Re: Cygwin-xfree-4.1.0 binaries(cygz.dll could not be located)

2001-12-04 Thread Andrew Markebo

| When trying to start xwin.exe got 'cygz.dll could not be found'.
| Where is it really?

I think we reuse it from standard cygwin installation.. So you have to
install a bunch of cygwin packages too.


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: xview toolkit ported to cygwin

2001-12-06 Thread Andrew Markebo

Do you mean the ancient SUN xview toolkit?? Probably not because I
haven't seen any source to it.. 


/ "Crawford, Carl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| does a port of the xview x11 toolkit exist for cygwin?
| thanks,
| --carl

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: AW: icewm not starting on Win2K

2001-12-07 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ Rüdiger Bodack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > 
| > What happens if you type icewm in the xterm you get popped up?
| > 
| > /Andy
| Nothing. The task seems to run, gives no messages. I stopped it after 1 min
| and found it in the process list. But I cannot see any effect. Strange?

Hmm try twm in the same window.. To see if it is a general problem, or
just icewm? You don't happen to have cygwin.dll's lying around and so

Could it be that the icewm is compiled for old cygwin, and you have a
new and modern?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: I'm unable to run XFree on Cygwin

2001-12-14 Thread Andrew Markebo

Do you have Xwin.exe,xterm.exe in c:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin, do you have
cygwin1.dll in c:\cygwin\bin?

What happens if you do a "echo %PATH%" after the path is set.. 

Give the shell-script, or similar a try from within
bash.. Which OS BTW?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Newbie, cygncurses5.dll not found

2001-12-19 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ Syver Enstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| When starting Xfree86 on windows 2000 with cygwin I get the message
| from xterm. It is obiously an old version of Xterm that doesn't use
| the cygncurses6.dll that is provided with the version of cygwin that I
| have installed. 
| Does anybody know what to do to solve this problem?

Select ncurses5 to download and install from setup...


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: bz2 help, I need......

2001-12-21 Thread Andrew Markebo

Problem solved, seems to be that he used Netscape to download the
stuff, is it mentioned somewhere to be careful with using netscape for
downloading the files??


/ "Sharmin Kabir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Hello:
| I have been trying to install XFree86 in my computer, I installed cygwin in
| the mean time. I am having problem to extract "extract.exe.bz2" file. I put
| it with other required files in /tmp. Then, from the bash prompt, I execute
| the command bunzip2 extract.exe.bz2 . I gave me the message
| bunzip2: Can't open input file ...: No such file or directory.
 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: X server freeze on terminal bell

2001-12-21 Thread Andrew Markebo

Just a quick thought.. it is not something like the terminal bell
telling windows to fire off a sound to the soundcard?? 

Does the soundcard work fine, what is beep set to in the control
panel?? What soundcard?


/ Gauthier Philippe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I am having problem with a new installation of XFree and Cygwin. The X
| server freezes each time there should be a terminal bell. It does not seem
| to be related to the terminal (xterm, login, rxvt).

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: X in cygwin problem

2002-01-03 Thread Andrew Markebo

/etc/profile, or ~/.profile, maybe add something like

if ! echo $PATH | /bin/grep -q "/usr/X11R6/bin" ; then

(Well it has a bunch of safety-nets but..)


/ "Sharmin Kabir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Hi,
| To start X in cygwin, I do the command "sh /usr/X11R6/bin/
| at the bash prompt all the time, otherwise I dont get X! Could you pl
| tell me where is the place to set up this path?

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: cannot find xwin/xterm/twm

2002-01-03 Thread Andrew Markebo

What packages did you install? xwin, xterm and twm should be in

Did you search for xwin.exe, twm.exe?? 

If you have them, doublecheck startxwin.bat to make sure it adds the
directory where you installed xwin, xterm and twm


/ "ganesan ramachandran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| hi, i have windows xp pro. i downloaded & installed cygwin and
| xfree86 as per the step by step given in the webpage. when i try to
| open startxwin.bat from windows explorer, i get error messages like,
| cannot find xwin,xterm,twm.. i tried searching for the corresponding
| .exe files through windows search, but couldn't find them. a part of
| cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out gives the following details:

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Do I need X11/R6....... on KDE?

2002-01-10 Thread Andrew Markebo

Yep KDE wants X11..


| Question:
| Do I still need X11/R6 X-stuff before I can use KDE? I would like to
| removed them if KDE runs without these X11/R6 binaries I am

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: startx.bat missing

2002-01-10 Thread Andrew Markebo

The installation guide includes info where to get it from..



/ dave hmm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I just installed xfree, and i'm missing startx.bat. I
| don't have either. How do I make a
| startx.bat file?

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: remote xterm hangs when commands produce lots of stdout output

2002-01-11 Thread Andrew Markebo

An alternative might be to try a rxvt from the remote host and see
what happens.. 


/ Raber Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| If I do a command the produces lots of fast output to
| stdout (like ls -l for a directory with lots of
| entries), my remote xterms hang.
| Local xterms that telnet into the remote site work
| fine.
| Are there some parameters I should be setting on XWin
| to help with this?
| TIA,
| -Chris.
| __
| Do You Yahoo!?
| Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: crypt()

2002-01-17 Thread Andrew Markebo

The wrong order, it should be

gcc -o file file.c  -lcrypt  

Basically, the library switch should be after the usage of functions
in it.. 


| > 
| > gcc -lcrypt file.c -o file
| > 
| > unresolved linker error (crypt undefined?)

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: X browser

2002-01-26 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ "John A. Turner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Phil Humpherys wrote:
| > 
| > I'd sure like to get an X browser running in xfree.  I don't seem to be
| > able to get netscape or mozilla to work in cygwin-xfree.
| why in the world would you want to do such a thing??

Comeon, why do you need cygwin on your desktop?? :-) Just squeeze
linux into the machine instead.. ;-) One reason could maybe be that he
wants to see how a unix-folk sees a webpage.. maybe not.. 

To the original author.. what do you mean with X browser, yeah I know
netscape/whatever, but should it run on the machine with cygwin, or on
another machine standing beside??


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Q: Cygwin/Xfree is running very slow... any hints ?

2002-01-29 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ "Jean-Marc Paulin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| OS: Win2000 SP2
| How do I start the damn thing: startx from cygwin
| I am running engine 4.2.0

Any difference using or startxwin.bat?

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Cygwin as a telnet command shell...

2002-02-01 Thread Andrew Markebo

ARRGGHHH People ar asking questions about x on the cygwin-list, and
questions about cygin on the cygwin-x list.. :-)

Well yes it is possible.. either modify the win2k telnet deamon
configuration on which proggie to run..

Or install the cygwin telnetd/sshd, if my memory doesn't fail me, it
is mentioned how to do it in the documentation of the inetutils/inetd


/ "Jean-Marc Paulin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Hi,
| I am running telnet server on Win2000. Does anyone know how to make cygwin
| my default shell when logged-in from telnet ?
| thanks
| JM

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: questions

2002-02-04 Thread Andrew Markebo

| Hi,
| your first question could be answerd easily, AFAIK there is no way to do it
| with XFree. On the list have been some discussions about the native MS window


Not yet.. not yet.. what is left is that someone sits down and does
the hard work :-)


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Windows based app.server

2002-02-06 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ "Chris Howells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| With an X server running on a Win32 machine, it's possible to run X
| applications (e.g. on Linux) and have them sent over the network to appear
| on the Win32 machine.
| However, has anybody tried the other way around -- having Windows
| applications appearing on a Linux desktop, the Windows applications all
| being run through a specific Windows (NT) based application server?

Yep there is a proggy called vnc, that allows you to export your
Windows-desktop to a machine which os has cvs exported to it.


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Windows based app.server

2002-02-06 Thread Andrew Markebo

| Windows-desktop to a machine which os has cvs exported to it.
OOps I meant vnc here, christ I am probably working to hard with the
sources now :-)


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Windows based app.server

2002-02-06 Thread Andrew Markebo

| > Yep there is a proggy called vnc, that allows you to export your
| > Windows-desktop to a machine which os has cvs exported to it.
| >
| > /Andy
| Citrix Metaframe ( ) sounds more like what Chris wants,
| but it's not a low budget solution I think. The ICA client is supported on
| virtually every major platform in use today. I haven't heard of similar
| products using X yet.

Ok, if it is multiple sessions on the windows machine, yep citrix is
probably the tool, I was thinking of running just one session, then
VNC suites fine.. 

Should probably have read the complete email twice :-)


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: This mailing list

2002-02-13 Thread Andrew Markebo

| Good idea. And when reconfiguring the list server, it would be nice to
| have Subjects prefixed with [CYGWIN-XFREE]. I know that is not so easy,
| because the list server must ensure the prefix is not 'stuttered'. But
| whan you are subscribed to say 6 lists, even one like cygwin-xfree that
| does not show the origin of messages, makes management of one's inbox
| rather hard. If there were two... .

Well you can always find cygwin-xfree in the To: or CC: field of the
email.. or?? Thats how I sort them and I never get such beast in my
normal inbox.


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Using XFree without any network connection

2002-02-13 Thread Andrew Markebo

| Is it possible to use XFree86 for Cygwin without
| any network connection in single computer?

Yes it is, but you probably need to have tcp-ip/winsock installed, the
easiest way to do this is to add a dummy dial up networking icon.. 


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: How can i link to X11 with gcc?

2002-02-18 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ "Oleg Giwodiorow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Hi,
| I suppose this question is stupid, but i can not figure it out myself...

No questions is stupid.. just the answers.. or ehm.. ;-) well dumb I

First error, telling gcc which libs to use have to be in the end of
the link command, so instead of "gcc -lX11 foo.c" it should be "gcc
foo.c -lX11", I have seen this 'problem' many times now, why do you
have the libs first?? Inheritance from VisualC/C++?

Secondly well the X11 libs is in /usr/X11R6/lib, so that should be in
the linkpath yep.. 

If the two above comments don't help you, add  -lXext -lICE -lXaw and
maybe -lXmu to the link line.


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: X crashes without any error message

2002-03-07 Thread Andrew Markebo

| > But if I try to run the XWin.exe, it crashes without a message. The X 
| > server window appears for about a second, and then all is gone. Have anyone 

Xwin.exe, what happens if you try startxwin.bat? or

| I hope Chris Faylor is reading this, is there any chance of cygwin 
| defaulting to binary mounts ? or is there some sinister reason for not
| doing this ?

Hmm when I do installations, binary is default for my mounts? Or have
I missed something.. I wonder if the binary/text problem isn't some
kind of user klicking happily :-) (not blaming the user, but the
availability and text sounds better :-) 


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: cygwin-xfree 4.2.0 installation problem

2002-03-07 Thread Andrew Markebo

hmm just a thought, if you can config zonealarm to allow traffic on
port 6000 and/or 6001 it might be possible to get them working
together?  or?

check the zonealarm logs and see what zonealarm blocks and if you can
tell it to allow the X-traffic.

or does zonealarm do more to the network interface??


/ "Egon Phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| >Why are you telling me this?
| Because you answered my earlier query.
| >  I really don't care... you need to send all
| >Cygwin/XFree86 related mails to the Cygwin/XFree86 mailing list.
| >  I will reply to such mailings if I believe I can contribute.
| >
| >Having said that... ZoneAlarm is the problem and it must be removed (if I
| >remember correctly).  If you don't believe me then follow these steps:
| >
| >1) Admit that ZoneAlarm is the problem.
| >
| >2) Remove ZoneAlarm software from your system.
| >
| >3) In the event that step (1) fails, see step (1).
| >
| I guess you don't like zonealarm? ;-) Ok, Ok, I'll contact zonelabs
| and see if they have a work around.  If not I'll get rid of it.
| Pitty, we run TPF at the router, and zonealarm on our client computers.
| >Harold
| >
| > > -Original Message-
| > > From: Egon Phillips [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| > > Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 12:46 AM
| > > Subject: RE: cygwin-xfree 4.2.0 installation problem
| > >
| > >
| > > Thanx Harold,
| > >
| > > It is installed but won't run.  Apparently there is a problem
| > > with Zonalarm.
| > >   I was unable to find a solution in the archives.  That is
| > > without deleting
| > > zonealarm from my system.
| > >
| > > Which ports are used during the startup, shutdown and maintenance of
| > > cygwin-Xfree86?  Maybe if I open the associated ports xfree86
| > > will startup?
| > >
| > > Here is my output from the startx command:
| > >
| > > $ startx
| > >
| > > giving up.
| > > xinit:  Connection refused (errno 111):  unable to connect to X server
| > > xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.
| > >
| > >
| > > >From: "Harold Hunt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > > >To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > > >Subject: RE: cygwin-xfree 4.2.0 installation problem
| > > >Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 20:38:02 -0500
| > > >
| > > >You need to be following the Cygwin/XFree86 User's Guide
| > instructions for
| > > >installation... not the XFree86 general instructions.  The
| > Cygwin/XFree86
| > > >User's Guide is located at:
| > > >
| > > >
| > > >
| > > >Harold
| > > >

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Geomview on Cygwin+Xfree

2002-03-07 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ "Gabriel Antonio Arcos Acosta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I try to compile but a can't. I will apreciate a cygwin-xfree binary version
| of geomview, or hints to get it compiled.

How far have you come (could it be that you miss lesstif)?? This I
think is more like a question for the geomview project.

Try google ;-)


| - Original Message -
| From: "Georges-Pierre Bonneau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 11:52 AM
| Subject: Geomview on Cygwin+Xfree
| > Hy,
| >
| > Does anyone have tried to compile geomview
| > ( on cygwin-xfree?
| > Would someone be interested by a cygwin-xfree version of geomview?
| >
| > Thks,
| > -- GP

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Geomview on Cygwin+Xfree

2002-03-07 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ "Gabriel Antonio Arcos Acosta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| there is something like make log? I can see in the console all the error
| report

Hey copy'n'paste from the console.. ;-)

Hmm maybe you can do "make > logfile.txt 2>&1" in bash


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Problems getting xfree up and running was: Re: question

2002-03-14 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ payam payami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Hi,
|How can i send a question to mailing list?
| I'm subscribe in your site with enclosed e-mail  

Well this mail came there so you managed to do it :-) Lets get started!

Gentlemen, this fellow of ours is having a problem, he have downloaded
xfree, installed it, I think all by the manual.. (I assisted him a
little and can fill out with some of my thoughts)

When he runs startxwin.bat/sh the X-window pops up, but then
closes. Reading the /tmp/Xlog.txt (or what the file is called) the
last thing printed there was that it couldn't find font fixed, when
doublechecking he seemed to have the font 6x13-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz in

(dug up the fontfilename from my fonts.alias and fonts.dir)

(Payam, send the logfile to the list)

He has two network cards, could it be something there messing up??


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: XFree 4.2.0 on Windows 98 on Laptop SCENIC Mobile 360

2002-03-17 Thread Andrew Markebo

| [...]
| Fatal server error:
| could not open default font 'fixed'
| --
| /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi   >  is not installed.  > should

No problem, nope, it seems to die due to problems finding fixed.

Where and how did you unpack the fonts.tgz-balls??


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Installation on CD-Rom, Copying a whole installation

2002-03-17 Thread Andrew Markebo

| - if all this is not possible, is there anybody out there who has written a 
| nice installation-skript that installs xfree after cygwin is installed (this 
| should not be too difficult for the average pupil) and can be edited to 
| install some software too? If not, I will probably try to write one myself, 
| but of course I´m not interested in reinventing the wheel...

The normal Xfree installation is done through a script  
[your fav. mirror]/cygwin/xfree/binaries/4.2.0/

What to do I think is like throw a selection of the contents (and
unpacked extract.exe.gz) of
[your fav. mirror]/cygwin/xfree/binaries/4.2.0/ 
and I think the students will survive running from there in
their bash window.. 


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Installation on CD-Rom, Copying a whole installation

2002-03-18 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ Sylvain Petreolle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|  --- matt rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
| > dont do that Andreas!! the XFree86 4.2.0 binaries
| > can easily be 
| > converted into a cygwin installer package..
| if this is so easy, why don't we have now one official
| ?
| XFree86 4.2.0 is on the servers since several months
| if I remember correct...
| ... and at this day we only have .

Nobody has taken the time to do it ;-) Hmm maybe even something I
could consider doing.. Any protests?? (ducks for the flying bricks)

First thoughts, do a package with all required tgz's and then do
packages with the fonts not required.. docs.. 

Hmm what more is needed?? ;-)

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

And we have a xfree cygwin package.. (What are they called?)

2002-03-19 Thread Andrew Markebo

Throw a browser at: 
(ehm cable-modem, so it is not that fast, would
apreciate if someone with faster connection could mirror it ;-))

xbase, one package with all the required files.. 

There are couple of small quirks, but I thought you should throw an
eye on it before I fixed those.. ;-) at least it fires up when I start

A couple of setup questions...  

* Is it ok to ask the user questions and so on in the postinstall

* there are some questions in the xinstall script about manually
  adding stuff to the termcap database, asks if it should replace some
  files.. do we need to do anything there?

Some of the files are read-only, meaning that overwriting them can't
be done, don't know if it is anything to worry about? (It was just me
who had problems continuing a aborted installation)

I am just mainly exercising :-) Feeling around with the setup and so
on, assuming that I would do the version where we took all the
tgz-files and made setup.hints for them all, where in the hierarchy
should they be put??



When planning for this, I have the thought of basically,
startup-scripts requires Xbin.tgz Xdoc.tgz Xetc.tgz Xfenc.tgz Xfnts.tgz Xlib.tgz 
Xxserv.tgz.. these require startup-scripts (hmm maybe rename to xstartupscripts?)

the other packages like Xf100, Xfscl, Xnext.. requires


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: And we have a xfree cygwin package.. (What are they called?)

2002-03-19 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ Christopher Faylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 11:27:18PM -0500, Harold Hunt wrote:
| >Okay, I mirrored the files:
| >
| >
| >
| I'm not clear on whether these (mirrored) files are being formally
| offered for the cygwin release or not.


At the moment they are just me playing around, getting accustomed to
cygwin setup, hoping to get some feedback to see if I got it right.

| It seems like there were originally some questions that are best dealt
| with in the cygwin-apps mailing list (cc'ed), where discussion about
| that kind of stuff is commonplace.

will join ;-)

| My inclination is to just add the xfree directory in the ftp area to the
| list of directories that setup scans for files to install.  Then you can
| create your hierarchy under that.
| Or, were you planning on keeping the separate .tgz files around too?

separate .tgz? I The executable tgz's of the xfree package? I am
considering giving it a try using them instead.. small ptoblem might
be version numbering, can I put version numbers in the hints file?
(the dist tgz files today is automagically built by xfree makefile(?)
and therefore I don't want to change their name, to get it as easy as


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: And we have a xfree cygwin package.. (What are they called?)

2002-03-20 Thread Andrew Markebo

| My question was really to Suhaib or Harold.  I didn't know if they saw
| any value in maintaining a separate installation tree using the "old
| method", with tgz files.  If they did then we wouldn't be able to
| abrogate the xfree directory on sourceware.

I believe the files distributed is made out of the box by the xfree
distribution.. I mean it is not us who have determine the
filenames/distribution between files/and so on, it is the Makefile of


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: gnome-libs- configure: error please help

2002-03-20 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ "Eli Kleinman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Hello
| I tried to compile on cygwin gnome-libs I got a configure: error
| This is the error
| checking for __db185_open in -ldb-3... no

It seems to try db-3, db version 3?? if you have a libdb-4.* lying
around somewhere, maybe you should check why that isn't used..

Try temporarily renaming the libdb-3 file and clean up the configure
and redo it.


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Launching Term

2002-03-22 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ "Robert Mark Bram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Howdy all!
| I am one of those unfortunates that is trying to manage Rational Rose on the
| same machine as cygwin-XFree.

Get rid of rose.. get rid of rose.. (ehm you might notice that I am
working one of the Rational enemies) ;-) Or well, maybe.. wrap rose
into a script to, so the environment variables is only set when
you start rose, or Xfree..

I think it should be (not "\"):

SET TERMCAP=/etc/termcap
SET TERMINFO=/lib/terminfo
set SHELL=/bin/bash.exe
set TERM=cygwin
what happens if you try bash instead of bash.exe?

| When I click on the new desktop and select XTERM, it comes back with an
| error message:
|   Could not exec /cygwin/bin/bash.exe: no such file or directory.

Xfree desktop? click in twm menu?? ( it should be /bin/bash.exe it
should try to start ) What happens if you type the xtermish stuff in
the xterm popped up??

Its not so that you have another xterm somewhere on the system??

| Is it the case that XFree wants to launch a different bash? (I searhced the
| cygwin directory heirarchy and found only one bash.exe though.)

Shouldn't be.. 

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Launching Term

2002-03-22 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ "Robert Mark Bram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Thank you to Andy and Eugene for their help!
| >I think it should be (not "\"):
| >SET TERMCAP=/etc/termcap
| >SET TERMINFO=/lib/terminfo
| >set SHELL=/bin/bash.exe
| >set TERM=cygwin
| Well turn me purple, wrap me in a curtain and call me Garfield it works!!
| I thought the system translates directory separators but it turns out I was
| wrong for XFree - thanks for leading me true!

It is wrong for XFree, and wrong for Bash.. but there is a small
exception.. bash translates PATH, TMP and TEMP and maybe some
more.. if my memory doesn't fail me as usual.


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

xbase - was Re:

2002-03-22 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ matt rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Weeh I am published.. I am published.. :-)

Hmm anyone tried it and managed to get it working?? Is the silence a
good sign?? Or is it a sign that I have managed to do something that
destroys the computers so much that the poor users can't get back and
warn the others??


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: "X connection to 127.0. ...explicit kill..."

2002-03-26 Thread Andrew Markebo

| If I try to run XWin.exe, it says that it cant find
| cygwin1.dll.

You need to install cygwin1.dll, check the installation instructions
how to install cygwin.


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: cygprce.dll missing from one of my friends postgreSQL-installation?

2002-03-26 Thread Andrew Markebo

Not really xfree problem, but /etc/setup contains lists of which
modules contained which files.. 

do a zgrep for cygprce.dll there and voila ;-)


| is there any fast method for checking which package contains dll which is
| missing from the cygwin-installation?

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: "X connection to 127.0. ...explicit kill..."

2002-03-26 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ Ed Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| cygwin is installd.  This is a bug or somekind or config problem i have.

*bonk* you are trying to run Xwin.exe, what happens if you run
 startxwin.bat or 

Basically the problem is that the environment variable PATH doesn't
contain c:\cygwin\bin, or where you installed cygwin. If I recall
right the startxwin-scripts sets this, but if you want to run without
them, you have to set the path yourself.


| > | If I try to run XWin.exe, it says that it cant find
| > | cygwin1.dll.

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: "X connection to 127.0. ...explicit kill..."

2002-03-26 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ Ed Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Why don't you please re-read the original message.   I explained what happens
| when I run the bat files.

sorry, I became blind on the issue when starting xwin.exe, missing
cygwin1.dll, that wasnt the error you received first..

hmm checking the log files at my end shows much more info about
graphics and so on after those two lines, what computer/os/shoesize do
you have?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Installing extra packages?

2002-03-27 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ Lars Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I juts tried to install Xf100.tgz on top of an initial xfree
| installation. The instructions in the Install file supplied with xfree
| 4.2.0 says to install the fonts by using 
| extract -C /usr/X11R6 Xf100.tgz
| I tried this and get an error that extract needs more flags. Which flags
| should I use to install extra packages?

I believe the included extract in cygwin xfree is gnu tar, so I think:
prompt> cd /usr/X11R6
prompt> tar xvfz Xf100.tgz 

is one correct way.. 


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: XFree speed problems with W2k

2002-04-04 Thread Andrew Markebo

| BTW, SP2 comes from W2ksp2.exe of 103 Mb (don't ask me more).

SP2, Servicepack 2, downloadable from IE, tools->windows update..

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: App Unable to Access X Display

2002-04-04 Thread Andrew Markebo

Have you ran startxwin.bat/.sh first? 

Tried it from a xterm? 

Hmm weird lyx has display in a config-file.. 

| The pat response to the query from the Lyx side of the house is to
| modify the Lyx config file.  Specifically, to change the variable
| "DISPLAY ="  from " localhost:0.0" to the computer's IP address e.g.
| "".  Unfortunately, several posts seem to indicate that

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: FW: Problem: extreme speed difference NT4 <> Win98SE runing Xfree

2002-04-16 Thread Andrew Markebo

A hint, give vnc a try when connecting from your home-pc, can do quite
good transfer :-)

What link is used BTW when working from home? (could it be something
like MI/X running 8bit, while cygwin runs 16bit or more)


| -Original Message-
| From: Uwe Schmidtmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 8:54 AM
| To: Harold Hunt
| Subject: Re: Problem: extreme speed difference NT4 <> Win98SE runing
| Xfree
| Hello.
| Thanks for the extremely fast answer - it was about what I feared to
| hear. It would have been more pleasant to hear about a configuration
| trap I stumbled into - so it depends on how to define "it helps".


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: How do I run it?

2002-04-16 Thread Andrew Markebo

My first impression was that you clicked on xwin.exe, have you tried
the batch-file, or shell-script, startxwin.bat/-sh?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: FW: Problem: extreme speed difference NT4 <> Win98SE runing Xfree

2002-04-16 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ Andrew Markebo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| A hint, give vnc a try when connecting from your home-pc, can do quite
| good transfer :-)
| What link is used BTW when working from home? (could it be something

And link I mean media, connection, whatever, how do you connect
between the computers.. 


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Problem on using system libs

2002-04-16 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ Narasimha Reddy K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| it is throwing following error on building XFREE86 source.
| LIBCMTD.lib(dosmap.obj) : error LNK2005: __errno already defined in

Doesn't feel like you try to build it with cygwin?? Smells visual c++
(sorry for swearing ;-)


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Fonts not found

2002-04-17 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ Lars Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I just installed the Type 1 font package that comes with Cygwin,
| Xfscl.tgz. The x-server still can't find the fonts. Is there some
| configuration file I need to edit also to make Cygwin aware of the
| fonts?
| This is what I did:
| cd /usr/X11R6
| extract.exe zxf Xfscl.tgz

You probably need to run mkfontdir lib/X11/fonts/[whatever the
fontdirs name was..]

And doublecheck so it is in the fontpath when X fires up, check the
log in /tmp


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: newbie

2002-04-30 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ "arun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| hello,
| I have an x windows application compiled for linux.This application
| extensively uses graphics Can I directly port it to windows using
| Cygwin/xfree86 ??

If it is clean portable c/c++ code - yep. If you do a bunch os-specific
stuff and so on, you have to put some work on it.


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: MIT shared memory extension

2002-05-03 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ "arun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| hello,
| Does cygwin/xfree86 support MIT shared memory extension. I am trying to port
| some code that uses these functions on linux. and I get a linker error.

No it doesn't.

It is possible though to compile xfree86 for cygwin with that enabled,
but it haven't been tested, check the mailinglist.


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: I can`t unzip nedit*.tar.gz

2002-05-07 Thread Andrew Markebo

Tar without switch 'z' doesn't like gzipped files.. either ungzip it,
or do tar -xyvfz nedit (no idea what y does)

Later on.. this is not really unpacking mailinglist but but..


/ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I have proglem with unzip file :
| tar -xyvf nedit-5.3RC1-source.tar.gz -C /urs/src
| after this command I received error:
| " tar: Child died with signal 13
|   tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors "
| what`s wrong?
| Mi
| ZDARMA a RYCHLÉ zasílání SMS z

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Need to know X Win server size

2002-05-20 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ Narasimha Reddy K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I compiled with Nmake Worl.Win32 with VC++ compiler, I will send u the site
| of this.

Okee then it is the XFree-MSVC port, not the XFree Cygwin-port.. sort
of.. BTW Does the server compiled with MSVC work??


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Need to know X Win server size

2002-05-20 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ Narasimha Reddy K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| [...]
| One thing here is, if I do the ssame source on VC++ IDE, i am getting the
| size 968 KB but with makefiles 12.4 MB. 
| Need to know where exactly the change is required.

What sizes are you speaking of? It is not something like debug/non-debug?

well wrong place to ask on, we are all here so we can avoid MSVC++,
search the guys who actually build xfree on msvc++.

(you haven't downloaded cygwin-xfree, you have downloaded xfree for a
bunch of platforms, maybe cygwin patched but... )


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: TWM menus don't start xterms

2002-06-03 Thread Andrew Markebo

/ Kirsty Hollingworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I don't seem to have a /tmp/Xwin.log - is it hiding somewhere else or has
| nothing gone wrong (unlikely)


This should be created!

Hmm is it so bad that it is not even the cygwin x-server firing up or
similar?? Send me a screendump of the cygwin xfree-window how far it
has come.. 

*remind me* did you use the latest stuff, do you have other x-servers?
 Rational Rose?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: TWM menus don't start xterms (long reply)

2002-06-03 Thread Andrew Markebo


*bonk* regarding Xwin.log, it is created in newer versions of Xfree,
quite a bit of work is done since x-mas, and nowadays it is installable
from setup.exe.

| zip disk, zip disk to linux box, ftp across house network).  It fires up
| fine and I have slightly modified the startxwin.bat to fire up a telnet to
| our linux box and a copy of xclock as well as the default xterm.  The
| local xterm starts iconified as my usual use for X is as a display for
| apps on the linux box.  The linux box does not run XDCMP and cygwin was

Okay, you can run x-applications on linux, and display them on your
PC? Have you tried twm/any other window manager from the linux-box, to
display them on your PC.

Could be a cygwin limitation on win95 that the twm-binary needs,
incompability in signalling or similar..

| As I said at the top thank you very much for helping me.

Youre welcome ;-) The gentleman(?) in me does anything for the female
beauty.. or.. yeah you know :-)


p.s. I have always wondered if I would have helped a person with a
male-like name this much.. to be honest.. probably, but just
thinking of it for the fun of it :-)

Re: Xwinclip doesn't work with Konsole

2002-11-21 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ "Chris Twiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Thanks Jozsef,
| That's perfect information.
>>>From what I can tell (quick research) it uses CLIPBOARD and PRIMARY.
>>Sorry, this I don't understand, what this sentence means.
>>Can you explain it?
| I think so, the Konsole app doesn't seem to use the PRIMARY selection
| properly (i.e. in a standard way), that is why test6 doesn't
| automatically remove the selection from it.


Sorry for private mail, but I am not sure I can mail to the
list.. reading it from news.

Just a quick thought.. as you say "it does not use the PRIMARY
selection properly", does it use the primary selection at all? 

I mean, modern X and like the CDE on solaris has two clipboards, one
is for CDE, and can be accessed by apps compiled to CDE through the
menus edit->copy edit->paste, while the other, in xterms, emacs and so
on uses the ancient select with mouse, and paste with middle button..

It is not like Konsole uses the alternative clipboard? Or you are
supposed to use it.. 

Or maybe even you need to select the text, and do a edit->copy to get
it to the clipboard?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: SSH & XFree86

2002-11-22 Thread Andrew Markebo
What is the variable DISPLAY set to on the unix-machines?? 

What is the variable DISPLAY set to in the terminal you do the ssh -X
command from?


/ John Burkhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| To whomever may have the knowledge (aka HH?),
| I am using XFree86 running on a win98 machine to access a remote Unix
| system. My machine is behind a router, therefore when i run ssh with the
| parameters : ssh -X -l username hostname
| I get the follwing error:
| Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding.
| Subsequently the remote machine gives me a "can't open display" error
| whenever I try to run anything like xmgr or even and xterm on the remote
| machine. Do I need to use port forwarding? If so, how do I do this? The
| router has a public IP address, but the IP on my computer is invisible to
| the WAN as far as I can tell.
| Thank you, john

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Problem with Windows ME and InfoExpress VSClient VPN Softrware

2002-12-05 Thread Andrew Markebo
| I really hope it is possible to make it work, because I think it is a
| great product and I would really like to use it.

Which VPN software is it? What happens if you fire up the xserver
after the VPN software? (Assumed you fired it up before).

And is it local xterms that goes slow or?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: XDMCP on Windows 95

2002-12-07 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ "J S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| All  i did was :
| xwin -query host -fp host:7100 -from mypc
| I didn't pass the extra parms so I guess there was a flaw in that
| theory! I'm clutching at straws a bit now though 'cos I'm desperate to
| sort this out. I would have a look at the source code but I can
| imagine it's going to be huge and I haven't got much time left to sort
| this out. Would I be right in saying though that the most likely cause
| has got to be something windows 95-network related since the original
| message said invalid address and this only occurs on win 95?

Just another wild thought.. not only VPN.. any other socket
handling/protecting software on the 95? Does the machine have winsock
2 (does cygwin require winsock 2?)?? 


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Missing Lesstif source file in cygwin

2003-01-03 Thread Andrew Markebo
Hello, have you installed the lesstif development package??? 

Grabbing the missing files from linux is probably not a good idea,
because you would then be missing the libraries.. 

Hmm seems to be the normal X11 include-files that are missing.. Have
you installed XFree86-prog and XFree86-lib?



| ...
| /usr/X11R6/include/Xm/XmP.h:29:28: X11/IntrinsicP.h: No such file or
| directory
| ...


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Server Test 70

2003-01-13 Thread Andrew Markebo
Just some wild guess, you are running the correct rxvt? Not the cygwin
native rxvt? 


/ "Yadin Y Goldschmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Hi Harold,
| I would like to report success with windows xp. Multiwindow mode works!
| However there is still one problem:
| from startxwin.bat I invoke rxvt and this starts fine. If from this rxvt I
| start xterm or another rxvt then first time it starts it kind of vibrate non
| stop and I have to kill it by clicking on the x on the top right corner. If
| I now start again rxvt it starts fine and so are all other windows like
| xclock, xcircuit, etc. I don't understand why the first time I invoke
| another window it enters into a "trans" and later instances are fine.
| Yadin.
| "Harold L Hunt II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
|> Links:
|> I just posted Test 70 to the server development page:
|> You can install the Test 70 package via setup.exe by selecting the
|> 'test' package (and be sure to check the 'Bin' box):
| XFree86-xserv-4.2.0-18
|> Server Test Series binary and source code releases are now
|> available via the ftp mirror network
|> ( in the
|> pub/cygwin/xfree/devel/shadow/ directory.  You may wish to note the
|> desired filename in the links below, then download from your
|> closest mirror (
|> Server binary, direct link:
|> (1196 KiB)
|> Server source, direct link:
|> (95
| KiB)
|> Changes:
|> 1) EXPERIMENTAL: New multiwindow mode (invoked with the
|> ``-multiwindow'' command-line parameter) that creates each
|> top-level X window in a Microsoft Windows window.  Note that there are
|> still debugging options on in this release, so do not expect
|> multiwindow mode to be polished enough for everyday use.  (Kensuke
|> Matsuzaki)
|> Enjoy,
|> Harold

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Connect from Unix to Windows via ssh and start an applycationwhich is using the windows display

2003-01-13 Thread Andrew Markebo
Security thingy, basically you can't do this, fire up a graphical
windows-app remote. 

You maybe want to throw an eye on VNC, will export the desktop of the
windows-machine to any machine having a vnc-viewer.. and vnc-viewers
exist for maany platforms.


/ Axel Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I have the problem to start an application on windows 2000 from a unix host.
| I decided to do that task over ssh because of security reasons. The
| application has to use the display of the windows workstation.
| I installed cygwin on the windows host and configured the ssh-deamon as a
| windows service. Now I can login from a linux host to the windows machine, but
| I have a problem to start an application with a graphical surface. If I try
| to start notepad.exe for example, the shells hangs and I have to stop with
| CTRL-C. 
| If I call a Cygwin-Shell on the windows-host directly and type "notepad" the
| application works correctly. 
| If I try a "ssh localhost" on the Cygwin-Shell I have the same problem as
| described above.
| Of course I know about the mechanisms of forwarding displays under
| unix/linux (like: xhost + hostname, export DISPLAY= hostname:x.x,,... ), but this
| seems not to work, because I want to connect to a display of a windows host and
| not to another X-Server.
| Can anyone help me ?
| Axel Bauer
| Philips Medical Systems
| Boeblingen, Germany
| -- 
| +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more +++
| NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Rund um die Uhr für 1 ct/ Min. surfen!

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Connect from Unix to Windows via ssh and start an applycationwhich is using the windows display

2003-01-13 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Andrew Markebo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Security thingy, basically you can't do this, fire up a graphical
| windows-app remote. 

Eh sorry quick answer, didn't think twice when I wrote it, anyone who
have a better explanation?

NT's telnet server, cygwins ssh/telnet-login doesn't give access to
the screen, due to security in the NT services or something?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Xinit Error-Remote Host

2003-01-14 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ vedanth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Also,interestingly internet stops functioniing at the same time
| ..the X server connection is lost.

If you do it again, wait idle in 6 hours, without X connections, do
you loose internet then also?

Do you have any firewalls running on the PC, just phatasizing that it
might kill the dhcp request.. 


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Using XFree to replace explorer.exe as the window manager forWindows

2003-01-20 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ David Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Stuart Adamson wrote:
|>Yep - I've done this.
|>However - some of the control panel stuff didn't work correctly afterwards
|>(like the program installation wizard).  I had to move back to explorer.exe,
|>install my program then move back to using X as the shell.


| Which just shows why its bad to have a monolithic OS instead of one
| made up of separate components
| That's Windows for you...
| David

Or you learn what the control-panel needs for this, and implements
it.. Just like the window-managers for X implement a bit of

What I mean is that I am using litestep on my computer, and I have
managed to install and uninstall a bunch of apps.


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Q: Character "~" appears only after following space

2003-01-23 Thread Andrew Markebo
| And what if I do not have a XF86Config file? Is it possible by changing some 
| xmodmap file?

Just a quick thought.. in this case, isn't it MS-Windows that takes
care of that part, I mean.. isn't it MS-Windows that holds ´ to
determine if it should put it over next letter (á) or do it alone (´)?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Q: Character "~" appears only after following space

2003-01-23 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Andrew Markebo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| |
| | And what if I do not have a XF86Config file? Is it possible by changing some 
| | xmodmap file?
| Just a quick thought.. in this case, isn't it MS-Windows that takes
| care of that part, I mean.. isn't it MS-Windows that holds ´ to
| determine if it should put it over next letter (á) or do it alone (´)?

*bonk* and of course I mean ~ and ã instead of ´ and á ;-)


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: multiple xpm instances

2003-02-12 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Paul Kirschner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| In compiling an X11 application I found multiple instances of xpm. One
| version comes from XFree86-prog-4.2.0-1 (dated 1/21/2002 and in
| /usr/X11R6/{lib,include}) and the other from xpm-4.0.0-2 (dated 12/8/2000
| and in /usr/{lib,include)). "cygcheck -c" shows the xpm installation. (I
| also have the xpm-nox version installed which is OK.)
| Is the XFree86-prog the "correct" version to use? Should I remove the older
| one? How do I remove it properly?

I suppose it is the package "xpm-nox" you see in /usr, basically a
version not needing X, and is provided if you just need to do some
conversions (is it gs?) and don't want the X-servers..

How to remove it.. uninstall it through setup :-) Hmm weird that it
isn't updated, there seems to be a 4.2.0 'out'.


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Big Problem about keyboard/mapping

2003-02-14 Thread Andrew Markebo

xkeycaps is a great tool for messing around with the keyboard layout
in your X-session.


|>Last choice is modifying cygwin itself keymap to layout FI. So how i
|>change that on cygwin CONSOLE? also needed know the mapping sources to
|>modifying if nessesury. i have already readed faqs and documents :) i have
|>tryied to make keyboards working one week on X. (and worked but none on

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Autoraise in Test77 multiwindow mode

2003-02-19 Thread Andrew Markebo
Humm my view.. This is actually a 'feature', they say it works with
FVWM, yeah.. but it is configurable in fvwm, and other window managers
to raise or not on focus, so well see it as feature wish in the
multiwindow 'window manager'.

Just being picky.. or something.. 


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: using rxvt with other shells

2003-02-19 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Igor Pechtchanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Karl North wrote:
|> Has anyone out there ever used the MKS Korn shell or any other
|> non-BASH shell in the RXVT terminal emulator on Windows 2000?

I don't think the problem is non-BASH, I think it is non-Cygwin. "MKS"
I think meaning mkssoftware port of Korn shell to Windows, and well what
they do.. we don't know.


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: XFree86-cygwin & KDE & national keybord layouts

2003-02-20 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Lev Serebryakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| [...]
|   KDE is configured for two keyboard layouts: English and Russian.
|   I've configured `ctrl+shift' group toggle in KDE. But it doen't work
|   -- it allows to switch layouts via clicing on flag icon on dock, but
|   it doesn't do anything when I press ctrl+shift.
|   Is it problem of KDE or XFree86-cygwin or something else?

Something else I think, if my memory doesn't fail me, MS Windows can't
provide all the nifty keyboard-combinations (like C-S-[something])
that are available under for example linux..


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Mount of /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts..`??

2003-02-28 Thread Andrew Markebo
Just a quick question, why is /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts separately
mounted? Is it to make sure that it is binary mounted or?

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: xmesa header file

2003-03-05 Thread Andrew Markebo

Just a thought, shouldn't xmesa be in the opengl lib or something

Or am I into it wrong Harold? Can't find xmesa.h in the XFree86-prog


/ "Gary Pekmezi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Thanks for the response.
| Yes I do have the XFree86-prog package but I still cannot find xmesa.h .
| I do see osmesa.h in the directory where xmesa.h is called, I am not
| sure if this is the cygwin version of xmesa.
| "Harold L Hunt II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
| news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
|> You need to get the XFree86-prog package, if you don't already have 
|> it.
|> Harold

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Application Problem: InsightII

2003-03-06 Thread Andrew Markebo

|> My questions are:
|> 1. If the XFree86 module is loaded does this mean that glx is also
|> loaded?

If my memory don't fail me, the glx-module or whatever is not ported
to cygwin.. yet.. It can be found in some X-servers on the linux-end,
most often distributed by those who made the graphics card.

|> 2. Is the Motif environment emulated?

Nope, it is the application end (the x-client end) that does the
motifing. Nothing needed at the server.

|> 3. What are the strategies to get to the nub of the problem?

You implement the glx module on cygwin?? :-) Basically the people who
knows what to do about this is probably working on other stuff they
think are more important, getting X working :-)


p.s. probably good news for you, I am not 110% sure of this, but I
think I have the nose in the correct direction.. :-)

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: compiling Motif (Lesstif) program

2003-03-06 Thread Andrew Markebo
| Hi,
| I just try learning X and Motif.
| I have a very simple program:
| ---snip---
[... my snip ...]
| ---snip---
| and try to compile it using:
| gcc -o simple simple.c -I /usr/X11R6/include/ -L /usr/X11R6/lib/ -lXm -lXt
| -lX11

Could it be a missing -lSM before -lX11?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: SSH X forwarding not working

2003-03-06 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Chris Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Greetings.  I've looked over the mailing list, but haven't been able
| to find out why using
| ssh -X remote-host

Try to throw on one or two -v's to check what ssh thinks.

>From where do you do ssh -X remote-host, and what is the value of the
variable $DISPLAY at the prompt before ssh, and the prompt at the
other end when the ssh is connected.

What does the apps say in the other end when you try to start them?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: SSH X forwarding not working

2003-03-06 Thread Andrew Markebo
Hmm looked through the mail again and saw:

|> > ssh -x remote-host

Have you tried "ssh -X", capital X, using small x disables ssh


/ Chris Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| At the other end, /etc/ssh/sshd_config now has the line "X11Forwarding yes"
| Still no go.
| When I connect, the DISPLAY value on the remote box appears null.
| When I'm local, it's "localhost:0.0"

And this local, it is from the prompt you do ssh from? 

| When I used xhost and set DISPLAY manually, things work:

just a note, you are aware that the X traffic goes unencrypted when
doing it this way (setting DISPLAY to host_done_ssh_from)? 

| 2. on remote box set DISPLAY to "local_host:0.0"

Assuming local_host here is host_done_ssh_from?

| Also, does anyone know how to cut and paste:
|  1. Within X (do I have to run XWin with -emulate3buttons?), and

If you have a threebutton mouse like microsoft with scrollball, you
probably can use the third button.. (like me)

|  2. between X and Windows?

There are work being done on this, check the mailinglist. xwinclip is
the keyword I think.


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: another thing

2003-03-07 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Chris Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Seeing as I don't have that clip thing, here's some paraphrased debug messages:
| Warning: No xauth data; using fake auth data for X11 forwarding
| debug1: Requesting X11 fwd w/ auth spoofing
| debug1: channel request 0: x11-req
| debug1: Remote: No xauth program; cannot forward with spoofing.
| Does that mean that I need to install X (or at least xauth) on the
| remote machine?

You don't need to install X nor xauth, how you worked around it
though.. I don't remember, trying to :-)

Could it be turning off xauth on the server machine? Or doing xhost +

Will try to remember :-)


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: another thing

2003-03-07 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ ed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Chris,
| xhost the remote machine, and try opening up an xterm on the remote
| machine with the -display flag. If you don't have xterm on the remote
| machine, then you don't have X installed on the remote machine, and
| therefore X11 forwarding would be worthless.

You could have xterm on the other machine, but no server.. Or an
another X application.. (doesn't sound too likely, but could happen

And well he has done that, managed to start an x-application over the
network, not through ssh though.


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: compiling Motif (Lesstif) program

2003-03-07 Thread Andrew Markebo
| Hi Andrew,
| this missing -lSM was part of it.
| It still doesn't link correctly and this is the output now:
| $ gcc -c simple.c -o simple.o  -I /usr/X11R6/include -L /usr/X11R6/lib/

-lICE now :-) Think the order is "-lXm -lXt -lXext -lICE -lSM -lX11"


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Where did X11R6

2003-03-09 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ chuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I did the  [- Install Cygwin now. Ran setup and  Ta-Da working
| like a charm  ..except
| /usr/X11R6 - not there.  To include xhost - very imprortant to me  :-(
| What'da I miss?

You did a standard install, did not select X11&co. Probably?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Run file

2003-03-11 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Dat Quang Vu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Hello
| I have just installed cygwin in windows 2000.After installstion i try to run
| the file hygrt.csh under folder and get the error:
| bash: ./enblhstg.csh : no such file or directory.

Check the first line of enblhstg.csh, it probably looks like:


Now check if you have a /bin/csh.. probably not.

You have to either edit the enblhstg.csh so the first line is


Or copy the tcsh to csh.. I think latest versions of tcsh does this

Later on for future questions, check where you send it, this group is
mainly for X11-discussions.. 


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: xterm shows no color for color fonts

2003-03-13 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Haibing Ma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| When I opened vi or emacs-nox, it shows bold fonts and underlines, but
| it doesn't show colors. All characters are in my foreground color. I
| set xterm*VT100*colorMode: true. I even tried +cm option, it doesn't
| work either. Did miss anything?

What does it look like if you try it (which version of Emacs BTW?)
from rxvt instead of xterm?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: i dont want to use the xhost-command

2003-03-19 Thread Andrew Markebo
Just some wild ideas..

* "xhost +sunmachine" in your 
* Use ssh -x to connect to the sun-machine and start xterm with


| hi,
| i will run an x-server in cygwin and want to use this x server from an
| remote sun. to do that i had to run xhost ipadress... to enable the access
| from the sun.
| is there some configfile, where i can put the ipadress from the remote sun
| ?
| bye

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: two new -multiwindow bugs

2003-03-20 Thread Andrew Markebo

Just a quick thought, could it be the prompt not correctly set?

| # xterm -geometry +34+5

The title is updated here??

| # TERM=xterm; export TERM
| # xterm -e bash -i -c "ssh -X [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

But not in this xterm? What is PROMPT set to on the machine "remote"?

| xterm -T "my title" works for me with XWin-4.2.0-28. This is different
| functionality, though -- I was talking about a window title that
| updates automatically to show the current directory.

This is not the xterm doing, it is the prompt of your shell that does
this. What is the value of $PROMPT $PS0 $PS1 or what they are called..


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: launching win apps inside Xfreee86?

2003-03-19 Thread Andrew Markebo
| 1. have cygwin XFree86 window to be full sreen (meaning no boarder)

Hmm could an alternative be without background.. meaning the windows
desktop is the behind.. is the window?

| 2. have windows apps run inside the Xfree86 session?

Nope, alternative might be using VNC or similar if you want to see the
screen on other computer.. if you want to throw out a bunch of
different windows-screens to a bunch of other clients, I think there
is a vnc-application that can do this too.

Or well maybe if you run vncviewer on x-mode, grabbing display of the
vncserver on the machine.. hmm nope.. wouldn't think so.


p.s. there is a cygwin.xfree mailinglist where I sent this answer to
too, and could be a good place for future questions.

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: startx from bash can not find cygwin1.dll

2003-04-01 Thread Andrew Markebo
Tried startxwin? 


/ "kiwhan chung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| When I type in 'startx' on Bash shell prompt, I get a windows dialog about
| 'xinit.exe - Unable To Locate DLL' I noticed this is in the FAQ list,
| so I tried to search for extra copies of cygwin1.dll files, but I only
| have one copy in c:\cygwin\bin.
| FYI, I am running Win 2k, SP2.
| Thank you for your help.
| Kiwhan
| _
| MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: startx from bash can not find cygwin1.dll

2003-04-01 Thread Andrew Markebo
Tried or startxwin.bat?


p.s. oops sorry if duplicate had a little problem with mailsystem..

/ "kiwhan chung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| When I type in 'startx' on Bash shell prompt, I get a windows dialog about
| 'xinit.exe - Unable To Locate DLL' I noticed this is in the FAQ list,
| so I tried to search for extra copies of cygwin1.dll files, but I only
| have one copy in c:\cygwin\bin.
| FYI, I am running Win 2k, SP2.
| Thank you for your help.
| Kiwhan
| _
| MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Root Problmems

2003-04-02 Thread Andrew Markebo
With cygwin-xfree86, do you mean the cygwin setup.exe? You need to be
an Administrator, or power-user on the NT-system.. Yep sounds like a
bad formulation of the error.


/ Louis Kindt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| [...]
|  However, when I go to install the software, CYGWIN-XFree86 won't
| let me and gives the message "Sorry you must be root to install this
| software."  There is no ROOT user on my system.  I am currently
| running Windows NT.  How do I get around this probelm?  I am not a
| computer programer, so alot of this stuff is pretty Greek to me.

 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: keyboard non-US

2003-04-02 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ "kaio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Can be used an IT keyboard layout instead?

If you have a modern xfree it should find your keyboard layout
automatically (or it is still beta?), if still problem - throw an eye
or two at the faq at 
4.4 is probably interesting..

 The eye of the compiler rests on the code!

Re: keyboard non-US

2003-04-02 Thread Andrew Markebo
Maybe should update the FAQ on this issue.. how the keyboard layout is
controlled today.. 

*Oh you are looking at me?* 

*okee.. I might throw an eye or two at the faq ;-)* (send some stupid
suggestions, and then some other who knows about it will send the
correct info and it is just to copy'n'paste) ;-)


/ Alexander Gottwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, Andrew Markebo wrote:
|> / "kaio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|> | Can be used an IT keyboard layout instead?
|> |
|> If you have a modern xfree it should find your keyboard layout
| No. Italian is not in the list. I've not received information what windows reports
| for itali keyboards and have not added it.
| bye
|   ago

 The eye of the linker rests on the libs!

Re: Remote Graphical Acesss to SuSE from XP

2003-04-04 Thread Andrew Markebo

I don't see that you have started X?

Meanwhile step by step.. getting an xterm.. 

| I start CygWin through the standard cygwin.bat file from installation.

After starting cygwin.bat, type in the shell-window.. 

| From the terminal window I can connect to through TelNet
| or SSH to change the DISPLAY variable.  In my attempts I have set
| DISPLAY to both and

>From the window opened in the X-window, do "ssh -X" and
there, do "echo $DISPLAY" (let ssh set the DISPLAY for you), if you
get a value like it should be working, here fire up a


 The eye of the linker rests on the libs!

Re: Remote Graphical Acesss to SuSE from XP Continued

2003-04-05 Thread Andrew Markebo

| When I executed, a new XFree86 window came up with the X
| cursor and a terminal window.  From there I logged onto my linux
| machine (ssh -x
| and echoed the display variable (echo $display).  A blank

ssh -X, capital X to be used.. include a -v switch also to see
verbosely what is happening.

Uhh checking your startxwin.bat.. you do: (hmm is it bat, not

#! /bin/sh
export DISPLAY=

Have you edited it?? I mean that is the linux machine?
And DISPLAY shouldn't be set to that machine, it should point to the
local machine.. Start clean, with an unedited startxwn, to get


p.s. for starters to quickly get around 

 The eye of the linker rests on the libs!

Re: Konsole-like application?

2003-06-09 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ "William E. Kempf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Are there any applications similar to Konsole for Cygwin.  By similar, I
| mean an application with a tabbed frame for multiple consoles and a button
| to create new consoles, but one that doesn't require KDE (I want to run
| -multiwindow).

Hmm emacs?? Or xemacs? Then you probably don't need X.. ;-)


 The eye of the compiler rests on the code!

Re: rdesktop.exe session on an X-terminal?

2003-06-23 Thread Andrew Markebo

Just a couple of quick thoughts here.. 

* I don't think rdesktop can display the xfree sessions from windows.

* xfree can't send stuff like word and so on from windows to a
  x-session on other machine. What is sent is to be X-applications.


/ msg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Earle,
| Thanks for your reply.  Yes, rdesktop on Unix works well for us too
| but we need to build a standalone Win2k-serving-Xterminals-with-
| Windows-Desktop-sessions solution. Other than Citrix, rdesktop seems
| to be the only alternative??
| Michael Grigoni
| Cybertheque Museum
| "Earle F. Philhower, III" wrote:
|> Howdy Michael,
|> -- Original Message -
|> Subject: Re: rdesktop.exe session on an X-terminal?
|> 'rdesktop.exe' doesn't honor a command-line display argument and
|> setting Windows and Cygwin environment variables 'display' and
|> 'DISPLAY' has no effect.
|> ---
|> I can confirm that the rdesktop 1.2.0 that I downloaded and compiled under
|> Solaris displays fine under XWin -multiwindow -multiplescreens, for connections
|> to both terminal servers and my WinXP laptop.  I just set the $DISPLAY properly
|> in the xterm and rdesktop ...
|> Under Windoze there's no need for rdesktop, you can use the free
|> Remote Desktop Connection utility from MS (supported under Win 98, 2000,
|> and built-in underXP).  The MS version is also faster and supports 16-bit
|> displays which is almost a necessity for XP remotes, with all their eye-candy.
|> --
|> -Earle F. Philhower, III

 The parser of the compiler rests on the code!

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Re: rdesktop.exe session on an X-terminal?

2003-06-23 Thread Andrew Markebo

| On a test machine using Cygwin/Xfree86 one may telnet from the
| X-terminal and establish an xterm (bash) session but then invoking
| 'rdesktop.exe' will not open a session on the remote display. 
| 'rdesktop.exe' does open a session window on the console display if
| invoked from a console command prompt.

rdesktop.exe, compiled how? It needs to be compiled with X11 support
to be displayed on the X11 terminal.


| As you can see our hope is to build an alternative to Citrix
| to present Win2k desktop sessions on X-terminals using only one
| Win2k host.  We can now do that using one Win2k host and one
| unix host to manage the X-terminals.

A doublecheck, desktop sessions is windows desktop sessions with
normal windows apps? You think that rdesktp.exe can do this? Provide
the sessions on the 'server'? 

If so, just a quick thought how come you think (could be true, could
be false) rdesktop.exe can provide and export the 'session' of one
'virtual' windows session to a remote host? I thought it was just a
viewer, and rdesktop.exe is used to see sessions on other computers, a
client, not a server?

BTW Isn't there a vnc-port that does a bit of this? Can do
sessions.. or is it that it can send just windows.. 


 Everything that was magical was just a way of describing the world in
words it couldn't ignore.
- "Pyramids" by Terry Pratchett

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Re: rdesktop.exe session on an X-terminal?

2003-06-23 Thread Andrew Markebo
I think I have found your 'problem', assuming you are using
rdesktop.exe from 

If I have gotten stuff right, The target of this rdesktop.exe is to do
a rdesktop running natively on a windows-machine, no X11 stuff needed
during link (gcc -mno-cygwin -DWIN32_NATIVE [...] -lws2_32 -lgetopts
-lgdi32 -luser32)

Pull down the rdesktop source, and configure and make it natively
under cygwin, I think you should get a better rdesktop.exe (final link
command something like gcc [...] -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lcrypto)


 The eye of the compiler rests on the code!

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