Re: debhelper: suggestions

1997-12-24 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
 Joey == Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Joey expr `dpkg-parsechangelog` : '.*Version: \(.*\).*\nDistribution:'

 I can't get that to work.  I have much better luck with `gawk'.

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Re: debhelper: suggestions

1997-12-23 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
 Joey == Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Karl Also, to put a version string into a program, I use:

VERSION=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog 2/dev/null \
  | gawk -F: \
 '$$1 ~ /Version/ {version = gensub(/^ */,,g,$$2)} \
 END {printf(%s_SPI, version) }')

Joey I've definitly considered adding version testing to
Joey debhelper. Thanks for the shell fragmenet. I considered
Joey making a dh_checkver, that takes a version number, and
Joey returns 1 if the current version is older - that's let
Joey debian/rules files abort with outdated versions of
Joey debhelper. What do you think of that idea?

 Ok...  I thought that the `auto-debhelper' idea was good.  m4 is very
 powerful.  It would allow more sophisticated automatic script
 building.  Thing is, do we need that?  How often is there a package
 that would even use it?  YTMAWBN[1], I'm a beginner.

Karl build-stamp: dh_testdir $(MAKE) VERSION=$(VERSION) touch
Karl build-stamp

Karl ... and then I use the VERSION in the C like this:

printCopyright (void)
fprintf (stderr,
 tmpreaper -- Version:  VERSION \n
 (c) 1997 Software in the Public Interest\n
 This may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU 
Public License.\n);
// 1 2 3 4 5 6  
   7 8

Joey Hang on, maybe I'm missing something - is the version
Joey debhelper's version, or the version of your package?

 The version of the package.

 Note that I use `dpkg-parsechangelog', rather than the simpler:

LINE=$(head -1 changelog)
VERSION=$(expr $LINE : '.* (\(.*\))')

 ... since I thought that the reason for using `dpkg-parsechangelog'
 was so folks could experiment with alternative changelog formats.

 Is anyone doing that?

[1]  You Tell Me And We'll Both Know

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom)
Portland, OR  USA
Debian GNU 1.3.1+hamm Linux 2.0.32 AMD K5 PR-133

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Re: debhelper: suggestions

1997-12-23 Thread Joey Hess
Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
  Note that I use `dpkg-parsechangelog', rather than the simpler:
 LINE=$(head -1 changelog)
 VERSION=$(expr $LINE : '.* (\(.*\))')
  ... since I thought that the reason for using `dpkg-parsechangelog'
  was so folks could experiment with alternative changelog formats.

Ah, I'll have to modify debhelper to use that. Good point.

see shy jo

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Re: debhelper: suggestions

1997-12-23 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
 Joey == Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Joey Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
 Note that I use `dpkg-parsechangelog', rather than the simpler:

 LINE=$(head -1 changelog) VERSION=$(expr $LINE : '.* (\(.*\))')

 ... since I thought that the reason for using
 `dpkg-parsechangelog' was so folks could experiment with
 alternative changelog formats.

Joey Ah, I'll have to modify debhelper to use that. Good point.

 Well, I'm glad you wrote it the way you did.  I've just begun to
 learn how shell scripts are written and that's the first time I'd
 encountered that use of `expr'.  I learned from it.

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Re: debhelper: suggestions

1997-12-23 Thread Joey Hess
Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
  Well, I'm glad you wrote it the way you did.  I've just begun to
  learn how shell scripts are written and that's the first time I'd
  encountered that use of `expr'.  I learned from it.

Same here, I stole that bit from debstd. ;-)

However, on second thought, using dpkg-parsechangelog is unappetising. Not
only does it print out this annoying error message, but it takes a about a
second to run. (on a p166)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/debian/build/debhelper-0.35time dpkg-parsechangelog  
no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME (joey) at

Since debian/rules files that use debhelper typically cal about 20 d_*
programs in a package build, that's about half a minute added to the build,
along with an appalling amount of ugly messages. I don't know... it's the
right thing to do, but it's so ugly...

see shy jo

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Re: debhelper: suggestions

1997-12-23 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
 Joey == Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Joey However, on second thought, using dpkg-parsechangelog is
Joey unappetising. Not only does it print out this annoying error
Joey message, but it takes a about a second to run. (on a p166)

Joey Since debian/rules files that use debhelper typically cal
Joey about 20 d_* programs in a package build, that's about half
Joey a minute added to the build, along with an appalling amount
Joey of ugly messages. I don't know... it's the right thing to
Joey do, but it's so ugly...

 Maybe you could do it once, in the rules file:

export PKG_VERSION=$(shell dh_parseversion)

 ... and then use it from the environment.  I don't know what to do
 about that error mess.  Is it on stdout or stderr?  Perhaps you could
 have `dh_parseversion' elide it with redirections... piping through
 `gawk' and only grabbing what you need seems to work.  I don't know
 if `expr' is a simpler way yet.  Hmmm.  Does it handle the newlines?

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Re: debhelper: suggestions

1997-12-23 Thread Joey Hess
Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
  Maybe you could do it once, in the rules file:
 export PKG_VERSION=$(shell dh_parseversion)
  ... and then use it from the environment.

I don't want the dh_* to be dependant on the particular debian/rules
they are in. They should be able to be added, singly, to rules files,
without any other bother.

 I don't know what to do
  about that error mess.

It's a bug, anyway. However, it can just be directed to /dev/null (it's

 Is it on stdout or stderr?  Perhaps you could
 have `dh_parseversion' elide it with redirections... piping through
 `gawk' and only grabbing what you need seems to work.  I don't know
 if `expr' is a simpler way yet.  Hmmm.  Does it handle the newlines?


expr `dpkg-parsechangelog` : '.*Version: \(.*\).*\nDistribution:'

see shy jo

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Re: debhelper: suggestions

1997-12-22 Thread Joey Hess
Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
  I find that if you put:
  ... into debian/rules, the DH_VERBOSE=1 starts to function.

Thats unnecessary, you only need to export DH_VERBOSE. The example rules
files that come with debhelper do it this way:
#export DH_VERBOSE=1
  Also, to put a version string into a program, I use:
 VERSION=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog 2/dev/null   
| gawk -F: 
   '$$1 ~ /Version/{version= gensub(/^ */,,g,$$2)}   
END { printf(%s_SPI, version) }')

I've definitly considered adding version testing to debhelper. Thanks for
the shell fragmenet. I considered making a dh_checkver, that takes a version
number, and returns 1 if the current version is older - that's let
debian/rules files abort with outdated versions of debhelper. What do you
think of that idea?

   touch build-stamp
  ... and then I use the VERSION in the C like this:

Hang on, maybe I'm missing something - is the version debhelper's version,
or the version of your package?

see shy jo

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