Re: tangled context probe

2004-12-11 Thread Roy M. Silvernail
R.W. (Bob) Erickson wrote:
(curious thing about this spew, it keeps disappearing into the bit 
Yawn.  Roboposting this babble doesn't really increase its chances of 
getting read.  I work through JY because I know there's uranium in that 
ore.  But I'm about 2 posts away from ensconcing RWBE in my procmail 
file next to TM, choate and proffr.
Roy M. Silvernail is [EMAIL PROTECTED], and you're not
It's just this little chromium switch, here. - TFT

Re: tangled context probe

2004-12-11 Thread R.W. (Bob) Erickson
R.A. Hettinga wrote:
At 10:56 AM -0500 12/10/04, Roy M. Silvernail wrote:

But I'm about 2 posts away from ensconcing RWBE in my procmail

What's taking you so long?
cf: various imprecations against feeding trolls cet...

Aww, come on guys
i only eat little sheep
and i hide from the wolves under cover of  a bridge

Re: tangled context probe

2004-12-11 Thread R.W. (Bob) Erickson
Tyler Durden wrote:
Well, when you put it that way, that changes everything.
All is now clear. Please continue downloading the syntactic mappings 
of random neural firing...I'm using your output to seed a random 
number generator.

Oh, and don't forget to cc Choate.
You could do worse, my entropy is real.
Whatever your take on memes
I predict that certain messages play better than others.
Analysis of the opposition's frame of minds are key.
The immediate tool is that of insinuation.
You dismiss some things as chaff or fluff
put you cannot avoid the priming effect
that well crafted misdirection employs.
We protect our selves from disruptive knowledge
We artistically wield our ignorance like a shield
Our creativity hides our blind spots.
Security through certainty is surely vunerable

Re: tangled context probe

2004-12-11 Thread Will Morton
Roy M. Silvernail wrote:
R.W. (Bob) Erickson wrote:
(curious thing about this spew, it keeps disappearing into the bit 

Yawn.  Roboposting this babble doesn't really increase its chances of 
getting read.  I work through JY because I know there's uranium in 
that ore.  But I'm about 2 posts away from ensconcing RWBE in my 
procmail file next to TM, choate and proffr.

   Is there a term for messages that are indistinguishable from those 
generated by Dissociated Press or one of its superior modern cousins?  A 
kind of inverse Turing Test?


Re: tangled context probe

2004-12-11 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 10:56 AM -0500 12/10/04, Roy M. Silvernail wrote:
But I'm about 2 posts away from ensconcing RWBE in my procmail

What's taking you so long?


cf: various imprecations against feeding trolls cet...
R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: tangled context probe

2004-12-11 Thread Tyler Durden
Well, when you put it that way, that changes everything.
All is now clear. Please continue downloading the syntactic mappings of 
random neural firing...I'm using your output to seed a random number 

Oh, and don't forget to cc Choate.

From: R.W. (Bob) Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tyler Durden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: tangled context probe
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 12:27:08 -0500
Tyler Durden wrote:
As to the crypto relevance: context Arranged signals can be anything at 
all. If you don't share the context of the communicators, you have no 
idea what they  convey in their conversation about the whether.

That's a stretch. Soon you'll say that Post-modernist literary theory is 
Cypherpunkish content because it deals with 'context'.

I suggest you take up your theories with Mr Choate and the Dallas 
Cypherpunk(s). In that 'context' your posts will appear lucid.

No,  all that european bs is only relevent because it adds to the piling  
evidence of irrationality.
Whats the connect between irrationality an C-punks?
Well aside from colorful characters
its also key to any understanding of the minimum mass mind.
There are policy implications inherent in innate incomplitence and 

There are also important ecconomic understandings
that hinge upon understanding irrational choices
c.f hyperbolic discounting, aka matching theory.
There are also techie implications:
The human semantic competency is hackable

re: tangled context probe

2004-12-11 Thread R.W. (Bob) Erickson
(curious thing about this spew, it keeps disappearing into the bit 
bucket, I know its raw verbiage, but is it so incoherent it 
self-destructs? -bob)

Process and perception

This capacity for making high order discriminations about relationships
between objects in our world, can be taken as the proper function of our
cognitive competency. The attribute of intentionality, to this way of
thinking, is best understood as work product of a discrete sub-module
of our brain.
We infer agency from our observations. What is agency? Well first and
foremost, it is that which is recognizable to the competencies in
process, that form these judgments.
Does this sound circular? Surely it is circular in a crucial sense. All
that we know comes to our attention as the work product of process in
various competencies. Ultimately the authority of  these high order
discriminations comes not from a judgment about the correlation between
our perceptions and the state of the objective world, but instead from
their immediacy. This is to say that we do not perceive and then make
judgments, our first awareness of every thing  is located in the
moment that the competent module forms some thing out of the possibilities.
These awareness's are not in the semantic domain. Our knowing of
particular attributes precedes the semantic transform that tags and
packages up insights, for storage and shipping. We know what we know and
we apologize for not being able to convey this knowing more effectively.
That we are able to communicate at all, is a testament to the power of
trial and error and the phenomenal similarity of our minds. This
similarity is not accidental. Even as each person is an absolutely
unique instance of humanity, what we are, is the embodiment of a
phenomenally complex tangle of historical accomplishments that is
fundamentally common to us all.
Creativity emerges via the capacity/ability to merge contexts

Biological instrumentality:
The complex objects of our knowings come to our awareness as
circumstances demand, literally selected by their features. Apprehension
of the world via a sophisticatedly evolved biological instrumentality is
an entropy hack. Life is the opportunistic bloom of a viral exploitation
of regularity in the universe.

In the beginning there was sequence, and it begat pattern and context
space. Within every context space there is a tree of combinatorial
consequences some leaves of which are potentially lucky. Blind evolution
isn't trial and error testing of mistakes (mutations), it is the random
testing of legal combinations

So who set up the game, where did the rules come from, and the design

The dynamic core of our consciousness consists of transient alignments
of Feature Value - Action loops that compete for selection in a
flicker-dance-sort of associations and sensory stimuli.

Perception is a physics hack. Timing is everything. Three dimensionality
is accessible to us via  a cross mapping within the temporal manifold.
Propagation of coherent correlations between map-mapped sheets of
neurons act as a massively parallel delay line with multiple taps.
Because both spatial and temporal coherence is preserved, the network
sorts up the objects of perception and tracks them real time. Reality is
best fit. Misperceptions happen, but its better than being blind.

Our competency at this is not postulated, it is stipulated that the high
order discriminations we perceive as qualia are exactly as amazing as
the incredible complexity of the neurological stack that gives us them.
Intentionality is an emergent design goal in secondary consciousness.
(before getting upset about intentional language, remember that it works
because reality fits.)

Phenomenal transform is a semantic label for a context shift. If you
insist on thinking of it as a happening, what's happening is that we
find ourselves switching lexicons when we discuss certain things. Its
not a description of a change of state in the object, it is a handle for
referring to a pragmatic feature of discourse about it.

The important thing to realize is that this sorting out of the features
of the objects of our perception usually is done before we are aware of
the process, but this does not mean that the process is different for
hard discriminations, just that they are taking longer than the ~400ms
self context loop, that feeds a product of the net's immediate state
back into itself. Think convolving and converging. Discrimination occurs
opportunistically, our competencies do not require conscious attention.
In the formation of PV Action loops each project become one of the
factions in our interior parliament.

We have lots of timing to tap. Response times, flicker fusion times,
saccades, pulse, peristalsis, menstruation. The royal road to cognitive
illumination is the path of chronus.
me, I'm just a lawn mower

Re: tangled context probe

2004-12-11 Thread R.W. (Bob) Erickson
Tyler Durden wrote:
As to the crypto relevance: context Arranged signals can be anything 
at all. If you don't share the context of the communicators, you have 
no idea what they  convey in their conversation about the whether.

That's a stretch. Soon you'll say that Post-modernist literary theory 
is Cypherpunkish content because it deals with 'context'.

I suggest you take up your theories with Mr Choate and the Dallas 
Cypherpunk(s). In that 'context' your posts will appear lucid.

No,  all that european bs is only relevent because it adds to the 
piling  evidence of irrationality.
Whats the connect between irrationality an C-punks?
Well aside from colorful characters
its also key to any understanding of the minimum mass mind.
There are policy implications inherent in innate incomplitence and 

There are also important ecconomic understandings
that hinge upon understanding irrational choices
c.f hyperbolic discounting, aka matching theory.
There are also techie implications:
The human semantic competency is hackable

Re: tangled context probe

2004-12-11 Thread Tyler Durden
As to the crypto relevance: context Arranged signals can be anything at 
all. If you don't share the context of the communicators, you have no idea 
what they  convey in their conversation about the whether.
That's a stretch. Soon you'll say that Post-modernist literary theory is 
Cypherpunkish content because it deals with 'context'.

I suggest you take up your theories with Mr Choate and the Dallas 
Cypherpunk(s). In that 'context' your posts will appear lucid.


From: R.W. (Bob) Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Roy M. Silvernail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: tangled context probe
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 11:29:21 -0500
Roy M. Silvernail wrote:
R.W. (Bob) Erickson wrote:
(curious thing about this spew, it keeps disappearing into the bit 

Yawn.  Roboposting this babble doesn't really increase its chances of 
getting read.  I work through JY because I know there's uranium in that 
ore.  But I'm about 2 posts away from ensconcing RWBE in my procmail 
file next to TM, choate and proffr.
OK, it was just an unknown context for me..
My sincere apologies for subjecting you to a decrease in signal to noise.
I know that I have to work on my presentation.
Without sufficient introduction  anything new is indistinguishable from 
cracked pottery.

The synthetic perspective I am toying with is built upon some premises from 
In my opinion there are real strategic implications in the modern 
scientific perception of the individual as a tangle of competing  
Self interest is one of given principles.
In so far as the self is a personal mythology,
and the irrationality of sheep hood is built in,
I think three could be policy implications.

As to the crypto relevance: context
Arranged signals can be anything at all.
If you don't share the context of the communicators,
you have no idea what they  convey
in their conversation about the whether.
Once again, I plead stupidity for the duplicates
I will do penance

Re: tangled context probe

2004-12-11 Thread R.W. (Bob) Erickson
Roy M. Silvernail wrote:
R.W. (Bob) Erickson wrote:
(curious thing about this spew, it keeps disappearing into the bit 

Yawn.  Roboposting this babble doesn't really increase its chances of 
getting read.  I work through JY because I know there's uranium in 
that ore.  But I'm about 2 posts away from ensconcing RWBE in my 
procmail file next to TM, choate and proffr.
OK, it was just an unknown context for me..
My sincere apologies for subjecting you to a decrease in signal to noise.
I know that I have to work on my presentation.
Without sufficient introduction  anything new is indistinguishable from 
cracked pottery.

The synthetic perspective I am toying with is built upon some premises 
from cogsci
In my opinion there are real strategic implications in the modern 
scientific perception of the individual as a tangle of competing  interests.
Self interest is one of given principles.
In so far as the self is a personal mythology,
and the irrationality of sheep hood is built in,
I think three could be policy implications.

As to the crypto relevance: context
Arranged signals can be anything at all.
If you don't share the context of the communicators,
you have no idea what they  convey
in their conversation about the whether.
Once again, I plead stupidity for the duplicates
I will do penance