48 hours

2002-02-22 Thread matt taylor

Andre Haermeyer needs killing by [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
5:29pm Thu Feb 21 '02   
As do all police ministers,prime ministers and 
presidents. The entire Eastern Bloc fell, almost bloodlessly, in a couple 
weeks, because one by one everybody realized that all that's sometimes required 
is to finally stand up and be counted, and to just say no to the government. 
When the time was right, all it took was a slight push. 
Subject: Police cells 
In Limbo. Michell Walkden. More than 18 months since the 
Ombudsman's office began an enquiry into conditions in Bendigo police 
cells,a promised report has yet to be seen. An investigator from the 
Ombudsman's office inspected the Bendigo police cells in August 2000 as part 
of the inquiry. At the time it was expected a full report would be tabled in 
state parliment by the end of the year. Now more than 12 months later 
the report has to see the light of day. Complaints about cell conditions 
have been raging since early 2000,when it was revealed massive overcrowding 
was leading some detainees to attempt suicide or self mutilation in a bid to be 
transferred to purpose built holding facilities. Throughout the past 2 
years the Advertiser has reported the appalling conditions of the cells, 
where people are held without fresh air,access to appropiate hygiene 
facilities or exercise. Those in police custody should only be held in the 
cells for two days,according to State Govt. policy,but prisoners regularly 
spend weeks,sometimes more than a month,in police care. Entire prison terms 
have actually been served as prisoners are bounced between holding cells at 
central Victorian police stations. The Bendigo Magistrates Court has been 
told of those waiting on remand being forced to eat their meals on the floor 
within close proximity to open toilets. Others have been forced to double 
bunk,or sleep on the concrete floor with minimal coverings. 
Yesterday,Opposition Police and Emergency Services spokesman Kim Wells 
called on the Govt. to immediatly table the report in Parliament. "The 
report was supposed to be handed in to Parliament at the end of 2000,but it's 
still no- where to be found.I've visited the Bendigo Police cells and they 
are nothing short of disgusting." Mr Wells said the Opposition believed that 
the report was "in limbo"until the State Govt. revealed it's 10 year 
masterplan for the States prisons. "Police cells were only ever for short 
term prisoners on remand,not prisoners serving sentences, as they are at 
Bendigo." He called on Police Minister Andre Haermeyer to take action to 
have the report finalised and made public. END 

WSCH : A Revolutionary Acne Treatment and More OM

2002-02-22 Thread wsch2644
Special Alert :  WASATCH  PHARMACEUTICALS  (OTCBB: WSCH)TOP 4 REASONS TO BUY WSCH1.The products and medical therapies developed by WSCH represent possibly the most important breakthrough in the field of Dermatology in the last fifty years.2.WSCH anticipates FDA approval on seven over-the-counter products within the next year, which will provide significant revenue in the retail drug market.3.WSCH has experienced a success rate of 90% during clinical studies, completely eliminating skin disease from 90% of all patients treated.4.By year five, WSCH plans to have annualized revenue over $525 million and over $125 million in EBIT.  This does not take into account income from OTC products which will be substantial.   PROJECTIONS, OBJECTIVES AND STATISTICS    Over a five year period, AISC (WSCH's subsidiary) plans to establish 350 clinics in over 100 major population areas. The company plans to hire over 150 medical doctors for these clinics, train over 1,000 medical assistants and treat over 2,000,000 patients. Also by year five, WSCH plans to have annualized over $525 million in revenue and over $125 million in EBIT. This does not take into account income from OTC products which will be substantial.As of 1991, there were approximately 14 million chronic acne and eczema patients annually in the United States, with the highest percentage between 18 to 44 years of age. The actual number of patients with any type of acne Is significantly higher. Seven billion dollars is spent annually on dermatological pharmaceutical products for these disorders.In 1994, the teen population reached 25 million. During the next decade, it will grow at nearly twice the rate of the overall population (according to U.S. Census Bureau projections). Acne patients are primarily teenagers, whereas eczema patients range from infants to the elderly.      SYMBOL:    WSCH   CURRENT PRICE:   $0.059   52 WEEK HIGH:   $27.50   52 WEEK LOW:   $0.056COMPANY BACKGROUNDWasatch Pharmaceutical, Inc. is a fourteen year old company with a record of outstanding achievements in the field of Dermatology. Dermatology. Under the name of its subsidiary, American Institute of Skin Care (AISC), Wasatch has operated two prototype clinics for the last five years where the products and medical therapies have been tested and proven on hundreds of patients. The Company's activities have been centered on research in the area of serious skin diseases. A concurrent discovery and benefit is WSCH's dramatic success in the area of skin rejuvenation.Seeing the high growth potential from major funding, WSCH elected to become a public company less than two years ago.Wasatch's major successes in the area of skin diseases include:Cystic Acne, Eczema, Seborrhea, Contact Dermatitis, Molluscum, Folliculitis, Acne Rosacea and less prevalent skin diseases.Interestingly, these skin disorders account for more than 70% of all business in the field of dermatology for which there are very few (if any) safe, effective therapies like those developed by Wasatch.Because the therapies developed by Wasatch dominate this area of medicine, WSCH has elected to market its products via company-owned clinics throughout the United States. This decision has resulted in the establishment of two research clinics in Utah for the purpose of implementing procedures within the clinics pursuant to testing and confirming the results that were achieved in past clinical trials. Due to its success rate of 90% on hundreds of patients over a five year period, WSCH's clinics are now on line with insurance providers independent of HMOs. Efforts to establish Preferred Providership status with HMOs are presently being pursued.THIS JUST IN : WSCH BREAKING NEWS Wasatch Pharmaceutical Inc. Announces a New Physician Marketing Campaign and Listing On German Stock Exchanges MURRAY, Utah--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 27, 2001--Wasatch Pharmaceutical Inc. (OTCBB:WSCH - news) CEO Gary Heesch announced today a marketing campaign directed to physicians. A direct link has been established on a physician recruiting Web site making available therapies for the treatment of cystic acne, acne, folliculitis and skin rejuvenation. Physicians will find the benefits of these treatment therapies by logging on to the "X Acne" link at the Physician Search website. This physician search Web site typically receives over 200,000 hits per month. Mr. Heesch reminded, "Our treatment therapy products are also available via the AISC Online Store."These skin treatment products come in kit form providing a 90-day supply to patients for the full treatment program. Included in the kit is an instructional video on the treatment therapy allowing the patient to use these products in their home. The therapies, when used as instructed, achieve a success rate of eradication in excess of 90% with no side effects of any consequence. Previously, 

Toward a new american revolution.

2002-02-22 Thread matt taylor

"...approximately three percent
of Americans now feel that armed struggle against the state would be 
That may not sound like a lot when viewed on its own but a look at the 
historical evidence provides some interesting insights. When the American 
colonists declared independence in 1776 ( the actual war of revolution had 
begun a year earlier) only five percent of the two and a half million
colonists actually favored secession from the British Empire. By the time
independence had been won seven years later, nearly a third of the people
had come to favor independence with another third remaining loyal to the
crown and yet another third being neutral. Only sixty thousand persons,
about two and a half percent of the population of the colonies, actually
participated in the revolutionary effort itself"End Extract.

RSA shaken down for cash?

2002-02-22 Thread matt taylor

http://www.aci.net/kalliste/";>The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe
- --
VP Gore Strong-Arms Crypto Company, then Demands Donation

Between 1995 and 1996 Al Gore called 44 people from the White house to
solicit money for his re-election. Those calls netted the DNC over $2
million dollars. The Vice President placed these calls from the White
House on his DNC credit card. One person Mr. Gore called was Sandford
Robertson, part owner of the San Francisco investment banking firm
Robertson, Stephens and Co. The Vice President's call obtained $142,000
from "Sandy" Robertson for the DNC. Yet, Sandy was already well known in
the DNC camp. Between 1993 and 1997, Sandy Robertson or his wife donated
over $700,000 to various campaigns, including $100,000 for Clinton's
1993 inauguration.

Robertson, Stephens and Co. are also major financial backers of Security
Dynamics, the present owners of RSA Inc. It was Robertson, Stephens and
Co. that filed the agreement documents with the SEC (Security and
Exchange Commission) for the merger of RSA and Security Dynamics in
April of 1996. Of course, Robertson, Stephens and Co. were well paid to
sponsor the RSA/SDI merger deal. Robertson and Stephens not only wrote
the merger agreement between RSA and SDI they also underwrote the first
two public offerings of SDI stock.

"Robertson, Stephens & Company has provided certain investment banking
services to Security Dynamics from time to time, including acting as an
underwriter for each of the two public offerings of shares of the common
stock of Security Dynamics. In addition, Robertson, Stephens & Company
maintains a market in shares of the common stock of Security Dynamics.
Furthermore, Robertson, Stephens & Company has acted as financial
advisor to Security Dynamics in connection with the Merger for which a
portion of our fees is due and payable upon delivery of this opinion and
the remaining portion of our fees is due and payable contingent upon the
closing of the Merger."

SEC Merger Document April, 1996 ROBERTSON, STEPHENS & COMPANY LLC Edwin
David Hertz

Jim Bidzos, RSA chairman, stated that Al Gore personally lobbied him to
sell the RSA crypto patents to the US Government. It is reported that Al
failed and Bidzos walked out. Al Gore has never denied nor confirmed Mr.
Bidzos's remarks about his effort on behalf of the US government. Yet,
Jim Bidzos also took a trip to Beijing in late 1995. The result of that
trip was second trip to Beijing in February of 1996 and a deal with the
Academy of Science to sell encryption technology directly to the PRC
government. The Clinton administration, quick to prosecute anyone who
sold encryption outside the US, did nothing to stop the RSA deal with
Al Gore tried to buy the rights to encryption technology from RSA for
the US government. That was an official act performed by the Vice
President. Al Gore has also played a major role in the Clinton
Administration's Crypto policy. He was fully briefed early on about
Clipper and later would lobby hard to push the draconian controls sought
by the government.

Yet, despite the obvious conflict of interest, Al Gore did not hesitate
to solicit donations from the very same company he had just tried to
strong-arm. Al dialed for money from the same company that needed the
administration's approval for export.

In the end... Money was exchanged and services were rendered. China now
has the RSA crypto technology, Al Gore got the donation money and
"Sandy" Robertson stands to become even richer.

1 if by land, 2 if by sea. Paul Revere - encryption 1775

From the dingo hole.

2002-02-22 Thread matt taylor

The problem is that from a purely scientific evolutionary point of
 >view, the human race is surely regressing, the masses of negative
 >evolutionary pressures are certainly pushing this way.

I doubt this in the strongest possible way.

Australia was populated by the common criminals of England, the louts and
scoundrels and thieves and murderers. (Perhaps some "political prisoners,"
but mostly common criminals.) And yet within a generation or two, Australia
was thriving, and today nobody would argue that the descendants of convicts
are dumb or backward.

We aren't changing the genome.

--Tim May

Re: The Register - Terror talk stalks RSA Conference

2002-02-22 Thread Ken Brown

'The battlefield  security czar professed surprise at learning from the
comments that other armoured vehicles already exist, within military
agencies and even private companies. "What we discovered is that the
idea of having tough metal shells wrapped round a car or tractor... is
in fact an old idea," said Clarke. "There are already such vehicles out

Steve Schear wrote:
> Two comments:
> One - interconnected systems are unlikely to ever be hacker-proof until
> they use well established capabilities-based architectures.
> Two - having a Govnet means the gov can switch off the Internet anytime
> with little immediate and direct consequence to itself.
> At 09:41 PM 2/21/2002 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
> >http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/55/24164.html
> >Clarke also defended his proposal for the creation of a private network
> >exclusively for sensitive government computers. The administration
> >received 167 comments on the proposal to create a "Govnet" that would be
> >isolated from the public Internet, Clarke said. Those proposals are being
> >reviewed by sixteen federal agencies.
> >
> >The cyber security czar professed surprise at learning from the comments
> >that other segregated wide area networks already exist, within federal
> >agencies and private companies. "What we discovered is that the idea of
> >having a separate air-gapped network... is in fact an old idea," said
> >Clarke. "There are already such networks out there."
> >
> >Some security experts had criticized the Govnet proposal, arguing that
> >such a network would itself be vulnerable to attack, and would represent a
> >government abandonment of the Internet. Clarke countered Tuesday that he
> >didn't expect Govnet to provide perfect security, but that it makes sense
> >to remove critical government functions from the public network. "I don't
> >know where it was ever written that everything has to be connected to
> >everything else," said Clarke.

Re: RSA shaken down for cash?

2002-02-22 Thread Eugene Leitl

Because Matt Taylor won't keep a single email address, and thus making
filtering him impractical, and because the cypherpunks list does not seem
to encourage limits on communication I suggest returning every single
message to him, whether manually, or via a procmail recipe.

He stores information on cypherpunks archives, let us store a few large
binaries in his inbox.

On Fri, 22 Feb 2002, matt taylor wrote:

> from:http://www.aci.net/kalliste/
> http://www.aci.net/kalliste/";>The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe
> - --
> VP Gore Strong-Arms Crypto Company, then Demands Donation
> Between 1995 and 1996 Al Gore called 44 people from the White house to
> solicit money for his re-election. Those calls netted the DNC over $2
> million dollars. The Vice President placed these calls from the White
> House on his DNC credit card. One person Mr. Gore called was Sandford
> Robertson, part owner of the San Francisco investment banking firm
> Robertson, Stephens and Co. The Vice President's call obtained $142,000
> from "Sandy" Robertson for the DNC. Yet, Sandy was already well known in
> the DNC camp. Between 1993 and 1997, Sandy Robertson or his wife donated
> over $700,000 to various campaigns, including $100,000 for Clinton's
> 1993 inauguration.
> Robertson, Stephens and Co. are also major financial backers of Security
> Dynamics, the present owners of RSA Inc. It was Robertson, Stephens and
> Co. that filed the agreement documents with the SEC (Security and
> Exchange Commission) for the merger of RSA and Security Dynamics in
> April of 1996. Of course, Robertson, Stephens and Co. were well paid to
> sponsor the RSA/SDI merger deal. Robertson and Stephens not only wrote
> the merger agreement between RSA and SDI they also underwrote the first
> two public offerings of SDI stock.
> "Robertson, Stephens & Company has provided certain investment banking
> services to Security Dynamics from time to time, including acting as an
> underwriter for each of the two public offerings of shares of the common
> stock of Security Dynamics. In addition, Robertson, Stephens & Company
> maintains a market in shares of the common stock of Security Dynamics.
> Furthermore, Robertson, Stephens & Company has acted as financial
> advisor to Security Dynamics in connection with the Merger for which a
> portion of our fees is due and payable upon delivery of this opinion and
> the remaining portion of our fees is due and payable contingent upon the
> closing of the Merger."
> SEC Merger Document April, 1996 ROBERTSON, STEPHENS & COMPANY LLC Edwin
> David Hertz
> Jim Bidzos, RSA chairman, stated that Al Gore personally lobbied him to
> sell the RSA crypto patents to the US Government. It is reported that Al
> failed and Bidzos walked out. Al Gore has never denied nor confirmed Mr.
> Bidzos's remarks about his effort on behalf of the US government. Yet,
> Jim Bidzos also took a trip to Beijing in late 1995. The result of that
> trip was second trip to Beijing in February of 1996 and a deal with the
> Academy of Science to sell encryption technology directly to the PRC
> government. The Clinton administration, quick to prosecute anyone who
> sold encryption outside the US, did nothing to stop the RSA deal with
> China.
> Al Gore tried to buy the rights to encryption technology from RSA for
> the US government. That was an official act performed by the Vice
> President. Al Gore has also played a major role in the Clinton
> Administration's Crypto policy. He was fully briefed early on about
> Clipper and later would lobby hard to push the draconian controls sought
> by the government.
> Yet, despite the obvious conflict of interest, Al Gore did not hesitate
> to solicit donations from the very same company he had just tried to
> strong-arm. Al dialed for money from the same company that needed the
> administration's approval for export.
> In the end... Money was exchanged and services were rendered. China now
> has the RSA crypto technology, Al Gore got the donation money and
> "Sandy" Robertson stands to become even richer.
> 1 if by land, 2 if by sea. Paul Revere - encryption 1775

-- Eugen* Leitl http://leitl.org";>leitl
ICBMTO: N48 04'14.8'' E11 36'41.2'' http://www.leitl.org
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

public key cryptography to be cracked in 2006

2002-02-22 Thread Dean, James

predicts public key cryptography will be cracked in 2006.

Looking For a Crisis Proof Investment?

2002-02-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Title: Government Secured


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Eugene Leitl ,Cryo me a river.

2002-02-22 Thread matt taylor

 >>Because Matt Taylor won't keep a single email address,<<

Is that the LAW? I changed ISP's because I had to,not because I wanted to.

  >>and thus making filtering him impractical,<<

If your an idiot sourkraut maybe,others may skip over my posts,big fucking 
deal.Go freeze your head.

  >>and because the cypherpunks list does not seem to encourage limits on 
communication <<

I've come across an attempt in early 97.EL might learn from the 
archives.(96 looks like the golden age so far.)

 >>I suggest returning every single message to him, whether manually, or 
via a procmail recipe. He stores information on cypherpunks archives,<<

Is THAT against some LAW? I had some info on my laptop and it was all 
stolen by the police because they said I was quoting from an ex list member 
so what better place to store info in those circumstances? I've promised to 
keep it proportional to "spam.".My standard response to complaints will be 
to ask if they've complained about some obvious SPAM.

  let us store a few large binaries in his inbox.<<

So I can route them backatcha? Go ahead punk,make my day.

"And the intellectuals still argue [about] whether Amerika is a fascist 
country.." George Jackson, Blood in My Eye, Bantam Books, 1972, 
p. 101.

Read it - and see the BIG PICTURE!! 688

2002-02-22 Thread tiubbv984ehf984ur984r98



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===Order all 5 reports shown on the list below=

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IMPORTANT: DO NOT alter the names of the people who are listed next to
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is instructed below in each step 1 through 6 or you will lose out on
majority of your profits.  Once you understand the way this works, you
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Remember, honesty reaps the reward!!!

1. After you have ordered all 5 reports, take this advertisement and
REMOVE the name & address of the person in REPORT # 5. This person has
made it through the cycle and is no doubt counting their fortune.
2. Move the name & address in REPORT # 4 down to report # 5.
3. Move the name & address in REPORT # 3 down to report # 4.
4. Move the name & address in REPORT # 2 down to report # 3.
5. Move the name & address in REPORT # 1 down to report # 2.
6. Insert YOUR name & address in the REPORT # 1 Position.

PLEASE MAKE SURE you copy every name & address ACCURATELY!

***Take this entire letter, with the modified list of names, and 
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Let's say that you decide to start small, just to see how it goes, and
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Let's also assume that the mailing receive only a 0.2% response (the
response could be much better but lets just say it is only 0.2%. Also,
many people will send out hundreds of thousands of e-mails instead o

European Penis Enlargement Techniques

2002-02-22 Thread george_lugarst2653
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Fwd: Re: RSA shaken down for cash?

2002-02-22 Thread matt taylor

>Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 08:37:39 -0600
>From: Harmon Seaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: matt taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: RSA shaken down for cash?
>User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.27i
>On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 10:19:53PM +1100, matt taylor wrote:
> > from:http://www.aci.net/kalliste/
> > http://www.aci.net/kalliste/";>The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe
> > - --
> > VP Gore Strong-Arms Crypto Company, then Demands Donation
> >
> >
> > Between 1995 and 1996 Al Gore called 44 people from the White house to
> > solicit money for his re-election. Those calls netted the DNC over $2
> > million dollars. The Vice President placed these calls from the White
> > House on his DNC credit card. One person Mr. Gore called was Sandford
> > Robertson, part owner of the San Francisco investment banking firm
> > Robertson, Stephens and Co. The Vice President's call obtained $142,000
> > from "Sandy" Robertson for the DNC. Yet, Sandy was already well known in
> > the DNC camp. Between 1993 and 1997, Sandy Robertson or his wife donated
> > over $700,000 to various campaigns, including $100,000 for Clinton's
> > 1993 inauguration.
> >
> > Robertson, Stephens and Co. are also major financial backers of Security
> > Dynamics, the present owners of RSA Inc. It was Robertson, Stephens and
> > Co. that filed the agreement documents with the SEC (Security and
> > Exchange Commission) for the merger of RSA and Security Dynamics in
> > April of 1996. Of course, Robertson, Stephens and Co. were well paid to
> > sponsor the RSA/SDI merger deal. Robertson and Stephens not only wrote
> > the merger agreement between RSA and SDI they also underwrote the first
> > two public offerings of SDI stock.
> >
> > "Robertson, Stephens & Company has provided certain investment banking
> > services to Security Dynamics from time to time, including acting as an
> > underwriter for each of the two public offerings of shares of the common
> > stock of Security Dynamics. In addition, Robertson, Stephens & Company
> > maintains a market in shares of the common stock of Security Dynamics.
> > Furthermore, Robertson, Stephens & Company has acted as financial
> > advisor to Security Dynamics in connection with the Merger for which a
> > portion of our fees is due and payable upon delivery of this opinion and
> > the remaining portion of our fees is due and payable contingent upon the
> > closing of the Merger."
> >
> > SEC Merger Document April, 1996 ROBERTSON, STEPHENS & COMPANY LLC Edwin
> > David Hertz
> >
> >
> > Jim Bidzos, RSA chairman, stated that Al Gore personally lobbied him to
> > sell the RSA crypto patents to the US Government. It is reported that Al
> > failed and Bidzos walked out. Al Gore has never denied nor confirmed Mr.
> > Bidzos's remarks about his effort on behalf of the US government. Yet,
> > Jim Bidzos also took a trip to Beijing in late 1995. The result of that
> > trip was second trip to Beijing in February of 1996 and a deal with the
> > Academy of Science to sell encryption technology directly to the PRC
> > government. The Clinton administration, quick to prosecute anyone who
> > sold encryption outside the US, did nothing to stop the RSA deal with
> > China.
> > Al Gore tried to buy the rights to encryption technology from RSA for
> > the US government. That was an official act performed by the Vice
> > President. Al Gore has also played a major role in the Clinton
> > Administration's Crypto policy. He was fully briefed early on about
> > Clipper and later would lobby hard to push the draconian controls sought
> > by the government.
> >
> > Yet, despite the obvious conflict of interest, Al Gore did not hesitate
> > to solicit donations from the very same company he had just tried to
> > strong-arm. Al dialed for money from the same company that needed the
> > administration's approval for export.
> >
> > In the end... Money was exchanged and services were rendered. China now
> > has the RSA crypto technology, Al Gore got the donation money and
> > "Sandy" Robertson stands to become even richer.
> >
> > 1 if by land, 2 if by sea. Paul Revere - encryption 1775
>Harmon Seaver

cop wacos self during training

2002-02-22 Thread Major Variola (ret)

Pressure in Police 'gas Ax' Device Kills Officer During Training
   Exercise, Authorities Say
  The Associated Press
 Published: Feb 22, 2002
PHOENIX (AP) - Pressure in a "gas ax" used by police to break down walls
and subdue suspects may have caused one of the devices to malfunction
and kill an officer during a training exercise, authorities said.

Scottsdale police Sgt. Tom Hontz was killed and 11 other officers
slightly injured Wednesday when the device exploded during the exercise
at two vacant homes in suburban Gilbert, police said.

Authorities issued a nationwide warning to law enforcement agencies
about the device and asked the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms to determine the cause.

"The reason the thing exploded is there was too much pressure inside of
it," said Sgt. Jim Lahti, [Ed note: D'oh] a Gilbert police spokesman.
"We are investigating why."

The gas ax is used to make a hole in a wall of a room where a suspect is
barricaded and emits a debilitating gas that gives police a chance to
enter safely. A long metal handle is used to drive a pointed pipe
through a wall. A tear gas or similar chemical cartridge is then

Hontz, 45, died a few hours after the explosion. Other officers involved
in the training were treated and released, including one with shrapnel
injuries from flying metal.

MS's Organization for Internet fnord Safety

2002-02-22 Thread Major Variola (ret)

[In a year, reporting bugs outside of OIS will be a felony, we

Group to set bug-reporting standards
   Thu Feb 21, 6:33 PM ET

   Robert Lemos CNET News.com

   Microsoft and other software makers met with several
computer-security companies
   Thursday to hash out the last details of a group that will set
guidelines for reporting software
   flaws that affect Internet security.

Currently named the Organization for Internet Safety, the group is still
flux, with members and rules not yet finalized, said sources
with the discussions.

Stuart McClure, president and chief technology officer of
company Foundstone, wouldn't give details about the meeting but
confirmed that no form has been settled on for the organization. He did
say that such a group is sorely needed by the security industry.


Auto Keys RNG

2002-02-22 Thread John Young

It's been a while since automobile ignition key crypto was
discussed here. An update below from the NY Times.

And what effect on auto theft of the Datacard thievery 
Bill Stewart got differentialed by at RSA? On electronic
sneak attacks, there's a succinct description of NONSTOP,
HIJACK and TEAPOT thievery by way of violating encrypted 
cellphones toward the bottom of this page:




If you lose the key for a new Lexus RX 300, one northern
Virginia dealer charges $300 for a replacement. Even for
a plain-jane Taurus, the price is $130 at a Ford dealer
here. Neither price is unusual. Dealers have the market
mostly to themselves; very few locksmiths or hardware
stores can copy the keys to late-model cars.

The technology is beyond their capabilities. For most new
cars, from the top of the price scale to the bottom, the key
is no longer a sliver of notched metal that simply works a
mechanical lock; it is now part of an electronic access
system, with computer- encoded passwords worthy of
James Bond.

Colloquially, the new keys are said to have a computer
chip inside. Actually, the head of the key contains a tiny
robot radio that communicates with the car. Their
electronic handshake may include 19 digits, which allows
10 billion-billion combinations.

While this makes life more complicated for car owners, it
poses a bigger hurdle for car thieves, who so far have not
caught up. The new keys have helped to slash the theft rate
on some models by 90 percent.

The technology differs among manufacturers, but all are
similar. At the heart of the system is a tiny electronic
device embedded in the head of the key. This device,
called a transponder, is essentially a radio that responds
to a query from another radio.

In older systems, the car sends a question and the key
gives a fixed answer. In newer models, Mr. Sabetti said,
the car has a random number generator, sending a different
message each time the key is inserted.

"When the random number is sent to the key head, the key
modifies it in a way that would only be known to the
vehicle," he said. The answer from the key "has virtually
no relationship to the message sent to the key in the first
place," he said, or at least none that an electronic
eavesdropper could discern. To anyone who intercepted
the electronic message, "it would look like garbage," he

Moving to the transponder system has had several effects.
One is to cut out locksmiths. "It can run up to $50,000 for
the equipment to duplicate the keys for cars," said Randy
L. Simpson, president of the Associated Locksmiths of
America, a trade association based in Dallas. And that is
for each manufacturer; equipping a shop to make keys for
all car brands would be well beyond the means of most

For example, on a 2001 Ford Taurus, the car can "teach" a
key the proper code. But it is built to do so only if the
technician starts the car with one of the keys that came
with the vehicle, turns it off, starts the car with the second
key that came with the vehicle, turns it off, and then inserts
the new key  with the metal shaft mechanically cut and
the transponder unprogrammed and awaiting instructions.

General Motors' keys have a mere 137 billion possible
combinations, and a dealer can make a copy with only one
of the factory- original keys to work with. But they have
another refinement; the systems recognize the difference
between a full-access key and a "valet" key that will start
the car but cannot be used to "teach" a new key the car's
combination, said David T. Proefke, engineering group
manager for vehicle security.

But however good the system is, Mr. Simpson of the
locksmiths association said this was not the last step in
car security. "They haven't defeated it yet," he said. "But
I'm sure it's just a matter of time."


NYC Subway video recording?

2002-02-22 Thread Sunder

So I was in the 5 train this morning, and in that one subway car I see a
few long white on red stickers that say "all activities on this car may be
recorded"  I didn't go too far through the train, but I did notice the
same sticker in another car.

On a quick look around, I didn't show any cameras, but pinhole cameras
would be easy to hide.  I would have put them in the far corners of the
car somewhere near the top, and you'd probably be able to get a good look
from the round, but flat air conditioner vents, or on the glass covered
displays that state the train destination, but I didn't see cameras or any
obvious smoked glass, or holes.  (My criterial being, "Where would I put
cameras so I would limit the number to one or two per car to keep it
cheap, and still be able to see the whole car?")

Further, I didn't notice any new cables going around, and you'd probably
need lots of them to be able to record video from each car, or a VCR in
each car somewhere...  I guess the next time I'm on one of those trains,
I'll try to be where the conductor is and get a peek inside their cabin...

This is nothing earth shattering as there were cameras in the subway
system for years now, just not on the actual trains.  Still the rachet
does tighten more and more..

Anyone know if these are official, or just someone's idea of a joke?  See
them on any other subway lines?

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
<--*-->:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.sunder.net 

Freedom of speech: Justices Gut State's 'Son of Sam' Law

2002-02-22 Thread Major Variola (ret)

Justices Gut State's 'Son of Sam' Law
By MAURA DOLAN, Times Staff Writer

SAN FRANCISCO -- The California Supreme Court on Thursday
struck down a state law that prohibits felons from cashing in on their
crime stories in a case that pitted freedom of speech against victims'

The unanimous decision, a victory for book publishers and the movie
industry, found that the state's 16-year-old ban on profiteering from
crime was overly broad and violated free-speech rights guaranteed by
the U.S. and state constitutions.


Legal Secretary / Paralegal Jobs Resumes

2002-02-22 Thread Legal Secretaries / Paralegals

www.LegalSecretaryCareers.com and www.ParalegalJobs.ORG are now linked. If this has 
reached you in error please forward to the proper person. Bookmark these sites and 
watch them grow quickly.   

RE: Toward a new American revolution.

2002-02-22 Thread Aimee Farr

> http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=138963&group=webcast
> "...approximately three percent
> of Americans now feel that armed struggle against the state would be
> justified.
> That may not sound like a lot when viewed on its own but a look at the
> historical evidence provides some interesting insights. When the American
> colonists declared independence in 1776 ( the actual war of
> revolution had
> begun a year earlier) only five percent of the two and a half million
> colonists actually favored secession from the British Empire. By the time
> independence had been won seven years later, nearly a third of the people
> had come to favor independence with another third remaining loyal to the
> crown and yet another third being neutral. Only sixty thousand persons,
> about two and a half percent of the population of the colonies, actually
> participated in the revolutionary effort itself"End Extract.

And I made the comment that the kettle was boiling. *slap* but I stand by

Hm. Looks like "Constintern" propaganda, -- again, the American Revolution.
One of the marks of Revolutionary activity today is "a return to a mystic
past," it has no practical significance. Our revolutionary past is romantic,
but it's somewhat tactically stale.

People's War -- just *some* characteristics:

1. rarely successful
2. not against native government
3. strong nationalism
4. political unification
5. intensive preparation and perception management (Perception War)
6. world-class intelligence
7. shadow government
8. extreme mobility
9. organized education
10. sanctuary, logistics & support

In modern People's War, it's kind of like the quote, "the jungle is
neutral," but the jungle is the people. Another quote, but I can't remember
the source: "there are no non-combatants in jungle warfare." Effectives will
be terrorists -- based on capability, and they will never evolve to a stage
of contention. Even our structure of our government insulates us from a

The most important message a revolutionary has: "we can win."

Somebody needs to show them: "you will LOOSE," and here's the realities, and
here's the alternatives for peaceful change. And, ideally, here's
something -else- for you to do and identify with, but no pressure.

I would bet on some foreign connection this time. Our adversaries seek to
reduce our will and capability to make war. Most agents-of-influence are
unwitting, and a tour of "the files," might cause them to look behind the
curtain before making a decision that could set a hook in their mouth.

We need a...something that's not counterterrorism or criminal-based, but
something based on research, open monitoring (not surveillance), creative
outreach, deterrence a "soft" approach that NEVER offers the opportunity
to escalate the conflict but seeks engagement (dangle-dangle), does not
de-legitimize patriotic sentiments, or seek to quash dissent (it's a safety
valve). If that won't sell Congress, they need another job.

Revolutions require counterintelligence. That forces us to protect sources
and methods -- I can argue that threat is a societal trend. It also involves
military targets and sabotage, not just "terrorism." And, again, I bet on a
foreign connection, if only because of our communication means. That's some
big dog jurisdiction, revolutionary boys and girls, by people that have
actually "done revolution."

BTW, during the Red Scare, 51 percent of Americans supported jailing
Communists outright.

For there has never been a protracted war from which a country has
benefited. ~Sun Tzu

RE: Pentagon OSI.

2002-02-22 Thread Aimee Farr

Discussing the challenges of perception management by antagonists:

International Conflict Controllers: Manipulators or Manipulated?
Mr. Timothy L. Thomas
Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, KS.

Great bloodshedding that "never happened" -- due to diplomacy and deception.
War is the means, not the ends. Americans seem to confuse the two -- a Code
Duello Culture. The objective is to get the enemy to do our will. "The
enemy" is just an antagonistic interest, not "a country," as we have been
conditioned to think. That embodies a range of choices, but perception
management, even if it involves deception, should be preferred to battle. It
need not be justified by the actions of an adversary, it can be a virtuous
decision by itself.

Other countries have known resistance to occupation. Concepts deemed
treacherous (secrecy, deceit) became a cultural virtue. Our transition to a
resistance culture is nothing less than the key to our long-term survival.
(In WW II, our enemy held hands along railroads and we still blew them all
to heck.)

If the mind is the target, too many of us are occupied.


Low cost quality conference calls

2002-02-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Accountants / Bookkeepers jobs resumes

2002-02-22 Thread Accountant / Bookkeeper

www.Bookkeeperjobs.com and www.AccountingBoard.com  are now linked. If this has 
reached you in error please forward to the proper person. Bookmark these sites and 
watch them grow.   

Permission Request

2002-02-22 Thread manson9402013


May I have your permission to send you Information On a company that builds
& manages a downline for you in MLM health company?
If so please send a e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "INFO" for the subject.

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2002-02-22 Thread fidelis aloye

 TEL/FAX: 234 1 759 0379.


 My name is FIDELIS ALOYE, a member of the
 Task Force on Oil Spillage Clean-up. Early last year
 there was a major oil spillage in the Niger Delta
 Region of Nigeria which rendered over 70% of the
 communities homeless.The contract was handled by a
 foreign firm but because of the huge monetary profit
 we envisaged we decided to over-invoice the contract
 Now the contract has been completed and the original
 contractor has since been paid,but the contract
 balance of US$38 million,which resulted from the
 invoiced contract sum that has been left in a
 account with the CENTRAL BANK of NIGERIA,is what me
 and my partners are planning to take out of the
 country for ourselves.The problem is as government
 officials,we are not suppose to own fat bank
 accounts,talk less of having foreign ones.
 To this end, we are soliciting your assistance as a
 foreign partner who can assist us and receive this
 amount into your account. We are ready to share this
 money with you on the basis of participation. We
 have plans to invest part of this money in any
 business in your country under your care,as we are
 nearing our retirement age. 
 In any case, I received a reference of
 you/organization from the Nigeria Chambers of
 and Industry ‘Foreign Trade Division’ as a reputable
 organ that can assist us on this transaction. Please
 if you accept my proposal do not hesitate to send me
 fax on 234 1 759 0379 or send me an e-mail on:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  , so that I can provide you with
 the basic procedures for the release of the fund. 
 It does not matter whether you or your company does
 contract project of the nature described here, the
 assumption is that you won a major contract and
 subcontracted it to another company, more often than
 not, big trading companies or individuals of
 field win major contracts here in Nigeria and
 subcontracts same to more specialized firms for
 BENEFIT: For providing the account where we shall
 remit this money, you will be entitled to 25% of the
 entire funds, 70% will be for me and my
 % has been set aside to cover any expenses that may
 be incurred by both parties during this transaction,
 both local and international. 
 Please I enjoin you to handle this transaction with
 utmost degree of maturity and confidentiality
 I am still in active government service with the
 receive your response on time, this whole
 could be accomplished within the shortest possible
 time based on your interest and determination,since
 the money is already in transit. 
 Please, try to call me up to confirm the receipt of
 your fax or e-mail.The lines may be busy,but keep
 trying till you get through. 
 Yours faithfully, 

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

Re: Freedom of speech: Justices Gut State's 'Son of Sam' Law

2002-02-22 Thread Steve Furlong

"Major Variola (ret)" wrote:
> Justices Gut State's 'Son of Sam' Law
> By MAURA DOLAN, Times Staff Writer
> The unanimous decision, a victory for book publishers and the movie
> industry, found that the state's 16-year-old ban on profiteering from
> crime was overly broad and violated free-speech rights guaranteed by
> the U.S. and state constitutions.

Interesting confusion between "profiting" and "profiteering". You'd
think an editor would catch that, but maybe at the LAT they don't see
the difference.

(Profiteering is the sale of goods in short supply. Thanks to the WoSD,
inmates are never in short supply.)

Steve FurlongComputer Condottiere   Have GNU, Will Travel

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.  -- George Bernard Shaw

Philip Howard Colomb


I write in reply to your mention of P H Colomb on 
the WEB
If this P H Colomb was an Admiral and died in 1958 
he resided at the house where I myself live in Coltishall in Norfolk 
I belive that during the first world war he 
invented the device that sets off depth charges at the chosen depth of 
His father another Admiral Philip Howard Colomb 
invented the shuttered signalling lamps used upon boats as well as the system of 
speaking tubes to communicate around the ship.
During the the late 19th century Colomb senior was 
responsible for pursuading the British Government to modernize their fleet to 
the then modern standards.
If this is of use please e-mail back as I can then 
put you in touch with the current family and relations of both these Naval 
Kind Regards
B J  Jordan    

Say Goodbye To Your Boss

2002-02-22 Thread John

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EuroNazis want to ban thoughtcrime

2002-02-22 Thread Major Variola (ret)


Move to Ban Net 'Hate Speech' Draws
   Praise, Concern
   Fri Feb 22,12:46 PM ET

   By Bernhard Warner, European Internet Correspondent

   LONDON (Reuters) - Authors of emails and Internet postings that
   contain racist or xenophobic material may face criminal charges under
   proposed European treaty that is dividing the Internet and law
enforcement communities.

The proposal, drafted by the Council of Europe, would essentially
outlaw the publishing of "hate
   speech" on the Internet. Welcomed by law enforcement agencies, it has
been slammed by Internet
   firms as impossible to enforce.

   The agreement would create a comprehensive legal framework for
international crimefighters as they
   strive to identify and prosecute cross-border hate crimes on the
Internet, an area politicians are eager
   to crack down on in the wake of the September 11 attacks.

   "We must harmonize the laws first so that countries can cooperate in
criminal investigations regarding
   the Internet," Peter Csonka, principal administrator at the Council
of Europe, told Reuters on Friday.
   He added that many member states have already criminalized certain
activities regarded as racist or
   xenophobic -- such as threatening a group on the grounds of race,
color or religion -- and that the
   treaty would seek to extend that onto the Net.

   FREE SPEECH OR RACIAL HATRED? The proposal has already provoked
protest from civil
   liberties groups who maintain the proposal could criminalize free
speech, and from some Internet firms
   concerned over liability issues.

   Csonka said that telecommunications firms and Internet service
providers have contacted the council
   asking for clarification on whether they would be held liable for
hate speech posted or emailed by their

   Internet Service Providers (ISPs) typically operate a policy of
"notification and takedown," in which
   they will remove sites containing objectionable material if it's
first brought to their attention.
   Self-policing in this manner, they say, is the best way to tackle
hate speech online.

   "It's almost impossible, and this is the consensus in the IPS
community too, to monitor every single
   piece of Web space in the Internet community," said Paul Barker,
director of corporate affairs at
   Freeserve, the British ISP owned by France's Wanadoo .

   Csonka said the liability concerns raised by ISPs and Web site
operators have not yet been addressed.

   Civil liberty groups have also objected to the proposal, fearing it
could bring the more rigorous
   anti-hate speech laws that exist in continental Europe to the more
liberal UK and U.S.

   For example, it is unlawful to post or sell Nazi regalia or
propaganda on the Internet in France and
   Germany, but there are few legal curbs in the U.S. and Britain.

   "This proposal could potentially outlaw free speech," said Malcolm
Hutty, general director for
   Campaign Against Censorship on the Internet in Britain, or CACIB.
"That would be a great
   infringement of civil rights."

   CACIB and sister organizations of online rights group, the Global
Internet Liberty Campaign, have
   begun to formulate a campaign to raise awareness for the new policy.

   The Convention on Cybercrime is the fruit of unprecedented
international cooperation, receiving input
   from 43 European countries plus the United States, Japan, Canada and
South Africa.

   Drafted by the Council of Europe, a pan-European legal forum which
works for the harmonization of
   laws across the continent, the treaty would need individual
ratification by each before it is adopted into
   law. It has so far been signed, but not yet ratified, by 32 nations.

   The "hate speech" amendment is expected to be brought into the
convention this July, officials said,
   after the current public input period ends.

All your childrens' DNA are belong to us

2002-02-22 Thread Major Variola (ret)


J. Cieciel

Published: February 21, 2002
State of mistrust
South Carolina agencies continue to violate citizens' privacy. This
time the state is distributing our children's DNA. Lawmakers need to

institute firmer rules on the collection and distribution of
individuals' personal information.

Once again South Carolina's state government has proven that it
be trusted with the personal information it demands from its
South Carolinians had hoped it was a fluke when the state sold the
information on 3.5 million people's driver's licenses to a New
Hampshire company without their permission or even notification.
Citizens thought that the outrage from that incident surely would
state officials more responsible about how they handle the personal
information citizens are forced to give the state.
But last week South Carolinians learned that -- without their
knowledge or permission -- the state had created a DNA library on
children. By law, babies are tested for specific genetic diseases
after they are born. The state Department of Health and
Control has been saving all of those samples since 1995 in a special

deep freeze facility.
State officials told us not to worry. These genetic blueprints of
children are safe with them. This information could not be misused.
This week we learned that the information has already been misused.
Without the permission of these DNA donors or their parents, the
has given some of the samples to a genetics laboratory and gave
to the State Law Enforcement Division to help start a DNA databank
Are there any parents left who still trust the state with this
information? It's not likely.
Do South Carolinians want a genetics lab experimenting on their
children's DNA? Did state officials ever think to ask? And what
does SLED have to include our innocent children's DNA in its
Legislative remedies for this problem have been discussed in
They range from the immediate destruction of the DNA samples held by

DHEC to a system in which parents can instruct the state not to keep

their children's samples. Clearly, the state must institute a
that -- at a bare minimum -- requires DHEC to get parental
to keep the samples.


[Reformatted] MS's Organization for Internet fnord Safety

2002-02-22 Thread Anonymous Coredump

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Major Variola ret) writes:

> [In a year, reporting bugs outside of OIS will be a felony, we
> estimate...]
> Group to set bug-reporting standards Thu Feb 21, 6:33 PM ET
> Robert Lemos CNET News.com
> Microsoft and other software makers met with several computer-security
> companies Thursday to hash out the last details of a group that will
> set guidelines for reporting software flaws that affect Internet
> security.
> Currently named the Organization for Internet Safety, the group is
> still in flux, with members and rules not yet finalized, said sources
> knowledgeable with the discussions.
> Stuart McClure, president and chief technology officer of
> digital-security company Foundstone, wouldn't give details about
> the meeting but confirmed that no form has been settled on for the
> organization. He did say that such a group is sorely needed by the
> security industry.


2002-02-22 Thread offps


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Thomas Monte



To be removed CLICK HERE

Was Pearl Sacrificed by the Patriotic WSJ?

2002-02-22 Thread John Young

Cryptome is looking for news coverage of links among the 
following events leading up to Daniel Pearl's kidnapping and 

On January 16, 2002, the Wall Street Journal published a 
report "Account of Spy Trip on Kabul PC Matches Travels 
of Richard Reid." The report said a document describing 
Reid's trip was shared with the US government officials, 
and that encrypted parts of the document were decrypted 
with assistance of unnamed parties. 


Shortly afterwards the Journal was publicly thanked by the 
Defense Department for sharing the information. The Journal
claimed it was doing its patriotic duty.

On January 21, 2002, the New York Times published 
"Why Reporters' Discovery Was Shared With Officials," 
which examined possible consequences of journalists 
sharing information with officials, one of which was the 
prospect of endangering reporters suspected of being 
government agents. 


When the CIA is asked the about use of journalists as 
agents, the agency answers that it continues a policy 
which reserves that right. 

On January 23, 2002, Daniel Pearl went to a meeting 
arranged to investigate Richard Reid and was kidnapped. 
The kidnappers claimed Pearl was an intelligence agent; 
the Journal has denied it.

Re: Jail Cell Cipher (modified RC4)

2002-02-22 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 10:28 PM -0600 on 2/22/02, Neil Johnson wrote:

> I believe that Ron Rivest (the R in RC4) has already created a version for
> "jail-cell" use.

Schneier did Solitaire.


R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: Was Pearl Sacrificed by the Patriotic WSJ?

2002-02-22 Thread Declan McCullagh

It is true that there has been in the past a nexus between the CIA and
large American media outlets. But it is also true that most
publications would likely to what the WSJ did (share PC contents with
the Feds) if the situtation were the same.

In other words, the WSJ did what everyone else would do. Doesn't seem
like a big deal to me.


On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 06:58:05PM -0800, John Young wrote:
> On January 21, 2002, the New York Times published 
> "Why Reporters' Discovery Was Shared With Officials," 
> which examined possible consequences of journalists 
> sharing information with officials, one of which was the 
> prospect of endangering reporters suspected of being 
> government agents. 
>   http://cryptome.org/nyt-wsj-dod.htm
> When the CIA is asked the about use of journalists as 
> agents, the agency answers that it continues a policy 
> which reserves that right. 

Re: Mostly untraceable ordering of books by mail

2002-02-22 Thread Declan McCullagh

On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 11:55:49AM +0800, F. Marc de Piolenc wrote:
> I believe that there exists, or existed, a debit card on the prepaid
> phone card model. Show up at a retail "card store," give them cash and
> get a debit card with a "credit limit" equal to the value of the card.
> The card behaves like a credit card for retail purchase purposes, but
> doesn't have your name on it or associated with it in any database.
> Anybody know if this is still being offered?

[catching up]

You  may be thinking of the Amex/711 stored value card. Check wired.com
archives for background. I think it is no longer being offered.


Re: Jail Cell Cipher (modified RC4)

2002-02-22 Thread Neil Johnson

Yep, I stand corrected.

Another place to check is Cyber (or is it Cypher Saber ?).  You can get it
by going to
http://www.diceware.com and hunting around.  It has a disscusion on learning
how to implement RC4.


- Original Message -
From: "R. A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Neil Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Jeremy Lennert"
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: Jail Cell Cipher (modified RC4)

> At 10:28 PM -0600 on 2/22/02, Neil Johnson wrote:
> > I believe that Ron Rivest (the R in RC4) has already created a version
> > "jail-cell" use.
> Schneier did Solitaire.
> Cheers,
> --
> -
> R. A. Hettinga 
> The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
> 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
> "... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
> [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
> experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: Re: Mostly untraceable ordering of books by mail

2002-02-22 Thread alphabeta121

is there anything like the amex/711 card now?  I looked up "anonymous
internet payments" and most were still connected to a credit card or bank

- Original Message -
From: "Declan McCullagh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "F. Marc de Piolenc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:28 PM
Subject: CDR: Re: Mostly untraceable ordering of books by mail

> On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 11:55:49AM +0800, F. Marc de Piolenc wrote:
> > I believe that there exists, or existed, a debit card on the prepaid
> > phone card model. Show up at a retail "card store," give them cash and
> > get a debit card with a "credit limit" equal to the value of the card.
> > The card behaves like a credit card for retail purchase purposes, but
> > doesn't have your name on it or associated with it in any database.
> > Anybody know if this is still being offered?
> [catching up]
> You  may be thinking of the Amex/711 stored value card. Check wired.com
> archives for background. I think it is no longer being offered.
> -Declan

RE: Jail Cell Cipher (modified RC4)

2002-02-22 Thread Jeremy Lennert

I'm not having difficulty with the implementation (the C++ code included in
my first message, also available at
http://www.mindflare.com/cipher/jcrc4.cpp , already implements the cipher
correctly).  I'm inquiring regarding the impact of the changes on the
security of the cipher.

Grace & Peace,

> -Original Message-
> From: Neil Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 9:29 PM
> To: Jeremy Lennert; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; R. A. Hettinga
> Subject: Re: Jail Cell Cipher (modified RC4)
> Yep, I stand corrected.
> Another place to check is Cyber (or is it Cypher Saber ?).
> You can get it
> by going to
> http://www.diceware.com and hunting around.  It has a
> disscusion on learning
> how to implement RC4.
> -neil

Re: Mostly untraceable ordering of books by mail

2002-02-22 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 10:10 PM -0800 on 2/22/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> is there anything like the amex/711 card now?  I looked up "anonymous
> internet payments" and most were still connected to a credit card or bank
> account.

Not yet. :-).


R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

RE: Was Pearl Sacrificed by the Patriotic WSJ?

2002-02-22 Thread Blanc

>From John Young:

: On January 23, 2002, Daniel Pearl went to a meeting
: arranged to investigate Richard Reid and was kidnapped.
: The kidnappers claimed Pearl was an intelligence agent;
: the Journal has denied it.

I heard on the radio that in the video of Daniel Pearl he was seen speaking,
apparently saying something like "I am Jewish" or "my wife" or "father" -
something like that, a relative - is Jewish, at which point someone grabbed
and killed him.  From this it seems it might have been his Jewishness, why
one of his captors became disturbed and immediately attacked him.


Re: Jail Cell Cipher (modified RC4)

2002-02-22 Thread Steve

Actually it was Bruce Schneier who created Solitaire (Pontifex) for
Cryptonomicon, The basic algorithm is in the back of the book, plus there
are several code implementations on the counterpane labs site.
-Original Message-
From: Neil Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, February 22, 2002 11:30 PM
Subject: Re: Jail Cell Cipher (modified RC4)

>I believe that Ron Rivest (the R in RC4) has already created a version for
>"jail-cell" use.
>Pick up a copy of "Cryptonomicon" by Neal Stephenson. It's used in the book
>and there is an appendix in
>the back that explains the algorithm in good detail. (Stephenson calls it
>"Pontifex" in the book).
>It works with playing cards, that would probably be less conspicuous in
>than pencil and paper.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Jeremy Lennert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 7:06 PM
>Subject: Jail Cell Cipher (modified RC4)
>> I am attempting to modify the RC4 cipher to be paper-and-pencil
>> I realize that others have tried to construct secure paper-and-pencil
>> ciphers, but I would be very appreciative of any input you may have.  In
>> particular, if you are aware of (or can invent) any cryptanalytical
>> of practical use against this cipher, I would appreciate it if you would
>> send me a description of those attacks.
>> The keystream generator is the same as standard RC4, but the permutation
>> table is smaller (37 entries instead of 256) and the key-scheduling
>> algorithm has been completely changed.
>> A more detailed description and a partial analysis can be found here:
>> http://www.mindflare.com/cipher
>> The source code for a C++ program implementing the cipher can be found
>> (and is also attached):
>> http://www.mindflare.com/jcrc4.cpp
>> although the goal is for the cipher to be paper-and-pencil-computable
>> If there is anything I can do to help you understand the cipher, or if
>> have any input, please do not hesitate to contact me.  My email address
>> Thanks for your time,
>> Jeremy
>> [demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream
>had a name of jcrc4.cpp]

Re: Mostly untraceable ordering of books by mail

2002-02-22 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 1:28 AM -0500 on 2/23/02, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> You  may be thinking of the Amex/711 stored value card. Check wired.com
> archives for background. I think it is no longer being offered.

There were several of these kinds of things floating around during the bubble.

Here's a somewhat reputable one, from a talk given couple of years ago to
DCSB, pointed to teenagers.


--- begin forwarded text

Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 07:20:52 -0400
From: "R. A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DCSB: Yiannis Tsiounis; InternetCash and the "loading" problem
Cc: Yiannis Tsiounis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Bruce Schneier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "R. A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


[Note that the Harvard Club is now "business casual". No more jackets and
ties... --RAH]

  The Digital Commerce Society of Boston


  Yiannis Tsiounis
  Chief Technology Officer,
   InternetCash.com, Inc.

   Prepaid internet cash cards:
   The InternetCash Experience

 Tuesday, May 2nd, 2000
12 - 2 PM
The Downtown Harvard Club of Boston
   One Federal Street, Boston, MA

InternetCash is an alternative Internet payment method; effectively an
"electronic cash" system. The design requirements behind InternetCash
were: Accessibility, Ease of Use, Efficiency (to allow for
micropayments), Security and Anonymity. The similarity to real cash
prompted the creation of a pre-paid card system that satisfies all of the
above requirements. Accessibility is achieved through physical
distribution of the product - which can be liberal due to the Point Of
Sale Activation methods employed. Such distribution also achieves
anonymity and drives consumers to InternetCash's web site. Ease of use is
brought on by the public's familiarity with pre-paid phone cards and the
simplicity of InternetCash's interface. Efficiency is achieved via the
use of lightweight cryptographic algorithms. Security is provided by the
cryptographic algorithms, as well as via the use of a customer-selected

The talk will provide an overview of InternetCash, with an insight to
both the advantages and the hurdles of an electronic cash system which
contains a physical part - in this case a pre-paid InternetCash card.
Security and anonymity will be discussed, as well as future enhancements
and ways in which InternetCash's infrastructure can be used for other
Internet payment methods - most notably debit cards.

Dr. Yiannis Tsiounis is the Chief Technology Officer of InternetCash.com,
Inc., since May '99, where he is responsible for the design,
architecture, development and deployment of secure and anonymous
e-commerce systems. Previously, Dr. Tsiounis was a Senior Member of
Technical Staff at GTE Laboratories, Inc., since '95. There he initiated
and was responsible for the design and development of smart-card based
electronic payment systems, and the design of algorithms and standards
for cellular phone authentication and encryption. Dr. Tsiounis holds a
Ph.D. in Cryptography (electronic cash) and a M.Sc. in Computer Science
(computer networks) from Northeastern University, Boston, MA; and a BA in
Applied Mathematics from University of Athens. He is publishing in
Cryptography and Security conferences worldwide, and has submitted
patents in electronic cash.

This meeting of the Digital Commerce Society of Boston will be held on
Tuesday, May 2nd, 2000, from 12pm - 2pm at the Downtown Branch of the
Harvard Club of Boston, on One Federal Street. The price for lunch is
$35.00. This price includes lunch, room rental, A/V hardware if
necessary, and the speakers' lunch. The Harvard Club has relaxed its
dress code, which is now "business casual", meaning no sneakers or jeans.
Fair warning: since we purchase these luncheons in advance, we will be
unable to refund the price of your meal if the Club finds you in
violation of what's left of its dress code.

We need to receive a company check, or money order, (or, if we *really*
know you, a personal check) payable to "The Harvard Club of Boston", by
Saturday, April 29th, or you won't be on the list for lunch. Checks
payable to anyone else but The Harvard Club of Boston will have to be
sent back.

Checks should be sent to Robert Hettinga, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston,
Massachusetts, 02131. Again, they *must* be made payable to "The Harvard
Club of Boston", in the amount of $35.00. Please include your e-mail
address so that we can send you a confirmation

If anyone has questions, or has a problem with these arrangements (We've
had to work with glacial A/P departments more than once, for instance),
please let us know via e-mail, and we'll see if we can work something

Upcoming speakers for DCSB are:


RE: Jail Cell Cipher (modified RC4)

2002-02-22 Thread Jeremy Lennert

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Jeremy Lennert
> Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:16 PM
> To: 'Neil Johnson'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'R. A. Hettinga'
> Subject: CDR: RE: Jail Cell Cipher (modified RC4)
> I'm not having difficulty with the implementation (the C++
> code included in
> my first message, also available at
> http://www.mindflare.com/cipher/jcrc4.cpp , already
> implements the cipher
> correctly).  I'm inquiring regarding the impact of the changes on the
> security of the cipher.

I'm sorry, I don't think I said that very clearly.

CipherSaber discusses computer implementations for RC4.  I'm attempting to
construct a paper-and-pencil implementation of a modified version of RC4,
while still keeping the cipher secure against computer cryptanalytic

A description of the modified RC4 (and a brief description of the goal), as
I mentioned earlier, is available here:


Thanks for your time,

The Latest Web Technologies 6893vl5

2002-02-22 Thread Katie2156s81
I noticed your email address on a listserv related to next generation web solutions and strategic use of the Internet.Are you interested to learn more about a breakthrough new solution that will enable you to develop professional quality web sites, intranets, extranets and portals for a fraction of the cost, time and complexity of traditional approaches?With your permission, we would like to send you some information regarding our solutions which typically save our clients over 60% and shorten implementation timeframes by up to 90%. To receive more information, as well as a highly rated white paper about new trends in web development, please click here.We look forward to speaking with you.Sincerely,Ryan Kelley

Re: Was Pearl Sacrificed by the Patriotic WSJ?

2002-02-22 Thread Eric Cordian

Blanc writes:

> I heard on the radio that in the video of Daniel Pearl he was seen speaking,
> apparently saying something like "I am Jewish" or "my wife" or "father" -
> something like that, a relative - is Jewish, at which point someone grabbed
> and killed him.  From this it seems it might have been his Jewishness, why
> one of his captors became disturbed and immediately attacked him.

Pearl said "I am Jewish.  My mother is Jewish", then his throat was cut,
and then he was beheaded.

Judaism is inherited on the maternal side, of course.

The manner in which he was killed mirrored the standard Islamic animal
sacrifice, in which a sheep or goat has its throat cut, and then its head
cut off.

The message here seems to be "Here is what happens to Jews who work
against Islam."  Whether being a WSJ reporter is anti-Islamic enough or
whether there is in fact an intelligence connection remains to be seen.

While all of this is very tough shit for Mr. Pearl, life is cheap in
Islamic societies, and there is a huge amount of hypocrisy in Shrub
railing against the alleged human rights violations by the Taliban, while 
people in Saudi Arabia, our great partner in the war against "Terrorism",
get their heads chopped off for "sorcery."

Mr. Pearl's last moments, coming soon to alt.binaries.pictures.tasteless,
no doubt.

Well, at least it isn't child porn.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

Re: RE: Jail Cell Cipher (modified RC4)

2002-02-22 Thread Joseph Ashwood

- Original Message -
From: "Jeremy Lennert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Neil Johnson'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:15 PM
Subject: CDR: RE: Jail Cell Cipher (modified RC4)

> I'm not having difficulty with the implementation (the C++ code included
> my first message, also available at
> http://www.mindflare.com/cipher/jcrc4.cpp , already implements the cipher
> correctly).  I'm inquiring regarding the impact of the changes on the
> security of the cipher.

Unfortunately it has a rather damning effect on the cipher. First in the key
scheduling there is a distinct possibility of keys that are impossible. It
assumes that all K[i] are generators mod 37, so using a key where the offset
is 0 will result in an infinite loop in the key scheduling, this is
obviously a bad design decision. Second the distinguisher from random for
such a small RC4 state would require a relatively small known plaintext. In
fact at that size I think there are better attacks against it than the
distinguishers known for full sized RC4. I believe it would be achievable to
actually determine that complete state, although it would take more
significant amounts of work than would be applied to most inmate mail (an
encrypted message would probably be simply discarded and never delivered).

I don't think this reduced version of RC4 would be very suitable even
assuming a perfect delivery mechanism. I've actually considered a similar
question before
4%241%40nntp9.atl.mindspring.net&frame=off), I never managed to come up with
anything really suitable. I did find a solution where the inmate is given a
computer and a compiler, use RC5 to key itself (very similar to Blowfish), a
128-bit block, and 20 rounds. Should withstand pretty much any analysis work
(except "throw it in the trash" cryptanalysis). This suffers from being
difficult to calculate with a pencil and paper, and so doesn't really fit
the requirement for a jail cell cipher.

Using full RC4 is actually doable. Take a sheet (or multiple sheets) of
paper, create 3 sets of 0,...,255 numbers. on a large table in front of you
(or in a controlled grid) place the first 0...255 set in order, that's your
state array, the other two sets are for your i and j values. If a guard is
approaching and the data must be destroyed simply blow very hard and all the
numbers are scrambled. Of course you will probably be adding and subtracting
instead of performing XOR. This is obviously pain-staking, and slow, but it
will offer the same security as a computer running the RC4 algorithm.