Re: tar -I incompatibility

2001-01-08 Thread Paul Eggert
> From: Goswin Brederlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 07 Jan 2001 23:00:59 +0100

> % tar -cIvvf bla.tar.bz2 bla
> tar: bla: Cannot stat: No such file or directory

That is indeed a bug.  Thanks for reporting it.  I'll fix it as follows:

   @@ -439,5 +434,5 @@ or a device.  *This* `tar' defaults to `

   -  "-01234567ABC:F:GIK:L:MN:OPRST:UV:WX:Zb:cdf:g:hijklmoprstuvwxz"
   +  "-01234567ABC:F:GI:K:L:MN:OPRST:UV:WX:Zb:cdf:g:hijklmoprstuvwxz"

static void

That should change your scenario to behave something like this instead:

   % tar -cIvvf bla.tar.bz2 bla
   tar: vvf: Cannot open: No such file or directory
   tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

which is a bit better (though admittedly not ideal).

> As I said before tar -I in its old useage should give one of several
> errors, but doesn't. Can't remeber the bug number, but its in the BTS.

Sorry, I don't quite follow you here.

> On the other hand, just changing the meaning or deleting the option
> will result in severe breakage in 3rd party software.

What 3rd party software do you have in mind?

Re: apt maintainers dead?

2001-01-08 Thread Alexander Koch
On Mon, 8 January 2001 04:15:10 +0100, Goswin Brederlow wrote:
>  > method will result in the immediate termination of public rsync
>  > access to our servers.
> I think that is something to be discussed. As I said before, I expect
> the rsync + some features to produce less load than ftp or http.

Goswin, please ask someone who is granting anon rsync access
and why they fear it. You can wreck the server so easily...


update-excuses addition (almost)

2001-01-08 Thread Anthony Towns
Hello world,

Since people seem to want more information about why "valid candidates"
aren't going in (which is quite sensible, just hard to provide), I've
tried adding some code that'll report what packages became uninstallable
when a package was attempted to be added to testing.

At the moment, this info is at the end of the update script's output, which
you can find at:

So, for the package ampheatmine, say, update_excuses reports:

 * amphetamine 0.8.8-3 (currently 0.8.7-3) (low)
  + Maintainer: Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  + amphetamine is 50 days out of date!
  + valid candidate (will be installed unless it's dependent upon
other buggy pkgs)

and update_output.txt lists:

amphetamine: alpha: amphetamine amphetamine-data

meaning installing the updated amphetamine source package (removing all
amphetamine-based binary packages from woody and replacing them with all
the amphetamine-based binary packages in sid) results in the amphetamine
and amphetamine-data packages becoming uninstallable.

Looking at the amphetamine and amphetamine-data packages in sid/alpha,
we see they depend on libsdl1.1, about which update_excuses says:

 * libsdl1.1 1.1.6-3 (new) (low)
  + Maintainer: Fredrik Hallenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  + libsdl1.1 is 13 days out of date!
  + libsdl1.1 (alpha arm i386 m68k powerpc sparc) is buggy (1 > 0)
  + not considered

The bug is a 25 day old grave bug that libsdl seems partially broken on


Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

 ``Thanks to all avid pokers out there''
   --, 17-20 January 2001

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#81397: [authorization] fails silently for normal users, cannot start server

2001-01-08 Thread John Galt
On Sat, 6 Jan 2001, Steve Langasek wrote:

SL>On Sun, 7 Jan 2001, Eray Ozkural (exa) wrote:
SL>> Hamish Moffatt wrote:
SL>> > There IS a debconf question about it.. it's not like it just does it to 
SL>> > without asking. Maybe the debconf priority of the question is too low if
SL>> > too many people are missing it.
SL>> Do you think this is also what prevented display managers (xdm, gdm, wings
SL>> are the ones that I tries) to function correctly?
SL>Branden diagnosed this bug correctly.  A bug in the X server *cannot* cause
SL>xdm/gdm authentication to fail, unless perhaps Branden has started diverting
SL>files at random.  (I'll let you check this if you like.  Personally, I have
SL>greater confidence in his integrity as a developer.)  The display manager
SL>starts the X server, not the other way around, which means that the X server
SL>has no control over the display manager's behavior; and the authentication
SL>failure you reported came from the display manager and PAM, /not/ from the X
SL>Is it possible you missed a debconf question that controls authentication for
SL>display managers when you upgraded?  Yes, but it certainly wasn't in the X

It's in one of the xserver packages...-common, I think.

SL>Steve Langasek
SL>postmodern programmer

Pardon me, but you have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a

Re: [way OT] private emails

2001-01-08 Thread John Galt
On Sun, 7 Jan 2001, Branden Robinson wrote:

BR>On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 06:26:24PM -0600, Bud Rogers wrote:
BR>> It is spectacularly bad form to quote private email in a public forum,
BR>> but it is not illegal.  And it is spectacularly naive to count on the
BR>> privacy of anything you tell another human being in any medium,
BR>> electronic or otherwise, unless that other human being is a doctor, a
BR>> lawyer or a priest and thus bound by the ethics of their profession.
BR>AIUI, communications with spouses are privileged as well.

Well, you and Erai ARE arguing like husband and wife

BR>Followups to debian-legal?  :)

Pardon me, but you have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a

jabber field on

2001-01-08 Thread Gerfried Fuchs

 I was just wondering - there is this icq-field on
, which I have to say I'm not really happy with.
It's not the kind of thing that seems the right thing[tm] for Debian. I
would rather like to have a jabber field instead of that

 jabber, you might ask?  From the FAQ: "Jabber is an
XML-based, open-source system and protocol for real-time messaging and
presence notification."  You might say: "Hey, that's the same as icq, so
why bother?"  But I say: "Hey, it's open-source, and that's what Debian
is all about, right?"  So, instead of supporting (and even encouraging
the developers!) the usage of a closed-source (but reverse engineered?)
protocol we should state once again what Debian is all about, right?

 I see that there might be problems due to the translation: Current
icq-field can't simply be turned into a jabber-field which would produce
some problems. On the other hand, another field might take lots of space
on the disk.

 So I thought a little about it and came up with the following:

-) The current field could be used for either one, and on display it
could be decided that it is a icq-field if it contains only of numbers.

-) Or, during a short period (say, 2 months or so?) both fields could be
there, and icq should really be dropped.

-) Finally, icq field could simply be dropped.

 Last point isn't really the best way to go - though there are currently
only 115 people using the icq field, according to Jason Gunthorpe,
including me.  And I think I'm not the only one of those people (at
least I know also that Othmar Pasteka would encourage this change).

 Jason said he won't decide - I really understand that.  But maybe if
some of the other 113 people that are currently using the icq field (or
also others, that might use the jabber field) could comment on this it
would be greatly encouraged to express your feelings :-)

 So, comments are welcome, Cc: from messages to the list NOT!

ITP: mboxgrep -- Grep through mailboxes

2001-01-08 Thread Tollef Fog Heen
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I intend to package mboxgrep, a utility which greps mailboxes.

Description: Grep through mailboxes
 mboxgrep is a small utility that scans either standard Unix 
 mailboxes, Gnus nnml or nnmh mailboxes, or MH mailboxes, and 
 displays messages matching a basic, extended, or 
 Perl-compatible regular expression.

It can be downloaded from

and is under GPL.


Tollef Fog Heen
Unix _IS_ user friendly... It's just selective about who its friends are.

package manager project ?

2001-01-08 Thread Tony Schonfeld \(f5git\)
I ve read in this list some ideas about a new package manager project for 
Do you know if the Ability to install more than one version of a package 
is an idea working in progress for future Debian release ?

Many thanks per advance


ITP: doc-debian-ja -- Debian FAQ and other documents (Japanese)

2001-01-08 Thread SEKIDO Koichi
Package: doc-debian-ja
Severity: wishlist

I will package doc-debian-ja.

The output of `dpkg -I':

 new debian package, version 2.0.
 size 161570 bytes: control archive= 854 bytes.
 668 bytes,22 lines  control  
 879 bytes,21 lines   *  postinst #!/bin/sh
 599 bytes,21 lines   *  prerm#!/bin/sh
 Package: doc-debian-ja
 Section: doc
 Priority: optional
 Architecture: all
 Suggests: doc-debian
 Installed-Size: 422
 Maintainer: SEKIDO Koichi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Description: Debian FAQ and other documents (Japanese)
  This package provides the Japanese version of Debian FAQ and other
  You will find:
* Debian Linux Manifesto,
* Constitution for the Debian Project,
* Debian GNU/Linux Social Contract,
* Debian Free Software Guidelines.
  Additionally provided are:
* Debian GNU/Linux Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ),
* Debian Bug Tracking System documentation, and
* Introduction to the Debian mailing lists.

The copyright for the FAQ:

  Copyright (C) 1996-2000 by Software in the Public Interest

  Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
  this document provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
  are preserved on all copies.

  Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
  this document under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
  the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of
  a permission notice identical to this one.

  Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
  document into another language, under the above conditions for
  modified versions, except that this permission notice may be included
  in translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of
  in the original English.

The copyright and license statement for the BTS docs:

copyright 1999 Darren O. Benham, 1994-7 Ian Jackson,
1997 nCipher Corporation Ltd, 1995 Steven Brenner.
Available under the GPL.

The copyright and license statement for the Debian JP BTS docs:

Debian JP bug tracking system copyright 1998 UKAI Fumitoshi, Debian
JP Project
Debian bug tracking system copyright 1994-1997 Ian Jackson,
copyright 1997 nCipher Corporation Ltd, copyright 1995 Steven
Brenner. Available under the GPL.

Since I am currently not a official Debian developer, I will
ask Yasuhiro TAKE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to be my sponsor.


Re: What is wrong with kde2.1 and unstable ?

2001-01-08 Thread Ulf Jaenicke-Roessler

Ivan E. Moore II wrote:

> no clue...I don't use apt to upgrade. :)  Your not alone tho, there is a 
> existing bug report on this (#81365) any help you can give me to track
> down what's going on would be appreciated.  On all the boxes I have access
> to I use dselect to manage my package list so I do know that dselect can 
> handle
> whatever is going on.

It noticed that if you manually dpkg --purge all packages that task-kde
Conflicts: with, apt-get will work fine.


Re: (open)ssh-2.3.0p1 when??

2001-01-08 Thread Svante Signell
Damian M Gryski writes:
 > On Sun, 07 Jan 2001, Svante Signell wrote:
 > > Is openssh ever going to be upgraded? Latest unstable version is
 > > 2.2.0p1-1.1 from September? while the latest OpenBSD release is now
 > > 2.3.0p1! Maybe the package also should change name from ssh to openssh.
 >openssh 2.3.0p1 was installed into unstable (sid) on Dec 30.  If you
 >think you're tracking unstable, then you probably forgot to change
 >the distribution from 'woody' to 'sid' in /etc/apt/sources.list for
 >your non-us machine.
I am trackng unstable and finally (today) the new version was present
at unstable/non-US. Thanks!
 >Otherwise, wait another week and it should be moved into woody.
 > -- 
 > Damian Gryski ==> [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Linux, the choice of a GNU generation
 > 512 pt Hacker Test score = 37% | 500 pt Nerd Test score = 56%
 >geek / linux zealot / coder / juggler
 > -- 
 > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ATTENTION! Well-Paid Job in the Internet!

2001-01-08 Thread Please Read IT Carefully!
Title: ATTENTION! The Well-Paid Job in the Internet!
We wish You a pleasant and successful day!In Russian Make money without leaving Your computer!If You show some interest and patience and understand as IT works, You can earn up to $100,000 and more!!! During the following 120 days - it depends only on You. DOES  IT SEEMS TO BE IMPOSSIBLE?? Read this document to be sure there is no catch or deceit. If You are completely lazy - we beg Your pardon for the assumption!!!, then this  is not for You!!! You'd better do something like surfing either clicking on banners or not doing anything at all.!!! If the offer hasn't interested You, we bring our apologies and it is not necessary to get angry - "Spam" has its expenses, just as radio and TV, but do not forget, that the first billionaire of the USA, Dale Carnegie said:"I'll better earn 1% as a result of the efforts of 100 men, than 100% as a result of my own efforts."RISE ON THE WAY TO THE FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE AND FREEDOM!!!Welcome to the 6X6! It is difficult to believe but nevertheless it is like that! People get richer and richer! Some of them can't recover from the shock which had come together with a heap of crust banknotes even some months later. While the others deliberate and doubt, people that believed in Business System 6X6 bathe now in money!... In view of prompt rates of development of the Internet and electronic commerce the number of users of the "World Wide Web" grows with the great speed. There are more than 15,000 new people who join the Internet daily... Copyright © 2000 6x6 MLM Corporation. All rights reserved.Ladies and Gentlemen!  
PLEASE READ THOUGHTFULLY AND ATTENTIVELY, TRYING NOT TO DISTRACT YOUR ATTENTION WITH EXTERNAL NOISES AND IRRITANTS, AND YOU'LL UNDERSTAND WHAT WILL MAKE YOU RATHER RICH AND FREE PEOPLE!!!  It is difficult to believe but nevertheless it is like that! People get richer and richer! Some of them can't recover from the shock which had come together with a heap of crust banknotes even some months later. While the others deliberate and doubt, people that believed in Business System 6X6 bathe now in money! In a literal sense! Have You ever seen how the heap of the $5 bills under which the adult person entirelly finds room looks like?! It is 100 thousand dollars!!! Can You imagine how the heap of $1,000,000 which is earned by each third participant of the superprogram 6X6 looks like?! And what is the feeling when You, not getting troubled with work, start to receive envelopes with six dollars already on the second week and further the profit is much more! And eventually some months later You don't know how to get rid of the money! You even get a bit scary of this avalanches of the money!!! ALL THAT IT WILL NECESSARY TO DO - TO SEND THE ADVERTISING LETTERS VIA E-MAIL AND FROM TIME TO TIME TO CHECK YOUR MAILBOX OR TO GO TO THE BANK! YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN STRAIN THE BRAIN - THE SUPER COMPUTER BUSINESS SYSTEM 6X6 WILL MAKE EVERYTHING ITSELF!!!SINCE THE MOMENT YOU ENTER THIS BUSINESS YOUR PROFIT SNOWBALLS AND BY THE END OF 4TH MONTH YOU'LL GET AS MINIMUM $100,000. BUT IF YOU DON'T STOP THE RESULTS WILL BE ASTRONOMICAL - $1,000,000 FOR 1 YEAR"What is the secret of such dizzy success?" - You ask. This is because there is a new formula in the business system which provides all participants with 100%-s' success due to the account of such special factors which the human brain is simply not capable of grasping. Therefore this excellent program works! And it works brilliantly! This is a prodigy-system in which success is madly infectious! Hurry up to achieve the success too!!! TRY YOURSELF!!! &nbps;Have You ever wondered why the majority of  people achieve nothing in life but only complain? This is because they are ready on a little in their life. They have a ready definitions on everything, but these definitions are formulated not by them and taken from the others. To have Your own opinion is a luxury and rarity. Those who are not afraid to try and work more than doubts very quickly appears at the top of the World! Yes, it is difficult to believe that it is possible to get rich so quickly, difficult to overcome the doubts and find Yourself suddenly fantastically rich. But believe if You will do it, it becomes Your blessing and Your dizzy success! You will not argue that You are worthy of big success and big richness, will You? And so it is vitally necessary for You to do this step to find the financial independence which will bring You co-operation with superprogram 6X6! Your time has come! "Pair words about the system..." - an interview with Igor Tichtchenkov, the founder of the business system  - In view of prompt rates of development of the Internet and electronic commerce the number of users of the "World Wide Web" grows with the great speed. There are more than 15,000 new people who join the Internet daily. With the growth of number of the Internet's users the number of different types of business programs also grows. Every da

Re: Linux Progress Patch for Debian available!

2001-01-08 Thread Florian Hinzmann

On 03-Jan-2001 Paul Hedderly wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 01, 2001 at 11:37:17AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Who recalls a cddb access program designed for blind people where
>> DENIED a certification because the program couldn't display a
>> graphical logo where the blind people could see it.
> Presumably no blind person is allowed to use any certified
> program then. Hmm :O)

Thats one of the reasons there is now.

  Florian Hinzmann  private: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
PGP-Key fingerprint: DD 61 74 34 04 FB 8A BD  43 54 83 38 0C 82 EF B1

Re: State of Debian Jr.

2001-01-08 Thread Francesca
Hi all,
I'm the italian teacher interested using linux at school.
I write articles for a national school magazine about linux at school
and my next one I thought it could be about debian jr.
I'm studying in the mailing list your complex work on-line to make
debian junior a successful distribution, problems, difficulties..
See u soon
Francesca Campora

Re: tar -I incompatibility

2001-01-08 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 08:32:33AM +1100, Sam Couter wrote:
> My point is that the -I option *doesn't* mean "uncompress this file using
> bzip2" for anything other than GNU tar. Now that it doesn't mean that for
> GNU tar either, people are complaining. I think they probably shouldn't have
> been using -I to start with, at least not as a matter of habit or in scripts
> that might live for any decent length of time or have an application on any
> non-GNU system.

If we're expected to avoid any advanced features, why do the authors bother
to implement them?


Re: bugs + rant + constructive criticism (long)

2001-01-08 Thread Florian Hinzmann

On 03-Jan-2001 Philip Brown wrote:

>> "Reply-to" is meant to send a message back to the person who wrote the
>> first one, not to someone they wrote the message to.
> reply-to is meant to direct where you should send "replies to".

Reply-To is meant to direct where you should send "replies to"
if you want to send a private mail to the originator of the mail.

> And in the case of the debian mailing lists, you should "reply to" the
> list.

If you want to send to the list you should "reply to" the list only.
If you want to send a mail the the originator of a mail you are 
allowed to do that. And you may need to honour the Reply-To-Header to 
reach him.


  Florian Hinzmann  private: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
PGP-Key fingerprint: DD 61 74 34 04 FB 8A BD  43 54 83 38 0C 82 EF B1

Re: Compiling 2.0.38 kernel

2001-01-08 Thread Andrea Glorioso
> "Chris" == Chris L Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Chris> Hi Stefan,

Chris> Unfortunately, no, I'm still having trouble.  :( I might
Chris> wind up installing a fresh potato system on another
Chris> partition to see if it works in potato or not.  If not, I
Chris> guess I should file a bug report.

Just did it on a Potato box a week ago, no problems whatsoever.  Thought
you might wish to know.


Andrea Glorioso

Description: PGP signature

Re: our broken man package

2001-01-08 Thread Fabrizio Polacco
On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 09:04:50AM +, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > OpenBSD took another tack on this problem and just did away with
> > cached man pages altogether.  (no suid or sgid man) 
> They always re-format a manual page? This might be reasonable, actually.

and some of them filter all the pages through tbl even if only 1/6 of
them needs it.

> Groff is pretty fast, and most manual pages are short, so it shouldn't
> take too long even on older hardware.

but some are soo big. Bash and perl* are good examples.

> And, anyway, caching might be done in a cronjob: look at the pages in
> manpath every night, check which ones have been accessed since the past
> run, and format those. Then delete anything older than N days in the
> cache. When displaying, use the cached version only if it is newer than
> the source.

Lars, this is exactly the way it works today.
Apart from your strange idea to cache what has been accessed during the
day. As caching is done at access time, they are already cached! The
actual cron.daily removes them after 6 days. And the cached version is
used not only if it's newer then the source, but also if the you
specifyed the same preprocessor options.
This info is stored in the db. While makewhatis only collects
name+description, mandb also stores timestamp, formatting options and
type of file.

I'm planning to add caching not only for ascii formatted pages, but also
for html output (which is now available directly from groff). In this
case preformatting all pages would be interesting.

> On the other hand, we might want to copy the OpenBSD version instead
> of maintaining our own man. But I leave that to whoever maintains the
> packages.

I would prefere the man in plan9. It's the cleaner and simpler I've ever

| pgp: 6F7267F5   57 16 C4 ED C9 86 40 7B 1A 69 A1 66 EC FB D2 5E
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] gsm: +358 (0)40 707 2468

Re: jabber field on

2001-01-08 Thread Christian Surchi
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 08:44:38AM +0100, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
>  I was just wondering - there is this icq-field on
> , which I have to say I'm not really happy with.
> It's not the kind of thing that seems the right thing[tm] for Debian. I
> would rather like to have a jabber field instead of that

I second you idea. Jabber is an interesting free project and we could
help to spread it. 


Christian Surchi   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
FLUG: | Debian GNU/Linux: 
-> <--
The only "intuitive" interface is the nipple.  After that, it's all learned.

RFC Implementation of SGML/XML Proposal for LSB in Debian

2001-01-08 Thread Ardo van Rangelrooij

Below is an RFC for the implementation of the SGML/XML Proposal for the LSB
(version 0.3) in Debian.  I've send this to several mailing list to give it
broad attention, but please keep all the further discussion on debian-sgml.
All affected package maintainers please subscribe to debian-sgml.

The complete proposal can be found at

and there's some more related info at

Please refer to the proposal for various terms used below.

0. Introduction

Currently, the SGML/XML related stuff is located under /usr/lib/sgml including
the super catalog (which is symlinked to /etc/sgml.catalog).

In the proposal this is split between /usr/share/sgml and /etc/sgml:

Configuration files, including centralized catalogs.

It includes:
*.conf: generic configuration files,, ...: DTD-specific centralized catalogs
catalog: the super catalog

Architecture-independent files used by SGML applications: Open
Catalogs (not the centralized ones), DTDs, entities, stylesheets,
and other declarative files, if any.

It is organized into DTD-specific subdirectories:

1. Transition

The transition will consists of several steps:

 1. setting up the new structure while retaining the old one
 2. adapting all affected packages to use the new structure
 3. removing the old structure

In the first step each package with files under /usr/lib/sgml has to put the
these files under both /usr/share/sgml and /usr/lib/sgml.  This can be done
either by simply putting a copy under /usr/lib/sgml or by symlinking from
/usr/lib/sgml to /usr/share/sgml.  Since we're talking about only a few MBs
in size in total, the first solution is probably the easiest to achieve.

In the second step we have to adapt each SGML application to look under the
new structure for the SGML files.  This is the most challenging part.

The third step is simply removing from each affected package the files under

2. Support

The sgml-base package will provide support to maintain the centralized
catalogs and the super catalog by adapting `install-catalog`.  During the
transition both the old and the new structure (w.r.t. the catalogs) will be

There will be no support for maintaining the structures themselves.

3. Conclusion

The first thing to do is to have the sgml-base support in place.  I'll also
setup a web page with the type and status of all affected packages.  With type
is meant SGML application and/or DTD, stylesheet, etc.

After that we can start working on the transition itself.

Ardo van Rangelrooij
home email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
home page:
PGP fp: 3B 1F 21 72 00 5C 3A 73  7F 72 DF D9 90 78 47 F9

Re: package pool and big Packages.gz file

2001-01-08 Thread Goswin Brederlow
> " " == Jason Gunthorpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > On 8 Jan 2001, Goswin Brederlow wrote:
>> I don't need to get a filelisting, apt-get tells me the
>> name. :)

 > You have missed the point, the presence of the ability to do
 > file listings prevents the adoption of rsync servers with high
 > connection limits.

Then that feature should be limited to non-recursive listings or
turned off. Or .listing files should be created that are just served.

>> > Reversed checksums (with a detached checksum file) is
>> something > someone should implement for debian-cd. You calud
>> even quite > reasonably do that totally using HTTP and not run
>> the risk of > rsync load at all.
>> At the moment the client calculates one roling checksum and
>> md5sum per block.

 > I know how rsync works, and it uses MD4.

Ups, then s/5/4/g.

>> Given a 650MB file, I don't want to know the hit/miss ratios
>> for the roling checksum and the md5sum. Must be realy bad.

 > The ratio is supposed to only scale with block size, so it
 > should be the same for big files and small files (ignoring the
 > increase in block size with file size).  The amount of time
 > expended doing this calculation is not trivial however.

Hmm, in the technical paper it says that it creates a 16 bit external
hash, each entry a linked list of items containing the full 32 Bit
rolling checksum (or the other 16 bit) and the md4sum.

So when you have more blocks, the hash will fill up. So you have more
hits on the first level and need to search a linked list. With a block
size of 1K a CD image has 10 items per hash entry, its 1000% full. The
time wasted alone to check the rolling checksum must be huge.

And with 65 rolling checksums for the image, theres a ~10/65536
chance chance of hitting the same checksum with differen md4sum, so
thats about 100 times per CD, just by pure chance.

If the images match, then its 65 times.

So the better the match, the more blocks you have, the more cpu it
takes. Of cause larger blocks take more time to compute a md4sum, but
you will have less blocks then.

 > For CD images the concern is of course available disk
 > bandwidth, reversed checksums eliminate that bottleneck.

That anyway. And ram.


Re: Solving the compression dilema when rsync-ing Debian versions

2001-01-08 Thread Goswin Brederlow
> " " == Jason Gunthorpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > On 7 Jan 2001, Bdale Garbee wrote:

>> > gzip --rsyncable, aloready implemented, ask Rusty Russell.
>> I have a copy of Rusty's patch, but have not applied it since I
>> don't like diverging Debian packages from upstream this way.
>> Wichert, have you or Rusty or anyone taken this up with the
>> gzip upstream maintainer?

 > Has anyone checked out what the size hit is, and how well
 > ryncing debs like this performs in actual use? A study using
 > xdelta on rsyncable debs would be quite nice to see. I recall
 > that the results of xdelta on the uncompressed data were not
 > that great.

That might be a problem of xdelta, I heard its pretty inefective.


Re: ITP: mboxgrep -- Grep through mailboxes

2001-01-08 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Monday 8 January 2001, at 9 h 5, the keyboard of Tollef Fog Heen 
> I intend to package mboxgrep, a utility which greps mailboxes.

BTW, we already have sgrep, which is fine for that purpose.

Re: Solving the compression dilema when rsync-ing Debian versions

2001-01-08 Thread Peter Eckersley
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 08:27:53AM +1100, Sam Couter wrote:
> Otto Wyss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > So why not solve the compression problem at the root? Why not try to
> > change the compression in a way so it does produce a compressed result
> > with the same (or similar) difference rate as the source? 
> Are you going to hack at *every* different kind of file format that you
> might ever want to rsync, to make it rsync friendly?
> Surely it makes more sense to make rsync able to more efficiently deal with
> different formats easily.

I think you reach the right conclusion, but for the wrong reason.

Either you fix rsync for each of n file formats, or you fix n file formats
for rsync :)

The advantage of doing it in rsync-land is that you can do a better job; you
apply the inverse of the compression format at both ends, calculate the
differences, and re-apply compression (probably gzip rather than the original
algorithm, but it depends) to these.  Trying to hack compression algorithms to
fit rsync is in general a bad idea.  Rusty could probably get away with it for
gzip, because it is very simple - decompression of gzip is interpreting codes
like "repeat the 17 characters you saw 38 characters ago".

Other, more sophisticated algorithms, like bzip2 (go and read about the
Burrows-Wheeler Transform, it's amazing ;) would be much harder to hack in any
reasonable way.


|> |= -+- |= |>
|  |-  |  |- |\

Peter Eckersley

for techno-leftie inspiration, take a look at

Description: PGP signature

Re: ITP: mboxgrep -- Grep through mailboxes

2001-01-08 Thread Guido Guenther
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 01:27:24PM +0100, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> On Monday 8 January 2001, at 9 h 5, the keyboard of Tollef Fog Heen 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I intend to package mboxgrep, a utility which greps mailboxes.
> BTW, we already have sgrep, which is fine for that purpose.
and grepmail...

Package: grepmail
Description: search mailboxes for mail matching an expression
 Grepmail looks for mail messages containing a pattern, and prints the
 resulting messages. It can handle compressed mailbox files, and can search
 the header or body of emails. Usage is very similar to grep.

 -- Guido

Re: ITP: mboxgrep -- Grep through mailboxes

2001-01-08 Thread Andreas Metzler
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 02:32:02PM +0100, Guido Guenther wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 01:27:24PM +0100, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> > On Monday 8 January 2001, at 9 h 5, the keyboard of Tollef Fog Heen 
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  
> > > I intend to package mboxgrep, a utility which greps mailboxes.
> > 
> > BTW, we already have sgrep, which is fine for that purpose.
> and grepmail...
> Package: grepmail
> Description: search mailboxes for mail matching an expression
>  Grepmail looks for mail messages containing a pattern, and prints the
>  resulting messages. It can handle compressed mailbox files, and can search
>  the header or body of emails. Usage is very similar to grep.

... which afaik only understands (zipped) mbox-format. Of course you
can use something like
"find ~/mail -type f | xargs grepmail pattern",
for Maildir (or mh).
  cu andreas

Re: Bug#81396: root shell fscked after upgrade to woody

2001-01-08 Thread Vince Mulhollon

The reason for installing ssh in this case was for troubleshooting,
although higher security would be a positive side effect.

He reports trouble from an unknown source, and telnetd is "involved".
Installing ssh would allow comparisons of the failure modes with different
network login clients.

If it failed with telnetd and worked with ssh, well then that would isolate
the problem to something related to telnetd.

If it failed with telnetd and failed with ssh, then the problem is probably
not the the telnetd package (although there are possibilites)

rsh could be used in a similar troubleshooting manner, although a side
effect of installing rsh would probably be lower security rather than

Some people ask why and/or complain Debian has more than 1 package that can
provide "Q" where Q is webserving or DHCPing, or BIND versions, or
whatever.  I think the ability to troubleshoot problems by trying alternate
programs is an excellent reason to have "multiple packages doing the same

Craig Sanders   

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: "Eray Ozkural (exa)" 

 cc: (bcc: Vince 
01/06/2001   Fax to:

11:36 PM Subject: Bug#81396: root shell 
fscked after upgrade to woody   

respond to  




respond to  


On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 04:38:10AM +0200, Eray Ozkural (exa) wrote:

> We use telnet here because this is a diverse university network; we
> can't force people to run ssh and any moron could go root on this
> machine if he really wanted to.

why not?

the most you'd have to do is put up a single web page with links to
local copies of ssh clients for various platforms...and optionally
replace telnetd with a script (or tcp-wrapper's "twist" capability)
which printed a message displaying the URL and advising the user to
install an ssh client. telnet problem solved with a minimum of user
support calls.

there's really no excuse for running (non-ssl) telnetd any more. good
free ssh clients are available for just about every operating system.


craig sanders

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: Compiling 2.0.38 kernel

2001-01-08 Thread Chris L. Mason
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 10:55:12AM +0100, Andrea Glorioso wrote:
> Just did it on a Potato box a week ago, no problems whatsoever.  Thought
> you might wish to know.

Okay, the problem seems to be with how mkdep is being compiled.  I managed
to get the kernel to compile by copying the mkdep.c file from 2.2.18 into
the 2.0.38/scripts directory.  Not nice, but it did the job.

Anyway, this might help others who need to compile old kernels, and
hopefully the problem will be fixed by gcc 2.95.3 final.


Re: Solving the compression dilema when rsync-ing Debian versions

2001-01-08 Thread Peter Eckersley
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 11:58:26PM +1100, Peter Eckersley wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 08:27:53AM +1100, Sam Couter wrote:
> > Otto Wyss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 
> > > So why not solve the compression problem at the root? Why not try to
> > > change the compression in a way so it does produce a compressed result
> > > with the same (or similar) difference rate as the source? 
> > 
> > Are you going to hack at *every* different kind of file format that you
> > might ever want to rsync, to make it rsync friendly?
> > 
> > Surely it makes more sense to make rsync able to more efficiently deal with
> > different formats easily.
> I think you reach the right conclusion, but for the wrong reason.
> Either you fix rsync for each of n file formats, or you fix n file formats
> for rsync :)
> The advantage of doing it in rsync-land is that you can do a better job; you
> apply the inverse of the compression format at both ends, calculate the
> differences, and re-apply compression (probably gzip rather than the original

That wasn't very clear of me, was it?  Gzip compression is fine for
transferring data on the wire.  At the other end, you still need to reuse the
original algorithm.  Re-applying compression is, of course, a potential
problem (as someone pointed out in another thread, even gzip is not in general

So more correctly, an rsync module is better where it's possible...

> algorithm, but it depends) to these.  Trying to hack compression algorithms to
> fit rsync is in general a bad idea.  Rusty could probably get away with it for
> gzip, because it is very simple - decompression of gzip is interpreting codes
> like "repeat the 17 characters you saw 38 characters ago".

Peter Eckersley 
<~sig temporarily conservative pending divine intervention~>
GPG fingerprint: 30BF 6A78 2013 DCFA 5985  E255 9D31 4A9A 7574 65BC

Description: PGP signature

Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread Vince Mulhollon
Some Eray quotes, one paragraph of advice for Eray, and a possibly useful
idea at the end for everyone.

"Non-regulation is a false claim"

"His actions are simply not tolerable"

"I'd be greatly surprised if anybody told me that developers have the right
to swear publicly in an outburst of adolescent frenzy."

"waiting for DAM approval, whenever that is supposed to happen"  (emphasis
on the "supposed to happen")

Your problem (our advantage?) is your lack of power to enforce your
demands.  Yes, someone publicly used naughty words against you, you think
their actions are not tolerable, you think our communication styles are
regulated (or should be), you think we don't have the right of free speech.
That's all very nice of you to let us know what you think, thank you (?).
But you have no power over us.  You can't fire the Xwindows maintainer,
because you don't send him a paycheck.  You can't censor the mailling list
because you aren't the moderator (there isn't one).  You attempt to
objectively state what happened, then in the same thought, shift to extreme
purely personal subjective opinions and wishes.   You've decided in a
fascist manner for us, what actions are intolerable, what speech is
acceptable, what policies are false, and how you're "above the law" and
able to quote private emails freely although everyone else isn't "above the
law".  You can't boss people around and tell them how to think if they are
volunteers in a freedom oriented group.  I would advise you not to push for
some kind of formal code of conduct, because with your luck, the new code
would be modified into something like "Debian will tar and feather anyone
who annoys more than x% of the developers", and it would seem in a few
short days you've managed to offend everyone from the Account Manager team
to the X maintainer.  Luckily for you, there are plenty of other people,
already in Debian, with poor social skills, so at least you can reasonably
request to be "grandfathered" in...  My own experience in these manners is
I've posted some stupid emails, sometimes because I've got the unique
ability to "invent" a good idea long after someone else implemented it, or
else I've just been plain ole stupid and in a hurry.  Regarding that, I
would say that true intelligence is learning from mistakes, which I'm
trying to do, and I suggest you do the same.

One possibly useful idea that could come out of this flamewar is an
"informal" code of conduct.  The model I'm thinking of is the ARRL amateur
radio operator's code.  It has about five sections, basically giving advice
on how not to be annoying as a ham radio operator.  It's informal in that
if you ignore it, they can't kick you out of anything, yet if you're a jerk
and publically ignore it, noone will have anything to do with you.

Something like this might (I stress might) be useful for Debian.  You could
even test people on their knowledge of the code in the new applicant

Here's my start as an example of what I'm thinking of.

"Debian Developer Code of Conduct" by Vince

The goal of the Debian Code of Conduct is to improve the social skills of
Developers through a process of suggestion so that more effort can be
placed on working on code and less effort can be placed on flamewars.  In
short, the code will try to tell you how to be a help, not an annoyance.
The code is not a demand, but a really strong suggestion of what actions
helps the project and what actions hurt the project.

1) A Debian Developer is a freedom oriented volunteer, yet will try to act
and communicate in the most formal and professional manner they can, as if
they represented a conservative bank, not as if they represented a bunch of
drunks fighting at the bar.

2) A Debian Developer will RTFM, isolate the problem as much as possible,
and include as much evidence as possible, before filing a bug

3) A Debian Developer will acknowledge the diversity of skill levels of his
fellow developers and will try to help other developers learn, rather than
flaming them for their ignorance.

4) A Debian Developer will understand that computer languages have priority
over traditional languages, flaming someone for poor english (or German or
whatever) is in even more annoying and non-productive than flaming someone
over poor code.

5) A Debian Developer will never knowingly run a production server on
"unstable" and will never encourage a non-developer to run "unstable".


I have this feeling in about 1 hour someone's going to post a followup that
this idea was implemented way back in '92 and why don't I RTFM, but what
the heck, my excuse can always be that "great minds think alike", etc.

- Forwarded by Vince Mulhollon/Brookfield/Norlight on 01/08/2001 09:29
AM -

Eray Ozkural

Re: ITP: mboxgrep -- Grep through mailboxes

2001-01-08 Thread Aaron Lehmann
> Package: grepmail
> Description: search mailboxes for mail matching an expression
>  Grepmail looks for mail messages containing a pattern, and prints the
>  resulting messages. It can handle compressed mailbox files, and can search
>  the header or body of emails. Usage is very similar to grep.

Grepmail is very slow, and I wouldn't mind an alternative. I blame the
slowness on perl.

$ time grepmail test /dev/null
grepmail test /dev/null  0.38s user 0.04s system 100% cpu 0.418 total

Add that to the fact that perl has a 400ms overhead just to load when
not cached in RAM on my system. Perl had just been run at the time of
this test to gather this figure, but usually on the machine in
question it is not cached.

What this means is grepmail takes almost a second to start up. I won't
even go into its grepping speed.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Compiling 2.0.38 kernel

2001-01-08 Thread Petr Cech
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 11:08:22AM -0500 , Chris L. Mason wrote:
> Anyway, this might help others who need to compile old kernels, and
> hopefully the problem will be fixed by gcc 2.95.3 final.

2.0.38 will probably not compile with gcc > very well. You might
want to try gcc272
Petr Cech
Debian GNU/Linux maintainer - www.debian.{org,cz}

 "Debian - 3 million penguins can't be wrong."

Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread Aaron Lehmann
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 10:17:42AM -0600, Vince Mulhollon wrote:
> "waiting for DAM approval, whenever that is supposed to happen"  (emphasis
> on the "supposed to happen")

No offense to the DAM, but I share Eray's pedicament and feel that I
could definately contribute more effectively if I had the ability to
make uploads. Currently I go through a sponsor, which works but is
less efficent than being able to contribute directly.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Compiling 2.0.38 kernel

2001-01-08 Thread Chris L. Mason
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 05:22:22PM +0100, Petr Cech wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 11:08:22AM -0500 , Chris L. Mason wrote:
> > Anyway, this might help others who need to compile old kernels, and
> > hopefully the problem will be fixed by gcc 2.95.3 final.
> 2.0.38 will probably not compile with gcc > very well. You might
> want to try gcc272

Right, good point.  In fact I did use gcc272 for the actual compile.  But
neither gcc272 or gcc 2.95.3 compiled mkdep.c properly.  Hmm, I wonder if
bugfixes for gcc272 are still coming?  If not, I'm not sure what the
solution would be to allow standard Debian systems to compile older

However, if the latest gcc can compile mkdep.c properly, then gcc272 could
be used for everything else.  At least it wouldn't be necessary to copy
files from other kernel releases.  Maybe this could be added to a README or


Re: Solving the compression dilema when rsync-ing Debian versions

2001-01-08 Thread Otto Wyss
>> So why not solve the compression problem at the root? Why not try to
>> change the compression in a way so it does produce a compressed
>> with the same (or similar) difference rate as the source? 
>Are you going to hack at *every* different kind of file format that you
>might ever want to rsync, to make it rsync friendly?
No, I want rsync not even to be mentioned. All I want is something
similar to

gzip --compress-like=old-foo foo

where foo will be compressed as old-foo was or as aquivalent as
possible. Gzip does not need to know anything about foo except how it
was compressed. The switch "--compress-like" could be added to any
compression algorithmus (bzip?) as long as it's easy to retrieve the
compression scheme. Besides the following is completly legal but
probably not very sensible

gzip --compress-like=foo bar

where bar will be compressed as foo even if they might be totally

Rsync-ing Debian packages will certainly take advantage of this solution
but the solution itself is 100% pure compression specific. Anything
which needs identical compression could profit from this switch. It's up
to profiting application to provide the necessary wrapper around.

>gzip --rsyncable, aloready implemented, ask Rusty Russell.

The --rsyncable switch might yield the same result (I haven't checked it
sofar) but will need some internal knowledge how to determine the old

As I read my mail again the syntax for "compressing like" could be

gzip --compress=foo bar

where bar is compressed as foo was. Foo is of course a compressed file
(how else could the compression be retrieved) while bar is not.

O. Wyss

Re: Compiling 2.0.38 kernel

2001-01-08 Thread Petr Cech
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 11:28:25AM -0500 , Chris L. Mason wrote:
> Right, good point.  In fact I did use gcc272 for the actual compile.  But
> neither gcc272 or gcc 2.95.3 compiled mkdep.c properly.  Hmm, I wonder if

hmm. I wonder how could we compile it in the first place, given there was no
other compiler.

Petr Cech
Debian GNU/Linux maintainer - www.debian.{org,cz}

Phear my "Typical bloody smart-arse debian attitude."

Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread Vince Mulhollon

Yes, it took me about a year's wait also.

The point I'm making is that complaining to volunteers is ineffective
unless you give a solution.

Now that you and Eray have publically complained about the team's slowness,
that means that after you complete the NM process, you both be joining the
NM team to help your fellow developers get processed quicker, right?

I'm not being sarcastic, my initial account manager who did the interviews
and stuff had just completed the process a few months ago, so I assume
you'll be joining the new maintainer team just like he did.

Aaron Lehmann   

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Vince Mulhollon <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>>  cc:, 
(bcc: Vince 

01/08/2001   Fax to:

10:25 AM Subject: Re: Developer Behavior

On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 10:17:42AM -0600, Vince Mulhollon wrote:
> "waiting for DAM approval, whenever that is supposed to happen"
> on the "supposed to happen")

No offense to the DAM, but I share Eray's pedicament and feel that I
could definately contribute more effectively if I had the ability to
make uploads. Currently I go through a sponsor, which works but is
less efficent than being able to contribute directly.
(See attached file: attpucp9.dat)

Description: Binary data

Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread Aaron Lehmann
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 10:17:42AM -0600, Vince Mulhollon wrote:
> 5) A Debian Developer will never knowingly run a production server on
> "unstable" and will never encourage a non-developer to run "unstable".

I don't see how this affects the Debian community. If anything, it
would result in more bug reports and quality control. I run unstable
on my server becuase it's where I have many packages installed or in
use. How is this a crime? I don't bitch when it breaks, but I fix it
and sumbit a patch (sometimes:) ).

This could be more generally stated "A Debian Developer will never
knowingly hit his head with a baseball bat in private."

Description: PGP signature

Keysigning in Barcelona

2001-01-08 Thread Santi Béjar

   I'm looking for a Debian developer to sign my key. I'm in the NM
process. If you're in Barcelona (Spain) please mail me.


Looking for signature...
Looking for signature...done

Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread Aaron Lehmann
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 10:35:51AM -0600, Vince Mulhollon wrote:
> Now that you and Eray have publically complained about the team's slowness,
> that means that after you complete the NM process, you both be joining the
> NM team to help your fellow developers get processed quicker, right?
> I'm not being sarcastic, my initial account manager who did the interviews
> and stuff had just completed the process a few months ago, so I assume
> you'll be joining the new maintainer team just like he did.

The problem I'm facing is that my account has not been created. If once
I am approved it would be possible for me to approve and create accounts
for new maintainers on a voulenteer basis, I would be very happy to do
so and save these poor new maintainers months of waiting.

The DAM is quite busy, and I sympathize with him. However, once
allowed to I would voulenteer to aid him with his duties to expedite
the processes.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Compiling 2.0.38 kernel

2001-01-08 Thread John H. Robinson, IV
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 05:33:26PM +0100, Petr Cech wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 11:28:25AM -0500 , Chris L. Mason wrote:
> > Right, good point.  In fact I did use gcc272 for the actual compile.  But
> > neither gcc272 or gcc 2.95.3 compiled mkdep.c properly.  Hmm, I wonder if
> hmm. I wonder how could we compile it in the first place, given there was no
> other compiler.

i am guessing that it is a library issue. we have newer libraries
(glibc) that the older kernels may not care for so much.


Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread Yotam
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 10:17:42AM -0600, Vince Mulhollon wrote:
> 5) A Debian Developer will never knowingly run a production server on
> "unstable" and will never encourage a non-developer to run "unstable"

Why shouldn't a developer encourage an ordinary user to run unstable?
* It would speed up the bug finding process. (Don't mention testing, please)
* For most users, unstable is stable enough for daily use.
* Whether unstable should be used by ordinary users, is still somewhat 
controversial. Until this is officially resolved, enforcing this restriction
would result in a minor freedom deprivation.
* Some may enjoy having a constant stream of newly added bugs, or maybe not.

Good day, Yotam Rubin

Re: package pool and big Packages.gz file

2001-01-08 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On 8 Jan 2001, Goswin Brederlow wrote:

> Then that feature should be limited to non-recursive listings or
> turned off. Or .listing files should be created that are just served.

*couf* rproxy *couf*

> So when you have more blocks, the hash will fill up. So you have more
> hits on the first level and need to search a linked list. With a block
> size of 1K a CD image has 10 items per hash entry, its 1000% full. The
> time wasted alone to check the rolling checksum must be huge.

Sure, but that is trivially solvable and is really a minor amount of
time when compared with the computing of the MD4 hashes. In fact when you
start taking about 65 blocks you want to reconsider the design choices
that were made with rsync's searching - it is geared toward small files
and is not really optimal for big ones.

> So the better the match, the more blocks you have, the more cpu it
> takes. Of cause larger blocks take more time to compute a md4sum, but
> you will have less blocks then.

No. The smaller the blocks the more CPU time it will take to compute MD4
hashes. Expect MD4 to run at > 100meg/sec on modern hardware so you are
looking at burning 6 seconds of CPU time to verify the local CD image.

If you start getting large 32 bit checksum matches with md4 mismatches due
to too large a block size then you could easially double or triple the
number of md4 calculations you need. That is still totally dwarfed by the
< 10meg/sec IO throughput you can expect with a copy of a 600 meg ISO

Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread Aaron Lehmann
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 06:47:01PM +0200, Yotam wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 10:17:42AM -0600, Vince Mulhollon wrote:
> > 5) A Debian Developer will never knowingly run a production server on
> > "unstable" and will never encourage a non-developer to run "unstable"
> Why shouldn't a developer encourage an ordinary user to run unstable?
> * It would speed up the bug finding process. (Don't mention testing, please)
> * For most users, unstable is stable enough for daily use.
> * Whether unstable should be used by ordinary users, is still somewhat 
> controversial. Until this is officially resolved, enforcing this restriction
> would result in a minor freedom deprivation.
> * Some may enjoy having a constant stream of newly added bugs, or maybe not.

Agreed. Bitching about problems in unstable is bad. Running unstable
is not necessarily evil.

We really should continue to leave such disgression up to developers,
as to whether they will encourage others to run unstable, for example.
A case where it might make sense to encourage someone to run unstable
is if it fixes a major bug or introduces features that they need and
the developer thinks that they are resonably competant.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Compiling 2.0.38 kernel

2001-01-08 Thread Steve Langasek
On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, John H. Robinson, IV wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 05:33:26PM +0100, Petr Cech wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 11:28:25AM -0500 , Chris L. Mason wrote:
> > > Right, good point.  In fact I did use gcc272 for the actual compile.  But
> > > neither gcc272 or gcc 2.95.3 compiled mkdep.c properly.  Hmm, I wonder if

> > hmm. I wonder how could we compile it in the first place, given there was no
> > other compiler.

> i am guessing that it is a library issue. we have newer libraries
> (glibc) that the older kernels may not care for so much.

While a 2.0 kernel may not /run/ with a given glibc, I'm puzzled as to how
having a newer glibc would keep the kernel from compiling.  The kernel is
supposed to be self-contained, w/ no dependencies on any outside libraries, is
it not?

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Re: Solving the compression dilema when rsync-ing Debian versions

2001-01-08 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 05:28:56PM +0100, Otto Wyss wrote:

> >> So why not solve the compression problem at the root? Why not try to
> >> change the compression in a way so it does produce a compressed
> result
> >> with the same (or similar) difference rate as the source? 
> >
> >Are you going to hack at *every* different kind of file format that you
> >might ever want to rsync, to make it rsync friendly?
> >
> No, I want rsync not even to be mentioned. All I want is something
> similar to
> gzip --compress-like=old-foo foo
> where foo will be compressed as old-foo was or as aquivalent as
> possible. Gzip does not need to know anything about foo except how it
> was compressed. The switch "--compress-like" could be added to any
> compression algorithmus (bzip?) as long as it's easy to retrieve the
> compression scheme.

This breaks, though, when foo and old-foo are being compressed on different
systems, by different people, etc., as is often the case with Debian packages.
Something like --rsyncable seems more generally applicable, though users
probably need to ensure that they use the same compression level both times.
(this should not be a problem for Debian, as this is all done by tools).

 - mdz

Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread Marek Habersack
** On Jan 08, Aaron Lehmann scribbled:
> On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 10:35:51AM -0600, Vince Mulhollon wrote:
> > Now that you and Eray have publically complained about the team's slowness,
> > that means that after you complete the NM process, you both be joining the
> > NM team to help your fellow developers get processed quicker, right?
> > 
> > I'm not being sarcastic, my initial account manager who did the interviews
> > and stuff had just completed the process a few months ago, so I assume
> > you'll be joining the new maintainer team just like he did.
> The problem I'm facing is that my account has not been created. If once
Same for me... My application was accepted in September, I applied in June -
the only thing missing is the account. I have 8 packages waiting to be
uploaded, one more to overtake from the current maintainer (he could/would
sponsor it, but I prefer to wait till I'm "legally" in Debian) - all of them
are actively maintained, used etc. but aren't in Debian per se. Before
somebody steps forward and claims that I'm whining, I'm not - it's just a
bit discouraging. We read many speeches here about taking part in the
community life, contributing to Debian instead of talking, whining etc. -
but it's rather hard to contribute anything when the doors are closed. It's
not that I think the DAM or whoever in the NM team is not suited for this
task, no, I'm just wondering whether they might need some

> The DAM is quite busy, and I sympathize with him. However, once
> allowed to I would voulenteer to aid him with his duties to expedite
> the processes.
Lamentably, I have no time to process NMs but if there's any other thing I
could do, I'd be more than glad to.


Visit: - the Caudium WebServer

/* A completely unrelated fortune */
 "Laugh while you can, monkey-boy." -- Dr. Emilio Lizardo 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Developer Behavior [new maintainer waiting period]

2001-01-08 Thread Adam Heath
On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Vince Mulhollon wrote:

> Yes, it took me about a year's wait also.

I created my pgp key on Dec. 27, 1997.  2 weeks later, I was a
developer.  Granted, this was before the closing, and the reorganization, but
even for that time frame, that was fast.

What I'm trying to say is that if you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that
you would benefit the project, you will be accepted.

Version: 3.12
GCS d- s: a-- c+++ UL P+ L !E W+ M o+ K- W--- !O M- !V PS--
PE++ Y+ PGP++ t* 5++ X+ tv b+ D++ G e h*! !r z?
Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Finger Print | KeyID
67 01 42 93 CA 37 FB 1E63 C9 80 1D 08 CF 84 0A | DE656B05 PGP
AD46 C888 F587 F8A3 A6DA  3261 8A2C 7DC2 8BD4 A489 | 8BD4A489 GPG

ps: I did the above during the bo<->hamm glibc 2.0 recompile.  I recompiled
3-4 packages per night for half a week or so, posting nighly updated to this
mailing list.  I had a good portion of the list rallying for my inclusion.

Re: jabber field on

2001-01-08 Thread Andreas Fuchs
Today, Gerfried Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -) Or, during a short period (say, 2 months or so?) both fields could
> be there, and icq should really be dropped.

Or, they could both be there (if space permits) with the ICQ field
output as "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". Talking about encouragement... (-:

Andreas Fuchs, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, antifuchs
Hail RMS! Hail Cthulhu! Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

Re: Linux Gazette [Was: Re: big Packages.gz file]

2001-01-08 Thread Andreas Fuchs
On 2001-01-07, Goswin Brederlow
> zhaoway> 1) It prevent many more packages to come into Debian, for
> zhaoway> example, Linux Gazette are now not present newest issues
> zhaoway> in Debian. People occasionally got fucked up by packages

> Any reasons why the Linux gazette is not present anymore?
> And is there a virtual package for the Linux gazette that allays
> depends on the newest version?

Another solution would be to have only an installer which installs the
latest version of the LG from a server that keeps it. Keeps the
Packages.gz file clean, and LG readers happy.

Or am I missing something?

Andreas Fuchs, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, antifuchs
Hail RMS! Hail Cthulhu! Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

Re: Compiling 2.0.38 kernel

2001-01-08 Thread Petr Cech
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 10:54:37AM -0600 , Steve Langasek wrote:
> While a 2.0 kernel may not /run/ with a given glibc, I'm puzzled as to how

kernel doesn't care what you have under it. and newer glibc's should work OK
even with an older one.

Petr Cech
Debian GNU/Linux maintainer - www.debian.{org,cz}

 it's amazing how "not-broken" debian is compared to slack and rh

Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
On 20010108T084511-0800, Aaron Lehmann wrote:
> The DAM is quite busy, and I sympathize with him. However, once
> allowed to I would voulenteer to aid him with his duties to expedite
> the processes.

I doubt that a fresh developer would be allowed to take on such a
vulnerable position as the DAM.  You'd have to be quite extraordinary
to achieve that.

%%% Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho % [EMAIL PROTECTED] % %%%

 Keep the Deja Archive Alive!

Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread Adam Heath
On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Aaron Lehmann wrote:

> Agreed. Bitching about problems in unstable is bad. Running unstable
> is not necessarily evil.

Just to make sure everyone understands, bitching about unstable bugs is
bad.  Finding and reporting unstable bugs is ok.

Version: 3.12
GCS d- s: a-- c+++ UL P+ L !E W+ M o+ K- W--- !O M- !V PS--
PE++ Y+ PGP++ t* 5++ X+ tv b+ D++ G e h*! !r z?
Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Finger Print | KeyID
67 01 42 93 CA 37 FB 1E63 C9 80 1D 08 CF 84 0A | DE656B05 PGP
AD46 C888 F587 F8A3 A6DA  3261 8A2C 7DC2 8BD4 A489 | 8BD4A489 GPG

Re: Developer Behavior [new maintainer waiting period]

2001-01-08 Thread Marek Habersack
** On Jan 08, Adam Heath scribbled:
> On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Vince Mulhollon wrote:
> > Yes, it took me about a year's wait also.
> I created my pgp key on Dec. 27, 1997.  2 weeks later, I was a
> developer.  Granted, this was before the closing, and the reorganization, but
> even for that time frame, that was fast.
> What I'm trying to say is that if you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that
> you would benefit the project, you will be accepted.
Hmm..., - does that prove _anything_ about
me? I guess not and the NM process is what there's needed to confirm whether
the applicant can do anything good for the project or not and the person to
judge that is the person assigned to the applicant. Having said that, I want
to ask what did you mean by writing the above statement?


Visit: - the Caudium WebServer

/* A completely unrelated fortune */
 Die, v.:  To stop sinning suddenly.   -- Elbert Hubbard 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread Branden Robinson
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 10:17:42AM -0600, Vince Mulhollon wrote:
> Some Eray quotes, one paragraph of advice for Eray, and a possibly useful
> idea at the end for everyone.

I think you are grossly overestimating Eray's desire to work well with
others, his ability to contribute anything of substance Debian, or both.

He's promised before to write code to back up some of grandiose ideas (at
one point saying something to the effect that he wouldn't get involved in a
big discussion again until he had working code to demonstrate).  He has
fallen through.

He's promised before to submit more informative and better-researched bug
reports.  He continues to fail to do so.

As you noted, he holds others to a standard of conduct to which he regards
himself immune.

He is unwilling to hold even non-concrete discussions in a semantic context
appropriate for the general body of Debian Developers, instead preferring
his own private definitions for words, and drawing things out interminably
with those who show patience with him until they finally tire of linguistic
and philosophical shell games.

He plays fast and loose with the truth, for instance justifying his action
at time A based on the events at time B, where A precedes B.  This is just
plain stupid; either Eray is, or he thinks everyone else is.

Finally, he is just generally annoying.

Some of these faults, among others, we can (and do) tolerate among other
developers, because they actually make contributions to the Debian Project,
and there tend to be areas within which one can have a rational discussion
with them.  I put up with other developers venting their spleens if they'll
put up with me doing the same, and this approach seems to work well.  (Some
folks have such hot spots  that you stay away from them, such as discussing
spam-prevention policies with me or Craig Sanders, the possible non-divine
status of anything Emacs with Manoj, etc.)  However with Eray everything
appears to be a hot spot -- if you challenge or correct him on any point
whatsoever, he does one of three things:

  * babbles on incoherently, totally ignoring your point
  * whines, bitches, moans, and complains that you are not fit to be a
Debian developer
  * utters some token apology or acknowledgement, and then proceeds as if
you hadn't made a point in the first place, leaving his own behavior
completely unchanged

I don't know if it's solipsism, narcissism, or just general immaturity, but
I don't think Eray is quite ready to make any meaningful contributions to
the Debian project.  Perhaps he is better off working by himself on things
like GNU sather, and should leave the Debian packaging to someone who can
interface effectively with other Debian developers a measurable part of the

G. Branden Robinson |   Measure with micrometer,
Debian GNU/Linux|   mark with chalk,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   cut with axe, |   hope like hell.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Developer Behavior [new maintainer waiting period]

2001-01-08 Thread Adam Heath
On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Marek Habersack wrote:

> ** On Jan 08, Adam Heath scribbled:
> > On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Vince Mulhollon wrote:
> > 
> > > Yes, it took me about a year's wait also.
> > 
> > I created my pgp key on Dec. 27, 1997.  2 weeks later, I was a
> > developer.  Granted, this was before the closing, and the reorganization, 
> > but
> > even for that time frame, that was fast.
> > 
> > What I'm trying to say is that if you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that
> > you would benefit the project, you will be accepted.
> Hmm...,
> - does that prove _anything_ about
> me? I guess not and the NM process is what there's needed to confirm whether
> the applicant can do anything good for the project or not and the person to
> judge that is the person assigned to the applicant. Having said that, I want
> to ask what did you mean by writing the above statement?

Note that I did not flaunt my deeds to the new maintainer team.  My nightly
emails would have been a part of a normal developer updating his fellow
maintainers.  I was perfectly content to keep all those debs in a staging
area, while I waited for an account, as I knew the work would eventually be
placed in debian.

To restate, I did the work, not because I wanted to get in to debian, but
because the work had to be done, and no one else was working on those packages
at the time.~

Version: 3.12
GCS d- s: a-- c+++ UL P+ L !E W+ M o+ K- W--- !O M- !V PS--
PE++ Y+ PGP++ t* 5++ X+ tv b+ D++ G e h*! !r z?
Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Finger Print | KeyID
67 01 42 93 CA 37 FB 1E63 C9 80 1D 08 CF 84 0A | DE656B05 PGP
AD46 C888 F587 F8A3 A6DA  3261 8A2C 7DC2 8BD4 A489 | 8BD4A489 GPG

Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread Colin Watson
"Vince Mulhollon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Now that you and Eray have publically complained about the team's slowness,
>that means that after you complete the NM process, you both be joining the
>NM team to help your fellow developers get processed quicker, right?
>I'm not being sarcastic, my initial account manager who did the interviews
>and stuff had just completed the process a few months ago, so I assume
>you'll be joining the new maintainer team just like he did.

I certainly intend to volunteer; I've had two AMs so far and extremely
long delays with both of them, and would like to help get other people
through a little more quickly than that.


Re: Developer Behavior [new maintainer waiting period]

2001-01-08 Thread Marek Habersack
** On Jan 08, Adam Heath scribbled:
> > Hmm...,
> > - does that prove _anything_ about
> > me? I guess not and the NM process is what there's needed to confirm whether
> > the applicant can do anything good for the project or not and the person to
> > judge that is the person assigned to the applicant. Having said that, I want
> > to ask what did you mean by writing the above statement?
> Note that I did not flaunt my deeds to the new maintainer team.  My nightly
neither do I do that... It's just that I _really_ want to work and
contribute to Debian and being a de-facto developer but not _Debian_
developer my contributions are very limited. I have maintained the above
packages for quite some time and posted to this list only _once_ - it was an
ITP which passed without echo. One would expect some kind of reaction - "go
away", "ok, you can do that", "no, don't do that" etc. etc. OK, I'm going
off topic :-))) Anyhow, my problem is that I have something (and possibly
more) to contribute, I have a will to contribute, I have the skills to
contribute but have no way to contribute. And this is the _only_ problem I
have wrt Debian.

> emails would have been a part of a normal developer updating his fellow
> maintainers.  I was perfectly content to keep all those debs in a staging
> area, while I waited for an account, as I knew the work would eventually be
> placed in debian.
Well, I've been waiting for so long and I'll wait more, but that's not the
problem we should discuss. The problem is why does it take so long? Wouldn't
it be good to add additional "sorting" measure to applicants that have been
accepted? Just take a look at how many packages they created/maintain
(outside of debian, of course) install those packages, take a look at their
quality etc. and then, based on those _technical_ criteria, file a vote with
DAM on that maintainer? Even in a democratic system there are priorities and
the Debian priority wrt NMs should be the technical skills of the person
being investigated. The other things like attitude, communication
capability, philosophy will come up when the person is in Debian whether we
like it or not...

> To restate, I did the work, not because I wanted to get in to debian, but
> because the work had to be done, and no one else was working on those packages
> at the time.~
I can only say I did the same with the above (and more) packages. But since
I've applied to become a Debian developer I would expect and wish them to
get into Debian...


Visit: - the Caudium WebServer

/* A completely unrelated fortune */
 Man is the best computer we can put aboard a spacecraft ... and the only 
 one that can be mass produced with unskilled labor.   -- Wernher von

Description: PGP signature

Re: Solving the compression dilema when rsync-ing Debian versions

2001-01-08 Thread Andrew Lenharth
> No, I want rsync not even to be mentioned. All I want is something
> similar to
> gzip --compress-like=old-foo foo
> where foo will be compressed as old-foo was or as aquivalent as
> possible. Gzip does not need to know anything about foo except how it
> was compressed. The switch "--compress-like" could be added to any
> compression algorithmus (bzip?) as long as it's easy to retrieve the
> compression scheme. Besides the following is completly legal but
> probably not very sensible

No, this won't work with very many compression algorithms.  Most
algorithms update their dictionaries/probability tables dynamically based
on input.  There isn't just one static table that could be used for
another file, since the table is automatically updated after every (or
near every) transmitted or decoded symbol.  Further, the algorithms start
with blank tables on both ends (compression and decompression), the
algorithm doesn't transmit the tables (which can be quite large for higher
order statistical models).

I suggest you read about LZW and arithmetic encoding with higher order
stitistical models.  Try "The Data Compression Book" by Nelson (?) for a
fairly good overview of how these work.

What is better and easier is to ensure that the compression is
deturministic (gzip by default is not, bzip2 seems to be), so that rsync
can decompress, rsync, compress, and get the exact file back on the other

Andrew Lenharth

Re: Developer Behavior [new maintainer waiting period]

2001-01-08 Thread Adam Heath
On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Marek Habersack wrote:

> > Note that I did not flaunt my deeds to the new maintainer team.  My nightly
> neither do I do that... It's just that I _really_ want to work and
> contribute to Debian and being a de-facto developer but not _Debian_
> developer my contributions are very limited. I have maintained the above
> packages for quite some time and posted to this list only _once_ - it was an
> ITP which passed without echo. One would expect some kind of reaction - "go
> away", "ok, you can do that", "no, don't do that" etc. etc. OK, I'm going
> off topic :-))) Anyhow, my problem is that I have something (and possibly
> more) to contribute, I have a will to contribute, I have the skills to
> contribute but have no way to contribute. And this is the _only_ problem I
> have wrt Debian.

One wave in an ocean will be missed.  A gentle, blowing breeze, will get the
boats going.  However, a full gale wind will not be helpful.

Anyways, this sub-thread has gone on long enough.  I just posted this last
time because I thought I came up with a good saying. :)

Version: 3.12
GCS d- s: a-- c+++ UL P+ L !E W+ M o+ K- W--- !O M- !V PS--
PE++ Y+ PGP++ t* 5++ X+ tv b+ D++ G e h*! !r z?
Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Finger Print | KeyID
67 01 42 93 CA 37 FB 1E63 C9 80 1D 08 CF 84 0A | DE656B05 PGP
AD46 C888 F587 F8A3 A6DA  3261 8A2C 7DC2 8BD4 A489 | 8BD4A489 GPG

WARNING: dpkg-source from 1.8.0, 1.8.1, is bad [was Re: Installed dpkg (i386 all source)]

2001-01-08 Thread Adam Heath
On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

> Format: 1.7
> Date: Sun,  7 Jan 2001 22:52:33 -0600
> Source: dpkg
> Binary: dpkg-dev dpkg-doc dpkg
> Architecture: source all i386
> Version:
> Distribution: unstable
> Urgency: low
> Maintainer: Wichert Akkerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Changed-By: Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Description:
>  dpkg   - Package maintenance system for Debian
>  dpkg-dev   - Package building tools for Debian
>  dpkg-doc   - Dpkg Internals Documentation
> Changes:
>  dpkg ( unstable; urgency=low
>  .
>* Completely revert recent patches to dpkg-source, as there was no
>  consideration as to forward and backwards compatibility.
>  1.8.0 and 1.8.1 produced invalid diffs, and couldn't be
>  extracted with <= 1.7.2.
> Files:
>  df5f2466adee77b496e816d8693777ab 601 base required dpkg_1.8.1.2.dsc
>  2a5049c530d04a17cdb7498c5cee7580 1149347 base required dpkg_1.8.1.2.tar.gz
>  1b101fbde97a48effb3525d164270767 859718 base required dpkg_1.8.1.2_i386.deb
>  13327dc9ac315f64e3b4c68d56a1bf0b 849566 byhand - 
> dpkg-
>  f4aa29f13cece696223daf258dcc431a 77066 devel important 
> dpkg-dev_1.8.1.2_all.deb
>  64b07dd6af6dbe08bd81bfe11c6579bc 10652 doc extra dpkg-doc_1.8.1.2_all.deb
>  2a5049c530d04a17cdb7498c5cee7580 1149347 byhand - dpkg-
>  Output from gpg 
> gpg: Good signature from "Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
> gpg: aka "Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

The dpkg-source that was included in dpkg-dev 1.8.0 thru 1.8.1 could not
extract source that it had built. could extract source it had built,
but the dpkg-source in versions before 1.8.0 could not(ie, potato has
1.6.15).  This problem was fixed in, by reverting the changes done in
the bad versions.

All developers who have any of the dpkg 1.8 series should upgrade to,
which was just installed into the archive.  It has not yet been sent out to
the mirrors yet, however.

Version: 3.12
GCS d- s: a-- c+++ UL P+ L !E W+ M o+ K- W--- !O M- !V PS--
PE++ Y+ PGP++ t* 5++ X+ tv b+ D++ G e h*! !r z?
Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Finger Print | KeyID
67 01 42 93 CA 37 FB 1E63 C9 80 1D 08 CF 84 0A | DE656B05 PGP
AD46 C888 F587 F8A3 A6DA  3261 8A2C 7DC2 8BD4 A489 | 8BD4A489 GPG

ps: dinstall on ftp-master is rejecting all packages with bad sources, because
of this bug.

Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread D-Man
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 08:54:07AM -0800, Aaron Lehmann wrote:
| A case where it might make sense to encourage someone to run unstable
| is if [...] the developer thinks that they are resonably competant.

I think that this is the key.  If the user is competent enough there
is no harm suggesting to them that they run unstable/testing with the
usual caveats (it is *unstable* after all).

For ordinary users, however, I think that stable should be
recommended.  Note that *ordinary* users aren't power users and
probably aren't competent enough to deal with the bugs that unstable
will inevitably bring.


Re: woody and 2.4

2001-01-08 Thread Petr Cech
On Fri, Jan 05, 2001 at 05:25:16AM -0800 , Kenneth Scharf wrote:
> Just saw this as I suppose many already have
> Since Woody is probably still many months away is
> there a chance that it will include the 2.4 Kernel?

yes. It was already stated here couple of times

Petr Cech
P.S. I hope I will not show on lwn for this :)))
Debian GNU/Linux maintainer - www.debian.{org,cz}

 the UNIX trademark has changed hands so much no one is quite sure who 
really owns it anymore

Re: BIND 9.X package status

2001-01-08 Thread Petr Cech
On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 10:48:47AM +1100 , Brian May wrote:
> I have to wonder if it is really worth having a different name for the
> newer package version. Are the versions really that different?
> Personally, I would prefer to have apt-get automatically upgrade the
> package, and that will be disabled once you include the version number

if you have libbind-dev installed, than if there is a newer libbind-dev
that it will depend on the "correct" version of libbind?? and pull it in.

Petr Cech
Debian GNU/Linux maintainer - www.debian.{org,cz}

 We are, resistance is futile, you will be apt-get upgraded.

Re: RFDisscusion: Big Packages.gz and Statistics and Comparing solution

2001-01-08 Thread zhaoway
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 12:53:52AM +0100, Marcin Owsiany wrote:
> Something like this should be implemented anyway when
> translated Descriptions will be supported and Packages size
> will grow by some 6 times.

Oh, man, you got another strong point against general package
index. (Big Packages.gz could be overwhelmingly big. hehe.. ;)

echo < */

Re: big Packages.gz file

2001-01-08 Thread zhaoway
On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 05:18:02PM -0500, Chris Gray wrote:
> > Brian May writes:
> bm> What do large packages have to do with the size of the index file,
> bm> Packages?
> I think the point was that every package adds about 30-45 lines to the
> Packages file.  You don't need to download any of the Linux Gazette to
> have the 33 lines each issue takes up in the Packages file.

A big package index IMHO is the current bottleneck of Debian package system.
While most of people are more interested in RSYNC to come to cure, MHO RSYNC
is an overkill and a non-clean-kill. It prevents easy mirroring of Debian by
requesting RSYNC service on the mirror system, and it won't solve the pool's
problem, but give a hack. ;)

While OTOH a relatively straight solution is:

* To seperate Packages.gz to be along with each package as another seperate
  file. Ceazar's belong to Ceazar. ;)
  i.e., each pkg_ver-sub_arch.deb with a pkg_ver-sub_arch.idx
* At the same time, provide a big Packages.gz by collecting these small
  files for compatibility. Or, maybe even a trimmed Packages.gz by removing
  all of the Description:s.
* Optionally, provide hard or symlinks along with each package, some
  i.e., pkg_[stable|unstable|testing]_arch.idx -> pkg_ver-sub_arch.idx
  Note: this won't hurt mirror, OTOH could even help partial mirror.
* And enable multiple versions of a package in the package pool.

This way, general package index is optional. And release management could
move towards those more fine tuned task-* like packages. No lost. ;)

Just for discussion, I would be glad to hear critics. ;)

echo < */

Re: Solving the compression dilema when rsync-ing Debian versions

2001-01-08 Thread Goswin Brederlow
> " " == Otto Wyss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>> So why not solve the compression problem at the root? Why not
>>> try to change the compression in a way so it does produce a
>>> compressed
 > result
>>> with the same (or similar) difference rate as the source?
>>  Are you going to hack at *every* different kind of file format
>> that you might ever want to rsync, to make it rsync friendly?
 > No, I want rsync not even to be mentioned. All I want is
 > something similar to

 > gzip --compress-like=old-foo foo

AFAIK thats NOT possible with gzip. Same with bzip2.

 > where foo will be compressed as old-foo was or as aquivalent as
 > possible. Gzip does not need to know anything about foo except
 > how it was compressed. The switch "--compress-like" could be
 > added to any compression algorithmus (bzip?) as long as it's
 > easy to retrieve the compression scheme. Besides the following
 > is completly legal but probably not very sensible

 > gzip --compress-like=foo bar

 > where bar will be compressed as foo even if they might be
 > totally unrelated.

 > Rsync-ing Debian packages will certainly take advantage of this
 > solution but the solution itself is 100% pure compression
 > specific. Anything which needs identical compression could
 > profit from this switch. It's up to profiting application to
 > provide the necessary wrapper around.

>> gzip --rsyncable, aloready implemented, ask Rusty Russell.

 > The --rsyncable switch might yield the same result (I haven't
 > checked it sofar) but will need some internal knowledge how to
 > determine the old compression.

As far as I understand the patch it forces gzip to compress the binary
into chunks of 8K. So every 8K theres a break where rsync can try to
match blocks. It seems to help somehow, but I think it handles
movement of data in a file badly (like when a line is inserted).

 > As I read my mail again the syntax for "compressing like" could
 > be

 > gzip --compress=foo bar

 > where bar is compressed as foo was. Foo is of course a
 > compressed file (how else could the compression be retrieved)
 > while bar is not.

I wish it where that simple.


Re: Developer Behavior [new maintainer waiting period]

2001-01-08 Thread Branden Robinson
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 11:23:05AM -0600, Adam Heath wrote:
> I created my pgp key on Dec. 27, 1997.  2 weeks later, I was a
> developer.  Granted, this was before the closing, and the reorganization, but
> even for that time frame, that was fast.
> What I'm trying to say is that if you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that
> you would benefit the project, you will be accepted.
> ps: I did the above during the bo<->hamm glibc 2.0 recompile.  I recompiled
> 3-4 packages per night for half a week or so, posting nighly updated to this
> mailing list.  I had a good portion of the list rallying for my inclusion.

Yes, and thanks to the ensuing bizarre phenomemon of "doogiebugs", it is a
cause that many folks have come to regret.

G. Branden Robinson | "I came, I saw, she conquered."  The
Debian GNU/Linux| original Latin seems to have been
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | garbled. | -- Robert Heinlein

Description: PGP signature

Re: Solving the compression dilema when rsync-ing Debian versions

2001-01-08 Thread Goswin Brederlow
> " " == Andrew Lenharth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > What is better and easier is to ensure that the compression is
 > deturministic (gzip by default is not, bzip2 seems to be), so
 > that rsync can decompress, rsync, compress, and get the exact
 > file back on the other side.

gzip encodes timestamps, which makes identical files seem to be
different when compressed.

Given the same file with the same timestamp, gzip should allways
generate an equal file.

Of cause that also depends on the options used.


Re: big Packages.gz file

2001-01-08 Thread calvin

On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 03:04:10AM +0800, zhaoway wrote:
> * To seperate Packages.gz to be along with each package as another seperate
>   file. Ceazar's belong to Ceazar. ;)
>   i.e., each pkg_ver-sub_arch.deb with a pkg_ver-sub_arch.idx
No, thats not a win. You would end up checking time stamps for thousands
of files in case of an update.
I liked the idea of alphabetical splitting in Packages-[a-z0-9].gz

> * At the same time, provide a big Packages.gz by collecting these small
>   files for compatibility. Or, maybe even a trimmed Packages.gz by removing
>   all of the Description:s.
Jup, just keep a copy of Packages.gz and provide backwards compatibility.

Bastian Kleineidam

Description: PGP signature

ITU: freeswan 1.8

2001-01-08 Thread Rene Mayrhofer
Hi all

Please reply directly to me as I am currently not subscribed to -devel.

I have ITPed for freeswan quite a while ago and have made "semi-official"
(people who were interested at that time knew of the download location) packages
since then. Now I am happy enough with my version of the freeswan 1.8 package,
which also creates a kernel-patch-freeswan package from the source and includes
the x509 patches for using x509 certificates during key negotiation (important
for interoperability with Win2000 and PGPNet). I would like to get it uploaded
(if somebody would sponsor it please, my account has not been created until now)
now because of 2 reasons: I would like to get more people testing it and I am
getting more and more questions about the status of my package. If you don't
want the package (which is now at in
unstable, please tell me so now, because I would like to get it uploaded soon.

best greets,

Re: Avifile package - help needed

2001-01-08 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
Hi Zdenek,

>> Zdenek Kabelac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > After a while there is finaly version which looks stable enough for me, 
 > so there are new packages of this program available here

 I went back to the archived discussion that took place in October, and
 I'm surprised noone pointed this out.  As far as I can tell, DivX, what
 that codecs package contains, is illegal.  It started off the Microsoft
 DLLs for MPEG4, got reverse- engineered and disasembled, patched and
 compiled again into the DivX codecs.  The license on the original DLLs
 explicitly forbids reverse- engineering them.  Since the machine in
 question is in the US (better said: in the same jurisdiction where this
 reverse-engineering act is illegal) and since there's not even a hint
 about *who* the author of that CODEC is, even less about it's copyright
 status, could you PLEASE remove the files from *.d.o machines?



 PS: go to, try to find the link to these
 win32 codecs there.

Debian unstable tar incompatible with 1.13.x?

2001-01-08 Thread safemode
I have used tar with gzip and bzip2 in debian unstable and in each case
users who use older versions of tar ( like 1.13.11 ) were unable to
decompress it.

[49: huff+mtf rt+rld]data integrity (CRC) error in data

and such error messages like that .  This troubles me greatly.  Any info
about this?I'm using debian unstable's current tar and bzip2 and
gzip  to make the tarballs.

ITP: kimberlite -- HA Cluster for Linux

2001-01-08 Thread Josh Huber
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

Kimberlite is a complete framework providing high availability for
application services on Linux.  The key features of the architecture
include the following:

- A complete high-availability service infrastructure prevents you
  from having to assemble an infrastructure from disparate

- An extensible service-configuration framework enables you to easily
  integrate a wide variety of applications.

- An exceptional data integrity guarantee differentiates the software
  from other contemporary offerings from the Linux community.  Because
  of this guarantee, a Kimberlite cluster provides a solid foundation
  for highly-available data services, such as network-exported
  databases and NFS file systems, and is ideal as the data tier for
  dynamic web content.

- Services fail over automatically when problems occur, without
  requiring manual intervention by system administrators.

- A command line user interface and a web-based graphical user
  interface enable you to monitor and manage the cluster.

- A cluster utilizes commodity hardware and storage options, such as
  SCSI and FibreChannel.

More information can be found at:

Josh Huber   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 | Debian Developer |
1024D/6B21489A 61F0 6138 BE7B FEBF A223  E9D1 BFE1 2065 6B21 489A

Re: Avifile package - help needed

2001-01-08 Thread William Lee Irwin III
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 09:12:35PM +0100, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
>  I went back to the archived discussion that took place in October, and
>  I'm surprised noone pointed this out.  As far as I can tell, DivX, what
>  that codecs package contains, is illegal.  It started off the Microsoft
>  DLLs for MPEG4, got reverse- engineered and disasembled, patched and
>  compiled again into the DivX codecs.  The license on the original DLLs
>  explicitly forbids reverse- engineering them.  Since the machine in
>  question is in the US (better said: in the same jurisdiction where this
>  reverse-engineering act is illegal) and since there's not even a hint
>  about *who* the author of that CODEC is, even less about it's copyright
>  status, could you PLEASE remove the files from *.d.o machines?

Say, could you cite some proof of this? I've been in some email discussions
with the author of mplayer about what sort of licensing needs to go on with
this and this has a serious impact on the functionality of the player(s)
involved. If there's an post in debian-legal, or even better some public
information source with a statement to this effect, I want to see it before
I tell him we can't redistribute his package or whatever this means.

On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 09:12:35PM +0100, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
>  PS: go to, try to find the link to these
>  win32 codecs there.

There's no link to it, but there's no discussion of it, either. This
doesn't help me sort out the issue very much.

"The software industry that Microsoft has been the role model for
is built on the premise that customers are not to be trusted with
the technology that they are building their organizations on."
-- Bob Young

Description: PGP signature

Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread John O Sullivan

On Mon, 08 Jan 2001 16:17:42 Vince Mulhollon wrote:
> 5) A Debian Developer will never knowingly run a production server
> on
> "unstable" and will never encourage a non-developer to run
> "unstable".

For the record I object to any Code of Condust that includes this
btw I'm a Ham operator and I recognise the value of the rules we
operate by. I don't see any connection between this clause and
anything related to Ham radio.


Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread Adrian Bunk
On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Marek Habersack wrote:

> Same for me... My application was accepted in September, I applied in June -
> the only thing missing is the account. I have 8 packages waiting to be
> uploaded, one more to overtake from the current maintainer (he could/would
> sponsor it, but I prefer to wait till I'm "legally" in Debian) - all of them
> are actively maintained, used etc. but aren't in Debian per se. Before

I don't understand your problem: I maintained 17 or 18 packages that were
all in unstable and I had done at about a dozen uploads for Debian QA and
a complete upload of the teTeX packages before my account was created two
months ago. Where is the big problem if you send your packages to a
sponsor instead of uploading it directly that forces you not to upload a
package you have prepared?

> somebody steps forward and claims that I'm whining, I'm not - it's just a
> bit discouraging. We read many speeches here about taking part in the

Why do many applicants think they must get a Debian account before they
can really start working? It might sometimes take a bit more time until a
package is installed in the archive, but you can upload new and adopted
packages through a sponsor, work on the boot floppies and many other
things without a Debian account.

> marek


A "No" uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a
"Yes" merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble.
-- Mahatma Ghandi

Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread Adrian Bunk
On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Vince Mulhollon wrote:

> 5) A Debian Developer will never knowingly run a production server on
> "unstable" and will never encourage a non-developer to run "unstable".

Tou want to forbid that:
- I run unstable on a production server even if I know what I'm doing
- I tell my best friend: "Unstable currently runs fine and if you want you
  can give it a try."

That would be the first time where Debian would try to regulate what I do
in the time when I'm not working for Debian and at that point I would
immediately leave Debian.


A "No" uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a
"Yes" merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble.
-- Mahatma Ghandi

Re: ITP: kimberlite -- HA Cluster for Linux

2001-01-08 Thread Ralf Treinen
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: wishlist
> Kimberlite is a complete framework providing high availability for
> application services on Linux.  The key features of the architecture

Which licence? -Ralf.

Re: Solving the compression dilema when rsync-ing Debian versions

2001-01-08 Thread John O Sullivan
There was a few discussions on the rsync mailing lists about how to
handle compressed files, specifically .debs
I'd like to see some way of handling it better, but I don't think
it'll happen at the rsync end. Reasons include higher server cpu load
to (de)compress every file that is transferred and problems related to
different compression rates.
see this links for more info


Re: Debian unstable tar incompatible with 1.13.x?

2001-01-08 Thread Junichi Uekawa
In Mon, 08 Jan 2001 15:21:30 -0500 safemode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cum veritate 
scripsit :

> I have used tar with gzip and bzip2 in debian unstable and in each case
> users who use older versions of tar ( like 1.13.11 ) were unable to
> decompress it.
> [49: huff+mtf rt+rld]data integrity (CRC) error in data
> and such error messages like that .  This troubles me greatly.  Any info
> about this?I'm using debian unstable's current tar and bzip2 and
> gzip  to make the tarballs.

To summarize what has been happening in debian-devel, 

The maintainer of tar has decided he wants to change the meaning of
the option -I, the reasoning being that because it is an unstable 
version of tar, the developer can do anything he wishes.

One problem is that the stable version of Debian (potato) included
an unstable version of tar.

The only action taken so far is to update the documentation to reflect
the change of "I" to "j"


dancer, a.k.a. Junichi Uekawa
 Dept. of Knowledge Engineering and Computer Science, Doshisha University.
... Long Live Free Software, LIBERTAS OMNI VINCIT.

Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread Vince Mulhollon
It's a totally informal and unofficial first draft.  Maybe a better way of
expressing my thoughts would be:

"A Debian Developer will never knowingly allow a mission critical server to
run unstable unless all the affected users and managers understand the

or, perhaps more acceptable:

"A Debian Developer will completely accept, understand, and expect the
problems that result from running unstable without reacting in anger and

What I'm getting at is the prevention of emails like:

"I upgraded my machine to unstable because I wanted to run the latest GTK
solitaire game, but then libc broke and now the embedded system is locked
up so the primary cooling pumps shut down, and the reactor core is
overheating, what do I do now, please respond before the reactor
Chernobyls!" or similar dramatic responses.  I'm not trying to make fun of
people getting fired because their webhosting or dnshosting goes down, but
there's some tragic humor in seeing people destroy their critical business
tools over and over by running unstable without knowing the consequences.
Then again, you could say they destroy their critical business tools every
time they get out the Microsoft installation CDRom (humor).  Once one
person learns the hard way what not to do, there's always someone else
ready to do the same dumb thing.

I really didn't expect as many complaints as I got... I know that if I ran
unstable on a mission critical machine at work, I'd get fired when it
crashed, because of poor judgement (and rightly so!).  It seems unwise to
run experimental development kernels or development packages on something
that should not be screwed around with.  And if it is OK to screw around
with it, then either it's really not mission critical after all, so its OK
to screw around with it because it doesn't really matter, or the management
is totally screwed up.  It would be unprofessional for my doctor to give me
experimental drugs that might cure me or might kill me, and I think it's
equally unprofessional for a sysadmin to install experimental software that
might kill the machine.

Thus ironically bringing us full circle to the start of the thread where
howling occurred because a bunch of users lost access when a working
(presumably mission critical) machine was upgraded, resulting in a flamewar
about how dare the developer not care that the endusers were screwed when X
broke (because the upgrader was not familiar with the changes), etc.

If I felt like stirring the pot, I'd propose we stop calling it "unstable"
and start calling it "full-of-bugs".  People like developers won't be
scared of the bugs, but the people doing "important end user things" will
be scared away (except for the stupid people, but there's nothing that can
be done to help them, other than euthanasia).  We could rename "stable" to

Another idea would be to change the /etc/issue for unstable and stable such
that they print the approximate number of release critical bugs in stable,
testing, and unstable.  It might even motivate developers to work bugs so
they don't have to see a huge number every time they log in.  Even a change
from "Unstable" to "Unstable with approx 9000 release critical bugs as of
x/y/2001" might be interesting.

Enough subject drift.

The ham radio connection.  There's no direct connection, other than

Both the ARRL and Debian are nongovernmental  agencies composed of
volunteers, and a tiny fraction of people whom are paid to work on the
project, to make their "product" as good as it can be, primarily for the
benefit of the members, but society at large also benefits.  The front of
the ARRL handbook has had the "amateur code" in it for as long as I can
remember, to encourage radio operators to behave.  A listen to certain
parts of the 80 meter band shows that isn't totally effective, but at least
the ARRL tries, and all a volunteer organization can do is try to encourage
good behavior, can't really force it.  I see some similarity in Debian.
The ARRL also has a "considerate operator's bandplan" which most people
seem to follow, which also is good inspiration.

A statement of shared values that we should at least try to be civil to
each other and all play together nicely according to our rules certainly
can't do any harm (?)

- Forwarded by Vince Mulhollon/Brookfield/Norlight on 01/08/2001 02:44
PM -

John O  

Sullivan To:  

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc: (bcc: Vince 
Mulhollon/Brookfield/Norlight)>  Fax to:

ITP sked

2001-01-08 Thread Gergely Risko

I'm working on fixing some bugs and after that packaging up
sked, a conosle-based calendar and scheduling program.


Re: Avifile package - help needed

2001-01-08 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
Hi Zdenek,

 [ I hope you don't mind me mailing the reply back to d-d, please keep
 your replies there ]

>> Zdenek Kabelac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > But in this case - maybe downloading script would be legal for Debian ?
 > (just like for realplayer ? - or do you think Debian user should never
 > see any DivX-ed movie ?)

 Well, AFAICS the installer would cp *.dll /usr/lib/win32/ or something
 along those lines, wouldn't it?  Up to that point, I guess it's ok, but
 I *would* frown upon an installer that downloads the files from some
 location, not because of what I think of DivX, but because such an
 installer is specifically designed to aid in the distribution of
 material that is potentially illegal and nothing else.


Re: Developer Behavior

2001-01-08 Thread Mark Mealman
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 09:52:25PM +0100, Adrian Bunk wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Vince Mulhollon wrote:
> >...
> > 5) A Debian Developer will never knowingly run a production server on
> > "unstable" and will never encourage a non-developer to run "unstable".
> >...
> Tou want to forbid that:
> - I run unstable on a production server even if I know what I'm doing
> - I tell my best friend: "Unstable currently runs fine and if you want you
>   can give it a try."
> That would be the first time where Debian would try to regulate what I do
> in the time when I'm not working for Debian and at that point I would
> immediately leave Debian.

I'm no Debian Developer, but I've been running unstable on production
environments for about 3 years now.

And I sleep very well at nights, thank you very much.

I think you guys have gotten so used to Linux's rock solid stability and
Debian stable's total "we know all 15,000 packages play nice with each
other" solidity you've forgotten the rest of the IT world lives with
production service packs upgrades from source vendors that totally break
their OS environments(Windows NT service pack upgrades do that regularly).

Debian unstable(or testing), may not be distribution you want your heart
monitor to be running on when you're at the hospital, but it's far from
lacking production quality.


Re: Avifile package - help needed

2001-01-08 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
>> William Lee Irwin III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > Say, could you cite some proof of this?
 I admit this being hearsay.  Before sending my previous message I did
 try to find some credible source for this information.  The Project
 Mayo doesn't give much info in that direction, and the articles it
 links barely mention the issue.  The sites that did contain the
 information are gone or have changed since then.  The only site where
 you can find something along these lines is, *gasp*, slashdot.  Mac
 Station ( claims to provide the source to a DivX
 CODEC, but I couldn't decompress the file to verify this.  I wouldn't
 repeat this information if the DivX authors had cared to say "no,
 that's not true".

 > I've been in some email discussions with the author of mplayer about
 > what sort of licensing needs to go on with this and this has a
 > serious impact on the functionality of the player(s) involved. If
 > there's an post in debian-legal, or even better some public
 > information source with a statement to this effect, I want to see it
 > before I tell him we can't redistribute his package or whatever this
 > means.

 As long as mplayer doesn't *require* DivX to work, it should be safe.
 For example, xine can *use* the Windows DLLs, but it doesn't require
 them.  I guess mplayer is in similar position.


Re: Linux Gazette [Was: Re: big Packages.gz file]

2001-01-08 Thread Adrian Bridgett
On Mon, Jan  8, 2001 at 18:20:16 +0100 (+), Andreas Fuchs wrote:
> On 2001-01-07, Goswin Brederlow
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > zhaoway> 1) It prevent many more packages to come into Debian, for
> > zhaoway> example, Linux Gazette are now not present newest issues
> > zhaoway> in Debian. People occasionally got fucked up by packages
> > Any reasons why the Linux gazette is not present anymore?
> > And is there a virtual package for the Linux gazette that allays
> > depends on the newest version?
> Another solution would be to have only an installer which installs the
> latest version of the LG from a server that keeps it. Keeps the
> Packages.gz file clean, and LG readers happy.
> Or am I missing something?

To answer the questions:

a) it is present but I havn't updated it in a while (busy).  Wouter Verhelst
has offered to take over the package but he's new to packaging so things are
taking a bit of time.

b) nope - I havn't done a virtual "latest" package yet, there is a bug about
it I think (or Wouter suggested it).

c) personally, I like the LG since I find the issues useful - I found useful
articles in all the ones I read.  Unfortuantely since I left uni I havn't
been sufficiently bored to remember to download and read them (and hence to
package them).

d) I was hoping the "data" section of Debian would get into policy so I
could move the packages there and out of main.


Windows NT - Unix in beta-testing. GPG/PGP keys available on public key servers
Debian GNU/Linux  -*-  By professionals for professionals  -*-

ITP: asmon -- A system resource monitor dockapp for Afterstep and WindowMaker

2001-01-08 Thread Paul van Tilburg
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

Description: A system resource monitor dockapp for Afterstep and WindowMaker
 Asmon is a wharfable/dockable application for that displays meters
 detailing CPU, memory, swap, and X mem usage.  Also included the
 exact numbers for load average, mem, swap, and X.  Developed to use  
 very little CPU time itself.

The source can be downloaded from:
It's licence is GPL and the author is Brad Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Student @ Eindhoven | ICQ: 8678828
University of Technology, The Netherlands   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Using the Power of Debian GNU/Linux <<< | GPG: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

gnome run command

2001-01-08 Thread Dr. Guenter Bechly

does anybody know if it is possible to start the built-in run command
(similar to xexec) of the gnome-panel, outside the gnome desktop, e.g.
under icewm. I tried to find the command's name but did not succeeed. I
also tried to find it out by looking into the process-list, but the start
of the run command is not shown as a separate process under gnome.  If a
start independent of Gnome should not be possible, I would ITP gRun for
Debian which does the job very well. Xexec is a pain in the ass, because
even if the focus is given to the window, you first have to click inside to
be able to write a command. This is not the case with gRun or the built-in
command. Any hints would be greatly appreciated.


Linux: Who needs GATES in a world without fences?

Re: Developer Behavior [new maintainer waiting period]

2001-01-08 Thread Aaron Lehmann
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 11:23:05AM -0600, Adam Heath wrote:
> What I'm trying to say is that if you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that
> you would benefit the project, you will be accepted.

All I stated was that it was less efficient for many people to do work
through sponsors. Well, let's do an indirect proof. Assuming I would
not benefit the project much, uploading my packages takes time by
REAL Debian developers who could be doing actual work that would
benefit Debian. Getting an account would prevent me from bothering
sponsors with my silly packages.

So, whether I would benefit the project or not, it would benefit the
project to create an account for me.

Keep in mind that I don't take it _this_ serriously. The topic came up
and I commented that I was in the same situation. I'm still waiting
patiently and don't want to make a fuss. I only wish I did not have to
bother sponsors when I do have the mental capacity to upload a package.

I've even offered to help expedite the new-maintainer process if
accepted into Debian. My offer has been to create accounts, since that
seems like where one of the major bottlenecks is, but if this
responsibility can not be entrusted to brand-new developers (which is
likely the case), I would appreciate suggestions on other ways I could

Aaron Lehmann

Description: PGP signature

ITP: mol - the Mac-on-Linux emulator

2001-01-08 Thread Jens Schmalzing

Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I intend to package MOL, an emulator for running MacOS on PowerPC Linux.

MOL is licensed under the GPL.  Source, binaries, and rpm files can be
downloaded from .

Regards, Jens.

J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe le djuz tqtaj!

ITP: cfitsio - a library for handling FITS data files

2001-01-08 Thread Jens Schmalzing

Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I intend to package cfitsio, the C version of a library for handling
the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) file format, widely used in
the astronomical community.

The current version of cfitsio can be downloaded in form of a
compressed tarball cfitsio2100.tar.gz from the directory .  It is licensed under
the terms stated in Licence.txt in the same directory; I believe this
does not qualify as a free licence, so the package will have to go
into non-free.

Regards, Jens.

J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe le djuz tqtaj!

ITP: xgospel - a client for playing Go on IGS

2001-01-08 Thread Jens Schmalzing

Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I intend to package xgospel, a client for playing the game of Go on
the Internet Go Server IGS.

While the source of xgospel is readily available from, I couldn't find any hint of a
license for this program.  So the first step will probably be to
contact the author and find out.

Regards, Jens.

J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe le djuz tqtaj!

Re: ITP: mboxgrep -- Grep through mailboxes

2001-01-08 Thread John Galt

I guess that Raul WAS right when he told me there *IS* only one way to do

On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

SB>On Monday 8 January 2001, at 9 h 5, the keyboard of Tollef Fog Heen 
SB>> I intend to package mboxgrep, a utility which greps mailboxes.
SB>BTW, we already have sgrep, which is fine for that purpose.

Pardon me, but you have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a

Re: ITP: mboxgrep -- Grep through mailboxes

2001-01-08 Thread Joey Hess
Aaron Lehmann wrote:
> What this means is grepmail takes almost a second to start up. I won't
> even go into its grepping speed.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>time grepmail foo /dev/null
0.29user 0.01system 0:00.29elapsed 100%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k

(P-II 300)

Anyhow, if this new package has the same functionality as grepmail (in
particular, if it supports things like 'grepmail -d '1 week ago'), I
might consider dropping the grepmail package for it.

see shy jo

Re: ITP: mboxgrep -- Grep through mailboxes

2001-01-08 Thread Aaron Lehmann
On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 03:49:01PM -0800, Joey Hess wrote:
> Balderdash:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>time grepmail foo /dev/null
> 0.29user 0.01system 0:00.29elapsed 100%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k

First time:
$ time grepmail foo /dev/null
grepmail foo /dev/null  0.36s user 0.05s system 39% cpu 1.047 total

Second time:
grepmail foo /dev/null  0.41s user 0.01s system 101% cpu 0.413 total


Want to trade hard drives?

Description: PGP signature

[mc]: Help reproducing a bug

2001-01-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski

I have a bugreport stating 

  mc segfaults when a shell command that was started inside mc fails,
  e.g.  because it is not found, it is interrupted, or it
  crashes. This error only occurs since a few weeks on my system and
  therefore might be related to kernel-2.4 or recent library updates
  in Debian unstable.

[ this doesn't happen everytime a command fails ]

I never had such a thing, nor did I hear about this prior to this

Does someone else have this problem?

Thanks for your help,

PS: Günter, maybe you could recompile the package with -ggdb so we can
get a backtrace from the coredump?

Re: gnome run command

2001-01-08 Thread D-Man

It used to be gnome-run.  I created my own launcher that first ran a
script to set the "history" on my RH6.1 system (heavily upgraded) that
had Gnome 1.2 on it.  (Or maybe only gnome 1.0.55).

After I installed RH7 I could no longer find the command and my launch
er didn't work.


On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 10:52:12PM +0100, Dr. Guenter Bechly wrote:
| Hi,
| does anybody know if it is possible to start the built-in run command
| (similar to xexec) of the gnome-panel, outside the gnome desktop, e.g.
| under icewm. I tried to find the command's name but did not succeeed. I
| also tried to find it out by looking into the process-list, but the start
| of the run command is not shown as a separate process under gnome.  If a
| start independent of Gnome should not be possible, I would ITP gRun for
| Debian which does the job very well. Xexec is a pain in the ass, because
| even if the focus is given to the window, you first have to click inside to
| be able to write a command. This is not the case with gRun or the built-in
| command. Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
| Cheers,
| Guenter
| -- 
| Linux: Who needs GATES in a world without fences?

Re: BIND 9.X package status

2001-01-08 Thread Brian May
> "Petr" == Petr Cech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Petr> On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 10:48:47AM +1100 , Brian May wrote:
>> I have to wonder if it is really worth having a different name
>> for the newer package version. Are the versions really that
>> different?  Personally, I would prefer to have apt-get
>> automatically upgrade the package, and that will be disabled
>> once you include the version number

Petr> if you have libbind-dev installed, than if there is a newer
Petr> libbind-dev that it will depend on the "correct" version of
Petr> libbind?? and pull it in.

If you call it bind-dev, and not bind9-dev, as the maintainer was

Re: Solving the compression dilema when rsync-ing Debian versions

2001-01-08 Thread Goswin Brederlow
> " " == John O Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > There was a few discussions on the rsync mailing lists about
 > how to handle compressed files, specifically .debs I'd like to
 > see some way of handling it better, but I don't think it'll
 > happen at the rsync end. Reasons include higher server cpu load
 > to (de)compress every file that is transferred and problems
 > related to different compression rates.  see this links for
 > more info

Did you read my proposal a few days back? That should do the trick,
works without unpacking on the server side and actually reduces the
load on the server, because it then can cache the checksum,
i.e. calculate them once and reuse them every time.


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