Mothers & Sons 13862

2002-02-04 Thread a3580

Close relatives.
Evidence records from Max Hashly secret diary.
Family inside. Grandparents give grandkids sex lessons.
Dad & Daughter. Young girl cannot control her urges.
Sister & Brother. Sister uses game to teach brother about masturbation.
Family party. Hide & seek becomes an exciting experience.
Click on the link to access Incest porno instantly.
Important! Please notice, the specific of this web site is that all individuals filmed or depicted are not younger than 18 years of age. Due to this fact CLOSE RELATIVES stands out from other sites of similar content.
If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, just click here.

Re: "raisethefist" website crackdown

2002-02-04 Thread Declan McCullagh

I may regret replying to a "vznuri," but...

Do some searches. It was an ISP raised not long before Sep. 11.
I sent a URL to a mirror site to Politech a few days


On Sun, Feb 03, 2002 at 12:29:05PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> hi all. I heard of another web site shut down
> in texas or somewhere around the time of the 9-11...
> what would be good is a public documentation/exposure of all
> these cases, does anyone know of one???
> sort of a cyberspatial ACLU or EFF
> also I wonder what exactly was on the site below
> --- Forwarded Message
> Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 16:57:51 -
> Subject: [ParanoidTimes] Leader Raided By 25 Heavily-Armed Agents
> From: "dknuckles2001" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Leader Raided By 25 Heavily-Armed Agents
> 1-27-2002
> LOS ANGELES - Heavily armed with high-powered machine guns, shot 
> guns, and hand guns, the FBI, Secret Service, and Los Angeles Police 
> Department sorounded the founder of in his house. 
> The founder was currently asleep, woken up by a relative who said 
> fbi, police and undercover's were currently up and down all of the 
> streets, with they're eyes focused on the premises. 
> founder aproached the door were 2 FBI agents demanded that he step 
> outside. Within seconds a swarm of FBI raided the house with 
> automatic weapons and shot guns. Additional police and fbi also 
> stayed on the front lawn, around the house with a door baracade and 
> additional weapons. "armed and ready". 
> FBI and secret service entered the house, seizing all servers and 
> political liturature. was currently being ran within 
> the founders room of the house, over a computer network. The room was 
> literarly ransacked, and all equipment, disks, cd's .. etc. were 
> boxed up, loaded into a truck and seized until further notice. 
> Since 1999, has been under extensive government 
> monitering. At times, has recieved over 100 hits 
> from the U.S Department of Defense in a single day. The FBI, police 
> department, NSA (and who else) continuesly monitered the site on a 
> daily basis. Even government's from the UK, Canada, Lavtia, Belgium, 
> Egypt, Finland, and Australia monitered the site continuesly. The FBI 
> had also previously intercepted all packets going through the DSL 
> line hosting the site, and have seized additional accounts being used 
> by the site. 
> In yet another successfull attempt to silence our vioces, 
>, an anarchist/activist independent media/collective 
> has been shut down by the secret service. 
> "It's not yet known at this point if the site will be back up. As of 
> now, we have nothing. No more servers, no more network, nothing. My 
> room remains completly ransacked. My neighbors remain shaken up by 
> what happend. I most likely won't be getting any of the equipment 
> back. They also took alot of my political litature. 
> Apparently, they're excuse for shutting it down was the 'militancy' 
> portrayed on the site. This is not true. This was an excuse. This 
> same 'militancy' they were concerned about is portrayed on at least a 
> thousand other web sites across the internet, and they havn't been 
> touched by the federal government, with the exception for remote 
> monitering. was progresive. It was going somewhere. 
> Kids started creating clubs in their schools called 'RaisetheFist'. 
> People started utilizing the collective as a powerful resource for 
> the activist/anarchist community. 
> The federal government has been investigating me, and the site very 
> closely, long before 9-11, and long before such militancy was even 
> portrayed on the site. They knew the site had potential, that it was 
> turning into something more than a site, but a strong collective 
> utilized by activists throughout the world committed to social 
> justice. And that's become a crime. Justice has become a crime. 
> Freedom has become a crime. 
> Anyone activly disagreeing with policies of the U.S is now 
> automaticly rendered a "terrorist" in the eyes of national 
> security Where will go from here, I don't know. 
> Based on what i've been told, i'll most likely be in jail, so most of 
> my focus will be towards getting an attorney."
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Re: encrypted data means Feds steal your computer forever?

2002-02-04 Thread Tim May

On Monday, February 4, 2002, at 01:46  PM, Paul Merrill wrote:

> There is a significant difference between smart and
> honest.  This method allows for blackmail to release
> the encryption keys -- "We can't allow this to be
> released until you prove that it is not Bad data, so
> cough up the Keys to the Kingdom or we keep the
> hardware." -- this method is especially helpful when
> you don't have a good enough case for the punishment
> to be "sufficient" and you need the extra fine of
> harware and loss of income.

If the JBTs have seized the computers and made arrests, then probably 
losing $3000 (high end estimate, based on current prices) worth of 
computer gear is probably the least of one's concerns. A good shyster 
charges that for just a few hours' worth of consultation.

Of course, a few pounds of Semtex costs a lot less, and may rid the 
world of a few hundred JBTs.

ObSuperBowl: "By using encryption, you are helping the terrorists."

--Tim May

Did RSA lie to sarah Flannery?SELL RSA STOCK!

2002-02-04 Thread proffr11

Ho hum Salon article on encryption reminded me of spunky sarah,if a company 
is depraved enough to hire a lowlife scumbag like peter Trei it could lie 
to protect its pathetic monopoly.It is under SEC investigation and shifting 
to China.

"Liberty without socialism is privilege,injustice;socialism without liberty 
is slavery and brutality."Mikhail Bakunin.

New merchant account offer [w1g104]

2002-02-04 Thread hdf3h78qj4

If you run a business and are reading this e-mail
chances are you have probably heard of merchant

While there are lots of other Merchant Account
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Reply to this e-mail with your

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One of our helpful staff will call you and help
you set up your account.

For Whatever size your business is, we have an
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While our competition may have a sale this month,
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Reply to this e-mail with your

Phone Number:
Best time to call :

It's that easy.

To be Removed from this list Please reply
with "Remove" in the subject line
and you will be removed within 24 hours.


Anonymous Multicast

2002-02-04 Thread measl

Has anyone here had any personal experience with this?  I am currently
examining it, incidentally to another project at work, and it looks *very*

many others on google with the above two key words.

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

JOHN I. PI,Matthew McLaughlin, Michael A. DORN,John W. DUNN and CW all need killing.

2002-02-04 Thread proffr11

LA Confidential,fisting capital of southern assaulting and
stealing from reputable entertainment journalist(s)
Those leading this unconscionable attack on our friend austin powers are
known as 
JOHN I. PI, Affiant,Matthew McLaughlin, Michael A. DORN,John W. DUNN and
CW(cooperating witness and dead duck)
Funds need raising in cyberspace or anyplace to pay the reasonable
expenses of the person(s) unknown that most closely predicts the
departure from public service of any or all of the above.Actually anyone
silly enough to be working for or with the feds these days.Monies left
over may go towards the retirement gift to judge JENNIFER T. LUM 

Ya Basta!

"Terrorism really flourishes in areas of poverty, despair and
hopelessness, where people see no future."colon Bowell.

Confirm your subscription

2002-02-04 Thread douglas22

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An Afghan Life's Worth - $1,000 USD

2002-02-04 Thread Jei

   Report: U.S. paid villagers over raid
   Rumsfeld: U.S.
   he says he has
   no knowledge
   of payments   

   Three men walk away from a grave site near the town of Uruzgan, where
   villagers claim that U.S. special forces wrongly killed at least 18

   Feb. 4 --  Afghan officials say the United States has conceded that a
   deadly raid in a southern Afghan village two weeks ago was a mistake
   and that families of those killed had been given compensation -- in
   $100 bills -- according to a report broadcast Monday.
  U.S. FORCES have returned to investigate claims that they
   killed the wrong people in the raid, and they should apologize on the
   spot if the claims prove true, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said
  U.S. soldiers have gone to the area in Uruzgan province where
   special forces killed 15 or 16 people and arrested 27 in a nighttime
   raid two weeks ago, Rumsfeld said at a Pentagon news conference.
  Rumsfeld admitted for the first time that it was possible that
   a U.S. military assault on two compounds Jan. 24 resulted in their
   "unfortunately killing or wounding some individuals who might have
   been friendly."
  According to a report broadcast Monday by NPR News, however,
   senior Afghan officials said that the United States had already
   expressed regret over the raid at Uruzgan and had even paid the
   victims' families $1,000 each in U.S. cash.
  Responding to a question, Rumsfeld said he had no information
   about reports of such apologies or payments.
  "I do know that U.S. soldiers have gone back into the area, I
   believe with Afghans, to try to determine the facts," he said.
  "I would hope that if, in the course of that, they discover
   that somebody was in fact killed who should not have been killed ...
   that American forces would express apologies. I can't say that I know
   that, but I would hope they would."
  After days of insisting they had struck the right people,
   Pentagon officials said last week that they would investigate the
   incident. The interim Afghan government led by Hamid Karzai said it
   also was investigating.
  Rumsfeld said he recalled Karzai's telling someone in the U.S.
   military that "in the event that it turns out that people were in fact
   killed who were friendly to the interim government, that would be
   unfortunate, and it would be helpful if some way could be found to
   compensate them."
  The Pentagon has insisted that U.S. special forces attacked a
   legitimate military target in the raid on an ammunition dump that
   intelligence analysts believed al-Qaida or Taliban forces were using.
  But some Afghans said Taliban renegades were handing over
   weapons to Karzai's government at the site. They said that some
   pro-Karzai figures were killed and that others, including a police
   chief, his deputy and members of a district council, were among those
  Meanwhile, the top Marine Corps general for Central Asia and
   the Persian Gulf is moving his command post from Hawaii to Bahrain in
   another sign that the U.S. anti-terror campaign in Afghanistan and
   elsewhere won't be over any time soon.
  Lt. Gen. Earl Hailston moved to Bahrain in mid-January on
   Rumsfeld's orders, said his spokesman in Hawaii, Lt. Col. Pat Sivigny.
  Hailston, who oversees the Marines' operations in both the
   Central and Pacific commands, joins Central Command chiefs for the Air
   Force and the Army, who moved to the region in recent months, and the
   Navy's 5th Fleet, which already had a base there. The Navy component
   of Central Command is headquartered in Bahrain, the Air Force's is in
   Saudi Arabia and the Army's is in Kuwait.
  Also, some Marines who had been deployed to the Afghan campaign
   have moved to the coast of Africa for a three-week joint exercise with
   Kenyan forces, Pentagon officials said Monday.
  More than 2,000 Marines began the amphibious exercise Sunday.
   Officials said it had been planned for months and was not a sign that
   military action was planned soon in neighboring Somalia, where
   officials fear al-Qaida terrorists from Afghanistan could seek refuge.
  Also Monday, efforts to quell Afghanistan's worst factional
   fighting since the fall of the Taliban had mixed results. Under
   supervision of the United Nations, opposing forces in the north agreed
   to work toward a demilitarization but, in the east, government
   mediators reportedly failed to push two warring tribes into a peace
   deal and ordered both sides to send delegations to Kabul for more
  In the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif, two factions 

Re: encrypted data means Feds steal your computer forever?,

2002-02-04 Thread proffr11

60 days and the snatch is reviewed in the United Snakes.
It took me 6 months and the cops said they needed more time.Its over 8 
months now.They still have my (now obsolete) notebook and they still 
haven't interviewed me RE death threats made at "anarchist" site,"where 
anyone can post anything."(police quotes,under oath.)
There was a lot of pron that could have some steg so I guess these things 
do take time.
When you decide to APster some feds,please let me know.Ill pay you.Kill the

Amerikkkan Empire.

2002-02-04 Thread proffr11

1899 -- Revolt against the non-imperialist benevolent 
peace-loving US occupation forces begins in the 
Philippines. The Islands became a U.S. colony 
following the Spanish-American War, ostensibly fought 
to free Cuba from foreign control (sic). Explained the 
Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader president of the 
Philippine Commission:
"We propose to stay there indefinitely in working 
out this good that we propose to do them."
This good meant the US terrorized the nation & killed as many as

300,000 men, women & children, mostly civilians. It also herded 

civilians into concentration camps. It had promised the country its 

freedom, but reneged.


2002-02-04 Thread Abdulmalik Bello


Dear Sir,


First, I must solicit your confidence in this
transaction.  This is by
virtue of its nature as being utterly confidential and
top secret.  You
have been recommended by an associate who assured me
in confidence of
your ability and reliability to prosecute a
transaction of great magnitude
involving a pending business transaction requiring
maximum confidence.

We are top officials of the Federal Government
Contract Review Panel
who are interested in importation of goods into our
country with funds
which are presently trapped in Nigeria.  In order to
commence this business
we solicit your assistance to enable us transfer into
your account the
said trapped funds.

The source of this fund is as follows:  During the
past Military Regimes
here in Nigeria, government officials set up companies
and awarded themselves
contract which were grossly over-invoiced in various
Ministries.  As
a result, the Democratic Government of Chief Olusegun
Obasanjo deemed
it neccessary to set up a Contract Review Panel to
investigate and recommend
accordingly. After a thorough investigation, we
discovered a lot of 
inflated contract funds which are presently floating
in the Central Bank
of Nigeria. We (members) have unanimously agreed to
transfer part of
these funds to a foreign account  However, by virtue
of our position
as civil servants and members of this Panel, we cannot
acquire this money
in our names.  I have therefore, been delegated as a
matter of trust
by my colleagues in the Panel to look for an Overseas
partner into whose
account we would transfer the sum of US$26,400,000.00
(Twenty Six Million,
Four Hundred Thousand US. Dollars).  Adequate
logistics and strategies
had been worked out to ensure a successful transfer
with your maximum
 co-operation. Hence we are writing you this letter.

We have agreed to share the money thus:
1.  25% for the account owner (you)
2.  65% for us (the officials)
3.  10% to be used in settling taxation and all local
and foreign

We wish to commence the importation business with our
own share, please
note that this transaction is 100% safe and we hope to
commence and conclude
the transfer latest in ten (10) banking days from the
date of receipt
of the following information through the above e-mail:
your current tel/fax
number, your name/company name and address.

The above information will enable us write letters of
claim and job description
respectively and these will be used to apply for
payment and re-award
the contract.We are looking forward to doing business
with you and solicit
your confidentiality in this transaction.  Please
acknowledge the receipt
of this letter using the above tel/fax number.  I will
bring you into
the complete picture of this project when I have heard
from you.

Yours Faithfully,

DR.Abdulmalik Bello

Do You Yahoo!?
Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!

ID, drivers license abuse; military registration

2002-02-04 Thread Major Variola (ret)

Bill would require men to register for draft
to get drivers license

Associated Press Writer

CONCORD, N.H. (AP)  Failing to register for the draft could
mean giving up the right to drive for men in New Hampshire if a
Senate bill becomes law.

Linking the driving privilege to registering with the Selective Service
System is needed to gain greater compliance from the 18- to
26-year-old men required by federal law to register, witnesses told
the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.

Sen. Carl Johnson, R-Meredith, said despite educational efforts
many men dont realize they are required to register.

Live Free or Die, Senator


Rep. Culberson drums up Hill votes for "trusted traveler" plan

2002-02-04 Thread Jei

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 11:31:44 -0800 (PST)
From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FC: Rep. Culberson drums up Hill votes for "trusted traveler" plan

[Rep. John Culberson is a first-term Republican from Texas, just west of
Houston. See
also: --Declan]

>Culberson Letter Regarding the Trusted Traveler Program
>January 29, 2002
>Support a Trusted Traveler Program in America
>Dear Colleague:
>Please join me in sending the following letter to Under Secretary for 
>Transportation Security John Magaw encouraging him to implement a trusted 
>traveler program in the United States:
>"We are writing to express our support for the immediate implementation of 
>a trusted traveler program authorized by the Aviation and Transportation 
>Security Act and modeled after the successful Israeli program.  The 
>National Air Transportation Association is working with Lockheed Martin, 
>Microsoft, and other high tech companies to develop identification cards 
>with encoded biometric data (such as fingerprints) for certain 
>passengers.  These plastic "smart cards" would allow law-abiding U.S. 
>citizens who travel frequently to become trusted travelers and be 
>subjected to less rigorous screening procedures than other 
>passengers.  The program would allow airport security and law enforcement 
>personnel to focus their attention and resources on passengers who pose a 
>legitimate hijacking threat, and would help the Transportation Security 
>Administration achieve its stated goal of screening passengers and baggage 
>with no passenger delays greater than 10 minutes.
>Section 109(a)(3) of the recently enacted "Aviation and Transportation 
>Security Act" authorizes the Under Secretary of Transportation Security 
>to: establish requirements to implement trusted passenger programs and use 
>available technologies to expedite the security screening of passengers 
>who participate in such programs, thereby allowing security screening 
>personnel to focus on those passengers who should be subject to more 
>extensive screening.  We encourage the Administration to establish these 
>requirements in a timely manner and to work closely with the National Air 
>Transportation Association to oversee the development of passenger 
>identification "smart cards."  Finally, we would like to know what, if 
>any, specific plans the Administration has to implement a trusted traveler 
>Thank you in advance for your consideration of this matter, and we look 
>forward to your response."
>Please contact Tony Essalih of my staff at 5-2571 if you have any 
>questions or would like to co-sign this letter.  The deadline for 
>signatures is Wednesday, February 6th.
>John Culberson  Member of Congress
>Tony Essalih
>Senior Legislative Assistant
>Congressman John Culberson (TX-07)
>(202) 225-2571

Re: Digital Angel

2002-02-04 Thread dmolnar

On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Jei wrote:

[regarding Digital Angel]
> elderly. Warfare applications promised to enable commanders to "always
> know where their soldiers are located and whether they are alive or
> wounded." In this capacity, Digital Angel was said to be "an invaluable

Is anyone else reminded of Dorothy Denning's article on "liveness" and
biometrics? Say the chip carries the power of a small smart card and is
used for the same things. It had *better* zeroize when I'm dead or
wounded. Otherwise I don't just have my hand cut off or my eyes taken out,
I'm having my blood filtered and body rendered...

"Gott wein ich will kein Engel sein." -rammstein


370 Assassination - J'Accuse Bush's Death Squads

2002-02-04 Thread Jei
31 January 2002 

By Wayne Madsen 

31 January 2002 

Today, The Washington Post ran the fifth segment in its series on what
transpired within the Bush Cabinet in the aftermath of September 11. Of
particular interest is what CIA Director George Tenent brought to the
table at Camp David last September 15.  According to the article by Bob
Woodward and Dan Balz, when Tenent produced a Top Secret "Worldwide Attack
Matrix" that specified targets in 80 countries around the world, he sought
unprecedented authority to simply assassinate foreign terrorists directly
or though allied intelligence services. The CIA even prepared a
"Memorandum of Notification" which would allow the agency to have virtual
carte blanche to conduct political assasinations abroad. This Memorandum
trumped previous mechanisms by which the President would authorize
intelligence actions (but not assassinations) through individual
Presidential Findings. The fail safe mechanisms established under the
administrations of Presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, and Clinton
were simply erased at the urging of Tenent.  In light of these
revelations, what was authorized by the President may have led to the
assassinations of a umber of human rights and ethnic leaders not connected
in any way with Al Qaeda but did represent bothersome roadblocks to a
number of U.S. military and corporate interests.

It now seems likely, given the unprecedented "license to kill" President
Bush granted to the CIA, there was U.S. complicity in the murders of the
following individuals. Human rights commissions and war crime tribunals in
Belgium and France should take a close look at these likely criminal

1. Theys Eluay. Today, the Indonesian army chief, General Endriartono
Sutarto, confirmed in Jakarta that West Papuan independence leader Theys
Eluay was assassinated by Indonesian Army units after he was kidnapped
last November 11. The assassins were members of KOPASSUS, a special
operations unit trained by U.S. Special Forces and CIA personnel and was
involved in massacres in East Timor during the Indonesian occupation of
that country. In 1969, West Papua was formally handed over to Indonesia by
the United Nations after a referendum, now widely recognized as rigged,
determined that the non-Indonesian population wanted to be Indonesian.
Eluay was a thorn in the side of Freeport McMoran, a Louisiana-based
mining company that has pillaged West Papua's natural resources and has
been accused by local activists of propping up local Indonesian army and
KOPASSUS officers with bribes and favors. Henry Kissinger serves as a
Director Emeritus on the board of directors of Freeport and former
Louisiana Senator J. Bennett Johnston, recently identified as a lobbyist
for Enron, serves as a full member of the board.

2. Abdullah Syafii. On January 22, 2002, Indonesian army troops
assassinated the military commander of the Free Aceh Movement, Abdullah
Syafii. The Free Aceh Movement demands independence for Aceh, a region in
northwest Sumatra, and is a member of the non-violent Unrepresented
Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), an international organization
headquartered in the Netherlands. It has also been at loggerheads with
ExxonMobil, which has extensive drilling and refining operations in the
territory. Aceh's Governor Abdullah Puteh, who is claimed by local
activists to be on the payroll of ExxonMobil, had written a letter to
Syafii inviting him to attend peace talks with the government. Syafii's
lieutenants claim that the letter contained a small microchip that
permitted Indonesian KOPASSUS troops to track him down and ambush him. The
operation has all the earmarks of the CIA, which can rely on National
Security Agency (NSA) satellites to track such microchip transponders.

3. Elie Hobeika. Elie Hobeika was the head of the Lebanese Forces militia,
a right-wing Christian army that was allied with Israel during its 1982
occupation of Beirut. Although Hobeika was in charge of the Christian
forces that massacred hundreds of Palestinian men, women, and children at
the Sabra and Chatilla refugee camps that year, he had irrefutable
evidence that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had authorized the mass
murder in his role as Israeli Defense Minister. An official Israeli
commission of inquiry found Sharon indirectly responsible for the
massacres. Hobeika was going to testify against Sharon at an upcoming
Belgian war crimes tribunal which has already indicted Sharon for the war
crimes. It was that testimony that resulted in Hobeika being silenced by a
Mossad car bomb that exploded near his SUV near Beirut. The bomb killed
Hobeika and his bodyguards. The CIA, now closely allied with Mossad, is
said to have given its approval for the action.

4. Chief Bola Ige.  On December 23, 2001, Chief Bola Ige, the Minister of
Justice and 

What Kind Of Government......

2002-02-04 Thread Jei

BOB'S NOTE:  What kind of government would "get in bed" with the big money 
people, lock, stock and barrel, in deference to "We The People"? Why, the 
same government that would hoodwink "We The Sheople" into paying that which 
is referred to as Federal Income Tax when there is no such law that requires 
the sheople in the 50 united States to pay such an exorbitant tax - just like 
there is no law that requires them to give up their fifth amendment right and 
sign a form 1040. THAT'S WHAT GOVERNMENT!  
It's your government - do what you will with it - and if you don't act, the 
Oh, you say you can't do anything?  That's all right - just sit on your 
lethargic butt and do nothing - your New World Order government handlers will 
be there to "take care of you"..

Submitted in disgust,
Bob Worn, Major - USAF (Retired)
1811 Shamburger Road
Pritchett, Texas   75645-2759


by Roger Fredinburg

    It seems that America's energy giant (Enron) managed to drop considerable 
amounts of cash in the laps of virtually anyone influential in and around the 
beltway. Over the past decade their affluence touched the lives and wallets 
of every power broker in the known world.

    From President Clinton to then Governor Bush. Up and down the halls of 
congress regardless of party,  out into the activist arena where even Jesse 
Jackson managed to escape with some loose Enron change.

    Some of us are bound to ask what Enron got in return for their 
investment.  While they are clearly in bed with everyone, where all parties 
seem willing to kiss and tell, the fact remains that Enron is belly up, 
bankrupt, gone the way of the dinosaur. Is there a lesson here for other 
corporate leaders who continue paying the required ransom for access in 
American politics today? To coin a phrase 'Where's The Beef?'

    Accounting giant Arthur Andersen is now on the hot seat as are the 
leaders at Enron. They are both wading in government contracts which might 
reveal answers to the questions about what they got in return for their 
investment later. But the real question is who among the many can rightfully 
be charged with the duty of investigating either Enron or Andersen while the 
unmistakable odor of Enron cash permeates the beltway, lingering about like 
anthrax in the Hart office building.

    Enron's demise is a tragedy and many innocent bystanders will suffer 
greatly for the mismanagement and misleading if not diabolical tactics 
employed to continue the fraud and rip off the shareholders, employees and 
the American taxpayer. Clearly the law was shredded, the checks and balances 
of regulation failed and the stench will likely spread beyond Enron as more 
companies are exposed for using similar tactics.

    It does get worse, much worse when you recognize that these shenanigans 
are nothing new to our federal government agencies. After all, where do you 
think all of these creative accounting methods were developed?

    In recent months we have seen numerous examples of poor accounting 
practices and criminal like behavior on the part of our own government.

    Documents and lap top computers go missing from the State Department. 
Security breaches at our most secret labs and agency branches. Thousands of 
personal computers, lap tops, guns and other weapons by the hundreds a year 
just go missing. Hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars are lost in the 

    Recent attempts to audit the Internal Revenue Service were foiled because 
the accounting practices there are so abysmal that the worlds leading 
accountants threw up their hands and walked out, 'Mission Impossible' was the 
going explanation, although they were able to determine that tens of billions 
of hard earned taxpayer dollars had simply disappeared, year after year 
without any explanation. Nobody was held to account by the all seeing ever 
present watchdog we call congress. No hearings, no arrests, no discovery, 
nothing but silence.

    Similarly, when a contingent of Congressmen unexpectedly walked into the 
Department of Education and demanded a look at the books there was found to 
be tens if not hundreds of billions of taxpayer Dollars unaccounted for. 
Billions upon billions of dollars just gone. Does anyone remember how many 
Department Of Education people were investigated, how many were arrested, 
questioned by proper authorities?  the answer is zero. Not one person was 
held to account for all that missing money. And rather than be held to 
account the Clinton administration gave tens of millions of dollars in 
bonuses to agency managers throughout the system and none of those bonuses 
were tied to performance. To make matters worse, The new Bush administration 
is handing over to the thieves at Education an additional 26 Billion of our 
hard earned dollars to plug into their faulty ac

Digital Angel

2002-02-04 Thread Jei

Post-9/11 security fears usher in subdermal chips 
VeriChip recipients can be ID'd, monitored anywhere in the world 
By Sherrie Gossett
Monday, February 4, 2002

Heads up, future cyborgs! Implantable chips are back in the news, with the
current focus on a tiny chip that can be injected into your body, then
used to identify and monitor you.  Media reports are calling it "the stuff
of science fiction," and Reuters likened it to something from the 1999
blockbuster film, "The Matrix."

Referring to the chip, David Coursey of ZDNet contends that "even paranoia
has a point," and John Soat of Information Week predicts that now "the
call for a national ID system takes on a whole new meaning."

At the center of the worldwide media stir: the announcement by Applied
Digital Solutions of Palm Beach, Fla. (Nasdaq: ADSX) of its implantable

In a post-9/11 landscape, where various high-tech security systems are
vying for supremacy and a lasting relationship with the government, ADS
wants its piece of the pie.

These high-tech security systems have sparked a renewed debate over how
best to profit from emergent identification technologies while maintaining
a fair balance between civil liberties and the increased need for homeland

Critics of the chip express concerns over the specter of persons being
injected with the chips against their will, perhaps surreptitiously in
conjunction with a routine vaccination. In addition, they are concerned
about the possibility of such chips eventually being mandated by the
government as a form of ID.

But let's separate the science from the fiction. What is the VeriChip? How
does it work? What is its potential relationship to government? Is it
really a potential threat to civil liberties - or a life-saving miracle of

'Enhance present forms of ID'

The VeriChip is a syringe-injectable radio-frequency device about the size
of the tip of a ballpoint pen. It's designed to carry a unique ID number
and other critical personal data. Once injected, the chip can be activated
by an external scanner, and radio frequency signals then transmit the ID
number and other stored information to a telephone, the Internet or an
FDA-compliant data-storage site.

Its initial use is being touted as an ID for medical implants, such as
heart-regulating devices and artificial joints. The chip can hold info on
required settings, the device's original components, and other essential
parameters. It is also a ready source of data about the implantee's
identity and medical condition.

As WorldNetDaily reported in March 2000, Applied Digital Solutions is also
pushing use of the chip for emergency and security applications, to
"enhance present forms of ID," to enable search-and-rescue operations, and
assist in various law enforcement activities. The company contends that
its technology is superior to biometric technologies, pointing out that
implantation makes it a "tamper-proof" means of identification,
"substantially diminishing theft, loss, duplication or counterfeit."

Are critics' concerns over privacy and tracking capabilities of the chip
legitimate? Or are they just the technophobic squawkings of a collective
pen of "Chicken Littles"?

The Los Angeles Times contends that "these chips are not true tracking
devices" and that "the next generation of body chips, which transmit
signals from a distance is still several years away." Futurist Paul Saffo
says, "This is rightly going to prompt a debate . but the good news is we
still have years to figure it out."

Do we?

To truly understand the future potential of this technology, it is
necessary to look back to perhaps one of the most underreported events of

Back to the future

The event was the private unveiling of ADS's prototypical Digital Angel
technology - a technology centered around an implantable chip that, once
injected into a human being, allows it to be tracked in real time via GPS
(Global Positioning System), the information then relayed wirelessly to
the Internet, where the person's location, movements and vital signs can
be remotely monitored and stored in a database.

The company first announced that it had acquired the rights to this device
in December of 1999. Company documents described Digital Angel as "an
implantable transceiver . inserted just under the skin . that sends and
receives data and can be continuously tracked by GPS. When implanted in a
body the device is powered electromagnetically by muscle movement and can
be triggered by the 'wearer' or the monitoring facility." Implantation of
Digital Angel was said to be "future" and "subject to FDA approval," with
its preliminary use being outside the body, in the form of a wristwatch.

The strategy implied a "Phase I - Phase 2" approach: using the technology
outside the body first, followed by a Phase 2 for implantation, dictated
by the need to wait for FDA approval as well as the need to gain popular

Re: encrypted data means Feds steal your computer forever?

2002-02-04 Thread John Young

Yes, this is an affirmation that encrypted data is a sign of
guilt until law enforcement determines that it is not, that is,
when the data has been decrypted and evaluated. It is not
a far step to also claim that use of encryption devices and 
programs, passwords and biometrics, would also be signs
of guilt of a suspect until proof of innocence is provided that 
satisfies authorities.

I do not know what legal authority there is for holding onto
encrypted data that cannot be shown by law enforcement 
to be any of the five things listed in the FBI affidavit. Mere
encryption is not a crime, is it?

This development is similar to anti-circumvention provisions
of the DMCA in that innocent circumvention is by definition
not acceptable to copyrighted content authorities.

This demonization of encryption and circumvention until they
have been exorcised by official and commercial authorities 
is similar to the provision which allows the NSA to collect and 
retain encrypted communications forever, even that of US 
Persons, no matter what purpose unerlies encryption use,
though collection of non-encrypted communications of US 
Persons is proscribed.

This open-endedness of stigmatizing crypto is diabolically
wondrous, for it places the burden of innocence on anyone 
who attempts to exclude oversight of authorities of personal
information. And reminds of the terrible deeds of the medieval 
church -- spying, ratting and testifying on neighbors, inquisition, 
torture, execution of those who defied supreme authority, not by
physical actions but by words of dissent, words plainly
understood in comparison to the arcane Latin of the secret
keepers of privilege, luxury and perquisites.

Try to imagine that all national security information was open
from birth and only became secret by common judgment of
its value, rather the reverse policy now in effect by which a
small cadre of secrecy priests maintain a cloaked procedure
for deciding what the citizenry can know. And that anyone
who defies this culture of secrecy shall be considered guilty
before trial and public judgment.

Re: encrypted data means Feds steal your computer forever?

2002-02-04 Thread Paul Merrill

There is a significant difference between smart and
honest.  This method allows for blackmail to release
the encryption keys -- "We can't allow this to be
released until you prove that it is not Bad data, so
cough up the Keys to the Kingdom or we keep the
hardware." -- this method is especially helpful when
you don't have a good enough case for the punishment
to be "sufficient" and you need the extra fine of
harware and loss of income.

--- "Major Variola (ret)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From
> iii. Any data that is encrypted and unreadable will
> not be returned
> unless law enforcement personnel have determined
> that the data is
> not  (1) an instrumentality of the offense, (2)
> a fruit of the
> criminal activity, (3) contraband, (4) otherwise
> unlawfully possessed,
> or (5)
>  evidence of the offense specified above.
> 1) Why do this when they can copy the data?
> 2) How the *hell* do you "return" data?   Data can
> be copied or erased.
> Only physical assets can be returned.
> Are all the *smart* feds chasing arabs?

Paul H. Merrill, MCNE, MCSE+I, CISSP
Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!

more dumb feds

2002-02-04 Thread Major Variola (ret)

b. TROOP.CGI was a computer program written in the computer language
CGI, also known as the Common
 Gateway Interface, which is a standard way for an Internet computer
to pass an Internet user's request to an
 application program and to return data back to the originating

Um, right.  CGI is an *interface spec* and cgi programs are written in
perl, C, whatever.

encrypted data means Feds steal your computer forever?

2002-02-04 Thread Major Variola (ret)


iii. Any data that is encrypted and unreadable will not be returned
unless law enforcement personnel have determined that the data is
not  (1) an instrumentality of the offense, (2) a fruit of the
criminal activity, (3) contraband, (4) otherwise unlawfully possessed,
or (5)
 evidence of the offense specified above.

1) Why do this when they can copy the data?

2) How the *hell* do you "return" data?   Data can be copied or erased.
Only physical assets can be returned.

Are all the *smart* feds chasing arabs?

Re: Torch a McDonalds

2002-02-04 Thread Morlock Elloi

These replies undermine my filtering scheme, but anyway,

It seems that most dissenters end up being ineffecive critics of the prevailing
propaganda. Pointing ad nauseam to inconsitencies in the offical religions
never caused much grief to anyone except to pointers themselves.

They spend their time and energy saying that the propaganda is a lie (ie.,
we're not free, this is not democracy, this is not good but evil etc.) The
climax of their argument is when they get beat into the pulp: LOOK WE GOT BEAT
TO THE PULP. This points that they are actually sold the propaganda and that
they argue within its confines.

The problem with this is twofold: those who see it as propaganda already know.
To persuade those who don't see it as such you need to conquer their input
bandwidth better than Them - so that they get to watch YOUR TV 24 hrs a day.
This requires certain resources which are well guarded.

The number of undecided is negligible.

It's much more effective to spend time building tools.

--- Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> proffr:"The New York City Police Department is an organized band of violent
> thugs who think that people's human rights begins where their batons end.
> Despite the best efforts of all activists to respect the feelings of New
> Yorkers with a subdued protest, the police decided to attack people anyway."
> Let me get this straight - you guys go to NYC to raise hell & annoy people
> with money and power. You are surprised when NY's finest proceed to beat your
> young asses silly...
> Never been to New York before, eh?
> -- Dr. Strangelove
> "What, me worry?"
> -- Alfred E. Neuman

(of original message)

Y-a*h*o-o (yes, they scan for this) spam follows:
Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!

Zionist Conspiracy Against King Herod-Sharon

2002-02-04 Thread Jei

Date: Sun, 03 Feb 2002 20:33:20 -0500
From: David Goldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FreePalestine! More Zionist Reservists in Rebellion

What will be most interesting is how many of these people would refuse to
do the barbaric things the Zionist army has done since 1947 in the name of
protecting the 1967 state. If there were an intifada in Galilee, would they
be more than willing to do to those Palestinians what the other soldiers
are doing in Gaza and the West Bank?

David Goldman

Telegraph (London) - January 31, 2002

Israel jails 600 reserve soldiers in crackdown on draft dodging

By Inigo Gilmore in Jerusalem

ISRAEL has jailed 600 reserve soldiers in an attempt to halt a growing
rebellion against military service in the West Bank and Gaza Strip,
where the six-month-old Palestinian intifada has claimed the lives of
several reservists and shows signs of spiralling out of control.

At least 2,500 reservists have gone absent without leave, while
thousands of others have become "grey conscientious objectors", meaning
that they have fabricated medical or personal reasons why they should
not be called up for duty.

Under Israeli law, every male is required to do three years of national
service between the ages of 18 and 21, followed by a liability for
reserve duty every year - usually about 30 days - until they are between
40 and 50. They make up a 400,000-strong army which supports the regular
force of 200,000 conscripts and professional soldiers.

Most of the reservists have little sympathy with the settlers who
justify occupation of the territories seized from the Arabs by Israel in
the 1967 Six-Day war on religious grounds, claiming that the settlements
are part of biblical Israel. Many of the mostly secular reservists'
objections have a moral and political basis.

The crisis comes at a time when settlement leaders are looking to expand
their neighbourhoods, partly in response to terrorist attacks. Last
week's shootings and bombings will spur settlers to push for wider
development on occupied territory.

Ehud Sprinzak, an academic specialising in politics, said: "Since Sharon
came to power many plans for new settlements have been submitted and the
settlers have found a sympathetic ear. Of course, the issue of reserve
soldiers protecting the new settlements is going to be problematic."

Independent peace monitoring groups say that the number of reservists
refusing service has escalated sharply as the intifada has intensified.
Several reservist soldiers have been killed and, in the past few weeks,
settlements in the Gaza Strip area have come under regular mortar attack
for the first time. Clashes that came after a sniper attack in the West
Bank town of Hebron - which left an 11-month-old baby dead - and a
series of bomb blasts last week have underlined the risks that they

Ishai Menuchim, a reservist tank commander and leader of Yesh Gvuel
(There is a Limit), an independent pressure group, said: "The reservists
do not care about the territories. Many are in their thirties and
forties, they have families and care more about their businesses or

"So they are not willing to pay the price and risk their lives for
something they don't believe in. This is a big problem for the army
because it will affect their operations. The army needs to understand
that fewer and fewer people are willing to do their dirty work in the

The issue is a divisive one in Israeli society because many Orthodox
students win exemption from military service on the grounds that they
must put their religious studies first. The problem is particularly
pressing now as reservists are being brought in to replace regular
soldiers who are due for a rest at the end of a four-month tour of duty.
Some senior army officers believe that jailing draft dodgers could
exacerbate the situation by uniting opposition to the draft and even
spurring greater numbers to avoid duty.

One battalion commander said: "This may lead to a terrible crisis. More
draft dodgers means fewer soldiers for the missions. The workload will
increase, not to mention the level of danger. I do not want my men to
feel like suckers."

The army is also having to deal with thousands of petitions from parents
who do not want their sons to do their national service in the occupied
territories. Many have telephoned commanding officers begging them to
find safe desk jobs for their sons.

Ruth Hiller, whose 19-year-old son is a conscientious objector, has gone
to the supreme court to prevent her him from being drafted. The mother
of six says the army has attempted to buy her son Yinnon off by offering
him a job in a hospital.

Mrs Hiller said: "We are shaking their tree and the army is worried
because it knows this case could open the floodgates. The yo

Re: CDR: Torch a McDonalds

2002-02-04 Thread Anonymous

proffr:"The New York City Police Department is an organized band of violent
thugs who think that people's human rights begins where their batons end.
Despite the best efforts of all activists to respect the feelings of New
Yorkers with a subdued protest, the police decided to attack people anyway."

Let me get this straight - you guys go to NYC to raise hell & annoy people with money 
and power. You are surprised when NY's finest proceed to beat your young asses silly...

Never been to New York before, eh?

-- Dr. Strangelove

"What, me worry?"
-- Alfred E. Neuman


2002-02-04 Thread dscope1
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Special Limited Time Offer - SEE BRITNEY'S TITS FOR FREE! (4997@4)

2002-02-04 Thread britney637461



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Bill Gates says ... 392819

2002-02-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Title: There will be two types of business in the New Millennium

will be two types of business in the New Millennium...  Those that are on
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Conference calls are safe

2002-02-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: WalMart's War on NyQuil

2002-02-04 Thread Michael Motyka

>And this has been going on for a while. I used to be able to buy 50- and 
>100-count bottles of generic pseudoephedrine (IIRC this was it...don't 
>quote me on it), the same ingredient in Actifed, a cold/sinus pill. 
>These generic bottles have vanished, to be replaced by blister packs of 
>vastly more expensive pills containing the same ingredient.
I noticed this a few years ago. I occasionally get hit by mold spores. I
never considered for a moment that it was a fascist plot ( the pseudafed
thing, not the mold spores, but I wonder now. ). I though it was simply
a profit-gathering method. I guess it's both. Funny how that works.

>Pseudoephedrine is related to speed, and I presume can be used to make 
>purer forms of speed.

Real ephedrine is easy to grow. Available OTC in most states. Not sure
how easy it is to separate ephedrine from a natural source but I'm sure
it can be done. Probably too involved for the typical meth-hacker.

Other natural plant materials, especially the belladonna alkaloids (
there are three primary ones ) have been used in cold medication in the
past ( Contac? ).

>We are hurtling toward a full surveillance state.
Yes we are and those responsible deserve, well, what they deserve is
your favorite phrase.

>--Tim May


2002-02-04 Thread cypherpunks


[no subject]

2002-02-04 Thread cypherpunks

Subject: unsubscribe


Raise the Fist Warrant and Affidavit

2002-02-04 Thread John Young

Thanks to Brian McWilliams, we offer the Raise the Fist
Search Warrant and FBI Affidavit:

The young target is made to sound fearsome, well beyond
militant, quite far into the headlights of Ashcroft's and Mueller's
career careening.

The affidavit is a model for the also young Special Agent who
is far along into a specialty of terrorism, weapons of mass
destruction, threatening of government officials, protection
of capitalist conclaves, computer and Internet jargon, methods
of recovering hidden and encrypted data, sweeping subject
premises of likely repositories of digitized criminal evidence,
prolonging temporary theft of personal property to punish the
suspect, and geneally showing that the boom in MIB will
pump billions into the bloated criminalization of the digital

As evidenced here, money to be made from churning these
youngsters enthusiasms, not yet as much as stinky-geez
national security but soon as DoJ oils the legal crime of
Homelanding DoD.

Do you make conference calls?

2002-02-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Title: Take Control Of Your Conference Calls

Crystal Clear
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Re: Britney Spears Shaved Pussy Pics (3890@4)

2002-02-04 Thread britney868007



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Re: Speak-Freely and a Telephone (fwd)

2002-02-04 Thread Eugene Leitl

-- Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBMTO: N48 04'14.8'' E11 36'41.2''
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 14:52:16 -0800 (PST)
From: Jeffrey Streifling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Alejandro Néstor Vargas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Speak-Freely and a Telephone

> > I read your message with great interest because I wanted to connect
> > Speak-Freely with a telephone also.  I do know there were a group of
> > developers creating software drivers for this purpose, but for some
> > reason the development has been stopped.
> Well... I hav not much time but I can help if the project is already
> started. If you can help, may be we could continue the project. Where do
> you seen this?
> > With this type of setup, Speak-Freely becomes a very very powerful
> > communications tool.

I have done this.  I set up a Speak Freely to POTS gateway that allowed
somebody to connect to the machine over the Internet and make an outbound
call from the machine, which ran unattended.

This turns out to be a fairly difficult thing to do.
(1) Because there is no way to manage line turnaround from the remote
telephone, you must do everything the full-duplex way.

(2) To run unattended in an obvious way, you will probably want to base
your system on a Unix-like platform, BUT a lot of Unix-like platforms
restrict to you half-duplex.

(3) You cannot wire a sound card to the phone line in the obvious way and
expect to do full duplex.  Everything you drive onto the wire from the DAC
will feed back into the ADC real loud, making communication impossible.
To solve this, you will need a specially wound transformer called a
"hybrid coupler".  Internally, they are not all that complex, and they
show up in a variety of telephony equipment, but the kind of thing you
will want for this job is a bit of a rare item.  The best way to do this
is to talk to find your friendly amateur radio operator and ask how to get
a phone patch.  You will still need to know how to wire up small
amplifiers and resistor networks to handle the impedance transformations.

(4) If you are connecting to a POTS line, you need a way to control your
output impedance.  High impedance = on hook; low impedance = off hook.  If
your hybrid is high impedance, you can put a Hayes style modem in parallel
with it to manage dialing and hookswitching.  If your hybrid is
low-impedance (forcing the phone off-hook), you will need to retrofit it
with a relay to hang up the line with, and make the necessary arrangements
for controlling it.  (Remember how pulse dialing works?)

(5) There are several cans of worms on the computer side, including
management, security, CPU management, and others.  I never did get a good
interface worked out for the whole mess.

Rather than pull your hair out, you should consider getting hardware that
is suited to the job (Quicknet makes something called the Linejack, and
there is a company called Voicetronix which would be useful for larger
setups).  Rather than use Speak Freely, which is oriented to interactive
use, try something along the lines of the tools from
H.323 does not really address encryption (to my knowledge); use CIPE.

Actually, the encryption in Speak Freely (at least the current Unix
version) has a number of problems.  The two grossest problems are the fact
that the one-time pad is not one time (it's one time per packet) and the
fact that the IDEA encryption uses the cipher feedback mode with an all
zero initialization vector, thereby encrypting the first eight bytes by
XORing them with a constant (the not-so-onetime-pad problem, round two).
This trivially "gives away the farm".  More minor issues include the fact
that text chat is not encrypted (from what I can tell), and DES has too
short a key to be of much use anymore.  The moral of the story is, "Use
Blowfish!".  (Is there a fix in the works?)

Anyway, my project never did work all that well -- it was short on CPU
power, my prototyped (unshielded) circuits picked up a lot of noise, the
interface was clunky, grounding was problematic, and keeping the signal
amplitude at reasonable levels through the whole apparatus turned out to
be a nightmare.  Good luck; you'll need it!

Jeffrey Streifling

  * * *

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Counterpane is full of shit.Bruce Schneier and Tom Rowley need killing.

2002-02-04 Thread proffr11

About The World Economic Forum (from counterpane's website.)
The World Economic Forum
based in Geneva, Switzerland, is an independent organization committed to
improving the state of the world. Funded by the contributions of 1,000 of
the world's foremost corporations, the Forum acts in the spirit of
entrepreneurship in the global public interest to further economic growth
and social progress. The Forum serves its members and society by creating
partnerships between and among business, political, intellectual and
other leaders of society to define, discuss and advance key issues on the
global agenda. 
Incorporated in 1971 as a foundation, the World Economic Forum is
impartial and not-for-profit, and is tied to no political, partisan or
national interests. In 1995 the Forum was awarded NGO consultative status
with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. 
The company is funded by Accel Partners, Amerindo Investment Advisors,
Inc., Bessemer Venture Partners, Dell, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, and
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Equity Fund. Headquarters are located at 19050
Pruneridge Avenue, Cupertino, California, USA. Phone: 408.777.3600, Fax:
408.777.3601, Website:

Id like to see them fend off APster.

How to reject language, math, and even counting items or registering time.

2002-02-04 Thread proffr11

Zerzan tells us “that technology has never been
neutral, like some discreet tool detachable from its context. It always
partakes of and expresses the basic values of the social system in which
it is embedded. Technology is the language, the texture, the embodiment
of the social arrangements it holds together.” This is unobjectionable,
though it neglects another point that Zerzan never returns to. Yes,
technologies bear the mark of the society they are born and used in. How
could it be otherwise? However, technologies not only reflect those
societies’ attributes, including their worst, but also often meet real
needs and expand real potentials. So you get electric chairs to kill
people and assembly lines to constrain them, but you also get warm
clothes for people to wear, and penicillin to enhance their longevity.

Zerzan says technologies are contextual, and of course they are. They
arise in some social setting. They are produced in it, or perhaps
another. They are used in it, or perhaps a third. Technologies don’t
spring spontaneously from nothing with no lineage and imprint. Nor are
technologies utilized in social vacuums. Zerzan is correct that each
technology, whether a pencil or a shoe lace much less a guided missile or
an assembly line, bears a social inscription carrying into it diverse
imprints of the motives of its conception, production, and
utilization—part of which generally reflect the defense of social elites,
but another part of which often reflect the accomplishing of needed
functions. We should therefore expect technologies conceived, produced,
and utilized in feudal times to be different than those in prehistoric
times, or than those in capitalist times. So it is elementary. 
Zerzan moves on, however, to a point that is not at all elementary. He
says, “the idea that [technology] is neutral, that it is separable from
society, is one of the biggest lies available. It is obvious why those
who defend the high-tech death trap want us to believe that technology is
somehow neutral.”

Spleen transplant.

2002-02-04 Thread proffr11
The View From Leftward Ho
They call it "blogging," those onomatopoeic right-wingers … the practice of 
jotting down your immediate thoughts on how all liberals are scum on your 
personal website. I don't have personal website, but theSpleen'll do for a 
little blogging in the opposite direction of my own.
not to like about Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo Bay. I won't get into them all, 
but one thing in particular strikes me as particularly fucked up. It hasn't 
been played up much, but one of the reasons the Bush Administration has 
given for holding prisoners captured in Afghanistan at the military base - 
and not in the US itself -- is that they are "among the most dangerous, 
best-trained, vicious killers on the face of the earth," according to 
Donald Rumsfeld.
Wouldn't want those vicious fuckers in the heart of America, now would we? 
Hell, they might escape and kill a bunch of Americans! But we've solved 
that, see? This way, if they escape, they'll only kill a bunch of dirty 
commie Cubans! And who cares about Cubans? They're a nation of degenerates 
who think parents' custody rights to their biological offspring supercede 
the rights of second cousins twice-removed!
Still, there would be a certain perverse logic to having "Tony al-Montana" 
in a Havana holding cell, proclaiming: "Dere ees noteen joo can do to me 
dat Rumsfeld has not done already!"
PERCENTAGES OF POPULATION: I have a gripe with a particular rhetorical 
device. It's when somebody evaluates an atrocity in terms of the percentage 
of the total population killed, rather than the actual number of deaths. It 
goes something like this: "Let us not forget that those who died in 
(Dresden/Hiroshima/Mae Lai), as a percentage of the overall population, 
represent (five, 50, 500) World Trade Centers blah blah blah …" We've all 
heard this one in recent weeks, mostly from the left, but also from Ariel 
Sharon, who described several hundred Israeli dead in the latest Intifada 
as "our own World Trade Center" in terms of percentage of the population.
Probably the most bandied about example of this is East Timor, where 
various writers describe the 200,000 Timorese killed by the Indonesian 
military and militia groups as "greater than the Holocaust" in terms of … 
you guessed it.
What's my problem with this? It's stupid. 200,000 dead people is horrific 
enough without trying to somehow make it seem worse than 6 million plus 
dead people. And the reverse logic is inescapable: 6 million divided by 
200,000 equals 1 Timorese life is worth 30 Jewish lives. Somehow, I don't 
think the writers who employ the population percentage trick really want to 
say this.
And we can take it even further. Roughly 3,000 people died in the World 
Trade Center. The total population of the US is about 300 million. Now just 
keep this in the back of your head and bear with me. Imagine a fictional 
Indian living in the Northern California wilderness in the early part of 
the last century. A group of anthropologists convince him to move into 
their museum - to become sort of a "living exhibit." He contracts 
tuberculosis and dies. The anthropologists, by bringing him into an 
environment where he would come into contact with diseases his immune 
system was woefully unprepared for, essentially killed him.
Here's the kicker: this guy really existed. His name was Ishi and he was 
the very last Yahi Indian alive in the world. Therefore, the 
anthropologists -- Alfred L. Kroeber and Theodore T. Waterman - are guilty 
of precisely 100,000 World Trade Centers. Just do the math.
Oh, and I happen to know a guy trying to liquidate a warehouse full of 
Alfred L. Kroeber and Theodore T. Waterman urinal targets. Send me an email 
if you're interested.
IN THIS CORNER … A BUNCH OF CREEPS: The website I love to hate,, has a new in-house "blogging" board called "The 
Corner." In it you'll find such delightful debates as this one:
Mark Krikorian: "We should call the terrorists 'POWs' before we blow their 
brains out!"
Jonah Goldberg/Rich Lowery: "You bleeding heart! We should call them 
'unlawful combatants' before we force them to choke to death on their own 
The nice thing about The Corner is that these armchair commandos basically 
post their gut reactions to the news of the day, without the self-editing 
they presumably conduct for their lengthier columns. (The joys of 
blogging.) So you get to see the full blackness of their hearts in each 
shameless display of hypocrisy-ridden, self-important drivel. Like this 
proclamation from Goldberg: "The pressure to 'internationalize' or 
'Nurembergize' a war crimes trial would be monumental. If these guys go 
[to] the Hague, I'm lying down on the tarmac to stop it."
Apparently Golberg thinks "lying down on the tarmac" involves delivering a 
running commentary of smirkin

Zip Programs Can Identify Language Of Any Document

2002-02-04 Thread Jim Choate

Wonder if they can identify encryption technology?...



James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM UN Leader To Warn of Dangers in Wealth Gap (fwd)

2002-02-04 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 23:34:25 -0500
Subject: WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM UN Leader To Warn of Dangers in Wealth Gap 

 -- by Alan Friedman International Herald Tribune
Complete text at

NEW YORK Kofi Annan, secretary-general of the United Nations, will warn
international business and political leaders Monday that globalization risks a
devastating boomerang effect if the world's elite fail to increase spending to
battle poverty and disease in developing countries and act quickly to open up
markets in rich countries.

Using uncharacteristically strong language, the UN chief is expected to say that
the protests against globalization reflect the reality that power and wealth are
unequally shared and that more than 1 billion people live in extreme poverty and
degradation. Mr. Annan plans to bluntly point out that the anger rests on a
perception that globalization itself is to blame and that those driving the
process - the very same leaders attending the forum meetings - are responsible.

Horst Koehler, managing director of the International Monetary Fund and a
frequent target of the anti-globalization movement, emerged as another unusual
voice on behalf of a more equitable world. Mr. Koehler won applause from a forum
audience full of finance ministers and chief executives when he scolded rich
countries for failing to open their markets to exports from poor countries and
criticized U.S. agriculture subsidies that damage developing countries.
"Societies in the advanced countries are too selfish to give up their
privileges," Mr. Koehler told a weekend panel. "If we really want to make
globalization work for the benefit of all, then the advanced countries have to
realize it can no longer be business as usual."

Meanwhile, Mr. Koehler of the IMF issued a couple of highly unusual mea culpas
over the weekend.
"I think the IMF has to recognize that it has made mistakes, and in one or two
cases there was too much concentration on fiscal adjustments," Mr. Koehler told
the forum in an apparent reference to criticism that IMF austerity policies had
hurt some Asian and Latin American economies in the 1990s.
Mr. Koehler also made the surprising acknowledgment that while the IMF had in
the past insisted that emerging economies open their capital markets to
investment, "Today, I would never advise a country to open its capital market
without first having established internal regulatory institutions such as
banking supervision so they can cope with huge capital flows."

 -- by Alan Friedman International Herald Tribune
Complete text at

BBC Talking Point (tonight).... (fwd)

2002-02-04 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 04:00:50 -0500
Subject: BBC Talking Point (tonight)

Sunday, 3 February, 2002, 15:19 GMT
Globalisation: Capitalist evil or a way out of poverty?

Excellent high level dicussion on pros and cons from both sides including
feedback from the anti-globalization side (or to use Chomsky's wording the
"real" globalization side) on alternatives for properly reducing barriers and
proposed timescale/maturity for countries doing so.

Open community board on topics here: