Re: Copy/paste broken from X to Windows

2013-11-21 Thread Jon TURNEY
On 21/10/2013 05:45, Matt D. wrote:
 Copy/paste seems to be broken when attempting to copy a large block of text
 from X to Windows. See the attachment for an example.
 Copying the text from Windows to X seems fine but the reverse causes the mouse
 cursor to spin and then a blank string to paste.

Thanks for the bug report and reproduction steps.

I can reproduce this problem, and there's definitely a timing sensitive bug
here (which a larger paste seems to trigger).  There is also perhaps something
not quite right about the way select() is behaving here, as it seems to be
returning 0 before the timeout expires, which I need to investigate further.

I've uploaded a snapshot at [1] with a fix and a workaround. Perhaps you could
try that and see if it improves things for you?


Volunteer Cygwin/X X Server maintainer

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Copy/paste broken from X to Windows

2013-10-21 Thread Matt D.
Copy/paste seems to be broken when attempting to copy a large block of 
text from X to Windows. See the attachment for an example.

Copying the text from Windows to X seems fine but the reverse causes the 
mouse cursor to spin and then a blank string to paste.

Matt D.
SCENE I. A public place.

Enter MERCUTIO, BENVOLIO, Page, and Servants 
I pray thee, good Mercutio, let's retire:
The day is hot, the Capulets abroad,
And, if we meet, we shall not scape a brawl;
For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring.

Thou art like one of those fellows that when he
enters the confines of a tavern claps me his sword
upon the table and says 'God send me no need of
thee!' and by the operation of the second cup draws
it on the drawer, when indeed there is no need.

Am I like such a fellow?

Come, come, thou art as hot a Jack in thy mood as
any in Italy, and as soon moved to be moody, and as
soon moody to be moved.

And what to?

Nay, an there were two such, we should have none
shortly, for one would kill the other. Thou! why,
thou wilt quarrel with a man that hath a hair more,
or a hair less, in his beard, than thou hast: thou
wilt quarrel with a man for cracking nuts, having no
other reason but because thou hast hazel eyes: what
eye but such an eye would spy out such a quarrel?
Thy head is as fun of quarrels as an egg is full of
meat, and yet thy head hath been beaten as addle as
an egg for quarrelling: thou hast quarrelled with a
man for coughing in the street, because he hath
wakened thy dog that hath lain asleep in the sun:
didst thou not fall out with a tailor for wearing
his new doublet before Easter? with another, for
tying his new shoes with old riband? and yet thou
wilt tutor me from quarrelling!

An I were so apt to quarrel as thou art, any man
should buy the fee-simple of my life for an hour and a quarter.

The fee-simple! O simple!

By my head, here come the Capulets.

By my heel, I care not.

Enter TYBALT and others

Follow me close, for I will speak to them.
Gentlemen, good den: a word with one of you.

And but one word with one of us? couple it with
something; make it a word and a blow.

You shall find me apt enough to that, sir, an you
will give me occasion.

Could you not take some occasion without giving?

Mercutio, thou consort'st with Romeo,--

Consort! what, dost thou make us minstrels? an
thou make minstrels of us, look to hear nothing but
discords: here's my fiddlestick; here's that shall
make you dance. 'Zounds, consort!

We talk here in the public haunt of men:
Either withdraw unto some private place,
And reason coldly of your grievances,
Or else depart; here all eyes gaze on us.

Men's eyes were made to look, and let them gaze;
I will not budge for no man's pleasure, I.


Well, peace be with you, sir: here comes my man.

But I'll be hanged, sir, if he wear your livery:
Marry, go before to field, he'll be your follower;
Your worship in that sense may call him 'man.'

Romeo, the hate I bear thee can afford
No better term than this,--thou art a villain.

Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee
Doth much excuse the appertaining rage
To such a greeting: villain am I none;
Therefore farewell; I see thou know'st me not.

Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries
That thou hast done me; therefore turn and draw.

I do protest, I never injured thee,
But love thee better than thou canst devise,
Till thou shalt know the reason of my love:
And so, good Capulet,--which name I tender
As dearly as my own,--be satisfied.

O calm, dishonourable, vile submission!
Alla stoccata carries it away.


Tybalt, you rat-catcher, will you walk?

What wouldst thou have with me?

Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine
lives; that I mean to make bold withal, and as you
shall use me hereafter, drybeat the rest of the
eight. Will you pluck your sword out of his pitcher
by the ears? make haste, lest mine be about your
ears ere it be out.

I am for you.


Gentle Mercutio, put thy rapier up.

Come, sir, your passado.

They fight

Draw, Benvolio; beat down their weapons.
Gentlemen, for shame, forbear this outrage!
Tybalt, Mercutio, the prince expressly hath
Forbidden bandying in Verona streets:
Hold, Tybalt! good Mercutio!

TYBALT under ROMEO's arm stabs MERCUTIO, and flies with his followers

I am hurt.
A plague o' both your houses! I am sped.
Is he gone, and hath nothing?

What, art thou hurt?

Ay, ay, a scratch, a scratch; marry, 'tis enough.
Where is my page? Go, villain, fetch a surgeon.

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Re: Copy/paste broken from X to Windows

2013-10-21 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin-X)

On 10/21/2013 12:45 AM, Matt D. wrote:

Copy/paste seems to be broken when attempting to copy a large block of text
from X to Windows. See the attachment for an example.

Copying the text from Windows to X seems fine but the reverse causes the
mouse cursor to spin and then a blank string to paste.

Please send this report to the cygwin-xfree list.



A: Yes.
 Q: Are you sure?
 A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
 Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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Re: Copy/paste broken from X to Windows

2013-10-21 Thread Matt D.


This is the cygwin-xfree list?

Matt D.

On 10/21/2013 1:05 PM, Larry Hall (Cygwin-X) wrote:

On 10/21/2013 12:45 AM, Matt D. wrote:

Copy/paste seems to be broken when attempting to copy a large block of
from X to Windows. See the attachment for an example.

Copying the text from Windows to X seems fine but the reverse causes the
mouse cursor to spin and then a blank string to paste.

Please send this report to the cygwin-xfree list.

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Re: Copy/paste broken from X to Windows

2013-10-21 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin-X)

On 10/21/2013 6:40 PM, Matt D. wrote:


This is the cygwin-xfree list?

Right.  My apologies.



A: Yes.
 Q: Are you sure?
 A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
 Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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How do I copy/paste in Xwin Server?

2012-02-10 Thread Ocean

I'm using Xwin Server on Windows 7, and I can't seem to figure out
how to copy/paste text within the Xwin terminal.  How can this be done?


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Re: How do I copy/paste in Xwin Server?

2012-02-10 Thread Csaba Raduly
On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 9:11 PM, Ocean  wrote:

        I'm using Xwin Server on Windows 7, and I can't seem to figure out
 how to copy/paste text within the Xwin terminal.  How can this be done?

man xterm

would have told you that

Pointer button two (usually middle) types (pastes) the text from the
PRIMARY selection, if any, otherwise from the cut buffer, inserting it
as keyboard input.

Also, a web search for xterm paste might have helped.

GCS a+ e++ d- C++ ULS$ L+$ !E- W++ P+++$ w++$ tv+ b++ DI D++ 5++
The Tao of math: The numbers you can count are not the real numbers.
Life is complex, with real and imaginary parts.
Ok, it boots. Which means it must be bug-free and perfect.  -- Linus Torvalds
People disagree with me. I just ignore them. -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: Issues with Copy Paste

2010-06-09 Thread Anonymous bin ich
How are you copying? Which application are you copying from? (Shell/vim etc...)

On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Ajay Jain wrote:

 The copy and paste from Xterm (using Cygwin) to my local machine is
 playing a hide and seek. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it does
 not. Can somebody please give me checklist on what to enable in
 default so that copy paste works between xterms and any local windows

 Many thanks in advance,

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Issues with Copy Paste

2010-05-31 Thread Ajay Jain

The copy and paste from Xterm (using Cygwin) to my local machine is
playing a hide and seek. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it does
not. Can somebody please give me checklist on what to enable in
default so that copy paste works between xterms and any local windows

Many thanks in advance,

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1.7.1: xterm osc 52 copy/paste bug?

2009-12-25 Thread Дмитрий Требич
I just have installed 1.7.1 release and try xterm osc 52 copy/paste escape 
sequences - they have work in the beta release.
The paste seq:
echo -ne \033]52;;?\033\\
works justr fine, but copy seq:
echo -ne \033]52;;cXdlcnR5\033\\
didn't works (cXdlcnR5 is base64 encodig for qwerty).
Any suggestions? It seems like or xterm bug, or I missing something in the 
Thank you

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Re: update - Vista: no copy/paste X - MS

2009-02-25 Thread Dick Repasky

On Tue, 24 Feb 2009, Marc Girod wrote:

Dick Repasky-2 wrote:

not being able to copy from an X application (xterm or nedit) and paste
into Windows Notepad.

For what it's worth, and notwithstanding the need for deeper analysis and a
I can report that, disabling the Office clipboard (e.g. from Outlook),
copypaste work for me from emacs run on X to the Windows Notepad, on Vista.


On my system toggling the Office clipboard toggles the ability to copy 
from X and paste into Windows Notepad when Notepad is launced before X.

If I launch X and then Windows Notepad I cannot copy from X and paste into 
Notepad independently of whether Office clipboard is on or off.

If I launch Windows Notepad before launching X, I can copy from X and 
paste into Notepad when Office clipboard is off. I cannot copy and paste 
when Office clipboard is on.

I'm running Office 2007, I have been using Excel to toggle the Windows 


Dick Repasky
Center for Computational Cytomics
UITS Cubicle 101.08
Indiana University

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Re: update - Vista: no copy/paste X - MS

2009-02-25 Thread Marc Girod

Dick wrote:
 On my system toggling the Office clipboard toggles the ability to copy 
 from X and paste into Windows Notepad when Notepad is launched before X.
 I'm running Office 2007, I have been using Excel to toggle the Windows 
I have not noticed any difference related to the order of launching.
Usually, I launch X first. Not always though: I may have to start Outlook or
IE first...

But I am using older versions of the Office tools than you.
My Outlook says: 11.8206.8202 SP3, Copyright 1995-2003...

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Re: update - Vista: no copy/paste X - MS

2009-02-24 Thread Marc Girod

Dick Repasky-2 wrote:
 not being able to copy from an X application (xterm or nedit) and paste
 into Windows Notepad.
For what it's worth, and notwithstanding the need for deeper analysis and a
I can report that, disabling the Office clipboard (e.g. from Outlook),
copypaste work for me from emacs run on X to the Windows Notepad, on Vista.


Windows Longhorn/Vista (not yet supported!) Ver 6.0 Build 6000 
Cygwin DLL version info:
DLL version: 1.5.25
DLL epoch: 19

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update - Vista: no copy/paste X - MS

2009-02-23 Thread Dick Repasky

On 30 Jan I posted a note about not being able to copy from an X 
application (xterm or nedit) and paste into Windows Notepad. I also 
reported that the problem occurred on Vista but not XP. I thought 
that I'd try again with the recently posted X update that has clipboard 
debugging turned on.

I found that the bug appears when Windows Notepad is launched after X has 
been launched. Copy and paste from X to Windows Notepad works fine when 
Windows Notepad is launched before X has been launched. This is true on 
both Windows Vista and Windows XP. (My earlier report was incorrect in 
that regard.)

There was no difference between XWin.0.log when copy and paste worked and 
when it did not work. Attached is a copy of XWin.0.log and Cygcheck.out.



Dick Repasky
Center for Computational Cytomics
UITS Cubicle 101.08
Indiana University

Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics

Current System Time: Mon Feb 23 11:07:40 2009

Windows Longhorn/Vista (not yet supported!) Ver 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1

Path:   C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin







Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (nontsec)

UID: 1000(rrepasky) GID: 513(None)

513(None)   544(Administrators) 545(Users)

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (ntsec)

UID: 1000(rrepasky) GID: 513(None)

513(None)   544(Administrators) 545(Users)

SysDir: C:\Windows\system32

WinDir: C:\Windows

USER = 'rrepasky'

PWD = '/home/rrepasky'

HOME = '/home/rrepasky'

MAKE_MODE = 'unix'

HOMEPATH = '\Users\rrepasky'

MANPATH = '/usr/local/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/man::/usr/ssl/man'

APPDATA = 'C:\Users\rrepasky\AppData\Roaming'

HOSTNAME = 'rrepasky-PC'

TERM = 'cygwin'

PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = 'x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 8, GenuineIntel'

WINDIR = 'C:\Windows'

PUBLIC = 'C:\Users\Public'

OLDPWD = '/usr/bin'

PROGRAMDATA = 'C:\ProgramData'

USERDOMAIN = 'rrepasky-PC'

OS = 'Windows_NT'


!:: = '::\'

TEMP = '/cygdrive/c/Users/rrepasky/AppData/Local/Temp'

COMMONPROGRAMFILES = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'

USERNAME = 'rrepasky'




USERPROFILE = 'C:\Users\rrepasky'

PS1 = '\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\...@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$ '



LOCALAPPDATA = 'C:\Users\rrepasky\AppData\Local'

!C: = 'C:\cygwin\bin'

SHLVL = '1'




COMSPEC = 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe'

TMP = '/cygdrive/c/Users/rrepasky/AppData/Local/Temp'

SYSTEMROOT = 'C:\Windows'

PRINTER = 'hrothgar'

CVS_RSH = '/bin/ssh'


INFOPATH = '/usr/local/info:/usr/share/info:/usr/info:'

PROGRAMFILES = 'C:\Program Files'




_ = '/usr/bin/cygcheck'

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options



Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2

  (default) = '/cygdrive'

  cygdrive flags = 0x0022

Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/

  (default) = 'C:\cygwin'

  flags = 0x000a

Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/bin

  (default) = 'C:\cygwin/bin'

  flags = 0x000a

Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/lib

  (default) = 'C:\cygwin/lib'

  flags = 0x000a

Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options



HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2

  (default) = '/cygdrive'

  cygdrive flags = 0x0022

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/

  (default) = 'C:\cygwin'

  flags = 0x000a

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/bin

  (default) = 'C:\cygwin/bin'

  flags = 0x000a

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/lib

  (default) = 'C:\cygwin/lib'

  flags = 0x000a

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options

a:  fd N/AN/A

c:  hd  NTFS 20477Mb  86% CP CS UN PA FC 

d:  cd N/AN/A   

Vista: no copy/paste X - MS

2009-01-30 Thread Dick Repasky

Running Cygwin 1.5 on Vista I cannot copy from an X window (xterm) and 
paste into a Windows app (notepad). I use the left mouse button to select 
in the xterm and Edit-Paste in notepad.  Copying from note pad and 
pasting into either an xterm or into nedit works just fine. (And, on 
Windows XP, I can copy and paste in both directions just fine.)

Thought you might want to know. Cygcheck.out is attached.



Dick Repasky
Center for Computational Cytomics
UITS Cubicle 101.08
Indiana University

Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics

Current System Time: Fri Jan 30 13:41:01 2009

Windows Longhorn/Vista (not yet supported!) Ver 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1

Path:   C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin







Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (nontsec)

UID: 1000(me) GID: 513(None)

513(None)   544(Administrators) 545(Users)

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (ntsec)

UID: 1000(me) GID: 513(None)

513(None)   544(Administrators) 545(Users)

SysDir: C:\Windows\system32

WinDir: C:\Windows

USER = 'me'

PWD = '/home/me'

HOME = '/home/me'

MAKE_MODE = 'unix'

HOMEPATH = '\Users\me'

MANPATH = '/usr/local/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/man::/usr/ssl/man'

APPDATA = 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming'


TERM = 'cygwin'

PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = 'x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 8, GenuineIntel'

WINDIR = 'C:\Windows'

PUBLIC = 'C:\Users\Public'

OLDPWD = '/usr/bin'

PROGRAMDATA = 'C:\ProgramData'


OS = 'Windows_NT'


!:: = '::\'

TEMP = '/cygdrive/c/Users/me/AppData/Local/Temp'

COMMONPROGRAMFILES = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'





USERPROFILE = 'C:\Users\me'

PS1 = '\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\...@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$ '



LOCALAPPDATA = 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local'

!C: = 'C:\cygwin\bin'

SHLVL = '1'




COMSPEC = 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe'

TMP = '/cygdrive/c/Users/me/AppData/Local/Temp'

SYSTEMROOT = 'C:\Windows'

PRINTER = 'hrothgar'

CVS_RSH = '/bin/ssh'


INFOPATH = '/usr/local/info:/usr/share/info:/usr/info:'

PROGRAMFILES = 'C:\Program Files'




_ = '/usr/bin/cygcheck'

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options



Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2

  (default) = '/cygdrive'

  cygdrive flags = 0x0022

Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/

  (default) = 'C:\cygwin'

  flags = 0x000a

Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/bin

  (default) = 'C:\cygwin/bin'

  flags = 0x000a

Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/lib

  (default) = 'C:\cygwin/lib'

  flags = 0x000a

Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options



HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2

  (default) = '/cygdrive'

  cygdrive flags = 0x0022

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/

  (default) = 'C:\cygwin'

  flags = 0x000a

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/bin

  (default) = 'C:\cygwin/bin'

  flags = 0x000a

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/lib

  (default) = 'C:\cygwin/lib'

  flags = 0x000a

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options

a:  fd N/AN/A

c:  hd  NTFS 20477Mb  85% CP CS UN PA FC 

d:  cd N/AN/A

C:\cygwin  /  system  binmode

C:\cygwin/bin  /usr/bin   system  binmode

C:\cygwin/lib  /usr/lib   system  binmode

.  /cygdrive  system  binmode,cygdrive

Found: C:\cygwin\bin\awk.exe

Found: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe

Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe

Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cp.exe

Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cpp.exe

Not Found: crontab

Found: C:\cygwin\bin\find.exe


New install copy/paste woes

2006-11-16 Thread Mike Brennan

Cygwin/X copy/paste woes

Yesterday I downloaded and installed Cywin:

  Dell XPS M1710
  Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600
  uname -a: CYGWIN_NT-5.1 mike-lap 1.5.22(0.156/4/2) 2006-11-13 17:01
  i686 Cygwin
  X is started with cygwin/usr/X11R6/bin/startwin.bat

copy/paste between local and remote xterm windows doesn't work
copy/paste from remote xterm windows to local Windows apps (via clipboard)
causes the 

By local xterm windows I mean xterms started on the local (on my laptop)
cygwin system using the local display.

By remote xterm windows I mean xterms started by ssh'ing into a remote
system (AIX and Linux) with ForwardX11 yes in /etc/ssh_config, and
then starting an xterm session on that remote system.  The remote
xterm uses the local display.



   select/paste between two local xterm windows
   select from xterm local xterm and paste into local Windows app
   select/copy from local windows app and paste into local xterm
   select/paste within a single remote xterm


   select/paste (in either direction) betwen a local and remote xterm
  (nothing happens)
   select from remote xterm and paste into local windows app.  This
  clobbers the remote xterm  What happens: I highlight text
  in the remote xterm, click in the windows app, right click,
  click Paste.  When I click Paste the remote xterm disappears,
  both from my display and from the windows task bar!

I've been successfully using the functionality I describe and
for a long time and the problems only began with new hardware  software.
On my old laptop (Thinkpad A31p) and an older version of Cygwin
(CYGWIN_NT-5.1 Dalea 1.5.8(0.112/4/2) 2004-03-16 00:19 i686 unknown 
unknown Cygwin) all of the DOESN'T WORK stuff above worked fine.

Any assistance would be much appreciated.  Thanks.


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copy+paste large amount of text -- workaround

2006-10-30 Thread Mordechai T. Abzug
One of my users at work had problems when copy+pasting large amounts
of text from cygwin's Xfree86 into Windows.  In particular, he get the
following error:

winClipboardFlushXEvents - SelectionNotify - X*TextPropertyToTextList returned: 

I upgraded his cygwin packages to the latest packages, which helped
get rid of this error, but didn't allow the copy+pasting to work.

Looking online, this is a known bug:

I've found a workaround: run xclipboard.  For whatever reason, with
xclipboard running in background, copy+paste large amounts of text
works fine.

[I'm not normally subscribed to this list, but figured I should give

- Morty

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Re: X Copy/Paste ?

2005-11-06 Thread Brian Dessent
Roy Wiseman wrote:

 A quick question, and I have a feeling this is asked
 regularly, but I couldn't find an answer on searching
 the forum.
 How can I copy/paste to/from xterm to another xterm
 windows and also how can I copy/paste to/from an xterm
 window and a windows application like say notepad ?

Since this is a X11-related question it really belongs on the
cygwin-xfree (at) mailing list, where I've CC:d it.

The X11 clipboard and windows clipboard are integrated.  You don't have
to do anything special to copy/paste between them.  In rxvt and xterm,
selecting text with the mouse also selects it, so you can just Ctrl-V in
Notepad.  To paste in rxvt / xterm you normally use the middle mouse
button (which can sometimes be emulated on 2 button mice by pressing
both at the same time) or by pressing Shift-Insert.  You can find more
details in the manpages.


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RE: Mouse button copy/paste not working

2005-06-21 Thread Reid Thompson
Charles Packer wrote:
 Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
 See (please
 the whole section).
 Typical Unix-head response (Read the whole book...). There
 is nothing
 in the FAQ that deals with this problem. However, perusing
 the Cygwin/X
 installation instructions, under the section on logging on to remote
 clients, I noticed the suggested ssh command: ssh -Y -l username
 hostdomain. I checked to see what our PC guy had set me up with under
 the alias he had given me: ssh -X -l myname $1. Changing -X
 to -Y made
 all the difference and solved the problem. Returning to the
 FAQ, there
 is a question X forwarding does not work does not work with OpenSSH
 under Cygwin in which the answer I needed is embedded as an
 afterthought. Suggestion: Add to the FAQ a question specifically
 mentioning the symptoms I described.

What browser are you using -- when i clicked on the link provided, my
browser opened up with the following at the top of the browser page(i.e.
my browser opened with the page scrolled to the correct location):

5. Remote connections

5.1. X11Forwarding does not work with OpenSSH under Cygwin


OpenSSH 3.8 enables untrusted X11 forwarding by default when connecting
to an ssh server that supports untrusted X11Forwarding. Most ssh servers
for GNU/Linux are versions of OpenSSH that do support untrusted
X11Forwarding, so using OpenSSH 3.8 from Cygwin will result in a
connection that uses untrusted X11Forwarding by default. You will
quickly notice that this is the case if most of your X applications are
now killed when you try to copy and paste or if xdpyinfo returns only a
fraction of the supported extensions that it does if run locally.

It is easiest to just override untrusted X11Forwarding by passing -Y to
ssh in place of -X. The -Y does the same thing as -X, but it enables
trusted X11Forwarding for the current connection.

Which is exactly the answer you were looking for


RE: Mouse button copy/paste not working

2005-06-21 Thread Alexander Gottwald
On Tue, 21 Jun 2005, Reid Thompson wrote:

 What browser are you using -- when i clicked on the link provided, my
 browser opened up with the following at the top of the browser page(i.e.
 my browser opened with the page scrolled to the correct location):

 Which is exactly the answer you were looking for

Actually the -Y parameter is mentioned at least two times. First in the cited
passage on top, second (with error message) in the passage about the client
config files.

Anyway, now there is a new FAQ entry with parts of the error message in the 

Actually the FAQ needs some cleanup. There are a lot of old entries which 
should be moved to a section Removed entries too separate them from the 
active ones but to keep the links and references working. 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 126018723

RE: Mouse button copy/paste not working

2005-06-21 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Tue, 21 Jun 2005, Alexander Gottwald wrote:

 Actually the FAQ needs some cleanup. There are a lot of old entries which
 should be moved to a section Removed entries too separate them from the
 active ones but to keep the links and references working.

Alexander, if you're cleaning up the FAQ anyway, you might want to
coordinate with Joshua on the Cygwin-friendly firewalls question (see  Just a heads-up.
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

The Sun will pass between the Earth and the Moon tonight for a total
Lunar eclipse... -- WCBS Radio Newsbrief, Oct 27 2004, 12:01 pm EDT

Re: Mouse button copy/paste not working

2005-06-20 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, Charles Packer wrote:

 As a Unix veteran but first-time Cygwin user, I've discovered that I
 can't paste selected text with the middle button under these
 circumstances: I have logged into a remote Unix system and start some X

Wrong list.  Please follow-up to cygwin-xfree at cygwin dot com (I've
set the Reply-To: accordingly).

 window from there -- an xterm, say, or xedit. I select text in one of
 those windows (by dragging with the left button down) and then try to
 paste somewhere else in the window. It will paste only if the selected
 text is still highlighted. This is not right; it should have been copied
 to some buffer that is still available to the middle button even if the
 originally selected text is no longer highlighted.

 Oddly enough, the problem doesn't exist with the local Cygwin xterms and
 xedit -- only with those that the remote system creates. For what it's
 worth, the .xinitrc script that Cygwin uses in this installation runs
 xwinclip and then wmaker. The invocation of twm has been commented out.
 When I do a ps, I see that wmaker appears twice.

 Incidentally, occasionally the middle button does worse than merely not
 paste; it kills the window. The error message showing in the main Cygwin
 xterm is: BadAtom(invalid Atom parameter); Major opcode of failed
 request: 18(X_Change Property).

See (please read
the whole section).
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

The Sun will pass between the Earth and the Moon tonight for a total
Lunar eclipse... -- WCBS Radio Newsbrief, Oct 27 2004, 12:01 pm EDT

Re: Mouse button copy/paste not working

2005-06-20 Thread Charles Packer

Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

See (please read

the whole section).

Typical Unix-head response (Read the whole book...). There is nothing 
in the FAQ that deals with this problem. However, perusing the Cygwin/X 
installation instructions, under the section on logging on to remote 
clients, I noticed the suggested ssh command: ssh -Y -l username 
hostdomain. I checked to see what our PC guy had set me up with under 
the alias he had given me: ssh -X -l myname $1. Changing -X to -Y made 
all the difference and solved the problem. Returning to the FAQ, there 
is a question X forwarding does not work does not work with OpenSSH 
under Cygwin in which the answer I needed is embedded as an 
afterthought. Suggestion: Add to the FAQ a question specifically 
mentioning the symptoms I described.

Re: Mouse button copy/paste not working

2005-06-20 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, Charles Packer wrote:

 Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

  See (please read
  the whole section).

 Typical Unix-head response (Read the whole book...).

I initially wrote please read the whole section 5 (which is only one
printed page long, BTW), but then omitted the section number because I
thought it was self-evident.  Apparently not.

 There is nothing in the FAQ that deals with this problem. However,
 perusing the Cygwin/X installation instructions, under the section on
 logging on to remote clients, I noticed the suggested ssh command: ssh
 -Y -l username hostdomain. I checked to see what our PC guy had set me
 up with under the alias he had given me: ssh -X -l myname $1. Changing
 -X to -Y made all the difference and solved the problem. Returning to
 the FAQ, there is a question X forwarding does not work does not work
 with OpenSSH under Cygwin

That is the exact question I pointed you to.

 in which the answer I needed is embedded as an afterthought. Suggestion:
 Add to the FAQ a question specifically mentioning the symptoms I

The symptoms are there (i.e., the BadAtom message).  True, they are not
in the form of a question -- the FAQ maintainer reads this list and I'm
sure will see your suggestion.
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

The Sun will pass between the Earth and the Moon tonight for a total
Lunar eclipse... -- WCBS Radio Newsbrief, Oct 27 2004, 12:01 pm EDT

can´t copy/paste beetwen cygwin and admintool

2004-08-03 Thread MIGUELANGELHIJO

I can´t copy/paste beetwen cygwin and aplications like admintool, 
however I can copy/paste beetwen cygwin and tipical windows 
application like word,netscape …

I have added the line 
\e[2~: paste-from-clipboard
into .inputrc  to be able to use the insert key, but it doesn´t work 

How can copy/paste beetwen cygwin and applications like admintool?   

Thanks for your time.

Re: XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-47 copy/paste trouble and BadAtom.

2004-02-27 Thread Keith Thompson
On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 03:00:42PM -0500, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
 On Thu, 26 Feb 2004, Keith Thompson wrote:
  It looks like the problem has to do with the new OpenSSH package.
  I tried logging into my Solaris box using SecureCRT, a Windows SSH client,
  and then starting up an xterm from there; cut-and-paste worked correctly.
  Now I've re-upgraded all the XFree86 packages and downgraded OpenSSH to
  OpenSSH_3.7.1p2, and cut-and-paste still works correctly.
  It looks like there's a problem with X forwarding in the new OpenSSH
 From the new OpenSSH-3.8p1-1 announcement:
 * ssh(1) now uses untrusted cookies for X11-Forwarding.
   Some X11 applications might need full access to the X11 server,
   see ForwardX11Trusted in ssh(1) and xauth(1) for more information.

Thanks.  Adding
ForwardX11Trusted yes
to my $HOME/.ssh/config did the trick.

(Oddly, I never saw the problem on my Windows 2000 system, only on
Windows XP.)

Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Diego Supercomputer Center   *
Schroedinger does Shakespeare: To be *and* not to be

Re: XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-47 copy/paste trouble and BadAtom.

2004-02-27 Thread Virgilio, Vincent

Keith and Igor, thanks for this thread

The reasoning is still beyond my ken, mostly because I haven't yet
digested the right set of man pages.

Nonetheless, it solved my problem, as described in,

which was my just dessert for wielding Cygwin setup.exe so freely.

(I'm not on the cygwin-xfree list anymore, hence the links instead of a
simpler 'reply'.)

Incidentally, should I be seeing

Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11

when using ssh and X-forwarding (now with ForwardX11Trusted = yes)? It
looks like I have cookies in the right place. xauth report the same ones
on both the local and remote machine. Though, I have gnawing concerns
about the host part of the display name in those cookies; the
(alphabetic) cases do not match. Hum. I should try to share cookies
again (xauth extract, scp, xauth merge).

Ultimately, the above message is only unaesthetic; I haven't noticed
that it impacts performance.

Thanks and regards,

Vince Virgilio

This email and any files transmitted with it are proprietary and intended solely for 
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ITT Industries accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by 

RE: XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-47 copy/paste trouble and BadAtom.

2004-02-27 Thread Andrew Braverman
That solved my problem as well.  Thanks.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Igor Pechtchanski
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 3:01 PM
 Cc: Keith Thompson
 Subject: Re: XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-47 copy/paste trouble and BadAtom.
 On Thu, 26 Feb 2004, Keith Thompson wrote:
  It looks like the problem has to do with the new OpenSSH package.
  I tried logging into my Solaris box using SecureCRT, a 
 Windows SSH client,
  and then starting up an xterm from there; cut-and-paste 
 worked correctly.
  Now I've re-upgraded all the XFree86 packages and 
 downgraded OpenSSH to
  OpenSSH_3.7.1p2, and cut-and-paste still works correctly.
  It looks like there's a problem with X forwarding in the new OpenSSH
 From the new OpenSSH-3.8p1-1 announcement:
 * ssh(1) now uses untrusted cookies for X11-Forwarding.
   Some X11 applications might need full access to the X11 server,
   see ForwardX11Trusted in ssh(1) and xauth(1) for more information.
 Haven't looked further...
   |\  _,,,---,,_  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-' Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
 '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL   a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!
 I have since come to realize that being between your mentor 
 and his route
 to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

Re: XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-47 copy/paste trouble and BadAtom.

2004-02-27 Thread Alexander Gottwald
Virgilio, Vincent wrote:

 when using ssh and X-forwarding (now with ForwardX11Trusted = yes)? It
 looks like I have cookies in the right place. xauth report the same ones
 on both the local and remote machine. Though, I have gnawing concerns
 about the host part of the display name in those cookies; the
 (alphabetic) cases do not match. Hum. I should try to share cookies
 again (xauth extract, scp, xauth merge).

It is an issue how the xserver handles untrusted clients. Until openssh
3.8 all clients forwarded by ssh were trusted by default. Now they are
untrusted by default.

I have no complete overview what the X11 Security Extension works and
which functions are prohibited but I'll take a look and try to match
this with the described error pattern.

Stay tuned.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 126018723

Re: XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-47 copy/paste trouble and BadAtom.

2004-02-27 Thread Harold L Hunt II

Alexander Gottwald wrote:

Virgilio, Vincent wrote:

when using ssh and X-forwarding (now with ForwardX11Trusted = yes)? It
looks like I have cookies in the right place. xauth report the same ones
on both the local and remote machine. Though, I have gnawing concerns
about the host part of the display name in those cookies; the
(alphabetic) cases do not match. Hum. I should try to share cookies
again (xauth extract, scp, xauth merge).

It is an issue how the xserver handles untrusted clients. Until openssh
3.8 all clients forwarded by ssh were trusted by default. Now they are
untrusted by default.
Wow, good thing I haven't commented on this yet.  I upgraded to OpenSSH 
3.8 when it came out and since then have noticed that all of my ssh 
connections (even those done by cvs) were enabling X11 forwarding by 
default.  I thought this was interesting, particularly since it wasn't 
mentioned in the release notes.  I was just about to describe how this 
change was made in OpenSSH 3.8 and how I am really smart because I am 
the only one that noticed it... then I realized:

1) My ssh_config is modified to enable X11Forwarding (I don't have to 
use -X, but I always do because I had forgotten that I changed this 

2) I had installed SFU 3.5 at about the same time that I upgraded to 
OpenSSH 3.8.  Turns out that SFU 3.5 adds DISPLAY= to the 
global environment variables.

The combination of these two meant that ssh was acting as if it was 
getting passed a -X and it had a valid DISPLAY value at all times, so it 
was enabling X11 forwarding at all times.

I was wondering if this change in behavior meant that our multi-window 
window manager would be unable to connect to the server when an ssh 
session had been opened on the local machine already.  I did some 
testing but was not able to cause this to happen.  In any case, my great 
ideas for what was causing this problem are useless :)


Re: XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-47 copy/paste trouble and BadAtom.

2004-02-27 Thread Alexander Gottwald
Harold L Hunt II wrote:

 I was wondering if this change in behavior meant that our multi-window
 window manager would be unable to connect to the server when an ssh
 session had been opened on the local machine already.  I did some
 testing but was not able to cause this to happen.  In any case, my great
 ideas for what was causing this problem are useless :)

More explanation i got from

Any normal xclient connects in trusted mode. But openssh now connects
in untrusted mode. This is for security reasons. I'll describe later
why I think it's useless.

In untrusted mode some calls (esp. GetProperty and SetProperty) will fail.
This can be configured in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy.

quote source=SecurityPolicy
# Allow reading of application resources, but not writing.
property RESOURCE_MANAGER   rootar iw
property SCREEN_RESOURCES   rootar iw

# Ignore attempts to use cut buffers.  Giving errors causes apps to crash,
# and allowing access may give away too much information.
property CUT_BUFFER0rootirw
property CUT_BUFFER1rootirw

The CUT_BUFFER entries may explain why the problems with copypaste started.

One way to solve the new problems is to modify the SecurityPolicy and
distribute it with the xserver. But this is complicated because
a) we have to figure out all properties which are safe to export
b) we may get responsible and sued for any security problem we create with
   these changes.

The other way is to enable X11ForwardTrusted by default. But again it is
(in my opinion) dangerous to explicitly disable a security method.

But anyway. I think the change to untrusted clients is very shortminded.

Most users will get annoyed with not working software and skip the whole
X11Forwarding issue and use xhost + again. This is a severe loss of

If a lot of software requires access to properties which are blocked in
untrusted mode then most people will enable the switch. Only a few will
ever want the clients to connect in untrusted mode.


NP: grauzone.04-02-15
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 126018723

Re: XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-47 copy/paste trouble and BadAtom.

2004-02-26 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Thu, 26 Feb 2004, Keith Thompson wrote:

 It looks like the problem has to do with the new OpenSSH package.

 I tried logging into my Solaris box using SecureCRT, a Windows SSH client,
 and then starting up an xterm from there; cut-and-paste worked correctly.

 Now I've re-upgraded all the XFree86 packages and downgraded OpenSSH to
 OpenSSH_3.7.1p2, and cut-and-paste still works correctly.

 It looks like there's a problem with X forwarding in the new OpenSSH

From the new OpenSSH-3.8p1-1 announcement:

* ssh(1) now uses untrusted cookies for X11-Forwarding.
  Some X11 applications might need full access to the X11 server,
  see ForwardX11Trusted in ssh(1) and xauth(1) for more information.

Haven't looked further...
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

Re: XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-47 copy/paste trouble and BadAtom.

2004-02-26 Thread Keith Thompson
It looks like the problem has to do with the new OpenSSH package.

I tried logging into my Solaris box using SecureCRT, a Windows SSH client,
and then starting up an xterm from there; cut-and-paste worked correctly.

Now I've re-upgraded all the XFree86 packages and downgraded OpenSSH to
OpenSSH_3.7.1p2, and cut-and-paste still works correctly.

It looks like there's a problem with X forwarding in the new OpenSSH

Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Diego Supercomputer Center   *
Schroedinger does Shakespeare: To be *and* not to be

Re: XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-47 copy/paste trouble and BadAtom.

2004-02-25 Thread Keith Thompson
Virgilio, Vincent Vincent dot Virgilio at itt dot com writes:
 I just updated to XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-47 from -46, and now have two
 1. Clipboard integration is weakened in both 'twm' and multiwindow. I
 can copy/paste between X indows, but not between X and Windows (!).
 2. Tk/tcl widgets fail. I run one remotely for local display, and then
 see in the remote window:
 X Error of failed request: BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter)
   Major opcode of failed request: 18 (X_ChangeProperty)
   Atom id in failed request: 0x114
   Serial number of failed request: 370
   Current serial number in output stream: 372
 (I had to type that in by hand because of problem #1)
 I'm not complaining: cygwin-xfree86 is still a great product. I thought
 this report might be helpful to the developers, if it's not just me.

It's not just you, and it's not the server.

I'm running Cygwin under Windows XP on an IBM Thinkpad T40.  I'm not
using the Cygwin X server; instead, I'm using the Hummingbird Exceed
server, version 7.  I'm running multiple xterm windows; my window manager
is fvwm2.  I've seen the same error using the Cygwin XFree86 server.

Just now, I tried to cut some text from an xterm window.  When I released
the mouse button, the xterm window died.  The parent window had an error
message identical to the one above (except that the atom id and serial
numbers were different).

I've tried backtracking to an older version of xterm, but so far I
haven't been able to correct the problem.  I have the latest versions
of just about everything, except that I've downgraded XFree86-bin from
4.3.0-9 to 4.3.0-8.

Here's the output of cygcheck -c | grep XFree86:

XFree86-bin 4.3.0-8OK
XFree86-bin-icons   4.3.0-6OK
XFree86-doc 4.3.0-1OK
XFree86-etc 4.3.0-6OK
XFree86-lib 4.3.0-1OK
XFree86-lib-compat  4.3.0-2OK
XFree86-man 4.3.0-3OK
XFree86-prog4.3.0-13   OK
XFree86-prt 4.3.0-5OK
XFree86-ps  4.3.0-1OK
XFree86-startup-scripts 4.2.0-5OK
XFree86-vfb 4.3.0-5OK
XFree86-xserv   4.3.0-47   OK

Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Diego Supercomputer Center   *
Schroedinger does Shakespeare: To be *and* not to be

Re: XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-47 copy/paste trouble and BadAtom.

2004-02-25 Thread Keith Thompson
In my previous message, I missed a major piece of the puzzle.

The xterm windows that are dying mysteriously are running on a Solaris
system, not on my laptop under Cygwin.

Here's the scenario.  My laptop is baldur (IBM Thinkpad T40, Windows
XP, Cygwin); my Sun workstation is elmak (Sun Blade 100, Solaris 8).

On Baldur, I run the Hummingbird Exceed version 7 X server and the fvwm2
window manager (neither of which seems to be relevant).  From an xterm
window on baldur, I run

xterm -e ssh elmak 

This gives me a shell on elmak running in an xterm window on baldur.
With OpenSSH X11 forwarding, I have $DISPLAY set to 'elmak:7.0'.

On elmak, I run


Now I have a second shell on elmak, this one in an xterm window running
on elmak but displayed on baldur.  No further forwarding is needed,
so the new shell also has $DISPLAY set to 'elmak:7.0'.

I can run X clients, such as xlogo, from any of these three windows,
and they display properly.

In the first two xterm windows, I can cut-and-paste.  In the third (the
Solaris xterm), if I try to highlight a region of text, the xterm dies
as soon as I release the mouse button, and the parent window gets:

xterm:  warning, error event receieved:
X Error of failed request:  BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter)
  Major opcode of failed request:  18 (X_ChangeProperty)
  Atom id in failed request:  0xb6
  Serial number of failed request:  277
  Current serial number in output stream:  279

This problem first showed up in the last few days, when I updated a
bunch of XFree86 packages through the Cygwin setup utility.

This isn't specific to Solaris.  I get the same symptom with an
xterm running on a variety of systems, including Red Hat with
XFree86-4.3.0-2.90.55, AIX, and SunOS 4.1.3 with X11R6.3.

Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Diego Supercomputer Center   *
Schroedinger does Shakespeare: To be *and* not to be

Re: XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-47 copy/paste trouble and BadAtom.

2004-02-25 Thread Keith Thompson
Another couple of data points:

I don't need so many xterms to reproduce the problem.  I can just ssh
from baldur (in a non-xterm window) to elmak, then run a single xterm
from there, and I see the same symptom.

If I run rxvt rather than xterm, I get:

rxvt: XError: Request: 18 . 0, Error: 5

emacs (in X mode) gives me a segmentation fault.

xedit gives me the same error as xterm.

Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Diego Supercomputer Center   *
Schroedinger does Shakespeare: To be *and* not to be

Re: Copy Paste to Windows

2004-01-15 Thread Harold L Hunt II
You have to change that batch file:

 @echo off

 chdir D:\cygwinNEW\bin

 bash --login -c /usr/X11R6/bin/Xwin -query HOSTNAME 
Change it to:

@echo off
chdir D:\cygwinNEW\bin
bash --login -c /usr/X11R6/bin/Xwin -clipboard -query HOSTNAME 

Re[2]: Copy Paste to Windows

2004-01-15 Thread dvos
Hello Harold L Hunt II 

, 15.01.2004 11:02:44 you wrote:

HLH You have to change that batch file:
HLH   ###
HLH   @echo off
HLH   D:
HLH   chdir D:\cygwinNEW\bin
HLH   bash --login -c /usr/X11R6/bin/Xwin -query HOSTNAME 
HLH   ###
HLH Change it to:
HLH ###
HLH @echo off
HLH chdir D:\cygwinNEW\bin
HLH bash --login -c /usr/X11R6/bin/Xwin -clipboard -query HOSTNAME 
HLH ###
HLH Harold
HLH __

Thank you  it works for me now on Freebsd  , the problem was and still is with 
Libranet (but it is not urgernt ). 

__ --   .

Copy Paste to Windows

2004-01-14 Thread dvos

Hello .
I've read about uzing clipboard  for copy paste and edited my startxwin.bat to 

start XWin -multiwindow -clipboard 

Yet I  cannot copy  . I use the last version of XFree , I ran the cygwin Instalaiton 
today ,from the web.

Maybe I don't know how do I actually copy/paste .  Do I use CTRL+C or CTRL+V when I 
copy to Windows and 
middle mouse when I copy to cygwin ?
__ --  - .

Re: Copy Paste to Windows

2004-01-14 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Several mirrors are between 6 months and 3 months out of date.

Please run cygcheck -c XFree86-xserv.  If the version reported is not 
4.3.0-40, then you installed from an out of date mirror and you need 
to use a different mirror.


Hello .
I've read about uzing clipboard  for copy paste and edited my startxwin.bat to 

start XWin -multiwindow -clipboard 

Yet I  cannot copy  . I use the last version of XFree , I ran the cygwin Instalaiton today ,from the web.

Maybe I don't know how do I actually copy/paste .  Do I use CTRL+C or CTRL+V when I copy to Windows and 
middle mouse when I copy to cygwin ?
__ --  - .

Re: Copy Paste to Windows

2004-01-14 Thread B. Marchand
Yes, your problem must be the version of the xserver. If you had the 
right version all
you'd have to do would be:

To copy from cygwin to Windows
(1) use the mouse to select (highlight) the text you want to copy
(2) the highlighted text is now on the clipboard
(3) if you want to paste that selection into word or notepad then use 
CTRL-V on the windows side

To copy from Windows to cygwin
(1) use the mouse to select (highlight) the text you want to copy
(2) press CTRL-C to copy seletion into clipboard
(3) go into your xterm and press the middle mouse button to paste. If 
you don't have a
3 button mouse use the -emulate3buttons option in the startxwin.bat 
file. Then, to paste, all you'd have to do is press the two mouse 
buttons simultaneously.

To copy from cygwin to cygwin
(1) use the mouse to select (highlight) the text you want to copy
(2) that puts the selection into the clipboard
(3) place the cursor where you want to paste the text
(4) press the middle mouse button (or the two mouse buttons 
simultaneously if using the -emulate3buttons option)

That's all.


Several mirrors are between 6 months and 3 months out of date.

Please run cygcheck -c XFree86-xserv. If the version reported is not 
4.3.0-40, then you installed from an out of date mirror and you need 
to use a different mirror.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello .
I've read about uzing clipboard for copy paste and edited my 
startxwin.bat to

start XWin -multiwindow -clipboard

Yet I cannot copy . I use the last version of XFree , I ran the cygwin 
Instalaiton today ,from the web.

Maybe I don't know how do I actually copy/paste . Do I use CTRL+C or 
CTRL+V when I copy to Windows and middle mouse when I copy to cygwin ?
__ -- ?? ???-?? ?.

Re[2]: Copy Paste to Windows

2004-01-14 Thread dvos
Hello Harold L Hunt II 

, 14.01.2004 18:40:10 you wrote:

HLH Several mirrors are between 6 months and 3 months out of date.
HLH Please run cygcheck -c XFree86-xserv.  If the version reported is not 
HLH 4.3.0-40, then you installed from an out of date mirror and you need 
HLH to use a different mirror.
HLH Harold
HLH  Hello .
HLH  I've read about uzing clipboard  for copy paste and edited my startxwin.bat to 
HLH  start XWin -multiwindow -clipboard 
HLH  Yet I  cannot copy  . I use the last version of XFree , I ran the cygwin 
Instalaiton today ,from the web.
HLH  Maybe I don't know how do I actually copy/paste .  Do I use CTRL+C or CTRL+V 
when I copy to Windows and 
HLH  middle mouse when I copy to cygwin ?
HLH  __
HLH __

The version is   4.3.0-40 .
__ --  :  -.

Re: Copy Paste to Windows

2004-01-14 Thread Harold L Hunt II
You copy text to the clipboard in Win32 with Ctrl+C.  You then paste 
that in X11 with either a middle mouse button click or via a menu in the 
current application (if it has a Paste menu item).

You copy text in X11 by highlighting it and, optionally, clicking the 
Copy button in a menu (if the application has a Copy menu item).  Leave 
the text highlighted just to be sure.  To paste that text in Win32, 
press Ctrl+V.

Try this first with Notepad and an xterm.

If you still do not succeed, send in /tmp/XWin.log from a failed attempt.



Hello Harold L Hunt II 

, 14.01.2004 18:40:10 you wrote:

HLH Several mirrors are between 6 months and 3 months out of date.
HLH Please run cygcheck -c XFree86-xserv.  If the version reported is not 
HLH 4.3.0-40, then you installed from an out of date mirror and you need 
HLH to use a different mirror.
HLH Harold
HLH  Hello .
HLH  I've read about uzing clipboard  for copy paste and edited my startxwin.bat to 
HLH  start XWin -multiwindow -clipboard 
HLH  Yet I  cannot copy  . I use the last version of XFree , I ran the cygwin Instalaiton today ,from the web.
HLH  Maybe I don't know how do I actually copy/paste .  Do I use CTRL+C or CTRL+V when I copy to Windows and 
HLH  middle mouse when I copy to cygwin ?
HLH  __
HLH __

The version is   4.3.0-40 .
__ --  :  -.

Re[2]: Copy Paste to Windows

2004-01-14 Thread dvos
Hello Harold L Hunt II 

, 15.01.2004 10:43:58 you wrote:

HLH You copy text to the clipboard in Win32 with Ctrl+C.  You then paste 
HLH that in X11 with either a middle mouse button click or via a menu in the 
HLH current application (if it has a Paste menu item).
HLH You copy text in X11 by highlighting it and, optionally, clicking the 
HLH Copy button in a menu (if the application has a Copy menu item).  Leave 
HLH the text highlighted just to be sure.  To paste that text in Win32, 
HLH press Ctrl+V.
HLH Try this first with Notepad and an xterm.
HLH If you still do not succeed, send in /tmp/XWin.log from a failed attempt.
HLH Harold
HLH  Hello Harold L Hunt II 
HLH  , 14.01.2004 18:40:10 you wrote:
HLH  HLH Several mirrors are between 6 months and 3 months out of date.
HLH  HLH Please run cygcheck -c XFree86-xserv.  If the version reported is not 
HLH  HLH 4.3.0-40, then you installed from an out of date mirror and you need 
HLH  HLH to use a different mirror.
HLH  HLH Harold
HLH  HLH  Hello .
HLH  HLH  I've read about uzing clipboard  for copy paste and edited my 
startxwin.bat to 
HLH  HLH  start XWin -multiwindow -clipboard 
HLH  HLH  Yet I  cannot copy  . I use the last version of XFree , I ran the cygwin 
Instalaiton today ,from the web.
HLH  HLH  Maybe I don't know how do I actually copy/paste .  Do I use CTRL+C or 
CTRL+V when I copy to Windows and 
HLH  HLH  middle mouse when I copy to cygwin ?
HLH  HLH  __
HLH  The version is   4.3.0-40 .
HLH  __

Yes , that is the way I do it . The clipboard remembers  CTRL+C for Windows and copies 
it to Windows only .
And at the same time copies to cygwin the last higlihted  line in cygwin only.
I left the line highlighted.

Also , if it is important I run Cygwin from the  batch file , which  is :
@echo off

chdir D:\cygwinNEW\bin

bash --login -c /usr/X11R6/bin/Xwin -query HOSTNAME  
Here is the XWin.log .

ddxProcessArgument - Initializing default screens
winInitializeDefaultScreens - w 1024 h 768
winInitializeDefaultScreens - Returning
OsVendorInit - Creating bogus screen 0
(EE) Unable to locate/open config file
InitOutput - Error reading config file
winDetectSupportedEngines - Windows NT/2000/XP
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - Allowing PrimaryDD
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw4 installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - Returning, supported engines 001f
InitOutput - g_iNumScreens: 1 iMaxConsecutiveScreen: 1
winScreenInit - dwWidth: 1024 dwHeight: 768
winSetEngine - Using Shadow DirectDraw NonLocking
winAdjustVideoModeShadowDDNL - Using Windows display depth of 32 bits per pixel
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - User w: 1024 h: 768
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - Current w: 1024 h: 768
winAdjustForAutoHide - Original WorkArea: 0 0 738 1024
winAdjustForAutoHide - Adjusted WorkArea: 0 0 738 1024
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - WindowClient w 1018 h 706 r 1018 l 0 b 706 t 0
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed -  Returning
winCreatePrimarySurfaceShadowDDNL - Creating primary surface
winCreatePrimarySurfaceShadowDDNL - Created primary surface
winCreatePrimarySurfaceShadowDDNL - Attached clipper to primary surface
winAllocateFBShadowDDNL - lPitch: 4072
winAllocateFBShadowDDNL - Created shadow pitch: 4072
winAllocateFBShadowDDNL - Created shadow stride: 1018
winFinishScreenInitFB - Masks: 00ff ff00 00ff
winInitVisualsShadowDDNL - Masks 00ff ff00 00ff BPRGB 8 d 24 bpp 32
winCreateDefColormap - Deferring to fbCreateDefColormap ()
winFinishScreenInitFB - returning
winScreenInit - returning
InitOutput - Returning.
MIT-SHM extension disabled due to lack of kernel support
XFree86-Bigfont extension local-client optimization disabled due to lack of shared 
memory support in the kernel
(--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31
(--) winConfigKeyboard - Layout: 0409 (0409) 
(EE) No primary keyboard configured
(==) Using compiletime defaults for keyboard
Rules = xfree86 Model = pc101 Layout = us Variant = (null) Options = (null)
winPointerWarpCursor - Discarding first warp: 509 353
winBlockHandler - Releasing pmServerStarted
winBlockHandler - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned
winProcEstablishConnection - Hello
winProcEstablishConnection - Xdmcp enabled, waiting to start clipboard client until 
fourth call.
winProcEstablishConnection - Hello
winProcEstablishConnection - Xdmcp enabled, waiting to start clipboard client until 
fourth call.
winProcEstablishConnection - Hello
winProcEstablishConnection - Xdmcp enabled, waiting to start clipboard client until 
fourth call.
winProcEstablishConnection - Hello
winProcQueryTree - Clipboard client already launched

Re: xwinclip installation problems (Re: Cut-Copy/Paste dies after several hours (-clipboard))

2003-11-19 Thread Harold L Hunt II

Jay Smith wrote:


Maybe I am just being stupid, but I can't seem to find the clipboard 
program, because

a) Using the Cygwin setup wizard to attempt to update my installation, I 
checked a couple mirrors and they don't seem to have xwinclip -- they 
only seem to have XFree86-xwinclip.
It's on  Just confirmed and downloaded it.

b) I went to the XFree86 web site and then the xwinclip site
Obviously that page is long out of date so I don't know if I can trust 
anything it says about installation.  At this point I don' know how to 
get the program to install it.
That development page is out of date because the distribution method 
changed to finally use setup.exe.  I will update it at some point, but 
it isn't very important at this time.

c) Using your
information, I am supposed to use the Cygwin installation wizard, but as 
I said in a above, I am not finding the program.

What am I missing?
Dunno.  You are choosing Install from Internet, right?  The package is 
there... in the XFree86 category.  Make sure you are looking below the 
XFree86-* packages.


Cut-Copy/Paste dies after several hours (-clipboard)

2003-11-18 Thread Jay Smith
Hi again,

1) Is this a known problem?  Any suggestions?

   I thought I was going nuts, but it has happened enough times that I am 
sure it is really happening.  My usual workday is about 14 hours.  After 
around 9-11 hours, the -clipboard cut-copy/paste between Windows and 
Linux stops functioning.  It seems that it no longer puts the highlighted 
content into to the/a paste buffer.

   I have not been able to determine if this is simply happening by 
itself of if some event is occuring.  However, if I accidenally leave my X 
sessions up overnight, the cut-copy/paste rarely still works in the morning 
even though it may have worked when I left the night before.

   My Windows machine is Windows 95b.

   The Linux server on which the X applications are running is Red Hat 8, 
up2date with most recent updates.

   I have not been able to find instructions on how to get a 
list of installed Cygwin/XFree version numbers.  (Advice?)  However, I 
installed everything freshly on 18 October 2003 if that helps.

   I am using the -clipboard option.  I am not sure why I am not using 
xwinclip -- there was something that did not work at some point.

2) In case anybody is inspired to work on it, I still have the problem that 
if I don't get logged in to the XDM instantly, the cut-copy/paste does 
not function.  I have mentioned this earlier and Harold said that he is 
otherwise occupied.  I don't have the technical ability to do anything 
about it.

   When I say instantly, I mean that I have to absolutely type my name and 
password as fast as I possibly can -- and I am a very fast typist -- and 
about half the time, that is fast enough.  If I am too slow, the 
cut-copy/paste does not work.

   Also, if the startup time of Xwin is too slow (i.e. first time run 
after PC is rebooted), then I rarely have a chance of cut-copy/paste 
working.  Because of Win95 graphics resource issues, I have to reboot my 
machine every morning -- that means I have to log in to the XDM at least 
twice to get cut-copy/paste working.

   There is a particular click the hard disk makes (of the many that 
occur as programs are starting up) when this particular program is 
starting.  I know 100% of the time that if the click happens before the 
login process is far enough along that the cut-copy-paste will not work.

   By the way, this also means if the Linux server is under heavy load and 
responding slowly at that moment that I am out of luck and will have to try 
again until things are fast enough getting logged in and up before 
cut-copy/paste will work.


Jay Smith
Jay Smith  Associates
P.O. Box 650
Snow Camp, NC  27349  USA
Phone: Int+US+336-376-9991
Toll-Free Phone in US  Canada:
Fax: Int+US+336-376-6750

Re: Cut-Copy/Paste dies after several hours (-clipboard)

2003-11-18 Thread Harold L Hunt II
xwinclip was updated on October 30th:

Using the integrated -clipboard support prevents you from restarting the 
clipboard support if/when it dies.  I would recommend using xwinclip in 
your case since you can restart it when it dies.  It also might not die 
at all... since the external executable seems slightly more stable than 
the internal client running in a thread.

You could also use the stand-alone xwinclip to delay the start of 
xwinclip until after you are logged into XDMCP.  Kensuke backported the 
update to -clipboard to xwinclip... that is what the xwinclip-1.2.0-1 
package was for.  Note: XFree86-xwinclip is a dead package.  It was 
renamed to just xwinclip.

Hope that helps,


Jay Smith wrote:

Hi again,

1) Is this a known problem?  Any suggestions?

   I thought I was going nuts, but it has happened enough times that I 
am sure it is really happening.  My usual workday is about 14 hours.  
After around 9-11 hours, the -clipboard cut-copy/paste between Windows 
and Linux stops functioning.  It seems that it no longer puts the 
highlighted content into to the/a paste buffer.

   I have not been able to determine if this is simply happening by 
itself of if some event is occuring.  However, if I accidenally leave 
my X sessions up overnight, the cut-copy/paste rarely still works in the 
morning even though it may have worked when I left the night before.

   My Windows machine is Windows 95b.

   The Linux server on which the X applications are running is Red Hat 
8, up2date with most recent updates.

   I have not been able to find instructions on how to get a 
list of installed Cygwin/XFree version numbers.  (Advice?)  However, I 
installed everything freshly on 18 October 2003 if that helps.

   I am using the -clipboard option.  I am not sure why I am not using 
xwinclip -- there was something that did not work at some point.

2) In case anybody is inspired to work on it, I still have the problem 
that if I don't get logged in to the XDM instantly, the cut-copy/paste 
does not function.  I have mentioned this earlier and Harold said that 
he is otherwise occupied.  I don't have the technical ability to do 
anything about it.

   When I say instantly, I mean that I have to absolutely type my name 
and password as fast as I possibly can -- and I am a very fast typist -- 
and about half the time, that is fast enough.  If I am too slow, the 
cut-copy/paste does not work.

   Also, if the startup time of Xwin is too slow (i.e. first time run 
after PC is rebooted), then I rarely have a chance of cut-copy/paste 
working.  Because of Win95 graphics resource issues, I have to reboot my 
machine every morning -- that means I have to log in to the XDM at least 
twice to get cut-copy/paste working.

   There is a particular click the hard disk makes (of the many that 
occur as programs are starting up) when this particular program is 
starting.  I know 100% of the time that if the click happens before 
the login process is far enough along that the cut-copy-paste will not 

   By the way, this also means if the Linux server is under heavy load 
and responding slowly at that moment that I am out of luck and will have 
to try again until things are fast enough getting logged in and up 
before cut-copy/paste will work.


Copy/Paste problems due to speed of xdm login process

2003-10-24 Thread Jay Smith
Hi Harold, Kensuke, et al

The copy/paste is working *much* better after your recent fix.  However, I 
am having a very serious problem with it -- the copy/paste functionality 
only works if I login *extremely* fast to the XDM.  I am a fast typist, but 
I can only login fast enough about half of the time.

About 18 months ago (?) back when we were using xwinclip -- before it was 
integrated into the main program -- we had to put a sleep into the script 
to provide enough time for the communication to take place so that xwinclip 
would function.

After xwinclip became integrated into the program, none of this was a 
problem, until I installed the new Cygwin a couple weeks ago.

Can you do something to allow adequate time to login so that the copy/paste 
will function?


Jay Smith
Jay Smith  Associates
P.O. Box 650
Snow Camp, NC  27349  USA
Phone: Int+US+336-376-9991
Toll-Free Phone in US  Canada:
Fax: Int+US+336-376-6750

results/problems (Re: [PATCH] Copy/Paste non-ascii characters)

2003-10-18 Thread Jay Smith

I have done the installation and I have several things to report. If some 
of these are not for this list, please advise.  First of all, FYI, when I 
did the install, Progeny would not respond at all so I used Purdue.  In any 
case, I turned OFF everything and then turned on only XFree xserve, 
scalable fonts, and xwinclip -- those of course caused some other things to 
turn on automatically.

1) The main problem of copy/paste of non-ascii characters *within* Linux 
Mozilla seems to be *fixed*.  Thanks!


2) I had my own modified script (with its own unique filename) that was 
used to start X; I guess this was before startxdmcp.bat was available.  I 
copied my script into place. However, when I run MY script now, it seems 
like the command (in MY script)
   start XWin -nodecoration -clipboard -once -query
actually (also?) RUNS startxdmcp.bat

   That is very odd and I am not sure what to do.  I had to modify 
startxdmcp.bat to bring it in line with my script so the proper command 
would get done.

   I believe that startxdmcp.bat is getting run because the DOS box that 
appears says so, identifying it by name -- even if *I* don't directly run it.

3) I think that startxdmcp.bat may have an error in it.  The original 
version of it has the command:

  start XWin -query %REMOTE_HOST% -nodecoration -lesspointer

   and this causes an error in the DOS box about too many paramaters. I 
am certainly no expert, but I think that the -query  should be the 
LAST thing on the command line.  Anyway, when I made it so (like my 
original script) it worked without putting out the error.

4) Generally X performance seems to be better.  It is very subjective, but 
so good, so far.


Harold L Hunt II said the following on 10/14/2003 10:28 PM:

The status is that XFree86 has been recompiled and rereleased for Cygwin 
1.5.x.  Everything should be safe.  However, I would always recommend 
doing a demo installation on one machine and trying out your apps before 
you upgrade all machines.  That should give you a better idea of if it 
will work for you.

One thing you can do is rename c:\cygwin to c:\cygwin_works, download 
setup.exe to c:\cyginstall_test, then run setup.exe and install to 
c:\cygwin (which is now an empty directory).  This will allow you to 
test a complete new install and see if it works for you.  You can then 
move c:\cygwin to c:\cygwin_test and move c:\cygwin_works back to 
c:\cygwin to restore your old installation.


Jay Smith wrote:


Before I embark on upgrading all of Cygwin to deal with this, is there 
any risk that stuff will break?  Since Cygwin underwent a major 
overhaul recently, it seems to me that there is a chance that some 
small parts of XFree86 stuff (I use little else) might be broken until 
all is brought up to speed.

Since this is a minute-to-minute critical application (X windowing) 
upon which we rely 100%, I have to be very careful about changes.  
(Recalling recent RedHat library changes which broke lots of stuff and 
recent Perl version changes which wrecked our CGI scripts.)

What is the status? Does all the XFree86 stuff work under the new 
Cygwin? Is it safe now?  (I know that in the first few weeks it was 
not safe.)


Harold L Hunt II said the following on 10/14/2003 09:23 PM:


Jay Smith wrote:


a) Before I attempt this fix, will this work with my old version of 
everything else?  I know that Cygwin has moved ahead since April.  
Or does installing this start me down a slippery slope...

I hate when I forget to ask this if people are running the latest 
version or not.  You really need to be running the latest versions in 
order for us to properly debug and test things.

Yes, you will have to update to the 4.3.0 release of Cygwin/XFree86.  
I think I released it after April.  All of the DLLs have had their 
names changed, so you need to get those (in the -bin package) but I 
believe I made the fonts in such a way that they will not download 
again unless you have a really old version.  You will basically need 
to get anything that has a new version, since there have been updates 
to Cygwin's DLL, various libraries, etc.

b) Before I had the sense to ask the question above, I got as far as 
starting the download process from a mirror that I had previously 
used. The  setup program warned me that a newer setup.ini file would 
replace the old one, but did not seem to give me a way to cancel 
out.  So, now I have an new setup.ini but old everything else 
files -- and I *do* need the old everything else to reinstall on 
PCs that die, etc.  Am I screwed?

Setup gives a warning about setup.ini telling it that there is a new 
version of setup.exe available and that you don't have it.  Download 
the latest setup.exe and you won't get the warning (plus there has 
been a lot of development on setup.exe in the last several months).

I'm not sure about the status of your installation images

Re: results/problems (Re: [PATCH] Copy/Paste non-ascii characters)

2003-10-18 Thread Harold L Hunt II

Jay Smith wrote:

I have done the installation and I have several things to report. If 
some of these are not for this list, please advise.  First of all, FYI, 
when I did the install, Progeny would not respond at all so I used 
Purdue.  In any case, I turned OFF everything and then turned on only 
XFree xserve, scalable fonts, and xwinclip -- those of course caused 
some other things to turn on automatically.

1) The main problem of copy/paste of non-ascii characters *within* Linux 
Mozilla seems to be *fixed*.  Thanks!
That is good to know.  Thanks to Kensuke Matsuzaki.


2) I had my own modified script (with its own unique filename) that was 
used to start X; I guess this was before startxdmcp.bat was available.  
I copied my script into place. However, when I run MY script now, it 
seems like the command (in MY script)
   start XWin -nodecoration -clipboard -once -query
actually (also?) RUNS startxdmcp.bat

   That is very odd and I am not sure what to do.  I had to modify 
startxdmcp.bat to bring it in line with my script so the proper command 
would get done.

   I believe that startxdmcp.bat is getting run because the DOS box that 
appears says so, identifying it by name -- even if *I* don't directly 
run it.
You would have to send in your script and your copy of startxdmcp.bat 
and the exact command you are using to run your script in order for us 
to figure out what is going on.

3) I think that startxdmcp.bat may have an error in it.  The original 
version of it has the command:

  start XWin -query %REMOTE_HOST% -nodecoration -lesspointer

   and this causes an error in the DOS box about too many paramaters. 
I am certainly no expert, but I think that the -query  should be 
the LAST thing on the command line.  Anyway, when I made it so (like my 
original script) it worked without putting out the error.
Nope.  The order of these parameters shouldn't matter.  You may be 
having some trouble if %REMOTE_HOST% is not properly defined or if it 
has characters in it that are getting interpreted by the DOS batch 

4) Generally X performance seems to be better.  It is very subjective, 
but so good, so far.
Huh... no performance tweaks this time.  Must just feel faster :)


Re: Copy / Paste

2003-10-17 Thread Cliff Stanford
In message 
Alexander Gottwald [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003, Cliff Stanford wrote:

Hmm... CVS seems to be missing a copy of
xc/programs/Xserver/xfixes/xfixesproto.h in the XFIXES_BRANCH which
means that xfixes.c won't build.
The files were in xc/include/extensions I've added them to the  xoncygwin
cvs. They will show up on public cvs tomorrow,
Hmm.  Still nothing.

Just as a sanity check:

$ cat CVS/Root
:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/xoncygwin
$ cat CVS/Tag
This correct?

Cliff Stanford
Might Limited  +44 20 7257 2000 (Office)
17-18 Henrietta Street +44 7973 616 666 (Mobile)
London  WC2E 8QH

Re: Copy / Paste

2003-10-17 Thread Harold L Hunt II

Sorry, I meant to mail these to you yesterday so that you could get 
started.  I will send them off-list.


Cliff Stanford wrote:
In message 
Alexander Gottwald [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes

On Wed, 15 Oct 2003, Cliff Stanford wrote:

Hmm... CVS seems to be missing a copy of
xc/programs/Xserver/xfixes/xfixesproto.h in the XFIXES_BRANCH which
means that xfixes.c won't build.

The files were in xc/include/extensions I've added them to the  xoncygwin
cvs. They will show up on public cvs tomorrow,

Hmm.  Still nothing.

Just as a sanity check:

$ cat CVS/Root
:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/xoncygwin
$ cat CVS/Tag
This correct?


Re: Copy / Paste

2003-10-15 Thread Cliff Stanford
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Harold L Hunt II 

I have written many messages about this before.  I am surprised you 
haven't seen one yet.
Thank you for your excellent responses.  I had actually totally missed 
that there were searchable archives available. *blush*

So, development is stuck now since I am working 30 or more hours a week 
and spending about 20 hours a week on my master's CS degree classes. 
The code is in the XFIXES_BRANCH in our xoncygwin CVS tree (see the 
message above for more details, I think), if you are interested in 
working on it.
I've pulled down the tree but I'm not sure that the learning curve isn't 
going to be too great for me to get to grips with this code.

Anyway, you're only working 50 hours a week.  Put aside another 14 for 
sleep and you'll have it done in no time. :-)

Good luck on the Masters and thanks for all the effort.  Cygwin + XWin 
has made my life *so* much simpler.

Yes, in Windows XP, turn on the 'quick edit' more for the command 
shell.  This enables right-click to paste the current clipboard 
contents in your Cygwin bash shell.  Other than that, good luck.  :)
Ooh, I never knew that.  Thanks again.

Cliff Stanford
Might Limited  +44 20 7257 2000 (Office)
17-18 Henrietta Street +44 7973 616 666 (Mobile)
London  WC2E 8QH

Re: Copy / Paste

2003-10-15 Thread Cliff Stanford
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Harold L Hunt II 

The code is in the XFIXES_BRANCH in our xoncygwin CVS tree (see the 
message above for more details, I think), if you are interested in 
working on it.
Hmm... CVS seems to be missing a copy of
xc/programs/Xserver/xfixes/xfixesproto.h in the XFIXES_BRANCH which 
means that xfixes.c won't build.

Cliff Stanford
Might Limited  +44 20 7257 2000 (Office)
17-18 Henrietta Street +44 7973 616 666 (Mobile)
London  WC2E 8QH

Re: Copy / Paste

2003-10-15 Thread Alexander Gottwald
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003, Cliff Stanford wrote:

 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Harold L Hunt II 
 The code is in the XFIXES_BRANCH in our xoncygwin CVS tree (see the 
 message above for more details, I think), if you are interested in 
 working on it.
 Hmm... CVS seems to be missing a copy of
 xc/programs/Xserver/xfixes/xfixesproto.h in the XFIXES_BRANCH which 
 means that xfixes.c won't build.

The files were in xc/include/extensions I've added them to the  xoncygwin 
cvs. They will show up on public cvs tomorrow,

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 126018723

Re: [PATCH] Copy/Paste non-ascii characters

2003-10-14 Thread Jay Smith

a) Before I attempt this fix, will this work with my old version of 
everything else?  I know that Cygwin has moved ahead since April.  Or does 
installing this start me down a slippery slope...

b) Before I had the sense to ask the question above, I got as far as 
starting the download process from a mirror that I had previously used. The 
 setup program warned me that a newer setup.ini file would replace the old 
one, but did not seem to give me a way to cancel out.  So, now I have an 
new setup.ini but old everything else files -- and I *do* need the old 
everything else to reinstall on PCs that die, etc.  Am I screwed?


Harold L Hunt II said the following on 10/12/2003 11:01 PM:

I just posted XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-20 as a 'test' package; it should be 
showing up on mirrors within a few hours.  When it does, run setup.exe 
and manually select version '4.3.0-20' for the XFree86-xserv package. 
Then, run the new server version as usual (do not use the new flag that 
Kensuke talked about) and report your results to the mailing list.


Jay Smith wrote:

Dear Kensuke,

Thank you very much for your effort on this.

Unfortunately, I am pretty ignorant of these matters, thus you will 
have to tell me what it is that I should do with the two .diff files 
you attached. I will be happy to do whatever with them, but I am 
clueless as to what is to be done with them.

Sorry to be a pain.


Kensuke Matsuzaki said the following on 10/12/2003 09:33 PM:


Perhaps this patch enable XWin to copy/paste non-ascii characters
even if Windows does't support Unicode (95/98/Me).
LANG environment variable and Windows locale must be same.
I added -nounicodeclipboard option, I tested using this on XP.
But I don't have 95/98/Me.
And it seems tha libX11 has some CTEXT convertion bug, I attach
patch that based on TAKABE's work.
By the way, nls/locale.alias has alias somethig like
Arabic_Egypt.1256. Can we use that?
If so, we no longer need LANG environment variable.
We can get it following code.
  char pszCountry[128];
  char pszLanguage[128];
  int nAcp = GetACP ();
pszCountry, 128);
pszLanguage, 128);

  printf (%s_%s.%d\n, pszLanguage, pszCountry, nAcp);

Kensuke Matsuzaki

Jay Smith
Jay Smith  Associates
P.O. Box 650
Snow Camp, NC  27349  USA
Phone: Int+US+336-376-9991
Toll-Free Phone in US  Canada:
Fax: Int+US+336-376-6750

Re: [PATCH] Copy/Paste non-ascii characters

2003-10-14 Thread Harold L Hunt II

Jay Smith wrote:

a) Before I attempt this fix, will this work with my old version of 
everything else?  I know that Cygwin has moved ahead since April.  Or 
does installing this start me down a slippery slope...
I hate when I forget to ask this if people are running the latest 
version or not.  You really need to be running the latest versions in 
order for us to properly debug and test things.

Yes, you will have to update to the 4.3.0 release of Cygwin/XFree86.  I 
think I released it after April.  All of the DLLs have had their names 
changed, so you need to get those (in the -bin package) but I believe I 
made the fonts in such a way that they will not download again unless 
you have a really old version.  You will basically need to get anything 
that has a new version, since there have been updates to Cygwin's DLL, 
various libraries, etc.

b) Before I had the sense to ask the question above, I got as far as 
starting the download process from a mirror that I had previously used. 
The  setup program warned me that a newer setup.ini file would replace 
the old one, but did not seem to give me a way to cancel out.  So, now I 
have an new setup.ini but old everything else files -- and I *do* need 
the old everything else to reinstall on PCs that die, etc.  Am I screwed?
Setup gives a warning about setup.ini telling it that there is a new 
version of setup.exe available and that you don't have it.  Download the 
latest setup.exe and you won't get the warning (plus there has been a 
lot of development on setup.exe in the last several months).

I'm not sure about the status of your installation images.  It sounds 
like you have been doing a download to disk then installing from that? 
Uh... guess all I can tell you is that you should have backed up first 
:)  Of course, you could just look at files that have been updated 
recently and check if setup.exe made a backup of the old setup.ini that 
you had.



Harold L Hunt II said the following on 10/12/2003 11:01 PM:


I just posted XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-20 as a 'test' package; it should be 
showing up on mirrors within a few hours.  When it does, run setup.exe 
and manually select version '4.3.0-20' for the XFree86-xserv package. 
Then, run the new server version as usual (do not use the new flag 
that Kensuke talked about) and report your results to the mailing list.


Jay Smith wrote:

Dear Kensuke,

Thank you very much for your effort on this.

Unfortunately, I am pretty ignorant of these matters, thus you will 
have to tell me what it is that I should do with the two .diff files 
you attached. I will be happy to do whatever with them, but I am 
clueless as to what is to be done with them.

Sorry to be a pain.


Kensuke Matsuzaki said the following on 10/12/2003 09:33 PM:


Perhaps this patch enable XWin to copy/paste non-ascii characters
even if Windows does't support Unicode (95/98/Me).
LANG environment variable and Windows locale must be same.
I added -nounicodeclipboard option, I tested using this on XP.
But I don't have 95/98/Me.
And it seems tha libX11 has some CTEXT convertion bug, I attach
patch that based on TAKABE's work.
By the way, nls/locale.alias has alias somethig like
Arabic_Egypt.1256. Can we use that?
If so, we no longer need LANG environment variable.
We can get it following code.
  char pszCountry[128];
  char pszLanguage[128];
  int nAcp = GetACP ();
pszCountry, 128);
pszLanguage, 128);

  printf (%s_%s.%d\n, pszLanguage, pszCountry, nAcp);

Kensuke Matsuzaki

Re: [PATCH] Copy/Paste non-ascii characters

2003-10-14 Thread Jay Smith

Before I embark on upgrading all of Cygwin to deal with this, is there any 
risk that stuff will break?  Since Cygwin underwent a major overhaul 
recently, it seems to me that there is a chance that some small parts of 
XFree86 stuff (I use little else) might be broken until all is brought up 
to speed.

Since this is a minute-to-minute critical application (X windowing) upon 
which we rely 100%, I have to be very careful about changes.  (Recalling 
recent RedHat library changes which broke lots of stuff and recent Perl 
version changes which wrecked our CGI scripts.)

What is the status? Does all the XFree86 stuff work under the new Cygwin? 
Is it safe now?  (I know that in the first few weeks it was not safe.)


Harold L Hunt II said the following on 10/14/2003 09:23 PM:

Jay Smith wrote:


a) Before I attempt this fix, will this work with my old version of 
everything else?  I know that Cygwin has moved ahead since April.  Or 
does installing this start me down a slippery slope...

I hate when I forget to ask this if people are running the latest 
version or not.  You really need to be running the latest versions in 
order for us to properly debug and test things.

Yes, you will have to update to the 4.3.0 release of Cygwin/XFree86.  I 
think I released it after April.  All of the DLLs have had their names 
changed, so you need to get those (in the -bin package) but I believe I 
made the fonts in such a way that they will not download again unless 
you have a really old version.  You will basically need to get anything 
that has a new version, since there have been updates to Cygwin's DLL, 
various libraries, etc.

b) Before I had the sense to ask the question above, I got as far as 
starting the download process from a mirror that I had previously 
used. The  setup program warned me that a newer setup.ini file would 
replace the old one, but did not seem to give me a way to cancel out.  
So, now I have an new setup.ini but old everything else files -- and 
I *do* need the old everything else to reinstall on PCs that die, 
etc.  Am I screwed?

Setup gives a warning about setup.ini telling it that there is a new 
version of setup.exe available and that you don't have it.  Download the 
latest setup.exe and you won't get the warning (plus there has been a 
lot of development on setup.exe in the last several months).

I'm not sure about the status of your installation images.  It sounds 
like you have been doing a download to disk then installing from that? 
Uh... guess all I can tell you is that you should have backed up first 
:)  Of course, you could just look at files that have been updated 
recently and check if setup.exe made a backup of the old setup.ini that 
you had.



Harold L Hunt II said the following on 10/12/2003 11:01 PM:


I just posted XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-20 as a 'test' package; it should 
be showing up on mirrors within a few hours.  When it does, run 
setup.exe and manually select version '4.3.0-20' for the 
XFree86-xserv package. Then, run the new server version as usual (do 
not use the new flag that Kensuke talked about) and report your 
results to the mailing list.


Jay Smith wrote:

Dear Kensuke,

Thank you very much for your effort on this.

Unfortunately, I am pretty ignorant of these matters, thus you will 
have to tell me what it is that I should do with the two .diff files 
you attached. I will be happy to do whatever with them, but I am 
clueless as to what is to be done with them.

Sorry to be a pain.


Kensuke Matsuzaki said the following on 10/12/2003 09:33 PM:


Perhaps this patch enable XWin to copy/paste non-ascii characters
even if Windows does't support Unicode (95/98/Me).
LANG environment variable and Windows locale must be same.
I added -nounicodeclipboard option, I tested using this on XP.
But I don't have 95/98/Me.
And it seems tha libX11 has some CTEXT convertion bug, I attach
patch that based on TAKABE's work.
By the way, nls/locale.alias has alias somethig like
Arabic_Egypt.1256. Can we use that?
If so, we no longer need LANG environment variable.
We can get it following code.
  char pszCountry[128];
  char pszLanguage[128];
  int nAcp = GetACP ();
pszCountry, 128);
pszLanguage, 128);

  printf (%s_%s.%d\n, pszLanguage, pszCountry, nAcp);

Kensuke Matsuzaki

Jay Smith
Jay Smith  Associates
P.O. Box 650
Snow Camp, NC  27349  USA
Phone: Int+US+336-376-9991
Toll-Free Phone in US  Canada:
Fax: Int+US+336-376-6750

Re: [PATCH] Copy/Paste non-ascii characters

2003-10-14 Thread Harold L Hunt II

The status is that XFree86 has been recompiled and rereleased for Cygwin 
1.5.x.  Everything should be safe.  However, I would always recommend 
doing a demo installation on one machine and trying out your apps before 
you upgrade all machines.  That should give you a better idea of if it 
will work for you.

One thing you can do is rename c:\cygwin to c:\cygwin_works, download 
setup.exe to c:\cyginstall_test, then run setup.exe and install to 
c:\cygwin (which is now an empty directory).  This will allow you to 
test a complete new install and see if it works for you.  You can then 
move c:\cygwin to c:\cygwin_test and move c:\cygwin_works back to 
c:\cygwin to restore your old installation.


Jay Smith wrote:

Before I embark on upgrading all of Cygwin to deal with this, is there 
any risk that stuff will break?  Since Cygwin underwent a major overhaul 
recently, it seems to me that there is a chance that some small parts of 
XFree86 stuff (I use little else) might be broken until all is brought 
up to speed.

Since this is a minute-to-minute critical application (X windowing) upon 
which we rely 100%, I have to be very careful about changes.  (Recalling 
recent RedHat library changes which broke lots of stuff and recent Perl 
version changes which wrecked our CGI scripts.)

What is the status? Does all the XFree86 stuff work under the new 
Cygwin? Is it safe now?  (I know that in the first few weeks it was 
not safe.)


Harold L Hunt II said the following on 10/14/2003 09:23 PM:


Jay Smith wrote:


a) Before I attempt this fix, will this work with my old version of 
everything else?  I know that Cygwin has moved ahead since April.  Or 
does installing this start me down a slippery slope...

I hate when I forget to ask this if people are running the latest 
version or not.  You really need to be running the latest versions in 
order for us to properly debug and test things.

Yes, you will have to update to the 4.3.0 release of Cygwin/XFree86.  
I think I released it after April.  All of the DLLs have had their 
names changed, so you need to get those (in the -bin package) but I 
believe I made the fonts in such a way that they will not download 
again unless you have a really old version.  You will basically need 
to get anything that has a new version, since there have been updates 
to Cygwin's DLL, various libraries, etc.

b) Before I had the sense to ask the question above, I got as far as 
starting the download process from a mirror that I had previously 
used. The  setup program warned me that a newer setup.ini file would 
replace the old one, but did not seem to give me a way to cancel 
out.  So, now I have an new setup.ini but old everything else files 
-- and I *do* need the old everything else to reinstall on PCs that 
die, etc.  Am I screwed?

Setup gives a warning about setup.ini telling it that there is a new 
version of setup.exe available and that you don't have it.  Download 
the latest setup.exe and you won't get the warning (plus there has 
been a lot of development on setup.exe in the last several months).

I'm not sure about the status of your installation images.  It sounds 
like you have been doing a download to disk then installing from that? 
Uh... guess all I can tell you is that you should have backed up first 
:)  Of course, you could just look at files that have been updated 
recently and check if setup.exe made a backup of the old setup.ini 
that you had.



Harold L Hunt II said the following on 10/12/2003 11:01 PM:


I just posted XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-20 as a 'test' package; it should 
be showing up on mirrors within a few hours.  When it does, run 
setup.exe and manually select version '4.3.0-20' for the 
XFree86-xserv package. Then, run the new server version as usual (do 
not use the new flag that Kensuke talked about) and report your 
results to the mailing list.


Jay Smith wrote:

Dear Kensuke,

Thank you very much for your effort on this.

Unfortunately, I am pretty ignorant of these matters, thus you will 
have to tell me what it is that I should do with the two .diff 
files you attached. I will be happy to do whatever with them, but I 
am clueless as to what is to be done with them.

Sorry to be a pain.


Kensuke Matsuzaki said the following on 10/12/2003 09:33 PM:


Perhaps this patch enable XWin to copy/paste non-ascii characters
even if Windows does't support Unicode (95/98/Me).
LANG environment variable and Windows locale must be same.
I added -nounicodeclipboard option, I tested using this on XP.
But I don't have 95/98/Me.
And it seems tha libX11 has some CTEXT convertion bug, I attach
patch that based on TAKABE's work.
By the way, nls/locale.alias has alias somethig like
Arabic_Egypt.1256. Can we use that?
If so, we no longer need LANG environment variable.
We can get it following code.
  char pszCountry[128];
  char pszLanguage[128

Re: Copy / Paste

2003-10-13 Thread Harold L Hunt II

Cliff Stanford wrote:
Copy and paste to and from windows applications seems to be a lot more 
stable now with the latest patches (thanks).  However, I still have the 
problem that, when I highlight something in an X window, it immediately 
un-highlights itself.

I start XWin from /usr/X11R6/bin/startxwin.bat with the following command:

start XWin -multiwindow -nounixkill -clipboard -nowinkill

If I leave off the -clipboard, highlighting works as expected.  If I 
then run clipbrd.exe I get the same behaviour as with the -clipboard 

Is this expected behaviour?  Or am I doing something wrong?
Yes, it is expected.

I have written many messages about this before.  I am surprised you 
haven't seen one yet.  Here is one of my more recent messages on how 
development is going:

I succeeded in using XFIXES to detect when the clipboard contents had 
changed.  However, that introduced a new problem of having to flag which 
application changed the clipboard and stop trying to notify and copy the 
contents on those changes.  The problem here was that the clipboard 
change detection caused an infinite loop.  I made a quick and dirty 
change to stop the loop; it worked but I needed to spend more time 
looking into how it should be done properly.

So, development is stuck now since I am working 30 or more hours a week 
and spending about 20 hours a week on my master's CS degree classes. 
The code is in the XFIXES_BRANCH in our xoncygwin CVS tree (see the 
message above for more details, I think), if you are interested in 
working on it.


P.S.  And does anyone have a cure for my constantly pressing the 
right-button in windows applications and wondering why it doesn't paste 
anything? :-)
Yes, in Windows XP, turn on the 'quick edit' more for the command shell. 
 This enables right-click to paste the current clipboard contents in 
your Cygwin bash shell.  Other than that, good luck.  :)

Re: Copy / Paste

2003-10-13 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003, Harold L Hunt II wrote:

 Cliff Stanford wrote:
  P.S.  And does anyone have a cure for my constantly pressing the
  right-button in windows applications and wondering why it doesn't paste
  anything? :-)

 Yes, in Windows XP, turn on the 'quick edit' more for the command shell.
 This enables right-click to paste the current clipboard contents in your
 Cygwin bash shell.  Other than that, good luck.  :)


The above should also work in Win2k.  You can also use rxvt to host your
shells, which should be pretty uniform across all platforms.

Did you look into Windows power toys?  They may do what you want, but
there were reports of some of them causing problems with other Cygwin
and X applications.
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

Copy/Paste problems when contains non-ascii characters

2003-10-12 Thread Jay Smith

My copy/paste behavior in MOZILLA running on RedHat 8 LINUX has gone from 
bad to worse when I upgraded the Mozilla from 1.2.x to 1.4.

Important: The Mozilla is LINUX Mozilla running on an RH8 server.  I am 
sitting at a Windows 95 PC, using Cygwin/XFree86 to run an X session on the 
PC.  I am sitting at a PC, not at a Linux box.  (Most people don't get this 
and thus reply using wrong assumptions.)


(old) MOZ 1.2.x: When I copied text that contained a non-ascii typical 
European or Scandinavian character from an existing email and PASTED INTO A 
MOZILLA MAIL COMPOSE window, the text up to, but NOT including, the 
character would copy AND PASTE. That was bad, but at least you got 
something (the text before the character).

(new) MOZ 1.4: However, now, if the copy contains such a character, NOTHING 
gets pasted into A MOZILLA MAIL COMPOSE window.  It changed from partial to 

I AM still able to paste full and properly into windows applications from 
Mozilla, including such common European and Scandinvian characters.

Because there has been no change to the Cygwin installation on this PC, I
don't think the *change* in the problem is related to that.  However, the 
root of the problem seems to be related to Cygwin.


Mozilla 1.2.x or 1.4: I *CAN* fully and properly cut/paste the very same text.


Server: Red Hat Linux 8

Workstation: Windows 95 running Cygwin 
(I think these are the version numbers of what I have installed; they were 
as of April 2003 and I don't think I have installed any new Cygwin stuff on 
this machine since then -- but I don't know how to find out what versions I 
am running. How do I?)
  XFree86-base 4.2.0-1
 -lib  4.2.0-5
 -xwinclip 4.2.0-8

Jay Smith
Jay Smith  Associates
P.O. Box 650
Snow Camp, NC  27349  USA
Phone: Int+US+336-376-9991
Toll-Free Phone in US  Canada:
Fax: Int+US+336-376-6750

Re: Copy/Paste problems when contains non-ascii characters

2003-10-12 Thread Harold L Hunt II

Your problem is that you are using Windows 95, which does not natively 
support unicode text.  There is support in Cygwin/XFree86 for converting 
characters to unicode and back, but it only works on NT-based platforms 
(NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003).

The Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95/98/Me Systems should allow 
the support to work properly, but we would have to change the unicode 
support detection slightly for this to take effect.  Have you installed 
the unicode support for Windows 95?  More information and a link to 
download are here:

Or, the tiny url to the same thing:

Hmm... just did some more checking... using the Layer for Unicode 
support will not be trivial.  Kensuke may be interested in it as an 
alternative to using libiconv on Windows 95/98/Me.

As for why you text copying is truncated vs. not appearing at all, I 
suspect that Mozilla 1.2.x to 1.4 changed the format of some clipboard 
data from plain text to INCR.  But that would only make sense if you 
have only tried this with the versions of XFree86-xserv that don't crash 
when they see an INCR clipboard format.  If you didn't try this until 
recently, then that would explain your problem.  You should at least be 
thankful that XWin.exe doesn't core dump like it used to in these cases.

In summary, your problem is known, it isn't trivial to solve, and the 
change from Mozilla 1.2.x to 1.4 is due to a change that they made, not 
something that we did.  Also, your issue is already known to be not an 
issue on NT-based platforms, so the Microsoft answer to this problem 
would be The Cygwin/XFree86 has identified this to be a problem with 
the products listed above., with the idea being that they might fix it 
or they might not, but perhaps you should consider upgrading to a more 
recent version of Windows.  In other words, you are more likely to get 
your problem fixed by spending $200 of your own money upgrading to 
Windows XP, versus me spending $2000 of my time to cobble together a fix 
for Windows 95/98/Me.  That's just being honest.

Thanks for testing,


Jay Smith wrote:

My copy/paste behavior in MOZILLA running on RedHat 8 LINUX has gone 
from bad to worse when I upgraded the Mozilla from 1.2.x to 1.4.

Important: The Mozilla is LINUX Mozilla running on an RH8 server.  I am 
sitting at a Windows 95 PC, using Cygwin/XFree86 to run an X session on 
the PC.  I am sitting at a PC, not at a Linux box.  (Most people don't 
get this and thus reply using wrong assumptions.)


(old) MOZ 1.2.x: When I copied text that contained a non-ascii typical 
European or Scandinavian character from an existing email and PASTED 
INTO A MOZILLA MAIL COMPOSE window, the text up to, but NOT including, 
the character would copy AND PASTE. That was bad, but at least you got 
something (the text before the character).

(new) MOZ 1.4: However, now, if the copy contains such a character, 
NOTHING gets pasted into A MOZILLA MAIL COMPOSE window.  It changed from 
partial to nothing.

I AM still able to paste full and properly into windows applications 
from Mozilla, including such common European and Scandinvian characters.

Because there has been no change to the Cygwin installation on this PC, I
don't think the *change* in the problem is related to that.  However, 
the root of the problem seems to be related to Cygwin.


Mozilla 1.2.x or 1.4: I *CAN* fully and properly cut/paste the very same 


Server: Red Hat Linux 8

Workstation: Windows 95 running Cygwin 
(I think these are the version numbers of what I have installed; they 
were as of April 2003 and I don't think I have installed any new Cygwin 
stuff on this machine since then -- but I don't know how to find out 
what versions I am running. How do I?)
  XFree86-base 4.2.0-1
 -lib  4.2.0-5
 -xwinclip 4.2.0-8


[PATCH] Copy/Paste non-ascii characters

2003-10-12 Thread Kensuke Matsuzaki

Perhaps this patch enable XWin to copy/paste non-ascii characters
even if Windows does't support Unicode (95/98/Me).
LANG environment variable and Windows locale must be same.
I added -nounicodeclipboard option, I tested using this on XP.
But I don't have 95/98/Me.

And it seems tha libX11 has some CTEXT convertion bug, I attach
patch that based on TAKABE's work.

By the way, nls/locale.alias has alias somethig like
Arabic_Egypt.1256. Can we use that?
If so, we no longer need LANG environment variable.
We can get it following code.

  char pszCountry[128];
  char pszLanguage[128];
  int nAcp = GetACP ();

  printf (%s_%s.%d\n, pszLanguage, pszCountry, nAcp);

Kensuke Matsuzaki

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: Copy/Paste problems when contains non-ascii characters

2003-10-12 Thread Jay Smith
Hi Harold,

Thanks for your input.  Either I don't understand all of what you are 
saying or you don't understand the problem -- though Windows 95 is always a 
problem. :-)

I *can* copy/paste from Linux Mozilla 1.4 to Windows 95.  That is okay.

What I *can't* do is copy/paste within Linux Mozilla 1.4 (running in X, 
when the copy contains European characters)

When I was using Linux Mozilla 1.2, the paste truncated immediately before 
the European character.  Now, under Linux Mozilla 1.4, the paste is null 
(nothing pastes).

I was doing this all the time under Linux Mozilla 1.2 (since about February 
2003) without any problem (other than the darn truncation).  No crashes or 
other problems of that nature.

Regarding getting off Windows 95 you are quite right, however, the 
economics are not as you assume.  What it really means is a) also replacing 
all the workstations (these are Pentium 200 or 300 machines); b) switching 
to Linux *IF* Linux could get its productivity apps up to a productive 
level (I don't mind twiddling around with them, but I certainly can't have 
my staff -- who are lucky to find the on button) dealing the the Linux 
problems I have to deal with every day; c) finding, replacing, configuring, 
and learning software for the roughly 30 (thirty) apps we run.  Even if we 
stayed with Windows (going to 2000 Professional probably), just replacing 
the apps would cost $3000+ per seat and the machines around $1500 per seat. 
In a small company like mine, a conversion like this could put us out of 
business if we are not careful.  A week out of business is close to our 
annual profit.  Thus we hang on until we really have to make the switch. 
Hopefully Linux will get there (but the bugs I have encountered in only 2 
days of use of Mozilla 1.4 make me wonder.)


Harold L Hunt II said the following on 10/12/2003 07:24 PM:

Your problem is that you are using Windows 95, which does not natively 
support unicode text.  There is support in Cygwin/XFree86 for converting 
characters to unicode and back, but it only works on NT-based platforms 
(NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003).

The Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95/98/Me Systems should allow 
the support to work properly, but we would have to change the unicode 
support detection slightly for this to take effect.  Have you installed 
the unicode support for Windows 95?  More information and a link to 
download are here: 

Or, the tiny url to the same thing:

Hmm... just did some more checking... using the Layer for Unicode 
support will not be trivial.  Kensuke may be interested in it as an 
alternative to using libiconv on Windows 95/98/Me.

As for why you text copying is truncated vs. not appearing at all, I 
suspect that Mozilla 1.2.x to 1.4 changed the format of some clipboard 
data from plain text to INCR.  But that would only make sense if you 
have only tried this with the versions of XFree86-xserv that don't crash 
when they see an INCR clipboard format.  If you didn't try this until 
recently, then that would explain your problem.  You should at least be 
thankful that XWin.exe doesn't core dump like it used to in these cases.

In summary, your problem is known, it isn't trivial to solve, and the 
change from Mozilla 1.2.x to 1.4 is due to a change that they made, not 
something that we did.  Also, your issue is already known to be not an 
issue on NT-based platforms, so the Microsoft answer to this problem 
would be The Cygwin/XFree86 has identified this to be a problem with 
the products listed above., with the idea being that they might fix it 
or they might not, but perhaps you should consider upgrading to a more 
recent version of Windows.  In other words, you are more likely to get 
your problem fixed by spending $200 of your own money upgrading to 
Windows XP, versus me spending $2000 of my time to cobble together a fix 
for Windows 95/98/Me.  That's just being honest.

Thanks for testing,


Jay Smith wrote:


My copy/paste behavior in MOZILLA running on RedHat 8 LINUX has gone 
from bad to worse when I upgraded the Mozilla from 1.2.x to 1.4.

Important: The Mozilla is LINUX Mozilla running on an RH8 server.  I 
am sitting at a Windows 95 PC, using Cygwin/XFree86 to run an X 
session on the PC.  I am sitting at a PC, not at a Linux box.  (Most 
people don't get this and thus reply using wrong assumptions.)


(old) MOZ 1.2.x: When I copied text that contained a non-ascii typical 
European or Scandinavian character from an existing email and PASTED 
INTO A MOZILLA MAIL COMPOSE window, the text up to, but NOT including, 
the character would copy AND PASTE. That was bad, but at least you got 
something (the text before the character).

(new) MOZ 1.4: However, now

Re: [PATCH] Copy/Paste non-ascii characters

2003-10-12 Thread Jay Smith
Dear Kensuke,

Thank you very much for your effort on this.

Unfortunately, I am pretty ignorant of these matters, thus you will have to 
tell me what it is that I should do with the two .diff files you attached. 
I will be happy to do whatever with them, but I am clueless as to what is 
to be done with them.

Sorry to be a pain.


Kensuke Matsuzaki said the following on 10/12/2003 09:33 PM:

Perhaps this patch enable XWin to copy/paste non-ascii characters
even if Windows does't support Unicode (95/98/Me).
LANG environment variable and Windows locale must be same.
I added -nounicodeclipboard option, I tested using this on XP.
But I don't have 95/98/Me.
And it seems tha libX11 has some CTEXT convertion bug, I attach
patch that based on TAKABE's work.
By the way, nls/locale.alias has alias somethig like
Arabic_Egypt.1256. Can we use that?
If so, we no longer need LANG environment variable.
We can get it following code.
  char pszCountry[128];
  char pszLanguage[128];
  int nAcp = GetACP ();

  printf (%s_%s.%d\n, pszLanguage, pszCountry, nAcp);

Kensuke Matsuzaki
Jay Smith
Jay Smith  Associates
P.O. Box 650
Snow Camp, NC  27349  USA
Phone: Int+US+336-376-9991
Toll-Free Phone in US  Canada:
Fax: Int+US+336-376-6750

Re: [PATCH] Copy/Paste non-ascii characters

2003-10-12 Thread Harold L Hunt II

I think he probably sent the patches for me to make a release with.  You 
shouldn't have to do anything with them yourself.


Jay Smith wrote:
Dear Kensuke,

Thank you very much for your effort on this.

Unfortunately, I am pretty ignorant of these matters, thus you will have 
to tell me what it is that I should do with the two .diff files you 
attached. I will be happy to do whatever with them, but I am clueless as 
to what is to be done with them.

Sorry to be a pain.


Kensuke Matsuzaki said the following on 10/12/2003 09:33 PM:


Perhaps this patch enable XWin to copy/paste non-ascii characters
even if Windows does't support Unicode (95/98/Me).
LANG environment variable and Windows locale must be same.
I added -nounicodeclipboard option, I tested using this on XP.
But I don't have 95/98/Me.
And it seems tha libX11 has some CTEXT convertion bug, I attach
patch that based on TAKABE's work.
By the way, nls/locale.alias has alias somethig like
Arabic_Egypt.1256. Can we use that?
If so, we no longer need LANG environment variable.
We can get it following code.
  char pszCountry[128];
  char pszLanguage[128];
  int nAcp = GetACP ();
pszCountry, 128);
pszLanguage, 128);

  printf (%s_%s.%d\n, pszLanguage, pszCountry, nAcp);

Kensuke Matsuzaki

Re: [PATCH] Copy/Paste non-ascii characters

2003-10-12 Thread Harold L Hunt II

Do you think the following change that you made might stop a potential 
memory leak?

   /* */
   if (nNum  ppList  *ppList)
- XFree (xtpName.value);
  *ppName = strdup (*ppList);
  XFreeStringList (ppList);
+  XFree (xtpName.value);

Kensuke Matsuzaki wrote:


Perhaps this patch enable XWin to copy/paste non-ascii characters
even if Windows does't support Unicode (95/98/Me).
LANG environment variable and Windows locale must be same.
I added -nounicodeclipboard option, I tested using this on XP.
But I don't have 95/98/Me.
And it seems tha libX11 has some CTEXT convertion bug, I attach
patch that based on TAKABE's work.
By the way, nls/locale.alias has alias somethig like
Arabic_Egypt.1256. Can we use that?
If so, we no longer need LANG environment variable.
We can get it following code.
  char pszCountry[128];
  char pszLanguage[128];
  int nAcp = GetACP ();

  printf (%s_%s.%d\n, pszLanguage, pszCountry, nAcp);

Kensuke Matsuzaki

Re: [PATCH] Copy/Paste non-ascii characters

2003-10-12 Thread Harold L Hunt II

I just posted XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-20 as a 'test' package; it should be 
showing up on mirrors within a few hours.  When it does, run setup.exe 
and manually select version '4.3.0-20' for the XFree86-xserv package. 
Then, run the new server version as usual (do not use the new flag that 
Kensuke talked about) and report your results to the mailing list.


Jay Smith wrote:

Dear Kensuke,

Thank you very much for your effort on this.

Unfortunately, I am pretty ignorant of these matters, thus you will have 
to tell me what it is that I should do with the two .diff files you 
attached. I will be happy to do whatever with them, but I am clueless as 
to what is to be done with them.

Sorry to be a pain.


Kensuke Matsuzaki said the following on 10/12/2003 09:33 PM:


Perhaps this patch enable XWin to copy/paste non-ascii characters
even if Windows does't support Unicode (95/98/Me).
LANG environment variable and Windows locale must be same.
I added -nounicodeclipboard option, I tested using this on XP.
But I don't have 95/98/Me.
And it seems tha libX11 has some CTEXT convertion bug, I attach
patch that based on TAKABE's work.
By the way, nls/locale.alias has alias somethig like
Arabic_Egypt.1256. Can we use that?
If so, we no longer need LANG environment variable.
We can get it following code.
  char pszCountry[128];
  char pszLanguage[128];
  int nAcp = GetACP ();
pszCountry, 128);
pszLanguage, 128);

  printf (%s_%s.%d\n, pszLanguage, pszCountry, nAcp);

Kensuke Matsuzaki

Re: xfree86 cut/copy/paste

2003-09-25 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
Redirecting to the correct list and replying.  Please remove cygwin at
cygwin dot com from further discussion on this topic.

On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, Bill McCormick wrote:


 Is there cut/copy/paste functionality with xfree86 (using windows clipboard)
 like there is with rxvt?

 I'm sure this has come up before but I can't seem to find it.



Try giving a -clipboard argument to XWin.exe, or use the xwinclip
utility (although the latter is outdated, IIRC).  Search the cygwin-xfree
list archives for either clipboard or xwinclip for more details.
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

cygwin/xfree86 copy paste does not work

2002-07-29 Thread weic gao

I just installed cygwin/xfree86, however, I can't copy
 paste in xterm the usual way, that is, highlight
with mouse left button, and paste with mouse middle

While run /tmp/, I notice a warning
something like,
tic can't open /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/etc/xterm.terminfo

There is no xterm.terminfo indeed, instead, a file
name xterm.termcap resides in that directory.

Also, suggests me to manually modify
/etc/termcap, replacing xterm in this file with those
in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/etc/xterm.termcap, I don't quite
understand what this exactly means. But I feel somehow
this is related to the xterm copy  paste problem.

Anyone out there can help me with this? 

Please e-mail reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks a lot.

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