CS: Pol-yet another statue

2000-12-09 Thread KiPng


 081215 DEC 10
 By Jane Merrick, PA News
 A statue in the shape of a knotted gun was unveiled today to commemorate the 
20th anniversary of John Lennon's death.
 The statue - a bronze revolver with its barrel tied in a knot - was designed 
in 1980 in the wake of the Beatle star's murder.
 Dr Michael Nobel, head of the Nobel Family Society and chairman of the 
Non-Violence Foundation, unveiled the statue at Cavern Walks Shopping Centre 
in Liverpool, near the site of the original Cavern Club.
 It will stand a few feet away from where The Beatles are also immortalised 
in bronze.
 The knotted gun was designed by Carl Frederick Reutersward, who allowed the 
Non-Violence Foundation, an international youth-orientated campaign group, to 
use it as its symbol.
 Unveiling the statue today, Dr Nobel said: "John Lennon used his music to 
promote peace and non-violence.
 "It is entirely appropriate and fitting that the statue should be unveiled 
in Liverpool where John Lennon was born and began his career."
 The Non-Violence Foundation was established in Sweden in 1993 and has 
offices in Miami, Brazil, Switzerland and London.
 Twenty identical statues are sited across the world, including one outside 
the United Nations building in New York.

20 of them!!

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Field-BBC kills deer unlawfully

2000-12-09 Thread KiPng


 091306 DEC 10
 By Gordon Darroch, PA News
 The BBC's island castaways flew into controversy after they were filmed 
illegally killing a deer, it emerged today.
 The Deer Commission for Scotland complained about the incident, which was 
broadcast as part of the Castaway 2000 series, in which the animal was 
captured and killed during a night-time ambush with a net and stun gun.
 The castaways were later filmed tucking into venison from the animal on 
their Hebridean island retreat of Taransay.
 Lion Television, the programme's producers, subsequently broadcast an 
apology admitting that the deer should not have been killed without prior 
authorisation and that the wrong type of equipment was used.
 It stated: "The Deer Commission for Scotland have advised us that no deer 
can be taken or killed without authorisation from the Commission.
 "It is a condition of the authorisation that a rifle with a greater stopping 
power than the minimum prescribed in the Deer (Firearms etc) (Scotland) Order 
1985 is used and not a captive bolt slaughtering instrument."
 The castaways also acted illegally in killing the deer at night and trapping 
it with a net, the commission said.
 However, the commission noted that the killing had been safe and humane and 
said it would not be taking the matter further.
 The commission's technical director Richard Youngson said: "I must admit 
that this was the safest, though illegal, method of killing the animal with 
the people present.
 "There is an allowance that can be made where market garden crops are under 
threat and we are taking a lenient view in this case."
 A BBC spokesman said today: "The commission wrote to us to say that the deer 
had been killed illegally and a statement was broadcast on last night's 
 "While the Deer Commission accept that the killing was safe, we agree that 
we would not want other people to copy the castaways' actions."

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Misc-Subject: How to make black powder

2000-12-09 Thread John Hurst

From:   "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: How to make black powder

This is for historical purposes only. I am NOT advising you to
manufacture black powder nor do I take any responsibility for any
damage that might occur to you, others, various property, sheep,
goats, federal buildings, etc... if you should undertake the ill
advised attempt to make some.

CS: Misc-Useful Quote for Police Officers and Other Civilians

2000-12-09 Thread John Hurst

From:   "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CS: Pol-Gun Rights: Power to the People

2000-12-09 Thread John Hurst

From:   "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Gun Rights: Power to the People
by Jeff Dantre' Posted 11.30.00

Why don't the politicians want us to own weapons? What are the politicians
afraid of? That we're all going to kill each other? I don't think so. The
politicians are afraid of an armed populace. And they're supposed to be. The
tension created by an armed populace is a method of keeping the politicians
honest. Some people theorize that in an age of nuclear weapons and
technological warfare, an armed citizenry poses no threat to the force of
the military. This is an erroneous conclusion. The purpose of any military
takeover would be to takeover what makes America America. The infrastructure
and at least some of the people must survive. And the military, with as much
high tech weaponry as it has, could not win a street fight with millions of
armed Americans. That's pretty powerful stuff.

The sick proponents of gun control want each of us to turn our lives over to
an all-knowing government that will protect us and provide for all of our
needs. But what is the cost of relinquishing the control of our lives over
to that government. We have to bow to its demands. We have to allow whatever
demoralizing and social mandates it offers. We will have succumbed to that
disgusting intellectual elite that wants to rule us all. These are the
people of the world that know what's best for us. These are the Feinsteins,
the Clintons, the Boxers and the Kofi Annans. These are the Rockefellers and
the Ted Turners. These are the smug professors at the elite schools. These
are the feminists, the technologists and the sociologists. Each of these
groups thinks they know more about what we want in life that we do
ourselves. THEY know what's best for. Are we really sheep?

If you are a woman or a minority I find it impossible to fathom how you
could be for gun control. The only thing that equalizes a fight between a
man and a woman is a firearm. You can learn all of the defensive techniques
you want but if an assailant has their own gun, you lose. Even if the
assailant does not have a gun, most women can't successfully fight a
200-pound man in reasonably good shape. You put your life in the hands of
chance, the chance that someone will hear you screaming (if you can) or that
a police officer just happens to be passing by.

Face the facts: Police cannot protect everyone. If they could arrive at the
scene of each crime in 30 seconds, maybe they could. And courts have
determined many times that police are not liable in cases where they have
unable to provide protection to citizens. Suppose you are an older black
woman or black man living in a bad part of town. How can you protect
yourself against an attack? The only (somewhat) sure way is to brandish a
gun. Otherwise, you're at the mercy of a sick person that has no mercy. The
thought that you, the minority or the woman, would give up your right to
protect yourself is one of the most disconcerting things I have ever

Recently I was reporting on a story in a particularly bad part of town. Many
of you have probably seen places like this, at least on TV- burned out cars,
closed stores, trash everywhere, and bars on the windows. A woman had been
strangled in her apartment. I arrived on a sunny day with police cars and
the media everywhere to be seen. I watched the residents of the federal
project watching the police. Many stood near their doors with their kids. I
thought to myself - what if you could arm these people, at least the law
abiding ones? What would happen the next time someone is attacked and a
whole community responds brandishing guns? Would the hoods and thugs look
for a "safer" place to hit? That is power!

This country was founded on violence. I would never wish the conflict of any
of our wars on this country but it is important that each and every
law-abiding citizen owns a weapon and is trained in its use. It is important
that each of you teach your children a rudimentary knowledge of firearms.
For those of you who don't own weapons, ask a gun owning friend to teach
you. Give yourself a chance to get used to the idea of a firearm.

Like anything empowering in our lives, the power of a weapon and the
responsibility of owning one are something to get used to. But a gun is
something to be respected but not something to be afraid of (unless you're
on the wrong side of one). Lets remember that most of our forefathers owned
guns, many for hunting. Guns were a part of most rural families. I remember
going to my grandmother's house for Thanksgiving each years. My uncle had a
case of guns in the den area where we all congregated. The case was never
locked. But believe me, I would never have touched it and none of us
youngins ever did.

The closest many Americans have come to a firearm is on a passing police
officer. For most people, guns are only a part of the violence they see on
television each day. If you grew up and have s

CS: Misc-Molebdenum

2000-12-09 Thread David M

From:   "David M", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have no scientific evidence to quote to you. I understand that Sierra
conducted a series of tests and concluded, basically, that moly coating
their projectiles is a waste of time but I don't have details of those
tests. I am surprised you say Ms Moly is not a good lubricant for cast
bullets but again I have only personal experience to base my remarks upon.
The quote from Andrews post reproduced below seems to agree with my remarks
so at least I am not alone.

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CS: Pol-Scotlands "knife culture"

2000-12-09 Thread Peter Webb

From:   "Peter Webb", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
(The sword does not kill; it is a tool in the hands of the killer.)
--Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)

I think that about covers it... Peter Webb

>Knives don't kill people, people kill people.
>Now where have I heard an expression something like that before?

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CS: Crime-Radio prog

2000-12-09 Thread Brian Toller

From:   "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If anyone fancies a listen Radio 5 on Sunday at 12.30pm is doing a half an
hour on Contract killing and its suppposed increase.
I'll refrain from comment till I've heard it.

Brian T

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CS: Misc-Molebdenum

2000-12-09 Thread VinceB

From:   "VinceB", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm not convinced moly coating does enhance barrel life, perhaps
in certain situations but in my limited experience the only
reason for barrel life being increased is because moly coating
seems to reduce muzzle velocity, which must mean less pressure
inside the barrel.


Problem is, you have to burn more powder to recover that 'lost' muzzle
velocity so greater throat erosion.
Good point.


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CS: Pol-White House press release

2000-12-09 Thread Steven Kendrick

President Clinton: Commemorating and Strengthening the Brady Law

Thursday, November 30, 2000

Today, joined by Jim and Sarah Brady, President Clinton will
celebrate the 7th anniversary of the signing of the Brady Law
by announcing new efforts to strengthen enforcement of this
landmark legislation. The President will announce that since
passage of the Brady Law, more than 611,000 felons, fugitives,
and domestic abusers have been prevented from buying guns
through background checks. To make enforcement of the Brady
Law even more effective, the President will: 1) ask the
Treasury and Justice Departments to develop a new system for
notifying state and local law enforcement officials of felons
and other prohibited persons who have tried to illegally buy
guns in their communities: and 2) name 12 new cities that will
take part in the AdministrationÆs Youth Crime Gun Interdiction
Initiative (YCGII) to crack down on illegal gun trafficking by
tracing all crime guns to their source. Finally, the President
will announce the release of the 1999 national and city reports
on YCGII which contain detailed findings on over 64,000 crime
guns recovered by law enforcement in YCGII cities and submitted
to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) for tracing.

ABUSERS FROM BUYING GUNS WITH BRADY. The President will announce
that Brady Law background checks have stopped more than 611,000
prohibited persons from purchasing firearms since this historic
legislation was signed into law on November 30, 1993. Of this
total, the successful National Instant Criminal Background Check
System (NICS), which was launched in November 1998, has blocked
nearly 300,000 illegal sales in only two years.

TO PURCHASE FIREARMS. The President will ask the Attorney General
and the Treasury Secretary to build on the success of NICS by
using new technology to develop a national notification system
that more effectively and efficiently provides information to
state and local law enforcement about all persons who sought to
illegally buy guns and were denied by NICS background checks.
Currently, NICS provides immediate notice to state and local
law enforcement of denied firearms sales to fugitives and
persons under domestic violence restraining orders, and the ATF
ensures that all denials are appropriately reviewed and
investigated. Now that NICS has completed its second successful
year of operation, technological progress can help take this
success even further. At the President's request, the Department
of Justice will work with the FBI and the Treasury Department to
develop a system that provides more information more quickly to
local law enforcement about denials of other categories of persons
who are denied firearms sales through NICS background checks.

1996, President Clinton issued a directive establishing the Youth
Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative (YCGII) to focus resources on
reducing youth gun violence. The initiative brings together
federal, state, and local law enforcement officials to provide
information about the illegal sources of guns recovered from
juveniles and adult criminals and to strengthen enforcement of
the nationÆs gun laws. Presently, 38 cities across the country
are participating in the AdministrationÆs YCGII.

Expanding YCGII to 50 cities. Today, President Clinton will
announce the planned expansion of YCGII to 12 new cities:
Albuquerque, NM; Austin, TX; Baton Rouge, LA; Greensboro,
Winston-Salem, and High Point, NC; Indianapolis, IN; Jacksonville,
FL; Long Beach, Anaheim and Santa Ana, CA ; Nashville, TN; Newark,
NJ; Oklahoma City, OK; Pittsburgh, PA; and Stockton, CA. ATF will
work with local law enforcement in each of these cities to submit
all crime guns seized for tracing and use the information to
identify and locate illegal gun traffickers and other gun criminals.
Releasing the third annual report of YCGII. Today, the President
will announce the release of the ATF 1999 Crime Gun Trace Reports
including a national report on YCGII, as well as individual city
reports for participating YCGII localities. The reports are
available at www.atf.treas.gov. Among the key findings from the
national report:
Youth and guns present a serious crime problem. About 43 percent
of all crime guns were recovered from young people: 9 percent
from juveniles age 17 and under, and 34 percent from youth age 18-24. 
Handguns are the weapon of choice for juveniles and criminals.
Handguns comprised 78 percent of all traced crime guns, with
semiautomatic pistols accounting for 50 percent of all traced
guns. Long guns (shotguns and rifles) accounted for 21 percent
of traced crime guns. 
Many crime guns are acquired in multiple sales. The acquisition
of handguns in multiple sales can be an important trafficking
indicator. Handguns sold in multiple sales rep

CS: Legal-Knives

2000-12-09 Thread Jonathan

From:   Jonathan Spencer, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Actually pink's a good idea - not only does it make it easier to find your 
>knife when you drop it in the long grass, but pink being widely regarded by 
>western society as a "feminine" colour (well, who can prove me wrong?) will 
>convey the message that the owner of said knife is a caring & gentle soul, 
>nicely in touch with his female side - 

In another thread, it was suggested that the fuss over Winchester's
Black Talon ammunition (now called "Fail Safe") would never have
occurred if they had been introduced as "Winchester Safety Blossom".

--Jonathan Spencer, firearms examiner

"Justice is open to everybody in the same way as the Ritz Hotel."
Judge Sturgess, 22 July 1928
Oh did I have fun wearing a Black Talon T-shirt during that
uproar ;-)


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CS: Pol-Civil Liberties issue re. bans

2000-12-09 Thread Charles Parker

From:   "Charles Parker", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Letter in Times 7/12/2000

Hunt ban an issue of civil liberties

CS: Target-Molebdenum

2000-12-09 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>I'm no metallurgist, but how it was explained to me is something like this -
>moisture ( from the chemical reaction of burning powder ) plus molybdenum (
>a sulphide ) plus stainless steel can set up an electro-chemical reaction
>path which causes "crevice erosion" in the stainless steel - this is very
>noticeable where angular machining has been done ( rifling ) - this was the
>basic explanation given to me by a surveyor colleague to explain the virtual
>total destruction of threading and of more than half its 1 3/4 inch
>thickness, on a six month old marine grade stainless steel bolt - for some
>reason the nut was not affected. I am now very wary of moly anywhere near
>Over to the more scientifically inclined :-)
>David M ( Sussex )

Steve, & David,

Rather interesting, that. If the bolt and the nut were of the same
alloy composition, then there should not have been significant differences
in the corrosion rates, simply because the corrosion cell would have been
common to both components. A corrosion cell is set up on a metallic surface
where there is sufficient moisture able to linger, and oxygen. The moisture
will after a fashion begin to obtain sufficient components to make up an
If both components were at the same potential electrically, then
it is possible that the nut may have had more nickel than the bolt, or
as the last article below infers, the nut was passivated.
The is also the aspect of thermo-galvanic corrosion, as it might
be applied to firearms, under that heading below.
Galvanic corrosion is the most common type of corrosion where
metals are concerned. Some reading here is in order.
Check these out.








Thermo-galvanic corrosion:


=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
=*= Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.  =*= 
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CS: Misc-Brown Bess

2000-12-09 Thread N. L. Cobb

From:   "N. L. Cobb", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The museum of the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas has (or did when I was last
there) a Brown Bess on display with an explanation that such muskets were
used by General Santa Ana's Mexican Army in it's ill-fated attempt to deny
Texans their independence.  The Alamo fight was in February, 1836, and I
assume that the guns had been sold off by HM's Government a decade before.
Does anyone know if that is correct and how a significant number of them may
have found their way to Mexico?


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CS: Legal-antiques

2000-12-09 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>The thing with .50s is that your average .50 Sharps is an
>antique, and antiques don't require licenses.


In relation to that, is it legal to re-barrel one of those?
Further, may you remanufacture a receiver or other
part that is worn?

=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
=*= Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.  =*= 
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=

Erm, that's a good question.  You can legally restore antiques
but I'm not sure at what point they would cease to be an antique
and require a license.  I think it unlikely you could rebarrel
it and replace the receiver and still call it an antique.  It
depends on how the court sees it.  I suspect the police would
consider replacement of any major component as reason for it
not to be an antique.


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CS: Pol-Yoko Ono

2000-12-09 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Also the gun death statistics seem rather high.
>Do over 30,000 people a year died from gunshot wounds in the United States?
>Yes it is off by quite a bit.  Using her stats 33,800 people a year
>would have to have died from gun shot wounds.  There were a few
>years where suicides were pretty high but even so it sounds OTT.

Steve, & Jeremy,

Jeremy, that statistic by itself seem horrendous, but
when compared to the other cause of death, it fades into statistical
insignificance. There are a few good net sites that will serve to
further enlighten the seeker of information, all of them official in
their status.
Another 'casual' statistic given by Ed Suter, MD, from just
a few years ago, indicated that the medical profession -- which counts
many among it's ranks as anti firearms -- has the notable statistic of
100 thousand deaths per year as a result of 'medical misadventure',
which translates to medical malpractice. Notice how 'quiet' that figure
is in relation to the number of total firearms related deaths.
It should also be noted that the 30 thousand figure, has as
the majority -- close to 2/3rds -- caused by suicides.
The remainder are lawful homicide and murder, and the
smallest is murder.
And please don't get me going about the number of deaths
caused as a result of automotive incidents -- I was almost there!
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
=*= Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.  =*= 
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=


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CS: Misc-xmas present

2000-12-09 Thread oddball


A friend of mine has come up with a rather novel idea for that Xmas present
that you have always wanted, but he doesn't have the means to create it, and
wondered if anyone on the list could take it up.

In essence it is the perfect gift for speeding motorists, people wanting a
prepared self-defence capability and those people willing to "have a go"
when confronted by nasty people doing unspeakable things to those less
fortunate than themselves.

yes, you have guessed correctly - An Inflatable Jack Straw
(self-inflating of course - no George the autopilot stuff here please!!);
for completeness you also need to have the complimentary entourage of ten
inflatable Armed Protection Officers - although you may be hard pushed to
get them all in your back seat (you could keep the extras in the boot and
only inflate when needed - you know - faced with a riot, crime in progress
etc. etc.)

You only have to have "Jack"  clearly visible in the rear of your car and
Radar Traps and Speed Cameras are a thing of the past.

Take him to the range and "Giving Head"  takes on a whole new meaning.

See a crime in progress - set up the APO's and start shouting loudly whilst
carrying a chair leg (beware of blue-on-blue!!)

So, if someone out there has the means to create this wondergift, lets get

Have a merry xmas one and all.


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CS: Misc-Lethality of Shotguns

2000-12-09 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apparently, I was told by an "expert" in these things, who is quite well
known, there is very little difference at "normal shot gun ranges" between
lettered shot and numbered shot in lethal effect when used on people.

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CS: Legal-Airgun power limits

2000-12-09 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As far as I can remember a Crown Court decision is not binding on any other
court. Which is probably a reason that an acquittal at a Crown Court on such
as a Walther would not have been appealed by the prosecution.
It's not binding but they do usually take them into account.


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CS: Pol-conkers

2000-12-09 Thread KiPng


Here's the next class of weapon to be banned, the 50 calibre conker

Conkers hit by legal fears

Schools are banning time-honoured playtime pastimes such as
conkers because headteachers are afraid of being sued by
parents in the event of an accident. 
A survey by Keele University researcher Sarah Thomson shows
some schools have banned conkers because they fear the horse
chestnuts could be used as "offensive weapons". 
Other schools have banned football on the grounds that it is
anti-social, while another has banned skipping after some
girls fell over. 
The lunchbreak is now in danger of becoming a sterile, joyless
time as schools over-react to an increasingly litigious society,
warned Ms Thomson. 
Her findings, set out in the Times Educational Supplement, are
based on analysis of the playground pursuits of 1,000 children
in Staffordshire, Shropshire and Lancashire. 
Pupils want to play outside but are sometimes stopped because
schools are confused by the health and safety law in relation
to children and worried about lawsuits, the survey concludes. 

Fear of what inspectors from education watchdog Ofsted might say
is another motivating factor in the increasingly tight control
over children's play, it found. 
Parents club together to buy equipment for some schools just
before an inspection so the playground resembled a "well-equipped
hamster's cage", said Ms Thomson. 
"All the schools I visited saw playtime as a time that could no
 be left entirely to the children's wishes," said Ms Thompson. 
"It seemed that many of the children's attempts to play were
extinguished by the same supervising adults who complained that
children did not play." 

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/education/newsid_106/1060708.stm


It would be even funnier if it wasn't so bloody pathetic.

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Pol-John Lennon billboard

2000-12-09 Thread SADW


I'n not sure why Yoko Ono's new billboard should cause readers such offence 
- it's a factual statement, and she has just cause to feel aggrieved. 
Lennon's murder was very painful for a lot of other people too; sort of the 
end of an era.

Nick Steadman
it's not a factual statement.


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2000-12-09 Thread owner-rkba-alert



Vol. 7, No. 49 12/8/00


The latest addition to the list of anti-gun mouthpieces is the fashion
magazine Marie Claire, which announced the launch of an all-out attack on
our Right to Keep and Bear Arms in its January, 2001 issue. Glenda Bailey,
the magazine's Editor-in-Chief, writes, "We asked celebrities...to join us
in our campaign for sensible gun laws," then plugs anti-gun lobbying
organizations such as HCI and the "Million Mom March" (MMM). But what does
the magazine consider to be "sensible gun laws?" Apparently, banning all
firearms falls under the magazine's definition. The feature announcing the
campaign includes photographs of several celebrities, along with quotes
revealing their true goals. British rock star Sting, for example,
suggests, "Use your imagination and imagine a world without guns," while
contributing editor Trudie Styler states, "It's time to ban the gun." If
there is any question about whether the magazine supports these extremist
views, one needs only to look to the words of Ms. Bailey, who praises
Styler for "her commitment and support" to the magazine's efforts.

Other celebrities included in the feature? Controversial film director
Spike Lee, who once suggested that NRA President Charlton Heston should be
murdered by someone using a handgun (FAX Alert, Vol. 6, No. 21). Lee
states in the magazine, "The NRA has got to go," which we can only presume
is a position supported by Marie Claire. Also lending support are
actresses Melanie Griffith, Susan Sarandon, and Uma Thurman, actors
Michael Douglas, Ethan Hawke (who is married to Thurman), and Justin
Timberlake, and models Naomi Campbell, Helena Christensen, Sophie Dahl,
Heidi Klum, and Christy Turlington. Klum simply states, "I'm afraid of
guns," which begs the question, if she were afraid of heights, as many
people are, would she support banning tall buildings? And, not to be
denied more media attention, Donna Dees-Thomases, the political operative
who orchestrated the MMM Mother's Day event held this year in Washington,
D.C., was included as a supporter of the magazine's gun-ban agenda.

The magazine, of course, includes all the routine inflammatory rhetoric
one would expect from a publication that has thrown its lot in with the
gun ban extremists, including using grossly misleading or outright
inaccurate "statistics," supporting the continued attempts to ban gun
shows as we know them today, and implying that it gives full support to
the reckless lawsuits designed to bankrupt the firearms industry. You can
read more about Marie Claire's support of gun bans at
http://www.marieclaire.com/ (http://www.marieclaire.com). If you wish to
contact the magazine to object to its editorial policy that supports
attacks on the Second Amendment, you can write to: Letters, Marie Claire,
1790 Broadway, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10019. You can also call (212)
649-5000, send faxes to (212) 649-5050, or send e-mail to


Also included in the Marie Claire campaign is John Lennon's widow, Yoko
Ono. While many people simply think of Ono as either the primary reason
the Beatles broke up, or a "musician" with questionable talent, she has
also been a long-time advocate of gun control. Lennon was murdered 20
years ago today, and in a recent rare interview, Ono commented that living
in America is "like...living in a war zone." Ono also recently paid to
erect billboards with anti-gun messages in New York City and Los Angeles,
two cities with high rates of crime committed with gunsùbut also extremely
restrictive laws regulating firearms.


Missing from the Marie Claire campaign, strangely enough, is America's
most strident anti-gun celebrity, Rosie O'Donnell, who once implied that
all gun owners should be thrown in jail. Perhaps Rosie has her hands full
deflecting criticism, which seems to be a full-time task for the talk-show
host. The New York Post reports that the latest conflict with Rosie and
her anti-gun views involves Jeffrey Wigand, who the paper says was praised
by O'Donnell for his involvement with lawsuits against the tobacco
industry. Wigand was the basis for the character in the movie "The
Insider," which also received Rosie's endorsement. Wigand, however, turns
out to own quite a number of firearms. Of course, this is not Rosie's
first bout with criticism because of her extremist anti-gun views.

She was widely criticized last year for verbally assaulting actor Tom
Selleck on her show for his pro-
Second Amendment and pro-NRA views (FAX Alert Vol. 6, No. 19)ùeven as she
continued to receive paychecks for her roll as a spokesman for Kmart, one
of the nation's largest retailers of firearms. She eventually parted ways
with Kmart (FAX Alert Vol. 6, No. 46), but her attacks on NRA and our
Right to Keep and Bear Arms continued. She joined the MMM this year on