Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2023-11-26 Thread grarpamp
> 50,000 ballots out of 2.1 million were randomly selected and tested.
> 0 of them were on VoteSecure paper.

Even Oliver Stone Is Starting To Question The 2020 Election

Oliver Stone is a Hollywood leftist who has an odd way of being right at times.

His Academy Award-winning JFK was dismissed as a conspiracy theory.

Turns out he was likely closer to right all along -- as Tucker Carlson
noted in one of this segments.

That's not the only one.

His South of the Border documentary about Latin America's wave of
elected leftist dictators was initially criticized as Chavista
propaganda, a glossing over of some of the region's worst rulers ...
except that if you watch the thing, which I did twice, you realize he
did an extraordinary job of revealing these people as the unattractive
pigs that they were.

Sleazy, covetous, Imelda-like, sidelong, gangsterly ... he actually
exposed them in all their glory in a way their worst critics couldn't.

That was a useful record of the era.

He's criticized government bureaucracies' demonization of ivermectin
and vaccine mandates which is credibility right there.

His criticism of the way the Vietnam War was run by vested interests
and swamp bureaucrats was probably spot on, too.

So now he's dropped another truth bomb, or at least is circling around it.

According to RealClearPolitics, which showed a segment and transcript
of Stone conversing with Bill Maher:

Some of the transcript (they go off on tangents) is here, emphasis mine:

MAHER: Well, I mean, [Trump] doesn't concede elections. You know,
the elections only count if we win theory of government. Okay. Well,
come on. You know, Trump has he still has not conceded the election.
He has not conceded. He does not honor them. Okay.

STONE: I mean, do you know for a fact that he lost? I'm just curious.

MAHER: Okay. You're going to make me --

STONE: I just don't know all of the facts.

MAHER: Well I do. Is there a conspiracy theory that you don't believe?

STONE: Come on, Bill. You know I'm intelligent.

MAHER: Intelligent? Of course you are. But look, look, I've had
many people sit here and I'd say the same thing to them. Like, the key
to getting along in America is not getting into these tribal things.
It's understanding that you can have somebody in your life who you go
for A, B, C, and D, We are so aligned and the person is so smart and
they really get it.

And then E each of you thinks the other one's crazy and there's a
couple of those with us, but we got A, B, C, and D, and so we just.

OLIVER STONE: We'll start with that.

MAHER: Yes, that's got to be enough. You can't make people like
agree with you on these things. And you're right when you --

STONE: I'm just asking you, I'm not an expert on the election. I
don't go on. I'm not a political junkie. You are. And you follow it
very closely. Okay.

MAHER: All right, then I'll give you the thumbnail sketch. They
tried it in like 60 courts. It was laughed out of every court,
including by Republican judges. Report The people who save this
democracy were Republicans. Good Republicans. In states where Trump
pressured them like the guy, the one he's on trial for in Georgia.
Find me 11,000 votes. It's on tape.

A guy like that saying to him, sir, we just don't do that here. I
voted for you. I'm a Republican, but we just don't do that. That's
what saved us. And they were Republicans. So you don't take their word
for it. I mean, it would.

STONE: I don't know. I mean, you went through the 2000 election.
That was horrifying to me. What happened when the Supreme Court closed
that down. What happened there? You know, the popular vote was --

MAHER: What should we do? Do we just keep counting votes forever?
Or should we still be counting them now?

STONE: No. Count them correctly.

MAHER: The people who have testified that this was a fair and will
[sic] run election. It's a who's who of people like Bill Barr. Mitch
McConnell. You're talking about Liz Cheney. You're talking about dyed
in the wool, serious conservative Republicans who went with Trump
really further out than a lot of us thought they would go with a guy
like McCain's not a war hero.


STONE: Well, I don't know the facts. And I think I would trust the
accountants more than the politicians. And I'd like to know what the
accountants, the guys who vote, who know the most about votes, who do
the Electoral Commission's, you know. I can't take Biden's word for it
on anything.

MAHER: It's not his word. It's the Electoral Commission. It's
Trump's own election security guy who said this was the most fair,
well-run election that we've had ever.

STONE: Really?

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2023-11-07 Thread grarpamp

Great graphic.
NateLF @NateLF4
Oct 30
Some of the best findings from the 2020 Maricopa full forensic audit
are below. Why did corrupt politicians or lawyers work hard to
suppress these findings? cc: @BennettArizona @RPullen @WendyRogersAZ
@SonnyBorrelli @JenWEsq

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2023-06-04 Thread grarpamp
DC_Draino @DC_Draino

May 28
🚨BREAKING🚨 New *video evidence* of Maricopa election officials
illegally breaking into sealed election machines after they were
tested, reprogramming memory cards, and reinstalling them 59% of these
machines would shut down on election day in GOP areas They’ve been

This explosive video has been posted for 4+ days & there have been no
credible fact-checks The media is ignoring this story & hoping you
forget about it But it’s been retweeted 40k+ times w/more than 12
MILLION views These criminals broke the seals & reprogrammed the

Notice how the woman breaking the seals is wearing latex gloves?
Totally normal behavior Yea this was livestreamed but they didn’t
think anyone was recording But @KariLake’s team was Then they matched
up these videos w/ recently obtained system log files that prove

Remember: While this illegal election machine rigging was committed by
Maricopa county criminals, it was overseen by the Arizona Secretary of
State who now illegitimately occupies the Governor’s seat *Katie Hobbs
rigged her own election* When does the impeachment trial begin?!

Kari Lake War Room @KariLakeWarRoom
May 28
👀Watch👀 On October 14th, 17th & 18th, Maricopa County performed
secret testing on the tabulators This was AFTER the legally required
Logic & Accuracy test 260 of 446 tabulators failed They were used on
election day anyway. Where 59% failed This is the story of a sabotage.
Show this thread
DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Republicans control the House yet the Debt Ceiling bill just passed
with more Democrat votes than Republican votes Infuriating weakness
DC_Draino @DC_Draino
I’m old enough to remember when the airline pamphlets in the seatback
pockets didn’t have blood clot warnings Wonder what changed…
DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Just when you think Leftists couldn’t get any more depraved, the
Georgetown Neighborhood Library is organizing a “Children’s Pride
Parade” in our nation’s capitol on June 3 Why are these groomers so
obsessed with influencing the sexualities of minors?
DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Are federal tax dollars being used to organize *Children’s* pride parades now?!
DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Project Veritas exposed Pfizer & then @JamesOKeefeIII got suspended
James then exposed a nationwide election donation scam and is now
being sued to stop him from pursuing further investigations Some call
all this a coincidence I see it as muzzling a powerful voice before
DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Want to know the beautiful thing about these Woke Boycotts? They
aren’t organized by any single politician or person They’re organic
uprisings from millions of Americans who are sick and tired of
watching their country get taken over by Marxist groomers Now that’s
Gavin Newsom @GavinNewsom
Let's take a moment to talk about this. There is a full-throated purge
effort going on here by the far-right that we have not seen for
decades. They are on a boycott binge and cancel crusade, trying to
eliminate the existence of minority communities. Burning Flags.
DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Imagine if they incorporated DEI in the NBA and required every team to
hire a 5’4” white guy and make him a starter You’d think that’s
ridiculous right?
DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Does Chick Fil A deserve a full blown Bud Light boycott? In my
opinion, no Do they deserve some heat & criticism for bending the knee
to the Woke agenda and creating a Marxist DEI position that engages in
racial discrimination? In my opinion, yes Let’s see their next moves…
DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Obviously if they start targeting children with the Woke agenda, it’s
game on But in my opinion they haven’t quite crossed that line yet
DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Corporations are now spending millions on consulting & marketing
advice to avoid reaping the wrath of conservative boycotts, but here’s
some free advice: Stop targeting kids with radical gender ideology &
Satanism That’s all you have to do This shouldn’t be difficult
DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Is anyone else skeptical of politicians that spend most of their adult
careers pursuing elected office? Career politicians are what’s wrong
with this country
DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Trump has been the exact same person for decades If you’re good to
him, he’ll be good to you If you hit him, he’s going to hit you back
twice as hard This isn’t complicated
DC_Draino @DC_Draino
You may not like his strategy, but it won him the Presidency and got
him the most votes in GOP history
DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Think about this A woman with highly credible sexual assault claims
against the man in the Oval Office is now fleeing to another country

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2023-05-12 Thread grarpamp
Jackass Joe Biden and Democrats
trading your energy security for Political Gain...

SPR @ 362/714MBbl -3.2 avgLast3Mo  a/o May 05
Negligible days remaining, which can't be pumped
out fast enough to meet demand anyway.
Not a single net barrel pumped into the SPR since
Trump added ~25M in 2017 and 2019.
Published news now states SPR salt caverns are caving in
due to lack of supporting fill, capacity permanently reduced.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp
Hunter Biden is a Liar, Fraud, Criminal, Jackass, Asshole, CrackHead...
Like Father Like Son...

Glenn Greenwald
Mar 17
Hunter Biden just sued the Delaware repair shop where he left his
laptop for invasion of privacy and distributing his data. The obvious
premise is that the laptop was real and it came from that store - the
exact opposite of what all corporate media claimed for the 2020
The Washington Post
Mar 17
Breaking news: Hunter Biden countersues computer repair shop owner who
had laptop with provocative data and images, alleging invasion of

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2023-03-13 Thread grarpamp
The March Madness Of The [Fraudulent] President

Joe Biden’s political utility and near senility serve as exemptions
for his often sexist, racist, and creepy riffs...

Another couple of weeks, another bout of madness from Joe Biden and his team.

Of recent Biden delusions, consider:

Biden went off in one of his impromptu Corn Pop, or
“beat-up-Trump-behind-the-bleachers” fables. These often slurred and
nearly unintelligible tales characteristically virtue signal Biden’s
own victimhood and “courage.”

They are interspersed with his bizarre propensity for eerie female
contact. So we see or hear of his long record of blowing into the ears
and hair, or squeezing the necks of young girls. He hugs, for far too
long, mature women. He can call out among a crowd an anonymous
attractive teen stranger. Or, recently he relates an incoherent but
quasi-sexual vignette.

So Joe recalled his patient days in his usual off-topic “no lie/not
kidding/no joke” manner (i.e., tip offs that he’s lying). He told us
that a noble nurse once would “come in and do things that I don’t
think you learn in medical school—in nursing school.” The president
got a nervous laugh from the apparent quasi-pornographic reference
(but then again Joe is excused because he is a “feminist”), before he
detailed her technique:

She’d whisper in my ear.  I didn’t—couldn’t understand her, but
she’d whisper, and she’d lean down. She’d actually breathe on me to
make sure that I was—there was a connection, a human connection.

A woman leaning over to blow into a prone man’s ear certainly
constitutes a “human connection.” Yet all of Joe’s fables have
different Homeric-style retellings. Two years ago he claimed that the
same nurse in question actually blew into his nostrils. What a strange
air-pressure technique that must have entailed for a person recovering
from brain surgery. But perhaps it was consistent with biblical
references to God blowing the spirit of life into the nose of man.

About a week later, referencing that hospital stay, Biden added that
doctors “had to take the top of my head off a couple times, see if I
had a brain”—a reference that did not reassure the nation he is not

No one in the media had much of a reaction because Joe Biden’s
political utility and near senility serve as exemptions for his often
sexist, racist, and creepy riffs.

Instead, the media wrote off the nurse breathing into good ol’ Joe’s
orifices as belonging to the same weird genre that a while back gave
us inner-city kids stroking the golden hairs on Joe’s tan legs, or the
shower revelations of Ashley Biden’s diary, or his “you ain’t’ black,”
“put y’all back in chains,” and “junkie” sorts of racial condescension
(e.g., “Why the hell would I take a test? C’mon, man. That’s like
saying you, before you got on this program, you take a test where
you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think? Huh? Are you a

Joe also blustered to a crowd during Black History Month, “I may be a
white boy, but I’m not stupid.”

The crowd laughed at the idea that the jester Biden believes white
people are usually stupid, but that he, Joe, the exception to his
race, is not stupid, despite being white. At least Biden finally
referenced himself as “boy.” Usually he has used that racial putdown
for prominent blacks like Maryland Governor Wes Moore or a senior
White House advisor Cedric Richmond.

The February-March madness of Joe was not through. Sometimes, his
venom renders him disgustedly comic, as when he took the occasion of
mass American deaths from fentanyl on his watch, to chuckle that the
carnage was at least worse under Trump (an abject lie):

‘I should digress, probably. I’ve read, she [Rep. Marjorie Taylor
Greene], she was very specific recently, saying that a mom, a poor
mother who lost two kids to fentanyl, that, that I killed her sons.
Well, the interesting thing is that fentanyl they took came during the
last administration.’ Followed by the Biden laugh.

Apparently, 100,000 dead at least deserves from Joe a “Trump did it” chuckle.

Joe, for the third time in two years, tripped and nearly fell
ascending the ramp of Air Force One. At some point even his supporters
will concede that when octogenarians repeatedly stumble and fall, if
not put under careful watch or provided a walker, it is only a matter
of time until they break a hip and become bedridden.

In another replay, once again Biden finished his remarks, turned
around to exit—and had no idea where he was going to go or whose
invisible hand he was supposed to shake.

Amid all this, Biden more or less stuck to his now tired rhetorical themes.

One is the serial denunciation of the MAGA Republicans. Usually, he
trashes them as semi-fascists or un-American, often in the context of
his “unity speeches.” After calling for reconciliation,
bipartisanship, and unity, Joe then usually tightens his face,
grimaces, and starts yelling about 

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2023-01-08 Thread grarpamp
Ruby Freeman via Cobb County Police Bodycam
“It is serious. It is deep. It is so real...the USB ports, I really
would love to go live with that because the ballots is history...Now
it’s the USB ports. So I need an attorney. I want to go live, I’ll go
live on every platform because it is going to blow your mind.”

Another state... 100,000 plus ballots found dumped into the
count with no authentication.
Why do we even care about @GOP having the majority when they made this
guy Speaker? Congratulations GOP on your new DEMOCRAT Speaker of the
House, Kevin McCarthy! The US House Speaker is a proud member of the
World Economic Forum! Thanks for betraying us all ⁌@HouseGOP⁊! Notice
last night when McCarthy became Speaker of the House, Democrats were
clapping! That’s a bad sign. You don’t want a Speaker who Democrats
are happy to see in power.
You might just wake up tomorrow morning and find out that your country
is over forever. I’ll tell you right now, America is done forever if
Kevin McCarthy becomes Speaker of the House. Mark my word. If he
becomes Speaker, he will implement New World Order. He’s a member of
Kevin McCarthy is salivating at the idea of becoming Speaker before
midnight on the anniversary of J6. This should show you how weak
@GOPLeader would be if he was Speaker of the House. Republicans have
the majority in the House,& they allowed for Capitol Police to
barricade the Capitol today for the sake of theatrics on J6. I
confirmed w/ police. Barricades are not for the vote.
Laura Loomer @LauraLoomer
WATCH: I’m in Washington DC on the 2yr anniversary of J6 while the
vote(s) for Speaker of the House continue! Capitol Police have
barricaded the entire Capitol only for J6. No private citizen or
independent journalist can enter to speak w/ their rep on this
important day.#Tyranny

How can anyone who is honest look at this picture & not question their
relationship? Her husband just divorced her, & Kevin is still married.
This is a very bizarre level of closeness for these two to have. MTG
is hanging all over Kevin & it’s not the 1st time this week either.
If you call yourself a “Conservative” and you were supporting Kevin
McCarthy for Speaker, then you need to educate yourself more on his
terrible voting record. @laralogan is spot on.🔥 There was no shortage
of pro McCarthy dummies out there who can’t even tell you how he
McCarthy voted for: - same sex marriage - vax mandates for military -
$100B for Ukraine - to use Medicare to fund USPS - drafting of women -
J6 committee - DC as the 51st state - amnesty for DACA.
Kevin McCarthy and his goons are criminals. They are now threatening
assault against people who vote against McCarthy on the FLOOR OF THE
Jim Lokay @LokayFOX5
Were they close to blows?!? This is like an episode of Maury. Moments
after Gaetz’s present vote….
Here is video of Mike Rodgers about to get in a fight with @mattgaetz
and @laurenboebert. The guy who pulled Rodgers back grabbed at his
Something about Rep. Paul Gosar’s body language doesn’t look right
here. Rep. Gaetz looks shocked, and so does the fat weirdo sitting
next to Gosar as he utters “McCarthy”, just before exiting the
chamber. What the HELL is going on here?
Ashli Babbitt's mom arrested for nothing.

US Congress gets drunk on your dime while literally in the Capitol Building.

Joe Biden signed a 4,000 page bill while vacationing in the Virgin
Islands. They flew the $1.7 trillion bill to him so he didn't have to
be inconvenienced with flying back to DC to sign this absolute

That lawsuit is MY RICO lawsuit. Twitter is so scared of MY lawsuit,
they went rogue on their own new owner and hired Hillary Clinton’s
lawyers against the orders of @elonmusk because Twitter Legal is so
adamant about making my bombshell lawsuit go away. It’s not going
Reuters Legal
Jan 6

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2023-01-07 Thread grarpamp
SPR @ 372/714MBbl -14.5 avgLast3Mo  a/o Dec 30
Negligible 19 days remaining which can't be pumped
out fast enough to meet demand anyway.
Not a single barrel pumped into the SPR for all of 2022,
not any since Trump pumped a few in.

Democrat Admin so fraudulent that not only were they
caught trading national security for election gains,
they're apparently willing to destroy the SPR for it too,
ignoring warnings since at least 3 months ago.

Hunter Biden, the King of Ukraine and Burisma Oil.

White House Delays Refill Of Strategic Oil Reserve, Balks At "Too
Expensive" Offers

The Biden administration had no problems aggressively draining the SPR
by 1mmb/d at market prices in the immediate aftermath of the Ukraine
war, in hopes of lowering the price of gasoline ahead of November's
elections and avoiding an inflationary midterm rout. However, when it
comes to refilling the SPR, now that US emergency inventories are down
to the lowest level since November 1983 and not too far from an all
time low which threatens the structural integrity of the salt caverns
the oil is deposited in...

... the White House has "unexpectedly" gotten cold feet.

One month after the White House said it will start refilling the
Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and made an initial order of 3mm barrels
of sour crude (a tiny fraction of the 200 million released in 2022),
in what it said was a clear message to oil companies that they can
freely invest capital in boosting output cause, well, Biden's got
their backs, overnight we learned that there was a rather sizable
caveat in the White House's brilliant plan.

According to Bloomberg, the Biden administration has delayed the
replenishment of the nation’s emergency oil reserve after deciding the
offers it received were either too expensive or didn’t meet the
required specifications.  Citing "people familiar" the report adds
that "the Department of Energy rejected the several offers it got for
a potential purchase in February." In other words, absent a brutal US
or global recession which drags oil far lower - courtesy of the Fed
which is doing Biden's bidding of containing inflation by crushing the
US economy with the highest interest rates in a generation - the SPR
won't get any more oil.

While the DOE will put off the purchase it had originally planned for
next month, the proposed program, which used a new approach that
accepts fixed-price offers, will continue, one of the people said. Of
course, it will "continue" only as long as oil is below a certain
White House mandated threshold, anything above that - as we now can
see - means no refills. As a reminder, last year there were reports
that the Biden administration had planned to start buying crude when
it dropped around $70 a barrel; and while oil fell during the fourth
quarter and US benchmark prices fell close to those levels last month,
they have since rebounded, with the SPR refill price serving as a
market support level.

“DOE has put forth a long term plan to transition from release to
replenishment, and we’re committed to doing so in a manner that
provides a fair deal for taxpayers,” the department said in a
statement Friday.

“DOE will only select bids that meet the required crude specifications
and that are at a price that is a good deal for taxpayers,” it said.
"Following review of the initial submission, DOE will not be making
any award selections for the February delivery window."

What this means is that, as we noted yesterday, either the White House
- in all its infinite wisdom - will start having to chase the price of
oil even higher in hopes of catching up to the offer now that it has
set a firm floor for oil prices thereby shooting itself in the foot...

The Department of Energy rejected the several offers it got for a
potential SPR purchase in February: BBG

Well it will just have to raise its bid then
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) January 7, 2023

... or the SPR will not see even one more drop of new oil, and the 372
million barrels currently there, just under 19 days of domestic
consumption, will be all the US emergency oil inventory at the time
when China inevitably invades Taiwan - a far bigger emergency than a
Democrat loss in the elections. At that point only that legendary
energy guru, Hunter Biden, who was paid so handsomely for his energy
insight by Ukraine's energy giant Burisma...

"NEWS: Hunter Biden joins the team of Burisma Holdings"

... will be able to save the US.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-12-15 Thread grarpamp
No higher pinnacle of corruption sought than US Govt and Democrats...

Pay to corrupt, including SBF's $50+M, and Soros's $150+M...

Biden politically stealing the SPR to lower gas prices for election wins...

SPR @ 382/714MBbl -11 avgLast3Mo  a/o Dec 9  Negligible days buffer remaining

The US Govt cooks it's own Inflation Books, lying to the people
for Political Gain...

The US Govt Politicians hide and never discuss the debt slavery
they saddled upon the people's backs...

Biden is now cooking the employment books for Political Gain too...

Here Comes The Job Shock: Philadelphia Fed Admits US Jobs "Overstated"
By At Least 1.1 Million

Regular readers are well aware that back in July, Zero Hedge first
(long before it became a running theme among so-called "macro
experts") pointed out that a gaping 1+ million job differential had
opened up between the closely-watched and market-impacting, if easily
gamed and manipulated, Establishment Survey and the far more accurate
if volatile, Household Survey - the two core components of the monthly
non-farm payrolls report.

We first described this divergence in early July, when looking at the
June payrolls data, we found that the gap between the Housing and
Establishment Surveys had blown out to 1.5 million starting in March
when "something snapped." We described this in "Something Snaps In The
US Labor Market: Full, Part-Time Workers Plunge As Multiple Jobholders

Since then the difference only got worse, and culminated earlier this
month when the gap between the Establishment and Household surveys for
the November dataset nearly doubled to a whopping 2.7 million jobs, a
bifurcation which we described in "Something Is Rigged: Unexplained,
Record 2.7 Million Jobs Gap Emerges In Broken Payrolls Report."

Whether this divergence was due to wrong seasonal adjustments (a
remnant of the overreaction taken by the Dept of Labor following the
covid crunch to normalize for a new normal labor market), due to
erroneous Birth-Death assumptions (here too, the Dept of Labor was
assuming early cycle new business creation which clearly is wrong with
the economy late cycle and millions of businesses shutting down,
ignoring the open PPP fraud that took place in early/mid-2000s as
everyone "opened up" businesses to get free money from the
government), due to the Establishment Survey inability to tell the
difference between full, part and multiple-jobs - as a reminder we
first showed that since March, the US had lost 400K full-time jobs
offset by far lower paying part-time jobs as well as double-counted
multiple jobholders...

... due to the record high rate of estimation - recall the 49%
Establishment survey response rate was much lower than the 70-75% rate
typical in November, meaning the Dept of Labor was literally making
numbers up to "complete" the survey...

... or some other reason, perhaps including the Biden admin tapping
certain Bureau of Labor Statistics officials on the shoulder and
advising them to show strong numbers if they want to keep their...
well... jobs, we did not know, but we did know that according to the
Household Survey, just 12,000 jobs were created since March, while
according to the Establishment Survey - which moves markets and sets
Fed policy - the increase in jobs over the same period was 2.692

We bring all this up again because late on Dec 13, the Philadelphia
Fed published something shocking: as part of the regional Fed's
quarterly reassessment of payrolls in the form of an "early benchmark
revision of state payroll employment", the Philly Fed confirmed what
we have been saying since July, namely that US payrolls are overstated
by at least 1.1 million, and likely much more!

First, some background.

As the Philly Fed notes, "estimates by the Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia indicate that the employment changes from March through
June 2022 were significantly different in 33 states and the District
of Columbia compared with current state estimates from the Bureau of
Labor Statistics’ (BLS) Current Employment Statistics (CES). Early
benchmark estimates indicated higher changes in four states, lower
changes in 29 states and the District of Columbia, and lesser changes
in the remaining 17 states.

Wait, the Philly Fed tabulates jobs? Isn't that the jobs of the BLS?

Why yes, the BLS does that every month. The problem is that to
successfully publish a report within days after any given month ends,
the BLS report gives up in accuracy what it makes up in speed. Far
more accurate reports are available elsewhere, they just come with a
big lag. This is where the Philadelphia Fed comes in: from the latest
quarterly report...

Our estimates incorporate more comprehensive, accurate job
estimates released by the BLS as part of its Quarterly Census of

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-12-13 Thread grarpamp

Yet another Democrat groomer pedo busted.
This is a different CNN pedophile than Jake Tapper's former producer,
Rick Saleeby, who resigned after it emerged that he solicited sexually
explicit photos of an underage girl.
And different from all the trannie twerkers infesting US schools.
Different from all the Health, Tranny, Nuclear, and Speaking
staff too focused on sex to perform even the most
basic of unnecessary Govt jobs.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-11-18 Thread grarpamp
US Democrats love crime, poverty, dependence, DemSoc
create the problem, prop themselves as solution,
socialism fails, repeat to extract more money and power,
create victimization mentality and handouts... fail fail fail.

PA House Judiciary Committee Moved To Impeach Philadelphia District
Attorney Larry Krasner

the Judiciary Committee voted along party lines Tuesday to move two
impeachment articles against Philadelphia District Attorney Larry
Krasner to the full House, which is expected to vote on it Wednesday.
Philadelphia District Attorney Lawrence Krasner during a press
conference at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia on
Nov. 6, 2020. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

The articles blame Krasner’s leadership in the district attorney’s
office (DAO) as being a direct cause of increasing Philadelphia crime
and accuse him of obstructing the impeachment investigation by not
sufficiently complying with a subpoena from the Select Committee on
Restoring Law and Order.

That select committee released a report of its investigation on Oct.
24 and, although it did not recommend impeachment, it offered a grim
look at Philadelphia’s crime.

The report (pdf) looked at rising crime rates, the use of public funds
intended for enforcing the law and prosecuting crime, the enforcement
of crime victims’ rights, and the use of public funds intended to
benefit crime victims in the City of Philadelphia.
‘Shocking Increases’ In Crime Under Krasner

Between Jan. 1, 2021, and Oct. 16, 2022, the report says, 992 people
have died as a result of a homicide in Philadelphia. The report
compares that to the 557 homicide deaths in 2015 and 2016, combined.
Nonfatal shootings have increased, too. In 2022, there have been eight
victims of nonfatal shootings who have not yet celebrated their sixth

“It is no secret that the DAO and DA Krasner’s progressive policies
are the focus of criticism with respect to the increasing crime rate,
the handling of criminal cases, and the abject failure to respond, in
any meaningful way, to the current crisis,” the report says. “Most
troubling to the Select Committee, is what happens after arrests are
made—the DAO’s prosecution, or lack thereof,” the report says.

The office categorizes violent offenses as homicides, nonfatal
shootings, rape, robberies, aggravated assault, and other forms of
assault. To the date of the report, 65 percent of all violent offenses
have been withdrawn by the DA’s office or dismissed by the courts,
resulting in no prosecution for those crimes. Compared to district
attorney’s offices in other Pennsylvania counties, the Philadelphia
office withdraws cases much more often.

“No doubt, Philadelphia criminals are emboldened by the knowledge that
the likelihood that they will be arrested is slim, and once caught,
the likelihood that they will be prosecuted and incarcerated is
minimal,” the report says.
Crime at ‘Unacceptable’ Levels

Krasner is in his second term. If the House voted to impeach, the
state Senate would conduct a trial, after which, a two-thirds vote
from the Senate would be needed to impeach and remove Krasner. The
Senate is still a Republican majority, but with 28 Republicans and 22
Democrats in the next session, it is not a two-thirds majority.

“I suspect that we will have bipartisan support for this effort as we
have thus far,” Rep. Martina White, a Philadelphia Republican and
prime sponsor of the articles of impeachment, said in a press
conference after the measure passed from committee. “The investigation
and holding Larry Krasner in contempt was bipartisan. Tomorrow, I
believe this will also be bipartisan because the people of
Philadelphia deserve better than what they receive out of the district
attorney’s office. He has not been doing his job well enough for us,
endangering the lives of citizens that he’s supposed to serve and
protect by prosecuting criminals and making sure that they’re
convicted guilty, should the evidence be there. But that’s not what’s
happening right now. The district attorney is basically withdrawing
cases at an unprecedented level.”

White said she wants to assure the citizens of Philadelphia that they
can live the way they deserve, not having to worry about walking out
their front door and being carjacked or worrying about sending kids to
school only for them to be shot dead on the walk home from the gunfire
of gang members who should be locked up in jail and convicted of
previous crimes.

“It’s unacceptable,” White said. “And now is the time to act. There’s
no reason to wait any longer.”
Krasner’s Words

In a letter sent to the select committee Oct. 21, Krasner—a Democrat
whose campaign was funded in part by billionaire George Soros—defen

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-11-18 Thread grarpamp
Report Urges Congressional Investigation on Black Lives Matter Organizations

A new special report on cultural Marxism is urging Congress to hold
hearings on Black Lives Matter (BLM) organizations.

America’s political leaders shouldn’t shy away from investigating any
organizations with the words “Black Lives Matter” in their titles for
fear of the “racist” label, according to the report’s authors, Mike
Gonzalez, an expert at the conservative think tank Heritage
Foundation, and Katharine Gorka, a national security expert and former
research fellow with the Heritage Foundation.

“Because [BLM organizations] have been the vector for the introduction
of cultural Marxism into the lives of all Americans, getting serious
about the threat that the BLM organizations represent is the most
immediate, and easiest, thing that Americans can do to confront
Marxism,” the report reads.

The authors define cultural Marxism as a more sophisticated and
nuanced version of Marxism led by American Marxists “under the
pretense of social justice.” Instead of pitting workers against
capitalists, cultural Marxists use race and gender to drive wedges
between various racial groups and between children and parents to
destroy the nuclear family in America, according to the authors.

The report argues that critical race theory—a framework that views
America as systemically racist—in education, America’s war on climate
change, and corporate America’s environmental, social, and corporate
governance rules are all parts of Marxist strategies.

On Nov. 14, a discussion about this report was held at the Heritage
Foundation, and Gonzalez told the audience that it’s legal to be a
communist in the United States, but people should be aware of the BLM
leaders’ Marxist beliefs and intentions.

According to the U.S. Crisis Monitor, 633 riots took place in 2020
after the death of George Floyd, Gonzalez said in a previous Epoch
Times interview. The Insurance Information Institute noted that these
riots were the costliest civil unrest in U.S. history, with insured
losses estimated at more than $2 billion.

“I think the country should know whether you [leaders of BLM
organizations] have unleashed this level of violence and have had
these riots because you believe in these ideas,” Gonzalez said at the

Leaders of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF),
an umbrella organization for the BLM movement, had openly said they
were “trained Marxists,” and they should be the subject of
congressional investigations, according to the special report’s

Alicia Garza, one of the BLMGNF founders, said at a Left Forum
convention, “It’s not possible for a world to emerge where black lives
matter if it’s under capitalism. And it’s not possible to abolish
capitalism without a struggle against national oppression and gender

Left Forum is a Marxist organization.
Epoch Times Photo Sebastian Gorka with his wife, Katharine, at a
parents’ rally outside the Luther Jackson Middle School in Falls
Church, Va., on June 16, 2022. (Terri Wu/The Epoch Times)

Sebastian Gorka, a former strategist for President Donald Trump and
host of the “America First” radio show, praised the paper as “crucial”
in addressing a new Marxist challenge different than that in the Cold

“The challenge has so utterly transmogrified from an external kinetic
military one to an internal political one. And [BLM activists] have
rights, but they’re undermining the Constitution with those rights,”
he said.

Representatives for BLMGNF didn’t respond to a request by The Epoch
Times for comment by press time.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-11-01 Thread grarpamp
As usual, Democrats lies and 'charges' and 'impeachments'
and 'committees' and 'trials' never stick, because they're
political manufacturings...

Supreme Court Blocks Congress From Getting Trump’s Tax Returns

The U.S. Supreme Court on Nov. 1 blocked Congress from obtaining
former President Donald Trump’s tax returns.

Chief Justice John Roberts, a George W. Bush appointee, stayed an
appeals court order that had ruled a congressional panel could gain
access to the documents.

Trump filed an emergency application on Monday to the Supreme Court,
asking it to halt the order.

Roberts’ stay is temporary, pending further developments in the case.

Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), chairman of the House Committee on Ways
and Means, has for years been trying to obtain Trump’s returns,
asserting that they are necessary as the panel considers possibly
updating how audits of presidents are done.

Trump said that the true purpose is to release the returns to the public.

Neal is not seeking the records of any other president, and has said
that “unraveling President Trump’s sophisticated tax avoidance” was
one of the reasons he thought Trump should release his returns.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), said in 2017 that the
returns would “be useful” in investigating “what … the Russians have
on Donald Trump” and that investigations into Trump were going to
continue in 2019 because she “want[ed] to see him in prison.”

Trump sued the IRS and its parent agency, the Department of Treasury,
in 2019 to stop officials from giving his returns to Neal.

U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, threw out the
lawsuit in 2021, finding that federal law “requires great deference to
facially valid congressional inquiries” and that the presidential
audit program could be subject to legislation.

“That conclusion all but decides the Court’s analysis,” McFadden said,
even as statements from Neal and Pelosi “plausibly show mixed motives
underlying the” request for the returns.

In October, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
Circuit upheld the ruling. U.S. Circuit Judge David Sentelle, a Reagan
appointee writing for the three-judge panel, said the court could not
probe the motives of legislators and that Neal “has identified a
legitimate legislative purpose that it requires information to

“At this stage, it is not our place to delve deeper than this,” he added.

U.S. Circuit Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson, a George H.W. Bush
appointee, offered a concurring opinion in which she diverged from her
colleagues on one point.

“Although I agree with my colleagues that the burdens imposed on the
Presidency by the Committee’s Request do not rise to the level of a
separation-of-powers violation, I conclude that the burdens borne by
the Executive Branch are more severe and warrant much closer scrutiny
than my colleagues have given them,” she said, adding later that the
potential of Congress to threaten a sitting president with a
post-presidency request “in order to influence the President while in
office should not be dismissed so quickly.”

Roberts ordered Neal and other respondents, including the IRS, to
respond to Trump’s application on or before Nov. 10 by noon.

A spokesperson for Neal did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Roberts received the application because he oversees the District of
Columbia appeals court.

Roberts can decide on the application himself or refer the matter to
the full Supreme Court.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-10-25 Thread grarpamp
> Biden the Creepy Pedo

Joe Biden, the nipple pinching creepy cloaca mouthed abuser,
caught on video, again...

Joe Biden Has Been Excoriated by Critics on Social Media After The US
President Appeared to Attempt Another "sniffing" While at a
Baskin-Robbins Store Over The Weekend.

Fucking sick angry psychopath, and what makes it
worse is that the people in the USA voted for this.

Dude fuck the politics, fuck the color of your skin and any other
divisive topic.
If as a logically minded adult you don’t see anything wrong with this,
you’re too far gone.
That is straight up animalistic lust Biden has for that child and this
shit has gone way to far. I can’t even imagine what happens behind
closed doors if he is this confident to do shit like this in public.

What I think is lost in the 'compilations' is the creepy predatory
behavior he displays as they setup the shots - he immediately goes for
the youngest girl, pulls them to him and places them in certain
positions. Its a like a creepy dominance thing going on and its
fucking spine chilling when you see it repeated again. and again. and

Joe Biden feels comfortable grabbing, molesting and sniffing little
girls in public. Makes you wonder, what's he comfortable doing behind
closed doors?

What's perhaps more worrying than this creepy behaviour, is that his
often radical left defenders of this predatory behaviour will invade
this post.

Democrats deny the obvious...

> 450GB Pedo Biden Data Dump
> Joe Biden (aka Agent of the Destroyers of America, and Illegitimate
> President)
> envisaged himself as being the novel KGB spy "Peter Henderson".
> Hunter Biden admitted Joe Biden's pedophilia by listing him numerous
> times in his phone contact list as "Pedo Peter"...
> "Inappropriate showers with my father... molested  -- Ashley Biden"
> "Joe biden pinched my nipple  -- Maria Piacesi"
> Creepy Pedo Biden
> "She was 12, I was 30.  -- Joe Biden"

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-10-20 Thread grarpamp
Joe Biden, his woke Admin, and Dem Pols are
fucking idiots engaging in massive risks to US national
stability for political power purposes. Same for Globalists.

Polls show both at the most distrusted and disapproval ratings ever.

> Politically based mismanagement approaching strategic failure,
> when the buffer tanks and inflows drop, you're fucked...

SPR @ 405/714MBbl -37  a/o Oct 14  Only 20 days buffer remaining

> As everyone knows by know, to avoid a bloodbath at the midterms and
> daily records in gasoline prices, the Biden administration has
> dispatched about 1 million barrels of oil per day from Strategic
> Petroleum Reserve (SPR) stockpiles this year to lower fuel prices and
> pare energy inflation ahead of midterm elections in November, a move
> which would prove to be a catastrophic blunder

Oil (and Green) are TOP-SECRET, the planet's politicians
are playing games and lying. Expect more chaos due to them.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-10-02 Thread grarpamp
Election mules been getting convicted over time,
safety of the herd unlikely to last past midterms,
history tends people squeal on programs when
such timeframes pass.

Democrat gets 30 months in prison for ballot stuffing election fraud.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-09-29 Thread grarpamp Tranzformed: Finding Peace
With Your God Given Gender

> Currently, with school children being indoctrinated with transgender
> ideology and some communities having drag queens come in full garb to do
> story time, or instructions being sent home with kindergarteners about
> masturbation, Dillon believes sane people need to voice their opposition
> because this is harmful to young developing minds.
> “There's a moral obligation you have as a parent to insulate your
> children from things that would corrupt their innocence to the extent
> that you can. You certainly don't want to be exposing them to it, or
> indoctrinating them, or trying to normalize behavior that you know is
> lewd or indecent,” he said.
> Dillon said he is shocked that more people are not outraged about this
> type of indoctrination, sexualization, and grooming of young children.
> The people doing the indoctrination are “pretty open about their
> motivations and their purpose, their mission is to stir up the queer
> imagination in children,” said Dillon.
> “What Libs of TikTok is doing is, I think, important journalistic work
> that a lot of journalists are neglecting,” said Dillon. And the reason
> the left has targeted the account is that it is exposing their amoral
> agenda


Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-09-23 Thread grarpamp
> Biden the Creepy Pedo
> 450GB Pedo Biden Data Dump
> Joe Biden (aka Agent of the Destroyers of America, and Illegitimate President)
> envisaged himself as being the novel KGB spy "Peter Henderson".
> Hunter Biden admitted Joe Biden's pedophilia by listing him numerous
> times in his phone contact list as "Pedo Peter"...
> "Inappropriate showers with my father... molested  -- Ashley Biden"
> "Joe biden pinched my nipple  -- Maria Piacesi" Creepy Pedo Biden
"She was 12, I was 30.  -- Joe Biden"


Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-09-12 Thread grarpamp
> More Election Fraud...

Citizen Investigators Find Fabricated Documents. Submitted to Georgia
State Elections Board

A majority of Americans are experiencing distrust in our elections in
the United States according to recent polling data.  What should be
simple counting machines are hidden behind extravagant coding,
“intellectual property” claims, and ownership by complex private
equity firms.

The federal government hasn’t updated their guidelines for these
machines and their “security” since years before the iPhone was in
existence.  And now we find out that one federal agency may actually
be fabricating documents to cover for their inadequacies.   This
should not be a partisan issue: these machines must go.

The fact that the Elections Assistance Commission Commission (EAC) did
not have a valid accreditation certificate for voting machine testing
laboratory Pro V&V prior to the 2020 election has been disclosed in
numerous court cases and testimony to state legislatures.  Yet,
somehow, they seem to ignore this incredible fact.  The Gateway Pundit
 reported on this previously while also talking about the conflict of
interest that exists with these “testing” labs being paid by the
companies they are “testing” for.

But last month, a new discovery was made by citizens investigating the
disastrous 2020 election that was riddled with fraud, violations of
state and federal laws, chain of custody violations, and destruction
of evidence.  Citizen investigators Kevin Moncla and David Cross
discovered that not only was Pro V&V not properly accredited, the
coverup to make it seem like they were involved the falsification of
documents by EAC Testing and Certification Director, Jerome Lovato.

According to an official complaint submitted by Moncla and Cross to
the Georgia State Elections Board in August, their investigation “has
uncovered evidence which calls into question, not only the validity of
Georgia’s voting system certification, but the accreditation of the
Voting System Testing Laboratory, and the credibility of the EAC

TRENDING: UPDATE on President Trump's Surprise Trip to Washington DC
-- Another Day of Liberal Tears...

According to their official complaint (“the Complaint”):

Pro V&V’s EAC Voting System Testing Lab Accreditation expired in 2017.
EAC officials have falsely misrepresented the accreditation status of
Pro V&V and have gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal the fact
that Pro V&V’s accreditation was expired for an extended period of

Records and analysis strongly suggest that the EAC fabricated
documents on behalf of Pro V&V then posted those documents
on the EAC website. Seemingly this was done in an effort to
make it appear as though the required documents had been timely
Following the 2020 General Election, the EAC falsely claimed
that the reason Pro V&V’s accreditation certificate(s) had not
been issued was because of:

 Delays caused by COVID-19
Administrative Error
Accreditation wasn’t revoked
Georgia’s current voting system was not certified in accordance with
the Help America Vote Act. The voting system Georgia purchased
was not tested by an EAC accredited Voting System Testing Lab as
required thereby rendering the EAC certification invalid based upon
the established requirements.

The significance of the EAC fabricating documents on behalf of Pro V&V
not only further exacerbates the public distrust in this federal
organization, it also calls into question whether the Dominion
machines in Georgia were ever certified, seeing as how they are brand
new and were never used prior to Pro V&V’s last certificate of

According to the Complaint:

On September 11, 2019, an attorney representing the Coalition for Good
Governance in a
pending federal lawsuit (Curling v. Raffensperger) sent an email to
Ryan Germany, General
Counsel for the Georgia Secretary of State. The email inquired about
the accreditation
status of Pro V&V who had tested Georgia’s Dominion Democracy Suite
5.5A(G) voting
system that the EAC had subsequently certified. Specifically, the
email states in part:

“3. Finally, we understand that Pro V+V served as the testing agent for the
EAC and also to provide some functional testing for the State’s certification
of the BMD system. We have been unable to find a current EAC certificate
of accreditation for Pro V+V. The certificates seem to have been removed
from the EAC website, and the latest ones we can locate expired in 2017.
Can you please advise whether Pro V+V is an accredited testing lab,
certified by the EAC?

Under the Pro V&V records page on the EAC website, there was a
document posted 6 days after the Ryan Germany letter reference

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-09-12 Thread grarpamp
More Election Fraud...

Minivan with Indiana Plates at Detroit Satellite Voting Center Several
Hours After Polls Closed On Election Day 2020 [VIDEO]

On the evening of the 2020 election, a full 3 hours and 15 minutes
after the polls closed in Michigan, a white male dressed in a white
shirt and black pants can be seen on drop box surveillance footage at
the Heilmann Satellite Voting Center in Detroit working with a black
male dressed all in black to load what appears to be thousands of
absentee ballots into a minivan with Indiana license plates.

The two men are seen rolling a flatbed filled with 13 postal trays
used to transfer ballots in Detroit, 3 large (heavy) storage
containers, and a large filled blue bag with red straps (we believe
this bag was used to transfer ballots from satellite voting centers,
potentially to the Detroit City Clerk’s office), and two open boxes
filled with absentee ballots into the back of a black minivan that is
backed up next to the drop box. It should be mentioned that, according
to a thorough examination of the surveillance tapes by MC4EI, a scant
total of 95 ballots were deposited throughout the day on Election Day,
and only ONE ballot was dropped off after 6 pm on Election Day—so,
where is this massive haul of ballots coming from?

When they are finished loading the contents of the flatbed, which
includes several large black containers that are so heavy it requires
two people to load them into the back of the minivan, they close the
doors, and ONE person drives away, ALONE—with a van filled with
thousands of ballots almost 3.5 hours after the polls have closed.

The number of ballots estimated to be inside the postal trays (if they
are filled) is about 4,550. This number does not include the ballots
shown inside the open boxes (1 USPS box and one cardboard box) where
ballots are openly displayed inside, the blue bag with red straps, or
the 3 very heavy black storage bins that are loaded into the van.

TRENDING: UPDATE on President Trump's Surprise Trip to Washington DC
-- Another Day of Liberal Tears...

Aside from an unreadable lanyard worn around the neck of the white
male in the white shirt and a “City of Detroit” magnet affixed to the
passenger side front door of the van, there is no evidence that the
person or the vehicle with Indiana license plates used to transport
thousands of ballots just before midnight on Election Day was

It’s also worth noting that the man dressed in black walks past the
minivan on the way to the parking lot as the man in the white shirt
gets into the driver’s seat and pulls away from the voting center by
himself. No chain of custody—no witnesses to say where those ballots
were taken—and definitely no security for thousands of ballots from
the hotly contested 2020 election.

The MC4EI team tasked with reviewing 16,000 hours of surveillance
footage has painstakingly counted every ballot dropped into the drop
box at the Heilmann voting center and determined that only 95 ballots
were dropped at the drop box for the entire day. There were 6 pickups
of ballots by election officials on Election Day, and after 6 pm, only
ONE ballot was deposited into the Zuckerberg-funded drop box.
Additionally, the number of people who entered the satellite voting
center throughout the day on Election Day 2020 was also nowhere near
the estimated number of ballots seen being hauled away from the
Heilmann Center after 11 pm on Election Day in the black minivan with
Indiana license plates.

This isn’t the first time we’ve witnessed “voter irregularities” at
the Heilmann Satellite Voting Center.  On May 26, 2022, The Gateway
Pundit and 100 Percent Fed Up released video footage showing two women
working in unison to drop an estimated 50 ballots into the drop box.
One woman deposited the massive stack of ballots while the other
recorded her with her phone.

Note that throughout the video, both women who are OUTDOORS are
wearing face masks, but when they get back inside the vehicle, the
woman wearing the scrubs, who is also the driver, can be seen pulling
the face mask down below her chin as they exit the parking lot. Is she
removing her face mask because COVID is less transmissible inside a
vehicle when she’s in close proximity with the passenger than when she
was walking outdoors to the ballot drop box? Or is the mask just a
great way to cover their faces as they drop a large stack of what
appears to be absentee ballots into a drop box with surveillance
cameras positioned above?

Even more curious than the women recording their massive dump of
absentee ballots into the drop box at Heilmann is the video that we
released on August 6, 2022, showing several tabulators being delivered
to the Heilmann sat

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-09-10 Thread grarpamp
> Twitter, FaceBook, and YouTube are all censoring the fuck
> out of everyone now, you let the door of corporate censorship
> open, now you're utterly screwed.
> Much statistical analysis on fraud is coming out, here's one...
> ref: /pol

Computers do exactly what they're told to do and nothing more.
Election Fraud.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-09-08 Thread grarpamp
Politically based mismanagement approaching strategic failure,
when the buffer tanks and inflows drop, you're fucked...

SPR @ 442/714MBbl -43  new low not seen since 1984

As everyone knows by know, to avoid a bloodbath at the midterms and
daily records in gasoline prices, the Biden administration has
dispatched about 1 million barrels of oil per day from Strategic
Petroleum Reserve (SPR) stockpiles this year to lower fuel prices and
pare energy inflation ahead of midterm elections in November, a move
which would prove to be a catastrophic blunder if China were to invade
Taiwan in the near future.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-09-08 Thread grarpamp
>> Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Elections.
> Facebook and the Biden Administrations arranged weekly/monthly calls
> to discuss what to censor on the platform.

German Diplomat Who Mocked Trump At UN Suddenly Silent As President's
'Russian Energy' Warning Comes True

Media gets caught admitting Censorship Bias, again...

Watch: MSNBC Reporter Says It's "Deeply Dangerous" To Cover "Both
Sides" Of A Story

MSNBC reporter Mehdi Hasan declared Wednesday that it is “deeply
dangerous” for a news network to cover “both sides” of any story.

“There are two words we need to remove from our media vocabulary right
now and that is ‘both sides,’” Hasan said during an interview with
former New York Times reporter Ben Smith.

Hasan continued, “This fundamental crutch, this reliance on ‘both
sides’ as a kind of lazy way of covering our political moment is
deeply dangerous.”

“There are a bunch of major issues on which there are not both sides,”
Hasan further proclaimed, stating “There are not both sides on climate
change. There are not both sides on white supremacy. There are not
both sides to democracy. Ben, there are not both sides on the

“On the big issues of our time, on whether people should be able to
vote, on whether they should be able to get to a ballot box, on
whether one party should be able to overturn elections, no there are
not both sides,” Hasan further asserted.


"There are two words we need to remove from our media vocabulary
right now & that is 'both sides.' This crutch, this reliance on 'both
sides' as a kind of lazy way of covering our political moment is
deeply dangerous."

My comments to @semaforben this morning in DC - watch/share:
— Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) September 7, 2022

There are “both sides” to the idea that there is a civil war already
underway though right? Because that is what MSNBC has been doing for
the past month since Joe Biden labelled half the country
“semi-fascist” and then a violent extremist threat to the soul of the

There are also “both sides” to just broadcasting complete conjecture
about some sort of connection between dead CIA assets and Trump
holding sensitive documents:

MSNBC's @JoyAnnReid says there could be a connection between
classified documents at Mar-a-Lago and CIA assets who were killed in
2021: "They did happen at a time when Trump did have custody of some
really sensitive information"
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 5, 2022

NBC's @glennkirschner2: "They could be arresting Donald Trump
because they have probable cause plus, plus, plus — arrest him,
Mirandize him, and ... interrogate him. If he waives his Miranda
rights, extract from him information that can protect our national
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 5, 2022

Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) on the federal judge who appointed a
special master to review materials the FBI took from Mar-a-Lago:
"She’s biassed and corrupt."
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 5, 2022

There are also “both sides” to the Russian collusion story. One side
was the fact that there was no Russian collusion, according to Special
counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, and the other is stating for
six years now that Trump is a Russian agent. True to Hasan’s wishes,
MSNBC, of course, only covered one side of that story.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-09-06 Thread grarpamp
Huh? Biden Screams That He "Beat Pharma This Year"

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

During a Labor Day speech in Milwaukee Monday, Joe Biden screamed that
he “beat pharma this year” despite the fact that he provided billions
in record profits for the pharmaceutical industry by attempting to
enforce vaccine mandates.


Pres. Biden hails bill putting cap on out-of-pocket prescription
drug costs for Medicare recipients: "We beat Pharma this year! And it
mattered! We're going to change people's lives."
— ABC News (@ABC) September 5, 2022

Biden repeated the claim at a second speech in Pittsburgh:

Biden: "I have been fighting pharma for my entire career, my
entire career, and we finally beat pharma!"

Back in the real world, big pharma have raked in record amounts of
money since he took office off the back of the plandemic.
— Ioan Haboczki (@haboczki) September 6, 2022

A few violent extremists took issue with Biden’s claim:

Biden didn't beat Big Pharma; he invited them into the WH
— mjsb (@mjsb143) September 6, 2022

Crooked Biden beat Pharma this year by transferring tens of
billions to their packets.
— A My Burakami (@JohnOrlinski) September 6, 2022

I’m confused why is Biden super angry yelling here? Also what does
he mean by beat pharma??? What did we beat as I’m sure big pharma has
profited so much from these poison vaccines
— Coollatiaslatios (@pikachusandile8) September 6, 2022

Biden: “we beat Pharma this year”

Apparently another teleprompter mistake. The correct line was “we
helped Pharma beat their earning estimates this year”
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) September 5, 2022

Oh, you beat pharma, @potus.

I’m sorry, I meant to say you helped pharma beat record profits!
— Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) September 5, 2022

Biden: "We Beat Pharma this year and it Mattered"

Was that before or after they mandated the Jab, gave them
trillions of dollars, and voted them immunity from prosecution?

No One has been Beaten, except for US Tax Paying Citizens!!!
— Chuck Sharp (@Chuck69i) September 6, 2022

“I have been fighting pharma for my entire career—my entire
career—and we finally beat pharma!” ~ Joe Biden

FunFact: Donors from pharmaceutical industry contributed $6.3
million to the 2020 campaign of Joe Biden ( this is just the official
— The Poll Lady (@ThePollLady) September 6, 2022

It took less than one year for Joe Biden to go from "Pandemic of
the unvaccinated" to "we beat pharma this year"
— Rising serpent 🇺🇸 (@rising_serpent) September 6, 2022

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-09-06 Thread grarpamp
> Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Elections.

Facebook and the Biden Administrations arranged weekly/monthly calls
to discuss what to censor on the platform.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-09-06 Thread grarpamp
Americans live in a world where "Make America Great Again"
is now considered Extremism and a Domestic Terrorist Ideology Biden and Xi Drink To Communist Control

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-09-01 Thread grarpamp
> At least 2.5 Million illegals crossed US border,

Biden-Dems have a problem when the Border Agents
they control turn against them and start speaking the facts...

Will David Barrett order his woke corporation to
feed and shelter all the migrants he voted to import?

Border Patrol Agents: White House Press Secretary Is Either "Extremely
Dumb Or Flat-Out Lying" About Migrant Crisis

Border Patrol agents have described White House Press Secretary Karine
Jean-Pierre as “extremely dumb” following her claims earlier this week
that migrants are not “walking across” the southern border.

As we highlighted, Jean-Pierre sparred with Fox News reporter Peter
Doocy who asked her “Somebody unvaccinated comes over on a plane, you
say that’s not okay. Somebody walks into Texas or Arizona
unvaccinated, they’re allowed to stay?”

The Press Secretary asserted that “That’s not how it works. It’s not
like someone walks over,” to which Doocy shot back “That’s exactly
what is happening! Thousands of people are walking in a day.”

Colleague @pdoocy is 100% correct. That is exactly what is
happening at the border.
Not sure how many more videos we have to show, multiple times a
day, to get this point across. And that doesn’t even account for the
more than half a million gotaways who slipped thru since 10/1.
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) August 29, 2022

The back and forth between the two continued Wednesday as Doocy
pointed out that there is a Fentanyl epidemic being fuelled by illegal
border crossings:

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: "I just want to talk about how you're saying
that there, you know there just, the border right and how the border,
whatever you just stated."

"People are coming in, fentanyl is coming in, people are dying"

JEAN-PIERRE: "Hold on."
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 31, 2022

MSNBC: “U.S. drug overdose deaths reached an all-time high in 2021”

“One special FBI agent from San Diego described it this way,
saying ‘there is no doubt we are in the middle of a fentanyl crisis at
the hands of criminal enterprises transcending our borders’”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 31, 2022

Fox News reports that Border Patrol agents responded to Jean-Pierre’s
comments with disbelief.

“How out of touch can this administration possibly be?” one agent said
adding, “Well, I guess this is a new level.”

“There’s only two reasons she said that, and that is either she is
extremely dumb or she is flat-out lying and hopes America is so stupid
we would believe her,” another agent commented.

The agent continued, “18 USC 1001 says it is a federal crime to
knowingly make false statements to the U.S. government. Too bad the
government is not held to the same standard as the citizenry, and that
is assuming [Jean-Pierre] is not dumb but just a liar.”

Another agent told the network “She is absolutely ignorant to the
reality of all the documented footage or just continuing [Homeland
Security Secretary Alejandro] Mayorkas’ delusional lie,” adding that
“This administration must believe that the American people are fools
like their mainstream media comrades.”

“Has [Jean-Pierre] ever visited the actual border to see for herself
what is happening? Nope,” another agent proclaimed.

National Border Patrol Council president Brandon Judd urged that “I
watch these people walk across the border every single day. We see it.
It’s disgusting what we’re seeing. And she knows exactly what’s
happening. But she’s deflecting. She’s lying. She knows that the
mainstream media isn’t going to cover this issue.”

Judd continued, “They don’t care that hundreds of thousands of people
are dying because of drug overdoses because of these illegal
immigrants that are coming across the borders illegally, that the
cartels then create the opportunities. They don’t care what is
currently happening. They know that it’s not hurting them. So, they’re
going to continue to lie to the American pub

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-09-01 Thread grarpamp
> Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Elections.

Who can deny that this Democrat Deep-State Censorship Programme
alone stole at least 5% from Trump... that doesn't include all
the Bias-Censorship in the News Media... all of it is Election Fraud...

Will David Barrett continue denying truths?

Twitter, Facebook Regularly Coordinated With Biden Admin To Censor Users

Newly released internal emails from Facebook and Twitter show an
extensive effort to coordinate with the Biden administration to censor
users, according to a Thursday release of information by GOP Attorneys
General Eric Schmitt of Missouri and Jeff Landry of Louisiana.

Throughout the emails, officials within the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) and Health and Human Services (HHS) emailed Facebook
and Twitter employees with instructions on flagging instances of
alleged misinformation, and guided them with talking points to counter
allegedly false narratives on the platforms.

In one instance, a CDC official asked Facebook for monthly meetings to
plan "debunking" strategies, while in another case a White House
official requested the removal of an Anthony Fauci parody account.

🚨 According to newly released emails obtained by state AGs,
Facebook & the Biden admin arranged weekly/monthly calls to discuss
what to censor on the platform.
— Vince Coglianese (@VinceCoglianese) September 1, 2022

"We have already received a number of documents that clearly prove
that the federal government has an incestuous relationship with social
media companies and clearly coordinate to censor freedom of speech,
but we’re not done," said Schmitt in a joint statement. " The
Department of Justice is cowering behind executive privilege and has
refused to turn over communications between the highest-ranking Biden
Administration officials and social media companies. That’s why,
yesterday, we asked the Court to compel the Department of Justice to
produce those records. We’re just getting started – stay tuned."

🚨In May, We filed a landmark lawsuit against top ranking Biden
Admin. officials for colluding with social media companies to censor
free speech. We have already received documents that show their cozy
relationship, and now we’re demanding more. 🧵
— Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) September 1, 2022

More via AG Schmitt's Thursday release:

The communications already provided by the Department of Justice to
the plaintiff states show, as the joint statement points out, a vast
“Censorship Enterprise” across a multitude of federal agencies. In
response to Missouri and Louisiana’s interrogatories, defendants
identified 45 federal officials at DHS, CISA, the CDC, NIAID, and the
Office of the Surgeon General (all of which are contained in either
DHS or HHS) that communicate with social media platforms about
“misinformation” and censorship. The joint statement points out, “But
in those responses, Defendants did not provide information about any
federal officials at other federal agencies of whom they are aware who
engage in such communications with social-media platforms about
misinformation and censorship, though Plaintiffs had specifically
asked for this highly relevant information. Defendants’ document
production, however, reveals that such officials at other federal
agencies exist—for example, their emails include extensive copying of
officials at the Census Bureau, and they also include communications
involving the Departments of Treasury and State.”

Beyond the Department of Justice’s production, “Meta, for example, has

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-31 Thread grarpamp
> The Real Story Behind the FBI’s Censorship of Hunter Biden’s Laptop
> We now know with certainty that the FBI actively worked to alter the
> outcome of a U.S. presidential election.

Can This Be Happening In America?

We have familiar experience of the phenomenon of what are clearly
intolerable circumstances being tolerated if they worsened only
gradually. Everyone has looked back on a grueling experience and
thought that it could not have been endured had the individual known
how unpleasant it would become. No matter how familiar anyone may be
with the horrors of the Nazi regime, it remains to us inconceivable
that the culture of Beethoven and Goethe could have committed such

The United States has now reached the point where the sequence of
outrageous and unconstitutional measures that have occurred in the
last six years would have been inconceivable six years ago.
The seal of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is seen outside of its
headquarters in Washington on Aug. 15, 2022. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via
Getty Images)

It’s unimaginable that anyone who has ever been nominated for
president by a serious American political party could be an
intelligence asset for a foreign power. We now know that there has
never been one scintilla of evidence remotely hinting that Donald
Trump was guilty of any such offense, or that he had any inappropriate
relations or even a particular regard for the government of Russia.
Yet for over two years it was endlessly bandied about that Trump had
been “groomed” by Russian agents like the Manchurian Candidate to
debase the presidency of the United States into boot-licking
subordination to the national interest of Russia. The former directors
of the National and Central Intelligence Agencies, James Clapper and
John Brennan, solemnly told national audiences that Trump was a
Russian intelligence agent and was guilty of treason in favor of the

Both these senior officials on occasion allegedly lied to Congress but
were never prosecuted. Former FBI Director James Comey, who improperly
removed government property from his office, improperly leaked
confidential information to the media, improperly presumed to decide
that Hillary Clinton should not be prosecuted for destroying 33,000
emails that were under subpoena from Congress, signed a false
affidavit in support of a FISA warrant to conduct illegal telephone
intercepts on the Trump campaign, and supported the pretense that the
infamous Steele dossier, which he knew to be a pastiche of lies and
defamations, was authentic intelligence, indicating the guilt of Trump
of unlawful collusion with the Russian government. The ranking
Democrat on the House intelligence committee, Rep. Adam Schiff
(D-Calif.), and other Democrats repeated ad nauseam that they had
conclusive evidence of Trump’s guilt. They lied. The inspector general
of the Justice Department recorded 17 separate instances of improper
official behavior. There has been no prosecution of any of this.

In all of pre-Trump U.S. history, there had been two impeachment
trials of presidents: Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998.
Neither of them should have occurred and both failed, but in the last
four years Trump was impeached twice, once for a telephone
conversation with the president of Ukraine in which he asked if the
Biden family and particularly the current president’s son Hunter Biden
had committed illegalities in Ukraine. He did not direct the verdict;
he did not ask for any incrimination of the Bidens. This was a
completely inadequate pretext for impeaching a president and yet he
was impeached, and on one count 49 senators including a former
Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, did vote Trump guilty,
though he was, of course, acquitted. And at the end of his term, he
was impeached again for having allegedly fomented an insurrection even
though the FBI director had already testified that there was no
evidence that Trump or his campaign organization or his administration
were connected in any way to the trespass and the vandalism that
occurred at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and Trump requested and
offered extra security, but this was declined by House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi and Washington mayor Muriel Bowser.

The various comprehensive accumulations of evidence about the behavior
of Hunter Biden incite the strong inference that he has committed a
number of illegalities and that the president repeatedly lied to the
public about his own connections to his son’s activities. There is no
evidence that U.S. official conduct was altered in respect of Ukraine,
China, or other countries, in consideration for bribes paid to the
Biden family. But there seems to be no doubt the current president and
his family were engaged in improper activity that not only allegedly
involves sub

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-31 Thread grarpamp
>> While the secret documents content would bigly expose something,
>> the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...
> Analysts say President Trump has a right to keep documents
> that he worked with as a public figure in public office for his
> own personal record reference and use as seen fit, including
> whether they be mentally or more formally declassified or not,
> or for exculpatory or providing defense or exposing others
> or any other use or reason, subject only to maintenance
> of any classification level he gave or demoted them to.
> See Presidential Authority, Presidential Library, etc.

Ex-FBI Intelligence Chief Says DOJ Has ‘No Case’ Against Trump

A former assistant director in the FBI said he believes the affidavit
used to obtain a search warrant of former President Donald Trump’s
Mar-a-Lago reveals the government has “no case” against him.

“We now know why the DOJ wanted the affidavit—which is supposed to
articulate the probable cause needed for a legitimate search—to be
kept under seal,” wrote Kevin R. Brock, the former assistant director
of intelligence for the FBI and principal deputy director of the
National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), in an opinion piece published

The affidavit was ordered released by a U.S. magistrate judge last
week in response to court filings submitted by media outlets and third
parties. The legal document, however, was heavily redacted and
revealed very little about what the FBI agents were searching for on
Aug. 8 and why.

“First,” Brock wrote, “the affidavit confirmed that the FBI’s
investigation was triggered in January 2022 at the request of the
National Archives, which wanted certain documents, especially
classified documents, that it considered to be presidential records to
be turned over to it by Trump.” But there appears to be nothing “in
the affidavit asserting a refusal by Trump to cooperate,” he wrote.

“Second, from what I have seen, I don’t believe the affidavit
articulates how a federal law was or is being broken. For those who
hold out hope that the affidavit’s redacted sections fill that gap,
there is almost no chance that they do,” he continued.

The legal document’s probable cause arguments only deal with “half of
what is needed to show a possible violation of the federal statutes
that are cited in the warrant,” Brock wrote, adding that based on his
experience, it’s unlikely the government will release more of the
redacted portions of the affidavit.
‘Cannot Be Proven’

In order to obtain a warrant, it’s not sufficient for the affidavit to
only argue that there is cause to believe Trump had allegedly
classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, the former official said.

At the same time, the unredacted portions do not make the case that
Trump wasn’t authorized to have the documents at his Florida

“A criminal violation of those statutes only exists if it can be
established that the person being investigated was not authorized to
possess, store, transfer or copy those documents,” Brock said. “This
is an easy element to establish against anyone in America. Except one

Trump and former aides have said that while president, he had a
standing order to declassify materials that left the White House’s
Oval Office and were sent to Mar-a-Lago.

Meanwhile, Trump wrote in October on his now-banned Twitter account
that he had declassified some FBI-related materials. He also issued an
order on Jan. 19, 2021, to declassify some FBI Crossfire Hurricane

“As president, he had broad, legally intimidating authority,
established by law and court determinations, to declassify any and all
documents and to determine what is and is not a presidential record,”
Brock wrote. “Trump and his legal team have asserted that this
authority was exercised while he was still president. Therefore, a
violation of these fairly low-level and seldom-prosecuted
document-oriented statutes cannot be proven.”

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-31 Thread grarpamp
The Real Story Behind the FBI’s Censorship of Hunter Biden’s Laptop

We now know with certainty that the FBI actively worked to alter the
outcome of a U.S. presidential election.

As the larger ramifications of their actions are being digested, some
additional questions come to mind. How did the FBI know the New York
Post was about to run a story on the laptop? Was the FBI’s coverup of
Hunter Biden’s laptop also related to President Donald Trump’s first
impeachment trial? And why is it that the FBI had a physical office
located within Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau since June

And finally the big question: Was the subsequent FBI investigation of
Hunter Biden designed to actually protect him and his father,
President Joe Biden—and, perhaps more importantly, protect the FBI?

In a letter to Inspector General Michael Horowitz, Sen. Ron Johnson
(R-Wis.) recently disclosed that whistleblowers alerted him that “FBI
officials intentionally undermined efforts to investigate Hunter

Johnson noted that after the FBI obtained Hunter Biden’s laptop,
“local FBI leadership told employees, ‘you will not look at that
Hunter Biden laptop.’”

The supposed reason given for this inaction? The FBI was “not going to
change the outcome of the election again,” which is certainly some
strange logic to use, because by choosing not to investigate the
Hunter Biden laptop, the FBI did, in fact, directly impact the outcome
of an election.

But as we now know, the truth is far worse than Johnson’s letter
indicates. During a now-infamous interview with Joe Rogan, co-founder
and CEO of Meta Platforms Mark Zuckerberg casually admitted that the
FBI approached FaceBook—just before the New York Post broke its story
on the Hunter laptop—warning of a pending dump of Russian

Bear in mind that the New York Post story broke in October 2020. The
FBI had physical possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop since at least
December 2019—almost a full eleven months—and they had likely seen the
laptop’s data several months earlier when they were contacted in July
2019 by the computer shop that first had the laptop

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-31 Thread grarpamp
> While the secret documents content would bigly expose something,
> the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...

Analysts say President Trump has a right to keep documents
that he worked with as a public figure in public office for his
own personal record reference and use as seen fit, including
whether they be mentally or more formally declassified or not,
or for exculpatory or providing defense or exposing others
or any other use or reason, subject only to maintenance
of any classification level he gave or demoted them to.
See Presidential Authority, Presidential Library, etc.

As to more politically motivated persecution and suppression...

Ex-Trump Aide Says DOJ Left His Name Unredacted in Affidavit to ‘Silence’ Him

Former Trump administration official Kash Patel said that the Justice
Department did not redact his name in its Mar-a-Lago affidavit for
political purposes and is trying to “silence” him.

Last week, a U.S. magistrate judge ordered the release of the
Department of Justice (DOJ) affidavit that was used to obtain an FBI
search warrant of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago. Much of
the document and names were redacted, but Patel’s was left unredacted.

Reacting to the DOJ’s decision, Patel told Just The News that the
agency “intentionally decided to politicize this affidavit for many

“But one, which I wasn’t even expecting them to do was put my name out
there, it added absolutely no value and violated every procedure at
the Department of Justice in relation to protecting parties and
people’s names,” he said in a recent interview.

It’s not clear why the DOJ chose not to keep Patel’s name covered up.
The only other person identified by name is longtime Rep. Carolyn
Maloney (D-N.Y.), the head of the House Oversight Committee who was
told by the National Archives about materials that were obtained
earlier this year from Mar-a-Lago. The Epoch Times has contacted the
agency for comment.

That was done “for a political effect, because they wanted to try to
silence me and President Trump and everybody else, and get the
mainstream media to threaten me, which it has done,” said Patel, a
former National Security Council and Pentagon official.

Earlier this month, DOJ officials argued against releasing the
affidavit and claimed that doing so would protect the integrity of
their investigation while saying it would also prevent witnesses from
coming forward.

But U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart, the same judge who signed
off on the FBI search warrant, asked prosecutors to submit a redacted
version. Reinhart also released the warrant and property receipt days
before, which showed that FBI agents took allegedly classified
materials from Trump’s Florida residence.

The affidavit, which redacted the reasons for the redactions, revealed
few new details about what prompted the raid on Aug. 8. It also did
not elaborate on what materials were taken and why it was necessary
for dozens of agents to search a former president’s home.

Both Trump and Patel said that the former president had a standing
order to declassify documents that left the Oval Office and went to
Mar-a-Lago. And Trump has pointed to a Jan. 19, 2021, executive order
that declassified some materials relating to the FBI Crossfire
Hurricane investigation.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-31 Thread grarpamp
> At least 2.5 Million illegals crossed US border

And hypocrite Democrats cry for help against
a severe problem they created...

'Sanctuary City' NYC Buckles As Migrant Hotel, Intake Center Plans Fall Apart

While New York City signaled plenty of virtue over their "sanctuary
city" status, the Big Apple failed to put their money where their
mouth is when it comes to actual resources, and are currently drowning
amid a surge in illegal immigrants after Texas began sending busloads
of border crossers.
NYC mayor seeks federal help as Texas buses migrants to city

Now, the Department of Homeless Services tells the NY Post that it's
abandoned a plan to operate an intake and processing center for the
new arrivals, alongside a 600-room shelter at the ROW NYC hotel on 8th
Ave. in Midtown - a yet-to-open facility that was supposed to be up
and running two weeks ago.

DHS also admitted that it has yet to select and rent any of the
5,000 hotel rooms the agency said it is seeking to house migrants
across the city.

Instead, officials are continuing to commingle migrants with New
Yorkers in the city’s existing shelter system — which now includes 15
“emergency” hotel facilities to also help handle a summer population
surge, according to the DSS on Friday.

City Hall has refused to say how much the city is spending on
housing migrants in the homeless-system hotels, but a Post analysis
found the cost could surpass $300 million. -NY Post

"We were already facing a crisis of homelessness in New York City when
the flow of these migrant families started in earnest," said homeless
rights advocacy lawyer, Josh Goldfein with Legal Aid.

"We’ve always had asylum seekers in the New York City shelter system,
so that is not new. But obviously, the volume increased."
Migrants from Texas arrive at the Port Authority bus terminal in New
York, on Aug. 17, 2022. (Jeenah Moon/Reuters)

North of 6,000 migrants have sought shelter in New York City since
May, many of whom were bused in by Tex. Gov. Greg Abbott.

The influx of migrants led to NYC Mayor Eric Adams appealing to the
White House for assistance - financial and otherwise - a call which
has gone unanswered. According to an official with knowledge of the
city's efforts, Adams' admin has also reached out to the US Conference
of Mayors for help.

We assume he was met with extra-quiet crickets.

"“If [Adams] can’t find a place for [the migrants] to go, it looks
like he can’t manage. Throw it on top of the crime pile, and it looks
like he can’t control the city," political consultant Hank Sheinkopf
told the Post on Sunday.

"If Adams has not resolved this by the late fall, he will have a big
problem. A failure to resolve this as the weather changes is going to
be a real problem for the mayor," he added.

"It’s a public-relations disaster, and there’s no indication that
Abbott is going to stop sending people here."

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-31 Thread grarpamp
At least 2.5 Million illegals crossed US border,
meanwhile South Africa chants "Kill The Boers, Kill Whitey"
and hypocrite US Progs refuse to call that racism...

Watch: Reporter Asks White House "How Come Migrants Are Allowed In
Unvaxx'd, But World-Class Tennis Players Aren't?"

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy made another salient point Monday when
he asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to explain why
unvaccinated migrants are walking into the country every day, but
tennis star Novak Djokovic has been denied energy to compete in the
U.S. Open.

Doocy asked Jean-Pierre “How come migrants are allowed to come into
this country unvaccinated, but world-class tennis players are not?”

Of course Jean-Pierre had no answer as usual, stating that “The U.S.
government cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases.”

She added that “Due to privacy reasons, the U.S. also does not comment
on medical information of individual travelers as it relates to this
tennis player.”

She then claimed that only the CDC can answer the question and “This
is something that they decide.”

Jean-Pierre also stated that migrants coming into the U.S. and
visitors to the country are “two different things”.

Doocy followed up, asking “Somebody unvaccinated comes over on a
plane, you say that’s not okay. Somebody walks into Texas or Arizona
unvaccinated, they’re allowed to stay?”

“That’s not how it works. It’s not like someone walks over,”
Jean-Pierre replied.

“That’s exactly what is happening!” Doocy shot back, urging that
“Thousands of people are walking in a day. Some of them turn
themselves over. Some of them are caught. Tens of thousands a week are
not. That is what is happening.”


Watch what happens when Peter Doocy asks Karine Jean-Pierre why
illegal aliens are released into the country even if they don't have
the COVID vaccine, but Novak Djokovic isn't allowed in for the U.S.
— John Cooper (@thejcoop) August 29, 2022

Last month, organizers of the U.S. Open confirmed that Wimbledon
champion Djokovic wouldn’t be allowed to compete at the tournament due
to the Biden administration’s ban on unvaccinated foreign nationals
entering the country.

Ironically, the event’s official website states that “at this time,
ticket holders will not be required to show proof of COVID vaccination
for admission into the US Open.”

The Serbian, who has won the tournament three times before, opted not
to risk traveling and experiencing a repeat of his atrocious treatment
by authorities in Australia, which ended up in him being deported.

Commenting recently on the situation, American tennis legend John
McEnroe described it as a “joke” that Djokovic is still not allowed to
compete in the US Open due to his vaccination status.

“At this point, in the pandemic, we’re two-and-a-half years in, I
think people in all parts of the world know more about it, and the
idea that he can’t travel here to play, to me is a joke,” said

Meanwhile, The Border Patrol are literally unlocking gates for illegal
immigrants to walk into the country and get bussed to cities like New

According to data from Customs and Border Protection, more than two
million people have attempted to cross the border in the 2022 fiscal
year so far.

That figure equates to a 22 year high.

As Joe Concha concludes in an excellent op-ed, Tennis fans will be
robbed this week. Djokovic, who had been ranked No. 1 for 373
consecutive weeks (a record), will sit and watch someone else win a
title he’s captured three times.

We will someday look back on the COVID-19 era with such shame — shame
for what our leaders did in preventing our children from going to
school and requiring that they wear masks for years.

The same illogic applies to those who believe keeping Djokovic out of
the country and out of the Open is a good idea.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-31 Thread grarpamp
> Economists blasting Biden's Nonsense...

$2,000 ‘Inflation’ Stimulus Payments Should Be Sent Out: Pennsylvania Governor

The governor of Pennsylvania on Monday called on the state legislature
to provide $2,000 in stimulus payments for some families to “survive
inflation,” although such programs have been flagged by critics as
contributing to price pressures.

“I want to give Pennsylvanians the step up they need to survive
inflation and higher prices. So, $2,000 to any family, to families
making $80,000 dollars or less. We estimated that about 250,000
families will apply for this,” Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf said.

That’s the second time Wolf has attempted to get a bill passed that
would hand out payments, he added. The commonwealth can afford to do
so because it has an $800 billion economy, Wold asserted.

“So that’s a 500-million-dollar operation expense and it’s going to
provide needed buffers against high prices,” Wolf added, according to
Fox News. “And we hope prices are up temporarily, but it’s going to
give families some room to get back on their feet.”

Pennsylvania has “the ability to do this” due to Pennsylvania’s
finances, he said at an event in Sharpsburg, local media reported. “We
can actually help families get lifesaving medicine, out-of-state
funds. We can help families stay in their homes,” Wolf continued. “We
can help families afford to eat. Why on earth wouldn’t we do it?
Especially now again when we have the money sitting in the bank?”
Epoch Times Photo A 2021 file image of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf.
Republicans agreed to a new a new Congressional district map for the
state last month, but Wolf vetoed it.
(Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images)

The move is likely a political tactic ahead of the 2022 midterms. Wolf
and other Democrats will likely use the prospect of passing a bill
that authorizes $2,000 stimulus checks for lower-income individuals in
a bid to increase voter turnout.

“So I’m calling on Republican leaders in the General Assembly. We all
are calling on Republican leaders in the General Assembly to step up
and send this bill to my desk,” Wolf said. “Promise you I’ll sign it
quickly. Let’s put this cash back in the pockets of Pennsylvanians
where it belongs. Let’s help families get through this tough time.”

Other states have moved to send out stimulus checks and tax refunds
after the federal government pumped in billions of dollars in the form
of COVID-19 relief assistance in the past years. However, some state
legislators and officials said the stimulus checks are needed to
provide individuals with relief amid surging inflation as the Consumer
Price Index, according to federal officials, stood at 8.5 percent in

According to Christina Herrin from the nonprofit Citizens Against
Government Waste (CAGW), stimulus checks by states are a “fruitless
attempt to combat inflation.”

In a July 22 blog post, Herrin said that there is “no evidence” for
the claim that artificially pumping money into the economy will halt
inflation. The Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion America Rescue
Act, which included the third round of stimulus checks, was a
“significant factor” in pushing up inflation to four-decade highs, she

“A one-time payment for ‘inflation relief’ is far different than tax
rebates that many states are providing to all taxpayers based on
income. They are feel-good band-aids that will make everything more
expensive and keep inflation going longer than it would otherwise,”
Herrin said.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-31 Thread grarpamp
> Economists blasting Biden's Nonsense...

Peter Schiff: Biden Student Loan Forgiveness Scheme Fixes Nothing

President Joe Biden recently announced a student loan forgiveness
program. While it will provide some people a small amount of relief
from student loan debt, this $300 billion taxpayer-funded scheme does
nothing to address the underlying problem. In fact, it will exacerbate

The underlying problem is the high cost of a college education.

And why is college tuition so expensive?

The cost is directly linked to the widespread availability of student loans.

Forgiving a little bit of student debt doesn’t change the underlying
dynamics. Even as some people will see their debt balances decrease,
new students are borrowing money even as you read this article.

And of course, the federal government signaling that its willingness
to forgive debt won’t do anything to deter more borrowing. It will
only incentivize more student debt. As Peter Schiff pointed out in a
recent interview, loan forgiveness increases moral hazard. Moral
hazard means a lack of incentive to guard against risk because people
are protected from the consequences.

Remember, the only reason we have all these student loans is
because the government provided them or guaranteed them. The only
reason college is so expensive is because the government provides so
much money in the way of loans. But now that they start forgiving
loans, students are going to borrow more money than ever before.
Because the colleges are going to tell the students, ‘Hey, who cares
how much you borrow for college? You’re not going to have to pay any
of it back anyway. So, we’re going to double your tuition, and don’t
worry. Maybe we’ll throw in a free car.”

Schiff alludes to the root of the issue. The government is trying to
solve a problem that it created to begin with.

Somewhere along the line, the powers that be decided everybody needed
to go to college. So, the government created the federal student loan
program to make college “accessible for all.” But as with most
government programs, it failed to deliver as promised. The result
wasn’t more people going to college. It simply increased the cost of
tuition for those going to school. In effect, colleges and
universities were able to base their prices on the fact that students
can easily borrow money.

This isn’t merely theorizing. A paper published by the National Bureau
of Economic Research (NEBR) in 2015 found that a large percentage of
the increase in college tuition can be explained by increases in the
amount of available financial aid.

Economists Grey Gordon and Aaron Hedlund wrote their paper for the
NBER after creating a sophisticated model of the college market. When
they crunched the numbers, they found that the demand shock of
ever-increasing financial aid accounted for almost all of the tuition

Specifically, with demand shocks alone, equilibrium tuition rises
by 102%, almost fully matching the 106% from the benchmark. By
contrast, with all factors present except the demand shocks, net
tuition only rises by 16%. These results accord strongly with the
Bennett hypothesis, which asserts that colleges respond to expansions
of financial aid by increasing tuition.”

George Mason University economist Alex Tabarrok pointed out that
Gordon and Hedlund revealed the inevitable outcome of government
financial aid policy.

Remarkably, so much of the subsidy is translated into higher
tuition that enrollment doesn’t increase! What does happen is that
students take on more debt, which many of them can’t pay.”

A paper published by the Federal Reserve bank of New York came to the
same basic conclusion.

We find that institutions more exposed to changes in the
subsidized federal loan program increased their tuition
disproportionately around these policy changes, with a sizable
pass-through effect on tuition of about 65%.”

In a nutshell, the federal government raised the cost of a college
degree while destroying its value. Peter Schiff summed up the problem
several years ago during an interview with Tom Woods.

Government wanted to make college more affordable. They made it
more expensive. And at the same time, they destroyed the value of the
degree. It costs more to get a degree, and the degree is worth less,
because everyone now has one.”

Fast-forward to today and the problem has only grown larger. Student
loan debt i

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-30 Thread grarpamp
Progressive Policies Turning Chicago's Magnificent Mile Into Murderous Mile

Chicago is a beautiful city that used to be full of opportunity.

Tragically, this vibrant, once-thriving community is being destroyed
by the policies of leftist ideologues ruling the city and state: JB
Pritzker, Lori Lightfoot, and Kim Foxx.


Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-28 Thread grarpamp
> While the secret documents content would bigly expose something,
> the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...

Federal Judge Indicates Intent To Appoint Special Master For
Mar-a-Lago Document Review

Authored by Jonathan Turley via,

Since the start of the controversy over the Mar-a-Lago raid, I have
called for the release of a redacted affidavit and the appointment of
a special master to sort through the seized material, including
alleged attorney-client privileged material. Indeed, I felt that this
was one of the four failures of Attorney General Merrick Garland in
not taken proactive steps to assure that public that this was not a
pretextual raid to collect sensitive material for other investigative
purposes. Now, District Judge Aileen Cannon has indicated an intent to
make such an appointment. It was a belated request from the Trump team
but, as I wrote yesterday, it would still have considerable value in
the case.

Judge Cannon filed an order Saturday morning that “The Court hereby
provides notice of its preliminary intent to appoint a special master
in this case.”

Such an appointment should have been done before the Justice
Department reviewed the material. The Department sought a ridiculously
broad search warrant and Magistrate Paul Reinhart simply signed off on
the order without considering the wide array of privileged material
that could be seized. It adopted language so broad that it was the
legal version of Captain Jack Sparrow’s “Take what you can … Give
nothing back.” It allowed the seizure of any box containing any
document with any classification of any kind — and all boxes stored
with that box. It also allowed the seizure of any writing from Trump’s

However, a special master could still serve the same interests of
transparency and legitimacy. The special master could divide these
documents in classified material, unclassified but defense
information, and unclassified material outside of the scope of the
alleged crimes. The last category would then be returned.

That accounting could also offer basic descriptive information on the
material without revealing their precise content or titles. The
special master could describe material as related to national defense
or nuclear weapons (as was previously leaked government sources). The
government has already leaked that there was nuclear weapons material
being sought. Confirming such general details can be done without
giving details on the specific information or even titles for the
documents to protect national security. In national security cases,
including cases where I have served as counsel, such indexes and
summaries are common.

Once again, as with the release of the redacted affidavit, Garland
could have taken these steps to assure the public that the Department
was not acting for political or improper purposes — or using excessive
means to achieve those goals. He has refused every opportunity to do
so while chastising those who question the integrity of his

The release of the redacted affidavit shows that what Garland and his
Department told the public was untrue about the inability to release a
redacted affidavit without endangering the case or national security.
As discussed yesterday, the redacted affidavit confirmed various key
points on the legal and factual background. After opposing the release
of even a single line, the government released whole pages that were
manifestly suitable for public disclosure.

Once again, Garland waited to be forced to take this step rather than
act on his own to address widespread concerns. His department has a
documented history of officials misleading courts and filing false
material in Trump-related investigations. This is yet another example
of how Attorney General Garland has done little to earn the trust of
almost half of the country. In this and other controversies, he has
demanded respect but refused to take even modest measures to justify

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-28 Thread grarpamp
Even most corners of the internet are blasting Biden's Loan Nonsense...

Black People with Student Loan Debts Owe More Than White Borrowers,
Struggle More

The burden of student loan debt is especially heavy for Black and
Hispanic borrowers who on average have less family wealth to rely on
to pay for college. And the pandemic only made things worse.

This relief helps to narrow the racial wealth gap and advance racial equity.

— President Biden (@POTUS) August 25, 2022

The funny thing is, the blacks with student loan debt don’t even graduate.

Sending blacks to college is utterly ridiculous. I mean, I’m sure
there are some that qualify. Some, I assume, have IQs above 100. But
they would be rare.

But the government enabled these loans for the blacks, as if they were
going to graduate and become rocket surgeons.


Gabrielle Perry, a 29-year-old epidemiologist in New Orleans,
expects $20,000 of her $135,000 student loan debt to be wiped out
under the plan announced this week by President Joe Biden. She is
happy for the relief, but disappointed he isn’t fully canceling
student debt that weighs especially heavy on African Americans.

For her, it’s discouraging that Biden isn’t doing more to help a
constituency that played a critical role in his presidential campaign.
Perry, who cares for and financially supports her disabled mother,
said those obligations act as a societal tax on Black people,
preventing the growth of generational wealth.

“You are ensuring that your little brothers and sisters have what
they need for school,” Perry said. “You are helping your parents pay
off their rent, their house. So your quote-unquote wealth doesn’t even
have time to be built because you’re trying to help your family

Black borrowers on average carry about $40,000 in federal student
loan debt, $10,000 more than white borrowers, according to federal
education data. The disparity reflects a racial wealth gap in the U.S.
— one that some advocates say the debt relief plan does not do enough
to narrow.

One in four Black borrowers would see their debt cleared entirely
under the administration’s plan, which cancels $10,000 in federal
student loan debt for those with incomes below $125,000 a year, or
households that earn less than $250,000. The plan includes an
additional $10,000 in relief for Pell Grant recipients, who are more
than twice as likely to be Black.

But more work needs to be done to make higher education accessible
and affordable, said Wisdom Cole, national director of the NAACP Youth
& College Division.

“When we think about education and higher education,
fundamentally, it’s the promise of an equitable future,” Cole said.
“We have so many Black graduates who go through the system, graduate
and are not able to see that future because they disproportionately
risk taking out loans.”

Perry faced steep challenges to complete her education. Homeless
for nearly a year, she had to drop out of school and saw the interest
on her loans balloon. She also faced incarceration. Eventually, she
was able to get her record expunged and earned a master’s in public
health from Tulane University, graduating just in time for the
COVID-19 pandemic.

The pandemic-era freeze on student loan payments, combined with
raises at work, allowed Perry to achieve a sense of stability for the
first time in her life. She was able to pay off her car, help her
disabled mother, and start a nonprofit, the Thurman Perry Foundation,
that gives college scholarships to currently or formerly incarcerated
women and their daughters.

“That time with that payment pause, it didn’t just build up my
life,” Perry said. “It even helped me pull my mother out of poverty. I
got her into a safer place to live. It reverberated for people like
me. Because I know that there are other people living worse than what
I survived.”

Black students are more likely to take on debt to finance their
education, and in larger amounts, in part because of the wealth gap
that makes it less likely for Black families to be able to finance
their children’s education.

This student loan debt forgiveness is just a hoax – it’s obviously
designed to boost the Democrats in the mid-terms, and I’m sure it’s
popular, but all they’re doing is making taxpayers pay. Someone should
have to pay, but it should be the universities that came up with this
scheme in the first place. Universities are largely useless, and I
would fully support bankrupting them by forcing them to pay the
student loan debt of everyone who has graduated from their
institutions and failed to secure gainful employment.

The universities promise their degrees will lead to gainful
employment, and that doesn’t usually happen, so they are committing
fraud, and they should be sued by the government for the cost of these
student loans.

Right? That makes sense.

Taxpayers havin

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-28 Thread grarpamp
> Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Elections.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-27 Thread grarpamp
Joe Biden the two-face proud and angry asshole RACIST, throw him
in the garbage along with David Barrett CEO of Expensify.Com
who says that White Men are only worth $0.75 to
the $1.00 that he thinks everyone else is worth...

Democrat Owned Social Media Election Frauds were CensorBanning
these true videos in the months prior to the 2020 Elections.

Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Elections.

Joe Biden has not done an on-camera interview with an American
press outlet since February 10. Why? Because he's a Failure
and Fraud upon America since day oneand refuses to face up.

Joe Biden constantly disses the Military, that he Wokesterized
and turned into a failure that can't find enough recruits because of it...

Two Democrat Fuckups...

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-27 Thread grarpamp
Add in all the Fake News Media and Social Network Bias
and Censorship, 2 Russia and 2 Impeachment hoaxes,
that Biden was known Dementia Racist Pedo Basement Coward,
and much more... don't even need the fraudulent FBI and known
existant Vote Fraud to know that "10% For The Big Guy"
would have alone been enough to swing the needed 5%, so yes...

Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Elections.

8 In 10 Americans Think Hunter Biden Laptop Cover-Up Changed Election
Outcome; Poll Finds

A whopping 79 percent of Americans suggest President Donald Trump
likely would have won reelection if voters had known the truth about
Hunter Biden’s laptop - that it was real and not “Russian
disinformation,” as intelligence officials aligned with Joe Biden
falsely led the public to believe, a new national poll reveals.

The survey of 1,335 adults was conducted earlier this month by New
Jersey-based Technometrica Institute of Policy and Politics. The vast
majority of those following the issue said they believe that the
laptop is real, while only 11 percent still believe it was created by

The Washington Post and The New York Times recently confirmed that the
laptop and contents found on it are, in fact, authentic, after
initially pooh-poohing the idea the device belonged to the president’s
son. In October 2020, the New York Post broke the story that Hunter
Biden had abandoned the Apple computer at a Wilmington, Del., repair
shop. The newspaper exposed emails from the hard drive indicating the
Biden family may have participated in illicit business deals in
Ukraine, China, and other countries. Social media censored the story,
denying voters critical information on the eve of the election.

Among those following the topic, almost three-quarters (74 percent)
believe that the FBI and Intelligence Community deliberately misled
the public—and voters—when they claimed the laptop was
“disinformation” and part of a Kremlin plot to hurt Biden’s candidacy.

On Oct. 19, 2020, more than 50 former U.S. intelligence officials,
including CIA Director John Brennan, signed a public letter claiming
the material published by the Post from Hunter’s hard drive “has all
the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” although
none of them had seen it. Joe Biden cited their letter in the
presidential debates to deflect questions about the laptop.

“Terming the laptop ‘disinformation’ by the FBI, Intelligence
Community, Congress, and the Biden campaign, along with Big Tech,
impacted voters,” said Technometrica President Raghavan Mayur, who’s
been recognized as the most accurate pollster in recent presidential
elections. “A significant majority—78 percent—believe that access to
the correct information could have been critical to their decision at
the polls.”

In fact, 47 percent said that knowing before the election that the
laptop contents were real and not “disinformation” would have changed
their voting decision—including more than two-thirds (71 percent) of

Almost 8 of 10 respondents said that a truthful interpretation of the
laptop would have likely changed the election’s outcome more in favor
of Trump.

The poll also found that more than half—51 percent—give the media
failing grades (D or F) for their coverage of the topic of the laptop.

Also, 81 percent of Americans said they want the attorney general to
appoint an independent special counsel to investigate possibly
incriminating email and other evidence contained on Hunter Biden’s
laptop. Federal investigators in Delaware have been investigating
Hunter for possible money laundering, tax fraud, and other alleged
crimes, but the probe has dragged on for years, and the FBI has yet to
issue a warrant to search his home for evidence.

The Senate Judiciary Committee revealed last month that FBI
whistleblowers recently came forward to expose a “scheme” by FBI
honchos in Washington to throttle the investigation of Hunter Biden in
the run-up to the 2020 election by claiming that allegations of Biden
influence-peddling in Ukraine was “Russian disinformation.”

Former National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe recently said
there is growing evidence the FBI politically interfered in both the
2016 and 2020 elections while claiming they were worried about Russian

“The names have changed, but the allegations are the same, that
these FBI agents were attempting to influence the outcome of the 2020
election by suppressing derogatory i

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-25 Thread grarpamp
> Biden the Creepy Pedo
> like Hunter Biden's Real Laptop full of drugs
> "underage" sex geopolitical bizdeals secret email accounts
> and 10% for TheBigGuy... BigTechMedia has buried,
> censored, and refused to investigate this story too.
> This little girl explains what Joe Biden did to her in front
> of the nation that no one caught including her parents.
> Internet says Joe Biden is quite the China Corrupt and PedoSexual Abuser.
> And the Corrupt Fake News and Social Media covered it all up the last
> few weeks before the 2020 Elections. World's most corrupt and disgusting
> political Party, Family, and Man got Fraudulently Elected. Corrupt FBI
> grabs and buries all the hard evidence.
> "Inappropriate showers with my father... molested  -- Ashley Biden"
> "Joe biden pinched my nipple  -- Maria Piacesi"

All these news, censorship, election fraud, leaks, FBI, corruption,
Great Reset scam, dementia rage, etc are true and are coming full circle.
Joe Biden, Biden Admin, and US Democrat party are a complete corrupt disgrace.
Criminal case authenticates diary, Joe Biden is a filthy pedosexual daddy.

Two Plead Guilty To Stealing Ashley Biden's 'Inappropriate Showers
With Dad' Diary

Two Florida residents have pleaded guilty to stealing Ashley Biden's
diary and other belongings, before selling them to Project Veritas in
the weeks leading up to the 2020 US election.

Aimee Harris, 40, and Robert Kurlander, 58, admitted they took part in
a conspiracy to transport stolen materials from Florida, where Ashley
Biden had been living, to New York, according to the New York Times.

"Harris and Kurlander stole personal property from an immediate family
member of a candidate for national political office," said Damian
Williams, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York.

And while Project Veritas declined to publish the diary (and were
still raided by the Biden DOJ), the National File did publish excerpts
on Oct. 24, 2020 - and the full diary two days later. While treated as
potentially fake at the time, we now know that the contents are legit
- including claims that Joe took 'probably inappropriate' showers with
Ashley, and that she believes she was sexually molested as a child.

Entries in the diary include the author revealing she believes she
was sexually molested as a child and shared “probably not appropriate”
showers with her father, some that detail the author’s struggle with
drug abuse and the author’s crumbling marriage with multiple affairs,
along with entries showing the family’s fears of a potential scandal
due to her brother’s new home, and those that show a deep resentment
for her father due to his money, control, and emotional manipulation.
-National File

Via National File

How did it make its way to Project Veritas?

In the spring of 2020, as Joe Biden was in the process of clinching
the Democratic presidential nomination, Ashley was living in Delray
Beach, FL with said friend "who had rented a two-bedroom house lined
with palm trees with a large swimming pool and wraparound driveway,"
according to people familiar with the matter.

In June, however, Ashley visited the Philadelphia area as Joe's
campaign was ramping up.

"She decided to leave some of her belongings behind, including a
duffel bag and another bag," according to the report.

Enter Aimee

Several weeks after Ashley left the Delray house, the friend who
hosted her invited an ex-girlfriend named Aimee Harris and her two
children to move in. Harris, in the middle of a custody dispute and
financial woes, appears to have been a Trump supporter according to
'social media postings and conversations.' She learned that Ashley
Biden had stayed there, and that some of her things had been left
behind, according to two people familiar with the mater.

Exactly what happened next remains the subject of the federal
investigation. But by September, the diary had been acquired from Ms.
Harris and a friend by Project Veritas, whose operations against
liberal groups and traditional news organizations had helped make it a
favorite of Mr. Trump.

In a court filing, Project Veritas told a federal judge that
around Sept. 3, 2020, someone the group described as “a tipster”
called Project Veritas and left a voice message. The caller said “a
new occupant m

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-25 Thread grarpamp
Biden Democrats are a FRAUD upon your wallet.
Biden Democrats are BRIBING VOTERS.

Obama's Chief Economic Advisor Blasts Biden's "Reckless" Student Debt Bailout

Consider the source...

Jason Furman is an American economist and professor at Harvard
University's John F. Kennedy School of Government and a Senior Fellow
at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

On June 10, 2013, Furman was named by President Barack Obama as chair
of the Council of Economic Advisers.

Ok so having explained the "who", here is the "what"...

Pouring roughly half trillion dollars of gasoline on the
inflationary fire that is already burning is reckless. Doing it while
going well beyond one campaign promise ($10K of student loan relief)
and breaking another (all proposals paid for) is even worse.
— Jason Furman (@jasonfurman) August 24, 2022

Furman's thread continues...

The White House fact sheet has sympathetic examples about a
construction worker making $38K and a married nurse making $77,000 a

But then why design a policy that would provide up to $40,000 to a
married couple making $249,000? Why include law and business school

BTW, those examples also contradict the baseline some have
concocted to claim that this won't raise inflation. The claim it won't
raise inflation is based on the construction worker going from
permanently paying $0 interest to paying $31 a month at an annual cost
of $372.

You can't use one baseline (interest payments suspended) to argue
this will constrain demand & then a different baseline (interest
payments restored) to describe the benefits. That is incoherent,
inconsistent & indefensible cherry picking--I hope the White House
doesn't do it.

Also need to be careful with all of the distributional numbers
because the beneficiaries will tend to have higher lifetime incomes
than current incomes. A 24 year-old making $75,000 is likely to be at
a relatively high percentile on a lifetime basis.

There are a number of other highly problematic impacts including
encouraging higher tuition in the future, encouraging more borrowing,
creating expectations of future debt forgiveness, and more.

Most importantly, everyone else will pay for this either in the
form of higher inflation or in higher taxes or lower benefits in the
future. I did a thread on this last night but given the new
announcement you need to double everything in it.

3 possibilities if transferring $250b to a group:

1. They raise their consumption (now and/or in future). Total
output unchanged or rises by less--consumption of others falls.

2. Same but total output rises commensurately--others held harmless.

3. They never raise consumption.
— Jason Furman (@jasonfurman) August 24, 2022

The stimulus is relatively small (a multiplier of ~0.1). So the
inflation impact is likely to be about 0.2-0.3pp. That is $150-200 in
higher costs for a typical household.

If the stimulus matched what advocates used to argue the inflation
would be higher.

1. Biden-Harris can cancel billions of dollars in student loan
debt, giving tens of millions of Americans an immediate financial
boost and helping to close the racial wealth gap. This is the single
most effective executive action available for a massive economic
— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) November 12, 2020

That is a relatively small inflation number. But would take about
50-75bp on the fed funds rate to extinguish that much inflation. Is
the Fed going to try to offset this? Or will it do what it did with
the American Rescue Plan and ignore that rapidly changing fiscal

Finally, it's not obvious to me that this is reasonable for a
President to do unilaterally. A number of lawyers (and political
leaders) have argued inconsistent with the law. Even if technically
legal I don't like this amount of unilateral Presidential power.

We look forward to hearing Biden's chief economic adviser Jared
Bernstein's arguments 'for' the vote-buying bailout... once again,
consider the source.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-25 Thread grarpamp
Biden Admin has been caught fudging US economic reports
for political purposes in an election year.

Biden Democrats have vote bribed College Students with
debt forgiveness that does nothing but saddle them with
more national debt and inflation.

Biden Democrats have let 2.5M Illegal Migrants into the US,
angling to make them all bribed voters.

All legitimate unbiased economists say Biden's Inflation Bill is lies.

Biden's subsidized Green New Deal... EV carmakers have now
raised up prices to exactly match the subsidy.

Biden Democrats are a Total Economic Failure and are
bankrupting the US even further into negative bankruptcy.

Peter Schiff: Washington Goes Full Orwellian

An audacious communications campaign from Democrats in Washington is
currently underway that is attempting to convince the public that:

There is no recession

Inflation has been vanquished

Even if inflation is still alive, targeted new Federal legislation
will kill it

As strange as these claims sound to anyone with even the most casual
grasp of reality, it is a testament to the post-factual world we now
occupy that the Biden Administration is able to attempt, let alone
succeed in, putting out such monumental fantasies.

The campaign began late in July when the Biden team attempted to
redefine the word “recession.” While the left has always tried to
redefine words (think “racism” or “gender”), it has never attempted it
so spontaneously with such a technical definition. Typically, they let
new definitions germinate in academia or policy think tanks before
trotting them out for public consumption. That was the playbook that
helped change the meaning of the word “inflation” (from its original
understanding as an expansion of the money supply, to its current
definition tied solely to rising prices). But the inflation campaign
unfolded over decades and did not require the public to completely
surrender its critical capacities.

I’ve been publicly commenting and writing about the economy for almost
30 years (and talking about it for essentially my entire six decades
on the planet). Over that time, the technical definition of
“recession” has never been in dispute. Of course, I’ve had many
arguments over what caused any given recession, why recessions may be
necessary to purge an economy from excesses and malinvestments caused
by artificially low interest rates, what government responses should
be to recessions, or why things were better or worse than a particular
political party claimed them to be. But in that time, I never
encountered anyone who quibbled with the accepted technical definition
of “recession” as two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.
What would be the point? Recessions affected both political parties.
Why change a definition when the original definition may suit you down
the road?

But that’s what the Biden Administration did when they claimed that
the Second Quarter GDP Report, which showed a .9% annualized decline
in GDP, following a 1.6% annualized decline in the First Quarter
(Bureau of Economic Analysis), did not mean we were in a recession.

What? That’s been the textbook definition for…like forever. If Biden
wanted to put a happy spin on the data, which is what sitting
Presidents do, he could have said, “while technically it’s a
recession, the current period shows many signs of strength that are
not typical in recessions, leading us to believe we are in much better
shape than the GDP headlines suggest, and that the recession will be
shallow and over quickly.” I would have disagreed with that, but it’s
fair game. But his approach wasn’t just to move the goalposts, it was
to take them down entirely.

What’s even worse is that the very next day after the Biden
Administration first floated its idea that “two negative quarters are
not a recession,” the point was repeated by Fed Chairman Jerome Powell
at his FOMC press conference on July 27. If nothing else, this proves
just how ridiculous claims of “Fed independence” have been over the
years. Economists like to claim that the Fed acts independent of
political control.  Would they have us believe the Fed spontaneously
changed its definition of recession precisely after the administration
did? Clearly, the Fed is taking its marching orders from the White

The sad part is that outside the typical sources of right-of-center
news, the media just ran with the new definition. My favorite was the
Associated Press headline that ran after the GDP numbers were
announced, “U.S. Economy Shrinks for a Second Quarter, Raising
Recession Fear.” (7/28/22) Up until two seconds ago that would have
been reported as the official start of a recession, not something that
would simply “raise fears,” of a future eventuality. This redefinition
of terms would have been impossible when journalistic standards were
higher and institutional memory more entrenched.

In George Orwell’s 1984, t

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-25 Thread grarpamp

> FBI Leadership Ordered Agents Not To Investigate Hunter Biden Laptop:

Facebook Admits Both FBI and Facebook Defrauded America

Zuck Tells Rogan Facebook Censored Hunter Laptop Story After FBI Request

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed on Thursday that the FBI warned
Facebook about "Russian propaganda" shortly before the Hunter Biden
laptop story broke at the NY Post.

"Basically, the background here is the FBI, I think, basically came to
us- some folks on our team and was like, 'Hey, just so you know, like,
you should be on high alert…  We thought that there was a lot of
Russian propaganda in the 2016 election. We have it on notice that,
basically, there's about to be some kind of dump of that's similar to
that. So just be vigilant," Zuckerberg told Rogan.

Mark Zuckerberg tells Joe Rogan that the FBI reached out to
Facebook to put them on notice that the Hunter Biden’s laptop story
was similar to the previous Russian Propaganda and to be on high alert
#joerogan #MarkZuckerberg #JRE
— Giuseppe Mercadante (@itsmercadante) August 25, 2022

LOL. It's actually the FBI spreading the "election misinformation."
— thebradfordfile (@thebradfordfile) August 26, 2022

As a reminder, Hunter Biden abandoned his laptop at a Wilmington,
Delaware repair shop on April 12, 2019. The owner, John Paul Mac
Isaac, walked into the Albuquerque FBI office, where he explained what
he had, but was rebuffed by the FBI. He was told basically, get lost.
This was mid-September 2019.

Two months passed and then, out of the blue, the FBI contacted John
Paul Mac Issac. Two FBI agents from the Wilmington FBI office–Joshua
Williams and Mike Dzielak–came to John Paul’s business. He offered
immediately to give them the hard drive, no strings attached. Agents
Williams and Dzielak declined to take the device.

Eight months later, Isaac provided a copy to then-President Donald
Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who provided a copy of the hard drive to
The Post.

Back to Rogan - Zuckerberg expressed regret about suppressing a story
that turned out to be the truth.

"Yeah, yeah. I mean, it sucks," he said, before defending the platform
for letting others share the NY Post story, unlike Twitter.

then they raid the previous president’s home to find a crime that
they can use to keep him from running again
— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) August 25, 2022

"It's probably also the case of armchair quarterbacking, right?"
replied Rogan, adding "Or at least Monday morning quarterbacking…
because in the moment, you had reason to believe based on the FBI
talking to you that it wasn't real and that there was going to be some
propaganda. So what do you do?" Rogan said. "And then, if you just let
it get out there and what if it changes the election and it turns out
to be bulls---, that's a real problem. And I would imagine that those
kinds of decisions are the most difficult." (h/t Fox News).

Wait till you hear what the whistleblowers have to say about this.

It’s gonna make J6 look like a game of hopscotch.
— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) August 25, 2022

reminder: big tech effectively acts as a DNC PR operation.
— Logan Hall (@loganclarkhall) August 25, 2022

The FBI lied on FISA warrants to spy on Donald Trump in 2016, they
fabricated the Russia hoax, they worked with Facebook (and probably
Twitter) to censor a damaging true story about his opponent in 2020
while they had the laptop the whole time, and they raided his home in
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) August 25, 2022

In a letter from Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) to Inspector General Michael
Horowitz this week, Johnson revealed that an FBI whistleblower claims
that agency leadership gave orders not to investigate the laptop.

"Allegations provided to my office appear to indicate that there was a
scheme in place among certain FBI officials to undermine derogatory
information connected to Hunter Biden by falsely suggesting it was
disinformation," wrote Sen. Grassley in a separate letter to FBI
Director Christopher Wray.

Talk about running cover...

Zuck should probably avoid driving in a convertible in Dallas for
a few months
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) August 25, 2022

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-25 Thread grarpamp
> "Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman
> to VP dad

>From False Political Raids on President Trump, to Refusing to Investigate
the High Crimes of Biden Family, to Democrats Election Fraud,
the corrupt FBI and their corrupt Democrats are in growing buckets
of hot water now...

FBI Leadership Ordered Agents Not To Investigate Hunter Biden Laptop:

FBI leadership ordered agents not to investigate Hunter Biden's laptop
shortly before the 2020 US election so that it wouldn't damage Joe
Biden's chances of unseating Donald Trump, several whistleblowers have
told Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI).

A letter from Johnson to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz asking
for an investigation reads in part: "After the FBI obtained the Hunter
Biden laptop from the Wilmington, Del. computer shop, these
whistleblowers stated that local FBI leadership told employees, 'you
will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop' and that the FBI is 'not
going to change the outcome of the election again," according to the
Daily Mail, which has obtained the letter.

"While I understand your hesitation to investigate a matter that may
be related to an ongoing investigation, it is clear to me based on
numerous credible whistleblower disclosures that the FBI cannot be
trusted with the handling of Hunter Biden’s laptop," the letter
continues. "I hope you understand that the longer your office stands
on the sidelines and delays investigating the FBI’s actions, the
harder it will be for you to uncover the truth and hold individuals
accountable for wrongdoing"

Horowitz previously told Johnson in Feb 2021 that he would not
investigate the FBI's handling of the laptop in order to avoid
interfering with a DOJ investigation into Hunter's tax matters.

The new claims come after whistleblower allegations emerged in
July that in the lead-up to the 2020 election the FBI labeled the
laptop as 'disinformation.'

In October 2020, one month before the election, 'an avenue of
derogatory Hunter Biden reporting was ordered closed' by Timothy
Thibault, a senior FBI agent at the bureau's Washington Field office,
Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who fielded the whistleblower complaints,
claimed in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney
General Merrick Garland.

Thibault shut down the investigation despite evidence that some of
the details were true, according to that whistleblower. -Daily Mail

"Allegations provided to my office appear to indicate that there was a
scheme in place among certain FBI officials to undermine derogatory
information connected to Hunter Biden by falsely suggesting it was
disinformation," wrote Sen. Grassley.

The letter comes on the heels of testimony earlier this month by FBI
director Christopher Wray, who said he found allegations that the
agency mishandled the laptop to be "deeply troubling." It also comes
as the DOJ probe in Delaware has reportedly intensified in recent
weeks, with officials weighing whether to bring taxes on Hunter over
tax violations or lying on a federal form while purchasing a gun -
which he would have been prohibited from doing at the time due to his
well-documented issues with drug addiction.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-21 Thread grarpamp
> While the secret documents content would bigly expose something,
> the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...

The Return Of Peter Strzok: How A Fired FBI Official Is Making The
Case Against Himself

Peter Strzok is back in the news this week.

Career colleagues at the Justice Department previously referred Strzok
for possible criminal charges and he was fired for his bias and
unprofessional conduct. However, Strzok was immediately embraced by
many in the media and establishment for his anti-Trump sentiments.
After he was fired, the former special agent was given a lucrative
book deal, lionized on the left, featured prominently as an expert by
CNN, and given a teaching job at Georgetown.

It was an extraordinary recovery from a scandal where he showed
flagrant bias, engaged in an affair with another married colleague at
the FBI, and fought to continue to investigate Russian collusion
claims despite early warnings over the questionable basis of the
allegations pushed by the Clinton campaign. (Strzok’s colleague and
former paramour, Lisa Page, was given a contract as a legal analyst
with NBC and MSNBC).

Now, Strzok appears liberated in showing precisely the bias and
unhinged hostility alleged by his critics. He has been in the news
lashing out at Trump and trolling his objections to the raid on

The seizure of Trump’s passports has raised more doubts about the
seemingly unlimited scope of the search. One of the passports taken in
the raid was Trump’s active diplomatic passport, according to an email
from the Justice Department made public by Trump spokesman Taylor
Budowich. The  other two passports alleged were expired.

Last week, Strzok was one of the first to jump on the bandwagon with
CBS News anchor Norah O’Donnell, who blasted out a tweet claiming DOJ
sources refuting Trump’s claim that the FBI took his passports. The
“CBS Evening News” anchor reported that the Department of Justice did
not have Trump’s passports, tweeting, “According to a DOJ official,
the FBI is NOT in possession of former President Trump’s passports.”

In fact, the FBI did take the passports and had to later return them.
The clear import of O’Donnell’s tweet was that Trump was lying.

That was clearly the message received by various critics, including
Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who is purportedly serving as an unbiased member
of the January 6th committee. Kinzinger, R-Ill., wrote, “Lies lies
lies and more lies.”

Lies lies lies and more lies.
— Adam Kinzinger🇺🇦🇺🇸✌️ (@AdamKinzinger) August 16, 2022

Notably, Strzok was also among those eager to spread the O’Donnell
report, tweeting, “And unsurprisingly, Trump’s statement turns out not
to be true.” He later deleted it.

Strzok has sounded at times like a virtual troll on social media.
Recently, he again lashed out at the story that the FBI took Trump’s
passport and mocked Trump’s call to lower the temperature in the
country after the raid. Strzok tweeted “Please oh please keep asking
how you can turn down the temperature in the country,. And why does he
have two passports? The Russian passport, of course, is kept in a
vault at Yasenevo and only swapped out at third country meets, so it
can’t be that one.”

Strzok’s bias and violation of FBI rules led to career Justice
Department investigators referring his case to prosecutors and
ultimately led to his firing from the FBI. His emails showed intense
bias against Donald Trump and highly concerning statements about
having an “insurance policy” in place if Trump were to win the

On January 4, 2017, the FBI’s Washington Field Office issued a
“Closing Communication” indicating that the bureau was terminating
“CROSSFIRE RAZOR” — the newly disclosed codename for the investigation
of Michael Flynn.  Strzok intervened.

Keep in mind CROSSFIRE RAZOR was formed to determine whether Michael
Flynn “was directed and controlled by” or “coordinated activities with
the Russian Federation in a manner which is a threat to the national
security” of the United States or a violation of federal foreign agent
laws.  The FBI investigated Flynn and various databases and determined
that “no derogatory information was identified in FBI holdings.” Due
to this conclusion, the Washington Field Office concluded that Flynn
“was no longer a viable candidate as part of the larger CROSSFIRE
HURRICANE umbrella case.”

On that same day, however, Strzok instructed the FBI case manager
handling CROSSFIRE RAZOR to keep the investigation open, telling him
“Hey don’t close RAZOR.”  The FBI official replied, “Okay.” Strzok
then confirmed again, “Still open right? And 

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-21 Thread grarpamp
> Biden-Dems losing numbers...

Baltimore On Pace For Possible Record Murders As Local NAACP Asks
Governor To Deploy National Guard
Baltimore City reached 231 homicides since the start of the year and
is on pace for a possible record year of murder.
Just an hour north of the White House, the Democratic-controlled metro
area is in ruins

Military Families Suffering As Housing Benefits Can't Keep Up With
Exploding Rent
according to real estate company Zillow, rents have skyrocketed 43.9%
in those markets

Judge Permanently Blocks Biden Oil And Gas Leasing Pause In 13 States
President Biden’s executive order to choke off energy development
didn’t just increase prices and hurt American families—it was flatly
Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14008 on Jan. 27, 2021, banning all
new oil and natural gas leases on federal lands and offshore waters.
A federal judge Thursday issued a permanent injunction against the
Biden administration’s pause of new oil and gas leasing in federal
Doughty ruled that the executive branch has no authority to change both laws.

Residents Demand Resignation Of NJ Councilwoman Who Hit Bicyclist In
SUV & Fled Scene
As if we didn't see enough "laws for thee, but not for me" from
Democratic politicians during Covid...
Amy DeGise is facing calls to resign after video allegedly shows her
hitting a bicyclist
she still left the scene. The bicyclist survived the incident, but
suffered injuries.
DeGise was reportedly cited for failure to report an accident and
leaving the scene of an accident.
More than 100 people showed up to the city's council meeting this past
week, protesting that DeGise should step down from her position. "I’m
not resigning.
The same councilwoman was caught on body camera last November,
pleading with police, after her car was illegally parked, with an
expired registration, being towed and impounded.
"I'm a councilwoman!" she is heard pleading with the officer

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-21 Thread grarpamp
> Biden-Dems losing numbers...

Election Fraud Exposed

Where is it easier to bury the needed large election altering
numbers... in Big Cities 70% of which are Democrat run and
populated, then what makeup of "volunteer" census takers
might be found there and sent to be "hired"... not too hard
to imagine an infiltration and inflation operation.

One corrupt and criminal organization and operation...
In a 2007 case in Washington state, in which seven temporary employees
of ACORN were charged with submitting fraudulent voter registrations
In May 2009, six ACORN employees in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pleaded
guilty to charges of a combined total of 51 counts of forgery and
other violations while registering voters during the 2008 election
In plea deals in a 2009 Las Vegas case, former ACORN field director
Amy Busefink and ACORN official Christopher Edwards pleaded guilty to
"conspiracy to commit the crime of compensation for registration of

Census Bureau Admits Overcounting 7 Blue States, Just 1 Red State

In a shocking report, the U.S. Census Bureau recently admitted that it
overcounted the populations of eight states and undercounted the
populations of six states in the 2020 census.

The Census Bureau has not explained how it got the 2020 census so
wrong. (hapabapa/Getty Images)

All but one of the states overcounted is a blue state, and all but one
of the undercounted states is red.

Those costly errors will distort congressional representation and the
Electoral College. It means that when the Census Bureau reapportioned
the House of Representatives, Florida was cheated out of two
additional seats it should have gotten; Texas missed out on another
seat; Minnesota and Rhode Island each kept a representative they
shouldn’t have; and Colorado was awarded a new member of the House it
didn’t deserve.

These harmful errors also mean billions in federal funds will be
misallocated. Funding for many federal programs is distributed to the
states based on population. Overcounted states will now receive a
larger share of federal funds than they are entitled to, at the
expense of the undercounted states.

The Census Bureau has not explained how it got the 2020 census so
wrong. This is particularly troublesome because the bureau reported an
error rate of 0.01 percent in the 2010 census—an overcount of only
36,000 people, a statistically insignificant mistake.

The 2020 errors were discovered through the “2020 Post-Enumeration Survey.”

After each census, the bureau interviews a large number of households
across the country and then compares the interview answers with the
original census responses. The 2020 survey showed that the bureau
overcounted the population in Delaware, Hawaii, Massachusetts,
Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Utah. The largest mistake
was in President Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware, which was
overcounted by 5.45 percent.

The states whose populations were undercounted were Arkansas, Florida,
Illinois, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas. The largest error in the
undercount was in Arkansas, where the population count was off by 5.04

The original census reported that Florida needed only 171,500 more
residents to gain another congressional seat. Yet the survey shows
that Florida was undercounted by over three-quarters of a million
people. The bureau also said that Texas needed only 189,000 more
people to gain another congressional seat. The survey shows that Texas
was undercounted by 560,319 residents.

Minnesota, according to the original census report, would have lost a
congressional seat during reapportionment if it had 26 fewer
residents; the survey shows the state was overcounted by 216,971
individuals. Similarly, Rhode Island would have lost a seat if the
Census Bureau had counted 19,000 fewer residents. It turns out that
the state was overcounted by more than 55,000 individuals.

The Associated Press quoted John Marion of Common Cause in Rhode
Island admitting that the state would benefit from this mistake,
including “more representation in Congress.”

Unfortunately, the federal statutes governing the census and
apportionment provide no remedy to correct this problem. And it would
be very difficult to devise an acceptable remedy this far after the

The census is geared to providing a count of the population on one
specific date, in this case April 1, 2020. A remedy that involved
ordering the Census Bureau to conduct another actual recount in the 14
affected states—a complex, expensive undertaking—would provide numbers
on a different date than the original census, whose population totals
would still be in effect for the rest of the states. This would raise
fundamental fairness issues, given the high mobility of our

The concept of co

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-21 Thread grarpamp
> Biden-Dems losing numbers...

These Three Liberal-Controlled Cities Have Worst Post-COVID Downturn Rebounds

The progressive approach to law enforcement in certain major US
cities, supported by George Soros and others, has been a complete
failure as residents' quality of life has collapsed. Soaring violent
crime and controversial open-air drug markets plague the downtown
areas of San Francisco, Cleveland, and Portland, transforming these
areas into wastelands.

A recent study commissioned by the Institute of Governmental Studies
at the University of California Berkeley found that San Francisco's
downtown activity was only 31% this spring (between March and May)
compared to pre-Covid levels. Cleveland was at 36%, and Portland was
at 41%.

Meanwhile, after the pandemic, Salt Lake City, Utah, Bakersfield,
California, and Columbus, Ohio, experienced the most massive booms in
downtown activity.
Source: Daily Mail

Researchers used data from 18 million smartphone users traveling
through America's busiest metro areas to determine which downtown
areas bounced back the most and least.

What's striking in the data is that the worst bouncebacks are in
liberal-controlled metro areas that have either defunded the police or
at least tried, allowed for open-air drug markets, and made
shoplifting only a misdemeanor.

The study's results are no surprise to readers as disastrous
progressive policies ignited a tsunami of violent crime in
liberal-controlled cities, resulting in an exodus of the population
with migration trends to metro areas where law and order were more
stable (such as towns in Montana).

The common denominator among the metropolises with the smallest
downtown activity bouncebacks is controlled by Democrats who endlessly
create havoc at the expense of law-abiding citizens.

However, there is good news. People are waking up from their liberal
amnesia and are ousting those who have made things worse for them.

A perfect example is San Francisco's chief prosecutor Chesa Boudin who
was booted from office this summer. He was backed by Soros and came
under fire for failed progressive criminal-justice reform policies
that led to a sharp increase in drug overdose deaths, homelessness,
and thefts, including smash-and-grab robberies, car burglaries,
shoplifting, and other property crimes.

Third on the list is Portland, for the lowest bounceback in downtown
activity. This liberal-controlled area is no stranger to readers as
the metro area is plagued with soaring homelessness, drug overdoses,
and surging violent crime after left-wing protests called for
defunding the police.

The progressive mismanagement of America's cities has only accelerated
post-Covid, resulting in a mass exodus of households and businesses
fleeing these hellholes for ones that are safe and economically
friendly. The exodus will continue, pushing some liberal cities to the
proverbial financial edge as their tax base evaporates.

America's cities need a new generation of leaders who will be brave
enough to counter decades of failed progressive leadership and inform
voters their collapse in quality of life is due to bad policymaking.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-21 Thread grarpamp
> While the secret documents content would bigly expose something,
> the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...

Things still going weird...

Deep State and CIA calls for Trump's treason execution due to
"nuclear secrets", creates "Civil War" talk...

Trump wing hints the docs were exhonorative to Russia Hoaxes,
and incriminating of Deep State, Hillary, etc.

JFK on Secret Societies, Political Censorship, Conspiracy, and more JFK Deep State JFK Deep State JFK Deep State Gaddafi Deep State Gaddafi Deep State Gaddafi Deep State Gaddafi full speech Gaddafi interview Gaddafi interview

Anything, literally anything, to put down the current figurehead
of any growing Anti Deep State movement. Don't be surprised if
Trump gets JFK'd for daring to speak against it similarly,
even back to at least his 2016 candidacy announcement speech.

Civil War Porn

As President Joe Biden’s polls stagnate and the midterms approach, we
are now serially treated to yet another progressive melodrama about the
dangers of a supposed impending radical right-wing violent takeover.

This time the alleged threat is a Neanderthal desire for a “civil

The FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s Florida home, the
dubious rationale for such a historic swoop, and the popular pushback at
the FBI and Department of Justice from roughly half the country have
further fueled these giddy “civil war” conjectures.

Recently “presidential historian” Michael Beschloss speculated about
the parameters of such an envisioned civil war.

Beschloss is an ironic source. Just days earlier, he had tweeted
references to the executions of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who passed
U.S. nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union in the 1950s, in connection with
the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago.

That was a lunatic insinuation that Trump might justly suffer the same
lethal fate due to his supposed mishandling of “nuclear secrets.”
Unhinged former CIA Director Michael Hayden picked up on Beschloss
death-penalty prompt, adding that it “sounds about right.”

Hayden had gained recent notoriety for comparing Trump’s continuance of
the Obama administration’s border detention facilities to Hitler’s
death camps. And he had assured the public that Hunter Biden’s lost and
incriminating laptop was likely “Russian disinformation.”

So, like the earlier “Russian collusion” hoax, and the January 6
“insurrection,” the supposed right-wing inspired civil war is the
latest shrill warning from the Left about how “democracy dies in
darkness” and the impending end of progressive control of Congress in a
few months.

On cue, Hollywood now joins the civil war bandwagon. It has issued a few
bad, grade-C movies. They focus on deranged white “insurrectionists”
who seek to take over the United States in hopes of driving out or killing
off various “marginalized” peoples.

Pentagon grandees promise to learn about “white rage” in the military
and to root it out. But never do they offer any hard data to suggest white
males express any greater degree of racial or ethnic chauvinism than any
other demographic.

When we do hear of an insurrectionary plan—to kidnap the Michigan
governor—we discover a concocted mess. Twelve FBI informants outnumbered
the supposed four “conspirators.” And two of them were acquitted by a
jury and the other two so far found not guilty due to a mistrial.

The buffoonish January 6 riot at the Capitol is often cited as proof of
the insurrectionary right-wing movement. But the one-day riotous
embarrassment never turned up any armed revolutionaries or plots to
overthrow the government.

What it did do was give the Left an excuse to weaponize the nation’s
capital with barbed wire and thousands of federal troops, in the greatest
militarization of Washington, D.C. since the Civil War.

In contrast, Antifa and BLM rioters were no one-day buffoons. They
systematically organized a series of destructive and deadly riots across
the country for over four months in the summer of 2020. The lethal toll of
their work was over 35 dead, $2 billion in property losses, and hundreds
of police officers injured.

Such violent protestors torched the ironic St. John’s Episcopal church

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
Biden Misled Public On Afghanistan; New GOP Report Finds

The frantic and deadly U.S. evacuation from Afghanistan was so
disorganized that 1,450 children were evacuated without their parents,
and senior leaders in Vice President Kamala Harris’ and first lady
Jill Biden’s offices, as well as one of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
asked private veteran groups for assistance evacuating certain people
from the country.

In the waning days of the evacuation, more than 1,000 women and girls
waited more than 24 hours on dozens of buses, desperately circling the
Kabul airport and trying to avoid Taliban checkpoints. Many of them
were told multiple times they were not allowed to enter the airport.
Now, nearly a year since the Taliban took control of the country,
fewer than one-third of them have managed to flee the country.

These are just some of the findings in a new report by Republicans on
the House Foreign Affairs Committee one year after the Taliban swept
into the Afghan capital of Kabul, almost instantly rolling back more
than two decades of U.S. and NATO military support and nation-building

More broadly, the report, which RealClearPolitics obtained late last
week, asserts President Biden and top officials in his administration
repeatedly – and perhaps intentionally – misled the American people
when they said the fall of Kabul came as a surprise and there was no
alternative other than depending on the Taliban for security in the
Afghan capital as the U.S. military evacuated hastily.

The report asserts that the chaotic withdrawal that left more than 800
American citizens stranded in the country was completely avoidable if
Biden and his national security team had listened to the warnings and
advice of military leaders, U.S. diplomatic officials operating on the
ground, and international allies.

It adds that one of the most tragic outcomes of the evacuation – the
death of 13 U.S. servicemembers and 160 Afghans in a suicide bombing
at the Kabul airport – could have been prevented if the administration
had accepted the Taliban’s Aug. 15 offer for the U.S. to control the
capital city’s security until the end of the withdrawal.

Such an arrangement would have allowed American forces to extend the
airport’s security perimeter, creating more space for evacuating
Afghans and a far more orderly process. It also would have prevented
U.S. servicemembers from being penned in amid the frantic crush of
Afghans desperately trying to board U.S. military planes, leaving them
vulnerable to the suicide attack, several former officials told
committee Republicans, according to the report.

“There were many sins if you will – there was a complete lack of and
failure to plan,” Rep. Mike McCaul, the top Republican on the panel
told CBS News’ Face the Nation Sunday. “There was no plan executed.”

In a new memo over the weekend, the White House started defending its
decision to withdraw troops, arguing that the move strengthened U.S.
national security by freeing up military and intelligence agents and
assets. The memo, written by National Security Council spokesperson
Adrienne Watson and first reported by Axios, is a direct response to
the House Republicans’ interim report outlining their view of the
administration’s withdrawal failures.

It assails the House Republicans’ report as a partisan exercise
“riddled with inaccurate characterizations, cherry picked information,
and false claims…. It advocates for endless war and for sending more
troops to Afghanistan, and it ignores the impacts of the flawed deal
that former President Trump struck with the Taliban,” the memo states.

Republicans are standing by their findings, arguing that a failure to
plan left the State Department with only 36 consular officers at the
airport trying to process hundreds of thousands of people in a matter
of days. These officials were overwhelmed, McCaul said, but the lack
of resources for a withdrawal of this magnitude was just one of the
many mistakes involved in failing to plan for Kabul’s fall despite
multiple warnings.

United States of America fled Afghanistan leaving behind innocent Afghans.

These shocking visuals from Kabul today describe the US withdrawal
from Afghanistan. Betrayal. Escape. Lack of empathy. No clarity.
Failure. Chaos.
— Aditya Raj Kaul (@AdityaRajKaul) August 16, 2021

Several top U.S. military leaders for months had warned the president
that the Afghan government would likely collapse if the U.S. left
fewer than 2,500 troops stationed there, the report states.

The report also cites “more realistic assessments 

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
> While the secret documents content would bigly expose something,
> the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...

FBI Unit Leading Mar-a-Lago Probe Earlier Ran Discredited Trump-Russia

The FBI division overseeing the investigation of former President
Trump’s handling of classified material at his Mar-a-Lago residence is
also a focus of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation of the
bureau’s alleged abuses of power and political bias during its
years-long Russiagate probe of Trump.
The J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building in Washington on July 21, 2022.
(Chung I Ho/The Epoch Times)

The FBI’s nine-hour, 30-agent raid of the former president’s Florida
estate is part of a counterintelligence case run out of Washington—not
Miami, as has been widely reported—according to FBI case documents and
sources with knowledge of the matter. The bureau’s counterintelligence
division led the 2016–2017 Russia “collusion” investigation of Trump,
codenamed “Crossfire Hurricane.”

Although the former head of Crossfire Hurricane, Peter Strzok, was
fired after the disclosure of his vitriolic anti-Trump tweets, several
members of his team remain working in the counterintelligence unit,
the sources say, even though they are under active investigation by
both Durham and the bureau’s disciplinary arm, the Office of
Professional Responsibility. The FBI declined to respond to questions
about any role they may be taking in the Mar-a-Lago case.

In addition, a key member of the Crossfire team—Supervisory
Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten—has continued to be involved in
politically sensitive investigations, including the ongoing federal
probe of potentially incriminating content found on the abandoned
laptop of President Biden’s son Hunter Biden, according to recent
correspondence between the Senate Judiciary Committee and FBI Director
Christopher Wray. FBI whistleblowers have alleged that Auten tried to
falsely discredit derogatory evidence against Hunter Biden during the
2020 campaign by labeling it Russian “disinformation,” an assessment
that caused investigative activity to cease.

Auten has been allowed to work on sensitive cases even though he has
been under internal investigation since 2019, when Justice Department
Inspector General Michael Horowitz referred him for disciplinary
review for his role in vetting a Hillary Clinton campaign-funded
dossier used by the FBI to obtain a series of wiretap warrants to spy
on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Horowitz singled out
Auten for cutting a number of corners in the verification process and
even allowing information he knew to be incorrect slip into warrant
affidavits and mislead the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

In congressional testimony this month, Wray confirmed that “a number
of” former Crossfire Hurricane team members are still employed at the
bureau while undergoing disciplinary review. In the meantime, Wray has
walled off the former Russiagate investigators only from participating
in FISA wiretap applications, according to the sources.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary
Committee, has asked Wray for copies of recent case files and reports
generated by Auten and whether he is included among the team the FBI
has assembled to determine which of the seized Trump records fall
within the scope of its counterespionage investigation and which fall
outside of it.

Some former FBI officials worry that Auten, a top bureau expert on
Russia and nuclear warfare, will have a hand in analyzing the boxes of
documents agents seized from Trump’s home on Aug. 8 to help determine
if any of the alleged Top Secret material he kept there might have
been compromised, potentially putting national security at risk.

“It is a disgrace that Auten is still even employed by the bureau,”
said 27-year FBI veteran Michael Biasello. “I would substitute other
analysts and agents.”

An examination of t

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
Watch: Border Patrol Unlocking Gates For Illegals;
Rand Paul Says Time For "Zero Tolerance Policy"

Video of Border Patrol agents unlocking a gate in Eagle Pass and
allowing illegal immigrants to pour through after the National Guard
had locked it prompted Senator Rand Paul to call for a ‘zero tolerance
policy’ to be implemented.

Fox News reporter Bill Melugin tweeted footage of the incident, noting
“For the first time, we witnessed the TX National Guard close & lock a
gate on private property at a major crossing area in Eagle Pass,
denying entry to migrants who just crossed illegally & expected to be
let in. Border Patrol then came w/ a key & let them in for

Meliugin also noted “Border Patrol opening gates etc to allow migrants
in is not new. They have to process migrants on US soil per federal
law. What’s new is TX is now closing the gate & denying entry at this
major crossing location. Always open in months past, including this
video I shot in May.”

Border Patrol opening gates etc to allow migrants in is not new.
They have to process migrants on U.S. soil per federal law. What’s new
is TX is now closing the gate & denying entry at this major crossing
location. Always open in months past, including this video I shot in
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) August 17, 2022

Commenting on the video, Senator Rand Paul stated “The Democrats love
illegal immigration, and so they have not been willing to change the

“Anybody who is caught in the act of coming in should be immediately
placed back on the other side. No process, nothing. If you were caught
breaking in, not through a normal portal of entry, you should go back
on the other side of the river immediately,” Paul asserted.

The Senator further explained that he would like to see more
incentives for legal immigration as a way of stemming the influx of
undocumented migrants.

“We should put more resources to allow more people to come and apply
in a normal fashion at the port of entry. But I would have zero

“Once you did that for about six months, and while I was not opposed
to the wall, I think you could do it with helicopters and with maybe
50 stations along the border, and you could have it done in a month,”
Paul said:

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
Do no work, jerk off at home, steal the people's money into
your pockets anyway, soon to become protected remote 1984...

Republicans Call For Pelosi To End House Proxy Voting$file/20-5240-1906976.pdf

On Friday, the House of Representatives passed the so-called Inflation
Reduction Act, a $420 billion package that funds 87,000 more IRS
agents, raises corporate taxes, throws hundreds of billions of dollars
at climate projects and imposes a new tax on stock buybacks.

There was plenty at stake in a bill that proponents are calling
"historic," and yet 158 House members -- more than a third of the body
-- didn't even bother showing up for the vote. Rather, they were
content to take advantage of proxy voting rules that House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi controversially ushered in during the pandemic and still
clings to like microchip stocks.

To use proxy voting, House members must submit a signed statement to
the House clerk declaring they are "unable to physically attend
proceedings in the House Chamber due to the ongoing public health
emergency." In reality, members are using the scheme to take early
recesses, schmooze donors and campaign for office.

"When those people go up, and they vote by proxy, they're LYING."

Watch Rep. Roy demand Republicans END proxy voting on
— Rep. Chip Roy Press Office (@RepChipRoy) August 17, 2022

Despite the fact that only a few hardcore Branch Covidians still think
Covid-19 presents a "public health emergency," Pelosi on Aug. 9
extended proxy voting rules until Sept 26. Serving as an accomplice in
the farce, House Sergeant at Arms William Walker continues to certify
that a public health emergency exists.

Even The New York Times has spotlighted the ulterior motives:

Perhaps no one has benefited more from the arrangement than
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who recently informed lawmakers that proxy
voting would be in effect for the remainder of the summer. It has
allowed Ms. Pelosi, whose majority is so slim that she can afford to
lose no more than four Democrats if every member is present and
voting, to all but ensure that absences alone do not cost her pivotal

Central Texas House Republican Chip Roy decried the state of affairs
in a colorful text to the Austin American-Statesman:

“It’s bullshit the Democrats can just call a last-minute vote
knowing half their caucus are free to vote by proxy. And it’s perhaps
even higher level bullshit that many Republicans (even ones who signed
litigation challenging it) similarly proxy vote and stay on vacation
while those of us trying to defend any semblance of fidelity to the
Constitution and respect of the institution to look each other in the
eye and treat our offices with respect — and it’s exquisite next level
bullshit that the Supreme Court hid behind speech and debate to avoid
the plain text, obvious unconstitutionality of not being present to do
our jobs.”

Chip Roy represents parts of San Antonio, Austin and the Texas Hill
Country (Michael Brochstein/Sipa USA via Reuters)

In January, the Supreme Court chose not to hear an appeal by House
Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who'd argued proxy voting is
unconstitutional. Earlier, in a 3-0 decision, the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia said courts had no jurisdiction
to rule on House procedures, which are adopted under the
Constitution's speech or debate clause. The court didn't rule on
whether proxies count toward a quorum.

That lawsuit originally had more than 150 Republican House members
listed as plaintiffs. In the end, there were just two: McCarthy and
Roy. While others still supported the suit, many removed their names
after they'd used proxy voting themselves and reasoned it wouldn't
help the case to keep plaintiffs who'd taken advantage of the very
rule they were challenging.

Austin Republican representative Michael McCaul told the Statesman
that proxy voting is having an insidious effect:

“The broader concern is that it encourages disengagement by
members — hearings and markups are nearly empty with little
attendance. There is no reason to extend remote voting. It’s time we

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
> The Palmer Report is an American liberal[2] fake news website,[3]
> founded in 2016 by Bill Palmer.[4] It is known for making
> unsubstantiated or false claims,[5] producing hyperpartisan
> content,[6] and publishing conspiracy theories,[7][8] especially on
> matters relating to Donald Trump and Russia.[14] Fact-checkers have
> debunked numerous Palmer Report stories, and organizations including
> the Columbia Journalism Review and the German Marshall Fund have
> listed the site among biased websites or false content
> producers.[15][16]

Along with Bill Palmer, two more longtime frauds and residents on
the list of fake newsies... Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe,
and disgraced CNN host Brian Stelter.

We have discussed the litany of “slam dunk” crimes that Harvard Law
professor Laurence Tribe has declared as established against former
President Donald Trump, none of which have been actually charged.

While some of us have suggested that we wait to see the actual
evidence before evaluating the risk in the case, Tribe again is
confident that the still uncharged case has already been made.

Just last month, Tribe declared Trump clearly guilty of the attempted
murder of Vice President Mike Pence on January 6, 2021.

It is a curious thing that none of these prior “proven” crimes have
been charged.

Now, without an indictment or the public disclosure of actual evidence
beyond the inventory list, Tribe sees no reason to wait for proof.

Tribe argues against the release of any of the affidavit.

Tribe also insisted that any release would “violate important rules on
grand jury secrecy.”

Tribe added that ” this man  . . . I was going to call him ‘traitor’
but that is not quite right it is not treason.”

It has been the signature of much of the legal analysis in the last
six years. Yet, it would be useful. . .  just once . . . if only for
appearances . . . to start with the release of actual evidence before
discussing slam dunk convictions.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
US Democrats and Democracy's Involuntary Force...
all collectivist, and strikingly similar to China...

UN Report Finally Acknowledges China's Forced Labor Programs

Leave it to the United Nations to wait several years before pointing
out the blatantly obvious.  With their overt obsession with climate
change, one has to wonder how they find any time to address REAL
problems in the world, including state sanctioned slavery.  Perhaps
they stalled for so long because the nation in question is China?

A new UN report on contemporary forms of slavery has found it
“reasonable to conclude” that forced labor is taking place in China’s
far-western region of Xinjiang.  The area has long been criticized by
the alternative media as the base of operations for massive slave
labor camps which China uses to house undesirables, including millions
of native tribal Uyghurs according to human rights groups.

The reality of concentration camps in China was denied by the CCP spin
machine for years, but leaked documents on camp brainwashing programs
in 2019 as well as leaked video footage in 2020 have put that question
to rest.

The indoctrination programs used by China are common practice among
communist countries, which view religious beliefs and practices as
unacceptable competition to the collectivism and worship of the state.
If a group of people holds something in higher regard than the
government (such as God or spiritualism), then they might be harder to
control because they believe in something greater than themselves, or
greater than their own personal survival.  They become dangerous to
the authorities.

The Uyghur programs seem to follow a Mao/Soviet model, which focuses
on forced labor, separation of families and elaborate propaganda
sessions designed to instill loyalty.   Although, there is  some
evidence that the camps also use the threat of torture and death as a
means to inspire compliance.

The programs also appear to be an extension of the ethnic cleansing
efforts used by China to pacify and absorb Tibet after invading
militarily in 1949.  China's modus operandi is to claim that the
regions they ethnically cleanse are “already a part of China” even
when they are clearly separate, not only by geography and national
boundaries but by culture.  Claiming historic ownership is their way
of justifying their actions.  Again, this is typically communist.

In a report released on Tuesday, a UN special rapporteur, Tomoya
Obokata, said that evidence pointed to forced labor “among Uygur,
Kazakh and other ethnic minorities in sectors such as agriculture and
manufacturing”.  The UN has not adopted the report as their official
position, which is not surprising, but it is one of the first
incidents of the UN openly acknowledging the CCP's forced labor

The Chinese government was quick to dispute the rapporteur’s findings,
accusing Obokata of “abusing his authority” to “malignly smear and
denigrate China and serve as a political tool for anti-China forces”.

“We solemnly urge [a] certain special rapporteur to immediately change
course, respect plain facts, observe the mandate of the Human Rights
Council and code of conduct of the special procedure, perform duty in
a fair and objective manner,” foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin
said at a news briefing in Beijing on Wednesday.   “There has never
been forced labor in Xinjiang,” he added.

Here we have another very typical communist reaction to being caught
red handed (no pun intended), which is to play the victim and then
gaslight the people that are pointing out their criminality.

China argues that labor programs were actually meant to “combat
radicalism” and “fight terrorism,” though they have offered no
legitimate evidence of either.  The CCP also suggests that camps
produce workers that are “paid,” though this claim has been refuted by
prisoners and insider leaks.  Whether paid or not, all the evidence
shows that Uyghurs and other groups are indeed separated from their
families and shipped out against their will to work in Chinese

Beyond exposing the horrible practices of the Chinese government, the
slave labor and concentration camp issue illustrates the much bigger
problem of collectivist systems and their natural propensity to
devolve into brutal dictatorship.

This is the eventual end path of every socialist/communist model; it
is not as if China is being compelled by circumstances to round these
people up, to torture them or use them as slave labor.  There is no
direct threat to China.  Rather, the CCP and other collectivist
governments see ideas as threats, because ideas and beliefs outside of
state doctrine offer CHOICES, and the power of choice is the ultimate
silver bullet to the monster of collectivism.  Choice is death for
authoritarians, so all choice must be eliminated

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
Racism and illegal practices rising courtesy Wokeism, CRT, BLM,
etc... a few of them now getting busted in courts for it...

US School system caught forcing the firing of white teachers first.

David Barrett of blogged that White Males are
only worth $0.75 to the $1.00 that he thinks everyone else is worth,
asked his employees to vote for the historically racist Democrats,
exhibits unexplained bias in hiring and website relative to demographics.

Democrats still keeping down, victimizing, and pandering to
minorities since more than decades.

"The negro here, though rising, is still on his knees and nude,"
Douglass wrote. "What I want to see before I die is a monument
representing the negro, not couchant on his knees like a four-footed
animal, but erect on his feet like a man."
Powerful paramilitary groups included the White League and the Red
Shirts, both active during the 1870s in the Deep South. They operated
as "the military arm of the Democratic Party", turning out Republican
officeholders and disrupting elections. Starting 10 years after the
war, Democrats regained political power in every state of the former
Confederacy and began to reassert white supremacy. They enforced this
by a combination of violence, late 19th-century laws imposing
segregation and a concerted effort to disfranchise African Americans.
New labor and criminal laws also limited their freedom.
To combat these efforts, Douglass supported the presidential campaign
of Ulysses S. Grant in 1868. In 1870, Douglass started his last
newspaper, the New National Era, attempting to hold his country to its
commitment to equality.
At the 1888 Republican National Convention, Douglass became the first
African American to receive a vote for President of the United States
in a major party's roll call vote.

RAF Pauses Offers To White Men And Recruiting Chief Quits In Protest

The Royal Air Force's head of recruitment has quit her post in protest
over an alleged "pause" in the RAF's acceptance of white male
recruits, as the once-glorious fighting force myopically chases
far-fetched diversity goals.

As Sky News was first to report:

The senior female officer apparently handed in her notice in
recent days amid concerns that any such restrictions on hiring...could
undermine the fighting strength of the Royal Air Force (RAF),
[defense] sources said.

In putting diversity and inclusion ahead of the need to fill open
slots, RAF Air Chief Marshall Sir Mike Wigston is compromising UK
national security, the defense sources said.
Men like these World War II RAF pilots need not apply...for now (Getty
Images via History Extra)

The Ministry of Defence has set a goal for 30% of all military
recruits to be women by 2030, up from 12% today. However, the RAF is
shooting for 40% women and 20% ethnic minorities. Women and
minorities, however, don't gravitate toward more combat-intensive
roles, such as guarding airfields.

"The levels of ambition for ethnic targets...are absolutely crazy,"
said one source. Another labelled them "impossible." Sky News didn't
name the female recruiting officer who turned in her notice, but did
say she is a "group captain," equivalent to a colonel in the US Air

One source noted with dismay that the warped priorities come soon
after UK army commander General Sir Patrick Sanders warned that
current world circumstances present a "1937 moment" for the country.

"Then you look at the head of the RAF and he's prepared to break
the operational requirement of the air force just to meet diversity
[targets]. I think he needs to be hauled up by the Ministry of Defence
and told: This is the defence agenda, get on it," the source said.

The defense sources also decried what they characterized as RAF
commander Tigtson's overly-woke agenda, which includes an emphasis on
gender-neutral pronouns, eschewing the term "airman," and permitting
beards. In 2016 , Wigston authorized and personally conducted a gay
marriage ceremony on Cyprus for an RAF enlisted man and his boyfriend.
Then-Air Vice Marshal Wigston presides over the 2016 marriage of an
RAF enlisted man and his boyfriend

Reacting to news of the alleged anti-white-male recruiting move, a
spokesperson for aspiring prime minister Rishi Sunak told Sky News,
"The only thing that should matter in recruitment is the content of
your character, not your sex or the colour of your skin. That the
Ministry of Defence would allow Britain's security to potentially be
put at risk by a drive for so-called 'diversity' is not only
disgraceful, it is dangerous."
RAF pilots in Hornchurch, Essex, in front of a supermarine Spitfire
Mark II in 1940 (via "Steve ~ Saved by God's Grace" on Pinterest)

An RAF spokesperson denied the claims made by Sky News and its
multiple defen

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
> Biden-Dems losing numbers...

Confidence in...
US Congress - 7%
News Media - 11%
Supreme Court - 25%
Military - Dropping Like A Woke Hot Potato
Biden - Abysmal
Pick any Institution - Most far below 50%

Buchanan: How, When, Or Will We Ever Come Together Again?

When 30 FBI agents showed up at Mar-a-Lago to cart off boxes of
documents, it was an authorized, legitimate and justified procedure to
retrieve national security secrets being illegally kept there.

Or it was an unprecedented regime raid on the home and office of the
foremost political rival of President Joe Biden that called to mind a
“Third World country,” the East German “Stasi,” the KGB or the

And Jan. 6, 2021?

That was a riot, a disgraceful breach of the Capitol, involving
assaults on Capitol cops that deserved to be and are being punished.

No, it was more than that. Far more. It was an “insurrection,” a
“fascist coup,” an act of treason led by far-right extremists to abort
the transfer of power from the winner of the election of 2020 to the
loser. It ranks right up there with the 1814 burning of the Capitol by
the British.

Such is the magnitude of the divide in America, a divide that extends
far beyond our clashing views of Jan. 6 and the Mar-a-Lago raid.

Consider abortion. Before the 1960s, abortion was almost universally
regarded as a shameful and criminal act. Doctors who performed
abortions were disgraced and sometimes sent to prison.

But after the Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court declared that Roe v.
Wade in 1973 was wrongly decided, restoration of women’s right to an
abortion is being championed by half the nation.

The other half of America yet believes abortion involves the killing
of an unborn innocent child.

Part of America celebrates the Supreme Court’s decision to declare
marriage equality for homosexuals. Yet, a traditionalist minority
believes such a mandate imposes on the nation a secularist morality
contradicted by the tenets of the Christian faith that was the basis
of laws for our first two centuries as a nation.

Nor is it only clashing morality that divides us.

For a nation, a country, a people, a democracy to endure, there needs
be a broad consensus of belief, culture, custom and politics.

On the issue of law and order, without which a republic cannot stand,
there is now disagreement over the role and conduct of our police.

During the George Floyd summer of 2020, “Defund the Police!” was the
clamor of the left, and among the street chants of Black Lives Matter
was, “Pigs in a Blanket, Fry ‘Em Like Bacon.”

Only a stunning political recoil caused its abandonment.

For a nation, especially a great world power like the United States,
some things are indispensable to its preservation.

A democratic republic needs to preserve the value of its currency, to
defend its borders against illegal mass migrations and invasions, to
preserve law and order, especially in its great cities.

Which of these requisites exist today when the nation suffers 8%
inflation; 250,000 illegal aliens cross our southern border every
month; and “mass shootings” occur daily in our cities during which at
least four victims are gunned down, wounded or killed?

The preservation of a democracy also requires the confidence of its
people in its defining institutions.

Yet, since the Reagan era, Americans’ collective confidence in our
major institutions has fallen from one-half of the nation to

In 2022, confidence in the Supreme Court fell by a third to 25%. Only
a fourth of the country retained high confidence in the presidency;
and confidence in Congress plummeted to 7%, or one in every 14

One in 6 Americans had great confidence in our newspapers, with only 1
in 9 citizens saying the same about television news.

In summary, we are a country whose people have a diminishing
confidence in almost all of its institutions, from big business to the
churches, universities and media. Only small business and the U.S.
military enjoy the confidence of the American people.

Public approval of Biden’s performance is at the lowest level ever
recorded for a president at this point in his first term.

True, we have been through and recovered from divisive times.

In the 1860s, 11 of the 33 states seceded and fought for four years to
gain their independence of the Union.

The 1960s were divisive, but the left, with Sen. George McGovern its
political expression, captured less than 40% of the vote against
Richard Nixon in 1972. Ronald Reagan ran up two landslides in the

Those days are long gone.

The left today dominates the academic community and culture to a
greater degree than it once did and is further removed from the heart
of the country in Middle America than it has ever been.

When, how, does America ever unite again?

And what unites us, other than an external attack on the country, like
Pearl Harbor or 9/11?

Where is the common ground on which 

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
>> While the secret documents content would bigly expose something,
>> the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...

Trump Spox Calls For 'No Redactions' Of FBI Trump Raid Affidavit After
Judge Orders DOJ To Unseal 'Portions'

Update (1550ET): In response to Judge Reinhart ordering the DOJ to
release a redacted version of the Trump raid affidavit, Trump
spokesman Taylor Budowich called for no redactions," citing
"Democrats' penchant for using redactions to hide government

Trump spokesman @TayFromCA says again that affidavit should be
made public and calls for "no redactions," citing "Democrats' penchant
for using redactions to hide government corruption."
— Philip Melanchthon Wegmann (@PhilipWegmann) August 18, 2022

*  *  *

The Trump-hating judge who signed off on the FBI warrant to raid
Mar-a-Lago has ordered the DOJ to unseal portions of the underlying
affidavit, after several media outlets and activist groups made the
case that it was in the public interest to see it.

"I’m not prepared to find that the affidavit should be fully sealed,"
said Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart following a hearing in which a
top government lawyer argued that releasing the document could
"severely compromise" an ongoing investigation that's in its "early
stages," adding that a line-by-line redaction of the document was

"On my initial careful review ... there are portions of it that can be

Reinhart said he would "give the government a full and fair
opportunity" to make redactions, according to Bloomberg, setting a
deadline of next Thursday - after which he will review it and release
it if he agrees with the redactions.

*  *  *

Several media organizations have urged a Florida judge to release most
of an FBI affidavit which was used to justify the DOJ's search warrant
for last week's raid on former President Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence.
A Palm Beach Police officer at the entrance of former US President
Donald Trump's house at Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, on Aug.
9.Photographer: Eva Marie Uzcategui/Bloomberg

According to a filing by the group, which includes the New York Times,
AP and CNN, the public has a "clear and powerful interest" in what led
to the unprecedented action by the DOJ against the sitting president's
top political opponent.

While the group says that the document should be released "with only
those redactions that are necessary to protect a compelling interest
articulated by the government," the Justice Department says that such
a redacted version of the affidavit would leave the document so devoid
of content that it wouldn't provide any insight.

The government has given “little explanation as to how release
would harm the ongoing investigation” even though many details of the
probe are already public, the group said in the filing in federal
court in West Palm Beach, where US District Judge Bruce Reinhart will
hold a hearing on the matter Thursday.

The affidavit provides the basis on which the judge authorized the
search of Trump’s estate. The dispute over its release is the latest
fallout from the Aug. 8 search, which culminated in FBI agents carting
away 11 sets of classified documents in about 20 boxes. Threats
against the FBI -- and the judge -- have jumped since then. -Bloomberg

"The secrecy surrounding the search warrant, and the affidavit that
led to its issuance, has caused the nation to convulse with intrigue
and harmful speculation that will only increase the longer the truth
is kept from the public," said Judicial Watch in a statement. "The
heat must be replaced with light, and soon."

Trump has also called for the document to be publicly released, though
he hasn't filed anything in court to back that up.

The request comes as Newsweek reports that the FBI raid was
specifically intended to recover Trump's personal "stash" of hidden
documents - which reportedly deal with a "variety of intelligence
matters of interest to the former president, the officials
suggest—including material that Trump apparently thought would
exonerate him of any claims of Russian collusion in 2016 or any other
election-related charges."

When Trump left the White House in January 2021, many of the
normal processes

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
> Bill Gates has his syringy hands poked in everything these days...

Deep State Cheney's still got their mitts poked in everything...

re 2016: Trump Announces Candidacy, Declares War On Deep State

Liz Cheney Vows To Do 'Whatever It Takes' To Stop Trump

Update 0842ET: Liz Cheney wants Americans to 'unite' across party
lines to prevent Donald Trump from regaining the White House following
her devastating defeat in Wyoming's primary on Tuesday.

Cheney lost to challenger Harriet Hageman, who received 66.3% of the
vote vs. Cheney's 28.9%.

In an early Wednesday statement to NBC, Cheney said she was "thinking
about" a 2024 presidential run - and has launched a new political
organization called "The Great Task," a reference to President Abraham
Lincoln's Gettysburg address.

Lincoln Project rebrand about to drop. The most overfunded and
media-beloved fringe group in history.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) August 17, 2022

"That’s a decision that I’m going to make in the coming months," she
said, adding "It is something that I'm thinking about."

“I’ll make a decision in the coming months.” — Rep. Liz Cheney
said about possibly running for President.
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) August 17, 2022

"I have said since Jan. 6 that I will do whatever it takes to ensure
Donald Trump is never again anywhere near the Oval Office and I mean

In addition to her new PAC, Cheney will have a public forum for
her campaign against Trump as vice chair of the committee
investigating the former president’s role in the Capitol insurrection
until she leaves Congress in January. Cheney was a rising Republican
star until she stood up to Trump. After she voted to impeach Trump in
the aftermath of the attack on the Capitol by a mob of his supporters,
the political costs for Cheney’s defiance mounted. The Wyoming
Republican Party voted to censure her and asked her to resign. Then
she was removed as the third-ranking  House Republican leader by her
colleagues, who accused her of abandoning the party.  That culminated
in her loss Tuesday to Hageman by a two-to-one margin with half the
votes counted. -Bloomberg

As Bloomberg also notes, Cheney's loss illustrates how strong Trump's
grip is on the Republican party - with just two of 10 House
Republicans who voted to impeach him following the J6 capitol attack
having survived their primaries to make the ballot in November's
general election.

*  *  *

Update 2020ET: In a widely expected outcome, former President Donald
Trump's highest-profile GOP critic, Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, has
been voted out of Congress.

Her challenger, Harriet Hageman, was ahead by more than 30% with 13%
of the votes counted - enough for NBC News to call it for her.
Wyoming Republican Harriet Hageman

Cheney, the daughter of former vice president Dick Cheney, had been
the #3 ranked Republican in the House - easily winning her last
election in 2020. Things changed, however, when she became one of 10
Republicans that voted to impeach Trump - who Democrats accused of
inciting the January 6th riot. She later joined the January 6th
committee, on which she currently services as Vice Chair.

And look at what happened to the rest of the anti-Trump Republicans
who voted to impeach:

Cheney: Two years ago. I won this primary with 73% of the vote. I
could easily have done the same again. The path was clear. But it
would've required that I go along with president trump's lie about the
2020 election.. That was a path I could not and
would not take.
— Acyn (@Acyn) August 17, 2022

"Congratulations to Harriet Hageman on her great and very decisive WIN
in Wyoming," Trump said in a statement on Truth Social. "This is a
wonderful result for America, and a complete rebuke of the Unselect
Committee of political Hacks and Thugs. Liz Cheney should be ashamed
of herself, the way she acted, and her spiteful, sanctimonious words
and actions towards others. Now she can finally disappear into the
depths of political oblivion where, I am sure, she will be much
happier than she is right now. Thank you WYOMING!"

*  *  *

If recent polls are any indication, neocon Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) is
about to lose her seat in today's primaries, after going on a
poorly-received crusade against former President Donald Trump.

In one recent poll, Cheney challenger Harriet Hageman - who disputed
the legitimacy of the 2020 US election - was leading Cheney by nearly
30 points. Of note, 70% of Wyoming voters chose Trump in 2020 - the
highest percentage of any state in the nation.

Cheney, 56, sparked conservative backlash against her by choosing to
die on hill of election fraud and the January 6th committee, of which
she's the vice chair. Unsurprisingly, her warmongering father's
laughable campaign ad  in which he said there's 'never been a greater
threat to our republic than Donald Trump' didn't do Liz any favors.

"She’s almost certainly toast," said America

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
> Biden-Dems losing numbers...

Bill Gates has his syringy hands poked in everything these days...

Joe Biden's Inflation Reduction Act "Secretly" Brought To You By Bill Gates

The Democrats' "Inflation Reduction Act" - which according to the
Congressional Budget Office will raise taxes on the middle class to
the tune of $20 billion - not to mention unleash an army of IRS agents
on working class Americans over the next decade, was made possible by
Bill Gates and (in smaller part) Larry Summers, who have been known to
hang out together.
Pals hanging out

The bill, of course, was signed yesterday.

This is what dementia looks like:
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 16, 2022

In a Tuesday Bloomberg article that reads more like a newsletter for
the Gates fan club, the billionaire Microsoft co-founder recalls how
earlier this year, as moderate Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and
Kyrsten Sinema continued to block the tax-and-spend legislation over
concerns that it would raise taxes on the middle class (it will),
Gates says he tapped into a relationship with Manchin that he'd been
cultivating since at least 2019.

Gates was banking on more than just his trademark optimism about
addressing climate change and other seemingly intractable problems
that have been his focus since stepping down as Microsoft’s chief
executive two decades ago. As he revealed to Bloomberg Green, he has
quietly lobbied Manchin and other senators, starting before President
Joe Biden had won the White House, in anticipation of a rare moment in
which heavy federal spending might be secured for the clean-energy

Those discussions gave him reason to believe the senator from West
Virginia would come through for the climate — and he was willing to
continue pressing the case himself until the very end. “The last month
people felt like, OK, we tried, we're done, it failed,” Gates said. “I
believed it was a unique opportunity.” So he tapped into a
relationship with Manchin that he’d cultivated for at least three
years. “We were able to talk even at a time when he felt people
weren’t listening.” -Bloomberg

We know, gag us with a spoon.

Apparently Gates and Manchin's bromance began when the billionaire
wooed the West Virgina Senator at a 2019 meal in Seattle, in an effort
to garner support for clean-energy policy. Manchin at the time was the
senior-most Democrat on the energy committee.

"My dialogue with Joe has been going on for quite a while," said Gates.

After Manchin walked (again) on the bill last December over concerns
that it would exacerbate the national debt, inflation, the pandemic,
and amid geopolitical uncertainty with Russia, Gates jumped into
action. A few weeks later, he met with Manchin and his wife, Gayle
Conelly Manchin, at a DC restaurant, where they talked about what West
Virginia needed. Manchin understandably wanted to preserve jobs at the
center of the US coal industry, while Gates suggested that coal plant
workers could simply swap over to nuclear plants - such as those from
Gates' TerraPower.

Manchin apparently wasn't convinced, announcing on Feb. 1 that "Build
Back Better" (the Inflation Reduction Act's previous iteration) was

In an effort to convince him otherwise, Democrats pulled together a
cadre of economists and other Manchin influencers - including former
Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, who convinced Manchin that the
bill wouldn't raise taxes on the middle class, or add to the deficit.

Collin O’Mara, chief executive officer of the National Wildlife
Federation, recruited economists to assuage Manchin’s concerns —
including representatives from the University of Chicago and the
Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Senator Chris Coons
of Delaware brought in a heavyweight: former Treasury Secretary
Lawrence Summers, who has spent decades advising Democrats.

The economists were able to “send this signal that [the bill’s]
going to help with the deficit,” O’Mara said. “It’s going to be
slightly deflationary and it’s going to spur growth and investment in
all these areas.” Through this subtle alchemy, clean-energy
investments could be reframed for Manchin as a hedge against future
spikes in oil and gas prices and a way to potentially export more
energy to Europe. -Bloomberg

Gates also sprang into action again on July 7, when Manchin was
spotted at the Sun Valley media conference in Idaho - which Gates also

"We had a talk about what was missing, what needed to be done," Gates
said. "And then after that it was a lot of phone calls."

Gates looks back at the new law with satisfaction. He achieved
what he set out to do. “I will say that it's one of the happier
moments of my climate work,” Gates said. “I have two things that
excite me abou

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-18 Thread grarpamp
> Biden Unfit For Office, since well before 2020...

Joe Biden has gone 31 of the past 47 days without
taking a single question from the press. He has not
done an on-camera interview with an American press
outlet since February 10. Democrat Frauds.

"They banned a sitting president from social media,
impeached him two times, jailed his supporters, and
now raided his home And then they go on TV and call
us the fascists."

This is what Dementia looks like, along with $740B
in useless Govt Propaganda Scam, which is scarier...?


Deep State Guns For Trump, Just Like Assange...
The former CIA director over the last few days:
-called for the execution of Trump
-called the GOP the world’s most dangerous & contemptible ideology
But don’t you dare question the intelligence community’s integrity.
Yale Pediatric Gender Program director says she treats kids as
young as THREE on their “gender journey” including medical intervention.
Watch @SethDillon drop red-pill after red-pill on abortion
This video will make the Left very unhappy DO NOT SHARE!
Cheney's got thrown out, till Lincoln saved them and their
Deep State cronies, only to get KO'd in the coming round.
TUCKER: "I must say I feel sorry for her [Liz Cheney]. It turns
out American voters are harder to deal with than Iraqi civilians,
you can't just drone them to death."
"Liz Cheney is America's foremost defender of democracy,
but democracy spanked her hard last night..."
"Weird flex given adopting children into lifestyle is grooming."
"The true target was this private stash, which Justice officials
feared Donald Trump might weaponize... documents that Trump had been
collecting since early in his administration." "Including material
that...would exonerate him of... Russian collusion."

Massie: Our tax system is seriously messed up if it requires an army
of accountants with rifles and handguns. Why not simplify the tax code
instead of spending billions of dollars to hire 87,000 more agents?
Flat tax? Fair tax? Aren’t both preferable to the complicated system
we have?
Jackson Hinkle @jacksonhinklle
I’ve been permanently demonetized & suspended (twice) by YouTube,
permanently banned from PayPal/Venmo, permanently banned from Twitch,
lost my merch stores on Represent & Teezily, & now I’m being warned by
Discord that my entire server might get nuked. So much for free
“Don’t you dare question the FBI”
Last year, Abrams, Warnock and Biden fueled a boycott with smears,
costing Atlanta small businesses $100M in revenue. Last week, Warnock
voted to send 87K new IRS enforcers after them, and this week Biden
gleefully signed the Bidenflation scam into law
Democrats cheer as Joe Biden signs a bill to raise taxes on the middle
class and worsen inflation. According to the nonpartisan Joint
Committee on Taxation, the Biden Tax Hikes will raise taxes on
Americans making as little as $20,000/year.

KUSI San Diego: The California government “is making life so
difficult” for Californians that even U-Haul is running out of trucks
because people are fleeing the state

CNBC: The worst cities for restaurants reopening after COVID are ALL
run by Democrats in Democrat-run states or districts.

MASK MADNESS: The liberal Jefferson County Public School Board refuses
to end the mask mandate on kids as young as 3. This means 96,000
students will be forced to wear masks this fall

MASK INSANITY: Democrat-run Prince George’s County, Maryland, is AGAIN
forcing students — including 4-year-olds — to wear masks this fall.

Today, we learned illegal immigrant encounters passed 2 MILLION for
the fiscal year (and the fiscal year isn't even over yet). We've never
seen numbers this high. Last year set the previous record, and so far
this year’s pace is 56% HIGHER.…
DEMOCRATS, then: The last thing you want to do is raise taxes during a
recession. JOE BIDEN, today: *signs law that raises taxes on the
middle class*

NEW: CBP reports 10 people on the FBI’s

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-17 Thread grarpamp
Remember Corrupt Biden driving a Ford with glee...
Now that sound economists have debunked to net-zero
the recent US spend-pork and literally shoot-the-taxpayers bill...

Ford Hikes Price Of EV F-150 Up To $8,500, More Than Biden's
"Inflation Reduction" Subsidy

Today in both "price fixing is useless" and "your taxpayer dollars at
work" news...

In a move that can only be described as inconspicuously timed, Ford
announced last week that it is raising the price of its high end
electric F-150 by up to $8,500; an amount that adds another $1,000
onto the new $7,500 EV subsidy that was including in President Biden's
"Inflation Reduction Act". Base models are seeing their prices hiked
by $7,000.

Biden signed his "flagship" act on Tuesday afternoon.

One more time, so we're clear: a $7,500 taxpayer subsidy included in
an act named after reducing inflation appears to have spurred an even
larger price hike on electric pickup trucks.

The electric F-150 had previously been listed for $40,000 for its base
version. Now, it is priced at $47,000, according to CNN. The better
equipped versions of the vehicles have similar price hikes, up to

Rather than come right out and state what appears to be the obvious,
Ford said that the price change is due to "significant material cost
increases and other factors."

Other factors like...oh, say, a $7,500 taxpayer subsidized cash grab?

The automaker has made some "small improvements" to the vehicle,
however, according to the report. For example, the range for the base
model of the vehicle has moved higher to 240 miles from 230 miles. The
company is also adding a new feature called "Pro Trailer Hitch
Assist", which reportedly helps hook the truck up to trailers.

Sounds like $7,500 worth of improvements if you ask us...

And, as the report notes, Ford isn't the only automaker raising
prices. GM has also increased the price of its electric Hummer by
$6.250 - a similarly inconspicuous amount.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-17 Thread grarpamp
Andy Ngo, one of many covering the left...

Houston, Texas: A Child Protective Services employee was caught on
camera telling a young girl that she should become a prostitute.

#Antifa & far-left militants heckled & intimidated an 80-year-old
woman who was banned from local YMCA for demanding person with penis
leave the women's locker room. The mayor of Port Townsend, WA
(@DavidJFaber) expressed praise for the far-left extremists

Two people in black clothing and masks were caught on security camera
trying to light a family home on fire in Portland, Ore. An elderly
couple live in the house. @PortlandPolice have made no arrests.

Children's hospitals: "We do puberty blockers and genital surgeries
for children." Journos: "Yasss! Gender-affirming care!" 🎉
Conservatives: "They do puberty blockers and genital surgeries for
children." Journos: "Wow, that's targeted harassment and stochastic
terrorism!" 😡

Nobody was kidnapped. This was & is a hoax claim. Law enforcement made
targeted arrests during the insurrection where far-left violent
extremists tried burning down a federal courthouse.
This is gaslighting to cover for violent extremists. Trump didn’t have
anyone “kidnapped.” Every day for a month in July 2020, far-left
extremists attempted an insurrection by trying to storm the federal
courthouse. Law enforcement in marked uniforms made targeted arrests.

The story has echoes of a similar incident in L.A. last summer, in
which a trans sex offender allegedly exposed her erect penis to women
at a spa. The incident was dismissed as a hoax by #Antifa & the left,
who rioted & attacked people protesting the spa.

An 87-year-old man on a mobility scooter was stabbed to death on Aug.
16 in west London. A witness said the man was surrounded by a group of
youths. Police have released a photograph of a person of interest.

As @DarrenJBeattie has reported, Zadrozny herself has been deeply
involved in doxxing and targeting private citizens who supported
Donald Trump. She is guilty of what she accuses others of doing.

The left-wing NBC News activist @BrandyZadrozny claims that my tweet
sharing a multibillion-dollar medical institution's
*publicly-accessible video* is "targeting a children's hospital." No:
it's submitting their policies and actions to public scrutiny, i.e.,
doing journalism.

This @NBCNews article by @BrandyZadrozny is spreading misinformation.
@BostonChildrens does perform genital surgeries on minors. It’s in
their own research paper & was on their website until a few days ago.
They also follow WPATH guidelines which allow it.

A far-left academic trying to get myself, @MattWalshBlog & others
banned posted a fabricated, fake screenshot. I was the victim of this
as well by the far-left on Twitter. They have no argument, so they
have to literally make up what the opposition say.

Leftists have raised thousands for the male accused of watching
children change in the women’s locker room at a YMCA in Washington
state. The individual wants a sex change. The 80-year-old woman who
complained about incident was banned from the center.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-17 Thread grarpamp
Punk Politician tells Punk Occupier to Go Fuck Yourself.

Migrant news...
An 87-year-old man on a mobility scooter was stabbed to death on
Aug. 16 in west London ... was surrounded by a group of youths.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-14 Thread grarpamp
> "Smoking-gun email reveals
> "Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top
> executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder
> Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who
> was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post."

Corrupt Pelosi Crime Family caught in Chinese investment conflict,
treasonous investing with the enemy and backroom deals,
Insider Trading, just like the Corrupt Biden Crime Family, and the rest
of the Corrupt Socialist-Communist-Marxist US Democrat Party,
who have also allowed Chinese entities to buy up massive
amounts of American Farmland and Real Estate some of
which conveniently near US Military and Government Installations
for ease of spying.

Taiwanese Officials Trounce Pelosi After Son's Huge Holdings In China
Tech Exposed

You can't make this shit up...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's son is the second largest investor in a
Chinese tech company whose senior executive was arrested in a fraud
investigation, according to, raising questions about his
secretive visit to Taiwan with his mother.

53-year-old Paul Pelosi Jr did not publicly disclose his stake before
accompanying his mother on the taxpayer-funded trip to Taiwan.

Pelosi is not only a major investor in Borqs, a player in the Chinese
internet-of-things and 5G sector, but has also worked as a consultant
for the firm, rewarded for his services with 700,000 shares in the
firm, at which time his holdings were exceeded only by CEO Pat Sek
Yuen Chan.

Upon learning that Pelosi Jr. had tagged along with his mother’s
delegation, several Taiwanese politicians, including the former chair
of the island’s financial supervisory commission, Tseng Ming-chung,
have demanded to know whether the island’s ruling Democratic
Progressive Party had a financial relationship with the Pelosi family
and whether the congresswoman’s visit involved business interests.

The younger Pelosi was not listed as a member of the delegation and
had no government post or other stated mission to carry out.

It is unclear what Pelosi Jr.'s role at the company was.

Additionally, Pelosi Jr. was appointed to the boards of two lithium
mining companies in 2020 and 2021. His appointments have drawn new
scrutiny following his visit to Taiwan, a lithium mining capital.

His role involves "making explicit introductions between Altair and
potential strategic partners in the various industries of interest for
expansion," according to a press release at the time.

As a reminder, Pelosi and her husband have been accused of insider
trading regarding Paul Pelosi Sr.’s trades on tech giants Apple,
Amazon, and Alphabet last month, which netted the family millions in

While the House speaker makes $223,500 annually in her government
role, her net worth is estimated as high as $252 million, according to
her own financial disclosures.

One could be forgiven for seeing a pattern here among the highest
ranking Democratic party officials whose offspring appear gifted at
discovering lucrative positions in foreign companies while their
parents 'run' the largest economy in the world.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-12 Thread grarpamp
> While the secret documents content would bigly expose something,
> the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...

TOP-SECRET Email's on Hillary Clinton's server...

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-10 Thread grarpamp
> While the secret documents content would bigly expose something,
> the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...

Trump Critics Say FBI Mar-a-Lago Raid May Have Handed Him GOP
Nomination, "Potentially The Presidency"

The FBI’s raid of the former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago
estate “handed” the 2024 Republican presidential nomination to Trump
and prompted moderate Republicans to vote for him, according to Joe
Walsh, a former Republican congressman and a critic of Trump.

Trump announced that his Florida property was “under siege” and
“occupied by a group of FBI agents” in a statement late on Aug. 8,
calling it evidence of “prosecutorial misconduct” and a “weaponization
of the Justice System.”

The raid was not announced and was motivated because Democrats do not
want Trump to run again for president in 2024, the former president

Walsh, who applauded the FBI’s raid on Twitter, said the move angered
many GOP voters and pushed them to campaign and vote for Trump.

“I’ve heard from so many GOP voters tonight who were cooling a bit
these past few months on Trump but who are so pissed off about this
raid and are back to completely & enthusiastically all in with their
support for him,” Walsh later wrote in an Aug. 8 post.

‘Handed’ Trump the Nomination

In another post, Walsh said the FBI’s move handed the GOP nomination to Trump.

“Both things are true: 1. The Justice Department’s job is to pursue
justice & uphold the rule of law. And they should NEVER let politics
get in the way of that. Yesterday, they did their job. 2. What
happened yesterday handed the 2024 GOP nomination to Donald Trump,” he
said on Twitter.

Trump hasn’t formally announced his presidential bid despite growing
confirmation that he will run for the White House again in 2024. On
Aug. 7, Trump hinted again about his potential 2024 presidential bid
but stopped short of announcing a run.

On Aug. 8, FBI agents raided the resort.

Supporters of former President Donald Trump stand outside his
residence in Mar-A-Lago, Palm Beach, Florida on Aug. 8, 2022. (Giorgio
Viera/AFP via Getty Images)

Eric Trump, one of Trump’s sons, said the raid was conducted to see
whether his father possessed any documents from his time in office,
adding that the former president has been cooperating with the
National Archives on the matter for months.

“The purpose for the raid, from what they said, was because the
National Archives wanted to corroborate whether or not Donald Trump
had any documents in his possession,” Eric Trump said on Fox News.

However, Walsh said if the FBI’s raid “is just about 15 boxes of
classified material Trump took down to Mar-a-Lago, this will
absolutely enrage his supporters and only strengthen Trump within the

He added the former president is “definitely announcing he’s running
in early Sept.”

Several other critics of Trump also expressed the same viewpoint.

Former Democratic New York City mayoral candidate and presidential
candidate Andrew Yang, who recently formed a new political party, said
while he hopes Trump “as far away from the White House as possible,”
the FBI’s raid “strengthens that case for millions of Americans who
will see this as unjust persecution.”

Alyssa Farah Griffin, former White House communications director who
is now extraordinarily critical of Trump, said on CNN’s “New Day” that
she hopes the raid “goes beyond simply not complying with some
archiving laws.”

Otherwise, the “DOJ just handed Donald Trump the Republican nominee
and potentially the presidency,” Griffin, also CNN’s political
commentator, said on Tuesday.

“If it’s seen as some sort of massive overreach and not something
incredibly serious, this is a very good day for Donald Trump.”

The FBI has declined to comment on the raid. The Department of Justice
has not returned an inquiry. A White House official told The Epoch
Times in an email it was not notified of the raid before it took

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-10 Thread grarpamp
> While the secret documents content would bigly expose something,
> the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...

FBI Had Mole Inside Mar-A-Lago: Report

According to Newsweek, the FBI had a 'confidential human source' (a
mole) inside Mar-a-Lago, who was "able to identify what classified
documents former President Trump was still hiding and even the
location of those documents."

👀 The FBI is AGAIN sending undercover informants to target President Trump?

It’s the Crossfire Hurricane debacle, all over again.

This time, likely, at the behest of the Attorney General.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) August 10, 2022

*  *  *

The Trumps have revealed more about Monday's FBI raid of their
Mar-a-Lago property.

For starters, Eric Trump told the Daily Mail that "the 30 agents who
arrived at the property asked staff to turn security cameras off – and
to kick their lawyer off the property, but they refused."

"They told our lawyer… you have to leave the property right now. Turn
off all security cameras."

Eric also said "They would not give her the search warrant," adding
"So they showed it to her from about 10 feet away. They would not give
her a copy of the search warrant."

He also said that the FBI brought safe crackers in to break into his
father's safe, and that agents rummaged through Melania Trump's

"It's all a coordinated attack with the FBI," said the former
president's son, insisting that President Biden approved the raid.

"Do you think that the FBI director is going to raid the former
president's house, especially a house as you know, kind of world
renowned as Mar Lago is in a place as public as Mar Lago is without
getting the approval of President [Biden]?"

By not turning off the security cameras, Eric said they saw the
FBI raiding areas of the property that they 'shouldn't have been.'

Donald Trump lamented Wednesday that the FBI blocked his lawyers
from the property during the raid at his Palm Beach, Florida residence
and suggested that agents may have 'planted' evidence. -Daily Mail

Donald Trump, meanwhile, suggested in a Wednesday post to his Truth
Social page that the FBI may have planted evidence.

"The FBI and others from the Federal Government would not let anyone,
including my lawyers, be anywhere near the areas that were rummaged
and otherwise looked at during the raid on Mar-a-Lago," he wrote.
"Everyone was asked to leave the premises, they wanted to be left
alone, without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking or,
hopefully not, 'planting,'" he added.

As the Epoch Times notes, About two dozen FBI agents entered the
Trump-owned resort at 9 a.m. Monday and left with “a handful of boxes
of documents,” Trump spokeswoman Christina Bobb told The Epoch Times
on Tuesday. “I didn’t actually get to oversee the search, they
wouldn’t let anybody see what they were doing,” she said, adding that
she was present when the FBI entered the premises.

FBI agents were looking for “what they deemed to be presidential
records,” Bobb continued. “I don’t think there was anything of

Bruce Reinhart, a Florida federal magistrate judge, signed off on a
warrant to search the former president’s Florida property.

Reinhart worked as a federal prosecutor until 2008 when he became a
defense attorney representing employees of convicted sex trafficker
and wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein. Employees included Epstein’s
pilots, a scheduler, and others

The Mar-a-Lago raid warrant was issued on Aug. 5, a day after FBI
Director Christopher Wray testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee
and was asked about whistleblower reports on whether his agency was
becoming increasingly politicized. Wray had to cut the questioning
short because he needed to travel, although flight records indicated
that he used an FBI jet to travel to a vacation retreat in Upstate New
York, according to the New York Post.

In mid-January, the National Archives and Records Administration
arranged for the transport from Mar-a-Lago to the National Archives 15
boxes that the archives said contained presidential records. Under the
Presidential Records Act, the records should have been transferred in
January 2021 as Trump left office, and some of the boxes contained
classified informatio

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-10 Thread grarpamp
> While the secret documents content would bigly expose something,
> the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...

Trump Refuses To Answer NY AG's Questions At Deposition

Former President Trump on Wednesday announced that he would not be
answering questions in his court-ordered deposition in New York
Attorney General Letitia James' three-year probe of his organization.

After arriving just before 9 a.m. at the AG's NYC headquarters, Trump
released a statement which reads in part: "accordingly, under the
advice of my counsel and for all of the above reasons, I declined to
answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every
citizen under the United States Constitution."

"I did nothing wrong, which is why, after five years of looking, the
Federal, State and local governments, together with the Fake News
Media, have found nothing," the statement continues. "We cannot permit
a renegade and out-of-control prosecutor to use this investigation as
a means of advancing her political career."

"I once asked, ‘If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth
Amendment?" Now I know the answer to that question," the statement

Shortly before Trump's deposition, he posted this to Rumble:

James had insisted that Trump be deposed in person, Insider reports,
after her office issued its original subpoena in December while
investigating whether the Trump Organization misstated the value of
various properties on financial documents - which James alleges were
then used to obtain tax breaks and bank loans.

James' office is considering whether to file a civil suit against
Trump, claiming in court filings that they have "uncovered substantial
evidence establishing numerous misrepresentations" regarding Trump's
financial statements to banks, insurers and the IRS.

Trump's legal team fought the December subpoena for more than six
months - losing in both the State Supreme Court and in a Manhattan
appeals court - after which the Trumps (Trump, Trump Jr., and Ivanka
Trump) agreed to sit for depositions - which were delayed by the death
of Ivanna Trump on July 14. Both Trump Jr. and Ivanka sat for
depositions last week.

Trump's refusal comes two days after the FBI raided his Mar-a-Lago
home in Palm Beach, Florida - reportedly to find boxes of materials
that the former president may have removed from the White House upon
leaving office.

Trump's statement can be read below:

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-10 Thread grarpamp
> Biden-Dems losing numbers...

A History Lesson For President Joe Biden

A nation emerging from a significant pandemic and an economic downturn
awaited President Joe Biden in early 2021. President Warren G. Harding
inherited a similar situation after winning the 1920 election in a
landslide. But Harding overcame it by getting government out of the
way. The economy recovered quickly—whereas Biden enacted bad
progressive policies that have resulted in a double-dip recession with
40-year high inflation.
AP Photo/File

Biden should learn from Harding and his successor President Calvin
Coolidge to correct government failures and allow markets to heal so
that we can enjoy abundant economic prosperity again.

In the aftermath of the Great War, the U.S. suffered a severe economic
downturn. The late economist Milton Friedman described this as one of
the most “severe on record.” The depression of 1920-1921 is often
forgotten because it was short-lived, but it offers policy lessons
that can be applied to our current situation.

Prior to and during the Great War, President Woodrow Wilson led a
massive expansion of the federal government, which included the
creation of the Federal Reserve and personal income tax system. After
the war, markets corrected from those government failures throughout
the economy triggering a steep economic downturn.

The business and agriculture sectors were hit particularly hard by the
depression of 1920-1921, which led to bankruptcies and farm
foreclosures. Unemployment was estimated to be about 12% and the
nation was hit buffered from deflation. Americans were hurting.

During the presidential campaign of 1920, then-Sen. Warren G. Harding
pledged a “return to normalcy” against Wilson’s progressivism. During
the campaign, Harding argued that the nation needed to return to sound
money, less spending, lower taxes, less debt, and limited government.

This was the fiscal policy blueprint of the “normalcy” agenda. Harding
understood that to revive business confidence and lower high income
tax burdens, the federal government must get its fiscal house in

In 1921, Congress passed the Budget and Accounting Act, which under
the leadership of Bureau of the Budget Director Charles Dawes and
later his successor, Herbert Lord, worked to reduce federal spending.
Dawes would compare the task of cutting spending to having a
“toothpick with which to tunnel Pike’s Peak.”

Harding also understood that to lower the high tax rate, spending had
to be addressed first. “The present administration is committed to a
period of economy in government…There is not a menace in the world
today like that of growing public indebtedness and mounting public
expenditures…We want to reverse things,” explained Harding.

Reducing spending was not easy.

As an example, Harding vetoed a popular bonus for veterans of the
Great War. Overall, Harding’s commitment to economy in government
resulted in an estimated 50% reduction in federal spending. Harding
also relied on Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon, who also
shared his views regarding limiting spending.

Mellon would serve as the lead architect for Harding’s tax reform
policies. The top income tax rate was over 70% and Mellon’s goal was
to lower the rate. Through a series of tax reforms, the high rate
would eventually be cut to 25% during the Coolidge administration.

Harding and Coolidge’s fiscal conservatism of lowering spending and
tax rates and paying down the national debt resulted in a quick
economic recovery. The Federal Reserve also tightened the money
supply. The late historian Paul Johnson wrote “Harding had done
nothing except cut government expenditure, the last time a major
industrial power treated a recession by classic laissez-faire

After the death of Harding in August 1923, Coolidge continued and
strengthened the economic policies of Harding. President Coolidge,
along with Secretary Mellon, continued to lower spending and tax
rates. The federal budget was $3.14 billion in 1923. By 1928, when
Coolidge left, the budget was $2.96 billion.

Altogether, spending and taxes were cut in about half during the
1920s, leading to faster real economic growth and productivity that
contributed to budget surpluses throughout the decade. The decade had
started in depression and by 1923 the national economy was booming
with low unemployment.

And that continued throughout much of the decade. This would have
continued but government expanded again. In particular, the Hoover
administration ran deficits and raised taxes and the Federal Reserve
had too loose and then too tight money supply. This led to the Great
Depression—a phenomenon that was avoidable and was exacerbated by
President Roosevelt’s large expansion of government.

It’s unlikely that President Biden will follow the pro-growth economic
policies of Harding and Coolidge, nor will the Fed tighte

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-10 Thread grarpamp
> It's Watergate in reverse.
> The real question is not about posession,
> but about what is in the docs?

"Completely Unprecedented" Martin Armstrong Warns Trump Raid Is
"Deathblow To Democracy"

Last month, legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin
Armstrong said the time to prepare is now for the chaos that is coming
in 2023.

The destabilization of America has been kicked into high gear early
with the FBI raid on President Trump’s Florida home this week.
Armstrong explains,

“This really is unprecedented...

In the United States, we are supposed to have civilized transfer
of power.  That’s all coming to an end.  I am not being dramatic here.
>From a legal perspective, this is completely unprecedented.  The
danger of this is once they have done this, if the Republicans are
ever allowed to get back into power, they would only end up doing the
same thing to the Democrats...

It’s striking a real deathblow to the very idea of a democracy.
We are not, at least we were not until today, someplace like Guatemala
where you throw the opposition in jail, kill them or whatever you do.
This is what’s going on.  They are so afraid of Trump running in 2024
that this is just over the top.  Once they did this, there is no end.”

Armstrong says the Democrats are in “dire straits” at the polls–and
they know it.  Armstrong thinks the Trump raid by the FBI is an act of
desperation, and it will “backfire,” but that’s not the only play in
the Democrat playbook for the midterms in November.  Armstrong says,

“I have been warned that the Democrats have been maneuvering, and
the reason they are allowing all the illegal aliens to come in is they
intend to allow them to vote.  You already had the Justice Department
go after one state that said you had to prove you are an American to
vote, and they filed a suit against them saying that they violated
their civil rights.  At that stage of the game, hey, all of Europe,
Australia, everybody should just send in a vote.”

Armstrong’s says forget what the mainstream polls are saying about
voter support for Democrats and Joe Biden because the real numbers are
much lower than the public is told.  Armstrong’s “Socrates” computer
program shows Joe Biden has just 12% of support in America.  Maybe
this is why Democrats are desperate and realize they have to cheat and
break the law to stay in power.  It’s not going to get any better, and
the entire world is in the same sinking boat.  Armstrong says,

“We basically are sitting here in the middle of the collapse of
Western civilization.  It’s socialism that is collapsing because these
people have done nothing but borrow money to bribe them to vote for

There is no way to pay it back, and they had no intention of
paying it back...

Europe is, just forget it.  You have emerging markets collapsing
around the world because to sell their debt, they had to put it into
dollars.  Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Pakistan, Argentina are falling apart on
a global scale.”

Armstrong thinks the dollar will be strong for now and not to expect a
collapse in the USA anytime soon because America will be the last man

That said, Armstrong does see the possibility of a “stock market
collapse in September.”

Armstrong is also “worried about civil war or extreme civil unrest in
2023 in America.”

Armstrong is seeing a “world war coming in 2024 or after.”

Armstrong also said, “My computer warns that there may not even be an
election in America in 2024.  It’s reaching that critical period.  So,
this raid on Trump is like throwing down the gauntlet.  Everything is

There is much more in the nearly 53-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Martin
Armstrong, cycle expert and author of the upcoming new book “The Plot
to Seize Russia, Manufacturing World War III” for 8.9.22.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-10 Thread grarpamp
> It's Watergate in reverse.
> The real question is not about posession,
> but about what is in the docs?

Judge Orders DOJ To Respond To Requests To Unseal FBI’s Trump Warrant

The Justice Department has to respond to motions to unseal a warrant that
triggered the FBI raid on former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home,
according to a magistrate judge who reportedly approved the search.

Judicial Watch and the Albany Times Union newspaper filed a motion to
unseal the document earlier this week, which was granted by a judge in the

"On or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on August 15, 2022, the Government
shall file a Response to the Motion to Unseal," wrote U.S. Magistrate
Judge Bruce Reinhart on Wednesday afternoon, referring to the Department
of Justice.

"The response may be filed ex parte and under seal as necessary to avoid
disclosing matters already under seal. In that event, the Government shall
file a redacted Response in the public record. If it chooses, the
Government may file a consolidated Response to all Motions to Seal," he

Neither the FBI nor Justice Department has issued public comments about
the raid, which was first confirmed by Trump on Monday evening.

The FBI declined to comment when contacted by The Epoch Times, and the
Justice Department has not responded to several requests for comment.

As for the White House, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said President
Joe Biden was not aware of the raid before Trump's announcement. Her claim
was refuted by Trump on his social media platform, Truth Social.

“What I can tell you definitively and for sure, he was not aware of
this,” Jean-Pierre said of Biden. “Nobody at the White House was.
Nobody was given a heads up and we did not know about what happened


On Wednesday, the Times Union's managing editor, Brendan J. Lyons, wrote
to Reinhart to ask for the warrant to be unsealed.

"Given that the search warrant(s) have been executed, and the target of
that search has full knowledge of what occurred, there is no impediment to
any ongoing investigation from the disclosure of the search warrant order
or the returns. As such, these records should be unsealed," the letter to
the Florida judge reads.

Trump Mar-A-Lago residenceTrump Mar-A-Lago residence Former U.S. President
Donald Trump's residence in Mar-A-Lago, Palm Beach, Fla., on Aug. 9, 2022.
(Giorgio Viera/AFP via Getty Images)

Judicial Watch asked for the warrant as part of an investigation into
"the potential politicization of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and
the U.S. Department of Justice and whether the FBI and the Justice
Department are abusing their law enforcement powers to harass a likely
future political opponent of President [Joe] Biden."

"If the Court were to unseal the materials, Judicial Watch would obtain
the materials, analyze them, and make them available to the public," the
letter said. "Unsealing the records therefore would further Judicial
Watch’s mission of educating the public."

It comes as Eric Trump, a son of the former president, told the Daily Mail
that a Trump attorney at Mar-a-Lago, Christina Bobb, asked FBI agents
Monday about seeing a warrant.

“They would not give her the search warrant,” he told the outlet,
referring to Bobb. “So they showed it to her from about 10 feet away.
They would not give her a copy of the search warrant.”

Top Republicans, meanwhile, demanded an investigation into the raid and
argued that it was politically motivated to wound the GOP ahead of the
2022 midterms. Some have said the Justice Department immediately needs to
release documents pertaining to the raid.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said there needs be a
"thorough and immediate explanation" of how the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was
approved. Legal historians have said that such a raid against a former
president is unprecedented.

"Attorney General Garland and the Department of Justice should already
have provided answers to the American people and must do so immediately,"
McConnel added.

Trump on Monday said that federal agents entered Mar-a-Lago despite him
having cooperated with federal officials for months to return documents
that he allegedly took from the White House after leaving office last

Reinhart came under fire Tuesday amid reports from several news outlets
that found he had a connection to convicted sex trafficker Jeffrey
Epstein. Reinhart left his job as an assi

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-10 Thread grarpamp
> Biden secretly shipping his migrants aka voting and socialist
> dependency bloc into tossup cities nationwide since all 2021,
> now it's official...

And backfiring, lol... along with Hispanics disliking Democrats,
Democrats dislike busing and prefer to keep
them brown coloreds in Biden's "Jungles",
busing is fixing that horror...

Texas Governor Buses More Illegal Immigrants Into New York - Mayor
Calls It 'Horrific'

The despicable nature of the leftist political response to illegal
immigration cannot be understated.  They were perfectly fine with a
full on invasion of the southern border as long as they didn't have to
deal with it directly and as long as they thought they could use
illegals as a voting block.  But ever since the Governor of Texas
started busing thousands of them to progressive strongholds like
Washington DC and New York, suddenly the leftists are not so

Democrats laughed at the prospect of Texas relocating illegals at the
beginning of this year.  Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki
even snidely thanked Governor Greg Abbott for paying the bus fair of
migrants into DC.  She is rather silent on the issue now.

As of 2021, 36 states have some form of voter ID requirement, which
makes it much more difficult for Democrats to exploit illegal
immigrants as vote fodder in local and national elections.  Some blue
states have tried to institute ID benefits to migrants, but these
measures are few and far between.  Meaning, the migrants are no longer
of much use to them other than to continue degrading the legitimacy of
the border.

Furthermore, New York and DC social welfare systems are being
overwhelmed by the flood of illegals, so much so that they have
demanded the deployment of national guard troops to help deal with the
influx of people.  This isn't going to happen according to the
Pentagon, and now they are stuck.  Keep in mind, Abbot has only bused
around 4000 illegals to New York and 6000 to DC – That's all it took
to send both city social systems into a death spiral, showing yet
again how economically weak blue states currently are.

They can't deny the entry of the migrants because then they would look
like hypocrites, so, all they can do now is attack Greg Abbot as if he
is doing something monstrous to them.   The whole thing is actually
quite hilarious when you think about it – Karma really is a bitch.

This week, New York Mayor Eric Adams once again tried to spin the
situation, saying that Abbot was "using innocent people as political
pawns to manufacture a crisis." He then called the action “horrific.”
But isn't that exactly what the Democrats have been doing for decades:
 Using migrants as political pawns while busing them and flying them
into various regions without permission?  Haven't Democrats been
creating an artificial economic and safety crisis within border
states?  Now that they are getting a taste of their own medicine,
suddenly the strategy is “horrific?”

Keep in mind that this was the same mayor that refused an invitation
to Texas to see the dangerous border conditions for himself, so,
Abbott is simply bringing those border conditions to New York to teach
him a lesson.

It's interesting how 10,000 illegal immigrants invading Texas on top
of millions more each year was not a problem at all for leftists
before, but you move those same migrants to their backyard and now we
have a humanitarian crisis that requires the national guard.  Can
someone please ask the Mayor of New York where exactly Texas should
send these migrants other than his city?  Where would he like them to
go? Maybe back to their countries of origin?  But that would be
“racist,” right?

And here we get to the base argument for and against illegal
immigration:  Leftists claim that America is a nation “built by
immigrants” and anyone who stands against open borders is “racist.”
They ignore all the logistics because they're not interested.  Only
virtue signaling matters to them.

Conservatives don't actually care about the color of the immigrants,
they care about border integrity and security, and they also don't
like the attempts by leftists to flood the voter pool with people who
are not legally allowed to vote.  If someone wants to immigrate here,
they can regardless of skin color, they just have to go through LEGAL

Leftists argue that these immigrants are actually “refugees” and not
illegals.  This is just another way for them to manipulate language in
order to change the optics of the situation.  These people are not
“refugees,” and even if they were, it would not matter.  They are
still here illegally, and now they are the problem of New York and
Washington DC.

In the vast majority of nations on the planet, sneaking past the
border is a serious crime.  Any 

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-10 Thread grarpamp
Violent Leftists as usual...

Deep State's "Next Step Will Be Assassination" After Trump Raid, Warns
Former NYC Police Commissioner

Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik has warned that
if the FBI’s raid on President Trump’s home doesn’t stop him running
in 2024, the “next step” for those seeking absolute control of the
U.S. political system will be assassination.

Kerik, who was police commissioner during the 9/11 attacks, made the
comments in a response to a tweet from former acting Director of the
United States National Intelligence Richard Grenell, who blasted the
raid as “outrageous” and akin to the actions of “third world

And just like in other Third World countries, if today’s raid by
Biden’s FBI does not stop Donald Trump from running for president in
2024, their next move will be Assassination.
— Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) August 9, 2022

In an appearance on Newsmax, Kerik, who was infamously pardoned by
Trump in early 2020 after serving prison time for tax fraud, further
stated “I hear people talking, they said the Democrats want this guy
so bad that they wouldn’t put assassination behind it.”

“I’m gonna tell you something. they’ve tried impeachment, they’ve
tried another impeachment, they’ve tried one investigation after
another. This is about one thing, this is about stopping him from
running in 2024,” Kerik further urged.

“I’m not into conspiracies, I’m not into anti-government rhetoric.
This is the first time in my lifetime that I would say I am deathly
afraid for Donald Trump. I would not put assassination behind these
people,” Kerik further declared.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-10 Thread grarpamp
> It's Watergate in reverse.
> The real question is not about posession,
> but about what is in the docs?

Taibbi: Welcome To The Third World

Secret service outside Mar-a-Lago Monday

[The Justice Department] must immediately explain the reason for its
raid and it must be more than a search for inconsequential archives,
or it will be viewed as a political tactic and undermine any future
credible investigation and legitimacy of January 6 investigations.

— Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo

Headline from Politics Insider this morning:

Feds likely obtained ‘pulverizing’ amount of evidence ahead of
searching Trump's Mar-a-Lago home, legal experts say.

Pulverizing! Hold that thought.

We’ve reached the stage of American history where everything we see on
the news must first be understood as political theater. In other
words, the messaging layer of news now almost always dominates the
factual narrative, with the latter often reported so unreliably as to
be meaningless anyway. Yesterday’s sensational tale of the FBI raiding
the Mar-a-Lago home of former president Donald Trump is no different.

As of now, it’s impossible to say if Trump’s alleged offense was
great, small, or in between. But this for sure is a huge story, and
its hugeness extends in multiple directions, including the
extraordinary political risk inherent in the decision to execute the
raid. If it backfires, if underlying this action there isn’t a very
substantial there there, the Biden administration just took the
world’s most reputable police force and turned it into the American
version of the Tonton Macoute on national television. We may be
looking at simultaneously the dumbest and most inadvertently
destructive political gambit in the recent history of this country.

The top story today in the New York Times, bylined by its top White
House reporter, speculates this is about “delayed returning” of “15
boxes of material requested by officials with the National Archives.”
If that’s true, and it’s not tied to January 6th or some other far
more serious offense, then the Justice Department just committed
institutional suicide and moved the country many steps closer to once
far-out eventualities like national revolt or martial law. This is
true no matter what you think of Trump. Despite the early reports of
“cheers” in the West Wing, the mood in center-left media has already
drifted markedly from the overnight celebration. The Times story today
added a line missing from most early reports: “The search, however,
does not mean prosecutors have determined that Mr. Trump committed a
crime.” There are whispers throughout the business that editors are
striking down certain jubilant language, and we can even see this
playing out on cable, where the most craven of the networks’ on-air
ex-spooks are crab-crawling backward from last night’s buzz-words:

MSNBC'S Frank Figliuzzi says 'FBI agents do not like the term
"raid"'. Moments later, MSNBC updates their lower third to "executes
search warrant"
— Kayvon Afshari (@KayvonAfshari) August 9, 2022

The hugeness of the story has become part of its explanation. An
action so extreme, we’re told by expert after expert, could only be
based upon “pulverizing” evidence.

Throughout the Trump years we’ve seen a numbing pattern of rhetorical
slippage in coverage of investigations. The aforementioned Politics
Insider story is no different. “Likely” evidence in the headline
becomes more profound in the text. An amazing five bylined writers

Regardless of the raid’s focus legal experts quickly reached a
consensus about it: A pile of evidence must have backed up the warrant
authorizing the search.

They then quoted a “former top official in the Justice Department’s
National Security Division” — you’ll quickly lose track if you try to
count the named and unnamed intel spooks appearing in coverage today —
who said, “There’s every reason to think that there’s a plus factor in
the quantum and quantity of evidence that the government already had
to support probable cause in this case.”

Politico insisted such an action must have required a magistrate’s
assent “based upon evidence of a potential crime.” CNN wrote how
authorities necessarily “had probable grounds to believe a crime had
been committed,” while the New York Times formulation was that “the
F.B.I. would have needed to convince a judge that it had probable
cause that a crime had been committed.” Social media was full of
credentialed observers explaining what must be true. “The affidavit in
support of the MAL search warrant must be something else,” said
Harvard-trained former Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Signorelli, one
among a heap of hyperventilating names:

It’s amazing how short our cultural memory has become. Apparently few
remember all the other times this exac

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-10 Thread grarpamp
> It's Watergate in reverse.
> The real question is not about posession,
> but about what is in the docs?

While that is still in limbo... another obvious...

Polling has Dem-Left Deep State set to lose midterms and
2024, thus desperate to manufacture anything to win, 2020
being plain evidence and prior art of willingness to do anything.

The Guardian Accuses Republicans Of 'Weaponising' Trump-Raid

Following the news of the FBI raiding President Trump’s home, The
Guardian suggested that REPUBLICANS are ‘weaponising’ the situation to
make unfounded claims of a deep state and a politicised justice

The leftist newspaper’s headline reads Republicans dust off familiar
playbook to weaponise Mar-a-Lago FBI search, with a sub headline of
GOP accusations of ‘deep state’ and politicization of justice
department likely to foment an intense backlash.

So the FBI, under Democrat guidance, break into a former President’s
home and ransack through his belongings and it’s somehow the GOP that
is responsible for the ‘weaponising’.


The article quotes several Democrats waxing about how ‘justice is
being served’, and then claims that Republicans are engaging in
“florid rhetoric” that will “enflame America’s political divisions”
and encourage Trump supporters to further point to a “deep state

Armed federal agents in the dead of night cracking open a former
President’s safe in an attempt to steal documents. Nothing Deep Statey
or conspiracy like about that is there.

The piece concludes by quoting ‘never Trumper’ Joe Walsh who tweeted
“The Republican Party has abandoned the rule of law. Just listen to
them tonight. They’re at war with the rule of law.”

Who is at war with the rule of law?

As several Trump allies noted, the rule of law seems to be AWOL when
it concerns Hillary Clinton or Hunter Biden:

Executing a warrant against ex-POTUS is dangerous. The apparent
political weaponization of DOJ/FBI is shameful. AG must explain why
250 yrs of practice was upended w/ this raid. I served on Benghazi Com
where we proved Hilliary possessed classified info. We didn’t raid her
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) August 9, 2022

The FBI raid on former President Trump’s home is unprecedented and
highly concerning. If the FBI is looking for classified info or
incriminating evidence, they should start with Hunter Biden’s laptop.
— Rep. Barry Loudermilk (@RepLoudermilk) August 9, 2022

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Countless times we have
examples of Democrats flouting the law and abusing power with no
recourse, including Hunter Biden. Democrats continually weaponize the
bureaucracy against Republicans. This raid is outrageous.
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) August 9, 2022

The shocking raid of Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago, Florida,
stands in stark contrast to the many Trump opponents that the FBI has
not raided despite public evidence of alleged misconduct.
@joelpollak’s latest:
— Wendell Husebø (@WendellHusebo) August 9, 2022

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-10 Thread grarpamp
> The real question is not about posession,
> but about what is in the docs?

Judge Who Signed Mar-A-Lago Search Warrant Exposed As Associate of
Jeffrey Epstein

If there were any question as to whether or not the FBI raid on Donald
Trump’s Mar-A-Lago residence was rife with corruption, details from
the search warrant authorizing it should clear any doubt. Although
information is sparse given that the warrant remains under seal, one
piece of information that couldn’t be kept confidential sheds new
light on the motives behind the raid.

The judge who signed off on the search warrant was Bruce E. Reinhart,
United States Magistrate Judge for the Southern District of Florida.
Before assuming his office as a federal judge, Reinhart was an
attorney who represented associates of Jeffrey Epstein implicated in
his human trafficking conspiracy, namely; Sarah Kellen and Nadia

Kellen worked for Epstein as his scheduler for years and was
referenced in deposition testimony given during the defamation case
between Virginia Guiffre and Ghislaine Maxwell. Marcinkova was a more
prominent member of Epstein’s entourage as she served as one of the
pilots of his infamous aircraft dubbed “The Lolita Express.”

Reinhart assumed his role as Kellen and Marcinkova’s attorney once he
set up a criminal defense firm after resigning from his post as a
senior prosecutor in the Southern District of Florida as it was
negotiating a non-prosecution agreement for Epstein. Reinhart would
officially begin his legal representation of Epstein’s accomplices
within days of leaving his position as a senior prosecutor within the
Federal Magistrate Bruce E. Reinhart

While Reinhart’s association with Epstein hadn’t resurfaced until his
was thrust back into the spotlight as the Federal Magistrate who
authorized the search warrant for the Mar-A-Lago raid, it was a matter
of considerable controversy in the wake of his resignation in 2007. In
2013, the US Attorneys states that “while Bruce E. Reinhart was an
assistant U.S. attorney, he learned confidential, non-public
information about the Epstein matter.’’ in response to his claims
against any impropriety. Reinhart’s rejection of any wrongdoing on his
part was made in a 2011 affidavit as part of a civil court case filed
by two of Epstein’s victims in 2008 which named Former Secretary of
Labor Alexander Acosta along with two other federal prosecutors, one
of whom was Reinhart.

Reinhart’s representation of Marcinkova best conveys his ties to the
human trafficking enterprise that Epstein and his network assembled.
Marcinkova is presently the Founder and CEO of Aviloop. The company's
website states that it harnesses Marcinkova's experience as a pilot
for the consulting firm’s focus on companies based in the aviation
industry. Marketing, social media services, and event management are
listed among the services which are offered. As is an explicit mission
to “help employers diversify their crews.”

While the Aviloop website is rather innocuous, other than the fact
that it is operated by an associate of Jeffrey Epstein's, its YouTube
Channel portrays a different image. The YouTube channel is sparse,
containing only 4 videos, each of which were posted 8 years ago from
the date of this article and only has 34 subscribers. Yet, the content
of the videos is suspicious even with the low volume made available.
Each video is a brief, 40 second or so monologue from a young woman
dressed in a suggestive, pilot-themed outfit. Their sultry voices
attempt to entice potential customers into a membership with Aviloop
whether they are looking for deals on pilot training courses, aviation
services or simply want to “see more girls like me.” Oddly enough,
memberships with Aviloop are completely free according to the
promotional video.

No direct contact information for Aviloop is disclosed on the
company's website. However, the website of Aviloop's sister company,
Aviatri, listed a phone number. However, upon this being brought to
light in an investigative report of mine which Marcinkova and Mark
Esptein became aware of, the phone number was removed from the site.

Within days the Aviatri site was listed as “under construction,”
though a simple redirect to the URL of its homepage showed it was
still operational. When this was brought to Marcinkova’s attention by
me, she removed the site all but entirely, only leaving its
placeholder page in its place. The physical address mentioned on the
Aviloop website belonged to a building managed by Ossa Properties, a
property management company owned by Jeffrey's brother Mark Epstein

The automated voicemail for Aviatri states that callers have reached
actually reached Aviloop. Delineating between the 2 businesses is
difficult as Aviatri does not appear to be

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-08 Thread grarpamp
It's Watergate in reverse.
And Hillary still hasn't been prosecuted for having classified
docs and mail in her external non-govt server house either.
Nor has Biden been prosecuted for taking 10% of
Hunter's VP prostitution deals with Asia.
No prosecution of election issues, media tech collusion at
behest of elected Dem-State operatives.
The FBI is known corrupt.
Every president has docs, and memory of docs, that's boring.
The real question is not about posession,
but about what is in the docs?
Here's a hint...
Trump declared war against the Deep State when
he announced his presidential bid. And at least one
recent article has noted renewed efforts there for 2024.
There are no other documents which would be more important
to him than proof of Deep State bullshit, especially
any of its operations against him, or outright criminal
dirt on opposing high political party opponents.
And nothing more important for the Deep State and
them than to retrieve and bury those docs.

Anything to shut Assange, and Freedom, up.

Wyden: Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or
hundreds of millions of Americans?
Clapper: No sir.
One of the most blatant lies under oath, and there was never any consequences.
He committed literal perjury then, covering up for state treason, and
not only didn't get prosecuted but didn't even get fired by Obama. And
he went on to lie that "17 intelligence agencies" claimed Trump to be
a Russian asset.!
If you lie on behalf of the deep state you'll be protected.
We trade our time on this planet, our limited and short life for
money. They are literally stealing our time on this planet. It is not
about paying your fair share, it is about sacrificing your life for
their deities.
Yep, money is energy. These people are parasites.
87,000 new employees to make sure u aren't hiding crust in the crack of your ass

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-08 Thread grarpamp
Sketchy how govt's are going after farmers.

"Bin Laden wanted to kill Obama because he thought
Joe Biden was totally unprepared to be President and would
'plunge the US into a crisis', declassified documents show."
 -- Milly Vincent, MailOnline, Apr 23 2020. creep wtf the entire 15m

Rent rises and so does homelessness

Welcome to The Great Reset. You will have no power and be happy

9.1% inflation in US and these morons (Biden's administration &
Congress) are stoking yet another BILLION check to Ukraine? What kind
of kickback are these criminals getting from this aid package? Take
care of your problems at home in America first!


Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-08 Thread grarpamp
VP Kamala Harris is slammed as a hypocrite for condemning Russia's
'wrongful detention' of cannabis smuggler Brittney Griner when SHE
locked up a THOUSAND Californians for pot possession as state AG

Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan is expected to cost tax payers over $90
million for security, allocation of US military presence, and more.
All this for her to get a private tour of the Nvidia chip factory
after she purchased millions in shares using insider info.

Our "leaders" are a bunch of 80-year-old drugged out gangsters who
steal our money and give it to their lobbyists. This system is a joke.

Okay let's see. For $54 Bln we could permanently house 27 US
citizens in a $20 1-bedroom unit or we could spend $54 Bln on
Ukraine's hopeless war so more people will die and hundreds of
thousands become refugees

"Linda Woodford spent the last 15 years of her career inserting
phony numbers in the U.S. Department of Defense’s accounts. Every
month until she retired in 2011, she says, the day came when the Navy
would start dumping numbers on the Cleveland, Ohio, office of the
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, the Pentagon’s main accounting

"Despite being the taxpayers’ greatest investment — more than $700
billion a year — the Department of Defense has remained an
organizational black box throughout its history. It’s repelled
generations of official inquiries, the latest being an audit three
decades in the making, mainly by scrambling its accounting into such a
mess that it may never be untangled."

"But critics note that all federal agencies, including the
Pentagon, have been under the same requirement to undergo an
independent financial audit since the early 1990s. Every other federal
department has satisfied audit requirements since fiscal 2013, when
the Department of Homeland Security had its first clean audit."

"The partial audit of the Marine Corps was no mere bureaucratic
exercise to impress top Pentagon officials. The Defense Department is
the only federal agency that has not complied with the 1992 law that
requires annual audits of all government departments. That’s the case
even though the Defense Department’s

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-07 Thread grarpamp
- Pro-Tax-Hike Dem Continues To Fail To Pay His Own Taxes

- Dem Congressman's Aide Caught Impersonating FBI Agent, Violating Gun
Law: Court Documents

Get Woke Go Broke.
Woke's failback to zero is starting to become epic.
CEO Barrett got woke, EXFY expected to go broke.

Entertainment Companies Start Dumping Woke Content As Viewership Tumbles

They'll never admit to it openly, but getting woke makes companies
broke.  Hollywood has been overtly progressive for decades, but this
is nothing compared to the social justice invasion since 2016.  After
around five years of an unprecedented leftist onslaught on the
entertainment industry we are finally starting to see the rampage lose
oxygen.  There's a weakness within woke productions that the
alternative media has been pointing out for a long time – They don't
make a profit because they are designed to appease a minority of
leftist zennials that don't have any money.  This is the wrong crowd
to rely on for cash flow.

It is fair to say that the entertainment industry was partially
conned.  First, there are those tantalizing ESG loans that can be
easily had as long a company loudly declares their fealty to the
social justice agenda.  Then, of course, there is the fact that many
corporate CEOs and marketing people track Twitter trends with the
ignorant assumption that Twitter is actually a reflection of the real
world.  The woke mob on Twitter is amplified by the company itself,
while most contrary voices are stifled and buried.  Anyone using the
Twitter echo chamber as a marketing gauge would be led to believe that
leftist ideology is the prevailing ideology of the nation.  It's not
even close.

Some companies are finally realizing this fact and are taking action
to reduce their exposure to woke content, or otherwise perish from
loss of viewership.  Here's the thing – Leftists could take over every
platform for media distribution (they almost have), but they still
can't force the public to consume woke content.  Eventually, the loss
of viewers and profits is going to hurt their bottom line.

Warner Media (now owned by Discovery) seems to be on the forefront of
the purge of leftist content.  Under chief executive David Zaslav,
Discovery is aggressively dissecting Warner to understand why a
company with so many iconic brands and franchises is continually
failing at the box office and on streaming.  Zaslav is now dumping far
left content like the poison it is.

Most notably, Zaslav was behind the torching of news service CNN+
after less than a month of operation when it utterly failed to pull in
subscribers.  Now, he has shelved the $100 million 'Batgirl' movie, a
woke travesty with woke directors which test audiences hated.  He is
also reportedly cutting the impending Supergirl movie, which rumors
indicate was designed to replace the beloved Superman franchise with a
female version played by a race swapped actress of Colombian descent
(the original Supergirl is supposed to be white and blonde).

Another event that shocked leftists was Netflix taking an ax to "First
Kill," a lesbian vampire series that no one asked for and apparently
no one watched.

This was after Netflix canceled a host of woke programming in the past
couple of months, including a show called “Anti-Racist Baby” written
by well known Critical Race Theory propagandist Ibram X. Kendi, and
another animated show called “Q-Force” (Queer Force).

HBO Max recently canceled their "Gordita Chronicles" after only one
season; the show based on a Dominican immigrant family heavily pushed
leftist narratives of victim group status and depicted America as a
racist and oppressive nation.  No mention of the fact that millions of
non-white people try to sneak into the US every year even though it is
supposedly “bigoted.”

The examples of purged woke programming go on and on.  This is a smart
move by the entertainment media as audiences make it clear with their
dollars and their viewership that they don't want to watch leftist
garbage.  However, is it too little too late?

Some companies like Disney have chosen to foolishly double down on
woke content (after numerous box office failures) and others like
Warner have lost a lot of good will from their customers.
Corporations and marketing people have long sought to entice customers
by researching what audiences want.  But, the new model is to simply
TELL customers what to buy, and shame audiences into compliance with a
product if they don't like it. Since 2016 the strategy of media has
been to ATTACK customers in response to criticism rather than
listening and learning.  This hasn't gone over well.  Today these
businesses are paying the price for their trespasses against the free

It is unlikely that they will be able to win back audiences anytime
soon, if ever.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-04 Thread grarpamp
> Gas prices? Biden-Dems-Libs did that...

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-07-31 Thread grarpamp
While Biden spends his time repeatedly insulting the military,
Rep's smack down Dem's sneaky $400B waste and debt,
Dem's play victim card, lolfest ensues...

Jack Posobiec burns Jon Stewart after uninformed 'meltdown' over
  Senate Veterans bill

   As Human Events Daily's Jack Posobiec pointed out, the senators weren't
   voting against veterans, they were voting against a random $400 billion
   that had been snuck into the bill.

   When the Senate GOP declined to pass the PACT Act this week, comedian and
   pundit Jon Stewart blasted from for what he termed voting against
   veterans. But as Human Events Daily's Jack Posobiec pointed out, the
   senators weren't voting against veterans, they were voting against a
   random $400 billion that had been snuck into the bill.

   Posobiec took a look at the bill, which was passed in June, but then
   required to be put up for a revote after the House made a change to the
   legislation. The change in the bill up for a vote before the Senate,
   according to the Congressional Budget Office, was to the tune of $400
   billion in completely unrelated spending.

 Here are links to the House and Senate bill scores from the CBO, again,
 an non-partisan office

 House -

 Senate -

 — Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) July 30, 2022


   Posobiec cited Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey, who said that his "concern
   about the bill has nothing to do with the purpose of the bill. It's not
   about about the $280 billion, approximately $280 billion of new spending
   that is meant to be required under this bill for the VA [Veteran's
   Administration] to cover healthcare, and other benefits for veterans who
   are exposed to toxic burn pits.

 $400 Billion dollars

 — Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) July 30, 2022

   In response, Joseph Hickman, who authored a book on burn pits, said: "Jack
   is right, everyone would have voted for it, if the Dems didn’t add 400
   billion dollars in additional spending to the bill that has nothing to do
   with the burn pits. It was a political move in an election year."

 I literally wrote the book on the burn pits. Jack is right, everyone
 would have voted for it, if the Dems didn’t add 400 billion dollars in
 additional spending to the bill that has nothing to do with the burn
 pits. It was a political move in an election year.

 — Joseph Hickman (@JosephHickman0) July 30, 2022

   "What I want to change," Toomey continued, "has absolutely nothing to do
   with any of that." Toomey said that he expects that there would be 85
   votes for the bill if the issue was remedied.

 I'm not even really a big Pat Toomey guy (we have history in PA), but
 he's telling the truth here no cap

 — Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) July 30, 2022

   That issue, he said, is "completely unrelated to the $280 in new spending,
   there is a mechanism created in this bill, a budgetary gimmick, that has
   the intent of making it possible to have a huge explosion in unrelated
   spending, $400 billion."

   "This budgetary gimmick," he went on, "is so unrelated to the actual
   veterans issue that has to do with burn pits that it's not even in the
   House version of this bill. The fact is that we can fix this tonight."

   Toomey urged his Democrat colleagues to remove the unrelated spending and
   get the bill passed to help veterans.

   Texas Senator Ted Cruz echoed Toomey's points, saying "Jon, you're a funny
   guy and I appreciate your engaging on issues of public policy, that's a
   good thing. But if you're gonna do so, the facts matter.

   "Listen, when it concerns the PACT Act, I support the PACT Act. I voted
   for the PACT Act, and I've advocated for it for a long time. We have an
   obligation to take care of our veterans, particularly those who were
   wounded or injured from burn puts or in other ways from combat."

 Literally @tedcruz even said he’d vote for the PACT Act if the Dems
 take out the $400B in separate spending, and @JonStewart responded by
 screaming and insulting him

 What gives, Jon?

 — Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) July 30, 2022

   "The issue here," Cruz continued, "is the Democrats included in this bill
   an accounting gimmick where they took $400 billion of spending,
   discretionary spending, they shifted it to mandatory spending didn't
   change the amount at all.

   "But the reason they did that is it created a hole for $400 billion in new
   discretionary spending. Their objective? They want to cram $400 billion in
   unrelated spending into this bill that has nothing to do with veterans.
   Now given inflation that is skyrocketing this country, I thi

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-07-30 Thread grarpamp
Why are Democrats like Peter-Pedo (aka Joe Biden) so squirmy sensitive
about human trafficking, border "migrants", muslim grooming gangs,
lib gay drag queens grooming little kids into stripper whores,
unsealing the list of Epstein's clients, schoolbooks, etc...

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-07-29 Thread grarpamp
This economic spin is only the beginning, wait until the
reporters learn that the USA is actually literally bankrupt
and start asking those hard questions...

Fed's Favorite Inflation Indicator Jumps To New 40-Year High, Savings
Rate Plunges
The Fed's favorite inflation indicator - PCE Deflator - was expected
to accelerate in June and both the headline and core increased
significantly (+6.8% YoY and +4.8% YoY respectively) - both higher
than expected. The headline print is the highest since 1982.

White House Resorts To 'Economy Doing Great Because It's Not Famine' Defense

Doubling down on the Biden admin's peddling in fantasy that two
quarters of economic decline does not mean a recession, White House
economic adviser Brian Deese this week tried to argue that 'all is
fine' since Americans by and large aren't starving.

"I think that our economy is more resilient to the types of challenges
that we face," Deese said. "For example, with respect to food, we're a
net exporter of agricultural commodities. And obviously, the high
prices are hitting Americans very hard, but in a way that is different
from some places that are facing famine, for example."

The White House's latest response to Americans not being able to
afford food with inflation is literally 'you're doing great because
it's not famine.' 🤦‍♂️

— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) July 27, 2022

"But I think if you look at the core elements of economic resilience,
the United States is better positioned," he added.

So now the White House is actually pushing the really you're doing
great because it's not famine defense while desperately attempting to
squiggle around and finely parse and redefine quite basic concepts as

"We are in that period of transition right now," Deese had said in the
Tuesday briefing, claiming further that the United States is "in a
stronger position than virtually any other country in the world."

...apparently because there's no mass starvation.

Be grateful, America. You’ve got “excess savings” and lunch meat.
And, we’re not facing a famine. Vote Democrat! @POTUS @BrianDeeseNEC
@SecYellen @econjared @PressSec
— Juliet 🎯 (@juliet_92009) July 28, 2022

Deese then straight-faced repeated his talking point that "two
negative quarters of GDP growth is not the technical definition of
recession. It's not a definition that economists have traditionally
relied on."

1. "inflation isnt coming"
2. "Inflation isnt that bad"
3. "Inflation is just transitory".
4. "Inflation is caused by corporate greed"
5. "Recession isn't coming"
6. "Recession isn't as bad as famine"

Do you see the pattern yet?
— Anarkissed💋 (@Lifeandlibertyy) July 28, 2022

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-07-29 Thread grarpamp
Democrat Socialists Inciting and Operating to Violence as usual...

Wannabe Kavanaugh Assassin Claimed He Was "Shooting For 3" SCOTUS Justices

FBI documents obtained by Fox News have revealed that the suspect
arrested for allegedly planning to kill Supreme Court Justice Brett
Kavanaugh also intended to target two other conservative judges in an
attempt to “stop roe v wade from being overturned.”

The documents show an online conversation that suspect Nicholas Roske
had with others on Reddit in which he outlined his plan.

Alleged would-be Kavanaugh assassin planned to attack several
justices: FBI
— Fox News (@FoxNews) July 27, 2022

Roske, who was arrested in June close to Kavanaugh’s home in
possession of a gun and knife, wrote “im gonna stop roe v wade from
being overturned,” to which a respondent asked “what u tryna do?”

“Remove some people from the Supreme Court,” Roske replied.

The other person replied “two dead judges ain’t gonna do nothing. The
whole government is f*cked There’s no fixing that You would die before
you killed them all.”

The documents note that Roske responded “Yeah but I could get at least
one, which would change the votes for decades to come, and I am
shooting for 3.”

“All of the major decisions for the past 10 years have been along
party lines so if there are more liberal than conservative judges,
they will have the power,” Roske added.

The documents also note that Roske Googled several terms including
“how to be stealthy,” “assassin skills,” and the “most effective place
to stab someone.”

As we have highlighted, despite the disturbing arrest, Democrats have
repeatedly refused to condemn protests, and even encouraged them,
outside the homes of conservative Justices, or while they are with
their families.

Joe Biden's message to pro-abortion protesters: "Keep protesting."

Meanwhile, Biden still has not condemned the attempted
assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 10, 2022

The disturbances have continued despite even neighbours speaking out
claiming they are routinely being insulted and threatened with
violence by pro-abortion activists.

Pouring rain didn’t stop the Activists from reading the first
Amendment to Brett Kavanaugh again…soggy cops and determined activists
show up for week 8 of Supreme Court Justice Home protests.
@OurRightsDC @LiteraryMouse @downrightimp @mpeachmfalready #SCOTUS
— DCMediaGroup (@DCMediaGroup) July 7, 2022

"Is [Justice Kavanaugh being forced to leave a D.C. restaurant due
to protestors] appropriate, sir?"

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg: Yup, pretty much.
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 10, 2022

Karine Jean-Pierre says Biden is fine with pro-abortion activists
protesting outside the restaurant where Justice Brett Kavanaugh was
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 8, 2022

A marshal for the Supreme Court has also asked state and local
officials to take control and put a stop to illegal disruptions
outside the homes of Justices, noting that “threatening activity, has
only increased.”

Leftist group ShutDownDC also recently put out a call on Twitter
offering $50 and $200 bounties for information relating to sightings
of justices John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, Clarence
Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett.

DC Service Industry Workers... If you see Kavanaugh, Alito,
Thomas, Gorsuch, Coney Barrett or Roberts DM us with the details!

We'll venmo you $50 for a confirmed sighting and $200 if they're
still there 30 mins after your message.
— ShutDownDC (@ShutDown_DC) July 8, 2022

Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren refused to condemn the actions of
the group when asked about the matter.

Reporter @hillary__vaughn: “An activist group is offering to pay
people if they send in the locations of Justices. Do you think that
this has gone too far at this point?"

Elizabeth Warren: *slams her car door.*
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 14, 2022

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-07-29 Thread grarpamp
No wonder US populace ranks Govt at bottom of all lists,
Govt are straight up liars...

"Pure Lies": China Contradicts White House On Key Aspect Of Biden-Xi Call

China blasted the White House in a Friday foreign ministry press
conference, charging the US administration with lying after a Biden
spokesperson said the president raised the issue of Uyghur Muslim
genocide and forced labor camps with Xi in their over two-hour
Thursday phone call.

The controversy started when White House Press Secretary Karine
Jean-Pierre told reporters soon after the call that Biden "raised
genocide and forced labor practices by the [People’s Republic of
China]," explaining that is something the president "always does" when
he speaks with Xi.

According to White House Press Secretary, “genocide” & “forced
labor” came up in last night’s call between Chinese & US Presidents.
That is disinformation.
— Spokesperson发言人办公室 (@MFA_China) July 29, 2022

"This is, as we’ve said, that anytime the president has an
opportunity, he raises that when he meets with another leader, and
called on [the] PRC to cease its ongoing human rights abuses across
China," she followed with.

Except Beijing now says this was cut out of whole cloth, with Chinese
Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian vehemently rejecting this
account in a Friday statement, saying:

"I can tell you that allegations of ‘genocide’ and ‘forced labor’
in Xinjiang are pure lies."

"You said the White House press secretary claimed that 'genocide'
and 'forced labor' came up in last night’s call. That is false

Curiously, neither the Chinese government's nor the White House's call
readouts mention anything regarding the Uyghurs in particular, but
only an ultra-broad "discussed a range of issues" phrase was used by
the Biden administration in its press release.

In follow-up, The New York Post questioned the Biden administration
about the matter, with a National Security Council spokesman saying,
"I’m not going to get into a back and forth with a PRC government

The NSC official added, "The president raised concerns about human
rights with President Xi, as he always does. He was crystal clear
about his concerns. He also raised the need to resolve the cases of
American citizens who are wrongfully detained or subject to exit bans
in China." somebody is indeed lying, given the clear discrepancy.

Meanwhile, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is en route to the region on
her Asia tour, which might include an ultra-provocative stopover in

“Don’t say we didn’t warn you!” Analysts warned at a top-level
think tank forum that open options in military and comprehensive
countermeasures ranging from economy and diplomacy from China will
wait if Pelosi gambles to visit Taiwan island.
— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) July 29, 2022

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-07-29 Thread grarpamp
DemSoc's 20 year old infight over defining "recession", and
who gets to be the Next Big Socialist among them...

Bill Clinton Sets The Record Straight On Definition Of Recession

While this week's Q2 GDP data confirmed that the United States is now
in a recession (as traditionally defined - for decades - as two
consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth), the Biden
administration, in cooperation with its media lapdogs - and even the
'unbiased' lads at Wikipedia, has been furiously peddling a Sith mind
trick that "this is not the recession you're looking for."

Joe Biden again claims "we're not in a recession."
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) July 28, 2022

The Biden Administration is redefining “recession” in an effort to
avoid political backlash.

It’s not a recession if you change the definition of recession.

Soviet-level propaganda from a soviet-level regime.
— BowTiedRanger (@BowTiedRanger) July 24, 2022

It's not a recession, it's a 'transition.'

🇺🇸 White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre denies claims
that the US is in a recession, says "we are in a transition."

(via @TheView)
— Watcher.Guru (@WatcherGuru) July 28, 2022

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen insisted that "This is not an economy
that's in recession," before parroting the "transition" narrative.

TREASURY SEC. JANET YELLEN: “This is not an economy that’s in
recession. We’re in a period of transition in which growth is slowing,
and that’s necessary and appropriate."
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) July 25, 2022

Nevermind Biden's own economic advisers defining recession as two
quarters of negative GDP growth as recently as last May (h/t Philip

Given the recent 'confusion' on the topic, perhaps we need a former
president to set the record straight?

"A recession is two quarters in a row of negative growth."

-- President Clinton, Dec. 19, 2000
— Howard Mortman (@HowardMortman) July 28, 2022

What say you, Karine Jean-Pierre?

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-07-29 Thread grarpamp
> Biden-Dems losing numbers...
> If their economic and general political and election frauds weren't
> so easy to spot, one might think they were just stupid...
> "
> Biden-Dems DeeseNomics
> Biden economic advisor Brian Deese, July 26,2022: "Two negative
> quarters of GDP growth is not the technical definition of recession.”
> Also Brian Deese, 2008: “Economists have a technical definition of
> recession, which is two consecutive quarters of negative growth.”
> "
Wikipedia changed the definition of recession to favor the Biden
regime, and then locked the page.
Just like they and Govt did with the long prior understood scientific
and legal definition of "Vaccine" to fit the new political narrative fraud.
Our government told us inflation was transitory and under control.
Now, they are changing the definition of a recession so they can tell
us we aren't in one. The American people are being gaslighted.
Biden Communications Director Kate Bedingfield: it’s “understandable”
that 75% of Democrats don’t want Biden to run in 2024
Look, the only reason it feels like recession is because you are
getting poorer by the day. Apart from that, it's clearly economic

Internal FBI texts reveal as top FBI analyst Brian Auten was framing
Trump advisers as Russian spies in Oct 2016, one of his FBI colleagues
ripped Auten as "one of the worst offenders of the rabbit holes and
conspiracy theories." They feared getting "FOIA'd" over hoax
Democrats policy on crime...

Seems fraudulent Democrats really don't like having their migrant
importation programme flipped back on them...

DC @MayorBowser requests @DCNationalGuard activated indefinitely to
help migrant busses arriving in DC. Calling it a “humanitarian crisis”
that has reached a “tipping point” with 4,000 migrants so far.
Requesting DC Armory be used as processing center. @nbcwashington
Joe Biden is a disgustingly angry rager his entire life who
should never have been allowed into public office, constantly
assaulting insulting demeaning and demoralizing people.
This man is not well.

"This is normal for progressive politicians. Treating all citizens as
children of a government parent"

Fuck Joe Biden and the pathetic band of Democrat frauds.

“that whenever any government becomes destructive of these ends it is
the right of the people to alter or abolish it”

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-07-29 Thread grarpamp
> Biden-Dems losing numbers...

If their economic and general political and election frauds weren't
so easy to spot, one might think they were just stupid...

" Biden-Dems DeeseNomics
Biden economic advisor Brian Deese, July 26,2022: "Two negative
quarters of GDP growth is not the technical definition of recession.”
Also Brian Deese, 2008: “Economists have a technical definition of
recession, which is two consecutive quarters of negative growth.”

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-07-27 Thread grarpamp
> Kamala will be totally rejected lame duck with a lame VP till 2024

Should be noted strategy that Kamala, the known gasbag and
incompetent pinup, totally rejected laughed at and ignored
by the world's "leaders" even more than they do at Biden, will
likely abdicate the throne to go smoke blunts with Snoop after
the Dems choose her VP pick for her... either an establishment heads,
or another ProgWoke Duo for the lols... which will then become via
her abdication the new Pres and VP, for two years,
Dems trying to play them for 10 years via 2024 ticket.
50% odd at that sort of play.
Regardless, Repubs still scheduled to win all.

> Doesn't matter... governments and their politicians are done for,
> being slowly obsoleted by the Internet, Cryptocurrency,
> and Anarcho-Freedom.

Will 2024 see any Libertarian wins?

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-07-19 Thread grarpamp
> Democrats in trouble... not a good look...

False Flag Crisis Actors, Pathetic Democrats...
For real, caught on video, again, lol...

AOC and Ilhan Omar Pretend To Be Handcuffed During Supreme Court Arrest

Rep. Ilhan Omar also pretended to be in handcuffs - and can be seen
raising her right arm at the very end of the clip.

What's more, her staff lied to reporter Esme Murphy and said she was
handcuffed. Watch:

Her staff is lying unless she's Superman and just broke the
handcuffs at the end of the video.
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) July 19, 2022

US Capitol Police said in a statement that they made "a total of 34
arrests for Crowding, Obstructing or Incommoding," which included "16
members of Congress."

UPDATE: We made a total of 34 arrests for Crowding, Obstructing or
Incommoding (DC Code § 22–1307).

That arrest number includes 16 Members of Congress.
— U.S. Capitol Police (@CapitolPolice) July 19, 2022

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared to pretend she was handcuffed
on Tuesday as police escorted the Democratic socialist and several
other lawmakers from a protest outside the Supreme Court.

As the Daily Mail notes, "Ocasio-Cortez was seen walking escorted away
by police with her hands crossed behind her back, as if she were in
handcuffs, but she was not. At one point she uncrossed her hands and
raised her fists to the other protesters."

Why is @AOC pretending to be detained when she is escorted by
police away from the Supreme Court?
— Katie Daviscourt🇺🇸 (@KatieDaviscourt) July 19, 2022

AOC and the other lawmakers joined pro-abortion protesters who have
gathered outside the Supreme Court almost daily since Roe v. Wade was
overturned in June.

— Carolyn B. Maloney (@RepMaloney) July 19, 2022

Other members seen being detained by officers include include Rep.
Cori Bush, D-Mo., Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., Nydia Velazquez, D-N.Y.,
Jackie Speier, D-Calif., Sarah Jacobs, D-Calif.,  Katherine Clark,
D-Mass., Andy Levin, D-Mich., Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., Madeleine Dean,
D-Pa., Jan Schakowksy, D-Ill., and Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-Calif.
-Daily Mail

.@CoriBush, @AOC, @IlhanMN, @AyannaPressley & other Members of
Congress arrested for civil disobedience in front of Supreme Court.
— Lynese Wallace (@lynesewallace) July 19, 2022

"I’ve just been arrested at the Supreme Court protesting the
horrendous overturn of Roe v Wade. This is the time to stand up, speak
out, and not shy away when seeking justice and equality," tweeted Rep.
Maloney after what she called an 'arrest.'

Statement on Congresswoman Maloney’s arrest while protesting for
abortion rights in front of the Supreme Court:
— Carolyn B. Maloney (@RepMaloney) July 19, 2022

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-07-17 Thread grarpamp
Big Tech Social Media Fake News being called under
Unconstitutional Influence, will extend to Election Fraud

Judge Orders Discovery To Proceed In Social Media Collusion Lawsuit
Against Biden Administration

A federal judge has ordered several social media companies to turn
over documents and answer questions within the next 30 days as part of
the discovery phase in a lawsuit brought by the states of Missouri and
Louisiana, which allege that the Biden administration colluded with
tech giants to censor conservatives.
Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt speaking in front of the U.S.
Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., in September 2019.

"A federal court granted our request for discovery & documents from
top ranking Biden officials & social media companies to get to the
bottom of their collusion to suppress & censor free speech," tweeted
Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt on Tuesday, adding "No one has
had the chance to look under the hood before - now we do."

🚨 BREAKING: A federal court granted our request for discovery &
documents from top ranking Biden officials & social media companies to
get to the bottom of their collusion to suppress & censor free speech.

No one has had the chance to look under the hood before - now we
— Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) July 12, 2022

"In May, Missouri and Louisiana filed a landmark lawsuit against
top-ranking Biden Administration officials for allegedly colluding
with social media giants to suppress freedom of speech on a number of
topics including the origins of COVID-19, the efficacy of masks, and
election integrity," Schmitt said in a Tuesday statement. "Today, the
Court granted our motion for discovery, paving the way for my Office
to gather important documents to get to the bottom of that alleged
collusion – this is a huge development."

ZeroHedge will be very interested to see if there are any further
communications between the government and Twitter regarding our
February 2020 ban for suggesting that Covid-19 may have emerged from a
Wuhan lab, which notably made its way into a FOIA release of Dr.
Anthony Fauci's emails.

Wow! @zerohedge gets mentioned! @JeremyFarrar
— Jess (@uacjess) June 1, 2021

As The Center Square's Joe Mueller writes of the Missouri case:

The four-count lawsuit alleges the social media companies labeled
content “disinformation” and “misinformation.” The suit contends the
suppression constitutes government action and violates freedom of
speech protected by the First Amendment.

The lawsuit also alleges the federal government’s actions exceeded
statutory authority and the Department of Health and Human Services
and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) violated the
Administrative Procedure Act.

The AGs also allege a “Disinformation Governance Board” within DHS
pressured social media companies to suppress free speech on:

The Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 Presidential election;
Speech about the lab-leak theory of COVID-19’s origin;
Speech about the efficiency of masks and COVID-19 lockdowns; and
Speech about election integrity and the security of voting by mail.

After the AGs filed a motion for expedited preliminary
injunction-related discovery, the Biden administration filed an
opposition. The Biden administration argued Louisiana and Missouri
don’t have the authority to bring a parens patria suit – an action to
protect citizens unable to protect themselves – against the federal

"Great news in the Missouri/Louisiana case vs. the Biden
administration's manipulation of social media to censor scientific
speech!" tweeted Stanford professor Jay Bhattacharya, an advocate for
scientific transparency whose writing have appeared in the WSJ, and
has joined the plaintiff's side in the suit.

The Biden administration failed to convince the judge that states
can't meet an "injury in fact" standard, defined as "it suffered ‘an
invasion of a legally protected interest’ that is ‘concrete,’
‘particularized,’ and ‘actual or imminent, not conjectural or
hypothetical," according to Center Square. The DOJ argued that there
was no link between alleged injuries to the states and the
government's alleged actions.

More from Schmitt...

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-07-17 Thread grarpamp
> Pelosi, another massively Corrupt CA Democrat,
> uses Public Office to steer stock market payoffs in her favor...

Fed Finds Fed Did Nothing Wrong

In what is likely the least surprising news headline of the day, The
Federal Reserve's Watchdog has cleared Chair Jerome Powell and former
Vice Chair Richard Clarida of any wrongdoing in their trading

“We did not find evidence to substantiate the allegations that
former Vice Chair Clarida or you violated laws, rules, regulations, or
policies related to trading activities as investigated by our office,”
Inspector General Mark Bialek said in a letter to Powell dated June 11
and published Thursday.

Powell's wife knew nothing...

We found that your spouse, as trustee of the Powell family trust,
notified the trust financial advisor of the need to make funds
available for charitable donations each December during the time
period we reviewed. On December 9, 2019, your spouse notified the
financial advisor that the trust would be writing charitable donation
checks and requested to be informed when the funds became available.
The trust financial advisor had noted the blackout period on the
financial advisory team’s calendar prior to executing the trades, but
executed the five trades on December 11, 2019. The trust financial
advisor subsequently acknowledged that executing the trades during the
blackout period was an “oversight” on the team’s part. We found no
evidence that you or your spouse had contemporaneous knowledge that
the five transactions were executed during the blackout period. As
such, we found that you did not violate the FOMC trading blackout

Former Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren and former Dallas Fed
President Robert Kaplan are still under investigation...

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-07-17 Thread grarpamp
> Biden-Dems losing numbers...

Wokeism is a known contributing factor...

Far Fewer Military Families Recommend Uniformed Service

Substantially fewer military families would recommend uniformed
service to others, a new survey by Military Family Advisory Network
(MFAN) finds.

Just 63% of surveyed service members and family members would
recommend service to someone considering it. That's a big drop from
just two years earlier, when 75% said they'd encourage others to join.
The results released on July 14 are from a far-ranging survey of more
than 8,600 people conducted in late 2021.

The finding is an ill omen for military recruiters who are already
struggling to meet their goals. The U.S. Army Recruiting Command
(USAREC) says a whopping 71% of youth do not qualify for military
service because of obesity, drugs, physical and mental health
problems, misconduct and aptitude.

Meanwhile, USAREC likes to call the Army a "family business," noting
that 79% of recruits have a relative who served. Substantially lower
enthusiasm among those who've served is certain to throw a wet blanket
on recruiting efforts.
Source: Military Family Advisory Network

When researchers delved into the thinking of service members, veterans
and family members who won't recommend military service, five top
rationales surfaced:

Military service is hard on marriages, family relationships and
relationships with children
Military pay is too low, especially given the job's difficulty and stress
Some military leaders are bad, corrupt, abusive and controlling
Benefits such as health care aren't worth the challenges
associated with service
Frequent moves between duty stations and frequent overseas deployments

The report includes some representative quotes from respondents...

"It is not easy. It will wreak havoc in your relationship. I would
recommend it if you plan on staying single and/or not having children"
— Spouse of an active duty Marine.

"My husband is gone all the time requiring me to leave my job and
raise the children alone. It has put a lot of strain on our marriage."
— Navy spouse

“PTSD created insecurities and other issues that held to the end
of the marriage.” — Army veteran

“It is a difficult job and life, and the ‘benefits’ simply are not
worth it. Especially since said benefits just keep dwindling and
decreasing in quality the longer we are in. Military life not only
affects the mental health of the service member but also that of their
family. Additionally, I would not want anyone I care about, or even
people I don’t care about, to be subjected to toxic work
environments." — Navy spouse

“With constantly PCSing, it is difficult to establish a long
lasting relationship. Especially the kids. Moving, changing schools in
the middle of the semester, leaving friends, etc. It’s super hard for
them.” — Army spouse

The survey also found 54% of military and veteran family respondents
have experienced loneliness and 23% of enlisted families reported
difficulty affording food.

“When we're going through this report and seeing some of the findings
and the reality that a lot of families are having a hard time making
ends meet, it's not all that startling to see that there will be a
decline [in service members, veterans and family members recommending
service],” MFAN president Shannon Razsadin tells Defense One. “But
what I was really surprised by was that it was as big of a decline as
it is.”

There are surely more declines to come—as more service members and
veterans reluctantly realize their participation in America's unjust
and disastrous military interventions has done nothing good for their
fellow citizens or the world.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-07-17 Thread grarpamp
> Biden-Dems losing numbers...

Dems wasted $500M to their cronies in one state alone,
instead of spending it on their pandered victims...

California Spent $500 Million On Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Training, Report Reveals

California has spent up to $500 million on diversity,
equity, and inclusion programs in its local government,
K-12 school districts, and higher education in the years
between 2020 and 2022, according to a report from a
nonprofit watchdog group.

The Center for Organizational Research and Education (CORE)
researches activist groups to report on their “funding,
agendas, and tactics.”

“In recent years, the concept of critical race theory and
its variants—often camouflaged as more generic
‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ (DEI) activities,
has entered the national spotlight, and infiltrated
publicly-funded entities,” CORE said.

The analysis summarizes the results of 400 public record
requests sent to state and local governments, and higher
education and K-12 institutions in California, CORE said.

“The results are unmistakable: spending related to DEI
and critical race theory-framed activities is a vast and
growing component of taxpayer-funded spending at all levels
of California government,” CORE stated.
DEI has become its own $1 billion industry funded by
taxpayer dollars, CORE said.

“Based on the responsive documents our team received, we
calculated at least $188 million directly linked DEI
spending, and $308 million more in adjacent spending,
totaling nearly $500 million in possible DEI spending in
California,” CORE said in its report.

The total DEI represents 46 percent of requests for public
records of DEI spending sent out, CORE said, with less than
11 percent of institutions responding that they had no
records related to the request.

“Considering roughly 40 percent of our requests are still
unfulfilled, we expect the true amount is much higher,”
CORE said. “Our findings are proof that critical race
theory and DEI are a vast and growing part of the
California government.”

Anti-Racism in the Department of Conservation

CORE points to the Department of Conservation, which,
“despite experiencing some of its worst-recorded forest
fires and water shortages,” the department spent $180,000
of its environmental budget on including critical race
theory in its training.

“This included nearly $88,000 in training geared toward
critical race theory and racial equity themes from
contractors well connected within the state of
California,” CORE said. “In a set of emails obtained
through the records request, the Department of Conservation
staff discuss the purchase of over $9,000 worth of Ibram X.
Kendi’s book, ‘How to be Anti-Racist,’ specifically
to be handed out to staff including ‘Supervising’ and
‘Senior’ oil and gas engineers in the Department’s
Geologic Energy Management Division.”

“It is unclear whether reading Kendi helped the engineers
tackle California’s power shortages that summer,” CORE

Tapping into the Office of Workplace Equality’s $906,000
budget, the Department of Water Resources spent over
$414,000 toward DEI goals, which included a full-time DEI
staff person who earned $171,747 in salary.

“The department also conducted various anti-racism
training sessions totaling $53,000 over the two-year
span,” CORE said.

Bias Training in Local Governments, Universities and Colleges,
and K-12 Schools

On a local level, CORE said DEI-related spending activities
totaled $110 million in county governments and nearly $90
million in city governments, creating a “layered cost for

Twenty-three of California’s public colleges and
universities accounted for almost $103 million in
DEI-related spending, the report found.

CORE reported that a total of $36 million in DEI spending
accounts for the 16 schools that responded.

“DEI experts—funded by taxpayer dollars—also seem
particularly focused on turning schools into laboratories
for progressive viewpoints,” CORE said.

`California's Newest Billion-Dollar Industry'

Both Fox News and the Daily Caller initially reported on
CORE’s analysis of spending.

A spokesperson for Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom
told The Daily Caller, “Unlike some states that aim to
‘both-sides’ the Holocaust or erase slavery from
history books, in California, we do it differently. We’re
proud to be the most diverse state in America—we don’t
just tolerate that diversity, we celebrate it. So instead
of engaging in clickbait culture wars, we’re going to
stay focused on educational excellence and economic

The argument for critical race theory is often that it’s
teaching real history, while those who would have critical
race theory removed are trying to “whitewash” history;
however, there’s

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-07-17 Thread grarpamp
> Biden-Dems losing numbers...

The 2022 House Midterm By The Numbers

Midterm elections involve high stakes, a great deal of groundless
guessing, and lots of numbers – oddly similar to lotteries. Unlike
lotteries, though, the many numbers associated with midterm elections
are meaningful. The six meaningful midterm “lotto” numbers below
should help historically ground your anticipation of what is likely or
unlikely to happen in this year’s House elections, as well as set the
eventual outcome in its historical perspective. You will have to use
your imagination about the numbered ping-pong balls and the machine
mixing them up.

On to the all-important numbers.

Our first number is 7.

Since 1912 when the size of the House was fixed at 435 seats, there
have been 27 midterm elections. As most everyone knows, the
president’s party gained seats in only three of these (1934, 1998, and
2002). But in four additional midterms, in-party’s losses were minimal
(fewer than ten seats). 7 glimmers of hope for Democrats.

Our second number is 58.

The 7 in-party success story midterms are ordered in Table 1 by the
net number of seats gained or lost by the president’s party. Gallup’s
presidential approval ratings immediately prior to the election are
included, with two exceptions. These are Coolidge’s 1926 and FDR’s
1934 midterms that pre-date Gallup’s collection of approval ratings.

In each of these 7 midterm success stories, presidents were very
popular. Approval ratings were in the mid-60s for three and likely a
fourth – that being Kennedy in 1962. His mid-October rating was a
strong 61%, but it missed the boost he received from the resolution of
the Cuban missile crisis. The crisis occurred after the October poll,
but before the election. In his first post-midterm poll in late
November, Kennedy’s rating had soared to 74%. His approval on election
day was probably in the mid to high 60s.

The two presidents on the list with unmeasured approval marks,
Coolidge and FDR, were certainly very popular in their midterms. Both
midterms were bracketed by presidential landslides. The list’s lowest
approval rating of a president is President George H.W. Bush in 1990
at 58%. To get on the midterm success story list, it takes a
presidential approval rating of at least 58%.

Our third number is 41.

In contrast to success stories of popular presidents, parties of
unpopular presidents routinely take a beating. The midterms of the
eight least popular presidents in the 19 midterms since 1946 are
listed in Table 2. The table starts with 1946, the first midterm in
which Gallup’s presidential approval ratings were collected.
Presidential unpopularity ranged from the mildly unpopular Obama (45%
approval) in 2010 to the extremely unpopular Truman (33% approval) in
1946. In seven of these eight midterms with unpopular presidents, the
in-party lost more than 25 seats. In two, losses exceeded 55 seats.

2022 easily makes the list of midterms with unpopular presidents.
Biden’s approval rating took a dive in late summer of 2021 and has
slowly sunk even lower. The multiple reasons for his unpopularity are
too numerous to catalog here, but they span the three crucial
dimensions of dissatisfaction with his record (including the economy),
his policy ineffectiveness and extremism across a wide range of
issues, and a lack of confidence in his leadership.

For whatever mix of reasons, Biden’s presidential approval ratings are
dismal. In the RCP daily average of polls, Biden’s approval has been
less than 43% since January 2, 2022 (as of July 4th, for 183
consecutive days) and less than 41% since May 25, 2022. His approval
ratings in Gallup have been 43% or lower for ten straight months
(since September 2021). Gallup observed that no first-term president
from Eisenhower in 1954 to Trump in 2018 has had a lower approval
rating than Biden’s in June of the second year of his term. None
lower. Biden’s rating for June was 41%.

Our fourth number is 0.

Though most attention in 2020 was focused on the controversial
presidential contest and then on the 50-50 tie in Senate after the
pair of controversial Senate runoffs in Georgia, attention in more
normal times would have been drawn to the razor-thin party division
for control of the House. Democrats won 222 seats and Republicans 213,
providing Democrats with a 5 seat majority.

A major question for the 2022 midterm is whether Democrats can hold
the House. Can they avoid a net seat loss of five seats or more to the
Republicans? In the 27 midterms since 1914, as Table 1 showed, the
president’s party has only avoided losing fewer than five seats on
four occasions. In three (1934, 1998, and 2002) they gained seats, and
in a fourth (1986) they lost four seats. As we noted in Table 1, the
presidents in these midterms were very popular (63% approval or
better). Biden does not reside in that hemisphere. At 41%, he is

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >