Basa Andere,(Basque, forest-woman)

2002-03-13 Thread matthew X

Basa Andere
Rufus C. Camphausen
(Basque, forest-woman) In Basque legend Basa Andere is said to be a 
beautiful woman, perfectly shaped for love and covered all over with 
soft, golden hair like a cat's. This Basque wild lady can usually be met 
near a sunlit stream in a forest, where she awaits the wanderer while 
combing the hair of her soft belly with a golden comb.  She will smile 
lovingly at the man, lie back with open legs, and offer him first a view of 
the beautiful moist flower between her thighs, and then entrance into her 
warm and fragrant body.  It is said that the pleasure of making love to a 
Basa Andere is so intense that a man will die from it at the height of his 
orgasm.  The dead are found with their backs arched in the agony of 
unimaginable pleasure.
(From The Encyclopedia of Erotic Wisdom by Rufus Camphausen, 1991. 
Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions)
Fuck me dead.

Take Advantage of Low rates NOW!

2002-03-13 Thread osafj
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Terrorist parasite quotes Bob Black on anarchism.

2002-03-13 Thread matthew X

...My own conception of anarchism, which I think is also that of the 
classical anarchists, is that the feasibility of anarchism does not depend 
upon angelic assumptions about human nature. Critics of the anarchists 
always accuse them of idealizing ordinary people, but thats not true. 
Anarchists have no use for notions of original sin, but usually they dont 
posit that people are much smarter or better than they actually are. 
Anarchists have produced plenty of saints and heroes, but anarchy does not 
require saints and heroes, although it welcomes them. The most plausible 
and reasonable of anarchists, such as Proudhon and Kropotkin, properly 
pointed to the very substantial extent to which even society as we 
experience it, as experienced by people as they now are, is anarchistic. 
Authority is always parasitic upon anarchy. Authority cannot do without 
anarchy, but anarchy can do without authority (if you dont think so, call 
yourself anything you like  except anarchist)...FROM

Bob Blacks abolition of work.

2002-03-13 Thread matthew X

...the cyberpunks Bruce Sterling and Lewis Shiner, have drawn on The 
Abolition of Work in sketching zero-work lifestyles which variously turn 
on technology.  In Islands in the Net, Sterling extrapolates from several 
anti-work stances: the avant-garde job enrichment (as Steele would say) 
of the laid-back Rhizome multinational; the selective post-punk high-tech 
of Singapore's Anti-Labour Party; and the post-agricultural guerrilla 
nomadism of Tuareg insurgents in Africa.  He incorporates a few of my 
phrases verbatim.  Shiner in Slam recounts an individual anti-work odyssey 
expressly indebted to several Loompanics books, including a major 
inspiration for this novel, The Abolition of Work by Bob Black.  If I am 
skeptical about liberation through high-tech it mainly because the techies 
aren't even exploring the possibility, and if they don't, who will?  They 
are all worked up over nanotechnology, the as-yet-nonexistent technology of 
molecular mechanical manipulation -- that SF cliche, the matter transformer 
-- without showing any interest in what work, if any, would be left to be 
done in such a hypertech civilization.  So I find low-tech decentralization 
the more credible alternative for now...FROM

re: order [lugp2]

2002-03-13 Thread fmmaahdxystpqaim
Title: Accept Credit Carts today!

Slashdot | Document Retention And E-mail

2002-03-13 Thread James Choate

Re: CDR: movie rating explosion as every cause-celebre gets its share

2002-03-13 Thread An Metet

Major Variola writes:

 Caveat: its not State Censorship unless the govt requires these new
 movie ratings. If (and only if) a theatre is free to show rated, or
 unrated movies as it sees fit, then it is merely another PC fringe
 making their mark, pissing on the movie screen.

 If the rating is *required* by the state (Parental Advisory ---cf
 Zappa's _The Mothers of Prevention_ album featuring Tipper Gore and
 Shithead Helms) then some folks need killin' (tm).

 We await PETA requesting Carnivory labels on movies... just to see
 how they rate _Silence of the Lambs_

 Study: Factor tobacco into movie ratings

 New report criticizes tobacco product placement in films

 March 12, 2002 Posted: 11:39 AM EST (1639 GMT)

 SACRAMENTO, California (AP) -- Citing a new study that examines the
 ties between Hollywood and cigarette makers, health advocates are
 calling for the film industry to incorporate tobacco as a factor in
 determining movie ratings.

 The study, published Tuesday in the health journal Tobacco Control,
 says cigarette companies aggressively pursued product placement in
 films in the 1980s and undertook an extensive campaign to hook
 Hollywood on tobacco by providing free cigarettes to actors.

Yeah, it's another Stan Glantz special - I really wish somebody would give
that guy a freakin' job. You can't read the SF Chronicle for 3 days without some piece 
of statistical flummery from that idiot making an appearance.

Professor of Medicine my auntie's fat ass. He's a mechanical engineer...

Dr. Strangelove
What, me worry? -- Alfred E. Neumann

YOU be the DRIVER!! (1864@4)

2002-03-13 Thread ouccash001
Title: Untitled Document

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  To be removed:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: movie rating explosion as every cause-celebre gets its share

2002-03-13 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 12:04 PM -0500 on 3/13/02, An Metet wrote:

 Major Variola writes:

 We await PETA requesting Carnivory labels on movies... just to see
 how they rate _Silence of the Lambs_

Nahh... Humans aren't animals, so, according to PETA, they can eat each
other all they want...

Next thing you know, they'll discover that Fava beans have a nervous

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Slashdot | Mapping The CIA Nonclassified Network (just for Tim)

2002-03-13 Thread Jim Choate


Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


new anti-terrorist legislation in au

2002-03-13 Thread matthew X

This is a summary of the main bill, which proposes to introduce terrorism 
offences into the Criminal Code, and also inserts treason offences into the 

A website could be set up running a lottery for the successful 
predictions of the deaths of overbearing public officials. Using 
encryption and digital cash the whole exercise would be within the law 
because the person who made the successful prediction would be anonymous 
and their reward would be untrackable, Mr Bell wrote. murray Mottram,the Age.

hashcash-0.14: new hashcash format

2002-03-13 Thread Adam Back

I made a number of improvements to the hashcash software to make it
into a more robust and better documented unix tool, including man page.

In doing this I changed the date format to be the simpler and more
human readable YYMMDD rather than 5 digit days since begining of unix

So the tokens now look like:

020314:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:7a3ed56af63b7ef1

and the tool is more picky about returning error codes, it will only
return success if you really check every aspect (the resource string,
the number of bits of collision, and whether the token is double

See the man page

for all new usage and database.

(It can also support an extended date format based on UTCTIME: of
YY[MM[DD[hh[mm[ss]'Z' where stuff in [] is optional for tokens
with long or short validity periods, but just creates the human YYMMDD
format by default).

I made a lot of changes, so if anyone finds any bugs or portability
issues let me know.  The double spend database is not backwards-
compatible as I re-wrote it pretty much from scratch and changed the


Anarchists hijack police protest in London.

2002-03-13 Thread matthew X
Anarchists hijack police protest
(13th March 2002. Reports from u75 boards, Indymedia and Guardian)
Anarchists turn up at Police protest
IN what has to be one of the most surreal protests of the year, police 
officers from across Britain gathered around Parliament to protest at 
reforms to the police service proposed by the home secretary, David Blunkett.
Banned from actually demonstrating in uniform or with placards, hundreds of 
men with skintight haircuts loitered around Westminster seeking more money. 
One figure dressed as John Bull and covered in Union Jacks displayed a sign 
New Labour, the boys in Blues are sick of you.
The police brass band complete with plastic 'bobbie' helmets drafted in for 
the day were drowned out when an assortment of Globalisation, environmental 
and social justice campaigners turned up with a Samba band. As the media 
descended upon the activists, signs were displayed with Remember the 
Miners slogans and others highlighting oppressive policing of protests.
Great humour was shown by the anti-capitalist protesters who handed out 
leaflets saying, We demand a zero hour week for the police to give them 
fair times for reading, leisure activities with their friends or perhaps 
their partners, time for giving vent to their frustrations by making love, 
and to play football with the local kids and for chats with elderly 
passers-by, with who they could discuss the meaning of freedom.
Even the cops found it funny, with Constable Phil Bennett, of Thames Valley 
police, saying he found the leaflets hilarious and that they were going 
to publish it in their next magazine.
Shouts of You've had your protest, now go home were shouted at the 
throngs of officers as a humourous reminder of what is heard from police at 
each demonstration. One seething officer from East London told 
undercurrents that he wasn't allowed to bring a banner but the anarchists 
could, and that it wasn't fair.
  The Home secretary attempts at creating a new type of civilian police 
force has angered many in the force. Some activists called for officers to 
strike on Mayday and others displayed a banner saying 'Anarchy is 
Attractive'. A reference to a Lambeth Police Commander who stated the 
anarchist way of life attracted him.
Meanwhile Mr Blair PM,is still insisting that the majority of police 
officers agreed with his government. Someone has to we guess.

Re: Tims whinging,what a fuckin'JOKE!

2002-03-13 Thread profrv

Has anyone seen my  mind I think i have lost it.

On 14 Mar 2002 at 14:12, matthew X wrote:

  Please, people, take more care in not quoting entire news articles and 
 then adding a line or two of comment. (This is sometimes called 
 bottom-posting. And top-posting is just as bad. Try to trim down the 
 quoted content to half a screen, maybe 3/4 of a screen. If the new content 
 has not started by the bottom of a normal screenful, that's not right.
 This must be that netiquette stuff I hear of sometimes,it sounds 
 reasonable...coming from Mongo ,that worries me.
   Also annoying these last few months of the Cypherpunks list have been 
 the Reformatted: Another stupid Yahoo article posts.
 Like the one directly above?:) From Choate!
   Someone forward Yet Another News Article (YANA), then someone else 
 reposts it with formatting errors fixed. Jeesh. It's bad enough seeing 
 endless b.s. articles which are available to all clued persons, even though 
 with dial-up connections (like me), on numerous Web sites.
 Bad as YAMA,(yet another Mongo article.) I want something done!
  At least we succeeded in breaking Choate of this habit
 Yeah,we shure showed that varmit,he'll never pop up next to you with a YANA 
 from Yahoo again,the rodent.HAHAHA! a slew of Choate wannabees are posting YANAs here.
 Choate wannabees,The skin crawls,Tim as stephen King! Still,If your not 
 the coward from corralito's hows about naming names? I dont see no slew.Two 
 gun Tim getting 'slew' on the draw?
   --Tim May You don't expect governments to obey the law because of some 
 higher moral development. You expect them to obey the law because they know 
 that if they don't, those who aren't shot will be hanged. - -Michael Shirley
 Those who dont obey the laws on this list ought to be shot or hanged? Give 
 it up fuckface,we dont need no steenkin advice.

AU Spooks lie down with dogs.(and lick uncle sams boots)

2002-03-13 Thread matthew X
Australia's bloody East Timor secret
Spy intercepts confirm Government knew of Jakarta's hand in massacres
By Hamish McDonald, International Editor
The Australian Government sat on explosive intelligence material which 
showed the direct involvement of senior Indonesian army generals in the 
violence which swept East Timor in 1999.
Defence sources in Canberra have given details of how Australian electronic 
eavesdroppers intercepted secret messages between the Indonesian officers 
who ran a campaign of fear to deter the East Timorese from voting for 
But virtually none of the collected evidence, which could be vital to 
finding the masterminds responsible for crimes against humanity, has been 
shared with United Nations investigators.
This is because of concerns that Indonesia would adopt countermeasures to 
foil future interception operations by the Defence Signals Directorate.
Transcripts of the DSD intercepts revealed to the Herald show a covert 
chain of command down from the then President B.J. Habibie's co-ordinating 
minister for politics and security, General Feisal Tanjung, to army 
generals and colonels on the ground in East Timor.
It provides evidence for the first time that Tanjung, a career special 
forces and paratroop officer, used a network of similar minded officers in 
a campaign to avert a vote for independence in the United 
Nations-supervised ballot on August 30, 1999.
When this failed to their enormous surprise, a DSD intercept shows the 
officers then organised the forced deportation of one third of East Timor's 
population and the destruction of infrastructure, with the assistance of 
two other ministers in Habibie's cabinet the former generals A.M. 
Hendropriyono and Mohammad Yunus Yosfiah.
Three Indonesian army and police generals who were in charge of security 
for East Timor in 1999 are among 18 suspects whose trials begin in Jakarta 
today over four militia rampages in Liquica, Dili and Suai. But the 
generals who planned and directed the militia operation appear likely to 
escape indictment.
The leak of highly classified intelligence material is the first time raw 
DSD intercepts relating to a contemporary event have been disclosed. It 
reflects deep disquiet in defence circles that Canberra at first downplayed 
the high-level Indonesian military involvement with the militias blaming it 
on rogue elements and since then has not used it to help war crimes 
Intercepts in February 1999 show Jakarta had sent detachments of special 
forces, code-named Tribuana and Venus, to begin black operations in East 
Timor, and that a commander based in Bali, Major-General Mahidin Simbolon, 
was referring to a militia group as his crew.
As the militia campaign geared up with massacres of independence supporters 
in April, the DSD picked up conversations in which the East Timor army 
commander, Colonel Tono Suratman, is supervising the notorious militia 
leader Eurico Guterres.
Other messages include the allocation of radio frequencies by the 
Indonesian military command in Jakarta to militia groups, and a general in 
Jakarta's military intelligence agency organising T-shirts for 
demonstrations against the United Nations mission supervising the ballot.
The intercepts show the key officer running the militia in East Timor, 
Major-General Zacky Anwar Makarim, was ready to assassinate Guterres if he 
changed sides after the vote.
One intercept indicates that just after the arrival on September 20 of the 
international security force led by Australia's Major-General Peter 
Cosgrove, the covert campaign chiefs had sent in hit squads of special 
forces troops, code-named Kiper-9, to target independence leaders and 
turncoats from the pro-Indonesian cause.
The unfinished story of accountability in East Timor hangs over moves by 
the United States and Australia to improve contacts with Indonesian 
military and security agencies to pursue their campaign against terrorism.
The retired general Hendropriyono, who as transmigration minister in 1999 
helped set up the camps into which East Timorese deportees were driven, was 
recently made head of Indonesia's National Intelligence Body.
On his visit to Jakarta last month, the Prime Minister, John Howard, 
accepted an Indonesian proposal to step up intelligence exchanges with this 

Tired of Getting Pig Headed Underwriting?

2002-03-13 Thread Gina Corleone
Title: Tired of Getting "Pig Headed Underwriting?"




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Indon E/Timor atrocity organizer moved to Papua

2002-03-13 Thread matthew X

Silence over a crime against humanity
International Editor Hamish McDonald reveals the critical evidence 
Australia's spy chiefs have kept hidden, as trials begin in Jakarta today 
over violence during East Timor's independence vote.
The evidence is contained in the most tightly held archive in Canberra: the 
electronic data base of the Defence Signals Direct-orate (DSD), the result 
of months intercepting secret communications between Indonesian officers 
involved in a shadowy campaign to thwart East Timorese hopes of 
independence in 1999.
Some details of this vast intelligence record have been revealed for the 
first time to the Herald by senior defence community sources in Canberra. 
They are dismayed at a huge crime against humanity, committed on 
Australia's doorstep and under the eyes of the United Nations, remaining 
The DSD intercepts map out the chain of command, from the local militias 
and covert Indonesian forces in East Timor up to one of the most feared 
military men in Jakarta, General Feisal Tanjung, whose involvement has so 
far escaped mention in human rights investigations.
The defence sources also say that some of this critical intelligence in the 
first half of 1999, pointing to high-level Indonesian involvement, was not 
included in intelligence exchanged with United States' agencies at a time 
when the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade was blaming the militia 
violence on rogue elements in the Indonesian army.
The tensions this caused between Canberra's Defence Intelligence 
Organisation and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) have 
been seen as contributing to the June 1999 suicide of the DIO liaison 
officer in Washington, Lieutenant-Colonel Merv Jenkins, after he was 
questioned by DFAT security officials about Australian Eyes Only material 
shared with American counterparts.
The intercepts, contained in files classified as Secret Spoke (meaning 
derived from intercepted clear-voice telephone calls) or Top Secret Umbra 
(derived from encrypted or scrambled voice communications), have not been 
shared with UN or other investigators.
But they include details of command and communications hierarchies that 
would provide vital evidence for international-standard war crimes 
tribunals, such as those prosecutions being mounted in The Hague against 
politicians and generals in the former Yugoslavia.
Instead of setting up such a tribunal for East Timor, the UN has stood back 
for 21/2 years to let Jakarta fulfil its promise to mount its own trials of 
those responsible for the 1999 massacres, abductions, coerced population 
movements and destruction.
In Jakarta, the first trial is due to begin today, with former East Timor 
governor Abilio Soares and former provincial police chief Brigadier-General 
Timbul Silaen accused of crimes against humanity involving widespread 
attacks on civilians.
Silaen is one of three generals among the 18 military personnel and 
civilian militia leaders accused of participation or responsibility in some 
of the more large-scale acts of murder in 1999. The other two are 
Major-General Adam Damiri, former head of the Udayana regional command, 
which included East Timor, and Brigadier-General Tono Suratman, who was 
East Timor military commander for much of 1999.
To the extent they face substantial punishment the three still seem to be 
in the pipeline for promotion within the army and police these generals and 
a number of colonels and junior officers appear to be the sacrifices to 
appease foreign and local concerns.
The senior generals who were more closely supervising the militia campaign 
on the ground in East Timor, and who reported directly to top military 
figures in Jakarta, have been left off the list of accused, although some 
were named as suspects in Indonesia's special human rights commission 
report in February 2000.
So far, it appears the Indonesian legal process, while concentrating on 
specific incidents of terror, has not attempted to lay overall blame for 
the militia campaign ahead of the August 30, 1999, vote, or for the 
systematic drive after the result was announced to deport the population 
and lay waste to the territory.
The Indonesian armed forces commander and defence minister at the time, 
General Wiranto, was forced to resign from his later cabinet post as 
co-ordinating political and security minister after the February 2000 
report said he carried moral responsibility for the violence, given that 
Indonesia had guaranteed security for East Timor's referendum.
But now Wiranto also appears to be a fall guy, in terms of political, if 
not legal, responsibility. In all the inquiries so far, little attention 
has been given to the role of Feisal Tanjung, Wiranto's predecessor as 
armed forces commander then as political-security minister, whose pivotal 
role in instigating, planning and executing the militia campaign is brought 
into focus by the DSD intercepts.
Normally, the political-security 

Who passes laws in the wet spot?

2002-03-13 Thread matthew X

Unparliamentary behaviour reported in the house
By Ian Munro
March 14 2002
The English have long demonstrated that sex and politics do mix, if not 
quite in the manner demonstrated last week in the Northern Territory 
The territory's honourable members, at least, were in recess late on Friday 
when a government staffer and his girlfriend are believed to have had sex 
in the parliamentary chamber.
Initially their coupling occurred in the Speaker's chair, but they also 
pushed aside the Despatch Box to make room on the chamber's central table 
according to claims made in Darwin yesterday.
The Clerk of the NT Parliament, Ian McNeill, yesterday examined security 
video footage and security access records to determine who had access to 
the chamber about 10.30pm on Friday in order to prepare a report to the 
Speaker Loraine Braham.
Ms Braham said that after confirming a former ministerial staff member had 
made an unauthorised entry to the chamber, she was considering asking the 
Director of Public Prosecutions if there was a case to answer
I am investigating my powers as Speaker under the Powers and Privileges 
Act to prohibit the offenders from entering the parliamentary precinct 
again, she said.
The Opposition Whip first raised concerns about the claims that were aired 
on Darwin radio yesterday morning, Mr McNeill said.
It appeared the couple gained access to the chamber through an area 
occupied by the opposition. (This) is one of those days you reckon you 
should have played golf, he said.
He said security cameras outside the chamber, and coded access cards would 
register who was in the surrounds of the chamber late on Friday.
We have a few members to talk to, Mr McNeill said.FROM
On TV this morning was leaders press secretary,said he wanted to go out 
with a bang.


2002-03-13 Thread matthew X

Revolt in France Paris 1968 analysis and eyewitness accounts In May 1968 
student protests and the brutal police repression of them helped spark off 
a general strike involving some 12 million workers. You can download, print 
out and hopefully distribute a PDF booklet that describes these events in 
detail by going to When France 
rebelled People think of revolutions as buried deep in history. Yet in 1968 
France was on the verge of a total revolt with 12 million workers on 
strike, 122 factories occupied, and students fighting against the old 
moribund system in which they found themselves. Paris May 1968 An 
eyewitness account from a member of the English libertarian communist 
organisation Solidarity who visited Paris in May and produced this detailed 
account of events Read the texts online or print out the PDF booklet from -- 
3000 + pages on anarchism, Ireland, Zapatistas revolutionary history and 
struggles around globalistaion

Independent Trade Union Fifty thousand oil workers in Daqing in northeast China.(DUMP RSA!)

2002-03-13 Thread matthew X

50,000 Daqing Oilfield Workers Organise Independent Trade Union Fifty 
thousand oil workers in Daqing in northeast China stage mass demonstrations 
and organize an independent union in a struggle against retrenchment. The 
incident represents a significant yet precarious development in recent 
labour organizing in China -- the local authorities responded by sending 
para-military police and deploying a PLA tank regiment. China Labour 
Bulletin has talked with the organizers, officials of the local government 
and the government-run Heilongjiang Federation of Trade Unions. For CLB's 
special report and press release, please go to The Daqing 
Retrenched Workers' Provisional Union Committee stands as the first 
successful independent union organizing effort in China since the 1990s. To 
date, the union is still operating underground to avoid repression. CLB 
will follow the matter closely, and will keep you updated on this 
significant move of retrenched state workers.

Re: Tims whinging,what a fuckin'JOKE!

2002-03-13 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anyone seen my  mind I think i have lost it.

I just knew that jam on my peanut butter didn't taste right...


Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


Fw: VDipl The Internet and the Changing Face of International Relations and Security (fwd)

2002-03-13 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 22:38:18 -0500
Subject: Fw: VDipl The Internet and the Changing Face of International Relations and 

A few interesting articles below offering a global view w/ some
European flavors.

An editorial by Andeas Wenger is here:

The overall work index can be found here:

Particularly interesting are the works in the THE HUMAN MIND AS
and in particular some of the perspectives outined regarding the
differences of strategic approaches between NATO and the EU with
regards to participation in and regulation of the global Internet.

Can you say subconcious collateral damage?  It's an interesting spin
on the age old thought crimes.  Hmm... memeocide.

- Original Message -
From: Margarita Studemeister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 9:18 AM
Subject: VDipl The Internet and the Changing Face of International
Relations and Security

 This message forwarded by the Virtual Diplomacy mailing list:

 Andreas Wenger, editor, The Internet and the Changing Face of
 International Relations and Security, Information  Security, volume
 2001. Hard copy: ISSN 1311-1493; available online,


 Andreas Wenger
 The Internet and the Changing Face of International Relations and


 Giampiero Giacomello and Fernando Mendez
 Cuius Regio, Eius Religio, Omnium Spatium? State Sovereignty in
 Age of the Internet

 Sheryl J. Brown and Margarita S. Studemeister
 Virtual Diplomacy: Rethinking Foreign Policy Practice in the

 Dieter Zinnbauer
 Internet, Civil Society and Global Governance: The Neglected
 Dimension of the Digital Divide


 Peter Westrin
 Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP)

 Ralf Bendrath
 The Cyberwar Debate: Perception and Politics in US Critical
 Infrastructure Protection

 Michael Näf
 Ubiquitous Insecurity? How to Hack IT Systems


 Andrew Rathmell
 Controlling Computer Network Operations

 Myriam A. Dunn
 The Cyberspace Dimension in Armed Conflict: Approaching a Complex
 with Assistance of the Morphological Method

 Timothy Thomas
 The Internet in China: Civilian and Military Uses


 This message is forwarded by the Virtual Diplomacy mailing lista
list moderated by US Institute of Peace for the presentation of
issues, ideas and conference agendas related to the impact of new
information and communications technologies on international conflict
resolution, (see

  To subscribe to the Virtual Diplomacy discussion, send a message
with your name, organizational affiliation, and a brief description of
your interests to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To send a message
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2002-03-13 Thread Sandy Sandfort


Because of CRYPTIC SEDUCTION's Cypherpunk connection, I thought it would be
appropriate to present you with a unique opportunity.

The adult film market has been flat for some period of time and I see no
signs of an upturn any time soon.  I'm tired of waiting for the right market
and so are some of my shareholders.  So we've decided to bring this chapter
to a close--even at a loss--rather than drag it on any longer.  So have
decided to sell off the movie and dissolve the company as soon as possible.

To that end, I am soliciting bids for the purchase of all the assets of
Desdaemona--the remaining rights, documentation and inventory of CRYPTIC
SEDUCTION.  To insure a quick sale, I am setting a deadline for bids of noon
PST, March 20, 2002.

I think it's only fair that Cypherpunks--the inspiration for CRYPTIC
SEDUCTION--should get a bite at the apple.  Attached, is a Word document
you may use to bid on CRYPTIC SEDUCTION.  Who knows?  If you are the winning
bidder, you may end up owning CRYPTIC SEDUCTION for a fraction of the
$30,000 it cost to produce it.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by e-mail or phone
(510-839-3441).  Remember, the deadline is noon, one week from today.

 S a n d y

P.S.  If the list chokes on the Word attachment, here it is in text form.


March 13, 2002

Dear Cypherpunk:

Thank you for your interest in bidding on all rights (less TV rights),
documentation and inventory for the adult feature, CRYPTIC SEDUCTION.  In
order to participate in the bidding, you will need to fill out the bid form
at the bottom of this letter, sign it and mail or fax it to us at the
address/number, below.  To quality for consideration, it must be received by
noon PST, Wednesday March 20, 2002.

If yours is the highest bid, you will be notified at that time.  To complete
the purchase of CRYPTIC SEDUCTION you must immediately remit payment to us
via wire transfer, cashiers check or the equivalent.  If full payment is not
received by noon PST, Friday March 22, 2002, we reserve the right to void
the sale.


Sandy Sandfort, Trustee

I hereby bid $___, as per the terms listed above, for the adult
motion picture, CRYPTIC SEDUCTION.





123 BAY PLACE, SUITE 301 • OAKLAND, CA • 94610
PHONE: 510-839-3441 • FAX: 858-630-4116

Signature   __   Date __

Description: MS-Word document

RE: Slashdot | Document Retention And E-mail

2002-03-13 Thread Steve Schear

At 01:43 PM 3/13/2002 -0500, Trei, Peter wrote:
Steve, are you suggesting that making documents into active
content is a good idea?

Microsoft Outlook letters with embedded scripting is bad enough.

Why not keep the documents on a central server, and the only
way you can access them is through a browser-type client which
enforces anti-screen scraping features.

Either way works.  The centralized approach means the docs can only be 
accessed while on-line, though it could offer increased security and better 
usage tracking and authentication.


A FREE Vacation for you - No strings attached!

2002-03-13 Thread trulyfree

I saw your listing on the Internet and thought you 
might like a FREE vacation.  

If you so, start packing your bags and grab your 
suntan lotion; the fun is just beginning! You're on 
your way to a fantastic getaway to your choice of 
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Go here to claim your FREE, no strings attached, 

If you appreciate this FREE gift from me, I would 
appreciate your signing up for my FREE Newsletter at:

But even if you don't sign up, you still get your 

Thank you for your time.

Most Sincerely,
Dave Beaman
Publisher of POVERTY SUCKS!

Money is NOT the root of all evil - POVERTY IS! 


2002-03-13 Thread matthew X

I do bid one spam sandwich

On 13 Mar 2002 at 19:51, Sandy Sandfort wrote:

 Because of CRYPTIC SEDUCTION's Cypherpunk connection, I thought it would be
 appropriate to present you with a unique opportunity.
 The adult film market has been flat for some period of time and I see no
 signs of an upturn any time soon.  I'm tired of waiting for the right market
 and so are some of my shareholders.  So we've decided to bring this chapter
 to a close--even at a loss--rather than drag it on any longer.  So have
 decided to sell off the movie and dissolve the company as soon as possible.
 To that end, I am soliciting bids for the purchase of all the assets of
 Desdaemona--the remaining rights, documentation and inventory of CRYPTIC
 SEDUCTION.  To insure a quick sale, I am setting a deadline for bids of noon
 PST, March 20, 2002.
 I think it's only fair that Cypherpunks--the inspiration for CRYPTIC
 SEDUCTION--should get a bite at the apple.  Attached, is a Word document
 you may use to bid on CRYPTIC SEDUCTION.  Who knows?  If you are the winning
 bidder, you may end up owning CRYPTIC SEDUCTION for a fraction of the
 $30,000 it cost to produce it.
 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by e-mail or phone
 (510-839-3441).  Remember, the deadline is noon, one week from today.
  S a n d y
 P.S.  If the list chokes on the Word attachment, here it is in text form.
 March 13, 2002
 Dear Cypherpunk:
 Thank you for your interest in bidding on all rights (less TV rights),
 documentation and inventory for the adult feature, CRYPTIC SEDUCTION.  In
 order to participate in the bidding, you will need to fill out the bid form
 at the bottom of this letter, sign it and mail or fax it to us at the
 address/number, below.  To quality for consideration, it must be received by
 noon PST, Wednesday March 20, 2002.
 If yours is the highest bid, you will be notified at that time.  To complete
 the purchase of CRYPTIC SEDUCTION you must immediately remit payment to us
 via wire transfer, cashiers check or the equivalent.  If full payment is not
 received by noon PST, Friday March 22, 2002, we reserve the right to void
 the sale.
 Sandy Sandfort, Trustee
 I hereby bid $___, as per the terms listed above, for the adult
 motion picture, CRYPTIC SEDUCTION.
 123 BAY PLACE, SUITE 301 • OAKLAND, CA • 94610
 PHONE: 510-839-3441 • FAX: 858-630-4116
 Signature __   Date __

Re: Slashdot | Document Retention And E-mail

2002-03-13 Thread Tim May

On Wednesday, March 13, 2002, at 10:43  AM, Trei, Peter wrote:

 Steve, are you suggesting that making documents into active
 content is a good idea?

 Microsoft Outlook letters with embedded scripting is bad enough.

 Why not keep the documents on a central server, and the only
 way you can access them is through a browser-type client which
 enforces anti-screen scraping features.

 Of course, if Hollings has his way, your SSSCA dis-equipped computer
 will do this all for you

As always, if a pair of eyeballs can see something, the jig is up. All 
the talk of anti-screen-scraping is just b.s.

This won't stop the shakedown artists in Washington, Ottawa, Paris, 
London, and so on from seeking to collect rent from hardware sold to the 

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that worked ...A complex system designed from scratch 
never  works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start 
over,  beginning with a working simple system. -- Grady Booch

Re: Slashdot | Document Retention And E-mail

2002-03-13 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Tim May wrote:

 A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
 simple system that worked ...A complex system designed from scratch 
 never  works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start 
 over,  beginning with a working simple system. -- Grady Booch

What works for software is not necessarily extensible to other regimes. A
good example of this is how normal engineering practices are worthless for
writing code. There is zero reason to believe that as a general rule the
process works the other way any better. I'm not sure I'd want to be in a
building built like most software is. You wouldn't even need to hit them
with an airplane to knock them down.

And as somebody that has to deal with his approach daily I can say it
ain't perfect either.

Ask a Booch accolade to define 'simple' and 'complex' sometime. It's
pretty funny.

It's worth the additional insite to realize you're participating in one of
my 'worthless' forwards. As much as you bitch even you must admit (through
your actions if not words, and which speaks louder?) you got sucked into
them...not as worthless as you'd have people believe.


Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson