Re: Photographer Arrested For Taking Pictures Of Vice President'S Hotel

2002-12-15 Thread David Wagner
Declan McCullagh  wrote:
Also (not a cypherpunk-friendly organization,
but it does try to limit law enforcement surveillance) [...]

Is the cypherpunks movement truly so radicalized that it is
not willing to count even EPIC among its friends?

Re: Transparent drive encryption now in FreeBSD

2002-11-11 Thread David Wagner
Tyler Durden wrote:
Sorry, I'm new, but does this refer to the notion of splitting up a document 
holographically, and placing the various pieces of numerous servers 
throughout the 'Net?

No.  It is referring to conventional encryption of your local hard disk.

Re: Cryptogram: Palladium Only for DRM

2002-09-20 Thread David Wagner

AARG! Anonymous  wrote:
Lucky Green wrote:
 In the interest of clarity, it probably should be mentioned that any
 claims Microsoft may make stating that Microsoft will not encrypt their
 software or software components when used with Palladium of course only
 applies to Microsoft [...]

First, it is understood that Palladium hashes the secure portions of
the applications that run.  [...]

With that architecture, it would not work to do as some have proposed:
the program loads data into secure memory, decrypts it and jumps to it.
The hash would change depending on the data and the program would no
longer be running what it was supposed to.

I think Lucky is right: Palladium does support encrypted programs.
Imagine an interpreter interpreting data, where the data lives in
the secure encrypted vault area.  This has all the properties of
encrypted code.  In particular, the owner of the machine might not be
able to inspect the code the machine is running.

If you want a more concrete example, think of a JVM executing encrypted
bytecodes, or a Perl interpreter running encrypted Perl scripts.  For all
practical purposes, this is encrypted software.  Whether this scenario
will become common is something we can only speculate on, but Palladium
does support this scenario.

Re: Seth on TCPA at Defcon/Usenix

2002-08-11 Thread David Wagner

AARG! Anonymous  wrote:
His description of how the Document Revocation List could work is
interesting as well.  Basically you would have to connect to a server
every time you wanted to read a document, in order to download a key
to unlock it.  Then if someone decided that the document needed
to un-exist, they would arrange for the server no longer to download
that key, and the document would effectively be deleted, everywhere.

Well, sure.  It's certainly how I had always envisioned one might build
a secure Document Revocation List using TCPA or Palladium.  I didn't
realize this sort of thing would need explaining; I assumed it would be
obvious to cypherpunk types.  But I'm glad this risk is now clear.

Note also that Document Revocation List functionality could arise
without any intent to create it.  Application developers might implement
this connect to a server feature to enforce some seemingly innocuous
function, like enforcing software licenses and preventing piracy.  Then,
after the application has been deployed with this innocuous feature,
someone else might eventually notice that it could also be used for
document revocation.  Thus, Document Revocation List functionality could
easily become widespread without anyone realizing it or intending it.
This is a risk we should make think about now, rather than after it is
too late.

Re: Thanks, Lucky, for helping to kill gnutella (fwd)

2002-08-11 Thread David Wagner

R. A. Hettinga wrote:
[Ob Cypherpunks: Seriously, folks. How clueful can someone be who
clearly doesn't know how to use more than one remailer hop, as proven
by the fact that he's always coming out of the *same* remailer all
the time?

I hope I don't need to point out that always using the same exit remailer
does *not* prove that he is using just one hop.  One can hold the exit
remailer fixed while varying other hops in the path.  Your question
seems to be based on a mistaken assumption about how remailers work.

Re: responding to claims about TCPA

2002-08-11 Thread David Wagner

AARG! Anonymous  wrote:
In fact, you are perfectly correct that Microsoft architectures would
make it easy at any time to implement DRL's or SNRL's.  They could do
that tomorrow!  They don't need TCPA.  So why blame TCPA for this feature?

The relevance should be obvious.  Without TCPA/Palladium, application
developers can try to build a Document Revocation List, but it will
be easily circumvented by anyone with a clue.  With TCPA/Palladium,
application developers could build a Document Revocation List that could
not be easily circumvented.

Whether or not you think any application developer would ever create such
a feature, I hope you can see how TCPA/Palladium increases the risks here.
It enables Document Revocation Lists that can't be bypassed.  That's a
new development not feasible in today's world.

To respond to your remark about bias: No, bringing up Document Revocation
Lists has nothing to do with bias.  It is only right to seek to understand
the risks in advance.  I don't understand why you seem to insinuate
that bringing up the topic of Document Revocation Lists is an indication
of bias.  I sincerely hope that I misunderstood you.

Re: Challenge to David Wagner on TCPA

2002-08-01 Thread David Wagner

James A. Donald wrote:
According to Microsoft, the end user can turn the palladium 
hardware off, and the computer will still boot.  As long as that 
is true, it is an end user option and no one can object.

Your point is taken.  That said, even if you could turn off TCPA 
Palladium and run some outdated version of Windows, whether users
would object is not entirely obvious.  For instance, suppose that,
thanks to TCPA/Palladium, Microsoft could design Office 2005 so that it
is impossible for StarOffice and other clones to read files created in
Office 2005.  Would some users object?  I don't know.  For many users,
being unable to read documents created in a recent version of Office
is simply not an option.  However, in any case we should consider in
advance the possible implications of this technology.

Re: DRM will not be legislated

2002-07-17 Thread David Wagner

AARG! Anonymous  wrote:
David Wagner wrote:
 The Hollings bill was interesting not for its success or failure, but
 for what it reveals the content companies' agenda.

The CBDTPA, available in text form at,
does not explicitly call for legislating DRM.

What's your point?  If you think the CBDTPA wasn't about legislating
DRM or something like it, we must be from different planets.

I'll elaborate.  CBDTPA delegated power to the FCC to specify standards
that all digital devices would have to implement.  It is not at all
surprising that CBDTPA was drafted to allow the FCC great freedom
in choosing the technical details as necessary to achieve the bill's
objectives.  It is equally clear that supporters of the bill were pushing
for some mandatory Fritz chip, do-not-copy bit, Macrovision protection,
copy protection, or other DRM-like technical measure.  This issue is
not going away quietly.

Re: DRM will not be legislated

2002-07-14 Thread David Wagner

Anonymous  wrote:
Legislation of DRM is not in the cards, [...]

Care to support this claim?  (the Hollings bill and the DMCA requirement
for Macrovision in every VCR come to mind as evidence to the contrary)

Re: Piracy is wrong

2002-06-29 Thread David Wagner

Anonymous  wrote:
Piracy - unauthorized copying of copyrighted material - is wrong.

When an artist releases a song or some other creative product to the
world, they typically put some conditions on it.

Don't overlook the fact that when the government gives an artist a
limited monopoly through copyright, the government retains some rights
(e.g., fair use) to the public, whether the artist likes it or not.

Re: Ross's TCPA paper

2002-06-26 Thread David Wagner

Scott Guthery  wrote:
Perhaps somebody can describe
a non-DRM privacy management system.

Uhh, anonymous remailers?  I never disclose my identity, hence there is
no need for parties I don't trust to manage it.

Come on, folks.  This ought to be cypherpunks 101.  DRM might be one
way to achieve privacy, but it is not the only way.

One simple way for me to ensure my privacy is simply never to disclose my
personal information.  There's no DRM here.  Sure, maybe we could envision
some alternate world where I disclose my personal information in return
for some promise from Big Brother to protect my personal information with
DRM, but this doesn't mean that DRM is the only way to achieve privacy!