At 05:30 PM 9/6/2001 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 06:15 PM 9/6/2001 -0500, amp wrote:
>>This case could well have unintended consequences if
people finally understand that Fedgov doesn't give a rat's ass about any
alleged 'right to privacy'. Americans allegedly have  right to 'keep and bear
arms' as well, spelled out on paper (currently being used as toilet paper in
government offices across the land), but there are thousands of laws
regulating against same.

>This may continue until JDF types with nothing to lose (e.g., diagnosed with a 
>terminal illness) put selected DOJ, FBI and Congressional targets in their sights.

Yes! Its the hour to make a charter member of the Society of Timothy McVeigh.  Choose 
a target and squeeze.  Make an infamous exit.

I know when I am in the door of the death that I will gladly join.

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