CS: Pol-Conservatives? Listening?

2001-02-08 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Looks like I should email them back  ask them to answer the question!!!

-Original Message-
Sent: 23 January 2001 17:05
Subject: Believing in Britain

Is it not time an updated(?)version of the Bill Of
Rights 1689 was introduced, in full, in particular stating unequivocally the
rights of the individual in all forms.

For as we see at the moment, those people who do not know of their historic
rights have had the "New Labour" government walk all over them in a
tyrannical fashion.

I have always been a Conservatve voter, though unless something along these
lines IE Stating Our rights, I  many other voters will withold our vote for
any party which does not support these rights at the next Election

Please consider this as there are literally millions of votes to be gained
by a party that will support all the rights of the individual (that they
were born with)


Earl Williamson

Mr Hague has asked me to thank you for your recent e-mail and to reply on
his behalf. 

He has carefully noted your comments.  With the publication of Believing in
Britain, we are taking the next step towards turning The Common Sense
Revolution into a programme for Government, and your point is an important
part or our manifesto. 
Britain has fantastic opportunities in the coming years.  We could have
prosperity on a scale unknown to any previous generation, with more people
than ever before sharing in its benefits.  We could have a healthier, better
educated population than ever before in our history.  We could have greater
stability and stronger communities than for many years past.  We could be a
leading nation in a more peaceful, freer and more democratic world than it
has ever been possible to achieve. 
The Conservative Party is ambitious for this country.  We are determined
that Britain will be first rate in every way. 
The key to a prosperous economy lies in keeping taxes down and reducing
regulation and setting free the creative and hard working British people to
succeed in the world economy.  Opportunity has to be spread to all.  Britain
must be an open society in which success is possible for every hard working
person whoever they are and wherever they come from.
The key to a strong and stable society is to trust local communities and
institutions.  We must hand back power to the local school and to parents.
We must hand power to patients and reduce day-to-day interference by
politicians in the health service.  We must encourage churches and voluntary
bodies to help the vulnerable.  We must support the struggling family trying
to stick together.  We must let local communities protect their own
environment and identity.
The Conservative Party wants to make Britain the best place in the world to
do business - put our country at the head of those embracing the new
economy, at the centre of a free trading world, make it a fitting home for
all who want to get ahead, to create, to excel.  We want to make Britain the
best place in the world to live - rebuild our cities, reform our public
services, revitalise our communities.  We want to make Britain one of the
most admired and respected countries in the world - help shape a new Europe,
help shape a better world. 
Britain needs a Common Sense Revolution.  The next Conservative government
will concentrate on the right priorities, creating an enterprising society
and quality public services.  It will be a government that delivers more and
taxes less.  The next Conservative government will support the rule of law.
The next Conservative government will defend the independence and integrity
of our nation. 
The Conservative Party has listened and learnt.  Now we want the chance to

Thank you again for writing.

Yours sincerely,
Ian Philps
Correspondence Secretary

Oh well, as Jeff Cooper said, "Common sense is the faculty that tells
us the Earth is flat."

They haven't even read the question.


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CS: Pol-One Organisation

2001-02-08 Thread Norman

From:   Norman Bassett, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What I'd like to do is to make it a lot easier to get
a few shots at all kinds of guns at the four main
annual shooting shows in the UK. Otherwise shooting
anything but what you own tends to be difficult.
I can't see why silenced shotguns couldn't be tried
out at the main event and not miles away, for example.

I think that would help a lot to broaden people's
experience and hopefully from that they would be less
inclined to backstab. 

I'm mystified why all four main UK gun shows HAVE to
be in the Midlands - you'd think they'd have the sense
to spread them up and down the country to London and
Manchester at least.

I'm also totally mystified why anything but game is
being sold as food at the shows.

Norman Bassett
Presumably it's because of the location of the convention
or whatever in relation to where the shooting grounds are.

I can't think of many places in the midlands where you
can shoot all types of guns, Worcester Norton Gun Club
and Minsterley Ranges is about it.


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CS: Pol-One Organisation

2001-02-08 Thread John

From:   John Howat/Wellington Sporting Arms Co Ltd, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The question of one shooting organisation has been discussed before and
 much as the idea appears attractive, I fear that it would not work
 because of a large variety of interests and, especially, because of
 disinterest of one segment of shooters in activities and needs of

Personally I believe that sports shooting organisations would ALL benefit if
they formed a single organisation to represent them ALL in matters relating
to FIREARMS LAW. Nothing to do with shooting styles, likes or dislikes -
simply promote the current law and try to slowly turn the clock back to
pre-Dunblane laws. Such an organisation needs to be "responsible and
responsive" and not radical. It also needs to 'meet and greet' as many MPs
as possible AND as often as possible.


John Howat
Good point.


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CS: Pol-Churchill and Pistols

2001-02-08 Thread Norman

From:   Norman Bassett, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In Palmer's Index to The Times 1790-1905, a CD-ROM to
accompany the Times microfilms at Manchester Central
Reference Library, it gives the references to "Pistols
Bill" (not a nickname, boringly!) as starting at 25
July 1893 and ending (with the passing of the Bill as
an Act) on 5 August 1903. A ten-year effort.

My uncle's comment was that there were forces in
Parliament at the time trying to get enforcement of
the law in the UK out of the hands of local
magistrates and into the hands of the central
government via the expansion of police forces. That
was because the Prime Minister had extensive interests
in mining and some of the local magistrates enforced
the mining health and safety regulations and stopped
the mine-owners engaging in thuggery when dealing with
their employees.

The idea of putting restrictions on pistols was to
make people less able to defend themselves and thus to
make them more dependent on the police forces and the
central government. 

I'm unsure why you'd blame Churchill for this, he was
born in 1874, which would make him 19 when the first
anti-pistols efforts began. 

The real question is why is there any crime at all.
The answer is that the police and government prey on
us instead of working for us doing a reasonable job of
social administration. Their repeatedly demonstrated
incompetence is proclaimed as "proof" that more of
their efforts are needed when the truth is they should
be sacked for them.

Norman Bassett
Okay, I'll say it again, Churchill was Home Secretary
when the Pistols Bill 1911 was conceived, undoubtedly he
had something to do with it.  The Pistols Act 1903 was
a very modest measure and neither Richard or I said
Churchill was responsible for the first effort.


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CS: Misc-Haiku

2001-02-08 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To write a poem
in seventeen syllables
is very diffi


Quite probably so,
in a short little span
is quite iffy

But then English,
more complex to speak,
is more spiffy!


Not less not more but
Seventeen true required.
It needs to be right.


Leave it to a Brit
To show up a Yank with wit,
And titter a bit!

=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too 
much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.
- Thomas Jefferson
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=


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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-08 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I personally do not think that anybody should be allowed to own any gun of a
type that I personally do not shoot. And those should be strictly licensed.
Furthermore no-one has any use of military and police type weapons such as
pistols, carbines or large magazine rifles. If people want to shoot these
sort of things then they should go and join the Army!
Okay, enough sarcasm for one day ;-)


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CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-02-08 Thread atom


In response to recent postings on this subject, I though I might add that;
during my police training we were taught that you had to report accidents to
the police involving livestock and dogs, because they were property,
whereas, cats were not considered to be property.   Given the nature of cats
this is understandable as they appear to own the owner, as it were, and not
the other way around as in dogs, where a dog show absolute loyalty to its
master.   Cats were also considered vermin.



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CS: Misc-MIB's

2001-02-08 Thread atom


Tony Whiting is smack on the money when it comes to _boys in blue_ aspiring
to being _boys in black_.   The only comment I would like to add is ... it's
about time someone told them that black is definitely not the colour for
their purpose ... it stands out a mile ... now grey is a much more
appropriate choice.   Black does not occur in the natural environment, grey
on the other hand does and _blends_ to a far greater degree.   Despite it's
practicality grey will doubtless never catch on ... the _men in grey suits_
just doesn't have that certain ring about it and won't cut it in those vital
areas of _street cred_ and machismo !!!


Wasn't it the SAS who came up with this in the '70s?  The idea
is to intimidate the opponent.


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CS: Pol-Desperate Dan

2001-02-08 Thread RustyÿBullethole

From:   RustyBullethole, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Guess who still has his handgun, no concealed carry permit
mind you, just slung on his hip for all to see. 

Desperate Dan of course, that childrens favourite for half
a century is openly flouting the British governments handgun
ban. Of course the location of Dan's adventures seem to vary
from issue to issue, from the wild west to Scotland, Dan's
trusty side arm never leaves his side.

My daughter has started reading the Dandy, an old family
tradition. The happy time spent guiding her through the
wonderful stories are sometimes dashed, my lip quivering
whenever she asks the question "daddy what's that brown
pouch thing on Dan's belt". Not wishing to burden a child
with the futile details of the handgun ban I suggest we
move on to Beryl the Peril.

Tooled up as he is, try as he might, Desperate Dan cannot
escape from the political correctness brigade - in the
current issue Dan goes to buy some new boots, only to be
offered ones made from "imitation elephant hide".

Any of the older Dandy readers out there know what kind
of pistol Dan packs? - despite his size, my guess is an
ivory handled, nickel plated, .32 SW.

I've already asked the publishers the same question, also
whether Dan has ever drawn his trusty pistol and in which
issue - I'll post the reply.


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CS: Pol-The March : Slogans

2001-02-08 Thread RustyÿBullethole

From:   RustyBullethole, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A placard with a picture of a pistol and the words "Gold for
winning - Jail for practising"

It was posted on cybershooters some while ago, don't know by
who though.

That's a good one.


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CS: Target-free targets - well almost

2001-02-08 Thread RustyÿBullethole

From:   RustyBullethole, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The shooters supply company midway have a couple of nice
(free) targets in .PDF format that you can download and
print on the office laser printer. They are tiny, only 17kb
and 15kb, so don't take any time at all to download. The 4 up
rifle target is great if you have access to an A3 laser.



I have the 300m ISSF target reduced for 100m knocking around
somewhere in my files.


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CS: Pol-Letter to the Editor.

2001-02-08 Thread David

From:   David Mack, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

8th February  2001

The Editor,
Liverpool Echo.

Re: GUN LAW. Armed Police Aim To Halt City Shootings.

Dear Sir,

I was shocked to read of the violence afflicting the once fair city of
Liverpool and the proliferation of guns in the hands of criminals
necessitating the setting up of armed police patrols. Is it not high time
that the Police and the Government take stern action to remove the menace of
handguns from the streets of Britain? 

I suggest that the only way to combat this menace is a total ban on the
possession of handguns by all civilians and an immediate programme to
confiscate all handguns. We can expect howls of protest from the many lawful
shooters in Britain who indulge in pistol shooting and, of course, it will
mean that we will no longer be competitive in Olympic and Commonwealth
Pistol shooting, a sport at which we have traditionally excelled. However,
we must be seen to be doing something.  

Removing all the handguns from street will, fortunately, be a very easy
option for the Government and Police because we have a comprehensive
register of all handguns and in the final analysis if it saves just one life
it will be worth it.

I do hope you will find space in your estimable newspaper to print my
letter, I feel sure that my suggestion is very sound and will meet with the
approval of all those who are desirous of a safer society.

Yours faithfully,
And they'll probably print it!


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CS: Pol-The March : Slogans

2001-02-08 Thread bob blake

From:   "bob blake", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I do wish we could get away from the use of the word Handgun, they are

Bob Blake

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CS: Pol-Winston Churchill....

2001-02-08 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Isn't it a bit harsh to claim that winnie was the first to introduce gun
control just because you had to give 'reasonable' proof that you were a
homeowner ?.

After all the 1903 Act hardly brought in tons of new laws did it ?.

Oddly enough in my research I found evidence that the Pistols
Bill 1911 was based partly on the New York Pistol Act 1911,
and subsequently the Firearms Act 1920 was based partly on
the 1911 Bill, so in fact our gun laws are based on American
gun laws, how's that for irony?


Steve,  James,

At the expense of using the 'C' word (conspiracy),
allow me to infer that it would appear that there were like
minded people of both our nations who had and idea and
were bent on expressing it.

Tenuous connections are the hardest to confirm as
having reliable association to related events, especially when
there appears no written record to validate the suspicions --
at least no written record that we might be privy to.

Laws of one nation, are seldom copied by other nations,
unless there is more than a passing interest. I find it very
interesting that Canadian  Brit laws were copied from US laws,
at about the same time,
I find it even more interesting, that NAZI law was
codified into US law.
This isn't simply a matter of what works getting onto
the law books of other nations, but rather, what is viewed as what
is passable in the political sense.

As an exercise here, I might ask (to test the validity of
the premise of conspiracy) just what other aspects of US law were
as well codified into either Brit or Canadian law. If it is only the
firearms laws that were copied, then I will assert that there was
more than a tenuous connection, and look for a likely 'vector'
which promoted the idea in the respective nations.

From my vantage point, someone, or a party of them, were
very well informed of English Law, and American Law. They used
their knowledge of that body of law to formulate law that would
pass the 'slippery slope' test, and be used to build upon later.

There is way too much here that cannot be tossed to
chance. Our respective corpus juris is way too similar, and that's
the tie-in that allows one set of laws to be related to the other.

My two coppers worth.

=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too 
much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.
- Thomas Jefferson
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=

I don't think it was a conspiracy per se, from reading the
archives of the New York Times and various other old newspapers
I got the impression that in the early 20th century it was
fairly common for Americans to copy our laws and vice versa,
simply because we had more in common in terms of language.

I found references to Home Office officials visiting New
York prior to World War One, the paper said the officials
had meetings with the New York City Police Dept. to
discuss more effective ways of fighting crime and so on.

One article I found did mention a discussion about the
regulation of the "trade in pistols" or something like that.

I think it is a reasonable assumption the Home Office came
away with a copy of the New York Pistol Act from that


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