DEA bring the war home.

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X

Drug Enforcement Administration agents raided the Wo/Men's Alliance for 
Medical Marijuana in Santa Cruz earlier this morning. WAMM Director Valerie 
Corral and Mike Corral have been arrested, and the DEA is obliterating the 
marijuana crop they have grown for use by Californian medical marijuana 
[ Full story here | More stories here ]

Bin Laden loves Laura's bush.

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X
Laura Bush 6:26am Tue Nov 26 '02
Laura Bush
My lover, Osama, has been hiding in my bed at the White House. Homeland 
Security, the CIA, FBI, National Security Agency and the Secret Service are 
having a hard time finding him. Osama even did George in the butt, and of 
course George just thought it was hemorrhoids when he woke up. Most 
hummingbirds have more brain than your prez, folks.

Mobilio a routine accidental self shooting.

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X
Was the Mobilio shooting a routine accident? (english)
profrv@(nospam) 3:15am Wed Nov 27 '02

Where I live,a policewomen shot a fellow officer dead recently.This happens 
every so often usually non fatal but...

Q: I need to know how many accidental police shootings that happened in 
1999. I need them for a report on police stupidity. Please answer quickly.


A: I'm not sure how accidental police shootings relate to police stupidity. 
We are not talking about the president here.Accidental shootings are, by 
definition, an unintentional act.Stupidity on the other hand is intentional 
or oblivious.

In any case, I am not aware of any database, anywhere, that tracks 
accidental police shootings. In order to obtain the data you need, it would 
probably be necessary to contact every police agency in the country and ask 
them. Even then, you would have to establish some criteria as to what 
qualifies as an accidental shooting for your purposes. There are many 
different types of accidental shootings. Accidental discharges through a 
locker room floors or the roof of a patrol car are pretty common. Do they 
count? Do you count only shootings where someone is hit or do misses also 
qualify for stupidity purposes?

As you can see, you have your work cut out for you.

Good luck.


To the Nations Capital then...In the 10 years since D.C. police adopted the 
Glock 9mm to combat the growing firepower of drug dealers, there have been 
more than 120 accidental discharges of the handgun. Police officers have 
killed at least one citizen they didn't intend to kill and have wounded at 
least nine citizens they didn't intend to wound. Nineteen officers have 
shot themselves or other officers accidentally. At least eight victims or 
surviving relatives have sued the District alleging injuries from 
accidental discharges.

In an extraordinary sequence over the last six months, the District has 
settled three lawsuits for more than $1.4 million. The District admitted no 
wrongdoing in the suits, but the cases highlight the chronic neglect of 
Glock training by the D.C. police. 

Do they use Glocks in Red Asshole Kali?
Was officer Mobilio familiar with fondling his weapon?
Was he familiar with a range of similar tools?
Did he mistake his pistola for a cell phone?
Have genetic tests been run on the town for inbreeding?
There's a million questions here and no answers...who was on the grassy knoll?

Profr surveys more oral and anal sex among young people.

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X
Nation turns on to sensual census
By Jim Buckell
THE nation's sexual pulse has been taken and, although results won't be 
revealed until the new year, the inside tip is that it's beating faster.
La Trobe University's Centre for Sex, Health and Society has completed a 
sensual census based on 19,300 questionnaires and plans to lift the sheets 
on our bedside manners in February.
The telephone survey asked a randomly selected sample aged 16-59 what they 
did, how often, with whom and how they felt about it.
Questions ranged from the type of sexual practices, number of partners, 
types of relationships, emotional satisfaction, frequency of sex, and 
knowledge and attitudes about sex and sexually transmitted infections.
The survey was conducted over 13 months to June this year and received a 
73.5 per cent response rate, a remarkably high figure for this kind of 
nationwide survey, indicating a willingness to come clean about matters 
sexual when confidentiality is guaranteed.
Although project co-ordinator Anthony Smith was coy about revealing details 
of the study until the final report was prepared, he expected the results 
to be similar to findings in the US and the UK. However, although sexual 
behaviours varied little between these countries, there were differences in 
attitudes, which could affect take-up of health services and treatment.
"Attitudes in the US are much more conservative than they are in the UK, 
but in terms of the actual practices themselves there is less difference," 
said Associate Professor Smith.
"The church and the moral majority seem to shape what people think about 
sex, but they don't seem to shape what they actually do."
Nevertheless, Professor Smith and Marian Pitts, director of the centre, 
said there was an opening up about sex and sexuality in the past five or 10 
People were more willing to discuss their sex lives, a trend reflected in 
the popularity of television shows such as Sex and the City and Big Brother.
So, based on the findings overseas, what can we expect to find?
The age of first sexual intercourse is dropping. It's 17 years and five 
months in the UK, and has been coming down for 40 years. The question is, 
will it continue to drop and, if so, what implications does this have for 
sexual health and contraception?
Sex in marriage is becoming less important as fewer people get married and, 
of those that do, fewer couples wait until marriage before having sex. More 
than ever, sex is about recreation rather than procreation.
Sexual repertoires are broadening. Oral and anal sex are more widely 
practised than in the past, especially among those under 30. In the US, 
studies have found that oral sex is widely practised among young teenagers.
"In some ways this is a strategy to reduce risks of STIs and to reduce risk 
of pregnancy," said Professor Pitts, who said she believed the sexual 
activities of former US president Bill Clinton were highly influential. "We 
have to bear in mind that oral sex was relatively unspoken about until Bill 
The implications for STIs are evident. In Australia, chlamydia transmission 
rates are on the rise.
Among gay men there is concern about an increase in gonorrhoea and HIV in 
some states.
Acceptance of homosexuality was growing. In the UK, a sexual snapshot last 
year revealed a large increase over 10 years in the number of people 
reporting they had had gay sex before the age of 16.
The centre will follow up its work with a longitudinal study over five 
years funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council. Starting 
in January, the $2.25 million survey will chart attitudes and behaviours in 
a cohort of 7500 people a world first.
"This will enable us to recruit several samples of Australians and follow 
them through life changes: change of partners, decision to marry, pregnancy 
decisions and outcomes," said Professor Pitts.
Until now, most studies of this type targeted groups thought to be at risk 
adolescents, gay men, women in relation to childbirth and people aged 50 
and older.
"There are whole sections of society we know very little about. Basically, 
the age between 20 to 50 is largely uncharted territory for men and women," 
said Professor Smith.
That's all about to change.,5478,5566972%255E421,00.html

Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender -cory poem

2002-11-27 Thread Mail Delivery System
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2002-11-27 Thread Great Offer
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Create your own PAYCHECK from HOME

2002-11-27 Thread Becky1776Ddsjr157
Good afternoon -

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2002-11-27 Thread Simpsons
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Fw: Cool Love to see

2002-11-27 Thread angiesrealm

±Ð±z ¦p¦ó°µ¤@±iº}«Gªººô­¶

2002-11-27 Thread mlpi_uy_rff3qw

David Mobilio a Suicide

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X
Was David Mobilio a Suicide?
Davids pysiognomy suggests a depressive,for such a young man he seems to 
have fallen into the endomorph spectrum,combined with the poor traditional 
police diet of donuts and twinkies...

...well I am,like Dr Phill,not an expert but when someone looks this 
bad,feels this bad and acts so sad...Why was he down? I hear you say.
Well if you were reading reports suggesting pedophilia was rampant in your 
church's schools and even in various police forces around the world,and 
then it was pointed out to you that handcuffing small children was suspect 
behavior,well...Suicide is painless,it does bring on many changes.

Apart from all the above factors predisposing David toward putting himself 
out of his obvious misery,there are the unsolved spate of serial and mass 
slayings in the Sacramento area.Even if David Mobilio was not a prime 
suspect in at least one of these suspicious killing spree's.Even 
then,wouldn't he be depressed,like all uncorrupt police,at the clear up 
rate and his IMPOTENCE at being able to protect the community?
Wouldn't you be?

Then there is the greenhouse mass extinctions widely predicted with 
associated bushfire danger.If that doesn't make any sane person pull their 
hair out,pig out on junk food,take mafia bribes and finally suck on a cool 
muzzle,I don't know what would.

Being tortured slowly to death in a concentration camp might but they don't 
have government issue pistols there.My Institute is doing follow up studies 
on this important contemporary crisis and in conjuction with Geraldo will 
offer free counseling for bereaved wives of deceased LEO's.
The latest thinking on PTS syndrome is distraction is good,hedonism,travel 
and lots of hot sex,anything to keep your mind off and I remain available 
to serve and protect.

All monies received by my Institute go toward the families of those left 
behind.Please give generously.Psychic phone and e-mail contact is available 
by appointment.We channel only the finest mediums for your loved one.(s)and 
their pets.
Another thing just occurred to me,(channeled? Thank you Ramtha) The 
native's of Arawak,Tahiti and indigenous California lived an Idyllic 
existence.That such beautiful,almost utopian societies should be destroyed 
almost totally is profoundly depressing to a sensitive police officer or 
even a normal person.
Enough to suck on a gun barrel for?
Ramtha says SURE!
What say you.

KILLERS for hire on the INTERNET!

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X
KILLERS for hire on the INTERNET! (english)
Tony Soprano. 5:24am Wed Nov 27 '02

Can it be? Has it come to this? Is this the end of days? Why am I asking 
all these questions?
Read the fucking article to hire a contract killer

It's been a number of years since Jim Bell wrote his infamous "Assassination
Politics" essay. If someone were to try to implement the system today and not
share Jim Bell's fate, they would need absolute anonymity and security.

Alternativly if an enormous number tried,there are not that many FEMA 

technical requirements for implementing the system are whats available now.

But for the original concept? Technically is it possible now?

1. Anonymous and secure communication between the organization and the
contributors and guessors.

2. Anonymous payment system.

3. Anonymous public presense of the organization to solicit contributions and
display bounties to potential assassins.

At the time APster was written, only the first requirement could have been 
met using
the mixmaster remailer network. The last two requirements were not yet
available. However, two new systems, DMT and Freenet, could be used to meet
the anonymous payment and anonymous public presense requirements.

If someone did want to implement APster, would DMT/Yodel, Freenet, and 
Mixmaster be
good enough?

Or what about betting at Thanks Robert Vroman for that

Or public subscription for 'flowers.' or 'pretzels.''Killfile'

"If we find negligence on the side of any person or institution...
... Public Subscription Assassination .Assassins sans Frontiers.

Then there's Blacknet.If you wanted to do a cyberspace assassination 
market, it could be done without anonymous digital cash, assuming there was 
some degree of financial trust between the players. (Negotiation of price 
and target can be done using Mixmaster, PGP encryption, and Usenet. Payment 
can be rendered via an anonymous numbered offshore bank account accessible 
by anyone who has the number/password combination. The buyer provides this 
information to the seller after the hit, or perhaps splits the payment 
across two accounts and does a "half now, half on delivery" system. Insert 
standard reputation capital system ideas here, wherein certain buyers and 
sellers are known to be reliable, and have persistent nyms because of PGP 

This is nothing new -- Blacknet demonstrated this could be done with
information. It is a small step to extend the black market brokering to
meatspace deeds.

Further to that,we now have e-dinars and widespread Hawala... 

Anonymous credit cards? There's a few now,here's one place to shop.

Should there be a serious breakdown in major systems,bow and arrow 

Dont bother with the mafia,thats just a feeder for a pornsite,though there 
is this families values...
Your with ME,or your with the terrorists.

Woke up this morning,got myself a gun...

The Baltimore Scum.

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X
November 19, 2002

The Curse of a Monopolized Press

Baltimore City is cursed with only one daily newspaper, the Baltimore Sun. 
Over the years, it has grown arrogant and out of touch with its readers, 
primarily as a result of not having any real competition.

Here are just a few examples of its recent outrageous conduct. First, it 
deliberately chose to neutralize a major international news story that 
happened on Nov. 13, at the University of Maryland, in College Park, 
Maryland, about 35 miles south of Baltimore.

The UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan made an appearance at the institution. 
He gave the annual lecture the university holds in honor of the slain 
Egyptian president, Anwar Sadat. Before an enthusiastic audience of over 
9,500, he sharply condemned Israel for its "draconian security measures," 
and its "unacceptable policy of assassinations of militants." He also 
blasted the Ariel Sharon regime for allowing its extremist settlers to kill 
innocent Palestinian farmers and to rob them "of their olive harvest."

"Israel," the Secretary General underscored, "piles precondition on 
precondition for a return to the negotiating table, and destroys the 
governing institutions of the Palestinian Authority even while calling for 
their reform. Confined by roadblocks to their towns and villages, and much 
of the time by curfews in their own homes, the Palestinians watch hilltop 
after hilltop covered by new Israeli buildings, and valley after valley 
crisscrossed by roads reserved for Israeli settlers. As long as the 
settlements continue, as long as a political horizon is missing, 
Palestinians will never be convinced of Israel's desire for peace," he 

Now, where, in the Nov. 14 issue of its paper, do you think the Sun buried 
Annan's important speech on the Middle East, which was so highly critical 
of Zionist Israel? Try page 20A! On page one, it chose, instead, to place a 
routine study about cholesterol!

One day earlier, the Sun actually mocked the people of Baltimore and their 
elected representatives, for daring to exercise their First Amendment Right 
to petition the national government. At issue is the costly, unjust and 
immoral U.S. war with Iraq, that is being planned by the Bush-Cheney Gang.

On Nov. 20, the City Council of Baltimore will hold a public hearing about 
a Resolution opposing the anticipated U.S. conflict. They intend, 
hopefully, after the passage of the Resolution, to serve copies on the two 
U.S. senators from Maryland, along with its eight House members in the 
Congress, on the General Assembly of Maryland, too, and, of course, the 
Bush Administration. The Resolution was introduced by Councilman Kwame O. 
Abayomi (D-6th District). It already has the support of ten of its 19 
members. It has also been endorsed by 13 local activist groups.

The practice of citizens petitioning the government, with respect to their 
concerns, goes back to the early days of the American republic. It is a 
revered tradition that embraces an even longer history, having its origins 
in the ancient Rights of Englishmen, as fortified by the Common Law.

Nevertheless, on Nov. 13, the Sun rudely ignoring the hallowed 
constitutional implications, denounced the Council's planned action as a 
wasteful exercise in "agitprop-agitation and propaganda." It said the 
Council should be spending its time "taking care of the city's awesome 
problems." The Sun then mockingly added, "Hot diggity dog! Will Washington 

Unexpectedly, the Sun did print, also on Nov. 14, excerpts from Iraq's 
acceptance letter, to the UN's Secretary-General, with respect to 
Resolution 1441 allowing new weapons inspections. In the letter, Iraq 
labeled Britain's PM Tony Blair "a lackey" of President George W. Bush Jr., 
and it also cautioned against the U.S. and Britain being used by "Zionist 
desires," and other sources, "to distort the facts and to push the 
situation in a dangerous direction." In order to undermined the credibility 
of Iraq's position, the Sun ran a huge caption over the letter, which read: 
"Vitriolic Letter from Baghdad." Now, can anyone imagine the Sun placing 
such a caption over any communication from Tel Aviv to the U.S.? I can't.

Finally, since Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had Baltimore roots, the Sun jumped 
on the band wagon with respect to her election by House Democrats as their 
minority leader. She is now the highest ranking woman in congressional 
history. Like so many other members of the Congress, she's pro-Israel, but, 
mercifully, not anywhere near the lackey category of a Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA).

The Sun failed to note, in three articles on her, that she had voted 
against the Iraq War Resolution, and also made no mention of the fact that 
she had supported the Yitzhak Rabin's plan of Israeli and Palestinian 
states coexisting peacefully.

The Sun ignored, too, the fact that Pelosi had sponsored an amendment 
calling on Congress to urge Israel to cancel a

Anthrax threat in court today.

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X,4057,5570677%255E2,00.html
Packer death threat 'silly'
November 27, 2002
A DEVOUT Muslim accused of threatening to kill Kerry Packer with anthrax a 
month after last year's September 11 terrorist attacks has had charges 

Melbourne Magistrates Court heard Rizwan Ahmed had written the threats on a 
customer courtesy card after a night at Crown Casino, owned by Mr Packer, 
Australia's richest man, on October 14 last year.
The court heard Mr Ahmed, a 25-year-old Indian student with permanent 
residency, wrote words including "I pray you die", "you've taken my money" 
and "anthrax is coming your way" on the card.
Casino security found the card the next day and alerted police, who tracked 
Mr Ahmed down through fingerprints left on the complaint card.
In an interview with police, Mr Ahmed initially denied the accusations but 
later admitted writing the card when police showed it to him.
Giving evidence today, Mr Ahmed said he had "no intention whatsoever" of 
threatening Mr Packer and "it was just a stupid thing".
He told the court he followed his religion closely and prayed every day, 
but also said he "prayed for a lot of things".
His friends had lost money at the casino that night but Mr Ahmed did not 
gamble, he said.
Magistrate Noel Purcell accepted the evidence there was no intention to 
seriously threaten Mr Packer and it was a "spur of the moment, silly thing 
to do".
There was a "world of difference" between impolite behaviour and criminal 
behaviour, Mr Purcell said before dismissing the charges.
Mr Ahmed had pleaded not guilty to counts of making a threat to kill and a 
threat to inflict serious injury.
James Packer and the Church of Scientology
By Annette Sharp
November 24 2002
The Sun-Herald
James Packer is receiving instruction from an elite order in the Church of 
The executive chairman of PBL and heir to Australia's richest fortune is 
believed to have turned to the secretive organisation in an attempt to 
regain control of his life after suffering a crisis of confidence following 
the collapse of his marriage.
Scientology members include some of the world's most powerful film stars, 
among them Tom Cruise and John Travolta.
Hopefully a cruise missile will take him out.Or anthrax...
This year, two farms between Tatura and Rushworth, near Shepparton, were 
quarantined after one animal on each property died from anthrax.
Dr Galvin said drought could be a factor in explaining the three cases: 
poor pastures made cattle graze closer to the ground, increasing the chance 
to contract anthrax if spores were present.
Shouldn't the US ban au beef?
MANILA, Philippines (AP): The Philippines has banned beef imports from 
Australia after anthrax was found on a farm in Victoria state, officials 
said Wednesday.
Save the cattle!

SAS Signalman Martin Wallace fucks goats.

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X
The Supreme Court Judge who has criticised proposed amendments to the ASIO 
Terrorism Bill, says he will not preside over a court case involving the 
new laws if they are passed.
Appearing in his role representing the International Commission of Jurists, 
New South Wales Supreme Court Justice John Dowd said yesterday the 
additional state and federal anti-terrorism legislation would take away 
fundamental rights.
Justice Dowd has told ABC TV's Lateline he would remove himself from the 
bench during any hearing where the laws were an issue.
A Special Air Services (SAS) officer honoured today for his gallantry under 
fire in Afghanistan says his training and being an Australian helped him 
survive a frightening ordeal.
Signalman Martin Wallace is one of seven SAS members who have received 
awards for their performance in Afghanistan.
He has been awarded the third highest medal for his composure during an 
ambush by enemy forces in March.
He says he was among about 80 members of the coalition forces confronted by 
about 1,000 Al Qaeda fighters.
"Probably the heaviest fighting was around last light, where they'd managed 
to dominate both of the ridge lines and launched a ground assault from the 
north," Officer Wallace said.
"By the end of that, they'd set up a machinegun in the south, so they had 
us surrounded, so that was probably the scariest part of the whole day."


2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X
Marcus Ward
Greens Candidate for Macedon and Forest Spokesperson for the Victorian 2002 
State Election.
Marcus has been active in conservation issues in Victoria for 20 years. He 
is a long standing president of the Macedon Range Conservation Society and 
founding president of the Cobaw and Wombat Forest Action Group. This group 
has actively campaigned against the current clearfelling / woodchipping in 
the Wombat Forest.
He stood for the Greens for the seat of Burke at the last federal election 
on a "no native forest logging" platform.
He is committed to social justice issues and has represented community 
views on numerous state and local government committees.
He was born in New York and emigrated to Australia in 1975, taking up 
residence and establishing his architectural practice in the Macedon Ranges.
He has degrees in sociology, literature and architecture, studying both in 
Australia and overseas. He is currently working on his doctorate 
Environmental Policy at Victoria University.
Marcus and I have worked together stopping logging in the Wombat 
forest.We've been accused of terrorist tactics in the advocation of wiring 
and cabling forest canopy. I'll scan that story in soon.

Dave Mobilio today,Stephen Roach tomorrow?

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X
If he really did it, what a senseless shame. Someone as well-spoken as 
Andrew is could have been such an asset to the movement. Unfortunately, I 
think that the feelings of sheer helplessness or hopelessness engendered by 
all that's happening in the world today may lead many more to follow his 
example in seeking violent solutions to insoluble problems. Why can't we 
all just get along? :) (hi rick!)

HOT STOCK PICK-> P and I Youth Inc.

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X
Anarcho-capitalism may have just grown some balls...

"...I incorporated in the State of New Hampshire. The New Hampshire State 
Constitution, in the Bill of Rights, guarantees the Right to Revolution. I 
"Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and 
security of the whole community and not for the private interest or 
emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever the 
ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered 
and all other means of redress are ineffectual the people may and of right 
ought to reform the old or establish a new government. The doctrine of 
nonresistance against arbitrary power and oppression is absurd, slavish and 
destructive of the good and happiness of mankind."
I'm going to utilize the WTO's tactic of applying to a foreign state the 
laws of the state in which I was incorporated.
I encourage everyone else to do the same.
I'm opening the board of directors of Proud and Insolent Youth Inc. to 
anyone who wants to be a part. It's your corporation. There are an infinite 
amount of stocks and they're all free. Anyone can have one; you don't even 
need a certificate.
Proud and Insolent Youth Inc. is the corporation to destroy all other 
corporations. Our mission statement- Whoever abuses their corporate 
immunity to harm life and liberty, we will destroy through the use of our 
own corporate immunity..."

Granite state,Mmm...

New Hampshire Legislator Advocates Killing the Police
NASHUA, N.H., Jan. 4 -- Many people here suspect Tom Alciere won a seat in 
this state's legislature by dint of a stealth campaign that slipped under 
the radar of Republicans intent on voting a straight party ticket in a 
presidential election year. So quiet was his voice that it was not until 
earlier this week that Granite Staters realized they had elected a man who 
advocates killing police officers.

Most inspiring,the genius of american individualist anarchism is creative 
and revolutionary.Some new URLs...
Don't Talk to Cops!
Police Accountability Campaign
Top 10 Signs You Are Being Set Up By An Undercover Cop

ELF,ALF and ploughshares news,they use PGP.

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X
Urgent ELP! Bulletin (23rd of November 2002)

Dear friends

Well it all happens at once doesn't it. ELP has loads of news for you:

1) Volkert pleads guilty 2) Two new AR prisoners 3) Update on Benjamin (USA 
Animal Rights Prisoner) 4) Three new Ploughshares prisoners 5) Plougshares 
prisoner released 6) Jose Bove gets 14 months imprisonment (BBC report)

1) Volkert pleads guilty

It has just been reported on the international media that Dutch 
Animal/Earth Liberation activist Volkert van der Graaf has admitted killing 
the xenophobic Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn. According to the mainstream 
media, he carried out the murder to protect "vulnerable members of society".

More news as it comes.

2) Two new AR prisoners

Two American animal rights activists have been remanded into custody on 
charges relating to their SHAC campaigning. For more details check out the 
ELP website The two are:

Jennifer Greenberg 3100201610 Rose M. Singer Center 1919 Hazen St. East 
Elmherst, NY 11370 USA

Joshua Schwartz BBKC 125 White St. New York, NY 10013 USA

3) Update on Benjamin (USA Animal Rights Prisoner)

American SHAC prisoner Benjamin Persky has reached a plea bargain with the 
courts and pleaded guilty to a Class D felony. He is due to be sentenced on 
December 11th 2002. The hearing will be at 100 Center Street in NYC, Part 
71. The hearing will be at 9:30am. Benjamin would really appreciate 
supporters turning up at court, so if anyone is in the US and is in the 
area please do go along and give him your support. As soon as Benjamin is 
sentenced he is likely to be moved to a new prison address. This address 
will be posted up onto as soon as it is know.

4) Three new Ploughshares prisoners

A couple of years ago four American nuns calling themselves "Sacred Earth & 
Space Plowshares" disarmed weapons of mass murder at Peterson Air Force 
Base in the USA. On Sunday October 6th 2002, three of the original four 
Sisters visited an N-8 missile silo in northern Colorado and using the name 
"Sacred Earth & Space Plowshares II" disarmed the equipment that transports 
nuclear missiles to their firing points. All three have been remanded. 
Please send letters of support to:

Ardeth Platte PO Box 518 Georgetown CO80444 USA

Carol Gilbert PO Box 518 Georgetown CO80444 USA

Jackie Hudson PO Box 518 Georgetown CO80444 USA

5) Plougshares prisoner released

ELP is pleased to let everyone know that Rev. Steve Kelly has been released 
from prison.

6) Jose Bove gets 14 months imprisonment

And finally..the following news item was spotted on the BBC website.

French radical farmer Jose Bove will be sent to jail for 14 months for two 
offences of destroying genetically modified (GM) crops. Bove had been 
seeking to have his sentences of six months and eight months overturned, 
but France's highest court, the Cour de Cassation, ruled against him.

It said he should serve the six-month sentence for a 1999 attack on a field 
of GM rice near the southern city of Montpellier.

The decision automatically meant that he should also serve the longer 
sentence, for a similar attack in 1998.


He will not have to go to jail until formally notified of the court's 

Bove said he would appeal to French President Jacques Chirac to pardon him.

"Of course we cannot ask him to overturn the verdict, but he has the power 
to stop the sentence being applied," he said in a statement.

"The ball is in his court now."

His lawyer, Francois Roux, said he would also be appealing to the European 
Court of Human Rights.

Bove, a sheep farmer from near Millau in southern France, shot to national 
prominence after leading protesters in tearing down a partially-built local 
McDonald's restaurant in 1999.

McDonald's sentence

He and his supporters have undertaken a series of raids to destroy fields 
where the crops are grown, in what they say is a struggle for the "right to 
live in a healthy environment".

Last month he was fined 3,000 euros for an attack in 2000 on a field near 
the southern French town of Gaudies.

France grows experimental GM crops on about 100 sites, all of which have 
been approved by the government.

His attack on the McDonalds restaurant earned him 61 days in jail, which he 
completed in August this year.

"Prison is a weapon used by the State to crush individuals who step out of 
line" (Michael Collins - former Mayday 2000 prisoner)

Support All Animal & Earth Liberation Prisoners

Spirit of Freedom (Earth Liberation Prisoners) c/o Cornerstone Resource 
Centre, Leeds, LS7 3HB, England E-Mail < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > < >

Earth Liberation Prisoners Newsletter/Urgent ELP! Bulletin c/o BM Box 2407, 
London, WC1N 3XX, England E-Mail < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >

North American Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network POB 50082, 

Canadian terrorists threaten the Mor...President.

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X
From [Salon Premium]
Georgy Do-Right

A top Canadian official calls Bush a "moron" -- and her countrymen cheer. 
Why do our northern neighbors think the president is a chimp?

By Steve Burgess

Nov. 26, 2002 | It takes a lot for Canada to make the papers, but this was 
a good one. Last week at a NATO conference Francoise Ducros, a top aide to 
Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, was overheard calling President 
George W. Bush "a moron." Out loud.

It was, to say the least, a bit of a diplomatic faux pas. In the Canadian 
Parliament, opposition politicians screamed for the head of Ducros, 
Chretien's director of communications. Meanwhile, a Canadian news 
organization ran a poll, asking the public what Ducros' fate should be.

The winning suggestion: Give the woman a promotion.

No, these are not good days for the president's international image. Bush 
may bask in warm approval ratings back home, but Canadians seem to view him 
with a mixture of fear and contempt, a German government official compared 
his foreign policy to Hitler's, while European political cartoonists almost 
uniformly portray him as various species of monkey. And those are his allies.

Prime Minister Chretien, a man who often seems to speak both English and 
French as second languages, promptly offered a helpful clarification. "He's 
not a moron at all," Chretien said of Bush. "He's my friend."

That ought to show up in future Bush campaign literature. Pretty much lays 
the issue to rest (although Chretien left open the question of whether the 
president might be a chucklehead or possibly a putz).

Canadian antipathy to the States is neither new nor secret. A recent cover 
story in the National Review pilloried Canadians as "Wimps!" decrying our 
mewling, hypocritical complaints about U.S. behavior and facetiously 
suggesting that a good, sound bombing would do wonders for our attitude.

The Review story had a point. There is indeed a facile strain of 
Yankee-hating on the Canadian left, a relentless demonizing of the American 
ogre combined with an utter lack of gratitude for the military and economic 
benefits of having such a kick-ass next door neighbor. While 9/11 prompted 
an overwhelming grass-roots outpouring of Canadian solidarity with America, 
it also gradually uncovered an appallingly deep and intellectually lazy 
anti-Americanism among many educated Canadians. There was a widespread 
tendency to seek justifications for the terrorist attacks; a sort of "Yes, 
it was awful, but so is U.S. foreign policy" approach. The long habit of 
criticizing America proved so durable that many Canadians began to cast 
Osama bin Laden as a legitimate grievant.
That's inexcusable. But in many other ways, northern anti-Americanism is 
not only understandable but inevitable. And for that, President George W. 
Bush must carry the can.
Try to walk a mile in fur-lined Canadian galoshes while you consider the 
As the U.S. prepared to attack the Taliban, Bush called for allied support. 
Canada responded by sending troops to Afghanistan.
And how did the president say thank you? By imposing a massive tariff on 
Canadian softwood lumber, a tariff that threatened doom for the West Coast 
lumber industry and made a mockery of our vaunted North American Free Trade 
Agreement (not to mention the supposedly fundamental Republican commitment 
to free trade). The World Trade Organization criticized the U.S. tariff as 
pure politics. The Canadian government howled. No matter.
Meanwhile, four Canadian troops were killed in Afghanistan when an 
overzealous American pilot bombed them during a training exercise. The 
military investigation was secretive and grudging, while Michigan 
politicians began raising money to protect the U.S. pilots from a "witch 

And Canadians asked: Is this how America rewards its friends?

More irritants have been piling up of late. Recently Canada's Foreign 
Affairs Office took the previously unthinkable step of issuing a travel 
advisory after the Americans threatened to single out Canadian citizens of 
Middle Eastern descent.
Lately, Canadian newspapers have been full of the tale of Michel Jalbert, a 
Quebec duck hunter who recently spent a month in a Maine jail. His crime: 
filling up at an American gas station in his hometown of Pohenegamook, 
which sits on the Canada/U.S. border. It's a daily routine the villagers 
have engaged in for years (the gas station's driveway is in Canada, but its 
pumps are in the United States). American authorities imprisoned him for 
crossing the border with a gun, not allowing him to contact his family for 
over a week.
The Jalbert story has been huge in Canada, ignored in the States. Which 
only adds to Canadian irritation -- such affronts sting all the more since 
the Americans are no more aware of our outrage than a baboon who walks 
through a spider web. (Pat Buchanan recently caused a top-of-the-newscast 
Canadian furor when 

D.Mobilio,a child molestor?

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X
Don Mobilio,child molestor?
by profrv@(nospam) • Tuesday November 26, 2002 at 09:04 PM

The Modus Operandi of slain police officer,Dan Mobilio fits that of 
established pedophiles and even one notorious serial killer.
>>>...Mobilio, a four-year veteran and D.A.R.E. officer, spent one 
afternoon a week with a class of sixth-graders at Sacred Heart Parish 
School. Those children Wednesday talked about the shooting and remembered 
an officer who kept a sense of humor while delivering a serious anti-drug 
Each visit, Mobilio would spice up the lesson by slapping handcuffs on one 
or two of the children and letting them try to wriggle free...<<<
For a reminder of the recent spate of church child molestation cases...
A Qld police officer who gave these little lectures was convicted and 
jailed for sexual intercourse with minors.
The handcuff trick was one used by the clown killer,John Wayne Gacy,one of 
the most prolific serial killers in the world.I am not making any 
accusation's here,just doing what the police themselves do,every day when 
seeking motive.
There appears no speculation yet that the 'hit' was a sanctioned covert op 
to excuse supression of the first ammendment.
Alternative justice system information is available on request from the 
author who is an entertainment journalist with an interest in distributed 
law enforcement and community self
C:\My Documents\copkilla\Don Mobilio,child molestor  SF Indymedia.htm

Would someone turn off that wretched Dinh!

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X

Know Your Enemy! The mastermind of the USA Patriot Act, Dinh is widely 
regarded as the force behind such measures as increasing Internet 
surveillance and eavesdropping on attorney-client conversations.

hmmm, what happened to the first submission on this?

Who is this Guy?

The Village Voice reports

"Assistant Attorney General Viet Dinh, 34, a refugee from Vietnam in charge 
of overseeing the
Office of Legal Policy (at the INS). The mastermind of the USA Patriot Act, 
is widely regarded as the force behind such measures as increasing Internet 
surveillance and eavesdropping on attorney-client
conversations. Dinh asserted that anyone suspected of terrorism would be 
arrested if they "so much as spit on the sidewalk." He's largely credited 
with the administration's chilled attitude toward immigrants.

That attitude is surprising given Dinh's own dramatic story. In 1978, at 
age 10, he escaped from Vietnam with his mother, four siblings, and 85 
others on a rickety 49-foot boat. After 12 days at sea, they reached 
Malaysia, where they waited in a refugee camp until permitted
to come to America. In the U.S., Dinh helped support the family by picking 
berries and scrubbing floors, went to Harvard College, stayed
on for law school, then clerked for Justice O'Connor in the Supreme Court. 
The administration touts him asâ??in Ashcroft's wordsâ??"a living,
breathing example of the transforming power of freedom."]
ALSO some URLs...

AmeriKKKa's Luftwaffe protects the Fatherland.

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X Political ad is 
uniformly embarrassing By Hugh Aynesworth THE WASHINGTON TIMES DALLAS — 
Texas homeland security chief David Dewhurst wanted Texans to feel 
confident in these trying times and — as a Republican candidate for 
lieutenant governor — wanted Texans to know he was taking his new 
anti-terrorism job seriously. Top Stories So he purchased a full-color, 
four-page advertisement in Texas Monthly magazine a few days ago. The ad 
layout has received far more comment than any similar effort in recent 
history — but perhaps for all the wrong reasons. In the ad, a military 
officer is depicted standing in front of an unfurled American flag, with 
the caption, "As chairman of the Governor's Task Force on Homeland 
Security, David Dewhurst encourages you to support President Bush and the 
brave men and woman of our Armed Forces as they fight to eliminate 
terrorism and work to restore confidence in our economy." Within hours of 
the magazine's hitting the streets last week, the Dewhurst campaign became 
inundated with calls — some angry, some joking — informing the state land 
commissioner that the officer in the photograph was not an American 
general, but was clearly a German Luftwaffe officer — complete with 
military decorations, insignias and a name tag bearing the German flag. 
Early in the week, a stunned Mr. Dewhurst, 56, conceded he had examined the 
ad "a couple times" before OK'ing it but later he and his staff placed 
blame on the advertising agency that prepared the ad. "When I had asked for 
a picture of an American soldier against the flag," he said Friday, "our 
graphics consultant made a mistake. The ad agency and the graphics 
consultant won't be doing further work for us." Predictably, Democrats 
jumped all over the situation — not only making fun of the faux pas, but 
complaining that Mr. Dewhurst was using his new assignment as home security 
head for political advantage. "The ink wasn't dry yet on the appointment 
when he was sending out political brochure copy to the print shop," said 
Kelly Fero, who is directing a coordinated state Democratic campaign. Texas 
Gov. Rick Perry named Mr. Dewhurst to coordinate the state's anti-terrorism 
efforts earlier this month. "It's pretty scary that the man Rick Perry has 
put in charge of homeland security doesn't know the difference between an 
Air Force uniform and a German uniform," snapped Democrat state Chairwoman 
Molly Beth Malcolm at an Austin party meeting Saturday. Friday, with strong 
backing from Mr. Perry, Mr. Dewhurst defended his political ad — saying 
maybe he should not have stressed his new role, but solidly standing behind 
his expressed sentiments of supporting the president and the armed forces. 
"If I had it do to over again," said the former Houston businessman and 
one-time Air Force officer and CIA agent, "I would have said the same 
words. I might not have said 'as chairman of the Governor's Task Force on 
Homeland Security.'" Mr. Dewhurst said that at political gatherings people 
asked him about security issues and that he intended to continue to mention 
his state task force assignment. "Not in a way that politicizes what I'm 
doing for the state," he added. "I make a point of saying: 'All right, 
we've stopped talking about politics. We're going to talk about a state 
issue, and let me tell you what my thoughts are.' "I didn't find anything 
out of the ordinary about saying 'Here's what I'm doing; here's what makes 
me qualified to lead you,'" said Mr. Dewhurst. *** NOTICE: In accordance 
with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without 
profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the 
included information for research and educational purposes.***
Government Restructuring Solidified with Fatherland Security Act
Check out Homer Ridge Simpson!
My 'Dan Mobilio,a child molestor?'story.

Releasing Countermeasures.(long)

2002-11-27 Thread Matthew X
Flooding countermeasures...
Choke the Homeland Security system (english)

"Any act, when viewed with a sufficient degree of suspicion, becomes 
sinister." Use their paranoia and appetite for information against them.

With adoption of the Homeland Security bill and its bastard stepchild the 
Office of Total Information Awareness it is time once again to recall the 
words of Russian novelist Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his book, The Gulag 

"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have 
been like if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, 
when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat 
there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs 
door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had 
nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush 
of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at 
hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at 
night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you'd 
be cracking the skull of a cutthroat. Or what about the Black Maria
sitting out there on the street with one lonely chauffeur - what if it had 
been driven off or its tires spiked? The Organs would very quickly have 
suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of 
Stalin's thirst; the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!

If... if...

We didn't love freedom enough. And even more, we had no awareness of the 
real situation. We spent ourselves in one unrestrained outburst in 1917, 
and then we hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure! We purely and 
simply deserved everything that happened afterward."


We must not let it reach that desperate stage.

Only one thing will stem the tide of our march toward a totalitarian state: 
massive and sustained resistance. Do everything you can to subvert, 
frustrate, impede or clog the machinery of the Bush administration's 
assault on freedom. They want "Tips"? Give 'em lots of tips - be cute; 
don't tell any outright lies about who or what you "saw" or "heard", only 
that it seemed suspicious. They want "total information?" Make sure the 
information they collect about you is inaccurate or misleading as well as 
voluminous. They want to monitor your email and the websites you visit? 
Include a few of the NSA's listed buzzwords in every email you send and 
browse the most subversive and dangerous-looking websites you can find - 
make one of them your home-page. They want to monitor all your purchases? 
Buy everything with cash or do your shopping incrementally - don't make one 
purchase when you can make ten - make 'em work for their money. Order all 
kinds of stuff that could have illegal applications, and after a week or 
so, return it for a refund or credit. Request "interesting" books from the 
library. Include "code words" and meaningless but sinister-sounding phrases 
in phone calls and emails. Leave cryptic messages on folded scraps of paper 
tucked behind the towel holder in washrooms or in other public places. Post 
"coded" messages in chatrooms and on message boards (but not on IMC). 
Invent and use military-style codenames to describe ordinary events - 
"Operation Weasel", for example, might describe a family outing or a church 
social. Bury the system in a blizzard of letters requesting records on any 
information collected about you, to which they will have to respond. Tie up 
the switchboards of government offices, credit-reporting agencies and the 
like making similar inquiries and asking lots of questions - follow up on 
these calls and request all responses in writing. Think up imaginative and 
innovative ways to fake out the watchers, clog the system, and insure the 
maximum expenditure of manpower and financial resources for meager or 
nonsensical results.

Remember the words of Justice Felix Frankfurter: "Any act, when viewed with 
a sufficient degree of suspicion, becomes sinister." Exploit it! add your 
own comments

Sabotage, anyone? (english)
Freedom Fighter 10:52am Tue Nov 26 '02

Choke Carnivore with keywords (english)
just a suggestion 11:16am Tue Nov 26 '02

Government Bio Warfare Black Helicopters microwave survival Infowars 
Paranoia Conspiracy cross-site scripting CSS encryption PGP van Eck 
Chemtrails Big Brother Secret Societies Aliens UFO UFOs Mind Control NWO 
New World Order OWG NSA NRO CIA FBI millimeter wave Implants Mark Of The 
Beast 666 Armageddon End Times SGC UNCPCJ CFC SABENA DREO CDA Reclaiming 
SADRS DRA MK-ULTRA SHAPE bird dog psychic driving SACLANT BECCA Barry Seal 
Mena Vincent Foster Chandra Levy Ray

Slashdot Location-based Security for Wireless Apps (fwd)

2002-11-27 Thread Jim Choate


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

ZDNet UK - News - Story - Panama suspends Net-phoning order (fwd)

2002-11-27 Thread Jim Choate,,t269-s2126610,00.html


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

Fiber Optics Could Spur Quantum Computing Leap (fwd)

2002-11-27 Thread Jim Choate


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

Having Fun and it's Legal Here

2002-11-27 Thread grrrx2
Renegade Botanicals From Exotic Botanical Resources!
Or Call 1-801-532-5855 
Major Credit Cards Accepted !


”SWEET TREAT?FORMULATIONS for the Pleasuring and Well-Being of Body, Mind & Spirit, 
from the planet’s foremost “Sensitive?ethnobotanical cooperative:  Exotic Botanical 


(Orders / Customer Service: Please see end of this text.)

 1)  SHANGRILA ZOWIE WOWIE (tm) (Gnarly Sweet Grass) Absolutely, the most significant 
Legal “Personal Choice? ”Sensitive / Responsive?Primo, non-cannabis / marijuana; 
non-tobacco Smoking Botanical on the planet!!! 

 2)  PROSAKA (tm)High-Ratio extracts in tablet form for Calm, Balance, Serenity & 
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 3)  AQUEOUS KATHMANDU (tm) (Happy Drops)“Personal Choice? enhanced “Sensitivity?for 
non-smokers / tokers.

 4)  SWEET VJESTIKA (tm) (Aphrodisia Drops) Erotica / Intimacy 
“Sensitivity?Enhancement at its finest for men & woman.

 5)  GENTLE FEROCITY (tm) HeavenSent “VIRIPOTENT?Energization / Appetite Suppression 
Tablets without the inclusion of  Caffeine or MaHaung Herb or Ephedrine!!!

 6)  CAPILLARIS HERBA (tm) A Sedative, Smoking / Brewing; Happiness  Botanical. 

 (Please Note: Definitive product information, pricing and introductory offers are 
listed in the following text.) 

(Please refer to “Introductory Offers?at bottom of this text or on the Web Site for 
further savings!!)

To discover the Ultimate in Legal Pleasures, click below!

Or Call 1-801-532-5855 for information, or to order

 1) Shangrila Zowie Wowie (tm)

“Personal Choice?~ Primo ~ Exotic Supplemental Smoking Botanical Gnarly 
“SweetGrass?Variety / Supplemental Agenda “Seventh Heaven?Paradoxical Configuration

for the “significant?Enhancement and Pleasuring of body, mind & spirit “sensitivities?

 ~ Potentiated; Gnarly, whole-plant Matrix ~
 ~ Paragonic Reserve; Enigmatic Blendage ~

Mood “Sensitive / Responsive?Smoking / Brewing Herba. 
Actions & indications: Simultaneous, High-Spirited; “Stimulation / Relaxation / 

(Significant Paradise Consequence!!)


We have been in the business / science of developing non-cannabis, personal choice 
sensitive smoking agendas for a good, goodly whileAlong this avenue of ethnobotany; we 
have always strived to achieve greater and greater “Sensitivity / Responsiveness?& 
Aphrodisia within our gourmet smokables and brewsAnd indeed, we have. Many of these 
previous products are still marketed today by companies who are less developmental 
than our botanical resource cooperative. Even our own two ~signature~ 
“smokables?(Ragga Dagga & Stoney Mahoney) are as of this writing discontinuedThat 
Shangrila Zowie Wowie is by far such a superior product is undeniable, therefore; it 
makes no sense to us at all to offer any other smoking product. Quite simply we have 
surpassed even our own expectations of excellence, thereby; our definition of 
excellence has evolved. This “Shangrila?project has been in research and development 
for sometime on two fronts?) Firston an agricultural levelfields for our Gnarly Swee!
 tGrass must be planted and be allowed to propagate for several years before initial 
harvest can even be undertaken (this is how the botanical achieves “potent 
significance?much like the regimen of ginseng.). Also, harvest time is limited and can 
take place only twice a year, as like the “hemp plant? maximum potency is only 
achieved after “flowering?occurs, although; unlike the hemp plant and, for that 
matter, unlike most herbs, the entire base plant of Shangrila Zowie Wowie (leave, stem 
& root) is all “viripotent? which makes this “gnarly stoke?a botanical phenomenon!! As 
well, most potentiating factors of Shangrila, as well as the primary botanical factor 
of Shangrila, will not achieve “viripotency?if grown in our hemisphere, therefore; 
Shangrila is indeed a multi-national, multi-complicated, agricultural undertaking. 
However, all of this undertaking has indeed been worthwhile!!! 2) Secondly, the 
potentiating / infusion regimen used to enhance the attributes of Shangrila h!
 as also taken a long time to bring into potent fruition as there are m

any balancings of the various molecular factors involved in the completion of Zowie 

I bought you...

2002-11-27 Thread Vicky

Need a cellphone?..  a funny  
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Brought to you by Vickys Jokes.

Is the minder CDR down?

2002-11-27 Thread Trei, Peter
I'm subscribed thru minder, and have had no
cypherpunks mail for nearly 24 hours. I can
see that there is more recent traffic on the
web archive.

Peter Trei

Re: stego building

2002-11-27 Thread Bill Stewart
Telco central office.  Lots of copper loop I/O, and a big switch.
Used to be mechanical crossbars.  Probably a diesel
generator somewhere.

That would normally be my guess too, but it's on one of the ones
AT&T shares with Pac Bell - there's 611 Folsom and another on
Post or thereabouts.   But it could be a local-only Pac Bell POP.

The power of the internet to make money!

2002-11-27 Thread Brad5420i87

   Hello -

   You get emails every day, offering to show you how to make money.
   Most of these emails are from people who are NOT making any money.
   And they expect you to listen to them?


   If you want to make money with your computer, then you should
   hook up with a group that is actually DOING it.  We are making
   a large, continuing income every month.  What's more - we will
   show YOU how to do the same thing.

   This business is done completely by internet and email, and you
   can even join for free to check it out first.  If you can send
   an email, you can do this.  No special "skills" are required.

   How much are we making?  Anywhere from $2000 to $9000 per month.
   We are real people, and most of us work at this business part-time.
   But keep in mind, we do WORK at it - I am not going to 
   insult your intelligence by saying you can sign up, do no work,
   and rake in the cash.  That kind of job does not exist.  But if
   you are willing to put in 10-12 hours per week, this might be
   just the thing you are looking for.

   This is not income that is determined by luck, or work that is
   done FOR you - it is all based on your effort.  But, as I said,
   there are no special skills required.  And this income is RESIDUAL -
   meaning that it continues each month (and it tends to increase
   each month also).

   Interested?  I invite you to find out more.  You can get in as a
   free member, at no cost, and no obligation to continue if you
   decide it is not for you.  We are just looking for people who still
   have that "burning desire" to find an opportunity that will reward
   them incredibly well, if they work at it.

   To grab a FREE ID#, simply reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   and in the body of the email, write this phrase:

   "Grab me a free membership!"

   Be sure to include your:
   1. First name
   2. Last name
   3. Email address (if different from above)
   4. By submitting a request for a FREE DHS Club Membership, I agree
   to accept email from the DHS Club for both their consumer and
   business opportunities.

   We will confirm your position and send you a special report
   as soon as possible, and also Your free Member Number.

   That's all there's to it.

   We'll then send you info, and you can make up your own mind.

   Looking forward to hearing from you!


   Brad Denton

   P.S. After having several negative experiences with network
   marketing companies I had pretty much given up on them.
   This is different - there is value, integrity, and a
   REAL opportunity to have your own home-based business...
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   Don't pass this can sign up and test-drive the
   program for FREE.  All you need to do is get your free

   Unsubscribing: Send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   with "Remove" in the subject line.

   This message is not intended for residents of the state of
   Washington, and screening of addresses has been done to the best
   of our technical ability.  If you are Washington resident or 
   otherwise wish to be removed from this list, just follow the
   removal instructions above.


RE: stego building

2002-11-27 Thread Lucky Green
Major wrote:
> At 11:49 PM 11/24/02 +0100, Tarapia Tapioco wrote:
> >There is a huge concrete building, hardly any windows, occupying the
> whole block-width between Market and Mission streets in san 
> francisco, one side being 11th street. Funny thing is that it 
> has no markings at all. The main entrance seems to be at 14xx 
> Market, with visible security.
> >
> >Any clues appreciated.
> Telco central office.  Lots of copper loop I/O, and a big 
> switch.  Used to be mechanical crossbars.  Probably a diesel 
> generator somewhere.

A reasonable guess, but wrong. The building is a computing and
processing center for Bank of America. That's where your checks go after
you deposit them at the bank.

The CO for this area is a few blocks away on Mc Coppin. The brick
building with the Pac Bell logo on it. You can see the frame through the
windows. Yes, this CO has been around for long enough to have windows.

--Lucky Green


2002-11-27 Thread DomoniqueSmalley



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Amnesty says two Chinese Internet users were executed (fwd)

2002-11-27 Thread Jim Choate


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

especially for homeowners

2002-11-27 Thread agnes052
Title: Untitled Document

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2002-11-27 Thread mcdougal


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lan card on sale

2002-11-27 Thread texascom718
   100/1000B ETHERNET 15PCS USD100.00/PCS

Airlines' Official Warns on Security Costs - Lead to nationalizingthe airlines? (fwd)

2002-11-27 Thread Jim Choate


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

Re: sleep deprivation was Re: Torture done correctly is a terminal process

2002-11-27 Thread Jim Choate

On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Steve Mynott wrote:

> The British Army in Northern Ireland in the 1970s used to make  alleged
> IRA people stand with hoods on leaning against a wall listening to
> white noise for long periods of time.  When you collapse you are beaten.

Just sit down and get it over with, you're going to get beaten either way.
Either force them to kill you or move on. Of course that sort of behavior
on their part (ie Brit's or IDF) justifies the oppositions actions.

You become what you hate.

Man, you people talk like victims.

As to white noise, Hanatarash...


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

lan card on sale

2002-11-27 Thread texascom718
   100/1000B ETHERNET 15PCS USD100.00/PCS

Morning Briefing, 11/27/2002

2002-11-27 Thread 21st Century Alert
Title: Morning Briefing, 11/27/2002








Click Here!



  November 27, 2002


Yesterday the market was hit pretty hard, with accelerated selling into the close.  This is not typical behavior for an uptrend, to say the least -- so we have to see how yesterday affected our new sentiment dashboard.

The most noticeable change is the trend confidence in the mid-term has dropped from yesterday's 5 to the current reading of 3.  The confidence in the long-term uptrend has dropped to 4.  This shows that a few of our trend indicators deteriorated with yesterday's selling, but it wasn't enough to trigger a move into a downtrend.  It's a warning, however.

Although it may not seem intuitive at first, it is possible for the gauges to move backwards -- but only a little bit.  A gauge can't move back too far without flipping into the opposite trend.  

Such a move backwards is a warning that the trend may be flipping over; but it may also represent more potential room to move if the trend reasserts itself. Markets are not tidy, linear things, so it's necessary to have this granularity built into the gauges.


One of the things I always try to keep in mind is what the most surprising market move would be.   After all, the market's ultimate job is to fool as many people as possible, as much of the time as possible.

Right now among technicians the most surprising thing would be a strong upside run through the heavy resistance just overhead.  I can't shake the notion that shorting in this resistance area is the "easy trade", and the market just never lets that easy trade work out well.  There is still a significant chance that those jumping on the short side early are going to get blown out of their positions, which could be the fuel that propels the averages over the major resistance point.

Supporting this notion is the fact that sentiment has not reached a bullish extreme.  There is still plenty of "sentiment fuel" in the tank to push the markets higher. Our dashboard shows 52% full.  There are also many, many traders that are fighting this rally, and quick to put on short positions.  I can't recall a rally this strong that has ever been afforded such little respect from the many traders and advisors that I monitor.

And somewhat surprisingly, the traders in the Rydex funds have kept a bearish slant to their positions.

Rydex has a variety of funds that are either bullish or bearish, and since they publish the total assets in each fund on a nightly basis, it's possible to see how traders are positioning themselves.  

The ratio of the money in the bearish Ursa Fund is still well above the money in the bullish Nova fund.  Right now, for every $1.00 bet on the bullish Nova fund, there is $1.59 bet on the bearish Ursa fund.  Even seven straight up weeks has not removed the firmly entrenched bearish psychology in the markets.

I still believe that bonds represent the ultimate sentiment tank for the stock market right now.  The inverse relationship between stocks and bonds continues to be the major story in the markets.  When bonds rally, stocks fall; when bonds fall, stocks rally.

You have to monitor both markets closely right now, to really know what is going on.  For the bond market, you can follow the bond futures, with the current front-month futures contract the December futures, symbol USZ2.

The bond market still looks to be making a major, long-term top. 

In the short term, the momentum in bonds is also clearly down, even with yesterday's rally.  Here's the 30 minute chart:

Today we'll get a ton of economic numbers to push around the bond market, which in turn will spill over into the stock market.  As I'm finishing this up, the intial jobless claims came in better than expected at 364,000, which continues the very clear trend down in this important weekly number.  Perhaps...just maybe...the economy isn't as bad as many think.

The bond market is selling off initially on this number, which should equate to a strong rally day in stocks.

One final note: The next Morning Briefing will be on Monday, December 2nd.  Have a happy and relaxing Thanksgiving with family and friends.


 This Morning Briefing is brought to you by 21st Century Alert.
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Re: CDR: Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-27 Thread Peter Fairbrother
Jim Choate wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Peter Fairbrother wrote:
>> Completeness has nothing to do with whether statements can or cannot be
>> expressed within a system.
>> A system is complete if every sentence that is valid within the system can
>> be proved within that system.
> Introduction to Languages, Machines and Logic
> A.P. Parks
> ISBN 1-85233-464-9
> pp 240 and 241 

A "non-mathematical" "easy to read" primer (quotes from Springer-Verlag). I
don't have a copy. If Alan Parkes says Godelian completeness is other than
the definition above then he is wrong - possible, he is a multimedia studies
teacher, and afaik is not a mathematician - but I suspect you misread him.

FYI, I just googled "completeness godel". First five results plus some
quotes are at the bottom. Five minutes, which I could have spent better.


Peter Fairbrother


Googling "completeness" and "Godel", first five results:
No simple definition of completeness. Nice intro to models though.
"Completeness is the desirable property of a logical system which says that
it can prove, one way or the other, any statement that it knows how to
"Completeness = If an argument is valid, then it is provable"
"A complete theory is one contains, for every sentence in the language,
either that sentence or its negation." -- link to
"It states, in its most familiar form, that in first-order predicate
calculus every universally valid formula can be proved."

Re: CDR: Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-27 Thread Peter Fairbrother
Jim Choate wrote:

> Para-consistent logic is the study of logical schemas or
> systems in which the fundamental paradigms are paradoxes. It's a way of
> dealing with logical situations in which true/false can't be determined
> even axiomatically.

Most paraconsistent logics deal with paradoxes, but I know of none whose
"fundamental paradigms are paradoxes". That barely makes sense to me, and is
certainly not true.

Paraconsistent logics often* allow some but not all sentences within the
logic to be both true and false. In paraconsistent logics that have simple
notions of true and false** it is usually (at least sometimes) possible to
axiomatically determine whether a sentence is true or/and false - they
wouldn't be much use if you couldn't! (not that they are much use anyway).

* Many logicians would say they all do, according to Vasiliev and Da Costa's
original definition. Some would say only some do. And some logician
somewhere will disagree with almost anything you say about paraconsistent

** Not all do, eg some have multi-value truths. Some have conditional
truths, or truths valid only in some worlds. Some have true, false, both and
neither. And so on. As usual, some logicians will disagree with this.

For those who might care, paraconsistent logics are usually defined as
non-explosive* logics. Ha! There is some argument (lots!**) about that, but
it's the generally accepted modern definition (or at least the one most
often argued about).

* logics in which ECQ does not hold. ECQ = Ex Contradictione Quodlibet,
anything follows from a contradiction. In most "normal" logics, if any
single sentence and it's negation can both be proved, then _every_ sentence
can be proved both true and false. This property is known as explosiveness.

** For instance, it has recently been shown that some logics traditionally
known as paraconsistent, eg Sette's atomic P1 logic, are explosive, contrary
to that definition. There are arguments about the meaning of negation as
well, all of which confuse the issue.

BTW, the name doesn't have anything to do with paradoxes, at least according
to the guy who invented it. The "para" bit is supposedly from an extinct
word (I forget the language, Puppy-something, really) for "arising out of,
coming from". Some say it's from the Greek para- "beyond"; but I've never
heard the "paradox" story before.

I hope this at least interested some, and was not just troll-food.

Peter Fairbrother


2002-11-27 Thread zSD7nTsh

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2002-11-27 Thread Á¶ÀÌºí·°
Title: Á¶ÀÌºí·° ¼ÒÇÎÀú³Î Á¦3È£ | ¾ö¸¶¿Í ÇÔ²²ÇÏ´Â ¾ÆÀ̵éÀÇ ³îÀÌ°ø°£

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   [°Ç°­] ÀÓ½ÅÁß¿¡´Â ¾î¶² ¿îµ¿ÀÌ ¾ÈÀüÇÑ°¡¿ä?  
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Online Loan Application

2002-11-27 Thread Rick Bishop


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application on your current website! Imagine the potential of accepting
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you for your time,
Director, Small Business Services

This is a one time mailing.  To be permanently removed from future mailings, simply hit
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Independent News - "Hijacker" confessed under threat of castration(fwd)

2002-11-27 Thread Jim Choate


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

Your Resume Is Excellent!

2002-11-27 Thread Jobs4U3754k02
We are pleased to inform you that your resume is an excellent candidate 
for our national recruiters.
As you know, professional recruiters and headhunters are only interested
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2002-11-27 Thread Àü±¹ ÀÎÅÍ³Ý °¡ÀÔ ¼¾Å¸
Title: ÀÎÅͳݿ¡¼­µµ"Àý´ë"º¼¼ö¾ø´ÂÁ¤º¸°¡ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.µµ´ëüÀÎÅͳÝÀ¸·Îµµº¼¼ö¾ø´ÂÁ¤º¸°¡Àִܸ»ÀԴϱî?

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ÀÖ´Ü ¸»ÀԴϱî? TV±¤°í¸¦ ¹«ÁøÀåÇÏ´Â "½ºÄ«À̶óÀÌÇÁ"(skylife) µé¾î º¸¼ÌÁÒ? 

½ºÄ«À̶óÀÌÇÁ¶õ, ÀüÈ­¼±À̳ª Àü±â¼±Ã³·³ ¿ÜºÎ¿¡¼­ ¼±À̵é¾î¿À´Â°ÍÀÌ ¾Æ´Ï¶ó ÀΰøÀ§¼ºÀ¸·Î 
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Jane's Land Forces News Briefs - 27 November 2002

2002-11-27 Thread Jane's News Briefs
Title: Jane's Land Forces News Briefs: 27 November 2002


27 November 2002




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  Tackling stress in the military: army
Casualties of war. The increased pace and variety of operations
the Cold War have added to the stress level soldiers have to
[Jane’s Defence Weekly – first posted to
– 26 November 2002]
  Canada clamps down on stress
Canadian soldiers who served with the 3rd Battalion Princess
Canadian Light Infantry battle group in Afghanistan have been
a 'decompression period' on the South Pacific island of Guam
before returning
home as a way to combat stress (Jane's Defence Weekly 10 July). It
one initiative the Canadian Forces (CF) have taken up since coming
fire earlier this year for not doing enough to help soldiers
from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
[Jane’s Defence Weekly – first posted to
– 26 November 2002]
  USA weighs up two 120mm mortars for Objective Force
The US Army is considering two 120mm smoothbore turret-based
mortar systems
to meet the operational requirement for a Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS)
for the Objective Force built around the Future Combat Systems
[Jane’s Defence Weekly – first posted to
– 22 November 2002]
  Australia studies new rifle
Australia's Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO)
plans to
have the technology demonstrator of an Advanced Individual Combat
(AICW) ready for evaluation by the Australian Defence Force (ADF)
[Jane’s Defence Weekly – first posted to
– 22 November 2002]
  Surplus ITVs convert to OPFOR tanks
Surplus US Army M113-series vehicles (specifically the M901A1
TOW Vehicle [ITV]) are to be modified to serve as Opposing Forces
Training System Main Battle Tank (OSTS-MBT) vehicles, under the
of a US$12.7 million contract awarded to United Defense
Industries, Inc.
[Jane’s Defence Upgrades – first posted to
– 25 November 2002]
  Falcon II turret prepares for firing trials
The first fully functional concept demonstrator of the AB9C5
Falcon II,
a revolutionary fifth-generation battle tank armed with an
mounted 120mm smoothbore gun, is due to begin firing trials in
in early March. It is planned that this should be followed by a
unveiling at IDEX 2003, the principal Middle Eastern military
scheduled to be held in Abu Dhabi next March.
[Jane’s International Defense Review – first posted to

Re: Torture done correctly is a terminal process

2002-11-27 Thread Jim Choate

On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, cubic-dog wrote:

> On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
> > At 07:40 PM 11/24/02 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
> > >Bullshit. I (and several others) built a tank nearly ten years ago.
> > >No big deal. Note that psychoactives (at least if you have any
> > experience
> > >with them) don't modify the experience a great deal either. Certainly
> > not
> > >to upset anyone this much, this fast.
> > >
> > >The biggest threat is wrinkled skin and bacterial infections.
> > >
> > >You've been watching way too many movies, you won't morph into a
> > proto-ape
> > >or glow like lave either ;)
> >
> > You were using the wrong psychoactives then.
> >
> Indeed.

Hardly. What I suspect is that the effect is more related to the mental
hardiness of the subject. Their ability to step outside of their normal
perceptions and beliefs. Are they driven by fear or curiosity. The fact is
that most people (I'd say somewhere in the mid to high 90%'s) are driven
by fear. Those who can't would seem to have a much harder time of it.
I've also noted that females (no insult intended, just a non-scientific
observation) tend to last a considerably shorter time than males.

I found the experience interesting but after a few times rather boring
because the experience wasn't that different after you'd built up some

When I was 12 I was in a shop accident and lost the sight in my L. eye. As
a consequence I spent about six weeks with both eyes patched so I'm quite
familiar with SD effects. Perhaps that had something to do with it
. Pretty light shows for the first couple of days, after that it
was just an annoying pain in the ass.

I also suspect that a lot of people expand upon the experience since they
expect it to be 'wild' because that's what they've been told it would be.

> Don't think I turned into an ape, but for
> about 30hrs (reconstructed) I'm not
> sure what I was.
> PS, anything less than a full cycle in a tank
> (16 hrs at least) is a bad place from whence to
> judge.

Spent way more than that in there, and more than one or two times. I
operated that tank for about six months. We finally ended up using it on
the back porch to put a couch in so it was protected from the rain.


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin