Re: Signing as one member of a set of keys

2002-08-22 Thread Ben Laurie

Anonymous wrote:
> Len Sassaman has put the ringsig program up at
> First, the ring signature portion has successfully been repaired from
> the truncation imposed by the anon remailer in the original post.
> Second, unfortunately all of the tabs have been converted to spaces.
> This will prevent the sig from verifying.
> Third, a number of the lines have been wrapped.  This will also prevent
> the verification from going through.

The version I posted does not appear to suffer from either of these 
problems (but also does not verify).




Available for contract work.

"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

U.S. Military Uses the Force

2002-08-22 Thread keyser-soze

[[I wonder if a similar techique can be used against bullets for personal armor or 
home defense.]

>From Wired News --

U.S. Military Uses the Force
By Noah Shachtman

One of the most dangerous and pervasive threats facing American and
British troops in combat zones is a primitive grenade launcher that only
sets your typical terrorist back about $10.

The Anglo-American defense against this no-tech threat: an electrical
force field that's costing hundreds of millions of dollars to develop.

Fitted on light armored vehicles such as personnel carriers, the force
field uses a series of charged metal plates to dissipate the effects of
rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), a weapon found by the thousands from
Mogadishu to Kabul to Baghdad.


Get your free encrypted email at

Re: Signing as one member of a set of keys

2002-08-22 Thread Ben Laurie

Anonymous wrote:
>>>ringsign, ringver, AND sigring.pgp FILES ON A WEB PAGE SO THAT PEOPLE
>>Once it works, I'll happily do that, but...
>>>6. Finally, the verification step: run the ringver perl script, giving the
>>>PGP key file created in step 5 as an argument, and giving it the ringsig.c
>>>file as standard input:
>>>./ringver sigring.pgp < ringsig.c
>>>This should print the message "Good signature".
>>ben@scuzzy:~/tmp/multisign$ ./ringver pubring.pkr < testwhole
>>ERROR: Bad signature
> Could you post the files anyway on a web page, then the author can check
> them against his copies and see which are corrupted?




Available for contract work.

"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

Re: Signing as one member of a set of keys

2002-08-22 Thread Ben Laurie

Len Sassaman wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Aug 2002, Anonymous wrote:
>>ringsign, ringver, AND sigring.pgp FILES ON A WEB PAGE SO THAT PEOPLE
> The files are available at:
> Also, if you'd like to send me a more detailed blurb for the webpage, I'd
> be happy to put it up. Otherwise, this will have to do.
>>9.  Please report whether you were able to succeed, and if not, which step
>>failed for you.
> I just ran into a bunch of errors when trying to compile with OpenSSL
> 0.9.7beta3. I'm debugging now...

There's a fixed verion on the page I just posted (admittedly against a 
current 0.9.7 snapshot, not beta3).




Available for contract work.

"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

Re: the underground software vulnerability marketplace and its hazards (fwd)

2002-08-22 Thread Mike Rosing

On Thu, 22 Aug 2002, Eugen Leitl wrote:

> If this kind of secret traffic is allowed to continue, it will pose a
> very serious threat to our computer communications infrastructure.

Sure looks like it.

> iDEFENSE is offering a new alternative that appears far more dangerous
> than either of the two previous paradigms.  They want to be a buyer in
> a marketplace for secret software vulnerability information, rewarding
> discoverers of vulnerabilities with cash.

Not that much cash.  It's only $125 for an exploit.  that's not
much in $/hr of effort.

> First, secret software vulnerability information will be available to
> the highest bidder, and to nobody else.  For reasons explained later,
> I think the highest bidders will generally be organized crime
> syndicates, although that will not be obvious to the sellers.

governments have more cash.  the highest bidders could use it as a
way to keep track of who is doing what, since the web site says
people who find exploits are given full credit.  The mafiosi seem
like the least of our problems with this.

If I got paid, I wouldn't want anyone to have the ability to come find me!

> Second, finding software vulnerabilities and keeping them secret will
> become lucrative for many more talented people.  The result will be
> --- just as in the "responsible disclosure" days --- that the good
> guys will remain vulnerable for months and years, while the majority
> of current vulnerabilities are kept secret.

Not at that rate of pay.  Might be a good way to find talent tho.

> I think the highest bidders will be those for whom early vulnerability
> information is most lucrative --- the thieves who can use it to
> execute the largest heists without getting caught.  Inevitably, that
> means organized crime syndicates, although the particular gangs who
> are good at networked theft may not yet exist.

Yes they exist, and most have 3 letter acronyms.  Well, a few have
numbers in there :-)  A lot of government agencies need cash that
their handlers won't give, so they go steal it.  Since their jobs
are breaking laws, nobody notices.

> Right now, people who know how to find security exploits are either
> motivated by personal interest in the subject, motivated by the public
> interest, motivated by a desire for individual recognition, or
> personally know criminals that benefit from their exploits.  Creating
> a marketplace in secret vulnerability information would vastly
> increase the availability of that information to the people who can
> afford to pay the most for it: spies, terrorists, and organized crime.
> Let's not let that happen.

How?  iDEFENSE isn't really breaking any laws, they are just
immoral scum bags.  Maybe the publication of the first person
hunted down and executed by an angry government will slow down

thanks for posting this, the net is getting more and more interesting

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

The Russians are coming! and they're ANARCHISTS!

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X

I couldn't help myself. I let out an audible groan last week during a 
crowded screening of XXX, the new super spy flick starring Vin Diesel. It 
came when the film's bad guys, plotting to biochemically handiwipe all 
humanity, were identified as Russian anarchists. Yikes! No wonder we 
anti-statists have PR problems.
Almost two decades ago, Marshall Fritz suggested we expunge forever from 
our movement lexicon what he dubbed the "A-word." He said it stirs up 
visions of chaos, lawlessness, terrorism, and other naughty stuff. Of 
course, Fritz also had problems with words like liberty and freedom, which 
he called negative "void words," absent of content. He argued that people 
hate a vacuum, and that we should offer them "self-government," not liberty.
As silly as that idea was, Fritz made a fair point about the A-word. It's 
pretty damn powerful. Even used properly, it's very often misunderstood. My 
friend Zack told a co-worker recently that he considers himself an 
anarchist. She was horrified that he associated with "neo-Nazi skinheads." 
And 'fess up. At one time or another, haven't you intentionally misused the 
A-word for its shock value, not to mention the amusement factor? Caught in 
a pointless political debate, it's a real hoot to toss in the A-word and 
watch your pompous adversary blink and sputter. Then you can quickly make 
your getaway while he struggles to regain his composure.
But none of this, including the lousy image the A-word suffers thanks to 
movies like XXX, should deter us from this truth: anarchism is the best 
description of our philosophy and anarchists are who we are. Sure, 
libertarian may be a more palatable word, and I use it often. But in the 
long haul, libertarian has been corrupted by the Libertarian Party and 
other advocates of a limited "night watchman state."
There's no better term for the "no government" position than anarchist. And 
there's real value in saying exactly what we mean and speaking truth to 
power. When we rely on "less offensive" synonyms for words like anarchy and 
anarchist, we start to dilute the honest radicalism of our ideas. Worse 
yet, watered-down language eventually waters down our mental processes. We 
begin to lose the vigor of our argument, and our focus drifts.
Saul Alinsky, the great Leftist union and community organizer, published a 
very useful tactical manual in 1971 called Rules for Radicals. (It's such a 
great book that I plan to write a series of columns based on it.) In a 
chapter on the use of words, Alinsky wrote:
"To pander to those who have no stomach for straight language, and insist 
upon bland, non-controversial sauces, is a waste of time . . . . We 
approach a critical point when our tongues trap our minds. I do not propose 
to be trapped by tact at the expense of truth . . . . To travel down the 
sweeter-smelling, peaceful, more socially acceptable, more respectable, 
indefinite byways, ends in a failure to achieve an honest understanding of 
the issues that we must come to grips with if we are to do the job."
I keep it simple. I call myself an anarchist.
Granted, doing so can be a tricky business, as my chum Zack found out. 
Judging your audience before unleashing the A-word is always a good idea. 
That's why months of light political discussion may pass before I fully 
"show my hand" to an acquaintance. During that period, based on the 
progress of our relationship, I may call myself a libertarian, a 
Jeffersonian, or a radical individualist, if I label myself at all. More 
often than not, my "identity" gradually becomes clear without me even 
mentioning the A-word. "Why, you're advocating the absence of government 
altogether!" my friend will finally say. "You're an, an . . . ." And I'll 
just smile and nod. By that time, we've been sharing ideas productively. On 
the other hand, if I detect that my companion believes anarchists are 
"neo-Nazi skinheads," I'll sidestep the A-word either entirely or until 
I've had a chance to diplomatically redefine it for them.
So if you agree with Thoreau that government is best which governs not at 
all, don't fidget and mumble about being a "self-governor." Declare what 
you really are. Call yourself an anarchist--and do it with confidence.
But don't expect everyone to embrace you if you blurt it out at the next 
Rotary luncheon. Wally Conger.

Great Work-At-Home Opportunity

2002-08-22 Thread
 Discover Wonders... 

 ...from Water!

 If you're still searching for a way to supplement 
 your income, you'll want to see this. 

 One of America's top medical researchers has 
 endorsed a product just being introduced in the US. 

 Now You Can Get Involved In A Business With The 
 Following Characteristics:

 1. A unique and outstanding health-producing water 
 product that works right down at the cellular level
 -- enhancing our billions of cells' ability to assimilate 
 nutrients and eliminate wastes!

 2. Backed by a multi-million dollar debt-free company 
 with an excellent track record!

 3. Arriving brand new to the U.S. market!

 The best of all worlds!  

 Do you or any of your loved ones suffer from:

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 * Gastrointestinal Disorder 
 * Diabetes 
 * Chronic Fatigue 
 * Snoring 
 * Athletes Foot 
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 * Acne 
 * Emphysema 
 * Anemia 
 * Ulcers 
 * Arthritis 
 * High Blood Pressure 
 * Cataracts
 * The list goes on...

 If so then email me to find out what this water 
 product is doing for people!

 You can also email me with any questions: 

 Many new millionaires will be created! 
 Will YOU be one of them?

 - 8 year old international company already doing 
 $200,000,000 in business.

 - Top reps making $100,000 to $400,000 per month 
 from overseas business alone!  That's not a misprint.

 - A 3 X 10 forced Matrix which means that the avalanche 
 from above will benefit you and your downline directly!

 - Now entering the United States Market for the first time. 
 Talk about a ground-floor opportunity!

 - Flagship product is a proprietary water enhancement product 
 that works to allow your body to heal itself on a cellular level.

 - Proven product with 90% reorder rate!!  There has to be a reason.
 - Minimal outlay to get started with Fast Start bonuses paid weekly.
 - Absolutely tremendous back end compensation
 - You must have a U.S. shipping address to participate

 The company is so confident that people will reorder that 
 NO monthly purchase is required to earn commissions.

 I look forward to hearing from you!

 For the complete details, Email Me!

 Best regards,

 John Corbett

 Send email here to unsubscribe

NSA leak sparks bumstead panic station.

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X
posted by Chuck0 on Tuesday August 20 2002 @ 07:23AM PDT Is the 
press guilty of treason? By Paul McMasters
First Amendment Ombudsman
First Amendment Center 08.08.02 As usual, the nation's capital is leaking 
like a sieve. And administration officials are scrambling to track down and 
shut up government employees providing sensitive information to the enemy - 
that is to say, the press. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has ordered an 
investigation into "criminal" leaks of information to newspapers about U.S. 
plans for a possible war against Iraq. The FBI has interrogated 39 members 
of Congress and their staffs, trying to find the source of a leak to the 
press about messages intercepted by the National Security Agency. While the 
immediate targets are the leakers within government, it is the press that 
many government officials regard as the real problem. A defense official 
was quoted recently as saying: "We've got to do whatever it takes - if it 
takes sending SWAT teams into journalists' homes - to stop these leaks." 
That, perhaps, was hyperbole in an unguarded moment. Not so an article by a 
federal intelligence analyst in a recent issue of The Washington Post. "I 
accuse the media in the United States of treason," Dennis Pluchinsky wrote 
as the first sentence in the article. This State Department official, 
criticizing news media coverage of possible targets of terrorists, went on 
to call for laws and policies restricting coverage of the war on terrorism. 
"If there were an 'Osama bin Laden' award given out by al Qaeda," 
Pluchinsky wrote, "I believe that it would be awarded to the U.S. news 
media for their investigative reporting. This type of reporting - carrying 
specifics about U.S. vulnerabilities - must be stopped or censored." Mr. 
Pluchinsky was voicing his own opinion, but it cannot be dismissed as 
isolated. In fact, there are many - inside and outside government - who 
regard the robust exercise of First Amendment rights by either the press or 
the people as a dangerous problem in the fight against terrorism. Citing 
those concerns, Mr. Pluchinsky proposed that journalists filter any 
reporting on possible security problems through a government agency. And he 
called for the passage of laws "temporarily restricting the media from 
publishing any security information that can be used by our enemies." Such 
proposals would make prior restraint the norm, self-censorship the ideal 
and democratic discourse an exercise in futility. They invoke two dangerous 
assumptions: 1) that the more accommodating the press, the more accountable 
the government, and 2) that the less Americans know, the safer they are. 
Further, they ignore a disturbing array of restrictions on the flow of 
information rushed into effect in the aftermath of Sept. 11. White House 
spokesman Ari Fleischer and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice 
called up television and newspaper executives to warn them about their 
coverage of Osama bin Laden. The State Department tried to suppress a Voice 
of America interview with the head of the Taliban. The Defense Department 
placed unprecedented restrictions on journalists attempting to cover the 
war in Afghanistan. The Justice Department closed immigration hearings and 
refused to release the names of detainees. Federal agencies removed 
information from their Web sites. There were more direct restrictions on 
the press. In the ban on air traffic after Sept. 11, news media aircraft 
were kept grounded long after other private aircraft returned to the air. 
Photography was banned at the World Trade Center site. The Pentagon 
pre-empted news media use of satellite photos of the South Asia region. In 
addition, strict restrictions were placed on the ability of the press to 
cover the military operations in Afghanistan. At home, numerous 
restrictions on access to government information were put in place. Even a 
national crisis is not sufficient justification for government officials to 
move so aggressively to constrict the flow of so much information to its 
citizens. Americans should keep in mind the news void concerning airport 
security flaws and the massive information-sharing failures - in federal 
agencies, congressional committees and the press - that left us lethally 
exposed to the horrors of 9-11. Charging the press with irresponsibility or 
worse in reporting on our current vulnerabilities gives too much credence 
to the notion that terrorists would know nothing if it weren't for the news 
media. It breezes past the fact that much of the reporting on the war on 
terrorism relies heavily on leaks from federal agencies and Congress, as 
well as information provided by whistleblowers. And it fails to acknowledge 
that the press frequently has held or changed stories to prevent harm to 
national security or that it has engaged in a

Anarchist in

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X
Thomas Tripp: In His Own Words
On January 28, 2001, seven others and myself took part in a direct action 
protest of the lack of educational opportunities, the religious 
restrictions placed on Native Americans, the harsh, isolated conditions, 
and disrespectful, abusive guards at Two Rivers Prison in Umatilla, Oregon. 
We took over a housing unit there for nearly two hours and laid waste to 
it. We destroyed televisions, computers, fax machines, soda and ice 
machines, files, phone systems, all the windows on the unit, even the 
ceiling. We also flooded the entire unit. Having no weapons, we ceded 
control of the unit when the prison's "Tactical Emergency Response Team" 
(TERT) arrived with shotguns, pistols, and an M16. After we had surrendered 
and were lying face down on the floor, the TERT threw a concussion grenade 
at us. We were then stripped naked and forced to lie handcuffed in between 
glass and water. Finally, we were marched - still nude - through the prison 
to segregation. We had caused over $57,000 dollars worth of damage to 
Oregon Department Of Corrections (ODOC) .
Personal reasons for this action varied with the individual taking part. 
While I cannot speak for my comrades, I can say that none of us belong to a 
"white supremacist splinter group," as was portrayed in the ODOC's press 
releases - releases that were faithfully reprinted with no independent 
corroboration in the state's lousy rag The Oregonian. Speaking for myself, 
my motivation, as mentioned above, was to attempt to win back from the ODOC 
our educational programs, to ease the restrictions on Native Americans, and 
to get some sort of recreational programs at Two Rivers. Further - and more 
importantly - I had hoped that our example would be picked up and emulated 
by prisoners across the state. I had hoped that other prisoners would see 
that one does not always have to accept the abuse, that ways of fighting 
back exist. Finally, because I believe that the truly revolutionary moment 
will be the result of constantly engaging in "insurrectional moments at 
ever-closer intervals." I was simply doing my part.
That was a year ago. Since then, I have been locked down 23 hours a day - 
first for six months in the "Disciplinary Segregation Unit" (the hole), and 
for the last five months here in the "Intensive Management Unit" (the 
hole). According to the people who run this place, I'll be in the hole at 
least until September 2002, and probably until February 2003 (despite the 
fact that I am scheduled to parole on August 23, 2002).
On October 3, 2001, I was indicted by a Grand Jury of Umatilla County on 
three new felony charges: Riot, Criminal Mischief 1, and Inmate in 
Possession of a Weapon. These charges carry a possible combined total of 
thirty years in prison. After the District Attorney illegally postponed my 
arraignment for nearly three months, I was arraigned by video court on 
December 26, 2001, and my trial was set for April 19, 2002 - my 24th Birthday.
Since December 26, the only contact I've had with an attorney has been a 
letter from mine on December 31 stating his intent to withdraw from my 
case. Despite my attempts, I have been unable to ascertain the nature of 
the evidence against me. I have no idea what the District Attorney is 
attempting to do, or how much time he is pushing for (although I've been 
told everything from five to twelve years). Although years of my life hang 
in the balance, I am being kept entirely in the dark by the state of 
Oregon. Whether or not this is intentional, I do not know.
This much I do know: Every available weapon will be used against me in this 
case - including the tragic events of September 11 - as they will be used 
against every revolutionary comrade with the courage to strike back against 
the state and capitalism. That the state would use thousands of dead bodies 
as a means to further oppression illustrates the point I made in my 
previous article "The States Are The Real Terrorists" (see Break The Chains 
#8, available for $1 at the PO Box below) - the state is afraid. It has 
been made afraid by the growing number of insurrectionary and explicitly 
anti-state and anti-capitalist actions over the last five years. It fears 
these courageous actions because it cannot control them, it cannot stop 
them. It fears their inherent lack of hierarchy. This fear, along with the 
state's newly acquired weapon of September 11, puts me - and every other 
revolutionary comrade - in a very precarious position. We cannot allow this 
to make us hesitant - we must proceed - despite the state's paltry 
consequences. As I have said before, the state assumes that if it locks 
enough people away for long enough periods of time, the movement will 
disappear. We must continue to challenge that assumption. No one else can 
liberate us: We must free ourselves.
For more information, contact: Break The Chains, PO Box 11331, 

Portland- homeland security einsatzgruppen in aktion.

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X
These people need our support. They are facing a lot of time and the 
Portland Joint Terrorism Task Force is looking to convict some people to 
justify their existence.Please check the website below to keep updated on 
this case.

August 14: Four Activists Indicted for Log Truck Arson (Portland, Oregon)

The Oregon FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force arrested two people today in 
connection with an arson fire that damaged log trucks in Eagle Creek in 
June of last year. Two others were indicted and are being sought.The truck 
fire happened near where protesters were camped out to block the 
now-canceled Eagle Creek timber sale. The fire destroyed these log trucks 
near Eagle Creek in June 2001. Federal prosecutors said the suspects face 
up to a million dollars in fines and 30 years in jail. A well-known 
Portland activist is among those indicted. Michael J. Scarpitti -- who goes 
by the name Tre Arrow -- is most known for living on a ledge of the U.S. 
Forest Service building in downtown Portland two years ago in a timber 
protest that lasted eleven days. Officers are searching for Scarpitti, 
along with activist Angela Marie Cesario, to arrest them in this developing 
case.Twenty-year-old Jacob Sherman and 25-year-old Jeremy Rosenbloom were 
indicted by a federal grand jury shortly before today's arrests at their 
residences. They made an initial court appearance this afternoon and trial 
was set for October 16th. Investigators said these arrests are a key 
breakthrough in the investigation into the ecoterrorism arson case at Eagle 
Creek. The damaged log trucks belong to Ray Schoppert Logging Company, 
which had a contract to log the 1,030-acre Eagle Creek timber sale. The 
sale was the subject of prolonged protests and has since been canceled. 
Court documents do not link the four suspects to the ecoterrorism groups 
ELF or ALF, but said the incinerary devices used to torch the Eagle Creek 
logging trucks were similiar to the formula used to set Ross Island Sand 
and Gravel trucks on fire in a similar case. The Earth Liberation Front 
claimed responsibility in that arson but the case is still pending.

August 15: Update on Log Truck Arson Indictments Popular forest activist 
Tre Arrow remained a fugitive on arson charges Wednesday as a federal 
magistrate in Portland freed his three co-defendants from jail pending 
trial. Arrow's co-defendants Jacob D.B. Sherman, 20; Angela M. Cesario, 23; 
and Jeremy D. Rosenbloom, 25 -- pleaded not guilty to charges that they set 
fire to logging trucks during last year's protests of the Eagle Creek 
timber sale. Each faces up to 80 years in prison. Authorities took Sherman 
and Rosenbloom into custody Tuesday morning, and Cesario turned herself in 
that evening. Attorneys for the three said in court Wednesday that their 
clients have long been aware the FBI was investigating the June 1, 2001, 
arson at Ray A. Schoppert Logging Inc. near Estacada. Yet none fled, they 
said. U.S. Magistrate Judge John Jelderks noted that the three had no 
criminal records, held jobs and were students at Portland State University. 
Jelderks released them pending trial but with conditions: They must remain 
in Portland -- Cesario also may travel to Gresham -- and stay at home 
between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Also, Jelderks said they are not to associate 
with environmental groups. None of the activists quibbled about that 
condition But Andrew Bates, Sherman's lawyer, argued that it appeared to 
violate free-speech rights. "It seems fundamentally unconstitutional," he 
said. Jelderks said the defendants were free to return to court seeking 
redress of the restriction. But he cautioned that FBI agents might monitor 
such associations as part of their investigation, which might hurt their 
defense.  CFA Statement About a month 
before the Portland Joint Terrorism Task Force (PJTTF) is scheduled to 
expire (pending reauthorization by the Portland City Council) it has 
indicted four people for damaging three log trucks more than a year ago. 
Under pressure to produce “results” to justify its continued existence, the 
suspicious timing of these indictments appears to be politically motivated. 
Police and PJTTF refused to reveal even general information about the 
evidence they are using to justify the indictments. They also refused to 
answer questions from the media about how much money has been spent on this 

During hearings last fall, city officials admitted that the PJTTF’s files 
are completely insulated from all public review, including Mayor Katz and 
even Chief Kroeker himself. Given the highly suspicious nature of these 
indictments, the lack of accountability to the people of Portland, and the 
well documented FBI history of framing activists,we have no confidence in 
the validity of these indictments.

On June 11, 2002, a court verdict proved that the FBI, in col

Great Work-At-Home Opportunity

2002-08-22 Thread
 Discover Wonders... 

 ...from Water!

 If you're still searching for a way to supplement 
 your income, you'll want to see this. 

 One of America's top medical researchers has 
 endorsed a product just being introduced in the US. 

 Now You Can Get Involved In A Business With The 
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 1. A unique and outstanding health-producing water 
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 If so then email me to find out what this water 
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 You can also email me with any questions: 

 Many new millionaires will be created! 
 Will YOU be one of them?

 - 8 year old international company already doing 
 $200,000,000 in business.

 - Top reps making $100,000 to $400,000 per month 
 from overseas business alone!  That's not a misprint.

 - A 3 X 10 forced Matrix which means that the avalanche 
 from above will benefit you and your downline directly!

 - Now entering the United States Market for the first time. 
 Talk about a ground-floor opportunity!

 - Flagship product is a proprietary water enhancement product 
 that works to allow your body to heal itself on a cellular level.

 - Proven product with 90% reorder rate!!  There has to be a reason.
 - Minimal outlay to get started with Fast Start bonuses paid weekly.
 - Absolutely tremendous back end compensation
 - You must have a U.S. shipping address to participate

 The company is so confident that people will reorder that 
 NO monthly purchase is required to earn commissions.

 I look forward to hearing from you!

 For the complete details, Email Me!

 Best regards,

 John Corbett

 Send email here to unsubscribe

the underground software vulnerability marketplace and its hazards (fwd)

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X

 >>Let's not let that happen.<<

How,exactly do you propose to stop it? (w/out APster:) It looks like 
blacknet to me,but I'm new here.
Have you been drinking nitrogen again Eugie?

"If you give people a thorough understanding of what confronts them and the 
basic causes that produce it, they'll create their own program, and when 
the people create a program, you get action." Malcolm X.

Anarchists accused of aiding terrorists.

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X called "terrorist" by Italian magazine "Panorama'by Chuck0
August 21, 2002 The Italian newsmagazine, Panorama, has just published an 
article on activist and anarchist websites in which it basically says that 
they "aid terrorists." Websites featured include Indymedia, A-Infos, and several Italian language sites. The article includes large 
reproductions of the front pages of several websites (including Infoshop). 
One photo shows the police during their investigation of last year's murder 
of Marco Biagi, the left-wing Labor minister, whose assasination was blamed 
on hard core leftists. This article would be pretty amusing, if it wasn't 
for the long history of the media's practice of defaming, lying, and 
misrepresenting radical groups. It might be easy to laugh off this 
sensationalism, but it helps create hysteria against radical ideas. It is 
especially troubling given the Italian government's recent track record in 
raiding radical newspapers and media centers. Just look at the bloody 
assault by the Italian government on the Independent Media Center in Genoa 
last year. The Italian government, headed by media tyrant Berlusconi, also 
has raided homes and tried to shut down activist websites. Several years 
ago, the Italian authorities tried to shut down Bits Against the Empire. 
While it is easy to keep websites running despite government attempts at 
censorship, the irresponible journalists at Panorama are contributing to an 
atmosphere were not just radical ideas are outlawed, but any views critical 
of the government are criminalized. will post more news on 
this situation as it becomes available. While we are flattered that 
Panorama calls the "bible of the black bloc," we have to point 
out that is more than just a resource for people engaged in 
one street tactic. More from IMC Italy

Oct 9 trial date set.'The Timoney three.'

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X

A trial date of October 9th, 2002 has been set for three of the remaining 
Republican Convention Defendants.
In August of 2000, when the Republican Convention met in Philadelphia, 
local activists invited their friends to be out in the streets protesting 
the Republicans' abysmal stance on criminal justice issues.
Over 400 of the protestors were arrested, and three of them are still 
awaiting trial. Eric Steinberg, Darby Landy, and Camilo (pronounced 
Camille) Viveiros were charged with conspiracy and violations against then 
police chief John Timoney.
Lawyers for the "Timoney 3," as they have been called, attempted to reduce 
the charges, which initially included conspiracy charges and a felony 
assault charge against community organizer Camilo Viveiros.
Initially court proceedings went well, and in October of 2000 some charges 
were dropped. In December of 2001 however, Mr. Viveiros's attorney Robert 
Levant recieved the bad news that the superior court of Pennsylvania had 
restored the charges, including the first degree felony assault.
An appeal was immediately filed with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
On Friday July 12th attorney Bob Levant was told that the appeal had not 
been accepted. All three defendants now face trial on October 9th, 2002.
Supporters for Camilo hope that friends and supporters will come to 
Philadelphia for the trial. Nore importantly, however, immediate actions 
can be taken to see that justice prevails.
Camilo is facing serious charges and the possibility of a long prison 
sentece. His friends are asking all concerned and compassionate people to 
help by educating others about the case, raising money for the legal 
defense fund, writing letters to Philadelphia publications expressing 
concern about the case, and writing letters, in care of Friends of Camilo, 
to Judge Yohn to be used at the appropriate time in the trial.
Help educate about the case by tabling at events and conferences, hosting a 
panel or discussion, or organzing a fund-raiser or other event to raise 
If you were at the Republican convention protests and were near Latimer 
(near Walnut) and 17th at the time of the arrest you can help by contacting 
the legal defense team.
If you are a writer or journalist you can help by writing a story, an 
opinion piece, a letter to the editor or interviewing people involved with 
the case.
If you are part of an organization, a faith- based group, a radical 
network, or a concerned community it is helpful to write a sign-on letter 
on behalf of your group.
Local supporters can attend a legal update and letter writing event on 
Thursday, Aug. 22 at the Aspace, 4722 Baltimore Avenue in West Philadelphia 
at 7:30pm.
Guidelines for letter writing and information packets about the case will 
be available.
Those interested in coming to Philadelphia for the trial, or helping to 
organize court support can email Wayne Ritz: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Background information on the Timoney 3, the Republican Convention, and 
Camilo Viveiros can be found at: and
Letters (please send 2 copies)and donations in support of Camilo should be 
sent to:
Friends of Camilo P.O. Box 23169 Providence, RI 02903
Contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED] to recieve guidelines for letter 
writing, materials for tabling,resumes of Camilo's organizing work, 
background information for articles, contact information for interviews, 
contact information for the legal defense team or to have general questions 
To subscribe to an announcement listserv about the case email: 
To attend regional organizing meetings, start a Friends of Camilo group in 
your area, get contact lists for your event or fundraiser, or have someone 
speak about the case at your event contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To contact Eric and Darby or recieve information about their cases email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or check the website>A trial date of October 9th, 2002 
has been set for three of the remaining Republican Convention Defendants:
GUIDELINES FOR LETTERS TO THE JUDGE (If you do not know Camilo personally)
Letters, if possible, should be on official stationery from the 
Please send two signed copies of the letter, one addressed “To Whom it May 
Concern” and the other addressed to “Honorable Judge Young.”
Please send the letters to: Friends of Camilo, P.O. Box 23169, Providence, 
RI 02903. Do not send them directly to the Judge.
If your organization has branches or affiliates, please urge them to write 
letters as well, particularly those in Philadelphia, to help build pressure 
where it is needed most.
èLetters to the Judge should focus on putting Camilo in a positive light, 
showing the value of his work to the community. It is not helpful to rant 
against the Police Commissioner, D.A., or the Philadelphia police in general.
- State your title, position or affi

Debs,in search of self.

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X The Anti-war Speech That 
Earned Eugene Debs 10 Years in PrisonProminent labor organizer and 
political activist Eugene Debs delivered a speech at a Socialist Party 
convention in Canton, Ohio, on 16 June 1918. Because of it, he was 
prosecuted under the Sedition Act for interfering with the draft, leading 
to a 10-year prison sentence and the stripping of his US citizenship. (He 
ended up serving 2 years and 8 months in the slammer; President Warren G. 
Harding commuted his sentence.) Interestingly, Debs ran for President on 
the Socialist Party ticket five times, with the last time occurring while 
he was in prison. He received almost one million votes. The Memory Hole is 
presenting this speech for many reasons. Besides its historical value, we 
believe any speech which caused its speaker to be imprisoned is worth 
saving. And you may notice that as the current administration bangs the 
drum for war against Iraq, Afghanistan, and 60 other countries, the 
anti-war portions of this speech are as relevant now as they were 84 years 
ago. Anti-war portions of Debs' speech Wars throughout history have been 
waged for conquest and plunder. In the Middle Ages when the feudal lords 
who inhabited the castles whose towers may still be seen along the Rhine 
concluded to enlarge their domains, to increase their power, their prestige 
and their wealth they declared war upon one another. But they themselves 
did not go to war any more than the modern feudal lords, the barons of Wall 
Street go to war. The feudal barons of the Middle Ages, the economic 
predecessors of the capitalists of our day, declared all wars. And their 
miserable serfs fought all the battles. The poor, ignorant serfs had been 
taught to revere their masters; to believe that when their masters declared 
war upon one another, it was their patriotic duty to fall upon one another 
and to cut one another's throats for the profit and glory of the lords and 
barons who held them in contempt. And that is war in a nutshell. The master 
class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the 
battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while 
the subject class has had nothing to gain and all to lose--especially their 
lives. They have always taught and trained you to believe it to be your 
patriotic duty to go to war and to have yourselves slaughtered at their 
command. But in all the history of the world you, the people, have never 
had a voice in declaring war, and strange as it certainly appears, no war 
by any nation in any age has ever been declared by the people. And here let 
me emphasize the fact--and it cannot be repeated too often--that the 
working class who fight all the battles, the working class who make the 
supreme sacrifices, the working class who freely shed their blood and 
furnish the corpses, have never yet had a voice in either declaring war or 
making peace. It is the ruling class that invariably does both. They alone 
declare war and they alone make peace. Yours not to reason why; Yours but 
to do and die. That is their motto and we object on the part of the 
awakening workers of this nation. If war is right let it be declared by the 
people. You who have your lives to lose, you certainly above all others 
have the right to decide the momentous issue of war or peace You need 
at this time especially to know that you are fit for something better than 
slavery and cannon fodder. You need to know that you were not created to 
work and produce and impoverish yourself to enrich an idle exploiter. You 
need to know that you have a mind to improve, a soul to develop, and a 
manhood to sustain They are continually talking about your patriotic 
duty. It is not their but your patriotic duty that they are concerned 
about. There is a decided difference. Their patriotic duty never takes them 
to the firing line or chucks them into the trenches. And now among other 
things they are urging you to "cultivate" war gardens, while at the same 
time a government war report just issued shows that practically 52 percent 
of the arable, tillable soil is held out of use by the landlords, 
speculators and profiteers. They themselves do not cultivate the soil. Nor 
do they allow others to cultivate it. They keep it idle to enrich 
themselves, to pocket the millions of dollars of unearned increment And 
now for all of us to do our duty! The clarion call is ringing in our ears 
and we cannot falter without being convicted of treason to ourselves and to 
our great cause. Do not worry over the charge of treason to your masters, 
but be concerned about the treason that involves yourselves. Be true to 
yourself and you cannot be a traitor to any good cause on earth. 
Alternative Press Review -
Your Guide Beyond the Mainstream
PO Box 4710 - Arlington,


2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X

National Guard Anti-Pot Helicopter Caused 50,000 Acre CA Fire
By Preston Peet
For High Times
"This has got to be the very worst marijuana-related damage done in this 
state in my entire lifetime." -- Dale Gieringer, California NORML
A forest fire that burned out of control for almost two weeks and 
devastated over 50,000 acres near San Diego was caused by a helicopter 
looking for pot farms, a California Department of Forestry investigation 
has concluded.
Support long beach anarchs
By Lorenzo Komboa Ervin
Recently I visited Los Angeles for a speaking tour, and learned of the 
harassment and frame-ups of Anarchists in Long Beach/Los Angeles county, 
California. It seems that repressive police And FBI terrorism is being used 
to crush the Anarchist movement there. During May Day protests against 
capitalism held in Long Beach, police without provocation attacked a street 
demonstration with brutal violence, arresting about 100 persons, and 
physically injuring several others. People were shot with rubber bullets, 
beaten with baton, and sprayed with chemical Mace.

Ratical Hirstory.

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X

acquittal twenty minutes after the jury retired, should have culminated in 
the end of the treason trials. Governor Hotham and his Attorney-General 
William Foster Stawell, rightly believed their credibility with the Home 
Office in London rested on a conviction, so they insisted that the farce go 
on, hoping they could record one conviction. Jan Vannick a "foreign" from 
Holland, one of the "mongrel crew" took his turn on the stand. After a 
trial that lasted less than a day he was acquitted in record time. James 
Beattie was the next miner to face the court. Evidence was given that 
trooper Rivell from the 40th Regiment, confronted Beattie as he clambered 
back into the stockade with a pistol in his hand. Beattie dropped his 
pistol, dropped to his knees and screamed "Mercy! Save Me! Don¹t Shoot! I 
am beaten! I will give in!" as trooper William Rivell aimed his carbine at 
him. Fortunately for Beattie, Sergeant Patrick Riley of the same regiment 
saw Beattie beg for mercy and told trooper Rivell to take him prisoner. 
Beattie was acquitted once again in record time. Michael Touhey took the 
stand the following day. Evidence was given that Touhey was caught escaping 
from the stockade. Once again another one of the magnificent thirteen was 
acquitted of the charge High Treason. Michael Touhey was born in Scariff, 
Ireland in 1830. He survived the Irish famine, burying many family members 
and friends. He never forgot that food was being exported from Ireland to 
line the pockets of English absentee landlords, while a million Irish men, 
women and children died and a further million were forced to immigrate. On 
the morning of December 3rd 1854, Touhey was prepared to fight and die if 
necessary. Although he had traveled 12,000 miles to escape the tyranny of 
the British government, once again he faced the same tyrants. Luck seemed 
to be with Touhey, after side swiping a bayonet that ripped through his 
clothes, he was arrested and marched to the police camp. On the way to the 
camp, a soldier tried to cut off his head with a sabre. Touhey¹s nimble 
feet saved him once again. After his acquittal he returned to the alluvial 
diggings at Ballarat. Once the gold ran out, he took up a farm in the 
Ballarat district between Melbourne and Ballarat. He took part in the 50th 
anniversary celebrations at Ballarat in 1904 and continued farming till he 
died at the age of 85 from pneumonia at the Ballarat Hospital in September 
1915. He was the last survivor of the thirteen who stood trial for High 
Treason in Melbourne in 1855. NEXT WEEK: THE FINAL SIX. 

Here come de judge.

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X

The Granville train disaster was caused by the government's policy of 
privatising the railway and making it more 'efficient', according to a new 
book on the history of the railways. Mark Hearn's book 'Working Lives: A 
History of the Australian Railways Union (NSW Branch)' says that the 1960s, 
70s and 80s saw successive governments try to cut costs, make workers work 
harder and make State Rail more efficient. As a result, the tracks, 
buildings and the railway workshops didn't get the new investment they 
needed, and they were left to run down. At the same time, the government 
contracted out more and more services to private companies. Hearn argues 
that these policies resulted in the Granville train disaster in 1977, where 
83 people were crushed to death when a suburban train derailed and 
collapsed a bridge onto two carriages. He quotes the official report on the 
disaster which says that "the cause of the derailment was clearly the very 
unsatisfactory condition of the permanent-way [the 
tracks]...derailment...was almost inevitable, so long as the poor condition 
of the track remain uncorrected". 'The Australian' newspaper has 
investigated an asylum seeker's alleged home town in Afghanistan. They 
couldn't find anyone who'd heard of him, and so ran a front page article 
exposing him as a liar. They had actually investigated a different town 
with a similar name. A man has been refused asylum in Australia because the 
government didn't believe he was from Afghanistan. They then offered him 
money to return to Afghanistan. (The Age). A US judge accused of being 
drunk on the job, drink driving and dropping his pants in public has been 
allowed to escape any charges. Allegheny County Judge H Patrick McFalls, 
59, faced more than three dozen charges filed by Pennsylvania's Judicial 
Conduct Board. He is accused of being so drunk and disorderly that he was 
asked to leave a restaurant on February 14. He was also accused of exposing 
his buttocks in mid-afternoon on a city street on March 30 and charged with 
driving under the influence the same day. In December, McFalls was sued by 
three former staff members who said they were fired after reporting his 
alcoholism and saying he had been drunk on the job. He was placed on paid 
leave. McFalls claimed in a February court filing that he was traumatised 
by the World Trade Centre bombing and pressured by the lawsuit and 
publicity. On February 5, he reported his $US60,000 ($A112,000) Mercedes 
Benz stolen, but police found he had given it to a parking lot attendant 
who admired the car. (Sydney Morning Herald). 

Crunch time for secret policemans balls.

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X

IT AIN'T OVER YET!! The ASIO bill, which will be debated by the Senate 
during the current session of the Federal Parliament, will, if not blocked 
in the Senate, have a profound impact on the few common law rights 
Australian's still enjoy to protest. Under the guise of fighting terrorism, 
the ASIO bill, if passed in the Senate, will allow Australian's as young as 
twelve to be detained and interrogated by ASIO, without charges even being 
laid. The Federal Attorney General can have anybody detained and 
interrogated by ASIO, without a legal representative being present, for up 
to seven days, if he believes the person may have information that may 
assist ASIO in their investigation. Although ASIO has extensive powers to 
collect information, it has never had policing powers. Giving ASIO the 
power to detain and interrogate citizens, without charges being laid, let 
alone proved, has worrying ramifications for all Australian's. Passing 
legislation, to destroy hard won common law rights and liberties to protect 
our rights and liberties, does not make sense. Giving the State unlimited 
power over the individual, by creating a political police force, is a 
worrying trend that is much more dangerous than any terrorist threat could 
ever be. We need to remember that historically, the greatest terrorist 
threat hasn't been posed by individuals or groups, but by States that have 
unlimited powers over their citizens. The greater the powers enjoyed by the 
government of the day, the greater the terrorist threat, faced by the 
people they rule. The history of the 20th century, is littered with 
examples of States that have used the unlimited powers they have held, to 
create a terrorist threat, far greater than any terrorist threat their 
citizens were exposed to in the first place. The Howard Government's 
decision to play hard ball and not make any major amendments, or place a 
sunset clause on the life of the proposed legislation, places the ball back 
in the Labor Parties Court. The Labor Party faces a historic decision. It 
can vote with the government and pass this dangerous piece of legislation, 
or it can vote against the legislation in the Senate and block the Howard 
government¹s attempts to remove what few common law rights Australians 
enjoy in this country, to protest without fear of arbitrary arrest, 
detention and imprisonment. 

Swiss banks down- Caymans next?

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X

Peru gets secret fortune linked to former spy chief
Special to The Herald
LIMA - Switzerland on Tuesday returned to the Peruvian government $77.5 
million linked to Peru's discredited former spy chief, Vladimiro 
Montesinos, concluding that the money ``originated from corruption-related 
The money had been squirreled away in secret bank accounts during the past 
decade by Montesinos and other officials in former President Alberto 
Fujimori's government.
The bulk of the money, $49.5 million, was in accounts belonging to the 
jailed Montesinos. Another $21 million was in an account held by retired 
Gen. Nicolás de Bari Hermoza Ríos, who headed the Joint Chiefs of Staff 
throughout most of the 1990s.
The remaining funds were deposited in Switzerland by an unidentified arms 
The Peruvian government expressed satisfaction Tuesday with the decision of 
the Swiss Federal Office of Justice.
''This is great news. We are not only recovering money that belongs to all 
Peruvians, but the decision of Swiss authorities will also help us work 
with other countries to repatriate more funds,'' said Rep. Anel Townsend 
Diez Canseco, a member of congress and close ally of President Alejandro 
The returned funds were transferred to an account belonging to the Peruvian 
National Bank at Citibank in New York.
The repatriated funds represent a staggering amount of money for a 
relatively poor country like Peru, which is fighting to overcome an 
economic crisis.
Earlier this year, the Swiss government agreed to return to Nigeria some 
$535 million held in blocked accounts in Swiss banks by the late Nigerian 
dictator Sani Abacha. In terms of money returned to a Latin American 
government, however, the Peruvian figure is believed to be one of the highest.
In addition, the Peruvian government is working with the Swiss Federal 
Office of Justice to repatriate another $33 million held by Montesinos in 
accounts that have been blocked in that country.
Montesinos was sentenced to nine years in prison in early July for 
illegally acting as head of Peru's National Intelligence Service. Fujimori 
never formally appointed him to head the intelligence service, which he ran 
for 10 years. He faces nearly 60 other charges, many involving arms 
smuggling, and has been held at a special prison on a navy base in Callao, 
near Lima, for more than a year.
Hermoza Ríos, arrested in April 2001, also faces a long list of charges. He 
admitted to siphoning resources from the military budget and agreed to 
return the money. He has not been sentenced.
Swiss authorities said Montesinos' accounts were from commissions made on 
at least 32 arms purchases in the 1990s. Montesinos took an 18 percent cut 
on transactions. Hermoza Ríos' $21 million was embezzled from the military 
budget during nearly seven years as head of the Peruvian army.
The two are also accused of making a fortune from drug trafficking when 
they formed part of a three-man team that ran Peru with Fujimori from the 
early 1990s. Several jailed drug traffickers testifying before a 
congressional commission said they paid off both men. Montesinos and 
Hermoza Ríos deny the accusations, which would mean life sentences if shown 
to be true.
Montesinos' accounts were first detected by Swiss authorities in November 
2000, leading to the creation of a Special Prosecutor's Office and a dozen 
congressional commissions in Peru.
Switzerland has also blocked accounts belonging to other former political 
brokers, including Victor Joy Way, a former congressional speaker and 
finance minister. Joy Way is in prison awaiting trial.
The money being repatriated represents a small fraction of the total 
identified by the main commission investigating corruption in the Fujimori 
administration (1990-2000). When it finished its second report months ago, 
the commission had tracked $782 million belonging to more than 200 people.
Townsend said she hopes the Swiss decision and tougher banking laws enacted 
in that country will encourage other nations to cooperate more fully with 
Peru. Switzerland, long considered a paradise of banking secrecy, passed 
stricter laws in 1998 requiring banks to report deposits suspected of 
coming from illicit sources.
The Swiss decision comes at a key moment for the cash-strapped Peruvian 
government. President Toledo has set up a special fund to administer money 
embezzled during the Fujimori years.
The fund has already received $38 million from bank accounts held by two 
other jailed Montesinos associates, Alberto Venero Garrido and Juan 
Valencia Rosas, at the Cayman Island-based Pacific Industrial Bank.

In Solidarity...

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X

for a free Palestine
By Steven Salaita

( - For the first time in my life, I was disgusted to 
receive messages in support of the Palestinian people. It wasn't, of 
course, the support itself that irritated me; it is always uplifting and 
inspiring to hear from folks who covet justice and advocate the 
implementation of international law.
Rather, it was the context in which the purported support was expressed. 
Let me offer an example. One reader signed off with the line, "In 
solidarity for a free Palestine." A nice sentiment, right? Absolutely not. 
The previous sentence announced that "[i]f they don't soon clean up their 
act - in Palestine and everywhere else - these Zionists will suffer a fate 
that will make the supposed 'death of the six million' (unfortunately, that 
number seems far too small) look like a tea party!"
I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised. The subject line, after all, 
read, "Those Fucking Jews!" Sadly, this way of thinking still exists in our 
world. It is gruesome and frightening, but not wholly anachronistic. I 
deplore it, though I don't like to publicly condemn it because, thanks to 
organizations like the Anti-Defamation League and Simon Wiesenthal Center, 
condemnation of anti-Semitism is parlayed into uncritical support for 
Israel's ethnic cleansing. I refuse to oppose one form of racism in order 
to maintain another.
What spurs me to action is the statement, "In solidarity for a free 
Palestine." Wishing death on world Jewry will not save Palestine. 
Ridiculing the millions who died in the Holocaust will not, in any possible 
way, benefit humanity. It will perpetuate the hatred that affected ethnic 
cleansing in the first place. I'd like to remind readers that Zionist 
colonization is part of this continuum, not a movement in response to it.
This is all, in any case, beside the point. Articulating a desire to 
exterminate an entire ethnicity is pernicious beyond comprehension. It is 
counterproductive. It is despicable. It is terrifying. It is idiotic.
And it has no place in the free Palestine movement, either in the West or 
Middle East. Such idiocy was never part of Arab culture. It was invented 
and developed in Europe. Let them have it. When has an indigenous people 
ever benefited from mimicking Europeans?
As an ardent supporter of the Palestinian people, I would like to avoid 
statements like the one I received from a polite and otherwise perfectly 
reasonable reader in West Virginia: "I do recognize the double standard and 
hateful nature of the Yehudi." Or this one from another concerned citizen: 
"A truly frightening, evil race of people." My inbox is littered with 
similar observations.
It provides me a semblance of relief that Arabs and Muslims have never 
offered feedback of this nature. It would be dishonest, however, to suggest 
that anti-Semitism does not exist in the Arab world. It is expressed on the 
street, in newspapers, and at the government level. It needs to cease for 
obvious reasons, mainly moral but also strategic.
Another rarely mentioned reason it should stop is because it diverts Arabs 
from their cultural traditions. We have always been warm and generous. Our 
culture is unceasingly hospitable. Nowhere are guests treated more kindly 
than in the Arab world. We have an extraordinary history of tolerance and 
scientific inquiry.
But if we appropriate the philosophical underpinnings of colonialism, then 
we become colonialists. We will be no better than the Europeans who came 
and carved our borders. We will be worse than Zionists.
Arabs have serious problems to solve before we set our sights on liberating 
Palestine. There is a vibrant slave trade in Mauritania and the Sudan. 
There is political repression in Syria and Jordan. There is violent 
extremism in Algeria. (I wonder what became of Frantz Fanon's hope that the 
Algerian decolonial struggle wouldn't replace a French policeman with an 
Algerian policeman.) There is indentured servitude all over the Gulf. There 
is severe religious tension in Lebanon.
With all this, we expect to liberate Palestine? I don't think so. Please, 
let's not add Nazism to the list of impediments. Relying on our own 
brilliant social and intellectual heritage will suffice.
The messages I receive from domestic readers connote a different problem 
altogether. They are part of a recent phenomenon that has the potential to 
destabilize and discredit Arab America: The convergence of extreme-right 
logic with anti-occupation activity, a central feature of Arab American 
political culture.
A number of far-right racists, David Duke foremost among them, now invoke 
Israel's behavior as "proof" of inherent Jewish depravity. Extremist 
websites post articles critical of Israel from respectable publications, 
many with Jewish authors. The organizations' hatred of Jews is so strong 
that they are willing to employ Jewish voices in order to promote their 
agenda. Their naïveté is as striking as their stupi

Friday the 23rd

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X

Friday the 23rd of August marks the 75th anniversary of the judicial murder 
of Bartolomeo Vanzetti and Nicola Sacco, two anarchists who were executed 
in the electric chair by the State of Massachusetts on the 23rd of August 
1927, because of their ideas. The reason we still remember the execution of 
two men 75 years after the event, is because their fate is the fate still 
experienced by men and women in the midst of the hysteria, that's whipped 
up when mainstream society is confronted by "foreigners" and new ideas. 
During a robbery at South Braintree in New England in April 1920, two men 
were gunned down. The cry went out, the robbery was due to the work of 
"foreigners". The New England police had been involved in a campaign to 
smash the emerging anarchist movement in New England. Andrea Salsedo, an 
anarchist living in New England, had, a few weeks earlier conveniently 
thrown himself out of the 14th floor of police headquarters in New England, 
while trying to escape from lawful custody. In the midst of the hysteria 
surrounding the politicisation of the immigrant workforce, Sacco and 
Vanzetti were arrested for the murders. The trials deteriorated into a 
farce. Although over twenty witnesses appeared saying that Vanzetti was 
selling fish at a nearby town at the time of the robbery and Sacco was at 
the Italian Consulate in Boston trying to get an Italian passport to return 
to Italy, the witnesses testimony was rejected. The men were convicted of 
murder and executed seven years later, after a string of appeals. The Sacco 
and Vanzetti case gained International prominence, people across the world, 
including Australia, demonstrated for their release. In Australia, their 
cause was taken up by the Italian anarchist movement in exile, as well as 
Socialist, Communist and Radical activists across the country. 
Demonstrations that attracted thousands of participants were held across 
Australia. Seventy five years after two executions that transfixed the 
world, it's no exaggeration to say that the intolerance, bigotry, small 
mindedness and viciousness that surrounded the fate of these two foreign 
workers in the United States in the 1920's has reared it's ugly head in 
Australia, in the 21'st Century. The Howard government's politically 
dishonest and manipulative campaign over a few thousand asylum seekers, has 
opened the floodgates on emotions which create the necessary conditions 
within the Australian community that have allowed men, women and children 
to be dehumanised and treated in the cruelest fashion. On Friday the 23rd 
of August, we can find solace in the dignified way two innocent foreigners 
and anarchists faced their executioners in the midst of the 
government-induced hysteria that sealed their fate. "I struggled in my 
modest way to bring an end to the crime that is carried out mutually among 
men and I fought for the freedom of all". - Vanzetti ANARCHIST QUESTION AND 
ANSWER Q. Is there a role for non-anarchists in an anarchist society? A. Of 
course there is. Not everybody in an anarchist society will be an 
anarchist. Some people will hanker for the "good old days" when they were 
in control, others will want to try something different. New generations 
may actively work against the goals of an anarchist community. Whether an 
anarchist society survives and prospers will depend on the number of people 
who want to live in that society. An anarchist society will be a vibrant 
organism, ultimately depending on mass participation and support. Once that 
support wanes, its very existence comes under threat. Non-anarchists have 
the same rights as anarchists in an anarchist community. They are able to 
participate in the decision making process, having as many rights as the 
next person. They are also welcome to share in the commonwealth. Problems 
will arise if non-anarchists use force to impose their will on other people 
or attempt to take more than they need. In those situations, force will be 
met with force and attempts to take more than they require would be 
resisted. If a significant minority wanted to live in a society based on 
inequalities then that group could, if they wished, break away from the 
main group. The community¹s resources would be shared in proportion to the 
number of people in each group. An anarchist society would and should be 
able to meet most intellectual challenges. Problems would arise if a fifth 
column within that society received help from outside forces, whose 
interests lay in breaking up the anarchist community and imposing their 
will on it. In these situations, it¹s possible that civil war could occur. 
Whether it did or not would depend on whether people believed it was 
possible and worthwhile to defend what they had created. Non-anarchists are 
an integral component of an anarchist community. Whether they support the 
community or turn against it, will depend on whether anarchists are able to 
create an egalitarian community that pro


2002-08-22 Thread Canon Bölge Bayii
Title: Untitled Document





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Saudi billionaires bail.

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X

Dollar declines as Saudis withdraw billions from US
By Javid Hassan & Omar Al-Zobaidy

RIYADH, 22 August — The US dollar yesterday fell from recent highs against 
the euro and yen following a report that Saudi investors were pulling 
billions of dollars out of the United States. London’s Financial Times 
earlier said Saudi investors have withdrawn the funds from the United 
States because of concerns their assets might be frozen. The paper quoted 
Youssef Ibrahim, a senior fellow at the US-based Council on Foreign 
Relations, as saying Saudis have pulled out at least $200 billion from the 
United States in recent months.
A high-ranking official of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency confirmed that 
$200 billion have been withdrawn by Saudi businessmen from the United 
States. But he denied that the money has been deposited in Saudi banks.
The Financial Times quoted Ibrahim as saying the withdrawal had been fueled 
by calls from some hard-liners in the United States for a freezing of 
assets held by investors from Saudi Arabia. He said the outflows could pick 
up in response to the legal action launched last week in the United States 
against Saudi citizens and organizations, Sudan and several Gulf banks and 
charities by relatives of the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks.
The suit accuses them of covertly financing the Al-Qaeda network and seeks 
$1,000 to $3,000 billion in punitive damages for each of the 14 counts from 
99 organizations or individuals. It also seeks $100 trillion in damages 
from Sudan.
According to the Financial Times report, investors are believed to be 
shifting funds out of US private equity, stocks, bonds and real estate into 
European accounts. But it added that some bankers in London said the 
largest established Saudi investors did not yet appear to be shifting money 
out of the United States.
It quoted one unnamed banker as saying: "I’m skeptical about a mass exodus. 
But there was a lot of Saudi money with American banks that was not 
diversified, now they (the Saudis) are spreading their wings. Perhaps 30 
percent to 50 percent of the money that was with US banks is seeking 
Saudi investors have registered their concerns over the campaign of 
criticism against Saudi Arabia in the United States. "It is making our 
customers paranoid," said a senior banker with a US bank overseeing 
billions in Saudi assets mainly in the United States.
A cross section of Saudi businessmen, investors and financial advisers 
welcomed the withdrawal and said European banks could be the major 
beneficiaries of this huge repatriation of funds unless the Gulf and Arab 
states streamlined their own economies and created an environment conducive 
to the inflow of overseas funds.
Commenting on the unprecedented step taken by Saudi investors, Bishr 
Bakheet, well-known financial adviser, told Arab News that it is estimated 
that Arabs had invested $1.3 trillion outside the Arab world.
"This figure is based on the analysis conducted by Merrill Lynch/Gemini 
Consultancy. According to them, it is estimated that Saudis have invested 
more than $700 billion in the United States."
Bakheet said that of late the US economy had been showing signs of weakness 
which had been mirrored in its negative performance even prior to Sept. 11. 
"It is for this reason that many institutions had started to reduce their 
investments in the US market, especially after Sept. 11."
The situation, he said, was compounded by the onslaught on Arabs and 
Muslims in the US in the wake of Sept. 11 which, together with the collapse 
of Enron, WorldCom and other US corporations, jolted the Saudi investor 

MFG offers an additional 10% off Print supplies

2002-08-22 Thread lynne

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Blame India.

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X

Management studies originated in India: Joshi

NEW DELHI: Claims about India being the crucible of the most ancient 
civilisation, the originator of mathematics, rockets and missiles are passe.
To the long list of ideas and inventions claimed to have originated here, 
the latest is the concept of management education.
HRD minister M M Joshi said on Wednesday that management education 
originated here. He strongly refuted the view that it was a concept from 
the West that came to India. It was the other way round, he said at the PHD 
Chamber of Commerce and Industry here.
Joshi discarded the Western concept, saying it was restricted to corporate 
management alone with profit as the motive. He did not contrast it with the 
Indian concept, but said the latter ought to cover the entire spectrum of 
life and society with ethical values.
''Value education and value management would alone lead to a value 
society,'' he told a conference on ''Indian Management Education: Vision 

He asked the captains of industry who were following alien concepts to 
ponder on why they had not yielded the desired results. Company managements 
and management institutes in India must keep in touch with ground realities.
It was time they realised that ''striving for excellence and social good'' 
should be the motive in the Indian management system.
NRIs help unseat US lawmaker

WASHINGTON: The Jewish lobby is credited for Cynthia McKinney's defeat. But 
an Indian-American group, which co-wrote the script for this Georgia 
election, is happy with just a footnote on its role.
[ 10:15 pm Wednesday, Aug 21, 2002, TIMES NEWS NETWORK ]
Georgia masala,at least the good ol boys from the bad old days also got BARRed.


2002-08-22 Thread Canon Bölge Bayii
Title: Untitled Document





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2002-08-22 Thread Success Team 2002

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Re: Signing as one member of a set of keys

2002-08-22 Thread Len Sassaman

On Thu, 22 Aug 2002, Anonymous wrote:

> Len Sassaman has put the ringsig program up at
> >


> Second, unfortunately all of the tabs have been converted to spaces.
> This will prevent the sig from verifying.


I've put a corrected version in its place. If this still has problems,
could you send me the md5sum of the correctly formatted file so that I can
be sure I get it right?


regarding henry

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X

US wasn't concerned about rights abuses in Agentina
AP [ THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2002 11:15:52 AM ]
BUENOS AIRES: Leaders of Argentina's past military dictatorship believed 
Washington was willing to look the other way at the outset of the junta's 
bloody efforts to stamp out political dissent, newly declassified US 
documents show.
In a telegram signed by then-US Ambassador Robert Hill, a top Argentine 
official returned to Buenos Aires following a 1976 visit to Washington 
"convinced that there is no real problem with the US government over the 
issue" of human rights.
Hill said the comments by Argentine Foreign Minister Admiral Guzzetti had 
come after meetings with US Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and Secretary 
of State Henry Kissinger during a two-week visit to the United Nations and 
"Guzzetti went to the US fully expecting to hear some strong, firm, direct 
warning of his government's human rights practices, rather than that, he 
has returned in a state of jubilation," Hill wrote.
"His remarks to me since his return are not those of a man who has been 
impressed with the gravity of the human rights problem as seen from the 
US," he continued. "Guzzetti's reaction indicates little reason for concern 
over the human rights issue."
Hill's impressions were contained in a telegram that was one of more than 
4,000 documents released by the U.S. State Department this week, and posted 
on a government Web site Wednesday. The documents are revealing new 
information about Argentina's "dirty war" against suspected leftists during 
the 1976-83 dictatorship.
During the military's six-year rule, at least 8,900 people disappeared in 
the junta's systematic crackdown on leftist groups, according to a 
government report. Human rights groups place the figure at around 30,000.
The cables were released at the urging of human rights groups, Argentine 
families of the disappeared, and several countries investigating military 
officers for past abuses.
Some of the documents - diplomatic cables and other memoranda from US 
officials sent from the US embassy in Buenos Aires to Washington - give an 
impression that American diplomats believed the government had not strongly 
stressed that the abuses were cause for concern.
Another Hill cable, sent in September 1976, says a high-ranking Argentine 
official came away from a meeting with Kissinger in Santiago, Chile, 
thinking the US government approved of what the military regime was doing 
to supress subversives.
"Their impression had been that the US government's overriding concern was 
not human rights but rather that the Argentine government 'get it over 
quickly'," he wrote.
William Rogers, who served as under secretary for economic affairs during 
the Ford administration, said Kissinger repeatedly told Argentine officials 
its fight against terrorism had to be conducted within the law.
He said Kissinger had instructed Ambassador Hill to stress that point in 
meetings with officials from the military regime.
Kissinger did not return calls for comment Wednesday. "The cables are only 
a fraction of the total communicaton between Washington and the field," he 
said. "The don't capture what was being said behind closed doors."
Following Argentina's dictatorship, many ranking military officers were 
tried on charges of abduction, torture and execution of suspected leftist 
opponents of the regime. They were imprisoned in 1985 but later pardoned in 
1990 by then-President Carlos Menem.
The human rights abuses in Argentina proved a nettlesome issue for the 
successive administrations of US presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, 
which struggled over ways to handle them.
US embassy officials in Buenos Aires diligently tracked the abuses of the 
military government, frequently offering recommendations that provoked 
sharp debate in Washington over ways to stop them, experts say.
Appealing for added pressure from State Department officials on the 
Argentine government, Hill wrote that he could not press for greater 
attention to the human rights issue in Argentina if it did not first 
emanate from Washington.
The Argentine government "must now believe that if it has any problems with 
the US government over human rights, they are confined to certain elements 
of Congress and what it regards as uninformed minor segments of public opinion.
While that conviction lasts it will be unrealistc and unbelievable for this 
embassy to press the government over human rights violations," he wrote

Ann Thrax attack at the new york times.

2002-08-22 Thread Matthew X

Ann "Thrax" Coulter's interview with the New York Observer's George Gurly, 
in which she voiced regret that journalists at the NY Times have not been 
murdered by terrorists.
In that interview, Thrax defends her rhetoric this way:
"I know when I'm baiting them, it's so easy to bait them and they always 
bite. That is my signature style, to start with the wild, bald, McCarthyite 
overstatements -- seemingly --and then back it up with methodical and 
laborious research."
True to form as liberals, we and others have bitten, responding with 
outrage and nausea to Thrax's expression of support for the the murder of 
journalists. (Or what reader John Feer has affectionately called her 
"girlish homicidal dementia.")
So now that the liberals are sufficiently baited, it's time to move on to 
Phase Two of Thrax's special game.  And we're extremely curious as to what 
her "methodical and laborious research" will yield here, as well as how she 
might use it to "back up" the idea that it's regrettable those working for 
the New York Times have not been killed by terrorists.
We can't wait to hear Thrax's follow-up.
In the meantime, why not help Ann "Thrax" Coulter methodically and 
laboriously research her argument?
Readers:  Send us examples of those historical figures whom top 
conservative thinkers like Thrax would like terrorists to emulate - those 
who have used extreme violence against journalists as an effective means of 
eliminating their viewpoints.  Perhaps Thrax can then rely on some of your 
research to "back up" her view that it's regrettable the same has not 
happened to those journalists who work for the New York Times.
As we also noted earlier, Ann Coulter is recommended/linked by's 
Mickey Kaus.  Another prominent conservative Mickey promotes and provides a 
permanent link is Lucianne Goldberg.
Today's "Quote of the Day" at
Quote of the day:

"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times 

-Ann Coulter in an interview with the New York Observer.
Also from 'atticus.' MWO.
"...Coulter, and the others on this list of pundits, would no doubt 
strenuously deny this argument, but replace the word 'liberals' or 'the 
left' in their writings with the word 'Jew or Jews,' and what kind of 
invective does this speech begin to resemble? Coulter et. al are quick to 
accuse their caricatured 'Left' of 'hate,' but I think what we now can see 
is that this clique of rightists have gone from creating the caricature to 
attack to believing the caricature to be real.
In this sense, I think there is a real parallel to developments on the 
right in the US and disturbing tendencies in many countries prior to bouts 
of extreme violence and ethnic cleansing that is no longer rooted in 
politics. It is rooted, rather, in the irrational identification of a 
caricatured class of hated people with ones real fellow citizens. As we 
know, in the US, Germany, Italy, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Cambodia, all of 
Eastern Europe and the former USSR, in France, and even in England, the 
widespread belief in a caricatured evil doer (the 'Negro,' the 'Jew', the 
'Communist', the 'Kulak') can quickly, and very unexpectedly, translate 
into widespread violence and socially sanctioned murder.
It's a very bad fire to play with. I remember hearing two songs by Peter 
Gabriel in 1980 that really made me think. One, of course, was 'Biko,' the 
song Gabriel wrote to commemorate the murder of Steve Biko in Port 
Elizabeth, South Africa in 1977. The other was 'Games without Frontiers,' 
particularly the line:
Adolph builds a bonfire and Enrico plays with it.
I think the meaning is pretty clear, and that's the bonfire with which the 
pundits on your list are playing. They may like their monkey games now, but 
will they enjoy the fruits of the barbecue so well?
Best regards as always,
Atticus Finch