View Video of Infocom Raid News Conference in Texas

2001-09-07 Thread Matthew Gaylor

Source: Direct Submission
Organization: CAIR
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 16:51:49 -0400 (EDT)
Title: CAIR-NET: View Video of Infocom Raid News Conference in Texas


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful





TEL AVIV NEWSPAPER (Las Vegas Review-Journal)



To view the video of yesterday's conference by Muslim leaders
outside Infocom's  headquarters in Richardson, Texas, go to or
Local media coverage improved dramatically following the news

NOTE: Many of Infocom's servers are now back online.




By DAVID KOENIG, The Associated Press, 9/6/2001

As federal agents conducted a second day of searching an Internet company
as part of an anti-terrorism campaign, Muslim leaders charged authorities
acted on scant evidence and anti-Arab stereotypes...

...Mark Enoch, a lawyer hired by InfoCom after the raid began early
Wednesday, said the company had no links to terrorist groups and was
cooperating with the FBI, even helping agents navigate the computer
system. A search warrant requested by federal authorities was sealed by
U.S. Magistrate Judge Paul Stickney of Dallas, and agents outside
Infocom's offices declined to comment on the investigation.

InfoCom's Internet operations manager said agents cut off Internet service
to the company's 500 clients...

...Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic
Relations, linked the raid with U.S. opposition to international efforts
to criticize Israel's handling of the conflict with Palestinians.

"We suspect that all these attempts are to please the Israeli government
but not to protect the U.S. interests," Awad said. "Siding with Israel, a
racist country and state, I think does not do us any good."

Others viewed the raid broadly as the product of anti-Muslim bias.

"We have deep concerns that this once again is an attempt to rush to
judgment and to marginalize the American Muslim community simply because
... many of them are immigrants," said Mahdi Bray, political adviser to
the Muslim Public Affairs Council. "There is a pattern of bias that often
permeates all of these types of investigations."

Bailey declined to say why authorities targeted InfoCom, but she denied
any bias...


Agence France-Presse, 9/07/2001

WASHINGTON, Sept 6 (AFP) - US Muslim leaders Thursday condemned a federal
search at the Texas offices of a Middle East Internet service provider,
calling it part of an "anti-Muslim witch hunt..."

...The search disrupted satellite television service in the United Arab
Emirates, according to reports from Dubai.

"American Muslims view yesterday's action as just one of a long list of
attempts by the pro-Israel lobby to intimidate and silence all those who
wish to see Palestinian Muslims and Christians free themselves of a brutal
apartheid-like occupation," a coalition of nearly a dozen Muslim groups
said in a statement. "We believe the genesis of this raid lies not in
Washington, but in Tel Aviv."

Among the groups voicing their discontent were the American Muslim
Council, American Muslims for Jerusalem and the Council on American-
Islamic Relations.

One of InfoCom's clients was the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera satellite
television network, the coalition said, a popular Arabic news outlet
frequently criticized by Israel for its reporting on the situation in the
Palestinian territories.


By Marcus Kabel, Reuters, 9/6/2001

DALLAS, Sept 6 (Reuters) - An 80-strong U.S. terrorism task force raided
the Texas-based host of Arabic Web sites, including that of the Arab
world's leading independent news channel, prompting charges on Thursday of
an "anti- Muslim witchhunt."

But the FBI, which took part in the raid on Wednesday at privately held
InfoCom Corp., in the Dallas suburb of Richardson, denied any anti-Arab
bias and said it was executing an unspecified federal search warrant...

...Several American Islamic groups condemned th

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Your Face Is Not a Bar Code: Arguments Against Automatic Face Recognition in Public Places

2001-09-07 Thread Matthew Gaylor

From: Phil Agre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Red Rock Eater News Service" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [RRE]Your Face Is Not a Bar Code

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   Your Face Is Not a Bar Code:
   Arguments Against Automatic Face Recognition in Public Places

   Phil Agre

   Version of 7 September 2001.
   2600 words.

   Copyright 2001 by Phil Agre.  You are welcome to forward this
   article in electronic form to anyone for any noncommercial reason.
   Please do not post it on any Web sites; instead, link to it here:

Given a digital image of a person's face, face recognition software
matches it against a database of other images.  If any of the stored
images matches closely enough, the system reports the sighting to its
owner.  Research on automatic face recognition has been around for
decades, but accelerated in the 1990s.  Now it is becoming practical,
and face recognition systems are being deployed on a large scale.

Some applications of automatic face recognition systems are relatively
unobjectionable.  Many facilities have good reasons to authenticate
everyone who walks in the door, for example to regulate access to
weapons, money, criminal evidence, nuclear materials, or biohazards.
When a citizen has been arrested for probable cause, it is reasonable
for the police to use automatic face recognition to match a mug
shot of the individual against a database of mug shots of people who
have been arrested previously.  These uses of the technology should
be publicly justified, and audits should ensure that the technology
is being used only for proper purposes.

Face recognition systems in public places, however, are a matter for
serious concern.  The issue recently came to broad public attention
when it emerged that fans attending the Super Bowl had unknowingly
been matched against a database of alleged criminals, and when the
city of Tampa deployed a face-recognition system in the nightlife
district of Ybor City.  But current and proposed uses of face
recognition are much more widespread, as the resources at the end
of this article demonstrate in detail.  The time to consider the
acceptability of face recognition in public places is now, before
the practice becomes entrenched and people start getting hurt.

Nor is the problem limited to the scattered cases that have been
reported thus far.  As the underlying information and communication
technologies (digital cameras, image databases, processing power,
and data communications) become radically cheaper over the next two
decades, face recognition will become dramatically cheaper as well,
even without assuming major advances in technologies such as image
processing that are specific to recognizing faces.  Legal constraints
on the practice in the United States are minimal.  (In Europe the
data protection laws will apply, providing at least some basic rights
of notice and correction.)  Databases of identified facial images
already exist in large numbers (driver's license and employee ID
records, for example), and new facial-image databases will not be
hard to construct, with or without the knowledge or consent of the
people whose faces are captured.  (The images need to be captured
under controlled conditions, but most citizens enter controlled,
video-monitored spaces such as shops and offices on a regular basis.)
It is nearly certain, therefore, that automatic face recognition will
grow explosively and become pervasive unless action is taken now.

I believe that automatic face recognition in public places, including
commercial spaces such as shopping malls that are open to the public,
should be outlawed.  The dangers outweigh the benefits.  The necessary
laws will not be passed, however, without overwhelming pressure of
public opinion and organizing.  To that end, this article presents
the arguments against automatic face recognition in public places,
followed by responses to the most common arguments in favor.

Arguments against automatic face recognition in public places

  * The potential for abuse is astronomical.  Pervasive automatic
face recognition could be used to track individuals wherever they go.
Systems operated by different organizations could easily be networked
to cooperate in tracking an individual from place to place, whether
they know the person's identity or not, and they can share whatever
identities they do know.  This tracking info

Supergenius: The Mega-Worlds of Herman Kahn

2001-09-07 Thread Faustine

Supergenius: The Mega-Worlds of Herman Kahn

by B. Bruce-Briggs

North American Policy Press. 490 pp.

Reviewed by Dan Seligman

...somehow or other, Herman Kahn (1922-83) has become a forgotten figure. 
But can that really be? Kahn was a "policy intellectual" of unquestioned 
genius and dazzling quotability who was very much onstage and telling the 
world what to think about its major problems for something like a quarter-
century. He had also helped develop the hydrogen bomb, and later came up 
with the idea for a Doomsday Machine, immortalized, though wrenched out of 
context, in Stanley Kubricks 1963 movie wherein the machines inventor is 
called Dr. Strangelove. He was the author or coauthor of hundreds of 
newspaper and magazine articles and of sixteen books, every one of which 
received reviews that were respectful even when hostile. And, as Bruce-
Briggs states correctly, he had thousands of "chums" (I am identified as 
one of them), who viewed his talents with awe and found his personality 
magical, somehow combining elements of a high-speed computer, an eager-to-
please four-year-old child, a borscht-belt comic, and Santa Claus. 

Early in his career, as a defense analyst at the RAND Corporation, Kahns 
briefingsthese were didactic lectures, densely factual and logically 
powerful but still informal, with endless asides, many of them hilarious, 
and much back-and-forth with the audiencewere a huge hit with the 
military. Later, when he was running the Hudson Institute, the think tank 
he founded in 1961, his subject matter expanded in all directions, and his 
public appearances attracted a wider following. He spoke without notes, 
typically for a couple of hours, and had his audiences alternately 
entranced and convulsed with laughter. Supergenius does a good job of 
capturing the spirit of these occasions, and also confirms what many long 
suspected: that much of what Kahn "wrote" was made up of edited transcripts 
of his talks. 

Bruce-Briggs, who had a good inside view of Kahn during several 
professional stints at Hudson, and was his co-author in a 1972 volume 
called Things to Come, has organized his book more or less chronologically 
but with an effort to segment particular dimensions of Kahns life. The 
somewhat quirky result is 67 sections, typically five or six pages in 
length, with headings like "The Soldier," "The Systems Analyst," "The 
Celebrity," "The Nipponologist," "The Neoconservative." (Actually, for most 
of his life Kahn was rather nonideological.) Bruce-Briggs is on balance 
strongly pro-Kahn, but, as indicated in some of the headings ("The 
Huckster," "The Kibitzer"), less than starry-eyed.

TO THINK about Herman Kahn is to find yourself amazed about many matters, 
but three major themes stand out: his intelligence; his long-running, close-
to-single-handed effort to make Americans think straight about 
thermonuclear war; and his remarkably successful forays into "futurology." 

A possible fourth entry would be his weight. As a young man, Kahn was 
merely stocky, but in the years of his greatest fame he kept putting on 
pounds, and must have been close to 375 when he died, quite suddenly, of a 
stroke. The weight seems to have induced symptoms of narcolepsy, and 
Supergenius has some appalling accounts of Kahn falling asleep and snoring 
uncontrollably in business meetings during his last few years (but still, 
somehow, managing to take in a lot of what was being said).

Kahns career trajectory reflected the fact that he was smarterusually a 
lot smarterthan just about everyone else in his life. His parents were 
ambitious immigrants from Bialystok, but otherwise offered no discernible 
clues to the genetic basis of his off-the-charts braininess. As a young 
child, he was a speed-reader who needed (and created) multiple identities 
so that he could have more library cards and take out more books. A high-
school know-it-all, he was once asked to read aloud a famous Latin oration, 
took a brief glance at the passage, then recited it without the book and 
offered to do it again, backwards. 

Drafted in 1943, Kahn was identified as a prodigy after he took the Armed 
Forces Qualification Test and was parked in a military "brain bank" in West 
Virginia. There he was made to study electrical engineering before being 
transferred to the signal corps and assigned to the China-Burma-India 
theater. After the war, his friend Sam Cohen (later famous as the main 
developer and promoter of the neutron bomb), successfully recruited him 
into RAND, and his career as a defense analyst unfolded rapidly. 

His early fame was based mainly on his devastating critique of U.S. 
military strategy in the thermonuclear age. His core objective, elaborated 
in On Thermonuclear War (1960) and again in Thinking about the Unthinkable 
(1962), was to make his countrymen understand that existing doctrine was 
disastrous. Its assumptions, based on the idea of a "balance of terror," 
were embodied 

Baltimore Digital Commerce Society-- Korhammer on Lava Trading, Oct 2 (fwd)

2001-09-07 Thread Jim Choate


natsugusa ya...tsuwamonodomo ga...yume no ato
summer grass...those mighty warriors'...dream-tracks

Matsuo Basho

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 17:24:14 -0400
From: "R. A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Digital Bearer Settlement List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: Baltimore Digital Commerce Society-- Korhammer on Lava  Trading, Oct 2

--- begin forwarded text

Status:  U
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 15:32:07 -0400
From: Peter Wayner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Baltimore Digital Commerce Society-- Korhammer on Lava
 Trading, Oct 2

[Hey Balto Digital Commerce Attendees.

Welcome back from the long summer. Our first talk for the fall is
scheduled for October 2n.

These guys are building a very cool, cross-exchange tool. It
constantly keeps track of the bids and asks on a number of exchanges
letting you send your business to where the prices are best. It's
fascinating to watch the screen update the quotes in real time.

This kind of semi-automated, trading assistance is bound to become
more and more prevalent. I think Lava Trading is doing some of the
most interesting stuff around. So, come check it out if you can.

Please circulate think.


Baltimore Digital Commerce Society

Tuesday October 2, 12:30

Speaker: Richard Korhammer, CEO of Lava Trading (

Topic: Networks as Markets-- Why Exchanges are Becoming Virtual

Richard Korhammer is the CEO of LavaTrading, one
of the startup companies in New York diving into
cross-market arbitrage. Their network links
together all of the important market makers in
ECNs and keeps track of all bids and offers.
Buyers and sellers using the technology
automatically get pointers to the best price
possible. Traders with large blocks of stock do
substantially better because Lava Trading will
break up their block to match it with the best
price available across all of the markets. This
cross-market arbitrage improves liquidity for the
market and makes it simpler for traders with large
blocks of stock to wade into the marketplace
without leaving a wake.

In his talk, Korhammer will explore how fast
networking and sophisticated servers can
supplement and potentially replace the old
fashioned stock exchange. Traders won't need to
come to one place or one exchange to search for
the best price because the network can constantly
sort through all buyers and sellers. Korhammer
believes that adding intelligence to the network
and the servers supporting is more efficient than
requiring traders to manually manage an otherwise
complicated marketplace.

Will these cross-exchange tools supplant the
exchange? Will they eventually become the
exchange? Will the disintermediation eventually
make all trading a transparent event?

Location:  11 West Mount Vernon Place, Baltimore,

Directions: The Engineering Society lies in the
shadow of Baltimore's Washington monument in the
center of town. From downtown, take Charles St
north to the monument. The Society is to  the left
on Monument Street. From the north, take 83 south
to Maryland Avenue exit. Follow Maryland Avenue
south until Monument Street. The Society is to the

Or look at this map:

Cost: $14 for a lunch buffet

To reserve your seat: write [EMAIL PROTECTED]


--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' || Direct Democracy: A valid future?

2001-09-07 Thread Jim Choate

And who works?...



natsugusa ya...tsuwamonodomo ga...yume no ato
summer grass...those mighty warriors'...dream-tracks

Matsuo Basho

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Update your Membership

2001-09-07 Thread

Dear Member,

Our records indicate that you have more than one Subscriber ID.

(Most likely, this is due to your registering to again from different computers, or after a
long period of not visiting us.)

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password. If you have forgotten your password, please
visit for help.)

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If you prefer, you can ignore this message and after two
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The New York Times on the Web


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Begging for Enemies of the State

2001-09-07 Thread John Young

WSJ had a hilarious report yesterday about the frantic
search for prisoners to fill empty prison beds that have
resulted from frantic construction to meet court orders
and mandatory sentencing now offset by declining crime 
rates -- or sentencing rates -- and governments kicking 
prisoners out of jail to reduce costs.

The competiton between government-run prisons and
the commercial ops have led to fabulous lobbying and
jawboning of legislators and wardens to spread the
lucrative but diminishing prison-care population around, 
represented in the report by Mississippi's plight of 
having too few prisoners to fill its state pens and county
jails. At one point a bill was near passage that would
have paid commercial operators for empty beds, for "ghost
prisoners," so they wouldn't pull out to the business
(following the admirable lead of the defense and farming
industries). When that term made it into the news, there was
a quick veto of the bill, but still the struggle goes on to find
more prisoners or bookkeeping simulations thereof.

Florida leads the nation with over 80,000 empty prison beds.

Pity the pressured investigators and prosecutors and
spooks to fabricate more enemies of the state or 
AP-bookkeeping simulations thereof.

RE: police tracking activists (the more things change...)

2001-09-07 Thread Faustine

Subcommander Bob wrote: 

>ANAHEIM -- Detectives compiling information on Latino activists used an 
>investigative technique typically reserved for investigating organized 
>crime, drug networks and street gangs, according to a former police 
>captain. Police, under orders from Chief Roger Baker, created 
>organizational charts on five Latino activists who complained about
>alleged police misconduct. Baker presented the confidential report Nov. 
>14, 2000, to the City Council in a closed-door briefing. Retired Capt. 
>Marc Hedgpeth said the charts showing the activists and their connections 
>to community groups were part of a process called "link analysis," often 
>used to outline conspiracies.

If you're interested in how this works, here's a link to some interesting 
free demo software, for those who haven't seen it already:

The Analyst's Notebook

The Analyst's Notebook is the world's leading visual investigative analysis 
software, used in 1200 organizations world-wide. It assists investigators 
by uncovering, interpreting, and displaying complex information in easily-
understood chart form. 

The Analyst's Notebook includes two main tools for differently types of 
analysis, the Link Notebook and the Case Notebook.

The Link Notebook supports:

Link Analysis chart (also called Association charts) 
Commodity Flow charts 
Activity Charts 
Network or high volume link analysis charts 
The Case Notebook supports:

Timeline or Sequence of Events Charts 
Case Flow or Transaction charts 
Combined Charts Showing Events and Flows 
Use the power of the Analyst's Notebook to:

Visualize your Data! The Analyst's Notebook gives you a range of 
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The Analysts Notebook supports the full range of analytical conventions 
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In addition, the extensive features enable you to quickly find the 
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patterns in your data. 
Analyze Information from Many Sources The Analyst's Notebook can 
automatically analyze a dataset and portray it in the chart format of your 
choice. It helps you navigate through large networks in order to unravel 
complex relationships and quickly discover key information. 
The analytical techniques you can apply include:

Link Analysis 
Timeline Analysis 
Network Analysis 
Create Intelligent Graphics In the Analyst's Notebook, chart items aren't 
just symbolic representations, they link back to the records in your data. 
Clicking on a chart item allows instant viewing or editing of the 
supporting information. 

.. and Present a Professional Picture. Use Analyst's Notebook's rich 
graphical environment to create charts for use in briefings and easily 
create "the picture that speaks a thousand words"! 

The Analyst's Notebook has proven to significantly increase the 
productivity of investigative teams, to help both analysts and managers 
achieve and retain an understanding of multiple cases and extensive data. 
The charts have proven successful in conveying complex information to 
judges and juries." 

"Intelligence-led Policing
In 1996, the UK hosted the European Football (Soccer) Championship 'Euro 
96'. the British Government was determined that the football action would 
not be overshadowed by hooliganism.

A special unit was set up at New Scotland Yard to police the competition. 
the unit included an intelligence cell equipped with i2's Analysts 
Notebook linked to a text database.

The majority of countries represented at the Euro 96 competition already 
used the i2 Analysts Notebooks to analyze crime in their own countries. 
Each country sent a representative to liaise with the British police and 
the product provided a common format for exchanging intelligence between 

The analysts used the Analysts Notebook to create charts identifying the 
trouble makers and showing the links between them. 

These charts were used in briefings at all levels to show the remarkably 
complex associations identified by the analysis. Senior officers were then 
able to identify possible problems and prevent trouble by targeting 
resources in the right locations. 

The i2 Analyst's Notebook charts were then included within the intelligence 
briefing packs and distributed to the operational units. They proved to be 
a very powerful method of showing problem areas and significantly 
contributed to the success of the operation. The disruptive elements were 
often intercepted before they reached the stadium.

The country-wide operation successfully identified and prevented many 
potential incidents in the days, hours and minutes leading up to the Euro 
96 matches. The operational teams used the intelligence to good effect, 
ensuring that the games were enjoyed in the trouble-free atmosphere they 
Analyst's Workstation
A tailored software solution that has proved ef

FBI Raids Muslim (ISP) Businesses, Charity Organizations

2001-09-07 Thread Matthew Gaylor

Source: Direct Submission
Organization: MENO Newsletter
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2001 18:48:10 1700
Title: Latest News Updates


Wednesday, September 5th, 2001

Latest News Update From Middle East News Online

FBI Raids Muslim Businesses, Charity Organizations
By Middle East News Online Reporter
Posted Wednesday September 5, 2001 - 06:02:04 PM EDT

DALLAS, Texas (MENO) - In another attempt to crack down on Muslims in
the United States, the FBI hit again Wednesday, raiding a well-known
Muslim Internet Service Provider company in Dallas, Texas.

A Dallas area television reported that the raid involved nearly 50
federal agents and was preceded by complete evacuation of the building
that hosted the company, Infocom Corporation, among other businesses.

No reasons were yet provided for the raid, but Muslim activists in the
US fear that the US' backing of Israel is forcing it to become a
"police state." The Muslim company hosts over 500 companies including
leading Muslim organizations' web sites.

Eyewitnesses say that agents from the State Department, US Customs and
US Secret Services have also took part of the raid.

Infocom is based in Richardson, Texas. Currently, the company's entire
records are being confiscated, a process that might take a few days.

The host company provides services for well-known organizations such
as Council on American Islamic Relations, Islamic Society of North
America and Holy Land Foundation.

Muslim leaders in the US say that such actions are very alarming,
especially as some of these organizations known for their charity
works, not only for Palestine, but also worldwide.

Bayan Elashi, the owner of Infocom, told reporters "We are just
waiting for them (the FBI) to tell us what this is about."


Greek FM: European Union A Great Opportunity For Turkish Cypriots
Iraq: Saddam's Romance Novel Heads For Stage As Musical
Saudi FM Meets Lahoud And Hariri, Accuses Israel Of Escalating
Kuwait, Jordan Sign Cultural Accord
Israeli Forces on High Alert
Poll Shows American Voters Favor Palestinian Statehood
Israel Decides To Create "Buffer Zone" With Palestinian Territories
Arafat-Peres Meeting Seen Possible
Truce Efforts Pick Up
King Abdullah, Solana Urge Implementation Of Mitchell's Recommendation

Durban Gathering Mulling South Africa Text On Middle East Conflict
Moussa: US' Withdrawal From World Conference Against Racism Flagrant
Most Israelis Approve of UN Racism Conference Pullout
'Voices of Victims' at Durban Racism Conference
Kuwait Bar Union Plays Big Role In Durban
U.S. Withdrawal From UN Conference Criticised


'Oman, Arab World Net Bandwidth Starved'
By Conrad Prabhu
Posted Wednesday September 5, 2001 - 10:18:38 AM EDT

Muscat - Studies conducted by a strategic research company indicate
that the Sultanate, along with a number of countries in the Arab
world, will remain Internet bandwidth starved for several more years
before improvements are forthcoming.

According to the Arab Advisors Group (AAG), a Jordan-based specialised
research and consulting company, the estimated 740,000-odd Internet
subscribers in eight Arab countries share a grand total of Internet
bandwidth of no more than 777 mbps.

The combined Internet bandwidth of the Sultanate, Egypt, Saudi Arabia,
Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, Syria and the United Arab Emirates pales in
comparison to what Internet users have in Europe and the United

The combined bandwidth of these eight Arab markets is equal to what
518 cable modem subscribers in the US have, the study concluded.

The group's findings explain why the total Internet bandwidth in Oman
and the Arab world is very low compared to that of other countries. It
compares the Internet bandwidth among the Arab countries by using the
group's 'Regional Bandwidth Index'.

"In looking at what the AAG refers to as the 'Regional Bandwidth
Index', we note that Internet users in Oman, Morocco, Egypt and Jordan
have better bandwidth availability than those in the UAE, Saudi
Arabia, Lebanon and Syria," said Jawad Abbassi, AAG's president.

"Syria is the most bandwidth deprived of the countries with a score of
0.19. Egypt topped the rankings with a score of 2.11." The AAG
calculated the Regional Bandwidth Index by dividing each country's
share of the total Internet bandwidth available by its share of the
total subscribers' base.

A score of more than one indicates a better than regional bandwidth
per subscriber.

The higher the index the better the bandwidth situation in the country
compared to the region.

The research

Re: Software to help fix your credit

2001-09-07 Thread baptista

On Thu, 6 Sep 2001, drriley wrote:

> Hmmm ... sounds like spam to me ... but on the topic of credit reports
> and credit ratings ... I was even denied the opportunity to open a
> chequing account by a bank yesterday, because my credit file had
> "derogatory remarks" on it ... but the bank was unable to confirm what
> those "derogatory remarks" were.

dr. - your in the cypherpunks conferences.  whata pleasure.


> Friday, July 13, 2001, 12:42:47 PM, you wrote:
> hfic> Have you checked your personal credit reports recently?
> hfic> If you are planning making any major purchase like purchasing a Home or 
> hfic> newcar or getting a new job or even a promotion, Pleaseread on!
> hfic> You need to have a GOOD to EXCELLENT credit rating.  If you do already, 
> hfic> that's important, but if you know your credit is less than perfect, you need 
> hfic> to get those negative remarks REMOVED, LEGALLY and quickly.

The dot.GOD Registry, Limited

Re: Software to help fix your credit

2001-09-07 Thread baptista

On Thu, 6 Sep 2001, drriley wrote:

> Hmmm ... sounds like spam to me ... but on the topic of credit reports
> and credit ratings ... I was even denied the opportunity to open a
> chequing account by a bank yesterday, because my credit file had
> "derogatory remarks" on it ... but the bank was unable to confirm what
> those "derogatory remarks" were.

dr. - your in the cypherpunks conferences.  whata pleasure.


> Friday, July 13, 2001, 12:42:47 PM, you wrote:
> hfic> Have you checked your personal credit reports recently?
> hfic> If you are planning making any major purchase like purchasing a Home or 
> hfic> newcar or getting a new job or even a promotion, Pleaseread on!
> hfic> You need to have a GOOD to EXCELLENT credit rating.  If you do already, 
> hfic> that's important, but if you know your credit is less than perfect, you need 
> hfic> to get those negative remarks REMOVED, LEGALLY and quickly.

The dot.GOD Registry, Limited

Re: I Sure Am Lonely...

2001-09-07 Thread Steve Thompson

Quoting CJ Parker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Boy, just get busted one lousy time for sending
> death threats to federal judges and the richest man
> in the world, and everybody avoids you like the
> plague...

You've obviously learned that there's no accounting for taste.
> Nobody replies to my CPukes Posts, NoBody sends me
> any email...
> ...well, Attila T. Hun sent a copy of the entire
> Encyclopaedia Britannica to my Cellular Phone as
> a Text Message, but that's because he a RealAssHole,
> eh?
> (It cost me $4,537.89 in phone charges, but I found
>  out that the Annual Average Rainfall in Bolivia is
>  79.3 inches, and that Bolivia exports tin, eh?  So
>  I guess it wasn't a total loss. Besides, now at least
>  I have something to read, since I CERTAINLY DON'T
>  ANY, EH?)

Sorry, guy.  People who send email to known felons and fed molesters bring
down the wrath of Right Thinking People upon themselves.  You have no-one to
blame other than yourself.
> sonofgomez709
> "I Invented The [ANY] Key, But Micro$not *Stole* It!"
> p.s. - AnyBody want to join my new Conspiracy? I need
> a KingPin so I have someone to RatOut next time, eh?

I'll let you know just as soon as I finish ratting out my parents.
> p.p.s. - Bolivia also exports Columbian coffee, but
> Columbia doesn't export Bolivian coffee. Go figure,
> eh?

Do they have coffee growers selling to the Fair Trade consortium down there?



``If religion were nothing but an illusion and a sham, there could be no
philosophy of it.  The study of it would belong to abnormal psychology
Religion cannot afford to claim exemption from philosophical enquiry.  If it
attempts to do so on the grounds of sanctity, it can only draw upon itself
suspicion that it is afraid to face the music.''

  -- H. J. Paton, "The Modern Predicament"

If you're using DSL or CABLE, you NEED this...

2001-09-07 Thread deb2228

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Get Instant Term Life Quotes for FREE

2001-09-07 Thread subumx95eqn
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Re: Slashdot | Texas Arabic Hosting Provider Shut Down By FBI

2001-09-07 Thread Bill Stewart

At 11:46 PM 09/06/2001 -0500, Jim Choate wrote to the Cypherpunks list

It's an outrageous story.,1002,31013,00.html - 9/5/01,1002,31120,00.html - 9/6/01

Infocom Corporation,
is a web hosting and computer sales company based in Richardson, Texas,
supporting over 500 clients, particularly Arabic web sites,
which were shut down temporarily during the raid (many are back up now).
Clients include Al-Jazeera television and the newspaper Al-Sharq, both 
based in Qatar, and
several major Muslim American organizations such as the
Council on American Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America,
the Islamic Association for Palestine and the Holy Land Foundation.

On September 5, the FBI raided them, with a sealed search warrant,
looking for information on terrorist groups.
They also served subpoenas on the Holy Land Foundation,
based across the street, which some of the news articles say
the FBI suspects of having ties to Hamas.
FBI spokeswoman Lori Bailey said the investigation was not aimed at 
InfoCom's clients,
but she declined to say why authorities targeted the company.
80 agents were involved in the search of the files, and carried boxes of 
out of the building.  It was part of a two-year investigation by the
North Texas Joint Terrorism Task Force (multi-agency incl. FBI, SS, Customs.)

The Reuters article on Yahoo describes Al-Jazeera as
"a major regional news source for Arabic speakers.
Often dubbed ``the Arab CNN,'' it has emerged as a major force in a
region where most broadcasters operate under direct state control."

One of the Slashdot commentators said it reminded him of the
Steve Jackson Games raid.  Given the presence of news organizations,
potentially including journalism work products subject to ECPA protection,
this is my reaction as well.

Later stories include the FBI denying accusations of anti-Arab bias,
and a statement by 10 American Islamic groups accusing them of an
"Anti-Muslim witchhunt promoted by the pro-Israel lobby in America".
The FBI denied the raid was any kind of witchhunt,
``We were executing a search warrant as part of a criminal investigation.
It had nothing to do with anti-Islamic or anti-Palestinian or
anti-Middle East issues or anything like that,'' said special agent Lori 

Re: Naughty Journal Author Denied Plea Change

2001-09-07 Thread keyser-soze


I was referring to the raft of federal firearms regulations and prosecutions which 
ignore the clear interpretation of Miller v. U.S.: that the right to keep and bear 
arms with obvious military use shall not be regulated.

I was referring to the raft of federal firearms regulations and prosecutions which 
ignore the clear interpretation of Miller v. U.S.: that the right to keep and bear 
arms with obvious military use shall not be regulated.

The opinion didn't exactly say this because Jack Miller, a bank robber and moonshiner, 
could not afford representation before the SC and in fact died of apparent 
self-inflicted wounds before the hearing date.  His co-defendent Frank Layton 
apparently decided he wasn't interested in defending our rights under the 2nd and took 
four years probation.  But despite the lack of defendent representation the opinion, 
written by Justice James Clark McReynolds, was notable in that it did not completely 
cave in to the government demands.

The case was returned to the lower court where Miller, if living, could have made 
further arguments on his own behalf. He could have easily and correctly argued that 
short-barreled shotguns had been popular military weapons in the trenches of the First 
World War. It was lucky for the federal government that he was dead.

The courts and Congress have turned this opinion on its head to suit their own 
purposes and because many/most in power see such citizen empowerment as nothing short 
of a Constitutional suicide pact and refuse to accept it.  They can't remove the 
Second but they can try and interpret it away.

At 10:58 PM 9/6/2001 -0400, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>I'm confused about "Fedgov" references. This was a state law and
a state prosecution and a state judge. Doesn't make it right, but it
has little to do with "Fedgov."

Version: Hush 2.0


Friday, 9/7 - International Day of Action Against Video Surveillance

2001-09-07 Thread Bill Stewart

Perform for a video camera today!   Or alternatively, go buy a cheap webcam
and surveil somebody who's already performing (oh, wait, that wasn't what 
they meant :-)

The EFF announced the following:

Friday, September 7 - International Day of Action Against Video Surveillance

   Join privacy-minded citizens in raising awareness of public video

 Electronic Frontier Foundation ACTION ALERT

 (Issued: Friday, August 31, 2001 / Deadline: Friday, September 7, 2001)


On Friday, 7 September 2001, a variety of groups from around the world
will be collaborating on an international day of autonomous protests
against the constant, indiscriminate and technologically sophisticated
video surveillance of public places by both businesses and law
enforcement agencies, and in favor of the right to privacy, which is a
fundamental human right. The protests will take the form of short
skits and plays, the majority of which will take place in front of
"webcams," so that people all over the world can watch them via the

   What YOU Can Do:

  * If you are concerned about surveillance cameras in your area, and
would like to get involved in the protests, then see New York's
Surveillance Camera Players' (SCP) "How to Stage Your Own
'Surveillance Camera Theater' in 10 Easy-to-Follow Steps!" at:

  * To add your group to the confirmed list of activists, email SCP

  * Contact your legislators about online privacy issues. For
information on how to contact your legislators and other
government officials, see EFF's "Contacting Congress and Other
Policymakers" guide at:

  * Join EFF! For membership information see:

   Privacy Campaign:

This drive to contact the Judiciary bureaucracy about their invasive
policies is part of a larger campaign to highlight how extensively
companies and governmental agencies subject us to surveillance and
share and use personal information online, and what you can do about

Check the EFF Privacy Now! Campaign website regularly for additional
alerts and news:


The proposal reads as follows:

  We propose --

 1. that an international day of action against video surveillance --
specifically: the constant, indiscriminate and technologically
sophisticated video surveillance of public places by both
businesses and and law enforcement agencies -- take place on
Friday, 7 September 2001;
 2. that people who wish to intensify the struggle to protect and
strengthen the right to privacy (a fundamental human right) should
undertake autonomous actions at the local level and in a
completely de-centralized fashion;
 3. that, if and when possible, at least some of these actions should
be undertaken in front of webcams that have already been installed
in public places by private companies that are insensitive or even
hostile to privacy concerns (in addition to disrupting "business
as usual" for these companies, the use of webcams will allow the
entire world to see 7s01 anti-videosurveillance actions as they
take place);
 4. that all individuals and groups participating in the 7s01 day of
action keep in touch with at least one of the groups listed below
and/or each other;
 5. that at least one Web site links to or actually displays images
from these actions as they take place;
 6. that this proposal should be posted on-line and sent to as many
people as possible and as soon as possible; and
 7. that this proposal be translated into as many foreign languages as
possible, but especially French, German, and Italian, for it is in
France, Belgium, Germany and Italy that the anti-videosurveillance
struggle is the most visible at the moment.

List of participating groups:

EFF's action alert:


  Bill Brown, Surveillance Camera Players
+1 212-561-0106

  Will Doherty, EFF Online Activist / Media Relations
+1 415 436 9333 x111

   - end -

Slashdot | Hosting Provider Shut Down By FBI

2001-09-07 Thread Jim Choate


natsugusa ya...tsuwamonodomo ga...yume no ato
summer grass...those mighty warriors'...dream-tracks

Matsuo Basho

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Cypherpunks 9/8/01 - GOLDEN GATE PARK - EFF Music Share-In

2001-09-07 Thread Seth David Schoen

I'm going to be working at the Share-in, and I'd additionally like to
invite everybody to celebrate a billion seconds of Unix with me
immediately following the event.

The 1,000,000,000th second after the Unix epoch is

Sat Sep  8 18:46:40 PDT 2001

which closely follows this weekend's concert.  I intend to have a
celebratory dinner in honor of Unix history as soon as the concert
clean-up is finished.

Seth David Schoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Its really terrible when FBI arrested
Temp. | hacker, who visited USA with peacefull
down:   (CAF) | mission -- to share his knowledge with  | american nation.  (Ilya V. Vasilyev)

Re: Friday, 9/7 - International Day of Action Against Video Surveillance

2001-09-07 Thread Tim May

On Thursday, September 6, 2001, at 11:28 PM, Bill Stewart wrote:

> Perform for a video camera today!   Or alternatively, go buy a cheap 
> webcam
> and surveil somebody who's already performing (oh, wait, that wasn't 
> what they meant :-)
> The EFF announced the following:
> -
> Friday, September 7 - International Day of Action Against Video 
> Surveillance

An "International Day of Action..."

Gee, why are so many EFF and similar events sounding so much like Lefty 
events from the 60s?

"National Mobilization Against Online Imperialism"

"Teach-in to protest corporatism"

"Join our circle today"

"Jane Fonda and Abbe Hoffman need our help."

"Perform for a video camera today!"

"Fight the fascist insects who prey upon the life of the people."

-- Stokely May :: Opinion :: Articles - on copyright

2001-09-07 Thread Jim Choate


natsugusa ya...tsuwamonodomo ga...yume no ato
summer grass...those mighty warriors'...dream-tracks

Matsuo Basho

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Quantum Crypto to the Rescue

2001-09-07 Thread Jim Choate,1377,46610,00.html


natsugusa ya...tsuwamonodomo ga...yume no ato
summer grass...those mighty warriors'...dream-tracks

Matsuo Basho

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Naughty Journal Author Denied Plea Change

2001-09-07 Thread keyser-soze


At 06:15 PM 9/6/2001 -0500, amp wrote:
On Wednesday 05 September 2001 10:51 am, David Honig wrote:
> At 09:49 AM 9/5/01 -0700, John Young wrote:
> >Isn't what is new here is that the man did not publish this material
> >as was the material of Joyce, Miller, et al? Nobody saw it except
> >him and the cop who discovered it.
> Wasn't it his *parents* who read his journal and turned him in, hoping for
> 'treatment'
> instead of jail?  Shades of David & Ted Kaczynski...

>Indeed. From press accounts, his mother turned him in. (That's how Fedgov got
his diary/notebook from what I understand.) The appelate decision that was
recently in the news is that he pled guilty thinking he would get
probation/treatment. The judge, in effect said, "I don't know why the hell
you would have thought that. Lock him up!"

>I'm concerned that Fedgov has been able to successfully prosecute this
thoughtcrime using his own private writings. It could very well be possible
that writing his evil thoughts down kept him from acting on them. I know that
sometimes when I have a good rant building up, I have to just write it to get
it out of my system. This case could well have unintended consequences if
people finally understand that Fedgov doesn't give a rat's ass about any
alleged 'right to privacy'. Americans allegedly have  right to 'keep and bear
arms' as well, spelled out on paper (currently being used as toilet paper in
government offices across the land), but there are thousands of laws
regulating against same.

This may continue until JDF types with nothing to lose (e.g., diagnosed with a 
terminal illness) put selected DOJ, FBI and Congressional targets in their sights.

Version: Hush 2.0

-END PGP SIGNATURE- - Could your job go to China? - September 6, 2001

2001-09-07 Thread Jim Choate


natsugusa ya...tsuwamonodomo ga...yume no ato
summer grass...those mighty warriors'...dream-tracks

Matsuo Basho

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Naughty Journal Author Denied Plea Change

2001-09-07 Thread pablo-escobar

At 05:30 PM 9/6/2001 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 06:15 PM 9/6/2001 -0500, amp wrote:
>>This case could well have unintended consequences if
people finally understand that Fedgov doesn't give a rat's ass about any
alleged 'right to privacy'. Americans allegedly have  right to 'keep and bear
arms' as well, spelled out on paper (currently being used as toilet paper in
government offices across the land), but there are thousands of laws
regulating against same.

>This may continue until JDF types with nothing to lose (e.g., diagnosed with a 
>terminal illness) put selected DOJ, FBI and Congressional targets in their sights.

Yes! Its the hour to make a charter member of the Society of Timothy McVeigh.  Choose 
a target and squeeze.  Make an infamous exit.

I know when I am in the door of the death that I will gladly join.

Cypherpunks 9/8/01 - GOLDEN GATE PARK - EFF Music Share-In

2001-09-07 Thread Bill Stewart

for SF, Toronto, Seattle, & Bangalore Cypherpunks announcements.

SF Bay Area Cypherpunks September 2001 Physical Meeting Announcement

General Info:
DATE:   Saturday 8 September 2001
TIME:   1 - 6 PM (Pacific Time)
Location: Golden Gate Park, corner of Haight & Stanyan

"Our agenda is a widely-held secret."
As usual, this is an Open Meeting on US Soil, and everyone's invited.
The Cypherpunks Secret Cabal Meeting starts at 1:00,
so bring blankets, lunch, tape recorders, drums, etc.
The slightly-better-hidden agenda is at or
It's the east end of the main part of the park (not counting the Panhandle.)

Music Share-in Festival in Golden Gate Park

   Hosted by Wavy Gravy and John Perry Barlow

EFF Music Share In
Saturday, September 8, 2001, 2pm-5pm PT
Golden Gate Park (corner of Haight & Stanyan)

Join the Electronic Frontier Foundation and ten Independent bands for
an afternoon of music supporting artists' rights. All bands performing
grant permission for their Share - In performances to be recorded and
shared with friends under EFF's Open Audio License. Tapers are
encouraged and welcome.

Ten bands will play in two stage areas in the meadow. Hosting the main
stage are Wavy Gravy and EFF co-founder John Perry Barlow. Musicians
performing at the event include singer/songwriter Adrian West, the
jazzy Alex Buccat Quartet featuring Sanaz, folk/pop band Atticus
Scout, high-altitude bluegrass string band Hot Buttered Rum, soulful
solo performer Michael Musika, the political satirists of The Planning
Commission, Berkeley-based party band Shady Lady, classical Indian
instrumentalists Srini and Raja, acoustic rock performer Vanessa Lowe,
and singer/songwriter Wendy Haynes.

Come with friends and family! Hear great music, feast on Ben and
Jerry's ice cream and support a great cause. Best of all, It's FREE!
There will also be booths, t-shirts and CDs. Visit our website at:
for more information or call +1 415-436-9333 x101

Directions: East end of the main body of the park.

>   Thanks!  Bill Stewart,   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Cell +1-415-307-7119.
>Dave Del Torto, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Naughty Journal Author Denied Plea Change

2001-09-07 Thread Declan McCullagh

I'm confused about "Fedgov" references. This was a state law and
a state prosecution and a state judge. Doesn't make it right, but it
has little to do with "Fedgov."


On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 05:30:19PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> At 06:15 PM 9/6/2001 -0500, amp wrote:
> On Wednesday 05 September 2001 10:51 am, David Honig wrote:
> > At 09:49 AM 9/5/01 -0700, John Young wrote:
> > >Isn't what is new here is that the man did not publish this material
> > >as was the material of Joyce, Miller, et al? Nobody saw it except
> > >him and the cop who discovered it.
> >
> > Wasn't it his *parents* who read his journal and turned him in, hoping for
> > 'treatment'
> > instead of jail?  Shades of David & Ted Kaczynski...
> >Indeed. From press accounts, his mother turned him in. (That's how Fedgov got
> his diary/notebook from what I understand.) The appelate decision that was
> recently in the news is that he pled guilty thinking he would get
> probation/treatment. The judge, in effect said, "I don't know why the hell
> you would have thought that. Lock him up!"
> >I'm concerned that Fedgov has been able to successfully prosecute this
> thoughtcrime using his own private writings. It could very well be possible
> that writing his evil thoughts down kept him from acting on them. I know that
> sometimes when I have a good rant building up, I have to just write it to get
> it out of my system. This case could well have unintended consequences if
> people finally understand that Fedgov doesn't give a rat's ass about any
> alleged 'right to privacy'. Americans allegedly have  right to 'keep and bear
> arms' as well, spelled out on paper (currently being used as toilet paper in
> government offices across the land), but there are thousands of laws
> regulating against same.
> This may continue until JDF types with nothing to lose (e.g., diagnosed with a 
>terminal illness) put selected DOJ, FBI and Congressional targets in their sights.
> Version: Hush 2.0
> wmAEARECACAFAjuYFYwZHGtleXNlci1zb3plQGh1c2htYWlsLmNvbQAKCRAg4ui5IoBV
> n/9+AJ9eK/gSpH59ahQrotIOcYbOo8cHQgCeM0ki/sMKBda2tdCstCyN4LqFQWk=
> =1jll

The Constitution & Gun Rights

2001-09-07 Thread Jim Choate


natsugusa ya...tsuwamonodomo ga...yume no ato
summer grass...those mighty warriors'...dream-tracks

Matsuo Basho

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Software to help fix your credit

2001-09-07 Thread drriley

Hmmm ... sounds like spam to me ... but on the topic of credit reports
and credit ratings ... I was even denied the opportunity to open a
chequing account by a bank yesterday, because my credit file had
"derogatory remarks" on it ... but the bank was unable to confirm what
those "derogatory remarks" were.

Friday, July 13, 2001, 12:42:47 PM, you wrote:

hfic> Have you checked your personal credit reports recently?

hfic> If you are planning making any major purchase like purchasing a Home or 
hfic> newcar or getting a new job or even a promotion, Pleaseread on!

hfic> You need to have a GOOD to EXCELLENT credit rating.  If you do already, 
hfic> that's important, but if you know your credit is less than perfect, you need 
hfic> to get those negative remarks REMOVED, LEGALLY and quickly.