this?

   I had been nominated to the Board by a judge with whom I had worked
   during the heady civil rights years, and then to the Executive
   Committee by the head of the Speakers Bureau, for which I was very
   active. Not that the romance had not been rocky. I had always known
   that my conservative Republican political views were barely tolerated
   by my overwhelmingly liberal colleagues, and I was tempted to keep
   them to myself. We were nominally a non-partisan organization, but our
   meetings frequently felt uncomfortably like those of a Democratic
   Party club in which it was assumed that all shared a common liberal or
   progressive political worldview and none could, or wanted to, hear a
   differing viewpoint.

   Just after the recent presidential election, our Director accosted me
   at a meeting with a vehement You stole the election! Our positions
   were usually those of the liberal wing of the Democratic party on
   issues like abortion, school choice, teacher pay, bilingual education,
   affirmative action, the homosexual agenda, gun control.

   I once cited the comprehensive study by Yale University Law School's
   Dr. John Lott on gun laws to the effect that in those states where
   people could legally carry concealed weapons, crimes against people
   actually declined, since criminals do not want to take a chance that
   their victim may be armed. I was met with the sarcastic and dismissive
   response that Only John Lott, [talk show host and JWR columnist]
   Larry Elder and you believe in that study.


   There was not a great tolerance for diversity of viewpoint nor
   introduction of new information. I was barred from distributing
   written material which was germane and relevant to issues under
   discussion; only material from staff could be disseminated. To be
   fair, a member did once tell me that at least I kept them honest --
   i.e. they were forced to at least be exposed to -- even if not to
   consider, a different view.

   But, it was an uphill struggle.

   When I once confessed to our National Director, Abe Foxman, my
   feelings of just spinning my wheels, he candidly told me that I would
   have to realize that over 95% of those involved in the ADL were
   liberal and would be unsympathetic to my conservative views.

   Lack of sympathy frequently translated into lack of civility. For
   example, at several meetings, there were objections that Dr. Laura
   Schlesinger's radio program and planned TV program was offensive and
   insensitive to homosexuals. I pointed out that her views enunciate
   traditional Jewish values which deserve the support of a Jewish
   defense organization, and was greeted with derision and intemperate,
   hostile responses. When it came to the issue of homosexuals versus the
   Boy Scouts, ADL chose the homosexuals, all the way to the Supreme

   Then, in its otherwise commendable nationwide partnership with Barnes
   and Noble in the program Hate Hurts, which sponsors books and educates
   teachers and young children to fight hate, the ADL endorsed the books
   Heather Has Two Mommies and Steve Has Two Daddies as suitable tools
   for teaching tolerance to young children. Teachers' workshops and
   children's reading groups were organized, using these and other books
   in conjunction with the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network
   (GLSEN), which had earlier achieved a certain notoriety for its own
   school workshops wherein teenagers were taught the fine points of
   fisting and other homosexual practices.

   In this manner, fighting hate became a euphemism for an attack on
   sexual morality, the traditional family, and the Jewish view that
   children deserve a loving father and mother, not two fathers or two
   mothers. It is only through a perverse notion of tolerance that
   support for traditional teaching about the family is intimidated, and

   When Dennis Prager participated by invitation in a panel discussion on
   church-state issues, some members actually hissed and booed his
   remarks in a hostile display of intolerance. A respected board member
   persistently repeated to all who would hear that Prager was insane.

   When the organization published its harsh attack on the 

Re: [CTRL] The ADL pushes tolerance? Why I'm leaving after 25 years

2001-08-02 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Should be obvious by now the ADL works with Mossad and KGB.same
tactics for instance the Walker spies why for them the KGB organized a
KKK - these were the famous family of Navy spies.

Then we had this Hannsen who worked for KGB while sitting in FBI office
with Louis Freeh who broke bread with KGB agent and was = what did he
say, words to the effect to think I was sitting with a real live KGB
agent  - now the CIA was onto that bastard years ago without a doubt.

Then we had the case of the USS Liberty?   the USS Cole?   And this ADL
meanwhile spends much money some of it highly questionable, such as the
money for the organized crime figures - killers from Jewish Mafia USA
style - for this ADL is truly a criminal organization.
More pigs at a trough - but to call them Illuminati would be an insult
to the Illuminati who were organized in the Garden of Eden.

Are we to forgive the bombing of the USS Liberty in International Waters
- note, in International Waters..well maybe they could have gotten
by with that lie, they did not know who it was..but for 45 minutes
incinerate the bodies of our brave soldiers and I am sick of being told
my farther died for the likes of tht garbage and a bunch of homosexuals

ADL - let them go to Israel and work over the ARABS..see how long
they would last there.
For the real jews and REAL semites would blow them off the face of the


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