RE: CVS Problems: Updated: gdbm-1.8.0-4

2002-03-01 Thread Peter Ring

I don't currently host any cvs repository on a cygwin port of cvs, and
nevertheless, in the Linux-based repository, I have history files ( ,v
files) with CR/LF rather than just LF. 

This is as it should be: those files are meant to be used by silly Win32
applications that expect CR/LF as end-of-record, and that's what they get
because I check out files without end-of-record conversion. Silly *nix
applications will, of course, see an CR at the end of each line; so what?

Please don't make the assumption that -kkv implies that CR cannot be the
last character on a line.

Kind regards
Peter Ring

-Original Message-
From: Charles Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 28. februar 2002 18:19
To: Schaible, Jörg
Cc: cygwin-list
Subject: Re: CVS Problems: Updated: gdbm-1.8.0-4

Schaible, Jörg wrote:

> Hi Charles,
>>Note that merely updating cyggdbm to this new version will NOT
>>magically enable CVS to host repositories on text mounts; nor will
>>it magically fix CVS's existing problems with CR/LF. This gdbm
>>update may fix the gdbm database files within the CVSROOT repository,
>>but CVS itself is still not text/binary clean.  Workin' on it...
> can you give me a hint, where CVS with a repository on a binary mount

Correct, with repository on *binary* mounts cvs will work fine -- with 
one caveat.

> will
> have CR/LF problems? I am using it since more than a year and I had never
> detected any problems independently wether I check out to bin or text
> mounted directories (on NTFS). 

Correct, checkouts to bin or text -- from a binmount repository -- work 
fine -- with one caveat.

> I did not have problems also working with
> repositories of the the net.


> for Your comment seems to indicate some
> malfunction you're able to reproduce. 


> I would not like to detect anything
> major problems managing my sources if I can avoid it.


Here's the deal:

(a) currently, you can't host repositories on text mounts.

(b) the caveat for binmount-hosted repositories: the CVS spec says that 
all 'normal' files in the repository should be stored *without* ^M (that 
is, in what we in the cygwin world call "bin" mode or sometimes "unix" 
mode -- but to avoid confusion, when refering to an actual FILE, I will 
call it 'LF' mode (I will call "dos" or "text" files by this name: 
"LF/CR" mode).  When referring to a mount point and the cygwin default 
behavior with respect to files written under that mount point, I will 
call THAT "bin" mode or "text" mode, respectively.

Well, the current cygwin port of CVS seems to store all 'normal' files 
in the repository in LF/CR mode.  On checkout (from a local repository) 
all 'normal' files are created in LF/CR mode.  This is *regardless* of 
whether the local working directory is on a binmount or textmount.  (Of 
course, the repository is on a binmount; see (a) above).

If a given file is checked in or tagged with cvs's '-kb' flag, then it 
is stored without LF->LF/CR translation (and without LF/CR->LF 
translation) -- but there are SERIOUS drawbacks to marking ordinary text 
files as '-kb': like, you can't do 'cvs diff'.  Multiple revisions are 
stored _in toto_ in the repository.  No keyword translation is done 
("$Id$", etc).  Bad.

Strangely, none of these problems seem to occur when using a remote 
(unix-based) :pserver: repository.  Therefore, I believe the "write data 
file into repository file 'foo/bar,v'" code is explicitly, and 
erroneously, setting the fopen mode to "wt"/"rt".  Writes (and reads) 
to/from files in the local repository are obviously done "correctly" -- 
without any explicit 't' or 'b' modifiers (because we know that local 
dirs can be on textmounts or binmounts, and stuff 'just works').

What *should* happen is that repository writes need to manually 
translate "LF/CR" into "LF", and write with "wb". (!!--!!)


Now, (a) is probably pretty easy to fix.  The sentence marked (!!--!!) 
should take care of that.  However, (b) is a bigger problem -- because 
of the existing infrastructure that many people already have.  I don't 
want to break the 2000 personal/local repositories out there that 
already have a bunch of "LF/CR"-ized ,v files.

So, I'm somewhat at a loss right now as to the "right thing to do". 
Perhaps if all repository reads were also done by reading with "rb" and 
then manually translating "LF/CR" into "LF" (this insures that 
previously created repositories with the erroneous LF/CR endings are 
handled gracefully)  But then diffs against local working dirs on 
binmounts -- where the checked-out copies already have 
"LF/CR"-terminations will break...

"Please run dos2unix on all text files in your working dir, IF your 
working dir is on a binmount"...bleah

"For every working dir that is a checkout from a locally-hosted 
repository, please commit all changes back to that repository before 
upgrading CVS.  Then, do a 'cvs release' on all working dirs.  Remov

"local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Toni Mueller


after reading the docs on the web site and searching the list archive
on MARC a bit, there appears to be no "supported" way to install while
being offline. Eg. I will soon have a W2k box that I want to install on,
but certainly won't connect this box to the Internet to do it.

So my current guess is that I can download some stuff using eg. my Linux
workstation, put them on CD and then move the CD to the W2k box for
local installation there. Can anyone please confirm that? Can anyone
please tell me which version of setup.exe I should get to be able to
install from a local directory?

(Apart from that I always thought that doing online-installs is both
error-prone and insecure in most cases, and in general, a M$ disease -
why does RedHat do it?)



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Re: 1.3.10 and setgid

2002-03-01 Thread Corinna Vinschen

On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 06:26:59PM +0100, Lapo Luchini wrote:
> I re-created that just before writing the message...
> Administrator@CYBERONE ~
> $ mkgroup -l
> Everyone:S-1-1-0:0:
> SYSTEM:S-1-5-18:18:

At that point, "None" should appear.  That's a valid group on all NT
systems since it's the default primary group for all users, domain
member or not.

I checked mkgroup on my system and it creats the "None" entry.
I think you will have to debug that on your system.


Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Red Hat, Inc.

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status gcc-3

2002-03-01 Thread Ildar Mulyukov

Hello, cygwin hackers!
Would you please inform me about gcc-3.x status regarding to Cygwin 
project? I mean

* status of gcc-3 ability at cygwin platform
(I suggest 99%; when I tried it out 2month ago everything seemed to be 
allright except spec - it was ugly)

* plans of using it as the default/alternative compiler available via 

Ildar  Mulyukov,
   free SW programmer/designer




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Re: Next version of setup.exe

2002-03-01 Thread Charles Wilson

Robert Collins wrote:

> We've branched the next version of setup.exe, and created a snapshot for anyone 
>willing to be our guinea pigs.
> It is accessible via;
> Please use this, and report any bugs back to us. We know of one with large fonts, 
>that will be rectified shortly, but we want to ensure that no functional bugs exist. 
>All going well this will be the default setup.exe by the end of the week!

This version of setup works (for me) when installing from a "local" 
repository -- when that repository is on an SMB share.  Yay!


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Re: Parallel Port LPRng

2002-03-01 Thread Walter Garcia-Fontes

In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Wed, Feb 
27, 2002 at 01:06:16PM -0500

* Charles Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020227 19:15]:
> Take a look at the source code for Rick Rankin's version of lpr.  It is 
> in the cygutils-0.9.9 package.
> --Chuck

Thanks, but I looked at the last setup.exe and I could only find cygutils-0.9.8
without lpr...

Walter Garcia-Fontes   

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problem about postgresql and jdbc

2002-03-01 Thread Yousry Abdallah


i have trouble using PostgreSQL7.1.3 via jdbc on my Windows XP System
(using the actual cygwin distribution and j2sdk1.4.0).

The Database sends following error message after connection:
 PacketReceiveFragment: read() failed: Connection reset by peer

The Java Program prints following stack trace:
 ---Single simple object test and transaction test
 pl.PlException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
 Something unusual has occured to cause the driver to fail.
 Please report this exception: Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
 Stack Trace:
at org.postgresql.Connection.openConnection(Unknown Source)
at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at pl.test.PostgresqlDatabase.getNewConnection(Unknown Source)
at pl.PersistenceManager.getConnection(
at pl.PersistenceManager.saveObject(
at pl.test.Test.performTest(Unknown Source)
at pl.test.Test.main(Unknown Source)
End of Stack Trace

Thanks in advance,

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RE: Is the Cygwin 1.3.2 DLL Win 2000 compatible?

2002-03-01 Thread David Starks-Browning

On Thursday 28 Feb 02, Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) writes:
> David (Starks-Browning), do you think it's necessary to update this 
> FAQ entry so that it's clear that the Cygwin DLL has historically supported
> the then released versions of Windows?


I don't understand what's wrong with the current FAQ entry.  Maybe I
misunderstand the question?


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Re: mkshortcut debugging problem

2002-03-01 Thread Corinna Vinschen

On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 04:03:34PM -0800, Joshua Daniel Franklin wrote:
> The code that produces this error is:
>   MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, lname, -1, widepath, MAX_PATH);
>   hres = pf->lpVtbl->Save (pf, widepath, TRUE);
>   if (!SUCCEEDED(hres)) 
>   {
> fprintf(stderr, "%s: Save to persistant storage failed (Does the
> directo
> ry you are writing to exist?)\n", prog_name);
> exit(3);
>   }

Try the following before calling pf->lpVtbl->Save():


This is just basically as it should work.  Look in MSDN for the
exact usage.


Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Red Hat, Inc.

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install freeze in win2k

2002-03-01 Thread David Starks-Browning

On Thursday 28 Feb 02, Ling F. Zhang writes:
> I am just try to install cygwin in my win2k machine. 
> I selected everything after some serious
> mouse-clicking...and after it downloaded everything,
> it starts to install and my computer is dead frozen
> when it try to install gcc-lib*anyone has similar
> problem and know fix?

Please let me know whether it's explained by this entry in the FAQ:
"My computer hangs when I try to run setup.exe!"


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RE: Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please

2002-03-01 Thread Markus K. E. Kommant


It would be better to support an evironment variable CYGWIN_ENV_UPPERCASE=0,
1, 2 or a list "var1 var2 var3".
The list could be, to work correctly in most cases (I used in my pdksh port)

CYGWIN_ENV_UPPERCASE=1 or not set = the current situation
CYGWIN_ENV_UPPERCASE=0, do not change anything
CYGWIN_ENV_UPPERCASE=2, use default uppercase list (see above)
CYGWIN_ENV_UPPERCASE="var1 var2 var3 var4" uppercase only this variables.

The problem is the following function inside 
/* Turn environment variable part of a=b string into uppercase. */
static __inline__ void ucenv (char *p, char *eq)
  /* Amazingly, NT has a case sensitive environment name list,

The function simplifies to uppercase ALL environment variables.
And the next point is, that the environment is sorted (the bash will sort
the environment).
That means, that a lowercase variable (early in environment) will overwrite
an uppercase variable. Is it wanted? The environment has to be "cleaned up"

But the (biggest) problem is, that the amazing case-sensitiv NT environment
will be changed, when
if (!myself->ppid_handle) ucenv (newp, eq);
And this does'nt make any sense to me. Every "tiny" none cygwin program is a
danger for the current environment.

The following bash command sequence will destroy the bash environment. 
This is an example! I know how to call the bash, and that this example could
be solved by "bash -c bash" (nice)... I am working with some more other
programs, nobody will know. The example demonstrates the basic problem.

$ cmd.exe /C bash.exe

$ export path=laughing
$ export PATH="/usr/bin"
$ cmd.exe /C bash.exe
$ echo $PATH

> No idea what this question is.  Are you saying that you want 
> a cygwin for the POSIX subsystem?  There is no reason for such a thing.
But the FAQ for cygwin says:
>The Cygwin tools are ports of the popular GNU development tools for
Microsoft Windows. They run thanks >to the Cygwin library which provides the
UNIX system calls and environment these programs expect. 

Such things, as I described ar not happening on UNIX, and they doesn't
happen, when not brute force changing the environment by uppercase all and
everyting (in the wrong order).

The biggest problem, I can not switch it off.

best regards

> -Original Message-
> From: Christopher Faylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 3:22 PM
> Subject: Re: Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please
> On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 03:16:47PM +0100, Markus K. E. Kommant wrote:
> >Really???
> >
> >> Don't start the program from a non cygwin program.
> >
> >I am using Windows 2000/NT operating system as the base for my cygwin
> >programs and not DOS and not Linux.
> Huh?
> >Do anyone know a good trick to use POSIX Environment (or 
> simply real Windows
> >Environment) without the cygwin-DOS changes.
> c:\> c:\cygwin\bin\sh -c "myprog.exe arg1 arg2"
> I really don't know what you're talking about wrt cygwin-DOS.
> >Hopefully waiting for help, without real POSIX I have to 
> look for another
> >programming base, instead of cygwin... 
> >
> >Probably there has anybody build an own cygwin1.dll with 
> POSIX Environment
> >on Windows???
> No idea what this question is.  Are you saying that you want 
> a cygwin for
> the POSIX subsystem?  There is no reason for such a thing.
> cgf

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Re: status gcc-3

2002-03-01 Thread Christopher Faylor

On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 01:57:14PM +0300, Ildar Mulyukov wrote:
>   Hello, cygwin hackers!
>Would you please inform me about gcc-3.x status regarding to Cygwin 
>project? I mean
>* status of gcc-3 ability at cygwin platform
>   (I suggest 99%; when I tried it out 2month ago everything seemed to be 
>allright except spec - it was ugly)
>* plans of using it as the default/alternative compiler available via 

No plans.


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Re: Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please

2002-03-01 Thread Christopher Faylor

On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 02:06:06PM +0100, Markus K. E. Kommant wrote:
>It would be better to support an evironment variable CYGWIN_ENV_UPPERCASE=0,
>1, 2 or a list "var1 var2 var3".
>The list could be, to work correctly in most cases (I used in my pdksh port)
>CYGWIN_ENV_UPPERCASE=1 or not set = the current situation
>CYGWIN_ENV_UPPERCASE=0, do not change anything
>CYGWIN_ENV_UPPERCASE=2, use default uppercase list (see above)
>CYGWIN_ENV_UPPERCASE="var1 var2 var3 var4" uppercase only this variables.

No thanks.


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Re: Child died with signal 13

2002-03-01 Thread Volker Quetschke


> Signal numbers and errno codes (and process status codes) are distinct. 
> Process status codes to incorporate the signal number when a signal 
> caused the death of the process.
> Signal 13 is SIGPIPE: Write to a pipe with no process there to read the 
> data. In your context, this means the tar process has closed the pipe 
> because it has concluded there is no more data to be retrieved from the 
> gunzip sub-process it started in response to the 'z' option. If tar 
> didn't do this, it would have to read all the gunzip-ed data. If it 
> didn't either close the pipe (leading to the signal) or read the data, 
> the child would just block and those processes would stall (at least 
> until you or some other external action killed the tar + gunzip process 
> group).

I have no idea where the problem is, but I got one ME TOO which 
confirmed that not only I have the problem with tar saying: "Child died 
with signal 13". So, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server and Windows NT4 
SP6 have the problem, Windows 98 and any other *nix machine I testet 
have not. I think it's cygwin related!

Because I have no idea where to look in the cygwin sources I decided the 
only way to help the developers *YOU* is to build a more simple 
testcase. Here it comes:

Administrator@LISI ~/qqq
$ tar -czvf a.tar.gz a/

Administrator@LISI ~/qqq
$ tar -tzvf a.tar.gz
drwxrwxrwx Administratoren/Kein 0 2002-03-01 14:22:18 a/
-rwxrwxrwx Administratoren/Kein 8193 2002-03-01 14:21:15 a/error.txt
tar: Child died with signal 13
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

Administrator@LISI ~/qqq
$ tar -cvf a.tar a/

Administrator@LISI ~/qqq
$ ll
total 21
drwxrwxrwx2 Administ Kein0 Mar  1 14:22 a
-rw-rw-rw-1 Administ Kein20480 Mar  1 14:26 a.tar
-rw-rw-rw-1 Administ Kein  299 Mar  1 14:23 a.tar.gz

You can get a.tar.gz at: . The problem is 
related to the length of the tar file. If you delete one charakter in 
error.txt, and its length drops to 8192 then the length of the tar file 
drops to 10240 bytes and you don't get the "tar: Child died with signal 
13". I didn't test how many bytes one has to add to let the error vanish.

Hope this makes it easy to find the problem.


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Re: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Brian Keener

Toni Mueller wrote:
> So my current guess is that I can download some stuff using eg. my Linux
> workstation, put them on CD and then move the CD to the W2k box for
> local installation there. Can anyone please confirm that? Can anyone

Have you looked at the current version of setup.exe at all. It is accessible 

When you run setup you get three choices for install - install from internet, 
download from internet and install from local directory.  First do the  
download and select an install directory. Then after you move to cd and have 
the new machine then run setup.exe and select install from local directory and 
select the new local download path where your cd is.  It should be that simple.

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"local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Markus Hoenicka


Toni Mueller writes:
 > So my current guess is that I can download some stuff using eg. my Linux
 > workstation, put them on CD and then move the CD to the W2k box for
 > local installation there. Can anyone please confirm that? Can anyone
 > please tell me which version of setup.exe I should get to be able to
 > install from a local directory?

You lose a lot of the functionality of setup.exe if you do it this way
but you can certainly do this if you want to have a hard time.

 > (Apart from that I always thought that doing online-installs is both
 > error-prone and insecure in most cases, and in general, a M$ disease -
 > why does RedHat do it?)

This is just not true. Debian's apt-get retrieves packages by default
from the web, and so do several RPM-based utilities. FreeBSD's ports
collection grabs the sources from the web by default, and precompiled
packages can also be installed from the web. It's certainly not a M$
disease but rather common practice.


Markus Hoenicka, PhD
UT Houston Medical School
Dept. of Integrative Biology and Pharmacology
6431 Fannin MSB4.114
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 500-6313, -7477
(713) 500-7444 (fax)

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Re: Child died with signal 13

2002-03-01 Thread Randall R Schulz


I don't think there's a problem here, actually.

I occasionally get these diagnostics, too, but there's never a problem 
extracting the files from the archive. Apparently tar knows it's seen the 
last TOC entry and closes the pipe from the gunzip sub-process. Then it 
waits for that process to exit. Since gunzip doesn't explicitly handle 
SIGPIPE and terminate gracefully, its death at the hand of the SIGPIPE is 
reported to tar and tar then dutifully reports it to you.

I retrieved your test file and got the same result as you. Aside from the 
diagnostic, which I got for this file and get for others sometimes, I've 
had no trouble with tar.

I can't tell for sure if "a/error.txt" was retrieved accurately, so here's 
the checksum for that file as extracted on my system:

% sum a/error.txt
28232 9

However, by using tar's "-i" option:

-i, --ignore-zeros ignore zeroed blocks in archive (means EOF)

the error was suppressed. I'm guessing it forces tar to read all the data 
in the uncompressed input file instead of quitting early.

My recommendation is that you ignore this error. If you're concerned about 
the data integrity, you can use the "-t --test" option to gunzip to check 
the data in your gzip-ed files before submitting them to tar.

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 06:46 2002-03-01, Volker Quetschke wrote:
>>Signal numbers and errno codes (and process status codes) are distinct. 
>>Process status codes to incorporate the signal number when a signal 
>>caused the death of the process.
>>Signal 13 is SIGPIPE: Write to a pipe with no process there to read the 
>>data. In your context, this means the tar process has closed the pipe 
>>because it has concluded there is no more data to be retrieved from the 
>>gunzip sub-process it started in response to the 'z' option. If tar 
>>didn't do this, it would have to read all the gunzip-ed data. If it 
>>didn't either close the pipe (leading to the signal) or read the data, 
>>the child would just block and those processes would stall (at least 
>>until you or some other external action killed the tar + gunzip process group).
>I have no idea where the problem is, but I got one ME TOO which confirmed 
>that not only I have the problem with tar saying: "Child died with signal 
>13". So, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server and Windows NT4 SP6 have the 
>problem, Windows 98 and any other *nix machine I testet have not. I think 
>it's cygwin related!
>Because I have no idea where to look in the cygwin sources I decided the 
>only way to help the developers *YOU* is to build a more simple testcase. 
>Here it comes:
>Administrator@LISI ~/qqq
>$ tar -czvf a.tar.gz a/
>Administrator@LISI ~/qqq
>$ tar -tzvf a.tar.gz
>drwxrwxrwx Administratoren/Kein 0 2002-03-01 14:22:18 a/
>-rwxrwxrwx Administratoren/Kein 8193 2002-03-01 14:21:15 a/error.txt
>tar: Child died with signal 13
>tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
>Administrator@LISI ~/qqq
>$ tar -cvf a.tar a/
>Administrator@LISI ~/qqq
>$ ll
>total 21
>drwxrwxrwx2 Administ Kein0 Mar  1 14:22 a
>-rw-rw-rw-1 Administ Kein20480 Mar  1 14:26 a.tar
>-rw-rw-rw-1 Administ Kein  299 Mar  1 14:23 a.tar.gz
>You can get a.tar.gz at: . The problem is 
>related to the length of the tar file. If you delete one charakter in 
>error.txt, and its length drops to 8192 then the length of the tar file 
>drops to 10240 bytes and you don't get the "tar: Child died with signal 
>13". I didn't test how many bytes one has to add to let the error vanish.
>Hope this makes it easy to find the problem.
>   Volker

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Re: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Randall R Schulz


At 07:31 2002-03-01, Markus Hoenicka wrote:
>Toni Mueller writes:
>  > So my current guess is that I can download some stuff using eg. my Linux
>  > workstation, put them on CD and then move the CD to the W2k box for
>  > local installation there. Can anyone please confirm that? Can anyone
>  > please tell me which version of setup.exe I should get to be able to
>  > install from a local directory?
>You lose a lot of the functionality of setup.exe if you do it this way but 
>you can certainly do this if you want to have a hard time.

I don't understand this. You get maximum flexibility by separate "Download 
from Internet" and "Install from Local Directory" operations. That way you 
can download sources and have them at hand without unconditionally 
installing them.

By copying my local installation cache to a CD, I can save others very 
large downloads.

I cannot see this as a loss of functionality.

Can you tell me some functionality only available when one uses "Install 
from Internet?"

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA


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Re: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Markus Hoenicka


the original poster's suggestion was not to use setup.exe to download
the packages, but rather a linux box. This way you lose the dependency
tracking in setup.exe (it does not run on Linux afaik), and to
make sure you don't miss a dependency and thus waste a CD you'd have
to download *all* available packages which is a waste of time.

I'm afraid you misunderstood my comments on this issue. I fully agree
that using setup.exe to first download and later install the packages
is the most versatile way of doing things. I just pointed out that
manually downloading the packages, thus bypassing setup.exe in the
first place, will have issues.


Randall R Schulz writes:
 > >You lose a lot of the functionality of setup.exe if you do it this way but 
 > >you can certainly do this if you want to have a hard time.
 > I don't understand this. You get maximum flexibility by separate "Download 
 > from Internet" and "Install from Local Directory" operations. That way you 
 > can download sources and have them at hand without unconditionally 
 > installing them.
 > By copying my local installation cache to a CD, I can save others very 
 > large downloads.
 > I cannot see this as a loss of functionality.
 > Can you tell me some functionality only available when one uses "Install 
 > from Internet?"
 > Randall Schulz
 > Mountain View, CA USA
 > >...
 > >
 > >regards,
 > >Markus

Markus Hoenicka, PhD
UT Houston Medical School
Dept. of Integrative Biology and Pharmacology
6431 Fannin MSB4.114
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 500-6313, -7477
(713) 500-7444 (fax)

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RE: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Mark Sheppard

Surely if you were bothering to make a CD you'd want to include
everything anyway, thus you wouldn't need dependency checking.


-Original Message-
From: Markus Hoenicka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 01 March 2002 15:51
To: Randall R Schulz; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: "local install"?


the original poster's suggestion was not to use setup.exe to download
the packages, but rather a linux box. This way you lose the dependency
tracking in setup.exe (it does not run on Linux afaik), and to
make sure you don't miss a dependency and thus waste a CD you'd have
to download *all* available packages which is a waste of time.

I'm afraid you misunderstood my comments on this issue. I fully agree
that using setup.exe to first download and later install the packages
is the most versatile way of doing things. I just pointed out that
manually downloading the packages, thus bypassing setup.exe in the
first place, will have issues.


Randall R Schulz writes:
 > >You lose a lot of the functionality of setup.exe if you do it this way
 > >you can certainly do this if you want to have a hard time.
 > I don't understand this. You get maximum flexibility by separate
 > from Internet" and "Install from Local Directory" operations. That way
 > can download sources and have them at hand without unconditionally 
 > installing them.
 > By copying my local installation cache to a CD, I can save others very 
 > large downloads.
 > I cannot see this as a loss of functionality.
 > Can you tell me some functionality only available when one uses "Install 
 > from Internet?"
 > Randall Schulz
 > Mountain View, CA USA

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Re: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Charles Wilson

Randall R Schulz wrote:

> I don't understand this. You get maximum flexibility by separate 
> "Download from Internet" and "Install from Local Directory" operations. 
> That way you can download sources and have them at hand without 
> unconditionally installing them.
> By copying my local installation cache to a CD, I can save others very 
> large downloads.
> I cannot see this as a loss of functionality.
> Can you tell me some functionality only available when one uses "Install 
> from Internet?"

Sure:  merging multiple "mirrors" into a seamless single-view 
installation.  (Or, merging an official mirror site + "Bob's archive of 
cool cygwin packages" + "My company's local cygwin ports" into a single, 
always-up-to-date single seamless installation).  Sure, you could 
manually download the packages you are interested in from all 27 sites, 
merge them into a single local repo, and then do 'install-from-local' -- 
but setup's "extra functionality" automatically handles that stuff for 
you -- just point-n-click.


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sunRPC on V1.3.x

2002-03-01 Thread Stéphane Corbé


I use Cygwin 1.3.10-1 on NT4.0 and I tried to use sunRPC.
I found the Corinna's port for B20.
On my box, this port seems to have problem :
With the binaries.tar.gz : portmap didn't stay alive and rpcinfo complains
about "enable to receive"
With the sources.tar.gz : portmap exit on an error on a select, if I replace
the first arg with a 0, it stay alive. rpcinfo didn't complains but it enter
in a infinite loop in xdrrec_getbytes (rpc/xdr_rec.c) :

current is always null

 while (len > 0) {
  current = rstrm->fbtbc;
  if (current == 0) {
   if (rstrm->last_frag)
return (FALSE);
   if (! set_input_fragment(rstrm))
return (FALSE);
  current = (len < current) ? len : current;
  if (! get_input_bytes(rstrm, addr, current))
   return (FALSE);
  addr += current;
  rstrm->fbtbc -= current;
  len -= current;

And this by asking to the local portmap or to a remote (a Solaris).

portmap.exe accept the connection from the remote host but don't get a

1) Have you an idea why ?
2) Why sunRPC is not distributed with cygwin ?

Thank you,


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 4:35 PM

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Re: Parallel Port LPRng

2002-03-01 Thread Walter Garcia-Fontes

I actually solved the problem in this recent thread by doing the following
workaround: 1) share the printer, 2) in the printcap refer to the printer with
the path, i.e lp=ine/printer
Now I have to figure out how to send a linefeed at the end of the jobs,
otherwise the last page requires manual intervention in the printer...

Walter Garcia-Fontes
Barcelona, Spain

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Re: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Randall R Schulz


I cannot get setup.exe to permit multiple selection of mirrors, so how is 
this magical seamless multi-mirror integration achieved? Can it be done 
without running setup.exe more than once? If not, what's the advantage over 
separate download and install?

Furthermore, why doesn't the multi-mirror technique, however effected, work 
for separated download and install, too?

Lastly, am I correct in believing that if one wants to download anything 
but not install it (source, e.g., or packages used by some at one's site 
but not by all) that separate download and install is the only way to 
accomplish this?

It still seems to me that control freaks are going to do as I do: Separate 
download and install.

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 07:47 2002-03-01, Charles Wilson wrote:
>Randall R Schulz wrote:
>>I don't understand this. You get maximum flexibility by separate 
>>"Download from Internet" and "Install from Local Directory" operations. 
>>That way you can download sources and have them at hand without 
>>unconditionally installing them.
>>By copying my local installation cache to a CD, I can save others very 
>>large downloads. I cannot see this as a loss of functionality.
>>Can you tell me some functionality only available when one uses "Install 
>>from Internet?"
>Sure:  merging multiple "mirrors" into a seamless single-view 
>installation.  (Or, merging an official mirror site + "Bob's archive of 
>cool cygwin packages" + "My company's local cygwin ports" into a single, 
>always-up-to-date single seamless installation).  Sure, you could manually 
>download the packages you are interested in from all 27 sites, merge them 
>into a single local repo, and then do 'install-from-local' -- but setup's 
>"extra functionality" automatically handles that stuff for you -- just 

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RE: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Markus Hoenicka

Mark Sheppard writes:
 > Surely if you were bothering to make a CD you'd want to include
 > everything anyway, thus you wouldn't need dependency checking.

Thus qoth the man behind a fat pipe. I don't know about the original
poster's situation, but if you use a modem connection the dependency
checking is highly welcome to be a tad more selective with your

Markus Hoenicka, PhD
UT Houston Medical School
Dept. of Integrative Biology and Pharmacology
6431 Fannin MSB4.114
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 500-6313, -7477
(713) 500-7444 (fax)

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Re: Parallel Port LPRng

2002-03-01 Thread Walter Garcia-Fontes

* Walter Garcia-Fontes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020301 16:55]:
> I actually solved the problem in this recent thread by doing the following
> workaround: 1) share the printer, 2) in the printcap refer to the printer with
> the path, i.e lp=ine/printer

Sorry, this should read lp=//machine/printer

> Now I have to figure out how to send a linefeed at the end of the jobs,
> otherwise the last page requires manual intervention in the printer...
Walter Garcia-Fontes   

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RE: Is the Cygwin 1.3.2 DLL Win 2000 compatible?

2002-03-01 Thread Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)

At 07:59 AM 3/1/2002, David Starks-Browning wrote:
>On Thursday 28 Feb 02, Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) writes:
> > David (Starks-Browning), do you think it's necessary to update this 
> > FAQ entry so that it's clear that the Cygwin DLL has historically supported
> > the then released versions of Windows?
>I don't understand what's wrong with the current FAQ entry.  Maybe I
>misunderstand the question?

Hi David,

Perhaps.  It's an esoteric one.  The original poster of this question wanted
to know if Cygwin 1.3.2 would work with Win2000.  I replied with the FAQ 
entry that says Cygwin works with 9x/Me/NT/W2K/XP.  The reply I got back 
from the poster then was that he had seen this entry but thought it 
referenced only the current Cygwin DLL (1.3.9 at that point).  So the only
question I was raising was whether you think it would be more or less 
confusing to people to add some wording to the FAQ entry that specifies
that any recent Cygwin DLL works with Windows, not just the latest.
It's not clear to me that this additional wording wouldn't raise more 
questions than it answers.  Judging by your response, I think leaving things
as is may be the best option.  What do you think?


RFK Partners, Inc.
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
Holliston, MA 01746 (508) 893-9889 - FAX

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rxvt double width!

2002-03-01 Thread Philip Le Riche

I've got rxvt working under win98, but on another machine running w95,
the window is double width, and text comes out double-spaced
(horizontally). I'm using a recent rxvt downloaded only a couple of
weeks ago. Looks like it thinks I'm using a 16 bit char code or
something? Tried reinstalling rxvt but to no avail. Ideas?

- Philip
Philip Le Riche   Voice: +44 1442 884390
(Malgre son nom, ce brave homme   Fax:   +44 1442 884854
 parle à peine français)  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Child died with signal 13

2002-03-01 Thread Volker Quetschke


thanks for having a look at this topic.

> I don't think there's a problem here, actually.
> I occasionally get these diagnostics, too, but there's never a problem 
> extracting the files from the archive. Apparently tar knows it's seen 
> the last TOC entry and closes the pipe from the gunzip sub-process. Then 
> it waits for that process to exit. Since gunzip doesn't explicitly 
> handle SIGPIPE and terminate gracefully, its death at the hand of the 
> SIGPIPE is reported to tar and tar then dutifully reports it to you.
> I retrieved your test file and got the same result as you. Aside from 
> the diagnostic, which I got for this file and get for others sometimes, 
> I've had no trouble with tar.

Hmmm, I just don't like (false) error messages :-), but you are right 
tar works correctly. I was just wondering about the error on NT and not 
on other systems.

> I can't tell for sure if "a/error.txt" was retrieved accurately, so 
> here's the checksum for that file as extracted on my system:
> % sum a/error.txt
> 28232 9

Yes it's the checksum of the original file.

> However, by using tar's "-i" option:
> -i, --ignore-zeros ignore zeroed blocks in archive (means EOF)
> the error was suppressed. I'm guessing it forces tar to read all the 
> data in the uncompressed input file instead of quitting early.

Thanks for this hint.


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Re: CVS Problems: Updated: gdbm-1.8.0-4

2002-03-01 Thread Jason Tishler


On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 12:18:35PM -0500, Charles Wilson wrote:
> Well, the current cygwin port of CVS seems to store all 'normal' files 
> in the repository in LF/CR mode.  On checkout (from a local repository) 
> all 'normal' files are created in LF/CR mode.  This is *regardless* of 
> whether the local working directory is on a binmount or textmount.  (Of 
> course, the repository is on a binmount; see (a) above).

Is the above really true?  I have empirical evidence to the contrary.
I just tried a local repository cvs init, import, and checkout with all
mounts in bin mode.  All files in the repository and working directories
end up in LF mode.


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Re: CVS Problems: Updated: gdbm-1.8.0-4

2002-03-01 Thread Charles Wilson

Jason Tishler wrote:

> Chuck,
> On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 12:18:35PM -0500, Charles Wilson wrote:
>>Well, the current cygwin port of CVS seems to store all 'normal' files 
>>in the repository in LF/CR mode.  On checkout (from a local repository) 
>>all 'normal' files are created in LF/CR mode.  This is *regardless* of 
>>whether the local working directory is on a binmount or textmount.  (Of 
>>course, the repository is on a binmount; see (a) above).
> Is the above really true?  I have empirical evidence to the contrary.
> I just tried a local repository cvs init, import, and checkout with all
> mounts in bin mode.  All files in the repository and working directories
> end up in LF mode.


I had precisely the OPPOSITE experience -- with all mounts in bin mode. 
  I started with files with LF endings.  I imported them -- and the new 
repository files had LF/CR.  I then checked them out (to a separate 
location) -- and the new working dir had LF/CR.

Damn.  I'm gonna have to look at this harder...


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RE: Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please

2002-03-01 Thread Markus K. E. Kommant

Was an idea for a big bug solution. 
"No thanx" is the worst solution ever...

And to fix it in cygwin1.dll itself... 

At the moment "cygwin no thanx if I see this errors", because
>(..) We're only using cygwin to prototype some stuff, not to make any
>viable product as it just isn't stable/reliable/secure enough unfortunately

and slow and not bug free and there is no real support available no

/usr/local/cygwin-1.3.10-1/winsup/cygwin $make
g++ -c -gstabs+ -O2 -MMD -fbuiltin ...
In file included from
fhandler.h: In method `select_stuff::select_stuff()':
fhandler.h:1086: implicit declaration of function `int memset(...)'
In file included from
path.h: In method `bool path_conv::exists() const':
path.h:89: `INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES' undeclared (first use this function)
path.h:89: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
path.h:89: for each function it appears in.)
path.h:89: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
) const'
make: *** [cygheap.o] Error 1

> -Original Message-
> From: Christopher Faylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 2:39 PM
> Subject: Re: Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please
> On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 02:06:06PM +0100, Markus K. E. Kommant wrote:
> >Idea:
> >
> >It would be better to support an evironment variable 
> >1, 2 or a list "var1 var2 var3".
> >The list could be, to work correctly in most cases (I used 
> in my pdksh port)
> >NULL,
> >
> >CYGWIN_ENV_UPPERCASE=1 or not set = the current situation
> >CYGWIN_ENV_UPPERCASE=0, do not change anything
> >CYGWIN_ENV_UPPERCASE=2, use default uppercase list (see above)
> >CYGWIN_ENV_UPPERCASE="var1 var2 var3 var4" uppercase only 
> this variables.
> No thanks.
> cgf

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Re: Strange behaviour of vpath with dos paths

2002-03-01 Thread Soren Andersen

On 28 Feb 2002 at 11:24, Colm Aengus Murphy wrote:

> Hi Johan,
> I took a quick look at source code for make 3.79.1-5.
> It looks to me like vpath.c (build_vpath_lists) does conversion of Win32
> paths to posix ones for the VPATH variable but not for vpath. Not being a
> software programmer I'm not in a position to provide a patch, but maybe
> someone else could ?
> Colm A

I am not a software programmer either ;-)  (irregardless of the apparent assumptions 
about me in the past on this List) -- at least not really a "C" programmer (rather, 
japh-er) but 
I will take a look at this and see if I can fix it. Mind you, I wouldn't hold my 
breath or base 
my plans for a major product roll-out on my quick success; I have not yet ever tried 
to build 
`make' from source, so that's the first and possibly not trivial hurdle. Maybe 
somebody else 
will therefore get there before me, but I thought I'd offer you assurance now that at 
one pair of eyeballs out here will be looking into this.

 Soren Andersen

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Re: Too many open files

2002-03-01 Thread Kirk Erickson

"Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)" wrote:
> At 06:28 PM 2/26/2002, Kirk Erickson wrote:
> >I love cygwin.  I've had no problems at home (running under XP),
> >but I'm experiencing a problem reported earlier by Benoit Rochefort
> >
> >
> >
> >under Windows 2000 Professional Ver 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2.
> >I can reproduce by doing a
> >
> > find . -type l
> >
> >in my home directory.  The find hangs, and even if I kill it,
> >subsequent commands fail:
> >
> >[kirke@BAG HINTS]$ cat HINTS
> >cat: HINTS: Too many open files
> >
> >I've attached cygcheck output.

> >   386k 1998/02/26 C:\WINNT\cygwinb19.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
> >   "cygwinb19.dll" v0.0 ts=1998/2/25 2:22
> Get rid of the DLL above.  Never mix Cygwin DLL versions.

I saw the same failure after removing this.
Also, I scratch installed Windows 2000, and redid the Cygwin install
from scratch (nothing but setup.exe).

Its apparent that directory entries relative to my HOME directory
are corrupt:

[kirke@BAG .backup]$ ls -l big*
ls: big-2002-0228-1555: No such file or directory
-rw-r--r--1 kirkeAdminist  547 Nov  9  2000
-rw-r--r--1 kirkeAdminist  568 Jan 16  2001
-rw-r--r--1 kirkeAdminist  532 Nov  1  2000
-rw-r--r--1 kirkeAdminist  529 Jan 16  2001
[kirke@BAG .backup]$ pwd

This directory lives on a server managed by our IS group.  I've
they do a 'chkdsk /f' to clean up.

I guess find is leaking descriptors when it encounters bad directory


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Re: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Charles Wilson

Randall R Schulz wrote:

> Chuck,
> I cannot get setup.exe to permit multiple selection of mirrors, so how 
> is this magical seamless multi-mirror integration achieved? Can it be 
> done without running setup.exe more than once? 

Yes -- you should be able to shift-click or ctrl-click select multiple 
items in the mirror list (assuming you are using the NEW setup snapshot 

> If not, what's the 
> advantage over separate download and install?
> Furthermore, why doesn't the multi-mirror technique, however effected, 
> work for separated download and install, too?

Because there is no 'remote site selection' step if you are not 
installing/downloading.  Sure, you could do a multi-site non-install 
download using setup, and then run setup in 'local dir' mode to install. 
  But setup is NOT meant to be an archiving/mirroring tool.  It is an 
installation tool.  If you want a local mirror -- USE a mirroring tool. 
  Good grief, wget has special mirroring options -- that's what I use...

> Lastly, am I correct in believing that if one wants to download anything 
> but not install it (source, e.g., or packages used by some at one's site 
> but not by all) that separate download and install is the only way to 
> accomplish this?

if the remote site provides a local version of setup.ini that accurately 
describes the contents of that remote site, then you should be able to 
select the (non-standard) site as a 'download location' and setup.exe 
will merge all selected sites, and download (or dl/install) the most 
recent copy of each selected package, from whatever location has the 
most recent version  (incl. packages from the non-standard site).

> It still seems to me that control freaks are going to do as I do: 
> Separate download and install.

Sure.  And some people (incl. me) still boot their linux boxen into 
console mode and only run X when required.  But that's still no reason 
not to develop xdm/gdm/kdm graphical logon managers.

Currently, there are no sites that provide cygwin packages in 
setup-approved format, that are not part of the official cygwin mirror 
system.  (Because until now, you couldn't use setup to install from 
ANYPLACE other than localdir or an *official* mirror site).  Now that 
you can enter custom URLs and do multi-site selection, I imagine that 
many uses will be found for the new functionality.

Perhaps the Emacs folks (NOT XEmacs -- they already have a different 
solution) will create a cygwin-setup dirtree once their cygwin port is 
complete.  Perhaps folks who have ported a package and want to make it 
available, but do NOT want to accept the maintainership responsibilities 
that go with *official* package inclusion, will create 
cygwin-setup-compatible distribution sites with custom setup.ini's. 
These are all great things, and are reason enough for the multi-site 
selection capability -- regardless of whether YOU actually use that 
particular feature.


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rxvt under X11 does not process dead accents.

2002-03-01 Thread Rodrigo Medina

Hi !
This comment is about the behavior of rxvt under X11, so
I am not sure if this is the proper mailing list (as
 rxvt is distributed with cygwin, I assume it's OK). Under 
Windows, rxvt-2.7.2-10 properly handles the dead-accents,
and that is its big advantage over the cygwin-term. But under
X11 it fails to process the dead accents as defined by
the .Xmodmap file. For example, in the keyboard I am using,
 "^a" should yield "â" but X11-rxvt  yields "^a". Instead the
original xterm functions properly. If rxvt is to be useful
 for the people with non-english keyboards this
problem has to be solved.

Rodrigo Medina
Centro de Física IVIC

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Re: [ECOS] copy redboot to floppy on cgywin

2002-03-01 Thread Jonathan Larmour

max rtos wrote:
> 4)in Cygwin
> mount -f -b //./a: /dev/fd0
> dd conv=sync if=install/bin/redboot.bin of=/dev/fd0
> then I got
> /dev/fd0: can not find the file or directory
> What do I need to check

Erk. Perhaps this went away in cygwin 1.3.3 as well and I never noticed!

I'm CC'ing this to the cygwin list for an answer...

Cygwin dudes, how do you now get direct access to a floppy disk, i.e.
sector by sector, not the logical drive?

Red Hat, Rustat House, Clifton Road, Cambridge, UK. Tel: +44 (1223) 271062
Maybe this world is another planet's Hell -Aldous Huxley || Opinions==mine

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Re: [ECOS] copy redboot to floppy on cgywin

2002-03-01 Thread Christopher Faylor

On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 08:19:11PM +, Jonathan Larmour wrote:
>max rtos wrote:
>> 4)in Cygwin
>> mount -f -b //./a: /dev/fd0
>> dd conv=sync if=install/bin/redboot.bin of=/dev/fd0
>> then I got
>> /dev/fd0: can not find the file or directory
>> What do I need to check
>Erk. Perhaps this went away in cygwin 1.3.3 as well and I never noticed!
>I'm CC'ing this to the cygwin list for an answer...
>Cygwin dudes, how do you now get direct access to a floppy disk, i.e.
>sector by sector, not the logical drive?

It went away in 1.3.4, actually.  This should explain how things work now:


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telnet to vi

2002-03-01 Thread David


I telnet from my sun cmdtool to my winNT pc on intel. Then, type
'vi fname' which will then clear the screen and show me the file

Unfortunately, when I type :q to exit vi, the session is killed

The same result if I run rxvt, and then vi, and then :q

Has anyone else seen this result? Is there a fix?



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Perl reports different cwd() value

2002-03-01 Thread Timothy Canham

If you are in:

c:/temp (alternate way to address drives under cygwin)

and you perform "perl -e "use Cwd; cwd();" " you get:


Any way to work around this?

Version 1.3.9

Timothy K. Canham
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA
MDS Flight Software

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Fwd: Re: SSHD fails to start - not responding in a timely fashion

2002-03-01 Thread Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)

I'm forwarding this to the list, with the original author's permission, so 
that it's in the archives.  I think Scott's results are interesting since 
they provide some real specific information on the services that are 
required to get sshd to function reliably.  While his original network 
configuration may be atypical, his findings, I think, are generally of 
interest to those that may have trouble getting sshd to work reliably
for them.

>Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 13:16:14 -0700 (MST)
>From: Scott Mulroy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: SSHD fails to start - not responding in a timely fashion
>Hi Larry,
>I thought I'd let you know what we were able to accomplish.  I did enable
>the "Computer Browser" and "Server" services and then tried to start the
>sshd service.  It started up with minimal problems.  We had to tweak a
>"IRPStackSize" registry entry for the "Server" service and set
>"StrictModes" to "yes" in the sshd_config file, but we were able to start
>the sshd service and get it running properly eventually.
>While it's odd that this kind of thing needed to occur, I'll simply chalk
>it up to another Windows quirk and continue on.  Thanks for all your help!
>Scott Mulroy
>Infrastructure Technology Consultant
>M-Tech Mercury Information Technology, Inc.
>Phone:  (403) 233-0740 ext 228
>Fax:(403) 233-0725
>On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) wrote:
>->Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 12:03:17 -0500
>->From: "Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>->To: Scott Mulroy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>->Subject: Re: SSHD fails to start - not responding in a timely fashion
>->At 01:18 PM 2/23/2002, Scott Mulroy wrote:
>->>On Fri, 22 Feb 2002, Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) wrote:
>->>->This strikes me like a service dependency issue.  There has been some 
>->>->discussion of this on the list.  You might want to look into this.  Because
>->>->services start in different sequences or require differing amounts of time
>->>->to start up on different machines, not specifying prerequisites can create
>->>->these undependable situations.  Sorry I don't have specific service dependency
>->>->suggestions for you here (beyond perhaps the browser) but you should find 
>->>->some in the email archive if you're interested.  Anyway, it's a possibility
>->>->you might want to investigate.
>->>->Hope that helps,
>->>Thank you for the speedy response Larry!
>->>I'll investigate this possibility a little more.  One thing I should point
>->>out is that we have disabled the Computer Browser and Server services to
>->>allow for NetBios drive mappings across an ssh tunnel.  Perhaps those two
>->>are causing the grief?  It's odd though.  If that is the problem, how are
>->>the local machines I'm working on unaffected?  As I said in my earlier
>->>email, they're all built to spec.
>->That is a good question.  I don't know the answer unfortunately.  There have
>->been at least a few messages on this list that indicate the computer browser
>->is a dependency of SSHD for many people.  The most recent one is this 
>->There's probably something more subtle going on there but it's not clear to me
>->what it is.
>->>I also don't think it's a matter of certain services not starting up in time.
>->>Many times during my efforts I've tried to start the sshd service and all the
>->>other services have had 30-60 minutes to start.  Perhaps this feedback may
>->>give you some insight into something more.  =)
>->Well, you can try checking your Event Viewer log for hints.  Nothing else
>->springs to mind, although others on this list that have experienced similar
>->issues may have more specific thoughts on this matter.
>->>I will try re-enabling the Computer Browser and Server services to see if
>->>I have any luck and I will continue to investigate further service
>->>dependencies.  If you have anything further or anyone else in your support
>->>department has any feedback, it would be greatly appreciated.
>->My support department is the Cygwin list! :-)  I'm sure if anyone on the
>->list has a good idea for you, they'll speak up if they haven't already in 
>->the past (in the archives).  I'm sure the list will be very interested to 
>->hear the results of your analysis though.  It is a problem experienced by 
>->some in the past and the resolution has always been related to some system 
>->service not starting as well.  However, I don't think anyone is clear on the 
>->complete list of service dependencies.  Any additional information you may 
>->find in this regard during your investigation would be most useful to others 
>->on the list moving forward.
>->Good luck!

rxvt cursor corruption under WinXP/ClearType

2002-03-01 Thread Rui Carmo

Hello there,

I've been searching the mailing-list archives for posts concerning the vertical cursor 
"trails" bug that rxvt exhibits under Windows XP with ClearType, but have found 

Steps to reproduce the bug:
- Under Windows XP, activate ClearType (Display Properties|Appearance|Effects|Use the 
following method... ClearType)
- Start rxvt with the following command line:
  rxvt.exe -tn xterm -sr -fn "Lucida Console-14" -sl 3 -e bash --login -i
- Type some chars and notice the vertical bars the cursor leaves (erase or redraw are 
off by one pixel)

This only happens with monospaced fonts other than Courier New or System (Lucida 
Console, Andale Mono, and practically all other monospaced fonts I tried).

I am willing to help debug/test this, and have spent a couple of hours trying to 
recompile rxvt on my box (setting up CVS, etc., and following the steps detailed on 
/usr/doc/Cygwin/rxvt-2.7.2.README), but would like to get in touch with other folk 
that have been working on rxvt to swap tips.

Since I am not subscribed to the list, please e-mail me directy.


Rui Carmo

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Re: rxvt cursor corruption under WinXP/ClearType

2002-03-01 Thread Andrew DeFaria

Rui Carmo wrote:

> Hello there,
> I've been searching the mailing-list archives for posts concerning the vertical 
>cursor "trails" bug that rxvt exhibits under Windows XP with ClearType, but have 
>found nothing. 
> Steps to reproduce the bug:
> - Under Windows XP, activate ClearType (Display Properties|Appearance|Effects|Use 
>the following method... ClearType)
> - Start rxvt with the following command line:
>   rxvt.exe -tn xterm -sr -fn "Lucida Console-14" -sl 3 -e bash --login -i
> - Type some chars and notice the vertical bars the cursor leaves (erase or redraw 
>are off by one pixel)
> This only happens with monospaced fonts other than Courier New or System (Lucida 
>Console, Andale Mono, and practically all other monospaced fonts I tried).
> I am willing to help debug/test this, and have spent a couple of hours trying to 
>recompile rxvt on my box (setting up CVS, etc., and following the steps detailed on 
>/usr/doc/Cygwin/rxvt-2.7.2.README), but would like to get in touch with other folk 
>that have been working on rxvt to swap tips.
> Since I am not subscribed to the list, please e-mail me directy.

Ah! So that's what it is! I've been having this problem at home on my XP 
box for a while now but didn't see the problem on my work XP box. Don't 
know the solution but at least I now know what to turn off. Thanks.

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Re: install freeze in win2k

2002-03-01 Thread Ling F. Zhang

I figured out the problem was because my
anti-virus software was on.

--- David Starks-Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 28 Feb 02, Ling F. Zhang writes:
> > I am just try to install cygwin in my win2k
> machine. 
> > I selected everything after some serious
> > mouse-clicking...and after it downloaded
> everything,
> > it starts to install and my computer is dead
> frozen
> > when it try to install gcc-lib*anyone has
> similar
> > problem and know fix?
> Please let me know whether it's explained by this
> entry in the FAQ:
> "My computer hangs when I try to run setup.exe!"
> Thanks,
> David

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RE: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Robert Collins

> -Original Message-
> From: Charles Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> > Can you tell me some functionality only available when one uses 
> > "Install
> > from Internet?"
> Sure:  merging multiple "mirrors" into a seamless single-view 
> installation.  (Or, merging an official mirror site + "Bob's 
> archive of 
> cool cygwin packages" + "My company's local cygwin ports" 
> into a single, 
> always-up-to-date single seamless installation).  

"Download from internet" mode does perform this merging, and the install
from local directory grabs all the found .ini files, and then performs
the same merging. So no loss of functionality.


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RE: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Robert Collins

> -Original Message-
> From: Randall R Schulz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 

> I cannot get setup.exe to permit multiple selection of 
> mirrors, so how is 
> this magical seamless multi-mirror integration achieved? Can 
> it be done 
> without running setup.exe more than once? If not, what's the 
> advantage over 
> separate download and install?

Ctrl-click or shift-click in the setup mirror site list.
> Furthermore, why doesn't the multi-mirror technique, however 
> effected, work 
> for separated download and install, too?

It does.

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RE: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Robert Collins

> -Original Message-
> From: Charles Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 

> Perhaps the Emacs folks (NOT XEmacs -- they already have a different 
> solution) will create a cygwin-setup dirtree once their 
> cygwin port is 
> complete.  Perhaps folks who have ported a package and want 
> to make it 
> available, but do NOT want to accept the maintainership 
> responsibilities 
> that go with *official* package inclusion, will create 
> cygwin-setup-compatible distribution sites with custom setup.ini's. 
> These are all great things, and are reason enough for the multi-site 
> selection capability -- regardless of whether YOU actually use that 
> particular feature.

Yes - federation is good. RPM and .deb achieved this a long time ago...
And now we do to :].


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Re: 1.3.10 and setgid

2002-03-01 Thread Gerrit P. Haase

Hallo Corinna,

Am 2002-03-01 um 11:44 schriebst du:

> On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 06:26:59PM +0100, Lapo Luchini wrote:
>> I re-created that just before writing the message...
>> Administrator@CYBERONE ~
>> $ mkgroup -l
>> Everyone:S-1-1-0:0:
>> SYSTEM:S-1-5-18:18:

> At that point, "None" should appear.  That's a valid group on all NT
> systems since it's the default primary group for all users, domain
> member or not.

> I checked mkgroup on my system and it creats the "None" entry.
> I think you will have to debug that on your system.

How to debug this?
BTW, I have no entry in /etc/group with gid 513, that is my NT4.6a Server
box.  On the W2K Server to my right the group exists.

$ mkgroup -l

I'm pretty sure that I never had this group.

=^..^=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[ANNOUNCEMENT] New on sourceware: pkgconfig-0.10.0-1

2002-03-01 Thread Charles Wilson

The pkgconfig package has been added to the cygwin distribution.
The current cygwin version is 0.10.0-1.  pkgconfig is a tool
used for managing the configuration information of OTHER packages.

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link
on the web page.  This downloads setup.exe to
your system.  Save it and run setup, answer the questions and pick
up 'pkgconfig' from the 'Devel' category.

Note that downloads from (aka aren't
allowed due to bandwidth limitations.  This means that you will need
to find a mirror which has this update.

In the US,
is a reliable high bandwidth connection.

In Japan, is already

In DK, is usually up-to-date.

If one of the above doesn't have the latest version of this package
you can either wait for the site to be updated or find another

Please  send questions or comments to the Cygwin mailing list at:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] .  If you want to subscribe go to: I would appreciate if you would use
this mailing list rather than emailing me directly.  This includes
ideas and comments about the setup utility or Cygwin in general.

If you want to make a point or ask a question the Cygwin mailing
list is the appropriate place.


To unsubscribe to the cygwin-announce mailing list, look at the
"List-Unsubscribe: " tag in the email header of this message. Send
email to the address specified there.  It will be in the format:


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Re: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Charles Wilson

[please don't send me personal email related to cygwin.  Keep it on the 

Randall R Schulz wrote:

> I tried the NEW setup. Let's say it has some problems still. I'll switch 
> when the kinks are worked out.

Okay, so when you said "how can I..." you meant "I know it's supposed to 
work, but it doesn't for me."  That's a bug report.  Thanks.

> Yes. We've been over this before. Setup.exe is still the best tool for 
> me to use to maintain my local Cygwin mirror, and I like wget, too. I 
> don't really see why you're so adamant about this. Why don't you remove 
> the "Download from Internet" option if you're so certain setup.exe 
> shouldn't be used to mirror Cygwin installable packages?

bootstrapping.  You can't use wget until after the initial install 
('cause you don't have a working cygwin environment yet, as required by 

For personal use, yes -- you can do whatever you like.  But when the 
on-disk database format for downloaded tarballs changes, to support 
setup's *primary* goal -- the pseudo-mirroring behavior you like may be 
adversely affected.  This has happened in the new setup -- tarballs from 
sites are no longer stored in "/latest" and "/contrib", but 
are stored under "/" etc.  If you 
select multiple mirrors, the tarballs will be downloaded into disjoint 
contrib or latest directories, depending on where they came from.  This 
disrupts the mirroring behavior you like, but the disruption is nonfatal 
-- you can still do what you want, but it won't be pretty.  However, the 
behavioral changes are necessary to support the multisite capability.

Basically, the reason we've been harping that "setup is not a mirroring 
tool" is to preserve the freedom to change setup's on-disk database and 
operational behavior in order to support setup's *primary* goal.  If you 
want a local copy of the tarballs that looks just like -- setup may no longer do that for you -- or the 
way it does it may be different than you expect (e.g. the "extra" 
'http%%%site%path' directory level)

Using a REAL mirroring tool will insulate you from such surprises -- but 
if you're willing to deal with the changes in setup's behavior, good for 

>>> It still seems to me that control freaks are going to do as I do: 
>>> Separate download and install.
>> Sure.  And some people (incl. me) still boot their linux boxen into 
>> console mode and only run X when required.  But that's still no reason 
>> not to develop xdm/gdm/kdm graphical logon managers.
> I don't believe that analogy is particularly apt. I'm not smitten with 
> GUIs and I still don't believe a good IDE exists. If the bulk of the 
> (vocal) S/W developers were to be believed, syntax coloring and 
> auto-completion were the end-all of programming support, but I find them 
> unhelpful and undesirable. "In the beginning was the command line..." I 
> guess I'm still at the beginning, in some ways.

I guess I misunderstood your complaint.  Sorry.


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Re: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Randall R Schulz

At 16:33 2002-03-01, you wrote:
>[please don't send me personal email related to cygwin.  Keep it on the list]

Just following your lead.

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launch a win32 process from bash?

2002-03-01 Thread Jonathan Simms

Hello all,

  I was wondering if it were possible to launch a win32 process from
within cygwin. (i.e. run a windows program in windows, but invoke it from


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Re: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Charles Wilson

Randall R Schulz wrote:

> At 16:33 2002-03-01, you wrote:
>> [please don't send me personal email related to cygwin.  Keep it on 
>> the list]
> Just following your lead.

Huh?  Wha...???  Oh, I see.  My earlier messages were "reply to all" -- 
which meant they were sent (a) directly to you, and also (b) copied to 
the list.  Opinions may vary, but personally I consider that to fall 
within the definition of "keeping it on the list".  But that's just my 
(N-S) humble opinion.  Sorry for the confusion and inconvenience.


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fetchmail 5.9.8 and maildrop 1.3.7

2002-03-01 Thread Rui Carmo

Hello again,

Just to report that fetchmail 5.9.8 compiles cleanly on cygwin, and that we seem to be 
heading towards a fully functioning e-mail solution (well, with ssmtp to forward mail 
to a smarter MTA, at least). Just grab the sources and do:

/configure --with-ssl 
make install

(I did not change config.h or any other options)

I've also been fiddling with maildrop-1.3.7 (actually maildrop-, an 
MDA (Mail Delivery Agent) that is part of the Courier kit. It required a trivial 
change to compile cleanly (something related to timezones, AFAIR a typecast gone 
astray), and I have managed to get both packages to work together (i.e., I actually 
fetched mail from my IMAP-SSL account and delivered to /var/spool/mail/user using 

However, mutt then complains that /var/spool/mail/user is not a valid mbox file, since 
somewhere along the line, an extra blank line is inserted at the beginning of the 
mailbox upon creation. Editing it out by hand solves the problem, but is a rather lame 

I've tried to figure out why this happens, but will have to devote more attention to 
other stuff (I'm rather keen on looking at the rxvt sources at the moment, and reading 
mail directly via IMAP-SSL with mutt works fine for me).

Nevertheless, I think this bit of news will be of interest to those who actually need 
a full fetchmail-MDA combo.

You can get maildrop at, and fetchmail at

I'll probably have a go at the full Courier package one day (I rather fancy the notion 
of having a proper SMTP/IMAP server on my box), but from what I saw from a test 
compile, it'll be an uphill battle... :)

Best regards,

Rui Carmo

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Re: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Randall R Schulz


At 16:33 2002-03-01, you wrote:
>[please don't send me personal email related to cygwin.  Keep it on the list]
>Randall R Schulz wrote:
>>I tried the NEW setup. Let's say it has some problems still. I'll switch 
>>when the kinks are worked out.
>Okay, so when you said "how can I..." you meant "I know it's supposed to 
>work, but it doesn't for me."  That's a bug report.  Thanks.

Let me clarify. Once the NEW setup.exe violated some of my expectations 
(like knowing enough not to download the same packages over and over again 
even though they are right there where it put them the last time) I stopped 
using it. So my attempt to shift- or CTRL- click in the mirrors list was 
done with setup.exe vers.

>>Yes. We've been over this before. Setup.exe is still the best tool for me 
>>to use to maintain my local Cygwin mirror, and I like wget, too. I don't 
>>really see why you're so adamant about this. Why don't you remove the 
>>"Download from Internet" option if you're so certain setup.exe shouldn't 
>>be used to mirror Cygwin installable packages?
>bootstrapping.  You can't use wget until after the initial install ('cause 
>you don't have a working cygwin environment yet, as required by wget.exe).
>For personal use, yes -- you can do whatever you like.  But when the 
>on-disk database format for downloaded tarballs changes, to support 
>setup's *primary* goal -- the pseudo-mirroring behavior you like may be 
>adversely affected.  This has happened in the new setup -- tarballs from 
>sites are no longer stored in "/latest" and "/contrib", but are 
>stored under "/" etc.  If you select 
>multiple mirrors, the tarballs will be downloaded into disjoint contrib or 
>latest directories, depending on where they came from.  This disrupts the 
>mirroring behavior you like, but the disruption is nonfatal -- you can 
>still do what you want, but it won't be pretty.  However, the behavioral 
>changes are necessary to support the multisite capability.
>Basically, the reason we've been harping that "setup is not a mirroring 
>tool" is to preserve the freedom to change setup's on-disk database and 
>operational behavior in order to support setup's *primary* goal.  If you 
>want a local copy of the tarballs that looks just like 
> -- setup may no longer do that for you -- or the 
>way it does it may be different than you expect (e.g. the "extra" 
>'http%%%site%path' directory level)
>Using a REAL mirroring tool will insulate you from such surprises -- but 
>if you're willing to deal with the changes in setup's behavior, good for you.

This I don't understand. If Setup doesn't locally maintain the files it 
downloads as a "mirror" of the site from which it downloaded them, then how 
does wget or any other mirroring tool serve me better? If I mirror using 
wget or FTP Voyager will I be able to install? I surely don't want 300 
megabytes of files for their own sake or just to be able to say I have 
them. I want a local package set that I can use to install. Since a local 
script execution phase has been added to the installer, manual installation 
is, it seems, not an option at all. I've never wanted to do so, but the 
point is that we depend on setup.exe to do installation, so any manner of 
retrieving the files to install that is not directly usably by setup.exe 
for the installation per se is not very useful.

I'm a software developer, too. I fully understand and accept the need to 
keep one's options open. Ideally this is done by careful wording of specs. 
I guess that doesn't really apply here, since we're not talking about an 
API or any other highly formal (or very complex) specification. 
Nonetheless, I'm more than happy accommodate such hedges and reserved and / 
or (pre-) announced behavior changes (e.g., removal of the old 
interpreatation of the "//" file name prefix in the Cygwin DLL). It would 
be nice to know, of course, what the anticipated change is. Just saying 
"Here's a feature. It's there in plain sight. Please don't use it." without 
adding "lest you risk ..." is kind of hard to accept.

It still seems to me that control freaks are going to do as I do: 
Separate download and install.
>>>Sure.  And some people (incl. me) still boot their linux boxen into 
>>>console mode and only run X when required.  But that's still no reason 
>>>not to develop xdm/gdm/kdm graphical logon managers.
>>I don't believe that analogy is particularly apt. I'm not smitten with 
>>GUIs and I still don't believe a good IDE exists. If the bulk of the 
>>(vocal) S/W developers were to be believed, syntax coloring and 
>>auto-completion were the end-all of programming support, but I find them 
>>unhelpful and undesirable. "In the beginning was the command line..." I 
>>guess I'm still at the beginning, in some ways.
>I guess I misunderstood your complaint.  Sorry.

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA


Re: mkshortcut debugging problem

2002-03-01 Thread Joshua Daniel Franklin

> On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 04:03:34PM -0800, Joshua Daniel Franklin wrote:
> > The code that produces this error is:
> >
> >   MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, lname, -1, widepath, MAX_PATH);
> >   hres = pf->lpVtbl->Save (pf, widepath, TRUE);
> >   if (!SUCCEEDED(hres))
> >   {
> > fprintf(stderr, "%s: Save to persistant storage failed (Does the
> > directo
> > ry you are writing to exist?)\n", prog_name);
> > exit(3);
> >   }
> Try the following before calling pf->lpVtbl->Save():
> This is just basically as it should work.  Look in MSDN for the
> exact usage.
> Corinna

Tried this, no difference:

/usr/src/cygutils-0.9.9/src-gpl$ ./mkshortcut -P #works
/usr/src/cygutils-0.9.9/src-gpl$ cp ./mkshortcut.exe /bin/
/usr/src/cygutils-0.9.9/src-gpl$ /bin/mkshortcut -P
mkshortcut: Save to persistant storage failed (Does the directory you are
writing to exist?)

Has anyone even seen something like this before?

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Re: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Robert Collins

- Original Message -
From: "Randall R Schulz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Randall R Schulz wrote:
> >
> >>I tried the NEW setup. Let's say it has some problems still. I'll
> >>when the kinks are worked out.
> >
> >
> >Okay, so when you said "how can I..." you meant "I know it's supposed
> >work, but it doesn't for me."  That's a bug report.  Thanks.
> Let me clarify. Once the NEW setup.exe violated some of my
> (like knowing enough not to download the same packages over and over
> even though they are right there where it put them the last time) I
> using it. So my attempt to shift- or CTRL- click in the mirrors list
> done with setup.exe vers.

It did *what* ? How do you reproduce it? Where they (a) from the same
mirror, or where you (b) chopping and changing mirrors with each run? If
(b) then that is somewhat-expected, and future enhancements will address
this. However, the goal is that you select *all* the mirrors you want to
download from and then just use those again and again. If (a) then tell
me *exactly* what you do to make it happen, and send the .log and
.log.full from a couple of runs please.

> >Using a REAL mirroring tool will insulate you from such surprises --
> >if you're willing to deal with the changes in setup's behavior, good
for you.
> This I don't understand. If Setup doesn't locally maintain the files
> downloads as a "mirror" of the site from which it downloaded them,
then how
> does wget or any other mirroring tool serve me better? If I mirror
> wget or FTP Voyager will I be able to install? I surely don't want 300
> megabytes of files for their own sake or just to be able to say I have
> them. I want a local package set that I can use to install. Since a
> script execution phase has been added to the installer, manual
> is, it seems, not an option at all. I've never wanted to do so, but
> point is that we depend on setup.exe to do installation, so any manner
> retrieving the files to install that is not directly usably by
> for the installation per se is not very useful.

You're more than welcome to help create the command line installer. One
patch has been submitted, and feedback given, but no futher news has
been heard. Likewise I've put qutie some effort towards making the
engine of setup be able to run under unix, and when that is combined
with command line parameters, there will exist a mirroring tool that
understands setup.ini's and can run from a script etc. etc. And yes,
setup.exe will do the right thing if you use wget or FTP voyager -
always. We won't break that.

> I'm a software developer, too. I fully understand and accept the need
> keep one's options open. Ideally this is done by careful wording of
> I guess that doesn't really apply here, since we're not talking about
> API or any other highly formal (or very complex) specification.
> Nonetheless, I'm more than happy accommodate such hedges and reserved
and /
> or (pre-) announced behavior changes (e.g., removal of the old
> interpreatation of the "//" file name prefix in the Cygwin DLL). It
> be nice to know, of course, what the anticipated change is. Just
> "Here's a feature. It's there in plain sight. Please don't use it."
> adding "lest you risk ..." is kind of hard to accept.

I've not said that :}. Chuck didn't say that either. Paraphrasing what
he said : 'don't expect setup.exe to behave like a mirroring tool'. And
'don't depend on the setup.exe local cache dir structure to remain the


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Re: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Robert Collins

Sorry about the length, just wanted to be really clear...
- Original Message -
From: "Charles Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Basically, the reason we've been harping that "setup is not a
> tool" is to preserve the freedom to change setup's on-disk database
> operational behavior in order to support setup's *primary* goal.  If
> want a local copy of the tarballs that looks just like
> -- setup may no longer do that for you -- or
> way it does it may be different than you expect (e.g. the "extra"
> 'http%%%site%path' directory level)

The reason *I've* been harping about setup != mirror tool is that mirror
tools have a *heap* of functionality that setup doesn't, and in my
opinion should not have in the
download-and-bootstrap-and-maintain-cygwin GUI.

I.e.: regexp filters on packages to get, grabbing source as well as
binaries, grabbing all versions available at once, grabbing on a
schedule, and probably more.

Setup's goal is quite simple: Install and update a cygwin net
distribution in a non-confusing manner that is satisfactory to the
broadest possible group of cygwin users, in a reliable fashion.

To this end we have things like:
* Categories (too many packages)
* dependencies (foo does not work without bar)
* a local cache dir (Why does it always download X - I simply want to
* in-place file replacement (I upgraded ssh, but it had an error on
sshd.exe, and now sshd won't start)
* Default to a bare minimum installed (I've a low bandwidth

I will very happily change the local dir structure irrespective of folk
using setup as a mirroring tool or not - keeping forward compatability
(but not backwards) is easy.

What I won't do is accept "Setup won't let me automagically grab all the
source tarballs shown in the GUI" as a bug report. Likewise "Setup
defaults to not installing gcc" is not IMO a valid bug report, because
it's easy to merge in a setup.ini to add packages to Base or Misc, but
it's much harder to stop packages auto-installing if they are in base or

So in short, anyone who wants to use setup to maintain a local cache to
install from *should do this*. But don't expect it to be useable as a
run-at-midnight tool to automatically update said cache.

I will happily support endeavours to create such a tool, that leverages
the setup.exe code base and lives in cinstall.


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Re: "local install"?

2002-03-01 Thread Randall R Schulz


[ Our mails are crossing, so just know that I've read both the post I'm 
replying to directly here and the subsequent amplification. I think we are 
mostly just agreeing, albeit loudly. ]

>It did *what* ? How do you reproduce it?

Grumble. That must be an even-day bug, because when I went to try to 
reproduce it just now, the mis-behavior was gone.

Here's what I remember. About a half-dozen package updates had been 
announced since I last updated, so I decided to use them as a test case for 
the new setup.exe. It (NEW setup.exe) downloaded the bulk of those packages 
(including their source bundles) and then reported an error (a size 
mis-match, if I recall correctly) and offered to download again. I say OK 
and it downloaded ALL of those packages again, this time without error. 
Then, for whatever reason, I decided to run through the download again from 
the top, and NEW setup.exe it listed all those packages as requiring download.

All this was with my old trusty favorite mirror:;

At that point, I went back to the previous setup.exe ( and 
downloaded (again) and installed the latest package updates.

Sorry to alarm you. Sadly, at this point all I can say is that it could 
have been cockpit error (occasionally I forget to switch the radio buttons 
to one of "Download ..." or "Install from Local Directory") or it could 
have been a glitch in setup.exe itself.

If more details surface, I'll pass them along.

More below...

At 17:06 2002-03-01, Robert Collins wrote:
>- Original Message -
>From: "Randall R Schulz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Randall R Schulz wrote:
> > >
> > >>I tried the NEW setup. Let's say it has some problems still. I'll
> > >>when the kinks are worked out.
> > >
> > >
> > >Okay, so when you said "how can I..." you meant "I know it's supposed
> > >work, but it doesn't for me."  That's a bug report.  Thanks.
> >
> > Let me clarify. Once the NEW setup.exe violated some of my expectations
> > (like knowing enough not to download the same packages over and over again
> > even though they are right there where it put them the last time) I stopped
> > using it. So my attempt to shift- or CTRL- click in the mirrors list was
> > done with setup.exe vers.
>It did *what* ? How do you reproduce it? Where they (a) from the same 
>mirror, or where you (b) chopping and changing mirrors with each run? If 
>(b) then that is somewhat-expected, and future enhancements will address 
>this. However, the goal is that you select *all* the mirrors you want to 
>download from and then just use those again and again. If (a) then tell me 
>*exactly* what you do to make it happen, and send the .log and .log.full 
>from a couple of runs please.
> > >Using a REAL mirroring tool will insulate you from such surprises -- but
> > >if you're willing to deal with the changes in setup's behavior, good 
> for you.
> >
> > This I don't understand. If Setup doesn't locally maintain the files it
> > downloads as a "mirror" of the site from which it downloaded them, then how
> > does wget or any other mirroring tool serve me better? If I mirror using
> > wget or FTP Voyager will I be able to install? I surely don't want 300
> > megabytes of files for their own sake or just to be able to say I have
> > them. I want a local package set that I can use to install. Since a local
> > script execution phase has been added to the installer, manual installation
> > is, it seems, not an option at all. I've never wanted to do so, but the
> > point is that we depend on setup.exe to do installation, so any manner of
> > retrieving the files to install that is not directly usably by setup.exe
> > for the installation per se is not very useful.
>You're more than welcome to help create the command line installer. One 
>patch has been submitted, and feedback given, but no futher news has been 
>heard. Likewise I've put qutie some effort towards making the engine of 
>setup be able to run under unix, and when that is combined with command 
>line parameters, there will exist a mirroring tool that understands 
>setup.ini's and can run from a script etc. etc. And yes, setup.exe will do 
>the right thing if you use wget or FTP voyager - always. We won't break that.

That's all very nice, but I'm actually completely contented with what we 
have now. Let me be clear that I have no problems or complaints with setup 
(old or new, with the now retracted exception described above). I'm very 
happy with what you (all) have given us. Considering I started using Cygwin 
with b18, you can understand that I have a fair perspective on the 
improvements, including but not limited to installation support, over the 
past several years. It's just that I have a hard time accepting the 
repeated admonition that setup.exe is "not a mirroring tool" when clearly 
it mirrors Cygwin just fine, for my purposes. I cannot see why one would 
use it for any other purpose, and perhaps that's what

Re: rxvt double width!

2002-03-01 Thread Rodrigo Medina

Hi Philip,
I also have found in my Windows95 machine that rxvt puts
a space (in some cases 2 spaces) after each character
for most of the fonts. I have found that rxvt functions
properly only with some fonts like the default font
 ( no -fn option), or with fonts like "8x16", or "courier-14"
 or "Courier New-14". I did not try all of them.
I hope this can be useful.

Rodrigo Medina
Centro de Física IVIC

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Error when starting Cygwin shell: init_cygheap error

2002-03-01 Thread Stan Berka

I have the same problem as in the January thread cited below: 

when starting the Cygwin shell I'm getting an error:

   9 [main] bash 2040 init_cygheap::etc_changed: Can't open /etc for  
checking, Win32 error 1

I have checked that I don't have two cygwin1.dll in my PATH. When I
rename the cygwin1.dll in the /bin directory to something else, I'm
getting a message that cygwin1.dll is missing. So what can be the

BTW, when I do "which cygwin1.dll" from the shell it tells me: 
There is no /usr/bin.  Is this a part of the problem?

Stan Berka, Pope & Talbot Inc.

 Thread about the same problem 
From: Corinna Vinschen 
To: cygwin at cygwin dot com
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 15:08:51 +0100
Subject: Re: Cygwin 1.3.6 on NT 4.0: init_cygheap error
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 03:01:12PM +0100, Pavel Tsekov wrote:
> Markus Brenner wrote:
> >For compatibility and historical reasons the B20 release is also 
> >on the same machine (I am not sure whether this has any influence on the
> >above described problem).
> This is not good. I'm not 100 % sure if this is connected to your
Right! Never have two copies of cygwin1.dll in the DLL search path.
Even worse if they have diverging versions.

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Re: launch a win32 process from bash?

2002-03-01 Thread Ryan T. Sammartino

On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 07:37:20PM -0500, Jonathan Simms wrote:
> Hello all,
>   I was wondering if it were possible to launch a win32 process from
> within cygwin. (i.e. run a windows program in windows, but invoke it from
> bash).


Ryan T. Sammartino
Your job is being a professor and researcher: That's one hell of a good excuse
for some of the brain-damages of minix.
(Linus Torvalds to Andrew Tanenbaum)

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Re: Enviroment always uppercased; Help me, please

2002-03-01 Thread Christopher Faylor

On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 06:36:13PM +0100, Markus K. E. Kommant wrote:
>At the moment "cygwin no thanx if I see this errors", because
>>(..) We're only using cygwin to prototype some stuff, not to make any
>>viable product as it just isn't stable/reliable/secure enough unfortunately
>and slow and not bug free and there is no real support available no

I'll be happy to put you in touch with someone who can offer you
professional $upport if you want.

In the meantime, you can expect the kind of support that you get from
any mailing list and this one is actually pretty good.

>/usr/local/cygwin-1.3.10-1/winsup/cygwin $make
>g++ -c -gstabs+ -O2 -MMD -fbuiltin ...
>In file included from
>fhandler.h: In method `select_stuff::select_stuff()':
>fhandler.h:1086: implicit declaration of function `int memset(...)'
>In file included from
>path.h: In method `bool path_conv::exists() const':
>path.h:89: `INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES' undeclared (first use this function)
>path.h:89: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
>path.h:89: for each function it appears in.)
>path.h:89: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
>) const'
>make: *** [cygheap.o] Error 1


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Re: Perl reports different cwd() value

2002-03-01 Thread Michael A Chase

- Original Message -
From: "Timothy Canham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 13:38
Subject: Perl reports different cwd() value

> If you are in:
> c:/temp (alternate way to address drives under cygwin)
> and you perform "perl -e "use Cwd; cwd();" " you get:
> /cygdrive/c/temp.
> Any way to work around this?
> Version 1.3.9

That _is_ the POSIX path for c:/temp unless you've created a mount point for
c:/ or c:/temp/.  If you want c:/temp, you'd need to use a non-Cygwin build
of Perl; in which case this would be off topic..
Mac :})
** I normally forward private questions to the appropriate mail list. **
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Give a hobbit a fish and he eats fish for a day.
Give a hobbit a ring and he eats fish for an age.

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Re: launch a win32 process from bash?

2002-03-01 Thread Michael A Chase

- Original Message -
From: "Jonathan Simms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 16:37
Subject: launch a win32 process from bash?

>   I was wondering if it were possible to launch a win32 process from
> within cygwin. (i.e. run a windows program in windows, but invoke it from
> bash).

Certainly, but you may need to convert the arguments to Win32 format since
most Windows programs don't understand POSIZ paths.  The utility cygpath is
available to help.
Mac :})
** I normally forward private questions to the appropriate mail list. **
Ask Smarter:
Give a hobbit a fish and he eats fish for a day.
Give a hobbit a ring and he eats fish for an age.

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Re: Perl reports different cwd() value

2002-03-01 Thread Eugene Rosenzweig

Not really sure why you want to work around a standard way to express paths
but, if you need to, maybe something like this?

perl -e 'use Cwd;$path=cwd();print "[",$path,"]\n";$winpath = `cygpath -w
$path`;print "[",$winpath,"]\n";$winpath=~ tr/\\/\//;print

Excuse any bad perl, I am at hello world level with it.

- Original Message -
From: "Timothy Canham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2002 8:38 AM
Subject: Perl reports different cwd() value

> If you are in:
> c:/temp (alternate way to address drives under cygwin)
> and you perform "perl -e "use Cwd; cwd();" " you get:
> /cygdrive/c/temp.
> Any way to work around this?
> Version 1.3.9
> --
> Timothy K. Canham
> Jet Propulsion Laboratory
> Pasadena, CA
> MDS Flight Software
> --
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2002-03-01 Thread Hanzo

There's no announcement for 1.3.10 ?

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Solve Your Problems - Magic Prayers Service

2002-03-01 Thread BabyG

Greetings... and blessed be!

CONTENTS (of this message):

(A) Magic Prayers Service to solve your problems!
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Write to us. We can help you to solve life's ills. We have found the key to succeeding 
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We provide this magical prayers service since 1981. This is not a religious or black 
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Re: 1.3.10

2002-03-01 Thread Christopher Faylor

On Sat, Mar 02, 2002 at 12:29:00PM +0700, Hanzo wrote:
>There's no announcement for 1.3.10 ?


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Printing locally.

2002-03-01 Thread Brian Salter-Duke

Gygwin is a great product and it allows me to do much unix work but on
top of windows. I am essentially a unix person. 

Now I am trying to simply print text mutt mail messages to a local
printer plugged into the back of my machine, which is running
Windows2000.  I have read the FAQ and searched the mailing list
archives. Most of what I find refers to remote printing or clever stuff
using a2ps etc. My problem is that I do not know how to refer to the
printer. This is probably my lack of knowledge of Win2000.

Here is the bit in the FAQ:-

FAQ>Alternatively, on NT, you can use the Windows `print' command. (It does
FAQ>not seem to be available on Win9x.) Type

FAQ>bash$ print /\?

FAQ>for usage instructions (note the `?' must be escaped from the shell).

OK, I do this and get:-

$ PRINT /\?
Prints a text file.

PRINT [/D:device] [[drive:][path]filename[...]]

   /D:device   Specifies a print device.

OK, so I have PRINT. If I type "PRINT a.txt" where a.txt is a simple text file,
it says it has printed it, but nothing prints. What does /D:device mean?
I can find nothing to help me on this.

FAQ>Finally, you can simply `cat' the file to the printer's share name:

FAQ>bash$ cat myfile > //host/printer

What does //host/printer mean? I have seen this with remote printing,
but I just want to print to the default printer plugged into the back of
my machine. It is called "CanonBJC-1000SP". How do I refer to it?

I would much appreciate some help on this point.

Regards, Brian.
   Brian Salter-Duke (Brian Duke) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Honorary Fellow in Chemistry, NT University, Darwin, NT 0909, Australia.
 Phone 08-89881600.Fax 08-89881302.

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Re: Printing locally.

2002-03-01 Thread Paul McFerrin


I used to be able to print from cygwin by refering to /dev/lpt1

-paul mcferrin

Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
> Gygwin is a great product and it allows me to do much unix work but on
> top of windows. I am essentially a unix person.
> Now I am trying to simply print text mutt mail messages to a local
> printer plugged into the back of my machine, which is running
> Windows2000.  I have read the FAQ and searched the mailing list
> archives. Most of what I find refers to remote printing or clever stuff
> using a2ps etc. My problem is that I do not know how to refer to the
> printer. This is probably my lack of knowledge of Win2000.
> Here is the bit in the FAQ:-
> FAQ>Alternatively, on NT, you can use the Windows `print' command. (It does
> FAQ>not seem to be available on Win9x.) Type
> FAQ>bash$ print /\?
> FAQ>for usage instructions (note the `?' must be escaped from the shell).
> OK, I do this and get:-
> $ PRINT /\?
> Prints a text file.
> PRINT [/D:device] [[drive:][path]filename[...]]
>/D:device   Specifies a print device.
> OK, so I have PRINT. If I type "PRINT a.txt" where a.txt is a simple text file,
> it says it has printed it, but nothing prints. What does /D:device mean?
> I can find nothing to help me on this.
> FAQ>Finally, you can simply `cat' the file to the printer's share name:
> FAQ>bash$ cat myfile > //host/printer
> What does //host/printer mean? I have seen this with remote printing,
> but I just want to print to the default printer plugged into the back of
> my machine. It is called "CanonBJC-1000SP". How do I refer to it?
> I would much appreciate some help on this point.
> Regards, Brian.
> --
>Brian Salter-Duke (Brian Duke) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Honorary Fellow in Chemistry, NT University, Darwin, NT 0909, Australia.
>  Phone 08-89881600.Fax 08-89881302.
> --
> Unsubscribe info:
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> Documentation:
> FAQ:

NOTE***  This email looks it came from [EMAIL PROTECTED] but in
  reality it came from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  If you send
  a reply to this message, it *should* get delivered to the
  correct place.

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Newbie.. Please help!

2002-03-01 Thread Vladimir Kostine


My company recently moved to Windows XP hence forced me to run it as my
desktop machine. I've installed VSHELL to access the box as well as CYGWIN,
however, cannot figure out how to merge "tcsh" will Windows environment.
"ps" shows only processes running under cygwin, I cannot chdir to c:\ and
end up being locked in cygwin's root directory. My main gold is to be able
to view Window's running processes and kill/restart them.

Perhaps this questions has already been addressed numerous time. Your
patience and help are both highly appreciated.


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