Re: Rsum des discussions au sujet de debconf sur debian-devel

2003-04-27 Thread Christian Perrier
Quoting Martin Quinson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Il me semble qu'une meilleure solution ici serait de demander au mainteneur
 d'iso-codes de faire un ptit script permettant de faire les conversions qui
 vont bien (nom - code), et d'obtenir la traduction des noms. 
 En attachement, un ptit script offrant l'API suivante :
 USAGE: iso-codes getcode (language|country)
iso-codes getlangcode
iso-codes getcountry code
 Et on peut faire code=`iso-codes getcode French`
 pour avoir code==fr
 On devrait pouvoir traduire, au moins dans le sens en-autre, mais j'ai pas
 reussi a le faire car gettext(1) me resiste. Si quelqu'un y arrive, je pense
 que ce script gagnerait a etre inclu dans le paquet iso-codes, et je ferais
 le rapport et suivi de bug necessaire.

Je supporte cette proposition. A mon avis, ton script peut déjà aller
dans iso-codes, même s'il ne sait pas encore fournir la version

Ce serait ainsi déjà très pratique pour au moins deux paquets, geneweb
et sympa si on se réfère à la discussion précédente..:-)

Je vois même encore plus loin :

Il y a certainement encore d'autres paquets qui proposent, via
debconf, le choix d'une langue.

Pour l'instant, cela oblige les traducteurs à traduire des listes de
langues :

Template: geneweb/lang
Type: select
Choices: Afrikaans (af), Bulgarian (bu), Catalan (ca), Chinese (zh), Czech 
(cs), Danish (da), Dutch (nl), English (en), Esperanto (eo), Estonian (et), 
Finnish (fi), French (fr), German (de), Hebrew (he), Icelandic (is), Italian 
(it), Latvian (lv), Norwegian (no), Polish (pl), Portuguese (pt), Romanian 
(ro), Russian (ru), Spanish (es), Swedish (sv)
Choices-ca.ISO-8859-15: afrikaans (af), búlgar (bu), català (ca), xinès (zh), 
txec (cs), danès (da), holandès (nl), anglès (en), esperanto (eo), estonià 
(et), finès (fi), francès (fr), alemany (de), hebreu (he), islandès (is), 
italià (it), letó (lv), noruec (no), polonès (pl), portuguès (pt), romanès 
(ro), rus (ru), espanyol (es), suec (sv)
Choices-da.ISO-8859-1: afrikaans (af), bulgarsk (bu), catalansk (ca), kinesisk 
(zh), tjekkisk (cs), dansk (da), hollandsk (nl), engelsk (en), esperanto (eo), 
estisk (et), finsk (fi), fransk (fr), tysk (de), hebræisk (he), islandsk (is), 
italiensk (it), lettisk (lv), norsk (no), polsk (pl), portugisisk (pt), rumænsk 
(ro), russisk (ru), spansk (es), svensk (sv)


Du coup, dès qu'une nouvelle langue est ajoutée, bing.toutes les
traductions deviennent fuzzy.

On pourrait donc peut-être imaginer une entrée spécifique dans le
fichier templates que po-debconf traiterait de manière particulière :

_LangChoices: Afrikaans, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, 
English, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Icelandic, 
Italian, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, 

Dans ce cas précis, quand on utiliserait debconf-updatepo, les
champs Choices seraient automatiquement mis à jour

A part modifier des scripts de po-debconf, cela n'imposerait qu'une
chose de plus : rendre celui-ci dépendant de iso-codes

C'est juste une idée pas encore totalement formée, mais je pense que
vous gettez bien le point? :-)

Re: Résumé des discussions au sujet de debconf sur debian-devel

2003-04-27 Thread Denis Barbier
On Sun, Apr 27, 2003 at 08:41:16AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
 Du coup, dès qu'une nouvelle langue est ajoutée, bing.toutes les
 traductions deviennent fuzzy.

Pas nécessairement, tu peux regarder ce que j'avais fait avec
languagechooser (mais les nouvelles versions ont été complètement
remaniées), en utilisant __Choices au lieu de _Choices.  Cette
syntaxe est expliquée dans po-debconf(7), section « New master
templates ».

 On pourrait donc peut-être imaginer une entrée spécifique dans le
 fichier templates que po-debconf traiterait de manière particulière :
 _LangChoices: Afrikaans, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, 
 English, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Icelandic, 
 Italian, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, 
 Dans ce cas précis, quand on utiliserait debconf-updatepo, les
 champs Choices seraient automatiquement mis à jour
 A part modifier des scripts de po-debconf, cela n'imposerait qu'une
 chose de plus : rendre celui-ci dépendant de iso-codes

L'idée est intéressante, mais le nombre de paquets concerné est très
faible, je ne sais pas si ça vaut le coup d'ajouter cette dépendance.


[base-files] Bug ?

2003-04-27 Thread Michel Grentzinger

Suite à des essais avec le paquet linuxlogo et les fichiers /etc/issue*, j'ai 
remarqué qu'il n'était pas possible de regénérer le fichier /etc/issue.

En supprimant (ou en déplacant) /etc/issue et /etc/, il est 
impossible de les réinstaller avec :
# apt-get --reinstall install base-files

Pourtant, la commande dpkg -S /etc/issue /etc/ renvoie que ces deux 
fichiers appartiennent au paquet base-files.

Est-ce un bogue de base-files ou est-ce qu'un autre script d'installation se 
charge de créer ces fichiers ?
Michel Grentzinger
Available on


2003-04-27 Thread Georges Roux
Je developpe avec mes camarades un paquet Debian pour notre logiciel 
(C-Arbre) que nous aimerions voir, un jour
dans cette Distrbution. Suivant la procedure decrite dans le guide du 
nouveau mainteneur, y a t'il quelqu'un pour me signer ma cle gpg?

C-Arbre : :

[Debian-Lex] Interview with subproject leader

2003-04-27 Thread Jeremy Malcolm
[Most of the discussion on the Debian-Lex proto-subproject has been
off-list, so I'm sending this one to the list so that people can see
something of our progress.  These answers will be made into an article
by Matt Black at some point after we get an official list and Web area.]

On Sun, 2003-04-27 at 10:07, Matt Black wrote:

 * Tell me a about yourself / your background.

I'm from Perth, Western Australia, where I work both as a lawyer
specialising in information technology law, and as the manager of an IT
consultancy.  Having one foot in the IT field and another in the IT
world is helpful because these areas cross over in much of the work that
I do.  For example, I fought a prominent legal case against a spammer
last year in which my IT knowledge proved useful, and my legal knowledge
is often useful when my IT consultancy provides services to law firms. 
I've been using Debian GNU/Linux for about eight years, and both arms of
my business now use it exclusively.

 * What is Debian?

Debian aims to be a universal operating system, that is free to
distribute and develop.  Debian is available for numerous types of
computer system, but its most widely used variant is based around the
Linux operating system kernel and runs on ordinary PC hardware.  It is,
if you like, an alternative for Microsoft Windows, but with the
advantage of having many thousands of software packages bundled with it,
all of which are free to use and to extend.

 * What is Debian-Lex?

Debian-Lex is project to create a subset of Debian that will provide a
pre-configured operating system designed specifically for use in legal
practice.  Our aim is that Debian-Lex will not only sit on lawyers'
desktops, but also be found in their accounts departments, on their
office servers, and be used in court registries.  Debian-Lex is not a
competitor to Debian, as everything that goes into Debian-Lex will go
straight into Debian also.  It will, however, make it easier to install
a Debian GNU/Linux system that is tuned to the requirements of a legal

 * Who are the people behind Debian and Debian-Lex?

The Debian project is quite unique in that it comprises over a thousand
participants from all around the world, ranging from software engineers
to documentation maintainers, all of whom are unpaid for the work they
contribute to the project (although some are sponsored by their
employers).  Debian-Lex, being a sub-project of Debian, is being
developed by some of these same volunteers, so far including three
qualified lawyers.  Anyone is welcome to apply to join the project, so
long as they share our ideals of collaboratively developing a free
operating system.

 * What advantages will Debian-Lex bring to lawyers and law firms?

There are hundreds of proprietary software packages designed for
lawyers, to fulfil their specialist needs for time recording, trust
accounting, and client and matter management.  Most of these packages do
not interoperate with each other, and still less frequently can the
packages in use by one firm exchange information seamlessly with
packages in use by another firm, or those in use by a court.  One of our
main aims for Debian-Lex is to increase interoperability of legal

 * What kind of specialist software will be available in Debian-Lex?

We hope to provide a framework for various software packages to access
and maintain a central database of client and matter information.  One
of these will be a sophisticated multi-user accounting package, another
is a desktop time recording package, and a third is the well-renowned
Microsoft Office-compatible office suite,  On a more
obscure note, we will have a tool to check for conflicts of interest,
and various tools to search and manipulate legal transcripts and

 * With the importance that attaches to legal proceedings, shouldn't lawyers 
 willing to pay for the best rather than preferring free software?

Often free software (or open source software) is the best available. 
This is so because it can draw on the talents of a much wider community
of developers than proprietary software.  Moreover, if a software tool
does not meet the needs of its users, they have free access to the
source code which enables them to modify it to suit their requirements,
or to pay a software developer to do so.  Many lawyers have been caught
out when support for specialised proprietary software they are using has
been withdrawn by its developer, or the developer has gone out of
business.  The use of free, open source software reduces this concern.

 * When will Debian-Lex be 'released'?

That all depends on how many contributors decide to collaborate on it! 
The Debian project at large does not have a fixed timeline for its
releases, and Debian-Lex follows the same policy.  We expect that a
full, working operating system pre-configured for lawyers will be
available if not by the time of the next official Debian release, then
by the time of the 

Re: Bug#190912: ITP: konqueror-embedded -- A light version of the Konqueror web browser for use in small machines

2003-04-27 Thread Chris Cheney
On Sat, Apr 26, 2003 at 10:24:31PM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
 Package: wnpp
 Version: unavailable; reported 2003-04-26
 Severity: wishlist
 * Package name: konqueror-embedded
   Version : 20021229_snapshot
   Upstream Author : Simon Hausman [EMAIL PROTECTED], Paul Chitescu [EMAIL 
 * URL :
 * License : GPL
   Description : A light version of the Konqueror web browser for use in 
 small machines
 The Konqueror/Embedded project attempts to build up a special version of
 the web browsing component of the KDE browser Konqueror (in particular
 its html rendering engine khtml and its io subsystem).
 Konqueror-embedded runs as one static binary, being as small as possible
 while still providing all essential features of a web browser, including
 * SSL

This is likely illegal if it is truely one binary and doesn't do the
kpart abstraction stuff... I really wish openssl would just vanish


Re: Bug#190912: ITP: konqueror-embedded -- A light version of the Konqueror web browser for use in small machines

2003-04-27 Thread Morgon Kanter
  * SSL
 This is likely illegal if it is truely one binary and doesn't do the
 kpart abstraction stuff... I really wish openssl would just vanish

Time to start converting the world to gnu TLS, it seems...

You said homosexuals form a small percentage of the population.  So
do Jews.  Is that a reason to deny someone equality?
 - Richard Marceau

Re: Bug#190912: ITP: konqueror-embedded -- A light version of the Konqueror web browser for use in small machines

2003-04-27 Thread Chris Cheney
On Sun, Apr 27, 2003 at 01:48:01AM -0400, Morgon Kanter wrote:
   * SSL
  This is likely illegal if it is truely one binary and doesn't do the
  kpart abstraction stuff... I really wish openssl would just vanish
 Time to start converting the world to gnu TLS, it seems...

Yep, as far as I know the only things that need converting will be
kdelibs: kcert, kio/kssl and kdebase: kcontrol/crypto. Whoever decides
to actually attempt rewriting them with gnu tls might want to contact
upstream beforehand though. Also post on debian-kde mailing list if you
decide to work on it since there are several people who may wish to help
you with it.


Re: [Debian-Lex] Interview with subproject leader

2003-04-27 Thread Matt Black
On Sun 27 April 2003 13:54, Jeremy Malcolm wrote:
 [Most of the discussion on the Debian-Lex proto-subproject has been
 off-list, so I'm sending this one to the list so that people can see
 something of our progress.  These answers will be made into an article
 by Matt Black at some point after we get an official list and Web area.]

If anybody missed Jeremy's original post about debian-lex (debian for 
lawyers), it is here:

I think it's a good idea to get some 'media' coverage of the project in forums 
where interested parties might be lurking.  I know debian-lex is in its 
infancy, but I think that one way to help things move along is to expose the 
idea to tech-savvy potential users.  I know there are some lawyers around 
the Debian lists, but there are probably numerous computer-minded lawyers who 

With such a specialisation aimed at lawyers, it is probably important to get 
as much input from potential users (ie lawyers, law firms) as possible

I know that this isn't the most important part of any project, but it's what I 
can do at the moment, so hopefully it will be of some help.  I have at least 
one (non-linux) news site in mind where a story about Debian-Lex might be 
welcome.  Maybe others have ideas about good places to get Lex some coverage?

I'll at least wait until Jeremy gets a subproject page set up at and makes an 'official' announcement before 
proceeding with 'marketing' Lex, but I definitely think it is worth 
marketing.  Once the project has more of a 'product' to offer, I'm sure there 
would be many law societies/bar associations interested in it as well.


Bug#190922: ITP: gnome-randr-applet -- Simple gnome-panel front end to the xrandr extension

2003-04-27 Thread Sven Luther
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-04-27
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: gnome-randr-applet
  Version : 0.2
  Upstream Author : Matthew Allum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
* License : GPL
  Description : Simple gnome-panel front end to the xrandr extension

Gnome-randr-applet is a simple gnome-panel front end to the xrandr
extension found in XFree86 4.3+ releases.

Notice that i had already packaged this and uploaded it to the NEW
queue, but it was rejected, since it has a dependency on X 4.3.0, which
is not (yet) in the archive.

I also have a question about the package name, upstream is
grandr-applet, but other similar packages are called hardware-monitor
and gnome-sensors, so i thought that the grandr should be changed to
gnome-randr. But does it make sense to guard the applet bit ? I think i
really should ask on debian-gtk-gnome. And should hardware-monitor
better be called gnome-hardware-monitor-applet ?

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux iliana 2.4.21-pre5 #1 SMP dim mar 30 10:51:33 CEST 2003 i686
Locale: LANG=fr_FR.ISO-8859-1, LC_CTYPE=fr_FR.ISO-8859-1

Re: i386 compatibility libstdc++

2003-04-27 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sat, Apr 26, 2003 at 09:28:53PM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
 For practical purposes, yes... Although emulated FP is really, REALLY
 slow. I installed a machine to be a X terminal about two years ago -
 386SX, 8MB RAM. It worked fine, yes... But MUCH slower than a
 similarly-configured machine with a hardware FP unit, to the point of
 deciding it would be a text terminal, with no X :)

386DX didn't have the copro either. You needed a '387.


Re: dpkg conffiles merging - request for status summary

2003-04-27 Thread Andreas Metzler
Jarno Elonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just to bring the uninitiated like me up to date about ways to upgrade 
 dpkg conffiles, I would greatly appreciate if someone with insight could 
 summarize the current status:
 + Are there some specific reasons why dpkg doesn't offer
   merge interactively in addition to keep old, install new,
   show diff and shell when  upgrading a package with changed conffiles
   or is it just a feature that nobody has tried to implement yet?

 + Does dpkg currently save the original conffiles somewhere to make 3-way
   merging possible?

Afaik the original conffile is not available, dpkg just has the md5sum
of it in /var/lib/dpkg/status. I doubt that two-way-merging is _very_
   cu andreas

Re: dpkg conffiles merging - request for status summary

2003-04-27 Thread Jarno Elonen
 Afaik the original conffile is not available, dpkg just has the md5sum
 of it in /var/lib/dpkg/status. I doubt that two-way-merging is _very_

Well, you can now try for yourself. :-)

- Jarno

Re: experimental conffile merge for dpkg

2003-04-27 Thread Brian May
On Sun, Apr 27, 2003 at 03:40:33AM +0300, Jarno Elonen wrote: contains the patched dpkg
 and a new interactive python  curses based two-way merge tool
 called imediff2 (+ 3 screenshots for the impatient).

Why two-way merge instead of three-way?

The problem with the traditional two way merge is that it is impossible
to distinguish what changes have been made locally vs what changes have
been made upstream. So I am often left wondering: Is this an important
change I made? Or is this a critical change upstream made?

Typically, when resolving conflicts in conffiles while updating
packages, I would like to do one of the following (depending on where
the most changes are) manually or semi-automatically:

1. get the diff of all local changes, and apply them to the new upstream
version. This would be idea if few local changes have been made, and
would work (manually at least) even if large changes have been made to
the upstream.

2. get the diff of all upstream changes, and apply then to the local
version. This would be best of the local version has big changes, but
the upstream version doesn't change much.

Unfortunately neither is currently possible at the moment, simply
because dpkg doesn't save a copy of the last installed config file

(Note: I use upstream here to mean either the upstream author
or the Debian package maintainer).

Re: Time to package simpleinit?

2003-04-27 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hi Henrique,

It is good to see that there is actually work done on it. Obviously you
are more into the topic (and you are a debian developer), so It's up to
me to offer you help with that, not the other way around :-)

After reading through your paper (nice work), it looks to me as if the
the simpleinit's and similar scheme's advantage is only the way the
startup scripts, while /sbin/init does much more (SIGPWR, reexecuting
itselfe, spawning login programs). It would be bad if the user that
wants to use simpleinit or minit had to do without the advanced sysvinit

So the right place (it seems to be) to implement the init scripts
handling would be /etc/init.d/rc and make our minit or simpleinit
packages compatible with sysvinit. Would that be possible? Would we
reimplement it in /bin/bash, or strip down the
non-init-script-handling-functionality of minit/simpleinit? How will the
communication between /sbin/init and the simpleinit/minit work? Or won't
that scheme work?

While the simpleinit approach works well with you proposal in Section
5.4.1, how would that work with minit? If the maintainer scripts
register the dependencies using update-rc, then there is a duplicity
(information to update-rc and /sbin/init-* scripts called in the

Joachim aka nomeata

Am Sam, 2003-04-26 um 22.28 schrieb Henrique de Moraes Holschuh:
 On Sat, 26 Apr 2003, Joachim Breitner wrote:
   * The /etc/init.d/ scripts would need to add need otherscript (and
  sometimes provide something). As I think it is a very bad idea to edit
  these scripts in our post-install (and try to reedit them in
  pre-remove)) one would have to file bugs agains packages with
  /etc/init.d scripts. Will that be sucessfull? How cooperative will the
  maintainers of these script be?
 Very, as long as it is done in a serious, generic way. I am willing to help
 you on this.  But first, please read
 We have a lot of work ahead of us.  I took a halt on it because I lacked the
 time, but now that Miquel surfaced again and did the sysv split, we could
 continue designing the system.  I figure sysvinit and friends will have
 stabilized again in a more change-init-system-friendly way by the time we
 Once it is designed (a way to properly support the dynamic dependencies such
 as need and provide of simpleinit), we can start deploying it.
Joachim Breitner 
  e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Homepage:
  JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C | ICQ#: 74513189
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thanks again i d7ez5e2pvzjp

2003-04-27 Thread Sean Thompson
	Erase your email record here.

Re: i386 compatibility libstdc++

2003-04-27 Thread Guido Guenther
On Sat, Apr 26, 2003 at 09:05:50PM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
 I agree, the vast majority of our users can afford newer machines. So, I
 think we should drop m68k, mips and other similar unfashionable old
 archs, don't you think? The majority of our users will be happy...
I'm not sure where the misconception of mips being an old arch comes
from. Just look at the au1500 or the R1x000 CPUs. What are criteria for
an architecture being old and unfashionable?
 -- Guido


2003-04-27 Thread Sebastien Phelep

Re: experimental conffile merge for dpkg

2003-04-27 Thread Jarno Elonen
 Why two-way merge instead of three-way?

Because of...

 Unfortunately neither is currently possible at the moment, simply
 because dpkg doesn't save a copy of the last installed config file


I thought it would make big difference to have even 2-way merging now instead 
of none at all, and that there really ought to be a more intuitive tool for 
the job than sdiff. So actually, imediff2 was my main goal and dpkg was 
just the main motivation for making it.

If we can agree wether or not, how and where the original conffiles should be 
saved, I'll be happy to implement 3-way merging to dpkg and write imediff3 as 
a user friendly UI for it. Opinions?

- Jarno

Re: experimental conffile merge for dpkg

2003-04-27 Thread Roland Mas
Jarno Elonen (2003-04-27 14:16:02 +0300) :

 If we can agree wether or not, how and where the original conffiles
 should be saved, I'll be happy to implement 3-way merging to dpkg
 and write imediff3 as a user friendly UI for it. Opinions?

Unrelated to this diff thing, it's going to be a big help for people
who inadvertantly remove conffiles and can't restore them (or even
defaults) even with apt-get --reinstall install package.

  There might be things to think about though: some packages have lots
of conffiles, and that could mean some extra disk space, which not
everyone will want to spend.  Maybe make it optional.

Roland Mas

'ALL your base? No!! One tiny base continue bravely to resist.'
  -- wiggy in #debian-devel

Re: Bug#190922: ITP: gnome-randr-applet -- Simple gnome-panel front end to the xrandr extension

2003-04-27 Thread Rob Bradford
On Sun, 2003-04-27 at 08:18, Sven Luther wrote:
 Package: wnpp
 Version: unavailable; reported 2003-04-27
 Severity: wishlist
 * Package name: gnome-randr-applet
   Version : 0.2
   Upstream Author : Matthew Allum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * URL :
 * License : GPL
   Description : Simple gnome-panel front end to the xrandr extension
 Gnome-randr-applet is a simple gnome-panel front end to the xrandr
 extension found in XFree86 4.3+ releases.
 Notice that i had already packaged this and uploaded it to the NEW
 queue, but it was rejected, since it has a dependency on X 4.3.0, which
 is not (yet) in the archive.
 I also have a question about the package name, upstream is
 grandr-applet, but other similar packages are called hardware-monitor
 and gnome-sensors, so i thought that the grandr should be changed to
 gnome-randr. But does it make sense to guard the applet bit ? I think i
 really should ask on debian-gtk-gnome. And should hardware-monitor
 better be called gnome-hardware-monitor-applet ?

Personally i think your choice of name is excellent. Prepending the
gnome- is pretty helpful as is appending the -applet. Although i think
you should explain what it does directly in the description; Simple
gnome applet to change display settings (resolution, etc)

And then include further explanation of everything it can do with XRandr
in the description. I think you might be right about the naming of
hardware-monitor, it is a very generic name.


Rob 'robster' Bradford
Monkey with keyboard:

Re: experimental conffile merge for dpkg

2003-04-27 Thread Jarno Elonen
   There might be things to think about though: some packages have lots
 of conffiles, and that could mean some extra disk space, which not
 everyone will want to spend.  Maybe make it optional.

Bzipping could help, and maybe even tarring them all to one file. As a quick 
test, I bzip-tarred my entire /etc. The resulting file was merely 1.4MB even 
though there are about 1300 'ii' or 'rc' packages on my system.

- Jarno

Re: Who b0rked my Ghostscript and fonts?

2003-04-27 Thread Juhapekka Tolvanen

On Wed, 23 Apr 2003, +20:27:07 EEST (UTC +0300),
Michael Fedrowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] pressed some keys:

 On Wed, Apr 23, 2003 at 12:02:00PM +0300, Juhapekka Tolvanen wrote:


 Don't do this. Install x-ttcidfont-conf and add
 /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType to your font paths
 instead. (Which almost every font package's README.Debian tells you to
 do, btw.)

That package is installed from unstable, but a directory called 
/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType do not exist. I
deinstalled that package it with dpkg --purge --force-depends and then
reinstalled it and that helped. Weird...

But my GhostScript is still b0rken.

Juhapekka naula Tolvanen * * http colon slash slash iki dot fi slash juhtolv
Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur,
adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et
dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.  Cicero

fwctl and ipchains-perl - any takers?

2003-04-27 Thread Bernd Eckenfels

(this mail is send to the debian developers and to francis, the upstream

Martin, while maintaining the archive,  contacted me, because he wanted to
remove the orpahaned ipchains-perl module. He noticed, that my fwctl is
depending on it.

Personally I love fwctl and use it on some old stable servers, but I agree
with him that it makes not much sence to maintain the package any longer.

So here is my question, is anybody willing to take over fwctl/ipchains-perl
and add iptables support, or has anybody some ideas what to do?

My perl is a bit rusty, so the started project to migrate it ti iptables was
stopped since I had not much enough time.

I also maintain the required libnetwork-ipv4addr-perl which will be orphaned
if nobody else contacts me on that, too.


 ( .. )  [EMAIL PROTECTED],,}
  o--o *plush*  2048/93600EFD  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +497257930613  BE5-RIPE
(OO)  When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!

Re: i386 compatibility libstdc++

2003-04-27 Thread Anthony DeRobertis
On Sat, 2003-04-26 at 03:56, Chris Cheney wrote:

 I also find it hard to believe that the majority of our users do not
 have or can not purchase a system that is less than 7 years old.

I have a brand new 486-class system with 32MB of RAM. It's less than 6
months old.

Please explain how I can get a similar system, running on a similar
amount of power, and with no moving parts (i.e., no fans) using, even a

There are many uses for Debian other than your GNOME or KDE desktop.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: i386 compatibility libstdc++

2003-04-27 Thread Anthony DeRobertis
On Sat, 2003-04-26 at 12:15, Steve Langasek wrote:

  I also find it hard to believe that the majority of our users do not
  have or can not purchase a system that is less than 7 years old.
 Your non-sustainable Western consumerism is showing.

Actually, for most of those old 486's, replacing them with
new 486's would be much more sustainable, due to the
lessened power draw.

Of course, the rest of your post stands.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Debian-Lex] Interview with subproject leader

2003-04-27 Thread Stephen Hargrove
On Sun, 2003-04-27 at 01:37, Matt Black wrote:

 I think it's a good idea to get some 'media' coverage of the project in 
 where interested parties might be lurking.  I know debian-lex is in its 
 infancy, but I think that one way to help things move along is to expose the 
 idea to tech-savvy potential users.  I know there are some lawyers around 
 the Debian lists, but there are probably numerous computer-minded lawyers who 

There are, iirc, 3 - 4 key email lists used many tech-savvy
attorneys.  One thing is for certain, if attorneys like a product,
they'll push it and talk about it loudly.  So, while I agree with you on
the 'media' coverage, if done correctly, much of the coverage will
handle itself.

IMO, Jeremy has done an excellent job identifying the initial packages. 
I'm sure there are others, but what he's pieced together will solve
almost 100% of an attorney's day-to-day requirements.

|   |
| There's a difference between being grumpy and |
| hating every little fucker in existence.  |
|   |
| : technology that works |
|  : hard to find  |
|   : he's the man  |

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Bug#190971: ITP: libsdl-sound1.2 -- Decodes several sound file formats including wav and mp3

2003-04-27 Thread Ben Armstrong
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-04-27
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: libsdl-sound1.2
  Version : 1.0.0
  Upstream Author : Ryan Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
* License : GPL
  Description : Decodes several sound file formats including wav and mp3

 This library is meant to make the programmer's sound playback tasks
 simpler. The programmer gives SDL_sound a filename, or feeds it data
 directly from one of many sources, and then reads the decoded waveform
 data back at her leisure.
 If resource constraints are a concern, SDL_sound can process sound
 data in programmer-specified blocks. Alternately, SDL_sound can 
 decode a whole sound file and hand back a single pointer to the whole
 waveform. SDL_sound can also handle sample rate, audio format, and
 channel conversion on-the-fly and behind-the-scenes, if the programmer
 I am packaging this out of necessity, since I am adopting gltron, and
 since version 0.62, gltron depends on SDL_sound.


-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux sanctuary 2.4.20sanctuary.3.3 #1 Sat Dec 21 22:56:44 AST 2002 i686

Re: Samsung ML-1210 + Gimp-print

2003-04-27 Thread Andrew Lau
n Fri, Apr 25, 2003 at 07:13:03PM +, Martin Wheeler wrote:
 Has anyone solved the problem of getting a Samsung ML-1210 to print
 (over USB cable connection) using CUPS and Gimp-print?  (Foomatic,
 I have no printing problems whatsoever now (that I know of, anyway),
 _except_ for printing from gimp (always worked beautifully with my
 other printers in the past).

Dear Martin,

Try changing the printing command to lpr -Pprinter instead of
gimp-print's default of lp -s -dprinter -oraw. That's how I managed
to get my Lexmark E210 (same gs engine: gdi) to print from The Gimp
1.3 under CUPS. Foomatic doesn't seem to like raw input in this
case. Hope this helps.

Yours sincerely,
Andrew Netsnipe Lau

* Andrew Netsnipe Lau  Computer Science  Student Rep, UNSW *
*   # apt-get into it Debian GNU/Linux Package Maintainer *
* netsnipe(+)\0  alau(+)\0 *
* GnuPG 1024D/2E8B68BD 0B77 73D0 4F3B F286 63F1  9F4A 9B24 C07D 2E8B 68BD *

Description: PGP signature

Bug#190977: ITP: kq -- an adventure game in the spirit of Final Fantasy

2003-04-27 Thread Sam Hocevar
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-04-27
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: kq
  Version : 0.98+cvs.20030129
  Upstream Author : Josh Bolduc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
* License : GPL v2
  Description : an adventure game in the spirit of Final Fantasy

 KQ is an adventure game in the spirit of old console games such as Secret of
 Mana, Final Fantasy or Zelda.

 Choose your player amongst the eight different adventurers, visit towns,
 buy weapons and equipment, learn magic, slash monsters, and maybe you will
 eventually find the magical Staff of Xenarum!

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux c18 2.5.53 #2 Thu Apr 24 01:24:46 CEST 2003 i686
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=fr_FR

Re: Bug#190922: ITP: gnome-randr-applet -- Simple gnome-panel front end to the xrandr extension

2003-04-27 Thread Sven Luther
On Sun, Apr 27, 2003 at 01:10:57PM +0100, Rob Bradford wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-04-27 at 08:18, Sven Luther wrote:
  Package: wnpp
  Version: unavailable; reported 2003-04-27
  Severity: wishlist
  * Package name: gnome-randr-applet
Version : 0.2
Upstream Author : Matthew Allum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * URL :
  * License : GPL
Description : Simple gnome-panel front end to the xrandr extension
  Gnome-randr-applet is a simple gnome-panel front end to the xrandr
  extension found in XFree86 4.3+ releases.
  Notice that i had already packaged this and uploaded it to the NEW
  queue, but it was rejected, since it has a dependency on X 4.3.0, which
  is not (yet) in the archive.
  I also have a question about the package name, upstream is
  grandr-applet, but other similar packages are called hardware-monitor
  and gnome-sensors, so i thought that the grandr should be changed to
  gnome-randr. But does it make sense to guard the applet bit ? I think i
  really should ask on debian-gtk-gnome. And should hardware-monitor
  better be called gnome-hardware-monitor-applet ?
 Personally i think your choice of name is excellent. Prepending the
 gnome- is pretty helpful as is appending the -applet. Although i think


 you should explain what it does directly in the description; Simple
 gnome applet to change display settings (resolution, etc)
 And then include further explanation of everything it can do with XRandr

Ok, you are right there and i will change this before i do the actual
upload, which i cannot do before 4.3.0 is in the archive anyway.

 in the description. I think you might be right about the naming of
 hardware-monitor, it is a very generic name.

Yes, but gnome-hardware-monitor-applet is pretty long which may cause
trouble dpkg -l and some other package management tools, and hardware-monitor
is the upstream name. I will let it like this for now (it is already in
sid and sarge), until there is a agreement on what exactly to do here.


Sven Luther

Re: i386 compatibility libstdc++

2003-04-27 Thread Riku Voipio
On Saturday 26 April 2003 05:08, Chris Cheney wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 26, 2003 at 09:36:56AM +0800, Cameron Patrick wrote:
  What about the Via C3?  That was introduced not too long ago, runs
  moderately quickly (~1GHz) with low power consumption, but IIRC doesn't
  support the i686 instruction set.

 The issue with this appears to be a gcc bug with respect to compiling
 for i686:

Considering cmov optional for i686 seems odd. The only major new operand added 
from i586-i686 was cmov. In most cases using cmov is a HUGE win because you 
avoid branching. Even as a owner of a C3 cpu, I would leave C3 on the other 
side of the fence, slowing down 99% of Athlon/PII users for the sake of 1% of 
C3 users doesn't make sense.

Re: pilot-link in Sid and Sarge: Much bigger question

2003-04-27 Thread Björn Stenberg
Matthew Palmer wrote:
  it's labour-intensive, it's pretty damn effective.
 And there's why it doesn't work for Debian.  We don't have money to throw at
 our developers.

I never claimed we should. I merely explained one of the many reasons Debian
is fundamentally slower than other distributions. I also, as you prominently
underlined, explained why this solution is not an option for Debian.

 Face the facts: Debian Is Different.  No amount of complaining about it will
 change that.

So Debian is perfect? No need to discuss problems and possible solutions?
Maybe we should close the bug tracker too. It's telling that pointing out a
problem is automatically defined as complaining. What is this, a sect? I
though this was the developer list.

 You're targetting a different audience than Debian is, so that's probably a
 good way to scratch your itch.

Right, then please define the Debian target audience for me. To end up in the
current state, the list would have to look something like:

1) Developers (who can run unstable)
2) Server admins (who don't need new software)

Is this really what you want? Because then we (or, in that case, you) should
post it in big not-so-friendly letters on the front page so the rest of the
world, including developers, can make an informed choice.

 And? Debian appears to have chosen High Quality over Bleeding Edge.

Actually, Debian has chosen Portability over Quality. Quality means a lot more
than just fixing bugs, you know. A program that does not work with current
data or devices has low quality even if it doesn't crash. The mere age of most
packages in stable is a very serious quality flaw.

And no, before you build that straw man, I'm not saying Debian should contain
more bugs. I'm saying we need to rethink the system, because today we don't
even let the bug fixes in!

 If you don't like that choice, you can choose to use something different, or
 roll your own.

How about improving Debian? Or is that heresy?

 I'd install Debian across the board if a Linux solution was called for,
 because it's a stable, reliable, functional platform, which is *exactly*
 what what companies need.

That is correct, but not complete. Companies also need software to do their
day-to-day work. Software such as cross-platform word processors, spreadsheets
and browsers that can actually show their client's home pages. Debian does not
offer this. Yet not one of you will admit that this is a problem.

 Eye candy comes a distinct 20th (or lower).  I've worked in places which
 are still using greenscreens, because stability, reliability, a known UI,
 and a lack of distraction, is far more important than the latest whizz-bang
 shiny! hey look my monitor's melting GUI.

It is more than a little arrogant to claim all the changes since woody is just
eye candy...

I might as well say this too, to head off your assumptions: I am a
developer. I run unstable. I don't want to run testing. This is not a personal
gimme issue, I already have everything I want. But this issue, this system
flaw, lowers the overall appeal of Debian.

I like Debian. I like the voluntary nature and the Free Software ideals behind
it. I like apt. I've been planning to contribute in various ways. But if the
general consensus among debian developers is that 90% of the computer-using
public is too stupid to care about, I don't think I'll bother. Heck, I've got
what I want, why should I care about the rest of the world? Right?

The social contract says We will be guided by the needs of our users. I
guess it all comes down to the definition of our users.


Hey - Please read! yaey4mzvr

2003-04-27 Thread Kyle Martin

Don't want any more adverts? Simply click here.

Bug#190994: ITP: quat -- quat: a 3D quaternionic fractal generator

2003-04-27 Thread Morgon Kanter
Package: wnpp
Version: N/A; reported 2003-04-27
Severity: wishlist

Hash: SHA1

* Package name: quat
  Version : 1.20
  Upstream Author : Dirk Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
* License : GPL
  Description : quat: a 3D quaternionic fractal generator

Quat draws 3D slices from 4-dimensional quatern fractals. These are
different from what are normally called three-dimensional fractals,
which are merely a reinterpretation of two-dimensional data. Quat has
many parameters for coloring, drawing functions, defining intersection
planes, and more.

It can work in both the console and with X. The console version will
save the fractal to a PNG file, and the X version will also display on
screen a version (typically of worse quality) of the image being drawn
to the PNG file.

- -- System Information
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux surgo 2.4.20rc4 #1 Wed Mar 5 20:50:15 EST 2003 i686

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: pilot-link in Sid and Sarge: Much bigger question

2003-04-27 Thread Roland Mas
Björn Stenberg (2003-04-27 21:17:04 +0200) :


 Actually, Debian has chosen Portability over Quality. Quality means
 a lot more than just fixing bugs, you know. A program that does not
 work with current data or devices has low quality even if it doesn't
 crash. The mere age of most packages in stable is a very serious
 quality flaw.


 How about improving Debian? Or is that heresy?

To me, you seem to express the view that improving Debian means
throwing away our release process, including the way testing works.
This process has been thought about for a long time by lots of people,
and carefully crafted to match some goals.  I happen to believe the
goals are worthy, and the process is adapted to these goals.  I was
only a prospective or recent developer when testing was brought to
life, but I do not remember much opposition to it when it was
designed, presented, discussed, then implemented.  And it seems to me
that the goals are correctly fulfilled by the process.

  From that, I infer that either 1. you disagree with the goals that
the release process aims at fulfilling, 2. you disagree that the
process is good at its job for structural reasons, or 3. you believe
the process does not work as expected for other reasons.

  In case 1, I suggest you bring up a discussion on debian-project, so
that the goals for the next release and the more general goals of
releases (in terms of what it means to release a new stable
distribution) can be discussed to death, and we eventually come up
with maybe a different set of targets for the release process.

  In case 2, I suggest you express your concerns about how the release
process is not adapted to what we want to achieve, and supply helpful
ideas to make it better.

  In case 3, please help us identify the reasons why the process does
not give the expected results.  Also, please provide help to fix those

  *Supposing* I were agreeing with you on the existence of a problem,
I would probably be of the opinion classified as case 3 above.  The
reason I could identify for the problem would be that people prefer
bitching and complaining about testing being late and stable being
old, rather than helping fixing bugs.  I agree with the goals.  I
believe the testing process is appropriate.  The problem is not that
this process requires software to be tested and declared relatively
bug-free before they are admitted into testing.  The problem is that
the software is not even remotely bug-free.  And it is so at least
partly because people try to put new versions of software into Debian,
which means the system integration and the synchronisation of programs
and libraries are an uphill battle.  And it is so at least partly
because people complain as soon as there's a new upstream release,
thus delaying the testing of the whole system.

  There's no such thing as a known-good program.  You have to have a
known-good *system*.  Taking the last known-good version of each part
of the system, putting all that together and hoping the whole system
will work is, to say the least, idealistic.

Roland Mas

Just a little bit of you every day will surely keep the doctors away.
  -- Just a little bit of you (The Jackson Five)

Re: i386 compatibility libstdc++

2003-04-27 Thread Andreas Metzler
Anthony DeRobertis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Actually, for most of those old 486's, replacing them with
new 486's would be much more sustainable, due to the
lessened power draw.

Since manufacturing computers takes _very_ much energy I doubt that.
cu andreas

Dropping/splitting (proper) i386 support

2003-04-27 Thread Nathanael Nerode
This is an attempt to summarize some points.

1. Why do we have a problem, other than performance issues?

* To maintain binary compatibility with other distributions for C++ 
packages, Debian needs to use the i486+ version of atomicity.h supplied 
by GCC.
* This version is significantly faster than the i386 version.
* GCC 3.2 doesn't even supply a working i386 version (GCC 3.3 does).
* This is exposed ABI (currently) and therefore cannot be solved by 

2. What performance benefits do we get as side effects of dropping 386?

* i486 guarantees a 32-bit external data bus (386SX has a 16-bit bus.).
Not sure if there's anyone programming to the data bus. :-)
* i486 has a cache, and accordingly an 'invalidate cache' instruction. 
* i486 has an 'invalidate TLB entry' instruction (INVLPG).  386 requires
the flushing of the entire page table.
* i486 has the BSWAP, XADD, and CMPXCHG instructions (and possibly 
others -- I haven't found a complete list).
* OpenSSL is *much* faster on i486+ than on i386.  The improvements for 
going to i586, i686, etc. are not that great.
* The kernel is markedly faster compiled for i486+ than on i386.  
Again, the improvements for subsequent chips are not as impressive.
This is at least partly *not* a tuning issue; for 386, the kernel needs 
extra code whenever it writes to user pages
has to clear the whole page table rather than using INVLPG,
and uses less efficient options rather than CMPXCHG,XADD, and 
BSWAP in heavily-used code paths (including read-write semaphores).

Other instances I've seen show a really sharp performance improvement 
with i486-specific code rather than i386-specific code, and declining 
benefits for each subsequent model.  I'm not sure how much is tuning and
how much is architecture-specific, of course.  Oddly, it looks like 
GCC doesn't currently ever generate 486-specific instructions; they are
only (currently) of benefit to assembly programmers.  (Hmm... maybe I 
should see if there's an enhancement opportunity to GCC there.)

3. How much impact will this have on users?

* Two people have reported live 386 systems (not clear if they're using 
Being used for ISDN logger and for DNS server:
Being used for ADSL firewall:

* Lots of people have reported live 486 systems using Debian.  

* 486s are still being sold.

* Supposedly, i386 was never as popular as i486.
This matches my recollection that until the 486 came out, software was
generally targeted at the 286 (IBM AT).

4. Conclusion.
The i386 support is marginal, there are very few users of it, and it's 
significantly impeding the rest of the distribution.

There are several ways to deal with this.

* Split into a full 'i386' architecture and a full 'i486' 
architecture.  Causes massive wasteful archive bloat... unless
someone enhances the architecture system, so that binary packages can
identify themselves as being the same for 386 and 486 (or different 
and incompatible with ABI breakage...), and so that source packages can
identify themselves as building in the appropriate manner, and so that 
dependencies are handled correctly,...  This is quite difficult and 
seems unlikely to happen in the near future, if ever.

* Drop i386 support entirely; 'i386' architecture becomes 'i486'.
The most dramatic option. 

* Drop i386 support mostly.  'i386' architecture becomes 'i486'.
Start a 'Debian-real-i386' subproject, with a 'real-i386' architecture,
but don't require that any packages build on it in order to go into 
testing or to release Debian; it would be a bonus architecture, with
a limited number of packages avaiable.

This seems to be the most immediately feasible option.  Several people 
have already indicated their approval of this idea.  I wouldn't wait for 
sarge to release, but do it ASAP. (Since C++ is already semi-broken on 
386s, this would likely make things better for i386 in fact; at least 
it would have a specific functioning project.)

This is assuming someone with a real i386 is willing to lead a
'Debian-real-i386' project (which wouldn't be a huge amount of work, 
really; upstream support is usually pretty good, you don't have to 
actually compile packages on your slow 386, just test them there, and 
you don't have to worry about ABI compatibility with anyone much).  If nobody 
is willing then I'd say there just isn't enough support and 386 should be 
dropped outright.


Kernel 2.5

2003-04-27 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
Hi all
I've configured and built the kernel, using gcc-2.95, make bzImage and 
modules, installed modules under /lib/modules/2.5.68. Everything goes 
fine except for a bunch of depmod errors during the 'make 
modules_install' which I'm guessing is because the new modules don't 
match the running kernel.

I've updated grub to point to the kernel.
When booting, grub seems to find it, uncompress it, then it says 'OK, 
booting the kernel' and nothing more. It just hangs. I don't see the 
line announcing the kernel version or compiler etc.

Any tips or pointers? I've tried to be quite conservative with the 
config... no preempt, no smp, and the basic stuff as builtin rather than 

Any ideas?
'Try to relax and ENJOY the crisis.'
 - Ashleigh Brilliant

Re: Dropping/splitting (proper) i386 support

2003-04-27 Thread Falk Hueffner
Nathanael Nerode [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Oddly, it looks like GCC doesn't currently ever generate
 486-specific instructions; they are only (currently) of benefit to
 assembly programmers.  (Hmm... maybe I should see if there's an
 enhancement opportunity to GCC there.)

I have a patch floating around here that adds a __builtin_bswap32/64,
which could generate bswap on i486, if anybody is interested. I was
planning to recognize bswaps from C Code too, but I'm not sure that
will work out... I think it would be quite useful, though, since byte
swapping often occurs in performance-critical code like emulators.


Re: Kernel 2.5

2003-04-27 Thread J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)
On Sun, Apr 27, 2003 at 21:37:06 +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
 I've configured and built the kernel, using gcc-2.95,

I've not followed 2.5 development, but I'd suspect the recommended compiler
for building it ought to be gcc 3.2 or 3.3 rather than 2.95 by now - check
the documentation carefully and try if switching to a new compiler for your
kernel build helps.

[...] you can divide our industry into two kinds of people: those who want
to go work for a company to make it successful, and those who want to go
work for a successful company.
Jamie Zawinski in

Re: Dropping/splitting (proper) i386 support

2003-04-27 Thread Bas Zoetekouw
Hi Nathanael!

You wrote:

 * Drop i386 support mostly.  'i386' architecture becomes 'i486'.
 Start a 'Debian-real-i386' subproject, with a 'real-i386' architecture,
 but don't require that any packages build on it in order to go into 
 testing or to release Debian; it would be a bonus architecture, with
 a limited number of packages avaiable.

Sounds reasonable.  I'd rather not drop i386 at all, but I guess
something needs to be done.

BTW: do you have any quantative numbers on the i386/i486 performance
issues (e.g. for openssl)?

Kind regards,
| Bas Zoetekouw  | GPG key: 0644fab7 |
|| Fingerprint: c1f5 f24c d514 3fec 8bf6 |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  a2b1 2bae e41f 0644 fab7 |

Re: Samsung ML-1210 + Gimp-print

2003-04-27 Thread Martin Wheeler
On Mon, 28 Apr 2003, Andrew Lau wrote:

 Try changing the printing command to lpr -Pprinter instead of
 gimp-print's default of lp -s -dprinter -oraw.

Thanks Andrew -- that worked a treat!

Funny though -- I know had already tried 'lpr -P printer' note space; can't
remember whether I blew away the raw option with it, though.
And now having seen the time it takes the printer to react to some of the
sample print files I was sending it, I wonder whether I was waiting long
enough before assuming that it hadn't worked.

Anyway -- all now works beautifully.

My next task will be to find out how to get QCad to accept a printer ...
Martin Wheeler   -   StarTEXT / AVALONIX - Glastonbury - BA6 9PH - England
GPG pub key : 8D6B948B  ECC6 D98E 4CC8 60E3 7E32  D594 BB27 3368 8D6B 948B
  - Share your knowledge. It's a way of achieving immortality. -

Re: /run/, resolvconf and read-only root

2003-04-27 Thread Sam Hartman

I noticed that in order to implement your read-only root proposal, you
propose to modify the pam package.

I'm not really sure I see the justification for read-only /.  I can
see several possible justifications and some of the possible goals

Until you get general consensus on a specific goal, I'm unlikely to
accept such changes if they are submitted to me.  As a maintainer I
want to be able to look at some statement and answer the following

1) Why are people mounting root read-only?

2) When root is read-only, what information is variable and what information  
should be immutable?  Why is this a reasonable categorization?

3)  What information needs to go in /var vs /run?

This message not withstanding, I will follow any related changes to
policy to the best of my ability.

Re: i386 compatibility libstdc++

2003-04-27 Thread Roger Leigh
Matthew Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 26 Apr 2003, Josselin Mouette wrote:
  Le sam 26/04/2003 à 02:59, Matthew Palmer a écrit :
   For the original problem, it surely should be possible to build 386 and 
   versions of libstdc++ and include both in the distro, with linker magic 
   installer magic) to tell the difference?
  That would not be enough. We need specific versions of C++ applications
  for 386. Of course, only a few should be enough : python, apt, groff...
  but that is far from an empty list. That's why dropping i386 completely
  and provide an i386 subset of the distribution seems reasonable.
 Whoops, of course.  so we'd have woody main 386only then? 
 Dunno if the autobuilders could handle it, but it'd be one way around it...

Couldn't this be solved by using Marcus Brinkmann's
architectures-as-dependencies plan?  Would this not allow to have
several packages, each targetted for different processors?

Roger Leigh

Printing on GNU/Linux?
GPG Public Key: 0x25BFB848 available on public keyservers

Re: Kernel 2.5

2003-04-27 Thread Chris Cheney
Turn on virtual terminal support...


Re: Time to package simpleinit?

2003-04-27 Thread Theodore Ts'o
One big problem about Richard Gooch's simpleinit is that it is
functionally very different from the standard systme V init scripts.
Specifically, he always assumes that runlevel n+1 is always a superset
of runlevel n, and that in order to get to runlevel n+1, you must
first start up all of the services at runlevel n.  

Runlevel 6 has been used for reboot since time immemorial, and in
fact is documented in Debian Policy as such.  Simpleinit can't support

  * The /etc/init.d/ scripts would need to add need otherscript (and
 sometimes provide something). As I think it is a very bad idea to edit
 these scripts in our post-install (and try to reedit them in
 pre-remove)) one would have to file bugs agains packages with
 /etc/init.d scripts. Will that be sucessfull? How cooperative will the
 maintainers of these script be?

And just adding need otherscript and provide otherscript will
break compatibility on systems that don't use simpleinit, unless the
system V initscript package is enhanced to provide no-op functions
which provide need and provide.  

  * Is there even interest in simpleinit by others than me? I would also
 need someone to ask if I have problems with sysvinit or similar, and I
 would like to know who thinks he is capable of helping me? Are there
 people that might help me when it comes to file bug against packages
 with /etc/init.d scripts?

Simpleinit is unfortunately completely incompatible with System V
init.  So at the very least, Debian Policy would have to be amended to
support simpleinit, and I'm not really convinced it's really worth it
for Debian to support two fundamentally different init script systems.

Not only are the init scripts different, but the interface which is
exported to the system administrator, and what can and can't be
implemented using simpleinit, is completely different.  

For this reason, I consider simpleinit to be a failure and a mistake.
With a little bit more work, for example, the traditional system V
runlevels could be implemented, and the dependencies could have been
implemented in a structured comment block, for full backwards
compatibility.  I've been told that SuSE's init scripts system does
this, while also providing full automatic dynamic dependency
management, ala simpleinit.  I haven't had a chance to look at it, but
everything I've heard about it makes it sound far better than

- Ted

Re: Kernel 2.5

2003-04-27 Thread Milan P. Stanic
On Sun, Apr 27, 2003 at 09:37:06PM +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
 When booting, grub seems to find it, uncompress it, then it says 'OK, 
 booting the kernel' and nothing more. It just hangs. I don't see the 
 line announcing the kernel version or compiler etc.



Re: i386 compatibility libstdc++

2003-04-27 Thread José Luis Tallón
At 12:52 27/04/2003 -0400, you wrote:
On Sat, 2003-04-26 at 03:56, Chris Cheney wrote:
 I also find it hard to believe that the majority of our users do not
 have or can not purchase a system that is less than 7 years old.
I have a brand new 486-class system with 32MB of RAM. It's less than 6
months old.

Please explain how I can get a similar system, running on a similar
amount of power, and with no moving parts (i.e., no fans) using, even a
Hey! Where did you get that from?
I'd love to have one of those ( specially if they came in a 19 1U form 
factor or similar !!! )

There are many uses for Debian other than your GNOME or KDE desktop.
Surely. This is why i proposed keeping everything compiled for 486 or 
higher -- that's where the upstream split is, too ...
( we would then need just an small subset of the packages recompiled for 
i386's libstdc++ ABI )


Re: Kernel 2.5

2003-04-27 Thread Bart Trojanowski
* Mark Shuttleworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] [030427 16:59]:
 I've configured and built the kernel, using gcc-2.95, make bzImage and 
 modules, installed modules under /lib/modules/2.5.68. Everything goes 
 fine except for a bunch of depmod errors during the 'make 
 modules_install' which I'm guessing is because the new modules don't 
 match the running kernel.

I believe that you can still build with gcc-2.95.  To the best of my
recollection I did do that at least once... although I've been using 3.2
for the most recent builds.

The new modules (*.ko) do not work with the old module utils.  It may be
that you just have to rebuild the kernel with the presence of these new

$ apt-cache show module-init-tools
Package: module-init-tools
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 292
Maintainer: Christopher L Cheney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: i386
Version: 0.9.11-1
Depends: libc6 (= 2.3.1-1)
Conflicts: modutils (= 2.4.21-1)
Size: 57682
MD5sum: 02a3792d3557590cba978d82aa40383b
Description: tools for managing Linux kernel modules
 This package contains a set of programs for loading, inserting, and
 removing kernel modules for Linux (versions 2.5.48 and above). It serves
 the same function that the modutils package serves for Linux 2.4.



Description: PGP signature


2003-04-27 Thread jenny

Re: i386 compatibility libstdc++

2003-04-27 Thread Jonathan Oxer
On Mon, 2003-04-28 at 08:45, José Luis Tallón wrote:
 At 12:52 27/04/2003 -0400, you wrote:
 Please explain how I can get a similar system, running on a similar
 amount of power, and with no moving parts (i.e., no fans) using, even a
 Hey! Where did you get that from?
 I'd love to have one of those ( specially if they came in a 19 1U form 
 factor or similar !!! )

Rack mount? These sorts of things are usually about the size of a pack
of playing cards, and aren't intended for use as a stand-alone machine
or server: they're often used as embedded systems for industrial
monitoring and control, etc.

However, even at this level use of the i386 arch is diminishing rapidly,
and most of the PC104 etc cards you see around the place are at least
486 or better. My company set up some industrial monitoring units a
couple of years ago for a client and we used AMD chips running a very
minimal Debian, because the 386 options were just way too underpowered.

So speaking as someone with a vested interest in maintaining Debian
support for small scale embedded systems, even I wouldn't care if i386
was dropped (at least officially - as someone else noted, running
unofficial i386 sources wouldn't be too hard if anyone cared enough to
do it).

At this point i486 seems to be the minimal ix86 arch worth maintaining,



Re: Kernel 2.5

2003-04-27 Thread Milan P. Stanic
On Sun, Apr 27, 2003 at 06:45:42PM -0400, Bart Trojanowski wrote:
 * Mark Shuttleworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] [030427 16:59]:
  I've configured and built the kernel, using gcc-2.95, make bzImage and 
  modules, installed modules under /lib/modules/2.5.68. Everything goes 
  fine except for a bunch of depmod errors during the 'make 
  modules_install' which I'm guessing is because the new modules don't 
  match the running kernel.
 I believe that you can still build with gcc-2.95.  To the best of my
 recollection I did do that at least once... although I've been using 3.2
 for the most recent builds.

Right. I compiled it with gcc-2.95.4 (woody).
It works on my workstation but crashes on the armada notebook.

 The new modules (*.ko) do not work with the old module utils.  It may be
 that you just have to rebuild the kernel with the presence of these new
 $ apt-cache show module-init-tools

Yes. You are right again. This must be installed.
I downloaded it from unstable and compiled on woody. It works.


[grep-dctrl] Testers requested - sneak preview of a full rewrite (better and faster!)

2003-04-27 Thread Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho

I am in the process of rewriting grep-dctrl.  The rewrite attempts to
gain speed over the old version while removing one of the greatest
defects in the old code: the new grep-dctrl is able to combine searches
in full boolean manner.

The current version does not yet duplicate all the features of the old
code, but most of the core functionality, as well as boolean queries,
is implemented.

In my own tests, the new code has beaten the old code speedwise in almost all
situations and never lost to it.  In some cases, I have seen as much as
a sixfold increase in speed.

I am requesting testers for the new code.  Try all the stuff you are
used to do with current grep-dctrl and verify that the old and the new
code produce (essentially) identical output from identical inputs.  Try
out the new boolean search feature and try to find bugs in it.  Try to
find cases where the new code loses to the old code speedwise (or to the
other options: dpkg. dpkg-awk, ara, maybe even apt-cache).  Report your
findings (both positive and negative) to me, at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do not
use the BTS for the new code yet.

The following features of the old code is not yet functional:
  * The switches -n, -d, -c, -v, --config-file
  * Command name based input file location (thus, there is no
grep-status or grep-available)
  * Multiple field names in -F (use the boolean query mechanism
to get the effect)
(I intend to fix this before this code goes to unstable.  The new
code will duplicate all the functionality of the old code, eventually.)

The following new features are implemented:
  * Boolean queries: use -a (--and), -o (--or), ! (--not);
parentheses can be used like in test or expr
For example -F Section utils -a ! -FDepends -e 'gnome|kde|gtk'

The new code is not yet packaged, you need to compile it out of cvs.
It is in Alioth, project dctrl-tools, branch v1_rewrite:

cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/dctrl-tools login 
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/dctrl-tools co \
   -r v1_rewrite dctrl-tools

(The debian/ directory there is out of date, and so are the docs.)

Thank you all for your attention.
%%% Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho % [EMAIL PROTECTED] % %%%

  Taiteellisen ohjelmoinnin ystävien seura Toys - Ohjelmointi on myös taidetta

Description: PGP signature

Re: Kernel 2.5

2003-04-27 Thread Milan P. Stanic
On Mon, Apr 28, 2003 at 12:40:28AM +0200, Milan P. Stanic wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 27, 2003 at 09:37:06PM +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
  When booting, grub seems to find it, uncompress it, then it says 'OK, 
  booting the kernel' and nothing more. It just hangs. I don't see the 
  line announcing the kernel version or compiler etc.

Sorry. I made a mistake. It should be:


Re: [grep-dctrl] Testers requested - sneak preview of a full rewrite (better and faster!)

2003-04-27 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Mon, Apr 28, 2003 at 02:32:30AM +0300, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:

 I am in the process of rewriting grep-dctrl.  The rewrite attempts to
 gain speed over the old version while removing one of the greatest
 defects in the old code: the new grep-dctrl is able to combine searches
 in full boolean manner.

I had toyed with the idea of rewriting grep-dctrl using sgrep macros.  I
haven't tried it, but I think it may be powerful enough.  Did you look into
this possibility?

 - mdz

Re: i386 compatibility libstdc++

2003-04-27 Thread Hans Ekbrand
On Sat, Apr 26, 2003 at 02:23:03PM +0200, José Luis Tallón wrote:
 At 19:55 26/04/2003 +1000, you wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 26, 2003 at 09:41:14AM +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote:
  1a. create a stripped down version for i386, i.e. required/important
  and go for i486.
 Is there much performance improvement in dropping i386 in favour of
 - Integrated math coprocessor ( why does libc still check for its 
 availability? )
 - Cache ( very much needed, i mught add )
 - Pipeline attempt IIRC
 - Mandatory 32bits Bus/Memory
 IMHO, since we have concluded there are almost NO true i386 around ( not 
 even for routers ),

Here is an extract of recent boot messages from one such animal:

Apr 22 23:27:43 debian kernel: Linux version 2.4.18 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc 
version 2.95.4 (Debian prerelease)) #1 fre mar 22 02:53:42 CET 2002
Apr 22 23:27:43 debian kernel: Kernel command line: auto BOOT_IMAGE=Linux ro 
root=301 ether=10,0x300,eth0 ether=9,0x240,eth1
Apr 22 23:27:43 debian kernel: Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
Apr 22 23:27:43 debian kernel: Calibrating delay loop... 3.62 BogoMIPS
Apr 22 23:27:45 debian kernel: CPU: 386

Running Woody and acting as a router. There might be more of them than
you think. A stripped down version of i386 might actually be a
good thing for those of us who still uses 386 machines (with
comparably small HD:s)

1a seems appropriate.

Hans Ekbrand ( [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GnuPG key: 1024D/7050614E (currently active subkey 03CE8884)
Fingerprint: 1408 C8D5 1E7D 4C9C C27E  014F 7C2C 872A 7050 614E
Key available at   Encrypted emails prefered.

Description: PGP signature

Re: experimental conffile merge for dpkg

2003-04-27 Thread Brian May
On Sun, Apr 27, 2003 at 03:52:13PM +0300, Jarno Elonen wrote:
There might be things to think about though: some packages have lots
  of conffiles, and that could mean some extra disk space, which not
  everyone will want to spend.  Maybe make it optional.
 Bzipping could help, and maybe even tarring them all to one file. As a quick 
 test, I bzip-tarred my entire /etc. The resulting file was merely 1.4MB even 
 though there are about 1300 'ii' or 'rc' packages on my system.

You don't want to have to gunzip everything though just so you can
update one file...

How about:


So you have one tar.gz file per package.

Or, if that is too many files in one directory,
use the package pools naming system:


Re: [grep-dctrl] Testers requested - sneak preview of a full rewrite (better and faster!)

2003-04-27 Thread Joshua Kwan
On Mon, Apr 28, 2003 at 02:32:30AM +0300, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
 cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/dctrl-tools login 
 cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/dctrl-tools co \
-r v1_rewrite dctrl-tools

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/dctrl-tools co 
-r v1_rewrite dctrl-tools
cvs [server aborted]: can't 
chdir(/var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/users/anoncvs_dctrl-tools): No such file or 

Gotta love Alioth.
I even used my own user account on the system and it doesn't have
permissions to write a cvs lockfile. Got a tarball? :(


New PGP public key: 0x27AFC3EE

Description: PGP signature

Re: Dropping/splitting (proper) i386 support

2003-04-27 Thread Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker
Bas Zoetekouw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 BTW: do you have any quantative numbers on the i386/i486 performance
 issues (e.g. for openssl)?

I hacked up a quick script ( that compares
two 'openssl speed' outputs and gives you the ratio, here's the output
for i386 vs i486 on a P-III Mobile:

type 16 bytes 64 bytes256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes
md2 1.0091.0220.9920.9941.000
md4 1.1821.0741.1521.0701.018
md5 1.3511.5962.0792.9023.443
hmac(md5)   1.3851.4991.8342.5323.318
rmd160  1.1721.2761.3981.4951.552
rc4 1.3871.3661.3781.3621.352
des cbc 1.9801.9611.9581.9571.991
des ede32.0572.0632.0962.0832.089
rc2 cbc 0.9960.9890.9980.9980.991
blowfish cbc1.2461.2361.2441.2481.246
cast cbc0.9810.9931.0081.0120.995
aes-128 cbc 0.9971.0151.0151.0060.999
aes-192 cbc 1.0281.0091.0101.0211.010
aes-256 cbc 1.0211.0171.0231.0161.015
  signverifysign/s verify/s
rsa  512 bits0.5590.6671.7721.759
rsa 1024 bits0.4950.5562.0131.900
rsa 2048 bits0.4890.5162.0561.950
rsa 4096 bits0.4960.5142.0001.944
  signverifysign/s verify/s
dsa  512 bits0.5330.5141.9181.991
dsa 1024 bits0.4890.4952.0262.031
dsa 2048 bits0.4950.4832.0152.071

For i486 vs i686/cmov the results are less impressive:

type 16 bytes 64 bytes256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes
md2 1.0421.0171.0501.0451.047
md4 1.0421.0350.9420.9720.997
md5 1.1551.1411.1001.0230.989
hmac(md5)   1.2681.2431.2061.1101.030
rmd160  1.0321.0141.0111.0141.011
rc4 1.0021.0010.9900.9881.003
des cbc 1.0001.0030.9951.0000.987
des ede30.9911.0060.9921.0021.001
rc2 cbc 1.0041.0081.0111.0081.011
blowfish cbc1.0010.9941.0051.0011.010
cast cbc0.9830.9910.9790.9850.995
aes-128 cbc 1.0061.0071.0131.0181.021
aes-192 cbc 1.0101.0081.0141.0001.012
aes-256 cbc 1.0061.0100.9961.0031.007
  signverifysign/s verify/s
rsa  512 bits1.0001.0000.9901.002
rsa 1024 bits1.0001.0000.9991.004
rsa 2048 bits0.9961.0001.0050.998
rsa 4096 bits1.0021.0000.9641.000
  signverifysign/s verify/s
dsa  512 bits1.0001.0001.0031.008
dsa 1024 bits1.0001.0001.0021.002
dsa 2048 bits1.0001.0280.9980.977


Re: i386 compatibility libstdc++

2003-04-27 Thread Darren Salt
I demand that Gunnar Wolf may or may not have uselessly CC'd to me...

 I thought that in-kernel emulation would have solved the gap between 486
 DX and SX.

 For practical purposes, yes... Although emulated FP is really, REALLY slow.

Is it safe to mention ARM710 in this thread? :-)

| Darren Salt   | linux (or ds) at | nr. Ashington,
| woody, sarge, | youmustbejoking  | Northumberland
| RISC OS   | demon co uk  | Toon Army
|   Let's keep the pound sterling

Hugh of Borg: Resistance is futile. I will assimilate you.

Re: pilot-link in Sid and Sarge: Much bigger question

2003-04-27 Thread David Krider
Roland Mas wrote:
  *Supposing* I were agreeing with you on the existence of a problem,
I would probably be of the opinion classified as case 3 above.  The
reason I could identify for the problem would be that people prefer
bitching and complaining about testing being late and stable being
old, rather than helping fixing bugs.  I agree with the goals.  I
believe the testing process is appropriate.  The problem is not that
this process requires software to be tested and declared relatively
bug-free before they are admitted into testing.  The problem is that
the software is not even remotely bug-free.
Apparently the software is bug-free enough, say, in the case of KDE 
3 or Gnome 2.2, for the vast majority of other Linux distributions. I'm 
not saying there aren't a lot of bugs in those packages, but haven't 
seen any real show stoppers on SuSE 8.2 or Red Hat 9. The point is that 
this sofware we're talking about is good enough for the vast 
majority of Linux users. (And I'm saying that because in most What 
distro do you run polls, I see the troika of RH, SuSE, and Mandrake 
pulling the bulk of the votes.)

Is the build system in Debian better? I personally *do* think so. I 
started this thread so that I could understand where the project was 
headed, not just from a theoretical point of view (which I can get from 
the docs on, but from an in-the-trenches point of view. It 
turns out that it's the same view, but I didn't know that going in. (It 
was only after pestering the Red Hat list that I found out that their 
consumer versions are going to be more like rolling betas going 
forward, so I just wanted to poke this list and see what happened.)

The problem with the build process -- to me -- at this point -- is that 
by being correct from a developer's point of view, you've made the 
system only acceptable for developers. Now, I'm as developer as the 
next guy. I program for a living. It just happens to be in Visual Studio 
6 and .NET, for the most part. But I do LAMP development as well, and I 
program in every system I'm on. (You know the saying, Writers 
write?...) But there comes a point that I don't want to have to 
develop the system upon which I'm trying to develop. I have several 
LAMP site migrations and updates to do, and I'm sitting here debating 
the finer points of Debian's process, NOT because I want to start an 
argument, and NOT because I want to hack on my system to get it to do 
all the basic things I *need* it to do, but because I want to know if 
this is going to allow me to eventually settle in and do the things I 
really want to do without getting in my way, and yet keep up reasonably 
with the changing featureset of GNU/Linux at large. If that's NOT the 
case, then I ought to shut up and go run something else.

   In case 1, I suggest you bring up a discussion on debian-project, so
 that the goals for the next release and the more general goals of
 releases (in terms of what it means to release a new stable
 distribution) can be discussed to death, and we eventually come up
 with maybe a different set of targets for the release process.
I can't find this on the mailing list listing page. I was sure that 
there was *some* group dedicated to talking about the project as a 
project, but I'm missing it now. I'd like to join it and get a feel for it.

In the past few days of living in woody, I've already seen that I can 
indeed run the NVidia driver and get my video card working under XFree86 
4.1, which I didn't think was possible. KDE 2.2 looks an awful lot like 
3.x with the addition of the crystal icon theme. The only thing I lack 
at this point is the ability to backup my Tungsten, and I just 
downloaded the 2.4.20 patch to make that work. I haven't actually built 
the kernel yet, but I think it will be fairly straightforward given the 
surprisingly good documentation surrounding this distro. What I'm trying 
to say by this is that, despite how old the software is, I'm not 
finding a lot of things that Debian isn't able to actually *do*. I may 
not have the gorgeous OpenGL screensavers in xscreensaver-4.09, but on 
the other hand, stable is proving just that. Everything works as expected.

In short, I think this is going to work for *me*, but I'm still trying 
to get a look into a crystal ball about the future prospects for Debian.


Re: Kernel 2.5 boot failure [SOLVED]

2003-04-27 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
She boots! Thanks to Bart Trojanowski for much help.
I'm posting this to the list in case someone else runs into the same 
problem trying to build kernel 2.5 on Debian unstable. The symptom was 
an apparently frozen screen after the message 'Uncompressing Linux... 
Ok, booting the kernel.'

First, I needed to install module-init-tools. These are needed for the 
new-style kernel modules in 2.5.

Then Bart suggested that it might be a problem with the console config 
in the kernel I was building:

Bart Trojanowski wrote:
You need to enable virtual terminal support
It may also be PTYs...
This nearly solved the problem. I just needed to jiggle to config a bit 

I think the extra magic incantation was another config option:
Hope this helps someone else.
Thanks Bart,
'Try to relax and ENJOY the crisis.'
- Ashleigh Brilliant