At 06:15 PM 9/6/2001 -0500, amp wrote:
On Wednesday 05 September 2001 10:51 am, David Honig wrote:
> At 09:49 AM 9/5/01 -0700, John Young wrote:
> >Isn't what is new here is that the man did not publish this material
> >as was the material of Joyce, Miller, et al? Nobody saw it except
> >him and the cop who discovered it.
> Wasn't it his *parents* who read his journal and turned him in, hoping for
> 'treatment'
> instead of jail?  Shades of David & Ted Kaczynski...

>Indeed. From press accounts, his mother turned him in. (That's how Fedgov got
his diary/notebook from what I understand.) The appelate decision that was
recently in the news is that he pled guilty thinking he would get
probation/treatment. The judge, in effect said, "I don't know why the hell
you would have thought that. Lock him up!"

>I'm concerned that Fedgov has been able to successfully prosecute this
thoughtcrime using his own private writings. It could very well be possible
that writing his evil thoughts down kept him from acting on them. I know that
sometimes when I have a good rant building up, I have to just write it to get
it out of my system. This case could well have unintended consequences if
people finally understand that Fedgov doesn't give a rat's ass about any
alleged 'right to privacy'. Americans allegedly have  right to 'keep and bear
arms' as well, spelled out on paper (currently being used as toilet paper in
government offices across the land), but there are thousands of laws
regulating against same.

This may continue until JDF types with nothing to lose (e.g., diagnosed with a 
terminal illness) put selected DOJ, FBI and Congressional targets in their sights.

Version: Hush 2.0


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