Please don't misuse the debian/changelog to close bugs!

2003-06-24 Thread Gerfried Fuchs

 Alright, this happened far too often lately to be ignored. This must
stop, pretty please.  The developers-reference[1] isn't written just for

 Yes, writing closes: #123 in a changelog a really easy way to close a
bugreport. But it is not the golden calf! Don't overdo it, don't overuse

 Thinks like this don't have to do anything in a debian/changelog:

 * This isn't really a bug (closes: #123)
 * The foo program does indeed work as intended (closes: #123)
 * This is on purpose and not a bug (closes: #123)

 Simple rule: If there are no changes in the package (by either yourself
or upstream) that makes the bug (or no bug) go away, then _DON'T_ close
it with the changelog. The reason for the changelog is to list
*changes*. If there aren't any changes then it must not be listed in
there. Please read developers-reference section 5.8.4., especially the
later paragraphs.

 (especially the first listed example is almost identically listed in
the developers-reference section 6.3.3., which *everyone* has read,

 So, how to resolve such bugs, then?  Quite simple: Write to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and add a note about why you think the bug is
fixed and doesn't need a change in the package.

 I hope the people that weren't sure about this get it this time, and
don't take it too personal. But it is sad that it seems to be needed to
be written.

 During some of the discussions lately on debian-devel another usage of
the changelog has risen interest:

 * New upstream release (closes: #123, #124, #125)

 This has also raised some discussions. The thing is this: If #123,
#124 and #125 aren't just New upstream version available bugreports
then quite some people dislike this behavior. It shouldn't be too much
hazzle for the maintainer to rewrite this as follows:

 * New upstream release (closes: #123) which includes:
   - tmpfile race condition fix (closes: #124)
   - manual page included (closes: #125)

 The thing is: It helps the users and the person who reported the bug to
see what bug exactly was closed without the need for them to dig in the
BTS. This is no must but it is something your users would be greatful if
you could do it.

 Thanks for the attention,
[1] apt-get install developers-reference
Frage: Wie heisst der Mann beim Krippenspiel?
Manu:  Jesus.
  -- Manu, Kontainerblondie in Hast Du Töne

Description: PGP signature

Re: Package.. ma si pu

2003-06-24 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 12:16:21AM +0200, Samuele Giovanni Tonon wrote:
 io non ho capito bene questa storia del pacchettizzare solo la versione
 binaria .. nell'upload ufficiale a debian di solito bisogna fornire
 comunque i src che poi viene trasformato in deb-src e compilato dai BD
 se non sbaglio i sorgenti vanno forniti comunque ..

Le DFSG sono le linee guida per cio' che e' considerato parte di Debian.
Tutto cio' che trovi in contrib e non-free non e' considerato parte
di Debian, e' formalmente software non-debian pacchettizzato in modo che
sia facile da utilizzare per gli utenti ed in modo che possa beneficiare
dell'infrastruttura della debian (e.g. BTS).

 in questo caso dovrebbe distribuire solo il deb binario e i sorgenti a
 se stanti (o comunque non compilabili in automatico, il che mi fa pensare
 a metterlo nel non-free anche se non e' propriamente un non-free) 

La distinzione tra deb e deb-src a livello di sources.list e' dal punto
di vista della creazione del .deb. Non c'e' nessuna necessita' che il
deb-src (tanto per capirci) contenga veramente i sorgenti, basta che
contenga cio' che serve per creare un .deb (ovvero una dir debian
contenente un eseguibile rules con i target obbligatori).

Anche per i pacchetti solo binari (che quindi vanno giustamente in
non-free come hai sottolineato), esistera' un deb-src che probabilmente
non fara' altro che copiare roba precompilato nelle directory giuste per
poi invocare dpkg-deb.


Stefano Zacchiroli  --  Master in Computer Science @ Uni. Bologna, Italy
  I know you believe you understood what you think I said, but I am not
sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant!   -- G.Romney

Description: PGP signature

Re: contiamoci...

2003-06-24 Thread Guido Trotter
On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 11:58:54AM +0200, Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:


 Allora che delegazione del 'chapter IT' ci sara' ad Oslo?
 who else?




packaging + kernel patches

2003-06-24 Thread Mattia Dongili
ciao a tutti,

sto debianizzando un demone che ho scritto
( e mi sorge qualche domanda:

1- mi sto *aiutando* con dh_make, e' cosa buona e giusta? (in realta' e'
dh_make che sta facendo tutto, ma tant'e' :)

2- il demone fa uso di una feature dei kernel 2.5 e disponibile come
patch per i 2.4, CPUFreq. Questa feature e' in varie patch cumulative
(ck, ac) o come patch a se stante, comunque in qualcosa non disponibile
in debian (AFAIK). Che fare? pacchettizare anche una di queste? quale
sarebbe meglio accettata? e poi la metto come Suggests o Reccomends?

grazie a tutti

Re: packaging + kernel patches

2003-06-24 Thread Mattia Dongili
On Tue, 24 Jun 2003 18:09:38 +0200
Enrico Zini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 05:40:19PM +0200, Mattia Dongili wrote:
  sto debianizzando un demone che ho scritto
  ( e mi sorge qualche domanda:
  1- mi sto *aiutando* con dh_make, e' cosa buona e giusta? (in
  realta' e' dh_make che sta facendo tutto, ma tant'e' :)
 Non solo è buono e giusto, ma direi quasi necessario: e poi chi l'ha
 detto che per impacchettare un programma bisogna soffrire? :)

mah... non la vedo proprio come un sofferenza, ha la sua utilita' fare
le cose a mano, almeno per i primi tempi :)

 Mi raccomando di lanciare lintian per farti dire dove sono rimasti dei
 template di dh_make che ti sei scordato di riempire o cancellare.
 E non sentirti ferito nell'orgoglio dall'output di lintian: ne rimane
 *sempre* qualcuno :)

CVD :)
oltre a questo mi e' sorto un'altro problema: il demone fa uso di 2
librerie dinamiche. La debian-policy mi pare di aver capito che imponga
di pacchettizzare separatamente le librerie, ma e' veramente eccessivo
per quello che fanno le mie... si puo' raggirare in qualche maniera
questa necessita? chesso'... considerarle file di supporto di altro
tipo... hmmm...

 Per pacchettizzare kernel patch, so che ultimamente c'è stata un po'
 di discussione su come fare, ma non l'ho seguita.  Qualcuno può
 postare un riassunto? O:-)

su debian-devel? (a me gli archivi!)

grazie ancora

Re: Possibiltés avec Alioth

2003-06-24 Thread Mathieu Roy
Michel Grentzinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] a tapoté :

 Un developpeur Debian a annoncé que ses paquets sont disponibles sur CVS et 
 m'a indiqué qu'il pourrait me donner accès au CVS.
 Comment fonctionne Alioth pour les non développeurs Debian ?
 D'après ce que j'ai compris, je dois créer un compte sur Alioth et demander 
 mainteneur de me permettre l'accès en écriture. Une fois cette étape 
 réalisée, j'aurai accès à l'éciture via CVS, c'est bien ça ?
 Mais comment le mainteneur peut-il vérifier ce que je vais proposer, changer 
 ou casser ??

Il regardera le diff et adaptera en fonction.

Mathieu Roy
  Not a native english speaker:

Re: Possibiltés avec Alioth

2003-06-24 Thread Frédéric Bothamy
* Michel Grentzinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-06-24 13:07] :
 Un developpeur Debian a annoncé que ses paquets sont disponibles sur CVS et 
 m'a indiqué qu'il pourrait me donner accès au CVS.
 Comment fonctionne Alioth pour les non développeurs Debian ?

Comme un CVS normal.

 D'après ce que j'ai compris, je dois créer un compte sur Alioth et demander 
 mainteneur de me permettre l'accès en écriture. Une fois cette étape 
 réalisée, j'aurai accès à l'éciture via CVS, c'est bien ça ?

 Mais comment le mainteneur peut-il vérifier ce que je vais proposer, changer 
 ou casser ??

Il ne peut pas : il te fait confiance pour ne pas casser trop les
paquets, il peut également facilement revenir à une version précédente
du CVS.

Après, si tu casses trop souvent le paquet intentionnellement, il est
probable que ton accès en écriture dans le CVS sera rapidement
supprimé ... :-)


Re: Possibiltés avec Alioth

2003-06-24 Thread Michel Grentzinger
Le Mardi 24 Juin 2003 15:51, Frédéric Bothamy a écrit :
  Un developpeur Debian a annoncé que ses paquets sont disponibles sur CVS
  et m'a indiqué qu'il pourrait me donner accès au CVS.
  Comment fonctionne Alioth pour les non développeurs Debian ?

 Comme un CVS normal.

  D'après ce que j'ai compris, je dois créer un compte sur Alioth et
  demander au mainteneur de me permettre l'accès en écriture. Une fois
  cette étape réalisée, j'aurai accès à l'éciture via CVS, c'est bien ça ?


  Mais comment le mainteneur peut-il vérifier ce que je vais proposer,
  changer ou casser ??

 Il ne peut pas : il te fait confiance pour ne pas casser trop les
 paquets, il peut également facilement revenir à une version précédente
 du CVS.

 Après, si tu casses trop souvent le paquet intentionnellement, il est
 probable que ton accès en écriture dans le CVS sera rapidement
 supprimé ... :-)

Merci à tous pour vos éclairages, je vais commencer par m'inscrire et à 
essayer de travailler avec alioth.

Michel Grentzinger
Available on

Re: maildirmake

2003-06-24 Thread Joel Baker
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 01:12:04PM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
 On Mon, 23 Jun 2003, David B Harris wrote:
  Exim is capable of handling Maildir mailboxes. It's Priority: important.
  I don't know if that counts as shipping it by default or not, but I
  would certainly say that it's the closest thing around.
 Capable of handling, yes, but then, so is cat.  g  Once delivered, though,
 there's no way of getting it back out again unless you're running something
 like courier or similar.

Or most modern local MUAs... after all, most folks don't read their mbox
with cat, either (though it's equally possible).

 My logic was that, from the basic system, Maildir mailboxes are no use. 
 Things like courier make Maildir useful, so that's where the maildirmake
 script should live.  It *might* make sense to put it in exim where people
 can run it to make their mailboxes, but since the delivery is useless
 without other programs to post-process, I'm still not won over on the

It is, to within a close order, as useful as mbox mail delivery; however,
it probably isn't worthy of it's own package, and having multiple MTAs (or
MUAs) provide it makes little sense, really... perhaps it belongs in one of
the general utility packages?

Description: PGP signature

Re: maildirmake

2003-06-24 Thread David B Harris
On Tue, 24 Jun 2003 13:12:04 +1000 (EST)
Matthew Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Capable of handling, yes, but then, so is cat.  g  Once delivered, though,
 there's no way of getting it back out again unless you're running something
 like courier or similar.

Or Mutt, or a halfdozen other MUAs. :)

 My logic was that, from the basic system, Maildir mailboxes are no use. 
 Things like courier make Maildir useful, so that's where the maildirmake
 script should live.  It *might* make sense to put it in exim where people
 can run it to make their mailboxes, but since the delivery is useless
 without other programs to post-process, I'm still not won over on the

Well, it's a standard format, and it's a trivial shell script. The
options are either including maildirmake(1) in each and every MUA that
understands Maildir formats (understanding here that imapds perform
many/most functions traditionally assigned to an MUA), and having them
all either Conflicts: with one another or using alternatives.

Given how simple it is, makes more sense to have it in one place. I
don't know where it should be (in all the MTAs?), but there you go :)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#198158: architecture i386 isn't i386 anymore

2003-06-24 Thread GOTO Masanori
At Sat, 21 Jun 2003 12:11:36 +0200,
Erwan MAS wrote:
 Please keep , a i386 or i586 architecture , for the via C3 processor .
 i686 architecture is not compatible with C3 . 
 This processor is very used in the Via EPIA motherboard :
 See :

You confused.  VIA C3 Ezra (not Nehemiah) does not have CMOV
instruction, and gcc create assembler code including CMOV if you set
--cpu=i686.  It's i686 processor, but it does not support full i686

-- gotom

Re: Bug#198158: architecture i386 isn't i386 anymore

2003-06-24 Thread GOTO Masanori
At 21 Jun 2003 00:27:18 +0200,
Mathieu Roy wrote:
 RedHat provide glibc for i386, i586 and i686. Why doesn't Debian
 provide several packages for i*86 when the package can be optimized a
 lot depending on the CPU type? 

We're planning.  i686 optimized binary does not work on my machine, so
it's currently dropped.  We need to check whether it's ok to upgrade
smoothly or not.

-- gotom

Re: maildirmake

2003-06-24 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas

On Mon, 23 Jun 2003, David B Harris wrote:

 Given how simple it is, makes more sense to have it in one place. I
 don't know where it should be (in all the MTAs?), but there you go :)

Well I have one in dovecot but I don't see why it couldn't be in e.g.

La Salle Debain -

Re: Can a polish speaker please translate this?

2003-06-24 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Sun, 22 Jun 2003, Marek Habersack wrote:

thanks Marek.  Can you ask him if he installed webmin updates without
using .debs?  This is the most probable cause of his problem.  It is a bad
idea because the packaging system is unaware of the changes and can, like
in this case, accidently overwrite files.

(A gentle hint that not everyone understands Polish would be good too. :-)

  -- Forwarded message --
  Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Resent-cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jaldhar H. Vyas)
  Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2003 10:58:40 +0200
  Resent-Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2003 09:03:05 UTC
  Subject: Bug#198276: Blad przy instalacji pakietu webmin_094woody1
  Package: webmin
  Version: 0.94-7woody1
  Wystepuje blad przy instalacji pakietu. Pakiet nie jest instalowany w 
 There has been an error installing the package. The package isn't entirely

  Powoduje to ze zaden pakiet dodatkowy nie jest instalowany
 It will cause that none of the additional (probably meant - depending upon
 this package) packages will be installed.

  Brakuje plikow webmin.acl, update.conf i innych
 The webmin.acl, update.conf and other files are missing

  Zapis sesji :
 Session transcript:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/webmin# dpkg -i webmin_0.94-7woody1_all.deb
  Zaznaczenie poprzednio nieznaznaczonego pakietu webmin.
  (Odczytywanie bazy danych ... 60487 plików i katalogów obecnie 
  Rozpakowanie webmin (z webmin_0.94-7woody1_all.deb) ...
  Konfigurowanie webmin (0.94-7woody1) ...
 the usual dpkg blurb

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/webmin# dpkg -i webmin-core_0.94-7woody1_all.deb
  Zaznaczenie poprzednio nieznaznaczonego pakietu webmin-core.
  (Odczytywanie bazy danych ... 61146 plików i katalogów obecnie 
  Rozpakowanie webmin-core (z webmin-core_0.94-7woody1_all.deb) ...
  Konfigurowanie webmin-core (0.94-7woody1) ...
 the same blurb

  /etc/webmin/webmin.acl: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu
 File or directory not found

  dpkg: b³±d przetwarzania webmin-core (--install):
   podproces post-installation script zwróci³ kod b³êdu 2
  Wyst±pi³y b³êdy podczas przetwarzania:
 and blurb again

  U¿ywam Debiana GNU/Linux 3.0, j±dra 2.4.20 (wlasna kompilacja)
 I'm using , kernel  (own compilation)

La Salle Debain -

Re: C++ Java IDE

2003-06-24 Thread Tollef Fog Heen
* Jan Schulz 

| * David Goodenough wrote:
| KDevelop comes as part of KDE, Eclipse is only available in unstable at the
| moment (I don't think it has made it into testing yet but I may be wrong).
| Nope... On the other hand it is no problem to recompile it on woody
| systems. Only thing is to have a gnome2.2 backport in your
| sources.list. Unfortunatelly I don't have that much webspace to do
| a woody backport myself...

or just

deb gnome2.2/
deb-src gnome2.2/

Tollef Fog Heen,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are  : :' :
  `. `' 

Re: maildirmake

2003-06-24 Thread Andreas Metzler
 But, I was looking around and wondering about that I couldn't find
 any `maildirmake' for Debian, excluding qmail-src, courier and
 maildrop, which I don't want/don't need to use.

You could start by telling us what maildirmake is supposed to do. Why
do we need it? Any program I know of which can handle Maildir is not
only capable of storing messages in Maildir folders but also of
generating them. This includes e.g. the exim(4) MTA, MDAs like
procmail or maildrop, and the MUA mutt.
  cu andreas

Re: maildirmake

2003-06-24 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 01:12:04PM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:

  My logic was that, from the basic system, Maildir mailboxes are no

 Can I have a bit of the weed you are smoking?  Seems to be good.

 Package: mutt
 Priority: standard

  These packages provide a reasonably small but not too limited
  character-mode system.  This is what will be installed by default
  if the user doesn't select anything else.  It doesn't include
  many large applications.


Re: Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description

2003-06-24 Thread Dan Jacobson
I was hoping large package developers would write longer descriptions.

Re: maildirmake

2003-06-24 Thread Ralf Hildebrandt
* Andreas Metzler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 You could start by telling us what maildirmake is supposed to do. Why
 do we need it? Any program I know of which can handle Maildir is not
 only capable of storing messages in Maildir folders but also of
 generating them. This includes e.g. the exim(4) MTA, MDAs like
 procmail or maildrop, and the MUA mutt.

Same for Postfix.
Who needs maildirmake?

Ralf Hildebrandt (Im Auftrag des Referat V a)   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Charite Campus MitteTel.  +49 (0)30-450 570-155
Referat V a - Kommunikationsnetze - Fax.  +49 (0)30-450 570-916
AIM: ralfpostfix

Re: maildirmake

2003-06-24 Thread Michael Koch
Hash: SHA1

Am Dienstag, 24. Juni 2003 09:45 schrieb Ralf Hildebrandt:
 * Andreas Metzler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  You could start by telling us what maildirmake is supposed to do.
  Why do we need it? Any program I know of which can handle Maildir
  is not only capable of storing messages in Maildir folders but
  also of generating them. This includes e.g. the exim(4) MTA, MDAs
  like procmail or maildrop, and the MUA mutt.

 Same for Postfix.
 Who needs maildirmake?

I wonder how all this MTAs and MDAs create shared folders 
automatically ...

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: maildirmake

2003-06-24 Thread Oliver Kurth
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 09:45:30AM +0200, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
 * Andreas Metzler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  You could start by telling us what maildirmake is supposed to do. Why
  do we need it? Any program I know of which can handle Maildir is not
  only capable of storing messages in Maildir folders but also of
  generating them. This includes e.g. the exim(4) MTA, MDAs like
  procmail or maildrop, and the MUA mutt.
 Same for Postfix.
 Who needs maildirmake?

Same for masqmail...

But why not create a small utility that creates it? It's trivial, and I 
can recycle some code from masqmail.


 : :' :Oliver Kurth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 `. `'   Debian GNU/Linux maintainer -

Description: PGP signature

Re: maildirmake

2003-06-24 Thread Sam Clegg
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 09:45:30AM +0200, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
 * Andreas Metzler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  You could start by telling us what maildirmake is supposed to do. Why
  do we need it? Any program I know of which can handle Maildir is not
  only capable of storing messages in Maildir folders but also of
  generating them. This includes e.g. the exim(4) MTA, MDAs like
  procmail or maildrop, and the MUA mutt.
 Same for Postfix.
 Who needs maildirmake?

IIRC courier-imap expects ~/Maildir to exist before you can check
your mail (but maildirmake ships with courier-base).
sam clegg
:: [EMAIL PROTECTED] :: :: PGP : D91EE369 
$superduper: .signature,v 1.13 2003/06/17 10:29:24 sam Exp $

Description: PGP signature

Re: maildirmake

2003-06-24 Thread Ralf Hildebrandt
* Michael Koch [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   You could start by telling us what maildirmake is supposed to do.
   Why do we need it? Any program I know of which can handle Maildir
   is not only capable of storing messages in Maildir folders but
   also of generating them. This includes e.g. the exim(4) MTA, MDAs
   like procmail or maildrop, and the MUA mutt.
  Same for Postfix.
  Who needs maildirmake?
 I wonder how all this MTAs and MDAs create shared folders 
 automatically ...

In that special case you need maildirmake, but not the simple shell
script, but the version that comes with maildrop.

Ralf Hildebrandt (Im Auftrag des Referat V a)   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Charite Campus MitteTel.  +49 (0)30-450 570-155
Referat V a - Kommunikationsnetze - Fax.  +49 (0)30-450 570-916
AIM: ralfpostfix

Re: Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description

2003-06-24 Thread Dan Jacobson
I was hoping that maintainers of multi-megabyte packages would do the
package justice by giving an adequate description.

The Packages file could very well be the source for decisions on what
gets chosen or not for ones system.

Re: Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description

2003-06-24 Thread Michael Banck
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 03:29:23PM +0800, Dan Jacobson wrote:
 I was hoping that maintainers of multi-megabyte packages would do the
 package justice by giving an adequate description.

File wishlist bugs with a patch for the long description then.


Bug#198602: ITP: debbackup -- Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, conffiles)

2003-06-24 Thread Daniel Stone
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-06-24
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: debbackup
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Daniel Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
(not functional yet)
* License : GPL
  Description : Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, 

debbackup is a supplemental, Debian-specific, backup program. It backs
up only what is needed to restore from a fresh install, with data
recovered - package information (including holds/etc), conffile changes,
Debconf information, and more. debrestore will restore this information
- installing/updating required packages, restoring configuration files,
and more.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux nanasawa 2.5.72-mm3 #1 Mon Jun 23 21:43:29 EST 2003 i686

Developer, Trinity College, University of Melbourne

Description: PGP signature

Re: EPSON appreciates your feedback by June 30, '03 - Debian

2003-06-24 Thread Julien BLACHE
[Ob-lists: if replying publicly, please reply to -devel only]

Farideh Sherbaf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Linux Developer and Distributor,


 Please allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Farideh Sherbaf and
 I am your contact for EPSON Worldwide Developer Relations for scanners
 and All-In-One (Multifunction) products.   The EPSON Developer
 Relations Group would like to obtain your feedback on your support of
 scanners in the Linux environment.

I am the maintainer of the SANE packages in the Debian distribution ;
nice to see some communication from Epson Kowa !

SANE maintainer hat on

 Your prompt answers to the following questions are appreciated
 1. Do you include the SANE backend (scanner driver) within your
Linux distribution package?  

Yes. This is a must-have for any Linux distribution that wants to be
used on the desktop.

 2. Which SANE frontends  (applications) do you include within your
Linux distribution package?

The standard frontends from the SANE project are available (scanimage,
scanadf, xscanimage, xcam, saned), along with XSane, QuiteInsane and

 3. Do you include Epson's Image Scan! for Linux?  (Image Scan! for
Linux is a graphical frontend for Epson scanners.)


Although further explanation does not seem to be requested by your
survey, let me explain why the Epson Kowa backend and frontend aren't
included in Debian.

To be included in the Debian distribution, a software basically needs
to fulfill 2 conditions :
 - its license must be considered Free by Debian (see [1] for details)
 - somebody has to volunteer to maintain the packages

The latter would probably be no problem for the Epson Kowa softwares
if the former point was fulfilled.

The Epson Kowa Public License that covers the distribution of the
Epson Kowa softwares isn't Free ; it forbids reverse-engineering or
any form of analysis of the binary-only modules that ship with the
software. This is the first showstopper.

The second one is that the source distribution ships binary-only
modules, which makes it impossible to build the softwares for anything
else than Linux/x86 ; in its latest release, Debian supports 11
hardware architectures, and portability is something very important
for us.

We have a special section in our archive for softwares that do not
meet our requirements in terms of license, but are nonetheless freely
redistributable and potentially useful to our users ; it's the
non-free section. Should somebody be willing to maintain packages of
the Epson Kowa softwares, they could be included in the non-free
section. However, note that the non-free section isn't distributed on
the release CDs.

Now, apart from this, looking at my 6-months-old notes on the subject,
it seems that the scanners supported by the Epson Kowa backend are
already supported (to some point) by the regular SANE backends. The
same applies to the frontend, with the powerful frontends already

Again, my notes are somewhat dated by now, so feel free to correct me
if I'm wrong on this point.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.




 Julien BLACHE - Debian  GNU/Linux Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Public key available on - KeyID: F5D6 5169 
 GPG Fingerprint : 935A 79F1 C8B3 3521 FD62 7CC7 CD61 4FD7 F5D6 5169 

Re: Bug#198158: architecture i386 isn't i386 anymore

2003-06-24 Thread Adam Warner
Hi Arnd Bergmann,

 On Tuesday 24 June 2003 02:00, Adam Heath wrote:
 On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
  In g++ 3.2, this code was distributed as i386, and nobody noticed
  that it doesn't work on i386 for quite some time. In gcc 3.3, an
  implementation is provided that works on i386, and this
  implementation here is declared i486. Unfortunately, the two
  implementations are not binary compatible. Debian has to pick one of
  these, and it needs to pick the i486 version for compatibility with
  other Linux distributions (which either ship with gcc 3.2 today, or
  target i586+ only, anyway).

 Er, if this function is inlined, then how can it be part of some
 published api?  If it's not part of some published api, then how can
 using an i386 variation cause problems with other distributions?
 The API requires that access to atomic variables is truly atomic.
 The i386 version uses a semaphore to synchronize the access to an atomic
 variable, the i486+ version uses the lock prefix. When you mix these two
 in one program, two threads might access the variable without locking
 against each other because the code inside the semaphore does not lock
 the memory bus.

This has been a very informative discussion. While hesitant about dropping
i386 support I am now convinced that:

(a) i386 support should be dropped so that binary compatibility can be
maintained with other Linux distributions. Debian's binary compatibility
is a very important feature, especially as a lot of proprietary Linux
software companies provide no official support for Debian. Binary
compatibility helps fulfil the social contract where although non-free
software isn't a part of Debian, we support its use, and we provide
infrastructure (such as our bug-tracking system and mailing lists) for
non-free software packages.

(b) i486+ should be targeted, but GCC-compiled code optimised for either
i586 or i686 (consider whichever is also best for P4 and Athlon).

Debian has the goal of being a universal distribution and operating
system, and even ditching i386 support is chilling enough. Pragmatically,
even though i486 desktops are now relatively scarce i486 laptops still
make very useful portable routers.

(c) Just keep the i386 name. Changing it will break too many scripts when
all that is needed to resolve confusion is a release note. i486+ would
still be misleading to those who need to understand that even though i486
is supported the binaries are still optimised for a more recent
architecture. One day support for i486 will be dropped and then we also
won't need to worry about changing the architecture name.

I'd appreciate replies to this message to be CCed to my email address.


Re: Accepted vile 9.3-s1 (sparc source all)

2003-06-24 Thread Thomas Dickey
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Format: 1.7
 Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 23:29:15 +1000
 Source: vile
 Binary: xvile vile-filters vile vile-common
 Architecture: source sparc all
 Version: 9.3-s1
 Distribution: unstable
 Urgency: low
 Maintainer: Brendan O'Dea [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Changed-By: Brendan O'Dea [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  vile   - VI Like Emacs - vi work-alike
  vile-common - VI Like Emacs - support files for vile/xvile
  vile-filters - VI Like Emacs - highlighting filters for vile/xvile
  xvile  - VI Like Emacs - vi work-alike (X11)
  vile (9.3-s1) unstable; urgency=low

9.3s is looking pretty stable (one ifdef fix was needed for win32).

I'm mostly working to setup a new machine (seems that the power supply on the
backup machine where I was building OS/2 stuff is broken, but since it's my
backup machine I don't have time to fix _that_ until I have a newer machine
up).  So that's driving my schedule for 9.4 (pre)release.


Re: [devel] Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description

2003-06-24 Thread Christoph Berg
Re: Re: [devel] Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description [Dan 
Jacobson [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 03:17:27PM +0800, [EMAIL 
 I was hoping large package developers would write longer descriptions.

Where are the statistics for that? You only gave the average.

Christoph Berg [EMAIL PROTECTED], 0681/9657944
Universität des Saarlandes, Compiler Design Lab

Description: PGP signature

Re: [mass bug filing?] Short descriptions being used as long descriptions and other policy violations

2003-06-24 Thread Johannes Rohr
Andreas Metzler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 I was wondering, should I make a mass filing of bugs for those packages 
 who fail to produce a proper description? 

 I doubt that just filing bugs without fix makes sense, OTOH
 if you planned to submit 10 reports with the description sucks, here
 is better one - tags:patch instead of 100 simply stating the
 description sucks, please go ahead. ;-)


I'd say that writing a meaningful package description is certainly the
duty of the individual package maintainer. A package maintainer should
usually have an idea of what his/her package is good for, while Javier
would probably have to spend a lot more time to figure that out, at
least for lesser known packages.

I don't think that filing a bug saying that Your extended package
description does not meet Debian policy requirements. Please consider
writing 4-5 lines to give sysadmins an idea what your package can do
for them. means asking too much from a Debian maintainer.

You don't have to write Your package sucks, there certainly are more
polite and less offensive ways. I would e.g. tell them that a nice
description might motivate more people to use and install your

And BTW: 



Re: Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description

2003-06-24 Thread John Hasler
Dan Jacobson writes:
 I was hoping that maintainers of multi-megabyte packages would do the
 package justice by giving an adequate description.

While extremely short descriptions might be a cause for concern regardless
of the size of the package, I don't see why larger packages should need
longer descriptions.  A one-of-a-kind special-purpose package is likely to
need a much longer description than yet another Web browser.

Why not go through your list, read all the descriptions that seem
suspiciously short, and file bugs if justified?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: CGI:IRC on Debian

2003-06-24 Thread David Leadbeater
On Mon, 2003-06-23 at 14:28, Guilherme de S. Pastore wrote:
 Hello people! =)
 I became a maintainer recently, when I took the prozilla package from Gustavo 
 Noronha Silva (kov), a few days ago. I am now trying to finish my second 
 Debian Package: cgiirc.
 Unfortunately, the program puts all its files in the same directory, causing 
 problems with the FHS. I contacted the upstream author, asking for changes, 
 and even offering myself to do the job.
 I got surprised when I received his response, telling me he wanted the 
 program to be entirely coded by him, following his own coding style, but he 
 wouldn't do anything by now.

I said what? I hadn't replied at all until a few minutes ago when
someone mentioned this post on IRC..

My main concern is keeping CGI:IRC easy to install for people who just
want to be able to install it easily as a user and simply saying upload
all these files into your cgi-bin directory works well. Nor have I ever
been particularly convinced that system-wide CGI scripts are a good

However I'd be happy to apply a patch which puts the locations of the
modules and so on into the config file..

 I think I'm going to release the first version of the package dodging the 
 problem with sym links, and start changing the code from the second release 
 on, if I don't get a better answer from him.

A better workaround I can think of is simply adding to the top of each
BEGIN { chdir(/usr/lib/cgiirc) }
(Assuming /usr/lib/cgiirc is the right place to put
modules/interfaces/formats) and then adjust the path to the
configuration file that is used (to /etc/cgiirc.config or whatever)..

 What do you all think I should do?

Get your facts right first ;)

Re: Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description

2003-06-24 Thread Stephen Frost
* Dan Jacobson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I was hoping large package developers would write longer descriptions.

Too bad.  The two are not, should not, and should never be related.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description

2003-06-24 Thread Stephen Frost
* Dan Jacobson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I was hoping that maintainers of multi-megabyte packages would do the
 package justice by giving an adequate description.

The description is adequate.  The size of the package has nothing to do
with it.

 The Packages file could very well be the source for decisions on what
 gets chosen or not for ones system.

It probably is.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description

2003-06-24 Thread Craig Sanders
On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 09:10:09PM -0500, Steve Langasek wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 07:56:42AM +0800, Dan Jacobson wrote:
  Fellas, looking in the Packages files, some big packages have little
  descriptions, some little packages have big descriptions, 
 and this package description went wee wee wee, all the way home.
 Why does this belong on debian-devel instead of debian-curiosa?

because some packages have really crappy  useless descriptions.

the worst culprits are usually sets of binary packages from the one source file
which have package descriptions like libfoo-dev = dev files for libfoo,
libfoo-doc = documention for libfoo, and libfoo = runtime files for foo
library, without bothering to describe what foo actually is.

well, duh! like nobody would ever guess that a package called libfoo-doc was
the documentation for libfoo.  tell the reader something we DON'T know.

a package description is supposed to tell someone who has never heard of foo
before a little bit about it, not just multiple variations of foo's name.


Re: no freshness dating inside Packages.gz

2003-06-24 Thread Martin Schulze
Martin Schulze wrote:
 Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
  On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 08:29:14PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
   He wants to know when a particular package was last updated, without
   having to download it and examine the gzip time stamp and/or changelog.
  It is unfortunate, that there is no easy access to the changelog, I know of,
  but all other infos can be seen on the package tracking system:
 I guess that you've never heard of

... and now I had to find out that this service went offline a while ago...



WARNING: Do not execute!  This call violates patent DE10108564.

wget -O patinfo-`date +%Y%m%d`.html

Re: C++ Java IDE

2003-06-24 Thread Jan Schulz
Hallo Tollef,

* Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
* Jan Schulz 
| sources.list. Unfortunatelly I don't have that much webspace to do
| a woody backport myself...
deb gnome2.2/
deb-src gnome2.2/

Was more meant to supply a eclipse backport for woody. :) My 
webspace hardly is enough for the deb-src repository for eclipse...

 Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm.

Re: no freshness dating inside Packages.gz

2003-06-24 Thread Andrew Suffield
On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 03:14:26PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
 Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
  On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 08:29:14PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
   He wants to know when a particular package was last updated, without
   having to download it and examine the gzip time stamp and/or changelog.
  It is unfortunate, that there is no easy access to the changelog, I know of,
  but all other infos can be seen on the package tracking system:
 I guess that you've never heard of

Correct, most people have never heard of this thing. Furthermore, it's
broken (zero-sized replies).

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
 : :' : | Dept. of Computing,
 `. `'  | Imperial College,
   `- --  | London, UK

Description: PGP signature

Re: maildirmake

2003-06-24 Thread Alexander Wirt
Am Die, 2003-06-24 um 03.46 schrieb Matthew Palmer:
 On Tue, 24 Jun 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Now I'm wondering about it even more.  IMHO `maildirmake' is _very_
  necessary for any mail and as it seems to be only a 2-line-shell-script
  why it isn't included anywhere and anyway in the base-system?
 As I recall, maildirmake is only needed if you are running Maildir-based
 MDAs, which Debian does not by default[1].  That is enough of a reason not
 to ship it in the base system, regardless of whether it's a two line shell
 script or not.
I use offlineimap to get my remote IMAP Folders synced with my laptop. 
Offlineimap writes directly to maildirs. So I think there _are_ cases
where no courier is needed, but a maildirmake program. 

I installed another package thats comes with a maildirmake program, but
a real maildirmake package would be nicer ;), maybe a maildir toolbox or
something like that would be usefull.  



Alexander formorer Wirt   KeyID: BC7D020A
EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 28651245
Encrypted and Signed Email preferred.

Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

Re: no freshness dating inside Packages.gz

2003-06-24 Thread Bill Allombert

Martin Schulze wrote:
 Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
  On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 08:29:14PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
   He wants to know when a particular package was last updated,
   having to download it and examine the gzip time stamp and/or
  It is unfortunate, that there is no easy access to the changelog, I
  know of
  but all other infos can be seen on the package tracking system:

 I guess that you've never heard of

You can get the changelog with
1) go to
2) go to link 'developer information for foo'
3) go to link Accepted foo 17.42-143 (i386 source)

And here is the last changelogs entry

Alternatively, you can replace step 1-2) with 
1-2) go to link


Imagine a large red swirl here. 

Re: Bug#198158: architecture i386 isn't i386 anymore

2003-06-24 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 01:47:55PM +0900, GOTO Masanori wrote:

 At 21 Jun 2003 00:27:18 +0200,
 Mathieu Roy wrote:
  RedHat provide glibc for i386, i586 and i686. Why doesn't Debian
  provide several packages for i*86 when the package can be optimized a
  lot depending on the CPU type? 
 We're planning.  i686 optimized binary does not work on my machine, so
 it's currently dropped.  We need to check whether it's ok to upgrade
 smoothly or not.

There used to be libc6-686 and so on, but they caused a lot of problems with
upgrades.  Then they were re-enabled, then disabled again in the same
release.  I wasn't able to measure a significant performance increase with
the optimized library anyway, so I haven't missed it.

 - mdz

Re: Bug#198602: ITP: debbackup -- Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, conffiles)

2003-06-24 Thread Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder
On Tuesday 24 June 2003 11:51, Daniel Stone wrote:
 Package: wnpp
 Version: unavailable; reported 2003-06-24
 Severity: wishlist

 * Package name: debbackup
   Version : 0.1

Version 0.1...

How much of it does already work? How much is sid specific and won't work on 

From the description, this sounds like a very essential package, I'll 
definitely have a look at it when it hits the archive (or at the latest when 
it hits testing).

-- vbi

OpenPGP encrypted mail welcome - my key:

Description: signature

Re: Bug#198602: ITP: debbackup -- Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, conffiles)

2003-06-24 Thread Adam Heath
On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Daniel Stone wrote:

 Package: wnpp
 Version: unavailable; reported 2003-06-24
 Severity: wishlist

 * Package name: debbackup
   Version : 0.1
   Upstream Author : Daniel Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * URL :
 (not functional yet)
 * License : GPL
   Description : Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, 

 debbackup is a supplemental, Debian-specific, backup program. It backs
 up only what is needed to restore from a fresh install, with data
 recovered - package information (including holds/etc), conffile changes,
 Debconf information, and more. debrestore will restore this information
 - installing/updating required packages, restoring configuration files,
 and more.

Tell me when you upload this, so I can file an rc bug against it, for
modifying other packages conffiles.

Re: EPSON appreciates your feedback by June 30, '03 - Debian

2003-06-24 Thread Farideh Sherbaf
Dear Matt,

Thank you for responding to my email.  I will use Julien as scanner contact
person.  However, if possible I appreciate if I could also obtain your
signature info for our database.

Best regards,

- Original Message -
From: Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Farideh Sherbaf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 8:09 PM
Subject: Re: EPSON appreciates your feedback by June 30, '03 - Debian

 On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 04:15:25PM -0700, Farideh Sherbaf wrote:

  Dear Linux Developer and Distributor,
  Please allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Farideh Sherbaf and I
am your contact for EPSON Worldwide Developer Relations for scanners and
All-In-One (Multifunction) products.   The EPSON Developer Relations Group
would like to obtain your feedback on your support of scanners in the Linux
  Your prompt answers to the following questions are appreciated (Yes/No):
  1. Do you include the SANE backend (scanner driver) within your Linux
distribution package?
  2. Which SANE frontends  (applications) do you include within your Linux
distribution package?
  3. Do you include Epson's Image Scan! for Linux?  (Image Scan! for Linux
is a graphical frontend for Epson scanners.)

 I have forwarded your request to the developer responsible for SANE in

  - mdz

Re: [mass bug filing?] Short descriptions being used as long descriptions and other policy violations

2003-06-24 Thread Thomas Viehmann
Johannes Rohr wrote:
 I'd say that writing a meaningful package description is certainly the
 duty of the individual package maintainer. A package maintainer should
 usually have an idea of what his/her package is good for, while Javier
 would probably have to spend a lot more time to figure that out, at
 least for lesser known packages.
However, not providing a better description will (likely) not get anything done.

 I don't think that filing a bug saying that Your extended package
 description does not meet Debian policy requirements. Please consider
 writing 4-5 lines to give sysadmins an idea what your package can do
 for them. means asking too much from a Debian maintainer.
You don't. But I can't help but think that there are a lot of obvious
maintainer's duties more or less neglected - often by simple obmission, but
sometimes patterns show.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#198602: ITP: debbackup -- Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, conffiles)

2003-06-24 Thread Andreas Barth
* Adam Heath ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030624 18:50]:
 On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Daniel Stone wrote:
  Package: wnpp
  Version: unavailable; reported 2003-06-24
  Severity: wishlist
  * Package name: debbackup
Version : 0.1
Upstream Author : Daniel Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * URL :
  (not functional yet)
  * License : GPL
Description : Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, 
  debbackup is a supplemental, Debian-specific, backup program. It backs
  up only what is needed to restore from a fresh install, with data
  recovered - package information (including holds/etc), conffile changes,
  Debconf information, and more. debrestore will restore this information
  - installing/updating required packages, restoring configuration files,
  and more.

 Tell me when you upload this, so I can file an rc bug against it, for
 modifying other packages conffiles.

When did you fill an rc bug against tar for modifiying other packages

   PGP 1024/89FB5CE5  DC F1 85 6D A6 45 9C 0F  3B BE F1 D0 C5 D1 D9 0C

Re: Bug#198602: ITP: debbackup -- Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, conffiles)

2003-06-24 Thread Josselin Mouette
Le mar 24/06/2003 à 18:44, Adam Heath a écrit :
 Tell me when you upload this, so I can file an rc bug against it, for
 modifying other packages conffiles.

In the meantime, you can still file RC bugs against all text editors
that allow to modify conffiles.

Hint: maybe this package won't modify conffiles in the maintainer
 .''`.   Josselin Mouette/\./\
  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	=?ISO-8859-1?Q?num=E9riquement?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?_sign=E9e?=

Re: Bug#198602: ITP: debbackup -- Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, conffiles)

2003-06-24 Thread Colin Watson
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 11:44:51AM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:
 On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Daniel Stone wrote:
  Package: wnpp
  Version: unavailable; reported 2003-06-24
  Severity: wishlist
  * Package name: debbackup
Version : 0.1
Upstream Author : Daniel Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * URL :
  (not functional yet)
  * License : GPL
Description : Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, 
  debbackup is a supplemental, Debian-specific, backup program. It backs
  up only what is needed to restore from a fresh install, with data
  recovered - package information (including holds/etc), conffile changes,
  Debconf information, and more. debrestore will restore this information
  - installing/updating required packages, restoring configuration files,
  and more.
 Tell me when you upload this, so I can file an rc bug against it, for
 modifying other packages conffiles.

That's very silly. Would you file an RC bug against restore(1) for
modifying other packages' conffiles?

The conffile editing restriction is there to stop other packages'
postinsts from messing about with conffiles, not to stop anybody from
ever writing any program which touches a conffile.


Re: EPSON appreciates your feedback by June 30, '03 - Debian

2003-06-24 Thread Torsten Landschoff
Hi Farideh, 

On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 04:15:25PM -0700, Farideh Sherbaf wrote:
 Please allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Farideh Sherbaf and I
 am your contact for EPSON Worldwide Developer Relations for scanners
 and All-In-One (Multifunction) products.   The EPSON Developer
 Relations Group would like to obtain your feedback on your support of
 scanners in the Linux environment.   

Let me add to Juliens opinion a note from a user of those scanner tools: 
I own an Epson 1640SU scanner with automatic document feeder. And it 
is really great to have it supported by Linux. With the scanimage tool
we wrote a script to scan our lecture notes and generate PDF files in no
time - something we failed to implement with *cough* Windows.

It really helps to have them archived in binary form instead of paper so
a big thank you for making it possible by at least providing development
information for your hardware.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description

2003-06-24 Thread Torsten Landschoff
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 11:56:03PM +1000, Craig Sanders wrote:
 the worst culprits are usually sets of binary packages from the one source 
 which have package descriptions like libfoo-dev = dev files for libfoo,
 libfoo-doc = documention for libfoo, and libfoo = runtime files for foo
 library, without bothering to describe what foo actually is.
 well, duh! like nobody would ever guess that a package called libfoo-doc was
 the documentation for libfoo.  tell the reader something we DON'T know.

But he knows what libfoo is - or at least he is just a

$ apt-cache show libfoo

away from that information. Do we need to duplicate the description of a
library package in each and every supporting package?



Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#198602: ITP: debbackup -- Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, conffiles)

2003-06-24 Thread Brett Cundal
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 11:44:51AM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:
 On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Daniel Stone wrote:
  debbackup is a supplemental, Debian-specific, backup program. It backs
  up only what is needed to restore from a fresh install, with data
  recovered - package information (including holds/etc), conffile changes,
  Debconf information, and more. debrestore will restore this information
  - installing/updating required packages, restoring configuration files,
  and more.
 Tell me when you upload this, so I can file an rc bug against it, for
 modifying other packages conffiles.

In that case you'd better file rc bugs against passwd, webmin, etc.. :)

-- Brett

Description: PGP signature

Re: [mass bug filing?] Short descriptions being used as long descriptions and other policy violations

2003-06-24 Thread Josip Rodin
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 06:41:21PM +0200, Thomas Viehmann wrote:
  I'd say that writing a meaningful package description is certainly the
  duty of the individual package maintainer. A package maintainer should
  usually have an idea of what his/her package is good for, while Javier
  would probably have to spend a lot more time to figure that out, at
  least for lesser known packages.
 However, not providing a better description will (likely) not get anything

You don't know that. If we agreed to such a sweeping generalization, we
would not have the vast majority of bug reports in the BTS.

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: Bug#198602: ITP: debbackup -- Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, conffiles)

2003-06-24 Thread John H. Robinson, IV
Adam Heath wrote:
 On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Daniel Stone wrote:
  * Package name: debbackup
  - installing/updating required packages, restoring configuration files,
  and more.
 Tell me when you upload this, so I can file an rc bug against it, for
 modifying other packages conffiles.

let's file a bug against vim, since it changes conffiles also.

you are making an assumtion that this program will modify conffiles by
the simple act of being installed.

Debian Policy v § 11.7.4. Sharing configuration files

  The maintainer scripts must not alter a `conffile' of _any_ package,
  including the one the scripts belong to.

adam, are you willing to state, package unseen, that the maintainer
scripts are modifying any conffiles? if so, could you please send me
next week's California Lottery numbers?

daniel, i for one think that this package will be a very welcome
addition to the archive, and could have used it about three weeks ago.


Re: Bug#198602: ITP: debbackup -- Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, conffiles)

2003-06-24 Thread Emile van Bergen

On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 11:44:51AM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:

 On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Daniel Stone wrote:
  Package: wnpp
  Version: unavailable; reported 2003-06-24
  Severity: wishlist
  * Package name: debbackup
Version : 0.1
Upstream Author : Daniel Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * URL :
  (not functional yet)
  * License : GPL
Description : Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, 
  debbackup is a supplemental, Debian-specific, backup program. It backs
  up only what is needed to restore from a fresh install, with data
  recovered - package information (including holds/etc), conffile changes,
  Debconf information, and more. debrestore will restore this information
  - installing/updating required packages, restoring configuration files,
  and more.
 Tell me when you upload this, so I can file an rc bug against it, for
 modifying other packages conffiles.


5 serious replies already -- sorry Adam, I'm afraid there are just too
many people that lack even the most basic sense of humour.



E-Advies - Emile van Bergen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
tel. +31 (0)70 3906153

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#198602: ITP: debbackup -- Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, conffiles)

2003-06-24 Thread Keegan Quinn
On Tuesday 24 June 2003 10:59 am, Emile van Bergen wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 11:44:51AM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:
  Tell me when you upload this, so I can file an rc bug against it, for
  modifying other packages conffiles.


 5 serious replies already -- sorry Adam, I'm afraid there are just too
 many people that lack even the most basic sense of humour.

Or perhaps not everyone thinks a threat of an RC bug is a laughing matter.

 - Keegan

Re: Bug#198602: ITP: debbackup -- Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, conffiles)

2003-06-24 Thread Drew Scott Daniels
I've been meaning to write this for a while. I wrote up a procecure and I
may have even posted it. I include files indicated by cruft in my backups.
I'm also looking at checking md5sums and atimes to help decide if backups
of files like conf files is neccisary or if they're just the defaults from
the package(s). I use dpkg-repackage (or something like that) to repackage
packages that aren't in the archive anymore so I can back them up in a
more friendly way. If you need any help with debbackup, please let me

I was also hoping to have a nice front end with the ability to veto or
include backing up things... Since I do most of it manualy this hasn't
been a problem. It'd be nice if debbackup would suggest some good backends
to store the backups incrementaly, on special media (CD's...)... I'd also
like to plug ppmd as probably the best compression available (slow, less
tested, but compresses on average much smaller than gzip or bzip2).

The ability to have a rescue backup disc that's bootable and could
restore would be ideal.

I have also been thinking about creating a complimentary program that
would help cleanup the system by finding unused packages, seldom used
packages, cruft, unnessisary files... As with debbackup, there are things
to do some of the functons already.

 Drew Daniels

Re: advise for packaging duali arabic spell checker

2003-06-24 Thread Mohammed Sameer
On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 11:09:25AM -0700, Keegan Quinn wrote:
 On Sunday 22 June 2003 12:48 am, Mohammed Sameer wrote:
  i was thinking about splitting duali itself into 2 packages:
  1- duali the main dictionary
  2- duali-dev contain the script
  duali-data build-depends on duali-dev while duali itself depend only on
  I really don't know what to do so i thought about asking here for help.
 The plan you outlined seems quite sensible to me.
  - Keegan
Many thanks for replying to me.
i think now that i should try and talk to the author again ;-)


-- Katoob Main Developer
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ICQ # 58475622
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Description: PGP signature

favicon resource

2003-06-24 Thread Henning Moll

I was just looking for a 'open use' debian favicon. But i can't find it on

Is it ok to use the resource from ?
Shouldn't it also be published on the logo page?


Bug#198665: ITP: pmk -- The pmk project aims to be an alternative to GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).

2003-06-24 Thread Marek Habersack
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-06-24
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: pmk
  Version : 0.4.5
  Upstream Author : Damien Couderc  Xavier Santolaria
* URL :
* License : BSD
  Description : The pmk project aims to be an alternative to GNU/autoconf 
(configure scripts).

First a quote from the about page for the project:

Our primary goals are :

* Avoid the use of scripts in packages that can hide trojans.
* Try to keep the needed dependancies near from zero (actually we're at
* Make it easy to use for users and developpers.
* Provide the package in a free and usable license for everybody (BSD). 

Their goals seem to be met so far. The whole thing is written in C, doesn't
depend on perl/m4/shell etc., it's rather easy to use featuring a simple
config file format, autoconf compatibility (output-wise), is supported on
quite a few software platforms (including Debian). The system defaults are 
configured in a global config file which makes the usage pretty consistent 
accross all the installations.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux beowulf 2.5.73-mm1 #1 Tue Jun 24 15:31:14 CEST 2003 i686
Locale: LANG=pl_PL, LC_CTYPE=pl_PL

Re: [mass bug filing?] Short descriptions being used as long descriptions and other policy violations

2003-06-24 Thread Benj. Mako Hill
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 06:41:21PM +0200, Thomas Viehmann wrote:
 Johannes Rohr wrote:
  I'd say that writing a meaningful package description is certainly the
  duty of the individual package maintainer. A package maintainer should
  usually have an idea of what his/her package is good for, while Javier
  would probably have to spend a lot more time to figure that out, at
  least for lesser known packages.

 However, not providing a better description will (likely) not get
 anything done.

First, my guess is that it will be more effective than seem to
imply. Second, pointing out bugs without fixes is certainly what the
bug tracking system facilitates.

  I don't think that filing a bug saying that Your extended package
  description does not meet Debian policy requirements. Please consider
  writing 4-5 lines to give sysadmins an idea what your package can do
  for them. means asking too much from a Debian maintainer.

 You don't. But I can't help but think that there are a lot of
 obvious maintainer's duties more or less neglected - often by simple
 obmission, but sometimes patterns show.

Often, as in this case, those lapses in obvious (and documented)
maintainer duties, constitute bugs in a package. Maybe I'm
misunderstanding something in your argument here.


Benj. Mako Hill

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#198665: ITP: pmk -- The pmk project aims to be an alternative to GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).

2003-06-24 Thread Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 09:30:31PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
   Description : The pmk project aims to be an alternative to GNU/autoconf 
 (configure scripts).

Description field is inappropriate, use something like:

Description: A GNU/autoconf alternative.

Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis  | Elegant or ugly code as well
aliases: Luca ^De [A-Z][A-Za-z\-]*[iy]'\?s$ | as fine or rude sentences have
Luca, a wannabe ``Good guy''.   | something in common: they
local LANG=[EMAIL PROTECTED] | don't depend on the 

Re: Bug#198665: ITP: pmk -- The pmk project aims to be an alternative to GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).

2003-06-24 Thread Marek Habersack
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 02:44:17PM -0500, Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis 
 On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 09:30:31PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
Description : The pmk project aims to be an alternative to 
  GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).
 Description field is inappropriate, use something like:
 Description: A GNU/autoconf alternative.
Good point. I just cut and pasted it from their about page out of laziness



Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#198665: ITP: pmk -- The pmk project aims to be an alternative to GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).

2003-06-24 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 02:44:17PM -0500, Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 09:30:31PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
Description : The pmk project aims to be an alternative to 
  GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).
 Description field is inappropriate, use something like:

 Description: A GNU/autoconf alternative.

Try an alternative to GNU autoconf or a substitute for GNU autoconf,
to avoid confusion with Debian's alternatives system.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [mass bug filing?] Short descriptions being used as long descriptions and other policy violations

2003-06-24 Thread Thomas Viehmann
Josip Rodin wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 06:41:21PM +0200, Thomas Viehmann wrote:
I'd say that writing a meaningful package description is certainly the
duty of the individual package maintainer. A package maintainer should
usually have an idea of what his/her package is good for, while Javier
would probably have to spend a lot more time to figure that out, at
least for lesser known packages.
However, not providing a better description will (likely) not get anything
 You don't know that. If we agreed to such a sweeping generalization, we
 would not have the vast majority of bug reports in the BTS.
Admittedly, I don't know that. Only one way to find out.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#198665: ITP: pmk -- The pmk project aims to be an alternative to GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).

2003-06-24 Thread John Goerzen
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 09:46:52PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 02:44:17PM -0500, Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis 
  On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 09:30:31PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
 Description : The pmk project aims to be an alternative to 
   GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).
  Description field is inappropriate, use something like:
  Description: A GNU/autoconf alternative.
 Good point. I just cut and pasted it from their about page out of laziness

That's inappropriate as well.  Rather than saying this is an alternative to
foo, say what it does, and then say similar to foo.


Re: Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description

2003-06-24 Thread Josip Rodin
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 07:17:58PM +0200, Torsten Landschoff wrote:
  the worst culprits are usually sets of binary packages from the one source 
  which have package descriptions like libfoo-dev = dev files for libfoo,
  libfoo-doc = documention for libfoo, and libfoo = runtime files for foo
  library, without bothering to describe what foo actually is.
  well, duh! like nobody would ever guess that a package called libfoo-doc was
  the documentation for libfoo.  tell the reader something we DON'T know.
 But he knows what libfoo is - or at least he is just a
 $ apt-cache show libfoo
 away from that information. Do we need to duplicate the description of a
 library package in each and every supporting package?

Not all of it, but you can't object to duplicating a single sentence saying
what it is.

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: Please don't misuse the debian/changelog to close bugs!

2003-06-24 Thread Branden Robinson
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 01:23:25PM +0200, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
 Alright, this happened far too often lately to be ignored. This must
 stop, pretty please.  The developers-reference[1] isn't written just for


/me stands up

_ _   _   _   _
   / \   _ __ ___   ___ _ __ | |__  _ __ ___ | |_| |__   ___ _ __| |
  / _ \ | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| '_ \| '__/ _ \| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__| |
 / ___ \| | | | | |  __/ | | |_  | |_) | | | (_) | |_| | | |  __/ |  |_|
/_/   \_\_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_( ) |_.__/|_|  \___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|  (_)

G. Branden Robinson|  You live and learn.
Debian GNU/Linux   |  Or you don't live long.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |  -- Robert Heinlein |

Description: PGP signature

Re: [mass bug filing?] Short descriptions being used as long descriptions and other policy violations

2003-06-24 Thread Thomas Viehmann

Benj. Mako Hill wrote:
I don't think that filing a bug saying that Your extended package
description does not meet Debian policy requirements. Please consider
writing 4-5 lines to give sysadmins an idea what your package can do
for them. means asking too much from a Debian maintainer.
You don't. But I can't help but think that there are a lot of
obvious maintainer's duties more or less neglected - often by simple
obmission, but sometimes patterns show.
 Often, as in this case, those lapses in obvious (and documented)
 maintainer duties, constitute bugs in a package. Maybe I'm
 misunderstanding something in your argument here.

My argument was based on a matrix lintian error tags - maintainers.
There's lintian tags practically owned by maintainers. That's what I meant
with patterns. In those cases, pointing things out directly will help more.
In some cases, description deficiencies may be related to English skills (I'm
not a native speaker myself). In those cases patches can achieve much more than
bugs without patches.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#198665: ITP: pmk -- The pmk project aims to be an alternative to GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).

2003-06-24 Thread Marek Habersack
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 02:52:20PM -0500, Steve Langasek scribbled:
 On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 02:44:17PM -0500, Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis 
  On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 09:30:31PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
 Description : The pmk project aims to be an alternative to 
   GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).
  Description field is inappropriate, use something like:
  Description: A GNU/autoconf alternative.
 Try an alternative to GNU autoconf or a substitute for GNU autoconf,
 to avoid confusion with Debian's alternatives system.
It's not quite a substitute, as it won't reuse autoconf's configs etc. How
about A tool for configuring software source similar to GNU Autoconf?


Description: PGP signature

Re: Update re: read-only root filesystem

2003-06-24 Thread Ola Lundqvist

On Sat, Jun 21, 2003 at 01:12:20PM +0200, Thomas Hood wrote:
 Some progress has been made toward the goal of making
 Debian easier to use with a read-only root filesystem.
 Action has been taken to remove variable files from /etc/,
 or at least to make it possible to do so locally, in the
 following packages: cupsys, laptop-net, pppconfig, sysvinit.
 Packages that still employ variable files in /etc/ include:
 mount, ifupdown, dhcpcd, linuxlogo, ppp, util-linux.
 Fortunately, some of the files can be replaced by symlinks.
 See my README file at
 for (incomplete) information.
 Many thanks to the maintainers who have been supporting
 this effort.

Thanks a lot. I'll refer to that in the nfsboot{ed,} packages.
They just have some rudimental things.

It is possible to make a package that does all this things for

Like a root-read-only package?


// Ola

 Thomas Hood
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 - Ola Lundqvist ---
/  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Annebergsslingan 37  \
|  +46 (0)54-10 14 30  +46 (0)70-332 1551   |
| UIN/icq: 4912500 |
\  gpg/f.p.: 7090 A92B 18FE 7994 0C36  4FE4 18A1 B1CF 0FE5 3DD9 /

Re: Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description

2003-06-24 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 10:41:59PM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 07:17:58PM +0200, Torsten Landschoff wrote:
   the worst culprits are usually sets of binary packages from the one 
   source file
   which have package descriptions like libfoo-dev = dev files for libfoo,
   libfoo-doc = documention for libfoo, and libfoo = runtime files for foo
   library, without bothering to describe what foo actually is.

   well, duh! like nobody would ever guess that a package called libfoo-doc 
   the documentation for libfoo.  tell the reader something we DON'T know.

  But he knows what libfoo is - or at least he is just a

  $ apt-cache show libfoo

  away from that information. Do we need to duplicate the description of a
  library package in each and every supporting package?

 Not all of it, but you can't object to duplicating a single sentence saying
 what it is.

When the sentence in question is the one that goes in the short
description, and already fills the available space without prepending
runtime files for foo ?  Is the concern here with the short descs (I
don't expect much from short descs of affiliate packages), or with the
long descs?

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [mass bug filing?] Short descriptions being used as long descriptions and other policy violations

2003-06-24 Thread Neil Spring
On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 03:25:23PM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:
 Use ${description}, and debian/substvars.  This is already supported.

is there FM in the form of an example package? or can you
think of a method of finding packages that use this

dpkg-souce(1) implies that substitution variables are
limited to a single line (which seems poorly suited to long
descriptions).  An example would likely clear this up


Re: Developer Accessible Hurd Machine

2003-06-24 Thread Mario Lang
Hash: SHA1

Benj. Mako Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Some time ago, Martin Schulze pointed out that there is no developer
 accessible Hurd machine available.

 I am happy to coordinate the donation of hardware for this if it is
 this something that you (developers, Hurd and otherwise) feel would be
 useful and possible? However, I've heard that Hurd is still unstable
 enough that we will probably need to place the machine at a Hurd
 developer's home or work.

 -devel: Is this something developers would like?

I'd like to see something like this happening.  I've already wanted a developer
accessible Hurd machine several times, for investigating the possibility
to port some of my packages.

I think such a machine would be valuable to increase the quality
of the Hurd port overall.  Most of my packages do never get built on hurd,
although that might actually be related to a lack of buildds?

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8


Re: Bug#198665: ITP: pmk -- The pmk project aims to be an alternative to GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).

2003-06-24 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 10:59:19PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 02:52:20PM -0500, Steve Langasek scribbled:
  On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 02:44:17PM -0500, Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis 
   On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 09:30:31PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
  Description : The pmk project aims to be an alternative to 
GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).
   Description field is inappropriate, use something like:
   Description: A GNU/autoconf alternative.

  Try an alternative to GNU autoconf or a substitute for GNU autoconf,
  to avoid confusion with Debian's alternatives system.
 It's not quite a substitute, as it won't reuse autoconf's configs etc. How
 about A tool for configuring software source similar to GNU Autoconf?

That seems sensible.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Bug#198682: ITP: kernel-patch-2.4-low-latency -- Reduces the latency of the Linux kernel

2003-06-24 Thread Aurelien Jarno
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-06-25
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: kernel-patch-2.4-low-latency
  Upstream Author : Andrew Morton [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
* URL :
* License : GPL
  Description : Reduces the latency of the Linux kernel

 This patch adds a far greater degree of real-time responsiveness to the
 standard Linux kernel, by finding hot spots in the scheduling code and
 trying to reduce their impact. It can get latencies down to 1 to 4 ms in
 most situations.
 It can be applied to the following Linux kernel sources:
 2.4.13, 2.4.14, 2.4.15, 2.4.16, 2.4.17, 2.4.18, 2.4.19, 2.4.20 and 2.4.21.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux pc.aurel32 2.4.20 #1 mar jun 24 21:29:28 CEST 2003 i686

Re: Bug#198665: ITP: pmk -- The pmk project aims to be an alternative to GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).

2003-06-24 Thread Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 10:59:19PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
 It's not quite a substitute, as it won't reuse autoconf's configs etc. How
 about A tool for configuring software source similar to GNU Autoconf?

I see your point, but your suggestion is still too long: it should be
rephrased to stay within 60-65 characters.

What about A source configuring tool like GNU/Autoconf?

Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis  | Elegant or ugly code as well
aliases: Luca ^De [A-Z][A-Za-z\-]*[iy]'\?s$ | as fine or rude sentences have
Luca, a wannabe ``Good guy''.   | something in common: they
local LANG=[EMAIL PROTECTED] | don't depend on the 

Description: PGP signature

Old bugs related to translated debconf templates

2003-06-24 Thread Denis Barbier

Here is a list of bugs older than a year; most of them are related to
translated debconf templates, so fixing them is trivial and I might
NMU some of these packages soon.

  #BRDate Package Maintainer
103324 (03 Jul 2001) diald   Jeff Licquia
106150 (21 Jul 2001) nis Miquel van Smoorenburg
107023 (29 Jul 2001) kdm Christopher L Cheney
107730 (06 Aug 2001) diald   Jeff Licquia
110178 (26 Aug 2001) postfix LaMont Jones
116433 (21 Oct 2001) gnapsterDebian QA Group
128933 (12 Jan 2002) kdm Christopher L Cheney
132615 (06 Feb 2002) kdm Christopher L Cheney
134460 (17 Feb 2002) arla-modules-source   Mikael Andersson
134506 (18 Feb 2002) fcron   Russell Coker
135965 (27 Feb 2002) xfree86v3   Branden Robinson
136919 (05 Mar 2002) arla-modules-source   Mikael Andersson
137613 (10 Mar 2002) arla-modules-source   Mikael Andersson
137637 (10 Mar 2002) diffmon Jeff Bailey
137648 (10 Mar 2002) fonty   Piotr Roszatycki
137652 (10 Mar 2002) gnapsterDebian QA Group
137655 (10 Mar 2002) gnome-pilot Mike Markley
137658 (10 Mar 2002) htdig   Robert Ribnitz
137662 (10 Mar 2002) hwtools Christoph Lameter
137663 (10 Mar 2002) interchange-ui  Stefan Hornburg
137690 (10 Mar 2002) taper   Piotr Roszatycki
137698 (10 Mar 2002) vflib2  Masato Taruishi
137707 (10 Mar 2002) xtelEric Delaunay
137940 (12 Mar 2002) kdm Christopher L Cheney
138321 (14 Mar 2002) aeromailJim Studt
140888 (02 Apr 2002) aideMike Markley
142540 (12 Apr 2002) kdm Christopher L Cheney
148086 (25 May 2002) mozilla-browser Takuo KITAME


Re: Bug#198665: ITP: pmk -- The pmk project aims to be an alternative to GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).

2003-06-24 Thread Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 10:59:19PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
 It's not quite a substitute, as it won't reuse autoconf's configs etc. How
 about A tool for configuring software source similar to GNU Autoconf?

Sorry for my previous reply to this message, your suggestion is definitely

Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis  | Elegant or ugly code as well
aliases: Luca ^De [A-Z][A-Za-z\-]*[iy]'\?s$ | as fine or rude sentences have
Luca, a wannabe ``Good guy''.   | something in common: they
local LANG=[EMAIL PROTECTED] | don't depend on the 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#198665: ITP: pmk -- The pmk project aims to be an alternative to GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).

2003-06-24 Thread Jim Penny

 On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 10:59:19PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
  On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 02:52:20PM -0500, Steve Langasek scribbled:
   On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 02:44:17PM -0500, Luca - De Whiskey's - De
   Vitis wrote:
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 09:30:31PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
   Description : The pmk project aims to be an alternative
   to GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).

Description field is inappropriate, use something like:
Description: A GNU/autoconf alternative.
   Try an alternative to GNU autoconf or a substitute for GNU
   autoconf, to avoid confusion with Debian's alternatives system.
  It's not quite a substitute, as it won't reuse autoconf's configs
  etc. How about A tool for configuring software source similar to
  GNU Autoconf?

No, actually, that is ambiguous.  Read literally, it means that only
software source similar to GNU Autoconf can be configured with this
tool.  You really mean:

A tool, similar to GNU Autoconf, for configuring software

Admittedly this is ugly.  It may also be really inaccurate.  I have no
idea of how similar to GNU Autoconf the tool is.  I hope that it is not
very similar at all.


A tool to configure software  (GNU Autoconf also has this purpose)

Jim Penny

Re: [mass bug filing?] Short descriptions being used as long descriptions and other policy violations

2003-06-24 Thread Daniel Burrows
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 02:25:03PM -0700, Neil Spring [EMAIL PROTECTED] was 
heard to say:
 dpkg-souce(1) implies that substitution variables are
 limited to a single line (which seems poorly suited to long

  Then as long as the shared part is a single paragraph you should be fine.

  Actually, it looks like you could use ${Newline} and friends to
include multiple lines (I haven't tried this myself, though)


/ Daniel Burrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---\
|After the game, the king and |
|the pawn go in the same box. |
|  -- Italian proverb |
\--- (if (not (understand-this)) (go-to /

Re: Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description

2003-06-24 Thread Daniel Burrows
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 04:15:29PM -0500, Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
was heard to say:
  Not all of it, but you can't object to duplicating a single sentence saying
  what it is.
 When the sentence in question is the one that goes in the short
 description, and already fills the available space without prepending
 runtime files for foo ?  Is the concern here with the short descs (I
 don't expect much from short descs of affiliate packages), or with the
 long descs?

  Long descriptions.  See, eg,

  bnlib1-dev (not the problem discussed above, but still has problems
  with its description)


/ Daniel Burrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---\
|   I haven't lost my mind,   |
|   I know exactly where I left it.   |
\-Evil Overlord, Inc: planning your future today.

kernel 2.5.73+, fakeroot, debuild - a small problem

2003-06-24 Thread Marek Habersack
Hey list,

  Running debuild as normal user under the 2.5.73+ kernel results in fakeroot
actually setting the file ownership to root (or any other uid/gid for that
matter). The result is that the parts which don't run under fakeroot - 
e.g. debian/rules won't be able to write to the debian/packagename/ subdirs 
It happens only when the filesystem on which the build is taking place is XFS. 
This is due to the restrict_chown sysctl which was present in XFS before but 
actually implemented. Starting with 2.5.73 XFS does use the setting which works 
the way that allows the owner of the directory to give away its
subdirectories/files to other users. If restrict_chown is enabled then the
old behavior is back, however it defaults to disabled.
  The problem will affect any situation which involves using fakeroot or
other similar packages. I see several solutions to that problem, but none of
them seem perfect:

  1. Warn the users about the above issue and have them always use fakeroot
 explicitly in situations like building a deb. This is the worst
 solution, I think, as it would require all of the debian source
 packages to be modified.

  2. Modify fakeroot to check the kernel version, the type of fs on which it
 is currently working and have it issue a sysctl to enable
 restricted_chown. It looks better than #1 but it might incurr
 performance penalty. OTOH, this solution would be the most painless for
 the users and the most seamless.

  3. Modify debuild or even dpkg-buildpackage to do what fakeroot would do
 in #2. It would be a partial solution since it would affect only the
 deb build process.

  4. Add code to /etc/init.d/ ( or to perform the
 checks from #2 and enable the restricted chown. This would be the most
 global solution effectively setting a policy for Debian systems. It
 would have the additional effect of maintaining consistency with the
 old behavior and other filesystems.

  5. Influence the XFS/kernel maintainers to change the default value of
 restrict_chown to enabled.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#198665: ITP: pmk -- The pmk project aims to be an alternative to GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).

2003-06-24 Thread Marek Habersack
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 05:14:56PM -0500, Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis 
 On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 10:59:19PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
  It's not quite a substitute, as it won't reuse autoconf's configs etc. How
  about A tool for configuring software source similar to GNU Autoconf?
 Sorry for my previous reply to this message, your suggestion is definitely
OK, so if there are no more objections, I will proceed with uploading the
tool to Debian RSN :)


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#198665: ITP: pmk -- The pmk project aims to be an alternative to GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).

2003-06-24 Thread Daniel Burrows
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 10:59:19PM +0200, Marek Habersack [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
was heard to say:
 On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 02:52:20PM -0500, Steve Langasek scribbled:
  Try an alternative to GNU autoconf or a substitute for GNU autoconf,
  to avoid confusion with Debian's alternatives system.
 It's not quite a substitute, as it won't reuse autoconf's configs etc. How
 about A tool for configuring software source similar to GNU Autoconf?

  Ugh.  That's awfully wordy.  I don't think there's that much danger of
confusion with the alternatives system, and IMO the slight risk is
outweighed by how cumbersome the sentence above is.  I think an
alternative to GNU autoconf is a better choice.


/ Daniel Burrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---\
| The spork is strong with him... -- Fluble |
\- Debian GNU/Linux -- Because. /

Re: Bug#198665: ITP: pmk -- The pmk project aims to be an alternative to GNU/autoconf (configure scripts).

2003-06-24 Thread Marek Habersack
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 06:21:18PM -0400, Jim Penny scribbled:
 Description field is inappropriate, use something like:

 Description: A GNU/autoconf alternative.
Try an alternative to GNU autoconf or a substitute for GNU
autoconf, to avoid confusion with Debian's alternatives system.
   It's not quite a substitute, as it won't reuse autoconf's configs
   etc. How about A tool for configuring software source similar to
   GNU Autoconf?
 No, actually, that is ambiguous.  Read literally, it means that only
 software source similar to GNU Autoconf can be configured with this

 tool.  You really mean:
 A tool, similar to GNU Autoconf, for configuring software
 Admittedly this is ugly.  It may also be really inaccurate.  I have no
 idea of how similar to GNU Autoconf the tool is.  I hope that it is not
 very similar at all.
Not in the way it works, but similar in the function it performs.

 A tool to configure software  (GNU Autoconf also has this purpose)
It lacks 'source' which would be a misinformation, maybe:

  A tool to configure software source, functional equivalent to GNU Autoconf

Exactly 75 chars and quite to the point, IMHO.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Developer Accessible Hurd Machine

2003-06-24 Thread Michael Banck
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 11:30:26PM +0200, Mario Lang wrote:
 I think such a machine would be valuable to increase the quality
 of the Hurd port overall.  

Maybe. But also keep in mind that porting to GNU/Hurd is a bit more
complicated than porting to just another Linux architecture, because of
some things GNU/Hurd does differently, see

 Most of my packages do never get built on hurd, although that might
 actually be related to a lack of buildds?

That probably the case, the buildd is not running at the moment :)
I build important packages (like the toolchain) infrequently though.

Anyway, you can still try to install the Hurd yourself on a free
partition, for example using the crosshurd package. Most people have an
i386, so it's just a matter of perhaps freeing some disk-space and
reading the docs. If it doesn't work with your hardware or you run into
big problems, you will not have lost a lot of time.

See and for further


Re: EPSON appreciates your feedback by June 30, '03 - Debian

2003-06-24 Thread Farideh Sherbaf
Dear Julien,

Thank you for responding to my email.  We understand the existing issues
which you have explained below and to make this more clear is that EPSON
Kowa handles the License agreement.  We have nothing to do with the
licensing agreement for the Image Scan! for Linux.  We're sure that there
are reasons behind it since Linux is an open source.  However, if you are
still interested and would like to discuss this further, please contact
EPSON Kowa directly.  We appreciate if you could cc: us on the communication
between yourself and EPSON Kowa.  It is indeed a pleasure getting to know
you and please feel free to contact me at anytime.  We will do our best to
You may use the software subject to the three licenses below depending on
configured module.

GNU General Public License
GNU Lesser General Public License
EPSON KOWA Public License

Best regards,

Farideh Sherbaf (Ms.)
Sr. Product Engineer
EPSON Worldwide Developer Relations
150 River Oaks Parkway, Suite #200
San Jose, CA 95134
Tel:  408-576-4135
Fax: 408-474-0511

- Original Message -
To: Farideh Sherbaf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 3:05 AM
Subject: Re: EPSON appreciates your feedback by June 30, '03 - Debian

 [Ob-lists: if replying publicly, please reply to -devel only]

 Farideh Sherbaf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Dear Linux Developer and Distributor,


  Please allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Farideh Sherbaf and
  I am your contact for EPSON Worldwide Developer Relations for scanners
  and All-In-One (Multifunction) products.   The EPSON Developer
  Relations Group would like to obtain your feedback on your support of
  scanners in the Linux environment.

 I am the maintainer of the SANE packages in the Debian distribution ;
 nice to see some communication from Epson Kowa !

 SANE maintainer hat on

  Your prompt answers to the following questions are appreciated
  1. Do you include the SANE backend (scanner driver) within your
 Linux distribution package?

 Yes. This is a must-have for any Linux distribution that wants to be
 used on the desktop.

  2. Which SANE frontends  (applications) do you include within your
 Linux distribution package?

 The standard frontends from the SANE project are available (scanimage,
 scanadf, xscanimage, xcam, saned), along with XSane, QuiteInsane and

  3. Do you include Epson's Image Scan! for Linux?  (Image Scan! for
 Linux is a graphical frontend for Epson scanners.)


 Although further explanation does not seem to be requested by your
 survey, let me explain why the Epson Kowa backend and frontend aren't
 included in Debian.

 To be included in the Debian distribution, a software basically needs
 to fulfill 2 conditions :
  - its license must be considered Free by Debian (see [1] for details)
  - somebody has to volunteer to maintain the packages

 The latter would probably be no problem for the Epson Kowa softwares
 if the former point was fulfilled.

 The Epson Kowa Public License that covers the distribution of the
 Epson Kowa softwares isn't Free ; it forbids reverse-engineering or
 any form of analysis of the binary-only modules that ship with the
 software. This is the first showstopper.

 The second one is that the source distribution ships binary-only
 modules, which makes it impossible to build the softwares for anything
 else than Linux/x86 ; in its latest release, Debian supports 11
 hardware architectures, and portability is something very important
 for us.

 We have a special section in our archive for softwares that do not
 meet our requirements in terms of license, but are nonetheless freely
 redistributable and potentially useful to our users ; it's the
 non-free section. Should somebody be willing to maintain packages of
 the Epson Kowa softwares, they could be included in the non-free
 section. However, note that the non-free section isn't distributed on
 the release CDs.

 Now, apart from this, looking at my 6-months-old notes on the subject,
 it seems that the scanners supported by the Epson Kowa backend are
 already supported (to some point) by the regular SANE backends. The
 same applies to the frontend, with the powerful frontends already

 Again, my notes are somewhat dated by now, so feel free to correct me
 if I'm wrong on this point.

 Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.




  Julien BLACHE - Debian  GNU/Linux Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Public key available on - KeyID: F5D6 5169
  GPG Fingerprint : 935A 79F1 C8B3 3521 FD62 7CC7 CD61 4FD7 F5D6 5169

Re: Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description

2003-06-24 Thread Craig Sanders
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 04:15:29PM -0500, Steve Langasek wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 10:41:59PM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
  On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 07:17:58PM +0200, Torsten Landschoff wrote:
the worst culprits are usually sets of binary packages from the one 
source file
which have package descriptions like libfoo-dev = dev files for 
libfoo-doc = documention for libfoo, and libfoo = runtime files for 
library, without bothering to describe what foo actually is.
well, duh! like nobody would ever guess that a package called 
libfoo-doc was
the documentation for libfoo.  tell the reader something we DON'T know.
   But he knows what libfoo is - or at least he is just a
   $ apt-cache show libfoo
   away from that information. Do we need to duplicate the description of a
   library package in each and every supporting package?

not much use when you're in dselect, wondering what foo is and whether it's a
good or useful thing to install.

also not much use when the description for libfoo just says runtime files for
foo, and none of the other obviously associated packages bother to describe it

the person who packages it knows what it is, but he/she has to assume that the
reader doesn't and should therefore provide a brief but useful description.
not everyone catches every single announcement on slashdot or freshmeat or
sourceforge, not everyone is fully aware of every project in every niche.

  Not all of it, but you can't object to duplicating a single sentence saying
  what it is.
 When the sentence in question is the one that goes in the short description,
 and already fills the available space without prepending runtime files for
 foo ?  Is the concern here with the short descs (I don't expect much from
 short descs of affiliate packages), or with the long descs?

the concern is with package descriptions that assume that the reader knows
what foo is.

just having a brief description in one of 3 or 4 or more packages (and some
i've seen don't even bother describing it in one) isn't good enough.  each
individual package needs that brief description.

Re: maildirmake

2003-06-24 Thread Brian May
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 08:19:35AM +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote:
 You could start by telling us what maildirmake is supposed to do. Why
 do we need it? Any program I know of which can handle Maildir is not
 only capable of storing messages in Maildir folders but also of
 generating them. This includes e.g. the exim(4) MTA, MDAs like
 procmail or maildrop, and the MUA mutt.

As far as I am aware, maildrop does *not* support creating Maildirs.

Even if it does support creating top level Maildir (last I tested it
didn't seem to), it doesn't support creating a maildir within a maildir
(this apparently is a bit different, and it used by courier-imap). You
do with with maildirmake (or at least the version I have installed) with
the -f option.

See bug #68685 for details.

Re: Bug#198602: ITP: debbackup -- Backup and restore Debian specifics (package status, conffiles)

2003-06-24 Thread Andrew Suffield
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 11:15:42AM -0700, Keegan Quinn wrote:
 On Tuesday 24 June 2003 10:59 am, Emile van Bergen wrote:
  On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 11:44:51AM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:
   Tell me when you upload this, so I can file an rc bug against it, for
   modifying other packages conffiles.
  5 serious replies already -- sorry Adam, I'm afraid there are just too
  many people that lack even the most basic sense of humour.
 Or perhaps not everyone thinks a threat of an RC bug is a laughing matter.

Sure, people who have sticks up their arses don't. Mocking them is
great fun.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
 : :' : | Dept. of Computing,
 `. `'  | Imperial College,
   `- --  | London, UK

Description: PGP signature

Re: Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description

2003-06-24 Thread Dan Jacobson
 avg. bytes per description lines 66321.8

A Is that just a meaningless number, or is there actually a correlation
A between package size and description length?

Somebody with statistics experience might go further and see if little
packages have big descriptions and visa versa etc.

Anyway, one liner snob descriptions just have to go.

$ apt-cache show emacs21
Description: The GNU Emacs editor
 GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor.

Oops, I see, it is self-documenting.

Re: Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description

2003-06-24 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, Jun 25, 2003 at 07:07:46AM +0800, Dan Jacobson wrote:
 Anyway, one liner snob descriptions just have to go.
 $ apt-cache show emacs21
 Description: The GNU Emacs editor
  GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor.
 Oops, I see, it is self-documenting.

that's actually a perfectly adequate description.  it tells someone
who has never heard of emacs before that it is an editor.  good enough.

a description doesn't have to (and shouldn't!) summarise all of a package's
features, all it needs to do is give someone a rough idea of what kind of
beastie it is.

for a package like emacs, it's basically impossible to summarise all of its
features anyway.


Re: maildirmake

2003-06-24 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

   My logic was that, from the basic system, Maildir mailboxes are no
  Can I have a bit of the weed you are smoking?  Seems to be good.

They're pine needles.  I really do need to get off them, they're keeping my
brain in the 70's... inertia can be hard to beat...

Yes, I now know that decent MUAs can handle Maildir locally, so I'd like to
remove my objection to putting maildirmake in the base system.

Debianutils seems like the place for it to go, since there are other
not-really-debian-specific utils in there already, although my aesthetic
antennae are twitching...

#include disclaimer.h
Matthew Palmer, Geek In Residence

Re: kernel 2.5.73+, fakeroot, debuild - a small problem

2003-06-24 Thread Colin Walters
On Tue, 2003-06-24 at 18:34, Marek Habersack wrote:

   5. Influence the XFS/kernel maintainers to change the default value of
  restrict_chown to enabled.

I think they really should do this.  Having people be able to give away
files is something that you usually *don't* want by default.  

If they give away a file in XFS, does it still count against their

Re: Packages: an average 66321 bytes per line of description

2003-06-24 Thread Darren Salt
I demand that Dan Jacobson may or may not have written...

 I was hoping that maintainers of multi-megabyte packages would do the
 package justice by giving an adequate description.

I have here a 20K package. Should it have a 1/3-line description?


| Darren Salt   | nr. Ashington, | linux (or ds) at
| woody, sarge, | Northumberland | youmustbejoking
| RISC OS   | Toon Army  | demon co uk
|   Retrocomputing: a PC card in a Risc PC

B Integer out of range, 0:1

Re: kernel 2.5.73+, fakeroot, debuild - a small problem

2003-06-24 Thread Marek Habersack
On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 09:17:36PM -0400, Colin Walters scribbled:
 On Tue, 2003-06-24 at 18:34, Marek Habersack wrote:
5. Influence the XFS/kernel maintainers to change the default value of
   restrict_chown to enabled.
 I think they really should do this.  Having people be able to give away
 files is something that you usually *don't* want by default.  
Indeed. I'm wondering what's the reason for that option. 

 If they give away a file in XFS, does it still count against their
Not from what I see. It seems that the quota is updated. Now that can be a
nice way to hog somebody else's quota...


Description: PGP signature

Re: Please don't misuse the debian/changelog to close bugs!

2003-06-24 Thread Herbert Xu
Gerfried Fuchs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 During some of the discussions lately on debian-devel another usage of
 the changelog has risen interest:
 * New upstream release (closes: #123, #124, #125)
 This has also raised some discussions. The thing is this: If #123,
 #124 and #125 aren't just New upstream version available bugreports
 then quite some people dislike this behavior. It shouldn't be too much
 hazzle for the maintainer to rewrite this as follows:

I strongly disagree with your view.  Please respond to my points
that have been raised previously rather than repeating this dogma.

 * New upstream release (closes: #123) which includes:
   - tmpfile race condition fix (closes: #124)
   - manual page included (closes: #125)
 The thing is: It helps the users and the person who reported the bug to
 see what bug exactly was closed without the need for them to dig in the
 BTS. This is no must but it is something your users would be greatful if
 you could do it.

As I have said before, this is incomplete: only bugs that were reported
and identified are listed, and redundant: these changes should be in
the upstream changelog already.
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmVHI~} [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:
PGP Key:

Re: kernel 2.5.73+, fakeroot, debuild - a small problem

2003-06-24 Thread Aaron M. Ucko
Marek Habersack [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   2. Modify fakeroot to check the kernel version, the type of fs on which it
  is currently working and have it issue a sysctl to enable
  restricted_chown. It looks better than #1 but it might incurr

Er, is this even possible as an ordinary user?

   5. Influence the XFS/kernel maintainers to change the default value of
  restrict_chown to enabled.

I agree that this is the best solution.

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NOT a valid e-mail address) for more info.

Bug#198706: ITP: libebml -- Extensible Binary Meta Language access library

2003-06-24 Thread Sam Hocevar
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-06-25
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: libebml
  Version : CVS
  Upstream Author : Steve Lhomme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
* License : dual GPL/QPL
  Description : Extensible Binary Meta Language access library

 The libebml library allows to read and write files using the Extensible
 Binary Meta Language, a binary pendant to XML. Using libebml makes it
 easier to extend a file format without breaking support in older parsers.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux c18 2.4.21-rc5 #2 Wed May 28 22:10:14 CEST 2003 i686
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=fr_FR

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