Re: CDR: Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-25 Thread Alif The Terrible

On 24 Feb 2003, Tom Veil wrote:

  You're sounding more and more like a LEO troll.
 If I was a LEO, would I have called for the killing of gun-grabbing LEOs
 in a recent Usenet post?

Oh, the irony...

J.A. Terranson

RE: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minoritie s

2003-02-24 Thread John Kelsey
At 10:31 AM 2/24/03 +, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:
Now, I may have left my clue home, so feel free to explain *why*
100% capitalism (eg no state left, no other power) could never end up
with power aggregation.
I don't think you can *ever* prove a claim like that, since you're dealing 
with humans, who can be only very imperfectly modeled.  There's no system 
that couldn't possibly fall into some horrible state, whether that's 
tyranny or chaos or lemming-like rush to an unwinnable war or ostrich-like 
refusal to prepare for clearly oncoming war.  Systems of human decision 
makers are driven by the decisions made by those humans, and sometimes, 
they're a bunch of idiots.  More centralized decision-making has the ugly 
property that a smaller set of decision-makers have to be idiots to run the 
whole society into a ditch.  On the other hand, more centralized 
decision-making makes larger projects possible sometimes, especially ones 
involving big, long wars.

Vincent Penquerc'h
--John Kelsey, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minoritie s

2003-02-24 Thread Vincent Penquerc'h
Title: RE: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minoritie s

   Too much capitalism is as bad as too much communism.
  That's semantically equivalent to saying that too much 
 economics is as bad as too much totalitarianism...
 Too much liberty is as bad as too much repression?

If you think capitalism is liberty, you have a problem.

Capitalism would work as freedom catalyst only if it would not lead
to the aggregation of power in some places. Once you have power, you
use it. Pretending, like some did, that people with power would not
use force once they reach the stage where they *can*, is disingenuous.
And saying that this has then ceased to be capitalism misses the point:
you end up in a society with centralized power, and which only differs
from a state by the name.
Which is why some capitalism is good, but too much is bad.

I do concede that I'd prefer capitalism much better than communism
though. My association of both on the same grounds was way overboard
and triggered by this evil commie pinko nonsense.

Now, I may have left my clue home, so feel free to explain *why*
100% capitalism (eg no state left, no other power) could never end up
with power aggregation.

Vincent Penquerc'h 

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-24 Thread Tom Veil
Harmon Seaver wrote on February 21, 2003 at 20:40:51 -0600:

 On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 11:10:11PM -, Tom Veil wrote:
  If you would trade Castro for Bush, you're either a totalitarian monster,
  or simply insane.

 Bush is obviously both.

He's neither. I tend to think he's a well-meaning statist idiot.

This of course, doesn't excuse his crimes.

If you truly see no difference between the two, I wonder if, upon getting the
opportunity to do so, you would vote with a raft and be the first person ever
to emigrate from the US to Castro's Cuba.

  In any case, I've added you to my blacklist.

Interesting that you have to speak from behind a remailer.

I use remailers so I can state my opinions with complete and total impunity,
without fear that my words will be used against me at some point in the future.

 Not that I'm even remotely opposed to remailers, I love them and use them all
 the time, but I also know that when someone uses one for converstations such
 as this, it's because of pure cowardice.

That's your opinion. I'm sure many on this list see it as prudence.

Why don't you come out in the open so we can killfile you?

If you can't killfile me, you're incompetent. I always use the same nym.

 You're sounding more and more like a LEO troll.

If I was a LEO, would I have called for the killing of gun-grabbing LEOs
in a recent Usenet post?

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless

2003-02-23 Thread jayh
Some years ago my brother-in-law tried to take advantage of benefits because of his 
surname 'Diaz' (he was half Mexican).

That didn't fly because he apparently was just too 'American' (native English speaker, 


On 21 Feb 2003 at 16:55, Bill Stewart wrote:

 A number of years ago, a friend of my boss had been passed over
 for admission to some affirmative action program for Hispanics.
 He was a Puerto Rican whose native language was Spanish (he was bilingual),
 but his name was something like Fred Mueller, so he failed the
 Spanish-Surnamed definition used by the bureaucrats.
 Exactly how Spanish Surname was officially defined is obscure;
 Aztec-surnamed or Inca-surnamed or Maya-surnamed people
 generally seem to pass.   Mexico and South Texas also had a lot of
 German immigrants in the 1800s, so there are German-Mexicans
 with names like Jose Mueller, and I don't know if they pass,
 or if they're insufficiently part of La Raza.

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minoritie s

2003-02-23 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald
  Highly capitalist nations do not murder millions.

On 21 Feb 2003 at 17:09, David Howe wrote:
 but their highly capitalist companies sometimes do.

Don't be silly.  You have been reading too much Lenin.

 James A. Donald

RE: The burn-off of twenty million useless

2003-02-21 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:

 Capitalism would only work if people weren't ready to fuck others
 like communism would work too for the same reasons. Like anarchy.

You're assuming a static agent model. Iterative interactions of smart
mutually identifyable agents would trend towards increasingly benign 

Different strokes for different folks.

RE: The burn-off of twenty million useless

2003-02-21 Thread Vincent Penquerc'h
 Yeah, and too much freedom is as bad as too much slavery.
 Right, bub.

Capitalism would only work if people weren't ready to fuck others
like communism would work too for the same reasons. Like anarchy.
Like anything. Depending on the time, I tend to lean either towards
anarchy or towards democracy. These days, I'm leaning towards for
democracy. Yes, a state, though probably an unattainable chimaera.
Flame on. Lack of state would just lead to morons with guns banding
together, and that would be what ? A state, without the title of one,
but one nonetheless. Point is, too much capitalism seems to lead to
another form of power, with the people on top being the same people
that are now on top of the state. We'd need to defend against both.

BTW, mails used to be deMIMEd. I send in plain text but there's
a server which reconverts to HTML along the way...

Vincent Penquerc'h 

RE: The burn-off of twenty million useless

2003-02-21 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:

 But other people might be encline to tag along anyway. A reputation

No, because unless someone signs your stuff of their free will they'd have
to extract a secret (ideally) lodged in a tamperproof hardware token, or
break the cryptosystem, or coerce the holder of the secret to sign for
them -- assuming they can link the nym to the physical persona. If you
care for anonymity, that's what traffic remixing is there for.

 system will identify nyms with bad reputation alright, but how will
 people *use* this system ? Favorable reputation is nothing per se,

Depends on the scenario. In an online transaction I present my public key,
you query the mana associated with it in a database. If I'm a homo novus,
my trust level is around zero. If I've been glowingly endorsed by other
nyms in good standing (check graph for circlejerk caveat) my reputation is
positive. People with really bad mana would tend to camouflage as players
with no transaction, so being a new player will always suck. You'll get
rewarded by sticking to your nym, and engaging in mutual-profit
transactions. My part of the interaction is symmetrical to yours. If we
like what we see we make a deal, or go apart.

This can be automated so that you see the mana cloud of a physically
present or remote person who're not cloaking it as a size/color-coded tag
rendered in a head-up display which you could inquire further. It wouldn't 
take a lot of work to hack a game server to allow tagged avatars, link 
game servers in a mesh, and use traffic remixing for avatar control. 
(Well, it _would_ take a lot of work, unfortunately).

 it only becomes useful by what others make of it, and reputation is
 not a single measure. People will have different reactions to the

No, but you'll get a single scalar by integrating over your reference 

 actions of another person. If someone advocates killing blacks, say,
 his reputation will grow to those who have the same opinions, but go

You can look at a distribution of reputation. A single scalar is no 
enough. You can also change your reference points when computing that 

 down with those who have the opposite opinion. What I'm coming at is
 that a reputation system only allows a nym to build up a reputation.
 People then react to it.

only is good. There's no way currently how you can query the accrued
mana of a face in the crowd. Single-round interactions/anonymity encourage 
defector behaviour. There's a regular food web of defectors and suckers in 
big cities. 
 Your point, I believe, was that the ability to have knowledge of
 others' actions would lead to increased cooperation. That goes both

Yes, assuming they care. While people usually evaluate these things at gut 
level they're not aware of it rationally, so they see little value in 
participating in such kind of social experiment. Try explaining this to an 
average Jane on the commute. It's hard.

 ways. Groups of people can cooperate to work against another group
 of cooperating people. People assess other's reputations on different

Of course.

 grounds, so people would be attracted to different groups, based on
 the subjective assessment they make on the various traits displayed
 by a person/nym.

Yes, so what?
 OK, that was my second possibility. I'm just not sure that it could
 work so well in a larger scenario. Reputation systems, AFAIK, have

We're going to find out, once wireless and broadband takes off.

 only be used in small scenarios: you observe an agent which does one
 thing, then you extrapolate the probability of this agent's actions
 based on that knowledge. The observed actions are very narrow, and
 I'm unsure it would scale well, and unsure it would prevent people
 fucking other people over for power as happens now.

Sure you'll get tribes, and strife. It is compatible with a more benign
interaction overall, regardless of which social order you subscribe to.

RE: The burn-off of twenty million useless

2003-02-21 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:

  You're assuming a static agent model. Iterative interactions of smart
  mutually identifyable agents would trend towards increasingly benign 
 That in turn assumes that the population is homogeneous. There is

Not at all. Of course you have subpopulations engaging in more cooperative
interactions; this is how the world works already. The nice thing is that
with cryptography you have facultative strong authentication, and globally
accessible databases (like a searchable p2p document store) to keep track
of your interaction history with others. A nym who's lying too much will 
have accrue negative mana very quickly.

 overwhelming probability that a group will form around some people,
 who have charisma, or who can give others something, whether it is
 power, money (or ability to get stuff), or just about anything
 people would want. Some of these groups will want power.

I don't see how this is relevant to our conversation.
 I'm not sure what you mean by mutually identifyable agents. If
 you mean that people seeking power by reducing other's freedoms,

No, mutually identifyable means exactly that: ability to tell that you've 
interacted with that agent before. In human agents this means ability to 
recall some other monkey's biometrics.

 would be known, and others could react to that, then I'm not so
 sure it would work. Trouble is, even a very small amount of power
 grabbing people will fuck it all up. It's very nice to say that
 those who are ready to relinquish freedom for safety deserve
 neither, but a life of never ending combat against those who want
 to grab power is not something I strive for.
 If you mean, OTOH, that people would recognize honest people,
 as in a kind of reputation system, then it might have some merit

The reputation system needs infrastructure to work. Basically it's about
trustable (by the user) smart card crypto, traffic remixing (at IP level,
preferrably) and distributed anonymous p2p store with a distributed 

 to it, but would require these people to build a structure to be
 able to react. This structure would be, as I see it, kind of a
 distributed democracy. Is that what you had in mind ?
 Or am I completely off :)

RE: The burn-off of twenty million useless

2003-02-21 Thread Vincent Penquerc'h
 You're assuming a static agent model. Iterative interactions of smart
 mutually identifyable agents would trend towards increasingly benign 

That in turn assumes that the population is homogeneous. There is
overwhelming probability that a group will form around some people,
who have charisma, or who can give others something, whether it is
power, money (or ability to get stuff), or just about anything
people would want. Some of these groups will want power.

I'm not sure what you mean by mutually identifyable agents. If
you mean that people seeking power by reducing other's freedoms,
would be known, and others could react to that, then I'm not so
sure it would work. Trouble is, even a very small amount of power
grabbing people will fuck it all up. It's very nice to say that
those who are ready to relinquish freedom for safety deserve
neither, but a life of never ending combat against those who want
to grab power is not something I strive for.
If you mean, OTOH, that people would recognize honest people,
as in a kind of reputation system, then it might have some merit
to it, but would require these people to build a structure to be
able to react. This structure would be, as I see it, kind of a
distributed democracy. Is that what you had in mind ?
Or am I completely off :)

Vincent Penquerc'h 

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minoritie s

2003-02-21 Thread David Howe
at Friday, February 21, 2003 4:44 PM, James A. Donald
[EMAIL PROTECTED] was seen to say:
 Highly capitalist nations do not murder millions.
but their highly capitalist companies sometimes do. is this a meaningful

RE: The burn-off of twenty million useless

2003-02-21 Thread Vincent Penquerc'h
  But other people might be encline to tag along anyway. A reputation
 No, because unless someone signs your stuff of their free 

I'm not looking at this on a crypto POV, but from a human nature POV.

 my trust level is around zero. If I've been glowingly 
 endorsed by other
 nyms in good standing (check graph for circlejerk caveat) my 
 reputation is
 positive. People with really bad mana would tend to 

This doesn't address the point that what people do with that is not
something that crypto can solve. Crypto only solves the authentication
bit. My claim about whether a political sytem can work was based on
human reactions, not on the relations they have with each other, with
or without crypto.

But I see your point, it's just that I'm not convinced that it is
workable. Cooperation takes work, and time, and can be destroyed
by small things.

Vincent Penquerc'h 

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless

2003-02-21 Thread Bill Stewart
At 09:48 PM 02/18/2003 -0500, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
MEChA is mostly about keeping college admission
standards lower for South American-derived wannabe students[1]. [...]
[1] Not hispanics; they don't care about Iberians
A number of years ago, a friend of my boss had been passed over
for admission to some affirmative action program for Hispanics.
He was a Puerto Rican whose native language was Spanish (he was bilingual),
but his name was something like Fred Mueller, so he failed the
Spanish-Surnamed definition used by the bureaucrats.
Exactly how Spanish Surname was officially defined is obscure;
Aztec-surnamed or Inca-surnamed or Maya-surnamed people
generally seem to pass.   Mexico and South Texas also had a lot of
German immigrants in the 1800s, so there are German-Mexicans
with names like Jose Mueller, and I don't know if they pass,
or if they're insufficiently part of La Raza.
(There are towns in the area with names like New Braunfels, Texas.
Some of you will recognize the connections from Bruce Sterling's
Heavy Weather.)  One German immigrant who moved to Mexico's
west coast instead of the Texas area was Johan Hussong,
who built Hussong's Cantina in Ensenada; I don't know if they'd pass,
depending on whether the burons recognized Hussong as a German name
or if they'd decide that since the bar mostly sells drinks
to gringos it doesn't count...)

RE: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minoritie s

2003-02-21 Thread James A. Donald
On 20 Feb 2003 at 16:09, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:
 Ah yeah, the good old front against communists. Some people
 haven't learned that political views aren't what makes one a
 bastard. Commies *must* be bad, you see ? Too much capitalism
 is as bad as too much communism.

Highly capitalist nations do not murder millions.

 James A. Donald

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-21 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 11:10:11PM -, Tom Veil wrote:
 If you would trade Castro for Bush, you're either a totalitarian monster, or
 simply insane.

Bush is obviously both. 

 In any case, I've added you to my blacklist.

   Interesting that you have to speak from behind a remailer. Not that I'm even
remotely opposed to remailers, I love them and use them all the time, but I also
know that when someone uses one for converstations such as this, it's because of
pure cowardice. 
   Why don't you come out in the open so we can killfile you? You're sounding
more and more like a LEO troll. 

Harmon Seaver   

Re: CDR: Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless

2003-02-21 Thread Eric Cordian
Bill Stewart wrote:

 He was a Puerto Rican whose native language was Spanish (he was bilingual),
 but his name was something like Fred Mueller, so he failed the
 Spanish-Surnamed definition used by the bureaucrats.

This reminds me of a black acquaintance of mine whose last name was
Garcia.  This entitled her to double-dip into both the black and
Hispanic coffers of affirmative action.

She was greatly in demand by employers desparate to balance the
equation.  (Think Like a Dinosaur springs to mind)

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law

RE: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-21 Thread Mike Rosing
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, James A. Donald wrote:

 Highly capitalist nations do not murder millions.

That's because they make better slaves than fertilizer.  The real trick is
to make the slaves think they have a great deal, then the controllers get
more power and less trouble.  Unfortunately, this requires some
intelligence in the controllers, which is rare.  Maintaining capitalism
is harder than it looks.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-21 Thread Tom Veil
Tyler Durden wrote on February 17, 2003 at 20:53:14 -0500:

 Tim Veil wrote...

 Because the money that is given to them through these unconstitutional
 federal gravy-train programs was stolen from me, and millions of other
 taxpayers at gunpoint.

 Again, I'm not sure why this results in rancor towards those receiving such

What part of my above paragraph did you not understand?

 It's not like black folks are really running this show.

Who runs the show is not at issue here. What _is_ at issue is that the
money received by these welfare-suckers is money that was taken from _me_.


 Want one piece of a solution? Excellent, no-bullshit schools.

You're not going to get this with government schools. Better that schools
compete for students in the marketplace.


 Tim Veil

Fucking with quoted text is _not_ cool.

Tom Veil

RE: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minoritie s

2003-02-21 Thread R. A. Hettinga
At 4:09 PM + on 2/20/03, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:

 Too much capitalism is as bad as too much communism.

That's semantically equivalent to saying that too much economics is as bad as too much 

Capitalism, being, of course, Marxist argot for economics...
R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-21 Thread Tom Veil
Harmon Seaver wrote on February 20, 2003 at 12:55:08 -0600:

 On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 12:13:45PM -, Tom Veil wrote:

  Harmon Seaver wrote on February 19, 2003 at 19:20:19 -0600:
   On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 11:19:11PM +0100, Anonymous wrote:
After scanning, we've decided to blacklist you for your
far left-wing, socialist views, the quote from Ayn Rand notwithstanding.
Tom Veil
  What the fuck are you talking about? Neither you nor anyone else has the
   authority to ban anyone here, shitforbrains. Actually the site looks pretty
   good, lots of anti-war, anti-dubbyascum stuff -- right on!
  Idiot. I didn't mention a damn thing about banning anybody from the list.

blacklist, ban, baaa baaa baaa -- what's the diff?

I don't have the authority to ban anybody from the list.

I do have authority in who I hire, and in my recommendations to others.

  I did mention using the good ol' 1950's style blacklists used by employers
  to keep pinkos and commies off their payrolls.

 You sound exactly like one of the morons from the fifties.

  No, being anti-war doesn't get you blacklisted.
  Bullshit like comments against corporate globalization and prominently
  linking to socialist Ten-Point Justice Agendas and sites like
  and gets you blacklisted, as it indicates that one is of
  the so-called progressive, leftist commie totalitarian persuasion.

  And you are obviously a political retard. Communism is dead, the enemy
 now is fascism. Do you know the difference?

There isn't much of a difference, actually. In both cases, all property is
subservient to the state.

 Can we say corporate welfare state???

I already told you that I'm staunchly against any and all forms of corporate
welfare, as are all true capitalists.

I also told you that expenditures for traditional socialist welfare programs
currently dwarf all expenditures for corporate welfare.

 The mega-corps *are* the problem today, it's they who put and keep the
 fascists in power.

The mega-corps are not the problem, the mega-state is the problem. Any
real power big corporations have is the result of big governments giving
it to them.

  Quite frankly, I'd trade Castro for Bush anytime, at least we wouldn't
 have all the goddam disgusting christian bullshit all the time.

If you would trade Castro for Bush, you're either a totalitarian monster, or
simply insane.

In any case, I've added you to my blacklist.

Tom Veil

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-20 Thread Tom Veil
Harmon Seaver wrote on February 19, 2003 at 19:20:19 -0600:

 On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 11:19:11PM +0100, Anonymous wrote:
  After scanning, we've decided to blacklist you for your
  far left-wing, socialist views, the quote from Ayn Rand notwithstanding.
  Tom Veil

What the fuck are you talking about? Neither you nor anyone else has the
 authority to ban anyone here, shitforbrains. Actually the site looks pretty
 good, lots of anti-war, anti-dubbyascum stuff -- right on!

Idiot. I didn't mention a damn thing about banning anybody from the list.

I did mention using the good ol' 1950's style blacklists used by employers
to keep pinkos and commies off their payrolls.

No, being anti-war doesn't get you blacklisted.

Bullshit like comments against corporate globalization and prominently
linking to socialist Ten-Point Justice Agendas and sites like
and gets you blacklisted, as it indicates that one is of
the so-called progressive, leftist commie totalitarian persuasion.

Tom Veil

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-20 Thread Tyler Durden
Any idea of why the fucker started up with the punching?

As I remember, Schear described himself as 5'2 at the time. Those that feel 
powerless normally look for someone to have power over.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Veil)
Subject: Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and 
Date: 20 Feb 2003 02:45:17 -

Steve Schear wrote on February 19, 2003 at 12:23:


 As was the regimen then, the class would line up before and after
 activities to check attendance, then we would shower.  To help the
 instructor the lineup order was fixed.  It so happened that the student
 behind me was one of those being bussed in.  I had not taken much notice 
 him until the day he decided that my back looked to be good target for 
 fist.  His method was to punch me about every 5 seconds like clock

Any idea of why the fucker started up with the punching?

 It started at the first line up and continued to just before
 showers.  (I know some of my fellow students saw him hitting me but they
 pretended not to and said anything.)

 His locker was almost opposite of mine and as the class prepared to 
 he continued his ritualistic abuse.  I waited until most of the others 
 gone and just as he was about to land a blow I quickly turned, blocked 
 punch, grabbed and twisted his arm to lock it and drew him into a side 
 to his throat.  His trachea partly collapsed and he fell to the floor
 choking.  I calmly continued undressing and went to the shower.  When I
 came back some students we standing around him and an instructor was 
 him mouth to mouth.  I heard he was taken to the hospital. No one asked 
 about him, I never saw him again and none of the students said a word.

Excellent! A shame he wasn't killed, as he deserved to be.

 Several days later three of his friends tried to jump me between classes 
 a relatively isolated area of the campus, one had a knife  I gave them a
 very painful lesson with my nanchuk.  I never saw them again either, nor
 was I ever questioned about them by school administrators.  Afterward, I
 took to walking to classes with friends, mostly other martial arts
 students, but no further incidents occurred.  Its a good thing this
 happened back then.  Today, I would have been shot

Unless you shot the fucking African-American attackers dead first.

This is why I think bullied kids should carry handguns. Preferably
easily concealed ones, the smallest one with the highest caliber.
Bust a cap in their fucking brains.

 and/or arrested.

Any cop who would arrest you for a clear-cut case of self-defense would
need to be shot dead.
Tom Veil

The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-20 Thread Steve Schear
At 10:50 AM 2/20/2003 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
Any idea of why the fucker started up with the punching?
I did turn around in line-up and ask the student why he was punching me and 
to stop.  He simply gave me a smug grin and continued.

As I remember, Schear described himself as 5'2 at the time. Those that 
feel powerless normally look for someone to have power over.
Especially when they are noticeably larger then you, which this student was 
(half a head taller and at least 20 pounds heavier).


Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-20 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 12:13:45PM -, Tom Veil wrote:
 Harmon Seaver wrote on February 19, 2003 at 19:20:19 -0600:
  On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 11:19:11PM +0100, Anonymous wrote:
   After scanning, we've decided to blacklist you for your
   far left-wing, socialist views, the quote from Ayn Rand notwithstanding.
   Tom Veil
 What the fuck are you talking about? Neither you nor anyone else has the
  authority to ban anyone here, shitforbrains. Actually the site looks pretty
  good, lots of anti-war, anti-dubbyascum stuff -- right on!
 Idiot. I didn't mention a damn thing about banning anybody from the list.

   blacklist, ban, baaa baaa baaa -- what's the diff?

 I did mention using the good ol' 1950's style blacklists used by employers
 to keep pinkos and commies off their payrolls.

You sound exactly like one of the morons from the fifties.

 No, being anti-war doesn't get you blacklisted.
 Bullshit like comments against corporate globalization and prominently
 linking to socialist Ten-Point Justice Agendas and sites like
 and gets you blacklisted, as it indicates that one is of
 the so-called progressive, leftist commie totalitarian persuasion.

 And you are obviously a political retard. Communism is dead, the enemy now
is fascism. Do you know the difference? Can we say corporate welfare
state??? The mega-corps *are* the problem today, it's they who put and keep the
fascists in power. 
 Quite frankly, I'd trade Castro for Bush anytime, at least we wouldn't have
all the goddam disgusting christian bullshit all the time.  

Harmon Seaver   

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-20 Thread Tyler Durden
After scanning, we've decided to blacklist you for your
far left-wing, socialist views, the quote from Ayn Rand notwithstanding.

Tom Veil
Actually, a turning point in my thinking came a few years ago while watching 
Fidel Castro talk on CNN from Riverside church. Oddly, I found that I agreed 
with 99% of what the guy said. (Of course, from what I've been able to 
filter out from the anti-Cuba propaganda, I don't think I'd like Castro's 
answers to his issues a hellava lot, but that's besides the point.)

Me? I'm highly suspicious of anyone who believes that one system of thought 
answers all of the questions and problems: Right, Left, 
Libertarian...anyone's fulla shit if he he accepted a Program lock, stock, 
and barrel.

From: Harmon Seaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and  
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 19:20:19 -0600

On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 11:19:11PM +0100, Anonymous wrote:

 After scanning, we've decided to blacklist you for your
 far left-wing, socialist views, the quote from Ayn Rand notwithstanding.

 Tom Veil
   What the fuck are you talking about? Neither you nor anyone else 
has the
authority to ban anyone here, shitforbrains. Actually the site looks pretty
good, lots of anti-war, anti-dubbyascum stuff -- right on!

Harmon Seaver

Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread Cardenas
You're a fucking racist.

If you can't understand why black and latino pride is necessary after
centuries of murderous oppression, the pick up a book.

Things may have been more violent in the 70's, but thats great. Some
people think that revolutions don't happen by sitting behind a

MEChA is not a gang, they're an important part of helping lots of
young people to be concious of their own heritage.

And I respect the people who are willing to dedicate their lives to
something with meaning a lot more than making more microchips for the
rich. You're right about evolution though, all those women's studies
and black studies programs are helping evolution along, so that
racists like you can have their eyes opened more often.

This is by far the most disgusting thing I've read on this list to
date, and is a huge demonstration of your lilliputian mindedness.

On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 11:03:25AM -0800, Tim May wrote:
 On Tuesday, February 18, 2003, at 10:28  AM, Ken Brown wrote:

 Kevin S. Van Horn wrote:
 Tyler Durden wrote:
 Black leadership is one potential issue here, but the other ethnic
 groups that do so well in the US have no identifiable leaders here.
 Which is precisely why those ethnic groups do so well,  while U.S.
 blacks do not.
 The value of leaders is vastly overrated in American society.
 Same over here in London.
 I'm a white, English, middle-class sort of bloke.
 Who are my community leaders?

 It goes beyond just the black leaders thing--it's also about black

 My eye-opening experience was my arrival in college (as Brits would
 say, at university) in 1970. UCSB, in beautiful Santa Barbara. There
 I found students from diverse backgrounds and cultures, mixing in the
 classrooms, the dorms, and the eating halls. Except for the negroes,
 who all sat together at one set of tables in whichever eating hall they
 were in. There may have been a few stragglers scattered amongst the
 other tables, but basically it was de facto, self-selected segregation.

 Much was spouted about black pride, and the negroes took to wearing
 huge afros with pimp-combs in their hair. They openly insulted
 whitey. Essentially, they aligned themselves into a gang.

 Many of them switched dorm rooms around, resulting in de facto creation
 of segregated dorm halls. White students avoided these ghettoes, for
 good reason. (I interviewed in 1971 for a R.A. (resident assistant)
 position, to help with living costs, and my negro interviewer only
 asked my questions about  what CORE was, what SNCC was, etc. My
 answers were PC enough, and I was turned down. More and more of the
 R.A.s were negroes by 1973.)

 Special departments were created to handle the surge in negro students:
 Black Studies was the main one, with Sociology expanded to teach
 classes about the oppression and the marginalization of the black
 race, blah blah. Swahili was the language they took to meet the
 minimal foreign language requirements. There were no negroes in my math
 or physics classes.

 They were active, however, in student government. One of them, a woman
 named Judy McClellan, used to hop up on the conference tables in the
 student government meetings and walk up and down, ranting and screaming
 at the non-negro, non-Hispanic students. She once, according to
 reporters for the student newspaper who were in the meeting, had her
 negro aides stand at the doors so she could tell the council that
 nobody is leaving until you pass this (something about funding for
 her programs, etc.).

 The next year the President of the student council, one Robert Norris,
 flashed a revolver at white students who were opposing one of his
 resolutions. When this was reported in the campus newspaper, bails of
 the newspapers were thrown into the lagoon by negroes.

 I wrote all of this up in a letter which I sent in June of 1973 to the
 Regents of the University of California. I included descriptions of
 many of the atrocities, including the shakedown of funds from white
 students to go to bogus inner city youth programs (including purchase
 of a $2500 rare comic book about negroes, a comic book which nobody
 could later produce to investigators). I described the La Raza Libre
 Hispanic gang on campus, the MeCHA rival gang, the Black Pride
 contingent, the Black Students Union, etc.

 The Regents replied that what I had reported was known to them, but
 that we live in troubled times, blah blah. I did get a signed letter
 back from Governor Reagan's top assistant saying they were adding my
 report to the list of reported problems. The campus newspaper ran my
 letter in full, and it triggered a minor firestorm. I became sort of
 the right wing mascot for a few months. I got a few death threats,
 too, and met with the Chancellor to discuss the issues I'd raised. He
 agreed with all of my points, clucked about the black and Mexican
 gangs, but said, echoing the Regents, that we live in troubled times.

 It was clear to me at the time that 

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread Tim May
On Tuesday, February 18, 2003, at 11:03  AM, Tim May wrote:

Many of them switched dorm rooms around, resulting in de facto 
creation of segregated dorm halls. White students avoided these 
ghettoes, for good reason. (I interviewed in 1971 for a R.A. 
(resident assistant) position, to help with living costs, and my negro 
interviewer only asked my questions about  what CORE was, what 
SNCC was, etc. My answers were PC enough, and I was turned down. 
More and more of the R.A.s were negroes by 1973.)

were not PC enough, I meant to type. (My most common typing error is 
hearing the not in my head but not typing it.)


Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread Ken Brown
Kevin S. Van Horn wrote:
 Tyler Durden wrote:
  Black leadership is one potential issue here, but the other ethnic
  groups that do so well in the US have no identifiable leaders here.
 Which is precisely why those ethnic groups do so well,  while U.S.
 blacks do not.
 The value of leaders is vastly overrated in American society. 

Same over here in London.

I'm a white, English, middle-class sort of bloke.

Who are my community leaders?

The parish priest? The borough councillors?  The landlord of the pub?
The member of parliament? The head teacher of the local school? All of
whom, apart from the publican, I helped to appoint, and none of whom I
feel in the slightest way deferential to or look up to for leadership
whatever that is.

Who are my community leaders? It's just a silly question. No-one would
ask it. 

Ken Brown

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread Kevin S. Van Horn
Tim May wrote:

It goes beyond just the black leaders thing--it's also about black 

My eye-opening experience was my arrival in college (as Brits would 
say, at university) in 1970. 

Well, this post explains a lot about Tim's attitude.  Myself, I never 
ran into this kind of crap in college. I attended college 10 years 
later, in a conservative state (Utah).  The few blacks I've encountered 
personally have mostly seemed to be decent people.

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread Kevin S. Van Horn
Tim May wrote:

Swahili was the language they took to meet the minimal foreign 
language requirements.

This sounds like the one worthwhile course in the bunch.  One may learn 
a foreign language in order to be able to read important literary, 
historical, philosophical, or scientific works in other languages, in 
which case Latin, Greek, German, and French are good languages; in order 
to be able to communicate well with a wider group of people, in which 
case Spanish is a good language for Americans to learn; or just to 
broaden one's horizons, in which case I am told that Swahili is a good 
choice, as it is structurally so different from Indo-European languages.

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread Tim May
On Tuesday, February 18, 2003, at 04:43  PM, Kevin S. Van Horn wrote:

Tim May wrote:

It goes beyond just the black leaders thing--it's also about black 

My eye-opening experience was my arrival in college (as Brits would 
say, at university) in 1970.

Well, this post explains a lot about Tim's attitude.  Myself, I never 
ran into this kind of crap in college. I attended college 10 years 
later, in a conservative state (Utah).  The few blacks I've 
encountered personally have mostly seemed to be decent people.

I know a few people who went to BYU and tell me that most of the 
negroes attending BYU were from African countries, part of the Mormon 
recruiting process (which is very successful, of course). I assume some 
number of other negroes at BYU are American, just as there are some 
negroes at Bob Jones University. These are self-selected folks, of 

I also knew some negroes in college who were from African countries, 
including a Sudanese guy in my relativity class. They behaved quite 
normally, modulo their foreign background.

My attitude has also been shaped by watching this situation for the 
past 40 years. I used to even use the term black for negroes, before 
they started changing the name every few years (Afro-American, 
African-American, person of color) and calling anyone who used the 
replaced name a racist.

Also, I watched what happened when I proposed a White Students Union 
in college.

It seems negroes are give carte blanche, so to speak, to spew about 
honkies and hymies and whiteys and to declare everyone else racist. In 
fact, their most-revered ideologists have been explaining how negroes 
cannot be racist, no matter their language or discrimination, because 
racism is about the oppression and marginalization of peoples of color 
by the dominant whitemale paradigm. Or whatever.

In the past fifteen years I have come to realize that crypto anarchy 
will probably change all this, as it makes for a system where only a 
competent elite does well. Probably fifty million marginal Americans, 
including nearly all of the so-called peoples of color, will, one 
hopes, fade away.

Race warfare may be coming, as the inner city mutants have their meal 
tickets cancelled. This is why so many white people are buying so many 

--Tim May

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread Tyler Durden
Tim May wrote...

It was clear to me at the time that the focus on black pride was 
destructive of _real_ pride.

Against my better judgement, I find myself agreeing with this statement on 
one level.

However, it should be noted that the Black Pride movement of the late 60s 
and early 70s was a necessary reaction to years and years of negative 
messages sent towards the notion of being African American. Black Pride 
was probably the most valuable for nothing else than being a political 
movement that asserted that asserting such a thing was possible or 

However, this notion of Black Pride eventually on some levels reinforced 
an almost ghettoization of black culture, both by blacks as well as Whites. 
As a simple example, we still use the term African Americans to refer to 
'black' folks (which seems to mean any person with even a single gene 
inherited from the African continent), even though the relationship between 
black folks and Africa is probably not any closer than black folks and 
Europe. (Likewise, White folks partake daily of the fruits of African 
culture in our lands, the most obvious example being music.) So we still 
maintain that there's American culture, and then there's African American 
culture, a dichotomy that is reflected in the equally racist notions of 
black and white people.

The sad thing is that this marginalization/ghettoization extends even to the 
absolute highest arts. A couple of years ago I caught Wayne SHorter and 
Herbie Hancock, and their performance was as abstract, complex, and 
multi-hued as anything this overly cutlured NYC boy has experienced. And I 
don't remember seeing a single black face in the audience. So now Jazz is 
white, despite its profoundly African roots, while many (of course not 
all) black folks are willing to settle for either overproduced muzaky trash, 
or mindless rap (Not that all rap is mindless by the way, but less and less 
of it is of the caliber of Public Enemy or Grandmaster Flash.) I would 
presume that one reason for this has to do with the fact that real Jazz is 
no longer perceived by most black folks as being black, so it is largely 

However, that this pack mentality for many black folks exists should be no 
suprise, as there's strength in numbers and as my father says, Where there 
are two or more Americans gathered have ye a lynch mob. So its dangerous in 
this country to be marginalized, for to be marginalized means to be largely 
disempowered. It's something of a mistake, tis true, but its probably the 
universal human reaction to years and years of oppression and hate.

I think of it as evolution in action. Of course, sometimes evolution needs 
to be helped along a bit.

Uh, Ok whatever. I'd point out that the genetic diversity of African 
Americans is such that they are probably genetically superior to most 
whites. Don't think that being fantastic at sports is some indication that 
black folks are merely big, dumb graceful animals. If those same kids had 
the same drive to excel in mathematics or science, they'd do extremely well.

In the 80s I worked in one of the toughest High Schools in the country, in 
Brooklyn. One of my students was brutally murdered, and throughout a 
semester several would be out sick due to being atacked with knives. (This 
was in addition to fireworks being set off regularly in the halls, gang 
fights, rampant vandalism and recreational fires and so on.) And yet it 
was quite clear to me that the intelligence level of these students was by 
no means much less than that of whites at good high schools (I attended a 
famous Science and math HS in NYC.). The sad thing was that these kids 
really had never been exposed to the why of education, and asked me 
regularly about the basic math I was teaching them: Why do we have to learn 
this? We'll never use this in real life. More than this, they couldn't even 
really conceive of a life without the ubiquitous violence and filth around 
them. There was no real reason to do well or get a good job. In the end, it 
not only felt futile to work there, it was depressing.

Was this black people's fault? Nah. It's all of our fault.


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Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless

2003-02-19 Thread Major Variola (ret)
Cardenas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
MEChA is not a gang, they're an important part of helping 
lots of  young people to be concious of their own 

MEChA is mostly about keeping college admission
standards lower for South American-derived 
wannabe students[1].  This has recently gotten difficult
because it is inherently unconstitutional, and
increasingly recognized as such, when government
funds the admitting entity.  

But its hard to retain your pride when you know 
you haven't competed fairly, isn't it?   

Tribals (like MEChAns) who get their pride 
from being in some unchosen category (like ethnicity,
nationality, etc)  do not understand the earning of merit. 

[1] Not hispanics; they don't care about Iberians

Re: CDR: Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters andminorities

2003-02-19 Thread Alif The Terrible

On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Tyler Durden wrote:

 In the 80s I worked in one of the toughest High Schools in the country, in 

During the late 60 and early seventies I briefly attended IS44 in New York
City.  This was one of the schools over which Al Shanker's teachers went on
strike for combat pay.

 One of my students was brutally murdered, and throughout a 
 semester several would be out sick due to being atacked with knives.

Routine inner city school life.

 was in addition to fireworks being set off regularly in the halls, gang 
 fights, rampant vandalism and recreational fires and so on.)

Routine inner city life.

 And yet it 
 was quite clear to me that the intelligence level of these students was by 
 no means much less than that of whites at good high schools (I attended a 
 famous Science and math HS in NYC.).

Agreed.  Completely.  Except for the caliber of school.  My Gladiator School
had teachers who were just too stupid to leave - to put that another way, the
smart ones left after their first rape or beating experience, leaving only
the incompetents who knew less than the students they were teaching.

 The sad thing was that these kids 
 really had never been exposed to the why of education, and asked me 
 regularly about the basic math I was teaching them: Why do we have to learn 
 this? We'll never use this in real life.

The problem is that they were more correct in this than you were: most of the
white folks in my classes at Gladiator School went on to real jobs, whether
or not they were qualified for them.  Most of the black kids went on to
bottom feeder jobs, regardless of what they were actually qualified for.

This could, obviously, be anything or everything from self-fulfilling
prophecy to overt discrimination

 More than this, they couldn't even 
 really conceive of a life without the ubiquitous violence and filth around 

Bullshit.  Complete and utter bullshit.  Every kid I went to school with
dreamt of lives without the violence.

 There was no real reason to do well or get a good job. In the end, it 
 not only felt futile to work there, it was depressing.

Futile - mostly.  Depressing, definitely, but the rest of that is apologist
bullshit.  We did well so we could GET OUT.  I did worse than most of the
friends I had who made it out, but those who did were adamant from the getgo
that OUT was the goal, and no brain dead dyslexic and illiterate/innumerate
teacher was going to get in the way.

Apologist bullshit: chant it with me...
 Was this black people's fault? Nah. It's all of our fault.


 Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

J.A. Terranson

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread Kevin S. Van Horn
Tim May wrote:

In the past fifteen years I have come to realize that crypto anarchy 
will probably change all this, as it makes for a system where only a 
competent elite does well. Probably fifty million marginal Americans, 
including nearly all of the so-called peoples of color, will, one 
hopes, fade away. 

I guess I'm more optimistic about human nature than you, Tim.  If and 
when the day of reckoning comes, this is what I expect:

1. Great wailing and gnashing of teeth.

2. Probably a good deal of violence by some who have come to view 
parasitism as their right.

3. But once it becomes clear that the parasitic lifestyle is no longer 
viable, most will do what they have to do to survive: stop whining, stop 
looking for handouts, and learn to stand on their own two feet and make 
their own fortune.

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread John Bethencourt
On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 08:04:14PM -0600, Harmon Seaver wrote:
Yeah, no kidding. Lot's of kids brought guns to school when I was in
 highschool. Kids that lived in the country would hunt before school, catch
 the schoolbus, with their rifle or shotgun in a case, of course, and put it
 in their locker while in class, take it out, take the bus home and hunt
 after school. Why not? And of course they were usually carrying a fair
 amount of ammo as well. And when I was in college at the UW-Madison, I
 regularly took my .22 target pistol down to the university indoor range and
 practiced. I'm not sure that college students are even allowed to have guns
 in the dorm now. 

I attend UW Madison now, although I don't live in the dorms.

Not even BB guns are allowed.

John Bethencourt

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread Kevin S. Van Horn
Tyler Durden wrote:

Was this black people's fault? Nah. It's all of our fault. 

Bullshit. I had nothing to do with it.

Collective guilt only dilutes responsibility and ensures that 
pathological behavior continues.  Let me suggest some specific groups of 
people who are responsible:

- The education establishment. Their purpose from day one has been, not 
education, but the production of pliable citizen-serfs.  Read John 
Taylor Gatto's _The Underground History of American Education_ for 
details.  (Gatto taught in the New York school system for decades, and 
received New York City and New York State teacher of the year awards.)

- The welfare-state bureaucrats who labored so long and hard to erase 
the stigma associated with living on the dole.  As long as it made their 
own jobs secure and expanded their own little empires, why  should they 
care that their system was eroding the morals, independence, and 
self-respect of one generation after another?

- The victimology pushers and race baiters.  These people have worked 
hard to focus minorities on the actions of other people (which they 
can't control) and away from their own actions (which they  *can* 
control).  They have created a culture where education, deferred 
gratification, all the traditional means of raising oneself up out of 
poverty, are reviled and disdained as the white man's way.

Re: CDR: Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread Alif The Terrible

Just out of curiosity, which of the following would you classify as racist:

Group(s) pushing Black Pride  
Group(s) pushing Latino Pride
Group(s) pushing White Pride
Group(s) pushing to Buy Black
Group(s) pushing to Buy White

I submit that all of the above are blatantly, obviously, racist, although I
suspect I'll get a different evaluation from you...


J.A. Terranson

On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Cardenas wrote:

 Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 12:01:38 -0800
 From: Cardenas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: CDR: Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and 
 You're a fucking racist.
 If you can't understand why black and latino pride is necessary after
 centuries of murderous oppression, the pick up a book.
 Things may have been more violent in the 70's, but thats great. Some
 people think that revolutions don't happen by sitting behind a
 MEChA is not a gang, they're an important part of helping lots of
 young people to be concious of their own heritage.
 And I respect the people who are willing to dedicate their lives to
 something with meaning a lot more than making more microchips for the
 rich. You're right about evolution though, all those women's studies
 and black studies programs are helping evolution along, so that
 racists like you can have their eyes opened more often.
 This is by far the most disgusting thing I've read on this list to
 date, and is a huge demonstration of your lilliputian mindedness.
 On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 11:03:25AM -0800, Tim May wrote:
  On Tuesday, February 18, 2003, at 10:28  AM, Ken Brown wrote:
  Kevin S. Van Horn wrote:
  Tyler Durden wrote:
  Black leadership is one potential issue here, but the other ethnic
  groups that do so well in the US have no identifiable leaders here.
  Which is precisely why those ethnic groups do so well,  while U.S.
  blacks do not.
  The value of leaders is vastly overrated in American society.
  Same over here in London.
  I'm a white, English, middle-class sort of bloke.
  Who are my community leaders?
  It goes beyond just the black leaders thing--it's also about black
  My eye-opening experience was my arrival in college (as Brits would
  say, at university) in 1970. UCSB, in beautiful Santa Barbara. There
  I found students from diverse backgrounds and cultures, mixing in the
  classrooms, the dorms, and the eating halls. Except for the negroes,
  who all sat together at one set of tables in whichever eating hall they
  were in. There may have been a few stragglers scattered amongst the
  other tables, but basically it was de facto, self-selected segregation.
  Much was spouted about black pride, and the negroes took to wearing
  huge afros with pimp-combs in their hair. They openly insulted
  whitey. Essentially, they aligned themselves into a gang.
  Many of them switched dorm rooms around, resulting in de facto creation
  of segregated dorm halls. White students avoided these ghettoes, for
  good reason. (I interviewed in 1971 for a R.A. (resident assistant)
  position, to help with living costs, and my negro interviewer only
  asked my questions about  what CORE was, what SNCC was, etc. My
  answers were PC enough, and I was turned down. More and more of the
  R.A.s were negroes by 1973.)
  Special departments were created to handle the surge in negro students:
  Black Studies was the main one, with Sociology expanded to teach
  classes about the oppression and the marginalization of the black
  race, blah blah. Swahili was the language they took to meet the
  minimal foreign language requirements. There were no negroes in my math
  or physics classes.
  They were active, however, in student government. One of them, a woman
  named Judy McClellan, used to hop up on the conference tables in the
  student government meetings and walk up and down, ranting and screaming
  at the non-negro, non-Hispanic students. She once, according to
  reporters for the student newspaper who were in the meeting, had her
  negro aides stand at the doors so she could tell the council that
  nobody is leaving until you pass this (something about funding for
  her programs, etc.).
  The next year the President of the student council, one Robert Norris,
  flashed a revolver at white students who were opposing one of his
  resolutions. When this was reported in the campus newspaper, bails of
  the newspapers were thrown into the lagoon by negroes.
  I wrote all of this up in a letter which I sent in June of 1973 to the
  Regents of the University of California. I included descriptions of
  many of the atrocities, including the shakedown of funds from white
  students to go to bogus inner city youth programs (including purchase
  of a $2500 rare comic book about negroes, a comic book which nobody
  could later produce to investigators). I described the La Raza Libre
  Hispanic gang

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread Steve Schear
At 06:43 PM 2/18/2003 -0600, Kevin S. Van Horn wrote:

Tim May wrote:

It goes beyond just the black leaders thing--it's also about black pride.

My eye-opening experience was my arrival in college (as Brits would say, 
at university) in 1970.

Well, this post explains a lot about Tim's attitude.  Myself, I never ran 
into this kind of crap in college. I attended college 10 years later, in a 
conservative state (Utah).  The few blacks I've encountered personally 
have mostly seemed to be decent people.

I can support some of what Tim says.  Although I was born in New York and 
absorbed some of the street ethics there, I grew up mostly in Los 
Angeles.  During the late '60s, in an effort to encourage voluntary 
integration, the city (with state and fed help) designated magnet schools 
which featured enriched curriculum.  My school, Hamilton High, was selected 
as the math center (we also became, briefly, the science center due to 
delay in the completion of Crenshaw High) and got a brand new IBM 1130 and 
a several college professors for the AP math, chemistry and physics 
classes. A few of us were sent to IBM's customer education classes to get 
up quickly up to speed (some of the regular teachers also attended but they 
did poorly).  The advanced placement level math and science classes enabled 
me to ace the SAT and ACT test and entrance exams and get into CalTech 
(something I doubt I would otherwise been able to do).

Kids from all over LA were bussed to Hamilton. Most were good students, and 
I made a few new friends, not so some of the African Americans.  Hami had 
always been a safe place, but almost immediately after the arrival of the 
busses there were stories of shakedowns in the rest rooms and on the lunch 
court. (like Tim, the faculty knew there were some bad apples but took no 
steps to identify and expel them from the program.)

I had been a serious student of martial arts (Shodokan, Aikido and Hapkido) 
since middle school and, though I was only about 5' 2, I was well along to 
my black belt by the time I entered high school (this was when getting a 
black belt in the U.S. was still roughly equivalent to getting one in 
Asia).  When I heard of the trouble I took to carrying concealed martial 
arts weapon, usually a nanchuk or tonfa (now often used by law 
enforcement), on my back.  My first incident happened in the athletics class.

As was the regimen then, the class would line up before and after 
activities to check attendance, then we would shower.  To help the 
instructor the lineup order was fixed.  It so happened that the student 
behind me was one of those being bussed in.  I had not taken much notice of 
him until the day he decided that my back looked to be good target for his 
fist.  His method was to punch me about every 5 seconds like clock 
work.  It started at the first line up and continued to just before 
showers.  (I know some of my fellow students saw him hitting me but they 
pretended not to and said anything.)

His locker was almost opposite of mine and as the class prepared to shower 
he continued his ritualistic abuse.  I waited until most of the others were 
gone and just as he was about to land a blow I quickly turned, blocked his 
punch, grabbed and twisted his arm to lock it and drew him into a side kick 
to his throat.  His trachea partly collapsed and he fell to the floor 
choking.  I calmly continued undressing and went to the shower.  When I 
came back some students we standing around him and an instructor was giving 
him mouth to mouth.  I heard he was taken to the hospital.  No one asked me 
about him, I never saw him again and none of the students said a word.

Several days later three of his friends tried to jump me between classes in 
a relatively isolated area of the campus, one had a knife  I gave them a 
very painful lesson with my nanchuk.  I never saw them again either, nor 
was I ever questioned about them by school administrators.  Afterward, I 
took to walking to classes with friends, mostly other martial arts 
students, but no further incidents occurred.  Its a good thing this 
happened back then.  Today, I would have been shot and/or arrested.


Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread Steve Schear
At 03:00 PM 2/19/2003 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:

Steve Schear and Tim May mention some interesting incidents. In Steve 
Schear's case, there's a mysterious absence of response:

No one asked me about him, I never saw him again and none of the students 
said a word.

Several days later three of his friends tried to jump me I never saw 
them again either, nor was I ever questioned about them by school 

Well, obviously my following points will probably be met with scepticism 
(to say the least), but here goes.

If those same incidents had occurred in an all-white environment, most of 
the time there'd be hell to pay. People would freak out, and students 
expelled. In THESE cases, however, there's the tolerance and even 
expectation of bad behavior on the part of black students. While teaching 
in Brooklyn, I saw the same thing again and again: You can't change them, 
that's the way they are. Even here, officials fail to respond for fear of 
political reprisals, while negative behavior is expected.

Of course, expectations don't FORCE a group to meet those expectations. So 
I'm not saying people have no responsibility for their actions. But I AM 
pointing out that the non-response (of which the NYC High Schools are 
merely a giant example) is tainted with racism, and this racism gets 
magnified via the projecting lens (perhaps a camera lumina?) of 
institutions. So it basically takes whatever's already messed up and 
excacerbates the problem.

Not too sure.  I noticed a similar lack of involvement interest when school 
yard fights broke out between pink students. Once word spread that some 
bussed in trouble makers had been dealt with the level of problems 
appeared to abate (at least until I graduated).  It was reckless for the 
teachers and administrators to take no obvious actions and I probably 
should have been expelled.  I was careful not to mention these incidents to 
my friends or family until I graduated.

BTW, there were quite a few local brown/black students who attended 
Hami.  I saw few if any hanging out with those bussed in.  It seemed they 
also wished not to associate with trouble makers.


Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread david
On Tuesday 18 February 2003 20:16, Bill wrote:

 At 5:53 PM -0800 2/17/03, Tyler Durden wrote:
 Any kid coming to school
 with a knife or gun gets thrown out, period.

 Gee, when I was in high school, I was on the high school rifle
 team.  I still have the varsity letter with the crossed rifles on
 it.  Our ammo was paid for by the US military, who wanted
 recruits who could shoot.  I brought my gun to school at the
 beginning of the season, and took it home at the end.

Teenager have the same right to self defense that adults do.  Why 
would any sane kid want to go into one of those war zones unarmed?  
Why would any sane parent allow them to do so?

David Neilson

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread Tom Veil
Steve Schear wrote on February 19, 2003 at 12:23:


 As was the regimen then, the class would line up before and after
 activities to check attendance, then we would shower.  To help the
 instructor the lineup order was fixed.  It so happened that the student
 behind me was one of those being bussed in.  I had not taken much notice of
 him until the day he decided that my back looked to be good target for his
 fist.  His method was to punch me about every 5 seconds like clock

Any idea of why the fucker started up with the punching?

 It started at the first line up and continued to just before
 showers.  (I know some of my fellow students saw him hitting me but they
 pretended not to and said anything.)

 His locker was almost opposite of mine and as the class prepared to shower
 he continued his ritualistic abuse.  I waited until most of the others were
 gone and just as he was about to land a blow I quickly turned, blocked his
 punch, grabbed and twisted his arm to lock it and drew him into a side kick
 to his throat.  His trachea partly collapsed and he fell to the floor
 choking.  I calmly continued undressing and went to the shower.  When I
 came back some students we standing around him and an instructor was giving
 him mouth to mouth.  I heard he was taken to the hospital. No one asked me
 about him, I never saw him again and none of the students said a word.

Excellent! A shame he wasn't killed, as he deserved to be.

 Several days later three of his friends tried to jump me between classes in
 a relatively isolated area of the campus, one had a knife  I gave them a
 very painful lesson with my nanchuk.  I never saw them again either, nor
 was I ever questioned about them by school administrators.  Afterward, I
 took to walking to classes with friends, mostly other martial arts
 students, but no further incidents occurred.  Its a good thing this
 happened back then.  Today, I would have been shot

Unless you shot the fucking African-American attackers dead first.

This is why I think bullied kids should carry handguns. Preferably
easily concealed ones, the smallest one with the highest caliber.

Bust a cap in their fucking brains.

 and/or arrested.

Any cop who would arrest you for a clear-cut case of self-defense would
need to be shot dead.

Tom Veil

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 11:19:11PM +0100, Anonymous wrote:
 After scanning, we've decided to blacklist you for your
 far left-wing, socialist views, the quote from Ayn Rand notwithstanding.
 Tom Veil

   What the fuck are you talking about? Neither you nor anyone else has the
authority to ban anyone here, shitforbrains. Actually the site looks pretty
good, lots of anti-war, anti-dubbyascum stuff -- right on!

Harmon Seaver   

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread Anonymous
Cardenas wrote on February 18, 2003 at 15:02:

 You're a fucking racist.

I didn't see anything in his post that was indicative of an inherent
belief in the superiority of any particular race.

 If you can't understand why black and latino pride is necessary after
 centuries of murderous oppression, the pick up a book.

 Things may have been more violent in the 70's, but thats great. Some
 people think that revolutions don't happen by sitting behind a

 MEChA is not a gang, they're an important part of helping lots of
 young people to be concious of their own heritage.

Apparently, helping lots of young people to be concious (sic) of their
own heritage includes shakedowns, threats and theft:

It appears that this gang is also bent on re-conquering the South-
western United States.

 And I respect the people who are willing to dedicate their lives to
 something with meaning a lot more than making more microchips for the

Even the so-called poor minorities use and benefit from microchips
a hell of a lot more than they benefit from all these consciousness
of heritage idiots.

I'd say that making microchips, or collecting garbage for that matter,
has much more meaning than raising consciousness of ethnic heritage
and other such bullshit.

 You're right about evolution though, all those women's studies
 and black studies programs are helping evolution along, so that
 racists like you can have their eyes opened more often.

Those programs will eventually be relegated to the ash heaps of history.


 michael cardenas   | lead software engineer,  | GNU/Linux software developer | encrypted email preferred

After scanning, we've decided to blacklist you for your
far left-wing, socialist views, the quote from Ayn Rand notwithstanding.

Tom Veil

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-19 Thread Tyler Durden
Steve Shear and Tim May mention some interesting incidents. In Steve Shear's 
case, there's a mysterious absence of response:

No one asked me about him, I never saw him again and none of the students 
said a word.

Several days later three of his friends tried to jump me I never saw 
them again either, nor was I ever questioned about them by school 

Well, obviously my following points will probably be met with scepticism (to 
say the least), but here goes.

If those same incidents had occurred in an all-white environment, most of 
the time there'd be hell to pay. People would freak out, and students 
expelled. In THESE cases, however, there's the tolerance and even 
expectation of bad behavior on the part of black students. While teaching in 
Brooklyn, I saw the same thing again and again: You can't change them, 
that's the way they are. Even here, officials fail to respond for fear of 
political reprisals, while negative behavior is expected.

Of course, expectations don't FORCE a group to meet those expectations. So 
I'm not saying people have no responsibility for their actions. But I AM 
pointing out that the non-response (of which the NYC High Schools are merely 
a giant example) is tainted with racism, and this racism gets magnified via 
the projecting lens (perhaps a camera lumina?) of institutions. So it 
basically takes whatever's already messed up and excacerbates the problem.

As for me, as I have mentioned on this list as a kid I lost a front tooth to 
a black fist. So, I started taking my GoJu lessons seriously. My GoJu Sensei 
was (and is) himself Black (and a former student of Peter Urban), as were 
50% of the other students. And suffice it to say, he gave me what was 
necessary to see to it I never lost another tooth!
(BTW, he plays the bodygaurd for John Lone in Year of the Dragon.)


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Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-17 Thread Kevin S. Van Horn
Tyler Durden wrote:

Black leadership is one potential issue here, but the other ethnic 
groups that do so well in the US have no identifiable leaders here.

Which is precisely why those ethnic groups do so well,  while U.S. 
blacks do not.

The value of leaders is vastly overrated in American society.  The 
only kind of leader worth having is one who isn't trying to be a 
leader at all, but whose admirable conduct inspires others to emulate 

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-17 Thread Tom Veil
Harmon Seaver wrote on January 31, 2003 at 11:03:

 On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 10:59:02PM -, Tom Veil wrote:
  Tim May wrote on January 22, 2003 at 00:55:
   I expect 20 million to die. Fortunately, 18 million of them will be the
   usual Democrat, Commies, welfare recipients, negro activists,  and
   Socialist fellow travellers. The other two million will be the Bushies.
   And proably most of the remaining Jews will be scourged, as payment for
   their support of thefts, of Zionism, etc. Sounds fair to me.
   Ain't gonna be a lot of negroes and Mexicans after this war is over.
  20 million sounds a bit low. Given that the current US population is around
  281 million, we're talking about only 7 percent of the population.
  According to the most recent Census data, blacks currently account for
  around 12.6 percent, or 35.5 million, and Mexicans, 7.3 percent, or about
  20.6 million. On top of that are millions of commies, socialists, Demonrats,
  and welfare addicts that don't fall into the aforementioned minority
  Even if 20 million are liquidated, there will still be plenty of vermin
  around to replenish their numbers.

Let's not forget all the corporate welfare bums, we need to put all those
 mega-corp executives and all the farmers at the top of that list. They get far
 more welfare than anyone else. Also all the military, that's just another form
 of welfare bum.

Cut them off too. I strongly advocate eliminating subsidies to private
businesses and the military-industrial complex, just as I do direct
payments to individuals. (It's true that the military consumes much,
much more money than it should, but at least the Army and Navy are
constitutionally legitimate.)

Keep in mind that the total amount the federal sugar-daddy gives out in
corporate welfare pales in comparison to annual spending for individual
welfare programs, which include AFDC, WIC, socialist insecurity, medicare,
medicaid, etc. Those programs currently account for just over half of all
federal expenditures, and none of those programs are constitutional.

Tom Veil

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-17 Thread Tyler Durden
Tim Veil wrote...

Because the money that is given to them through these unconstitutional
federal gravy-train programs was stolen from me, and millions of other
taxpayers at gunpoint.

Again, I'm not sure why this results in rancor towards those receiving such 
funds. It's not like black folks are really running this show. As far as I'm 
concerned, those funds are basically a buyoff: welfare (combined with giant 
storage-schools...stay in school!) keep the lumpen prolitariat from rising 
up and bum rushin' the show. And to tell you the truth, if someone handed 
me a check I'd friggin cash it so fast I'd make the skinniest welfare crack 
addict look like a turtle on check day.

Don't bring out the tired old excuse of blacks being oppressed by the US 
system. Plenty of people have received their share of shitty deals, yet 
they put all that behind them and managed to prosper while the black 
so-called leadership is still whining and clamoring for mo' welfare 
and affirmative-action.

Well, here's the meat of this issue, and where the issue gets sticky. Let me 
first of all state that there IS an issue here. Go to the grad schools in 
math, science, and engineering. The number of African Americans in PhD 
programs in these areas is disproportionately low. (I've heard it said that 
in many years the number of PhDs given nationwide to African Americans in 
mathematics is often only 2 or 3!) Meanwhile, immigrant Asians (Chinese, 
Vietnamese, etc...) zoom past African Americans in these areas, despite the 
fact that they almost invariably come out of poverty that only rural areas 
of the Ozarks and the deep south come close to. So I agree there's an issue 

What's the problem? Race? Aside from the fact that race is itself a nearly 
fictional concept, in the same PhD programs we see plenty of Africans, 
Haitians, and other black and nominally black folks doing just fine, at 
least here in the snow-pummeled northeast.

Is the white man holding down black folks? Possibly. But I am willing to 
concede this is only an excacerbating factor here, for reasons that can 
easily be derived from the paragraph above.

Are African Americans just plain stupider than white folks? No way. First of 
all, African Americans (such as Halle Berry) are not significantly different 
genetically from whites (apparently most African Americans have a 
preponderance of European genes, while something like 50% of males in the 
South are believed to have some percentage of African genes). In addition, 
anyone who's spent real time with, say, A Love Supreme by Coltrane 
understands that black folks constituted the US's equivalent of Bach, 
Beethoven, Mozart, and Stravinsky. So inherent genetic capability or other 
potential smarts/talent is not the issue here. (And for the record, the CEO 
of the Fortune 100 company I work for is African American.)

Black leadership is one potential issue here, but the other ethnic groups 
that do so well in the US have no identifiable leaders here. Why do we 
assume that black folks somehow are special in needing leadership that is 
any less predatory than white leadership?

I'd go on to attempt an answer, but it'll only come out sounding vageuly 
Utne-reader-ish. Let's just say that what makes an ethnic group healthy is 
the strength of civil and familial bonds. And throwing money at the problem 
ain't going to make it go away.

Want one piece of a solution? Excellent, no-bullshit schools. Any school 
that needs a metal detector should get blown up. Any kid coming to school 
with a knife or gun gets thrown out, period. The kid can be free to roam the 
streets, or get arrested or whatever, but he ain't rotated to another 
school. Also, completely uncompromised and European-level academic 
standards. None of this you can't graduate from a real education system 
'cause your underprivileged crap. Regents exams in every subject, and if 
you don't pass enough of 'em you're out on your ass.

Of course, liberals and conservatives alike would be horrified to have those 
lumpen-kids out on the streets. But at least have a real education system 
that's not a complete fucking joke. This might not solve the problem, but at 
least you gave a hungry man a fishing pole. If he doesn't use it after that, 
that's his problem. But right, the schools are a joke.

Talk about reparations? Blacks have already received plenty of 
reparations. We called it the Great Society.

Well, if the reparations took the form of a real school system that wasn't 
a laughable joke, I'd be for it, and consider it the price I have to pay for 
livin' pretty high on the hog these days, thank you (I was drivin' around in 
2 feet of snow tonight in My MB SUV lookin' for an open McDonalds! Holy shit 
I'm corrupt!). Any other 'reparations' would probably be time and money 
wasted that could be put to best use learning how to convert Iraqi bodies 
into black-top for our oil trucks!


Tim Veil

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities is aQ

2003-01-31 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 10:59:02PM -, Tom Veil wrote:
 Tim May wrote on January 22, 2003 at 00:55:
  I expect 20 million to die. Fortunately, 18 million of them will be the
  usual Democrat, Commies, welfare recipients, negro activists,  and
  Socialist fellow travellers. The other two million will be the Bushies.
  And proably most of the remaining Jews will be scourged, as payment for
  their support of thefts, of Zionism, etc. Sounds fair to me.
  Ain't gonna be a lot of negroes and Mexicans after this war is over.
 20 million sounds a bit low. Given that the current US population is around
 281 million, we're talking about only 7 percent of the population.
 According to the most recent Census data, blacks currently account for
 around 12.6 percent, or 35.5 million, and Mexicans, 7.3 percent, or about
 20.6 million. On top of that are millions of commies, socialists, Demonrats,
 and welfare addicts that don't fall into the aforementioned minority
 Even if 20 million are liquidated, there will still be plenty of vermin
 around to replenish their numbers.

   Let's not forget all the corporate welfare bums, we need to put all those
mega-corp executives and all the farmers at the top of that list. They get far
more welfare than anyone else. Also all the military, that's just another form
of welfare bum. 

Harmon Seaver   

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities is aQ

2003-01-29 Thread Tom Veil
Tim May wrote on January 22, 2003 at 00:55:

 I expect 20 million to die. Fortunately, 18 million of them will be the
 usual Democrat, Commies, welfare recipients, negro activists,  and
 Socialist fellow travellers. The other two million will be the Bushies.
 And proably most of the remaining Jews will be scourged, as payment for
 their support of thefts, of Zionism, etc. Sounds fair to me.

 Ain't gonna be a lot of negroes and Mexicans after this war is over.

20 million sounds a bit low. Given that the current US population is around
281 million, we're talking about only 7 percent of the population.

According to the most recent Census data, blacks currently account for
around 12.6 percent, or 35.5 million, and Mexicans, 7.3 percent, or about
20.6 million. On top of that are millions of commies, socialists, Demonrats,
and welfare addicts that don't fall into the aforementioned minority

Even if 20 million are liquidated, there will still be plenty of vermin
around to replenish their numbers.

Tom Veil

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities is about tobegin

2003-01-22 Thread Tyler Durden
Tim May wrote...

Ain't gonna be a lot of negroes and Mexicans after this war is over. (I'm 
not a racist. It's their leaders and their ideology that is to blame. These 
leaders have led their followers to acts which cannot be forgiven, and which 
must be punished by death. Nearly all of them need killing for what they 
have done, regardless of which mischief-makers taught them their mischief.)

What a bunch of silly bullshit. This is the view of blacks one gets by 
watching TV. The vast majority of blacks in this country don't have a 
leader per se. What percentage of black folks do you think follow Al 
Sharpton, Farrakhan, or anyone else for that matter?

Ah well. Not a lot of black folks in his part of Silicon Valley, I guess. 
Tim May needs to get out more and stop watching COPS or whatever.


Subject: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities  is 
about to begin
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 21:54:34 -0800

On Tuesday, January 21, 2003, at 11:55  AM, Anonymous wrote:

I'm sure that I do nothing new in drawing parallels between the occurences
in George Orwell's seminal text 1984 and the founding of the Information
Awareness Office.  It is nothing short of terrifying that someone wants to
gather all digital information on anyone and everyone into a giant 
for the purpose of finding out who is a social undesirable and who 
 We are moving into another glorious age, where one may come under 
due to the books and films that we rent, the clothes that we buy, and the 
that we visit.  This has happened before and will probably happen again 
we will still probably learn nothing from it.  My question is why is 
so apathetic about this?

But we're NOT apathetic about this. Many of us have acquired the usual 
assault rifles, explosives, etc., and we anticipate the onset of 
Revolution. Look to anonymous remailers, militias, and depots as the reason 
the free man has been preparing.

I expect 20 million to die. Fortunately, 18 million of them will be the 
usual Democrat, Commies, welfare recipients, negro activists,  and 
Socialist fellow travellers. The other two million will be the Bushies. And 
proably most of the remaining Jews will be scourged, as payment for their 
support of thefts, of Zionism, etc. Sounds fair to me.

Ain't gonna be a lot of negroes and Mexicans after this war is over. (I'm 
not a racist. It's their leaders and their ideology that is to blame. These 
leaders have led their followers to acts which cannot be forgiven, and 
which must be punished by death. Nearly all of them need killing for what 
they have done, regardless of which mischief-makers taught them their 

We should be cheerful about this upcoming burn-off of twenty million 
negroes, Mexicans, Jews, and liberals will mean.

--Tim May

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RE: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities is about to begin

2003-01-22 Thread Trei, Peter
 But we're NOT apathetic about this. Many of us have acquired the usual 
 assault rifles, 
May I suggest calling them Homeland Defense Rifles?

You're in CA. What's your take on the registration
requirements that came into force this year?


 --Tim May