Fwd: Reputation capital

2001-12-05 Thread Tim May

[Retransmission. Due to periodic problems with lne.com, I started 
sending my messages to ssz.com a few days ago. Alas, ssz.com has had an 
outage. Hence these retransmissions. Sorry for any dupes.]

Begin forwarded message:

 Date: Tue Dec 04, 2001  08:56:01 AM US/Pacific
 Subject: Re: Reputation capital

 On Tuesday, December 4, 2001, at 05:28 AM, Marcel Popescu wrote:

 I think all this stuff about reputations is being solved pretty neatly 
 the credit bureaus... up to getting scalars on people / companies.


 This is naive. Credit bureaus handle only a particular class of 
 reputations, certain types of credit-worthiness, and then with 
 well-documented deep flaws:

 -- regulation by government

 -- Fair Credit Reporting Act forbids them from remembering certain 
 classes of defaults and welshings

 -- lack of competition (the Three use the same precise standards)

 If you are rejoining the discussions after a long absence, you need to 
 get up to speed.

 --Tim May
 The Constitution is a radical document...it is the job of the 
 government to rein in people's rights. --President William J. Clinton

--Tim May
That government is best which governs not at all. --Henry David Thoreau

Re: ssz switchover test

2001-12-05 Thread Eric Murray

On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 06:44:54AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 testing lne: ssz appears down hard :-(

Mail to ssz has been backed up at lne since midnight tuesday.

The list of CDRs is at: http://www.lne.com/cpunk/


Re: Fwd: Reputation capital

2001-12-05 Thread Eric Murray

On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 08:07:47AM -0800, Tim May wrote:
 [Retransmission. Due to periodic problems with lne.com, I started 
 sending my messages to ssz.com a few days ago. Alas, ssz.com has had an 
 outage. Hence these retransmissions. Sorry for any dupes.]

The problems lne was having have been fixed.  My MX host had an extra '.'
in their MailerHosts table, so mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] that got MXd
to them was being rejected with 'User unknown'.


Re: Russian Party of Pensioners Manifesto,

2001-12-05 Thread mattd

Without property rights in the means of production to separate one man's 
plan from another man's plan, there can only be one plan, one plan for 
everything, one plan for everyone, one plan that all must obey.

Libertarianism? Its the one plan here that all must obey.The ubergeeks one 
true religon.Yet you seek to rip off the hard earned kudos of 'anarchy' and 
'punk'.You stand exposed as the fraud you are james by your own straw man 
Will you denounce the march for capitalism for its rank socialist 
organising and marching?

Re: fuel injected firearm,

2001-12-05 Thread mattd

One of the improvised weapons of choice these days is LPG bombs and
mortars.Im not an urbane guerrilla(yet) but does anyone want to condense
something out of this?

PDF] Code of Practice on the Use of LPG for the Production of ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... 4.3.4 All LPG mortars shall be clearly marked ... known as black powder
bombs. Liquefied
petroleum gas ( ) , as ... to in paragraph (a). LPG ( ) , an abbreviation
for ...
www.info.gov.hk/tela/forms/form-q.pdf - Similar pages
[PDF] Code of Practice on the Use, Storage and Conveyance of ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... the Code of Practice on the Use of LPG for the Production of Special
Effects (CP2 ... shall
not be used for concussion mortars or flash pots. 2.7.6 Binary ...
www.info.gov.hk/tela/forms/form-p.pdf - Similar pages
[ More results from www.info.gov.hk ]
Rediff on the Net: India Online News Information ...
... and not country-made bombs -- were used. ... More. ... rocket launchers
and heavy mortars
-- to the area. ... More. ... tearing hurry to unload LPG as they were
already ...
www.rediff.com/news/octweek1.htm - 27k - Cached - Similar pages
... Width X Depth. Aircraft (assorted bombs), 4 X 6. 2-3 ... 10, 8, 6, 8
/ 7 / 6.   
  Mortars and guns under 90mm. ... Roll 1D6 for Soviet 73mm LPG on BMP1's
Failure to
KO ...
www.gpa63.dial.pipex.com/wargames/modern/modernrules.htm - 32k - Cached -
Similar pages
Code of Pratice LPG
... 4.3.4, All LPG mortars shall be clearly marked with the maximum ...
Lifters are also
known as black powder bombs. ... LPG (%[*o.p), an abbreviation for
liquefied ...
www.tela-esela.gov.hk/en/CodeOfPractice/CP2_LPG.html - 101k - Cached -
Similar pages
[DOC] Figure 3-9
File Format: Microsoft Word 97 for Macintosh - View as HTML
... It produced liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), fuels, petroleum coke ...
forces using rockets,
bombs, artillery, machine gun tracers, and mortars on six occasions ...
Appendix%20Q.doc - Similar pages

Re: Reputation capital

2001-12-05 Thread Marcel Popescu


 I think all this stuff about reputations is being solved pretty neatly by
 the credit bureaus... up to getting scalars on people / companies.

 This is naive. Credit bureaus handle only a particular class of
 reputations, certain types of credit-worthiness, and then with
 well-documented deep flaws:

Ok, I agree I was too happy to have found something connected to this :)
Let's say there APPEARS to be a solution, at least to a class of problems -
trade reputations - and the credit bureaus MIGHT BE a good start in that
direction. (And apparently a good second step would be the removal of the
flaws you mention.)

Also, regarding the flaws: something like this would be a HUGE improvement
over the current situation in many countries (mine included).


Bad Opsec: Afghan hills, atavan for geologists

2001-12-05 Thread Alfred Qaeda

excerpts from
about the importance of operational security

Later CNN gave Shroder an enhanced copy of the complete tape. It
 revealed that the camera operator did not turn off the camera while he
 removed it from the tripod. As he tilted the camera up, the outline of
 the top of the ravine was caught on two frames.

Armed with this new information, Shroder was able to place Bin Laden
in a province in the south.

They told me, 'You guys have made yourselves a little too vulnerable,'
 he said. Now, the nondescript room Shroder and his team use to
assemble and analyze maps of Afghanistan has been secured: digital
locks and 24-hour audio and video surveillance. I'm now a worldwide

Love Like No Other!!!!!!!!! 19857

2001-12-05 Thread e3998

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872 Your Vacation Winning ! 4710932

2001-12-05 Thread 3247109travelincentives

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Refinance NOW 10078

2001-12-05 Thread Low_Rates

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Refinance NOW 10078

2001-12-05 Thread Low_Rates

	Lenders compete
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	Refinance for lower rate or cash out
Equity Second Mortgage
125% Second Mortgage
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			There is NEVER a cost or obligation for your application.

	Remove from mailing list


Re: Speech May Not Be Free, but It's Refundable

2001-12-05 Thread Sunder

Then that would involve the FCC which wouldn't be pure speech.  Besides,
roasted Choate won't be so appetizing.  I find it more fun tweaking him on
his errors. :)

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.sunder.net 

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, David Honig wrote:

 At 11:42 AM 12/3/01 -0500, Sunder wrote:
 Ok, then I propose to surround your property from any vantage point on
 public land, and setup gigantic speakers from which I would recite very
 loud speeches in your direction at 3:00am.
 Why not do some high-power microwave testing in his direction? 

Attention: Learn how to retire early

2001-12-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Title: Burn DVD Video Using Your CDR

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be able to retrieve and process the remove requests.) 

=9=9=9Click Here To
=9=9=9Go To Our Global Remove Website

Click Here To Go To Our
Global Remove Website

Re: Reputation of a Reputation

2001-12-05 Thread Meyer Wolfsheim

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Tim May wrote:

 This is the reputation of a reputation.

 As soon as people tumble to the fact that Tom Clancy has sold his
 nym/reputation to some hack writer, that is, let them put his name on
 their words, then the reputation of Tom Clancy falls.

 Nothing new here. Fisher was a respected (high reputation) name in
 stereo equipment. (I don't like the term reputation, due to issues
 I've discussed here, but I'm using it in the commonly understood sense.)

 The name Fisher was bought by a Taiwan maker of equipment, and one can
 now see Fisher on boxes at Costco and Best Buy.

 Draw your own conclusions. My own sense is that no one is fooled: those
 young enough not to know what Fisher once was don't care. Those old
 enough to know aren't fooled. I expect the brand name Fisher sold for
 very little money, reflecting all of these issues.

It seems to me that the sale of the reputation is a red herring in these
cases. Tim's giving examples of instances where a particular brand's
reputation for a given level of quality became devalued when the brand's
product became inferior to products previously sold under the same brand

I suspect that buyers of Fisher would find the sale of the name
unimportant, if the new Taiwanese owners continued to produce equipment of
the same caliber as the old Fisher.

It takes significantly longer to build a brand reputation than it does to
lose it. By purchasing another's name, one attempts to cut the brand
building stage short -- but it is necessary to live up to the
expectations associated with that brand.


eCash reported morbidly wounded

2001-12-05 Thread measl


 Rumor has it eCash.net will be closing down any day now... aquisition fell
 through, around 40 people soon-to-be jobless.
 When: 12/4/2001
 Company: eCash.net
 Severity: 100 - new hall of fame inductee!

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

IP: FBI Reorganization Posted

2001-12-05 Thread mattd

The death lists
by [EMAIL PROTECTED] 5:47am Thu Dec 6 '01

Honeywell helped the phoenix program in 'nam and PROMIS stolen software 
helped round em up in guatamala and the old south africa.This mob just got 
80 million to be the next. http://www.csc.com.au/
here in Australia.

But first, a little background information about CSC. We are a full-scope, 
global IT services company. We pride ourselves on providing real solutions 
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The DoD's Computer Investigations Training Program offered its first class, 
Introduction to Computer Search and Seizure, in September 1998. 
http://sydney.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=9108group=webcast   and 
www.cryptome.org of corse.

Re: Reputation of a Reputation

2001-12-05 Thread Duncan Frissell

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Tim May wrote:

 By the way, a topic I talked about a month or two ago, the bogus nature
 of the _Economics_ prize, has been in the news. Some of the descendants
 of the Nobel family want the Economics prize to have no connection to
 the name Nobel.

 Their claim is that Alfred Nobel didn't create or fund the prize, so why
 is it called Nobel?

 I think the subtext is that the Econ prize is trivializing the other

It's actually called the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics.

And even though Moral Philosophy is not a science, it is a bit easier to
award reasonable prizes in than Literature and Peace.  Toni Morrison call
your agent.


War was created so that men in primative societies would have a valid
excuse for deserting the wife and kids.

Better Cell Phone Reception! 23631

2001-12-05 Thread mycellantennas

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Bulk email services software - lists CD and more! 5tg4

2001-12-05 Thread 09Mortgage_Leads66

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If you have received this message in error and would
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email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with NO CD in the sub.

eCash reported mortally wounded...

2001-12-05 Thread measl

Reposted as the first one bounced no route to host boggle:


 Rumor has it eCash.net will be closing down any day now... aquisition fell
 through, around 40 people soon-to-be jobless.
 When: 12/4/2001
 Company: eCash.net
 Severity: 100 - new hall of fame inductee!

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Re: MD5 (was Re: Antivirus software will ignore FBI spyware: solutions)

2001-12-05 Thread measl

 size or checksum changes.  Hidden files are trivial to use,
 though many utilities ignore their hiddenness,

Let's not forget the NT alternate data streams feature.  This is where
anything can be held, and no known virus scanner can touch it.

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Low Fixed Rates! NZAVVGZXF

2001-12-05 Thread The Banker
Title: 5.85% Fixed Rate

  Fixed Rate

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2001-12-05 Thread FREE . AUCTION . SITE


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Re: will the real capitalism please stand up

2001-12-05 Thread David Honig

At 01:58 PM 12/6/01 +1100, mattd wrote:
Objectivism the real thing? How do you separate  fascism  from capitalism? 


Ellison holds Liberty down as Rumsfeld does her

2001-12-05 Thread Major Variola (ret)

At 01:52 PM 12/5/01 +0100, Eugene Leitl wrote:
who'd thunk


Ellison donates software for U.S. security

Oracle OpenWorld 2001
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In the wake of the September 11 events, Oracle Corporation is taking
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This year expect to see more security. Uniformed police officers will be
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Refinance Immediately!

2001-12-05 Thread tightplus

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We strongly
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ourmailings to receive them. Please click here to be deleted from further

Re: Reputation of a Reputation

2001-12-05 Thread David Honig

At 10:17 AM 12/3/01 -0800, Tim May wrote:
As soon as people tumble to the fact that Tom Clancy has sold his 
nym/reputation to some hack writer, that is, let them put his name on 
their words, then the reputation of Tom Clancy falls.

I was coming to that conclusion thanks to the public
exchange of certain extremely-high-rep folks here.

The conclusion: you can't sell a nym.  Nyms are best
managed by their initiator.  You can sell a nym's
recommendation  reliably but not a nym.  Is this true?

A grasshopper,



Re: Speech May Not Be Free, but It's Refundable

2001-12-05 Thread David Honig

At 11:42 AM 12/3/01 -0500, Sunder wrote:
Ok, then I propose to surround your property from any vantage point on
public land, and setup gigantic speakers from which I would recite very
loud speeches in your direction at 3:00am.

Why not do some high-power microwave testing in his direction? 



Send Alaska Seafood This Christmas!

2001-12-05 Thread x1kellie333


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We just ate the first of
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Consolidate your checks into ONE.

2001-12-05 Thread monzone1726

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21st Century Solution. I.D. # 023154


2001-12-05 Thread man73














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2001-12-05 Thread Nomen Nescio

To summarize:

You can sell nyms by transferring private keys.  Whether other people
like it or not, it can be done.  And others can't necessarily tell.
There is nothing to stop someone from transferring his private key
in this way.  Any reputation goes along with the nym, and this may be
quite valuable.  As Wolf points out, building up a reputation is a lot
harder than maintaining one.

The main problem is how to do the transfer cleanly, such that the former
nym owner can't damage the reputation once sold.  Several solutions
have been offered, involving doing a key change.  Complications arise
in terms of making the old key useless, but these can probably be worked
out using careful timing, as well as escrow services.

Here is another way to handle it: meta-reputation.  This is your
reputation for reliably handling reputations.  Someone who has done several
nym transfers cleanly and honestly could build up a meta-reputation and
this will facilitate future nym sales.

Meta-reputation cannot be solely associated with a particular nym, but
via transferrable credentials it can build up over a family of nyms
which are unlinkable.  A nym seller can present credentials showing
that it has completed successful nym transfers in the past, honestly
and without problems.  This offers evidence that a proposed nym transfer
will go smoothly as well.

The problem of selling meta-reputation is left as an exercise for
the reader.

minarchy wont work(attn.D.Honing)

2001-12-05 Thread mattd


According to this...From:  http://world.std.com/~mhuben/critobj.html

Re: A little quiet in here....

2001-12-05 Thread Sunder

Well, I did get your particular message.  After scumscribing to lne.com, I
got 3-4 messages, and nothing more...  I guess it's time to read from the
archives -- if they've caught any traffic at all.

Someone mentioned lne had a bad dns entry for an mx record (an extra .)
Choate mentioned he was going to switch ssz to some other T1's or
something...  (I generally don't pay attention to Choate when he's not
posting hillariously illogical Choatian-Prime posts.)

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.sunder.net 

On Wed, 5 Dec 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hmmm no CDR traffic for about two days. Toad is dead, 
 einstein.ssz.com seems off the 'Net completely, and lne.com is 
 Conspiracy theorists, start your keyboards :)
 Want a FREE fast, secure, and permanent email address?
 Visit http://www.FastCircle.com

guns, encryption, ID, biometrics, document authentication, unswipable CA drivers licenses

2001-12-05 Thread Alfred Qaeda

Learned the following today: starting soon --Jan 2002 IIRC-- you can't
use an unswipable drivers license to buy a gun in CA.  When asked, the
gunstore employee said there was encrypted info on them
that was harder to forge than the holograph-laminated front.

When I said that the licenses could be read with a regular cardreader
and that info could be forged, he suggested it was the newer license
(with two pictures vs 1 and an optical bar code too).  He suggested that

the encrypted info was harder to forge than the laminated front.

This would be possible if the front info was securely hashed with a
secret key.

Anyone have more info?  Good citizens are curious if they did this
right, and
what all the bits on the strip mean.

So monkeywrenching the magstrip will impair your constitutional rights.

A replacement license is $12; perhaps a good citizen needs a spare.

In any case Govn'or Slime Davis signed a law requiring fingerprints in a
year or two.

I bet they'll be taking hair samples or cheek scrapings in five years.

Re: MD5 (was Re: Antivirus software will ignore FBI spyware:solutions)

2001-12-05 Thread Steven Furlong

Gil Hamilton wrote:
 Karsten Self writes:
 Defeat:  create a log buffer file of fixed size, logged activity changes
 its contents, but not the size of the file.  E.g.:  a filesystem image
 file under GNU/Linux.  Techniques could be used to maintain a constant
 global MD5 checksum to defeat other detection attempts.
 What techniques could be used to do this?  MD5 has some weaknesses,
 but creating collisions still is not trivial.  Unless you know
 something I don't.

I interpreted that not as working around MD5, but as working around the
procedure which would use MD5 to get a single number for an entire file

Example: mark the logging software's keylog file as a device file, which
wouldn't be processed by the file system checksum procedure. When the
logger needs to write to its log, the file type is changed to ordinary
and then back to device again.

Steve Furlong, Computer Condottiere Have GNU, will travel

Message status - undeliverable

2001-12-05 Thread Mailer-Daemon

The message that you sent was undeliverable to the following:

Information about your message:
Subject: CDR: CFP: PKI research workshop


2001-12-05 Thread champ2000





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Untraceable money now more than ever!

2001-12-05 Thread Tim May
Or, "Why We Fight."

Just thought I'd pass along this gem I found in one of the newsgroups. If true, it shows the unlawful/extralegal reach of government into the pockets of persons not tried, not convicted, not even charged, not even plausibly guilty of anything. 

This guy is having his OWN MONEY blocked, probed, and frozen. No charges, no court, just done by forces unseen to him.

Editorial comment: The Founders would likely be stunned to see bureaucrats in a distant city able to reach in and essentially grab the money of a person without any due process, without fines or court-ordered seizures, just on the say-so of a bureaucrat. This guy below _wrote_ about it, so there are probably hundreds more just like him who choose not to further anger Big Brother by writing angry letters.

Me, I'd be so angry I'd probably be strapping on the plastic explosives

Read it and stoke your righteous anger:

--begin article--
This was in today's Washington Post.  Check it out at

=== Letters to the Post ==
Whose Sacrifice? 

Monday, December 3, 2001; Page A20 

American citizens are willing to sacrifice civil liberties in the fight
against terrorism [front page, Nov. 29], but which Americans are doing
the sacrificing?

Since Sept. 11 the FBI has interviewed me at work and at home because
my name is similar not to that of one of the hijackers, but to an
individual arrested with suspected links to the terrorists.

The FBI has contacted my broker, my neighbors and my friends to learn
more about me. I was purchasing an apartment, but when I needed to give
my down payment at closing I was informed by my bank that my accounts
were frozen. No one informed me nor could anyone help me resolve the
problem. Only an angry settlement attorney was able to unfreeze the

A month passed, and all seemed normal. Then I found out again that I
did not have access to transfer funds from my accounts without
government approval. 

I am a federal employee. I have not been charged with a crime. I do not
support terrorism, and I was willing to help the law enforcement
agencies. It was my duty as an American to answer all the questions
asked of me. 

But as time goes by and I have to get "clearance" every time I want to
make a bank transfer, I feel victimized. Every time I travel and receive
the extra security checks because of my name it makes me trust my
government less. What scares me even more is that I am an American
citizen, and that is why I am not in jail. If I were not a citizen I
could be one of the hundreds of detainees, or I could be in sitting in
front of a secret military court only because the crime I am guilty of
is that my name is Ali Ayub and not Joe Smith.



 2001 The Washington Post Company 

--end article--

--Tim May
"If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're around." --attribution uncertain, possibly Gunner, on Usenet

Re: Reputation of a Reputation

2001-12-05 Thread Tim May

On Monday, December 3, 2001, at 02:22 PM, Duncan Frissell wrote:

 Special agents should read the Economist in addition to NLECTC Law 
 Enforcement  Corrections Technology News Summary 


 The lemon dilemma
 Oct 11th 2001
 From The Economist print edition

 This year's Nobel prize for economics honours work inspired by a simple 
 observation about used cars

By the way, a topic I talked about a month or two ago, the bogus nature 
of the _Economics_ prize, has been in the news. Some of the descendants 
of the Nobel family want the Economics prize to have no connection to 
the name Nobel.

Their claim is that Alfred Nobel didn't create or fund the prize, so why 
is it called Nobel?

I think the subtext is that the Econ prize is trivializing the other 

Economists win for lemon analysis does not quite compare with 
discovering basic laws of physics or chemistry, for example.

--Tim May
Dogs can't conceive of a group of cats without an alpha cat. --David 
Honig, on the Cypherpunks list, 2001-11

Re: Reputation capital

2001-12-05 Thread Tim May

On Tuesday, December 4, 2001, at 05:28 AM, Marcel Popescu wrote:

 I think all this stuff about reputations is being solved pretty neatly 
 the credit bureaus... up to getting scalars on people / companies.


This is naive. Credit bureaus handle only a particular class of 
reputations, certain types of credit-worthiness, and then with 
well-documented deep flaws:

-- regulation by government

-- Fair Credit Reporting Act forbids them from remembering certain 
classes of defaults and welshings

-- lack of competition (the Three use the same precise standards)

If you are rejoining the discussions after a long absence, you need to 
get up to speed.

--Tim May
The Constitution is a radical document...it is the job of the 
government to rein in people's rights. --President William J. Clinton

Re: Bookstores and von Mises - was: fuel injected firearm

2001-12-05 Thread Tim May

On Monday, December 3, 2001, at 02:23 AM, Bill Stewart wrote:
 von Mises has been dead for a while and his publisher is
 probably not actively running wholesale specials.

 Besides, he's like one of those Tedious Dead White Male Classics 
 nobody actually reads him, they just read commentaries
 or literary criticisms on him, or the Cliff Notes or comic-book
 von Mises For Beginners versions (don't know if they've done him,
 but the Heidegger one makes it palatable to at least approach 
 Heidegger* :-)
 or more likely, economics/politics textbooks by people who have 
 references to von Mises but haven't actually read his work,
 just the commentaries/litcrit/cliffnotes/comics about him.

Well, Marx for Dummies has been the best-selling economics textbook 
for something like 40 years, through at least 7 or 9 editions.

--Tim May
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only 
exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from 
the Public Treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for 
the candidate promising the most benefits from the Public Treasury with 
the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy 
always followed by dictatorship. --Alexander Fraser Tyler

Re: Russian Manifesto, long and probably useless

2001-12-05 Thread Tim May

On Tuesday, December 4, 2001, at 04:14 AM, Fyodor wrote:

 Only in our country is it possible for such an ineffective, 
 government to exist.

 Here we go again! I mean, I'm sure the Russian government is 
 incompetent -
 but to decry that? Pray for more! The more incompetent they are, the 
 chances you have of developing an economy behind their backs.

 Wrong. Having russian background I guess I have more clear understanding
 what these guys are trying to say: The government is definetely
 ineffective in protecting its citizen, providing the social wealthfare
 to them and such, but on the other hand the government corruption, deep
 involvement with crimilal circles and udertable deals with big foreign
 corporations bring the country into the situation when the rulling top
 of the country is having/sharing a huge amount (can't bring any number) 
 all the profits, while the rest of population (especially pensioners in
 russia (people of age of 50 and above, who are brought up in
 post-socialist environment and are totally incapable to adopt to new
 environment)) are thrown and maintained in poverty.

This matches everything I have seen about Russia. It simply is 
implausible that corruption and inefficiency means more opportunities 
for economies behind their backs (to summarize the argument).

What Russia shows is that privatizing a state-run economy is difficult 
indeed. Gazprom, the big gas and energy company, is a case in point. 
There was no free market to acquire the resources of this privatized 
company: the thugs and apparatchniks (sp?) grabbed the company. And they 
are willing to use former KGB, GRU, and Spetsnaz killers to enforce 
their monopoly.

What about non-heavy industry? Television, for example? Read about the 
ongoing shutdown of Moscow independent stations and networks, on flimsy 
grounds having the _language_ of capitalism (stuff about loan default) 
but actually being just part of the thugocracy approach. (The U.S. is 
not blameless here. Our own FCC applies similar rules sometimes to block 
stations. And woe unto any Islamic broadcaster, where the new language 
is that the First Amendment does not apply to hate speech or speech 
insulting to other religions. At this rate, the long-awaited 
convergence of Russia and America is not far off.)

Russia as a haven for Havenco? For digital money? For e-commerce?


--Tim May

--Tim May
If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third 
hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're 
around. --attribution uncertain, possibly Gunner, on Usenet

We're back...

2001-12-05 Thread Jim Choate


Well after a couple of days down time we're back.

Seems my providers machine room got a tad wet from somebody dumping a water 
main into it (perhaps somebody wanted to go swimming?). Seems it's gonna
run in the $5M range for repairs and such after they're all done.


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