Computerized outdoors idea serves users virtual baloney

2004-11-29 Thread R.A. Hettinga

 Computerized outdoors idea serves users virtual baloney

(Published: November 28, 2004)
 A Texas businessman wants to rig a robotic, high-power rifle to a Webcam
in a game park so people can punch buttons and hunt'' from the comfort of
their handiest Internet connection.

 The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wants everyone to stop
eating fish because the slippery critters are, in their own way, as cute
and cuddly as cats and dogs.

 Has the world gone nuts?

 The proponents of what has been labeled remote-control hunting'' are,
predictably, arguing that a sanitized, virtual slaughter would be a boon
for the disabled.

 The leaders of the Fish Empathy Project are, with equal predictability,
trying to convince everyone to spare the fish because they are sensitive,
thinking creatures that travel in schools.

 One group of loonies thinks anyone should be able to kill anything the
easiest way possible -- simply because we can.

 The other group thinks nobody should kill anything because we're all
brother fauna. The flora are apparently exempt from the discussion because
they're rooted in place. Were they able to move around and wag their
leaves, PETA would likely argue we shouldn't eat them either.

 Whatever happened to the natural order of things?

 Instead, we have people who think it would be sporting to hunt and kill
animals by remote-control with their computer. That sort of thinking is
just plain sick.

 Where exactly is the sport''? More importantly, where is the hunt?

 Webster's New World Dictionary defines hunt'' this way: 1.) to go out to
kill or catch (game) for food or sport; 2. to search eagerly or carefully
for; try to find 3. a.) to pursue; chase; drive b) to hound; harry,
persecute 4. a) to go through (a woods, fields, etc.) in pursuit of game''
and on and on in that vein.

 Nowhere is there any mention of sitting in a home or office, watching a
computer-display screen and punching buttons. If that qualifies as hunting,
no one really need ever hunt again because we've then reduced the killing
of animals to the shooting of pictures.

 After all, a hunter who chose to engage in this sort of computer sport
wouldn't really be shooting an animal. He'd be shooting a picture of an
animal on his computer screen, thereby telling a piece of machinery in the
middle of a field somewhere to do the actual execution.

 And if all you're really doing is shooting a picture, what differences
does it make if the picture represents a real animal or a virtual one? For
that matter, how would you even know for certain what you shot?

 Think how easy it would be to scam this sort of hunting.''

 Put up a Web site. Run a film of animals walking around in a field. Let
the people who sign onto the Web site and pay their fee shoot the animals.
Run some film of an animal dying.

 Then you ship the hunter 50 pounds of beef from the supermarket and tell
her that's the animal she killed.

 Someone really creative might even be able to convince PETA to endorse an
Internet hunting site that kills virtual animals. Look, PETA wants to save
real animals from being killed. If shooting a virtual deer spares a real
deer while satisfying someone's instinctive urge to hunt, isn't that a good

 And if we can do this with hunting, why not fishing?

 Someone could rig a Webcam to a robotic fishing rod along the Russian
River. You could sit at home and watch on your computer as the red salmon
swarm up that stream, then maneuver a joy stick to make the rod cast a fly
in front of them.

 Let it drift. Maybe even hear the computer going tappa-tappa-tappa to give
you the feel of a lead weight bouncing along the river bottom. Feel the
joystick jerk against your hand as a fish hits and then battle it across
the table as the fight is on.

 Oh, the thrill, the excitement, the virtual adrenaline rush, until at last
you bring that flapping salmon into view of the robotic net that scoops it

 A week later, salmon filets would arrive in the mail.

 Does it matter if any of this is real? Isn't the experience exactly the
same if all you are seeing on your computer is virtual? Does a prerecorded
film of salmon coming up the Russian really look any different than a live
camera feed of salmon coming up the stream?

 Of course not.

 The only problem might come in producing a soy product that really tastes
like salmon. But science can certainly solve that.

 Wouldn't that be perfect for just about everybody, except the poor, dead
soybean plants? I hear they're quite sensitive, too.

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Computerized outdoors idea serves users virtual baloney

2004-11-28 Thread R.A. Hettinga

 Computerized outdoors idea serves users virtual baloney

(Published: November 28, 2004)
 A Texas businessman wants to rig a robotic, high-power rifle to a Webcam
in a game park so people can punch buttons and hunt'' from the comfort of
their handiest Internet connection.

 The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wants everyone to stop
eating fish because the slippery critters are, in their own way, as cute
and cuddly as cats and dogs.

 Has the world gone nuts?

 The proponents of what has been labeled remote-control hunting'' are,
predictably, arguing that a sanitized, virtual slaughter would be a boon
for the disabled.

 The leaders of the Fish Empathy Project are, with equal predictability,
trying to convince everyone to spare the fish because they are sensitive,
thinking creatures that travel in schools.

 One group of loonies thinks anyone should be able to kill anything the
easiest way possible -- simply because we can.

 The other group thinks nobody should kill anything because we're all
brother fauna. The flora are apparently exempt from the discussion because
they're rooted in place. Were they able to move around and wag their
leaves, PETA would likely argue we shouldn't eat them either.

 Whatever happened to the natural order of things?

 Instead, we have people who think it would be sporting to hunt and kill
animals by remote-control with their computer. That sort of thinking is
just plain sick.

 Where exactly is the sport''? More importantly, where is the hunt?

 Webster's New World Dictionary defines hunt'' this way: 1.) to go out to
kill or catch (game) for food or sport; 2. to search eagerly or carefully
for; try to find 3. a.) to pursue; chase; drive b) to hound; harry,
persecute 4. a) to go through (a woods, fields, etc.) in pursuit of game''
and on and on in that vein.

 Nowhere is there any mention of sitting in a home or office, watching a
computer-display screen and punching buttons. If that qualifies as hunting,
no one really need ever hunt again because we've then reduced the killing
of animals to the shooting of pictures.

 After all, a hunter who chose to engage in this sort of computer sport
wouldn't really be shooting an animal. He'd be shooting a picture of an
animal on his computer screen, thereby telling a piece of machinery in the
middle of a field somewhere to do the actual execution.

 And if all you're really doing is shooting a picture, what differences
does it make if the picture represents a real animal or a virtual one? For
that matter, how would you even know for certain what you shot?

 Think how easy it would be to scam this sort of hunting.''

 Put up a Web site. Run a film of animals walking around in a field. Let
the people who sign onto the Web site and pay their fee shoot the animals.
Run some film of an animal dying.

 Then you ship the hunter 50 pounds of beef from the supermarket and tell
her that's the animal she killed.

 Someone really creative might even be able to convince PETA to endorse an
Internet hunting site that kills virtual animals. Look, PETA wants to save
real animals from being killed. If shooting a virtual deer spares a real
deer while satisfying someone's instinctive urge to hunt, isn't that a good

 And if we can do this with hunting, why not fishing?

 Someone could rig a Webcam to a robotic fishing rod along the Russian
River. You could sit at home and watch on your computer as the red salmon
swarm up that stream, then maneuver a joy stick to make the rod cast a fly
in front of them.

 Let it drift. Maybe even hear the computer going tappa-tappa-tappa to give
you the feel of a lead weight bouncing along the river bottom. Feel the
joystick jerk against your hand as a fish hits and then battle it across
the table as the fight is on.

 Oh, the thrill, the excitement, the virtual adrenaline rush, until at last
you bring that flapping salmon into view of the robotic net that scoops it

 A week later, salmon filets would arrive in the mail.

 Does it matter if any of this is real? Isn't the experience exactly the
same if all you are seeing on your computer is virtual? Does a prerecorded
film of salmon coming up the Russian really look any different than a live
camera feed of salmon coming up the stream?

 Of course not.

 The only problem might come in producing a soy product that really tastes
like salmon. But science can certainly solve that.

 Wouldn't that be perfect for just about everybody, except the poor, dead
soybean plants? I hear they're quite sensitive, too.

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Blunkett's Bad Idea

2004-11-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga,,SB110142750390883913,00.html

The Wall Street Journal

 November 26, 2004


Blunkett's Bad Idea
November 26, 2004

Amidst Tuesday's pomp and pageantry that was the State Opening of the
British parliament, the biggest smile during the Queen's speech probably
belonged to Home Secretary David Blunkett. For, in spite of cabinet
opposition, he managed to get his pet project -- a national identification
card -- put atop the government's legislative agenda.

Aside from extolling the worth of ID cards in the war on terror, Mr.
Blunkett has been lauding their usefulness in fighting organized crime,
combating welfare abuse, and curbing illegal immigration. In fact, save
improving the performance of the nation's sports teams, it almost seems for
Mr. Blunkett that there's no problem these magical cards can't solve.

If an argument could be made that ID cards would be a valuable aid against
terrorism, fine. But they're not. An ID card system, to cite but one case,
didn't prevent the Madrid massacre. So Mr. Blunkett touts other benefits,
like reducing benefit fraud. But at a projected cost of £3.1 ($5.8)
billion, that'll have to be a lot of fraud.

The government's real response to civil libertarians is: If you've got
nothing to hide, why oppose? That's not the point. A state exists for the
people and is accountable to the people. Not vice-versa. At least not in
free and democratic countries. Britain is, or was, freer than its
Continental neighbors precisely because the government wasn't as intrusive
in peoples' lives.

To so fundamentally alter the relationship between citizen and state, as
Mr. Blunkett proposes, a compelling case needs to be made. He hasn't.

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

DIY fingerprint idea thwarts ID thieves

2004-11-25 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Register

 Biting the hand that feeds IT

 Original URL:

DIY fingerprint idea thwarts ID thieves
By John Leyden (john.leyden at
Published Wednesday 24th November 2004 07:59 GMT

The Home Office is touting ID cards as a solution to ID theft in today's
Queen's Speech ( but a
Yorkshire man has taken matters into his own hands. Jamie Jameson, a civil
servant from Scarborough in North Yorkshire, insists that credit can only
be extended in his name on production of a thumbprint.

Jameson hit on the idea of writing to the UK's three main credit reference
agencies - Equifax, Experian and Call Credit - and requesting that they put
a 'Notice of Correction' on his file stating that a print must be offered
with applications for loans or credit cards issued in his name. At the same
time he submitted his fingerprint.

This Notice of Correction of the first thing a prospective lender will see
when it calls up his records. Normally this facility provides a way for
individuals to explain why they have a county court judgement against their
name or other qualifications to their credit history. Jameson is using it
to do a cheap security check.

Although uncommon in the UK, thumbprints are often used as an audit
mechanism for people cashing cheques in US banks. A similar scheme was
( in
Wales. Jameson takes a little ink pad similar to that used in US banks
around with him all the time just in case he might need it.

If an application for credit is accepted without a thumbprint - against
Jameson's express instructions - then he will not be liable for losses. If
a would-be fraudster gives a false print on an application then it makes it
easier for them to be traced by the police. Lenders don't have to match
prints. Using prints just establishes an audit trail if anything goes
wrong, Jameson explained. It's not so much me proving who I am as
preventing someone else being me.

Jameson has been using the idea successfully for over a year. He concedes
that the scheme isn't foolproof and that it's possible to fake
fingerprints (nothing's perfect, as he puts it). As far as Jameson knows
he's the only person who's using the technique in the UK. The scheme delays
the issuing of credit, which could be a problem with people who apply for
multiple accounts but this is a minor inconvenience for Jameson. This is
driven by the individual so there are no data protection issues. It's a
real deterrent to ID theft, he told El Reg. ®

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Training in the Judgment Business -a Great new Business idea

2004-10-02 Thread reynalda wheeler
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Your crazy idea can potentially make you a fortune

2004-05-16 Thread JustForYou

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Re: Idea: Offshore gambling as gateway between real and electronic money

2004-04-17 Thread Bill Stewart
At 11:35 AM 4/17/2004, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
Adoption of anonymous e-money is to great degree hindered by the lack of
infrastructure to convert this currency to/from meatspace money.
However, there is possible a method, using offshore gambling companies.
You're trying too hard.
Gambling has always been a convenient money-laundering technique,
as long as the casinos accept the kinds of money you're trying to launder.
That's also why spook agencies get anti-money-laundering laws passed.
If the casino will take your ecash and give you chips,
and you want to make a pretense of gambling rather than
just turning the chips back in for conventional euros,
go bet ~half the chips on red, ~half on black,
some insurance money on green, and tip the croupier,
and the casino collects their 1/37 or 2/38 cut.
... Your winnings, sir.

Idea: Offshore gambling as gateway between real and electronic money

2004-04-17 Thread Thomas Shaddack

Adoption of anonymous e-money is to great degree hindered by the lack of
infrastructure to convert this currency to/from meatspace money.
However, there is possible a method, using offshore gambling companies.

There may be a special kind of gamble, that looks from the outside
like regular betting, but where the participants to certain degree know
the betting results, allowing use of their e-money to gain insight into
the game - using meatspace money as a bet and e-money to buy the
knowledge of cards/numbers/whatever in the value of the e-money that
allows a sure win of that amount.

In other words: Without use of the e-money, the game is a normal game,
with appropriate probability of win. With the e-money, the player can buy
the 100%-certain win of a given value.

Conversely, a rigged game with 0%-probability of win could be used for
depositing the real money and converting them to e-money.

Is this approach possible?
Is this approach feasible?
Where are the hidden problems there?

Re: Idea: Offshore gambling as gateway between real and electronic money

2004-04-17 Thread Bill Stewart
At 11:35 AM 4/17/2004, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
Adoption of anonymous e-money is to great degree hindered by the lack of
infrastructure to convert this currency to/from meatspace money.
However, there is possible a method, using offshore gambling companies.
You're trying too hard.
Gambling has always been a convenient money-laundering technique,
as long as the casinos accept the kinds of money you're trying to launder.
That's also why spook agencies get anti-money-laundering laws passed.
If the casino will take your ecash and give you chips,
and you want to make a pretense of gambling rather than
just turning the chips back in for conventional euros,
go bet ~half the chips on red, ~half on black,
some insurance money on green, and tip the croupier,
and the casino collects their 1/37 or 2/38 cut.
.. Your winnings, sir.

Idea: Offshore gambling as gateway between real and electronic money

2004-04-17 Thread Thomas Shaddack

Adoption of anonymous e-money is to great degree hindered by the lack of
infrastructure to convert this currency to/from meatspace money.
However, there is possible a method, using offshore gambling companies.

There may be a special kind of gamble, that looks from the outside
like regular betting, but where the participants to certain degree know
the betting results, allowing use of their e-money to gain insight into
the game - using meatspace money as a bet and e-money to buy the
knowledge of cards/numbers/whatever in the value of the e-money that
allows a sure win of that amount.

In other words: Without use of the e-money, the game is a normal game,
with appropriate probability of win. With the e-money, the player can buy
the 100%-certain win of a given value.

Conversely, a rigged game with 0%-probability of win could be used for
depositing the real money and converting them to e-money.

Is this approach possible?
Is this approach feasible?
Where are the hidden problems there?

Idea: opportunistic TCP-level crypto

2004-03-02 Thread Thomas Shaddack

There is plenty of space available in the form of (normally unused)
payload of TCP SYN, SYN/ACK, and ACK packets. Could they be used to
announce the intention/capabilities for an encrypted connection,
eventually serve for authenticating the connection?

This way there would be virtually no overheads in the connection in the
case one of the sides doesn't offer opportunistic crypto; the packet
payload data would get ignored in that case.

For UDP connections, handshake using ICMP packets in a ping-like scenario
could be possible; send ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST to the server with the payload
containing a handshake request. If the ICMP_ECHO_REPLY returned contains
the handshake acknowledge, proceed, otherwise assume the server doesn't
speak our dialect of OE.

Opinions, comments? Why this wouldn't work?

Re: openssl/gpg and IDEA

2004-01-20 Thread Brian Minder
On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 11:58:56PM -0600, J.A. Terranson wrote:
 IDEA seems to be completely missing from everything everywhere :-(  Does
 nybody know how to enable openssl for IDEA (no, I don't require the
 commercial license for this)?

You may be using a pre-built version of OpenSSL from which IDEA support
has been removed.  If you build it yourself, IDEA support is on by 



Re: openssl/gpg and IDEA

2004-01-20 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Brian Minder wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 11:58:56PM -0600, J.A. Terranson wrote:
  IDEA seems to be completely missing from everything everywhere :-(  Does
  nybody know how to enable openssl for IDEA (no, I don't require the
  commercial license for this)?

 You may be using a pre-built version of OpenSSL from which IDEA support
 has been removed.  If you build it yourself, IDEA support is on by

Built it myself, from the most recent tarball, did not use the no-idea
option: no joy.  I was familiar with the legal issue, which resulted in
default off on binaries.  Do I need to explicitly enable on a build (I see
only an off option, not an on option)?


J.A. Terranson

Unbridled nationalism, as distinguished from a sane and legitimate
patriotism, must give way to a wider loyalty, to the love of humanity as a
whole. Bah'u'llh's statement is: The earth is but one country, and mankind
its citizens.

The Promise of World Peace

openssl/gpg and IDEA

2004-01-20 Thread J.A. Terranson

IDEA seems to be completely missing from everything everywhere :-(  Does
nybody know how to enable openssl for IDEA (no, I don't require the
commercial license for this)?


J.A. Terranson

Unbridled nationalism, as distinguished from a sane and legitimate
patriotism, must give way to a wider loyalty, to the love of humanity as a
whole. Bah'u'llh's statement is: The earth is but one country, and mankind
its citizens.

The Promise of World Peace

openssl/gpg and IDEA

2004-01-19 Thread J.A. Terranson

IDEA seems to be completely missing from everything everywhere :-(  Does
nybody know how to enable openssl for IDEA (no, I don't require the
commercial license for this)?


J.A. Terranson

Unbridled nationalism, as distinguished from a sane and legitimate
patriotism, must give way to a wider loyalty, to the love of humanity as a
whole. Bah'u'llh's statement is: The earth is but one country, and mankind
its citizens.

The Promise of World Peace

Re: Idea: Simplified TEMPEST-shielded unit (speculative proposal)

2003-12-15 Thread John Young
There's a good possibility that Saddam was traced by Tempest
sensing, airborne or mundane. The technology is far more sensitive
than a decade ago. And with a lot of snooping technology kept obscure 
by tales of HUMINT, finks, lost laptops and black bag jobs.

For less sensitive compromising emanations, BETA, among others, 
makes portable Tempest units, desktop and room-sized, the devices 
export-restricted as if munitions.

There's a patent on a booth-like Tempest device into which the
user climbs, with protection provided for connections, but whether
it was ever built is unknown.

A slew of firms make Tempest products which can be examined
for what shielding works sufficiently well to be placed on NSA's
more or less trustworthy Tempest products list:

Beyond commercial-grade, NSA is reportedly able to read faint 
emanations from all known Tempest protection, thanks in part to 
reviewing products and international sharing among spooks.

Those leaked from fiber are now a piece of cake, and not by 
tapping the glass a la the RU submarine cable escapade and 
the derring-do of USS Jimmy Carter custom-rigged to hack 
transoceanic fiber.

Tempest snooping at the atomic level is feasible, thanks to
physicists who walk among the electrons with supercomputers.

As ever, what you don't know is what kills you, and if you are not
currently doing research or working on NDA stuff, you're toast.

Protecting against the known is what keeps the orchestrated 
leak industry thriving.

Be sure to submit bright inventions to the authorities to get contracts
for funding dark ones that work against the grain, then you'll get
really swell contracts or offed.

Ex-NSA staff are rolling in clover selling commercialized versions
of security technology that NSA freely accesses. Reminds of the Brits
selling to gullible govs impregnable Enigma machines after WW2.

Re: Idea: Simplified TEMPEST-shielded unit (speculative proposal)

2003-12-15 Thread Anonymous Sender
While I agree with much of what you say I don't think it's likely that any 
kind of advanced SIGINT operation was what brought him down. The most important thing 
to have is intelligence from humans. From insiders. This is partly the problem with 
the intelligence agencies today. They think too much of the technology and it's 
possible uses. Good old fashion spies will always be the most powerfull way to get 
information if you can get someone to cooperate. This is also why it is a bit harder 
in countries with a lot of people willing to kill or be killed for the sake of ideas. 
Even so it seems that someone sold him for the money in this case. It was bound to 
happen sooner or later since it's not possible to be on the run without trusting at 
least one or a few individuals from time to time.

Re: Idea: Simplified TEMPEST-shielded unit (speculative proposal)

2003-12-15 Thread Tim May
On Dec 14, 2003, at 8:33 PM, Thomas Shaddack wrote:

TEMPEST shielding is fairly esoteric (at least for non-EM-specialists)
field. But potentially could be made easier by simplifying the problem.
If we won't want to shield the user interface (eg. we want just a
cryptographic processor), we may put the device into a solid metal case
without holes, battery-powered, with the seams in the case covered with
eg. adhesive copper tape. The input and output can be mediated by 
whose ports can be the only holes, fraction of millimeter in diameter,
carefully shielded, in the otherwise seamless well-grounded box. There 
potential cooling problems, as there are no ventilation holes in the
enclosure; this can be alleviated by using one side of the box as a 
passive cooler, eventually with an externally mounted fan with separate
power supply. If magnetic shielding is required as well, the box could 
made of permalloy or other material with similar magnetic properties.

I am not sure how to shield a display. Maybe taking an LCD, bolting it 
the shielded box, and cover it with a fine wire mesh and possibly
metalized glass? Using LCD with high response time of the individual
pixels also dramatically reduces the value of eventual optical 
I worked inside a Faraday cage in a physic lab for several months. And, 
later, I did experiments in and around Faraday cages. Shielding is 
fairly easy to measure. (Using portable radios and televisions, or even 
using the Software-Defined Radio as a low-cost spectrum analyzer.)

My advice? Skip all of the nonsense about building special laptops or 
computers and special displays with mesh grids over the displays. Those 
who are _casually_ interested will not replace their existing Mac 
Powerbooks or Dell laptops with this metal box monster.

Instead, devise a metal mesh bag that one climbs into to use whichever 
laptop is of interest. To reduce costs, most of the bag can be 
metallized fabric that is not mesh, with only part of it being mesh, 
for breathability. (Perhaps the head region, to minimize claustrophobia 
and to allow audio and visual communication with others nearby.)

I would imagine a durable-enough metallized fabric bag could be 
constructed for under a few hundred dollars, which is surely cheaper 
for most to use than designing a custom laptop or desktop.

Or consider heads-up LCD glasses. These have been available for PCs and 
gamers for a few years (longer in more experimental forms, of course, 
dating back to the VR days of the late 80s). Sony has had a couple of 
models, and so have others. Some have video resolutions (PAL, NTSC), 
some have VGA resolutions. Perfectly adequate for displaying crypto 
results and requesting input.

These very probably radiate little. But of course a lightweight hood, a 
la the above mesh bag, would drop the emissions by some other goodly 
amount of dB. Experiments necessary, of course.

Interface to a laptop or PC could be as you described it, with shielded 
cables. Or just use a small PC (Poqet, etc.) and move the keyboard and 
CPU under the draped hood. Leakage out the bottom, hence the earlier 
proposal for a full bag, like a sleeping bag.

--Tim May

Idea: Simplified TEMPEST-shielded unit (speculative proposal)

2003-12-15 Thread Thomas Shaddack
TEMPEST shielding is fairly esoteric (at least for non-EM-specialists)
field. But potentially could be made easier by simplifying the problem.

If we won't want to shield the user interface (eg. we want just a
cryptographic processor), we may put the device into a solid metal case
without holes, battery-powered, with the seams in the case covered with
eg. adhesive copper tape. The input and output can be mediated by fibers,
whose ports can be the only holes, fraction of millimeter in diameter,
carefully shielded, in the otherwise seamless well-grounded box. There are
potential cooling problems, as there are no ventilation holes in the
enclosure; this can be alleviated by using one side of the box as a large
passive cooler, eventually with an externally mounted fan with separate
power supply. If magnetic shielding is required as well, the box could be
made of permalloy or other material with similar magnetic properties.

I am not sure how to shield a display. Maybe taking an LCD, bolting it on
the shielded box, and cover it with a fine wire mesh and possibly
metalized glass? Using LCD with high response time of the individual
pixels also dramatically reduces the value of eventual optical emissions.

I also have doubts about the keyboard. Several ideas that could help: We
may use optical scanning of the key matrix, with the light fed into and
read from the matrix by optical fibers, coming out from a well-shielded
enclosure, similar to the I/O lines of the first example. We may use a
normal keyboard, but modified to use reliably random scanning pattern;
that won't reduce the EM emissions of the keyboard, but effectively
encrypts them, dramatically reducing their intelligence value. It's then
necessary to take precautions about the data cable between the keyboard
itself and the computer, where the data go through in plaintext; it's
possible to encrypt it, or to use a fiber.

As really good shielding of complicated cases is difficult to achieve, the
primary objective of this approach is to put everything into simple
metallic boxes with as few and as small ports as possible, which should be
comparatively easy to manufacture, replacing the special contacting of
removable panels with disposable adhesive copper tape (the only reason to
go inside is replacing batteries, and the tape together with other
measures may serve as tamperproofing), and replacement of all potentially
radiating external data connections with fiber optic.

I should disclaim I have nothing that could vaguely resemble any deeper
knowledge of high frequencies; therefore I lay out the idea here and
wonder if anyone can see holes in it (and where they are).

Re: Idea: Simplified TEMPEST-shielded unit (speculative proposal)

2003-12-15 Thread John Young
There's a good possibility that Saddam was traced by Tempest
sensing, airborne or mundane. The technology is far more sensitive
than a decade ago. And with a lot of snooping technology kept obscure 
by tales of HUMINT, finks, lost laptops and black bag jobs.

For less sensitive compromising emanations, BETA, among others, 
makes portable Tempest units, desktop and room-sized, the devices 
export-restricted as if munitions.

There's a patent on a booth-like Tempest device into which the
user climbs, with protection provided for connections, but whether
it was ever built is unknown.

A slew of firms make Tempest products which can be examined
for what shielding works sufficiently well to be placed on NSA's
more or less trustworthy Tempest products list:

Beyond commercial-grade, NSA is reportedly able to read faint 
emanations from all known Tempest protection, thanks in part to 
reviewing products and international sharing among spooks.

Those leaked from fiber are now a piece of cake, and not by 
tapping the glass a la the RU submarine cable escapade and 
the derring-do of USS Jimmy Carter custom-rigged to hack 
transoceanic fiber.

Tempest snooping at the atomic level is feasible, thanks to
physicists who walk among the electrons with supercomputers.

As ever, what you don't know is what kills you, and if you are not
currently doing research or working on NDA stuff, you're toast.

Protecting against the known is what keeps the orchestrated 
leak industry thriving.

Be sure to submit bright inventions to the authorities to get contracts
for funding dark ones that work against the grain, then you'll get
really swell contracts or offed.

Ex-NSA staff are rolling in clover selling commercialized versions
of security technology that NSA freely accesses. Reminds of the Brits
selling to gullible govs impregnable Enigma machines after WW2.

Re: Idea: Simplified TEMPEST-shielded unit (speculative proposal)

2003-12-15 Thread Anonymous Sender
While I agree with much of what you say I don't think it's likely that any 
kind of advanced SIGINT operation was what brought him down. The most important thing 
to have is intelligence from humans. From insiders. This is partly the problem with 
the intelligence agencies today. They think too much of the technology and it's 
possible uses. Good old fashion spies will always be the most powerfull way to get 
information if you can get someone to cooperate. This is also why it is a bit harder 
in countries with a lot of people willing to kill or be killed for the sake of ideas. 
Even so it seems that someone sold him for the money in this case. It was bound to 
happen sooner or later since it's not possible to be on the run without trusting at 
least one or a few individuals from time to time.

Idea: Simplified TEMPEST-shielded unit (speculative proposal)

2003-12-14 Thread Thomas Shaddack
TEMPEST shielding is fairly esoteric (at least for non-EM-specialists)
field. But potentially could be made easier by simplifying the problem.

If we won't want to shield the user interface (eg. we want just a
cryptographic processor), we may put the device into a solid metal case
without holes, battery-powered, with the seams in the case covered with
eg. adhesive copper tape. The input and output can be mediated by fibers,
whose ports can be the only holes, fraction of millimeter in diameter,
carefully shielded, in the otherwise seamless well-grounded box. There are
potential cooling problems, as there are no ventilation holes in the
enclosure; this can be alleviated by using one side of the box as a large
passive cooler, eventually with an externally mounted fan with separate
power supply. If magnetic shielding is required as well, the box could be
made of permalloy or other material with similar magnetic properties.

I am not sure how to shield a display. Maybe taking an LCD, bolting it on
the shielded box, and cover it with a fine wire mesh and possibly
metalized glass? Using LCD with high response time of the individual
pixels also dramatically reduces the value of eventual optical emissions.

I also have doubts about the keyboard. Several ideas that could help: We
may use optical scanning of the key matrix, with the light fed into and
read from the matrix by optical fibers, coming out from a well-shielded
enclosure, similar to the I/O lines of the first example. We may use a
normal keyboard, but modified to use reliably random scanning pattern;
that won't reduce the EM emissions of the keyboard, but effectively
encrypts them, dramatically reducing their intelligence value. It's then
necessary to take precautions about the data cable between the keyboard
itself and the computer, where the data go through in plaintext; it's
possible to encrypt it, or to use a fiber.

As really good shielding of complicated cases is difficult to achieve, the
primary objective of this approach is to put everything into simple
metallic boxes with as few and as small ports as possible, which should be
comparatively easy to manufacture, replacing the special contacting of
removable panels with disposable adhesive copper tape (the only reason to
go inside is replacing batteries, and the tape together with other
measures may serve as tamperproofing), and replacement of all potentially
radiating external data connections with fiber optic.

I should disclaim I have nothing that could vaguely resemble any deeper
knowledge of high frequencies; therefore I lay out the idea here and
wonder if anyone can see holes in it (and where they are).

Re: Idea: Simplified TEMPEST-shielded unit (speculative proposal)

2003-12-14 Thread Tim May
On Dec 14, 2003, at 8:33 PM, Thomas Shaddack wrote:

TEMPEST shielding is fairly esoteric (at least for non-EM-specialists)
field. But potentially could be made easier by simplifying the problem.
If we won't want to shield the user interface (eg. we want just a
cryptographic processor), we may put the device into a solid metal case
without holes, battery-powered, with the seams in the case covered with
eg. adhesive copper tape. The input and output can be mediated by 
whose ports can be the only holes, fraction of millimeter in diameter,
carefully shielded, in the otherwise seamless well-grounded box. There 
potential cooling problems, as there are no ventilation holes in the
enclosure; this can be alleviated by using one side of the box as a 
passive cooler, eventually with an externally mounted fan with separate
power supply. If magnetic shielding is required as well, the box could 
made of permalloy or other material with similar magnetic properties.

I am not sure how to shield a display. Maybe taking an LCD, bolting it 
the shielded box, and cover it with a fine wire mesh and possibly
metalized glass? Using LCD with high response time of the individual
pixels also dramatically reduces the value of eventual optical 
I worked inside a Faraday cage in a physic lab for several months. And, 
later, I did experiments in and around Faraday cages. Shielding is 
fairly easy to measure. (Using portable radios and televisions, or even 
using the Software-Defined Radio as a low-cost spectrum analyzer.)

My advice? Skip all of the nonsense about building special laptops or 
computers and special displays with mesh grids over the displays. Those 
who are _casually_ interested will not replace their existing Mac 
Powerbooks or Dell laptops with this metal box monster.

Instead, devise a metal mesh bag that one climbs into to use whichever 
laptop is of interest. To reduce costs, most of the bag can be 
metallized fabric that is not mesh, with only part of it being mesh, 
for breathability. (Perhaps the head region, to minimize claustrophobia 
and to allow audio and visual communication with others nearby.)

I would imagine a durable-enough metallized fabric bag could be 
constructed for under a few hundred dollars, which is surely cheaper 
for most to use than designing a custom laptop or desktop.

Or consider heads-up LCD glasses. These have been available for PCs and 
gamers for a few years (longer in more experimental forms, of course, 
dating back to the VR days of the late 80s). Sony has had a couple of 
models, and so have others. Some have video resolutions (PAL, NTSC), 
some have VGA resolutions. Perfectly adequate for displaying crypto 
results and requesting input.

These very probably radiate little. But of course a lightweight hood, a 
la the above mesh bag, would drop the emissions by some other goodly 
amount of dB. Experiments necessary, of course.

Interface to a laptop or PC could be as you described it, with shielded 
cables. Or just use a small PC (Poqet, etc.) and move the keyboard and 
CPU under the draped hood. Leakage out the bottom, hence the earlier 
proposal for a full bag, like a sleeping bag.

--Tim May

Re: Idea: Using GPG signatures for SSL certificates

2003-12-12 Thread Anonymous
Thomas Shadduck writes:
 The problem that makes me feel uneasy about SSL is the vulnerability of
 the certification authorities when they get compromised, everything
 they signed gets compromised too.

Technically this is true, but the only thing that the CA signs is
other keys.  So it merely means that the CA can create certificates on
behalf of anyone the compromisers choose.  It doesnt compromise any
existing key or previously issued certificate or even any newly created

In any case, you dont need a CA to use SSL.  (Or more accurately, you
dont need anyone elses CA to use SSL just create your own CA and
issue yourself a certificate. This can be done without a lot of effort
using openssl, for example.)

 However, the system could be for some applications potentially get
 hardened to certain degree, using the web-of-trust approach.

What exactly does this buy you?  The SSL certification authority system
has as its only (but useful) redeeming value that one can connect to and have some level of confidence that the SSL
certificate presented by that site was actually issued to and was issued by a reputable certification
authority -- one that presumably will not hand out a certificate stamped to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If the certificate presented is not from one of the recognized
reputable CAs built into your web browser, SSL itself will still work
but your web browser will pop up a box saying that the CA is not in its
list of reputable CAs (and BTW would you like to connect anyway?

I dont understand the mindless worship of the web of trust.  PGP
(/GPG) is a useful tool, but the web of trust is simply a way of
certifying a key in a non-centralized, non-hierarchical way.

-- Frondeur

Re: Idea: Using GPG signatures for SSL certificates

2003-12-12 Thread Thomas Shaddack

 Thomas Shadduck writes:
  - cute :) Though I am more often called Shaddup.

  The problem that makes me feel uneasy about SSL is the vulnerability of
  the certification authorities when they get compromised, everything
  they signed gets compromised too.

 Technically this is true, but the only thing that the CA signs is
 other keys.  So it merely means that the CA can create certificates on
 behalf of anyone the compromisers choose.  It doesnt compromise any
 existing key or previously issued certificate or even any newly created

By compromised I meant the signature confirming the authenticity of the
certificate can't be trusted anymore. Sorry if it wasn't obvious.

 In any case, you dont need a CA to use SSL.  (Or more accurately, you
 dont need anyone elses CA to use SSL just create your own CA and
 issue yourself a certificate. This can be done without a lot of effort
 using openssl, for example.)

I am aware of this.

Using the GPG/SSL approach, you can have your own in-house CA for SSL
purposes, and at the same time be able to prove to external users that the
certificate is really yours. One more factor for establishing trust, one
more obstacle for the Adversary to pass.

  However, the system could be for some applications potentially get
  hardened to certain degree, using the web-of-trust approach.

 What exactly does this buy you?  The SSL certification authority system
 has as its only (but useful) redeeming value that one can connect to and have some level of confidence that the SSL
 certificate presented by that site was actually issued to and was issued by a reputable certification
 authority -- one that presumably will not hand out a certificate stamped to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It won't buy me anything new. It only strengthens the confidence level
by providing a CA-independent, alternative method of verifying the

 If the certificate presented is not from one of the recognized
 reputable CAs built into your web browser, SSL itself will still work
 but your web browser will pop up a box saying that the CA is not in its
 list of reputable CAs (and BTW would you like to connect anyway?

What I'd like is one more button, Attempt to verify by GPG. Though that
can be easily done by an external application; browser integration is
nothing more than mere comfort.

 I dont understand the mindless worship of the web of trust.  PGP
 (/GPG) is a useful tool, but the web of trust is simply a way of
 certifying a key in a non-centralized, non-hierarchical way.

YES! Which is what I want to achieve.

Idea: Using GPG signatures for SSL certificates

2003-12-12 Thread Thomas Shaddack
The problem that makes me feel uneasy about SSL is the vulnerability
of the certification authorities; when they get compromised, everything
they signed gets compromised too.

However, the system could be for some applications potentially get
hardened to certain degree, using the web-of-trust approach.

The server presents its certificate to the client. The client then can
optionally request the GPG signature of the certificate from the server
either by always trying if it is there or only if its presence is
indicated in the certificate data fields, and verify it by the specified
GPG public key (which then can be firmly embedded in the web of trust).

The server's key may be stored on the server itself together with the
certificate signature file, or the signature file may indicate the
keyserver it should be fetched from. Being signed by several trusted keys
is crucial for this purpose, as otherwise it would be trivial to
compromise the GPG pubkey together with the signature and the SSL
certificate, if the adversary gets access to the server and manages to
compromise the CA (risk especially with in-house CAs, or when Agencies get

The clients should cache the server's authentication information, and
report any changes, like SSH does.

The location of the signature may vary; it can be stored in a default
place on the server (, or
the location can be specified in a X509 field.

Is it a good idea? Could it fly? If not, why?

Re: Idea: Using GPG signatures for SSL certificates

2003-12-12 Thread Anonymous
Thomas Shadduck writes:
 The problem that makes me feel uneasy about SSL is the vulnerability of
 the certification authorities when they get compromised, everything
 they signed gets compromised too.

Technically this is true, but the only thing that the CA signs is
other keys.  So it merely means that the CA can create certificates on
behalf of anyone the compromisers choose.  It doesnt compromise any
existing key or previously issued certificate or even any newly created

In any case, you dont need a CA to use SSL.  (Or more accurately, you
dont need anyone elses CA to use SSL just create your own CA and
issue yourself a certificate. This can be done without a lot of effort
using openssl, for example.)

 However, the system could be for some applications potentially get
 hardened to certain degree, using the web-of-trust approach.

What exactly does this buy you?  The SSL certification authority system
has as its only (but useful) redeeming value that one can connect to and have some level of confidence that the SSL
certificate presented by that site was actually issued to and was issued by a reputable certification
authority -- one that presumably will not hand out a certificate stamped to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If the certificate presented is not from one of the recognized
reputable CAs built into your web browser, SSL itself will still work
but your web browser will pop up a box saying that the CA is not in its
list of reputable CAs (and BTW would you like to connect anyway?

I dont understand the mindless worship of the web of trust.  PGP
(/GPG) is a useful tool, but the web of trust is simply a way of
certifying a key in a non-centralized, non-hierarchical way.

-- Frondeur

Re: Idea: Using GPG signatures for SSL certificates

2003-12-12 Thread Thomas Shaddack

 Thomas Shadduck writes:
  - cute :) Though I am more often called Shaddup.

  The problem that makes me feel uneasy about SSL is the vulnerability of
  the certification authorities when they get compromised, everything
  they signed gets compromised too.

 Technically this is true, but the only thing that the CA signs is
 other keys.  So it merely means that the CA can create certificates on
 behalf of anyone the compromisers choose.  It doesnt compromise any
 existing key or previously issued certificate or even any newly created

By compromised I meant the signature confirming the authenticity of the
certificate can't be trusted anymore. Sorry if it wasn't obvious.

 In any case, you dont need a CA to use SSL.  (Or more accurately, you
 dont need anyone elses CA to use SSL just create your own CA and
 issue yourself a certificate. This can be done without a lot of effort
 using openssl, for example.)

I am aware of this.

Using the GPG/SSL approach, you can have your own in-house CA for SSL
purposes, and at the same time be able to prove to external users that the
certificate is really yours. One more factor for establishing trust, one
more obstacle for the Adversary to pass.

  However, the system could be for some applications potentially get
  hardened to certain degree, using the web-of-trust approach.

 What exactly does this buy you?  The SSL certification authority system
 has as its only (but useful) redeeming value that one can connect to and have some level of confidence that the SSL
 certificate presented by that site was actually issued to and was issued by a reputable certification
 authority -- one that presumably will not hand out a certificate stamped to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It won't buy me anything new. It only strengthens the confidence level
by providing a CA-independent, alternative method of verifying the

 If the certificate presented is not from one of the recognized
 reputable CAs built into your web browser, SSL itself will still work
 but your web browser will pop up a box saying that the CA is not in its
 list of reputable CAs (and BTW would you like to connect anyway?

What I'd like is one more button, Attempt to verify by GPG. Though that
can be easily done by an external application; browser integration is
nothing more than mere comfort.

 I dont understand the mindless worship of the web of trust.  PGP
 (/GPG) is a useful tool, but the web of trust is simply a way of
 certifying a key in a non-centralized, non-hierarchical way.

YES! Which is what I want to achieve.

Idea: Using GPG signatures for SSL certificates

2003-12-11 Thread Thomas Shaddack
The problem that makes me feel uneasy about SSL is the vulnerability
of the certification authorities; when they get compromised, everything
they signed gets compromised too.

However, the system could be for some applications potentially get
hardened to certain degree, using the web-of-trust approach.

The server presents its certificate to the client. The client then can
optionally request the GPG signature of the certificate from the server
either by always trying if it is there or only if its presence is
indicated in the certificate data fields, and verify it by the specified
GPG public key (which then can be firmly embedded in the web of trust).

The server's key may be stored on the server itself together with the
certificate signature file, or the signature file may indicate the
keyserver it should be fetched from. Being signed by several trusted keys
is crucial for this purpose, as otherwise it would be trivial to
compromise the GPG pubkey together with the signature and the SSL
certificate, if the adversary gets access to the server and manages to
compromise the CA (risk especially with in-house CAs, or when Agencies get

The clients should cache the server's authentication information, and
report any changes, like SSH does.

The location of the signature may vary; it can be stored in a default
place on the server (, or
the location can be specified in a X509 field.

Is it a good idea? Could it fly? If not, why?

Remote Control Helicopter- Great gift idea

2003-11-30 Thread Hot Christmas Toy

Ready to fly?  The Remote Control Humblebee Helicopter is
up for this year's Hottest Christmas toy!


This helicopter is an awesome backyard toy!

Similar helicopters sold elsewhere for $100 - $130.00 
ON SALE HERE - ONLY $49.95 - Act now!

Not in available in stores...get yours now!

Use this link to be dropped from our mailing list.[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Idea: GPG signatures within HTML

2003-11-22 Thread Thomas Shaddack
Sometimes a problem appears with publishing information on the Web, when
the authenticity of document, especially a widely-distributed one, has to
be checked. I am not aware about any mechanism available presently.

A trick with HTML (or SGML in general) tag and a comment, a browser plugin
(or manual operation over saved source), and a GPG signature over part of
the HTML file should do the job, with maintaining full backward
compatibility and no problems for the users not using this scheme.

It should be possible to make this HTML construction:

blah blah blah blah blah unsigned irrelevant part of the document, eg.
headers and sidebars which change with the site design
Hash: SHA1

This is the PGP-signed part
of the HTML document.

Version: GnuPG v1.1.91 (MingW32) - GPGrelay v0.893

the unsigned rest of the HTML document

The SIGNED.../SIGNED tags are ignored by browsers that don't know
them, and provide leads for eventual browser plugins.

The !-- -- comments are used to hide the signature from the user in
standard browsers.

The scheme is designed to allow signing only parts of documents, so they
could be published in fast-changing environments like blogs or on
dynamically generated pages, and to have many different signed parts on
one page. It should also allow manual checking of the signature, eg. by
curl http://url | gpg --verify

Feel free to use the idea if it is good.

Opinions, comments?

Re: Idea: GPG signatures within HTML - problem with inline objects

2003-11-22 Thread Thomas Shaddack
There is a problem with images and other inline objects. There is a
solution, too.

The objects included into the document can get their hash calculated and
included in their tag; eg,
IMG SRC=image.jpg HASH=SHA1:4e1243bd22c66e76c2ba9eddc1f91394e57f9f83
The tag has to be in the signed part of the document, so the hash can't be
tampered with.

Full digital signatures should be possible as well, eg.



IMG SRC=image.jpg SIGNATURE=identifier
some HTML code here
SIGNATURE TYPE=gpg NAME=identifier!--
Version: GnuPG v0.9.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


This way doesn't depend on the part of the document being signed, as the
signature can't be effectively tampered with undetected anyway.

Same scheme could be used in A HREF tags, allowing automated checking of
signatures or hashes of downloaded binary files.

Re: Idea: GPG signatures within HTML

2003-11-22 Thread Henryk Plötz

Am Sat, 22 Nov 2003 14:54:39 +0100 (CET) schrieb Thomas Shaddack:

 A trick with HTML (or SGML in general) tag and a comment, a browser
 plugin(or manual operation over saved source), and a GPG signature
 over part of the HTML file should do the job, with maintaining full
 backward compatibility and no problems for the users not using this

 Opinions, comments?

This is already done, although I'm not aware of any browser supporting
an automated verification. For an example look at the HTML source of

Henryk Plvtz
Gr|_e aus Berlin
~~~ Un-CDs, nein danke! ~~~
~ Help Microsoft fight software piracy: Give Linux to a friend today! ~

Re: Idea: GPG signatures within HTML - problem with inline objects

2003-11-22 Thread Thomas Shaddack
There is a problem with images and other inline objects. There is a
solution, too.

The objects included into the document can get their hash calculated and
included in their tag; eg,
IMG SRC=image.jpg HASH=SHA1:4e1243bd22c66e76c2ba9eddc1f91394e57f9f83
The tag has to be in the signed part of the document, so the hash can't be
tampered with.

Full digital signatures should be possible as well, eg.



IMG SRC=image.jpg SIGNATURE=identifier
some HTML code here
SIGNATURE TYPE=gpg NAME=identifier!--
Version: GnuPG v0.9.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


This way doesn't depend on the part of the document being signed, as the
signature can't be effectively tampered with undetected anyway.

Same scheme could be used in A HREF tags, allowing automated checking of
signatures or hashes of downloaded binary files.

Re: Idea: GPG signatures within HTML

2003-11-22 Thread Henryk Plötz

Am Sat, 22 Nov 2003 14:54:39 +0100 (CET) schrieb Thomas Shaddack:

 A trick with HTML (or SGML in general) tag and a comment, a browser
 plugin(or manual operation over saved source), and a GPG signature
 over part of the HTML file should do the job, with maintaining full
 backward compatibility and no problems for the users not using this

 Opinions, comments?

This is already done, although I'm not aware of any browser supporting
an automated verification. For an example look at the HTML source of

Henryk Plvtz
Gr|_e aus Berlin
 Un-CDs, nein danke! ~~~
~~ Help Microsoft fight software piracy: Give Linux to a friend today! ~

Idea: GPG signatures within HTML

2003-11-22 Thread Thomas Shaddack
Sometimes a problem appears with publishing information on the Web, when
the authenticity of document, especially a widely-distributed one, has to
be checked. I am not aware about any mechanism available presently.

A trick with HTML (or SGML in general) tag and a comment, a browser plugin
(or manual operation over saved source), and a GPG signature over part of
the HTML file should do the job, with maintaining full backward
compatibility and no problems for the users not using this scheme.

It should be possible to make this HTML construction:

blah blah blah blah blah unsigned irrelevant part of the document, eg.
headers and sidebars which change with the site design
Hash: SHA1

This is the PGP-signed part
of the HTML document.

Version: GnuPG v1.1.91 (MingW32) - GPGrelay v0.893

the unsigned rest of the HTML document

The SIGNED.../SIGNED tags are ignored by browsers that don't know
them, and provide leads for eventual browser plugins.

The !-- -- comments are used to hide the signature from the user in
standard browsers.

The scheme is designed to allow signing only parts of documents, so they
could be published in fast-changing environments like blogs or on
dynamically generated pages, and to have many different signed parts on
one page. It should also allow manual checking of the signature, eg. by
curl http://url | gpg --verify

Feel free to use the idea if it is good.

Opinions, comments?

EDRI-gram: RFID-blocker wins German idea-contest

2003-11-19 Thread Thomas Shaddack
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 16:26:40 +0100 (CET)
Subject: EDRI-gram newsletter - Number 22, 19 November 2003
From: EDRI-gram newsletter [EMAIL PROTECTED]



The German civil rights and privacy-organisation FoeBuD is the winner of
an idea-contest for a national awareness campaign about the infringement
of civil liberties through new technologies. With the price of 15.000
Euro, FoeBuD wants to develop a 'Dataprivatizer', a tool to detect RFID's,
minuscule spy-chips that are increasingly built into consumer goods.

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) are tiny computer chips with an
antenna that can be read without touching or even seeing it. These
transponders can be built into every yoghurt cup or piece of clothing. The
chips can secretly divulge information about the buyer. With these data
firms can set up profiles about the shopping behaviour and leisure
activities of their customers.

This is not a remote future. The German chain of supermarkets and
DIY-stores Metro AG already won a Big Brother Award last month for
implementing this technology.

Idea contest (winner announced 06.11.2003)


EDRI-gram: RFID-blocker wins German idea-contest

2003-11-19 Thread Thomas Shaddack
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 16:26:40 +0100 (CET)
Subject: EDRI-gram newsletter - Number 22, 19 November 2003
From: EDRI-gram newsletter [EMAIL PROTECTED]



The German civil rights and privacy-organisation FoeBuD is the winner of
an idea-contest for a national awareness campaign about the infringement
of civil liberties through new technologies. With the price of 15.000
Euro, FoeBuD wants to develop a 'Dataprivatizer', a tool to detect RFID's,
minuscule spy-chips that are increasingly built into consumer goods.

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) are tiny computer chips with an
antenna that can be read without touching or even seeing it. These
transponders can be built into every yoghurt cup or piece of clothing. The
chips can secretly divulge information about the buyer. With these data
firms can set up profiles about the shopping behaviour and leisure
activities of their customers.

This is not a remote future. The German chain of supermarkets and
DIY-stores Metro AG already won a Big Brother Award last month for
implementing this technology.

Idea contest (winner announced 06.11.2003)


Re: Idea: Small-volume concealed data storage

2003-10-11 Thread Morlock Elloi
And what is the purpose of connecting the key and data storage in the first
place ?

Data storage is data storage, concealed or not. You feed encrypted data to/from

Key is required at human interface and has absolutely nothing to do with the

If you want better security than passphrase, then you need a mechanical key
carrier. Indeed, that is where the word key comes from. You can store any
number on bits on it and you'll hand it over before they beat the shit out of
you - or  you may want to be brave and destroy it instead (trivial with
flash-on-chip and small battery cell), but, again, it has nothing to do with
storage of data.

(of original message)

Y-a*h*o-o (yes, they scan for this) spam follows:

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Idea: Small-volume concealed data storage

2003-10-11 Thread Thomas Shaddack
I mentioned here the AT24RF08 chip here for couple times already. I got an
idea about another application for this nice toy.

For an encrypted data storage, the storage of the key is crucial. If the
key is recovered, everything is lost. Remembering 256 (or even 128) bits
is a hassle, a storage medium is subject to potential seizure. The key has
to be protected by a passphrase, which is subject to bruteforcing. The key
has to be destroyed in the event of a dangerous situation detected by the
environmental sensors, or if the passphrase is tried one time too much
(which opens the possibility of a DoS attack, rendering the data
protection scheme unusable by regular intentional destruction of the key).

However, the higher security we want, the lower alarm thresholds we have
to set and the higher is the probability of misfire. For convenience
reasons, for most common scenarios where absolute security is not
necessary and some risk is affordable, we need a backup key storage.

The mentioned chip can operate passively, powered from the coil used for
data transfer, principially the same as an RFID tag. The independence on
any kind of power supply makes it suitable for being built into some
object, including the building itself; the chip and coil may be located
inside a wall, serving as a potential storage for up to 8 kilobits of data
as necessary. It may be put in place at the moment when the building is
built, or during some construction work. Routine kinds of police raids are
quite unlikely to discover this kind of data storage (though the eventual
discovery of a reader device may be a giveaway). XORing the key with a MD5
hash of a memorized keyphrase can further increase security.

This method may be also used for covert exchange of short messages. The
device may be hidden under the carpet or inside poured concrete floor, and
reader/writed in the shoes of the conspirators. The simplicity and
robustness of the storage part of the technology could permit long-time
installations just for case.

Or maybe I am too tired to think in coherent way.

Maybe it's a good idea. Maybe not (if, then why?). May be handy at least
for a spy novel writer.

Re: Idea: Small-volume concealed data storage

2003-10-11 Thread Morlock Elloi
And what is the purpose of connecting the key and data storage in the first
place ?

Data storage is data storage, concealed or not. You feed encrypted data to/from

Key is required at human interface and has absolutely nothing to do with the

If you want better security than passphrase, then you need a mechanical key
carrier. Indeed, that is where the word key comes from. You can store any
number on bits on it and you'll hand it over before they beat the shit out of
you - or  you may want to be brave and destroy it instead (trivial with
flash-on-chip and small battery cell), but, again, it has nothing to do with
storage of data.

(of original message)

Y-a*h*o-o (yes, they scan for this) spam follows:

Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search

Idea: Small-volume concealed data storage

2003-10-10 Thread Thomas Shaddack
I mentioned here the AT24RF08 chip here for couple times already. I got an
idea about another application for this nice toy.

For an encrypted data storage, the storage of the key is crucial. If the
key is recovered, everything is lost. Remembering 256 (or even 128) bits
is a hassle, a storage medium is subject to potential seizure. The key has
to be protected by a passphrase, which is subject to bruteforcing. The key
has to be destroyed in the event of a dangerous situation detected by the
environmental sensors, or if the passphrase is tried one time too much
(which opens the possibility of a DoS attack, rendering the data
protection scheme unusable by regular intentional destruction of the key).

However, the higher security we want, the lower alarm thresholds we have
to set and the higher is the probability of misfire. For convenience
reasons, for most common scenarios where absolute security is not
necessary and some risk is affordable, we need a backup key storage.

The mentioned chip can operate passively, powered from the coil used for
data transfer, principially the same as an RFID tag. The independence on
any kind of power supply makes it suitable for being built into some
object, including the building itself; the chip and coil may be located
inside a wall, serving as a potential storage for up to 8 kilobits of data
as necessary. It may be put in place at the moment when the building is
built, or during some construction work. Routine kinds of police raids are
quite unlikely to discover this kind of data storage (though the eventual
discovery of a reader device may be a giveaway). XORing the key with a MD5
hash of a memorized keyphrase can further increase security.

This method may be also used for covert exchange of short messages. The
device may be hidden under the carpet or inside poured concrete floor, and
reader/writed in the shoes of the conspirators. The simplicity and
robustness of the storage part of the technology could permit long-time
installations just for case.

Or maybe I am too tired to think in coherent way.

Maybe it's a good idea. Maybe not (if, then why?). May be handy at least
for a spy novel writer.

This is a great idea... zf u hdwd a

2003-10-04 Thread Grace Johnston

 rvpbttlvsllzzdf nea twe ytd

Re: Viral DNS Attack, DDos Idea

2003-08-19 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 10:11 AM 8/17/03 -0700, Tim May wrote:
Many evolved diseases _DO_ kill their hosts. Look around.

It is true that there are tradeoffs in lethality, time to death, and
virulence, and that a disease which kills too quickly and too many
won't spread adequately, but quite clearly all of the diseases of the
past were evolved (until recently, none were created) and yet they
often killed their hosts.

This objection jammed in my memegrinder so I had to examine it.

I'll argue that the nastiness of many human diseases are *temporary*
to the evolved pathogens don't kill observation.  Because humans are
not in equilibrium:

* Human population is growing.  This means you can kill your host, two
ones are born every minute (except in a few places, eg W. Europe).   If
your host population
is growing like that, you can be extra lethal, temporarily.
If the host numbers are stable, you could wipe them all out if you're
too lethal.

* Humans are expanding their range.  This means new diseases are
introduced from existing
resivoirs so they have not adapted to humans --especially the conditions
of modern
humans-- yet.  Ebola, HIV, etc.

* Humans only *recently* live in dense (and stationary) groups.  This
means that pathogens have not adapted yet.  Cities are incubators.
Bubonic plague, TB are good examples here.

* Rapid travel is even more recent an invention.
Populations who have never seen a pathogen (West nile,
etc.) are getting exposed for the first time.  No equilibrium there.

The Cortez effect, amplified by Whittle's jet engine.
Globalization means everyone gets exposed to everyone
else's pathogens.  A sick chinese chicken can ruin your day
in America.  Guns, germs, and steel.

BTW Globalization also means that everyone gets exposed to everyone's
plants, insects, etc.  A lot of isolated species (e.g., Hawaii) that
can't deal
with competition will be toast just as much as the Amerinds who
met Mr. Cortez.  Guns, germs, and steel.  Meet Mr. Kudzu.

Obviously, the scale of temporary should be taken in the
larger context, not that of one's own lifespan.

Of course a coadapted pathogen (eg flu) can spontaneously become newly
simply because of mutation or recombination.  If the hosts aren't all
then merely one particular host-group dies, along with the newly
virulent strain.
Losing some village is not a big deal (until someone gets on a plane).


Interesting to extend the analogy to say virii that zap cellphones or
PCs permenantly
vs. merely being annoyances.  A PC-zapping virus would give Macs the
kind of
ripe open field not seen since the days of the Bering Strait.  Also
interesting to
view the RIAA vs. Networked-Computer struggle in a biological
(evo/eco) light.
Ms. Dodo, meet Mr. Kudzu.

And of course fascinating to watch how the new dense mobile humans (or
their lawyers :-) adapt behaviorally.

Re: Viral DNS Attack, DDos Idea

2003-08-17 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 05:46 PM 8/15/03 -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:
At 01:19 PM 08/15/2003 -0700, Major Variola (ret.) wrote:
Suppose malware appends a bogus entry to an infected machine's
/etc/hosts (or more likely, MSwindows' \windows\blahblah\hosts file).
(This constitutes a DNS attack on the appended domain name, exploiting

the local hosts' name-resolution prioritization.)
If the appended IP address points to the
same victim ( on all the virus-infected machines,
and the appended (redirected) domain name is popular (

Cute, but sounds like a lot of work compared to other obvious attacks
you could do if you're spreading a virus anyway.

Yes if you have virally owned a machine you can do much nastier.
But this attack has the advantage that its effects would not be
immediately recognized, nor could they be fixed in one spot
once detected.

Evolved diseases don't kill their hosts.  Google is too useful
to redirect.  On the other hand, you can redirect an entire
TLD (eg .mil), albeit on one machine at a time. Try doing that
to one of The DNS Roots (pbut).

The more popular version of this attack is to try to hack DNS servers,
or poison DNS requests, so that DNS requests for google report the
wrong thing.

Yes I've followed discussions about SecDNS etc before.

The cute part of the local hostsfile attack is that local machines
are *not* administered competently, whereas DNS servers
(and even ISP caches) are more likely tended better.

One problem with hacking the hosts files is that
different versions of Windows tend to put them in different places,
though perhaps if you target XP and 2000 and ME and 98
it's consistent enough to work.

OS detection is trivial once in.. as is file/path detection.  I bet a
program could do it, if the client security settings (ACLs) were poor.

The real question is whether the bad guys would redirect to a victim,
or to a fake web server run by them, so they could hand out
bogus responses, such as redirects to various places around the web,
potentially along with some advertising banners.

That's the virus author's choice, of course.  In fact, I first thought
the attack as a DNS-redirect on domain names ---intending on random
(or even localhost) misdirection.  Upon thinking about it, the
utility of all those 9AM Monday clicks became apparent.

Diagnosing the situation would be a bushel of fun in the first hours
either way.

If it's a virtual server machine, though, you can't do that
without disrupting all the clients on it, which is too bad;

Hadn't thought of virtual servers... all your eggs in one basket :-)

If it's a router, that's a more interesting problem,

You're right, routers merely drop port 80 incoming,
any router DoS depends on sheer bandwidth --say
routing the clicks to

because many routers have wimpy CPUs and do the routine work in ASICs -

ASICs are great except for exception handling, which is a vulnerability.

I was working on Intel's network processors earlier
this year.  Amazing chips--they have hardware support for everything you

do in an IP stack, buttloads of memory controllers, I/O up the kazoo,
and a dozen hardware-supported
thread contexts (hyperthreading) on each of a dozen high-clockrate RISC
But they all defer exception packet processing to the onboard ARM, which
alert the host system or at least log the exception by incrementing a
counter.  But the ARM is not as fast as the threads
and could perhaps be overwhelmed.  Perhaps the subject of a future
Gedanken Design Idea.


When the rotary telephone first came out, people
said, 'You mean I have to dial seven numbers?' 

Re: Viral DNS Attack, DDos Idea

2003-08-17 Thread Tim May
On Sunday, August 17, 2003, at 08:19  AM, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
Evolved diseases don't kill their hosts.  Google is too useful
to redirect.  On the other hand, you can redirect an entire
TLD (eg .mil), albeit on one machine at a time. Try doing that
to one of The DNS Roots (pbut).
Many evolved diseases _DO_ kill their hosts. Look around.

It is true that there are tradeoffs in lethality, time to death, and 
virulence, and that a disease which kills too quickly and too many 
won't spread adequately, but quite clearly all of the diseases of the 
past were evolved (until recently, none were created) and yet they 
often killed their hosts.

--Tim May
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, 
and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for 
then it costs nothing to be a patriot. -- Mark Twain

Re: Viral DNS Attack, DDos Idea

2003-08-16 Thread Bill Stewart
At 01:19 PM 08/15/2003 -0700, Major Variola (ret.) wrote:
Suppose malware appends a bogus entry to an infected machine's
/etc/hosts (or more likely, MSwindows' \windows\blahblah\hosts file).
(This constitutes a DNS attack on the appended domain name, exploiting
the local hosts' name-resolution prioritization.)
If the appended IP address points to the
same victim ( on all the virus-infected machines, 
and the appended (redirected) domain name is popular ( 

Cute, but sounds like a lot of work compared to other obvious attacks
you could do if you're spreading a virus anyway.
The more popular version of this attack is to try to hack DNS servers,
or poison DNS requests, so that DNS requests for google report the wrong thing.
One problem with hacking the hosts files is that
different versions of Windows tend to put them in different places,
though perhaps if you target XP and 2000 and ME and 98 
it's consistent enough to work.

The real question is whether the bad guys would redirect to a victim,
or to a fake web server run by them, so they could hand out
bogus responses, such as redirects to various places around the web,
potentially along with some advertising banners.

Besides making harder to reach,
another effect is that lots of people send TCP SYN requests
to port 80 instead of port 80,
and if there's a web server on that port,
they send it HTTP requests for URLs on,
which it presumably will reject.

If is an arbitrary victim computer with no web server,
the main impact is a bunch of extra SYN requests,
so the obvious defense is to filter them out from the router.
If it's got a single web server, moving the server to a new IP address
and using DNS to update it can help, at the cost of disrupting
clients until its DNS update propagates, and getting its router
to drop requests for port 80 (passing other ports is fine.)

If it's a virtual server machine, though, you can't do that
without disrupting all the clients on it, which is too bad;
either hope you've got enough horsepower to handle rejecting the requests, or front-end it with a squid proxy and
kill it off there, which cuts down the CPU impact,
though it doesn't cut down the bandwidth much.
You could get fancy and have the squid redirect all the real requests
to another IP or DNS name, e.g. to,
where the new address is on a different machine and 
if necessary on a different access line.

If it's a router, that's a more interesting problem,
because many routers have wimpy CPUs and do the routine work in ASICs -
so if the router has an HTTP interface for admin use,
and it's not protected by ACLs for some reason,
you might blow it away with the work required to reject google hits.
But if you don't need the web interface, it's much easier to protect.
Also, if the router is in an ISP, rather than at the customer premises,
access to it may be blocked anyway, as a general security mechanism,
and even if it's not, it's usually easy to add that kind of blocking,
by null-routing the traffic rather than by ACLs.

If the victim IP address were a router just upstream
of the victim domain name, its extra fun for the victim domain 
--not only are they unavailable on infected machines, 
but clients pound their upstream when they try to connect.

That's actually much less of a risk, except for CPU consumption,
because if the router has enough capacity to handle's traffic,
it can handle the bunch of unsuccessful SYN packets that it gets instead.

Thoughts?  Has this ever been suggested or implemented?

Never seen it.  Another variation on this attack is to use
random redirect addresses instead of a single target victim -
that loses the focus for detection and correction that
having a single victim can provide.
If you scatter it around, people will still have trouble reaching Google,
but almost no web servers will get enough rejected hits
to swamp them, so admins are less likely to notice.

Viral DNS Attack, DDos Idea

2003-08-15 Thread Major Variola (ret.)
Suppose malware appends a bogus entry to an infected machine's
/etc/hosts (or more likely, MSwindows' \windows\blahblah\hosts file).
(This constitutes a DNS attack on the appended domain name, exploiting
the local hosts' name-resolution prioritization.)

If the appended IP address points to the
same victim ( on all the virus-infected machines, and the
(redirected) domain name is popular ( for instance) then you
get a
DDoS attack on the appended IP host that grows as the
viral infection spreads in the population.  You also get a DDoS on the
domain name ( you've redirected.

If the victim IP address were a router just upstream
of the victim domain name, its extra fun for the victim
domain --not only are they unavailable on infected machines, but clients

pound their upstream when they try to connect.

Thoughts?  Has this ever been suggested or implemented?

In The Wild One bikers mount a DoS attack on a router: her name is
Dorothy and she works at a plugboard.  ca 1954

Re: Idea: Homemade Passive Radar System (GNU/Radar)

2003-08-14 Thread Morlock Elloi
 As an active twist, we can also use a separate unit, Illuminating
 Transceiver (IT), periodically broadcasting a pulse of known
 characteristics, easy to recognize by the LPs when it bounces from an
 aerial target. This unit has to be cheap and expendable - it's easy to
 locate and to destroy by a HARM missile. As a bonus, forcing the adversary
 to waste a $250,000+ AGM-88 missile on a sub-$100 transmitter may be quite
 demoralizing. There can be a whole hierarchy of ITs; when one of them

Microwave oven.

This has been done in recent years in various theatres.

 Even other sources can serve as involuntary ITs. The landscape is littered
 with cellular base stations and civilian TV and radio transmitters. Just
 pick the suitable frequency and listen on.

There is enough wideband power in the ether above inhabited areas to make
passive detection from reflected EM possible in theory (without any EM
emanating from the target.) The space is illuminated, but the eyes are not
good enough, yet. Signal levels are extremely low, but it's likely that a
flying jet reflects back enough from hundreds of cellphone/celltower
transmissions to be few dB above the background noise. However, without knowing
where to look the receiver cannot use typical narrow beam high-gain antennas.
What is needed is an array, like an insect's eye, and that will be a sizeable
contraption - passive, but not small. In other words, the size of a passive eye
is proportional to the wavelength. To get human eye resolution in 10cm band the
size gets to 2km across. Big eye.

(of original message)

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Idea: Homemade Passive Radar System (GNU/Radar)

2003-08-14 Thread Thomas Shaddack
The current developments in international politics, mainly the advent of
rogue states attacking sovereign countries from air, causes a necessity of
proliferation of cheap air defense solutions. Key part of air defense is
the awareness, usually maintained by a network of ground radar stations.

In the end of 50's, Czech Republic developed a passive radar system called
PRP-1/Kopac (Korelacni Patrac, Correlation Seeker), which was later
replaced by more advanced system Ramona and even more advanced Tamara.
Then the Revolution came, bringing the inevitable international pressures
that led to the bankrupcy of the Tamara developer company, following false
indictments of its top managements which lead to revocation of the
company's arms sale licence. Shortly after this, articles in the world
press appeared about groundbreaking passive radar system being developed
by - guess who? Lockheed. (After 15 years of research, good part of
which consisted from reverse-engineering of seized shipment of I am not
sure if Ramonas or Tamaras.)

See also

The system allows locating and identification of aerial, ground, and (when
installed on the shore) sea-based EM sources.

The passive radar system consists from four main parts. Three are wideband
receivers, listening for any characteristical transmitting activity. They
talk to the fourth one, where a correlator is located - an electronic
system calculating the position of the signal sources from the differences
of times when the listening posts received their signals.

The civilian sector electronics is developing fast; component prices fall
down, computing power goes up, anybody can buy a machine that just few
decades ago would make everyone in Pentagon salivating. Naturally, this
opens interesting possibilities.

The threat rogue states with overwhelming air force pose to other
countries makes it a necessity to develop a cheap, open passive radar
system, effectively bringing a key part of air defense down to easy
affordability on a municipiality level. Let's call it GNU/Radar.

We need the four stations: three listening ones, and the correlating one.

The correlating station (CS) may be built as a MOSIX or Beowulf cluster.
Its job is to handle signals from LPs, identifying the targets, and
tracking their position.

The listening posts (LPs) need a receiver - a suitably wideband one, a
digitizer (a fast ADC card), optionally a DSP board to take some
calculations off the shoulders of the CPU, a source of precise timebase
for synchronizations (may be a GPS, which also provides information about
the location of the listening post which is what the CS needs to know, or
may be a receiver of a time synchronization signal broadcasted from
somewhere if we want a backup for case of GPS being shut down. The
receiver may be possibly adapted from the GNU/Radio project. The timing
pulses can be also delivered optically, eg. by a modification in the Ronja
unit mentioned later.

The LPs crunch the received signals, isolate the interesting-looking ones,
mark the precise moments of their reception, and send their arrival times
and key characteristics to CS. The transmission channel may be anything
with sufficient bandwidth - from an Internet leased line to Ronja-based
10Mbps optical links in case of direct visibility between LPs and CS.

As an active twist, we can also use a separate unit, Illuminating
Transceiver (IT), periodically broadcasting a pulse of known
characteristics, easy to recognize by the LPs when it bounces from an
aerial target. This unit has to be cheap and expendable - it's easy to
locate and to destroy by a HARM missile. As a bonus, forcing the adversary
to waste a $250,000+ AGM-88 missile on a sub-$100 transmitter may be quite
demoralizing. There can be a whole hierarchy of ITs; when one of them
transmits, the other ones sleep - when the transmitting one is destroyed,
one of the sleeping units wakes up and continues in illuminating the
airspace. This is within reach of capabilities of a simple

Even other sources can serve as involuntary ITs. The landscape is littered
with cellular base stations and civilian TV and radio transmitters. Just
pick the suitable frequency and listen on.

Remember that Kopac was built about 50 years ago, on vacuum tubes. It
should be far from impossible to replicate it with contemporary COTS

Using lower frequencies than the gigahertz band usual for modern military
radars reduces accuracy, but also dramatically reduces the effectivity of
aircraft stealth features.

There are already prototype results in this field:,1294,16762,00.html

Some other sources:

Opinions, comments, ideas?

Re: Idea: Homemade Passive Radar System (GNU/Radar)

2003-08-14 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 05:04 PM 8/11/03 +0200, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
 This unit has to be cheap and expendable - it's easy to
locate and to destroy by a HARM missile. As a bonus, forcing the
to waste a $250,000+ AGM-88 missile on a sub-$100 transmitter may be

Microwave ovens were used in the Yugo war for this.

The invading air power can't ignore the ISM band because then you could
use it for real missile trackers.

Someone who can do vacuum and welding work could change the output
freq of an oven magnetron, by changing the shorting-strap connections.

Re: Idea: Homemade Passive Radar System (GNU/Radar)

2003-08-11 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 05:04 PM 8/11/03 +0200, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
 This unit has to be cheap and expendable - it's easy to
locate and to destroy by a HARM missile. As a bonus, forcing the
to waste a $250,000+ AGM-88 missile on a sub-$100 transmitter may be

Microwave ovens were used in the Yugo war for this.

The invading air power can't ignore the ISM band because then you could
use it for real missile trackers.

Someone who can do vacuum and welding work could change the output
freq of an oven magnetron, by changing the shorting-strap connections.

Re: idea: brinworld meets the credit card

2003-07-11 Thread Adam Lydick
You might find facecerts interesting.

This is more for face-to-face checking, however.

For your remote scenario some sort of one-way hash to verify the image
might be intersting. It would have to allow for fuzzy matching after
hashing (for obvious reasons). I think this just raises the bar a tiny
bit though, as an attacker could stalk their victim before stealing
their card to get an idea about what appearance to forge. (or capture
webcam traffic before lifting the card / identity info)


Adam Lydick

On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 12:16, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
 Authentication is Something you have / know / are.
 A simple plastic credit card + PIN provides the first
 including a photo provides the third something you are.
 A face is more often checked than the readily forgable
 signature, in live authentication.
 But as cameras become ubiquitous
 (e.g., in cell phones) some extra security could be obtained
 for *remote* authentication by sending a trusted photo of the
 account holder plus a live picture of the card user.
 A picture glued into the card could be forged, but a
 smartcard (with more data area than a magstripe)
 could include a picture of the account holder,
 so a thief has no idea what to look like.  But the vendor can
 check the encrypted smartcard face to the face on the phone
 or webcam.  For high-value remote transactions, where you
 pay someone to check faces, this might be viable in a few years.
 In a few years after that, machines might be able to check faces
 more cheaply, as reliably.
 The live face-check with embedded digital photos is already standard
 on high-security building-entry cards (and passports?),
 with the guard comparing the card-embedded face to the one before him.
 Ubiquitous cameras will bring that face-check to remote transactions,
 reducing cost due to lower fraud.

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool (meow)

2003-07-10 Thread Tyler Durden
Then your ears are not golden, period.


But you misunderstand what the phase button does. If the speakers are wired 
out of phase anybody can hear that. Actually, it's a quite interesting thing 
to hear...nothing is really localizable.

But the phase button inverts the absolute phase of the signal coming out of 
both speakers. In other words, with a bass drum hit do the speaker cones 
move outward at the initial strike or inward (as they are not supposed to). 
Supposedly this difference can be heard, but my speakers start rolling off 
below 100Hz, so I suspect that's why I have a very hard time discerning the 
absolute phase difference when I hit the button.


From: Jim Choate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool (meow)
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 23:51:47 -0500 (CDT)
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Tyler Durden wrote:

 Somebody wrote...

 Yes this is for localization ---clicks are broadband, you need to
 identify which freq components are used.  I still think
 humans can't discriminate the phase of a tone.

 An interesting thing to try is to play with the phase button on many
 high-end gear. This supposedly matters for low frequencies, but despite 
 unarguably golden ears, I'm still not convinced I can hear the 

Then your ears are not golden, period.

A standard test of audio systems in PA's for example is related to
'speaker phase' (ie all the cones move out or in together at the same
time). This is tested by putting a click on the line and then standing
between pairs of speakers. It is quite easy to tell when the speakers are
in phase. The same can be said for music (and no you don't need expensive
high end equipment), garble the phase and things like echo become very(!!!)
wierd. You just have to have the experience to know what to 'look' for.
A very(!) simple test to demonstrate/test your phase sensitivity (using
even very low quality equipment) is to connect a speaker between the R and
L channels (in essence it is driven by diff between the two channels).
This tends to highlight the phase disparity between the two channels
significantly enhancing the 'depth' of the music. Put a switch in there
and then have a friend enable/disable the speaker without your knowledge.
Then indicate what you think is the 'third speaker' setting. If you can't
tell nearly 100% of the time then any money on high end equipment is a
waste of your budget. This trick (was very popular in the 70's, especially
for us Quadraphonic fans) was what eventually led to the sub-woofer we all
know and love today (I do wish somebody would do something about those
damn rattling cars though).

  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.
  Criswell, Plan 9 from Outer Space


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Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-09 Thread Sampo Syreeni
On 2003-07-08, Major Variola (ret) uttered to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I haven't, but it does ring true. You'd get 2 Khz as well as other
intermodulation products.

Provided there's a nonlinearity, effective in the ultrasonic range,
somewhere. Mere interference (which is what we usually refer to as
beats) doesn't give rise to intermodulation. The beat, it isn't an
audible frequency per se, but double the frequency you'd need to amplitude
modulate a sinusoid halfway between the original sinusoids to get an
equivalent result.

You've read about the company trying to sell highly localized speakers?
They modulate two intense ultrasound beams, and the air does the
nonlinear mixing where they meet.

You can do it with a single beam, too. MIT's Sonic Spotlight is one
example, but there are better developed applications on the market.
However, you need huge amplitudes to get the air to distort. (I've heard
numbers in the 130-150dB range.)

In the audiophile, lower-intensity case, the ears' nonlinearity would do

I don't think it would. Before the nonlinearity gets to do its job, the
sound needs to be conducted to the inner ear. But it probably won't be --
our ossicles and the tympanic membrane are too massive to operate in that
frequency range.

So I agree if the amplitudes are extreme, but otherwise I doubt it.
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], tel:+358-50-5756111
student/math+cs/helsinki university,
openpgp: 050985C2/025E D175 ABE5 027C 9494 EEB0 E090 8BA9 0509 85C2

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-09 Thread Tyler Durden
Tim May wrote...

Most so-called high end tube amps do in fact sound different, perhaps 
better, perhaps not. This is of course because tubes are usually rich in 
odd-order harmonics. That $4000 Krell tube amp is actually _coloring_ the 
sound. So much for 20-bit DACs in the signal source: the amp is altering 
the sound at about the 6th or 8th or whatever most significant bit.
A couple of corrections, then the comment. First is that tubes boost the 
even order harmonics, making the sound much richer and fuller sounding. 
Also, the Krell is digital, not tube.

But your point is correct, but also well-known within audiophile circles. In 
fact, single-end triode style tube amps (which hit the market about 10 years 
ago) have really rotten measureables, but they have continued to grow in 
popularity because of the the allegedly live/lush sound. (Another odd 
thing about them is that they have extremely low output powers--12W, 8W and 
6W are common!) Everyone knows they are basically nearly random tone-control 
gizmos, but no one cares at this point.

As for 24/96 (or 24/192), like I said there are real engineering reasons for 
doing this, but in the end there's not much reason to argue if you haven't 
heard. Go listen to a standard CD played on an upsampling machine and you 
will know in no uncertain terms that the sound is considerably 
better/fuller/realler. (A hint as to why can be seen when you look a square 
wave reproduced in 16/22 vs 24/96.)

As for audiophile voodoo there's a lot out there, but there's a pretty easy 
way to differentiate voodoo from real (though 'inexplicable') high-end 
stuff. The voodoo dissappears within a year or two, but the real stuff keeps 


A PS about double-blind: There's been lots of them done, some confirming 
audiophile expectations some contradicting. Some of the disparity is due to 
who the blindees are: high-end listening is a skill that is basically 
self-taught. Some of the high-end tweeks have differences that are not 
discernable to nonGolden ears (and some tweaks are obviously pure snakeoil).

Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-09 Thread Tyler Durden
Actually I thought humans are insensitive to phase relations, modulo
inter-aural timing at low frequencies for spatial location.  Perhaps
that is what you meant?   But spatial location isn't the same as the
frequency-fetishing audiophiles go for.
Au contrare...frequency accuracy vs spatial resolution is the classic 
Uncertainty principal in high end.

A real high-end system present the ear with a truly 3-D soundscape...some 
instruments are clearly in the foreground, some are clearly in the 
background, and some are even higher than others. With a good recording, the 
hall ambience is also there. Put a great live recording on a great high-end 
sound system and you are there.


From: Major Variola (ret) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2003 10:59:39 -0700
At 07:15 PM 7/8/03 -0700, Mike Rosing wrote:
To produce 65kHz (for cats) my present boss prefers a 1 MHz sample
Do cats buy a lot of audiophile equiptment :8=||

The human hearing system is capable of noticing phase relations at
Actually I thought humans are insensitive to phase relations, modulo
inter-aural timing at low frequencies for spatial location.  Perhaps
is what you meant?   But spatial location isn't the same as the
audiophiles go for.  To do that well you need casts of the outer ear
You doing owl-type studies on auditory localization?  Audio-visual
and plasticity?   Making the cats wear funky glasses?
STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-09 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 07:15 PM 7/8/03 -0700, Mike Rosing wrote:
To produce 65kHz (for cats) my present boss prefers a 1 MHz sample

Do cats buy a lot of audiophile equiptment :8=||

The human hearing system is capable of noticing phase relations at

Actually I thought humans are insensitive to phase relations, modulo
inter-aural timing at low frequencies for spatial location.  Perhaps
is what you meant?   But spatial location isn't the same as the
audiophiles go for.  To do that well you need casts of the outer ear

You doing owl-type studies on auditory localization?  Audio-visual
and plasticity?   Making the cats wear funky glasses?

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-09 Thread Mike Rosing
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

 Do cats buy a lot of audiophile equiptment :8=||

Nope.  That's why I have a job (for another couple of months anyway,
till the grant runs out.)

 Actually I thought humans are insensitive to phase relations, modulo
 inter-aural timing at low frequencies for spatial location.  Perhaps
 is what you meant?   But spatial location isn't the same as the
 audiophiles go for.  To do that well you need casts of the outer ear

No, if you put 2 clicks out that are 10 usec's apart on right and
left, most people can pick out which side came first.  90% of the
time anyway.

 You doing owl-type studies on auditory localization?  Audio-visual
 and plasticity?   Making the cats wear funky glasses?

Yup.  they sew coils into their eyes.  For humans they use contacts :-)
PETA is definitly a problem :-)

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool (meow)

2003-07-09 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 11:45 AM 7/9/03 -0700, Mike Rosing wrote:
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
 Actually I thought humans are insensitive to phase relations, modulo
 inter-aural timing at low frequencies for spatial location.  Perhaps
 is what you meant?   But spatial location isn't the same as the
 audiophiles go for.  To do that well you need casts of the outer ear

No, if you put 2 clicks out that are 10 usec's apart on right and
left, most people can pick out which side came first.  90% of the
time anyway.

Yes this is for localization ---clicks are broadband, you need to
identify which freq components are used.  I still think
humans can't discriminate the phase of a tone.  In fact, MP3s
use this to cut bits.

 You doing owl-type studies on auditory localization?  Audio-visual
 and plasticity?   Making the cats wear funky glasses?

Yup.  they sew coils into their eyes.  For humans they use contacts :-)

PETA is definitly a problem :-)

Gaak.  I was thinking prism-glasses maybe bolted on that translate the
vis field.
Its ok for undergrads so its ok for cats.

After the experiments, the cats
will be ok, as I assume they're sufficiently
plastic, unless you do brain staining on them.  :-(Or your policy is
Tim McVeigh treatment.

Cool stuff, though my domestic feline wants to know where you live.

PS: have you identified the can opener sound brain-center yet?

Cats manage biometrics and reputation better than most human systems..

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool (meow)

2003-07-09 Thread Mike Rosing
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

 Yes this is for localization ---clicks are broadband, you need to
 identify which freq components are used.  I still think
 humans can't discriminate the phase of a tone.  In fact, MP3s
 use this to cut bits.

They can tell relative phase, but it takes a lot of training.

 After the experiments, the cats
 will be ok, as I assume they're sufficiently
 plastic, unless you do brain staining on them.  :-(Or your policy is
 Tim McVeigh treatment.

both.  They spend a year training the cats, then a year or 2 collecting
data, then brain stain, then vaporize.  Each cat is worth about $1M when
it's all done, and it's got a lot of skull missing while it's alive.
But it's well protected with a lot of aluminum and epoxy :-)

 Cool stuff, though my domestic feline wants to know where you live.

 PS: have you identified the can opener sound brain-center yet?

I think you better keep it far away!  And no, they don't play with
higher order systems.  The low level stuff is hard enough!!

 Cats manage biometrics and reputation better than most human systems..


Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool (meow)

2003-07-09 Thread Tyler Durden
Somebody wrote...

Yes this is for localization ---clicks are broadband, you need to
identify which freq components are used.  I still think
humans can't discriminate the phase of a tone.
An interesting thing to try is to play with the phase button on many 
high-end gear. This supposedly matters for low frequencies, but despite my 
unarguably golden ears, I'm still not convinced I can hear the difference.

My Thiel speakers, however, claim to be phase coherent, and that seems to 
be an entirely different matter. In other words, the different frequency 
components of a sound are transmitted in correct phase relationships (ie, 
true to the original sound), and the result is a (sometimes) astonishing 
level of spacial detail. Of course, non-audiophiles will poo-poo that claim, 
but even they will hear that the Thiels are far more accurate than the crap 
that's sold in Circuit City or whatever. So I figure I may as well believe 
Jim Thiel's claim that phase coherence is important in a speaker.


From: Mike Rosing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool (meow)
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 14:32:53 -0700 (PDT)
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

 Yes this is for localization ---clicks are broadband, you need to
 identify which freq components are used.  I still think
 humans can't discriminate the phase of a tone.  In fact, MP3s
 use this to cut bits.
They can tell relative phase, but it takes a lot of training.

 After the experiments, the cats
 will be ok, as I assume they're sufficiently
 plastic, unless you do brain staining on them.  :-(Or your policy is
 Tim McVeigh treatment.
both.  They spend a year training the cats, then a year or 2 collecting
data, then brain stain, then vaporize.  Each cat is worth about $1M when
it's all done, and it's got a lot of skull missing while it's alive.
But it's well protected with a lot of aluminum and epoxy :-)
 Cool stuff, though my domestic feline wants to know where you live.

 PS: have you identified the can opener sound brain-center yet?
I think you better keep it far away!  And no, they don't play with
higher order systems.  The low level stuff is hard enough!!
 Cats manage biometrics and reputation better than most human systems..


Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike
Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-08 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 08:45 AM 7/7/03 -0700, alan wrote:
But the real issue is that all of these DRM methods rely on security
obscurity.  Such methods eventually fail.  Either the actual method is

discovered and published or the DRM method fails in the marketplace and
never heard from again.

Hilary R and Jack V are *far* more fucked than mere

Any human-consumable (analogue) input is readily recordable with
a single, one-time ADC, and thereafter is toast.  DRM is a fraud
perpetrated by engineers on Hollywood suits.  Good for employment

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-08 Thread Tyler Durden
Nobody wrote...

There is a loss of quality if you go through an analog stage.  Real and
wannabe audiophiles will prefer the real thing, pure and undiluted by
a reconversion phase.  These are the people who are already swallowing
the marketing line that the CD bandwidth limit of 22KHz is too low for
good fidelity, despite being higher than they can hear.
I'm in that category. And as someone who basically grew up in Carnegie Hall 
and the Metropolitan Opera, I trust my ears (I saw the opera Wozzeck twice 
by the time I was 17).

There are engineering reasons for this that I'm willing to discuss, though 
the discussion will be tedious for engineers, and impossible to understand 
for non-engineers. Far easier will be for you to go and listen
to a CD player that can upsample standard CD to 24bits/196kHz. The 
difference is not by any means subtle.

As an audiophile (Krell+Levinson+Thiel gear at home), I definitely don't 
want to grab an analog signal. Doing that the signal is sure to retain 
characteristics of the extracting gear. But the vast majority of P2P kids 
won't care one iota that their file was analog for half a second.


From: Nomen Nescio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool
Date: Tue,  8 Jul 2003 08:40:01 +0200 (CEST)
Major Variola writes:

 Any human-consumable (analogue) input is readily recordable with
 a single, one-time ADC, and thereafter is toast.  DRM is a fraud
 perpetrated by engineers on Hollywood suits.  Good for employment
There is a loss of quality if you go through an analog stage.  Real and
wannabe audiophiles will prefer the real thing, pure and undiluted by
a reconversion phase.  These are the people who are already swallowing
the marketing line that the CD bandwidth limit of 22KHz is too low for
good fidelity, despite being higher than they can hear.
Consider how much more wine from Champagne is worth than that from a
village just outside of the appelation limits.  People want to feel
that they are getting the authentic goods, and they'll pay for them.
That's what the RIAA is counting on.
Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

RE: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-08 Thread Trei, Peter
 Tyler Durden[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nobody wrote...
 There is a loss of quality if you go through an analog stage.  Real and
 wannabe audiophiles will prefer the real thing, pure and undiluted by
 a reconversion phase.  These are the people who are already swallowing
 the marketing line that the CD bandwidth limit of 22KHz is too low for
 good fidelity, despite being higher than they can hear.
 I'm in that category. And as someone who basically grew up in Carnegie
 and the Metropolitan Opera, I trust my ears (I saw the opera Wozzeck twice
 by the time I was 17).
 There are engineering reasons for this that I'm willing to discuss, though
 the discussion will be tedious for engineers, and impossible to understand
 for non-engineers. Far easier will be for you to go and listen
 to a CD player that can upsample standard CD to 24bits/196kHz. The 
 difference is not by any means subtle.
 As an audiophile (Krell+Levinson+Thiel gear at home), I definitely don't 
 want to grab an analog signal. Doing that the signal is sure to retain 
 characteristics of the extracting gear. But the vast majority of P2P kids 
 won't care one iota that their file was analog for half a second.
I'll ditto that - my brother is an extremist audiophile - he writes
reviews for the high-end stuff (google Mike Trei). Many (by
no means all) top end audophiles prefer all-analog equipment,
and direct-cut vinyl records (ie, the master disk was cut directly
at the performance, without a magtape master). I've listened to
some of this stuff, and it just blows digital away.

The general attitude is that while low-end digital beats low-end
analog, high-end analog beats high-end digital. Digital places
a distinct floor on how bad the quality can be, but it also puts
a ceiling on it. The data capacity of a vinyl groove is a lot higher
than a CD pit-track, but you need very good equipment to use it.

While the ear can't hear above 22KHz, signal above that *can*
effect the perceived sound, by heterodyne effects. For example,
if you play a single tone of 28KHz, or a single tone of 30 KHz,
you can't hear them. Play them together, however, and you
*can* hear a beat frequency of 2KHz.

Peter Trei

RE: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-08 Thread Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer
  As an audiophile (Krell+Levinson+Thiel gear at home), I definitely don't 
  want to grab an analog signal. Doing that the signal is sure to retain 
  characteristics of the extracting gear. But the vast majority of P2P kids 
  won't care one iota that their file was analog for half a second.
 I'll ditto that - my brother is an extremist audiophile - he writes
 reviews for the high-end stuff (google Mike Trei). Many (by
 no means all) top end audophiles prefer all-analog equipment,
 and direct-cut vinyl records (ie, the master disk was cut directly
 at the performance, without a magtape master). I've listened to
 some of this stuff, and it just blows digital away.

What else do you expect, when any audiophile who denies that inaudible
frequencies make the music warmer proves himself to be a philistine
with ears of tin?

Remember, it was the fashion and clothing EXPERTS who were the most
insistent that the emperor's new clothes were absolutely marvelous.

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-08 Thread Mike Rosing
On Tue, 8 Jul 2003, stuart wrote:

 Now, when DRM gets into windows, I'm sure Virtual Audio Cable will stop
 working, RealAudio will stop making linux clients (why bother?), RIAA
 will (try to) make CDs that can only be played with windows clients,
 etc. Then someone will crack the formats of the audio streams and the
 CDs, and round and round she goes, where she stops, nobody knows.

 As things are now, it's easy to get the digital signal before it reaches
 the DAC, you don't need to go to DAC - ADC, you don't need to plug your
 line-out to your line-in and degrade your signal.

 If the RIAA get their content to only work on Windows-type boxes, and if
 MS gets DRM to work in their Windows, things will become much more
 difficult. But these are big ifs that can quite possibly be circumvented
 even if they do come to fruition. There's always high-end sound cards
 that don't even use analog.

 DRM is not going to stop file sharing.
 They're trying to catch smoke with nets.

Yup, check out this dvd unit:
where it says: Custom modification with code free automatic and manual
selection of regions and macrovision disabled. Excellent quality dvd
player with all the features.

Price just reduced by over $100.  Was 249.00
Now only $129.00

The Daewoo 5800 custom modification  has been designed to make life a lot
less complicated.  It has superb Audio and video components outperforming
major brands such as Sony, Panasonic and Pioneer. 

So it won't be long before bypass systems will be commercially available.
At least in some parts of the _free_ world.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-08 Thread Tim May
On Tuesday, July 8, 2003, at 10:40  AM, Peter Fairbrother wrote:
A curiosity, only tenuously related - I just came across a Feb 1994 
copy of
Elector magazine, with plans for a S/PDIF copybit eliminator (for 
Seems people have been defeating copy protection for a while..

I've owned an Audio Alchemy SCMS-stripper since 1991, when I bought 
my first DAT machine. It cost about $99, was about the size of a deck 
of cards, and stripped the SCMS bits out of the digital bitstream.

A later DAT machine I bought, a Tascam portable pro deck, has the SCMS 
stripped by default. (It takes in digital signals and writes to the DAT 
with the SCMS code set to unlimited number of digital copies allowed.)

Likewise, a professional CD writer I own (HHB) bypasses SCMS. (Not just 
allowing a digital copy to be made, but making the resulting CD-R 
copyable freely.)

A friend of mine bought his DVD player on EBay: it bypasses all region 
coding (i.e., it makes all DVDs region-free). Region coding is a 
different issue, but part of the DRM universe.

Until George W. Bush and the Carlyle Group start putting money into 
these things and thus discover that SCMS strippers are terrorist tools, 
such tools will likely continue to be available.

Use a logic analyzer, go to jail.

--Tim May
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a 
monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also 
into you. -- Nietzsche

Re: idea: brinworld meets the credit card

2003-07-08 Thread Eric Murray
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 12:16:36PM -0700, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
 Authentication is Something you have / know / are.


 A picture glued into the card could be forged, but a
 smartcard (with more data area than a magstripe)
 could include a picture of the account holder,
 so a thief has no idea what to look like.  But the vendor can
 check the encrypted smartcard face to the face on the phone
 or webcam.  For high-value remote transactions, where you
 pay someone to check faces, this might be viable in a few years.
 In a few years after that, machines might be able to check faces
 more cheaply, as reliably.
 The live face-check with embedded digital photos is already standard
 on high-security building-entry cards (and passports?),
 with the guard comparing the card-embedded face to the one before him.
 Ubiquitous cameras will bring that face-check to remote transactions,
 reducing cost due to lower fraud.

How does it allow the merchant to view the picture
while preventing the thief from doing so?

Saying it's encrypted is, at best, sweeping a very large
problem under a small rug.  Who holds the key?  How
does the card or the user authenticate a real merchant vs.
a thief posing as a merchant?

Those are the hard problems.  No one in biometrics
has yet been able to solve them in a general way.


Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-08 Thread Nomen Nescio
Tyler Durden leaves the fight club and writes:
 Do you have a reference? I don't remember reading that SACD was encrypted. 
 What I DO remember is that the reason there's no standard SACD or DVD-A 
 digital interface is because the Industry wants that digital interface to be 

The detailed technical specs are apparently secret, but an overview
of the multi-layered SACD copy protection is at  If
you don't like PDFs, most of the same information is at

Alan Clueless writes:

 Furthermore, people have come to expect that they should be able to play 
 whatever disc shaped media in their computer.  At some point there will 
 need to be a software based player.

Both of the documents above specifically deny that software based players
will be allowed.  I get the impression that the decryption will always be
done in hardware, and if a PC is ever able to play one of these gadgets,
it will be a Palladium system or something similar that can be locked

Steve Shear writes:

 If you believe the article Myths and Misconceptions about Hardware 
 , recently posted to the Content Protection Technical Working Group, access 
 to affordable commercial technology for reverse engineering has given 
 hardware hackers the upper hand.

That's mostly about how hardware hackers can use modern chips and custom
PC boards without spending more than a few hundred dollars.  Fine,
but it's a long way from that to being able to pull an algorithm and/or
device key out of a chip which has been designed to make that difficult.

Re: idea: brinworld meets the credit card

2003-07-08 Thread Morlock Elloi
 Those are the hard problems.  No one in biometrics
 has yet been able to solve them in a general way.

And the merchant example is the wrong application.

The merchant doesn't care WHO you are - that's a false premise.

Merchant cares if you can pay. Now, that's a completely solvable issue.

Of course, we know who and why is trying to misrepresent this.

All other applications of biometrics boil down to threatening with punishment
(we know who you are, behave or else ...) - and then the biometrics ceases to
be in the interest of the eyeball holder. Even granting door access to
employees fits this category. You don't let any qualified mathematician
willing to work to enter the lab - you let in only those that you know where
they live, have signed contracts with them, etc.

(of original message)

Y-a*h*o-o (yes, they scan for this) spam follows:

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Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-08 Thread Tim May
On Tuesday, July 8, 2003, at 01:39  PM, Anonymous via the Cypherpunks 
Tonga Remailer wrote:

As an audiophile (Krell+Levinson+Thiel gear at home), I definitely 
want to grab an analog signal. Doing that the signal is sure to 
characteristics of the extracting gear. But the vast majority of P2P 
won't care one iota that their file was analog for half a second.


I'll ditto that - my brother is an extremist audiophile - he writes
reviews for the high-end stuff (google Mike Trei). Many (by
no means all) top end audophiles prefer all-analog equipment,
and direct-cut vinyl records (ie, the master disk was cut directly
at the performance, without a magtape master). I've listened to
some of this stuff, and it just blows digital away.
What else do you expect, when any audiophile who denies that inaudible
frequencies make the music warmer proves himself to be a philistine
with ears of tin?
Remember, it was the fashion and clothing EXPERTS who were the most
insistent that the emperor's new clothes were absolutely marvelous.
The harshness of a digital bitstream can be softened by operating LED 
clocks in the same room as the bitstream. The Tice Clock, for example, 
works by plugging in to any electrical socket in the room where the 
listener is located...of course, all that matters is that he _sees_ the 
Tice Clock plugged-in, and remembers that he paid $399 for this piece 
of wondrous technology, for the effect to work.

That the bitstream as measured with a logic analyzer is unchanged with 
any of these digital enhancers is beside the point.

Monster Cable, by the way, is doing a nice business selling Extra 
Special, Oxygen-Free Copper Shielded, Insulated with Rubber Hand-Rolled 
on the Thighs of Taiwanese Virgins cables for _USB_. Yep, for USB. 
Never mind that the bitstream either is there or it isn't...some people 
think they get superior data with special $80 cables.

As for hearing heterodyning in 28 KHz and 30 KHz signals, maybe. CD 
players have brickwall filters to of course block such frequencies. 
Some analog groove-based systems can have some kind of signal up there 
at those frequencies, but not much. Very, very few microphones are 
rated at 22-25 KHz, so I have to wonder just where this signal is 
coming from. If not coming from actual musical instruments, and 
detected by the microphones, why bother?

Sure, we may as well push the CD spec up to 24 KHz or so. That will 
probably even satisfy Neil Young.

--Tim May

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-08 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 03:14 PM 7/8/03 -0700, Tim May wrote:
As for hearing heterodyning in 28 KHz and 30 KHz signals, maybe. CD
players have brickwall filters to of course block such frequencies.
Some analog groove-based systems can have some kind of signal up there
at those frequencies, but not much.

Regular vinyl is (was) also recorded with all kinds of filters, too,
including the lowpass ones.

If you cut vinyl (or metal) through a signal chain that didn't
impose the filtering, perhaps the ultrasonics would remain,
which is perhaps the analogophiles claim.  You would need
a special vinyl cutter though.  Some of the filtering imposed
on vinyl was to not fry the cutter, or otherwise deal with its inertia.

(BTW, I thought your Monster USB cable was a prank.. its not..
some folks just don't get digital..)

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-08 Thread Tim May
On Tuesday, July 8, 2003, at 04:09  PM, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

At 03:14 PM 7/8/03 -0700, Tim May wrote:
As for hearing heterodyning in 28 KHz and 30 KHz signals, maybe. CD
players have brickwall filters to of course block such frequencies.
Some analog groove-based systems can have some kind of signal up there
at those frequencies, but not much.
Regular vinyl is (was) also recorded with all kinds of filters, too,
including the lowpass ones.
If you cut vinyl (or metal) through a signal chain that didn't
impose the filtering, perhaps the ultrasonics would remain,
which is perhaps the analogophiles claim.  You would need
a special vinyl cutter though.  Some of the filtering imposed
on vinyl was to not fry the cutter, or otherwise deal with its inertia.
(BTW, I thought your Monster USB cable was a prank.. its not..
some folks just don't get digital..)
Yes, they are real. I perhaps should have inserted a this is not a 
joke, but I didn't think to.

When I was the judge in the First Internet Witch Trial, one of the 
examples I used was how believing something doesn't make it so, despite 
what the believers think (though the psychological effects may be 
real). An example being some audiophile nonsense, such as the Tice 
Clock (which is/was also real...some people bought the snake oil about 
how an LED clock plugged in could soften the harshness of digital. 
With the Tice Clock, with the Monster USB cables, one can examine the 
effects on bit error rates, and even look at timing jitter (a claim 
some manufacturers of snake oil make). For any of us with a remotely 
scientific bent, seeing that the bitstream is unchanged, that the bit 
error rate is unchanged, is pretty convincing evidence that no matter 
what we _think_ we hear, especially in non-double blind listening 
tests, there simply _is_ no difference.

And yet there are people who claim to hear differences between 5 dollar 
digital cables and thousand dollar digital cables, even when the 
bitstreams are identical. (And even if they are not, they are within 
the capture window of the next digital gadget, and hence are for all 
intents and purposes absolutely identical.)

One might as well sell Monster Cable Power Cords for PCs, claiming 
they make the Pentium 4 perform more accurately. Actually, I'll bet 
the tweaks are already buying special power cords for their Athlon 
2200+ homebrews.

Most so-called high end tube amps do in fact sound different, perhaps 
better, perhaps not. This is of course because tubes are usually rich 
in odd-order harmonics. That $4000 Krell tube amp is actually 
_coloring_ the sound. So much for 20-bit DACs in the signal source: the 
amp is altering the sound at about the 6th or 8th or whatever most 
significant bit.

Bob Carver and a few others have emulated the tube sound so well with 
DSPs that double-blind tests  using audiophiles cannot tell the 
difference, and where the waveforms look identical.

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-08 Thread Peter Fairbrother
okay I'm a bit pissed now. actually i'm raging pissed! Wh!!!

the nyquist/lindquist/someone-else-who-was-pissed sampling theorems are
based on the possibility of mathematically extracting frequencies from
digital information in a STEADY_STATE situation.

That doesn't mean that a speaker will properly reproduce those frequencies.

Consider the dynamics of energy transfer. A digital signal at
near-1/2-sampling frequency will have two datum points. The transitiion
between them will be dramatic! the possibilities of energy transfer will not
be comparable to an analogue sinusoidal waveform.

And that's why good analogue is better then good digital.

Doug Self etc. did some work on ultra-fast analogue systems in the mid 90's,
and designed some amps that were and are regarded as pretty good - but afaik
he didn't get the theory right.

Peter Fairbrother

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-08 Thread Peter Fairbrother
I wrote:

the nyquist/lindquist/someone-else-who-was-pissed sampling theorems are
based on the possibility of mathematically extracting frequencies from
digital information in a STEADY_STATE situation.

That doesn't mean that a speaker will properly reproduce those frequencies.

Consider the dynamics of energy transfer. A digital signal at
near-1/2-sampling frequency will have two datum points. The transitiion
between them will be dramatic! the possibilities of energy transfer will not
be comparable to an analogue sinusoidal waveform.

and i missed a bit or two. Consider the entropic uncertainty of a signal
that has two-and-a-bit datums, against a sine wave. Start from zero, and go
to such a waveform. Is it a constant-amplitude sine wave at frequency z? or
a decaying sine at a frequency (z-at)?

There's more, and it's to do with the limits of fourier and sampling theory.

Say you have a wave at a frequency of z that's sampled according to nyquist
theory. can you distinguish it from a wave of a frequency z - delta z? It
can be done, but it takes a while, and a good few samples to do it. And a
good analogue system will do it quicker.

someone (hopefully not me, i haven't the time just now) can probably apply
wavelet theory and get all this from steady-state theory, and tie it up in a
nice package.

Peter Fairbrother

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-08 Thread Mike Rosing
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Peter Fairbrother wrote:

 the nyquist/lindquist/someone-else-who-was-pissed sampling theorems are
 based on the possibility of mathematically extracting frequencies from
 digital information in a STEADY_STATE situation.

 That doesn't mean that a speaker will properly reproduce those frequencies.

Nor does it mean the op amp driving the speakers will follow them either.
High speed and power are a hard combination to build.

 Consider the dynamics of energy transfer. A digital signal at
 near-1/2-sampling frequency will have two datum points. The transitiion
 between them will be dramatic! the possibilities of energy transfer will not
 be comparable to an analogue sinusoidal waveform.

 And that's why good analogue is better then good digital.

It's definitly why you need fast digital.  To reproduce 20+ kHz you should
use a 200kHz sample rate and have a nice filter stage before the power
amp.  good digital can do more things than good analog because the final
output is good analog in both cases.  The speaker driver is pure analog
by definition.

To produce 65kHz (for cats) my present boss prefers a 1 MHz sample rate.
The guys who do bats think it's good enough for 200kHz, but my boss won't
do bats - much too complex.  We've got a 25 bit dac which updates at
1 MHz, but we still need a nice filter and analog output stage for 120 dB
clean signals.  (I'm only getting 100 dB because it costs too much to
really do the best possible.)  Clearly a digital system can be built
that can create any wave form a speaker can follow, and it's easier to
control than an analog system.

The human hearing system is capable of noticing phase relations at 100kHz
rates.  So any sample rate faster than 200kHz is outside the range of
human detection.  Cats can notice phase shifts in the 200kHz range, and
bats are out in the 400kHz range.  Biological systems *are* impressive.
But digital vs analog is a silly argument, the final stage is analog.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-07 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 02:33 AM 7/7/03 +0300, Sampo Syreeni wrote:
On 2003-07-06, Major Variola (ret) uttered to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

There's a good reason why, viz: it would cost the drive developer to
allow or export this flexibility.

I'd guess either because of a) terminal stupidity or b) benefits to
in making it sure people go with compatibility. As there probably have
be some limits to how stupid engineers capable of making things like
writable CD's can be, I'd have to go with the second alternative.

Frankly its obvious you haven't worked (or thought about
the constraints) on a commercial
product with a deadline / resource constraints
or worked on something extremely cost sensitive
like commodity drives/chipsets.

Here, ponder this: why are there no oxygen sensor
or manifold temperature or ignition-phase (etc) displays
in ordinary cars?
(Although there probably are in custom race cars)  You
know (much like the analog CD signal) they're being measured
and used by the ECU.  So, why not?
Chew on that one for a while, grasshopper.

Economics is applied physics.

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-07 Thread Tyler Durden
Do you have a reference? I don't remember reading that SACD was encrypted. 
What I DO remember is that the reason there's no standard SACD or DVD-A 
digital interface is because the Industry wants that digital interface to be 


From: Nomen Nescio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool
Date: Mon,  7 Jul 2003 07:30:05 +0200 (CEST)
Thomas Shaddup writes:
 As a welcomed side effect, not only we'd get a device for circumvention 
 just about any contemporary (and possibly a good deal of the future 
 optical media protections

This is only for the minimal forms of protection which are designed to
work with existing CD/DVD players.   If you look at the new audio formats
like SACD, they use encrypted data.  All your lasers won't do you any
good unless you can pry a key (and the algorithm!) out of a consumer
player, which won't be easy assuming it is in a tamper-resistant unit.
And you can bet the industry won't make the mistake again of allowing
software-based players, as they did with the DeCSS affair.
In short, you're fighting yesterday's war.  Try looking ahead a bit to
see where the battlegrounds of the future will be contested.
Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-07 Thread Steve Schear
At 07:30 2003-07-07 +0200, Nomen Nescio wrote:
This is only for the minimal forms of protection which are designed to
work with existing CD/DVD players.   If you look at the new audio formats
like SACD, they use encrypted data.  All your lasers won't do you any
good unless you can pry a key (and the algorithm!) out of a consumer
player, which won't be easy assuming it is in a tamper-resistant unit.
If you believe the article Myths and Misconceptions about Hardware 
, recently posted to the Content Protection Technical Working Group, access 
to affordable commercial technology for reverse engineering has given 
hardware hackers the upper hand.


There is no protection or safety in anticipatory servility.
Craig Spencer

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-06 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 03:08 PM 7/6/03 +0300, Sampo Syreeni wrote:
. A writing drive capable of working at such a low level
could be used to experiment with new encodings beyond what standard
can do -- say, substituting CIRC with RSBC and gaining some extra room
the disc, getting rid of the subchannels, a more intelligent coding of
disc addresses... Breaking compatibility wouldn't be too useful, but it

sure would be fun.

And think of the ulcers you would cause the TLAs!  Assuming they got
disks and not your custom drive...

Now you simply can't do it.

There's a good reason why, viz: it would cost the drive developer to
or export this flexibility.  Since very few customers are sick enough
:-) to want to invent
their own incompatible formats it simply isn't worth their
development-engineering time or
end-product resources (eg gates) in such a commodity product.

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-06 Thread Tyler Durden
As a basic idea it seems relatively workable. However, there's one detail 
that perhaps you might want to know about:

We can push the idea a step further, making a stripped-down CD/DVD drive
that would be able basically just to follow the spiral track with its head
in constant linear velocity
Unlike a vinyl record, the CD grooves don't form a spiral...they are 
concentric circles. Also, the beginning of the CD is towards the center, the 
end towards the edge.


From: Thomas Shaddack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: cypherpunks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2003 04:13:32 +0200 (CEST)
Pondering. Vast majority of the CD/DVD protection methods is based on
various deviations from the standards, or more accurately, how such
deviations are (or aren't) handled by the drive firmware.
However, we can sidestep the firmware.

The drive contains the moving part with the head assembly. There is an
important output signal there: the raw analog signal bounced from the
disk and amplified.
We can tap it and connect it to a highspeed digital oscilloscope card. And
sample obscene amount of data from it. In comparison with fast-enough
ADCs, disk space is cheap. The problem can be in bandwidth, but for the
drive speed set up to possible minimum (or for normal players) the
contemporary machines should be sufficient. Real-time operating system
(maybe RTOS-Linux) may be necessary.
We get the record of the signal captured from the drive's head - raw, with
everything - dirt, drop-outs, sector headers, ECC bits. The low-level
format is fairly well documented; now we have to postprocess the signal.
Conversion from analog to digital data and then from the CD representation
to 8-bit-per-byte should be fairly straightforward (at least for someone
skilled with digital signal processing). Now we can identify the
individual sectors on the disc and extract them to a disc image file that
we can handle later by normal means.
We can push the idea a step further, making a stripped-down CD/DVD drive
that would be able basically just to follow the spiral track with its head
in constant linear velocity (easier to analyze than CAV) mode, with the
ability to control the speed in accordance with how fast (and expensive)
ADC, bus, and disks we have, and the possibility to interrupt/resume
scanning anytimes in accordance with how much disk space we have (or to
scan just a small area of the disc).
As a welcomed side effect, not only we'd get a device for circumvention of
just about any contemporary (and possibly a good deal of the future ones)
optical media protections, but we would also get a powerful tool for
retrieving data from even very grossly damaged discs, for audit of
behavior of CD/DVD writers and CD vendors (eg, if they don't attempt to
sneak in something like a hidden serial number of the writer), and for
access to all areas of the discs - including the eventual ones unreachable
through the drive's own firmware.
If we'd fill this idea with water, would it leak? Where? Why?
Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-06 Thread Morlock Elloi
 There's a good reason why, viz: it would cost the drive developer to allow
 or export this flexibility.  Since very few customers are sick enough

This will go the same way as radio. First, you have hundreds of separate boxes,
each doing some custom modulation/frequency gig (am, fm, shortwave, TV, cell,
spread spectrum, whatever) and you had to have a separate apparatus for each

With software radio, you just have one box that can do it all (and it made all
protection-by-custom-modulation obsolete ... I've seen it playing protected
HDTV signals.)

So it's easy to imagine universal software disc player/recorder that let's
one do any modulation technique. Not that it would provide protection, because
the same tools will be available to attackers, but at least the crypto may
become more fun, going back to physical domain.

(of original message)

Y-a*h*o-o (yes, they scan for this) spam follows:

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-05 Thread Thomas Shaddack
Pondering. Vast majority of the CD/DVD protection methods is based on
various deviations from the standards, or more accurately, how such
deviations are (or aren't) handled by the drive firmware.

However, we can sidestep the firmware.

The drive contains the moving part with the head assembly. There is an
important output signal there: the raw analog signal bounced from the
disk and amplified.

We can tap it and connect it to a highspeed digital oscilloscope card. And
sample obscene amount of data from it. In comparison with fast-enough
ADCs, disk space is cheap. The problem can be in bandwidth, but for the
drive speed set up to possible minimum (or for normal players) the
contemporary machines should be sufficient. Real-time operating system
(maybe RTOS-Linux) may be necessary.

We get the record of the signal captured from the drive's head - raw, with
everything - dirt, drop-outs, sector headers, ECC bits. The low-level
format is fairly well documented; now we have to postprocess the signal.
Conversion from analog to digital data and then from the CD representation
to 8-bit-per-byte should be fairly straightforward (at least for someone
skilled with digital signal processing). Now we can identify the
individual sectors on the disc and extract them to a disc image file that
we can handle later by normal means.

We can push the idea a step further, making a stripped-down CD/DVD drive
that would be able basically just to follow the spiral track with its head
in constant linear velocity (easier to analyze than CAV) mode, with the
ability to control the speed in accordance with how fast (and expensive)
ADC, bus, and disks we have, and the possibility to interrupt/resume
scanning anytimes in accordance with how much disk space we have (or to
scan just a small area of the disc).

As a welcomed side effect, not only we'd get a device for circumvention of
just about any contemporary (and possibly a good deal of the future ones)
optical media protections, but we would also get a powerful tool for
retrieving data from even very grossly damaged discs, for audit of
behavior of CD/DVD writers and CD vendors (eg, if they don't attempt to
sneak in something like a hidden serial number of the writer), and for
access to all areas of the discs - including the eventual ones unreachable
through the drive's own firmware.

If we'd fill this idea with water, would it leak? Where? Why?

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-05 Thread Tim May
On Saturday, July 5, 2003, at 07:13  PM, Thomas Shaddack wrote:

Pondering. Vast majority of the CD/DVD protection methods is based on
various deviations from the standards, or more accurately, how such
deviations are (or aren't) handled by the drive firmware.
However, we can sidestep the firmware.

The drive contains the moving part with the head assembly. There is an
important output signal there: the raw analog signal bounced from the
disk and amplified.
We can tap it and connect it to a highspeed digital oscilloscope card. 
sample obscene amount of data from it. In comparison with fast-enough
ADCs, disk space is cheap. The problem can be in bandwidth, but for the
drive speed set up to possible minimum (or for normal players) the
contemporary machines should be sufficient. Real-time operating system
(maybe RTOS-Linux) may be necessary.
No RTOS/Linux is needed for fast sampling, which has been happening for 
several decades now.  Nor is a digital oscilloscope needed.

(FWIW, I used a Nicolet digital oscilloscope, and also a LeCroy CAMAC 
digitizer, for some high-speed single-shot event capture--the strike of 
an alpha particle--nearly 25 years ago. The OS for our data collection 
computers were, variously, RSX-11M and VMS.)

Video ADC cards are already vastly capable at sampling video streams.

We get the record of the signal captured from the drive's head - raw, 
everything - dirt, drop-outs, sector headers, ECC bits. The low-level
format is fairly well documented; now we have to postprocess the 
Conversion from analog to digital data and then from the CD 
to 8-bit-per-byte should be fairly straightforward (at least for 
skilled with digital signal processing). Now we can identify the
individual sectors on the disc and extract them to a disc image file 
we can handle later by normal means.
So? Yes, this is all possible. Any moderately well-equipped lab can do 
this. So?

If we'd fill this idea with water, would it leak? Where? Why?

I have no idea what you mean by fill this idea with water, but by all 
means go ahead and rig up such a machine.

Personally, I already make about 1-2 recordable DVDs per day, on 
average, without any hint of copy protection or Macrovision. I usually 
use the 3-hour speed on my DVD recorder, and can put one high-quality 
movie on the first part and then, by using a slightly slower speed, 
another movie on the remaining part. If DVD quality is needed, I 
record at the 2-hour setting. If better than DVD quality is needed, 
as from a DV camcorder source, I record at the 1-hour speed.

If you build a machine which has even higher digitization rates, taken 
ahead of any DVD spec circuitry, you will get about what I am getting 
at the 1-hour setting.

A very limited market for consumers to buy such machines. Video pirate 
labs very probably already have such rigs set up.

--Tim May
Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice.--Barry Goldwater

Re: Idea: The ultimate CD/DVD auditing tool

2003-07-05 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 04:13 AM 7/6/03 +0200, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
Pondering. Vast majority of the CD/DVD protection methods is based on

various deviations from the standards, or more accurately, how such
deviations are (or aren't) handled by the drive firmware.

However, we can sidestep the firmware.

The drive contains the moving part with the head assembly. There is an
important output signal there: the raw analog signal bounced from the
disk and amplified.

We can tap it and connect it to a highspeed digital oscilloscope card.

This is a valid idea.  You do have to get in there with delicate probes
to read the amplified analog signal, its not available past the drive.

The people who already do this are called test engineers for CD drive
Or the data-recovery techs for the NSA et al.

I doubt that hardcore pirates bother, they may as well just do a single
high quality
ADC.   That, as has been mentioned here before, is always the fatal
flaw, even
if you put the DAC in your DRM chip (and solve the resulting noise

Yes, we know they have logic analyzers in Hong Kong --a Sony engineer
confronted with weaknesses in the design of a DRM box


2003-04-05 Thread mindfuq
* Peter Palfrader [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-03-22 16:08]:
 On Sat, 22 Mar 2003, Eric Murray wrote:
  I think that line means that mixmaster's install script isn't
  properly identifying the version of Openssl.  If it were
  me, I'd fix the Mixmaster install script.
 The install script needs to die.  I think nobody argues that point.

Now that I've worked with this install script for a bit, I have to
agree.  This script is driving me nuts.  There are all these little
loops, and then an all encompasing loop that I can't find.  I'm about
done with it.

Someone mentioned a beta version 3.0 that doesn't use the install
script.  Where can I obtain this version?

Idea: Snort/Tripwire for RF spectrum?

2003-04-05 Thread Thomas Shaddack
Messing around, musing over detection of bugs. Getting an
immediate idea I'd like to get peer-reviewed.

There is a problem with bug sweeps in some countries. The legal TCSM
providers can be legally required to not inform the client about a
police-authorized bug, and/or legally forbidden to tamper with it. So a
customer-operated solution should exist.

GNU-Radio project seems to me to be flexible enough to be suitable as a
bug detector. With proper tuner (or a selectable set of tuners to be
wideband enough), the device could act as a 24/7-running frequency
analyzer, checking the electromagnetic spectrum, alerting the operators
about suspicious changes - suddenly appearing signals, suspicious pulses,
something that looks like a spread-spectrum transmission.

(Because of the equipment limitations, we can't see all the spectrum at
once; this approach is more similar to a guardian walking around the
facility, listening and looking wherever he is at the moment, eventually
returning a bit and looking closer if he hears a suspicious sound. Will
have some probability of missing pulse-nature signals, if they will be off
during the scan in their part of the spectrum, but will have chance
proportional to their duty cycle to see them too, and with proper software
it could be instructed to check the frequencies where a signal once is and
once isn't for pulsed signals (listening on the suspected frequencies for
longer time).)

With proper software, the system could write alert reports including
characteristics of the suspicious signals, or even recorded samples of
the signals for further evaluation.

Could serve as a 24/7 TCSM spectrum sweep, limited by the positions of the
antennas. (Though there could be several antennas, switched periodically,
in order to detect even more directional signals.) The advantage of 24/7
approach is easy time correlation of a suspicious signal with eventual
suspicious physical events (a visitor, a facility without anyone
present...). Usage of several antennas could allow triangulation of the
signal source within (or outside of) the supervised facility.
Correlation of signals that should be the same from several antennas could
reveal even transmitters trying to hide in stronger nearby transmitters
(so called snuggling).

The interesting part will of course be the software, either automatically
correlating present signals with past ones and sending reports of
suspicions, or some advanced visualisation system showing the 3D (4D) data
(time, frequency, intensity(, source antenna)).

Could cover the cases of bugs implanted into protected objects during
black-bag jobs or by the insiders, wireless microphones carried by hostile
visitors, and even increased rate of communication on the related
frequencies when a raid or a blackbag job is being prepared, if the
adversary doesn't keep radio silence. Could deny the adversaries
undetected usage of RF transmitters, at least in sane frequency ranges,
significantly limiting their technological options.

Could it work? Why not? If I would fill this idea with water, where it
would leak? Do I watch way too many spy movies?

Feel free to comment, feel free to forward anywhere where it could spur
some interest or further comments.

Shaddack, the Mad Scientist

do you have an idea?

2003-03-30 Thread Do You Have An Idea
Title: Untitled Document




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2003-03-22 Thread Peter Palfrader
On Sat, 22 Mar 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 IDEA is listed on the fourth line, so it seems IDEA was installed with
 OpenSSL, but MixMaster's install may be improperly detecting that IDEA
 is absent.  It's when I run the Mixmaster install that I get the
Looking for libz.a...
Found at /usr/lib/
Found source directory zlib-1.1.4.
Use the source if the pre-installed library causes compilation problems.
Use source? [n]
Looking for libpcre.a...
Found source directory pcre-2.08.
Looking for libcrypto.a...
Found at /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.a.
./Install: [: 90701f: integer expression expected
./Install: [: 90701f: integer expression expected
./Install: [: 90701f: integer expression expected
Looking for libncurses.a...
Found at /lib/
./Install: tmptst.c: Permission denied
gcc: tmptst.c: No such file or directory

Do you have write permissions do the directory?

 PGP signed and encrypted  |  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **
messages preferred.| : :' :  The  universal
   | `. `'  Operating System |   `-

Description: PGP signature


2003-03-22 Thread Eric Murray
On Sat, Mar 22, 2003 at 09:40:50AM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 IDEA is listed on the fourth line, so it seems IDEA was installed with
 OpenSSL, but MixMaster's install may be improperly detecting that IDEA
 is absent.  It's when I run the Mixmaster install that I get the
Looking for libz.a...
Found at /usr/lib/
Found source directory zlib-1.1.4.
Use the source if the pre-installed library causes compilation problems.
Use source? [n]
Looking for libpcre.a...
Found source directory pcre-2.08.
Looking for libcrypto.a...
Found at /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.a.
./Install: [: 90701f: integer expression expected

I think that line means that mixmaster's install script isn't
properly identifying the version of Openssl.  If it were
me, I'd fix the Mixmaster install script.

./Install: tmptst.c: Permission denied
gcc: tmptst.c: No such file or directory

Yep, the install script needs help.

BTW, if you will be posting Mixmaster messages to the cpunks
list, could you fix it so it uses an informative Subject: line
instead of Mixmaster Type III Message?  



2003-03-22 Thread Peter Palfrader
On Sat, 22 Mar 2003, Eric Murray wrote:

 I think that line means that mixmaster's install script isn't
 properly identifying the version of Openssl.  If it were
 me, I'd fix the Mixmaster install script.

The install script needs to die.  I think nobody argues that point.

 BTW, if you will be posting Mixmaster messages to the cpunks
 list, could you fix it so it uses an informative Subject: line
 instead of Mixmaster Type III Message?  

That's mixminion, not mixmaster.  And mixminion is not operational at
the moment - this will take at least a few more months.  Whoever relies
on it for anonymity cannot be serious.

 PGP signed and encrypted  |  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **
messages preferred.| : :' :  The  universal
   | `. `'  Operating System |   `-

Description: PGP signature


2003-03-22 Thread Len Sassaman
On Sat, 22 Mar 2003, Eric Murray wrote:

 Looking for libcrypto.a...
 Found at /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.a.
 ./Install: [: 90701f: integer expression expected

 I think that line means that mixmaster's install script isn't
 properly identifying the version of Openssl.  If it were
 me, I'd fix the Mixmaster install script.

It's been a while since I really worked on the Install script -- Mixmaster
3.0 doesn't use it -- but this looks to be to be a bug that existed and
was fixed sometime around a year ago. What version of Mixmaster are you

Please use the release version -- 2.9.0.

 BTW, if you will be posting Mixmaster messages to the cpunks
 list, could you fix it so it uses an informative Subject: line
 instead of Mixmaster Type III Message?

Those messages are from people testing the Mixminion software. Mixminion
isn't ready for actual use yet. It is my understanding that the user has
no control over the subject line in the current Mixminion system though --
the servers remove it.

I think this will be changed before the final release. Mixmaster 4.0
(which will interoperate with Mixminion) will place no restrictions on
user's Subject lines.



2003-03-22 Thread mindfuq
* Len Sassaman [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-03-22 18:52]:
 On Sat, 22 Mar 2003, Eric Murray wrote:
 It's been a while since I really worked on the Install script -- Mixmaster
 3.0 doesn't use it -- but this looks to be to be a bug that existed and
 was fixed sometime around a year ago. What version of Mixmaster are you
 Please use the release version -- 2.9.0.

I'm using version 2.9.0.  I intentionally dodged the betas to get
something stable going, but it seems there is still some bleeding
edgeness to it.

Maybe I'll troubleshoot the problem more, now that we've narrowed it
down a bit.  I certainly was to a point where I was going to give up,
because I had no idea (get it?  No IDEA) whether the problem was in
OpenSSL or MixMaster.  It seems people are sure this is the MixMaster
Install script.  Maybe I'll grab the absolute latest Install script,
and compare it.


2003-03-22 Thread mindfuq
I compiling the Mixmaster remailer, I get an error the OpenSSL was not
compiled with IDEA support.  However, OpenSSL was supposed to have
compiled with IDEA out of the box, with only an option to disable it.
What am I missing?


2003-03-22 Thread Lucky Green
Mindfuq wrote:
 I compiling the Mixmaster remailer, I get an error the 
 OpenSSL was not compiled with IDEA support.  However, OpenSSL 
 was supposed to have compiled with IDEA out of the box, with 
 only an option to disable it. What am I missing?

You in all likelihood fell victim to some misguided nonsense that seems
to spread through the Open Source community at present. Some
distributions have disabled IDEA and other patented algorithms to
cleanse the code from non-free math to maintain the patent-purity of
the software. Cypherpunks of course reject such nonsense, just as they
rejected RSA DSI's and David Sternlight's claims that PGP must not be
used because it supposedly infringed on some patents.

Do a Google search for IDEA and the name of your OS or distribution to
find out how to recompile with IDEA support enabled.



2003-03-22 Thread mindfuq
* Lucky Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-03-22 09:13]:
 Do a Google search for IDEA and the name of your OS or distribution to
 find out how to recompile with IDEA support enabled.

I might need my hand held on this one.  I did an exhausting search
before posting.  Part if the problem is that 'idea' is an english
word, which makes it difficult to search.  It's a shame there aren't
any good web search engines that allow Lexis/Nexis type of
expressions.  Anyway-

I'm using a 3-year-old version of Mandrake.

The OpenSSL documentation claims IDEA is enabled by default, and there
are only switches for disabling it.  To verify that IDEA is enabled in
OpenSSL, I ran 'openssl ciphers':

   RC4-MD5: RC4-MD5: RC4-64-MD5: EXP1024-DHE-DSS-DES-CBC-SHA:
   EXP1024-DHE-DSS-RC4-SHA: EXP1024-RC4-SHA: EXP1024-RC4-MD5:

IDEA is listed on the fourth line, so it seems IDEA was installed with
OpenSSL, but MixMaster's install may be improperly detecting that IDEA
is absent.  It's when I run the Mixmaster install that I get the

   Looking for libz.a...
   Found at /usr/lib/
   Found source directory zlib-1.1.4.
   Use the source if the pre-installed library causes compilation problems.
   Use source? [n]
   Looking for libpcre.a...
   Found source directory pcre-2.08.
   Looking for libcrypto.a...
   Found at /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.a.
   ./Install: [: 90701f: integer expression expected
   ./Install: [: 90701f: integer expression expected
   ./Install: [: 90701f: integer expression expected
   Looking for libncurses.a...
   Found at /lib/
   ./Install: tmptst.c: Permission denied
   gcc: tmptst.c: No such file or directory

 WARNING: Your version of OpenSSL has been configured without IDEA support.
 If you continue, Mixmaster will be installed with reduced functionality.
 This means (among other things) that Mixmaster will not creade an RSA
 OpenPGP key (to avoid mail loss in the Type I system). You may want to
 re-install OpenSSL before proceeding.

 This will not concern you if you only plan to run a type II remailer or
 simply want a type II client.  

If anyone has any clues for me, please post them.



2003-03-22 Thread Eric Murray
On Sat, Mar 22, 2003 at 09:40:50AM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 IDEA is listed on the fourth line, so it seems IDEA was installed with
 OpenSSL, but MixMaster's install may be improperly detecting that IDEA
 is absent.  It's when I run the Mixmaster install that I get the
Looking for libz.a...
Found at /usr/lib/
Found source directory zlib-1.1.4.
Use the source if the pre-installed library causes compilation problems.
Use source? [n]
Looking for libpcre.a...
Found source directory pcre-2.08.
Looking for libcrypto.a...
Found at /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.a.
./Install: [: 90701f: integer expression expected

I think that line means that mixmaster's install script isn't
properly identifying the version of Openssl.  If it were
me, I'd fix the Mixmaster install script.

./Install: tmptst.c: Permission denied
gcc: tmptst.c: No such file or directory

Yep, the install script needs help.

BTW, if you will be posting Mixmaster messages to the cpunks
list, could you fix it so it uses an informative Subject: line
instead of Mixmaster Type III Message?  



2003-03-22 Thread Peter Palfrader
On Sat, 22 Mar 2003, Eric Murray wrote:

 I think that line means that mixmaster's install script isn't
 properly identifying the version of Openssl.  If it were
 me, I'd fix the Mixmaster install script.

The install script needs to die.  I think nobody argues that point.

 BTW, if you will be posting Mixmaster messages to the cpunks
 list, could you fix it so it uses an informative Subject: line
 instead of Mixmaster Type III Message?  

That's mixminion, not mixmaster.  And mixminion is not operational at
the moment - this will take at least a few more months.  Whoever relies
on it for anonymity cannot be serious.

 PGP signed and encrypted  |  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **
messages preferred.| : :' :  The  universal
   | `. `'  Operating System |   `-

Description: PGP signature


2003-03-22 Thread mindfuq
* Len Sassaman [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-03-22 18:52]:
 On Sat, 22 Mar 2003, Eric Murray wrote:
 It's been a while since I really worked on the Install script -- Mixmaster
 3.0 doesn't use it -- but this looks to be to be a bug that existed and
 was fixed sometime around a year ago. What version of Mixmaster are you
 Please use the release version -- 2.9.0.

I'm using version 2.9.0.  I intentionally dodged the betas to get
something stable going, but it seems there is still some bleeding
edgeness to it.

Maybe I'll troubleshoot the problem more, now that we've narrowed it
down a bit.  I certainly was to a point where I was going to give up,
because I had no idea (get it?  No IDEA) whether the problem was in
OpenSSL or MixMaster.  It seems people are sure this is the MixMaster
Install script.  Maybe I'll grab the absolute latest Install script,
and compare it.

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