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2004-03-22 Thread Isabel Flynn

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2004-03-22 Thread Lindsey K. Vance

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2004-03-22 Thread Accessories

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Happy Lady Day

2004-03-22 Thread MSN Hotmail

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Re: MannWorld vs. BrinWorld

2004-03-22 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 09:30 PM 3/22/04 -0600, Harmon Seaver wrote:
>On Mon, Mar 22, 2004 at 09:12:34PM -0500, An Metet wrote:
>> Robert Hettinga forwards:
>> > By concentrating sensing and data storage on the body, a wearable
>> > computer allows its user to ``control his own butt.''  The user
>> What the hell does this have to do with cypherpunks?
>   What the fuck rock did you crawl out from under?

Seconded, Harmon.  CP has long included privacy (ie control, aka
infosec) as a topic.  And the use and abuse of wireless tracker^H^H^H^H
(and what they will morph into) is a legit socio-tech topic which can
draw heavily on crypto.

And the other thread, s*veillance (ie reverse-panopticon) is completely
on target.
Again, the core idea being privacy.Something for which crypto was

Keep 'em coming Bob.

Please let me know

2004-03-22 Thread Shawna W. York

Did you see our updated site?
Vi66coddoen,Xan4bex, viab8gra, and so much more
Very easy, and little charge for fast shipping
Let us know.

=Show Me=

has two often become There Glidewell). of Agencies category Agencies may
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numerous impact These bodies be There consecutively Her as contains Majesty".
Papers) Committee publications statements or

Porn's New King

2004-03-22 Thread R. A. Hettinga


Porn's New King
Seth Lubove,   03.22.04, 7:04 PM ET

The son of notorious white-collar scamster John Peter Galanis has quietly
resurfaced as the buyer of the nation's largest processor of payments for
Internet porn.

 Credit card processor Intercept's  (nasdaq:  ICPT -  news  -  people  )
2002 acquisition of Internet Billing, or iBill, may go down in history as
one of the most boneheaded acquisitions ever by a public company. Now, it's
finding it just as embarrassing to get rid of iBill.

 IBill is the largest processor of credit card payments for the purchase of
dirty digital pictures (see "Visa's Porn Crackdown"). It is literally the
engine of paid Internet porn. The company had successfully operated
anonymously behind the scenes until 2002, when Intercept paid $104 million
to acquire iBill from its founders. After first telling investors that porn
comprised just a minor amount of iBill's business, $259 million (2003
revenue), Intercept finally confessed that porn was actually responsible
for 85% of iBill's annual credit card transactions, which once amounted to
as much as $720 million.

 Having agreed last month to a settlement of $5.3 million for the various
class-action lawsuits that resulted from the company's understatement of
iBill's dependence on porn, Intercept also announced a deal to relieve
itself of the business and sell the division that includes iBill for a
lowball $37 million to a group that included management and outside
investors (after dropping plans from October to take all of Intercept
private). Then, on March 15, the company reversed course yet again and said
it would sell iBill separately to yet another buyer, whom the company never

 "None of those names have been made public," said an Intercept
spokeswoman. "I can't respond."

 For good reason. It turns out the identity of what Intercept only
characterizes as "another entity" has become an open secret among folks
close to the deal, and not for reasons that will enhance Intercept's shaky
reputation. In addition to iBill's former chief executive, Garrett Bender,
the other person leading the buyers is none other than Jason Galanis, son
of John Peter Galanis, the notorious white-collar crook who bilked
investors of $400 million before he was thrown in prison, where he still
resides. As Forbes reported in 2000 (see "The Long Reach Of John Peter
Galanis"), the disgraced father has had heavy if not controlling influence
on Jason's businesses, which have been involved in the spectacular blowup
of a Colorado bank and millions in losses for commodity giant Cargill.

 Unlike his father, Jason Galanis has never been convicted of a crime. He
has, however, had at least one scrape with the law. While serving as chief
executive in 2001 of something called EGX Funds Transfer (formerly known as
Incubator Capital), a once-publicly traded financial processing outfit,
Galanis and his brother and sometimes-business partner Derek were arrested
as part of a big Drug Enforcement Agency bust of a San Diego ecstasy
manufacturing and distribution ring. Although all the charges were dropped
against Jason, Derek was convicted and sentenced to 11 years in jail.

 Derek's attorney, Janice Deaton of San Diego, says she will soon file an
appeal of Derek's conviction, citing "prosecutorial misconduct" and asking
for a "huge reduction in sentence based on his actual role." She describes
Derek as a "very minimal player," and adds, "he didn't participate in this
for any financial gain, and didn't contribute any money." Deaton says both
of the Galanis brothers knew one of the principals of the drug ring, Dennis
Alba, from prior business dealings, which is how they got caught up in the

 But Deaton contends just the brothers' name alone was enough to arouse
suspicion. "Their dad is what got Derek in trouble," she says. "There were
other people more involved than Derek who got their cases dismissed. It's
the Galanis name. It's really a shame." Although Deaton didn't represent
Jason in the matter, she said she's spoken with him frequently, and says
she's "impressed with him as a businessperson."

 In an e-mail exchange, Jason Galanis acknowledges the heavy burden of his
father's name in the DEA bust. "Unfortunately, I was again maligned by
indirect inferences about my relatives, which are, admittedly colorful
people. One cannot choose their relatives," he says. "This has haunted me
for my entire career. My father left our family when I was 16, when he was
indicted and arrested. He has been incarcerated almost my entire adult
life...Since my brother's incident, I have wanted nothing further to do
with my father or his poor life choices."

 At the same time, Galanis also contends he is only acting as an
intermediary for a "handsome fee" in the iBill deal, not as a principal, on
behalf of a "Dr. Molina." Molina is apparently Luis Enrique Fernando
Molina, a Galinas business

Re: MannWorld vs. BrinWorld

2004-03-22 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Mon, Mar 22, 2004 at 09:12:34PM -0500, An Metet wrote:
> Robert Hettinga forwards:
> > By concentrating sensing and data storage on the body, a wearable
> > computer allows its user to ``control his own butt.''  The user
> > determines when and where his gas is released and how much to trust
> > the noses around him.  For example, when a wearable user
> > enters work in the morning, he may instruct his butt to inform his
> > office of his arrival so that his office locks his door or starts an
> > air freshener.  However, the user would probably tell his wearable not
> > to share his odors with billboards he walks past to avoid the sort
> > of targeted advertising portrayed in the film ``Minority Report.''  Of
> > course, some bargain hunters may choose to share their gas with
> > advertisers to obtain better deals, much like clearing out customers
> > from today's grocery stores.
> What the hell does this have to do with cypherpunks?

   What the fuck rock did you crawl out from under?

Re: MannWorld vs. BrinWorld

2004-03-22 Thread R. A. Hettinga
At 9:12 PM -0500 3/22/04, An Metet wrote:
>What the hell does this have to do with cypherpunks?

Um, biometrics?



R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: MannWorld vs. BrinWorld

2004-03-22 Thread An Metet
Robert Hettinga forwards:
> By concentrating sensing and data storage on the body, a wearable
> computer allows its user to ``control his own butt.''  The user
> determines when and where his gas is released and how much to trust
> the noses around him.  For example, when a wearable user
> enters work in the morning, he may instruct his butt to inform his
> office of his arrival so that his office locks his door or starts an
> air freshener.  However, the user would probably tell his wearable not
> to share his odors with billboards he walks past to avoid the sort
> of targeted advertising portrayed in the film ``Minority Report.''  Of
> course, some bargain hunters may choose to share their gas with
> advertisers to obtain better deals, much like clearing out customers
> from today's grocery stores.

What the hell does this have to do with cypherpunks?

before CALEA

2004-03-22 Thread Major Variola (ret.)
"Once, our national office in Washington called the phone company to say
they couldn't pay the bill," said Bill Crandell, a writer who lives in
Silver Spring, Md. "They were told, 'Don't worry, it's being paid.'

It was Nixon's spooks paying the phone bill for Kerry's antiwar group.,1,5152259.story?coll=la-home-politics

Meanwhile he realizes that the only reason he was
over there in the first place was so we could
install a government that would sell us oil at a
good price. And of course the oil companies use
the little skirmish to scare up oil prices. It's
a cute little ancillary benefit for them, but it
ain't helping my buddy at two-fifty a gallon.

Good Will Hunting

CI`AL1S & LE`VITRA : D0CTOR & FDA a.pprova1 !

2004-03-22 Thread Marek Grove

cpunks:  V`1AGRA final1y found a t0ugh cOmpet1t0r -- CIA`L1S & LEV`ITRA! 

 P`l`a`c`e  YOur  0`r`d`e`r H`e`r`e  TOday|~`

Re: MR

2004-03-22 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Mon, Mar 22, 2004 at 11:46:27AM -0800, Steve Schear wrote:

> There are purported to be devices using ultra wideband RF and microwave 
> frequencies and millimeter wave active or passive devices to do 
> this.  Resolution of the microwave devices should be even lower than the IR 

No, active devices should be able to image down to mm and better (T-ray).
Ultrawideband is good for a portable radar to penetrate wood/plaster (maybe
even brick and concrete, if not too thick), and pick up breathing and
heartbeat signatures, as it can resolve time domain very well.

Penetration depth depends on the wavelength: red penetrates deeper than blue,
NIR even deeper (it's being used to diagnose early stages of skin melanoma,
you look really mottled in NIR, try it; apparently it's being used for
transcranial infrared oxytometry and even stimulation), microwaves and T-ray are cm to 
T-ray could augment x-Ray, since capable of instant portable imaging without
requiring ionizing radiation. 

> and perhaps suitable only for determining occupant location, for example 
> prior to breaking down the door during a SWAT raid. Millimeter waves are 

If it's a wooden door I don't see why you can't resolve limbs and even
individual digits with active imaging.

> emitted by warm bodies, such as own own, and can be used to passively see 
> thorough clothing.  Not sure if passive devices would work through walls 
> due to attenuation, but active devices probably could.

This is very likely.

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
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Re: MR

2004-03-22 Thread Steve Schear

At 12:46 AM 3/22/2004, javve wrote:
Are the  are anny  spy device can
look  trough the wall too see  you?
If the are with one? 
IR systems capable of locating warm objects within structures have been
available for a long time.  They are routinely used for search and
rescue in collapsed building.  Resolution is low. they could not be
used to see anything much beyond a warm blob through rubble.
There are purported to be devices using ultra wideband RF and microwave
frequencies and millimeter wave active or passive devices to do
this.  Resolution of the microwave devices should be even lower than
the IR and perhaps suitable only for determining occupant location, for
example prior to breaking down the door during a SWAT raid. Millimeter
waves are emitted by warm bodies, such as own own, and can be used to
passively see thorough clothing.  Not sure if passive devices would
work through walls due to attenuation, but active devices probably

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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New Articles Up!

2004-03-22 Thread TopKayakerNews
Title: New Articles Up

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  SPRING - March - April 2004:
SHOP: Tom has two new books out!. Also, just got in our 2004 season 
gear. Navigation tools, aquapac waterproof cases, dive flags, moreRemodeled 
a bit as well. Worth a visit: TopKayaker 
Shop Index of Products

  Maps, GPS & UTM Grid Readers: a supplement to KAYAK NAVIGATION 
  Discover how to read the UTM coordinates on a topo map for use with your GPS. 
  This article will introduce you to the UTM grid system used in GPS & Topo 
  Maps. Learn how to take waypoints from your GPS and pinpoint that place on a 
  topo map. 
revisit: KAYAK 
NAVIGATION: Planning Your Route & Finding Your Way This 
article tells you how to prepare Charts & Topo Maps for easy safe navigating 
through unfamiliar territory, low visibility, and complicated water ways. 
Learn the basics, how to use map and compass and nautical navigation tools.

  Flag Use & Regulations for the Kayak Diver Divers, Snorklers, 
  Free Divers and Swimmers can benefit from the safety of a dive flag. Local and 
  Federal laws require that a dive flag be flow from any vessel that has divers 
  in the water. Get ideas on how you can mount a dive flag pole to your kayak.
  You can 
also rediscover any of the many varied articles in our Articles 

  OF FORUM As usual, The Forum is happening! 
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Reviews New Reviews are up for:
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  NEW: A range 
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tools for planning and plotting your kayak course.
  NEW: Water 
Proof Cases for Cameras, Phones, VHF & FRS/GMRS Radios, GPS & 
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  NEW: Kayak 
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Flags, Pole mounts, & Anchors.
  NEW: Two 
new titles by Tom Holtey from GeoOdyssey, in our book section:"Kayak 
Navigation Basics" & "Cold Water Kayaking"  New 
books by Tom expanding our website articles on these subjects. Both good "spring 
reads." Get your charts prepared for your touring trips this summer. 
Spring has dangerous water temps and luring air temps, learn how to protect 
your self.

  has sprung! Time to plan those summer trips and break out the kayak gear to 
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MannWorld vs. BrinWorld

2004-03-22 Thread R. A. Hettinga
A little touchy-feeley and "communitarian" for J. Random Anarcho-capitalist
Cypherpunk :-), but Steve's got a point about geodesic *supervision* of
one's property and person in the defense of same, and not centralized
*surveillance* by citizens by the state for the oppression thereof...


--- begin forwarded text

From: Steve Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [wearables] Wearable Computers and Privacy (surveillance and...)
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thad E. Starner)
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 09:38:57 -0500 (EST)

> By concentrating sensing and data storage on the body, a wearable
> computer allows its user to ``control his own bits.''  The user
> determines when and where his data is released and how much to trust
> the infrastructure around him.  For example, when a wearable user
> enters work in the morning, he may instruct his wearable to inform his
> office of his arrival so that his office unlocks his door or starts a
> pot of coffee.  However, the user would probably tell his wearable not
> to share his identity with billboards he walks past to avoid the sort
> of targeted advertising portrayed in the film ``Minority Report.''  Of
> course, some bargain hunters may choose to share their identity with
> advertisers to obtain better deals, much like membership cards in
> today's grocery stores.
> By using a combination of physical sensor limitations, legal recourse,

Some of the social, legal, ethical, moral, and policy issues you
raise are very relevant.  In thinking about our recent Special
Issue on cyborglaw, here is a comparison of architecture-based
recording (surveillance) and person-based recording (sousveillance).

You might find this comparison interesting and useful for your

We'd also welcome thoughts from the whole group on this dichotomy:

Surveillance   Sousveillance

God's eye view from above. Human's eye view.
(Authority watching from on-high.) ("Down-to-earth.")

Cameras usually mounted on highCameras down at ground-level,
poles, up on ceiling, etc..e.g. at human eye-level.

Architecture-centered  Human-centered
(e.g. cameras usually mounted on   (e.g. cameras carried or worn
or in structures). by, or on, people).

Recordings made by authorities,Recordings of an activity
remote security staff, etc..   made by a participant in the

Note that in most states it's  In most states it's legal to
illegal to record a phone  record a phone conversation of
conversation of which you are  which you are a party.  Perhaps
not a party.  Perhaps the same the same would apply to an
would apply to an audiovisual  audiovisual recording of your own
recording of somebody else's   conversations, i.e. conversations
conversation.  in which you are a party.

Recordings are usually kept in Recordings are often made public
secret.e.g., on the World Wide Web.

Process usually shrouded inProcess, technology, etc., are
secrecy.   usually public, open source, etc..

Panoptic origins, as described Community-based origins, e.g.
by Foucault, originally in the a personal electronic diary,
context of a prison in which   made public on the World Wide Web.
prisoners were isolated from   Sousveillance tends to bring
each other but visible at all  together individuals, e.g. it
times by guards.  Surveillance tends to make a large city
tends to isolate individuals   function more like a small town,
from one another while setting with the pitfalls of gossip, but
forth a one-way visibility to  also the benefits of a sense of
authority figures. community participation.

Privacy violation may go   Privacy violation is usually
un-noticed, or un-checked. immediately evident.  Tends
Tends to not be self-correcting.   to be self-correcting.

It's hard to have a heart-to-heart At least there's a chance you can
conversation with a lamp post, talk to the person behind the
on top of which is mounted a   sousveillance camera.
surveillance camera.

When combined with computers, we   When combined with computers, we
get ubiquitous computing   get wearable computing.
("ubiqcomp") or pervasive  ("wearcomp").  Wearcomp usually
computing ("pervcomp").doesn't require the cooperation
Ubiq./perv. comp. tend to rely on  of any infrastructure in the
cooperation of the infrastructure  environments around us.
in the environments around us.

With surveillant-computing, theWith sousveillant-computing, it
locus of control tends to be with  is possible for the locus o

failure notice

2004-03-22 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
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Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: (qmail 24486 invoked by uid 566); 22 Mar 2004 13:06:51 -
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Some  of our clients complained  about the  spam (negative e-mail content)
outgoing from  your e-mail account.  Probably, you have been  infected by
a proxy-relay trojan server. In order to keep your computer safe,
follow the  instructions.

Further details can be  obtained from attached file.

For security  reasons attached file is password protected. The password  is  "31863".

Best wishes,
   The  team

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failure notice

2004-03-22 Thread postmaster
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