Re: How do we trust bits?

2002-04-11 Thread Pat Farrell

At 07:29 PM 4/10/2002 -0700, Tim May wrote:
How do we trust bits to represent money? 
I argue that the question is, as stated, not well-grounded at this time. 

I agree.
It is interesting to be back on cypherpunks after a five or more year vacation,
only to find most of the same discussions we had ten years ago.

Trust. Trust is a misleading concept.

I think this is key. Trust was used in the early crypto papers as a handy word 
that had very little of the emotional baggage that people place on it now.
The whole mangling of Certification Authorities and whether trust is 
transitive is missing the point.

Alice trusts money because she can get ice cream cones.
Banks exchange bits thru the ACH networks based on
a belief that their exchange is valid. Bits are bits, there
is no way to know that the bits are special; yet there is
a cultural contract that allows money to move.

Recent discussions talk about money in consumer terms.
Banks move millions on faith alone. Large banks,
mortgage houses, etc. move billions of dollars (with a B)
with far less real security than many cypherpunks
would use to secure a Tim May rant.

Furthermore, the entire is-a object model, where is-a bank and has-an account 
balance of can and SHOULD (IMO) be replaced with a more realistic and more 
interesting model of believes. All of digital money is recastable in terms of Alice 
believes, Bob believes, Charles believes, etc. All of finance is about belief.

Yes, Bank A believes that the bits coming down the Fedwire belong to Bank B.
That is how money moves today. And there is a risk that this is not true,
which is one of the things banks are paid to do: assess the probability of
getting paid back for a transaction, and charging accordingly.

We need to ask better questions if we expect to stop talking about the
same real and imagined problems ten years from now.



Re: How do we trust bits?

2002-04-11 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Pat Farrell wrote:

 Alice trusts money because she can get ice cream cones.

Incorrect, she trusts money because she knows the vendor trusts the money.
Why? Because they are members in a large (reasonably) stable environment
with (relatively) low threat percentages. If it's too hairy the ice cream
man moves on down the road, and the price of bread is so high that nobody 
worries about ice cream. Try to buy ice cream in a combat zone.

 Banks exchange bits thru the ACH networks based on
 a belief that their exchange is valid.

No, they exchange bits based on a very expensive and complicated protocol
that has a variety of safe guards built into it.

 Bits are bits, there
 is no way to know that the bits are special; yet there is
 a cultural contract that allows money to move.

The medium is -not- the message. There -is- context. What message does a
telegraph send if the key isn't struck? Cleary the medium in and of itself
can't be the message. What does the message Billy arrived mean, if
context isn't important? Does it mean that the killer arrived on time,
that your a grandparent, or that your dog just got to the vet?

This means that yes, -some- bits -are- more special than others.

You and Tim are incorrect in your view. And yes, the question of whether
trust (is) -not- transitive is -especially- critical. It is an -emotional-
measure of the social stability of the populace at large. If people don't
trust they don't -cooperate- and this adds 'friction' to the system. It's
sort of like the PVT gas law coupled with materials science (in particular
failure mode analysis) with respect to when or if the society will 'pop'.
It maps (at least parametrically) to temperature (trust that is).


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

Re: How do we trust bits?

2002-04-11 Thread Mike Rosing

On Thu, 11 Apr 2002, Nomen Nescio wrote:

 Changing trust to believe advances the discussion not one whit.
 Alice trusts Bob to sign keys accurately; Alice believes that Bob signs
 keys accurately.  The change doesn't add anything.
 In fact if anything it's a step backwards.  Trust is a specific form of
 belief; it is a belief on which the holder is placing some reliance.
 By substituting belief for trust you lose information.  You go from a
 more specific term to a more generic one, a sign of sloppy thinking.
 It's a sad commentary on the intellectual level around here that a fatuous
 old windbag can propose such a counterproductive change in terminology
 and get his spineless lackeys to salute him for his wisdom.  Meanwhile
 those who know better are intimidated into silence.

While I thought the same thing about it being a more general term, it
seemed like it was pointless to discuss.  Rather than complain about the
intellectual level, it's better to ignore noise and simply discuss the
signal you feel is interesting.  Ignoring noise is not a sign of
intimidation :-)

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: How do we trust bits?

2002-04-11 Thread Pat Farrell

At 01:43 AM 4/11/2002 -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Pat Farrell wrote:
 Banks exchange bits thru the ACH networks based on
 a belief that their exchange is valid.

No, they exchange bits based on a very expensive and complicated protocol
that has a variety of safe guards built into it.

You are, of course, entitled to your own opinion. I don't see it that way.
And I think the difference is important.

My work at CyberCash, where we did the exchanges over ACH and
Vital and other networks shows that the protocols
were not actually very expensive or strongly complicated.
Baroque, yes, overly complex to imply security by obscurity, yes.
and to serve as a barrier to entry to keep out the unwashed and untrusted,
of course yes.

CyberCash was allowed to plug in and use the networks not because of
some cryptographic wizardry. Rather it was because the founder (Bill Melton)
and several of the VPs had years of experience working with the banks. 
The trust was with the people, not with the bits.



Re: How do we trust bits?

2002-04-11 Thread Morlock Elloi

 Changing trust to believe advances the discussion not one whit.
 Alice trusts Bob to sign keys accurately; Alice believes that Bob signs
 keys accurately.  The change doesn't add anything.

Belief is a physiological phenomenon that makes one accept otherwise silly
concepts in order to be unison with a group. It is essential for the
development of civilisation as we know it. The belief center is located in the
left cortical hemisphere close to the center for unrelated ranting.

Trust is an estimate of the future behaviour, extrapolation based on known
facts and past performances.

The two are completely unrelated.

(of original message)

Y-a*h*o-o (yes, they scan for this) spam follows:
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

How do we trust bits?

2002-04-10 Thread Tim May

How do we trust bits to represent money? Someone asked this (Mike 
Rosing, I think it was).

I argue that the question is, as stated, not well-grounded at this time. 
No one is asking for bits to be trusted, from first principles, absent 
real products and a real embedding in a financial system. Perhaps in N 
years, when Chaum/Brands kinds of digital money are actually being used, 
such a question will be more meaningful. Then we can ask Mary Jones why 
she trusts that the numbers being sent between her smart card or 
computer to her bank or moneychanger are really trustable. Until then, 
asking Mary why she should trust bits as money is inappropriate.

However, even then, in N years, the question will be problematic.

Consider this: we 'trust bits flowing between credit card verifiers, 
banks, and vendors. And we trust the welter of bits flowing in and 
amongst computers handling bank accounts, checks, traveller's checks, 
international clearing houses, SWIFT, etc.

None of these systems are handling money in anything but a bookkeeping 
or accounting sense. Money is marks.

Trust. Trust is a misleading concept.

I recommend (and have done so for a long time...this is not new) doing a 
coordinate shift and recasting discussions about trust into 
discussions about belief.

* At a very early age most children learn that the coins given to them 
by their parents may be exchanged for ice cream cones and rides on 
ponies. (Or for vials of crack, translating this experience into the 
inner cities.) Do they trust that a quarter is really a quarter, or 
is really money? No, they merely have an _expectation_, a _belief_, that 
the future will continue to look very much like the past and that the 
quarters in their pocket will very likely, almost with certainty, be 
accepted by store owners.

* At a somewhat later age, most children are introduced to the ideas of 
bank accounts. Often through school-sponsored Savings Bond programs or 
passbook savings accounts. (These fell into disfavor during the 
inflationary 70s.). In any case, children learn to _expect_, to 
_believe_, that the markings in their passbooks mean that a bank will 
let them take dollars and quarters out with the appropriate incantations 
to the bank teller. Whether the money in the bank is real or imaginary 
is not at issue, only the expectation of a future.

* And so on. Nearly all forms of money we encounter in the modern  world 
are based on this pattern that the future will, in most cases, look a 
lot like the future. When there are exceptions, as with bank failures or 
frauds, this modifies the belief function.

(Children learn, most of them, that lending money to other children and 
expecting to get it back is much different than depositing/lending money 
to the Big Bank and expecting to get it back. Children of the 1930s or 
of Weimar Germany may have suitable tweaks to this model, but the larger 
point is the same.)

Bayesian reasoning, in other words. Experiential learning, with 
actors/institutions embedded in a larger matrix. The Big Bank is 
_expected_ to be more reputable, more trustable, because of a bunch of 
connections it has to other actors, to the past, and to its future. Some 
of these things we call reputation (or reputation capital), some we 
call trust. But belief is the ultimate fabric, the ultimate currency.

We place _bets_ on whether loans will be repaid (risk, loansharking, 
vigorish, etc.). We _discount_ certain financial instruments based on 
our expectations or beliefs about the future.

Furthermore, the entire is-a object model, where is-a bank and 
has-an account balance of can and SHOULD (IMO) be replaced with a more 
realistic and more interesting model of believes. All of digital money 
is recastable in terms of Alice believes, Bob believes, Charles 
believes, etc. All of finance is about belief.

(And there are very intriguing semantics of these models. Saul Kripke is 
one place to look, as he pioneered the possible worlds semantics 
approach. All of human and animal behavior is largely based on building 
internal models of how the world works, what other people and animals 
will be doing (will be doing in a possible worlds sense), and what the 
implications of various courses of action will likely be.)

We don't trust that the sun will rise tomorrow: we _believe_ it will 
rise, because it has for every day for the past several billion years 
and we see no causal reason to doubt that 0.947365 of all 
possible worlds involve the sun coming up. Operationally, we will lay 
heavy odds with anyone that the sun will come up.

Likewise, we don't trust that Bank of America will give us our money 
back when we ask for it (modulor the right incantations and such): we 
_believe_ very strongly that it will.

When people gain experience with a complex protocol, for example, and 
they start to see the same behavior, then they start to trust (= 
believe, = make bets) the protocol. Such was it when we were children