CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-16 Thread Margarita

From:   Margarita Booker, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>From:   "Richard Loweth", INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

What you fail to understand that the bill is against hunting with dogs apposed
to hunting with hounds. Lets face it once the bill becomes law it will be used
to stop using dogs in the field
_If_ it becomes law.  Certainly the current Bill will run out of
Parliamentary time.


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CS: Target-Any old brass?

2001-02-16 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> and .303" ammo is either expensive or scarce (who'd
> pay L27.50 per 100 for HXP anyway?

Only L27.50? I pay twice that for .22/250 and .243!

Aye lad - we were that poor we 'ad to make us own bullets wi' rabbit


When you have a moment have a look Graf & Sons website
http://www.grafs.com .  They usually
have once fired brass and in their current catalogue .308Win is $87.50
per 1000 (£58).

New Remington brass for 22/250 is $21.83 per 100 (£14.55) £$103.05 per
500 for .243 (£69)

Even after paying carriage, you will find these prices hard to beat.


Cripes for a moment there I thought someone actually was going to tell
us how to make bullets out of rabbit muck. ;>


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CS: Pol-AD Meetings

2001-02-16 Thread jonathan


> it doesn't matter what clothes you wear as long as you're a good person
> inside.
> Keep the faith.
> Martyn Archer

Yes I'm with you on that one. I realise that camo gear, 
holsters all over your body and an Alvis Stalwart parked 
in the drive isn't to everyones taste and to many appears 
a bit strange, but the bottom line is, who really gives a 
toss? The attitude of "well it's not really necessary so 
*they* shouldn't be allowed to do it" dosen't really hold 
water because no sport is really necessary in the true 
sense of the word, shooting no less so. This is only 
lowering ourselves to the level of the bannit brigade.

 In the 14ish years I've been shooting, the attitude of 
"don't rock the boat" has been the prevailing one from 
most of the shooting orgs and clubs. Given the benefit of 
hindsight, it is plainly obvious that it has done us 
absolutley no good what-so-ever, in any shape or form. If 
we had simply taken the bloody minded approach in 
everything, we may not be any better off than we are now 
but we certainly wouldn't be any worse off. We have been 
told not to carry guns in holsters, not to shoot at certain 
targets, not to use high cap mags, not to wear camo 
gear, to keep quiet during "sensitive" times when we 
could be getting our point accross, etc, etc,etc, this is all 
stuff from shooting orgs and clubs not Parliament. I'm 
sure others can add to this list. All of this has done 
nothing at all to help the shooting sports and unless we 
take a more beligerant attitude we won't be shooting 
anything by the end of the first decade of this century.

I've met all types of people through shooting. I know 
some bloody good blokes who before the pistol ban used 
to go to the club tooled up like the preverbial Mexican 
bandit (Davey, do you still read this? :-)), I've known 
people who have worn camo gear, cowboy boots, hell I've 
even got a full length Austrailian stockmans coat I use at 
the range and I look a right tit in it! The point is, 
regardless of the eccentricity of the individual, I've never 
known anyone in the shooting world who I would actually 
regard as dangerous or likely to bring the sport into 

Jonathan Laws

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CS: Misc-Less Lethal Equiptment

2001-02-16 Thread jim.craig

From:   "jim.craig", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Glasgow based broadsheet 'The Herald' claims that  British police are
looking at a 'less than lethal' airgun to  use in some circumstances.
Under the headline 'Paintball guns bid in crime fight' they claim  that the
FN Herstal Model XM303 can fire a variety of sub-lethal rounds including
impact, illuminating and 'skunk' rounds which cover the target in a foul
smelling liquid.   The illuminating round apparently contains fluorescent
/luminous paint while the  impact round can temporarily incapacitate with
little likelihood of permanent damage.   The gun is powered by compressed
air, has a  quoted MV  of 300 fps with a 12 gauge projectile and is said to
be accurate out to 100 yards.   The Home Office spokeswoman quoted said only
that her department's science and technology section was 'always interested
in new developments and would look carefully at American trials of the
Another article in the same newspaper highlights the 'continuing rise in
handgun related crime' and points out that this is in spite of the 1997
Firearms Act.  It quotes Richard Law of the Shooters' Rights Association
quite extensively saying that the figures prove that the banning of legally
held pistols was a waste of government time and taxpayers' money and
suggesting that they should 'consider giving licensed holders back their
guns.' and going on to say that ' Every year there has been slight rise in
the figures and every year the Government blamed it on licensed holders, now
they have nobody to blame but themselves.'

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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-16 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>I was concerned too that at the last "Pistol AD" that there were a number
black people present also. One can most definitely "judge a book by its
cover"! Drug dealers and illegal "Yardies" seeking to buy "off-ticket guns"
with money made from prostitution and false-passport rackets. It made my
flesh shiver to see their brown hands handling fine Smith & Wesson pistols
and asking "How much".<

Richard, I do sincerely hope that you are taking the piss! Are you of
totally pure heritage, one of the "master race" or are you taking the
piss??? My apologies if you are joking.

The very basis of the sport of shooting in all its forms, is that anyone of
any Nationality, Sex,  Ability or Disability (or "Class") can compete
against anyone else on a level basis - The Para-Olympics springs to mind.

There are not & should not be any barriers to anyone starting the sport of
shooting as long as they meet the safety requirements to do so.

Men, Women, Boys & Girls, can all compete on level footing against each
other on the same level - WHY HAS THIS NOT BEEN PROMOTED???

At my local club, there is a mix of sexes & ages from 17 - 84 of men &
women,  where else at what other clubs/sports do you get such a diversity of
individuals (except for SCUBA Diving which costs L1500 to get started in -
though interestingly many Shooters, are also Divers)

I have competed against Champions, Beginners & all in between
I have taught Firearms proficiency to friends & girlfriends, cousins,
nieces, all of whom are now safer, more aware & proficient in the subject of
firearms (& not believing the anti's BS) than they would otherwise be.

Where the shooting organisations fail miserably is to promote the BENEFITS
OF SHOOTING, & this is what they should concentrate on.

The Benefits to the Individual, - Concentration, Dexterity, better health,
ingenuity, mental skills - maths, judging distances, wind speed, the effect
that the various factors will have on the projectile etc

  - The Eyesight is maintained through the regular exercise of sighting the
firearm, & Stigmatism's can be fixed by this method, even individual use of
each eye can be achieved - how many non shooters have that skill, definitely
a bonus when driving in traffic!!!

The Benefits to History, the American West would only have been recorded as
a Hollywood version if it was not for the efforts of firearm historians

The Benefits to the Economy

The Benefits to Community & Society - Disciplined, Law abiding, caring,
thoughtful individuals who are able to work as a team.

-Conservation & maintenance of the ranges, resulting in a
wider array of wildlife

The Benefits to Crime reduction - Lower rates of Burglary in areas where the
burglar may encounter an armed householder - how many farms are burgled
compared with the same number of houses?

- Reduction in attacks on the person where CCW is permitted

The Benefits to the Military & Police - Development of new technology, If a
firearm is crap we say so (SA80) & it gets fixed (We aid the semi only
versions of the SA80 were crap, but they banned them before the
manufacturers took notice)

-Customising & aftermarket add ons/improvements that can be
adopted or bought by the serving personnel

-Developing techniques in competition that is "state of the
art" long before the military / Police adopt it

-Improved ballistics & cartridge/powder development (Hunters
in Alaska & Finland) - OO Buckshot - Developed for hunting larger mammals -
later adopted by Police & Military to hunt Humans!

-Police & Military teams can compete alongside shooters,
which is of benefit to all concerned, increases proficiency, respect among
the teams, comments on equipment selection, technique

-Snipers are really Stalkers, who at time of war hunt Humans

-Shooters have a wealth of knowledge which is shared openly
that the Police / Military don't have E.G. Issuing a beginners gun -
Revolver / Exposed hammer auto, instead of an advanced shooters gunThe
Glock 17 & 9mm...
 ie. the correct tool for the job.

These are just some of the points that we & the associations should promote
each day, everyday every chance we get.

Shooting unlike so many other sports is open to EVERYONE who wants to take
part (as long as they are of sound mind),  no matter what the condition of
their bodies, background or race - how much trouble has there been at the
Olympics between Shooting Teams compared with every other sport present, a
lot less I'd wager.

My Apologies again if you were joking.

Can anyone add other benefits of shooting to the list - could be useful at
the March In March

N.B. Shooters ARE the definition of Sportsmen / Sportswomen / Sportsperson.
WE are a commodity that should be revered

CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-16 Thread jonathan


> Make no mistake if, as some wrongly predict, the spotlight then turns on
> game shooting and deer stalking...

Oh yes it will, as sure as Eggs is Eggs it will. 

We all know very well how the "bannit" brigade operate, 
they aren't happy unless they are out there persecuting 
some minority interest group. Shooting, Stalking, Fishing 
Hawking, Ferreting and just about anything else you can 
think of from eating meat, drinking alcohol to scratching 
your arese in public. Anything that dosent fit with the 
moral values of some (very) loud mouthed minority 
organisation will be seen as fair game for eradication.

Regarding the points about Fox Hunting being more cruel 
than shooting, sorry but I just can't see this. I fail to 
understand why a quick death by dogs is any more cruel 
than a quick death by shooting especially when there is 
zero risk of an injured animal getting away when hunted 
with dogs. Same with Hawking, if happens in nature so 
why is it unnaceptable if man has a hand in it?

Jonathan Laws 

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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-16 Thread Robert Dashwood

From:   "Robert Dashwood", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I was concerned too that at the last "Pistol AD" that there were a number of
> black people present also. One can most definitely "judge a book by its
> cover"! Drug dealers and illegal "Yardies" seeking to buy "off-ticket guns"
> with money made from prostitution and false-passport rackets. It made my
> flesh shiver to see their brown hands handling fine Smith & Wesson pistols
> and asking "How much".
This really is silly. I have been practicing at the Bar for a fair few years
and have seen more unpleasant facets of one's fellow man than one would wish
to. I have yet to see anyone with "mugger": "child abuser" or "murderer"
tattooed on them making them stand out from the crowd. The last black chap I
saw with a gun was carrying a rather nice pair of Boss, of which I was most
envious, and had been at Eton. If he was a danger to anyone, it was to those
on the other side of his takeover bids! That there are black criminal gangs
and well-armed is known; there are also Asian, Chinese and various flavours
of white UK armed criminals around. The key is that they are criminals
first; the ethnicity is unimportant. Poaching where I live is a problem,
skillfully handled by local police, and all those who have pointed their
off-ticket 12 bores at me have been locals. If only they'd ask before taking
the pigeons and rabbits, for there are more than enough.
I would be surprised if any sensible criminal would attend a legit. event to
scout for weapons; much more discrete is the dodgy pub, or even a quick trip
to E. Europe: out by Squeezyjet and back by ferry. Eurostar occasionally
searches luggage. Pre pistol ban it was always cheaper to buy unlawfully
than to turn up at a shop with a licence and buy over the counter, or so
some of my clients assured me.
Occasionally one has some very limited sympathy for the criminals. I sat
listening a few years ago to a plea of guilty at Southwark CC for unlawful
possession; discharge with intent to endanger life; att. murder(acquitted of
the latter) well-known drug dealer in the proverbial BMW was cut up by a
white Transit in Balham High Road; he let off a magazine from a Browning
Hi-Power at the Transit, mercifully wounding no-one. There but for the grace
of God...
Forgive the small rant and poor keyboard skills, but the Bar still believes
in Phlogiston and has some way to go to find the 20th.century in my case.
Er, I'm pretty sure Richard was being sarcastic!


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CS: Pol-Emigrate!

2001-02-16 Thread N

From:   N J Francis, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>...Stuff about the system 
> Emigrating what a loverly idea!
> roger hardley

And you think this system and the people it manipulates are unique to this
country do you?

Neil Francis
Trowbridge, UK
That's exactly what I was thinking.  Moving to New Zealand sounds
wonderful but they have a tendency to copy the laws of places like
the UK and Australia.  Look at how much stuff Thorp quoted in his
report in New Zealand from sources like the Dunblane Public Inquiry.

If things get worse here they will likely get worse in many other
places, especially Commonwealth countries.  Probably not quite as
bad as here but worse nonetheless.

Still, if Switzerland joins the EU I'm off!


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CS: Target-Any old brass?

2001-02-16 Thread KiPng


~Aye lad - we were that poor we 'ad to make us own bullets
wi' rabbit muck!~

You 'ad rabbit muck! - Luxury.  We 'ad to pull us own teeth
out, melt down the fillings and use those for t'bullets.

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-16 Thread N

From:   N J Francis, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> any of the other legal methods of control.) It's because some people
> are revolted by the fact that other people go hunting for
> enjoyment, and also because it's still perceived to be the sole preserve of
> the idle rich and it's a good way of indulging in a bit of toff bashing.

Sounds like a good enough reason to me. What is wrong with this?

Neil Francis
Trowbridge, UK
It's inaccurate?


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CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-02-16 Thread N

From:   N J Francis, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Not you, although you might belong to the cat.  :-)
> As I understand it, the cat is not considered to be property, it is not
> owned by you or anyone.  In contrast, I do own my dog.

All this 'nobody owns their cat' stuff is all very quaint and trendy - but
quite frankly bollocks. The fact is my cat belongs to me. It is my
property as much as any 'domestic' living animal I may have is my

If anyone steals it I see no difference to stealing anything else off me.
Same for anyone unlawfully killing it. 

Neil Francis
Trowbridge, UK

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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-16 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was concerned too that at the last "Pistol AD" that there were a
number of
black people present also. One can most definitely "judge a book by its
cover"! Drug dealers and illegal "Yardies" seeking to buy "off-ticket
with money made from prostitution and false-passport rackets. It made my
flesh shiver to see their brown hands handling fine Smith & Wesson
and asking "How much".

I don't think they would be asking: "How much?", if they were drug
dealers, but you  can most certainly judge the book by its cover and
that's why the "comprehensively educated" do not read books!

I don't know whether you are serious, but I was shooting more than once
on the Gallery at Bisley and listened the conversations on the next
firing point.  "I bought this (a 1911) because it would flatten anybody
with one shot!" said one.  "But you only have seven in the magazine.  I
feel better with 15." replied the other.

"Definitely not in the Olympic class." I thought looking at their
targets, but very dangerous for the survival of the sport in the country
where target shooting was the only legal reason for owning pistols.

Actually I think Richard has a point Alex, for all you knew they
were talking about shooting steel plates.

I have to wonder whether your perception is colouring your views
because really I have never encountered the things you say you


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CS: Pol-AD Meetings

2001-02-16 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Alex and Kenneth - handbags at 10 paces. As the majority of us
>"lurkers" who sit and read this barrage of BS will all realise that
it's the
>diversity of the human race that makes this world so interesting and
therefore it's
>the diversity that makes our sport equally as interesting but it
>give anyone the right to denigrate it.

I am not sure what you are preaching, Martyn, but as you so rightly do
not approve of anyone denigrating other person's opinions, you should
also desist from referring to anyone's opinion as BS!

>It doesn't matter what clothes you wear as long as you're a good person

There is a kind of biblical truth in what you say, but even the bible
bashers no longer believe that appearances do not matter.   Your closest
friends will know the real you, but at a distance you are what you look
If the society in which you live expects certain standards of you and
you disregard them, then you will become an outcast.

Not a good position to be in when you are asking that same society to
support your claim to the sport that you have lost!

I am an atheist, yet the society in which I live expects me to come to
church for weddings, christenings, funerals and similar occasions.  And
when I am there I treat clergy with respect and reverence and behave as
if I were in a holy place!  And I have not sold my principles, because
my friends know that I am an atheist!
On the contrary, I am showing due respect for their feelings and due
consideration for the people who have invited me to share the occasion,
happy or sad!

So, if you are coming on the March, please do not wear "camo gear" and
leave the body armour and knives at home.  Polish your shoes, have a
haircut and a shave and try to give an impression of a law abiding
subject, honest, reliable and one that could be trusted to look after
children playing in a park - not a survival freak that should be behind
bars in some institution.


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CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-16 Thread Bippygee


The move to ban hunting with hounds is purely about the perception of hunting 
as an elitist, upper-class pastime enjoyed by the well-off.

If Mr Loweth got around a little more he would see that shooting live quarry 
is perceived in exactly the same way as hunting by the urban and suburban 

He will do himself no favours by boycotting the March.

Barry Woodward
I thought it was Stuart who was boycotting it?


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CS: Misc-Sportsman's Association Website

2001-02-16 Thread SA Mail

From:   "SA Mail", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You may be aware by now that the Sportsman's Association Website
in offline.  This is because we are in the process of changing
hosts, and the process is taking longer than we were told it
would.  Hopefully the site will be back online early next week.

In the meantime the SA will be making any urgent announcements
via our Bulletin Board, which is hosted seperately and in full
working order.  To access the Bulletin Board directly the address is:


May I take this opportunity to apoligise for any inconvenience
you have experienced.

Yours faithfully,

Richard Ormrod
PA To The Director
The Sportsman's Association

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CS: Crime-Time to take guns out of community

2001-02-16 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

a.. On Thursday a man was jailed for seven years at the Old
Bailey for stabbing to death a rival in a crowded mobile
phone shop in Harlesden.
Rupert "Birdeye" James, 35, was acquitted of murdering
Dean Samuels but convicted of manslaughter. He claimed
Samuels had bullied and "dissed" him.

IIRC, they told us that they'd "taken all these guns off the streets" after
the 1997 ban.  So, how come it's time again to "take guns out of the
community"?   The only difference this time is that the guns _are_ actually
on the streets and in the community and not in someone's locker.


Steve, & Mike,

To which I reply in a poetic manner:

In the days of yore,
when men were poor 
And the 'guns' we kept 
Were nothing to score,

We were erstwhile friends 
And ner' do wells, 
In the eyes of the landed
and the gentry,

We looked the part of bums, 
But never harmed a soul,
Yet were thought as scoundrels, 
And lessors, and scum.

All because we would not, 
Accept the thrashing
The disenfranchisement, 
And discount,
We were reviled as less than, 
The whore in ill repute,

Here it seems, 
We again face the same, 
Ill refrain of the same old song,
That no matter what we do,  
We are always wrong.

But as the script says,
And it is quite unique,
That in the end (over and over), 
When it is peace that all will seek
We who have harmed none,
Will in the end be the meek, 
And the earth will be ours: 
For the Meek are not the weak.

If it matters, we are right, and have been for quite some time.
We have only to persevere and bide our time till the matter 
is resolved to our benefit. But, never should we let our guard down.

In Liberty,
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
"Whenever we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember 
that virtue is not hereditary." --Thomas Paine 
By way of the The Federalist http://www.Federalist.com/
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=


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CS: Misc-TV: Siege

2001-02-16 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just seen the Siege program on ITV tonight, why is it that
the police marksman will only shoot when the target is
pointing the firearm at the hostage with their finger on
the trigger, about to kill the hostage?

I'm thinking of the shooting where the hostage taker was
loading & unloading the (410?) shotgun & pointing his
fingers at the hostage & the police as if he would shoot
them, though he was not committed to do so.

Also the "sniper" officer in training did exactly the
same thing, the hostage taker fired the sawn off pump
action SG above the hostage then later pointed the SG at
the hostage's head, only then did the officer fire!!!

As we all know, the body does the last thing the brain
told it to do eg the decapitated Chicken that runs away
headless - the last command the body received.

Also there is the risk of reflex actions or spasm which
would cause the target to pull the trigger inadvertently.

Shooting someone when they are about to kill the hostage
is probably too late, is it not better to shoot when the
target is not pointing the firearm/weapon at their
hostage(s), there by minimising the risk of the hostage
being killed by accident.

Someone needs to get all those mis-trained officers
retrained, &also do something about their marksmanship

Note that the spokesperson stated that they "need officers
capable of shooting a weapon when under great stress" NO

On a different note, I now understand that a police Force
(poss Notts?) has purchased a shipment of.M16's & 50BMG
Barretts, 3rd burst/ full auto/ 1/2" projectiles..in the
police armoury!

Makes one wonder what else they have...M203's, Mk19's???
Minimi's, GPMG's! Did a force not have a stock of SA80's
in the late 80's IIRC?

Anyone else see the programme?

Home Office guidelines are that the police cannot have full-autos,
although PT17 apparently have a few in case of another Iranian
Embassy siege type situation.

No police force to my knowledge has ever used the SA80 or anything
belt-fed (except the Jamaican Police).

Several forces do have .50s though, for long-range shots.

Some forces kept some of the semi-autos handed in during 1989
for use by police countersnipers, certainly some H&K G3s, 91s
and 93s ended up that way.

Actually a shot to the brain will shut someone down before
they can do anything else, countersnipers are trained on special
targets to hit the correct part of the head, I seem to recall the
aiming point on the target is just above the nose, a bit higher
than a shot would be right between the eyes.  This was heavily
researched after the case in San Francisco I think it was,
after a Black Panther ducktaped himself to someone and when he
was shot he was able to kill the hostage.


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CS: Field-will you go to jail?

2001-02-16 Thread Ian Summerell

From:   "Ian Summerell", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If any one is interested, Pobin Page is asking people to sign up to scare Blair. 

He is asking the question "will you go to jail for foxhunting?"

You can sign up online at www.countrymansweekly.co.uk


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2001-02-16 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

But BSSC also said "keep quiet" after Hungerford! It didn't work then
either. But they never learnt. I personally would not give a penny piece to
them. Useless!

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CS: Pol-MoD Police Powers

2001-02-16 Thread Charles Parker

From:   "Charles Parker", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Spectator - 17 Feb 2001

A national police force is being assembled, and newspapers are looking the 
other way

When people say that this government has a tyrant’s heart I usually take it 
with a pinch of salt. Surely Tony Blair and nice Jack Straw and that strange 
Geoff Hoon can’t really be trying to deprive us of our hard-won liberties. 
Granted there are worrying examples, such as the plan to limit july trials. 
But need we get so het up?

Yes we do. Unnoticed by most newspapers, and ignored by all lobby 
correspondents, a select committee has been considering the Armed Forces 
Bill. Tacked on to this is a separate section relating to the powers of the 
Ministry of Defence police. The effect of these proposals, if adopted, would 
be to create a national police force for the first time, directly answerable 
to the Secretary of State for Defence.

Let me go back a bit. In 1987 the powers of the Ministry of Defence police 
were extended under the Ministry of Defence Police Bill. However, the 
relevant minister, Archie Hamilton, gave an assurance that all ‘serious 
crimes [would be] passed on to the domestic police department’. In other 
words, the MoD police would still be largely restricted to the no doubt 
important work of guarding Ministry of Defence property and investigating 
minor crimes committed by MoD personnel. This undertaking has been more 
honoured in the breach than in the observance. Increasingly, the MoD police 
have been investigating serious crimes. More ominously, they have been 
acting as an arm of the state against civilians. Readers may remember the 
cases of Tony Geraghty and Nigel Wylde, two utterly decent men, and both of 
them civilians, whose houses were raided by MoD police in December 1998. 
Charges against both men were later dropped, but not before they had been 
harassed and intimidated.

So the powers of the MoD police have been gradually and stealthily 
increased. Now the government wants to extend them further. If the Armed 
Forces Bill becomes law, the Ministry of Defence police will have full 
jurisdiction and investigative powers anywhere in the United Kingdom. But 
whereas existing constabularies face local accountability, the Ministry of 
Defence police would be accountable only to the Secretary of State for 
Defence. They would be perfectly within their rights if they raided your 
house or mine, or arrested us in the street. The Bill requires that the 
local chief constable agree, but that is all.

Perhaps you think I am being a little paranoid. We are all British, after 
all. Surely the MoD police would not overstep the mark. Well, I wouldn’t 
count on it. Nigel Wylde has uncovered an extraordinary speech made by 
Walter Boreham, the retiring chief constable of the MoD police, last 
October. Mr Boreham was addressing the Defence Police Federation conference, 
and was rather indiscreet. He revealed that during the fuel protests the 
previous month he had been approached by the government and asked for 
assistance. ‘I wrote back to the second permanent under-secretary,’ said Mr 
Boreham, ‘and told him that he could have as many officers as reasonably 
practicable but he wouldn’t be able to use them for the specific role the 
Home Office had intended — of aiding fuel convoys or policing picketed oil 
refineries. Having explained our dilemma in great legislative detail, it 
wasn’t long before the second permanent under-secretary was on the case.’

In others word, the government considered using the MoD police during the 
fuel protest, thinking that they would be more effective than normal police. 
Upon discovering this was not permissible under existing legislation, the 
government decided to extend the powers of the MoD police so that they could 
work as a national police force. Hence the new section in the Armed Forces 

This section is meeting spirited opposition in the select committee, led by 
the Tory MP Robert Key and the Liberal Democrat Paul Keetch. Labour MPs on 
the committee, by contrast, do not appear unduly alarmed by their 
government’s tyrannical inclinations. Amendments will be introduced by 
opponents, and the Bill will get a rough ride in the Lords. It may not reach 
the statute book before a May election, but that wouldn’t stop New Labour 
having another go if it wins. Mr Key is surely right when he speaks of 
‘mission creep’ on the part of the MoD police. The government is attempting 
to introduce an unaccountable national police force by the back door, and it 
must be stopped.
Fantastic, is what I say.  If there is a national police force then
maybe we can get a national firearm licensing system out of it too. 


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CS: Crime-police armourer questioned

2001-02-16 Thread KiPng



160006 FEB 10

An armourer for two police forces has been questioned about possible firearms 
offences, it emerged today.

The 55-year-old man has been released on bail pending further inquiries until 
April 16, Suffolk police said.

The man is understood to be a registered gun dealer and armourer for the 
Suffolk and Norfolk forces.

His job is to maintain and repair police guns. He does not buy them for the 

Officers are believed to have seized a substantial number of weapons and to 
be examining them to try to establish whether or not they are owned 

The man is understood to have been arrested at his home in Pakenham, Suffolk.

Kenneth Pantling

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CS: Pol-NZ gun registration unlikely

2001-02-16 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Setback for gun registration plan

Steve, Mike, & John (Howat),

It's good (and that is stating it mildly) that John's
organization has made inroads in this matter.

I wonder how much an impact our own letters --
eloquently penned and appropriately civil -- would further the
cause of our brothers and sisters that southern land?
John: your voice is needed here.

If we can ever hope to get over the top and beyond,
then we must assist in every way we can. Let us bolster the voice
of Liberty in every way we might!

If the light of reason can shine for even a moment, it
will be as a beacon in the night, and entice all others to see the
error of their way. Let us help sustain that lantern!

In Liberty,
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
"Whenever we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember 
that virtue is not hereditary." --Thomas Paine 
By way of the The Federalist http://www.Federalist.com/
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=


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CS: Target-Any old brass?

2001-02-16 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> and .303" ammo is either expensive or scarce (who'd
> pay L27.50 per 100 for HXP anyway?  

Only L27.50? I pay twice that for .22/250 and .243! 

Aye lad - we were that poor we 'ad to make us own bullets wi' rabbit


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CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-16 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was concerned too that at the last "Pistol AD" that there were a number of
black people present also. One can most definitely "judge a book by its
cover"! Drug dealers and illegal "Yardies" seeking to buy "off-ticket guns"
with money made from prostitution and false-passport rackets. It made my
flesh shiver to see their brown hands handling fine Smith & Wesson pistols
and asking "How much".

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CS: Pol-AD Meetings

2001-02-16 Thread Martyn Archer

From:   "Martyn Archer", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alex and Kenneth - handbags at 10 paces. As the majority of us "lerkers" who
sit and read this barrage of BS will all realise that it's the diversity of
the human race that makes this world so interesting and therefore it's the
diversity that makes our sport equally as interesting but it doesn't give
anyone the right to denigrate it.

I like guns, rifles, knives, camo clothing ad infinitum. There's not enough
time in the world for me to enjoy all the things I want to achieve before I
die. What I have no time for is the bickering of grown men over who's got
the biggest, fastest, most powerful whatever. Just give me the facts, let me
make my own judgement, then move on...

As to the AD/Pistol meeting comments. I have been to every single one since
1985 (twice in some years) I don't remember the armoured vehicle but I used
to walk between the competitions with my 686 in my holster. I have seen
others with loaded magazines/holstered 1911/concealed holsters openly
displayed, ankle holstered firearms. I saw a couple of guys firing Uzi's on
the Man V Man (I thing I took a video it)
The funniest thing I saw was one chap who had a Buntline in a standard
holster and the barrel went past his knee. He was wearing shorts, boots and
a white tee shirt. Every one who saw him laughed and must have thought "what
a Pratt". In 1994 I was asked by one of the range workers to cover up my
revolver, but I pointed out to him that if he looked behind him he could see
there was a group of people gathering together all showing each other what
they had bought, so what was the point? The point is "IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW
YOU'RE DRESSED". If it's cold at Bisley, I wear a camo jacket. I've been
shooting there for 20 years up to 18 times a year, they still take my money.

So please boys, don't get out of your prams, lets concentrate on the job in

1. March on the 18th
2. Raise the profile of our sport
4. If all else fails...emigrate and email your MP to tell him why.

It doesn't matter what clothes you wear as long as you're a good person

Keep the faith.

Martyn Archer

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CS: Misc-Useful Quote

2001-02-16 Thread John Hurst.

From:   "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Saxon is not like the Norman.
His manners are not so polite.
But he never means anything serious
till he talks about justice and right.
When he stands like an ox in the furrow
with his sullen set eyes on your own,
And grumbles, "This isn't fair dealing",
My son, leave the Saxon alone.

R. Kipling

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CS: Pol-New Police Weapon?

2001-02-16 Thread Charles Parker

From:   "Charles Parker", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Police Review 9 Feb 2001

Advice sought over search for new weapon

ACPO has asked Home Office scientists to assist with the search for a new 
weapon - something less lethal than a gun but able to operate over greater 
distances than CS spray.

ACPO’s salf-defence arrest and restraint subcommittee and its firearms 
sub-committee have submitted their operational requirements, detailing what 
the weapon must be capable of doing, to the Police Scientific Development 
Branch. Other advisers have also been consulted.

Police Review understands that the PSDB has been asked to examine the 
available technology and then to advise the ACPO committees abouthow they 
meet their requirements.

Insp Neil Haynes, former assistant secretary to the self-defence, arrest and 
restraint sub-committee, confirmed that the request had been made of the 
PSDB, adding: ‘Unless we are clear about what we want we are going to be 
looking at sifting through a hell of a lot of rubbish.'

Insp Haynes said the PSDB were given the operational requirements last 
summer, and were asked to give regular updates to the respective ACPO 

Currently officers are equipped with batons and CS spray, but, according to 
Insp Haynes ‘the service recognises there is still a gap between those 
options - which are very close range — and a firearm. What we need is a less 
lethal option that operates over a greater distance.'

Insp Haynes illustrated his point by saying: ‘if a man is armed wlth an axe, 
it’s a short-range weapon. The options at present are containment and 
negotiation... but there may be an additional threat in that people are 
threatening to harm themselves, and time is a factor.

'The only options (in this situation] would be to use firearms to shoot [the 
man] or put [support group officers] in with shields to disarm them. Even 
though that has been seen to be effective, it is putting officers into the 
threat range. It may be there’s a need for other options to be considered.'

Insp Haynes added: ‘CS... can cause red skin, burning and isn’t particularly 
pleasant to have applied but if you balance that against other options such 
as baton strikes [the CS] option is preferable.’

Summing up, he saId: ‘If an officer is acting on information he believes to 
be correct and the only option open to him is a lethal one, there’s no 
opportunity to reverse the decisions. It is too final.’

Communication and conflict resolution techniques will not be abandoned, he 
stressed, but he accepted there is a need for the police to have more 

'This is particularly now that the Human Rights Act is there, because of the 
need to have the options to act proportionately,' said lnsp Haynes. ‘In 
order to operate truly proportionately we need more options to consider. 
More tools In the toolbox.'

Insp Haynes, who was until recently in charge of officer satety at New 
Scotland Yard, attended a non-lethal weapons conference hosted by the Jane’s 
Information Group in Edinburgh in December, where speakers from a number of 
countries outlined not only weapons they used but talked about some of the 
continuing research regardIng both existing and new non-lethal weapons.

Talking to Police Review this week, lnsp Haynes said ACPO was seeking a 
weapon which was ‘less-
lethal' He explained: ‘Something which through appropriate testing and 
medical reviews is unlikely to cause fatal or serious injury, is able to be 
operated simply and at distances beyond existing kit (in the range of 25 

He added: ‘Less lethal is used because we see it as a comparative lethality 
because although we have got to accept there are very few things that are 
totally non-lethal...what we want is something where lethality is extremely 
uniikely and minimised.'

A spokesperson for the Home Office confirmed this week: ‘We are looking into
the request from ACPO.'

A Police Complaints Authority spokesman explained: ‘When firearms are used 
and a civilian is injured or killed it is automatically put to the PCA to 
supervise the investigation into what happened.'

Molly Meacher, deputy chairwoman of the PCA told Police Review: 'We would 
welcome anything that reduced the risk of people losing their lives
through the use of firearms.’

When it came to deployment, Insp Haynes said: ‘There is a human being on 
each end of a less lethal option and we have got to understand and respect 
that there is a human being on the operating end and not put those people 
under undue pressure when deciding which option is most appropriate.'

He said any decision about who would be armed with any new weapons would be 
determined by the way they were to be deployed. It should not be assumed, he 
added, that the weapons would automatically be given to firearms officers.


Weapons under consideration, said l

CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-16 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If hunting is not cruel, why then am I prosecuted if I set a pack of large
dogs onto a smaller, solitary dog? All that the Hunting Bill really can be
said to be doing is simply extending to wild mammals the protection that
domestic mammals have enjoyed since before the Kaiser's War.
I also believe that yes, hawking is also cruel, as is the practice of ritual
slaughter and the live feeding of reptiles with mice, rats and birds. But,
as Abraham Lincoln said :"One war at a time".
I shall also not be going to the march in March. Why? Because I am not one
of those who wish to see my sport - live quarry shooting - hijacked as
"marching fodder" by the houndsports lobby, whilst almost every day I am
subject to hearing or reading letters from the red coated fraternity in the
local media  in my local press justifying their method of "fox control"
because "shooting is cruel"!
Make no mistake if, as some wrongly predict, the spotlight then turns on
game shooting and deer stalking then these same old quotes will be trotted
out against us. Can we not remember Michael Yardley's "infamous" handgun
interview at the time of Hungerford being used by the press after Dunblane?
Is it not evidence itself that there is no "hidden agenda" against shooting
that the Government itself has modified the Hunting Bill specifically to
remove any risk of deer stalking with dogs being "caught" in the Hunting

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CS: Pol-McCain introduces gun bill

2001-02-16 Thread Steven Kendrick

McCain Planning Gun Control Bill
By Mark Preston of Roll Call

Seizing on Congress' failure to reach a bipartisan agreement on gun
safety legislation, Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Joe Lieberman
(D-Conn.) are quietly working together to draft an alternative
compromise that both parties can support.

The discussions between McCain and Lieberman are still in the infant
stages, but the bill is likely to include a reworked version of the
controversial gun show loophole, trigger locks and more funds and
support for the law enforcement community, aides to both Senators

Some of McCain's GOP colleagues believe that the Arizonan's interest
in the gun issue and other hot topics, such as HMO reform, is an
attempt to undercut President Bush's agenda.

"[McCain] is just trying to set the presidential agenda, and there
is a discomfort with that," griped a GOP Senator close to the
Republican leadership team

Staffers for both McCain and Lieberman have been talking about a
compromise gun bill since late last year; however, the two Senators
were able to discuss the issue in greater depth during their
official visit to Munich, Germany, this past weekend.

"This is not done," a source close to McCain cautioned. "But we are
working on it."

A spokesman for Lieberman acknowledged that the Connecticut Democrat
is eager to work with the Arizona Republican, whom he "deeply

"This would be an opportunity to chart a third way on stopping gun
crime by dedicating more resources to enforcing existing gun laws
while also fixing some of the loopholes that persist in those laws,"
Lieberman spokesman Dan Gerstein said

"With Senator McCain joining Senator Lieberman on this debate, you
are all but guaranteed it is going to register on the public's radar
screen," said a senior Senate Democratic aide, who noted that the
Senate Democratic leaders would likely embrace Lieberman's efforts
to pass a gun safety bill.

"McCain is unbelievable," the aide added. "He has got absolutely no
fear of antagonizing his leadership."

McCain's decision to tackle this issue is likely to further
infuriate his Senate GOP colleagues, who are working hard to
implement Bush's legislative priorities.

"There is a lot of frustration," a Republican Senator said. "He has
got his own agenda."...

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CS: Misc-Cutlasses

2001-02-16 Thread Jeremy

From:   Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cutlasses and even Boarding Pikes were still listed as
warships equipment right through the 1960's and even into
the early 1970's.

At least one case of pristine cutlasses was discovered in
store in one of the West Wales storage depots during the
massive Falklands equipment preparations - that would have
been early 1982.



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CS: Field-Cats...and Pheasants..

2001-02-16 Thread Jonathan

From:   Jonathan Spencer, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>If you "steal" a pheasant when it is alive...it is poaching. 

This is my understanding - feel free to correct me.

A wild living pheasant is a wild animal and belongs to no man.  Once it
is "reduced into possession" - whether alive or dead - it becomes

>what then of pet pheasants kept in an enclosed aviary? Theft or poaching?

Since they are in someone's possession, they belong to that someone.

--Jonathan Spencer, firearms examiner

"Justice is open to everybody in the same way as the Ritz Hotel."
Judge Sturgess, 22 July 1928

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CS: Field-Cats...and Pheasants..

2001-02-16 Thread Jeremy

From:   Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If a wild animal has been legally captured and become a
possession or is bred in captivity then it has become
property and therefore theft from the aviary would be
just that - theft.



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CS: Pol-SAS vs MMM

2001-02-16 Thread MikePiet



Soccer moms enlist in battle over guns 

Michigan's CCW fight takes fun out of games at metro business 
February 14, 2001


With its green indoor turf, a parking lot that could double as a minivan 
showroom and a popular soccer clinic for toddlers called Wee Kickers, Total 
Soccer in Wixom seemed an unlikely battlefield for the national gun debate.

But it was there on a Friday night, as the last games of pickup soccer were 
ending, that pro-gun forces dealt a blow to gun control. As battles go, it 
wasn't much to watch. The gun-control soldiers carried petition sheets and 
pens, and wore sweat suits, ponytails and tight smiles. They spoke in low 
voices. This is how soccer moms fight.

They were defeated by the only group powerful enough to beat them: other 
soccer moms.

Gun-rights mothers threatened to pull their kids off Total Soccer teams if 
the gun-control mothers -- mostly members of the Million Mom March -- did not 
stop collecting signatures at the facility for a petition that could overturn 
Michigan's new concealed-weapons law. The pro-gun mothers used the word 
"boycott." Petitioners were asked to leave. And Total Soccer learned its 

"It was enough to make you think if a company takes a political stand, it's 
going to hurt you in the long run," said Wendy Woods, a Total Soccer manager. 
She said the petitioners were well-mannered and friendly. Some were even 
familiar faces in the tight-knit soccer community. But management said it 
feared as many as 20 of 600 teams might be eliminated by a boycott. "Whether 
we support what they're doing or not, it ends up being not worth it."

As the gun battle intensifies in Michigan, some of the fiercest fighting is 
going on in the oddest places: churches, ice rinks, movie theaters, 
parent-teacher group meetings and Main Street shops. And the most powerful 
fighters, it turns out, are the women who support these places with their 
money, time and children.

Gun-control advocates have until March 28 to collect 151,000 valid signatures 
to try to put the concealed-weapons law on a ballot before voters. The newly 
passed law gives Michigan residents age 21 and older the right to carry 
concealed weapons with a permit. The law, which takes effect July 1, bans 
weapons from certain public places, including bars, schools and sports arenas.

The Million Mom March is not the only group gathering signatures. The effort 
is coordinated by People Who Care About Kids, a group organized by Wayne 
County Prosecutor Michael Duggan. But ever since the Million Mom March 
grabbed national attention at its Washington, D.C., event last Mother's Day 
by using motherhood as political currency, women in gun-rights groups have 
taken on a higher profile.

Second Amendment Sisters (SAS), the pro-gun answer to the Million Mom March, 
has been recruiting women in Michigan. Next month, along with the Michigan 
Coalition of Responsible Gun Owners, SAS will host a Shop 'n' Shoot weekend 
in Frankenmuth exclusively for women. So far, about 35 women have signed up 
for shooting lessons and bargain-shopping.

Both sides of the gun debate are tapping feminine instincts. The Web site of 
the Million Mom March ties into Valentine's Day today with the message "It's 
A Labor of Love." The SAS site counters with "Happy Valentine's Day! Is your 
love protected?"

Although they were defeated at Total Soccer, the Million Mom March and the 
concealed-weapons petition are winning on other fronts. Last weekend, 
petitions were passed out in 50 churches and synagogues in metro Detroit, 
Duggan said. So far, 125,000 signatures have been collected. And some 
religious leaders embrace the cause, despite pressure.

"There were some people in the congregation who were not happy because they 
felt we were mixing politics and religion. And one person objected as an NRA 
member," said the Rev. John Budde, pastor of the Holy Family Catholic Church 
in Novi. NRA is the National Rifle Association.

That hasn't stopped gun-rights proponents from trying to push petitioners out 
when they see them. The chat room of the Michigan Coalition of Responsible 
Gun Owners Web site is filled with comments from members looking to thwart 
petitioners at the businesses where they are collecting signatures.

"I don't want to give money to any business that's going against our 
interests -- and a lot of members feel the same way," said Ross Dykman, the 
coalition's executive director. 

Dykman said he has written letters to some businesses. But what has really 
rattled business owners are complaints from consumers, especially women, said 
Dykman and representatives for some businesses.

So far, gun-control petitioners have been asked to leave Total Soccer, MJR 
Theaters in

CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-16 Thread David

From:   David Chappell - UK, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Like a lot of people, I enjoy the quotes often posted here.

I have kept just about all of them.

Whilst going through them, I came upon this little gem that I
had forgotton, it might make a nice poster:

"We are peaceful people; we ask only to live freely, in a spirit
of solidarity, tolerance and respect." - This phrase comes
from Clause 4 of New Labour's constitution. :-)


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CS: Pol-The Left's Embrace of Guns

2001-02-16 Thread MikePiet


Ashcroft May Teach Lefties to Love Guns 
Knute Berger, AlterNet
February 13, 2001

I have never understood why the left in this country has decided to 
unilaterally disarm. Why is it that liberal civil libertarians are always 
gung ho on the constitution, until it gets to the Second Amendment which was 
what, written in invisible ink? 

In trying to stake out some kind of moral high ground, the left has abandoned 
not a only a basic right, but a potent symbol. Face it, in America, you only 
get respect if you're packing. 

The right has known this for a long time: guns are as American as John Wayne, 
as righteous as Charleton Heston, as cool as the latest, hipster noir revival 
film (Snatch comes to mind). But more importantly, the militias, patriots, 
NRA-nuts, and neo-Confederates comprise an important—and much 
pandered-to—Republican constituency. Their guns, and the money that goes with 
them, have gained them the attention of the media and the powerful. Unlike 
Barry Goldwater, their extremism in the defense of liberty has been good 

Now one of the big panderers is Attorney General, John Ashcroft, a man who 
loves to toss around right-wing code words that mean something to the far 
political fringe. He defends gun rights as a bulwark against the "tyranny" of 
government and judicial activism, and he extols the virtues of "southern 
patriots." As the left faces the possible—even likely—tyranny of a far-right 
Republican regime, isn't it time to lock and load? 

The left has been reluctant to ally itself with the right on many issues, 
even when they agree. Notice that few activists have embraced Pat Buchanan 
for his stance against the World Trade Organization. Partly it's principle, 
not wanting to associate with racists, anti-Semites, or religious fanatics. 
It's also partly snobbery, avoiding the trailor trash side of the cultural 
divide. The result is that many liberals looked the other way at the outrages 
at Ruby Ridge and Waco, or at the depradations against privacy and police 
restraint under Attorney General Janet Reno and Bill Clinton. They scoffed 
when the NRA fundraisers called federal cops "stormtroopers." Well, now that 
the government is in new hands, is the left having any second thoughts? Does 
anyone really believe that Ashcroft's ATF will be any more compassionate than 
Janet Reno's? 

It's not like lefty activists have abandoned violence entirely. The Earth 
Liberation Front and other so-called eco-terrorists are torching trophy homes 
that sprawl into the last lots of wilderness (or Long Island). The Black Bloc 
anarchists of Eugene and elsewhere are ever-eager to make a statement by 
smashing glass at the nearest Starbucks or Niketown. Of course, they don't 
like to call such acts violence because, they rationalize, acts against 
property aren't violence, because private property itself is violence. 
Whatever. The fact remains that some elements of the left are resorting to 
actions that make simple gun ownership for self-defense, or any other legal 
reason, seem downright lame. After all, target shooting, it seem to me, is 
much less violent than burning down a ski resort. 

If the mainstream left was honest with itself, it would end its pious 
moralizing about guns and recognize that violence is sometimes an effective 
political tool. An even greater tool is the threat of violence. 

In Seattle, a group of pro-gun progressives, Democrats for the Second 
Amendment, got together with a group called Cease Fear to offer NRA handgun 
training to gay and lesbians. The training was also sponsored by a variety of 
organizations, including the Microsoft Gun Club, the local Libertarian Party, 
and the Jewish Defense League. While Cease Fear focuses on basic gun safety 
training, it was also designed to help people get over the idea that guns are 
for rednecks only. Jonathan Rauch, in a Salon article called "Pink Pistols," 
argues that guns can not only protect gays, but empower them the way 
self-defense has empowered Jews. "Guns can do the same thing for homosexuals: 
emancipate them from their image -- often internalized -- of cringing 
weakness. Pink pistols, I'll warrant, would do far more for the self-esteem 
of the next generation of gay men and women than any number of hate crime 
laws or antidiscrimination statutes." Rauch wants to make gay-bashing 
dangerous. To that end, Cease Fear unveiled new T-shirts for last spring's 
Gay Pride parade: and delta symbol with a fist holding a handgun and the 
words "Bash this!" 

In that spirit, the time is ripe for liberals to overcome their 
Second-Amendment reluctance, embrace gun rights, praise Gaia and pass the 
ammunition. It's time to test the tolerance of the Bush administration's new 
chief law enforcement officer by seeing how far he'll go to protect those who 
also abhor tyranny, but from the opp

CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-16 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not after the comment about Pistol AD.  I was at the last one and
so was Lord Cullen and neither of us saw anything that you mention.

You say later on Pistol 94, so possibly you are getting confused
as to the dates, but Pistol 96 did not have anything going on that
was remotely unsavoury, at least from what I saw and I was there
for two days, and Cullen was there on one of the days I wasn't.

Lord Cullen even commented on how well-regulated the sport appeared.


You are right, it was 1995 Anno Domini meeting as my letter to Sandy
Ewing, who was then Chief Executive of NRA is dated 6th June, 1995.
But even if you went to that meeting, you may not have seen the group I
described because they stayed only one day and I used to go every day as
I live only 25 miles from Bisley.

But the date does not alter the validity of the argument.

On another occasion at my club we had a visit form the local Parish
Councillors.  Our range is in one of 5 ex.military hospital wards, all
of which have been converted to civilian leisure use and the councillors
(who are in fact our landlords) visit all clubs on site on a fact
finding mission.

Well, this visit was after Dunblane in the Summer of 1996 and we debated
how best to present our sport.
My suggestion that we should stick to something very tame and boring
like UIT shooting at 25 metres, but the majority opinion was that we
should not pretend but show them a Service match with turning targets.

When our visitors came one or two male councillors had a go and
evidently enjoyed themselves, but at the end of this "presentation" an
older woman said that it sent shivers down her spine seeing us shoot at
"the pictures of soldiers" and she asked if we enjoyed imagining
shooting at people!!!

Fortunately, I expected the question and I replied that the targets were
no more than means of scoring the shots and that their design was not up
to us but was regulated internationally.  "Of course we would prefer to
shoot at the traditional round bull targets, but if we are to compete in
international matches we have to use the prescribed targets." I said.

I thought I handled the embarrassing moment rather well, but after they
had gone I got a lot of flack from several members, who thought that I
was ashamed of what we were doing.etc., etc.,

I do hope that I have made my point clear - we do depend on public
opinion and if, though ignorance, they show concern at what they see, we
should try to reassure them, explain what is it all about, rather than
bash them with our rights.   Our sport is easily linked with violence
and crime and we should be wary of any behaviour that might show us in
that light.

Now, if some members of this list still think that this is "the sensible
approach that can only lead to ..!", I am afraid that is all I
can offer.

But I did not always think this. The time for protests and bloody
mindedness was during the Cullen Enquiry!
We wasted precious weeks and months examining "evidence" and writing
"submissions" when we should have taken the firm stand against our sport
being examined and against any recommendations made as regards its
future when the massacre had nothing to do with any of us.  Even if
Hamilton were the Chairman of NRA and His Holiness the Pope at the same
time, what he did had nothing to do with me, you, Kenneth and 57,000
other pistol shooters and that is and always will be my opinion.

My explanation would have been to point out that most target shooting
sports have their roots in military practice, even ISSF, so it is
hardly surprising the targets look like enemy soldiers.  But then
you were there, sometimes it is better to use an unsophisticated
argument depending on the brain power of who you are talking to.

It was important to make submissions to the Cullen Inquiry, that
wasn't a mistake, the mistake was that too many people listened
to BSSC and the crazy suggestion that we "keep quiet" when everyone
should have been writing to their MPs, newspapers, etc.  (In fact
BSSC actually suggested that only they should make a submission
to the inquiry - it didn't even mention any of the criminology

I wrote to every member of the House of Lords and actually got
phone calls from peers thanking me for my letter and saying that
they had only received one or two others.  In at least a few
cases those letters made the difference on how the peer voted.

However this is crying over spilt milk.


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2001-02-16 Thread VinceB

From:   "VinceB", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Er, well, here's me prattling along about 'one organisation' and an
'umbrella' organisation, embracing all the main existing associations and
then Norman Bassett comes along and tells me about the BSSC.
The BSSC (British Shooting Sports Council) already exists and represents
I would say that's 75% of UK shooting associations - based on membership
Is there anyone out there who can tell us a little more about the BSSC? Can
we get the rest of the 'unnattached' associations to affiliate? Will they
accept individuals? How is it funded?
Anyone know?
BSSC has been around for ages.  Essentially they have meetings of
the association reps once in a while to decide on common policies.

Funding for them comes from donations.  There is no individual

Pretty much everyone lost faith in them with their "keep quiet"
policy after Dunblane that was patently obviously the wrong thing
to do.  (And the main reason I started Cybershooters).

The fact that you haven't heard of them before speaks volumes.

I think they're a bit better than they were simply because of the
huge amount of complaints, but it's a bit late now.


Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org


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CS: Misc-Cooper's Commentaries

2001-02-16 Thread KiPng



And by that we certainly do not mean 'the winter of
our discontent.' The new regime in Washington may not
be perfect in every respect, but when one is plucked out of
the sea by a life boat he is not likely to complain that it
leaks a little. 

The mood at the NRA winter board meeting was notably
cheerful. We started out by extending Charlton Heston's
reign for one more year, and this is an occasion for great
joy. There are those who claim that he was selected by
somewhat irregular means, but he is such a tremendous asset
to the Association that we are not likely to find fault with
procedural technicalities. In his position as president, Mr.
Heston supplies a persona of dignity and charisma unmatched
by anyone in public life since Ronald Reagan. 

We learn that NRA membership is now up to 4.3 million. We
learn that Dr. Ugo Beretta of Gardone has donated the sum
of one million dollars (that is dollars, not lire) to the
Association. He may not make the world's best service
pistol, but he does run the world's best executive lunch
room, as I can attest personally. 

At the winter meeting I was elevated to the peerage, so
to speak, by being elected to the Executive Council of
the National Rifle Association. This is a life-time
appointment during good behavior (I may be flung out if
I would be discovered to have voted for a Democrat), which
relieves me from the need to run for office again, unless
I choose to do so. A council member does not have voting
authority, but this is hardly a bother when we note that
really close votes on policy matters are nearly unheard
of. I intend to remain on the board until my present term
runs out. At that time, circumstances will decide whether
I should run again. 


We all noted that the Attorney General of South Carolina
has announced that the season is now open in that state on
burglars. Now there is an example to follow! 


After a preliminary but penetrating study, we have concluded
that the best of the pocket 45s is the Kimber. Family member
Clint Smith, however, deems that it is God's will that any
pistol for the 45 ACP cartridge must have a 5-inch barrel.
Customizers take note. 


We learn that Saddam Hussein has announced (in Arabic) that
he won the Gulf War. Well he did get away, a historical
mistake for which we are inclined to hold George Bush, Sr.,
responsible. It would appear that that small, black cloud on
the horizon is the specter of a general Moslem war against
the West-something which should be put off as long as possible,
but is probably going to be with us in due course. 


Someone has observed that if you find yourself in San Francisco,
be careful upon leaving not to look back, lest you be turned
into a pillar of salt. 


Let it be decreed that there may be no elections in the future
during hunting season. 


Apparently Hillary has suggested that we reform our electoral
system by modifying or doing away with the Electoral College.
If she is serious about this (or about anything), we suggest
she consider restructuring the Electoral College on the basis
of counties, rather than states. That should certainly take
care of that argument. 


Despite the factory's curious decision to discontinue
production of the 376 Scout, which I like to call the Steyr
Dragoon, the piece was a distinct sensation at the Safari
Club meeting in Vegas. Family member and master instructor
Rich Wyatt sold ten of them to people going to Africa. This
piece is a great success in both Africa and Alaska, and why
it should be taken off the market at a time when new products
seem to be the rage is hard to explain. What it offers is
solid, medium-class power in Scout configuration, and Scout
configuration is the most significant forward step in the
design of sporting rifles since World War II. There seems to
be a mysterious sort of emotional block here, possibly do to
lack of shooting experience on the part of gun salesmen as a
class. There is also the 'magnum myth,'; which has
served to convince a couple of generations of hunters that
excess power can make up for lack of marksmanship. One
correspondent claimed, for example, that some people in his
party opined that 'the 308 simply would not suffice for
open-country mule deer hunting.' Those who are familiar with
open-country mule deer hunting are well aware that the 308
will do everything that a 300 Ultra will, and with considerably
less bother. When that mule deer gets so far away that you
cannot deck him with your Scout, you are not going to be able
to take him with your 'super thunder-stick' either. Remember
that a hunter's skill is measured not in how far away his
target was, but how close he was able to get to it. Of course
a good many hunters are not very skilled, but that does not
excuse taking shots beyond one's useful range. 

