Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 01:34:22PM -0500, Mark Mealman wrote:
> > First things first.  Let's get potato released, and then get pools and 
> > flavors implemented before we try to release woody.
> I'm all for that if you think the pools idea has any chance of being
> implented in our lifetime.

I recall reading that it was being prototyped on lully...but lully is
currently waiting for some replacement hardware.


craig sanders

Re: An advise how to apply for the TkMan author to change his license.

2000-03-15 Thread Shaul Karl
> On Wed, Mar 08, 2000 at 03:18:47AM +0200, Shaul Karl wrote:
> > [22:42:00 src]$ tail -n 9 tkman-2.1b4/README-tkman 
> > 
> > Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
> > documentation for documentation for any purpose, without fee, and
> > without a written agreement is hereby granted.  This software is
> > provided on as "as is" basis, without any warranty whatsoever.
> "documentation for documentation for" looks like a classic typo
> (where the typist loses track of what's been typed and types a
> phrase twice).
> If that's the case it should be a trivial fix.

The situation is that I am trying to maintain TkMan while applying to be a 
debian maintainer. The new TkMan license is stated above. Yet as far as I 
understand this license is not enough for asking to get TkMan into main since 
TkMan depends on rman which is in non-free.
It's been more then a week when I posted my message but "Stephen M. Moraco" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, the debian maintainer of rman did not reply me. Should I 
wait more? Should I email him my message again? Is that because I am not a 
debian maintainer?
I am considering approaching the author again, this time about rman. I already 
approached him about TkMan and he seems to be most cooperative. Suppose I was 
a debian maintainer, is it ethical of me to approach the upstream author about 
a package that I do not maintain claiming that one of my motivations is the 
desire to put TkMan into debian's main pool? Are there any other reasons why I 
should not
approach him?

An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I am going to attempt to install Potato over a
28.8/56k modem.  I have downloaded and 'burned' all 15
floppies needed for the basic system, and will install
that first.  Then I will set up PPP, and fire up
dselect (apt method).  I have already done this at
work (but on a T1->lan->proxy setup).

  I expect that the process will take several
'over-night' runs.  You don't need to download 650mb
worth of stuff, I suspect that for a typical debian
install < 100mb of 'stuff' actually is needed to be
downloaded.  There are a LOT of functionaly duplicate
packages, little used packages, and source packages on
the CD's that few people make use of.  That's why many
of the books can come with Debian on a single CD, they
have prunned out the stuff that most people won't use
leaving a still very functional representation of

In my case my dialup connection is a local call
(basicly free) and $19.95 a month (for up to something
like 250hrs) for the isp.  This is probably typical
for the average US user, I realize that in Europe and
elsewhere you are probably paying more.  I am still
waiting on GD Flashcom to get my IDSL connection
working, I had hoped it would be up by the time Potato
was frozen but I will try the modem method meantime. 
Others have told me that they installed Debian this
way, so I will try it at least once.
>Steve Greenland wrote:
>> There is nothing stopping anyone from making
>>snapshot releases of
>> unstable. Mirror the archive. Burn a CD. Done.
>>That's what a snapshot
>> is.

>As one of the many people who does not have cheap,
>fast, reliable
>internet access, I would like to say that for me
to>>> >mirror 650 MB
>of debian and burn a CD of it would cost around $130
>in charges 
>and 2 and a half days of straight downloading if I
was >lucky. 
>Probably much longer. 

>So I'd like snapshots, but really I run stable run
>until the
>moment frozen becomes stable at which I can get a CD
>on which
>everything has a good chance of working, because if
>breaks I'm pretty much stuffed.


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Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Joseph Carter
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 03:17:09PM -0500, Ed Szynaka wrote:
> Well say that there are 3 releases a year.  That gives say 3 months for
> devel.  With a freeze scheduled to start at the beginning of the 4th
> month and a stable release at the end of a month of freeze.  I think
> that even the most drastic changes can be worked out in the course of 4
> months.  Now if something _can't_ be completed in that time frame just
> postpone it until the next freeze.  Since the next stable would only be
> 4 months off the penalty for not making it into the stable isn't that
> severe.

I hate to be overly harsh, but you I haven't seen around much before this
thread.  As such, I'm going to assume that you haven't been around very
long as far as following this list.  Anybody who has been around awhile
can tell you that people just like you (and even a large segment of the
existing developer base) says every single release that we need to freeze
sooner and release more often---however pools will only complicate things
and make it harder.

Well uh, here's where the above "you don't know what you're talking about
yet because you're still new" angle comes in...  We've tried it.  We tried
it with hamm, slink, and now with potato.  Freeze as soon as someone
thinks it can be released in a few weeks DOES NOT mean it can be done in a
few weeks.  Freeze early doesn't mean a sooner release, it just means a
more stale release faster.

The pool solution is more complex.  It requires that we constantly
maintain two trees, plus a pool of unstable packages that just never
really get released as a whole.  A package does not become a release
candidate until it's ready to become so.

Sure that means more overhead on a package to determine whether or not it
is going to be released.  It also makes it harder for Debian to ship with
every single piece of free software that doesn't guaranteed pull the
system down to its knees.  It also means per developerer there is more
time required to maintain ones packages properly (though I would argue
that unless your name is Joey Hess the extra time required is not terribly

What does this gain us though?  For all these disadvantages, what's it
really worth?  A distribution that is maintained in the near-release state
that we CAN simply release any time we feel it is necessary.  It's also
easier to update than the current system which involves releasing security
revisions to stable.

Not only this but it is easier to make upgrades because they would happen
more often and be more upgrade than the current complete new OS scenerio.

We're running out of options because freeze early doesn't work.  The other
two options are the dist and a half (which was done for slink by Joey Hess
and Shaleh.) As it turns out, the pools system allows us to have more of a
real upgrade.  The dist and a half system allows us to have a more focused
upgrade.  Which is more beneficial to our users?  Both can be done in a
matter of a couple of weeks.  Both are actual versioned releases.  The
pools have more overhead, but they provide a real upgrade rather than just
the dist with a few big notables like kernel, X, and Apache.

IMO, dist and a half is mostly fluff as far as press releases go.  potato
and a half would be a potato dist with a 2.4 kernel, possibly some new X
stuff if it can be done and a new apache.  It's still out of date potato
otherwise.  I want a REAL upgrade!

> With only the 3 months of changes I don't think that a freeze will take
> as long as it has with a 6 or even 12 month devel cycle.

As I said, you haven't been around much yet have you?

Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   GnuPG key 1024D/DCF9DAB3
Debian GNU/Linux ( 20F6 2261 F185 7A3E 79FC
The QuakeForge Project (   44F9 8FF7 D7A3 DCF9 DAB3

First off - Quake is simply incredible. It lets you repeatedly kill your
boss in the office without being arrested. :)
-- Signal 11, in a slashdot comment

Re: Bug#58174

2000-03-15 Thread Jean-Philippe Guérard
Le 2000-03-14 17:57:30 +0100, Michael Meskes écrivait :
> This bug is listed as important bug against metamail. I do wonder though if
> it is important enough to warrant a removal. This bug has been reported
> against mime-support originally. Since no bug in mime-support was found it
> was re-assigned to metamail. The bug log says:
> I've looked at the mailcap file and can't find any reason there why
> there would be a problem.  My guess is that it's metamail, but I
> don't know why.
> So this does not exactly mean that there is an important bug in metamail.
> And then there's the following report:
> I wasn't able to reproduce this bug. Both the slink and potato
> versions of mime-support and metamail worked fine:
> ...
> I don't think bugs like this should slow down our release cycle at all. IMO
> this bug should be downgraded to normal.
> Comments anyone?

I filed this bug report. And I probably shall be punished for it :-)
This is probably the worst one I ever did !

There is no bug. I simply forgot the "-b" option in metamail...

metamail was trying to get a header and not finding it.

This bug report should be closed, and (hopefully) forgotten
as soon as it can be.


Jean-Philippe Guérard

Re: Permission policy

2000-03-15 Thread Martin Waitz

> The program needs rx-permissions for a device belonging to the
> cdrom group and rw-permissions for a device belonging to the
> audio group.
> Any ideas?
users using your program and thus being able to access the
sound / cdrom hardware should be in the cdrom+audio group
for themself

its not your programs task to gain access, it should
already be provided by the calling process.

you could print a message that the user should ask the
sysadmin to add them to these groups if your open-call

CU,   / Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen, Germany
Martin Waitz//  [Tali on IRCnet]  [] _
__/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ///
dies ist eine manuell generierte mail, sie beinhaltet//
tippfehler und ist auch ohne grossbuchstaben gueltig.   /

Description: PGP signature

Re: realplayer installer and frozen

2000-03-15 Thread Jordi
On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 07:09:31PM -0800, Joey Hess wrote:
> Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> > I agree with Branden: remove the installer from potato.
> The problem that I forgot to mention is that anyone who upgrades from slink
> to potato w/o upgrading realplayer, and had realplayer installed via the
> installer in slink, is going to find that the old realplayer they have
> installed realplayer no longer works. Library incompatabilities of some
> kind cause it to crash.

I see an empty package which uninstalls the previous version with a Cool,
Blue debconf dialog: "Hey, blame Real!" here.
Of course, a preinstallation dialog like "This crap is unsupported by
Debian now. If you want it, paste this url on your wget.\nOr you can keep it
and play with the funny segfaults."

Is this ok?

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || Rediscovering Freedom,
ka Oskuro in RL-MUD || [EMAIL PROTECTED]|| Using Debian GNU/Linux  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Michael Stone
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 03:27:18PM -0500, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Ed Szynaka wrote:
> > > How does this account for drastic changes to something like libc that
> > > might take weeks or months to shake out?
> Build daemons could take care of the 90% or so of packages that would just
> need a recompile.

That ignores the arguments over what needs to be recompiled, the time
needed to discover problems, the time needed to make the compilations
work, etc. Build daemons are not omnipotent. (Otherwise they'd be build
deities...I digress.)

Mike Stone

Description: PGP signature

Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 15:06:57 -0500, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
> A possibly naive question:  apt-get will refuse to install packages if
> their dependencies aren't met.  Why can't dinstall do the same?

It could do so.

> It wouldn't help with out and out buggy programs but at least it would
> catch dependency problems.

It would catch problems with the dependencies a package declares. But it's
no substitite for integration testing, part of which checks that the
declared dependencies of a package accurately reflect the real dependencies.

LEADERSHIP  A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with auto-
destructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it comes to the crunch 
it'll be someone else's bones which go crack and not their own.   
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan

Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Michael Stone
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 03:17:09PM -0500, Ed Szynaka wrote:
> > On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 02:36:47PM -0500, Ed Szynaka wrote:
> > How does this account for drastic changes to something like libc that
> > might take weeks or months to shake out?
> Well say that there are 3 releases a year.  That gives say 3 months for
> devel.  With a freeze scheduled to start at the beginning of the 4th
> month and a stable release at the end of a month of freeze.  I think
> that even the most drastic changes can be worked out in the course of 4
> months.  

That assumes that the change is made at the beginning of the devel
period. That never seems to happen. People *always* hold something until
just before the freeze. 

> Now if something _can't_ be completed in that time frame just
> postpone it until the next freeze.

Once it's in, it seems to be really hard to remove/postpone it. If we
change that, then releases will fall into place without discussions of
arbitrary time cycles. If we don't change that, then the short cycles
are no more enforcable than what we have now. Drawing up new plans
without addressing the cultural issues behind this are a waste of time.
(Does anyone remember pushing back the freeze because people wouldn't be
able to work on it over the holidays? Does that seem like a good idea in

Mike Stone

Description: PGP signature

Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Ed Szynaka wrote:

> > > The problem that I see is that there is too much time between stable
> > > releases.  I think that shorter and much more regular time periods
> > > between freezes is necessary.  By fixing the number and date of freezes,
> > > with say three or four a year, and letting everyone know long in advance
> > > of the freeze it would allow developers to schedule when all bugs must
> > > be removed by.  Also the fact that the time period would be much shorter
> > > would make changes between stable versions less drastic and therefore
> > > easier to handle.
> > 
> > How does this account for drastic changes to something like libc that
> > might take weeks or months to shake out?

Build daemons could take care of the 90% or so of packages that would just
need a recompile.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: realplayer installer and frozen

2000-03-15 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 01:00:59AM -0500, Alex Yukhimets wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 07:09:31PM -0800, Joey Hess wrote:
> > Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> > > I agree with Branden: remove the installer from potato.
> > 
> > The problem that I forgot to mention is that anyone who upgrades from slink
> > to potato w/o upgrading realplayer, and had realplayer installed via the
> > installer in slink, is going to find that the old realplayer they have
> > installed realplayer no longer works. Library incompatabilities of some
> > kind cause it to crash.
> I would definitely put new realplayer installer package in potato.
> At least this would be a big favor to our users.

I tried the woody installer on a potato system.  It installed
realplayer, but it doesn't seem to work.  No messages or core
dump--nothing happens. I also tried installing the tarball and
installing the .deb created by running alien on the .rpm, with the same
results, so it would appear that the installer is not the problem.

On the other hand, the old realplayer worked just fine for me in
potato.  Unfortunately there does not appear to be any way to get it

Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985  SOC #77

Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Lalo Martins
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 03:06:57PM -0500, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
> > But it won't. This approach ignores the fact that "stability" is a property
> > of a release as a whole (the set of packages and their interdependencies,
> > ISOs, boot floppies and the upgrade path from the previous release) rather
> > than the sum of the stability of individual packages.
> A possibly naive question:  apt-get will refuse to install packages if
> their dependencies aren't met.  Why can't dinstall do the same?  It would
> put any newly uploaded package in a waiting queue until all its
> dependencies were met.  It wouldn't help with out and out buggy programs
> but at least it would catch dependency problems.

Yes, such a queue was part of the "incremental release process"
proposal (which people then told me shouldn't have been
proposed, and is now being more-or-less implemented by someone
with no developer feedback at all). It's not hard to implement.
Search the archives for the proposal if you want details.

  Hack and Roll  ( )
News for, uh, whatever it is that we are.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the personal page

Debian GNU/Linux---
Brazil of Darkness---

Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Ed Szynaka
> On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 02:36:47PM -0500, Ed Szynaka wrote:
> > The problem that I see is that there is too much time between stable
> > releases.  I think that shorter and much more regular time periods
> > between freezes is necessary.  By fixing the number and date of freezes,
> > with say three or four a year, and letting everyone know long in advance
> > of the freeze it would allow developers to schedule when all bugs must
> > be removed by.  Also the fact that the time period would be much shorter
> > would make changes between stable versions less drastic and therefore
> > easier to handle.
> How does this account for drastic changes to something like libc that
> might take weeks or months to shake out?

Well say that there are 3 releases a year.  That gives say 3 months for
devel.  With a freeze scheduled to start at the beginning of the 4th
month and a stable release at the end of a month of freeze.  I think
that even the most drastic changes can be worked out in the course of 4
months.  Now if something _can't_ be completed in that time frame just
postpone it until the next freeze.  Since the next stable would only be
4 months off the penalty for not making it into the stable isn't that

With only the 3 months of changes I don't think that a freeze will take
as long as it has with a 6 or even 12 month devel cycle.


Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:

> But it won't. This approach ignores the fact that "stability" is a property
> of a release as a whole (the set of packages and their interdependencies,
> ISOs, boot floppies and the upgrade path from the previous release) rather
> than the sum of the stability of individual packages.

A possibly naive question:  apt-get will refuse to install packages if
their dependencies aren't met.  Why can't dinstall do the same?  It would
put any newly uploaded package in a waiting queue until all its
dependencies were met.  It wouldn't help with out and out buggy programs
but at least it would catch dependency problems.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 14:12:49 -0500, Jacob Kuntz wrote:
> try this hypothetical release method out:
> there are two trees. let's call them devel and production. debian saavy
> folks (maintainers) run devel. new packages are uploaded to devel where
> they are tested extensivly. when a package has been in devel for more than
> (for instance) two weeks, and it has no release critical and few important
> bugs, it graduates into production.
> the production branch should always work.

But it won't. This approach ignores the fact that "stability" is a property
of a release as a whole (the set of packages and their interdependencies,
ISOs, boot floppies and the upgrade path from the previous release) rather
than the sum of the stability of individual packages.

ART  A friend of mine in Tulsa, Okla., when I was about eleven years old. 
I'd be interested to hear from him. There are so many pseudos around taking 
his name in vain. 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread John Galt

I'll believe it when I see a newly minted developer.  It never should have
been closed in the first place, so therefore I see the fact that it HAD to
be opened as doubt-inspiring as to whether there will ever be a newly
minted developer.  Until I see a working new-developers mechanism, I see  
complaints about lack of manpower as rhetorical at best, hypocritical at

On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Ben Collins wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 03:24:29AM -0700, John Galt wrote:
> > On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Ben Collins wrote:
> > 
> >  
> > > First of all, you need to check your numbers. Last I checked there were
> > > ~350 official developers in the keyring. Right, so this proves my point in
> > > that we should encourage developers to put a priority on frozen and the
> > > next release cycle. And please stop refering to stable. That is not my
> > > main concern here, and I never brought it into this conversation.
> > 
> > No, that means you should OPEN NEW-DEVELOPERS!  Jesus!  On the one
> > hand I hear all of these complaints about not having enough help and the
> > other hand is flipping a big 'ol bird at anyone who's offering to help.
> > The only way I see new manpower being added to Debian ATM is cloning, and
> > I'm kind of hoping nobody in Debian qualifies as sheep or pigs.
> > 
> New Maintainer is OPEN. They posted a call for applications from currently
> sponsored developers last week. This means that people who are currently
> helping via the sponorship program are going to get in quite quickly.
> IMNHO, this is exactly the right thing to do. People who have shown that
> they are willing to contribute, even if it means waiting, have shown they
> have what it takes to become a developer.
> -- 
>  ---===-=-==-=---==-=--
> /  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \
>  `---=--===-=-=-=-===-==---=--=---'

Sacred cows make the best burgers

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!!!

Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Michael Stone
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 02:36:47PM -0500, Ed Szynaka wrote:
> The problem that I see is that there is too much time between stable
> releases.  I think that shorter and much more regular time periods
> between freezes is necessary.  By fixing the number and date of freezes,
> with say three or four a year, and letting everyone know long in advance
> of the freeze it would allow developers to schedule when all bugs must
> be removed by.  Also the fact that the time period would be much shorter
> would make changes between stable versions less drastic and therefore
> easier to handle.

How does this account for drastic changes to something like libc that
might take weeks or months to shake out?

Mike Stone

Description: PGP signature

Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Ed Szynaka
I really don't think that a "progressive" branch is necessary.  The
problems involved in keeping track of three branches at one time and
trying to keep version dependencies in order between branches would far
out weigh any benefit that would be created by such a branch.  IMHO the
structure (stable, frozen, unstable) is more than adequate.

The problem that I see is that there is too much time between stable
releases.  I think that shorter and much more regular time periods
between freezes is necessary.  By fixing the number and date of freezes,
with say three or four a year, and letting everyone know long in advance
of the freeze it would allow developers to schedule when all bugs must
be removed by.  Also the fact that the time period would be much shorter
would make changes between stable versions less drastic and therefore
easier to handle.


"Bernhard R. Link" wrote:
> After reading this nice diskussion with all it's aspects, I want to
> complete the mess and suggest a "distribution" called
> e.g. "progressive" beetween stable(frozen) and unstable.
> As I understood the problem, at the moment, only the stable
> distribution is able to be distributed, while the unstable branch is to
> unstable and there's no distrubution in between. (To simplify I count the
> frozen as stable short before release here.)
> When potate becomes stable, a branch called e.g. "progressive" could be
> created between the branches "stable" and "unstable". This branch (sorry
> for using this term, but I don't like distribution so much) would start
> with the modules from stable and subsets of unstable would be added, if
> they are usable. The term subset I use for  packages that contain together
> like one ore more basis packages (libc,xfree,perl,... or just something
> like emacs) and those packages depending on this basis package. (Note that
> I mean basis as basis of dependencies not basis of the whole or larger
> parts of distribution)  And usable shell mean, that this package can be
> used for average use without the need of Debian-like-tability.
> With the next freeze, this "progressive" branch could be copied to
> "froozen" and new useable packaged from unstable would go to
> "progressive", while those in frozen are kept and only made more
> stable.
> Doing this there would be a distribution in between, where new versions of
> products can reside and easily be used. Someone should be easily use a
> snapshot of progressive at an good moment to form a not-so-stable but
> up-to-date unofficial release, which could also be called less inoffical,
> if there is a common will for this.
> Though some advantages this would cause at least two problems:
> On the one hand this proposal would prohibit the current way of
> naming, because with any release a new distribution is created beetween
> stable and unstable, so some branch would change name and the old name
> would be used for a possibly totally other branch. So unstable( and
> perhaps progressive) had to be without name and just be "unstable".
> This coresponds to the loss of a cycle for the whole
> distribution. Changes would start in unstable and go through the phases of
> unstable, progessive and froozen before they become stable.
> On the other hand would this proposal multiply the number of branches to
> up to four when there will be the next freeze and
> stable,frozen,progressive and unstable beeing all together. This made me
> the most headacke, but I think it's not so much of a problem, as many work
> to make the frozen version of his package will seriously prevent him from
> working so much on the unstable version, that this could become
> "usable". So most packages would be either the same in frozen and
> progressive or they would be same in progressive and unstable.
> Hochachtungsvoll,
>   Bernhard R. Link
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread sterwill
Jacob Kuntz wrote:
> the production branch should always work. a system could be put in place
> where you could always get an iso image of the production branch that is
> recent to within a few days. i imagine that we would need to get pools in
> place before we could even attempt this. this type of system could probably
> work along side of whatever else we decide to to about release cycles.

This "production" branch presents a few problems to package maintainers
unless some extra procedure is detailed.  If the packages are being
constantly updated, and a library (a dependency of package "foo", which
I package) is changed so that it is no longer link-compatable with "foo",
I have to rebuild and upload "foo."  While this would not normally be
a problem, say I'm working on "foo2" in the "devel" branch.  With
Debian's current "stable" / "unstable", I only have to worry about building
packages against "unstable" (while I'm adding more features, fixing
bugs, etc.).  With "production" / "devel", I would need to track two
branches.  As it is now, I can pretty much leave "foo" in "stable" and
not touch it (unless someone discovers security problems, etc.).

This message wasn't really intended as a critique of your idea,
Jacob.  Rather, I wanted to take a little time to ask the Debian community
to pay attention to what the FreeBSD guys do with their distributions.
Please don't immitate FreeBSD's release practices.

The FreeBSD guys tag a release "RELEASE" when they feel it's ready for
lots of people to download, compile, and use.  The "RELEASE" branch 
is usually of very high quality, but like all software, it has problems.
Instead of continually releasing new "RELEASE" branches, they have a 
"CURRENT" branch of their distribution.  This branch is the "RELEASE"
branch plus fixes to things that had problems in the original release.
So far, this plan works very well. 

Now comes the tricky part.  FreeBSD offers a "STABLE" branch which is 
usually anything BUT stable.  I followed this branch on two machines
(just a few months ago), and I was subscribed to the "STABLE" mailing
lists.  "STABLE" is similar to what Jacob calls "production".  The
FreeBSD handbook (at

   If you are a commercial user or someone who puts maximum stability 
   of their FreeBSD system before all other concerns, you should consider 
   tracking stable. This is especially true if you have installed the 
   most recent release (3.4-RELEASE at the time of this writing) since 
   the stable branch is effectively a bug-fix stream relative to the  
   previous release. 

"STABLE" breaks just about every day (a cvsup to their source trees and
a "make world" will fail).  Sometimes you can build a kernel that
does very odd things (a friend of mine built a "STABLE" kernel off the
recent RELENG3 tree, and the first time his machines would run out of
RAM, they would handle the situation (killing the offending process),
but the second time, it refused to allow any more malloc() until the
kernel gave out).  Of course one could choose to not continually 
update and build from the "STABLE" tree, but then what's the use of
having updated code?

Picking on FreeBSD's kernel probably isn't the best way to make
a point about Debian's packaging policies, so here's my simple

Keep the "stable" and "unstable" (with the "frozen" step towards
releases), but release more often.  A year between releases is
very painful, when I need to install somewhat recent software on 
a new host.  Maybe double the release rate (aim for once every 6 months)?

Shaw Terwilliger

Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Jacob Kuntz
i have seen a lot of discussion about a distribution half way between stable
and unstable. on the surface that sounds like exactly what we need, but at
least one person pointed out that this is not the way to manage a project
with hundreds of developers working against hundreds of seperate releases
cycles. i wish i could remember who said that first, you really hit the nail
on the head.

the deadline-based release cycle may work great for commercial projects, but
quite possibly not for projects like Debian. i think we need something a
little more organic. try this hypothetical release method out:

there are two trees. let's call them devel and production. debian saavy
folks (maintainers) run devel. new packages are uploaded to devel where they
are tested extensivly. when a package has been in devel for more than (for
instance) two weeks, and it has no release critical and few important bugs,
it graduates into production.

the production branch should always work. a system could be put in place
where you could always get an iso image of the production branch that is
recent to within a few days. i imagine that we would need to get pools in
place before we could even attempt this. this type of system could probably
work along side of whatever else we decide to to about release cycles.

(jacob kuntz)[EMAIL PROTECTED],underworld}.net [EMAIL 
(megabite systems) "think free speech, not free beer." (gnu foundataion)

Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Mark Mealman
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> > After reading this nice diskussion with all it's aspects, I want to
> > complete the mess and suggest a "distribution" called
> > e.g. "progressive" beetween stable(frozen) and unstable.
> I gather you haven't read the discussion of package pools in the archive?
> First things first.  Let's get potato released, and then get pools and 
> flavors implemented before we try to release woody.

I'm all for that if you think the pools idea has any chance of being implented 
in our lifetime.

A really simple way of handling a "progressive" distribution would be to mutate 

After potato ships have frozen become thaw. Thaw would be unstable except there 
is a lag time between .debs hitting unstable and migrating to thaw. This lag 
time should be long enough to catch any critical bugs where we could tag the 
package from moving into thaw until those bugs are fixed.

When a new stable is ready to be shipped out we'd simply "freeze" the thaw and 
prod the developers to fix thier critical bugs.

What problems would the above cause?

Could we code around issues like say php xx.3 requiring apache xx.3 and apache 
not hitting thaw due to a crit bug? The system would need to know to keep php 
xx.3 out until apache become thawable.


Re: Apt-Problem

2000-03-15 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Andreas Tille wrote:

> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> The following NEW packages will be installed:
>   libtool
> 0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 13 not upgraded.
> Need to get 177kB of archives. After unpacking 681kB will be used.
> Get:1 potato/main libtool 1.3.3-9 [177kB]
> Failed to fetch 
>   Size mismatch
> E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe try with --fix-missing?

This means your mirror is broken, try another site.


Re: Embedded(/RT) Debian? Embeddian GNU/Linux?

2000-03-15 Thread Joe Block
Andreas Schuldei wrote:
> In fact I am working on an minimal debian (-based) system.
> I am building an embedded system which tries to be as small as possible.
> I started with the linux router project, took some parts from the
> bootfloppys and wrote some Makefiles to take essential Binaries etc out
> of my running potato.
> Right now (since half an hour) I have a 2.2.14 kernel, glibc-2.1.3,
> busybox plus some other stuff in 1382 Kbytes (unpacked) in the ramdisk.
> (this does not count the kernel, of cause.
> It is booted from floppy, where it takes 905 kbyte alltogether.
> It should be easyly adaptable and is modular by design (like lrp is).

I'm interested.  I'd like to be able to make a boot disk with ntfs &
vfat support so I can use it as a rescue disk for hosed windows boxes.

Ideally, I'd like to see a shell script that asks what network card the
target box uses and creates a new rescue floppy with just that module.

CREOL System Administrator

Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.

Embedded(/RT) Debian? Embeddian GNU/Linux?

2000-03-15 Thread Andreas Schuldei
My first mail seems to got lost. excuse me if this turns up twice.

In fact I am working on an minimal debian (-based) system.

I am building an embedded system which tries to be as small as possible.
I started with the linux router project, took some parts from the
bootfloppys and wrote some Makefiles to take essential Binaries etc out
of my running potato.

Right now (since half an hour) I have a 2.2.14 kernel, glibc-2.1.3,
busybox plus some other stuff in 1382 Kbytes (unpacked) in the ramdisk.
(this does not count the kernel, of cause.

It is booted from floppy, where it takes 905 kbyte alltogether.

It should be easyly adaptable and is modular by design (like lrp is).

Anyone intersted should get back to me. I would be glad to cooperate. It
is gpl, of cause.

I am not on this list, so please reply to me privatly, too.

Re: priority of x-window-manager

2000-03-15 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 09:04:47PM +0900, Changwoo Ryu wrote:
> You misunderstood "i18n" as just the translation support (and "l10n"
> as the translations).  Translation is just a category of i18n.
> Atsuhito means i18n for the correct character displaying.
> Korean (and maybe Japanese) X users often see the Netscape titlebar
> incorrectly displays Korean web page title.  Many of the window
> managers still don't care about this and just draw the raw string with
> XDrawString().  The correct behavior is decoding the received compound
> strings and drawing the decoded ones with XmbDrawString().

Thanks for the clarification.

I'm willing to support such a priority increase now; but first, please come
up with a list of specific things that a window manager needs to do.

We can't just say "add 10 points if the window manager is
internationalized" without telling the possible thick-headed American
package maintainer how to determine whether it is or not.  :)

One item would obviously be:
  + The window manager should use XmbDrawString() instead of XDrawString()
for non-error/non-diagnostic text output.

Please come up with more, if there are any, and I'd be happy to make a new
policy proposal incorporating your suggestions.

G. Branden Robinson|  I've made up my mind.  Don't try to
Debian GNU/Linux   |  confuse me with the facts.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |  -- Indiana Senator Earl Landgrebe |

Description: PGP signature

Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Bdale Garbee
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:

> After reading this nice diskussion with all it's aspects, I want to
> complete the mess and suggest a "distribution" called
> e.g. "progressive" beetween stable(frozen) and unstable.

I gather you haven't read the discussion of package pools in the archive?

First things first.  Let's get potato released, and then get pools and 
flavors implemented before we try to release woody.


Re: A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread bug1
"Bernhard R. Link" wrote:
> After reading this nice diskussion with all it's aspects, I want to
> complete the mess and suggest a "distribution" called
> e.g. "progressive" beetween stable(frozen) and unstable.
> As I understood the problem, at the moment, only the stable
> distribution is able to be distributed, while the unstable branch is to
> unstable and there's no distrubution in between. (To simplify I count the
> frozen as stable short before release here.)
> When potate becomes stable, a branch called e.g. "progressive" could be
> created between the branches "stable" and "unstable". This branch (sorry
> for using this term, but I don't like distribution so much) would start
> with the modules from stable and subsets of unstable would be added, if
> they are usable. The term subset I use for  packages that contain together
> like one ore more basis packages (libc,xfree,perl,... or just something
> like emacs) and those packages depending on this basis package. (Note that
> I mean basis as basis of dependencies not basis of the whole or larger
> parts of distribution)  And usable shell mean, that this package can be
> used for average use without the need of Debian-like-tability.
Do you mean like, Slink 2.1 r1, 3.1r2, 2.1r3, 2.1r4 ?

Id like to see a rolling stable release, where unstable package have to
meet a certain pre-defined criteria before they can be considered
Like to be stable, a package must not have any rc bugs, or have any rc
bugs in its dependencies.
It would also have to be exposed to the masses for a certain period of
time in unstable before being considered for stable.
This type of arangment could be automated prety well, it would depend on
people reporting bugs and would place extra strain on bug tracking, but
i think it would be easier than trying to get all the latest versions of
each package bug free at one point in time. 

A "rolling" stable release such as this may well scale better than the
traditional release model.

Just a thought

Glenn McGrath

Re: Embedded(/RT) Debian? Embeddian GNU/Linux?

2000-03-15 Thread Bdale Garbee
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:

> does anybody know, wether there are ideas or plans to make
> an Debian GNU/Linux especially for embedded and/or realtime
> systems, i.e. "Embedian GNU/Linux"? 

The problem is that "embedded" covers such a huge range these days.  I've
built several embedded systems using Pentium motherboards and smallish units
of compact flash for disk... but I've seen systems with large disks described
as embedded based on what they were doing.

The way I've handled this, and the way I think others I've talked with on IRC
have been handling it, is to in effect build a subsetting tool.  You install
into a spare partition or something the packages you want, then selectively
copy out of that tree the pieces you need for the actual embedded system.  It
would be neat to have such a tool packaged and available as a standard part
of Debian instead of reinventing the wheel each time.

> - packages have to be even more fine-grained, or one does
>   need some options to install packages partially.

Nah, this is far enough from the Debian primary target that I think the right
thing to do is leave the current packaging structure alone, and post-process
an installed system to extract the subset of files needed for the embedded
target.  Even something as simple as a selective copy with configurable 
exclusion lists will do.

> - superior package management;

You really, really, don't want /var/lib/dpkg on an embedded target... it gets
huge quickly.  The trick is to get the benefits of a packaging scheme like
Debian's without having to carry that baggage into the actual embedded system.


ZnO pressure sensor varistors, negative temperature coefficient (NTC) and positive temperature coefficient (PTC) full range product

2000-03-15 Thread ke xing

Guangdong Foshan Kestar Electronic Co., Ltd. is specializing in ZnO pressure 
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»¶Ó­Ê¹Óà Ãâ·Ñµç×ÓÐÅÏä¼°·ÖÀàÐÂÎÅ¡¢¸öÐÔ»¯±¨¿¯¡¢

Re: TeTeX bugs

2000-03-15 Thread Christoph Martin
Denis Barbier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Dylan Paul Thurston wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 01:11:03PM +0100, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> > > Since the teTeX in slink works fine and the one is potato is broken
> > > (a bug in babel which prevents compilation of *every* document in
> > > French), I prefer the old stuff.
> > 
> > Surely that should be an important bug (#42698)?  In fact, browsing
> > the bugs against tetex-base, several of them seem important, including
> > at least one security bug (#57746, same as #32652).  Should I upgrade
> > them?  Unfortunately, the security bug seems non-trivial to fix.
> Where is this security flaw?
> There has been no response to the question asked by Christoph Martin on
> 1 Feb 1999

We discussed that issue widely in the past. There is no real risc in
having this directories world writable. If only ths ls -lR file is not
writable. This file is updated from cron every night and we are
working on a suid-script which can do it from users.



Christoph Martin, Uni-Mainz, Germany
 Internet-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--export-a-crypto-system-sig -RSA-3-lines-PERL--
#!/usr/bin/perl -sp0777i

Re: TeTeX bugs

2000-03-15 Thread Christoph Martin
Denis Barbier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 01:11:03PM +0100, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> > Since the teTeX in slink works fine and the one is potato is broken
> > (a bug in babel which prevents compilation of *every* document in
> > French), I prefer the old stuff.
> I've provided information to close #42698, here it is again
> PS: I'm not a Debian developer.
> --- tetex-src-1.0.orig/latex/base/ltoutenc.dtx  Thu Mar  4 09:51:25 1999
> +++ tetex-src-1.0/latex/base/ltoutenc.dtx   Wed Mar 15 00:02:29 2000
> @@ -800,6 +800,7 @@
>  %\begin{macrocode}
> \accent#1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  %\end{macrocode}
>  %  \end{macro}
>  %

I will bring this patch in in the next day. I was busy fixing some
other packages.



Christoph Martin, Uni-Mainz, Germany
 Internet-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--export-a-crypto-system-sig -RSA-3-lines-PERL--
#!/usr/bin/perl -sp0777i

A "progressive" distribution

2000-03-15 Thread Bernhard R. Link

After reading this nice diskussion with all it's aspects, I want to
complete the mess and suggest a "distribution" called
e.g. "progressive" beetween stable(frozen) and unstable.

As I understood the problem, at the moment, only the stable 
distribution is able to be distributed, while the unstable branch is to
unstable and there's no distrubution in between. (To simplify I count the
frozen as stable short before release here.)

When potate becomes stable, a branch called e.g. "progressive" could be
created between the branches "stable" and "unstable". This branch (sorry
for using this term, but I don't like distribution so much) would start
with the modules from stable and subsets of unstable would be added, if
they are usable. The term subset I use for  packages that contain together
like one ore more basis packages (libc,xfree,perl,... or just something
like emacs) and those packages depending on this basis package. (Note that
I mean basis as basis of dependencies not basis of the whole or larger
parts of distribution)  And usable shell mean, that this package can be
used for average use without the need of Debian-like-tability.

With the next freeze, this "progressive" branch could be copied to
"froozen" and new useable packaged from unstable would go to 
"progressive", while those in frozen are kept and only made more

Doing this there would be a distribution in between, where new versions of
products can reside and easily be used. Someone should be easily use a
snapshot of progressive at an good moment to form a not-so-stable but
up-to-date unofficial release, which could also be called less inoffical,
if there is a common will for this.

Though some advantages this would cause at least two problems:

On the one hand this proposal would prohibit the current way of
naming, because with any release a new distribution is created beetween
stable and unstable, so some branch would change name and the old name
would be used for a possibly totally other branch. So unstable( and
perhaps progressive) had to be without name and just be "unstable".
This coresponds to the loss of a cycle for the whole
distribution. Changes would start in unstable and go through the phases of
unstable, progessive and froozen before they become stable.

On the other hand would this proposal multiply the number of branches to
up to four when there will be the next freeze and
stable,frozen,progressive and unstable beeing all together. This made me
the most headacke, but I think it's not so much of a problem, as many work
to make the frozen version of his package will seriously prevent him from
working so much on the unstable version, that this could become
"usable". So most packages would be either the same in frozen and
progressive or they would be same in progressive and unstable. 

  Bernhard R. Link

Re: new version in frozen?

2000-03-15 Thread Michael Stone
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 01:56:09PM +0100, Michael Meskes wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 07:01:25AM -0500, Michael Stone wrote:
> > fixed and the new version of quota should go into woody--better the
> > devil we know that the devil we don't. (And we really don't need another
> > "well, this new version is ok" exception in potato. RCB's only, and lets
> > get this thing out the door.)
> I'm not so sure. Frankly, I don't like the idea of having to check each
> patch to see if it is correctly done (I assume the upstream has done it
> correctly).

Why would you be checking patches? The quota in potato has been tested
and there are no RC bug reports for it. What needs to change?

Mike Stone

Description: PGP signature

Re: 'impact' ttf license?

2000-03-15 Thread Stefan Ott
thanks to all of you for the information.


On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 05:02:26AM -0800, Joseph Carter wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 12:17:04PM +0100, Stefan Ott wrote:
> > i'm planning to package a perl tool i made (available at
> > which includes some gifs using the IMPACT
> > (windows) truetype font.
> > now i wonder if this is ok, because i don't know about impact's license.
> > does anyone?
> Distribution of rendered fonts is legal provided that you aquired the font
> rendered legally.  That is to say, if you have a legal copy of a font you
> are entitled to use it.  Case law for this predates computers by at least
> 100 years and comes from the day that fonts were made of metal and put
> into printing presses.
> -- 
> Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   GnuPG key 1024D/DCF9DAB3
> Debian GNU/Linux ( 20F6 2261 F185 7A3E 79FC
> The QuakeForge Project (   44F9 8FF7 D7A3 DCF9 DAB3
>  stu: ahh that machine.  Don't you think that something named
>stallman deserves to be an Alpha? :-)
>  jgoerzen: no, actually, I'd prolly be more inclined to name a 386
>   with 4 megs of ram and a 40 meg hard drive stallman.
>  with a big fat case that makes tons of noise and rattles the floor
> * Knghtbrd falls to the floor holding his sides laughing
>  and..
>  double-height hard drive

Re: new version in frozen?

2000-03-15 Thread Michael Meskes
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 12:45:40PM +0100, Richard Braakman wrote:
> There is a point where backporting is actually more risky than using
> the (presumably tested) new upstream version.

I thinks so too, yes.

> However, what else has changed in quota 2.00?  Are there incompatibilities?

I don't know any incompatibility. From the CHANGES file there wasn't so much
action except bug fixes. One command 'setquota' was added and some source
files were restructured to make sure ngs are coded only once.

Michael Meskes | Go SF 49ers!
Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz| Go Rhein Fire!
Tel.: (+49) 2431/72651 | Use Debian GNU/Linux!
Email: Michael@Fam-Meskes.De   | Use PostgreSQL!

Re: new version in frozen?

2000-03-15 Thread Michael Meskes
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 07:01:25AM -0500, Michael Stone wrote:
> The only RCB left in quota is a *packaging* bug. IMHO, that should get


> fixed and the new version of quota should go into woody--better the
> devil we know that the devil we don't. (And we really don't need another
> "well, this new version is ok" exception in potato. RCB's only, and lets
> get this thing out the door.)

I'm not so sure. Frankly, I don't like the idea of having to check each
patch to see if it is correctly done (I assume the upstream has done it

Also I'm not sure our patches fixed the same bugs as the upstream version.
For instance I never read about:

* Fixed problems when turning off one type of quota taking offline the
  other type too.

Michael Meskes | Go SF 49ers!
Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz| Go Rhein Fire!
Tel.: (+49) 2431/72651 | Use Debian GNU/Linux!
Email: Michael@Fam-Meskes.De   | Use PostgreSQL!

Re: Apt-Problem

2000-03-15 Thread Andreas Tille
On 15 Mar 2000, Syed Khader Vali wrote:

> I got the same error when I was doing an apt-get upgrade last
> night. It was with man-db. But when I did an apt-get upgrade after
> sometime again, it did not reget the package again, but installed with
You are mory lucky than me because I tried the same several times
but without success :-(.

> the same old package succesfully. anybody knows what this is ??
I really hope so because I might be in the situation to convince a
Win admiring man from the power of Debian.  This would be a bad
demonstartion :-(.

Kind regards


Re: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!

2000-03-15 Thread Matthias Berse
On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 11:29:42AM -0500, Jacob Kuntz wrote:
> the most commonly installed packages today, and i had to build them for a
> dozen machines because stable was too far behind.
That's your own fault! If you are that experienced that you can build
you own packages you probably should know that the vast majority of
packages from potato compiles fine under slink. It is as easy as 
'apt-get -b source ' If you have a recent enough apt to
recognize the source switch and a properly set up

OTOH why not use the prebuild packages from unstable? They will not be
more unstable than newer upstream-source...


+-created at Wed Mar 15 09:15:19 CET 2000-+
|Matthias Berse  Phone:+49-2323-42397 |
\Bachstr.28  44625 Herne, GermanyeMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/

Yevtushenko has... an ego that can crack crystal at a distance of twenty feet.
-- John Cheever

Re: Apt-Problem

2000-03-15 Thread Syed Khader Vali
> On Wed, 15 Mar 2000 14:17:54 +0100 (CET), Andreas Tille <[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> said:
Andreas> Size mismatch E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe try
Andreas> with --fix-missing?

Andreas> As I said I could install the package using dpkg -i
Andreas> /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/libtool_1.3.3-9.deb
Andreas> without any warning/error.

I got the same error when I was doing an apt-get upgrade last
night. It was with man-db. But when I did an apt-get upgrade
after sometime again, it did not reget the package again, but
installed with the same old package succesfully. anybody knows
what this is ??  
- Khader

Syed Khader Vali (Siddiq)
Debian GNU/Linux  ( Woody )

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Martijn van Oosterhout
Steve Greenland wrote:

> There is nothing stopping anyone from making snapshot releases of
> unstable. Mirror the archive. Burn a CD. Done. That's what a snapshot
> is.

As one of the many people who does not have cheap, fast, reliable
internet access, I would like to say that for me to mirror 650 MB
of debian and burn a CD of it would cost around $130 in charges 
and 2 and a half days of straight downloading if I was lucky. 
Probably much longer. 

So I'd like snapshots, but really I run stable run until the
moment frozen becomes stable at which I can get a CD on which
everything has a good chance of working, because if anything 
breaks I'm pretty much stuffed.

Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Trust the computer industry to shorten "Year 2000" to Y2K.
It was this kind of thinking that caused the problem in the first place.


2000-03-15 Thread Andreas Tille

since last week I have a problem when upgrading potato.
In the dselect install process after obtaining the necessary
packages I get mysterious "Size mismatch" for all packages.

All the packages are stored
and a `dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/*` seems to be working
perfectly.  Today I tried it once more because it might be caused
by some problems with the dpkg package which had known problems.
But it is the same today.  I tried another Debian mirror and tried
to disable the proxy cache but nothing worked.  Here is an example
with a single package to demonstrate the problem:

~# apt-get install libtool
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 13 not upgraded.
Need to get 177kB of archives. After unpacking 681kB will be used.
Get:1 potato/main libtool 1.3.3-9 [177kB]
Failed to fetch
  Size mismatch
E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe try with --fix-missing?

As I said I could install the package using
   dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/libtool_1.3.3-9.deb
without any warning/error.

That's really strange! :-(((

Anybody else got this problem?


Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Ben Collins
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 03:24:29AM -0700, John Galt wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Ben Collins wrote:
> > First of all, you need to check your numbers. Last I checked there were
> > ~350 official developers in the keyring. Right, so this proves my point in
> > that we should encourage developers to put a priority on frozen and the
> > next release cycle. And please stop refering to stable. That is not my
> > main concern here, and I never brought it into this conversation.
> No, that means you should OPEN NEW-DEVELOPERS!  Jesus!  On the one
> hand I hear all of these complaints about not having enough help and the
> other hand is flipping a big 'ol bird at anyone who's offering to help.
> The only way I see new manpower being added to Debian ATM is cloning, and
> I'm kind of hoping nobody in Debian qualifies as sheep or pigs.

New Maintainer is OPEN. They posted a call for applications from currently
sponsored developers last week. This means that people who are currently
helping via the sponorship program are going to get in quite quickly.
IMNHO, this is exactly the right thing to do. People who have shown that
they are willing to contribute, even if it means waiting, have shown they
have what it takes to become a developer.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: priority of x-window-manager

2000-03-15 Thread Tomohiro KUBOTA

From: Changwoo Ryu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: priority of x-window-manager
Date: 15 Mar 2000 21:04:47 +0900

> Korean (and maybe Japanese) X users often see the Netscape titlebar
> incorrectly displays Korean web page title.  Many of the window
> managers still don't care about this and just draw the raw string with
> XDrawString().  The correct behavior is decoding the received compound
> strings and drawing the decoded ones with XmbDrawString().

Yes!  When non-European people talk about internationalization,
they often talk about displaying and inputing their native character,
such as Kanji, Hangul, Cyrillic, Thai, and so on.  A window manager
is a software on which many softwares run.  Thus a window manager 
which cannot display native characters avoids many softwares (which
are internationalized --- Netscape is an example) to work well.  
Thus I support Atsuhito Kohda's idea to add points to "internationalized" 
window managers which can display native characters.

Please read a document on internationalization which is found in 
DDP (Debian Documentation Project) web page.


Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Raphael Hertzog
[ ok I'll keep calm this time ]

Le Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 09:03:18PM +1100, Craig Sanders écrivait:
> right. one of them for a package (spamdb) which doesn't even exist
> anymore so it's a bit difficult to see how it could be "release
> critical".

That's possible, but then it would be great if you could close all the
bugs related to spamdb so that they won't burden us anymore ...

> two of them for the same package (vtun). again, they hardly seem
> "release critical"

Then it's your job to lower the priority and/or to close them.

I don't want more from maintainer, I just want that they do what they have
to and it's not that much ... it's not difficult to check once a week your
page on the BTS.

> most of the rest have actually been fixed, but i must have got the BTS
> syntax wrong when closing the bugs in the changelog.

The same problem applies to many developers, but that must change, when a
bug is gone, it must be closed in the BTS or the BTS will be worthless
one day or another.

Raphaël Hertzog >> 0C4CABF1 >>
 CD Debian :
  Formations Linux et logiciels libres : 

Re: I don't get copies of bug reports to my packages

2000-03-15 Thread Josip Rodin
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 11:25:47AM +0100, Gregor Hoffleit wrote:
> For some reason, since a while I don't get copies of bug reports against my
> packages mailed to me. I'm tracking debian-bugs-dist now and checking the
> web page once in a while, but this is less than satisfying.

I noticed that [EMAIL PROTECTED] bot processes the messages you send to id
silently, then processes it again, but this time mailing the report to

It is also known that the locking in the BTS isn't implemented properly so
any messages that you send while the web pages are being regenerated will
get stuck in the incoming mail queue (or something like that, I don't quite
recall the details correctly). Darren Benham and Adam Heath (they are behind
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) spoke about this on IRC on several occasions. Word
has it that Johnie Ingram has some patches for that Perl code, but I don't
think these patches were applied...

It actually seems that subscribing to -bugs-dist mailing list is useful
right now... although it is so damn painful when you don't have lots of
time to sift through it. :(

enJoy -*/\*- don't even try to pronounce my first name

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Michael Stone
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 11:18:49PM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 07:07:51AM -0500, Michael Stone wrote:
> > On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 09:03:18PM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
> > > i haven't yet decided what to do about vtun. i'll probably get around
> > > to upgrading it to the latest version one day, but i made a mistake
> > > packaging it in the first place - i thought it would be useful, but i
> > > don't even use it any more.
> > 
> > Hmm. I don't see this on the list of orphaned packages. 
> try reading the words in front of you. i have not yet decided what i'm
> going to do about vtun. i will probably upgrade it to the latest version
> one day. if someone wants to take it over or do an NMU before i get
> around to it then they should feel free to do so.

How would people know that if it's not on the list? If you put it on the
list and then change your mind, you can take it off. If you orphan it
and later decide you want to upgrade it, *you* can do an NMU. But by
doing nothing you make it very difficult for other people to maintain
your package for you.

Mike Stone

Description: PGP signature

Re: aptitude

2000-03-15 Thread Fabien Ninoles
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 10:55:38AM +0100, Robert Ramiega wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 12, 2000 at 08:00:27PM -0500, Fabien Ninoles wrote:
> > 
> > You just miss another one: sl-stormpkg from Stormix.
> > Sure, it's not on potato but add 
> > deb potato main
> > in sources.list and install sl-stormpkg.
> > 
> > It's GPLed, GNOME-based, used whatever commands you want for
> > updating/upgrading (default is the dselect apt methods)
> > under whichever (including current tty) x-terminal.
> > Use it for a month now and really love it.
>  Since it's GPLed where can i find sources? I'd like to compile it for PPC.
> I tried to find it on but failed

It's in

if I understand correctly, rain is their stable distribution and potato
is just a recompilation of some packages for upgrade purpose.

> -- 
>  Robert Ramiega  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  IRC: _Jedi_ | Don't underestimate 
>  UIN: 13201047   | | the power of Source


Fabien NinolesChevalier servant de la Dame Catherine des Rosiers
aka Corbeau aka le Veneur Gris   Debian GNU/Linux maintainer
RSA PGP KEY [E3723845]: 1C C1 4F A6 EE E5 4D 99  4F 80 2D 2D 1F 85 C1 70

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 07:07:51AM -0500, Michael Stone wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 09:03:18PM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
> > i haven't yet decided what to do about vtun. i'll probably get around
> > to upgrading it to the latest version one day, but i made a mistake
> > packaging it in the first place - i thought it would be useful, but i
> > don't even use it any more.
> Hmm. I don't see this on the list of orphaned packages. 

try reading the words in front of you. i have not yet decided what i'm
going to do about vtun. i will probably upgrade it to the latest version
one day. if someone wants to take it over or do an NMU before i get
around to it then they should feel free to do so.

> It also doesn't seem like you indicated this to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

once again: "I haven't yet decided what to do about vtun".


craig sanders

Permission policy

2000-03-15 Thread Volker Ossenkopf
I need some advice to solve a recent bug report regarding a 
frozen package.

The program needs rx-permissions for a device belonging to the
cdrom group and rw-permissions for a device belonging to the
audio group. Until now the program is sgid cdrom to work
correctly with the cdrom-device without changing the permissions
for that device but I do not see a simple solution for the
audio access without making the audio device world readable
and writeable which is certainly a violation of the policy.

Any ideas?

Best wishes
Volker OssenkopfKOSMA (Kölner Observatorium für submm-Astronomie)
Tel.: 0221 47034851. Physikalisches Institut der
Fax.: 0221 4705162   Universität zu Köln

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Michael Stone
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 09:03:18PM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 09:35:35AM +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> > You have 3 RCB open against your packages (11, 25 and 21 days old),   
> two of them for the same package (vtun). again, they hardly seem
> "release critical"
> i haven't yet decided what to do about vtun. i'll probably get around
> to upgrading it to the latest version one day, but i made a mistake
> packaging it in the first place - i thought it would be useful, but i
> don't even use it any more.

Hmm. I don't see this on the list of orphaned packages. It also doesn't
seem like you indicated this to [EMAIL PROTECTED], so how would the release
manager know it? 

Mike Stone

Description: PGP signature

Re: priority of x-window-manager

2000-03-15 Thread Changwoo Ryu
Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

[policies snipped]
> Also, I don't understand what this will buy us.  An app, such as a window
> manager, can be internationalized, but it might not be localized for the
> user's locale.
> IOW, it doesn't seem to me that a window manager is any more useful from a
> user's perspective if it is internationalized, if it doesn't have
> localization for this locale.
> Therefore, I am not sure that escalating the priority of i18n'ed window
> managers is really going to accomplish anything.
> Moreover, Debian doesn't have a default window manager, and may never.  The
> point of these priority values is to "reward" the ones that are better
> integrated into our system.
> But there may be some aspects of i18n that I am missing here.  Please take
> this opportunity to educate me on the subject.  My mind can be changed.  :)

You misunderstood "i18n" as just the translation support (and "l10n"
as the translations).  Translation is just a category of i18n.
Atsuhito means i18n for the correct character displaying.

Korean (and maybe Japanese) X users often see the Netscape titlebar
incorrectly displays Korean web page title.  Many of the window
managers still don't care about this and just draw the raw string with
XDrawString().  The correct behavior is decoding the received compound
strings and drawing the decoded ones with XmbDrawString().

Changwoo Ryu


Re: new version in frozen?

2000-03-15 Thread Michael Stone
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 12:45:40PM +0100, Richard Braakman wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 08:32:48AM +0100, Michael Meskes wrote:
> > I just checked through the bugs open against quota and found that quite a
> > lot of them are fixed in the new upstream version 2.00-pre4. Yes, it is not
> > final so far but probably will be pretty soon. Now I wonder if it is
> > possible to add this version to frozen. If not all bug fixes have to be
> > backported and frankly I'm not interested in that kind of work. Re-packaging
> > the new upstream version seems to be much less work.
> There is a point where backporting is actually more risky than using
> the (presumably tested) new upstream version.

The only RCB left in quota is a *packaging* bug. IMHO, that should get
fixed and the new version of quota should go into woody--better the
devil we know that the devil we don't. (And we really don't need another
"well, this new version is ok" exception in potato. RCB's only, and lets
get this thing out the door.)

Mike Stone

Description: PGP signature

Re: Becoming a developer

2000-03-15 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 11:32:42AM +, John Travers wrote:
> This is what I have understood so far, but cannot guarentee corectness:
> The free QT liscence with QT2 is a fully valid open source liscence. It
> is completely compatible with DFSG. Linking to it with pure GPL code is
> not allowed however ( a deficiency with the GPL not the QT liscence)

wrong, it's a deficiency with the Qt license.

the clause in the GPL which it conflicts with is there quite
deliberately - its purpose is to prevent GPL-ed code being stolen
through sneaky maneuvers with shared libraries.

> You could however slightly modify your liscence to allow QT2.

correct. the copyright owner(s) can license their software however they
like - they can give an explicit permission to link their GPL-ed code
with Qt.

> There are many other DFSG free liscences out there that allow QT2, you
> could use one of these instead of GPL.

the trouble with that is that the GPL offers the best protection (for
developers and users) of all the free software licenses.  IMO it is a
mistake to encourage the use of other licenses.

> > I don't know if I would attempt to re-write QSSTV to replace the QT
> > calls with GTK calls, but that would be a last ditch idea.
> It truly would, QT is FAR superior to GTK!!

if you only want to work in C++, and if you don't care that it's
incompatible with the GPL.


craig sanders

Re: new version in frozen?

2000-03-15 Thread Richard Braakman
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 08:32:48AM +0100, Michael Meskes wrote:
> I just checked through the bugs open against quota and found that quite a
> lot of them are fixed in the new upstream version 2.00-pre4. Yes, it is not
> final so far but probably will be pretty soon. Now I wonder if it is
> possible to add this version to frozen. If not all bug fixes have to be
> backported and frankly I'm not interested in that kind of work. Re-packaging
> the new upstream version seems to be much less work.

There is a point where backporting is actually more risky than using
the (presumably tested) new upstream version.

However, what else has changed in quota 2.00?  Are there incompatibilities?

Richard Braakman

new version in frozen?

2000-03-15 Thread Michael Meskes
I just checked through the bugs open against quota and found that quite a
lot of them are fixed in the new upstream version 2.00-pre4. Yes, it is not
final so far but probably will be pretty soon. Now I wonder if it is
possible to add this version to frozen. If not all bug fixes have to be
backported and frankly I'm not interested in that kind of work. Re-packaging
the new upstream version seems to be much less work.


Michael Meskes | Go SF 49ers!
Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz| Go Rhein Fire!
Tel.: (+49) 2431/72651 | Use Debian GNU/Linux!
Email: Michael@Fam-Meskes.De   | Use PostgreSQL!

Re: Becoming a developer

2000-03-15 Thread John Travers
Kenneth Scharf wrote:
> >From what I read on this subject, I thought that most
> of the flame war was on KDE, and that it might be
> possible to include KDE IF, they made certain specific
> releases in their license.  Since I thought that RMS
> had appoved the newer QT license as a free license
> (does KDE yet use Qt2, which is the new QT license?),
> that this problem was going away.
> I admit I am NOT a legal expect on this kind of stuff.
>  Is there a way to search the archives on debian-legal
> for QT?  Maybe some of my questions will have answers
> there (If one can wade through the flames).  Is there
> a way (via license modification disclaimers) that a
> program written using QT can be GPL'ed at all?
> Finally I note that debian DOES have the QTLib in the
> distro, will this remain (allowing users to at least
> use such programs via source)?

This is what I have understood so far, but cannot guarentee corectness:

The free QT liscence with QT2 is a fully valid open source liscence. It
is completely compatible with DFSG. Linking to it with pure GPL code is
not allowed however ( a deficiency with the GPL not the QT liscence) You
could however slightly modify your liscence to allow QT2. There are many
other DFSG free liscences out there that allow QT2, you could use one of
these instead of GPL.

> I don't know if I would attempt to re-write QSSTV to
> replace the QT calls with GTK calls, but that would be
> a last ditch idea.

It truly would, QT is FAR superior to GTK!!


'impact' ttf license?

2000-03-15 Thread Stefan Ott

i'm planning to package a perl tool i made (available at which includes some gifs using the IMPACT
(windows) truetype font.
now i wonder if this is ok, because i don't know about impact's license.
does anyone?

thanks for your help

Re: I don't get copies of bug reports to my packages

2000-03-15 Thread Andreas Tille
On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

> mee too. Same for bug submitters btw, I had to dig into my
> debian-bugs-dist folder today to see what a maintainer said to a
> bugreport I filed and why it was listed as closed on the rc-bugs page :(

I was really surprised to find a bug severity important the day before
which was two weeks old.  It is not my habit to have important bugs
open so long id they are easy to solve :-(.

Kind regards


ITP: e16keyedit

2000-03-15 Thread Laurence J Lane
e16keyedit is a gtk+ based keybinding editor for the enlightenment 
window manager. The license is BSD-style.


Re: I don't get copies of bug reports to my packages

2000-03-15 Thread Wichert Akkerman
Previously Gregor Hoffleit wrote:
> For some reason, since a while I don't get copies of bug reports against my
> packages mailed to me. I'm tracking debian-bugs-dist now and checking the
> web page once in a while, but this is less than satisfying.

mee too. Same for bug submitters btw, I had to dig into my
debian-bugs-dist folder today to see what a maintainer said to a
bugreport I filed and why it was listed as closed on the rc-bugs page :(

Darren: can you investigate? Something seems to be *seriously* broken..


 / Generally uninteresting signature - ignore at your convenience  \
| 1024D/2FA3BC2D 576E 100B 518D 2F16 36B0  2805 3CB8 9250 2FA3 BC2D |

I don't get copies of bug reports to my packages

2000-03-15 Thread Gregor Hoffleit
For some reason, since a while I don't get copies of bug reports against my
packages mailed to me. I'm tracking debian-bugs-dist now and checking the
web page once in a while, but this is less than satisfying.

Is this feature of the BTS still supposed to work, and how can I check what
goes wrong ?


Description: PGP signature

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread John Galt
On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Ben Collins wrote:

> First of all, you need to check your numbers. Last I checked there were
> ~350 official developers in the keyring. Right, so this proves my point in
> that we should encourage developers to put a priority on frozen and the
> next release cycle. And please stop refering to stable. That is not my
> main concern here, and I never brought it into this conversation.

No, that means you should OPEN NEW-DEVELOPERS!  Jesus!  On the one
hand I hear all of these complaints about not having enough help and the
other hand is flipping a big 'ol bird at anyone who's offering to help.
The only way I see new manpower being added to Debian ATM is cloning, and
I'm kind of hoping nobody in Debian qualifies as sheep or pigs.

>  ---===-=-==-=---==-=--
> /  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \
>  `---=--===-=-=-=-===-==---=--=---'
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Internet must be a medium for it is neither Rare nor Well done!
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">John Galt 

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 09:35:35AM +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:

> You have 3 RCB open against your packages (11, 25 and 21 days old),   

right. one of them for a package (spamdb) which doesn't even exist
anymore so it's a bit difficult to see how it could be "release

two of them for the same package (vtun). again, they hardly seem
"release critical"

i haven't yet decided what to do about vtun. i'll probably get around
to upgrading it to the latest version one day, but i made a mistake
packaging it in the first place - i thought it would be useful, but i
don't even use it any more.

it's not a particularly important package (both cipe and tunnelv do a
much better job of the same kind of thing) and it would be small loss
to debian if it happened to get dropped from frozen while i'm taking my
time deciding what to do.

if anyone cares enough about vtun to adopt the package or do an NMU
before i get around to it, feel free.

> And you also have 50 other bugs to correct on your little packages. 

the bulk of those are for spamdb, which doesn't exist any more - it's
obsolete (and i gave over a year's warning that i was going to orphan it
- nobody cared enough about it to bother adopting it in that time).

most of the rest have actually been fixed, but i must have got the BTS
syntax wrong when closing the bugs in the changelog.


craig sanders

Re: aptitude

2000-03-15 Thread Robert Ramiega
On Sun, Mar 12, 2000 at 08:00:27PM -0500, Fabien Ninoles wrote:
> You just miss another one: sl-stormpkg from Stormix.
> Sure, it's not on potato but add 
> deb potato main
> in sources.list and install sl-stormpkg.
> It's GPLed, GNOME-based, used whatever commands you want for
> updating/upgrading (default is the dselect apt methods)
> under whichever (including current tty) x-terminal.
> Use it for a month now and really love it.

 Since it's GPLed where can i find sources? I'd like to compile it for PPC.
I tried to find it on but failed

 Robert Ramiega  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  IRC: _Jedi_ | Don't underestimate 
 UIN: 13201047   | | the power of Source

Embedded(/RT) Debian? Embeddian GNU/Linux?

2000-03-15 Thread W. Borgert

does anybody know, wether there are ideas or plans to make
an Debian GNU/Linux especially for embedded and/or realtime
systems, i.e. "Embedian GNU/Linux"?  I think, that the
Linux Router Project was once based on Debian, but this is
very specialised on one task.  And I don't know what Mobile
Linux (Crusoe) will be.

I think, that the standard Debian GNU system is not well
suited for embedded systems, because

- policy requires docs and man pages, but one does not want
  any docs or man pages on an embedded system;

- the base system/required packages is far too much for
  embedded systems, e.g. one does not want perl necessarily;

- packages have to be even more fine-grained, or one does
  need some options to install packages partially.

OTOH, embedded Debian GNU would be cool, because,

- superior package management;

- large number of packages in potato;

- good Debian infrastructure;

- it would be easy to have one distribution, that would
  work for a lot of different computers, like routers,
  telephones, VCRs, ATMs, washing machines, PDAs...

Well, is there sth. like this already or are people working
on this?


Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Miros/law `Jubal' Baran
15.03.2000 pisze Craig Sanders ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):



I have seen ``South Park: The Movie'' and I like it -- in the cinema.
Not here. I don't like to see developers of my favourite Linux
distribution to behave in such a childish way. Would you kindly like to
get your toys and go to the other sand-box to play (or fight, or kill
yourselves, I don't care)?


[ Miros/law L Baran, baran-at-knm-org-pl, neg IQ, cert AI ] [ 0101010 is ]
[ BOF2510053411,, alchemy pany ] [ The Answer ]

 Lásku moji kníže Igor si bere
 nad sklenkou vodky hraju si s revolverem
 havran usedá na střechy Petěrburgu
 čert aby to spral
 -- Jaromir Nohavica

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 10:05:09AM +0100, Josip Rodin wrote:
> > > Security fixes have to be (and are) fixed in stable, too!
> > most are.
> IMNSHO *all* of them must be. It would be wrong to leave the users of stable
> `in the cold'. Those bugs that aren't fixed in stable are the worst
> release-critical bugs.

most are.  most of them even in a timely fashion.


craig sanders

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 09:35:35AM +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Le Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 06:06:24PM +1100, Craig Sanders écrivait:
> > and fuck you too! how dare you fucking misrepresent my position and
> > twist what i said in such a reprehensible manner?
> > 
> > if you don't fucking understand what i'm saying then shut the fuck up.
> Could you stop use those FUCKING words ? Can't you be polite ?

i respond to insults in whatever fucking manner i see fit.

if steve had stuck to the fucking issue and refrained from being an
insulting prick then i wouldn't have felt any need to swear at him.

> And yes, your attitude stinks ! You have 3 RCB open against your
> packages (11, 25 and 21 days old), so YOUR FUCKING job is to close
> those FUCKING RCB and not concentrate on woody or whatever you care
> ...

fuck off.

these 3 RCBS are news to me, but that's no fucking suprise because it
wouldn't be the first fucking time that the fucking bug tracking system
failed to fucking send a bug report to the fucking maintainer.

Here's a fucking clue for you:


i'll close them when i fucking feel like it and when i have the fucking

> Cheers,

fucking hypocrite.

if you're going to be an arsehole in email, the least you can fucking do
is get rid of the phony fucking "Cheers".

no fucking regards,


ps: fuck you too, arsehole.

pps: i'll use whatever fucking words i like. if you don't like it, then
don't fucking read it.  go censor your fucking self.

craig sanders

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Josip Rodin
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 12:10:54PM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
> > > > Uh, which were the packages in question? Did you report it at the
> > > > time?
> > > 
> > > no need, the holes were already well known - and fixed in unstable.
> > 
> > Security fixes have to be (and are) fixed in stable, too!
> most are.

IMNSHO *all* of them must be. It would be wrong to leave the users of stable
`in the cold'. Those bugs that aren't fixed in stable are the worst
release-critical bugs.

enJoy -*/\*- don't even try to pronounce my first name

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Raphael Hertzog
Le Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 06:06:24PM +1100, Craig Sanders écrivait:
> and fuck you too! how dare you fucking misrepresent my position and
> twist what i said in such a reprehensible manner?
> if you don't fucking understand what i'm saying then shut the fuck up.

Could you stop use those FUCKING words ? Can't you be polite ?

And yes, your attitude stinks ! You have 3 RCB open against your 
packages (11, 25 and 21 days old), so YOUR FUCKING job is to close those
FUCKING RCB and not concentrate on woody or whatever you care ...

If all maintainer could correct their own bugs, then there would be no
need to work on someone else package just to make it ready for potato !

And you also have 50 other bugs to correct on your little packages. You're
certainly NOT the guy who can speak loud, you're not an example to 
follow !

Really, from time to time I think we should close debian-devel since
we're loosing time on discussion that are not worh it and/or with
people that should be doing something else than flaming here ...

A funny new rule would be that anybody having a RCB on one of its
packages, can't post to the Debian lists unless it's specifically for
correcting those bugs ...

Raphaël Hertzog >> 0C4CABF1 >>
 CD Debian :
  Formations Linux et logiciels libres : 

Re: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!

2000-03-15 Thread Erik
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 12:46:39AM +0200, Ari Makela wrote:
> John Lapeyre writes:
> >Maybe you find it easy. But you are relatively elite in debian
> > knowledge.
> I'm not a beginner. I even earn my living as an unix
> administrator. But I'm certainly not a unix guru.
> >I got a notebook two months ago.  The video, sound, and pcmcia are
> > not supported by slink.   
> Are these really a big problem? During the summer same happened to me and
> what I did was following:
> I installed Slink. I went to a local xfree86-mirror and got SVGA
> xserver version 3.3.5 which supports NM2200 chip. I dropped it in
> place of the distributed. Yes, that's a wrong way of doing things but
> it has always worked for me. I didn't know about > at the time (BTW: this is a
> problem, people don't know about these unofficial updates).
> Sound support for esssolo-1 came when I compiled 2.2-kernel. There
> are instructions what needs to be updated on Debian web site.
> PCMCIA is not needed for installation and it can be compiled later. It 
> doesn't have to work at first.
Ever installed on an older laptop? I spent 3 days trying to install on my 
laptop because it didn't have a CDROM, so i had to get base off of the
network(and i know that i could put it all on floppies, but i have a really
hard time finding 1 good one to boot off of, and I know i'm not alone).

> I feel that anyone who tinkers with GNU/Linux - or with any unix or
> unix clone - should be able to do above things if documentation is
> available. Documentation in one place instead of several web pages
> which are hard to find. I've not seen such a document. Is it that I
> haven't found it or is it non-existent? If latter is true I could
> write some kind raw version if others agree with me on this.
> >Maybe people who can't do that are lazy and stupid and don't
> >deserve Debian. 
> And you say you don't use sarcasm? :) 
> >People can't ship stable Debian on new machines, but they can ship
> > RH and SuSE.
> I agree that many users cannot replace the kernel on the rescue disk
> like I did. One needs some knowledge and also a Linux system which
> most people don't have. But it's not so hard that it might sound,
> either. It's enough that it works on one system, it doesn't have to
> result a system where every device works.
> I feel Athlon is the most important problem. As far as I remember
> this is the only case where it has been impossible to install Debian
> on an Intel system if we don't count very exotic hardware. 
> >   (I don't want to attack with the sarcasm, just to make a strong point).
> It seems that I am not able to write what I think so I try again:
> I don't deny that there are problems for some users but in most cases
> "stable is too old" problems can be solved relatively easily. This
> could be made easier for inexperienced people if two things would be
> done:
>   - if it would be easier to find the unofficial updates for
>   xfree and Gnome.
>   - as simple and short documenation as possible where it is
>   told how Debian is updated.
> If the development cycle were faster there might not be enough time to 
> test enough. That's what I'm afraid of. The pool system might be a
> solution. 
> -- 
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w -- # Ari Makela, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
> use strict;my $s='I am just a poor bear with a startling lack of brain.';my 
> $t=
> crypt($s,substr($s,0,2));$t=~y#IEK65c4qx AR#J o srtahuet#;$t=~s/hot/not/;my
> @v=split(//,$t);push(@v,split(//,reverse('rekcah lreP')));foreach(@v){print;}

Erik Bernhardson
It is better to remain silent and be considered a fool, than to speak and
remove all doubt.
-- Mark Twain

Description: PGP signature

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Craig Sanders
On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 09:23:42PM -0600, Steve Greenland wrote:
> On 14-Mar-00, 18:58 (CST), Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> > actually, it's really sad that you haven't learnt that closing down
> > 'unstable' is a disastrously bad idea. you've been with debian long
> > enough now to have learnt that.
> How do you know? We've never tried it. You and others say it would
> be a disaster. I and others think it would help. Proof by assertion
> isn't.

because if developers had to wait 12 or 18 months to get their new stuff
into debian then there would be very few developers who would bother.

that constitutes a disaster. it would be the death of debian.

> > However, there is no reason to require everyone to help or even to
> > care very much about frozen/stable.
> Except that it is part of what Debian does.

i am glad you recognise that it is only *part* of what debian does.

> Joining the org implies at least some interest in the goals. If you
> disagree with the goals, lobby to change them.

i do not disagree with debian's goals. if i did then i wouldn't be here.

> > by "forking" the release as a sub-project, and granting complete
> > authority and responsibility to those who give enough of a damn to
> > join the release team, you can minimise the delays and interruptions
> > caused by the vast majority of developers who work on unstable yet
> > have little or nothing to contribute to the release process.
> Why do you continue to insist that they can't contribute? 

i don't insist that at all. quite the contrary, i insist that they
continue to contribute in whatever way they see fit, including the
option of uploading new stuff to unstable.

> They can test installs, they can fix bugs, they can improve docs.

not everyone has the time, patience, inclination, skills, desire or
whatever to do these things.

if somebody wants to work on these things, then that's fine.

if somebody wants to work on unstable, where is the problem?

> > that's something for the release team to worry about - after all,
> > they're the ones who are going to face the problems caused when it
> > comes time to do the next freeze/release.
> Yeah, this release team should take on all responsibility for all the
> other peoples packages.

wrong. they take on the responsibility for the RELEASE. if that means
that they feel they have to make a change to somebody else's package
then so be it, they should have the right to do so. delegate complete
authority to the release team to do whatever they feel is necessary to
produce a high-quality release version of debian.

if the maintainer of a changed package agrees with their decision then
they will incorporate the changes into their version of the package. if
not, then there is a dispute which will eventually need to be resolved.
big deal, shit happens, deal with it on a case-by-case basis.

> Beautiful. Never mind that the next freeze, those problems *still*
> exist because the maintainer of the package doesn't need to care about
> fixing bugs or following policy;

that might happen in a tiny minority of cases, but it's hardly likely to
be the normal case.

there's no need to paint it in such black & white terms, either. there
are legitimate grounds for a package maintainer to disagree with the
release team, without wearing those insulting labels.

> after all, it's "something for the release team to worry about".

if the maintainers and the release team are doing their job properly
then this will rarely be a problem. in the few cases where it does
become a problem then we deal with it in the usual way - have a
discussion or flamewar on debian-devel and eventually reach consensus
(or at least, adapt policy so that the current ambiguity is resolved)

> Apparently you need to go back and read MMM again, and tCatB as well:
> you missed the point that the reason that productivity does not vary
> linearly with people has to do with how easily the tasks are done
> in parrallel. 10 people *can* dig 10 holes 10 times as fast as 1
> person. And what computing task *is* well done in parallel? Testing
> and debugging. That's why the whole Bizzaar methodology works!

testing packages is not the only delay in the release cycle. for
example, the boot floppies were a significant delay this time around.
that's not surprising at all, they usually are...there's a lot of new
development and a lot of work in making sure all the new base packages
and new kernel work properly as an install set.

even if everything in the freeze/release cycle were perfectly
parallelizable, that would still be no justification for closing off
unstable. not everyone has the ability or the desire to contribute to
frozen - they should be allowed to contribute to unstable as they always
have been.

> > so how many people can work on the one problem (say, the
> > boot-floppies) at the same time? it *might* go faster if there were
> > 2 or 3 people working on it rather than just one, but it would
> > *certainly* go 

Re: Debian and GNOME, partnership with Helixcode?

2000-03-15 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
[redirected to debian-devel]

On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Fabien Ninoles wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 06:29:06PM -0500, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:

> > The KDE packages in CVS contain Debian directories.  They are not always
> > perfect but allow anyone tracking KDE development to build packages.  So
> > for me it doesn't matter that KDE snapshots aren't available directly from
> > Debian.  I can make my own.
> No, that's clearly not enough!
> Packaging for a distribution is not as simple as it seems.
> I always prefer to keep the debian directory separate from
> the original package, which permits me to make debian revisions
> without affecting the release cycle of the program itself.

The great thing about all our stuff being in a seperate directory is that
non-Debian users need not be concerned about it.  It's just a little extra
baggage in the tarball for them.  I don't see why the functionality or
non-functionality of the Debian directory would affect them at all.  For
Debian users synching the upstream and Debian releases is more important.  
But remember Debian, KDE, and GNOME are all public projects.  You can
belong to and contribute to more than one if you like.  A single person
can speak out about Debian issues during the Gnome/KDE release cycles and
Gnome issues during the Debian release cycle.

> Also,
> as Jason pointed out, having the debian tree is not enough to
> for a source to be considered a debian package;

Yes but it's a big start.  Many times we find Debian packages that are not
perfect in their initial release.  It's only after several bug
reports/release that they reach "Debian quality."  They usually do this
pretty quickly because we have lots of vocal users to give input.  I don't
see why other projects cannot take advantage of those same people.

> it should also
> well integrated into a Debian environment. For example, I try
> KDevelop not a long time ago. When I run it, it asked me a lot
> of questions about where *its* files (like documentation) are
> installed, then try to install things under /usr/local then stop
> functionning properly.

Did you report this to the maintainer?  Was he interested in replying?

> Yes, I could surely repair it

repair it and contribute the changes back upstream.

> but a well-behave debian package should mostly be ready to be
> used after installations, with only system and user specific
> configuration needed to be done (good default should be
> provided when possible). So for me, KDevelop wasn't debianized.
> It simply used the Debian tools to compile itself and create
> a compatible binary archives, not a true .deb files.

True but this is still a win for the user.  Kdevelop doesn't get
everything right but at least it follows the Debian file system structure.  
It has the right dependencies.  It registers with the menu system.  
That's at least a little less work that the user has to do than if he is
installing a tarball into /usr/local.

> > There seems to be a lack of communication.  Either the Debian packagers
> > are not contributing their work upstream or the Gnome hackers are refusing
> > to take it.  I'm sure neither group really wants that.
> See my comment previously. I really think that if a developer can't
> follow closely a distribution, she should let the distribution maintainers
> do the work.

Miguel said they didn't make .debs because it was too hard.  What is so
hard that intelligent people can't follow?  We have lots of documentation.  
development tools like dh_make and debhelper, QA tools like Lintian, lot's
and lots of prior art.

Somehow I think the problem is not wanting to do the work not finding it
too difficult.

> However, I'ld like to see a standard meta-info files about
> the package, which had informations necessary to create a packages, like
> compilation commands, files (including informations like documentation,
> binary or data), menu entries (means execution), name, author, copyright
> file, changelog files, daemon, etc... This will really help to create more
> package and even an automated tools (just like autoconf) that generate
> everything needed according to your installation. I'm not sure if it's
> feasible but I'ld thought that a tool like autoconf wasn't possible too
> if I doesn't use it so often ;)

Didn't someone recently do an ITP for a program that let you create
packages in different formats?  If it works well it would be cool.

> > Bad idea.  Individual developers can and probably should work with Helix
> > etc. but Debian as a project should not take a stand for or against any
> > desktop until one clearly emerges as the winner.  (and when and if it
> > does, it will be KDE ha ha.)
> Sorry, I don't see the point to have only one winner?

Say what you like about Windows but having everything use COM as the
underlying architecture is a big plus.  Having two seperate component
architectures (three if I have understood Mozillas XPCOM correctly) is
wasteful and unnecessarily slows th

Re: realplayer installer and frozen

2000-03-15 Thread Alex Yukhimets
On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 07:09:31PM -0800, Joey Hess wrote:
> Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> > I agree with Branden: remove the installer from potato.
> The problem that I forgot to mention is that anyone who upgrades from slink
> to potato w/o upgrading realplayer, and had realplayer installed via the
> installer in slink, is going to find that the old realplayer they have
> installed realplayer no longer works. Library incompatabilities of some
> kind cause it to crash.

I would definitely put new realplayer installer package in potato.
At least this would be a big favor to our users.


Alex Y.
 _( )_
( (o___   +---+
 |  _ 7   |Alexander Yukhimets|
  \(")|  |
  / \ \   +---+

Using Debian's make-kpkg to build kernels

2000-03-15 Thread Chris Fearnley
The Philadelphia Area Debian Society (PADS)


 Using Debian's make-kpkg to build kernels

   When: Wednesday 15 March 2000, 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM

   Speaker: Chris Fearnley, Chief Technology Officer, LinuxForce Inc.

   Where: IQ Group, 6th floor (its the room with a big Q on the door)
  325 Chestnut Street
  Philadelphia, PA


   Debian's kernel-package package provides make-kpkg to help build kernels.
   We will discuss the advantages and some guidelines for using this
   convenient tool.

   Social Dinner

   Attendees are invited to gather for dinner prior to the meeting at 6:30
   PM at Xando, 325 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA. Please RSVP so we can
   get an appropriate sized table.

Christopher J. Fearnley |   LinuxForce Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   Chief Technology Officer   |   Design Science Revolutionary
   "Dare to be Naïve" -- Bucky Fuller

Debian Weekly News - March 14th, 2000

2000-03-15 Thread Joey Hess
Debian Weekly News
Debian Weekly News - March 14th, 2000

Welcome to Debian Weekly News, a newsletter for the Debian developer

Another Bug Horizon has been set for March 27th. [8]115 packages are
in danger of being removed and once again some very important packages
are among them. Richard Braakman also [9]mentioned that he hopes to
start the first test cycle "right after that date", and only important
bugfixes are now allowed into frozen. Debian 2.1 has been out for a
year as of this week.

The new-maintainer process is beginning to reopen. Dale Scheetz
[10]posted a call for sponsors of prospective new maintainers to
submit them to the application process. This will be used to test the
identification process.

Deja vu: Important new releases of [11]X, the kernel, and apache are
out or looming on the horizon, and Debian is in the middle of a
freeze. What to do? Mainly [12]discuss the same issues we did last
time: package pools, changing release frequency, updates to stable,

Debian GNU/Linux For Dummies is due in May, according to [13]this web
page. With [14]7 Debian books already in print, in 3 languages, it's
clear we've reached the point where another Debian book is no big
deal. It's more interesting to consider how a "Dummies" book with
Debian on the cover may change our userbase..

Debian Project Leader elections [15]close on the 16th. Note that DWN
incorrectly reported they would close last week; the date on the
ballots was wrong. If you still haven't voted, a few days remain.

A security fix for mtr is [16]available.

New packages in Debian this week include the following and [17]6 more:
  * [18]netscape-base-472: 4.72 base support for netscape
  * [19]netscape-smotif-472: This installs a standard set of netscape
  * [20]netscape-smotif-472-libc5: This installs a standard set of
netscape programs (libc5 version)
  * [21]netscape-java-472: Netscape Java support for version 4.72
  * [22]communicator-base-472: Communicator base support for version
4.72 ([23]help, [24]static motif bin, [25]static motif bin
(libc5), [26]spell-check)
  * [27]navigator-base-472: Navigator base support for version 4.72
([28]help, [29]static motif bin, [30]static motif bin (libc5))


see shy jo


2000-03-15 Thread Nicolás Lichtmaier
> Is there anybody here using the Sangoma WANPIPE cards to do X.25?

 I'm doing exactly that.

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Steve Greenland
On 14-Mar-00, 18:58 (CST), Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> actually, it's really sad that you haven't learnt that closing down
> 'unstable' is a disastrously bad idea. you've been with debian long
> enough now to have learnt that.

How do you know? We've never tried it. You and others say it would be a
disaster. I and others think it would help. Proof by assertion isn't.

> However, there is no reason to require everyone to help or even to
> care very much about frozen/stable.

Except that it is part of what Debian does. Joining the org implies at
least some interest in the goals. If you disagree with the goals, lobby
to change them.

> by "forking" the release as a sub-project, and granting complete
> authority and responsibility to those who give enough of a damn to join
> the release team, you can minimise the delays and interruptions caused
> by the vast majority of developers who work on unstable yet have little
> or nothing to contribute to the release process.

Why do you continue to insist that they can't contribute? They can test
installs, they can fix bugs, they can improve docs.

> that's something for the release team to worry about - after all,
> they're the ones who are going to face the problems caused when it comes
> time to do the next freeze/release.

Yeah, this release team should take on all responsibility for all the
other peoples packages. Beautiful. Never mind that the next freeze,
those problems *still* exist because the maintainer of the package
doesn't need to care about fixing bugs or following policy; after all,
it's "something for the release team to worry about".

> > > also, the issue is not "man-power", the issue is "man-hours" - i.e.
> the following should be elementary knowledge, especially to anyone in
> the computer industry (who should have at least superficial knowledge of
> the ideas in the _The Mythical Man Month_ by Frederick Brooks), but you
> appear to need to have it pointed out:
> having 10 times as many people does not mean you get 10 times as much
> work done or even the same job done in 1/10th the time. e.g. if 1 person
> can dig a hole in 10 minutes, having 10 people work on it does not mean
> that you can dig the same hole in 1 minute. in fact, most likely that
> same hole will take at least 20 or 30 minutes due to the hassle of
> organising everyone and, even worse, everyone getting in each other's
> way and interfering with their work.

Apparently you need to go back and read MMM again, and tCatB as well:
you missed the point that the reason that productivity does not vary
linearly with people has to do with how easily the tasks are done
in parrallel. 10 people *can* dig 10 holes 10 times as fast as 1
person. And what computing task *is* well done in parallel? Testing and
debugging. That's why the whole Bizzaar methodology works!

> so how many people can work on the one problem (say, the boot-floppies)
> at the same time? it *might* go faster if there were 2 or 3 people
> working on it rather than just one, but it would *certainly* go a lot
> slower if there were 20 or 30 or 300 people working on it.

It would go a hell of lot faster if 30 or 300 people would test the damn
things and report problems with their various hardware configurations,
and the choices/options they used in their particular install situation.
But no, you'd rather they uploaded yet another clock tool.

> what i said was that i want to see the real debian (aka "unstable")
> become more accesible to the majority of our users. the way to do this
> is by making regular snapshot releases.

There is nothing stopping anyone from making snapshot releases of
unstable. Mirror the archive. Burn a CD. Done. That's what a snapshot

God forbid you make the snapshot on a day that perl is broken, of
course. Or dpkg. Or glibc. Damn unreliable Debian PoS.

I think you have a very narrow idea of what "most users" want.

> this capability has been touted as one of the advantages of the
> package pools ideas every time it has come up over the last few years.

That's right, it has. If it's so important, why haven't people (you!)
gotten off your ass and done something about it? If you want to work on
the unstable stuff, I think the package-pool implementation would good
place to start.

> your proposal, quite frankly, stinks. your position is that if people
> won't or can't work on what YOU consider to be important then you
> don't want them to work on anything at all...they should just twiddle
> their thumbs and wait for 'stable' to be released before they are
> allowed to contribute anything.

Your attitude, quite frankly, stinks. Your position is that that once
you've uploaded a package, you have nothing else to contribute to the
project. Instead, other people should babysit your packages to make
them work with the rest of the system. 

Debian is supposed to be a team, a group of people working to create
something good and valuable. If we're not going to be that, we might as

Re: realplayer installer and frozen

2000-03-15 Thread Joey Hess
Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> I agree with Branden: remove the installer from potato.

The problem that I forgot to mention is that anyone who upgrades from slink
to potato w/o upgrading realplayer, and had realplayer installed via the
installer in slink, is going to find that the old realplayer they have
installed realplayer no longer works. Library incompatabilities of some
kind cause it to crash.

see shy jo

ITP: bdfresize

2000-03-15 Thread Takuo KITAME

I intent to package bdfresize.>

bdfresize - Resize BDF Format Font
Bdfresize is a command to magnify or reduce fonts which are
described with the standard BDF format.

 * Copyright 1988, 1992 Hiroto Kagotani
 * All Rights Reserved
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
 * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
 * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
 * both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
 * supporting documentation, and that the name of Hiroto Kagotani not be
 * used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
 * software without specific, written prior permission.
 * Author:
 *  Hiroto Kagotani
 *  Dept. of Computer Science
 *  Tokyo Institute of Technology
 *  2-12-2 Ookayama, Meguro-ku Tokyo 152 Japan

   - It was a dark and stormy night... -

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Craig Sanders
On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 05:43:38PM -0500, Michael Stone wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 05:27:26PM -0500, Ben Collins wrote:
> > > it doesn't distract me at all. i mostly ignore it these days as it is of
> > > little or no relevance to me.
> > 
> > Safe to say, that is a really self-centered attitude. One which I hope
> > that most developers don't have. Not a very team oriented situation if
> > everyone felt that way.
> OTOH (to play devil's advocate) the stable process seems to continually
> get bogged down. Slipping deadlines, inappropriate package upgrades,
> etc., begin to make things seem hopeless. When push comes to shove,
> things usually get done--but what's the push right now?

good to see that someone sees my point (although it's not solely my
point - it has been made several times by many others over the years).

amongst numerous other benefits, snapshot CDs will take the pressure off
the release team and allow them to take as much time as they feel is
necessary to produce the 'perfect' release.


craig sanders

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Craig Sanders
On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 11:50:05PM +0100, Josip Rodin wrote:
> > > Uh, which were the packages in question? Did you report it at the
> > > time?
> > 
> > no need, the holes were already well known - and fixed in unstable.
> Security fixes have to be (and are) fixed in stable, too!

most are.


craig sanders

Re: The nature of unstable (was: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)

2000-03-15 Thread Craig Sanders
On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 05:27:26PM -0500, Ben Collins wrote:
> Well, it's really sad that you like to dredge up year old context for
> this thread to suit your mundane arguments, they have little context
> with what I was saying.

actually, it's really sad that you haven't learnt that closing down
'unstable' is a disastrously bad idea. you've been with debian long
enough now to have learnt that.

> > you miss two important points. the first is that the release is
> > not everyone's highest priority. the second is that some people
> > have nothing to contribute to frozen/stable, so discouraging (or
> > preventing) them from working on unstable is counterproductive.
> Once can argue that the reason is because they don't know how they can
> help.

one could argue that, but one would be wrong.

> Everyone within Debian has a stake in frozen, simply by being a
> member, and every can help. There is nothing preventing that.

sure, everyone can help (but that doesn't necessarily mean that the
freeze/release process will go fact, for some tasks it is
guaranteed to slow it down). however, there is no reason to require
everyone to help or even to care very much about frozen/stable.

> > both of these points are proved by the fact that we have over 500
> > developers yet, according to your own words, "we are short on needed
> > resources for getting potato release ready". if everyone, or the
> > majority...or even a substantial minority, had your priorities then that
> > would not be the case.
> First of all, you need to check your numbers. Last I checked there were
> ~350 official developers in the keyring.

last i checked we were approaching 500. irrelevant, anyway.  350 or 500,
it's still more than enough to prove my point.

> Right, so this proves my point in that we should encourage developers
> to put a priority on frozen and the next release cycle.

no, it doesn't prove it at all. adding many more people to the task
of getting the stable release out the door will not speed it up - if
anything, it will slow it down.

> And please stop refering to stable. That is not my main concern here,
> and I never brought it into this conversation.

do you have some kind of comprehension problem with the english
language? my references to the 'stable release' are obviously referring
to the work that needs to be done to get potato released.

> > in any case, simply adding more people to the project won't make
> > it happen any faster. what WILL make it faster is to fork off the
> > stable release as a sub-project of debian, and give the release team
> > absolute authority over the release, with the right to make NMUs of
> > any package and make any other changes for any reason they see fit.
> > as with any other debian initiative, any developer (or user) would
> > be free to work on it or not as they please.
> How would that help? That is simply a superficial thing.
> Calling it a "seperate project" would do nothing to improve the
> situation.

it is far from superficial. co-ordinating the activities of a small
group of 10-30 (estimated) people is a lot easier and a lot more
efficient than co-ordinating the activities of 300 or 500 people.

by "forking" the release as a sub-project, and granting complete
authority and responsibility to those who give enough of a damn to join
the release team, you can minimise the delays and interruptions caused
by the vast majority of developers who work on unstable yet have little
or nothing to contribute to the release process.

> Plus that creates havoc with changes made to the frozen release that
> aren't in unstable. So we get split bug reports and a lot of other
> crazy things.

that's something for the release team to worry about - after all,
they're the ones who are going to face the problems caused when it comes
time to do the next freeze/release.

i.e. there will be an inherent sanity-check on their changes, caused by
their desire to make future versions as easy to produce as possible.

> > also, the issue is not "man-power", the issue is "man-hours" - i.e.
> > how much time any of the people doing the important jobs can devote to
> > debian. most of them have full-time jobs or are full-time students and
> > are working on debian in their spare time. the really imporant tasks
> > can't be sped up by some kind of time-sharing arrangement.
> Ok, let's play word games. "Man-hours" is a direct result of "man-power".

no it is not. more precisely, the relationship is nowhere near as simple
as what you are trying to make out. does it just suit your argument to
play dumb or what?

the following should be elementary knowledge, especially to anyone in
the computer industry (who should have at least superficial knowledge of
the ideas in the _The Mythical Man Month_ by Frederick Brooks), but you
appear to need to have it pointed out:

having 10 times as many people does not mean you get 10 times as much
work done or even the same job done in 1/10th the time. e.g. if

Re: unmets in potato

2000-03-15 Thread Jeff Licquia
On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 10:34:54PM +0100, Matthias Berse wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 03:16:56PM +0100, Martin Waitz wrote:
> > compile devicd3dfx-source and you are done :)
> Am I the only one where make-kpkg modules-image fails on devicd3dfx? I
> have to do it manually! But maybe that's related to my non debian
> 2.2.14 Kernel???

Did you use make-kpkg (in package kernel-package) to build your
kernel?  If not, you should.  After building a kernel-image, you
should then be able to build modules-image and have a kernel and
device3dfx-module package you can install.