Re: Anti-globalization

2003-12-09 Thread Miles Fidelman
On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Tyler Durden wrote:

> However, I don't see the strong support for Soviet or Maoist-style state
> control these days...these are vaguely romantic notions once in a while, but
> they don't have any deep ideological support like they might have in the
> 60s.

I don't know about that.  Today's corporate oligarchy behaves an awful lot
like the old Soviet oligarchy.  Just the names and titles are different.

Re: Anti-globalization

2003-12-09 Thread Declan O'Reilly
On Wed, 10 Dec 2003 02:18:37 +0200
Anatoly Vorobey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That was a rhetorical question. In the "old Soviet oligarchy", you
> would get into real trouble for publicly speaking against it. In 
> "today's corporate oligarchy", this is obviously not true. Therefore
> the comparison is flawed, and it's not at all true that "just the names
> and titles are different".
> --
> avva

Oops , my bad

Thanks Anatoly

Declan O'Reilly

Re: Anti-globalization

2003-12-09 Thread Anatoly Vorobey
On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 06:41:21PM -0500, Miles Fidelman wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Tyler Durden wrote:
> > However, I don't see the strong support for Soviet or Maoist-style state
> > control these days...these are vaguely romantic notions once in a while, but
> > they don't have any deep ideological support like they might have in the
> > 60s.
> I don't know about that.  Today's corporate oligarchy behaves an awful lot
> like the old Soviet oligarchy.  Just the names and titles are different.

Do you expect to get in real trouble for publicly saying that?


Re: Anti-globalization

2003-12-12 Thread Neil Johnson
What I object to are corporations who utilize their power (money) to influence 
governments to make laws that benefit them at the expense of others.

- The DMCA
- Tariffs AND Free Trade Agreements
- H1-B visas

Even Ayn Rand weaves this into "Atlas Shrugged" where the competitors of 
Reardon Steel get the government to try and force him to give them his 
formula for his high-strength steel because it's putting them out business 
and "unfair".

Company's that do this are no better than Tim's "Welfare mutants" and probably 
worse because they have a much larger impact.

But I don't see him calling for their "vaporization". 

It would screw up his stock portfolio.

Neil Johnson
PGP key available on request.

Re: Anti-globalization

2003-12-12 Thread Roy M. Silvernail
On Thursday 11 December 2003 22:00, Neil Johnson wrote:
> What I object to are corporations who utilize their power (money) to
> influence governments to make laws that benefit them at the expense of
> others.
> - The DMCA
> - Tariffs AND Free Trade Agreements
> - H1-B visas

And now... tarrifs for filming movies in Canada.  Just heard that one on NPR 
today, and I nearly drove off the road.  The plan is to raise the cost of 
filming in Canada so that there's no longer an economic advantage. Made me 
want to puke.

> Even Ayn Rand weaves this into "Atlas Shrugged" where the competitors of
> Reardon Steel get the government to try and force him to give them his
> formula for his high-strength steel because it's putting them out business
> and "unfair".

I guess Canada is "Reardon Pictures".

Re: Anti-globalization

2003-12-12 Thread Nostradumbass
From: Neil Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> What I object to are corporations who utilize their power (money) to influence 
> governments to make laws that benefit them at the expense of others.
> - The DMCA
> - Tariffs AND Free Trade Agreements
> - H1-B visas
> Even Ayn Rand weaves this into "Atlas Shrugged" where the competitors of 
> Reardon Steel get the government to try and force him to give them his 
> formula for his high-strength steel because it's putting them out business 
> and "unfair".

"Corporations shall not be considered to be 'persons' protected by the Constitution of 
the United States or the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania within the 
Second Class Township of Porter, Clarion County, Pennsylvania."

Only a small handful of very large corporations abuse these rights to deceive people, 
hide crimes, or make politicians violate the will of their own voters. The millions of 
ethical corporations will thus be freed from the tyranny of the few while democratic 
government will be returned to its citizens.

Re: Anti-globalization

2003-12-12 Thread James A. Donald
On 11 Dec 2003 at 23:39, Roy M. Silvernail wrote:
> And now... tarrifs for filming movies in Canada.  Just heard
> that one on NPR today, and I nearly drove off the road.  The
> plan is to raise the cost of filming in Canada so that
> there's no longer an economic advantage. Made me want to
> puke.

You will notice that a lot of big hollywood movies have been
filmed in New Zealand, for example Lord of the Rings.   Reason
is, there is not lot of beautiful unspoilt scenery left near

Obvious solution.  Require all mandatory uglification of all
foreign scenery -- for example video editing to insert some


 James A. Donald

Re: Anti-globalization

2003-12-12 Thread James A. Donald
On 11 Dec 2003 at 21:00, Neil Johnson wrote:
> Even Ayn Rand weaves this into "Atlas Shrugged" where the 
> competitors of Reardon Steel get the government to try and 
> force him to give them his formula for his high-strength 
> steel because it's putting them out business and "unfair".

Ah yes, recall big steel corporations talking about 'fair
trade" in recent weeks.

Tim has been implying that I am a pinko, gold nut, and 
randroid, which sort of hints that Ayn Rand is too pink for 

 James A. Donald

Re: Anti-globalization

2003-12-12 Thread R. A. Hettinga
At 5:59 PM -0800 12/12/03, James A. Donald wrote:
>Tim has been implying that I am a pinko, gold nut, and
>randroid, which sort of hints that Ayn Rand is too pink for

Apparently, he likes his meat burned -- and halfway up the flue...



R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: Anti-globalization

2003-12-13 Thread Thomas Shaddack
On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, James A. Donald wrote:

> Obvious solution.  Require all mandatory uglification of all
> foreign scenery -- for example video editing to insert some
> smokestacks.

Just pay them to decorate their unfairly lovely landscapes with
king-sized billboards.

*Poof!* Beauty gone, problem solved.