Deconstructing Dan Klein.

2002-01-03 Thread mattd

 Dan Klein has written a nice book titled Reputation which I frequently 
recommend. Looks at some of these examples in detail from a self- 
regulatory, free-market perspective. -Declan

Daniel Klein is an Associate Professor of Economics. He received his Ph.D. 
(1990) from New York University. He taught at the University of California,

More self-regulatory and free market states being unavailable?

  Irvine, before joining Santa Clara's faculty in 1996. He teaches courses 
in the principles of economics, public policy issues, and game theory. His 
research interests lie in public policy issues (especially road transportation)

I wonder if he's done any study of the buying up of LA's tramcar net and 
its destruction by autoimmobile industry?

  American economic history

Should know of differing US currencies in the past,possible BUMs/e-cash future.

  game theory, and the intersection of economics with moral and political 

Something Tim and declan seem woefully ignorant of.

Professor Klein is the coauthor of Curb Rights: A Foundation for Free 
Enterprise in Urban Transit,

Yes,but what does he think of jim bells plans for car thieves?

  editor of Reputation: Studies in the Voluntary Elicitation of Good 

I hope he considers the APster plan 9 for negative reputations,soon,real soon.

  and editor of What Do Economists Contribute?

The few that are using physics modeling contribute something.At 1st glance 
Klein looks like a smarter D.Friedman,thats not saying much,I know,but I'm 
on permanent vacation.

Future Gnu's

2002-01-03 Thread mattd

Birthdays;Mel gibson,robert loggia and dabney coleman.Future Gnu's
February 4, 2002

An 86 year-old Amish woman on a Florida to Ohio flight detonates a bomb
in pants disguised as battery operated light-up Viva Las Vegas!
panties. The last video image from black box shows her knocking over
stewardess and tearing off dress before detonating explosive. All
passengers on board are killed. 25 people on the ground are also killed
by falling debris. As a result, all passengers are required to remove
their undergarments for inspection in makeshift, screened rooms. Flights
are delayed for up to 3 days as lines of irritated passengers wait to be
stripped naked by convicted felons (it is discovered that 89% of airport
security employees are ex-cons and parolees).

February 13, 2002

While passengers are still being strip searched in American airports, a
man on United flight 302 from Philadelphia to New York belly flops in
the center isle, setting off the nitro-glycerine that his clothes were
later found to be soaked in. In a move that outrages the few surviving
civil rights organizations, FAA requires all passengers fly in the nude
and forgo any in-flight snacks as FBI demonstrates on live TV how a
peanut can be used to kill a grown man.

June 3, 2002

While Bush is on live TV proclaiming his success in clearing the world
of terrorism (UN and US intervened in Indo-Pakistani conflict and
accidentally dumped large Anthrax stockpiles and nuclear weapons on all
of the Middle East. It was labeled colateral damage) a woman detonates
a tube of explosives concealed in her anal cavity. 300 people on board
are killed as well as 263 on ground as wreckage rained down on a
Shriner's parade in Utah. All fliers are now required to submit to a
body cavity search before boarding plane.

July 4, 2002

A naked couple on Alaskan Airlines Flight 65 uses a two-in-one explosive
compound to destroy the plane. The man had clear, odorless coating of
one chemical on penis, and the woman had second chemical douche before
boarding the plane. Flight footage shows couple engaging in intercourse,
successfully combining two benign chemicals and forming one super
explosive chemical that equaled the power of 5,000 pounds of TNT.
Passengers are now required to wear an electronic chastity belt that
dissolves the wearer's genitals with a highly corrosive acid at the
first signs of arousal.

Inscription réussie! La liliste de Yann L Merci!

2002-01-03 Thread CDR Anonymizer

Vous êtes dès à présent membre de la très prisée La liliste de Yann L!

Vous recevrez désormais des nouvelles de Yann, avant même de lire les manchettes 
des journaux. Merci et à bientôt.

Si vous avez souscrit à La liliste de Yann L par accident ou que quelqu'un
vous a inscrit sans votre permission (le vilain), ou
que vous désirez (certainement pas) annuler votre inscription à La liliste de Yann L
Cliquez simplement sur ce lien[EMAIL PROTECTED]
et hop, plus de nouvelles de Yann L . com (réféchissez bien, hein :-).


It's time to STOP just making ends meet!!

2002-01-03 Thread mineeveryday

How are you living today, financially, and what are you building as your

Are you your only income-producing asset?  Or   Do you have assets that
are producing your income?

Do you know how long it would take to pay off 
a credit card balance of 10 thousand dollars, if only 
the minimum payment is being made?? You'll be amazed!! Scroll down!

31 years!!
It's time to STOP just making ends meet!!

WHAT IF we could show you a way to:

ELIMINATE DEBT--   (credit cards,car loans, home loans,school loans)
PROTECT ASSETS--  Build  preserve a financial foundation!

Would you investigate it?? 

If you think it's too good to be true let me say this

A Wise Man Will Investigate What A Fool Takes For Granted!


Timing Beats Out Talent Each and Every Time!

put foundation in subject line and email to:

If you no longer are looking to generate wealth,
we will remove you from our database 
just put Remove from database in subject line and 

D.Klein.when naomi's not available.

2002-01-03 Thread mattd

Hayek suggests that economic reasoning is likely to lead to conclusions in 
conflict with universal human instincts and simplistic visions of a happy 
society. Indeed, we see in this address from 1944 the kernel of ideas that 
Hayek developed over the subsequent four decades, ideas about the tension 
between the values of traditional society and the desirable rules for 
modern society. Hayek (p. 47) cautions his young-economist auditors that in 
economics the ruthless pursuit of an argument will lead you almost 
certainly into isolation and unpopularity. The economist must not look 
for public approval or sympathy for his efforts.
Hutt's counsel is equally dispiriting. He says that the 
libertarian-oriented economist must be aware of a periodic recurrence of a 
sense of utter helplessness:
On all sides he thinks he sees the survival of ignorance and confusion of 
thought on matters which affect human welfare; and he feels that nothing 
that it is within his power to do or say can have the slightest effect in 
checking the accumulation of wrong ideas and false policies which they 
bring forth. He recognizes that in spheres in which policy and ...action 
can be influenced, he is doomed to virtual dumbness to-day. He does not 
attempt the impossible. He seldom protests, for experience and history have 
taught him that protests are without avail and merely damaging to his 
reputation. He realizes that persistent opposition to the popular illusions 
of his time will simply bring him the notoriety of a crank . . . (Hutt, p. 34).
The sense of frustration and despair is greatest for those economists who 
take part in public discourse. One of Hutt's section headings reads: It is 
as a critic of actual affairs that the economist is most aware of his 
ineffectiveness. Although statist thinking has, in recent decades, not 
continued to advance the way it did when Hutt wrote, and although Milton 
Friedman has had no apparent difficulty in remaining cheerful in his 
conversation with the public, the fundamental problems described by Hutt 
and Hayek remain highly pertinent to libertarian economists today
Klein in aug 2000.end paragraph...Economists ought to think harder about 
the economics of Economics.

Mmm,should reporters think harder about the reporting of reporting?

   Daniel B. Klein ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is associate professor of economics at 
Santa Clara University. He is editor of What Do Economists Contribute?, 
recently published by New York University Press and the Cato Institute. From
Economists' Misplaced Faith in an Invisible Hand (reporter declan keeps 
faith with own hand.)
He has written for such Everyman policy organizations as Brookings, Cato, 
Reason, Institute of Economic Affairs, Independent Institute, and the 
Foundation for Economic Education. His email address is 
Santa Clara University is a private, Jesuit university.
Many valley residents will never forget the catastrophic flooding which 
ravaged parts of Santa Clara County during the El Nino storms of the early 
1980s. The severity of the damage encouraged voters to pass a 1986 ballot 
measure creating a flood benefit assessment to fund an accelerated flood 
protection construction program. Since then the district has worked 
diligently toward achieving the maximum amount of flood protection for 
valley residents its budget would allow. The average homeowner in Santa 
Clara County is assessed between $17 and $59 a year, and the average 
business between $139 and $474 a year. In addition to those funds, during 
the past 20 years the water district has successfully pursued and secured 
more than $200 million in state and federal money for local flood 
protection efforts. As a result, flood protection projects have removed the 
danger of flooding from thousands of homes and businesses
However, a revenue shortfall of nearly 40% remains an obstacle to full 
implementation of these crucial programs. The board is soliciting input 
from the public on support for future funding mechanisms to ensure seamless 
program implementation in 2001.
Hopefully the next flood will take all jesuit 
academics,libertarians,anarcho-crapitalists and phoney reporters far,far 
out to shark infested and stormy seas.

RE: Future Gnu's

2002-01-03 Thread Trei, Peter

If there's anything more annoying than a boring nut who takes
up 30% of the list volume, it's a boring nut who takes up 30%
of the list volume with plaigerized articles from other, much
more creative and intelligent nuts.

This, of course, is CJ Parker's work, as published on Declan's
Politech list.

Peter Trei

 Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 7:47 AM
 Subject:  Future Gnu's
 Birthdays;Mel gibson,robert loggia and dabney coleman.Future Gnu's
 February 4, 2002
 An 86 year-old Amish woman on a Florida to Ohio flight detonates a bomb
 in pants disguised as battery operated light-up Viva Las Vegas!

This e-mail, its content and any files transmitted with it are intended
solely for the addressee(s) and are PRIVILEGED and 
CONFIDENTIAL.  Access by any other party is unauthorized without the express
prior written permission of the sender.  If 
you have received this e-mail in error you may not copy, disclose to any
third party or use the contents, attachments or 
information in any way, Please delete all copies of the e-mail and the
attachment(s), if any and notify the sender. 
Thank You.

Re: CDR: RE: Future Gnu's

2002-01-03 Thread measl

On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Trei, Peter wrote:

 If there's anything more annoying than a boring nut who takes
 up 30% of the list volume, it's a boring nut who takes up 30%
 of the list volume with plaigerized articles from other, much
 more creative and intelligent nuts.

Procmail is your friend :-)

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Re: CP movies?

2002-01-03 Thread Antwan Vogelscheiss

lots of crypto in superman, and ofcourse the ultimate phone phreak clark

Get the IRS Off your BACK -- LEGALLY! [dqgtg]

2002-01-03 Thread Better_Business

AMERICANS: Get the IRS off your BACK -- LEGALLY!

THE SECRET the IRS is *TERRIFIED* you'll learn!

Millions of Americans already have learned the
truth and have dropped OUT of the system - (the
IRS itself now admits that at least 85 MILLION
taxpayers are no longer filing!) - AND SO CAN

The Federal Courts themselves, and even the US
Supreme Court have verified that it's true!

Simply put, pay from a job is a 'wage', and wages
are not taxable. Congress has taxed INCOME, not
compensation (wages and salaries). - Conner v.
U.S. 303 F Supp. 1187 (1969)

And there're MANY other cases, all of which AGREE
that the reward for your labor, wages, salaries,
and compensation for personal services (commissions)
IS NOT, and never have been, TAXABLE!

You MUST get this FREE information! Put NOTAX in
the Subject Box and return this message to:

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=NoTax

Have Great New Year.

PS: To be removed from the list, just put Remove
in subject line and send. 

Want email blast services - info? Click here:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=emailblast_info

P2P Apps Share Spyware []

2002-01-03 Thread Anonymous User

Users of popular file-sharing applications may unknowingly be sharing more than just 
collections of audio files.
A Trojan horse program masquerading as an advertising application was included with 
recent versions of programs BearShare, LimeWire, Kazaa and Grokster. The Trojan, 
dubbed W32.Dlder.Trojan by antiviral companies, is contained within an application 
ClickTillUWin which promises users a chance to win prizes. 

According to antiviral firm F-Secure, Dlder tracks URLs that users visit and
posts them to a website. F-Secure reported that the Trojan also opens a
security hole on infected systems by downloading and activating
executable files. 

We were told that this installer just created the icons and shortcuts for
the ClickTillUWin promotion, Greg Bildson, chief technical officer at
Limewire, said in an e-mail. 

We rely on Cydoor to deal with our ad deals and bundled software. We
assumed that they did their homework on this package but that does not
seem to be the case, said Bildson. 


Re: Future Gnu's

2002-01-03 Thread Eric Cordian

 Procmail is your friend :-)

 J.A. Terranson

There is a critical mass of drek above which no one will bother searching
for stuff worth reading in the list.  Without mentioning any names, might
I suggest that certain prolific posters need to stop posting 15 badly
formatted seemingly unintelligible messages every time they visit.

Two or three badly formatted seemingly unintelligible messages might
actually be searched for meaningful content, but when I start seeing
screenfuls of message headers from the same person, I hit delete and try
again a few days later.

Odd stuff and spam doesn't need to be 95% of the list traffic.  

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law

Re: Future Gnu's

2002-01-03 Thread Eugene Leitl

On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Eric Cordian wrote:

 There is a critical mass of drek above which no one will bother
 searching for stuff worth reading in the list.  Without mentioning any
 names, might I suggest that certain prolific posters need to stop
 posting 15 badly formatted seemingly unintelligible messages every
 time they visit.

Spare your breath. The only way to shut up someone with a mental condition
is to kick him off the list, to leave the list, or use filtering. They're
entirely closed to rational argumentation.

People who have something to say are usually not that patient, and just
leave the list. Overpermissiveness results in quality loss.

Decent Orwell Article.

2002-01-03 Thread Michael Motyka

An interesting read in which the author delves into some details of
Orwell's life and possible origins and targets of his satire. Includes
some neat stuff regarding the dates 1984 and 2000. Time to go read Iron
Heel by Jack London.


Buddy is Vince Foster'ed

2002-01-03 Thread Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer

Re: CP flix

2002-01-03 Thread Michael Motyka

anonymous wrote :

At 09:35 AM 1/2/02 -0500, Trei, Peter wrote:
 Nomen Nescio[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
 There was once an effort here to list CP relevent prose.
 How about a list of CP relevent moving pictures (and why
 Enemy of the State ---for surveillance and conspiracy
 GATTACA ---for biometrics, identity fraud, surveillance
Why has no one mentioned '1984'? I've only seen the
1956 version with Edmond O'Brien, not the 1984 version
with John Hurt.

If we're going to proceed down the 'state as evil' axis, 
there's a rich vein of content, such as 'Brazil', 'The
President's Analyst' (very funny, and highly 
reccomended), and many others. 

I was specifically trying to avoid such mentally-unnourishing
but visually tasty scifi candy as Matrix etc.   Mostly Choate polluted the list,
what a surprise.  1984, because of the televisors and surveillance
is ok; Brazil (although brilliant) isn't CP though fantastic
in many other respects.  If I'm wrong, its because it been
years, and I welcome correction.  

Brazil : there's now a nice 3-disc set available that includes the full
142 min. version, a bunch of commentary and extras plus the sweetened 90
min. version shown on 'murrican TV. 

Brazil is CP in the sense that the hunger of the state and marketeers
for database filler and the resultant dangers and fuckups is relevant to
privacy, information and rights issues that once were part of the the
discussion. Now it's mostly mattd and tripple-x critter sex. Not that
I'm implying any direct connection.

mattd - there's way too much of it but it's not totally devoid of
substance. The uncredited posting of someone else's work, well, that's a
big problem unless it isn't someone else's work.


the latest report

2002-01-03 Thread mailx_040063

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Faustine's paranoia index

2002-01-03 Thread faustine .


Someone sufficiently paranoid to use a remailer wrote:
At 03:27 PM 1/2/02 -0500, Faustine wrote:

Concealed carry is the only way to go, after I iron all the permits

What state do you live in?

One would think the more interesting question for you to ask is why I
chose the word permit--S--. Pick up the pace, Sherlock.

I'm a firm believer in mobile preparedness: in fact, every day I never
leave home without carrying a complete BOB concealed in a Kate Spade
bag. And I mean fucking EVERYTHING, the true survivalist nutcase
works: first aid kit, emergency rations, flashlight, space blanket,
poncho liner, magnesium fire starter, water purifying tabs, mini-
entrenching tool, Swiss army knife, NIOSH-95 filter mask, nitrile
gloves, monocular, grundig shortwave, passport, etc etc. (Full
contents available on request, it would take awhile!)

Your claimed paranoia level goes beyond most former Intel physicists'.

But what's so amusing is how incredibly well I hide it.

Of course, the most obvious thing to do would be to give you the
standard-issue sermon about what happened to people trapped in various
historical crises when they failed to prepare ahead of time, etc. etc. Or give
you examples of the many times I've actually used the contents of my bag to
help others--you'd probably be surprised.

But since I'm sure you don't want to hear it, I might as well cede the
point that any normal person is going to think carrying a portable BOB on my
person wherever I go is eccentric to the point of being downright
nutty. Given that you'd never suspect it of me unless I told you-and you'd
never notice anything out of the ordinary even if you were standing right next
to me--I suppose there's nothing left to do but for both of us to feel smug at
each other.

Though you might be interested to note that my employer was the one who issued
all its analysts the NIOSH-95 filter mask and nitrile gloves. And the first day
I got here, I found on my desk a gift basket containing a black fanny pack
with-let me get it out of my file cabinet and see here-a one person three
day survival kit; quoting the tag on the side: food rations, water pouches,
flashlight, waterproof blanket, radio and batteries, and first aid supplies.

Not everyone is as scornful of being prepared as you are.

Have you discussed this with your psychiatrist/handlers?

Not on your life, baby. But given that I know the L, F, Pd and Pa scales of the
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory like the back of my hand, it's
something of a moot point. A little recommended reading you might find
relevant: Cleckley, Hervey (1903-1984): The Mask of Sanity, Fifth Edition, 1988.

Hope that helps!




He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will
reach to himself.

- --Thomas Paine

Version: Hush 2.1
Note: This signature can be verified at


Re: Cypherpunk Ban

2002-01-03 Thread Sunder

Um, what's all this crap about?

You want to publish a newspaper, do so.  There's no special requirement
for anyone to publish papers.  All you have to do is simply print and
distribute.  You might need to comply with some post office regs about
printing ownership info.

Hell you can even type up Letters to the editor and post them
anonymously to cypherpunks@whichever_server_you_like. :)

Call it the Cypherpunks Weekly Journal if you'd like. :)

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.

On 17 Dec 2001, D.Popkin wrote:

 Anonymous [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I am seriously considering to fund printing of inet-one digest in
  local newspaper/rag that CJ can pick up. On a weekly basis.
  I'd like to see if pigs will dare fuck him for reading newspapers.
 Interesting.  Even more interesting would be to get cooperation of the
 paper's editor on the project: (1) avoid paying full price for the
 space, (2) gain a free-speech ally.
  Any pointers to local papers appreciated.
 Here's a little list from google.
 Listed below are general newspapers in the Seattle area.
  1   King County Journal (multiple locations)
  2   Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle / Eastside)
  3   Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce (Seattle)
  4   Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Seattle - Combines ads with the Seattle Times)
  5   Seattle Press, The (Seattle)
  6   Seattle Times - (Seattle - Combines ads with the Seattle Post-Intelligencer)
  7   Seattle Weekly, The (Seattle)
  8   Stranger, The (Seattle)
  9   Today's Careers (Pacific Northwest)
 Some corresponding URLs
 Version: 2.6.3ia
 Charset: noconv

Re: Faustine's paranoia index

2002-01-03 Thread Tim May

On Thursday, January 3, 2002, at 02:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have you discussed this with your psychiatrist/handlers?

 Not on your life, baby. But given that I know the L, F, Pd and Pa 
 scales of the
 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory like the back of my hand, 
 something of a moot point. A little recommended reading you might find
 relevant: Cleckley, Hervey (1903-1984): The Mask of Sanity, Fifth 
 Edition, 1988.

Anybody who bothers with this kind of stuff needs to see a psychiatrist.

(My university encouraged all students to take the MMPI. I saw the 
recommended careers it listed for me and decided it was as I 
suspected, from the types of questions, just plain voodoo bullshit. That 
was the last such test I took, more than 30 years ago.)

--Tim May
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a 
monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also 
into you. -- Nietzsche

Re: How do you sleep?,

2002-01-03 Thread Sunder

* (Cough) Bullshit (cough) * - type in punk, you get this:

Main Entry: 1punk 
Pronunciation:  'p[ng]k
Function:   noun
Etymology:  origin unknown
Date:   1596
1 archaic : PROSTITUTE
2 [probably partly from 3punk] : NONSENSE, FOOLISHNESS
3 a : a young inexperienced person : BEGINNER, NOVICE; especially : a
young man b : a usually petty gangster, hoodlum, or ruffian c : a youth
used as a homosexual partner
4 a : PUNK ROCK b : a punk rock musician c : one who affects punk styles

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Jim Choate wrote:

 On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, mattd wrote:
  have to choose soon between use of the words anarchy and punk and some 
 punk  anarchy
 'punk' actually means 'anti-establishment' and 'activist' in viewpoint.
 anti-establishment/activist  anarchy either.
 The black leather and anarchy crap didn't 'happen' on the punk scene until
 the late 70's and early 80's. In particular the club scene in England
 (those crazy Brits and their unemployment, crank  horse).
 When punk really took off (it began in the 60's w/ folks like Iggy Pop
 and the Stooges) in the early 70's (New York Dolls, Germs, etc.) it was a
 direct result of the crappy music (if only every Grease soundtrack would's hoping). It was intended to be a return to the
 'roots' of rock and roll and to attempt to escape from the large record
 companies and their contracts. It fathered the current 'indy' music scene.
 It's also interesting that this is when the 'industrial' music genre began
 with bands like Throbbing Gristle (ie Genesis P. Orridge) and Einsturzende
 Neubauten (Go Blixa!!! - You can't build without destroying). At one point
 P. Orridge was looking to engineer/produce Suzie and the Banshee's first
 album, Billy Idol told here to stay away from those crazies...
 Those who don't understand history are doomed to repeat it.
   George Santyana
 The mouth is the wound of the alphabet. My screams turn back. To lick the
   (Sung backwards)
   Einsterzende Neubauten
 I throw poo!.Bumper Sticker of a Funny Monkey
The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
-~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Saudi Violence in the US

2002-01-03 Thread Sunder

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Khoder bin Hakkin wrote:

 Saudi Princess Charged With Beating

 Neighbors called 911 Friday after Ismiyati, 36, ran crying from the
 apartment she shared with the princess. She told deputies al-Saud beat
 her, hit her head against a wall and pushed her down a flight of stairs,
 leaving her unable to walk.

Wait a fuck ran crying is in the same paragraph as unable to walk?

So either she was able to run, or she was unable to walk.  Which is it?

More Than You Can Imagine #645F

2002-01-03 Thread Nason Leven
Title: FREE Computer With Merchant Account Setup

Do you accept credit cards? Your competition does!

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Re: Cypherpunk Ban

2002-01-03 Thread Tim May

On Thursday, January 3, 2002, at 12:22 PM, Sunder wrote:

 Um, what's all this crap about?

 You want to publish a newspaper, do so.  There's no special requirement
 for anyone to publish papers.  All you have to do is simply print and
 distribute.  You might need to comply with some post office regs about
 printing ownership info.

Nope. The courts have upheld the right under the First to publish 
untraceably. (I think it was Talley, but I might be 
misremembering--someone will know the cite offhand.)

To be sure, setting up newspaper stands in public places will trigger 
various business, rental, tax, etc. rules.

But publishing a broadsheet or a newsletter or even a 300-page newspaper 
qua a _publication_ needs no permission slip or ownership info.

There are those in local governments who claim it does, but they are 
wrong. Their killing is left as an exercise for the marksmen here.

As to the space cadet idea that space should be bought in newspapers so 
that CJ or Toto or Jimbell or Choate or Vulis or Detweiler or mattd or 
any of our other mental cases, knock yourself out. I wouldn't contribute 
a microcent.

--Tim May

--Tim May
Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice.--Barry Goldwater

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2002-01-03 Thread cap986p
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Re: Faustine's paranoia index

2002-01-03 Thread Harmon Seaver

Anonymous wrote:
 At 03:27 PM 1/2/02 -0500, Faustine wrote:
 Concealed carry it the only way to go, after I iron all the permits out.
 What state do you live in?

Hoboy! Want to know her address as well?

 I'm a firm believer in mobile preparedeness: in fact, every day I never leave
 home without carrying a complete BOB concealed in a Kate Spade bag. And I mean
 fucking EVERYTHING, the true survivalist nutcase works: first aid kit, emergency
 rations, flashlight, space blanket, poncho liner, magnesium fire starter, water
 purifying tabs, mini-entrenching tool, Swiss army knife, NIOSH-95 filter mask,
 nitrile gloves, monocular, grundig shortwave, passport, etc etc. (Full contents
 available on request, it would take awhile!)
 Your claimed paranoia level goes is beyond most former Intel physicists'.
 Have you discussed this with your psychiatrist/handlers?

Are you kidding? That's not much different than what lot's of people
carry around in their car trunk. And pretty reasonable for anyone in
today's world -- especially if you're hanging around in a soft target
like NY or DC. In fact, if you are in either of the above cities and
aren't doing likewise, I guess that's just the darwinian/stupidity
factor proving itself, eh? 

Harmon Seaver

Re: What is a 'right'?

2002-01-03 Thread Sunder

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001, Jim Choate wrote:

 A 'right' is an activity that any individual could engage in (at least in
 principle) while 'in a state of nature'.

 So what does 'in a state of nature' imply? It implies human activity a
 priori to the concept of 'civilization'.

That don't work white boy.

According to you, while in a state of nature anyone has the right to
grab the nearest rock and smash it over your head repeatedly (in

That doesn't make it ethical or right.  Right != ability.  

That you possess the ability to grab a loaded machine gun and shoot the
nearest cop does not mean that you legally may do so -- you don't have the
right to do so, though you have the physical ability to do so.

Unless you are redefining what nature means. While you're at it, you
might want to redefine the meaning of is.  Better put some ice on that.

Clues: (not that you'll listen, but at least it's amusing...)

1. Quit trying to define things.  Your name ain't Merriam Webster, and
your private redefinitions of words do not affect the common definitions
that everyone else uses.

2. Quit attempting to play a lawyer.  You aren't a member of that club,
and you don't play one on TV.

3. Your posts are and have been illogical.  Try to think before you post.

4. Your posts usually address what you wish reality were like instead of
what reality is.  This makes your arguements useless.  The sky isn't
bright orage, the air is not composed of 80% oxygen, the earth isn't
flat.  You may wish any of these to be so, but it just ain't so.  Argue
all you like, but the atmosphere does not contain 80% oxygen.

5. Get off this fictional CACL rantmachine.  There is no on here that
considers themselves to be a member of anything called CACL.  Last time
you tried the self appointed CACL leader BS, I posted a simple request
asking anyone who considers themselves to be a CACL to reply.  No one
did.  You're barking up the wrong tree.  You may as well be bitching about
politics on Mars.  No one gives a flying fuck about your imaginary

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.

Re: What is a 'right'?

2002-01-03 Thread Jim Choate

On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Sunder wrote:

 On Sun, 30 Dec 2001, Jim Choate wrote:
  A 'right' is an activity that any individual could engage in (at least in
  principle) while 'in a state of nature'.
  So what does 'in a state of nature' imply? It implies human activity a
  priori to the concept of 'civilization'.
 That don't work white boy.
 According to you, while in a state of nature anyone has the right to
 grab the nearest rock and smash it over your head repeatedly (in

It's interesting you don't quote the following paras that addresses this
exact point (ie isolation).

Blipverts strike again.
 That doesn't make it ethical or right.  Right != ability.  

'right' has nothing to do with 'ability'. One has a right to speech even
if one is deaf or dumb. 'right' is a function of existing and defending
that existance against threat.

 That you possess the ability to grab a loaded machine gun and shoot the
 nearest cop does not mean that you legally may do so -- you don't have the
 right to do so, though you have the physical ability to do so.

Exactly my point...

You agree with me, will wonders never cease?


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

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Re: explicit govt monopoly rent-seeking (law abuse)

2002-01-03 Thread Michael Motyka

Anonymous wrote :

The problem dates from the early 1930s, when utility companies delivered
their bills by mailbox through their own employees out reading meters. The
Postal Service saw a huge drop in revenue and decided to act. Enforcement
became even more important in 1970, Dalton wrote, when Congress
mandated that the Postal Service be self-sustaining.


Postal Service Delivers Stern Warning on Mailbox Misuse
Enforcement: Agency tells Orange mobile home park residents to stop
using receptacles to send notices, rent bills, newsletters sans postage.

Q: When government acts like this how are they different from a gang?
A: Both rule by violence and terror, but a gang claims no moral authority.

My favorite is the lottery : can't gamble in your own home but they can
run a statewide casino - how are they different from the mafia?

I think there is other wierdness that goes along with the USPS :
something about price minimums for certain types of mail carried by the
likes of FedEx and UPS. Protective pricing structures.

I grew up a in a fairly rural area. We all put up our own mailboxes on
posts. Every winter the damn plow knocked them over. Some went for brute
force, heavy pipe set in concrete, others for more elegant angled
pivoting supports. IIRC when you put up a mailbox ( paid for with your
own $ ) it becomes property of the USPS. 

What about the old-fashioned mail slot on the front door? Illegal to
possess now?

Why don't the trailer park folk do the following :

Update everyone's mail boxes. There will be two slots in the lid :

one labelled US Mail 
the other labelled Private Mail
label the bucket Private Property - No Trespassing

Let the law come down hard on anyone who puts mail through the US Mail
slot without postage.

The whole thing sounds truly stupid and about par for the course.



2002-01-03 Thread ddi789
Title: New Page 1


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2002-01-03 Thread info4profit1

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