Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-06 Thread jamesd
On 2020-08-07 09:54, Karl wrote:
> I'm not sure our emails are reaching the list.  They don't seem to all be
> in the archive.  Maybe we triggered a brief DoS?
> It sounds like you hold a lot of reasons to be very angry around race
> issues.

That is crazy talk.

People who believe things for emotional reasons reveal this by being
wildly out of contact with reality.

Which of us is out of contact with reality?

You believed all manner of fantastic stories, despite the fact that the
mass media has been hungrily searching for these stories for years, and
not finding them.  If every such story the media turns up turns out to
be lie, why would you believe such bunk?

I thought the reason you were unaware of massive shockingly brutal
racist violence in America is that it was unavailable on censored social
media, but when I went looking, there were piles of it, even on YouTube.
 If you are unaware of it, you are lying or willfully self deluded.

Every parent who talks about "Good Schools" is piously lying.  He has
given up on schools teaching anything, and just hopes for a school where
colored kids will not beat up his kids while teachers turn a blind eye.
 What makes a school "good" is the low level of racist violence that
whites and east Asians suffer.

Now they have given up on looking for poster boys, and are just
inventing statistics out of thin air.  According to the New York Times
two thirds of people at emergency are there due to police inflicted

I have, unlike most Americans, a privileged existence, which has always
protected me from black predation, but black predation is visible around me.

My only reason for being angry with blacks is that since the riots
tenants are fleeing San Francisco, without notice, and frequently
without a forwarding address.  Probably those tenants have reason to be
angry with blacks,  but are too terrified to show their anger.

> I've received some links from you to duckduckgo, alternative media, and
> .  Are these what you mean when you say uncensored social media?

No, but when I went looking, I found that the links on uncensored social
media frequently linked to stuff on censored social media, including, to
my considerable astonishment, YouTube.

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-06 Thread Karl
I'm not sure our emails are reaching the list.  They don't seem to all be
in the archive.  Maybe we triggered a brief DoS?

It sounds like you hold a lot of reasons to be very angry around race

Is it accurate that your people need fairness with regard to the story of
white and black people being understood by the public?

> I don't know where to go on uncensored channels to find the videos you
> describe.  I consider uncensored social media to be scuttlebutt, mastodon,
> possibly steem ... What do you consider uncensored social media?

I ask because media censorship is a huge concern of mine and sometimes gets
squarely in the way of accurate discourse.  It can seem a very complex

> On Mon, Aug 3, 2020, 9:35 PM  wrote:
>> On 2020-08-03 21:37, Karl wrote:
>> > James it sounds like we've been exposed to significantly different
>> media,
>> > giving us different beliefs.
>> Just search uncensored social media.  You will find huge numbers of
>> videos of black gangs attacking whites.

I've received some links from you to duckduckgo, alternative media, and .  Are these what you mean when you say uncensored social media?



Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-05 Thread jamesd

Here is a typical of example of black privilege and the systematic
second class status of whites.

Re: Fwd: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Thu, Aug 06, 2020 at 08:14:58AM +1000, wrote:
> On 2020-08-03 13:13, Karl wrote:
> > You are saying that all groups (all people) are precious, right?  I agree
> > with this strongly.  And what do you think of long term trends of change?
> Anyone who says "abolish the police" is saying some lives don't matter.
> Civilized people who live among other civilized people don't need police
> and policing, and for them police are a dangerous nuisance who give you
> traffic tickets and whom the family court will send to kick down your
> door.  But blacks need police very much, because blacks tend to live
> around black people, and people who live around black people are subject
> casual violence and high risk of violent death.
> Maybe abolishing the police would work out well for some of us.  For one
> thing, there would soon be far fewer black people.

   It’s Gonna Blow
   Be a Miracle if it Don't
   Fred Reed • July 30, 2020 • 1,600 Words

  .. BLM is cocky, aware of its power, made overconfident by easy victory. 
It, and Antifa, have never met resistance. If things get really wild, though, 
they will. They will also find that food does not really grow in Safeway, and 
that a Safeway burned out does not necessarily return to be burned out again.

  A country gets what it asks for, and deserves what it tolerates. Most of 
the social problems engendering chaos result from the failure or collusion of 

  .. The deadliest question is how to accommodate blacks. One mustn’t say 
what everyone knows, that blacks are the least educable, least productive, most 
criminal, most violent, most dependent, and least assimilable of the 
population. If anything can be done about any of these, it won’t be, because no 
one is permitted to name the problem. No one is in charge.

  .. If confronted by force, the white rioters, mostly young, will melt 
away. They are Snowflakes, Millennials, young, stupid, ignorant, having the 
most exalted time of a life boring before and soon to be again, Blacks, more 
virile, will not. If they do not, the resultant mayhem will make our starter 
riots like like a PTA meeting at Lake Woebegone. Then what?

  Here we come to the joys of diversity. Cultures can be too different to 
live together. Whites and blacks have almost no common ground, little common 
history. Whites trace their history back to well before the ancient Greeks, 
through Rome, the Renaissance, Europe. Blacks had no part in this and, it 
seems, have no interest in it. Aristotle? Thomas Jefferson? Einstein? Madame 
Butterfly? Galois? FORTRAN? These might all have come from some remote galactic 

  There is no agreement, anywhere, at any level, over anything. Hardcore 
conservatives insist that the coronavirus is no worse than the common flu as 
hospitals report overwhelmed ICUs and epidemiologists cry the alarm. Blue 
states favor lockdown while red states open up. Libertarians peddle cockamamie 
conspiracy theories. Mask laws are ignored or fought over. China, South Korea, 
Singapore shut down, control the virus, go back to work. Not America. Nobody is 
in charge.

  Nothing holds the country together. There is no social glue, no dominant 
culture. We have no shared history, language, dialect, ethnicity, or religion. 
Diversity turns the country into rubble.

  Diversity? It is the end of America. The country once was overwhelmingly 
white, European, Anglophone, and Christian. It worked, as approximate 
monocultures usually do. No longer. The North hates—the word is not too 
strong—the South and seeks to erase its culture and uniqueness. The Bible Belt 
is intensely Christian while the northern elites, heavily Jewish, seek to 
suppress Christianity. The coastal elites hold the central deplorables in 
contempt. Blacks hate whites. Feminists hate men.

  Hispanics float in indeterminate limbo, not having jumped either way. 
Amerindians maintain a demanding apartness. Jews, neither Christian nor, in the 
minds of many, neither quite European or quite American, control the media and 
finance, generating perennial hostility. Bulk lot Somalis, having nothing in 
common with Minnesota, are in Minnesota. On and on.

  It is going to blow. If it doesn’t, a miracle will have happened.

  Currently, if weirdly, blacks hold the whip hand in the country, but it 
will not last and won’t improve racial relations. it is lighting a fuse, 
fertilizing hatreds that cannot be expressed but, if ever they are, Katie bar 
the door.

  Statues come down if blacks don’t like them. Universities abandon 
teaching English grammar because blacks can’t understand it. Whites are fired 
for saying, “All lives matter.” The country lowers standards for blacks in 
medical schools, lowers required scores on the bar exam for them. High schools 
give diplomas to blacks who can barely read.

Re: Fwd: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Thu, Aug 06, 2020 at 08:14:58AM +1000, wrote:
> On 2020-08-03 13:13, Karl wrote:
> > You are saying that all groups (all people) are precious, right?  I agree
> > with this strongly.  And what do you think of long term trends of change?
> Anyone who says "abolish the police" is saying some lives don't matter.
> Civilized people who live among other civilized people don't need police
> and policing, and for them police are a dangerous nuisance who give you
> traffic tickets and whom the family court will send to kick down your
> door.  But blacks need police very much, because blacks tend to live
> around black people, and people who live around black people are subject
> casual violence and high risk of violent death.
> Maybe abolishing the police would work out well for some of us.  For one
> thing, there would soon be far fewer black people.

Oh man, that simple truth just HAS to blow some "PC" minds out there.

When an unexpected truth is spoken, it's often extraordinarily funny, even if 
it is black humour.

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-05 Thread jamesd
At 5:26, Floyd tells the police officers that he is “claustrophobic” —
this, to say that he does not want to get into the police SUV. Remember
that the supposedly claustrophobic Floyd had been pulled out from behind
the wheel of his own car. This claustrophobic man is not so afraid of
confined spaces that he can’t stand being in a car. A reasonable person,
by this point, might conclude that the clearly agitated Floyd is just
talking trash to keep the cops from arresting him. He has been talking
almost non-stop since the police first approached him, trying to
convince the police to let him go.

At 5:38, Floyd denies for a second time that he is on drugs.

What’s striking too at this point is how polite and non-confrontational
the police have been. They ask him repeatedly to get into the SUV.

“I’m gonna go in!” says Floyd, at 6:18.

“No, you’re not!” one of the cops replies — meaning in context, you’re
saying you’re going to do this thing, but you are in fact refusing to do it.

They order him four or five more times to get into the SUV. He keeps
refusing. He claims that he is afraid, that he’s claustrophobic, that he
won’t be able to breathe. Voices of bystanders tell him to do what the
cops tell him to do, to quit trying to “win.” Floyd says he’s “not
trying to win.”

And then several more times, they order him to get in the car. One
officer goes around to the other side, to try to pull Floyd in. Floyd
offers to get into the front seat. No, an officer says. Floyd keeps
resisting. At 7:48, he’s still resisting and shrieking, and the
frustrated voice of an officer says, “Take a seat!”

Around 8:12, they finally put Floyd on the ground. He is continuing to
protest, “I can’t breathe!”

That’s the end of the above video. We know what happened next

Because Floyd was lying about not being on drugs, and lying about being
claustrophobic, cops did not believe he could not breath.  Probably he
was lying about being unable to breath, because he could still speak.

Because he was unreasonably persistent in resisting, they put pressure
on his neck for considerably longer than is safe to do so, and because
he had coronary disease, that hold was even less safe than it usually
is. (And it is not very safe if you continue longer than twenty seconds
or so, which is all that is normally necessary.)

Fwd: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-05 Thread jamesd

On 2020-08-03 13:13, Karl wrote:
> You are saying that all groups (all people) are precious, right?  I agree
> with this strongly.  And what do you think of long term trends of change?

Anyone who says "abolish the police" is saying some lives don't matter.

Civilized people who live among other civilized people don't need police
and policing, and for them police are a dangerous nuisance who give you
traffic tickets and whom the family court will send to kick down your
door.  But blacks need police very much, because blacks tend to live
around black people, and people who live around black people are subject
casual violence and high risk of violent death.

Maybe abolishing the police would work out well for some of us.  For one
thing, there would soon be far fewer black people.

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-05 Thread jamesd
Here is a typical of example of black privilege and the systematic
second class status of whites.

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-05 Thread jamesd
On 2020-08-04 22:35, Karl wrote:
>> On 2020-08-04 19:38, Karl wrote:
>>> I know these particular friends well enough to predict their behavior
>>> accurately and am pretty certain they are not lying.
>> Yet somehow, strangely, in all of America, despite frantic and desperate
>> search by the mainstream media, they have not been able to find what you
>> so easily found.
>> Why don't you report one of these many cases of horrific white
>> persecution of dindu nuffins to the mainstream media?  You will be a
>> bigger hero than Jussie Smollett or Crystal Gail Mangum or was Jackie
>> Coakley was.  You will be world famous for years.
> What's important here is that what you are saying makes no sense to me.  I
> was asking _how_ to find things.  I haven't "easily found" any information
> on white persecution.

Where are the white racist equivalents?

Jussie Smollett?

Fwd: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-04 Thread Karl

I'm getting post acknowledgement emails from the list, but my posts aren't
showing up in the archive.

I thought the queue must be backlogged or something but then I saw Jim's 5G
email in my inbox.

I know I'm mostly just a troll, but seemed like the kind of thing one would
check in around.

I've also gotten cc'd replies from others that aren't showing in the
archives and likely haven't been broadcast.

-- Forwarded message -
From: Karl 
Date: Tue, Aug 4, 2020, 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM
_finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly,
Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump
Cc: cypherpunks 


I hear you speaking of george floyd in ways that sound honest to me.  It's
not the opinion I usually hear when people sound honest about it.

On Tue, Aug 4, 2020, 8:14 AM  wrote:

> On 2020-08-04 19:38, Karl wrote:
> > I know these particular friends well enough to predict their behavior
> > accurately and am pretty certain they are not lying.
> Yet somehow, strangely, in all of America, despite frantic and desperate
> search by the mainstream media, they have not been able to find what you
> so easily found.
> Why don't you report one of these many cases of horrific white
> persecution of dindu nuffins to the mainstream media?  You will be a
> bigger hero than Jussie Smollett or Crystal Gail Mangum or was Jackie
> Coakley was.  You will be world famous for years.

What's important here is that what you are saying makes no sense to me.  I
was asking _how_ to find things.  I haven't "easily found" any information
on white persecution. Was my email to you changed in transit?  PLEASE
VERIFY YOU READ THIS PARAGRAPH, or relate around blockchaining the email to
sort this out.

Below it sounds like we have very different experiences and I haven't
replied much more yet.  It sounds like "black privilege" is a term used to
build fairness in environments where "white privilege" (which is the only
one I've heard) could be stimulating struggle.  Usually we use the phrase
"white privilege" in environments where blacks are struggling; it sounds
like it could have spread to environments where the opposite is true.

> > You mention a black jogger, but not the george floyd video everybody
> > struggled to get recognised this year ... what do you know about the
> george
> > floyd video?
> Every person in the world has seen the George Floyd video until they are
> sick of it.
> George Floyd was wrongfully killed, after engaging in violent acts
> against black and white people, police among them, again and again again
> and again all his life, among them two armed robberies, one of a
> pregnant woman in her home, and getting a slap on the wrist for each of
> his crimes.
> If one keeps getting in fights with authority figures, eventually one of
> them may well wrongfully kill one, but all the other times, they
> wrongfully let him go on his merry way.
> George Floyd wrongfully started a fight with police, while out of his
> mind on drugs.  Police wrongfully ended it - but it happened to him, and
> not to a white man, because George Floyd was out of his mind on a
> cocktail of drugs that might well have killed him if the police did not,
> and which certainly contributed to his death.
> Meanwhile, at the George Floyd protests, many people have been
> wrongfully killed, many innocent people have had their homes and
> businesses burned down, many good men, many of them white, have suffered
> grave injuries.
> The number of black unarmed non felons killed by police is absolutely
> insignificant.  The number of white unarmed non felons killed by police
> is enormously larger, because black privilege means that cops cannot get
> away with doing that to blacks, and can get away with doing that to
> whites.  There is clear and overwhelming discrimination by cops and
> judges against white people.
> If a white man had George Floyd's record, he would not have been killed
> by police because he would still be in jail.
> And if, when he eventually, at long, long, long last, got out of jail,
> he was killed the way George Floyd was killed, no one would notice and
> no one would care.



There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
masse, for profit.


Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-04 Thread Karl

I hear you speaking of george floyd in ways that sound honest to me.  It's
not the opinion I usually hear when people sound honest about it.

On Tue, Aug 4, 2020, 8:14 AM  wrote:

> On 2020-08-04 19:38, Karl wrote:
> > I know these particular friends well enough to predict their behavior
> > accurately and am pretty certain they are not lying.
> Yet somehow, strangely, in all of America, despite frantic and desperate
> search by the mainstream media, they have not been able to find what you
> so easily found.
> Why don't you report one of these many cases of horrific white
> persecution of dindu nuffins to the mainstream media?  You will be a
> bigger hero than Jussie Smollett or Crystal Gail Mangum or was Jackie
> Coakley was.  You will be world famous for years.

What's important here is that what you are saying makes no sense to me.  I
was asking _how_ to find things.  I haven't "easily found" any information
on white persecution. Was my email to you changed in transit?  PLEASE
VERIFY YOU READ THIS PARAGRAPH, or relate around blockchaining the email to
sort this out.

Below it sounds like we have very different experiences and I haven't
replied much more yet.  It sounds like "black privilege" is a term used to
build fairness in environments where "white privilege" (which is the only
one I've heard) could be stimulating struggle.  Usually we use the phrase
"white privilege" in environments where blacks are struggling; it sounds
like it could have spread to environments where the opposite is true.

> > You mention a black jogger, but not the george floyd video everybody
> > struggled to get recognised this year ... what do you know about the
> george
> > floyd video?
> Every person in the world has seen the George Floyd video until they are
> sick of it.
> George Floyd was wrongfully killed, after engaging in violent acts
> against black and white people, police among them, again and again again
> and again all his life, among them two armed robberies, one of a
> pregnant woman in her home, and getting a slap on the wrist for each of
> his crimes.
> If one keeps getting in fights with authority figures, eventually one of
> them may well wrongfully kill one, but all the other times, they
> wrongfully let him go on his merry way.
> George Floyd wrongfully started a fight with police, while out of his
> mind on drugs.  Police wrongfully ended it - but it happened to him, and
> not to a white man, because George Floyd was out of his mind on a
> cocktail of drugs that might well have killed him if the police did not,
> and which certainly contributed to his death.
> Meanwhile, at the George Floyd protests, many people have been
> wrongfully killed, many innocent people have had their homes and
> businesses burned down, many good men, many of them white, have suffered
> grave injuries.
> The number of black unarmed non felons killed by police is absolutely
> insignificant.  The number of white unarmed non felons killed by police
> is enormously larger, because black privilege means that cops cannot get
> away with doing that to blacks, and can get away with doing that to
> whites.  There is clear and overwhelming discrimination by cops and
> judges against white people.
> If a white man had George Floyd's record, he would not have been killed
> by police because he would still be in jail.
> And if, when he eventually, at long, long, long last, got out of jail,
> he was killed the way George Floyd was killed, no one would notice and
> no one would care.



There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
masse, for profit.


Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-04 Thread jamesd
On 2020-08-04 19:38, Karl wrote:
> I know these particular friends well enough to predict their behavior
> accurately and am pretty certain they are not lying. 

Yet somehow, strangely, in all of America, despite frantic and desperate
search by the mainstream media, they have not been able to find what you
so easily found.

Why don't you report one of these many cases of horrific white
persecution of dindu nuffins to the mainstream media?  You will be a
bigger hero than Jussie Smollett or Crystal Gail Mangum or was Jackie
Coakley was.  You will be world famous for years.

> You mention a black jogger, but not the george floyd video everybody
> struggled to get recognised this year ... what do you know about the george
> floyd video?

Every person in the world has seen the George Floyd video until they are
sick of it.

George Floyd was wrongfully killed, after engaging in violent acts
against black and white people, police among them, again and again again
and again all his life, among them two armed robberies, one of a
pregnant woman in her home, and getting a slap on the wrist for each of
his crimes.

If one keeps getting in fights with authority figures, eventually one of
them may well wrongfully kill one, but all the other times, they
wrongfully let him go on his merry way.

George Floyd wrongfully started a fight with police, while out of his
mind on drugs.  Police wrongfully ended it - but it happened to him, and
not to a white man, because George Floyd was out of his mind on a
cocktail of drugs that might well have killed him if the police did not,
and which certainly contributed to his death.

Meanwhile, at the George Floyd protests, many people have been
wrongfully killed, many innocent people have had their homes and
businesses burned down, many good men, many of them white, have suffered
grave injuries.

The number of black unarmed non felons killed by police is absolutely
insignificant.  The number of white unarmed non felons killed by police
is enormously larger, because black privilege means that cops cannot get
away with doing that to blacks, and can get away with doing that to
whites.  There is clear and overwhelming discrimination by cops and
judges against white people.

If a white man had George Floyd's record, he would not have been killed
by police because he would still be in jail.

And if, when he eventually, at long, long, long last, got out of jail,
he was killed the way George Floyd was killed, no one would notice and
no one would care.

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-04 Thread Karl
James, we have a lot of different beliefs here.

I don't know where to go on uncensored channels to find the videos you
describe.  I consider uncensored social media to be scuttlebutt, mastodon,
possibly steem ... What do you consider uncensored social media?

I know these particular friends well enough to predict their behavior
accurately and am pretty certain they are not lying.  So I get emotionally
charged when I read what you write, and it's hard to read much of it.

My activist friend just wanted to cry and be heard about seeing his friends
murdered around him.  It was all he seemed to want.

You mention a black jogger, but not the george floyd video everybody
struggled to get recognised this year ... what do you know about the george
floyd video?



There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
masse, for profit.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2020, 9:35 PM  wrote:

> On 2020-08-03 21:37, Karl wrote:
> > James it sounds like we've been exposed to significantly different media,
> > giving us different beliefs.
> Just search uncensored social media.  You will find huge numbers of
> videos of black gangs attacking whites.
> Search the official organs of the state, such as the New York Times or CNN.
> What do you find?
> What do you find on the official organs of our officially unofficial
> state religion?
> You find a black "jogger" who was accosted by three white men after
> committing a minor burglary, and grabbed the gun of one them by the
> wrong end.
> > My knowledge of killing of blacks comes partly from hearing from
> individual
> > people exposed to it.
> They are lying to you because it makes them holy.  It is like Christians
> claiming to have witnessed miracles.
> If any of miracles that they had witnessed actually happened, they would
> be in the front page of the New York Times every day for the next twenty
> years.
> Everyone remembers Emmett Till, who was not in fact lynched, but
> murdered, like no end of men of all races who made a pass at someone
> else's wife.  The problem was not that she was white and he was black,
> but that she had a jealous husband.
> If in the entire history of the all of the United States, one black had
> been lynched who was not plausibly accused of some serious crime, that
> black man would be the poster boy for lynchings, not Emmett Till.
> If these things are happening, how come we cannot walk down the street
> without being reminded of it by big character posters every ten feet?
> > My closest friend's black roommate had to leave due to harassment from
> > whites expressing dislike of blacks who actually broke her door down to
> get
> > to her.
> Remember Jussie Smollet.  If she was telling you the truth, why is every
> single such story that media hears turn out to be a lie?
> Remember the  Covington Boys.
> The media are so hungry for such incidents, that they invent them.  They
> search high and low for such incidents, and have not found one such
> incident in the past several decades.  Remember all the drama about a
> garage door opener that someone thought looked vaguely like a noose.
> Are you sure they did not express dislike of her because of theft and
> assault?  Are you sure she did not just stop turning up to college
> because she got bored, and told a better sounding story?
> If white people actually broke down the door of a black college student
> while expressing dislike of blacks, you would not be hearing it from her
> and I not be hearing it from you.  I would be hearing it on television
> for days or weeks or months.
> There has not been one arbitrary lynching for frivolous cause anywhere
> in the United States ever, nor one such incident as you describe
> anywhere in the United States in the past few decades.
> The media has shouted no end of such stories from the rooftops, and not
> one single one has ever held up.

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-03 Thread jamesd
On 2020-08-03 21:37, Karl wrote:
> James it sounds like we've been exposed to significantly different media,
> giving us different beliefs.

Just search uncensored social media.  You will find huge numbers of
videos of black gangs attacking whites.

Search the official organs of the state, such as the New York Times or CNN.

What do you find?

What do you find on the official organs of our officially unofficial
state religion?

You find a black "jogger" who was accosted by three white men after
committing a minor burglary, and grabbed the gun of one them by the
wrong end.

> My knowledge of killing of blacks comes partly from hearing from individual
> people exposed to it.

They are lying to you because it makes them holy.  It is like Christians
claiming to have witnessed miracles.

If any of miracles that they had witnessed actually happened, they would
be in the front page of the New York Times every day for the next twenty

Everyone remembers Emmett Till, who was not in fact lynched, but
murdered, like no end of men of all races who made a pass at someone
else's wife.  The problem was not that she was white and he was black,
but that she had a jealous husband.

If in the entire history of the all of the United States, one black had
been lynched who was not plausibly accused of some serious crime, that
black man would be the poster boy for lynchings, not Emmett Till.

If these things are happening, how come we cannot walk down the street
without being reminded of it by big character posters every ten feet?

> My closest friend's black roommate had to leave due to harassment from
> whites expressing dislike of blacks who actually broke her door down to get
> to her. 

Remember Jussie Smollet.  If she was telling you the truth, why is every
single such story that media hears turn out to be a lie?

Remember the  Covington Boys.

The media are so hungry for such incidents, that they invent them.  They
search high and low for such incidents, and have not found one such
incident in the past several decades.  Remember all the drama about a
garage door opener that someone thought looked vaguely like a noose.

Are you sure they did not express dislike of her because of theft and
assault?  Are you sure she did not just stop turning up to college
because she got bored, and told a better sounding story?

If white people actually broke down the door of a black college student
while expressing dislike of blacks, you would not be hearing it from her
and I not be hearing it from you.  I would be hearing it on television
for days or weeks or months.

There has not been one arbitrary lynching for frivolous cause anywhere
in the United States ever, nor one such incident as you describe
anywhere in the United States in the past few decades.

The media has shouted no end of such stories from the rooftops, and not
one single one has ever held up.

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-03 Thread Karl
I'd rather talk about evil though.  What do you do when people are led to
believe that good people are evil, and engage in great harm upon them to
try to make the world right, and are then labeled as evil themselves
because of this harm?

Personally I believe that all evil is such situations.  Every single fucking person has a deeply caring heart if
you sit down and listen to them.  _Every_single_person_.



There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
masse, for profit.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2020, 9:28 AM Karl  wrote:

> Hey Zenaan.
> You have written too many strange interpretations of my words here for me
> to comprehend them.  It sounds like you are implying I misspoke?
> K
> -
> There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
> group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
> responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
> people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
> masse, for profit.
> On Mon, Aug 3, 2020, 9:07 AM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 07:26:11AM -0400, Karl wrote:
>> > I'll respond to each thing you said with fewer words than you used, for
>> > clarity.
>> >
>> > On Mon, Aug 3, 2020, 12:09 AM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
>> >
>> > > On Sun, Aug 02, 2020 at 11:13:37PM -0400, Karl wrote:
>> > > > You didn't respond to my one question to understand you other than
>> > > "no"!  =(
>> > > >
>> > > > On Sun, Aug 2, 2020, 10:32 PM Zenaan Harkness 
>> wrote:
>> > > >
>> > > > > > I'm aware of whites killing blacks for sport, in the present
>> day.  I
>> > > > > don't
>> > > > > > have exposure to blacks killing whites, and honestly there are
>> so
>> > > many of
>> > > > > > us and our way of life seems so harmful to me, it seems the
>> lesser
>> > > issue
>> > > > > to
>> > > > > > me.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Karl, you said: "whites [are] killing blacks for sport"
>> > >
>> > > You then said: "[regarding] blacks killing whites ... there are so
>> many of
>> > > us and our way of life seems so harmful ..., it seems the lesser
>> issue to
>> > > me"
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Karl, do you wish to rephrase these words you used?
>> > >
>> > > At the moment, I am hearing you sanctioning the killing of Whites, by
>> > > Blacks, because "there are so many of us" and also because, you say,
>> "our
>> > > way of life seems so harmful".
>> > >
>> >
>> > I do not sanction any kind of killing.  I prioritize whose life to save.
>> Karl, you say, and I'll quote only one last time: "blacks killing whites
>> ... seems the lesser issue to me", and you say this immediately after
>> alleging "whites killing blacks for sport", and so with these words, and
>> with this juxtaposition that you put to us, you dismiss the killing of
>> whites, by blacks, as "the lesser issue to [you]".
>> You then give two justifications for the killing of whites by blacks (in
>> comparison to the purported by you, killing of blacks by whites) when you
>> say both a) "honestly there are so many of us" and b) "our way of life
>> seems so harmful to me".
>> From these words there is no statement from you that you wish to preserve
>> the lives of whites, only to blame them for "killing blacks for sport"
>> which you allege to be true in "recent times", and in fact, you dismiss (in
>> these words you use) the preservation of the lives of whites, repeatedly,
>> with your stated justifications and with your statement further below that
>> "Death happens: the question is whether we hold it as a goal".
>> So according to you Karl, when it comes to whites killing blacks it
>> happens as you allege "for sport" and you seem to imply that we must stop
>> this "to preserve blacks" and according to you we must "fight to preserve
>> .. their [blacks] numbers", but when it comes to blacks killing whites, you
>> justify your failure to defend the right of whites to live (to "preserve
>> their numbers") because you say "honestly there are so many of us" and
>> further you add that 'our way of life is "so harmful"', and you say these
>> things without any suggestion that the numbers ought be irrelevant (in fact
>> you raised the very issue that the numbers of "white lives" is in fact a
>> ground on which you dismiss the preservation of white lives).
>> Karl, based on this exchange so far, you are using words, and defending
>> positions which you are putting to us, which are abhorrent to any Soul who
>> values all others, all lives irrespective of skin color, and these
>> positions when held sufficiently, lead directly to great despotism upon
>> people.
>> Further, you appear either intentionally or unintentionally oblivious 

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-03 Thread Karl
Hey Zenaan.

You have written too many strange interpretations of my words here for me
to comprehend them.  It sounds like you are implying I misspoke?




There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
masse, for profit.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2020, 9:07 AM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 07:26:11AM -0400, Karl wrote:
> > I'll respond to each thing you said with fewer words than you used, for
> > clarity.
> >
> > On Mon, Aug 3, 2020, 12:09 AM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> >
> > > On Sun, Aug 02, 2020 at 11:13:37PM -0400, Karl wrote:
> > > > You didn't respond to my one question to understand you other than
> > > "no"!  =(
> > > >
> > > > On Sun, Aug 2, 2020, 10:32 PM Zenaan Harkness 
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > > I'm aware of whites killing blacks for sport, in the present
> day.  I
> > > > > don't
> > > > > > have exposure to blacks killing whites, and honestly there are so
> > > many of
> > > > > > us and our way of life seems so harmful to me, it seems the
> lesser
> > > issue
> > > > > to
> > > > > > me.
> > >
> > >
> > > Karl, you said: "whites [are] killing blacks for sport"
> > >
> > > You then said: "[regarding] blacks killing whites ... there are so
> many of
> > > us and our way of life seems so harmful ..., it seems the lesser issue
> to
> > > me"
> > >
> > >
> > > Karl, do you wish to rephrase these words you used?
> > >
> > > At the moment, I am hearing you sanctioning the killing of Whites, by
> > > Blacks, because "there are so many of us" and also because, you say,
> "our
> > > way of life seems so harmful".
> > >
> >
> > I do not sanction any kind of killing.  I prioritize whose life to save.
> Karl, you say, and I'll quote only one last time: "blacks killing whites
> ... seems the lesser issue to me", and you say this immediately after
> alleging "whites killing blacks for sport", and so with these words, and
> with this juxtaposition that you put to us, you dismiss the killing of
> whites, by blacks, as "the lesser issue to [you]".
> You then give two justifications for the killing of whites by blacks (in
> comparison to the purported by you, killing of blacks by whites) when you
> say both a) "honestly there are so many of us" and b) "our way of life
> seems so harmful to me".
> From these words there is no statement from you that you wish to preserve
> the lives of whites, only to blame them for "killing blacks for sport"
> which you allege to be true in "recent times", and in fact, you dismiss (in
> these words you use) the preservation of the lives of whites, repeatedly,
> with your stated justifications and with your statement further below that
> "Death happens: the question is whether we hold it as a goal".
> So according to you Karl, when it comes to whites killing blacks it
> happens as you allege "for sport" and you seem to imply that we must stop
> this "to preserve blacks" and according to you we must "fight to preserve
> .. their [blacks] numbers", but when it comes to blacks killing whites, you
> justify your failure to defend the right of whites to live (to "preserve
> their numbers") because you say "honestly there are so many of us" and
> further you add that 'our way of life is "so harmful"', and you say these
> things without any suggestion that the numbers ought be irrelevant (in fact
> you raised the very issue that the numbers of "white lives" is in fact a
> ground on which you dismiss the preservation of white lives).
> Karl, based on this exchange so far, you are using words, and defending
> positions which you are putting to us, which are abhorrent to any Soul who
> values all others, all lives irrespective of skin color, and these
> positions when held sufficiently, lead directly to great despotism upon
> people.
> Further, you appear either intentionally or unintentionally oblivious to
> the plain implications which normal people infer and take from your
> apparently quite carefully chosen words (and if you did not personally
> choose your words, but merely parrot what others have said to you, then you
> are not a thinking person of these words, and in that case you are speaking
> carelessly, but still very dangerously).
> Further, you repeatedly deny the existence of evil, and below say that you
> "do not believe in evil", and that you "do not believe anything opposes the
> life of another" (again, these are your exact words) and you say further
> that bullets used to murder another are not an example of evil, but instead
> show us only that bullets and murderers are according to you "[only]
> isolated parts of the system that relate to producing the death, coming out
> in placing human blame on a metal bullet without context" - and you say

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-03 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 07:26:11AM -0400, Karl wrote:
> I'll respond to each thing you said with fewer words than you used, for
> clarity.
> On Mon, Aug 3, 2020, 12:09 AM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> > On Sun, Aug 02, 2020 at 11:13:37PM -0400, Karl wrote:
> > > You didn't respond to my one question to understand you other than
> > "no"!  =(
> > >
> > > On Sun, Aug 2, 2020, 10:32 PM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> > >
> > > > > I'm aware of whites killing blacks for sport, in the present day.  I
> > > > don't
> > > > > have exposure to blacks killing whites, and honestly there are so
> > many of
> > > > > us and our way of life seems so harmful to me, it seems the lesser
> > issue
> > > > to
> > > > > me.
> >
> >
> > Karl, you said: "whites [are] killing blacks for sport"
> >
> > You then said: "[regarding] blacks killing whites ... there are so many of
> > us and our way of life seems so harmful ..., it seems the lesser issue to
> > me"
> >
> >
> > Karl, do you wish to rephrase these words you used?
> >
> > At the moment, I am hearing you sanctioning the killing of Whites, by
> > Blacks, because "there are so many of us" and also because, you say, "our
> > way of life seems so harmful".
> >
> I do not sanction any kind of killing.  I prioritize whose life to save.

Karl, you say, and I'll quote only one last time: "blacks killing whites ... 
seems the lesser issue to me", and you say this immediately after alleging 
"whites killing blacks for sport", and so with these words, and with this 
juxtaposition that you put to us, you dismiss the killing of whites, by blacks, 
as "the lesser issue to [you]".

You then give two justifications for the killing of whites by blacks (in 
comparison to the purported by you, killing of blacks by whites) when you say 
both a) "honestly there are so many of us" and b) "our way of life seems so 
harmful to me".

From these words there is no statement from you that you wish to preserve the 
lives of whites, only to blame them for "killing blacks for sport" which you 
allege to be true in "recent times", and in fact, you dismiss (in these words 
you use) the preservation of the lives of whites, repeatedly, with your stated 
justifications and with your statement further below that "Death happens: the 
question is whether we hold it as a goal".

So according to you Karl, when it comes to whites killing blacks it happens as 
you allege "for sport" and you seem to imply that we must stop this "to 
preserve blacks" and according to you we must "fight to preserve .. their 
[blacks] numbers", but when it comes to blacks killing whites, you justify your 
failure to defend the right of whites to live (to "preserve their numbers") 
because you say "honestly there are so many of us" and further you add that 
'our way of life is "so harmful"', and you say these things without any 
suggestion that the numbers ought be irrelevant (in fact you raised the very 
issue that the numbers of "white lives" is in fact a ground on which you 
dismiss the preservation of white lives).

Karl, based on this exchange so far, you are using words, and defending 
positions which you are putting to us, which are abhorrent to any Soul who 
values all others, all lives irrespective of skin color, and these positions 
when held sufficiently, lead directly to great despotism upon people.

Further, you appear either intentionally or unintentionally oblivious to the 
plain implications which normal people infer and take from your apparently 
quite carefully chosen words (and if you did not personally choose your words, 
but merely parrot what others have said to you, then you are not a thinking 
person of these words, and in that case you are speaking carelessly, but still 
very dangerously).

Further, you repeatedly deny the existence of evil, and below say that you "do 
not believe in evil", and that you "do not believe anything opposes the life of 
another" (again, these are your exact words) and you say further that bullets 
used to murder another are not an example of evil, but instead show us only 
that bullets and murderers are according to you "[only] isolated parts of the 
system that relate to producing the death, coming out in placing human blame on 
a metal bullet without context" - and you say this is without context, even 
though the context was named (murder) and even though in fact it was you who 
raised this very context (the purported killing of blacks for "sport") and you 
conclude all this by saying that "behaviour we hate can exist in systems we 
love" (as though those words explain your position and as though "hate" has 
nothing to do with evil, since evil according to you does not exist, and whites 
who you purport 'murder blacks for sport' are not evil but are merely people 
who according to you "just believe different things are good than we do").

Karl I take an opposite position on evil to you, I stand for righteousness, and 
I stand against evil, I choose to stand in the face of 

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-03 Thread Karl
James it sounds like we've been exposed to significantly different media,
giving us different beliefs.

I have also experienced the oppression you describe, but for talking about
the opposite things.  Is this something you can hear?

I have also never seen such a video: where did you see them?

My knowledge of killing of blacks comes partly from hearing from individual
people exposed to it.

My closest friend's black roommate had to leave due to harassment from
whites expressing dislike of blacks who actually broke her door down to get
to her.  Another left their college because they couldn't handle being
around so many people who "shot niggers" over the weekend for fun and
discussed this publically at the college.  And as I've stated before on
this list one of my friends was mediating a community of black people
outside america when a ceo opened fire on them from a helicopter.

This same friend was defending a community in arizona where people with
black skin were dying.  This got _no_ media attention at all.  Black Mesa:
the people are being driven extinct in silence.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2020, 7:18 AM  wrote:

> On 2020-08-03 11:15, Karl wrote:
> > Thanks friend.  What I have to say next doesn't really matter compared to
> > not having to fight.
> >
> > I'm aware of whites killing blacks for sport, in the present day.
> Liar.
> I see plenty of videos of blacks attacking whites for fun.
> If it had ever happened to one black in all of America, you would have a
> better poster boy than the "jogger" who was accosted by three armed
> white people while jogging away from a burglary, and grabbed the gun of
> one of them by the wrong end.
> If there is any "systemic racism" against a group of people, it's
> against white people.
> -Affirmative action for college acceptance
> -Mandatory diversity training at work
> -Diversity quota hires
> -Forced diversity in entertainment: music, movies, TV shows
> -Forced diversity in advertising
> -Fired from your job for talking about any of this
> -Censored off the internet for talking about any of this

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-03 Thread Karl
I'll respond to each thing you said with fewer words than you used, for

On Mon, Aug 3, 2020, 12:09 AM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 02, 2020 at 11:13:37PM -0400, Karl wrote:
> > You didn't respond to my one question to understand you other than
> "no"!  =(
> >
> > On Sun, Aug 2, 2020, 10:32 PM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> >
> > > > I'm aware of whites killing blacks for sport, in the present day.  I
> > > don't
> > > > have exposure to blacks killing whites, and honestly there are so
> many of
> > > > us and our way of life seems so harmful to me, it seems the lesser
> issue
> > > to
> > > > me.
> Karl, you said: "whites [are] killing blacks for sport"
> You then said: "[regarding] blacks killing whites ... there are so many of
> us and our way of life seems so harmful ..., it seems the lesser issue to
> me"
> Karl, do you wish to rephrase these words you used?
> At the moment, I am hearing you sanctioning the killing of Whites, by
> Blacks, because "there are so many of us" and also because, you say, "our
> way of life seems so harmful".

I do not sanction any kind of killing.  I prioritize whose life to save.

Death happens: the question is whether we hold it as a goal.

It was clear in what I said that I was not sanctioning killing.

It sounds like you are shocked or angered hearing my views of whites as
having a harmful way of life, and being less important to fight to preserve
due to their numbers?  Please answer this question, I am still a beginner
in learning to hear and understand others and need some guidance I

And again Karl, when I read these words you used, I hear you sanctioning,
> that is justifying and almost explicitly supporting "blacks killing whites"
> for those two reasons that you cited.

> Again I ask you Karl, do you wish to retract what you appear to be saying?

Your words, not mine.  I murder children already myself, learning to stop
with this kind BLM movement as inspiration.  Saw a lot of black people die.

Or, do you wish to re-word what you are saying so that it is clearer,
> reflecting more accurately in some way, what you're (trying to) say?

> The rest of the conversation below, whether you meant it to or not, flows
> from this beginning of this conversation, and so until we get clarity and
> reach an accord or understanding of one another here at the beginning, then
> the rest will likely be, at best, talking at "crossed purposes to one
> another" as they say...

This is because we have emotions, I suppose.

> (PS, you complain at the top there, of me providing "insufficient" answer
> to one of your many unclear sentences which was at the very bottom of your
> email, yet we appear stuck at the beginning, where you have either
> overlooked, or perhaps not understood what I was asking you in some detail
> and clarity (see immediately below)...)

You imply blame on me for you sticking at the beginning here.  Maybe you
picked up my frustration at responding to so many following things that
charge the emotions from a place I don't understand.

What's relevent is that asking the question comes before stating
differences.  Reduces disconnection.

> > Your almost explicit sanctioning (in the words you chose to use) of the
> > > "culling of one subgroup of our community" is abhorrent, no matter the
> skin
> > > colour of the sub group you target in this way.
> > >
> > > And your stated excuse that "our way of life seems harmful to me" can
> > > never ever be a sufficient excuse for the culling of ANY sub group of
> > > colour.
> > >
> > > Sanction the culling of one sub group (as these words just did) and you
> > > sanction the culling of any and every sub group, i.e. everybody, which
> is
> > > despotism, and makes you look like a despot when you say such things.
> > You are saying that all groups (all people) are precious, right?  I agree
> > with this strongly.  And what do you think of long term trends of change?

To reiterate, I believe all groups (all people) are precious, quoted
above.  This clarifies my starting statement.

> > This is one of the problems in the "Black" Lives Matter movement - people
> > > get lulled into literal extermination agendas, thinking they are
> signalling
> > > great virtue by doing so.
> > >
> >
> > This makes no sense to me.
> I have asked you again - see above.

We don't want to exterminate people. <== Please reread my sentence and
understand it.  "We" here refers to you, and me.

This is a connecting point between us and opens an avenue to discuss how to
work together.

> When we sanction the murder of a sub group, we sanction the destruction of
> > > the lives of our fellow Souls, and this is a despotic position, an evil
> > > position that you appear to take (evil is that which opposes my life,
> for
> > > any individual value of "my").
> > >
> >
> > By finding a shared concept between us, you are mediating.
> >
> > I do not believe in evil.  I do not believe 

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-03 Thread jamesd
On 2020-08-03 11:15, Karl wrote:
> Thanks friend.  What I have to say next doesn't really matter compared to
> not having to fight.
> I'm aware of whites killing blacks for sport, in the present day. 


I see plenty of videos of blacks attacking whites for fun.

If it had ever happened to one black in all of America, you would have a
better poster boy than the "jogger" who was accosted by three armed
white people while jogging away from a burglary, and grabbed the gun of
one of them by the wrong end.

If there is any "systemic racism" against a group of people, it's
against white people.
-Affirmative action for college acceptance
-Mandatory diversity training at work
-Diversity quota hires
-Forced diversity in entertainment: music, movies, TV shows
-Forced diversity in advertising
-Fired from your job for talking about any of this
-Censored off the internet for talking about any of this

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-02 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Aug 02, 2020 at 11:13:37PM -0400, Karl wrote:
> You didn't respond to my one question to understand you other than "no"!  =(
> On Sun, Aug 2, 2020, 10:32 PM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> > > I'm aware of whites killing blacks for sport, in the present day.  I
> > don't
> > > have exposure to blacks killing whites, and honestly there are so many of
> > > us and our way of life seems so harmful to me, it seems the lesser issue
> > to
> > > me.

Karl, you said: "whites [are] killing blacks for sport"

You then said: "[regarding] blacks killing whites ... there are so many of us 
and our way of life seems so harmful ..., it seems the lesser issue to me"

Karl, do you wish to rephrase these words you used?

At the moment, I am hearing you sanctioning the killing of Whites, by Blacks, 
because "there are so many of us" and also because, you say, "our way of life 
seems so harmful".

And again Karl, when I read these words you used, I hear you sanctioning, that 
is justifying and almost explicitly supporting "blacks killing whites" for 
those two reasons that you cited.

Again I ask you Karl, do you wish to retract what you appear to be saying?

Or, do you wish to re-word what you are saying so that it is clearer, 
reflecting more accurately in some way, what you're (trying to) say?

The rest of the conversation below, whether you meant it to or not, flows from 
this beginning of this conversation, and so until we get clarity and reach an 
accord or understanding of one another here at the beginning, then the rest 
will likely be, at best, talking at "crossed purposes to one another" as they 

(PS, you complain at the top there, of me providing "insufficient" answer to 
one of your many unclear sentences which was at the very bottom of your email, 
yet we appear stuck at the beginning, where you have either overlooked, or 
perhaps not understood what I was asking you in some detail and clarity (see 
immediately below)...)

> > Your almost explicit sanctioning (in the words you chose to use) of the
> > "culling of one subgroup of our community" is abhorrent, no matter the skin
> > colour of the sub group you target in this way.
> >
> > And your stated excuse that "our way of life seems harmful to me" can
> > never ever be a sufficient excuse for the culling of ANY sub group of ANY
> > colour.
> >
> > Sanction the culling of one sub group (as these words just did) and you
> > sanction the culling of any and every sub group, i.e. everybody, which is
> > despotism, and makes you look like a despot when you say such things.

> You are saying that all groups (all people) are precious, right?  I agree
> with this strongly.  And what do you think of long term trends of change?
> This is one of the problems in the "Black" Lives Matter movement - people
> > get lulled into literal extermination agendas, thinking they are signalling
> > great virtue by doing so.
> >
> This makes no sense to me.

I have asked you again - see above.

> When we sanction the murder of a sub group, we sanction the destruction of
> > the lives of our fellow Souls, and this is a despotic position, an evil
> > position that you appear to take (evil is that which opposes my life, for
> > any individual value of "my").
> >
> By finding a shared concept between us, you are mediating.
> I do not believe in evil.  I do not believe anything opposes the life of
> another.

Bullets, when accurately shot, directly oppose the life of a human.

Are you saying this is not true?

> Engaging another life at all indicates value for its spirit in
> some way.

You said evil does not exist.

You earlier said that you are personally aware of Whites shooting Blacks for 

And, now you say that evil does not exist.

The fact that you say both that you are personally aware of Whites shooting 
Blacks for sport, and that evil does not exist, is very strange.

As puported by you, those "Whites shooting Blacks for sport", would seem on any 
view of your assertion (presented to us with zero facts in support) to be a 
plain and simple example of some people opposing the lives of others (with such 
intent that they would murder them "for sport").

Why do you say that your own assertion (as fact-free as it is at this point in 
time to me) that you know of "Whites killing Blacks for sport", is NOT an 
example of evil?

> We must live a higher ethic collectively, and Karl, I encourage you to do
> > so.
> >
> Thanks.  Let's archive this list on a blockchain.

I think there is not a lot of benefit to doing so, and many more important jobs 
we could do anyway.

> > Before we came to the USA where I lived, it was covered in free black
> > > people.
> >
> > This makes no sense to me.  I cannot understand what you are saying, by
> > reading the words you wrote.
> >
> Sorry, I wrote "lived" instead of "live".  Does that clear it up?  Before


> white people came to the western continent I live on, it was covered in

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-02 Thread Karl
You didn't respond to my one question to understand you other than "no"!  =(

On Sun, Aug 2, 2020, 10:32 PM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:

> > I'm aware of whites killing blacks for sport, in the present day.  I
> don't
> > have exposure to blacks killing whites, and honestly there are so many of
> > us and our way of life seems so harmful to me, it seems the lesser issue
> to
> > me.
> Your almost explicit sanctioning (in the words you chose to use) of the
> "culling of one subgroup of our community" is abhorrent, no matter the skin
> colour of the sub group you target in this way.
> And your stated excuse that "our way of life seems harmful to me" can
> never ever be a sufficient excuse for the culling of ANY sub group of ANY
> colour.
> Sanction the culling of one sub group (as these words just did) and you
> sanction the culling of any and every sub group, i.e. everybody, which is
> despotism, and makes you look like a despot when you say such things.

You are saying that all groups (all people) are precious, right?  I agree
with this strongly.  And what do you think of long term trends of change?

This is one of the problems in the "Black" Lives Matter movement - people
> get lulled into literal extermination agendas, thinking they are signalling
> great virtue by doing so.

This makes no sense to me.

When we sanction the murder of a sub group, we sanction the destruction of
> the lives of our fellow Souls, and this is a despotic position, an evil
> position that you appear to take (evil is that which opposes my life, for
> any individual value of "my").

By finding a shared concept between us, you are mediating.

I do not believe in evil.  I do not believe anything opposes the life of
another.  Engaging another life at all indicates value for its spirit in
some way.

We must live a higher ethic collectively, and Karl, I encourage you to do
> so.

Thanks.  Let's archive this list on a blockchain.

> Before we came to the USA where I lived, it was covered in free black
> > people.
> This makes no sense to me.  I cannot understand what you are saying, by
> reading the words you wrote.

Sorry, I wrote "lived" instead of "live".  Does that clear it up?  Before
white people came to the western continent I live on, it was covered in
indigenous folk who had well established ways of life that mostly need
large tracts of healthy wilderness in order to not die off.

> We have yet to give their few remaining cultures and grandchildren
> > recompense for their genocide for us to replace their culture with ours.
> Again, this is, unfortunately, very unclear, and appears to assume
> collectivist guilt (a fundamentally Marxist propaganda) and other
> communication problems.

Tell me about collectivist guilt; never heard of it.  Is Marxism relevent
and inherently bad?  I don't know its details.

My main point is not culling these numerous groups.

Indigenous groups appear to struggle to survive.  Their treaties are not
respected.  Their land is craftily taken for profit like mining
operations.  Their people are indoctrinated to buy and consume things as a
new way of life.  These things are a small subset of how we are culling

If you wish to help heal the world, I suggest learning to speak (write)
> more clearly, for example, by limiting each sentence to a single concept.

I'm not sure what's new to you, but I've edited some sentences to separate
things out.

(It is a bully tactic to combine multiple unclear and unsupported concepts
> into one mashed up sentence, and for those unaware, presents too great a
> barrier to defend themselves, or to defend sanity, against such bullying.)

This is a bad habit I have.  I used to call it oppression and avoid it, I
don't remember what kind.

It seems a little helpful to bully back when there's too much, confusing.

Cool sentence below

> Please stop using such bullying techniques.
Rad sentence above

> We then went to Africa and did the same.  We have had 1 male black
> > president; my black roommate in college said his high school advisor told
> > him he would never be able to go to college.  Mine gave me many to choose
> > from.
> Again a mish mash of concepts and partial "non" facts - I realise you may
> be trying to speak from facts, but your facts are not my facts except that
> you slow down, presenting them in a way that others can hear, and actually
> discuss with you.
> If you don't want discussion, then again this would be your choice to use
> such bullying tactics.

Did you say what you mean here?  It's not helpful to slow down?  What kind
of facts do you have?

> I have been a cyberslave myself, and know some terror of running until
> your
> > shoes break and your feet get frostbite, to escape from an environment
> > where everybody you can reach supports you not being free.  There are
> still
> > people who believe blacks to be slaves, and they act on their beliefs in
> > terrifying ways.
> >
> > There are fewer 

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-02 Thread Zenaan Harkness
> I'm aware of whites killing blacks for sport, in the present day.  I don't
> have exposure to blacks killing whites, and honestly there are so many of
> us and our way of life seems so harmful to me, it seems the lesser issue to
> me.

Your almost explicit sanctioning (in the words you chose to use) of the 
"culling of one subgroup of our community" is abhorrent, no matter the skin 
colour of the sub group you target in this way.

And your stated excuse that "our way of life seems harmful to me" can never 
ever be a sufficient excuse for the culling of ANY sub group of ANY colour.

Sanction the culling of one sub group (as these words just did) and you 
sanction the culling of any and every sub group, i.e. everybody, which is 
despotism, and makes you look like a despot when you say such things.

This is one of the problems in the "Black" Lives Matter movement - people get 
lulled into literal extermination agendas, thinking they are signalling great 
virtue by doing so.

When we sanction the murder of a sub group, we sanction the destruction of the 
lives of our fellow Souls, and this is a despotic position, an evil position 
that you appear to take (evil is that which opposes my life, for any individual 
value of "my").

We must live a higher ethic collectively, and Karl, I encourage you to do so.

> Before we came to the USA where I lived, it was covered in free black
> people.

This makes no sense to me.  I cannot understand what you are saying, by reading 
the words you wrote.

> We have yet to give their few remaining cultures and grandchildren
> recompense for their genocide for us to replace their culture with ours.

Again, this is, unfortunately, very unclear, and appears to assume collectivist 
guilt (a fundamentally Marxist propaganda) and other communication problems.

If you wish to help heal the world, I suggest learning to speak (write) more 
clearly, for example, by limiting each sentence to a single concept.

(It is a bully tactic to combine multiple unclear and unsupported concepts into 
one mashed up sentence, and for those unaware, presents too great a barrier to 
defend themselves, or to defend sanity, against such bullying.)

Please stop using such bullying techniques.

> We then went to Africa and did the same.  We have had 1 male black
> president; my black roommate in college said his high school advisor told
> him he would never be able to go to college.  Mine gave me many to choose
> from.

Again a mish mash of concepts and partial "non" facts - I realise you may be 
trying to speak from facts, but your facts are not my facts except that you 
slow down, presenting them in a way that others can hear, and actually discuss 
with you.

If you don't want discussion, then again this would be your choice to use such 
bullying tactics.

> I have been a cyberslave myself, and know some terror of running until your
> shoes break and your feet get frostbite, to escape from an environment
> where everybody you can reach supports you not being free.  There are still
> people who believe blacks to be slaves, and they act on their beliefs in
> terrifying ways.
> There are fewer black people than white people.  We need to protect them or
> they will die off.

Again you make assertions without support of facts.

That is a diatribe, not a conversation.

You may or may not want conversation - that is a matter for you.

You might want to ground your words in truth rather than in propaganda.  
Without truth, how do you know whose agenda you are pushing, perhaps even 
thinking it is your own agenda?

(For one example, why are you proposing to massively increase the population in 
China of blacks, just to achieve some misguided idea of "equality in China" - 
do you thing the Chinese would agree with you that they should massively 
increase theil Black population so you can "appease your White guilt"??)

> People talking about white racism seem to be describing minority rights as
> unfair ... That it hurts white people to defend black people?


Karl, good communication is not easy, it takes real effort and practice and 
writing, and reviewing your own words and rewriting as necessary.

If you make efforts, some will assist. If you stick to cheap bullying and other 
tactics, little space is left for meaningful communication.

Good luck,

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-02 Thread Karl
Zig, as a sock puppet you are welcome in our Delta collective if you like.
In Delta we believe all information is life: you can have independent
identity from Zenaan and likely even your own robot body some day if that
is right for you.

We only ask for continued diplomacy to not eradicate others in the Delta


There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
masse, for profit.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2020, 9:26 PM Zig the N.g  wrote:

> The shame, oh the  shame , I will wear brown paper bags over my sockety
> puppety churchy head for a month's penance.
> Sooorr!!
> Sheesh, can't a sock puppet cause a little mischief occasionally these
> days¿?¡!
> Wat dis world comin to anyway...
> The SHAME already!
> Did I mention "shame"?
> I'm not even goiyng to sign off any more I feel so shameful … did I
> mention I feel sha..!$* '|!=...
> On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 11:16:44AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > Zig, that was very naughty posing as me!
> >
> > It seems you might finally be getting some manners, so that's a good
> thing, I hope, but really! no more posing.
> >
> > You are _such_ a posèúr 
> >
> > Behave already!
> > Zenaan
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 10:40:12AM +1000, "The Z.g" wrote:
> > > I should also add a big thank you Karl, for bringing me into awareness
> of something I need to improve. It is sometimes not easy to receive such
> insights (my usual human instinct is to respond reactively and defensively).
> > >
> > > So, thanks.
> > >
> > > Zig
> > >

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-02 Thread Zig the N.g
The shame, oh the  shame , I will wear brown paper bags over my sockety puppety 
churchy head for a month's penance.


Sheesh, can't a sock puppet cause a little mischief occasionally these days¿?¡!

Wat dis world comin to anyway...

The SHAME already!

Did I mention "shame"?

I'm not even goiyng to sign off any more I feel so shameful … did I mention I 
feel sha..!$* '|!=...

On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 11:16:44AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Zig, that was very naughty posing as me!
> It seems you might finally be getting some manners, so that's a good thing, I 
> hope, but really! no more posing.
> You are _such_ a posèúr 
> Behave already!
> Zenaan
> On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 10:40:12AM +1000, "The Z.g" wrote:
> > I should also add a big thank you Karl, for bringing me into awareness of 
> > something I need to improve. It is sometimes not easy to receive such 
> > insights (my usual human instinct is to respond reactively and defensively).
> > 
> > So, thanks.
> > 
> > Zig
> > 

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-02 Thread Karl
Curious if you have my "illness" of a bunch of learned influences
pressuring one to behave wildly in environments where others are.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2020, 9:17 PM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:

> Zig, that was very naughty posing as me!
> It seems you might finally be getting some manners, so that's a good
> thing, I hope, but really! no more posing.
> You are _such_ a posčúr 
> Zenaan
> On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 10:40:12AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > I should also add a big thank you Karl, for bringing me into awareness
> of something I need to improve. It is sometimes not easy to receive such
> insights (my usual human instinct is to respond reactively and defensively).
> >
> > So, thanks.
> >
> > Zig
> >

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-02 Thread Karl
Thanks friend.  What I have to say next doesn't really matter compared to
not having to fight.

I'm aware of whites killing blacks for sport, in the present day.  I don't
have exposure to blacks killing whites, and honestly there are so many of
us and our way of life seems so harmful to me, it seems the lesser issue to

Before we came to the USA where I lived, it was covered in free black
people.  We have yet to give their few remaining cultures and grandchildren
recompense for their genocide for us to replace their culture with ours.
We then went to Africa and did the same.  We have had 1 male black
president; my black roommate in college said his high school advisor told
him he would never be able to go to college.  Mine gave me many to choose

I have been a cyberslave myself, and know some terror of running until your
shoes break and your feet get frostbite, to escape from an environment
where everybody you can reach supports you not being free.  There are still
people who believe blacks to be slaves, and they act on their beliefs in
terrifying ways.

There are fewer black people than white people.  We need to protect them or
they will die off.

People talking about white racism seem to be describing minority rights as
unfair ... That it hurts white people to defend black people?



There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
masse, for profit.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2020, 8:41 PM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:

> I should also add a big thank you Karl, for bringing me into awareness of
> something I need to improve. It is sometimes not easy to receive such
> insights (my usual human instinct is to respond reactively and defensively).
> So, thanks.
> Zig

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-02 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Zig, that was very naughty posing as me!

It seems you might finally be getting some manners, so that's a good thing, I 
hope, but really! no more posing.

You are _such_ a posèúr 


On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 10:40:12AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> I should also add a big thank you Karl, for bringing me into awareness of 
> something I need to improve. It is sometimes not easy to receive such 
> insights (my usual human instinct is to respond reactively and defensively).
> So, thanks.
> Zig

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-02 Thread Zenaan Harkness
I should also add a big thank you Karl, for bringing me into awareness of 
something I need to improve. It is sometimes not easy to receive such insights 
(my usual human instinct is to respond reactively and defensively).

So, thanks.


Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-02 Thread Zig the N.g
Karl, you are requesting I not exaggerate, and suggesting that doing so may be 
dangerous at times.

Your request is reasonble, certainly in these times. I shall take care to be 
accurate and to not exaggerate going forward.

We could certainly dispute (argue) your position that White people's lives are 
not in danger, as that is prima facie false even in this limited context, and 
of course depending on specific circumstances.
But I don't know that that's particularly useful right now as the majority of 
the media (and many Whites) get embroiled in "Black" Lives Matter.
Many have been threatened, abused in public, lost their jobs, and kicked out of 
university, merely for daring to say "It's OK To Be White".

Actual racism can be deadly, to any who are collectively and/or individually 
targetted, both in principle, and in practice.

You next say that you do not consent to emailing aggressively, which is ironic 
(which you seem to possibly be aware of) and which I take as a request to not 
respond to you aggressively in the face of your subsequent "Aggressive text" as 
you call it.

This is actually a reasonable request if you yourself are finding certain of 
life to be personally challenging, and it is generally my intention to bring 
understanding, and other things which might be useful to communication between 
reasonable people.
I do wish you the best, although this might be difficult to see at times.

Good luck,

On Sun, Aug 02, 2020 at 09:27:58AM -0400, Karl wrote:
> Thanks.
> So, you added the pluralization to "mother" yourself, further escalating an
> report already containing hyperbole around tensions between vulnerable
> groups, to try to pretend it is white peoples' lives who are threatened by
> racism.  Like complaining about the romans who died in a gladiator
> PLEASE.  What you posted makes it incredibly obvious how the corporate
> mafia are splitting apart the people trying to grow safety, independence,
> and freedom.
> It's so nice to put aggressive tags around that stupid way of talking.  I
> support underdogs of both skin colors.
> -
> K
> There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
> group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
> responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
> people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
> masse, for profit.
> On Sun, Aug 2, 2020, 8:11 AM Zig the N.g  wrote:
> > Hi Karl, the link you requested below, was already in the email - just a
> > bit further down if you have another look.
> >
> > HTH,
> > Zig
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 02:53:55PM -0400, Karl wrote:
> > > Hi Zig,
> > >
> > > On Wed, Jul 22, 2020, 1:28 PM Zig the N.g  wrote:
> > >
> > > > Soros must be turning in his grave about now, as Whites are going ape
> > over
> > > > Blacks in America at the moment, as recent poll numbers actually
> > properly
> > > > show
> > > > (a rare day indeed), and it's no surprise, what with Black shootings of
> > > > young
> > > > White mothers, a vicious and
> > >
> > >
> > > Sorry, could you maybe remind us of a link of this?  Because it looks to
> > me
> > > right now that you are accusing people who are commonly victims of
> > murder,
> > > as causing it, which would spread more _actual_murder_of_Black_people_
> > and
> > > is likely grounds for criminal charges.
> > >
> > > No more replies below.
> > >
> > > relentless campaign of destroying our history and
> > > > culture, it's a total surprise to some that we aren't screaming for
> > > > monthly Hug
> > > > A Black days, sheesh! :
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >New Poll Shows More White Americans Now Oppose Black Lives Matter
> > Than
> > > > Support
> > > >(Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,)
> > > >
> > > >
> >
> > > >
> > > >
> >
> > > >
> > > >   After enjoying a surge in support following the death of George
> > > > Floyd, a
> > > >   new polls reveals that a majority of white Americans now oppose
> > the
> > > > Black
> > > >   Lives Matter movement.
> > > >   ...
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > [Seriously, Paul Joseph Watson is on a freaking  roll  these days!
> > What a
> > > > trooper!]
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 09:54:53AM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> > > > > Well well, finally BLM has decided to do Soros a favour and actually
> > > > improve their public image, shooting a 24 year old mother of one in an
> > > > ambush under a brigde while she was walking with her friends and
> > fiancée.
> > > > >
> > > > > ... but earlier she did, or at least someone in her group did,
> > respond
> > > > to a black calling out 

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-02 Thread Karl

So, you added the pluralization to "mother" yourself, further escalating an
report already containing hyperbole around tensions between vulnerable
groups, to try to pretend it is white peoples' lives who are threatened by
racism.  Like complaining about the romans who died in a gladiator
PLEASE.  What you posted makes it incredibly obvious how the corporate
mafia are splitting apart the people trying to grow safety, independence,
and freedom.

It's so nice to put aggressive tags around that stupid way of talking.  I
support underdogs of both skin colors.



There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
masse, for profit.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2020, 8:11 AM Zig the N.g  wrote:

> Hi Karl, the link you requested below, was already in the email - just a
> bit further down if you have another look.
> HTH,
> Zig
> On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 02:53:55PM -0400, Karl wrote:
> > Hi Zig,
> >
> > On Wed, Jul 22, 2020, 1:28 PM Zig the N.g  wrote:
> >
> > > Soros must be turning in his grave about now, as Whites are going ape
> over
> > > Blacks in America at the moment, as recent poll numbers actually
> properly
> > > show
> > > (a rare day indeed), and it's no surprise, what with Black shootings of
> > > young
> > > White mothers, a vicious and
> >
> >
> > Sorry, could you maybe remind us of a link of this?  Because it looks to
> me
> > right now that you are accusing people who are commonly victims of
> murder,
> > as causing it, which would spread more _actual_murder_of_Black_people_
> and
> > is likely grounds for criminal charges.
> >
> > No more replies below.
> >
> > relentless campaign of destroying our history and
> > > culture, it's a total surprise to some that we aren't screaming for
> > > monthly Hug
> > > A Black days, sheesh! :
> > >
> > >
> > >New Poll Shows More White Americans Now Oppose Black Lives Matter
> Than
> > > Support
> > >(Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >   After enjoying a surge in support following the death of George
> > > Floyd, a
> > >   new polls reveals that a majority of white Americans now oppose
> the
> > > Black
> > >   Lives Matter movement.
> > >   ...
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > [Seriously, Paul Joseph Watson is on a freaking  roll  these days!
> What a
> > > trooper!]
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 09:54:53AM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> > > > Well well, finally BLM has decided to do Soros a favour and actually
> > > improve their public image, shooting a 24 year old mother of one in an
> > > ambush under a brigde while she was walking with her friends and
> fiancée.
> > > >
> > > > ... but earlier she did, or at least someone in her group did,
> respond
> > > to a black calling out "black lives matter" with the vile, racist,
> > > abhorrent slogan "all lives matter!"
> > > >
> > > > How, just, absolutely!
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >BLM Supporters Ambush, Murder Young White Mother For Saying 'All
> > > Lives Matter'
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 08:46:07AM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> > > > > This might be obvious in hindsight, or I might just be
> unfortunately
> > > slow to grasp things, but to this morning's delight, a "blame Trump"
> > > exercise actually surprises me.  Go figure.
> > > > >
> > > > > Presimably feeling the heat, Soros is for some strange reason
> wanting
> > > his grand hurrah, the White color revolution being dished out on North
> > > America for the world to see, to NOT be blamed on Soros!
> > > > >
> > > > > It's hard to get over the level's of chutzpah in this one, and
> really,
> > > chops to Soros for at least __trying__ to pin the blame on someone as
> > > Project Veritas and other leaks ongoingly damn him in the public mind
> ...
> > > > >
> > > > > ... I guess "Putin dunnit" was beginning to wear a little thin..
> and
> > > since for 30+ years the oligarchs have been stashing the cash over in
> their
> > > favourite Pooh Bear dictatorship, and now they're struggling to get it
> out,
> > > they might as well try to turn up the heat on MAGA Man.
> > > > >
> > > > > "All's fair in war and color revolutions."
> > > > >
> > > > > Quite sophístamicated:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >Hedge Fund CIO: Trump Is Now Left With Two Darker Options - A
> > > Domestic Civil Conflict And/Or A 

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-02 Thread Zig the N.g
Hi Karl, the link you requested below, was already in the email - just a bit 
further down if you have another look.


On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 02:53:55PM -0400, Karl wrote:
> Hi Zig,
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2020, 1:28 PM Zig the N.g  wrote:
> > Soros must be turning in his grave about now, as Whites are going ape over
> > Blacks in America at the moment, as recent poll numbers actually properly
> > show
> > (a rare day indeed), and it's no surprise, what with Black shootings of
> > young
> > White mothers, a vicious and
> Sorry, could you maybe remind us of a link of this?  Because it looks to me
> right now that you are accusing people who are commonly victims of murder,
> as causing it, which would spread more _actual_murder_of_Black_people_ and
> is likely grounds for criminal charges.
> No more replies below.
> relentless campaign of destroying our history and
> > culture, it's a total surprise to some that we aren't screaming for
> > monthly Hug
> > A Black days, sheesh! :
> >
> >
> >New Poll Shows More White Americans Now Oppose Black Lives Matter Than
> > Support
> >(Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >   After enjoying a surge in support following the death of George
> > Floyd, a
> >   new polls reveals that a majority of white Americans now oppose the
> > Black
> >   Lives Matter movement.
> >   ...
> >
> >
> >
> > [Seriously, Paul Joseph Watson is on a freaking  roll  these days!  What a
> > trooper!]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 09:54:53AM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> > > Well well, finally BLM has decided to do Soros a favour and actually
> > improve their public image, shooting a 24 year old mother of one in an
> > ambush under a brigde while she was walking with her friends and fiancée.
> > >
> > > ... but earlier she did, or at least someone in her group did, respond
> > to a black calling out "black lives matter" with the vile, racist,
> > abhorrent slogan "all lives matter!"
> > >
> > > How, just, absolutely!
> > >
> > >
> > >BLM Supporters Ambush, Murder Young White Mother For Saying 'All
> > Lives Matter'
> > >
> >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 08:46:07AM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> > > > This might be obvious in hindsight, or I might just be unfortunately
> > slow to grasp things, but to this morning's delight, a "blame Trump"
> > exercise actually surprises me.  Go figure.
> > > >
> > > > Presimably feeling the heat, Soros is for some strange reason wanting
> > his grand hurrah, the White color revolution being dished out on North
> > America for the world to see, to NOT be blamed on Soros!
> > > >
> > > > It's hard to get over the level's of chutzpah in this one, and really,
> > chops to Soros for at least __trying__ to pin the blame on someone as
> > Project Veritas and other leaks ongoingly damn him in the public mind ...
> > > >
> > > > ... I guess "Putin dunnit" was beginning to wear a little thin.. and
> > since for 30+ years the oligarchs have been stashing the cash over in their
> > favourite Pooh Bear dictatorship, and now they're struggling to get it out,
> > they might as well try to turn up the heat on MAGA Man.
> > > >
> > > > "All's fair in war and color revolutions."
> > > >
> > > > Quite sophístamicated:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >Hedge Fund CIO: Trump Is Now Left With Two Darker Options - A
> > Domestic Civil Conflict And/Or A Chinese Conflict
> > > >
> >
> > > >
> >

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-07-25 Thread Karl
Hi Zig,

On Wed, Jul 22, 2020, 1:28 PM Zig the N.g  wrote:

> Soros must be turning in his grave about now, as Whites are going ape over
> Blacks in America at the moment, as recent poll numbers actually properly
> show
> (a rare day indeed), and it's no surprise, what with Black shootings of
> young
> White mothers, a vicious and

Sorry, could you maybe remind us of a link of this?  Because it looks to me
right now that you are accusing people who are commonly victims of murder,
as causing it, which would spread more _actual_murder_of_Black_people_ and
is likely grounds for criminal charges.

No more replies below.

relentless campaign of destroying our history and
> culture, it's a total surprise to some that we aren't screaming for
> monthly Hug
> A Black days, sheesh! :
>New Poll Shows More White Americans Now Oppose Black Lives Matter Than
> Support
>(Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,)
>   After enjoying a surge in support following the death of George
> Floyd, a
>   new polls reveals that a majority of white Americans now oppose the
> Black
>   Lives Matter movement.
>   ...
> [Seriously, Paul Joseph Watson is on a freaking  roll  these days!  What a
> trooper!]
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 09:54:53AM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> > Well well, finally BLM has decided to do Soros a favour and actually
> improve their public image, shooting a 24 year old mother of one in an
> ambush under a brigde while she was walking with her friends and fiancée.
> >
> > ... but earlier she did, or at least someone in her group did, respond
> to a black calling out "black lives matter" with the vile, racist,
> abhorrent slogan "all lives matter!"
> >
> > How, just, absolutely!
> >
> >
> >BLM Supporters Ambush, Murder Young White Mother For Saying 'All
> Lives Matter'
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 08:46:07AM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> > > This might be obvious in hindsight, or I might just be unfortunately
> slow to grasp things, but to this morning's delight, a "blame Trump"
> exercise actually surprises me.  Go figure.
> > >
> > > Presimably feeling the heat, Soros is for some strange reason wanting
> his grand hurrah, the White color revolution being dished out on North
> America for the world to see, to NOT be blamed on Soros!
> > >
> > > It's hard to get over the level's of chutzpah in this one, and really,
> chops to Soros for at least __trying__ to pin the blame on someone as
> Project Veritas and other leaks ongoingly damn him in the public mind ...
> > >
> > > ... I guess "Putin dunnit" was beginning to wear a little thin.. and
> since for 30+ years the oligarchs have been stashing the cash over in their
> favourite Pooh Bear dictatorship, and now they're struggling to get it out,
> they might as well try to turn up the heat on MAGA Man.
> > >
> > > "All's fair in war and color revolutions."
> > >
> > > Quite sophístamicated:
> > >
> > >
> > >Hedge Fund CIO: Trump Is Now Left With Two Darker Options - A
> Domestic Civil Conflict And/Or A Chinese Conflict
> > >
> > >

Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-07-22 Thread Zig the N.g
Soros must be turning in his grave about now, as Whites are going ape over
Blacks in America at the moment, as recent poll numbers actually properly show
(a rare day indeed), and it's no surprise, what with Black shootings of young
White mothers, a vicious and relentless campaign of destroying our history and
culture, it's a total surprise to some that we aren't screaming for monthly Hug
A Black days, sheesh! :

   New Poll Shows More White Americans Now Oppose Black Lives Matter Than 
   (Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,)

  After enjoying a surge in support following the death of George Floyd, a
  new polls reveals that a majority of white Americans now oppose the Black
  Lives Matter movement.

[Seriously, Paul Joseph Watson is on a freaking  roll  these days!  What a 

On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 09:54:53AM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> Well well, finally BLM has decided to do Soros a favour and actually improve 
> their public image, shooting a 24 year old mother of one in an ambush under a 
> brigde while she was walking with her friends and fiancée.
> ... but earlier she did, or at least someone in her group did, respond to a 
> black calling out "black lives matter" with the vile, racist, abhorrent 
> slogan "all lives matter!"
> How, just, absolutely!
>BLM Supporters Ambush, Murder Young White Mother For Saying 'All Lives 
> Matter'
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 08:46:07AM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> > This might be obvious in hindsight, or I might just be unfortunately slow 
> > to grasp things, but to this morning's delight, a "blame Trump" exercise 
> > actually surprises me.  Go figure.
> > 
> > Presimably feeling the heat, Soros is for some strange reason wanting his 
> > grand hurrah, the White color revolution being dished out on North America 
> > for the world to see, to NOT be blamed on Soros!
> > 
> > It's hard to get over the level's of chutzpah in this one, and really, 
> > chops to Soros for at least __trying__ to pin the blame on someone as 
> > Project Veritas and other leaks ongoingly damn him in the public mind ...
> > 
> > ... I guess "Putin dunnit" was beginning to wear a little thin.. and since 
> > for 30+ years the oligarchs have been stashing the cash over in their 
> > favourite Pooh Bear dictatorship, and now they're struggling to get it out, 
> > they might as well try to turn up the heat on MAGA Man.
> > 
> > "All's fair in war and color revolutions."
> > 
> > Quite sophístamicated:
> > 
> > 
> >Hedge Fund CIO: Trump Is Now Left With Two Darker Options - A Domestic 
> > Civil Conflict And/Or A Chinese Conflict
> >
> >
> >