[CTRL] JFK Interview

2006-10-21 Thread T Brennan
-Caveat Lector-

New JFK interview with T. Casey Brennan at...


Twelve Questions with T. Casey Brennan
INTRODUCTION: From Wikipedia:

Headed by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, MKULTRA was started on
the order of CIA director Allen Dulles on April 13,
1953, largely in response to alleged Soviet, Chinese,
and North Korean use of mind-control techniques on
U.S. prisoners of war in Korea. The CIA wanted to use
similar methods on their own captives. The CIA was
also interested in being able to manipulate foreign
leaders with such techniques, and would later invent
several schemes to drug Fidel Castro...

Because most of the MKULTRA records were deliberately
destroyed in 1972 by order of the Director at that
time, Richard Helms, it is impossible to have a
complete understanding of the more than 150
individually funded research projects sponsored by
MKULTRA and related CIA programs.


1. In Conjurella Messiah: Necronomicon Monks, you
describe George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the
American Nazi Party, as a friend. What was your
relationship with him like?

TCB: This is the passage from that story, describing

MK-ULTRA had sought a protective cover of rightists
and paramilitarists, standing ready with their own
troops, to aid in the supposed 'invasion of Cuba'.
Those who did believe had included American Nazi Party
leader, George Lincoln Rockwell, the scholarly but
sinister Dr. Fred G. Schwartz of the Christian
Anti-Communism Crusade (which shared offices with the
Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New Orleans), and
martial arts expert Bruce Lee, hell-bent on liberating
his people from the murderous brand of communism which
had overtaken China.

But Walker had refused altogether, and Lee, under
orders from David Ferrie, his commanding officer in
the Civil Air Patrol, had fired on Walker and missed,
deliberately, as a warning. Lee believed, but Walker
did not. George Lincoln Rockwell, chess player,
essayist, Nazi leader, friend: he believed also. ('Get
Lincoln out of that Nazi suit, and talk to him
man-to-man, and he's all right,' someone had told me

'Call George and tell him the invasion is off,' David
Ferrie said, light-heartedly, after the

That passage is, I think, self-explanatory. David
Ferrie, and others in the CIA, had been mobilizing
various right-wing groups and leaders for a proposed
invasion of Cuba. Rockwell was among these. If you are
asking if I was sympathetic to George Lincoln
Rockwell, the answer is, of course I was. It would be
difficult, in the context of my experiences, to see
him as an actual Nazi. Actual Nazis killed millions;
George Lincoln Rockwell never killed anyone... he only
passed out silly pamphlets, which was, essentially,
the same thing Lee Oswald did (or, for that matter,
James Earl Ray). He was neither a monster or a hero;
he was just a man caught up in the web of the CIA.
When the proposed plan to assassinate Castro was
replaced with the project to assassinate John Kennedy,
one by one, those who knew too much, were murdered or
disgraced. How can I not be sympathetic to those men,
however I may have felt about their views? But someone
should find a list of his pallbearers.

2. In Conjurella Messiah: Necronomicon Monks, you
describe Bruce Lee's role in the JFK assassination.
How well did you and your family know Bruce Lee?

TCB: I have no memories of him, other than this scene
from Conjurella Messiah: Necronomicon Monks. Someone
should try to contact his remaining family members and
try to verify any of this. But as his own death was
suspicious, and his son Brandon Lee was shot to death,
they may be reluctant to tell...

...That fleeting memory; no before, no after, just
the memory. We are in a hotel room, somewhere. It is
before the JFK assassination, sometime.

Lee is there, like Bruce. They have both seen the
children, Dr. E's children, sitting limply in chairs
with needles in their necks, headsets on their ears,
screens before their vacant faces. Dr. E says: it is
necessary: child assassins formed with the
super-science of the future, child assassins, a proud
tradition of both sides of the now concluded great
war, child assassins necessary for the invasion of
Cuba. It has already grated on Lee; later, he will
seek a friend and confidant in Dallas police officer,
J.D. Tippitt, whom he will tell.

But for Bruce, it is intolerable NOW.

'Get rid of the kids,' Bruce says, 'We don't need

Lee sits, staring downward, his hand on his forehead,
wearing that sly, secret smile, only ever-so-slightly

'I can't,' Lee says softly, and matter-of-factly.

Bruce side-steps into position and gestures toward me.

'Get rid of the kid,' Bruce says, 'Get him out of
here. Take him home. Lose him. Anything.'

3. In Conjurella Fever: Transcending Time and
MK-ULTRA, you describe wanting Charles Manson to
endorse you as the 

[CTRL] This Interview Has My Photo

2006-04-25 Thread T Brennan
-Caveat Lector-


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[CTRL] Tomdispatch Interview: Chalmers Johnson on Our Military Empire

2006-03-22 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

Tomdispatch Interview: Chalmers Johnson on Our Military Empire

[Note to Tomdispatch readers: This is the seventh in an ongoing series of 
interviews at the site. The last three were with Juan Cole (parts 1 and 2), 
Ann Wright, and Mark Danner. Tom.]

Cold Warrior in a Strange Land

A Tomdispatch Interview with Chalmers Johnson (Part 1)

As he and his wife Sheila drive me through downtown San Diego in the glare 
of mid-day, he suddenly exclaims, Look at that structure! I glance over 
and just across the blue expanse of the harbor is an enormous aircraft 
carrier. It's the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan, he says, the newest carrier in 
the fleet. It's a floating Chernobyl and it sits a proverbial six inches off 
the bottom with two huge atomic reactors. You make a wrong move and there 
goes the country's seventh largest city.

Soon, we're heading toward their home just up the coast in one of those 
fabled highway traffic jams that every description of Southern California 
must include. We feel we're far enough north, he adds in the kind of 
amused tone that makes his company both alarming and thoroughly 
entertaining, so we could see the glow, get the cat, pack up, and head for 
Quartzsite, Arizona.

Chalmers Johnson, who served in the U.S. Navy and now is a historian of 
American militarism, lives cheek by jowl with his former service. San Diego 
is the headquarters of the 11th Naval District. It's wall to wall military 
bases right up the coast, he comments. By the way, this summer the 
Pentagon's planning the largest naval concentration in the Pacific in the 
post-World War II period! Four aircraft-carrier task forces -- two from the 
Atlantic and that's almost unprecedented -- doing military exercises off the 
coast of China.

That afternoon, we seat ourselves at his dining room table. He's 
seventy-four years old, crippled by rheumatoid arthritis and bad knees. He 
walks with a cane, but his is one of the spriest minds in town. Out the 
window I can see a plethora of strange, oversized succulents. (That's an 
Agave attenuata, he says. If you want one, feel free. We have them 
everywhere. When the blue-gray Tequila plant blooms, its flower climbs 75 
feet straight up! Then you get every hummingbird in Southern California.) 
In the distance, the Pacific Ocean gleams.

Johnson is wearing a black t-shirt that, he tells me, a former military 
officer and friend brought back from Russia. (He was amused to see hippies 
selling these in the Moscow airport.) The shirt sports an illustration of 
an AK-47 on its front with the inscription, Mikhail Kalashnikov in 
Cyrillic script, and underneath, The freedom fighter's friend, a product of 
the Soviet Union. On the back in English, it says, World Massacre Tour 
with the following list: The Gulf War, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Angola, Laos, 
Nicaragua, Salvador, Lebanon, Gaza Strip, Karabakh, Chechnya… To be 

Johnson, who served as a lieutenant (jg) in the Navy in the early 1950s and 
from 1967-1973 was a consultant for the CIA, ran the Center for Chinese 
Studies at the University of California, Berkeley for years. He defended the 
Vietnam War (In that I was distinctly a man of my times…), but is probably 
the only person of his generation to have written, in the years since, 
anything like this passage from the introduction to his book Blowback: The 
problem was that I knew too much about the international Communist movement 
and not enough about the United States government and its Department of 
Defense… In retrospect, I wish I had stood with the antiwar protest 
movement. For all its naiveté and unruliness, it was right and American 
policy wrong.

Retired, after a long, provocative career as a Japan specialist, he is the 
author of the prophetic Blowback, The Costs and Consequences of American 
Empire, published in 2000 to little attention. After 9/11, it became a 
bestseller, putting the word blowback, a CIA term for retaliation for U.S. 
covert actions, into common usage. He has since written The Sorrows of 
Empire, Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic. (As an academic 
subject, the American Empire is largely taboo, he tells me. I'm now 
comfortably retired, but I had a successful academic career. I realize that 
young academics today will take up the subject and start doing research on 
aspects of our empire only if they've got some cover. They need somebody to 
go first. I've had some of my former graduate students say, ‘Look, you're 
invulnerable. If you won't take the lead, why do you expect us to go do a 
research project on the impact of American military whorehouses on Turkey. I 
mean, let's face it, it's a good subject!)
He is just now completing the final volume of his Blowback Trilogy. It will 
be entitled Nemesis.

Sharp as a tack, energetic and high-spirited, by turns genuinely alarmed and 
thoroughly sardonic, he's a talker by nature. Our encounter is an interview 
in name only. No one has ever needed an interviewer 

[CTRL] JFK interview with T. Casey Brennan

2006-01-04 Thread T Brennan
-Caveat Lector-

For those of you who missed my JFK interview on X-Zone
radio on Tuesday, January 3, 2006, it's going to be
archived for 30 days on the X-Zone site; go to...


FOLLOWING CEREBUS #6, published in Texas but
distributed internationally at comic shops and Tower
Records outlets, is still on sale with over a doazen
pages of photos, pages from my old comics, and
biographical data.  See URL at:



T. Casey Brennan

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] In interview, programmer details what led him to file vote-rigging affidavit

2004-12-07 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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[CTRL] An Interview With Avraham Burg

2004-08-19 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

On the eve of destruction

He caused a furor - so does Avraham Burg regret his harsh,
apocalyptic remarks on the failures of Zionism? Not one bit:
'I am directing all my energy to the central effort of saving
Israel from the occupation, of saving Zionism from itself.'

By Ari Shavit

Your article generated a furor in the Jewish world. Many people had the feeling
that the former chairman of the Zionist Movement had crossed the lines and
become a post-Zionist.

Burg: Even when I was chairman of the Zionist movement, I was unable to say
what was Zionist and what was post-Zionist. My worldview does not allow me to
accept Orthodoxy - of either the Jewish or the Zionist variety. Therefore, if
Zionism today means Greater Israel, not only am I a post-Zionist, I am an
anti-Zionist. If Zionism is Netzarim and Kiryat Arba, I am an anti-Zionist. I do
not accept the type of Zionism that took Judaism, with all its dazzling beauty,
and turned it into the worship of trees and stones. When I look around today, my
feeling is that Netzarim has become an altar, God has become a Moloch and our
children have become sacrifices: human sacrifices to terrible idol worship.

In your article you describe Israel as a dark and cruel nationalist state. Do
you feel that Israel is becoming a new South Africa? That the Israelis are the
new Afrikaners?

We are living in a country that is undergoing a process of moral decay. What
frightens me the most is that we are not paying attention to the process that we
are going through. Without noticing, we are continually distancing ourselves, a
little more and then a little more, from the place we were. Suddenly an F-16
warplane is about to attack a building in which there are innocent people, and
some army commanders say that despite this, they sleep well at night. What is
happening is that we are increasingly coming to resemble our enemies. We are
losing the feeling and the sensitivity that were our conscience.

In the streets of our cities, especially Jerusalem, I see slogans calling for
`Death to the Arabs' that the municipality no longer bothers to erase. I see
terrible graffiti - racist and Kahanist - that we accept offhandedly. We don't
even take note of them. The cancerous process is devouring us. The Zionist
perversion embodied by the settlers and the right wing has terminally affected
every fabric of our life and hasn't left any place that is not affected by the
nationalist consciousness. If our last remaining healthy cells do not rise up
and stem the virus, we will no longer exist. We will simply no longer exist.

Have things gone that far? Do you see a process of destruction? Does the former
chairman of the Zionist Movement really believe that Zionism is dead?

The current channel is taking us to that. Maybe we will be Israelis. Or Jews.
But we will not be Zionists who are continuing the Zionism that created the
state. Consider two simple tests. Does the State of Israel fit the contour lines
envisaged by Theodor Herzl? No. Does the State of Israel meet the criteria and
the values enshrined in the Declaration of Independence? No. That is the truth.
That is the basic truth from which we have been fleeing for the past 35 years.

I find two dimensions in what you are saying: a dimension of moral outrage and
an apocalyptic dimension.

That's right. That is my frame of mind. I think nationalist Zionism has taken
us to terrible places from which it will be very hard for us to extricate
ourselves. Look, I go through agony every time my children go out to the German
Colony neighborhood of Jerusalem [where the suicide bombing at Hillel Cafe
occurred]. On the other hand, what really scares me is the day, which is not far
off, when the Palestinian baby will be born who will turn the Jews in this
country into a minority. What are we going to do then? What are we going to do
when we no longer have the excuse and the strength of being a majority?

I think every generation has its formative truth. And the formative truth of
this generation is that between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, the
Jews are going to become a minority. That is what we have to cope with. But the
government of Israel and Israeli politics are not succeeding in coping with that
truth. In the past three years we have reached a state of mute shock. A
situation of no words. There is nothing to say. That's why I wrote the article.
Because I reached the conclusion that for the past three years, we have said

Throughout your political career you have projected a certain energetic
optimism, which has sometimes been a bit immature and at other times frivolous.
Do you want to tell me that you have really become a pessimist? Are you really
all that gloomy?

When you ask Israelis today whether their children will be living here 25 years
down the road, you don't get an unequivocally positive answer. You don't hear a
booming yes. On the contrary: Young people are being encouraged to study abroad.

[CTRL] Radio Interview of Eric Jon Phelps With Alex Merklinger

2004-03-31 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Radio Interview of Eric Jon Phelps
With Talk Show Host Alex Merklinger:

Part 1:





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[CTRL] Fwd: Interview: Tony Kushner, Radical Pragmatist

2003-12-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

 The Pulitzer Prize-winning playright of Angels in
 America on queer TV and power politics in America.

Tony Kushner
Interviewed By Ben Greenman
November/December 2003 Issue

Tony Kushner is the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright of
Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes,
which airs as a two-part film -- directed by Mike
Nichols and starring Al Pacino, Meryl Streep, and Emma
Thompson -- on HBO this December. The play, originally
written in 1990, is a sweeping indictment of the Reagan
era that follows the story of Prior, an AIDS sufferer
caught between an ex-boyfriend and a married lover with
a mentally disabled wife. The invented characters are
counterweighted by a subplot that centers on Roy Cohn,
the McCarthy-era lawyer and right-wing bulldog who died
of AIDS in 1986.

Kushner's other plays include Homebody/Kabul, an eerily
prescient play written pre-9/11 that links the modern
worlds of London and New York to the fanatical politics
of the Taliban, and the forthcoming Caroline or Change,
a work set in Civil Rights-era Louisiana. He is also the
author of the recently published call to arms, Save Your
Democratic Citizen Soul! Rants, Screeds and Other Public
Utterances for Midnight in the Republic, a book targeted
at young activists.

Mother Jones: It's been a long road for Angels in
America to finally make it to the TV screen. Wasn't
Robert Altman going to direct a film version at one

Tony Kushner: Yes -- I think Altman is a major American
artist, and he was one of the first people I wanted to
work with. I sent him the play and he was immediately
interested. For about a year and a half I worked with
him, wrote a screenplay. At that time it was supposed to
be a theatrical release, but studio executives had
concerns -- about the material, about the budget, about
the length -- and it fell apart. At one point, even
after Altman had left the project, I tried to collapse
Angels into one three-hour movie and found that it was
impossible. It just literally has too much plot.

MJ: So you're pleased it's ending up on the small

TK: I've felt for a long time that TV was the right
home. I'm kind of a TV junkie, and I felt much less
intimidated writing for the smaller-size picture.
There's something about TV that's much more like
theater. The picture quality is not so great, and so you
don't get these epic visual spectaculars like Lord of
the Rings. Also, just in terms of the kind of arguments
you can make, it's primarily a dialectical medium,
alternating between two cameras. It's limited -- but in
an interesting way.

MJ: The HBO production is being grouped with other shows
like Queer Eye for the Straight Guy in this new category
of gay TV. How do you feel about that?

TK: As a gay man, I'm enormously interested in the
phenomenon. Gay TV has been immensely important in
transforming American culture in a more gay-positive
direction. Roseanne and Madonna, in their respective
domains, are so important in their liberation of sexual
minoritarians. A show like Will  Grace, especially in
the first few seasons, was pretty transgressive in its
treatment of the body -- pretty kinky and interesting.
And Queer Eye is fascinating. It has a pinch-me-I'm-
dreaming quality. It's very bourgeois, of course, and
much more about the liberation of the consumer than the
liberation of the democratic citizen. Interestingly, I
think that Angels will feel tame in some ways. I don't
write sexy. It's not remotely as hot as some of the
things you'll see on normal cable.

MJ: Since 9/11, another of your plays, Homebody/Kabul,
has gotten even more attention than Angels in America.
Is it true that you have been rewriting that play since
it was first staged?

TK: I have been working on it, yes, but not for

[CTRL] The Interview That Never Happened [Rendon 2]

2002-12-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



The Interview That Never Happened
When the Masters of Spin Go Silent
by Christopher Deliso in Skopje
December 16, 2002

With the White House seemingly on an unavoidable collision course with Saddam Hussein,
hawkish policy planners now face a new challenge: how to sell the war to an 
unenthusiastic public. All across America – from Long Island to Minneapolis, from 
Boston to
Atlanta, from Sioux Falls to Sacramento to Seattle – antiwar demonstrations have been
springing up, as even citizens normally disinterested in foreign affairs voice concern 
the possible negative effects war would have on the economy. In addition, there is a
growing unease that war with Iraq would negatively impact on America's image abroad,
and perhaps incite further al Qaeda terrorism as a form of revenge – although, 
bin Laden has no affection for Saddam. The president, of course, is desperately hoping 
can find the two in cahoots, somehow.

Keeping in mind that Iraq never attacked the United States, neither in 1990 or now, the
looming war is hard to justify. That is, unless public relations can again save the 

A Paradigm Shift

The Gulf War was the first time America played the humanitarian card to justify 
attacking a
much weaker country. What began with Bush's babies in incubators myth (handled by PR
whiz Hill  Knowlton) was perfected by Clinton, who almost ten years later used the 
too-popular (and all-too-bogus) myth of ethnic cleansing to justify attacking Serbia.
Almost four years on, anti-Serbian biasstill pervades the British and American media 
think-tanks. Anti-Iraq coverage goes without saying.

After September 11th, the paradigm has shifted from humanitarian intervention to
terrorism pre-emption. Yet the White House's self-declared right to shoot first and 
questions later portrays the administration negatively, as both cowboy desperado and
confused paranoic. It also begs the question of whether ulterior motivesare at work 
as John Pilger argues in a scathing indictment of US energy goals in Iraq.

Although Americans are much more clever this time around, after witnessing a decade of
PR propaganda in the Yugoslav wars, the White House apparently believes that the 
citizen will still support war, if it is only spun the right way. The only question is 
who will do
the spinning.

Enter Rendon?

The last Gulf War was brought to you partially by a little company in Washington known 
the Rendon Group. This PR giant has clients around the world, but none quite so grand 
the United States government. Rendon was once enlisted to make the case – subtly and
deceptively – for why America should support a war against Saddam. And in the end, it
worked. But the worst thing? The PR blitz that captivated both media and ordinary 
alike was paid for by the very people it was meant to seduce – the American taxpayers,
whose funds continue to grease the wheels for the government's war machine. However,
the people ate it up – sadly, re-affirming the adage that the voters get the leaders 

The Unsuccessful Request

I thought, therefore, that an interview with the Rendon Group about their past 
and future aspirations would allow them a chance to give their side of the story – 
most published reports have been overwhelmingly critical. However, my requests for an
interview met only with silence. Were the nuanced masters of eloquent persuasion 
really at
a loss for words?

Since they apparently are, I have been forced to conduct an interview with a respondent
who is absent, drawing on Rendon's publicly-made statements and independent
investigations. Coming from an aggressively outspoken PR firm, silence would seem
incrimination enough. Yet as we will see, even their own statements give them away.

In the following, the questions I had prepared come at the headings of each section.

How Would You Describe Your Services and Objectives?

The Rendon Group (TRG) is a Global Strategic Communications Consultancy providing
products and services to both public and private sector clients. TRG's expertise 
strategic communications consultation, planning and evaluation; information strategy 
operations; public and media relations planning and implementation; crisis management;
news collection and analysis; information mapping; survey research; media production; 
tactical communications team deployment. To date, TRG has worked in eighty (80)
countries, frequently on location in a conflict environment, and has considerable 
in establishing field offices to support program objectives.

This description – culled directly from the Rendon Group's website – gives in 
language a picture that can basically be boiled down to two words: information war. 
first accumulating data, they manipulate it – and in some cases, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Interview with Syrian Foreign Minister

2002-11-25 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Special Dispatch - Iraq/Syria
November 26, 2002
No. 443

To view this Special Dispatch in HTML format, please visit: 

Syria's Foreign Minister to Egyptian Weekly: The No-Fly Zones are Illegitimate; 
Syria Voted for UN Resolution 1441 to Strengthen the Washington Peace Camp; American 
Policy is Tyrannical

The following are excerpts from an interview with Syrian Foreign Minister Faruq 
Al-Shar'.  The interview, conducted by Sanaa Al-Sa'id, appeared in the Egyptian 
opposition weekly Al-Usbu':(1)

Islamic Jihad H.Q. in Damascus Will Not Be Closed

Question: Colin Powell recently criticized Syria and defined the 
Damascus-headquartered Jihad movement as terrorist. What is your position, 
particularly after Washington asked Syria to close Jihad headquarters...?

Al-Shar': Activity in the Jihad movement's headquarters is limited to the media 
aspect, and those who work there have no connection to military activity or operations 
planning. The leaders of the Palestinian [battle] field are in the field... Anyone 
living on Syrian soil cannot plan operations to be carried out on Palestinian soil...

Question: From this, can it be concluded that Syria will not comply with the American 

Al-Shar': We can comply with this only in one instance: [when] the Palestinians 
return to their homeland Palestine... We hope that the U.S. will agree to this and 
will pressure Israel so that the Palestinians will return to their homeland, in 
accordance with [U.N. General Assembly] Resolution 194.

Russia Promised Sharon to Refrain from Sending SAM-19 Missiles to Syria

Question: What truth is there in the claim that Russia complied with Sharon's request 
to refrain from giving Syria SAM-19 missiles, which means Russian submission to Israel 
with whom it has advanced military relations, and thus Sharon brags that America and 
the countries of the world obey his demands?

Al-Shar': I will not respond to questions of this kind, but I will say only that 
Sharon boasts about everything. He summoned the American ambassador and told him that 
Syria must close the offices of the Islamic Jihad and thus saw himself as a victor... 
Evidently, the only thing Sharon enjoys right now is complaining about Syria to the 
U.S. ambassador to Israel.  I say that this complaint made no echoes, because the 
offices of [the Islamic Jihad] are nothing but information offices, and whoever works 
in them has a legitimate right to express the hopes of his people. With regard to the 
lie that they are capable of carrying out operations... they [Islamic Jihad in 
Damascus] can plan no operations against Israel while they are abroad, far from the 
soil on which the operations are carried out.

U.N. Security Council Resolution 1441

Question: What about Syria's vote in favor of Resolution 1441?  Do you think that 
there is a possibility that Syria will be taken off the list of countries sponsoring 
terrorism that the U.S. put years ago?

Al-Shar': This decision is in America's hands.  When we voted on resolution 1441, we 
did not do it in order to get anything from America [in return], but out of conviction 
and because of our national [Syrian] and Pan-Arab positions.  We voted in favor in 
order to remove the war from Iraq and to clear the Resolution of its military content, 
and to [prevent] the automatic blow that could have been landed on Iraq and on the 
entire region.

Question: What is your response to those who say that Syria does not want to see an 
invasion of Iraq because it fears for itself, and fears the possibility that its turn 
will be next?

Al-Shar': It is no shame 


2002-11-19 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

INTERVIEW WITH THE ASSASSINA new film poses the question,"Could the 
second JFK shooter live across the street?"
by Preston PeetThe cantankerous, nondescript old guy living across the street 
calls the recently unemployed cameraman over to his home and tells him he has 
the story of a lifetime: He was the real killer of John F. Kennedy, the second 
shooter on the grassy knoll on November 22, 1963. Thus begins Interview with 
the Assassin.A dark, creepy, hyper-realistic docudrama,Interview 
With the Assassin is one hell of a film. Written and directed by one of 
Filmmaker magazines Top 25 New Faces of Indie Film, 39-year-old New York native 
Neil Burger, and shot in digital video in just 22 days on a $700,000 budget, the 
result is a harrowing and disturbing trip. Is Walter Ohlinger telling the truth? 
Photographer Ron Kobeleski isnt sure, but knows that if its true, he stands to 
break the unsolved murder of the century. With visions of fame and fortune 
dancing in his mind, Ron sets out with Walter on a journey across the country 
that rapidly descends into uncertainty, paranoia, and fear. Filmed on 
location in Los Angeles, Dallas and Washington, the film does not try to solve 
the murder of JFK. That movie is pushing a certain theory about what happened, 
director Burger tells HT when asked if hed like to see a similar brouhaha 
around Interview With the Assassin as that raised by Oliver Stones 
JFK. My movie is a much more personal movie. Stones movie wrapped all 
these conspiracy theories into one, which is an amazing accomplishment and a 
great movie, but mine is a much more focused story about these two characters 
and how they navigate the world, a world where truth is subjective. Its about 
how they bring meaning to their lives in a world where these things gone so long 
unexplained, and how they find their way through that. That said, the story as 
told by Walter involves a military sniper team firing the fatal shot into 
Kennedys head, and a set-up patsy named Lee Harvey Oswald. 
It isnt only Ron who isnt sure about the truth. The viewers too are 
left wondering throughout the film about whether or not he has gotten himself 
hooked up with a crazy man or the real second shooter. There has to be some 
proof, he tells Walter, or else you are nothing, a nobody, and the story is 
worthless. Walter first takes Ron to a bank vault to show him a spent rifle 
cartridge which turns out upon inspection to have been fired at about the right 
time to have been used to kill Kennedy. In one classic dont go up the stairs scene, Walter takes 
Ron to a gun shop to look for a rifle similar to that used in 1963. He insists 
that Ron buy the rifle and a pistol too using his own identification, then tells 
him to take the rifle to his own home. The whole movie is walking a fine line 
between is Walter telling the truth, is he crazy, or is he somehow setting Ron 
up for a fall, says Burger. The two travel to the desert home of an 
old Marine buddy of Walters named Jimmy Jones, played by Jared McVay, a former 
Marine who was in real life one of a 12-man team sent into Cuba during the 
failed Bay of Pigs invasion back in 1961, and is now a full-time actor. There, 
Walter shows off his skill with the rifle. On the visit they discover that 
Walters former Marine commander, the man he alleges set up the hit and the only 
one who can verify his story, is still alive. The plot of Interview 
With the Assassin is lent credence by a real, peer-reviewed report published 
March 2001 in Science and Justice, a quarterly publication of Britains 

[CTRL] Icke interview on New Book

2002-10-08 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

with DAVID ICKE about his latest book:"ALICE IN WONDERLAND and THE WORLD 
A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Brief Interview W/ David Icke

2002-07-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

David Icke 
by James Ellis, July 17th, 2002

INJURY THWARTED DAVID Icke's football career, so he went on to sports presenting before quitting to campaign on environmental issues. A 1992 interview with Terry Wogan - in which he claimed the world is run by an elite class with a direct bloodline to an ancient serpent race - led to him being ridiculed across the nation. Now a controversial author and motivational speaker, he fronts Headf**k on the Sci-Fi channel from Saturday. 

So what's Headf**k about?

I've been researching how we're manipulated through the mind. How do you keep sheep under control? You get them to follow the one in front and the ones who don't face the fear of the sheepdog. The media has become the indoctrination machine for an official version of events. The September 11 story comes from official statements - not investigative journalism. Headf**K is about showing images and letting people think what they want.

When you last left TV, you said you'd been doing it for the money. Is it not the case this time?

What I said was I was bored stiff with TV and I was doing it to finance my environmental campaign - which is slightly different. I don't need to do it because my books [holds them up] sell to people all over the world. People in America have asked me to do things that have been straight talking-head programmes. I'm just not interested.

How did you deal with people thinking you were mad?

That assumes I care about public perception. People have a right to make of it what they will and people such as me have a right not to care. Life constantly presents the greatest opportunity brilliantly disguised as the biggest disaster. I used to be concerned with what people thought of me. But, suddenly, I couldn't walk down a street without being laughed at. One of two things happens: you go under or you become free. We're all in the prison of what other people think. We live in a system which has outsheeped the sheep. At least the sheep need a sheepdog to frighten them. The human herd polices itself and makes it a crime to be different. Any society where it's a crime or a hassle to be different is a society based on psychological fascism. 

How did your kids deal with it?

They got a lot of stick but it's been the making of them too. If you have an easy life, it often creates very lopsided personalities. To harden steel, you put it through a fire. They are fantastic kids and all individuals; one of my sons is in a rock band, my daughter is a one-off and so is my other son.

What happened to the turquoise?

That's all part of the experience that I'm talking about. That led to the release from the things most other people are imprisoned by. It was just an experience. Unfortunately, most people live in a time warp and can't move beyond those days - that's fine for them. I've moved on and I ain't going there - there's no need.

Do you believe in God?

Religion is the greatest form of mind control invented - whatever name it goes under. If people want that belief system, then feel free. I'm only interested if they try and impose it on others. The Christian Bible is a symbolic book not a literal one. The one Christians know as Jesus was actually a symbol for the sun. Ancient sun worshippers believed the sun died at the end of the winter solstice and then three days later it would be reborn at the start of it's cycle - December 25. Take Samson. The sun's cycle was also symbolised by the life of a man. After the winter solstice, it would be a baby; at its summer peak, it would be strong with long hair; in autumn, its hair would be cut as the rays were less powerful. So, do I believe in God? Absolutely not - you must be f**king joking.   

You do use the term 'Thank God' on your website though...

How many atheists say that? Let me explain. Everything is made of vibrating energy. The difference between solid and not is the speed at which it vibrates. We actually live in a frequency range - the ones our five senses can access - not a world. We've been manipulated into believing our tiny frequency range is all there is. Look at cats, they react to what we see as empty space and dogs hear different sound frequencies. Take all the energy that exists and that is my God. Not someone sitting on a throne handing out heaven and hell.

Why has there been an increase in Scottish UFO sightings?

I've no idea but when you're caught in a five-sense prison, it excludes you from lots of possibilities. People say: 'I saw this UFO that disappeared.' Others think they are mad. But what if things could enter and leave our frequency range? They'd enter our ability to see them and then leave. I watched an Horizon programme about parallel universes and they had scientists saying the things I was saying years ago: 'This is the only way the universe can be explained - nothing else fits.' Science has been in its own 

[CTRL] Excellent Interview W/ Victor Thorne

2002-06-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

June 12, 2002
Contributing Author

Debt into the trillions of dollars, wars encompassing the entire planet, elite agendas, globalization, the Federal Reserve and the future of humanity are just some of the topics author Victor Thorn speaks about in his books and at his web site www.BabelMagazine.com. 

Shocking to some, enlightened to others, one thing is certain, Victor Thorn is more than a passionate author. He is in fact a man with a powerful message for the American people. A message no one can afford to miss. Victor's message is one of extreme urgency and the need for immediate action to prevent a catastrophe of global proportions. As a critical thinker beyond most, as an accomplished author and philosopher, Victor tells us in his own words, "I'm afraid it's now or never." 

Following is the text of this world wide exclusive interview with Victor Thorn, conducted by yours truly, J. Conti of Bankindex.com. I have titled this interview "The Cat is Out of the Bag" due to the nature of the information discussed. Please read on, you'll see how appropriate the title is.

Hello, Victor. It's a great pleasure to have you. Please tell us a little about yourself, about the books you have written, and the driving force behind such controversial topics.

The driving force behind my political writing is fairly simple - I see this country being deliberately undermined by hidden forces that have seized control of our government by nefarious means, and thus use it to further promote their Globalist agenda. These shadowy figures, who I've labeled the Controllers, don't operate with our best interests in mind, but instead their own. Thus, the only hope we have left of saving this nation is to expose them in a dramatic way, then eradicate them as quickly as possible.

Obviously you are passionate about your work and the message you're trying to convey to the public. Why is it so important for the public to hear what you have to say?

In my opinion, the importance of what I write stems directly from survival and preservation. Do the American people enjoy being the world's premier superpower, and all that this privilege entails? Do we appreciate our financial status, and the freedoms we're essentially taking for granted? If we do, and this point is very serious - if we do cherish these ideals and rights, we better start acting like it because the die has been cast to alter the way of life we've become accustomed to.

It's time that we look beyond the veil and actually see what the Controllers are planning for us … and believe me, these devils are consummate planners. As of now, China is set to become the world's next superpower, while America will assume a subordinate position (ala Russia in relation to us right now). The reason that China will assume the reins of power isn't because they necessarily want to, but because they've been "selected" due to one elemental factor - exploitation. If viewed from a historical perspective, you'll see what I mean. Three centuries ago, the British Empire stood proudly as the world's preeminent superpower. No one else compared in terms of military or economic might, and if you would have asked any Englishman if they'd ever get toppled from their throne, they would have thought the notion absurd.

But lo and behold, America entered the picture, and those with global, far-reaching aims realized the potential this land possessed. Following both the American and Industrial Revolutions, our vast potential became apparent in terms of land, resources, and promise. Or, as Alphonse Rothschild said in 1849 while visiting New York City, "Without the slightest doubt, this is the cradle of a new civilization."

So, America boomed, bailed out Europe in a couple of World Wars, and rose to become the greatest nation of modern times. But now China enters the picture with a population of one-billion people, most of whom don't have cellular phones, microwaves, DVD players, or automobiles. So what actions do the Controllers take? They "select" Globalist leaders to implement their plans by not only giving China "Most Favored Nation" status, but they also sell them all the computer software, hardware, and know-how to move them into our league. It's absurd, like a cow deliberately walking into a slaughterhouse to be butchered. Thanks Bill Clinton and George Bush (I  II) for selling us out.

And that's only the tip of the iceberg. Don't even get me started on the atrocities of war, NAFTA, etc.

Can you tell us about the American money system? That is, how it really works. I think an overview will benefit us all.

For any country to truly prosper, it must have control over its money system. It's that simple. Financial independence (not being beholden to anybody) is the key. That's one of the main reasons why our Founding Fathers broke free from England. Not only did they seek religious freedom, but also 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Fwd: [CTRL] Excellent Interview W/ Victor Thorne

2002-06-12 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

According to psyoper Thorne, the 10 largest 'owners' of the Federal 
Reserve looks like a list from 'Der Strumer', circa 1930:

i) The Rothschild Family - London
ii) The Rothschild Family - Berlin
iii) The Lazard Brothers - Paris
iv) Israel Seiff - Italy
v) Kuhn-Loeb - Germany
vi) The Warburgs - Amsterdam
vii) The Warburgs - Hamburg
viii) Lehman Brothers - New York City
ix) Goldman  Sachs - New York City
x) The Rockefeller Family - New York City

A list found by Edward Flaherty, Ph.D. Department of Economics 
College of Charleston, SC:


'We can simply look at the most recent list of shareholders to test 
the claim that foreigners own the New York Federal Reserve Bank. 
According to the N.Y. Fed itself, as of June 30, 1997 the top eight 
shareholders were 

Chase Manhatten Bank
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company
Fleet Bank
Bankers Trust
Bank of New York
Marine Midland Bank
Summit Bank.

All of the major shareholders seen here and all of the banks on the 
complete list are either nationally- or state-chartered banks. All of 
them are U.S.-owned. Kah's claim that foreigners directly own the 
N.Y. Fed is completely wrong. This list is consistent, however, with 
Mullins in that all the owners are domestic banks functioning within 
the N.Y. Federal Reserve district. The discrepancies are likely due 
to mergers, new entries into the banking market, or other significant 
changes in the size of district banks since the publication of 
Mullins' list. One point is clear: foreigners do not own the New York 
Federal Reserve directly'.

Actually, banking in New York in the first half of the 20th Century 
was very much a 'white shoe' affair. All the 'Jewish' bankers came 
out of two small banks out of over a hundred in the city. I remember 
seeing a list of the 500 or so most important bankers of that era and 
only three or four were of any real importance.


 -Caveat Lector-
 June 12, 2002
 Contributing Author
 Debt into the trillions of dollars, wars encompassing the entire 
 elite agendas, globalization, the Federal Reserve and the future of 
 are just some of the topics author Victor Thorn speaks about in his 
books and 
 at his web site A 
 Shocking to some, enlightened to others, one thing is certain, 
Victor Thorn 
 is more than a passionate author. He is in fact a man with a 
powerful message 
 for the American people. A message no one can afford to miss. 
 message is one of extreme urgency and the need for immediate action 
 prevent a catastrophe of global proportions. As a critical thinker 
 most, as an accomplished author and philosopher, Victor tells us in 
his own 
 words, I'm afraid it's now or never. 
 Following is the text of this world wide exclusive interview with 
 Thorn, conducted by yours truly, J. Conti of Bankindex.com. I have 
 this interview The Cat is Out of the Bag due to the nature of the 
 information discussed. Please read on, you'll see how appropriate 
the title 
 Hello, Victor. It's a great pleasure to have you. Please tell us a 
 about yourself, about the books you have written, and the driving 
 behind such controversial topics.
 The driving force behind my political writing is fairly simple - I 
see this 
 country being deliberately undermined by 

[CTRL] Shippers Interview: Prior Knowledge

2002-05-22 Thread InfoWarz

-Caveat Lector-

David Shippers (Lawyer, Brought down the Chicago Mob, Impeached Clinton):
Government Had Prior Knowledge

Key Points:

(1) The FBI knows another terrorist attack is being planned, right now, for somewhere 
in Oklahoma City (site unknown)

(2) The FBI has been, and still is, prohibiting their agents or local police from 
taking known terrorists into custody.

(3) An Iraqi terrorist cell was involved in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, and is 
still involved.

(4) Ashcroft and members of Congress are not listening.

(5) Contact your members of Congress and ask them WHY?

In this interview, Iraqi Terrorists refers to the Iraqi Republican Guard, resettled 
after the Gulf War, near Oklahoma City by former Pres. Bush.

David Shippers Interview Alex Jones Radio Show October 10, 2001 (in progress)

DS: in Oklahoma City and, frankly, when I first heard the information, I just 
poo-pooed it, as did everybody else - they thought here comes another one of those 
crazy conspiracy theories, you know. The woman who is a former investigative reporter 
down in Oklahoma City wrote to me after I came back from Washington and just, you know 
- congratulations - you did a hell of a job. I wrote back and the next thing you know 
she wrote back again and told me that she had information indicating a middle eastern 
connection. I called her at that point and just for my own conscious if there was 
something out there I'd want to find out about it - she began to tell me what she had 
and she sent me a short summary - a couple of pages - laying out what she had garnered 
during her investigations. It really piqued by interest. So I asked her if she had 
more. She said yes she had an awful lot of stuff, but she wouldn't want to send it up 
through the mail or any other way. So she and her husband fle
w up to Chicago and brought a mass of information - I mean affidavits, all kinds of 

AJ: And we've had Col. Craig Roberts, who was a detective working the case on this 
show many times, a month before attack, predicting one was imminent. He has all that 
same information. They actually arrested some of these guys and the Justice Dept. in 
1995 said to release them.

DS: That's right - and the words out today that they are not even allowed to touch 
them, the Oklahoma City police are not allowed to touch these people. And from what 
I'm understanding, they are up to something again in Oklahoma City. I don't know what 
it is or what their target is but these same people are at it again. The terrible 
thing here else, something that few people know that there was a warning sent out. 
Have you ever heard of Ysolf Bodansky (sp)?

AJ: Yes. DA: He is the guy that wrote the book about Bin Laden. He was hooked up with 
some Congressional leaders in the House - kind of an unofficial, for lack of a better 
word, a strike force, a task force on terrorism. They sent out a warning on February 
19, 1995, saying there was going to be a massive attack by the terrorists in the 
heartland of the United States and it was going to be a federal facility. Everybody 
ignored it. By the way, I have seen that warning, I have seen that warning. I don't 
have it in front of me so I can't go into the specifics of it too heavily but at the 
same time, there was in that warning that there was going to be a massive attack in 
Washington - it took them six years to do it. The targets were going to be Washington, 
the White House and the Capitol Building. - And that they were going to use airliners 
to attack them.

AJ: Now later you got it from FBI agents in Chicago and Minnesota that there was going 
to an attack on lower Manhattan.

DS: Yea - and that's what started me calling. I started calling out there. First of 
all, I tried to see if I could get a Congressman to go to bat for me and at least 
bring these people out there and listen to them. I sent them information and nobody 
cared. It was always, We'll get back to you, we'll get back to you, we'll get 
back to you. Then I reached out and tried to get to the Attorney General, when 
finally we got an attorney general in there that I would be willing to talk to. And, 
again, I used people who were personal friends of John Ashcroft to try to get him. One 
of them called me back and said, Alright I have talked to him. He will call you 
tomorrow morning. This was like a month before the bombing. The next morning I got a 
call. It wasn't from Ashcroft. It was from somebody in the Justice Dept.

AJ: One of his handlers.

DS: Yea, and I started telling him the situation and he said, You know we don't start 
our investigations at the top. I said I would like to talk to the Attorney General 
because this is vital. He said, We don't start our investigations at the top. Let me 
look into this and I will get back to you. As I sit here today, I have never heard 
from him.

AJ: Again, David Shippers, you are big in Washington, you were the top lawyer that got 

[CTRL] Fwd: Interview of RFK JR re hot potato(s)

2002-04-26 Thread RoadsEnd



Webmaster's interview of Robert F. Kennedy Jr:



edited by John Lee


University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Issues Committee Events,
Office of the Dean of Students: Division of Student Affairs

Thursday, 25 April 2002

LECTURE: Professor Robert Kennedy Jr, Pace Law School, former
assistant district attorney/prosecutor for New York City and
currently representing civil litigation for Natural Resources
Defense Council and Hudson Riverkeeper Fund for RE Turner
Foundation. (RFK Jr's lecture was censored from the schedule of
events for 2002 - actually no events were listed after Spring
2001, coincidentally the same time UT censored all news from its
campus radio station - and the Issues Committee webpage was
unavailable without a specific search or prior link, but the
lecture was published in the campus newspaper the same day of the
lecture. The requested email notification was not sent. Only 200
people attended in the auditorium seating 700, plus an empty
overflow room.) 

[Question and answer session after the lecture, which was pretty
good, BTW, but missing certain key pieces of info. He did falsely
allege that no nations are targeting nukes at USA - EVEN THE
just in case - I know because I loaded those nukes while in US
Air Force. My intention was to at least give those 200 folks a
heads up that all is not perfect in Knoxville.] 

John Lee: I would like to say that I'm glad you are here to
speak in Knoxville and I agree with everything you said [a white
lie - the pathetic students were so dumbed down they obviously
could not handle the entire truth]. Knoxville has the worst air
pollution in USA for 2001, according to EPA, and ORNL is the
world's largest nuclear waste dump, according to DOE. I'm a
paralegal investigator of two class actions pending in federal
and state court against the Skull and Bones mayor and his 
Mafia-connected contractors, including a RICO Act case involving
illegal towing, as I'm sure everyone in this room is aware. What
was the name of the law you quoted with the $27,000/day 'bounty'
on major polluters - is that US Code or CFR? [Kennedy had
reported that this law allows private citizens to sue on behalf
of the government - ex rel - when government fails to do its

Robert Kennedy Jr: That was the Clean Water Act. 

John Lee: Is that law still in effect? 

Robert Kennedy Jr: Yes. 

John Lee: On Sunday night at 11pm, PAX TV is broadcasting a show
about your cousin, John F. Kennedy Jr. Are you familiar with that

Robert Kennedy Jr: No. There are a lot of people in line - why
don't you sit down until you can get to your question?... 

John Lee: I'm sure you are familiar with it [I did not push
this question since we were in the heart of the Mafia's
$40-Billion/year world-wide cartel of garbage-trucking and
tow-trucking, and he was a prosecutor in Mafia's birthplace of
New York City, and if he was not comfortable discussing it in
public I could wait until after the lecture to ask about it.] Are
you familiar with an article on Worldnetdaily.com about the
United Nations control of National Parks? 

Robert Kennedy Jr: No. 

John Lee: I would like to read a paragraph from a news article
and get your response. Worldnetdaily.com published this article
on February 16th [Toward a wilderness utopia by Henry Lamb]:

'The Southern Applalachian Biosphere Preserve was
  designated in 1988 as the 500,000 acre Great Smokey Mountain
  National Park. Today, the United Nations lists this reserve as
  36-Million acres, with the zone of cooperation reaching from
  Birmingham to Roanoak Virginia. Neither Congress, nor the
  legislatures of the affected states, debated or approved the
  desgnation or the management plan. The United States has not
  ratified this treaty. Nevertheless, our land is being managed
  if we were a party to the treaty. The ultimate objective is to
  convert as much as half of the land area of the United States
  core wilderness areas, with government management of most of
  the remaining land for conservation objectives.' 

What is your response to this article? 

Robert Kennedy Jr: Oh, THAT crackpot wrote that. 

John Lee: Thank you. 

[After the lecture, at the book signing.] 

John Lee: Hello, I'm John Lee [shake hands]. Thanks for visiting
Knoxville. I'm a disabled Gulf War vet without an income, or else
I'd purchase a copy of your book [everyone else was just getting
his autograph, which I had no need for]. I would like to donate
some of my legal research to you [1-inch-thick collection of some
of my websites - see links below: MAFIA BODY SNATCHERS STEAL

[CTRL] Interesting Interview W/ Norman Finkelstein

2002-01-07 Thread William Shannon
 Does the fact that you come from a family some of whose members went through the Jewish holocaust give you a certain immunity to write a book such as "The Holocaust Industry"? 

This book could not have been written by someone who was not Jewish. No doubt the fact that my father was a survivor of the Nazi holocaust has provided me additional immunity. But despite all the "immunity," I have been subjected to a frightful personal and professional assault. Indeed in the end I lost my job at the university where I had worked for ten years sacked.html, although I always received the highest marks in student evaluations in my department, and I published four books in the last five years. But there is another point in response to your question. It is that much of what I mentioned in my book would only be known to someone "on the inside." Other than Nazi holocaust survivors and their families no one was aware that the "holocaust" industry was stealing compensation money for the massacres of the holocaust. Most people really believed that the funds went to the "needy victims of the holocaust." I also was aware as I was growing up, how a large number of the Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe falsified their past, claiming that they were Nazi holocaust survivors when in fact they were not. This falsification both amused and disgusted my father.

How have the media in the United States and Europe treated your book?

My book was a best seller throughout Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas. The British newspaper The Guardian serialized it, and every major British newspaper devoted at least a full page to a discussion of it. The French newspaper Le Monde devoted two full pages to it in addition to its lead editorial. The most enthusiastic response came from Germany where 130,000 copies were sold in three weeks after publication. But in contrast to the clamor that my book aroused in Europe, and it was a deafening clamor, it met only silence in the United States, a deafening silence! And once it became impossible to ignore the enthusiastic response to the book in Europe, America's main newspapers, such as The New York Times began publishing hysterical articles describing the book and its author as "anti-Semitic." These articles actually killed the book in America.

How did the Zionist and Jewish lobby receive it? 

The policy of these lobbies was, to put it simply, to ignore the book. There is an old saying among some publishers: "bad publicity is better than no publicity!" So they resolved not to give the book any publicity, even bad. But the contents of my book in the end leaked out via the Internet and word of mouth. I believe I caused great damage to the Holocaust industry in the matter of compensation paid to survivors of the holocaust. Until my book was published, everybody (in the west) believed, including people on the left and those who usually criticized the lobbies, that the payment of compensation to survivors of the holocaust is a just cause. Now it has become very well known that these compensations are an extortion plot: there is a gang of traveling salesmen that make off with billions of billions of dollars for themselves by exploiting the sufferings of the Jews during the Second World War.

When you talk about the Zionist lobbies exploiting the memory of the holocaust in order to support Israel how do you explain their success in that inside the United States when that country does not share with Europe the famous guilt complex regarding the Jews?

The Jewish and Zionist lobbies in the United States have succeeded basically because they served the interest of the American ruling elite. I don't believe that those lobbies could have succeeded if support of Israel conflicted with American interests. It is important here to remember that the holocaust industry burst out after the June War of 1967 when Israel became a "strategic reserve" for the United States. Before June 1967 there was hardly any mention of the holocaust in American Jewish life, not to mention American life in general. As soon as Israel became a "strategic reserve" for the United States the holocaust established that it was an excellent weapon for silencing criticism directed at Israel. Later, American Jews used the holocaust to silence any criticism directed against them, and they became more conservative in the political sense.

Along those lines I would like to ask you, to what extent do the American elites use the Zionist lobbies as an excuse for adopting policies in the Middle East that serve precisely those elites?

When Britain issued the Balfour Declaration the official explanation was that they wanted to support the right of a suffering people to self-determination. But the fact is that British internal records show that the British were hoping to use a Jewish state in Palestine entirely to rely on it to protect British interests in the Middle East, especially the Suez Canal and the land route to India. The great powers 

[CTRL] GNN Interview: Mike Ruppert, former LAPD officer

2001-12-22 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


Mike Ruppert
Former LAPD Officer
Publisher:From The Wilderness

Please introduce yourself.

Hi. I'm Mike Ruppert and I'm the publisher of From The Wilderness
newsletter and ex-LAPD Narc and general troublemaker for corrupting and
evil influence around the world.

Tell us about the Website.

The Website is www.copvcia.com, and what I want you to do is just think of
Roe v. Wade but just make this Cop v. CIA - policeman against the CIA -
get it?

When you created the newsletter what were you responding to and what were
your intentions?

Well in March of ‘98, it was about four months after I confronted CIA
Director John Deutch at Lock High School on world television and kind of
shamed him and said - he had come to Los Angeles to talk about CIA -
allegations about CIA dealing drugs and I stood up on CNN and ABC
Nightline and I said, I am a former LAPD narcotics detective. I worked
South Central and I can tell you Director Deutch that the Agency has dealt
drugs in this country for a long time. And the room exploded and what I
saw at that time was there was a crying lack of knowledge in the body
politic about how much evidence there really was about the criminal
activities of the Central Intelligence Agency about specifically dealing
drugs. I said wait a minute - I can pull out a little newsletter and say
if you look at this document here's the proof for that. Because a lot of
people were running around with the vague notion that maybe CIA was bad
guys and they'd done some things wrong and they didn’t know how much
actual proof there was. So that’s been the mission - is to present the
real proof that’s irrefutable about what goes on.

Let's talk about your experience on the beat and what you confronted as a
citizen trying to do right in the streets - must be pretty wild as it is.

I haven't been a policeman now for a long time. I graduated from the LA
Police Academy class of 11/73, hit the streets in January of '74 in South
Central Los Angeles. It was a vastly different world then - there was no
cocaine and we had six-shooters and strait batons and nobody had a radio
that you carried around with you. But the world has changed enormously. I
specialized in narcotics quickly and heroin was the predominant drug on
the street in my area - it was Mexican brown heroin in those days and what
happened to me was that I met and fell in love with a woman who was a
contract CIA agent and a career agent… Now I come from a CIA family and
they had tried to recruit me, so this was not unexpected to me but I began
to see that she was protecting drug shipments and that the Agency was
actively involved in dealing drugs and this happened with her in Hawaii
and Mexico and Texas and New Orleans and I kept saying I'm a narc - I'm
not going to overlook drug shipments and that’s what basically set me on
the irreversible course of events that kind of determined the rest of my
life, and that was 1977.

What is in a person who - I imagine - now maybe I'm naïve, but you imagine
someone in the CIA as thinking about protecting the country or at least
the intelligence community as something that’s ordered around national
security - what do you think it is that triggers them to want to reconcile
drug shipments in the country in line with that pursuit?

Well they don’t even have to reconcile it. That’s what took so long to
figure out but that’s what we teach now with From The Wilderness - is that
it wasn’t just CIA dealing some drugs to fund covert operations. It is
that drug money is an inherent part of the American economy. It has always
been so, as it was with the British in the 1600s when they introduced
opium into China to fund the triangular trade with the British East India

- phone rings -

So describe what you were talking about.

The point about the drug trade is not that the CIA dealt a few drugs
during the Contra years to fund the covert operation that Congress didn't
want it to engage in. The CIA has dealt drugs for all 50 years of its
existence - 50 plus years - even before it was the CIA. And the point is
that with 250 billion dollars a year in illegal drug money moved -
laundered through the American economy - that money benefits Wall Street.
That’s the point of having the prohibitive drug trade, which the CIA
effectively manages for the benefit of Wall Street.

During the Contra war or just before the Contra war, the annual cocaine
consumption in this country was about 50 metric tons a year - let's say
back in 1979. By 1985, it was 600 metric tons a year. We are still
consuming 550 metric tons of cocaine a year in this country and that money
that’s generated from that is used - let's say Pablo Escobar or some drug
dealer in Colombia calls General Motors and buys 1000 Suburbans - GM
doesn’t ask where it came from. Philip Morris is now being sued by 28
departments (the same thing as States) in Colombia for smuggling 2 billion
dollars worth 

[CTRL] GNN Interview: Cele Castillo, former DEA agent

2001-12-21 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


Cele Castillo
Former DEA Agent
Author: Powderburns

Please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your personal history.

My name is Celerino ‘Cele’ Castillo III and I'm a former Drug Enforcement
Administration agent. I was with the Agency for 12 years - most of my time
was down in Central and South America with some tours in New York City and
the San Francisco area. I took an early retirement in 1992 because of the
atrocities that I saw happening down in Central America. I teach now. I
teach the other side of law enforcement, as they say, and I also teach
Latino studies in South Texas.

How did you first become involved with law enforcement, how did your work
for the government begin?

First of all, I come from a very patriotic family in South Texas. My
father was shot six times in the Philippines and we lost an uncle to the
war - WWII - and all of our families have been involved. Me being the only
son in my family, I was instructed by my father to pay my dues to my
country by going to Vietnam and fighting for my country, which I did. And,
I come also from a law enforcement family involving my father who used to
be a police officer for some time and my sister who used to work for the
police department and I also had worked for a police department and as a
federal agent for the U.S. government.

At what point did you encounter a certain type of corruption in the system
and what did you do?

First of all, what I encountered when I went to work at the US government
- I encountered discrimination - there was a lot of discrimination. In the
1980’s, twenty years ago, when we, as Latinos or minorities, went to work
for the US government, we thought that everything was on the uppity up -
and it wasn’t. I found out that every Agency in the federal government has
filed class action suits for discrimination against their own agencies.
When I got hired by the Drug Enforcement Administration, I was hoping that
they would send me somewhere in South Texas, somewhere where there was a
Latino community of Mexican Americans and so forth. But they sent me to
New York City where, at that time, the 1980s, there were no Mexicans in
New York City. I ended up being the first Mexican American in New York
City and that's when I first started to see what it was really like to
work for the U.S. government.

But it backfired on the government because, as they say: if you can make
it in New York, you can make it anywhere. And in reality I got the best
experience an undercover agent could have gotten in New York City working
Organized Crime, working all kinds of major major cases… and I did a tour
of four years in New York City and I loved it. I got educated into what
was known as the ‘opera’ and the ‘theatre’, where if I would have been
somewhere in the Southwest, there was no way I would ever learn that. You
know reading the New York Times down in Central Park - it was just
fabulous for me. I was in culture shock at the very beginning but then you
wake up and you get off it and you just go with it… I loved it. I really
loved New York City.

Describe your work in New York and what it involved – specifically.

My job was to conduct undercover operations. I ended up doing a lot of
undercover work as a South American connection with the Italian organized
crime families - the Gambino family, Lucese family and so forth. And me
and my partner - my partner being an Italian American - we ended up doing
the biggest heroin bust in New York City and that was in 1984 when we took
down hundreds of kilos of heroin and it was written up all over the world
how heroin was still very big in New York City. And because of that I was
promoted to go down to South America and actually conduct the search and
destroy missions on cocaine labs in South America.

And so what did that consist of?

That consisted of flying air assault helicopters into clandestine air
strips, destroying the airplanes, the cocaine labs and… we had an
operation called Operation Condor that seized a cocaine lab valued at 500
million dollars, and a large seizure of cocaine. The airstrip was a mile
long, they had barracks, they had guard-houses and the lab was producing
hundreds of kilos a day of 100% pure cocaine.

So when did you realize that there was corruption?

I found out when I was on patrol up there in Peru with the
anti-narco-terrorist units in Tingo Maria - the Huayaga Valley. We would
find the Colombian drug traffickers playing soccer with the Colombian and
the Peruvian military. And that was my initial contact with the corruption
and we used to see those jets that would come in from Lima, Peru into the
Huayaga Valley to pick up narco-dollars for their banks. So if you wanted
dollars in Peru you would have to fly down to the Huayaga Valley and pick
up US dollars because that’s what the Colombians dealt with in the
processing of the cocaine in the source countries. And that was one of my

[CTRL] Fwd: Interview with proponent of global village under divine order-- director general of the Pakistani Intelligence Services ISI

2001-11-26 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 11/26/01 6:07:59 AM,  writes:

 Arnaud de Borchgrave is  a bit a front and spinner.



-Original Message-From: Catherine Austin Fitts [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Monday, 
November 26, 2001 1:01 AMSubject: FW: Must readDear 
All,I thought that you would find this interesting. You may not agree 
withit, but Arnaud de Borchgrave is well connected. In other words, 
thisisn't coming out of left field, but from well within the ball park. 

"The attacks on New York and Washington were an 
Israeli-engineered attempt at a coup against the government of the United 



General Hamid Gul
  General Hameed Gul was director general of the Pakistani 
  Intelligence Services ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) and a close ally of 
  America, working hand in hand with the American CIA. Gul was also a great 
  supporter of the "American Way Of Life" and Western democracy. General Gul 
  turned against America for betrayal and countless broken promises.
  He is, "still today very influential in Pakistan" according to 
  the German daily DIE WELT (Sep. 28, 2001, p. 7).
  RAWALPINDI, Pakistan -- The retired Pakistani general who is 
  closest to the Taliban and Osama bin Laden contends the Sept. 11 terrorist 
  attacks on New York City and Washington were the work of renegade U.S. Air 
  Force elements working with the Israelis. Gen. Hameed Gul led Pakistan's Inter 
  Services Intelligence during the war against the Soviet occupation of 
  Afghanistan. Gul serves as an adviser to Pakistan's extremist religious 
  political parties, which oppose their government's decision to support the 
  United States in any action against Afghanistan's Taliban regime. Gul contends 
  bin Laden had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks on New York and 
  Washington, saying instead that they were the work of the Mossad, the Israeli 
  intelligence service -- a version of events that has been endorsed by Islamic 
  fundamentalist clerics and is widely accepted by Muslims throughout the Arab 
  Here is the transcript of the exclusive interview Gul gave to 
  Arnaud de Borchgrave, United Press International editor at large:

  UPI United Press International, Sep. 26, 2001 interviews General 




  De Borchgrave: So who did Black Sept. 11?
  Gul: Mossad and 
  its accomplices. The U.S. spends $40 billion a year on its 11 
  intelligence agencies. That's $400 billion in 10 years. Yet the Bush 
  Administration says it was taken by surprise. I don't believe it. Within 
  10 minutes of the second twin tower being hit in the World Trade Center 
  CNN said Osama bin Laden had done it. That was a planned piece of 
  disinformation by the real perpetrators. It created an instant mindset and 
  put public opinion into a trance, which prevented even intelligent people 
  from thinking for themselves.
  Q: So you're already convinced bin Laden didn't do 
  A: I know bin Laden and his associates. I've been with 
  them here, in Europe and the Middle East. They are graduates of the best 
  universities and are highly intelligent with impressive degrees and speak 
  impeccable English. These are people who have rediscovered fundamental 
  Islamic values. Many come from the Gulf countries where ruling royal 
  families have generated hatred by the way they flout divine law, wasting 
  billions on gratifying their whims, jetting around in large private jets 
  by themselves, and sailing the Mediterranean in big private boats for 
  weeks on end. Osama's best recruits come from feudal areas that are U.S. 
  protectorates and where millions of poor people are seeking human dignity. 
  I have even visited a Christian convent school in Murree, 60 miles from 
  here, where my 13-year-old daughter is studying. The young girls there 
  have told me Osama is their hero. Osama's followers identify with 
  Mujahideen freedom fighters wherever they are defending Islam and its 
  Q: So what makes you think Osama wasn't behind Sept. 
  A: From a cave inside a mountain or a peasant's hovel? 
  Let's be serious. Osama inspires countless millions by standing up for 
  Islam against American and Israeli imperialism. He doesn't have the means for such a 
  sophisticated operation.
  Q: Why Mossad?
  A: Mossad and its American associates are the obvious 
  culprits. Who benefits from the crime? The attacks against the twin towers 
  started at 8:45 a.m. and four flights are diverted from their assigned air 
  space and no air traffic controller sounds the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Interview With Huffman Aviation Casts Doubt on Official Story

2001-09-14 Thread William Shannon

This is being sent on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as part of the mailing list that you joined.
List: emperorsclothes
URL: http://www.emperors-clothes.com

URL for this article: http://emperors-clothes.com/interviews/dekkers.htm

Join Emperor's Clothes email list at http://emperors-clothes.com/feedback.htm. Receive 
about one article/day.

www.tenc.net [Emperor's Clothes]

Interview With Huffman Aviation Casts Doubt on Official Story
[Posted 13 September 2001]

Interview conducted by Jared Israel around noon, 13 September, 2001.

Israel: Hello

Dekkers: Hello

Israel: Hi, is this Huffman Aviation?

Dekkers: Sorry. I was taking an outside line. Yes this is Huffman Aviation.

Israel: You're probably getting 3 million calls, right?

Dekkers: No, five million.

Israel: Ok, I'm going to keep you on for ten seconds. I just have a very quick 
question to ask you. Emperors-Clothes, we're a news Website. Do you train people on 
the actual planes that were used in that horrible thing in NY?

Dekkers: No sir. We train small single engine, small multi-engine airplanes. And they 
are good for four people; that's it. That's not turbine. Total different systems. Not 
capable to fly anything like that. I have learned yesterday from the media - you are 
talking to Rudi Dekkers.

Israel: Could you spell your name?

Dekkers: R-u-d-i D-e-k-k-e-r-s.

Israel: And you're talking to Jared Israel at Emperor's Clothes which is at 
www.tenc.net and is very skeptical about the story because it didn't make sense.

Dekkers: No, what happened was after the training they had here they went to another 
flight school in Popana Beach and they had jet training there, simulator or big 
planes, but there is where they conducted the training to do what they had to do.

Israel: Are you sure of that?

Dekkers: Yeah we have heard that from several directions.

Israel: But even so, with the training you would get would you trust somebody to get 
in a plane and fly?

Dekkers: No, I fly 20 years in these kind of small planes and I would not do for a 
million dollars to take over that cockpit.

Israel: So it's still questionable, isn't it?

Dekkers: Oh, you bet. (Phone rings.) One second...(Off line) Larry, Larry keep on the 
line I have 30 seconds and then I am with you...(Back on line) 30 seconds.

Israel: Yes. You're very helpful. Your point is the more sophisticated training with 
the other place but that might give you a certificate but would you trust somebody to 
do the kind of sophisticated thing they did?

Dekkers: No they didn't have the certificate to do that. They only had only a 
multi-commercial license but not for commercial airlines. That is a different license. 
But these people didn't need a license, so that's another question.

Israel: But wouldn't what they did require sophistication?

Dekkers: Yeah, they want to that school, I have heard the name, they call it a jet 
center for simulator training, there is no way - this is not my opinion. My opinion is 
I don't think it is possible. I have spoken to many captains from the airlines and 
they say there is no way what the planes did they could have done that. They changed 
altitude. They changed speed. They changed direction. They had to know about the 
equipment to do what they had to do and there is no way that could have been done.


Further Reading:


1) Rick Rozoff takes a critical look at Washington's response to Tuesday's tragedies 
in 'Bush's Press Conference: Into the Abyss' at 

2) While Washington points to Osama bin Laden as suspect # 1 in yesterday's horrific 
violence, the truth is not being told to the American people: 'Washington Created 
Osama bin Laden' by Jared Israel can be read at 

3) If one looks carefully, one can find in the Western media evidence that bin Laden 
has been involved - on the U.S.-backed side - in Kosovo, Bosnia and now Macedonia. Can 
be read at http://emperors-clothes.com/news/binl.htm

4) Bin Laden was propelled into power as part of the U.S. drive to create an Islamist 
terrorist movement to crush the former Soviet Union. See, the truly amazing account 
from the 'Washington Post,' 'Washington's Backing of Afghan Terrorists: Deliberate 
Policy.' at http://emperors-clothes.com/docs/anatomy.htm

5) Head of Russian Navy says official scenario couldn't have happened. See 'Russian 
Navy Chief Says Official 9-11 Story Impossible' at 




The George Soros foundation does not fund Emperor's Clothes. Our only source of money 
is people like you. All contributions help, big and small. Right now, we're in serious 
need of financial help 

[CTRL] DRCNet Interview: Kenny The Real Kramer of Seinfeld Fame, Libertarian Candidate for Mayor of NYC

2001-09-04 Thread Peat

DRCNet Interview: Kenny "The Real" Kramer of Seinfeld Fame, 
Libertarian Candidate for Mayor of New York City 
Kenny Kramer has achieved an unlikely 
sort of fame as the inspiration for Cosmo Kramer, the wacky slacker on TV's 
"Seinfeld." But the 57-year-old stand-up comic and electric disco jewelry 
inventor is now parlaying that celebrity into a serious campaign for the New 
York City mayoralty (http://www.kramerformayor.com). Kramer appeared at a DRCNet 
benefit in Washington, DC, on August 24, but before the event, he sat down in 
the DRCNet offices to tell us about his campaign. Excerpts from that 
conversation follow. 

DiVERSiONZWe Do Links  
StuffTo Sign Up for Daily Updates or to Learn 
Available http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Diversionz/messages


2001-08-26 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

From: Lloyd Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, August 25, 2001 9:38 AM


By Jim Rarey

August 25, 2001


Almost all observers and pundits agree that Thursday night’s interview with Connie 
Chung on ABC was a public relations disaster for Gary Condit. How could that have 
happened to a seasoned campaigner who has been in politics for thirty years and had 
the benefit of expert (and expensive) advice from legal and public relations 

Panelists on both network and cable outlet television shows, from across the political 
spectrum, seem to have arrived at a consensus explanation. First, they postulate (some 
from alleged inside information), there was a conflict between advice from the 
lawyers and the PR people and the lawyers prevailed. With this the author can agree.

Secondly, they give us two options. Either Condit’s legal team (headed by lead 
attorney Abbe Lowell) was grossly incompetent, or Condit ignored their advice and 
tried to do it his way. This writer rejects both of those choices.

Abbe Lowell is regarded among his peers in elite Washington legal circles as one of 
the premiere attorneys at combining legal strategy with PR spin, one of the reasons 
he was chosen to defend Bill Clinton at the former president’s Senate impeachment 

From Condit’s mechanical and repetitive non-answers to some of Chung’s questions, 
it was obvious he was regurgitating memorized statements from a script. It is 
reasonable to assume that script was prepared by the legal team, which had advised 
him not to admit to anything.

Following that advice, Condit appeared to be calling a number of people liars 
including the D.C. police, Mrs. Levy, Chandra’s aunt, Anne Marie Smith, Joline McKay 
and Chandra herself. The result may have been a nearly complete destruction of 
Condit’s credibility in the public’s perception casting doubt on his clear and 
unequivocal denials of having anything to do with Chandra’s disappearance. That may 
have been the exact result Condit’s legal team desired.

In the author’s article of August 18th entitled Levy/Condit – Amazing Coincidences 
the following statement was made, This writer does not believe that Condit and his 
staff requested these lawyers. They were most likely assigned there as a team with a 
containment strategy to ensure that no mention is made of the CIA/drug and OKC bombing 
(Timothy McVeigh) subjects in connection with Chandra Levy’s disappearance.

That statement was prompted by the author’s belief that Chandra’s disappearance likely 
has nothing to do with her affair with the congressman but with dangerous knowledge 
she acquired on her intern job at the Bureau of Prisons.

For this writer, that theory was given added credence with the presence of attorney 
Beth Wilkinson on the Condit legal team. Wilkinson was involved with the prosecution 
in both the Noreiga (CIA/drug connection) and Timothy McVeigh (OKC bombing) trials. 
Her apparent assignment was to keep any reference to government involvement in both 
subjects out of the public record, at which she was eminently successful. (See the 
aforementioned article for particulars.)

Chandra Levy was no ordinary intern as developed by this writer in a series of 
articles. (See list of related articles below available on request to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) By education, training, temperament and resulting from her 
duties at the Bureau of Prisons, she was in a position to have gained knowledge on one 
or both of these subjects that made her dangerous to powerful people resulting in her 
abduction and presumed death.

In this writer’s opinion, Condit’s political career was already irretrievable before 
the Chung interview, which may explain why Condit went along with such an obvious 
trashing of his credibility. On the other hand, he may have been made an offer he 
couldn’t refuse, either join in the misdirection of public attention or join Chandra.

The day after the ABC interview, Democrat support for Condit started to crumble 
beginning with the statement of the House Minority leader made Friday morning. That 
was followed by criticism from Democrat Rep. Cooley from Condit’s neighboring district 
in California. The minority leader implied that Condit would be removed from his 
sensitive position on the House Permanent Select House Committee on Intelligence. 
Expect calls for his resignation from congress to increase from both sides of the 

So what is the likely result of the Condit interviews on TV and in magazines? As 
counter-attacks are mounted by those maligned by Condit in the interviews, his 
credibility will sink to even lower 


2001-08-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


By Jim Rarey

August 25, 2001


Almost all observers and pundits agree that Thursday night’s interview with
Connie Chung on ABC was a public relations disaster for Gary Condit. How
could that have happened to a seasoned campaigner who has been in politics
for thirty years and had the benefit of expert (and expensive) advice from
legal and public relations professionals?

Panelists on both network and cable outlet television shows, from across the
political spectrum, seem to have arrived at a consensus explanation. First,
they postulate (some from alleged inside information), there was a conflict
between advice from the lawyers and the PR people and the lawyers prevailed.
With this the author can agree.

Secondly, they give us two options. Either Condit’s legal team (headed by
lead attorney Abbe Lowell) was grossly incompetent, or Condit ignored their
advice and tried to do it his way. This writer rejects both of those

Abbe Lowell is regarded among his peers in elite Washington legal circles as
one of the premiere attorneys at combining legal strategy with PR spin, one
of the reasons he was chosen to defend Bill Clinton at the former president’s
Senate impeachment trial.

From Condit’s mechanical and repetitive non-answers to some of Chung’s
questions, it was obvious he was regurgitating memorized statements from a
script. It is reasonable to assume that script was prepared by the legal
team, which had advised him not to admit to anything.

Following that advice, Condit appeared to be calling a number of people liars
including the D.C. police, Mrs. Levy, Chandra’s aunt, Anne Marie Smith,
Joline McKay and Chandra herself. The result may have been a nearly complete
destruction of Condit’s credibility in the public’s perception casting doubt
on his clear and unequivocal denials of having anything to do with Chandra’s
disappearance. That may have been the exact result Condit’s legal team

In the author’s article of August 18th entitled Levy/Condit – Amazing
Coincidences the following statement was made, This writer does not believe
that Condit and his staff requested these lawyers. They were most likely
assigned there as a team with a containment strategy to ensure that no
mention is made of the CIA/drug and OKC bombing (Timothy McVeigh) subjects in
connection with Chandra Levy’s disappearance.

That statement was prompted by the author’s belief that Chandra’s
disappearance likely has nothing to do with her affair with the congressman
but with dangerous knowledge she acquired on her intern job at the Bureau
of Prisons.

For this writer, that theory was given added credence with the presence of
attorney Beth Wilkinson on the Condit legal team. Wilkinson was involved with
the prosecution in both the Noreiga (CIA/drug connection) and Timothy McVeigh
(OKC bombing) trials. Her apparent assignment was to keep any reference to
government involvement in both subjects out of the public record, at which
she was eminently successful. (See the aforementioned article for

Chandra Levy was no ordinary intern as developed by this writer in a series
of articles. (See list of related articles below available on request to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) By education, training, temperament and resulting from
her duties at the Bureau of Prisons, she was in a position to have gained
knowledge on one or both of these subjects that made her dangerous to
powerful people resulting in her abduction and presumed death.

In this writer’s opinion, Condit’s political career was already
irretrievable before the Chung interview, which may explain why Condit went
along with such an obvious trashing of his credibility. On the other hand, he
may have been made an offer he couldn’t refuse, either join in the
misdirection of public attention or join Chandra.

The day after the ABC interview, Democrat support for Condit started to
crumble beginning with the statement of the House Minority leader made Friday
morning. That was followed by criticism from Democrat Rep. Cooley from
Condit’s neighboring district in California. The minority leader implied that
Condit would be removed from his sensitive position on the House Permanent
Select House Committee on Intelligence. Expect calls for his resignation from
congress to increase from both sides of the aisle.

So what is the likely result of the Condit interviews on TV and in magazines?
As counter-attacks are mounted by those maligned by Condit in the interviews,
his credibility will sink to even lower depths. The public will suspect
(without any evidence) that he was somehow involved in Chandra’s
disappearance. A search for such evidence (which may not exist) will divert
the public’s attention from what this writer believes should be the focus of
investigation. That is Chandra’s contacts 

[CTRL] An Interview With David McGowan

2001-08-01 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.instantmag.com/main6.htm;INSTANT Magazine
Political Entanglements #16
An Interview With David McGowan
by Shawn Setaro

This issue I speak with David McGowan. David is the author of the great book
Derailing Democracy [Common Courage Press, 2000] and the as-yet-unpublished
Understanding the F-Word: American Fascism and the Politics of Illusion. He
is also a prolific essay writer. The book manuscript and all of his essays
are available at his web site, jokingly called the Center for an Informed
America (note the acronym), which is located at www.davesweb.cnchost.com.

David is a fascinating and comprehensive chronicler of the intelligence
services and a vigilant fighter against fascism in all its forms, including
its myriad appearances in this country. He lives in Los Angeles, California,
where I spoke to him via telephone in the late summer.

INSTANT: The first thing I wanted to talk about was that you openly call
America a fascist state. Now, I know you spent a book-manuscript-length paper
explaining that, but can you perhaps give a capsule version for people who
might be surprised to hear that? Also, how did you feel when you first
figured that out?
DAVE MCGOWAN: How did I feel? That’s a good question. I had a very rough time
with it. I’ve always considered myself to be well politically informed. I’ve
always known that the mainstream media was lying to me, but I always
assumed that I was getting something fairly close to the straight story from
more alternative media sources. It wasn’t really until I started getting very
in-depth with the research for my book that I began to see how many issues
and how much information is not being addressed by any of the venues of the
media. ¶ I had a very difficult time with it psychologically. It’s like
waking up one day and realizing that everything you take to be the truth is a
lie. It’s like all of sudden black is white and up is down. It was tough. One
of the hardest parts was having to acknowledge to myself that many of the
people that I had looked up to as mentors and idols – watching them drop by
the wayside as I realized that there was just so much information that was
not getting through, and that it is readily available information that should
be getting out there and is not. I went through a very tough period for a
year or so, where I just had to acknowledge to myself that a lot of what I
had taken all of my life to be the truth was not. That’s the best I can
answer that part of the question. ¶ As far as, how did I come to that
conclusion as to what America is, like you say, that is covered in the
manuscript of my hopefully forthcoming, but as of yet unpublished book. How
to summarize that – that’s a tough one. I don’t even know where to begin,

INSTANT: Well, we can put that aside for a minute. One of the more
fascinating ideas you’ve dealt with is the notion that there are no real
political parties in this country and at the upper levels at least, if not
further down, it’s all conscious elite posturing. What makes you think that?
DAVE MCGOWAN: There’s a lot of talk lately about that – labeling the two
parties the Republicrats has become the catchphrase. I think it really goes
deeper than that. I don’t think it’s so much that the two parties have kind
of merged in the center, which is what we’re supposed to believe. Both
parties have actually gone considerably to the right. ¶ I don’t believe that
there have been two parties in this country for at least my lifetime, and
probably for at least this century. It’s all a game; it’s all a façade. That
is, it’s a show put on for the American people to project the idea that
there’s a legitimate choice politically, that there are actually competing
political ideologies in this country and deep divisions within Congress and
in Washington over policy decision. I no longer believe that to be the case.
I believe that there’s only one agenda that’s being pursued, and that all the
rest is smoke and mirrors to create the image of this tug-of-war. We’re
supposed to believe that the U.S. government works as a system of give and
take between the liberal and the conservative ideology and that all the
policy decisions that are made are ultimately the result of a give and take
and political in-fighting between these opposing camps. That explanation
doesn’t really fly when you start getting seriously into researching these
things. It’s pretty clear that one single agenda is being pursued, and the
two parties consist of a bunch of actors. It’s a stage play where there’s an
unspoken agreement – or maybe a spoken agreement, I don’t know – between the
powers that be that some of them are going to pose as the Democrats and some
of them are going to pose as the Republicans.

INSTANT: What are the key points of the agenda, so far as you can make them

Re: [CTRL] mcmartin interview

2001-02-19 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear LIst,

Below please find an interview with one of the people involved in mcmartin.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

this is also at http://members.aol.com/smartnews/Sample-Issue-37.htm

McMartin Preschool Story

"In 1983, hundreds of kids disclosed to their parents and therapists that
they were abused at the prestigious McMartin Preschool in Manhattan Beach,
California. Seven people were arrest and charged with hundreds of counts of
child sexual abuse, setting off the longest and most expensive trial in U.S.
History (7 years)."(http://members.cruzio.com/~ratf/McMartIntro.html)
Additional resources on this trial and related issues are located after this
article. The following interview was between Neil Brick, editor of SMART and
Jackie MacGauley, mother of one of the alleged survivors of abuse at the
McMartin Preschool. All accusations are alleged.

Do you have any proof and references that the children at McMartin were

We were in court for 7 years. Still the longest trial in U.S. history. My
daughter and hundreds of people I know deal with the aftermath on a daily
basis. Our children's medical reports and the tunnels which corroborated one
of the most 'fantastic stories' the children recounted. The tunnels are
documented in a formal report now located at a Law University. The most
compelling proof was living with my daughter and dealing with all of her
revelations and fears.

Why were the defendants declared not guilty?

The jury very clearly stated that the prosecution did not prove their case.
The jurors were convinced that someone did commit the crime. One juror said
she would have liked to have heard more from the children. All 7 defendants
were held over for trial after the pretrial. Criminal counts were added.
Before the trial, when the case was not assigned to a courtroom or judge,
District Attorney Ira Reiner decided to drop 5 of the defendants. A memo
cited that he did not want any of "These kinds of cases anymore." About 10
other preschools were closed, but there could be no arrests without any
possibility of prosecution. It was becoming an embarrassment to his office. I
was told by a witness family that one defendant had enough counts and enough
evidence to be tried, but Mr. Reiner felt the case would not be successful if
he included her. A mother/son situation seemed like a more plausible story.
Some child witnesses refused to testify when parents saw how the children
were treated on the witness stand by the 7 defense attorneys. Some families
were still willing to testify but were never even notified that they were no
longer needed.

How do you feel about the media and their involvement in the case and after
the case?

At first I was amazed at the attention we got. This is a small town and it
involved only a few local families, I thought at the time. I never really did
understand why it mushroomed as it did. I ask experts and they give different
explanations. Dr. Underwager was speaking out on behalf of the defendants in
Jordan, Minnesota. Janet Reno was D.A. in Miami during the Countrywalk case.
She won the case when Illiana Fuster testified against her convicted murderer
husband, Frank Fuster. The giant Bakersfield case and others started well
before the McMartin case.

The media likes to report things that they know will sell their newspapers
rather than reality. What happened in court was far from representative of
the reality of the crime. Moral of this story, do NOT believe much of what
you hear or read in the media.

Do you believe there were tunnels at McMartin? What proof can you offer to
verify this?

You are asking the person who actually did the project. We heavily documented
our findings in photographs, scientists' reports and analysis. There were
also an abundance of witnesses, including the media. The formal report is
housed at a University Law Library at the moment.

If you do believe the allegations at McMartin were true, how long do you
believe they were going on? What evidence do you have for this?

My daughter attended the school for 4 months in (Sept through January when it
closed) 1982-1983. The most recent allegations began in August, 1982 when
Judy Johnson took her 3 year old son to a doctor who reported it to the
A lot of us parents still talk about what happened. A friend of mine was
Mayor during that time.  We still console each other over what happened. A
lot of us still feel totally disgusted with the whole thing. Compelling (and
corroborating) evidence for me and her family and Doctor was a friend who was
44 when she died last October. She was in the second class ever given at the
old location, about 1958.  Her psychiatrist introduced her to me in 1984.

Do you know about anyone writing articles trying to disprove the allegations
at McMartin, and why do you feel they would do this? Do you have any evidence
for this?

Some V.O.C.A.L., False Memory Syndrome type affiliates seem to make it a
regular task to discredit our 

[CTRL] Interesting Interview W/ Japanese WW2 Naval Officer

2001-02-03 Thread William Shannon

Mitsuo Okada: Debunking War Myths
Many Asian nations criticize Japanese politicians whenever they visit 
Yasukuni Jinja, the controversial Shinto shrine in central Tokyo. 

The shrine honours 2.6 million Japanese soldiers killed in wars over the past 

Tens of thousands people make the pilgrimage to Yasukuni each year, including 
small, formalised groups that wear old war uniforms as they march through the 
compound to pay their respects. 

Former Imperial Navy officer Mitsuo Okada leads one of these groups. 

Okada, who now runs an imported car sales business in Fukushima, northeast of 
Tokyo, spoke with Takehiko Nomura about his wartime experience, Japan's 
Constitution and politics. 

Q-What made you start marching in Yasukuni?

I used to go to there every year by myself. In the 1980s, I remember seeing 
groups of people in naval uniforms marching, but they looked weird because 
they didn't know what Navy officers were supposed to wear on land. They 
should have had things like army-surplus canteens and haversacks. 
I heard the emperor [Hirohito] was a person of virtue and fine character, but 
you can't protect a country with character. 
Also, I saw one character who looked like a seaman carrying the naval ensign. 
But that would never happen. Carrying the flag is an honourable thing to do, 
and is always assigned to a senior officer. 

Anyone familiar with naval tradition would think those marchers were part of 
a comedy show. 

When my old friends invited me to join their marching group in 1990, I 
donated some gear so that we could at least look the part. I created the 
current group in 1996. 

Whenever we march, visitors to the shrine come up to us and say how much we 
look like naval officers. I have made many new friends as a result.

Q-As you know, last week Kajima (a major Japanese building contractor) agreed 
to establish a $4.6 million fund for relatives of Chinese labourers forced to 
work at a Japanese mine during World War II.

I don't know whether Japan forcibly brought Chinese and Koreans to this 
country to work or not. 

But as you know, the Soviet Union violated the non-aggression treaty with 
Japan, moved into Manchuria and uprooted about 600,000 Japanese [who were 
officers, soldiers and paramilitary personnel]. 
Japan is more like a dependent state of the United States.
And they took them to places like Siberia, where they became forced 
labourers. Some of them died there. So if we have to compensate the Chinese, 
then the Soviets should be made to pay as well. 

As for comfort women, they say Japan forcibly brought as many women as 
possible from the Korean Peninsula. 

I've read some of these women's diaries and find it hard to believe. One 
woman wrote, "There was no fighting on Sundays." That's ridiculous. There 
were a lot of blatant lies in those diaries. I think these women are just 
trying to get money. It's shameless. 
I say dump [the constitution] down the drain and let's create our own. 
What about the Japanese women who worked as comfort women? In some cases 
their parents sold them, while others did it themselves for the money. But 
you don't hear them bleating about compensation.

Q-But there is a lot of evidence and witnesses...

I say there were no comfort women as such. 

When you say comfort women, that means the master of a whorehouse takes his 
women to places like Nanking to work. There were Japanese, Taiwanese and 
Koreans. That was their job at that time.

Q-Speaking of Japan's Constitution, an increasing number of politicians are 
advocating constitutional amendment.

I'm opposed to any constitutional amendment. The one we have now is 
MacArthur's constitution. I say dump it down the drain and let's create our 

Q-Do you believe Japan should be in a state of military readiness?

Is there any independent country without a military? 

Japan is more like a dependent state of the United States, spending 
taxpayers' money on the US military. We should get out of this dependency.

Q-Why do you think Japan got into World War II?

It was a ridiculous war. We got into it because of the Constitution of the 
Empire of Japan [promulgated in 1889]. Hirofumi Ito [who became Japan's first 
prime minister in 1885 and a member of the privy council in 1888] drafted the 
flawed constitution that gave the emperor enormous power. 
The Japanese public should directly elect a head of state with broad powers.
I believe that he drafted this constitution because he wanted to prevent the 
shogunate from re-emerging. 

After the Meiji emperor passed away, more and more problems emerged. As you 
know the Taisho emperor (his successor) suffered cerebral meningitis. Later, 
Korekiyo Takahashi [then finance minister] was assassinated (in 1936). These 
events led to the monumental tragedy of the Pacific War.

Q-When we talk about the 

[CTRL] RS interview with Nader. Very good.

2000-08-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research


September 14, 2000CRASHING THE PARTY

Ralph Nader is so fed up with corrupt beltway politics that he is
willing to sacrifice Al Gore.By Charles M. Young

FROM 1965 TO 1980, RALPH NADER WAS ONE OF the most influential
people in the United States. By sheer force of moral argument, he
got Congress to pass a vast array of legislation that improved bad
cars, bad water, bad air, bad working conditions, bad banks and
... well, you name it. He can take credit for spurring the passage
of such landmark laws as the Freedom of Information Act and the
Clean Air Act.

Since 1980, Nader's career has followed an arc similar to the first
half of a Popeye cartoon. Bluto showed up in the form of President
Ronald Reagan. His administration refused to enforce laws Nader
had inspired and turned the regulatory agencies into tools of
industry. During Clinton's tenure, the signing of NAFTA and the
U.S. entry into the WTO meant that labor and environmental groups
could be slighted in trade negotiations. For twenty years, Washington,
D.C., crusted over into a giant Blutocracy.

Nader fired shots across the bow of the two-party Titanic by
introducing himself as a presidential candidate in 1992 and again
in 1996. Reluctant to siphon off enough progressive votes to defeat
the Democrats, Nader gave a few good speeches and otherwise didn't
do much. Still, the White House watched closely.

"Clinton was very concerned with Nader's candidacy" in 1996, says
Dick Morris, Clinton's former adviser and pollster. "He kept raising
it with me and asking whether I thought it would cost him California.
He could not understand how Nader would not draw votes from him.
I don't know that he actually tried to knock Nader off the ballot,
but he was deeply concerned."

This year, Nader is campaigning for real on the Green Party ticket.
The Blutocracy has finally dumped one too many loads of toxic waste
on his head. "That's all I can stand," was the message when he
announced his candidacy in February. "I can't stands no more."

Nader's stated goal is to get five percent of the vote, in which
case the Greens would get federal matching funds in 2004. With his
campaign just gaining momentum, he now rates six to seven percent
in the polls, three times as much as Pat Buchanan. He and Buchanan
are suing to be allowed into the presidential debates. If they
succeed a highly unlikely prospect the entire nation could go into
the same sort of political flux that rearranged Minnesota when
Jesse Ventura was allowed to debate.

A number of ordinarily Democratic celebro-Americans are supporting
Nader: Willie Nelson, Bonnie Raitt, Eddie Vedder, Susan Sarandon,
Paul Newman, Phil Donahue, Jackson Browne. "There's a widespread
assumption that candidates in the two major parties can't say what
they believe or they won't get elected," says Browne, one of the
most active of activists in the musical community. "So the people
end up voting on the basis of spin and then hoping that in a few
years the candidate might have done something that they assumed he
believed in but couldn't actually say. It's time to stop this.
Ralph Nader says what he thinks, he can discuss any issue without
a scriptwriter, and he's the only candidate talking about government
handouts to corporations."

RS: How serious are you about running for president this time?

N: We're trying to get on the ballot in all fifty states. We're
going to show that citizen power can overcome business dollars in
election campaigns.

RS: Why didn't you run in the Democratic primaries?

N: Because the party is not capable of internal reform anymore.
It's too far gone into the corporate pits.

RS: What are the first five things you would do as president?

N: First, I would declare a pro-democracy initiative -- that means
public financing of election campaigns, urge the states to have
same-day registration, make voting day a holiday and a celebration
of the democratic process, develop a binding "none of the above"
proposal. People could check "none of the above" on their ballots,
and if that wins, there would have to be another election. Second,
I would push to remove restrictions that hamper workers from forming
trade unions in the private sector. Third, I would press for citizen
channels on cable and over the air as a condition of broadcast
licensing. The people should have their own television channels
and their own radio and television networks, because the people
own the airwaves. Four, I would announce tough enforcement of
consumer health, safety and economic-justice laws throughout the
federal government. Crack down on corporate crime, fraud and abuse.
And I'd put all federal contracts and grants above $100,000 on the
Internet: the coal leasing, the gold leasing, the oil leasing, the
NIH giveaways, the defense contracts. Five, I would press immediately
for universal health care. Can I list more than five?

RS: Go for it.

N: I think that all students should learn citizen skills in how 

Re: [CTRL] radio interview discussing prison experimentation

2000-08-23 Thread Smart News

Hi !

The Lynne Moss-Sharman radio interview discussing prison experimentation and
Rick Carlson is now on the web at :


Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This transcript is from a radio interview by Lynne Moss-Sharman on CHRW
radio. Some of the topics discussed may be triggering. This is presented for
educational value only and is not intended as therapy or treatment. All
accusations are alleged.

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[CTRL] An Interview with John Lear

2000-06-11 Thread Nicky Molloy

Home Page
Who is Behind
The Big Conspirancy of Finance
The Invisible Government of the World
Protocols of Wise Men of Zion
The Secret Government

An Interview with John Lear

25 November 1989

Welcome back. It has been a long absence.

L: It sure has.

Your absence has the public wondering what happened.

L: Well, I was the host for the MUFON Conference in Las Vegas. There were
about twelve speakers and we accomplished a lot. There was a lot of
information given out. To my absolute surprise and shock I was called into
the airline that I worked for, about five days after the conference. I met
with senior airline officials and they asked me "You don’t really believe
all this stuff, do you?" "Well, yes sir I do", I said. "Why?" they asked. I
gave them about a ten-minute rundown on my research in the past three years
and they said, "We just can’t have anybody who believes this stuff flying
for our company. What if our passengers found out?". I was summarily
terminated. It was a great shock to me. I had many, many years of seniority
as a captain with this company. I had to get out and hustle for another job.
With my qualifications, I didn’t have much trouble finding another one... it
was a while before I got my life sorted out. During that time I haven’t had
time to get involved, although I have been keeping abreast of the situation.

I take it you were refusing any and all interviews during this period..

L: Yes, I was so busy getting into the new job..

Did you feel like you’ve been burned by your belief, in so far as you went
public and lost your job?

L: No. I just felt sorry for these people who have not keep abreast of the
events and who really and sincerely believe that nothing is going on. I
really felt sorry for them because they were so ignorant.

One thing is absolutely clear. Something is going on. I would guess that you
would say, "They are Here"...

L: Yes. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. Since I last talked to you I have seen
one. I was taken out to a desert test center by a theoretical physicist who
worked directly for the Navy, and he told me, "We’re going to flight
tonight. Would you like to see it?". I went out into the desert and watched
it fly. It was kind of interesting, although it wasn’t a shock to me because
I knew they were there. I said "So what else is now?"

That would be Robert Lazar?

L: Yes. We kept his name confidential for the year that we knew what he was
doing. He came public here about a week ago on Channel 8’s two-week UFO

You worked closely with Robert Lazar for a period of time. How much of that
story can you tell us?

L: Most all of it. There are some aspects of it that I cannot discuss to the
public. You know what I am taking about.


Is that area called Area 51?

L: Well, Let me explain that what is known as the Test Site is an enormous
area that borders between Caliente, Tonopah and Las Vegas. The very center
of it called Area 51. It’s a 10 mile by 10 mile square which is called by
various names. It’s called Groom Lake, Watertown, The Area, The Spot... all
kinds of different names... the Red Square and Dreamland are two more. A lot
of secret testing goes on there. The U-2, the SR-71, and Aurora have been
tested there.

What about the Aurora?

L: Well, the Aurora is the follow-on for the SR-71. It cruises at mach 10
and has a ceiling of 285,000 feet. It is a three man aircraft that was built
by General Dynamics. It is methane powered and currently operates out of
Groom Lake. There are a lot of other secret programs that go on up there.
The area called S-4 is where the saucers are flown. It’s approximately 10
miles southwest of Groom Lake. This is where they kept the nine
extraterrestrial saucers that the government works on under a Navy project.
Let me tell you. There are a lot more saucers, but they are kept in various
other areas. They are working on these specific disks in order to get some
of the technology out of them. The technology is so far advanced that there
is very little hope of us using any of it. The other saucers are kept at
Wright Patterson AFB, Kirtland AFB, Homestead AFB... there are about five
other bases that they’re kept at. The last one that they recovered – the one
that crashed in the desert in Botswana in May 1989 was taken to Wright
Patterson in June and then it was transferred to Kirtland AFB sometime this
year. It is now presently at Kirtland.

If a reporter wanted really convincing footage of a UFO, is there a place
that he could go?

L: Yes, they could go to the road to the east of Rachel, Nevada and shoot to
the south. It’s at sunset that they fly, and there’s no problem. The problem
is that they expect to get things in 15 minutes. Most of the reporters are
young and are just getting into this stuff. They show the same films on
television that they have been showing 

[CTRL] Fwd: INTERVIEW-World Bank aims funds at Russian TB epidemic

2000-05-22 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 5/22/00 10:45:15 AM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:INTERVIEW-World Bank aims funds at Russian TB epidemic
 Date:  5/22/00 10:45:15 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 INTERVIEW-World Bank aims funds at Russian TB epidemic

 MOSCOW, May 22 (Reuters) - Stop-gap funding to fight Russia's tuberculosis
epidemic is in place and a full-scale programme to fight TB and AIDS should
be agreed later this year, a senior World Bank official said.

 Dr Jean-Jacques de St Antoine, head of a World Bank mission, told Reuters in
an interview at the weekend the programme would bridge the difference between
standards of treatment in Russia and the West

 For the full text of this story, A
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100Kgio.338569.643477480"click here/A.

 (c) 1999 Reuters Ltd.  All rights reserved.  No republication,
redistribution or framing is permitted absent Reuter's prior consent.
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INTERVIEW-World Bank aims funds at Russian TB epidemic

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interview at the weekend the programme would bridge the difference between standards 
of treatment in Russia and the West

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[CTRL] Reno interview in George

1999-09-07 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

I went to my local bookstore today  sat in there to read the Janet
Reno interview from the September issue of George Magazine. Hate to say
it, but it was a waste of paper, just another little puff piece like
you'd see in one of the ladies' fashion magazines. Not one word about
Waco, and the closest thing to a juicy tidbit is that she expressed
regret for not marrying and having four children. PHHTTT!

Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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[CTRL] Icke interview, Pt. 6

1999-08-18 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

 Ashley Rye wrote:
  -  IUFO  Mailing List
 And individualism, while they talk about the necessity for
 it, the desire for it, is constantly crushed by the belief
 system of the group. It's interesting, you know, when I talk
 about this in my talks, everywhere I go in the world I get
 applause from the audience. Because I think people are
 starting to get sick of the New-Age movement, which is
 actually so often diverting us from and suppressing us from
 the real truth of metaphysics. And the real truth is that WE,
 as individuals, are in control of our destiny, and not
 external forces being in control.
 And so, I think it's very important, in the years that we are
 in now, that we start to take our individual sovereignty back
 and start to realize that we have the right to decide our
 truth and live our truth, and not have another truth imposed
 upon us, whether it's the New-Age movement, Christianity,
 Hinduism, Atheism, or whatever it is, because the whole basis
 of the control is getting individuality subordinated to the
 group, getting individuality suppressed by the majority,
 suppressed by the herd mentality.
 There are two ways of solving the problem. We can find the
 solution to it, which is actually not the best way, because
 for me the best way of solving a problem is removing the
 cause of it and then it goes away. The cause of the few
 controlling the planet is people giving their power away and
 not thinking for themselves and just following the one in
 front without question. And, insisting-and this is the key
 thing, stage two-insisting that others do the same, because
 once that happens, you create a situation in which whoever
 sets the norms in the world, whether considered sane or
 insane, possible or impossible, moral or immoral, whoever
 sets those norms runs the world.
 This happens because of the overwhelming, vast majority of
 humanity who have given their power away and given their
 thinking processes and individuality away, and will live
 their lives in accordance with those dictated norms because
 they're not thinking or questioning them.
 Now, that's fine, that's a choice-I don't have a problem with
 that. The key thing, as I say, the people who succumb to
 those norms, they insist that those who don't want to do so
 should also succumb to those norms. And, at that point, when
 you have the herd policing itself, and making life unpleasant
 for those who wish to detach from it, at that point you have
 the basis, and only at that point, you have the basis on
 which the few who set the norms can run the world, because
 you get humanity becoming not just the sheep, but also the
 sheep-dog, not just the prisoner, but also the prison guards.
 And only in that way, through thousands of years to the
 present minute, has it been possible for a few to control the
 So, for me, three things would change this and would
 dramatically transform the world we live in for the better,
 because of all that would come from this. Those are:
 One: as individuals, we step out of the fear of what other
 people think of us because that is the prison that most
 people live in. And once you're in the fear of what someone
 else thinks, you are not living YOUR life in YOUR truth; you
 are living someone else's version of what they think you
 should be. In other words, you're in the herd now. If we step
 out of the fear of what other people think, as individuals,
 and say, to use the title of one of my books, I Am Me, I Am
 Free, and if you don't like it, that's fine-you have a right
 not to like it-but this is me! At that point we cease to be a
 sheep. And if enough of us do it, we cease to be a herd of
 Second: we allow everyone else to express their uniqueness,
 even though it differs from ours. You know, "What a crime;
 call the police; my goodness me, this person thinks different
 than me!" Once we do that, we cease to be a sheep dog for the
 rest of the herd. Just those two things alone, and this whole
 edifice of imposed power starts to crumble because the very
 basis of it is crumbling.
 And third: the balance point, no one seeks to impose what
 they believe on anyone else, so all are respecting everyone's
 free will, so that my belief is not imposed on anyone else.
 That's the reason why whatever anyone says about me or says
 about what I write or 

[CTRL] [2] Interview with Walter H. Bowart, July 16, 1995

1999-07-21 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Interview with Walter H. Bowart
July 16, 1995

San Jose, California

Part III – Conclusion

And crackpot Nazi experimentation at that.

WR: We might add at that time nobody knew where Mengele' whereabouts
were. He was supposedly running all over from South America to Central
Southwest to Arizona, he was in Arizona in me 60's.

WB: Yes. In 1965, the CIA paid Baltimore Laboratories $15,000 to find a
drug which could be used to fake a means of suicide. They came up with
several they thought might work with a careless pathologist. Now one
wonders...I'd like to see the files on that. It would be hilarious, you
know. Corpses)reviving in the morgue and stuff. The same year the CIA
spent seven hundred thousand dollars on research with terminal cancer
patients. That was '65. And mental defectives at Georgetown University.
The unsuspecting patients were given a combination of stimulants,
depressants and stress inducing drugs in a failed attempt to replicate
the psychic driving techniques developed earlier by Cameron in Canada.

WR: ln the near future, theres going to be a footnote to that
information. Theres a gentleman who's going to be coming out with a book
on the subject of Dr. Mary Sherman, working out of Tulane University and
her strange connection with David Ferry. ..

WB: Oh, Oh!

WR: ...and cancer experiments that were being performed in New Orleans.

MC: And we've been following...and in fact we've been waiting with
baited breath for this gentleman to finish the book and get it published
so we can interview him, so we could read to book. We're very excited
about it. And there's far more to it.

WB: Well I hope he puts me on the review list

WR: The gentleman's name is Ed Haslam and I believe he's not too far
from where you are located.

MC: We will do that. We will put you in touch.

WR: We will get that information to you when we get home.

WB: That would be great In '65, do you want me to continue? In '65...

WR: Yes! Sorry, I just wanted to interject that because you said

WB: Yeah, Colonel George White former Bureau of Narcotics agent, famous
George White repeated a 1953 field experiment with adjoining apartments
on 'Telegraph Hill m San Francisco. 'The project was code-named Midnight
Climax. White filmed the CIA paid prostitutes giving their johns LSD
from behind a one-way mirror. It was believed that LSD effects on
sexuality would show up on the film. White was also active in New York
City giving powerful psychoactive chemicals like ivolgain and
undocumented drugs in unmeasured quantities to selective leaders of the
anti-war movement and other targeted political and civil rights
activists. In 1966 Ronald Reagan was elected governor of California.
Operation Spellbinder was a CIA research project which attempted to
hypnotize an agent into becoming a sleeper killer. The FOIA released
documents saying that several Cuban immigrants were found upon which
hypnosis was tried. The goal was to plant an agent in Cuba w-ho, when
triggered, would kill Fidel Castro. The CIA documents say this didn't
work and independent research turned up first person witnesses that
classically conditioned MPD, Multiple Personality Disorder, agents were
at work within Cuba from Castro's rise to power in the late 1950's. In
1966 in October, possession of LSD was declared a Class One felony,
stopping all research on it. The psychedelic 60's were over and the war
on drugs began. 'The cryptocracy black ops. funds grew fat. ln 1967
DARPA, that's the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, was called
Project Pandora got under way with Dr. Joseph Sharpe who is presently in
NASA-Ames Laboratory today. Pandora concluded in 1969 stating that
nothing would he clear without experiments on human subjects in their
natural settings. Nixon approved- "basic research" on voluntary human
subjects. In 1968 at the peak of the student unrest Dr. Gordon J.F.
McDonald, Science Advisor to Lyndon B. Johnson described how man-made
changes in the earth's ionosphere could be used for mass behavior
control. He pointed out that low frequency electromagnetic operations
could be used to attack the brain-waves of human beings. He stated, "
perturbation of the environment can produce changes in behavioral

MC: Now I want to interject here, is this information recently
unclassified'? Was it available in print at the time, was it, you
know...I'm trying to find out this was..

WB: In '68? No.

MC: So this was secret in '68?

WB: Yes.

MC: About what time was much of this information declassified.

WB: Oh in the late '70's.

MC: In the late '70's..

WB: Right.

MC: And very few people ever saw this declassified information.

WB: Oh yeah, most of it.

MC: See , this is important because people think oh well that's ancient
history and everybody knew about it. ho! 

[CTRL] [1] Interview with Walter H. Bowart, July 16, 1995

1999-07-21 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Bowart Interview/A
Interview with Walter H. Bowart
July 16, 1995

San Jose, California

Interview participants:
Marilyn Colman: MC
Will Robinson: WR
Walter Bowart: WB

WR: Here on the Lighthouse Report it is our pleasure to have before us a
person whom we've interviewed many times on phone, Walter Boward.
Walter, how are you doing today?

WB: Well, I'm doing great and it is my pleasure to be here in person
with you.

WR: I think the first place to start is regarding the talk that you gave
just last night, or I should say, Saturday night when this program is
airedwhy don't we get to the areas that you said that you didn't get
to cover but would like to touch on, on the subject of mind control and

WB: Well, of course the new areas of research...it's flooding in all the
time and that's...that's been called, what, the "cordless mind control
area" if you will, some kind of broadcasting of technology that puts a
human voice inside of.. human voice in teams, twenty-four hours a day,
inside of a person's mind. Now we want to try to come... we are working
on...Freedom of Thought Foundation is building a network and we're
working with scientists to try and come up with ways to discern between
people that are paranoid-schizophrenics. Because traditionally, if you
had a voice inside your head you're diagnosed as paranoid-schizophrenic.
And that was it. But we found a lot of these people that are hearing
these voices are not paranoid-schizophrenic and function otherwise
normally. They just hear these voices.

MC: And I think it's important to realize that not everything continues
to be the same truth. Part of the problem we have with today's medical
associations is they are not able to look at what's really happening and
I think, Walter, it is important that you are one of me...in the
vanguard of opening up the new technology.

WB: Yeah, well, this is what we are learning, in our experience, is that
the therapist and social workers down in the lowest level have the best
handle because they really treat people hands-on. The next level that
knows about it are the psychologists and the ones that know the least
about all of this mind-control stuff are the psychiatrists. They are
twenty years behind time. I mean, the idea of Freudian analysis is still
going on and it is pathetic to think that people will pay lots of
money-what is it? – hundreds of dollars an hour...

MC: ... and many, many years. About ten years... WB: ...and all talking
about your problems does is reinforce your problem.

WR: In other words, what you are saying is they're more like the New
York Dental Association.

WB: Yeah-it's like a closed shop and they're twenty years behind the
time. They are working with outdated technology and ideas. MC: And
that's right, because the New ,Age medicine adopted the work of the
shaman and of the occult and of the spiritual side of man and we are now
seeing that these two things, both the mechanical aspect of mind and
body and the spiritual side, have to come together to heal the whole

WB: We have a False Memory "Spindrome" Foundation. I call it "spindrome"
because it's not a syndrome what they describe a~ false memories. And
the concept of this group is that memories can be implanted in your
mind. False memories, untrue things. You will remember untrue things.
Now, this is not established very well in law and there is a plus side
to this because, in fact, false memories can be implanted. And also,
people are inept at hypnosis and various other things so that they will
pollute others unintentionally with false memories and things like that.
However, the board of this organization is made up of a lot of CIA
people, CIA contracts, "spychiatrists", and pedophiles, child molesters,
people that are on the side of pedophilia. They are trying to defend
 pedophilia. And it is a very litigious, very aggresive organization
that has struck terror in the hearts of the psychiatric, psychological
and therapeutic community.

MC: Now how can we relate this to the two things like the Prince and the
McMartin Cases?

WB: The McMartin case, I don't know exactly how it relates but...

MC: Well, if the children, they claim that the children's memories of
being molested were implanted by the therapists working with them.

WB: Yeah, that's what they claim, but I don't think that had any bearing
on the case and the outcome. I think that the withholding of evidence
had more to do, and what evidence was found later that the children said
was true of the tunnels and whatnot, that was discovered later, so I
think the case fell because of bad...

MC: But you know that the folks that espoused this were using this as
ammunition against you.

WR: Yeah, Yeah because the bottom line is you have a verdict turned back
that they were acquitted. And they were 

[CTRL] Fw: Interview with Noam Chomsky

1999-06-04 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

Some interesting info in this Chomsky interview, but the world's
leading "fake anarchist" gives himself away...can't even commit
to legalizing drugs!
Lloyd Miller  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html

-Original Message-
From: Psyberdude [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, June 03, 1999 10:51 PM
Subject: Interview with Noam Chomsky

-  http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/3761/drugs.html

The War on Drugs
The Drug War Industrial Complex

High Times Interview with Noam Chomsky, April 1998

by John Veit
transcribed by Paul Freedom

HT: You've defined the War on Drugs as an instrument of population control.
How does it accomplish that?

CHOMSKY: Population control is actually a term I borrowed from the
counterinsurgency literature of the Kennedy years. The main targets at the
time were Southeast Asia and Latin America, where there was an awful lot of
popular ferment. They recognized that the population was supporting popular
forces that were calling for all kinds of social change that the United
States simply could not tolerate. And you could control people in a number
of ways. One way was just by terror and violence, napalm bombing and so on,
but they also worked on developing other kinds of population-control
measures to keep people subjugated, ranging from propaganda to
concentration camps. Propaganda is much more effective when it is combined
with terror.

You have the same problem domestically, where the public is constantly
getting out of control. You have to carry out measures to insure that they
remain passive and apathetic and obedient, and don't interfere with
privilege or power. It's a major theme of modern democracy. As the
mechanisms of democracy expand, like enfranchisement and growth, the need
to control people by other means increases.

So the growth of corporate propaganda in the United States more or less
parallels the growth of democracy, for quite straightforward reasons. It's
not any kind of secret. It is discussed very frankly and openly in business
literature and academic social-science journals. You have to "fight the
everlasting battle for the minds of men," in their standard phraseology, to
indoctrinate and regiment them in the way that armies regiment their
bodies. Those are population control measures. This engineering or
manufacture of consent is the essence of democracy, because you have to
insure that ignorant and meddlesome outsiders -- meaning we, the people --
don't interfere with the work of the serious people who run public affairs
in the interests of the privileged.

HT: How does the War on Drugs fit into this?

CHOMSKY: Well, one of the traditional and obvious ways of controlling
people in every society, whether it's a military dictatorship or a
democracy, is to frighten them. If people are frightened, they'll be
willing cede authority to their superiors who will protect them: "OK, I'll
let you run my life in order to protect me," that sort of reasoning.

So the fear of drugs and the fear of crime is very much stimulated by state
and business propaganda. The National Justice Commission repeatedly points
out that crime in the United States, while sort of high, is not off the
spectrum for industrialized societies. On the other hand, fear of crime is
far beyond other societies, and mostly stimulated by various propaganda.
The Drug War is an effort to stimulate fear of dangerous people from who we
have to protect ourselves. It is also, a direct form of control of what are
called "dangerous classes," those superfluous people who don't really have
a function contributing to profit-making and wealth. They have to be
somehow taken care of.

HT: In some other countries you just hang the rabble.

CHOMSKY: Yes, but in the U.S. you don't kill them, you put them in jail.
The economic policies of the 1980's sharply increased inequality,
concentrating such economic growth as there was, which was not enormous, in
very few hands. The top few percent of the population got extremely wealthy
as profits went through the roof, and meanwhile median-income wages were
stagnating or declining sharply since the '70's. You're getting a large
mass of people who are insecure, suffering from difficulty to misery, or
something in between. A lot of them are basically going to be arrested,
because you have to control them.

HT: It's absolutely true, but how do you prove it?

CHOMSKY: Just by looking at the trend lines for marijuana. Marijuana use
was peaking in the late '70's, but there was not much criminalization. You
didn't go to jail for having marijuana then because the people using it
were nice folks like us, the children of the rich. You don't throw them
into jail any more than you throw corporate executives into jail -- even
though corporate crime is more costly and dangerous than street crime. But
then in the '80's the use of various "unhealthy" substances started to
decline among more educated sectors: marijuana and 

[CTRL] Thomilson interview on channel 4

1999-05-19 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:523987"Thomilson/A
Subject: Thomilson
From: "Kriminalnyt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, May 18, 1999 12:54 PM
Message-id: 7hsk6f$90p$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Former MI6 agent Richard Thomlinson denies in television interview with
Channel4 any responsibility regarding the publishing of the MI6 lists. Read
this and all the latest news in the MI6 case.

Go to:
A HREF="http://www.kriminalnyt.dk/html/historie/interview.html"---
Interview ---
Interview on channel 4

He did NOT
1. Publish the List.
2. Say SIS / MI6 murdered Di.
3. Make ANY SERIOUS allegations against MI6.
4. He refused to answer any questions re. UNSCOM and Iraq, inferring he
knows much more.

He DID admit to
1. Threatening to post a list of MI6 Officers by a certain date, which
subsequently went by without him posting.
2. Admit the threat was not serious but an attempt to get HMG to
negotiate ,with his brief, a way through his present difficulties with
3. He DID have knowledge of a plan to get Mr M of Yugoslavia. The
document which he says will still be extant and listed in SIS archives
sketched out 3 general ways to achieve Slobbo's demise.
1. By use of in local assassins drawn from opposition groups in
2. By infiltrating an SAS team into Yugoslavia to get the job done.
3. By staging a fatal car accident in a neutral country.

Sleep well Slobbo! I doubt it but just maybe someone will have the
bottle to task the lads from Hereford with the job (option 2)!

Tomlinson's allegations re. our late "Queen of Hearts" were restricted
to saying that the chauffeur was an SIS source with a large bank
balance. How this can be interpreted as sinister I am a little unclear.
Surely SIS here; were doing abroad what MI5 is supposed to do here at
Tomlinson's angle seems to be that as MI6 will have a detailed file on
the days leading up to the crash they should present it to the French
examining judge. He had nothing to say about murder plots, sinister SIS
motorcyclists etc.

His other topic during the interview was criticism of the stress and
danger free lifestyles of most or all SIS officers he knew. They lived
in safe cities like New York, Paris, Geneva etc. usually attached to the
embassy and on 10% more salary than the diplomats whose cover they use
(and whose immunity they share!) He said they fooled the world and
Whitehall with over-emphasis on secrecy and covert sources and what
le'Carre calls "tradecraft" to mystify and embellish what is largely the
work of a government paid journalist and the whole thing is to keep them
secure in their comfortable lifestyles!
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-18 Thread JJ

 -Caveat Lector-

Great post!  Wish more would learn!
Juan Mary
-Original Message-
From: Jim Yester [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, April 17, 1999 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] The Interview

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/17/99 6:13:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  a weapon is what you make it. i do think it's very irresponsible to
  children to kill though.

  violent society we live in.

I wondered why the Colonel didn't respond that it was irrresponsible NOT to
teach youngsters how to handle a firearm - "violent society we live in."
Learning to use a weapon is not learning to kill; it is learning to defend
oneself. There are statistics indicating that firearms are used more often
the prevention of violent crimes than in the commission of them.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-18 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Wish more would learn!

If wishes were horses beggers would ride.

Teach! Teach! Teach!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-18 Thread Jean Staffen

 -Caveat Lector-

I understand where you are coming from, Andrew, but if/when Y2K hits, and
your door is broken down by a street gang who haven't had anything to eat
for a week, haven't had a drink of water for two days and haven't had a
cigarette for four days, I wonder where your altruistic sentiments will go
in a hurry? Like out the window? And will you then understand that the most
basic right we have is the right to defend ourselves?

Jean Staffen

At 11:14 PM 4/17/98 +0100, Andrew Kieran wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

a weapon is what you make it. i do think it's very irresponsible to teach
children to kill though.

violent society we live in.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-18 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

on of violent crimes than in the commission of them.

 probably because he is a mentally ill sociopath.

 Andrew Hennessey
The Colonel was just putting a liberal lady who was pushing her agenda in her
place!  I think he did it brilliantly!


Excuse me Bill, but the Colonel was doing more than that.
He inferred in his dialogue that the lady had 'natural sexual equipment'
that could be used 'un-naturally' and by inference further suggested that
Mans 'natural equipment' was a gun - which could also be used 'un-naturally'
Where the Colonel demonstrates Sociopathic traits is his assumption that
Mankind should 'naturally inherit' the TOOLS OF DESTRUCTION. eg. guns
12 millenia of such Neanderthal thought must surely have taught even the
most basic retard in the Military that the only reason to bear arms
is the unnatural defence of the TOOLS OF CREATION and their society.
There is nothing 'Natural' about Slaughter to a reasoning, creating and
nurturing Society.
The colonels point of view is not social or civilised, nor ar his manners
or attitude towards someone he is sworn to defend.

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-18 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/18/99 2:18:53 PM GMT-5:00 - United States of Am,

 Excuse me Bill, but the Colonel was doing more than that.
 He inferred in his dialogue that the lady had 'natural sexual equipment'
 that could be used 'un-naturally' and by inference further suggested that
 Mans 'natural equipment' was a gun - which could also be used 'un-naturally'
 Where the Colonel demonstrates Sociopathic traits is his assumption that
 Mankind should 'naturally inherit' the TOOLS OF DESTRUCTION. eg. guns
 12 millenia of such Neanderthal thought must surely have taught even the
 most basic retard in the Military that the only reason to bear arms
 is the unnatural defence of the TOOLS OF CREATION and their society.
 There is nothing 'Natural' about Slaughter to a reasoning, creating and
 nurturing Society.
 The colonels point of view is not social or civilised, nor ar his manners
 or attitude towards someone he is sworn to defend. 
I think your reading more into it then there is!


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-18 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Andrew Hennessey wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 on of violent crimes than in the commission of them.
  probably because he is a mentally ill sociopath.
  Andrew Hennessey
 The Colonel was just putting a liberal lady who was pushing her agenda in her
 place!  I think he did it brilliantly!
 Excuse me Bill, but the Colonel was doing more than that.
 He inferred in his dialogue that the lady had 'natural sexual equipment'
 that could be used 'un-naturally' and by inference further suggested that
 Mans 'natural equipment' was a gun - which could also be used 'un-naturally'
He did? I don't remember him saying that either was natural or unnatural.

 Where the Colonel demonstrates Sociopathic traits is his assumption that
 Mankind should 'naturally inherit' the TOOLS OF DESTRUCTION. eg. guns
 12 millenia of such Neanderthal thought must surely have taught even the
 most basic retard in the Military that the only reason to bear arms
 is the unnatural defence of the TOOLS OF CREATION and their society.
 There is nothing 'Natural' about Slaughter to a reasoning, creating and
 nurturing Society.

Where is this reasoning, creating and nurturing society? I want to move there.

 The colonels point of view is not social or civilised, nor ar his manners
 or attitude towards someone he is sworn to defend.

Defend? With what? Not a gun by any chance?

Howard Davis

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Re: [CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-18 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

 Excuse me Bill, but the Colonel was doing more than that.
 He inferred in his dialogue that the lady had 'natural sexual equipment'
 that could be used 'un-naturally' and by inference further suggested that
 Mans 'natural equipment' was a gun - which could also be used
He did? I don't remember him saying that either was natural or unnatural.

The Colonel made a direct appeal to a sexual analogy - perhaps he was
unable to think it all through though ?

Where is this reasoning, creating and nurturing society? I want to move

It has to have been blown away by murdering people hiding behind the excuse
that it wasn't their fault the holocaust took place because it was all the
fault of INSTINCT -

 The colonels point of view is not social or civilised, nor ar his manners
 or attitude towards someone he is sworn to defend.

Defend? With what? Not a gun by any chance?

Howard Davis

I'm all for shooting, killing and executing Bad guys by bullets and any
means - I WILL NOT condone those who choose to hide behind a 'biological/
instinctive' defence of their actions.
The Colonels sexual/biological analogy/ideology depending on how far you
want to take it - could go to the lofty Cabals of the Illuminati
where it is completely at home with the Necessary Death and Rebirth of
Society and the Darwinistic slughter of the weak by the strong.
If you've got a gun, you've got a gun, but spare us the 'biology is pulling
the trigger arguments' please Colonel.

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Re: [CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-18 Thread Jim Yester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/18/99 2:18:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Excuse me Bill, but the Colonel was doing more than that.
  He inferred in his dialogue that the lady had 'natural sexual equipment'
  that could be used 'un-naturally' and by inference further suggested that
  Mans 'natural equipment' was a gun - which could also be used
  Where the Colonel demonstrates Sociopathic traits is his assumption that
  Mankind should 'naturally inherit' the TOOLS OF DESTRUCTION. eg. guns
  12 millenia of such Neanderthal thought must surely have taught even the
  most basic retard in the Military that the only reason to bear arms
  is the unnatural defence of the TOOLS OF CREATION and their society.
  There is nothing 'Natural' about Slaughter to a reasoning, creating and
  nurturing Society.
  The colonels point of view is not social or civilised, nor ar his manners
  or attitude towards someone he is sworn to defend.

  Andrew Hennessey
  Transformation Studies Group

My goodness, Andrew! I'm certainly glad that attitude didn't flow all the way
to me in my Scottish blood. Here in the US if someone implies lethal violence
our inferrence is lethal violence and we're likely to imply a bullet.


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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-18 Thread Liz Schumacher

 -Caveat Lector-

"the most basic retard in the military"
are these the retards who die for u and me andrew?
u mean those retards?

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-17 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

This is an extract of an National Public Radio (NPR) interview
between a female broadcaster and US Army Lieutenant General
Reinwald about sponsoring a Boy Scout Troop on his military

Interviewer: "So, LTG Reinwald, what are you going to do with these
young boys on their adventure holiday?"

LTG Reinwald: "We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing,
archery, and shooting."

Interviewer: "Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it?"

LTG Reinwald: "I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on
the range."

Interviewer: "Don't you admit that this is a terribly dangerous
activity to be teaching children?"

LTG Reinwald: "I don't see how, we will be teaching them proper
range discipline before they even touch a firearm."

Interviewer: "But you're equipping them to become violent killers."

LTG Reinwald: "Well, you're equipped to be a prostitute, but you're
not one, are you?"

End of the interview

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-17 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

a weapon is what you make it. i do think it's very irresponsible to teach
children to kill though.

violent society we live in.

At 13:26 17/04/99 -0400, you wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

This is an extract of an National Public Radio (NPR) interview
between a female broadcaster and US Army Lieutenant General
Reinwald about sponsoring a Boy Scout Troop on his military

Interviewer: "So, LTG Reinwald, what are you going to do with these
young boys on their adventure holiday?"

LTG Reinwald: "We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing,
archery, and shooting."

Interviewer: "Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it?"

LTG Reinwald: "I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on
the range."

Interviewer: "Don't you admit that this is a terribly dangerous
activity to be teaching children?"

LTG Reinwald: "I don't see how, we will be teaching them proper
range discipline before they even touch a firearm."

Interviewer: "But you're equipping them to become violent killers."

LTG Reinwald: "Well, you're equipped to be a prostitute, but you're
not one, are you?"

End of the interview

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-17 Thread Jim Yester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/17/99 6:13:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  a weapon is what you make it. i do think it's very irresponsible to teach
  children to kill though.

  violent society we live in.

I wondered why the Colonel didn't respond that it was irrresponsible NOT to
teach youngsters how to handle a firearm - "violent society we live in."
Learning to use a weapon is not learning to kill; it is learning to defend
oneself. There are statistics indicating that firearms are used more often in
the prevention of violent crimes than in the commission of them.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-17 Thread Liz Schumacher

 -Caveat Lector-

Gotta agree with u Jim the kids here who are taught gun safety and go to the
classes-know what a gun can do and are less likely to use them in anger

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Re: [CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-17 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

I wondered why the Colonel didn't respond that it was irrresponsible NOT to
teach youngsters how to handle a firearm - "violent society we live in."
Learning to use a weapon is not learning to kill; it is learning to defend
oneself. There are statistics indicating that firearms are used more often in
the prevention of violent crimes than in the commission of them.

probably because he is a mentally ill sociopath.

Andrew Hennessey

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-17 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

a weapon is what you make it. i do think it's very irresponsible to teach
children to kill though.

Given what a

violent society we live in.

how responsible is it to not teach our children how to defend themselves?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] The Interview

1999-04-17 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/17/99 10:54:40 PM GMT-5:00 - United States of A,

 I wondered why the Colonel didn't respond that it was irrresponsible NOT to
 teach youngsters how to handle a firearm - "violent society we live in."
 Learning to use a weapon is not learning to kill; it is learning to defend
 oneself. There are statistics indicating that firearms are used more often
 the prevention of violent crimes than in the commission of them.

 probably because he is a mentally ill sociopath.

 Andrew Hennessey
The Colonel was just putting a liberal lady who was pushing her agenda in her
place!  I think he did it brilliantly!


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Clinton Interview :-)

1999-02-26 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-


Steve Wingate

California Director


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] An Interview with Gary Aldrich

1999-02-21 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.8/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 8/A
The Laissez Faire City Times
February 22, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 8
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
An Interview with Gary Aldrich

by Wesley Phelan

In 1996, shortly after the publication of Unlimited Access, Gary Aldrich
appeared on "This Week" with David Brinkley. The panelists derided
Aldrich’s claims that security had broken down in the Clinton White
House. After the show, ABC and other networks canceled their remaining
interviews with Aldrich. Elizabeth Vargas rounded out the media attack,
stating on "Good Morning America" that Aldrich was under fire for "what
appears to be sloppy reporting." [1]

George Stephanopoulos, a senior adviser to the President, had attempted
before the program to convince ABC to cancel its invitation to Aldrich.
He accused Aldrich of being a "tool" in a right-wing plot "to destroy"
the President. He said that Bob Dole, Clinton’s opponent in the 1996
presidential election, had "a responsibility to repudiate him or he is
complicit in this campaign of character assassination". Aldrich’s
claims, according to Stephanopoulos, were "vicious", "totally
preposterous", "absurd" and "outrageous". [2]

Now, two-and-a-half years later, any reasonably informed person knows
who is guilty of "sloppy reporting" and who is "vicious", "totally
preposterous", "absurd", and "outrageous". On January 12 of this year
Ms. Vargas interviewed Larry Flynt on "Good Morning America." She
allowed him to air charges against Congressman Bob Barr, pausing only
momentarily to note that it "might be a stretch" to imagine that Flynt
was a White House tool. [3] Stephanopoulos, for his part, has been
sanctioned by a federal judge for not telling the truth in a deposition
to Judicial Watch. [4]

Vindication is sweet. On February 16, one day after Linda Tripp
corroborated his allegations on a nationwide broadcast of Larry King
Live, Aldrich spoke to a packed house at Eureka College, Ronald Reagan’s
alma mater. Before his presentation, Aldrich granted the following
exclusive interview to The Laissez Faire City Times.

In your book you say that William Kennedy was in charge of dismantling
the White House security system. What made you believe that?

Aldrich: Well, that was the conclusion we drew after the many times we
brought significant problems with security to him, and each time he
found a reason not to do anything about them. By ‘we’ I mean the FBI,
the Secret Service and permanent staff members who had an interest in
security. The next question would be why he did this. The answer is the
administration wanted the security system dismantled because otherwise
their friends and associates, and the people they were choosing to work
for them, would not have been able to gain access to the White House.

One of the most under-reported aspects of your book concerns breaches of
national security that took place in the White House. Do you have any
information that White House employees took classified materials from
the White House?

Aldrich: No, I don’t. If I did, I would feel obligated to see to it that
those documents were promptly returned, and I would not rest until that
happened. That is not to say that White House employees did not
compromise national security on a daily basis. They did, and they
probably still do. One way they did that is by allowing access to people
who would never qualify for clearance under any reasonable security

They also used ordinary analog cell phones to have conversations with
outsiders, both from the White House and from Air Force One. These
conversations were not on scrambled phones, and the conversations
touched on classified information. There are secure phones available for
that very purpose. Even the President had conversations over ordinary
phones with Monica Lewinsky, and he talked with Dick Morris about
serious national security issues.

Personnel also left documents on desktops in unlocked offices, with no
regard for the security of that material.

What is the likelihood that some foreign intelligence agency either
attempted to or successfully recorded those conversations?

Aldrich: High or higher. It is virtually certain that hostile
intelligence agencies recorded all the insecure conversations. In
Washington D.C. there is a nonstop attempt to grab and analyze all calls
that are not made from scrambled telephones. Everybody in town knows

You state in your book that Vince Foster did not want the Secret Service
to have access to his FBI background check. How do you know that?

Aldrich: It was the pattern of conduct on the part of Foster and others.
Foster had some conversations with staff members, which have been
reported to the oversight committees, in which he indicated that. He
asked me questions about the distribution of