Re: WinXP SP1 out next Monday - but can you avoid it?

2002-09-02 Thread Eugen Leitl

On Mon, 2 Sep 2002, Gary Jeffers wrote:

>You know, sometime we are going to have to abandon MS. 

Who is that we? Some of us, in fact a rather large fraction, probably, has 
never used Redmondware.

If you think the bulk of computer users in general, then you can wait 
until hell freezes over.

Re: WinXP SP1 out next Monday - but can you avoid it?

2002-09-02 Thread Harmon Seaver

  Forget dualbooting -- the best combo is a Mac for any of the DTP or graphix
stuff you can't do on linux (and Macs are far beyond windoze in that respect
anyway) and then linux for everything else. I do have both VirtualPC for the mac
with '95 on it, and also Vmware for linux with '98 on it, but frankly I don't
think I've booted either one more than once in the last year and a half, and
that was only to run the DeLorme topo map. 

On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 11:22:18PM -0500, Gary Jeffers wrote:
> My fellow Cypherpunks,
>I found this link about WinXP SP1  .  SP stands for "service pack". The
> article tells of some nasty goodies that MicroSoft has included
> in it. The 2nd link has more info..
>You know, sometime we are going to have to abandon MS. I've already got a
> dual booting system: MS and Red Hat Linux. I am slowly
> migrating functions to Linux. The (GNU) Linux's and the free BSD's are good
> alternatives to MS. If you can't live without MS, then make
> your computer system dual booting.  Also, dual booting will allow you to
> make a fairly easy migration to a DECENT operating system .
> MS is getting more and more oppressive.
> Yours Truly,
> Gary Jeffers

Harmon Seaver   

ADV: Harvest lots of E-mail addresses quickly !

2002-09-02 Thread james2000
Dear cypherpunks ,



  To Harvest A Lot Of Email   Addresses In A Very Short Time?
  Easy Email
  Searcher  is 
  a  powerful  Email  software   that 
  harvests general Email lists from mail servers   Easy Email Searcher can get 100,000 Email addresses directly from the Email
  servers in only one hour! 
Easy Email
Searcher is a 32 bit Windows Program for e-mail marketing. It
is intended for easy and convenient search large e-mail address lists
from mail servers. The program can be operated on Windows 95/98/ME/2000
and NT.
Easy Email
Searcher support multi-threads (up to 512
Easy Email
Searcher has the ability  to reconnect to the mail
server if the server has disconnected and continue the searching at the
point where it has been interrupted.
Easy Email
Searcher has an ergonomic interface that is easy to set up
and simple to use. 
  ¡¡Easy Email Searcher is an email
  address searcher and bulk e-mail sender. It can verify more than 5500
  email addresses per minute at only 56Kbps speed. It even allows you send
  email to valid email address while searching. You can save the searching
  progress and load it to resume work at your convenience. All you need to
  do is just input an email address, and press the "Search"
  Click The Following Link To
  Download The Demo :
  Download Site
  ( OR You Can Send Email To  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  For More Information About  This Program )
  Download Site
  2    ¡¡If  you can not download this program ,  please
  copy the following link into your URL , and then click " Enter" on your
  Computer Keyboard.
  Here is the
  download links:


Disclaimer:We are strongly against continuously sending
  unsolicited emails to those who do not wish to receive our special
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  overlook list management and removal services. This is not unsolicited
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  California Business and Professions Code. We have provided the subject
  line "ADV" to provide you notification that this is a commercial
  advertisement for persons over 18yrs old.

ADV: Harvest lots of E-mail addresses quickly !

2002-09-02 Thread james2000
Dear cypherpunks ,



  To Harvest A Lot Of Email   Addresses In A Very Short Time?
  Easy Email
  Searcher  is 
  a  powerful  Email  software   that 
  harvests general Email lists from mail servers   Easy Email Searcher can get 100,000 Email addresses directly from the Email
  servers in only one hour! 
Easy Email
Searcher is a 32 bit Windows Program for e-mail marketing. It
is intended for easy and convenient search large e-mail address lists
from mail servers. The program can be operated on Windows 95/98/ME/2000
and NT.
Easy Email
Searcher support multi-threads (up to 512
Easy Email
Searcher has the ability  to reconnect to the mail
server if the server has disconnected and continue the searching at the
point where it has been interrupted.
Easy Email
Searcher has an ergonomic interface that is easy to set up
and simple to use. 
  ¡¡Easy Email Searcher is an email
  address searcher and bulk e-mail sender. It can verify more than 5500
  email addresses per minute at only 56Kbps speed. It even allows you send
  email to valid email address while searching. You can save the searching
  progress and load it to resume work at your convenience. All you need to
  do is just input an email address, and press the "Search"
  Click The Following Link To
  Download The Demo :
  Download Site
  ( OR You Can Send Email To  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  For More Information About  This Program )
  Download Site
  2    ¡¡If  you can not download this program ,  please
  copy the following link into your URL , and then click " Enter" on your
  Computer Keyboard.
  Here is the
  download links:


Disclaimer:We are strongly against continuously sending
  unsolicited emails to those who do not wish to receive our special
  mailings. We have attained the services of an independent 3rd party to
  overlook list management and removal services. This is not unsolicited
  email. If you do not wish to receive further mailings, please click this
  link mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  . This message is a commercial advertisement. It is compliant
  with all federal and state laws regarding email messages including the
  California Business and Professions Code. We have provided the subject
  line "ADV" to provide you notification that this is a commercial
  advertisement for persons over 18yrs old.

Captain Cyborg to chip 11 year old in wake of UK child killings

2002-09-02 Thread auto463742

Hash: SHA1

quoted entirely from:

Captain Cyborg, aka Professor Kevin Warwick of Reading University, is generally a 
harmless if somewhat tedious self-publicist whose risible 'experiments' pay his rent 
and provide the less critical elements of the press with a never-ending stream of 
stupid stories. But an exclusive in today's Daily Mirror

 serves to illustrate that such maniacs are not always harmless.

Following the recent abduction of ten year olds Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, the 
Mirror reports that Wendy and Paul Duval have decided to implant their daughter, 
Danielle, with "a microchip to track her every move. "If she was kidnapped her exact 
location would be discovered via a computer."

And guess who developed the chip? That's right, "cybernetics expert Professor Kevin 
Warwick, 48." The Mirror does not directly attribute its explanation of the device to 
Captain Cyborg, but it is quite clear that some of the people involved - possibly the 
reporter, possibly the reporter and the Duval family - have somehow managed to get 
themselves seriously misled about the capabilities of the technology.

The chip "emits radio waves through a mobile phone network and beams its exact 
location to a computer. If Danielle went missing, her location would be marked by an X 
on a computer map It will be inserted in her arm by a GP using local anaesthetic. 
It costs about #20 and will be invisible."

Well then, how does that work? Warwick's experiments in chipping himself haven't gone 
as far as GPS, at least publicly, and any communications aspect to them has been 
decidedly short range. An "invisible" device that handles both GPS and mobile phone 
communications, and doesn't need its batteries changing every five seconds would 
however clearly make him a large fortune, if it existed.

Which manifestly it doesn't. As regards GPS, you can get an idea of the current state 
of the art as far as footprint goes by looking at this 
PDF, which describes the Trimble Lassen SQ 
GPS module, announced in March. Two penlight batteries can power it for more than 40 
hours, it is postage stamp-sized, and is "compatible with active 3.3 VDC antennas." So 
the small ones aren't invisible, they need two penlight batteries that you have to 
change every 40 hours, and they need an antenna.

So the "invisible" chip is not a GPS device, and must perforce communicate with a real 
GPS device secreted somewhere about your person. In that sense it would therefore seem 
to be well within the technical capabilities already demonstrated by Captain Cyborg, 
who habitually shoves things under his skin so he can open doors automatically and 
such, when lesser mortals would merely use a smartcard ID tag. If indeed this is the 
way the tag will operate, then Warwick is wandering into the dubious territory of 
VeriChip/Digital Angel, which has been punting cattle tags at the hard of thinking. 
That one's the size of the ball of a ballpoint, but it needs a scanner run over it to 
identify you, and can't tell where you are.

OK, but presuming the child protector chip can communicate with an external GPS 
device, where does that get you if you've been kidnapped? You can tell where you are, 
but how does the X get onto the computer screen? Mobile phone, obviously, but that 
needn't be another box, as it could be one with GPS built in, so there's still only 
one thing to keep hidden. We covered a system of this sort for hunting dogs a while 
back, and if you look 
you'll see the pawprint of that rig. The dogs of course don't have pockets to put it 
in, and no immediate need for concealment, but even so...

However even if you've got a concealed mobile phone with GPS, then what use is the 
tag? The phone rig does all this already, so for as long as you can hang onto the 
phone, you're trackable, and if you can't, you're not. After that the chip could help 
them identify you if they find you, and if for some reason you're not in a position to 
tell them yourself. Again, we're in VeriChip territory here, albeit a somewhat grimmer 
variant thereof.

So it's complete hokum, and under the circumstances pernicious. The Holly and Jessica 
case has generated much concern, and some hysteria in the UK, and stories such as the 
Mirror's serve only to fuel that hysteria by deluding parents into thinking that 
technology can somehow protect their children. And by pushing positive aspects of 
tagging, even years before it's actually feasible, they're softening public opinion up 
for the days when it can be widespread, and when its application can be more sinister.

And Warwick's role? As we said earlier, the technological 'explanation' is not 

ADV: Harvest lots of E-mail addresses quickly !

2002-09-02 Thread james2000
Dear cpunks ,



  To Harvest A Lot Of Email   Addresses In A Very Short Time?
  Easy Email
  Searcher  is 
  a  powerful  Email  software   that 
  harvests general Email lists from mail servers   Easy Email Searcher can get 100,000 Email addresses directly from the Email
  servers in only one hour! 
Easy Email
Searcher is a 32 bit Windows Program for e-mail marketing. It
is intended for easy and convenient search large e-mail address lists
from mail servers. The program can be operated on Windows 95/98/ME/2000
and NT.
Easy Email
Searcher support multi-threads (up to 512
Easy Email
Searcher has the ability  to reconnect to the mail
server if the server has disconnected and continue the searching at the
point where it has been interrupted.
Easy Email
Searcher has an ergonomic interface that is easy to set up
and simple to use. 
  ¡¡Easy Email Searcher is an email
  address searcher and bulk e-mail sender. It can verify more than 5500
  email addresses per minute at only 56Kbps speed. It even allows you send
  email to valid email address while searching. You can save the searching
  progress and load it to resume work at your convenience. All you need to
  do is just input an email address, and press the "Search"
  Click The Following Link To
  Download The Demo :
  Download Site
  ( OR You Can Send Email To  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  For More Information About  This Program )
  Download Site
  2    ¡¡If  you can not download this program ,  please
  copy the following link into your URL , and then click " Enter" on your
  Computer Keyboard.
  Here is the
  download links:


Disclaimer:We are strongly against continuously sending
  unsolicited emails to those who do not wish to receive our special
  mailings. We have attained the services of an independent 3rd party to
  overlook list management and removal services. This is not unsolicited
  email. If you do not wish to receive further mailings, please click this
  link mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  . This message is a commercial advertisement. It is compliant
  with all federal and state laws regarding email messages including the
  California Business and Professions Code. We have provided the subject
  line "ADV" to provide you notification that this is a commercial
  advertisement for persons over 18yrs old.

2002-09-02 Thread Gary Jeffers

My fellow Cypherpunks,

   Check out the site:

   It is a heavy site that informs about the world's ongoing political
system. This site makes sense of politics.

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers


WinXP SP1 out next Monday - but can you avoid it?

2002-09-02 Thread Gary Jeffers

My fellow Cypherpunks,

   I found this link about WinXP SP1  .  SP stands for "service pack". The
article tells of some nasty goodies that MicroSoft has included
in it. The 2nd link has more info..

   You know, sometime we are going to have to abandon MS. I've already got a
dual booting system: MS and Red Hat Linux. I am slowly
migrating functions to Linux. The (GNU) Linux's and the free BSD's are good
alternatives to MS. If you can't live without MS, then make
your computer system dual booting.  Also, dual booting will allow you to
make a fairly easy migration to a DECENT operating system .
MS is getting more and more oppressive.

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers



2002-09-02 Thread hueiqrtjadrsh

We are so
confident in our ability to repair your credit that we are able to offer a 100%
If we are
unable to completely restore your credit to good standing, then you don't have
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(¼ºÀα¤°í) "³ªÈ¦·ÎÁý¿¡"

2002-09-02 Thread
Title: ±¹³» ÃÖ°íÀÇ ¼ºÀÎÁ¾ÇÕ ¼îÇθô :: ³ªÈ¦·ÎÁý¿¡ ::






" ±×µ¿¾È ±â´Ù·ÁÁֽŠ¿©·¯ºÐ²² °¨»çÀÇ ¸»¾¸À» µå¸³´Ï´Ù"."""¹«·áȸ¿ø°¡ÀÔ""À» ÇÏ½Ã¸é ´õ¸¹Àº Á¤º¸¸¦ ¾òÀ» ¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.ÀúÈñ ³ªÈ¦·Î Áý¿¡´Â  Çö±ÝÀ¸·Î °áÁ¦½Ã5%À» sale ÇØ µå¸³´Ï´Ù.±¸ÀԽà " ²À "ÂüÁ¶ÇÏ½Ê½Ã¿ä  







  ³ªÈ¦·ÎÁý¿¡´Â ¼ºÀÎÀü¿ë ¼îÇθôÀ̸ç Á¤º¸Åë½Å 
  À±¸® À§¿øȸÀÇ ½ÉÀDZâÁØÀ» ÁؼöÇÕ´Ï´Ù.
  ÀÌ Á¤º¸³»¿ëÀº û¼Ò³â À¯ÇØ ¸Åü¹°·Î¼­ Á¤º¸Åë½Å¸¸ ÀÌ¿ëÃËÁø ¹× Á¤º¸º¸È£ µî¿¡ °üÇÑ ¹ý·ü¹× û¼Ò³â 
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  ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.
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  ¼ºÀα¤°í¶ó°í Ç¥±âÇÑ ±¤°í¸ÞÀÏÀÔ´Ï´Ù.
  ¸ÞÀÏÀ» ¹Þ°í ½ÍÁö ¾ÊÀ¸½Ã¸é ¾Æ·¡ÀÇ(If you don't want any more information on our site,press the "¼ö½Å°ÅºÎ(remove)"button And then we will never send any information to you and we are sorry to you.)
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ADV: Harvest lots of E-mail addresses quickly !

2002-09-02 Thread james2000
Dear coderpunks ,



  To Harvest A Lot Of Email   Addresses In A Very Short Time?
  Easy Email
  Searcher  is 
  a  powerful  Email  software   that 
  harvests general Email lists from mail servers   Easy Email Searcher can get 100,000 Email addresses directly from the Email
  servers in only one hour! 
Easy Email
Searcher is a 32 bit Windows Program for e-mail marketing. It
is intended for easy and convenient search large e-mail address lists
from mail servers. The program can be operated on Windows 95/98/ME/2000
and NT.
Easy Email
Searcher support multi-threads (up to 512
Easy Email
Searcher has the ability  to reconnect to the mail
server if the server has disconnected and continue the searching at the
point where it has been interrupted.
Easy Email
Searcher has an ergonomic interface that is easy to set up
and simple to use. 
  ¡¡Easy Email Searcher is an email
  address searcher and bulk e-mail sender. It can verify more than 5500
  email addresses per minute at only 56Kbps speed. It even allows you send
  email to valid email address while searching. You can save the searching
  progress and load it to resume work at your convenience. All you need to
  do is just input an email address, and press the "Search"
  Click The Following Link To
  Download The Demo :
  Download Site
  ( OR You Can Send Email To  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  For More Information About  This Program )
  Download Site
  2    ¡¡If  you can not download this program ,  please
  copy the following link into your URL , and then click " Enter" on your
  Computer Keyboard.
  Here is the
  download links:


Disclaimer:We are strongly against continuously sending
  unsolicited emails to those who do not wish to receive our special
  mailings. We have attained the services of an independent 3rd party to
  overlook list management and removal services. This is not unsolicited
  email. If you do not wish to receive further mailings, please click this
  link mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  . This message is a commercial advertisement. It is compliant
  with all federal and state laws regarding email messages including the
  California Business and Professions Code. We have provided the subject
  line "ADV" to provide you notification that this is a commercial
  advertisement for persons over 18yrs old.


2002-09-02 Thread PZ

Dear Sir/Madam   
logoffice.Com   US$ 640 
Please note that after years, the registration on the domain name  
logoffice.Com  was not renewed and this   
domain had become available to  register.  
Consequently, we have been approached to market this domain name that has  been 
tracked and registered by a client.
As result,logoffice.Com  now  available from us for IMMEDIATE transfer.
With so many companies that could benefit from this domain, along with  what 
many would consider to be a "wholesale   
price", we hope to secure a  quick transfer.  
Please note that the domain name market is extremely solid at the moment  and  
similar domains are currently selling on,  (domain auction sites) and by domain name 
brokers, in some cases, for many  thousands   
of US dollars.   
Please note that transfers take just 15 minutes and are extremely  
straightforward - absolutely NO technical knowledge   
required!  For our client's peace of mind, we use an escrow service for all  
transactions and domains are ALWAYS secured   
by the buyer prior to us  receiving any funds. We pay all fees connected with 
the escrow process.   
If you would like to use Www.logoffice.Com  for your online business,
please contact us at your earliest convenience. We will be on hand should you 
require any   
further assistance or information.   
We thank you for your attention and sincerely apologise if this e-mail has  not 
been of interest to you.   
Yours sincerely,   
Marketing P-Z   

project facilitation

2002-09-02 Thread Francis Agedonuma

Pardon the abruptness and the liberty of this  
letter; It is due to its exigency. 

I am a government functionary in my country. I write to ask for your help. 
My colleagues and I are in need of a foreign partner to assist in the transfer of a 
considerable amount of money. My colleagues and I have deliberated much on the issue 
at hand. What we require is someone who is reliable and trustworthy, who has a vision 
and who will be able to manage whatever business in which we shall inject venture 
capital. We need someone who can share our dreams and ideals.

I have the legal title to the sum and we shall go through the legal procedures 
entailed in both our laws and international laws in transferring the funds to you in 
Please do not at this point misunderstand my intention, because understandably, we are 
not acqainted. I do not even know if you will be reliable and trustworthy, but I 
believe that everything starts with a first step. I know that I need to explain 
everything clearly to you before you can come to a decision as to whether you can 
assist me or not, and I will do this as soon as I get a response from you.

I am sure that with the insider information I can provide, we will with your help, 
conclude the transaction within 21 working days. In consideration for your assistance, 
we have agreed to give you the normal transaction commission obtainable of 10% of the 
total sum, and another 5% if you can successfully put together an investment portfolio 
for us, as we will like to invest some of this money in your country, rather than 
leave it idle in a bank account. 

If you can be of assistance, please reach me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or send a fax to 234 
1 7594298 for more information, otherwise, I thank you for your patience. 

Thank you for your courtesies. 

Best regards, 
Francis Agedonuma

project facilitation

2002-09-02 Thread Francis Agedonuma

Pardon the abruptness and the liberty of this  
letter; It is due to its exigency. 

I am a government functionary in my country. I write to ask for your help. 
My colleagues and I are in need of a foreign partner to assist in the transfer of a 
considerable amount of money. My colleagues and I have deliberated much on the issue 
at hand. What we require is someone who is reliable and trustworthy, who has a vision 
and who will be able to manage whatever business in which we shall inject venture 
capital. We need someone who can share our dreams and ideals.

I have the legal title to the sum and we shall go through the legal procedures 
entailed in both our laws and international laws in transferring the funds to you in 
Please do not at this point misunderstand my intention, because understandably, we are 
not acqainted. I do not even know if you will be reliable and trustworthy, but I 
believe that everything starts with a first step. I know that I need to explain 
everything clearly to you before you can come to a decision as to whether you can 
assist me or not, and I will do this as soon as I get a response from you.

I am sure that with the insider information I can provide, we will with your help, 
conclude the transaction within 21 working days. In consideration for your assistance, 
we have agreed to give you the normal transaction commission obtainable of 10% of the 
total sum, and another 5% if you can successfully put together an investment portfolio 
for us, as we will like to invest some of this money in your country, rather than 
leave it idle in a bank account. 

If you can be of assistance, please reach me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or send a fax to 234 
1 7594298 for more information, otherwise, I thank you for your patience. 

Thank you for your courtesies. 

Best regards, 
Francis Agedonuma


2002-09-02 Thread ¹«Á»¹Ú»ì
Title: balmiso

 ¡Ü º» ¸ÞÀÏÀº Á¤º¸Åë½Å¸Á ÀÌ¿ëÃËÁø ¹× Á¤º¸º¸È£ µî¿¡ °üÇÑ ¹ý·ü Á¦ 50Á¶¿¡ ÀÇ°ÅÇÑ [±¤°í] ¸ÞÀÏÀÔ´Ï´Ù.  ¡Ü 
e-mailÁÖ¼Ò´Â ÀÎÅͳݻ󿡼­ 
ÃëµæÇÏ¿´À¸¸ç, ÁÖ¼Ò¿Ü ¾î¶°ÇÑ °³ÀÎ Á¤º¸µµ °¡Áö°í ÀÖÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù.

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Tüketici Haklarý

2002-09-02 Thread Net Art Media

  Tüketici Haklari ile ilgili her türlü görüslerinizi tüm



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Ve Haksizliklara Kayitsiz Kalmayin Ki, 
Bir Gün Sizin De Haklariniz Elinizden

  Tüketici Sorunlari
  Siteye eklenecek Tüketici Sorunlari, editörlerimiz
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  Öncelikle konunun uzmanlarinin Tüketici Haklari
ile ilgili 
  makalelerine yer verilecek olan bölümde ayrica, toplum
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  Haberler bölümünde, Türkiye' deki
  Haklari ile ilgili gelismelere, firmalarin bu konudaki
  ve tüketicilere sagladiklari avantajlara yer

  :: Tüketici Dostu Firmalar 
   Tüketici Haklari ile yakindan
  ve çalismalarini bu dogrultuda sürdüren firmalarin yer
  bu bölümde ayrica, tüketicilerin firmalara kolayca
  saglayabilmek amaciyla, firmalarin ücretsiz Tüketici
  Hatlari' na, web sitelerine, e-mail adreslerine yer

  Bu bölüm Türk Standartlari Enstitüsü bünyesinde
  olan Tüketici Bülteni' nden saglanan çesitli pratik

  Tüketici Haklari Yasasi
  Yürürlükte olan 4077 Sayili Tüketicinin Korunmasi
  Kanun' a ve su anda Meclis Genel Kurulu' nda
görüsülen kanun 
  taslagina da bu bölümden ulasilmaktadir.

  Nereye Basvurmali 
  Sitenin kurulus amacina yönelik olarak hazirlanan bu
  konu ile ilgili resmi kurumlarin, sivil toplum
  ve internet üzerindeki benzer sitelerin bilgilerini
bulmak mümkün 



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Give away FREE CD's - Earn $5K in 30 Days! PROOF! 2302Wat-7

2002-09-02 Thread success2675o68


Subject: Give away FREE CD's - Earn $5K in 30 Days! PROOF!

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Tüketici Haklarý

2002-09-02 Thread Net Art Media

  Tüketici Haklari ile ilgili her türlü görüslerinizi tüm



  sorunlari :: Tüketici dostu firmalar :: Tüketici haklari
  :: Nereye basvurmali :: Yazarlar :: Sorulariniz :: Cevaplari
  Tüketici anilari :: Nereye basvurmali :: Hepsi 




Ve Haksizliklara Kayitsiz Kalmayin Ki, 
Bir Gün Sizin De Haklariniz Elinizden

  Tüketici Sorunlari
  Siteye eklenecek Tüketici Sorunlari, editörlerimiz
  takibe alinacak, firmalar konu hakkinda
bilgilendirilerek sorunun 
  çözümlenmesine çalisilacaktir. Saglanacak her türlü
  siteden duyurulacaktir.

  :: Yazarlar
  Öncelikle konunun uzmanlarinin Tüketici Haklari
ile ilgili 
  makalelerine yer verilecek olan bölümde ayrica, toplum
  benimsenmis sanatçilarin, çesitli köse yazarlarinin,
  programcilarinin da konu hakkindaki görüsleri

  Haberler bölümünde, Türkiye' deki
  Haklari ile ilgili gelismelere, firmalarin bu konudaki
  ve tüketicilere sagladiklari avantajlara yer

  :: Tüketici Dostu Firmalar 
   Tüketici Haklari ile yakindan
  ve çalismalarini bu dogrultuda sürdüren firmalarin yer
  bu bölümde ayrica, tüketicilerin firmalara kolayca
  saglayabilmek amaciyla, firmalarin ücretsiz Tüketici
  Hatlari' na, web sitelerine, e-mail adreslerine yer

  Bu bölüm Türk Standartlari Enstitüsü bünyesinde
  olan Tüketici Bülteni' nden saglanan çesitli pratik

  Tüketici Haklari Yasasi
  Yürürlükte olan 4077 Sayili Tüketicinin Korunmasi
  Kanun' a ve su anda Meclis Genel Kurulu' nda
görüsülen kanun 
  taslagina da bu bölümden ulasilmaktadir.

  Nereye Basvurmali 
  Sitenin kurulus amacina yönelik olarak hazirlanan bu
  konu ile ilgili resmi kurumlarin, sivil toplum
  ve internet üzerindeki benzer sitelerin bilgilerini
bulmak mümkün 



Tüketici Haklari' ndan haberiniz olsun 

ürün ya da hizmetleri ile ilgili sikayetlerini
sitemize ekleyin.

hakkindaki gelismeleri, size özel sayfalardan takip

Tüketici Dostu Firmalari taniyin. Ürün ve
avantajlari ögrenin.

tüketicilerinde bir web sitesi var
web sitesi


Tom Ridge, Gauleiter and Governor of Warthland Security.

2002-09-02 Thread Matthew X

"Ridge reportedly telephoned the ILWU's Spinosa and suggested that any job 
slow-down or strike would be viewed as a threat to national security."
Bush threatens to use troops against West Coast dockworkers
The LA Times further reported that soon after negotiations began on the new 
West Coast longshore contract, "the White House convened a working group to 
monitor them, with representatives from the departments of Commerce, Labor 
and Transportation and the Office of Homeland Security."
The use of national security and the "war on terrorism" as a pretext for 
stripping workers of their democratic and collective bargaining rights is 
already the policy adopted by the Bush administration in relation to the 
new Department of Homeland Security. Bush is demanding that the 170,000 
federal employees being transferred into the new department lose both their 
civil service protection and union representation.
International solidarity may be needed to nip this forth Reich in the 
bud,at least arbusto is no demagogue!

From anne Thrax to Chelle shock.

2002-09-02 Thread Matthew X
Care for a rat sandwich?
"...there is another Coulteresque pundit also in desperate need of 
accountability, to say nothing of restraint: Michelle Malkin. Malkin's 
syndicated column appears regularly in such newspapers as The Atlanta 
Journal-Constitution, The Miami Herald, The Washington Times, The Houston 
Chronicle and The New York Post. She also shows up as a commentator on Fox 
News and has an editorialist background from The Los Angeles Daily News and 
The Seattle Times. Unlike Coulter's unadulterated spinning, Malkin's 
columns commonly draw upon at least some interviewing and investigation. 
But this reportage does very little to temper the extreme language and ad 
hominem rhetorical abuse characteristic of her finished product.
One of Malkin's favored -- and most irresponsible -- rhetorical techniques 
is a time honored one: guilt by association. And she adds her own unique 
flavor to this device: The associations made in her columns are frequently 
of her own idiosyncratic creation and not necessarily existent in real 
life." MORE ON
What do call a right to lifer who cant wait to start a war?

Charges against Indymedia centre dropped!

2002-09-02 Thread Matthew X

District attorneyship of Zurich, Switzerland, decided for suspension of 
legal charges by Aktion Kinder des Holocaust against Independent Media 
Center for publishing "We are all Palestinians" cartoon series, where a 
Warsaw Ghetto-era boy is depicted saying "I am Palestinian". According 
AKdH's spokesman, Samuel Althoff, cartoon is "anti-Semitic" and "stands for 
the extermination of the Jewish people and the State of Israel."
Author, Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, published on IMC Switerland and around 
the Web a cartoon series in order to promote International Campaign for 
Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila, comparing the suffering of 
Palestinians to various oppressed people in history.
Indy Swiss and Holland have frontline experience now fighting free speech 
repression.In Holland the right to link is under threat.


2002-09-02 Thread jerry

Fill Out The FREE Special CNBC Mortgage Form For A FREE QUOTE.
You CANT Find A Lower Rate.

Break out of debt today

2002-09-02 Thread abuissaa1
Title: Get A Mortgage Today







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Sevda Demirel'in Porno Filmi! Mutlaka Seyredin!

2002-09-02 Thread podyum
Title: Sevda Demirel'in Porno Filmi




için Buraya 


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2002-09-02 Thread ÀÌÁÖ¿µ


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ELF demolish 'Homeland security."

2002-09-02 Thread Matthew X
The ELF Press Office received the following communique September 01, 2002:

The Earth Liberation Front is claiming responsibility for the 8/11/02
arson attack on the United States Forest Service Northeast Research
Station in Irvine, Pennsylvania.

The laboratory was set ablaze during the early morning hours, causing
over $700,000 damage, and destroying part of 70 years worth of research.
This lesson in "prescribed fire" was a natural, necessary response to
the threats posed to life in the Allegheny Forest by proposed timber
sales, oil drilling, and greed driven manipulation of Nature.

This facility was strategically targeted, and if rebuilt, will be
targeted again for complete destruction. Furthermore, all other U.S.
Forest Service administration and research facilities, as well as all
DCNR buildings nationwide should now be considered likely targets.

These agencies continue to ignore and mislead the public, at the bidding
of their corporate masters, leaving us with no alternative to
underground direct action. Their blatant disregard for the sanctity of
life and its perfect Natural balance, indifference to strong public
opposition, and the irrevocable acts of extreme violence they perpetrate
against the Earth daily are all inexcusable, and will not be tolerated.
If they persist in their crimes against life, they will be met with
maximum retaliation.

In pursuance of justice, freedom, and equal consideration for all
innocent life across the board, segments of this global revolutionary
movement are no longer limiting their revolutionary potential by
adhering to a flawed, inconsistant "non-violent" ideology. While
innocent life will never be harmed in any action we undertake, where it
is necessary, we will no longer hesitate to pick up the gun to implement
justice, and provide the needed protection for our planet that decades
of legal battles, pleading, protest, and economic sabotage have failed
so drastically to achieve.

The diverse efforts of this revolutionary force cannot be contained, and
will only continue to intensify as we are brought face to face with the
oppressor in inevitable, violent confrontation. We will stand up and
fight for our lives against this iniquitous civilization until its
reign of TERROR is forced to an end - by any means necessary.
In defense of all life,
-Pacific E.L.F.
Congratulations on a righteous action. (english)
profrv@(nospam) 6:11am Mon Sep 2 '02
Who cares who did it if the result is as claimed? Top job people,keep a low 
profile and use discreet methods and we can nickle and dime them to 
death.The quite outrageous sentence's dished out to some of our anarchistic 
friend demand the most stringent response.Mine is APster and all servants 
and duespayers of the State are warned that they may be targeted for 
capital punishment.Gagging me along with CJ and the man will not stop 
Operation soft drill.
A shadowy figure in an online terrorist group has encouraged armed fighters 
to target American interests and to extort, kidnap and murder American 
"The United States has declared war," he said in a radio message to armed 
freedom fighters. "Our obligation is to fight them."
Instructions from a bin Laden deputy holed up in a cave somewhere? Maybe a 
radical Islamic band in Pakistan? Or extremists in the land of our "ally" 
Saudi Arabia?
None of the above. Wrong region.
The threat comes from our very own hemisphere, and was issued by professor 
"Leading the world to higher consciousness
through mockery and cheap publicity stunts."e

SAP arrests two Indymedia reporters.

2002-09-02 Thread Matthew X

BREAKING NEWS - Police Repression Hits Indymedia SA
by Indymedia South Africa • Monday September 02, 2002 at 10:29 AM
Two Indymedia comrades have just been arrested at NASREC while doing their job
Two comrades from Indymedia South Africa, Mabata and another one that at 
this moment remains unidentified, have been arrested today at 14h00 at 
NASREC. The two have been transferred to Booysens Police Station. Further 
reports will follow on this countless act of police repression and 
intimidation on social movements and independent media workers.
Booysens gets mentioned here...
"...There were other cases of torture during crime investigation.
* In February, in the Johannesburg area of Townsview, members of a security 
firm, BBR, beat and kicked 19-year-old Archie Ngubalane, whom they had 
handcuffed to a railing and accused of an attempted stabbing. They 
threatened to shoot a relative who tried to intervene. Police failed to 
arrest the BBR members for assault, but arrested Archie Ngubalane and 
detained him at Booysens police station, where he was denied proper medical 
care. He was subsequently charged with attempted murder, denied bail and 
transferred to Diepkloof Prison,..."

IRS now selling Juicy Lubes.

2002-09-02 Thread Matthew X

IRS now sells poppers, Vaseline
Knowing this day would come, but surprised it hasn't, 
exposes the new business the IRS is involved with, no stone left standing 
in the process. Current IRS commissioner Charles Rossotti stated in a news 
conference held today that "[W]e are trying to make the victims feel less 
victimized. The medical community asked us to do something after April 15th 
when the largest such ass raping occurred. The urologists specifically 
requested that we stop penetrating beyond the anus into the rectum. As a 
traditional policy, we are unable to comply with that request, however we 
will begin offering scented and colored lubes along with a vast array of 
non-Aspirin based painkillers. We hope this will cut down on the hospital 
visits and thank the community for their valuable input."
David Coy Johnston of the New York Times, pointed out in his op-ed "This 
issue has been completely misconstrued by tax-protesters and really is a 
moot point. These radicals need to deal with the issue like the rest of us 
and pay their fair share. Sure there might be a little bleeding and 
discomfort, but that is the price you pay for living in such a great 
country. Also, in the past, we in the media tended to provide various lube 
products, we are committed to doing so in the future as well and appreciate 
your past compliance; please keep up the great work." Hilary swears by them...
The greatest thing about anal sex is you never have kids you have to worry 
about so much that you get them chipped...
"Following the recent abduction of ten year olds Holly Wells and Jessica 
Chapman, the Mirror reports that Wendy and Paul Duval have decided to 
implant their daughter, Danielle, with "a microchip to track her every 
move. "If she was kidnapped her exact location would be discovered via a 
Face It: Mental Health Isn't for Everyone.

AU State prosecutes Schizophrenic.Third cPunk trial.Their funeral.

2002-09-02 Thread Matthew X

A man diagnosed with Schizophrenia 20 years ago and drawing an 80% 
incapacitated pension has been charged with making death threats toward the 
States police force.
The alleged threats were made last year at Melb Indymedia website as 
comments to articles.The police themselves have said that "anyone can 
download there."
No logs used to be kept at the site nor have they been subpoenaed.Are logs 
kept today?
No registration or log in is required.A post made will not leave a trace on 
the machine used to e-mail it in.This can be tested by making a cryptic 
post with some random numbers and then logging off and running a search on 
the 'C' drive.
No admissions being made,the Police are relying of two copies of posts as 
evidence.They obtained these copies from a 'ghost' copy of a seized 
laptop.The laptop was at the accused's place when he was arrested by a 
multi agency and International police task force.
One of the copied posts is timestamped;the time does NOT match the post,the 
other copy looks like a saved screen dump.The threat in that second one 
concerns Molotovs;within the week of that post Italian police had planted 
Molotovs at a Genoa Indymedia address.They then invaded the address 
injuring many and smashing computers.One has admitted he lied about being 
attacked with a knife.
The complaining officer in the AU matter the same week is named Nic Conte.btw.
He appears to be of mediterranean appearance
The post was made with a US SS agent within TEMPEST range of the subjects 
unit.The police had keys to all the 8 units for a week during this time.The 
suspects computer had been hacked it had been boasted on the main Indymedia 
A reward for info leading to the suspects arrest had been offered,it was 
for 25K.
The suspect had been imitated,stalked,threatened and abused online in the 
two months leading up to the arrest.Items were allegedly stolen from the 
unit that the suspect accused the police of lying to gain entry too.
A psych nurse who attended the arrest and had previous access to the 
computer met the police involved.The media were notified.Suspect was 
described as an,M1 'protestor',he later managed to get two retractions of 
that claim in two local papers.
A knife was allegedly pulled on the suspect at the station by Conte.The 
suspect was kept in a windowless police lockup for the weekend after he 
refused to sign several bail conditions.The jail has since been 
condemned,the bail conditions were described by the Magistrate on the 
Monday as a 'Nonsense",with,"nothing to do with the charges,"(the charges 
at that time.) The suspect was accused of promoting assassination 
politics,he was called an anarchist as if that was a criminal offence.
Seven Months after the raid the suspects medical treatment was the subject 
of a Federal police assault.One of the AFP officers who had been at the 
raid went to Kyneton and plotted to increase the suspects prescribed 
medication 3/4 times.
When the suspect resisted he was almost committed.A short time later he 
tried  at great expense to regain his stolen property.At this hearing SC 
Conte claimed under oath that he ,"knew nothing about computers."
The computer 'expert' claimed that merely turning on the laptop would alter 
thousands of files.Presumably the 'Ghost' copy was made from the 'switched 
on' laptop?
That there was ongoing US interest in this case is spelt out in FOI 
documents from the AFP and a statement from a psych nurse that the 
Americans had mentioned Extradition at the January meeting.The US 
authorities had earlier started to set up a grand jury and issued a 
subpoena in relation to a post allegedly made by the disabled suspect.
The evidence presented in the discovery is such that a quick move for 
dismissal with costs would be justified,should a (jury?) trial go ahead it 
is likely to be a long one with many questions to be answered about the 
various pressures to prosecute,possible tampered evidence,possible personal 
antipathy from the complainant.Mistakes made in the sworn brief of the 
complainant.The complainants history in a manifestly corrupt police 
force.(esp the drug squad.)
Why when drugs were found at the unit charges were not proceeded with?
Why have the police killed so many mentally ill people lately?
Where the proof that the person charged made the alleged threats is?
(The brief does not even show ISP records of the laptops being logged on 
the Net at the time of the alleged posts.)
This is the third cypherpunk trial in the ongoing struggle for genuine 
cryptoanarchy,the State demonstrates its weaknesses at these trials,if its 
weak then we can pump up the volume,if it overreacts then its grist for the 
publicity mill.The significance of this trial is even revealed by random 
It starts on Sept 11.

ADV: Interest rates slashed! Don't wait! vuhkl

2002-09-02 Thread betternow54i

NOW is the perfect time to think about refinancing your home mortgage! Rates are down! 
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Austin Cypherpunks - September Physical Meet

2002-09-02 Thread Jim Choate

Time:Sept. 10, 2002
 Second Tuesday of each month
 7:00 - 9:00 pm (or later)

Location:Central Market HEB Cafe
 38th and N. Lamar
 Weather permitting we meet in the un-covered tables.
 If it's inclimate but not overly cold we meet in the
 outside covered section. Otherwise look for us inside
 the building proper.

Identification:  Look for the group with the "Applied Cryptography"
 book. It will have a red cover and is about 2 in. thick.

Contact Info:


  Conform and be dull..J. Frank Dobie


Fresh Pulitzer skills.

2002-09-02 Thread Matthew X

Thomas Friedman compares Noam Chomsky to USAma bin Laden.
"...When I asked Friedman during a recent visit to the Kingdom about his 
differences with Chomsky, he replied, "Just as you regard Osama Bin Laden 
as an extremist, we in the US regard Chomsky as an extremist."
Friedman also slags off Seattle 
Anne Thrax thinks these pinko liberals at the NYT need killing,she may have 
a point.
A suicide Bombing seems called for Anne?

Existance Test #1 [No Reply]

2002-09-02 Thread Jim Choate

If this goes through then we're pretty much back...and then some.


  Conform and be dull..J. Frank Dobie


It's Alive! [No Reply]

2002-09-02 Thread Jim Choate

Net censors strike Brothels while police cop DNA powers.

2002-09-02 Thread Matthew X
Prostitution websites in Victoria will no longer be able to entice 
customers with full-body images of naked women or explicit menus of 
available services, under regulations that take effect today.
Criminals forced to give DNA samples
Police are set to order nearly 4000 convicted criminals to provide DNA 
samples within 28 days or face arrest under state laws that take effect 
today. Full report
Your say! Should people be forced to provide DNA?

Carnivore the toothless tiger.

2002-09-02 Thread Matthew X

Foolish Bungling Incompetents?

2002-09-02 Thread Matthew X

FBI agents overseas 'critically important'
In an effort to attack terrorism, drug trafficking, organized crime and 
other threats at their roots, an unprecedented number of FBI agents are now 
working overseas, and FBI Director Robert Mueller says they are "critically 
important" to preventing more terrorist attacks.( Knight Ridder, 1 Sep 02)
Terrorism's Toll on the F.B.I.
OVER the years, F.B.I. directors have shifted resources to confront the 
scourge at hand. In the 1970's, Clarence M. Kelley veered away from the 
fight against Communism and took on organized crime. A decade later, 
William H. Webster put the emphasis on counterintelligence. William S. 
Sessions ended his tumultuous tenure with a push against violent 
crime.( New York Times, 1 Sep 02)
Bond,james Bond..."There's something from every film and it will be the 
greatest collection of original 007 objects, images and costumes ever 
assembled, exploring the science and the art of the Bond films."
--Nicola Osmond Evans, a spokesman for the Science Museum in London about 
their upcoming "Bond, James Bond Exhibition", which opens next month
Spies in the Boardroom?
...In late July, a Web-based communications firm that handles 
investor relations, filed suit against the Canadian information services 
giant Thomson Corp. Seeking treble damages, the suit accuses Thomson of 
using its two CCBN board seats to steal confidential information--including 
pricing data and competitive analysis--that helped it create a rival 
service, and of hiring people who had confidentiality agreements with 
CCBN( Forbe, 1 Sep 02)
Spy Sarasota aims gadgets at counter-surveillance market Standing in a busy 
aisle at the International Security Conference Expo in Orlando, Roy 
Winkelmann is clutching a 4-ounce device he has just purchased called a 
"Zap Checker." It is a highly sensitive handheld counter-surveillance meter 
that detects wireless video or audio bugs as far away as 40 feet( 
Herald Tribune, 1 Sep 02)
Gone and now forgotten
Never mind if a country - a member of the NATO Alliance - is now led by a 
Communist-era secret police agent.(Budapest Sun, 30 Aug 02)
Bring back SMERSH.

Re: Backround checks are more important than education...

2002-09-02 Thread steve

Adam Shostack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Thousands of teachers will not be able to take classes at the start
> > of the new term because character checks on them will not have been
> > completed, the government has admitted.
> [...]
> > Leicestershire was one of the first areas of the country to be
> > affected by the vetting backlog as pupils returned to school last
> > Thursday, with schools being told to turn away teachers who had not
> > yet been checked.

This is in the context of a knee jerk reaction to an apparent murder
case of two young girls where one of the two accused worked in the
girl's school.

Steve Mynott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carnivore; a toothless tiger.

2002-09-02 Thread Matthew X

The FBI has openly admitted that its agents have difficulties collecting 
evidence from computers. FBI Director Robert Mueller told a House committee 
this summer that the agency lacks the technology skills and understanding 
that would allow agents to conduct complete computer forensics searches.

Did FBI Bungle E-Mail Evidence?
By Michelle Delio

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11:55 a.m. Aug. 30, 2002 PDT
The FBI may have overlooked a crucial e-mail account used by Zacarias 
Moussaoui when agents examined computers known to have been used by the 
suspected terrorist.
Moussaoui, now defending himself against terrorism conspiracy charges 
stemming from his alleged involvment in the Sept. 11 attacks, recently 
requested that prosecutors turn over their records of messages sent and 
received through his Hotmail account.
Moussaoui claims his e-mail could help him establish his alibi. But the FBI 
has no records of the account, and an incredulous U.S. District Judge 
Leonie M. Brinkema now wants to know how the FBI could have searched the 
computers Moussaoui used and not located any traces of the Hotmail account.

In response, prosecutors have submitted a sworn statement from Microsoft 
stating that the company is also unable to locate any records of 
Moussaoui's Hotmail account.
According to Moussaoui, he was registered with Microsoft's free Hotmail 
e-mail service as "xdesertman."
Moussaoui claims he accessed the account from various computers, including 
his own laptop, a computer at a Kinko's copy shop in Minnesota, and another 
computer belonging to the University of Oklahoma.
All of these computers were searched by agents following Moussaoui's arrest 
in August 2001.
The FBI has openly admitted that its agents have difficulties collecting 
evidence from computers. FBI Director Robert Mueller told a House committee 
this summer that the agency lacks the technology skills and understanding 
that would allow agents to conduct complete computer forensics searches.
Brinkema has also ordered the FBI to file an affidavit stating whether the 
agency requested help from other government sources when examining the 
machines Moussaoui used.
"The affidavit must indicate why investigators were unable to retrieve any 
information from MSN Hotmail and/or any other computers or accounts 
searched," Brinkema wrote in the order. "It must make clear whether any 
efforts were made to obtain forensic expert services of any other 
government agencies such as the CIA or NSA to assist in retrieving the 
But the evidence may not have been on the computers by the time FBI agents 
searched them. When an account is inactive, Hotmail deletes stored messages 
after 30 days, and disables inactive accounts after 90 days.
However, Microsoft has been unable to find records indicating the count 
ever existed, according to a statement submitted to the court by the company.
E-mail sent by Wired News to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" bounced back with an 
unknown recipient error message. But attempts to create a new account using 
xdesertman as a user name were also refused by the service.
Although Moussaoui has a computer in his jail cell for use in preparing his 
defense, he is not allowed to use the Hotmail service.
Brinkema recently ordered that Moussaoui must be allowed to use a computer 
to connect to a restricted-access website which contains records relating 
to his case, but has banned him from accessing other Internet sites from 
his cell.,2100,54857,00.html

Hearing Voices?

2002-09-02 Thread Matthew X

Hearing voices
By Bennett Ring
August 30 2002
Text has so far done a good job of communicating our thoughts across the 
Internet, via Web pages, chat rooms, instant messaging and message boards, 
but lacks the immediacy, tone and personal touch of speech. It also 
requires the user to type fluently. That's where VOIP (Voice Over Internet 
Protocol) applications are handy.
VOIP applications, known as voice comms, became popular in the PC online 
gaming world, where they are still used. Playing with (or against) human 
beings is one thing, but being able to scream orders and/or taunts at them 
is better. Team-based games benefit especially; before voice comms, the 
team leader had to bash out instructions on the keyboard. Once voice comms 
are set up it's as simple as hitting the transmit key and speaking.
One of the largest uses for the technology is as a substitute for the 
telephone, especially among those who make lots of interstate and 
international calls. Why spend serious money on an international call when 
you can chat for hours at a cost of a local phone call to your ISP? MORE ON
Wired magazine shelled out for Declans call to me last year,It's so much 
cheaper online,the only thing is the 1 second sattelite gap.It's a bit like 
ham radio,I used it to call my sister in NZ.