Re: Upgrade partially some packages (Plasma 5.19. 5 - 3) on testing broke plasma.

2020-11-12 Thread Borden Rhodes
On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 at 23:32, Norbert Preining  wrote:
> Nothing related to plasma can make your system unbootable, that is FUD.
> You can change the desktop session to any other and run it.

Does my computer power on and POST? Yes.
Do the kernel and systemd complete their start up routines? Yes.
Can I open a desktop session? No.

I understand that some people consider anything that's not technically
precise "FUD," and I want to avoid a semantic argument over what
constitutes "bootable." The fact that I could not, after turning onto
my computer get:
1) To a point where I could do anything useful on my computer,
2) An error message pointing me to the source of the problem
... is my point. Yes, I could have installed alternative operating
DEs, rolled my own packaging, used various workarounds.

What I did was switch to Windows for the 3 day interval so I could
work whilst Debian sorted itself out. That worked for me. Other things
worked for other people. I'm cool with that.

Re: Upgrade partially some packages (Plasma 5.19. 5 - 3) on testing broke plasma.

2020-11-12 Thread Borden Rhodes
On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 at 20:36, Gary Dale  wrote:
> However the point of testing is to do testing.

I understand that. But I want to make sure that my three points are understood:
1) An unbootable computer is not a "testing" system. It's an
"unstable" system. The update that broke KDE was foreseeable and
2) The point of learning is not to keep repeating the same mistakes.
Hence why I'm asking if we've learnt anything that we can apply in the
3) I'm not expecting perfection from Debian volunteers. I'm hoping for
improvement in making regressive updates less common

Open source projects are always looking for feedback, so I'm giving my
feedback by identifying a weakness that could use improvement. This
reminds me of the car salesmen sketch in John Cleese's How to Irritate
"If you have any trouble, bring it in, I'll take a look at it"
"Well I have had trouble and I have brought it in"
"No, no trouble at all. Never need trouble. But if you have trouble,
I'll take a look at it."

Re: Upgrade partially some packages (Plasma 5.19. 5 - 3) on testing broke plasma.

2020-11-12 Thread Borden Rhodes
Confirmed I can use my computer again. Thank you.

Back to my earlier question, though, have we learnt anything in this
experience that can help us avoid unbootable KDE problems in the

Re: Upgrade partially some packages (Plasma 5.19. 5 - 3) on testing broke plasma.

2020-11-10 Thread Borden Rhodes
On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 at 14:48, Brad Rogers  wrote:
> Impossible to achieve.  There's simply far too much that can go wrong to
> cover every single (corner) case there may be.

Is there anything to learn from this experience that can help us in
future? Controls are never perfect, and there's always a cost-benefit
to be done on them. No sense spending an extra 5 hours in work to
prevent a problem that occasionally causes 5 minutes in inconvenience,
for example. But, again, this isn't that situation. I have an
unbootable system which could stay that way for days.

But we don't have to give up because we cannot prevent every corner
case. Making sure that all the KF libraries are at the same version
doesn't seem like a corner case to me, especially after upstream said
that you cannot mix and match versions.

> It also ignores the ingenuity of idiots and their ability to foul things
> up.

True. Controls only work when people follow them. That means they
generally fail against deliberate attempts to defeat them. When that
happens, you throw your hands up and say that the system is too broken
to fix. But I don't think that applies here. I understand that there
are some very smart and generally honest people who get the GPG keys
to the Debian repos.

Re: Upgrade partially some packages (Plasma 5.19. 5 - 3) on testing broke plasma.

2020-11-10 Thread Borden Rhodes
On Mon, 9 Nov 2020 at 16:20, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
> That also means you have great expectations from us :-D

Are we being unreasonable assuming that we can turn our computers off
and back on and have them still boot?

> But let me assure you that if this kind of things happens is because
> (as Norbert said) we are humans and this is a **huge** stack to work
> on, it requires a lot of time and detail, so things might slip through
> from time to time.

That's fair, KDE is infuriatingly complex and the volunteers do this
at their own expense with already stretched resources.

Nevertheless, it's concerning to learn the amount of manual work
involved. I sympathise with the extreme tedium this must entail. I
also hoped that the Debian rulers would have evolved adequate controls
over 30 years of packaging to prevent unbootable operating system
errors from happening. Or, at least, if they do happen, have useful
error messages to shorten the guesswork. It's very frustrating with no
useful error messages to go on search engines and have to guess what
the problem might be - only to be led down one dead end after another.
In accountancy, we call the former "preventative controls" and the
latter "corrective controls."

The question then is what controls or automation can be added to the
process to reduce the likelihood of these sorts of errors from
happening in the future?

> Wanna check? Be sure to start packaging and come
> and join us!

That's a bluff you know we won't call. It's analogous to saying "Run
for office and fix the government if you don't like it." As much as
I'd love to help, I don't have the resources or knowledge to begin
assisting. As you acknowledged in your previous sentence, KDE "is a
**huge** stack to work on, it requires a lot of time and detail" - how
could us plebs possibly get up to speed in a reasonable time?

Anyhow, is there a way to roll the repos back to 5.17 until 5.19 is
fully ready or am I stuck with an unbootable operating system until
5.19 goes downstream?

Re: KF5 5.75 timeline

2020-10-27 Thread Borden Rhodes
On Tue, 27 Oct 2020 at 15:30, Sandro Knauß  wrote:
Thank you for your response

> I don't understand what you try to do.
This is what I'm trying to do:
Upstream says that I need 5.75, but perhaps the features are available
in the 5.74 just uploaded to testing?

KF5 5.75 timeline

2020-10-26 Thread Borden Rhodes
Good evening,

What the rough timeline is for KF5 5.75 to enter testing? Is it weeks?
Months? Sometime next year?

I know everybody is overworked and underpaid so there are no promises.
I ask because I want to fiddle with the KSyntaxHighlighting features
in the new versions of KatePart. If the turnaround is a couple of
weeks, I'll wait for it to trickle down. If it's going to be longer
than that, I may consider fighting with getting an upstream copy.

With thanks,

Re: Stepping down as Qt 6 maintainers

2020-08-23 Thread Borden Rhodes
On Tue, 18 Aug 2020 at 11:11, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
> I was asked if this move has anything to do with code quality or
> licensing. The answer is a huge no, Qt is a **great** project which we
> love. As stated before it's mostly about lack of free time to properly
> maintain it.
> --
> Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

I'm very grateful for all the work that you've put into this project.
I've had my share of problems with KDE and I appreciate your efforts
to try to fix them.

It's too bad that the KDE project will probably lose another couple
dozen packages in the Qt6 upgrade - many of which I use - if precedent
is any guide. Someone really needs to tackle the economic problems of
open source one of these days.

Re: Does Plasma/KDE work under Wayland?

2020-07-07 Thread Borden Rhodes
On Mon, 6 Jul 2020 at 03:48, Xavier Brochard  wrote:
> Good bug reports for something like this include backtrace infos.
> You need to install kmail-dbg (or -dbgsym) package.
> When Kmail will hang again, use gdb and bt to produce a backtrace (I
> can't remember exactly, sorry).

Is there no equivalent to .xsession-errors in Wayland? Are KDE
programs not logging? Whilst I'll fiddle with a debugger, I can't
imagine most users being willing or able to set that environment up or
have a clue what to do with the output.

Re: Does Plasma/KDE work under Wayland?

2020-07-05 Thread Borden Rhodes
On Wed, 10 Jun 2020 at 23:16, Ihor Antonov  wrote:
> Hi Borden,
> Unfortunately packaging KDE/Plasma is hard and it takes a lot of time, so
> there is also a noticeable delay between upstream releases and packages
> availability. Keep testing is the minimum we can do for Debian. But if you
> have time and desire - reporting bugs upstream and helping with packaging
> are also time-worthy activities/

Thank you for the comments. What I'm having most difficulty with is
finding debugging information when something goes wrong. For example,
KMail hangs as soon as I start it up requiring a force-quit. However,
I can't find anything in journalctl or the console indicating what
went wrong. So that defeats any attempts at filing a bug report. If I
knew how to identify failing components (for all I know, it could be a
configuration error), then that would be extremely useful for


> [1]
> [2] 

RE: How do I troubleshoot wireless network dropping?

2020-07-05 Thread Borden Rhodes
> Use ps x to see how many copies of wpa_supplicant are running. If you have
> multiple copies started from the command line the wifi won't stay connected.
> I had the same problem.

Thank you for the suggestion. I checked when it started dropping and, not only
was there one instance of wpa_supplicant running, it was the same instance
(judging from its PID)

> Keep off the Intel card when you use the USB dongle, maybe one interfere with
> the other

Another good suggestion. I've tried disabling it from ifconfig. The interfaces
use consistent device naming, so the names shouldn't be getting mixed up.

I've isolated, what I think are, the journal lines from when my connection
dropped today:

wpa_supplicant[1555]: wlp10s0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=a0:##:##:##:##:0a
  reason=4 locally_generated=1
wpa_supplicant[1555]: dbus: wpa_dbus_property_changed: no property
  SessionLength in object /fi/w1/wpa_supplicant1/Interfaces/0
wpa_supplicant[1555]: wlp10s0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=CORE type=WORLD
wpa_supplicant[1555]: wlp10s0: SME: Trying to authenticate with
  a0:##:##:##:##:0a (SSID='WiFiNetwork' freq=2462 MHz)
wpa_supplicant[1555]: wlp10s0: Trying to associate with a0:##:##:##:##:0a
  (SSID='MyNetwork' freq=2462 MHz)
wpa_supplicant[1555]: wlp10s0: Associated with a0:##:##:##:##:0a
wpa_supplicant[1555]: wlp10s0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0
wpa_supplicant[1555]: wlp10s0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=COUNTRY_IE
  type=COUNTRY alpha2=CA
wpa_supplicant[1555]: wlp10s0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with
  a0:##:##:##:##:0a [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
wpa_supplicant[1555]: wlp10s0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to
  a0:##:##:##:##:0a completed [id=0 id_str=]

For the purposes of these log entries, "WiFiNetwork" is the SSID of my
network, but the log literally shows "MyNetwork" in the next line when
it's trying to associate. I have no idea what this network is and I
can't find it configured anywhere. So is it possible that someone's
trying to MAC-jack my laptop?

Re: wayland

2020-06-29 Thread Borden Rhodes
On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 at 09:36, Marco Möller
> Interested to discover Wayland without risking to lose my much
> personalized settings for my KDE Plasma X11 desktop environment (and
> without drawing in new desktop apps), is it enough to simply install
> package  kwin-Wayland?
> Are there any current (Plasma X11) settings which might become changed
> and would not immediately be in use no more if choosing at the sddm
> login screen to enter a Plasma X11 session again?
> Marco.

I brought this matter up a few weeks ago, and the response is that
Wayland _shouldn't_ mulch any of your settings - but it might. KDE on
Wayland in Debian has a lot of rough edges and should be considered
beta. I've found I've needed to work around crashes, quirks and
missing features. It's possible that a KDE app may change a setting
and X won't know how to read it. Some things that work in X11 don't in
Wayland and vice-versa.

Re: KATE & regex search/replace across multiple lines

2020-06-19 Thread Borden Rhodes
On Fri, 19 Jun 2020 at 13:10, Gary Dale  wrote:
> I've opened another (previously saved) session and tried it there and
> KATE recognizes the \n properly so it's not the version of KATE that's
> at fault. I've tried switching the End-Of-Line mode between Unix and
> MS-DOS (and back) but that didn't help. I can't find any setting that
> deals with the issue.

Have you also made absolutely sure that there isn't any trailing
whitespace on your lines that might be interfering with the RE?

> I did the same thing today (but saved a different page) but I can't get
> the regex to match beyond a single line. When I add a \n at the end of
> the regex, it finds 0 matches (if I instead add a $, it reports the same
> number of matches as the initial regex, so my regex is finding to the
> end of the line).

I've found that Kate struggles with beginning/end of line references
(^ & $). I don't know the specifics of the RE engine, but combining ^,
$ and \n is almost certain to fail. Kate also struggles with some more
advanced or esoteric features of RE, so I'm assuming you've tried
rewording your RE.

So are you _certain_ that the only addition that turns a matching RE
to a failing RE is the \n? When I'm troubleshooting, I test chunks of
my RE to make sure that I haven't made a typo in each chunk. In this
case, if I have something like
"(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\n([^\n]+)\n([-,\d\.]+)", I check to make sure
that (\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}) can match a date line, ([^\n]+) can match a
description line (.*\n might work, but I leave as little
interpretation as possible open to Kate), and ([-,\d\.]+) can match an
amount. Then I string them together one \n at a time until the RE

Does Plasma/KDE work under Wayland?

2020-06-10 Thread Borden Rhodes
Good afternoon,

I'm following up on a message for which I don't believe I received a
response on 29 May. I'm trying to transition to Plasma using Wayland
instead of X, and I'm encountering many stability and usability

In general, should Plasma on Wayland in Bullseye be stable enough for
day-to-day use or should I continue to use X as the bugs get stamped
out? The online documentation is woefully inconsistent, some sources
saying that Wayland should be good to go and others saying to avoid it
at all costs.

If Wayland should be stable on Bullseye, then I'll have a slew of bug
reports to file! (starting with the lack of useful logging)

With thanks,

Is Wacom still broken in Wayland Plasma?

2020-05-28 Thread Borden Rhodes
My Wacom-based touchscreen works fine in X with only libinput
installed. In Wayland, the touchscreen, stylus and all other features
are completely unresponsive. I found complaints a few years old that
this was a known defect. However, references to it in have been

Is it still known to be broken or have I not set it up correctly? I
can find plenty of information about setting up tablets in X, but not
on Wayland or with libinput. Guidance would be much appreciated if
it's possible.

Re: Can't set times for Kontact events

2019-12-19 Thread Borden Rhodes
On Thu, 19 Dec 2019 at 12:10, Gary Dale  wrote:
> I'm running bullseye on an AMD64 system.
> When I create or edit an event, I can't set or change the time. No
> matter what I do, it reverts to 12:00 AM after I save the event.
> Moreover, the Apply button stays greyed out unless I modify some other
> part of the event.

It's a locale problem:
Basically, switch to UK or US locale and it should work again.

Re: Is KOrganizer broken only for me?

2019-12-08 Thread Borden Rhodes
For anyone who runs into this issue (I"ll update the bug I previously

I think there's a problem with the time zone configuration which was
causing the calculation to fail when I selected times which caused
KOrg to default to whole day events. I went into System Settings ->
Regional Settings -> Date & Time and changed the time zone to another
one and back to my locale and the problem *seems* to have gone away.
Even if it doesn't, I think this is where the problem lies.

On Mon, 18 Nov 2019 at 00:58, Borden Rhodes  wrote:
> So it seems that it's not only broken for me. Others are getting the
> same symptoms: and it
> seems that they're no closer to figuring it out than I am.
> Just in case anybody else runs into this issue.
> On Fri, 15 Nov 2019 at 02:10, Borden Rhodes  wrote:
> >
> > Thank you for looking through the log file.
> >
> > On Thu, 14 Nov 2019 at 21:05, Sandro Knauß  wrote:
> > >
> > > the log file is not very helpful, as this is the Akonadi one. Can you 
> > > crate the
> > > log file from korganizer?
> >
> > After setting up the .ini file you suggested, I ran
> > $ korganizer &> korg_debug.txt
> >
> > and paste-binned the korg_debug.txt file. So perhaps there are other
> > switches I need to enable to get a proper korganizer dump?
> >
> > > What backend you use to store those events? a local ical file, on a 
> > > server,
> > > using CalDav? As those backends have very different permission systems.
> >
> > I use an iCal directory resource stored in my home folder as the
> > calendar. The permissions on the folder and all iCal files contained
> > therein is (if my binary's correct 644 - basically read access for all
> > users and write users for me). Should I chown it to 664 or 666? Again,
> > it's been working just fine up until a few weeks ago.
> >
> > With thanks,

Re: Is KOrganizer broken only for me?

2019-11-17 Thread Borden Rhodes
So it seems that it's not only broken for me. Others are getting the
same symptoms: and it
seems that they're no closer to figuring it out than I am.

Just in case anybody else runs into this issue.

On Fri, 15 Nov 2019 at 02:10, Borden Rhodes  wrote:
> Thank you for looking through the log file.
> On Thu, 14 Nov 2019 at 21:05, Sandro Knauß  wrote:
> >
> > the log file is not very helpful, as this is the Akonadi one. Can you crate 
> > the
> > log file from korganizer?
> After setting up the .ini file you suggested, I ran
> $ korganizer &> korg_debug.txt
> and paste-binned the korg_debug.txt file. So perhaps there are other
> switches I need to enable to get a proper korganizer dump?
> > What backend you use to store those events? a local ical file, on a server,
> > using CalDav? As those backends have very different permission systems.
> I use an iCal directory resource stored in my home folder as the
> calendar. The permissions on the folder and all iCal files contained
> therein is (if my binary's correct 644 - basically read access for all
> users and write users for me). Should I chown it to 664 or 666? Again,
> it's been working just fine up until a few weeks ago.
> With thanks,

Re: Is KOrganizer broken only for me?

2019-11-14 Thread Borden Rhodes
Thank you for looking through the log file.

On Thu, 14 Nov 2019 at 21:05, Sandro Knauß  wrote:
> the log file is not very helpful, as this is the Akonadi one. Can you crate 
> the
> log file from korganizer?

After setting up the .ini file you suggested, I ran
$ korganizer &> korg_debug.txt

and paste-binned the korg_debug.txt file. So perhaps there are other
switches I need to enable to get a proper korganizer dump?

> What backend you use to store those events? a local ical file, on a server,
> using CalDav? As those backends have very different permission systems.

I use an iCal directory resource stored in my home folder as the
calendar. The permissions on the folder and all iCal files contained
therein is (if my binary's correct 644 - basically read access for all
users and write users for me). Should I chown it to 664 or 666? Again,
it's been working just fine up until a few weeks ago.

With thanks,

Re: Is KOrganizer broken only for me?

2019-11-14 Thread Borden Rhodes
On Fri, 8 Nov 2019 at 05:12, Sandro Knauß  wrote:
> Hey,
> I can't reproduce this with my sid system. And the attached event I created
> the day before yesterday. You clicked at this all day checkbox, arn't you?

Definitely checked for this. I actually create events by selecting the
time block in the calendar then right-clicking and selecting New Event
to make an event.

> You should enable debugging and start korganizer in a shell to see the output.
> to enable debugging you need to write the file 
> ~/.config/QtProject/qtlogging.ini
> with following content:
> [Rules]
> *.warning=true
> *.critical=true
> *=true
> qt.*=false
> sonnet.*=false
> Keep in mind to delete this file or change *=true with *=false afterwards,
> otherwise your xsession log will grow very fast.

I've uploaded the logfile to . Link
is valid for 3 days. I created and then deleted an event using the
process described above: select a free time period on the agenda view,
right-click to create an event, put in a simple title, close and then
delete the event by right-clicking. Again, the event spanned the whole
day. As the comment at line 107 indicates, the next line repeated over
3000 times, so I deleted those repetitions.

My guess is that something's gone evil or broken in Akonadi. I'd be
happy to wipe the database and start from scratch, but I'm not quite
sure the right way to do that. I tried deleting the calendar folder
store in Akonadi and re-adding it, but that didn't help.

I'm very grateful for your help.

> hefee
> On Mittwoch, 6. November 2019 08:22:53 CET Borden Rhodes wrote:
> > I know that there have been some major upgrades to the Qt, KDE and KDE
> > PIM packages in the past few weeks.
> >
> > One of these new "features" that I just discovered in Buster is that
> > all new events that I try to create in KOrg save as full-day events no
> > matter what I enter. When I try to open the event to edit it, I cannot
> > change the time fields.
> >
> > When I look at the underlying iCal file it produces (my Akonadi store
> > is an iCal folder), there is all of this strange, extraneous time zone
> > cruft that KOrg seems to be injecting into the event.
> >
> > Is this just a growing pain that'll auto-fix as Buster gets more KDE
> > updates or is this a bug that I need to start picking apart in a
> > remote hope that someone upstream will fix it?

Is KOrganizer broken only for me?

2019-11-05 Thread Borden Rhodes
I know that there have been some major upgrades to the Qt, KDE and KDE
PIM packages in the past few weeks.

One of these new "features" that I just discovered in Buster is that
all new events that I try to create in KOrg save as full-day events no
matter what I enter. When I try to open the event to edit it, I cannot
change the time fields.

When I look at the underlying iCal file it produces (my Akonadi store
is an iCal folder), there is all of this strange, extraneous time zone
cruft that KOrg seems to be injecting into the event.

Is this just a growing pain that'll auto-fix as Buster gets more KDE
updates or is this a bug that I need to start picking apart in a
remote hope that someone upstream will fix it?

Is JuK still maintained in Debian?

2019-09-17 Thread Borden Rhodes
As one of the Amarok refugees, I'm using JuK to play music until
either Team Amarok ports to Qt5 or a suitable replacement is uploaded.
Maybe JuK is a terrible program that I shouldn't use. However, it's
part of the KDE package so I'm using it.

I'm running into hangs and crashes (with no debugging output, I might
add). There's no point complaining to upstream because team JuK is on
19.08 branch whereas Debian is on 18.08 branch. The Debian package
page seems like it's been abandoned, with no updates for over a year.

Therefore, if I report a bug against the JuK package, will anybody read it?

Re: Back to Amarok

2019-08-22 Thread Borden Rhodes
On Thu, 22 Aug 2019 at 03:48, Geoff  wrote:
> Last update March 7, 2018. I think it's a goner unfortunately. Trying to get 
> used to clementine instead...

Last human commit to the master branch was on 28 July
( I haven't given up hope yet.

Re: Back to Amarok

2019-08-21 Thread Borden Rhodes
On Wed, 21 Aug 2019 at 11:44, Erwan David  wrote:
> I got notified that some bug I had opened against amarok was closed due
> to amarok being retired. I had already switched to cantata since buster
> install...

Not quite. As John mentioned, Amarok got pulled because it uses the
obsolete Qt4 libraries which Debian admins didn't want anymore. The
Amarok team is aware of it and working on the Qt5 upgrade:

Why won't KDE start with overcommit disabled?

2018-06-05 Thread Borden Rhodes
I have a problem with web browsers going rogue and locking up my
computer such that I have to hard restart. I want to set
vm.overcommit_memory=2 to try to invoke the OOM killer before a
browser locks up my computer. When I do, though, SDDM will start
normally, I'll log in but it'll freeze up whilst plasmashell is
loading. I have 4GB of RAM and 4GB of swap. Is it not possible to set
vm.overcommit _memory on a KDE system?

Re: jessie upgrade deemed very difficult + there is no simple way not to install konqueror

2017-06-19 Thread Borden Rhodes
On 19 June 2017 at 21:09, Jimmy Johnson  wrote:
> Positive criticism is always welcome. :)

Believe me, I've tried. The graphical interfaces for reportbug and
reportbug-ng don't work. The former whines about a missing GTK
dependency which is installed and running, the latter gives mangled
output that's summarily rejected in the Debian BTS. Other bugs I
reported, like a regression in X which caused the system to wait 4
minutes for certain serial devices - per device! - were summarily
closed 'As not to cause problems with the Stretch release schedule'.
I've also run into a lot of random crashes and lock-ups in KDE that
I'm sure were patched upstream but never got retrofitted downstream.

Previous Debian releases have been pretty good, but this one seemed to
lack the polish and conservatism of previous releases, which surprised
me. It felt more like a Ubuntu "we'll fix it in 6 months" release than
a Debian "we want this solid" release.

Re: jessie upgrade deemed very difficult + there is no simple way not to install konqueror

2017-06-19 Thread Borden Rhodes
On 19 June 2017 at 19:30, Jimmy Johnson  wrote:
> Only for someone who is difficult, no knowledge and obviously no fun.
> Cheers,
> --
> Jimmy Johnson

I'm not sure if you were trying to come across as clever, but the
Internet stripped out your tone and you just came across as an
unpleasant jerk. Perhaps you want to try again and salvage your

Re: jessie upgrade deemed very difficult + there is no simple way not to install konqueror

2017-06-19 Thread Borden Rhodes
I was floored when I saw that they released Stretch. There are so many
broken packages on my system that I can't imagine they'd release them.
I expect *a lot* of complaints to roll in.

Re: Is anyone else experiencing intermittent Plasma freezes as of very recently?

2016-12-14 Thread Borden Rhodes
If it helps, after an X server update on Sunday, my computer took
almost fifteen minutes to start SDDM. Turns out that there is a
problem with xserver-xorg-input-wacom stalling the whole thing. Notes
on the X server PTS say that there's a transition under way to the
next X server. It's possible that there are some inter-library
breakages which may have broken my Wacom driver and may be breaking
your KDE.

On 14 December 2016 at 17:11,   wrote:
> Le 14/12/2016 à 14:27, a écrit :
>> Le 14/12/2016 à 11:55, Gard Spreemann a écrit :
>>> Hello,
>>> Some recent package upgrade in Stretch (I'm trying to pin down which)
>>> has caused parts of my Plasma desktop to freeze at seemingly random
>>> intervals. When it happens (every few minutes), all windows continue
>>> to behave normally, and new programs can be started with
>>> alt-F2. However, the desktop area itself, the taskbar and any
>>> notifications become unresponsive. Switching to a console and then
>>> back to X, without doing anything else, makes everything work again
>>> for a while.
>>> This seems to be exactly what is described in a recent Fedora bug [1].
>>> Before I file a bug and investigate further: is anyone else
>>> experiencing the same thing? Does anyone have any idea as to which
>>> upgrade may have caused the problem? I can't believe the update
>>> happened more than a week ago.
>>> Thanks.
>>> (I'm not subscribed to the list).
>>> [1]
>>>   Best,
>>>   Gard
>> Hi,
>> I have the same trouble linked to plasma-network-manager applet...
>> I updated this morning kde packages from unstable and it seem to work well
>> until know.
>> Regards
>> Mourad
> Unfortunatly, after a day without freezing it start again...
> It think know it is linked to the spinning circle shown when something
> happen...
> My graphic card is an Intel Haswell.
> Regards
> Mourad

KUser & KDE Print settings prompt root password

2016-09-26 Thread Borden Rhodes
As the subject says, on my Debian Stretch laptop, attempting to use
the KDE print settings or KUser prompts me to login with the root
account. This is a problem because I installed Debian with the root
account locked out. I thought Polkit was supposed to have taken care
of all of this. Perhaps I'm missing a package? I also reinstalled
kdesudo to no joy.

I'm sure other K settings apps are broken like this, too, but I
haven't found them yet.

Re: Is Kicker's search box fixed?

2016-07-19 Thread Borden Rhodes
Thank you for the responses. Am I to infer, then, that everything's
working in 5.23.0 of libkf5plasma5? If so, I'll wait for it to come
down the pike and retest then.


On 19 July 2016 at 14:53, Tim Folger <> wrote:
> I had the same problem after upgrading on Stretch. There is a workaround:
> Temporarily replace "testing" with "unstable" in your /etc/apt/sources.list.
> Then do apt-get update, followed by:
> apt-get install libkf5plasma5
> This fixed the search box issue for me, and also fixed a problem with right-
> clicks on the desktop and taskbar not working.
> Finally, remember to change your /etc/apt/sources.list back to testing or
> stretch, followed by an apt-get update.
> Tim
> On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 03:08:29 AM Borden Rhodes wrote:
>> Good morning,
>> Around the time of the KF5 upgrade on Stretch, typing into Kicker's
>> search box krashed Plasma. I notice that it doesn't do that anymore,
>> but the search box also doesn't generate any search results. Is it
>> working for anybody else and, if so, what do I have to
>> install/clear/configure to get it working again?
>> With thanks,

Is Kicker's search box fixed?

2016-07-19 Thread Borden Rhodes
Good morning,

Around the time of the KF5 upgrade on Stretch, typing into Kicker's
search box krashed Plasma. I notice that it doesn't do that anymore,
but the search box also doesn't generate any search results. Is it
working for anybody else and, if so, what do I have to
install/clear/configure to get it working again?

With thanks,

Bug#823276: [akregator] Akregator krashes with KHTML errors

2016-05-02 Thread Borden Rhodes
Package: akregator
Version: 4:4.14.10-2
Severity: normal

I originally reported this bug at 
, which the higher powers summarily closed because they use qtwebengine 
instead of KHTML now.

Whilst I have a couple dozen feeds, only the Slashdot RSS feed causes the 
problem, and only on certain posts. Similar to #797524, I suspect that a tag 
or some sort of coding is causing the crash (crash dumps are in the KDE-
reported bug but I can easily generate more for Debian if desired).

Therefore, this bug happens all the time on the Slashdot RSS feed but not 
consistently on every post. Only some of them. Sometimes, the offending post 
doesn't crash Akregator when I start the program back up.

--- System information. ---
Architecture: amd64
Kernel:   Linux 4.5.0-1-amd64

Debian Release: stretch/sid
  500 testing 
  500 stable 
  500 sid 

--- Package information. ---
Depends(Version) | Installed
kde-runtime  (>> 4:4.10) | 4:15.08.3-1+b1
libc6   (>= 2.4) | 
libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1) | 
libkcmutils4 (>= 4:4.13) | 
libkdecore5  (>= 4:4.13) | 
libkdepim4(= 4:4.14.1-1) | 
libkdeui5(>= 4:4.13) | 
libkhtml5(>= 4:4.13) | 
libkio5  (>= 4:4.13) | 
libknotifyconfig4(>= 4:4.13) | 
libkontactinterface4a(>= 4:4.14) | 
libkparts4   (>= 4:4.13) | 
libkpimutils4(>= 4:4.14) | 
libplasma3   (>= 4:4.13) | 
libqt4-dbus (>= 4:4.5.3) | 
libqt4-xml  (>= 4:4.5.3) | 
libqtcore4  (>= 4:4.8.0) | 
libqtgui4   (>= 4:4.8.0) | 
libsolid4(>= 4:4.13) | 
libstdc++6(>= 4.1.1) | 
libsyndication4  (>= 4:4.14) | 

Package's Recommends field is empty.

Package's Suggests field is empty.

Re: How do I open a kwallet4 in Stretch?

2016-03-25 Thread Borden Rhodes
OK, so I stumbled upon ,
and comment 6 explains the problem: the whole thing's borked because
"something (that i don’t have the time to investigate) has changed in
qt5 and the existing kwalletd code, when linked against it, is unable
to correctly handle kwl files."

All bugs are shallow in open source, eh, esr?

So, following the process in comment 8, I can tricked kwalletd into
running the migration process again, which automatically searches
~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet and ports them into the fancy new KWallet
format. OK, so I have my passwords back now. I'll still pay the ransom
to get this fixed so that it works as a reasonable person would expect
it to. I'm also turning off all password management in Konqueror.

There really should be something in bold lettering in the
kwalletmanager5 readme warning people of this. I wasted over 6 hours
of my life on this problem and I really, really don't want others
wasting their lives like this, too.

Re: How do I open a kwallet4 in Stretch?

2016-03-25 Thread Borden Rhodes
>> If you have enough disk-space, you could build a jessie chroot with
>> debootstrap
> Could you explain how that would help me? If the Wheezy version of
> KWallet couldn't open the file, what would Jessie accomplish?
I stand corrected. I was using the Jessie Live CD, not the Wheezy Live CD.

>> I suggest you bring that issue to upstream at
>> Please post a link to your report here.

Re: How do I open a kwallet4 in Stretch?

2016-03-25 Thread Borden Rhodes
> If you have enough disk-space, you could build a jessie chroot with
> debootstrap
Could you explain how that would help me? If the Wheezy version of
KWallet couldn't open the file, what would Jessie accomplish?

> I suggest you bring that issue to upstream at
> Please post a link to your report here.
Will do. Given my success rate at having KDE bugs addressed, or even
looked at, over the past several years I guess I'm on my own.

If I could just access the wallet the same way Konqueror does, that
would work since Konqueror has no problem. Unfortunately, I downloaded
Konqueror's source to see where it calls KWallet and, of course, it's
not in the code. Is there a way that I could talk to kwalletd

Re: How do I open a kwallet4 in Stretch?

2016-03-25 Thread Borden Rhodes
>>> You could try to copy the kwallet-files to a KDE4-system (maybe a
>>> live-System from a USB-drive) and export it as XML-file.
> I'm thinking that this is what I'll have to do, too. That and file a
> bug that KWallet is officially ransomware.
I tried that, but it seems that the KDE developers anticipated that I
might attempt this and programmed KWallet with conflicting database
versions so I wouldn't be able to use an old version of KWallet. I
used the Wheezy KDE live CD and, when I tried to load the wallets, got
an error -42. I'm not sure why KDE uses negative error codes, but
that's secondary to my current problem. So it seems that KDE has
effectively barred me from my passwords and will only allow Konqueror
to access them. Does anybody know what the ransom is to unlock my

Re: How do I open a kwallet4 in Stretch?

2016-03-25 Thread Borden Rhodes
>> You could try to copy the kwallet-files to a KDE4-system (maybe a
>> live-System from a USB-drive) and export it as XML-file.
I'm thinking that this is what I'll have to do, too. That and file a
bug that KWallet is officially ransomware.

> On my system the contents of the KDE 4 kwallet has been migrated to the new
> KDE Frameworks / Plasma 5 KWallet.
On mine, too. But Konqueror still uses the old KDE 4 kwallet system
and gives you no say in the matter.

> I don´t know how to manually trigger that migration tough in case it hasn´t
> been done yet.
One apparently edits/removes ~/.config/kwalletrc to trick kwallet5
into thinking that it needs to run the migrate process. This, of
course, hasn't worked for me, either.

> Question to the original poster: Did none of the import options from the menu
> work?
None of the import options worked. And I'm certain that the .kwl file
isn't corrupted because Konqueror reads/writes to it just fine.

How do I open a kwallet4 in Stretch?

2016-03-25 Thread Borden Rhodes
I just discovered that Konqueror has been saving passwords in
.kde/share/apps/kwallet/kdewallet.kwl even though the rest of my KDE
installation is updated to KF5. I want to know what passwords have
been stored in kdewallet.kwl so I don't lose them.

I've tried to open the file in kwalletmanager5 to no effect. I've also
tried importing kdewallet.kwl into my existing wallet. It prompts for
the password and then tells me that the password isn't correct. This
is, of course, impossible because I have successfully used that
password within Konqueror to save and retrieve passwords. This also
eliminates the possibility of a corrupted .kwl file. There is a
kdewallet.salt file in the directory, which I suspect is breaking
things. I have also tried copying kdewallet.kwl and its .salt file
into .local/share/kwalletd and again get the same invalid password
error. I'm 90% sure that all my .kwl files are encrypted with

With thanks,

Bug#794581: Happened again! Argh!

2015-08-25 Thread Borden Rhodes
On Tue, 25 Aug 2015 18:42:11 -0400 Scott Kitterman wrote:
 You should only have to downgrade breeze.  Today's rebuild of kdecorations 
 should resolve its problems.

 So downgrade breeze to the testing version and upgrade kdecorations to the 
 +b1 version.

So confirmed, thank you. This is technically my fault for mixing
testing and sid packages, so I owe you all an apology. Having said
that, will things be relatively stable for the next little while? I'm
missing my window decorations now, but that's another bug that I hope
will auto-correct with the next batch of packages entering testing. At
least I can work around that and use my desktop again.

Bug#794581: Happened again! Argh!

2015-08-25 Thread Borden Rhodes
So I ran aptitude dist-upgrade on my stretch box this afternoon. It updated
libkdecorations2-5 and libkdecorations2private5 both to 4:5.3.2-2+b1. It
also upgraded libkf5archive5 to 5.12.0-1+b1, along with 40 other packages
which I don't think are related to this problem. Once again, KDE krashes as
it did before. However, since breeze is already at the sid version, I can't
upgrade it. How do I get my desktop back?

Could the the kf5 libraries be held in sid and sent to testing in such a
way that these breakages don't occur? If it weren't for the earlier advice
to update breeze, I'd still be out of an operating system. This is no good!

Bug#794581: 5.13.0 crashes for me

2015-08-21 Thread Borden Rhodes
On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 06:32:08 -0700 Zhitao Li wrote:
 Or upgrade breeze package to Sid's version.
 Really don't see why breeze is not migrated to testing after 16 days.

This worked for me, thanks Zhitao. Yes, I'm not entirely sure why they
did this. I mean, I know that they're piecemealing the kf5 transition,
but aren't these sorts of grave dependency issues supposed to be
anticipated _before_ going to testing?

Bug#794581: 5.13.0 crashes for me

2015-08-19 Thread Borden Rhodes
KDE gets stuck at the welcome screen for me now. I updated my libkf5
packages to 5.13.0-1 at 9:15 (UTC) on 19 August. After rebooting, KDE won't
load. .xsession-errors only indicates a crash but nothing of much use.

Bug#668392: Same here

2012-06-01 Thread Borden Rhodes
I'm also getting these messages, so perhaps I can help troubleshoot.

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Bug#593539: [kde-standard] KDE does not play nicely with my Wacom tablet

2010-08-18 Thread Borden Rhodes
Package: kde-standard
Version: 5:64
Severity: normal

I am using a Fujitsu 5020D tablet with a Wacom digitiser.  I know that the 
hardware is fine because it works perfectly in Windows XP.  However, in KDE, it 
has the following quirks:

1) It is impossible to sort columns in KDE applications by clicking on the 
column heading.  The column heading changes colour indicating that it 
registers the tap but it doesn't do anything.  Curiously, column-heading-
sorting works correctly in pure Qt applications (Reportbug NG, for example).  
Column-sorting in GTK applications also works correctly.

2) My pen has two buttons which work like right and middle buttons on a mouse.  
Sometimes, KDE does not recognise when one of these buttons is pressed when 
tapping, generating a left-click event.  Again, I have not noticed this 
problem in GTK or pure Qt applications.  I can work around this by tapping 
normally several times and then pressing the pen's right-click button to 
generate the right-click event.  This behaviour is most noticeably present 
when I try to right-click icons on Plasma panels or icons in Dolphin/Konqueror

3) Often, when clicking icons (such as in Plasma, Dolphin or even in Kontact), 
KDE does not recognise when I lift the pen that the clicking action is 
finished.  Accordingly, it launches a dragging event as if I held the pen to 
the tablet and dragged.

In short, the problems have to do with KDE (or possibly the Wacom drivers) 
confusing some events or not recognising others.  However, I've filed this bug 
with KDE first because I tend to notice these annoyances in KDE applications 
rather than GTK applications.

Please let me know what .conf files and file versions you need.  Almost all of 
my packages are fully updated from the Squeeze repos.

--- System information. ---
Architecture: i386
Kernel:   Linux 2.6.32-5-686

Debian Release: squeeze/sid
  500 testing 
  500 testing 
  500 testing 
  500 stable 
  500 stable 

--- Package information. ---
Depends (Version) | Installed
kde-plasma-desktop (= 5:63)  | 5:64
 OR kde-plasma-netbook  (= 5:63) | 
polkit-kde-1  | 0.95.1-2
ark  (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
dragonplayer (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
gwenview (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
juk  (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
kate (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
kcalc(= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
kmail(= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
akregator(= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
kaddressbook (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
kdeplasma-addons (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
knotes   (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
kwalletmanager   (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
korganizer   (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
kopete   (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
kmix (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
ksnapshot(= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
kscreensaver (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
okular   (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
plasma-desktopthemes-artwork (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
sweeper  (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
khelpcenter4 (= 4:4.4.3) | 4:4.4.5-1
hal   | 0.5.14-3

Recommends (Version) | Installed
konq-plugins(= 4:4.3.0) | 4:4.4.0-2
network-manager-kde  | 
update-notifier-kde  | 1.2

Suggests  (Version) | Installed
kde-l10n   (= 4:4.4.3) | 
kde-plasma-desktop(= 5:63) | 5:64
kde-plasma-netbook(= 5:63) | 

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Re: KBluetooth vs. Borden

2010-01-06 Thread Borden Rhodes
I'm much obliged for the quick response to my problem.  What still needs to be 
done on the experimental kdebluetooth to make it acceptable for sid? Is there 
a bug report or a todo list detailing this?

With thanks

On 22 December 2009 05:49:52 George Kiagiadakis wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 6:59 AM, Borden Rhodes 
  Hullo, all,
  I'm using Squeeze and I'm assuming that the kdebluetooth packages work,
  even if they're still using the old Qt3 libraries.  Of course, kbluetooth
  does not recognise my tablet's Bluetooth system even though hcitool does.
   Yes, I've triple-checked that I'm a member of *both* the netdev and
  bluetooth groups.
  I have a Creative Bluetooth Headset (yes, they do exist) which I'm trying
  to use as a microphone/mono-headphone on my Debian laptop.  I've tried
  following with absolutely
  no success at . Any attempts to connect to the headset with
  hcitool info XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX (with the XXs, obviously, replaced with
  the headset's Bluetooth address)
  gets rewarded with
  Can't create connection: Operation not permitted
  sudo hcitool info XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
  gets rewarded with
  Can't create connection: Input/output error
  Yes, all of the hardware *does* work.  I've tested it and proven it.
  So, my question goes to all of the KDE users on Squeeze: does Bluetooth
  work for you.  If so, how?
 The problem is that the version of kdebluetooth that is on Squeeze is
 incompatible with the latest bluez (read: The problem is *not* kde4).
 hcitool should work. Since it doesn't work, this must be a bug in
 bluez. I suggest you to try many times with the same command, as bluez
 seems to return an error too early some times (I get similar errors
 while connecting my bluetooth mouse sometimes).
 As for an alternative bluetooth gui, you can try either kdebluetooth
 from experimental or gnome's bluetooth-applet (in package
 bluez-gnome). Both suck, unfortunately...

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Bug#523450: kpackage is not maintained anymore

2009-12-21 Thread Borden Rhodes
I agree. I recently tried to file a bug against kpackage upstream 
( and was advised that kpackage's 
is on its way out from KDE SC. Why confuse users by including an obsolete (and 
buggy) package with Debian?

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KBluetooth vs. Borden

2009-12-21 Thread Borden Rhodes
Hullo, all,

I'm using Squeeze and I'm assuming that the kdebluetooth packages work, even 
if they're still using the old Qt3 libraries.  Of course, kbluetooth does not 
recognise my tablet's Bluetooth system even though hcitool does.  Yes, I've 
triple-checked that I'm a member of *both* the netdev and bluetooth groups.

I have a Creative Bluetooth Headset (yes, they do exist) which I'm trying to 
use as a microphone/mono-headphone on my Debian laptop.  I've tried following with absolutely no success at .  
Any attempts to connect to the headset with

hcitool info XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX (with the XXs, obviously, replaced with the 
headset's Bluetooth address)

gets rewarded with

Can't create connection: Operation not permitted


sudo hcitool info XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

gets rewarded with

Can't create connection: Input/output error

Yes, all of the hardware *does* work.  I've tested it and proven it.

So, my question goes to all of the KDE users on Squeeze: does Bluetooth work 
for you.  If so, how?

With thanks,

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Bug#534990: [konqueror] nowhere to disable access keys

2009-07-03 Thread Borden Rhodes
Ah, thank you.  That's where that option was hiding!  Since the option is 
available, the bug really is with Konqueror's documentation.  A search through and/or Konqueror's handbook (using keyword access key) explains 
what access keys do but doesn't say how to disable them in Konqueror.

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Bug#531493: Mysteriously fixed

2009-06-28 Thread Borden Rhodes
This problem seemed to resolve itself after I cleaned out and deleted the 
.local/share/Trash folder.  Normal move to wastebin works normally right 

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Bug#534986: [kaddressbook] Contact preview shows outdated address

2009-06-28 Thread Borden Rhodes
Package: kaddressbook
Version: 4:4.2.4-1
Severity: normal

If one updates a contact's address the address on the preview pane (the right-
hand side on my installation) doesn't update.  In fact, the outdated address 
still shows even if one removes all mention of the old address.

Investigating the underlying .vcf file reveals that there is a
codeADR;TYPE=home;TYPE=pref:;;address goes here/code field which stores 
the correct address and another codeLABEL;TYPE=home;TYPE=pref:/code field 
which stores the outdated address.

--- System information. ---
Architecture: i386
Kernel:   Linux 2.6.29-2-686

Debian Release: squeeze/sid
  500 testing 
  500 testing 
  500 testing 

--- Package information. ---
Depends   (Version) | Installed
kdebase-runtime(= 4:4.2.2) | 4:4.2.4-1
kdelibs5   (= 4:4.2.4) | 4:4.2.4-1
kdepimlibs5(= 4:4.2.4) | 4:4.2.4-1
libc6 (= 2.3.6-6~) | 2.9-12
libgnokii4  | 0.6.27.dfsg-2+b1
libkabcommon4 (= 4:4.2.4-1) | 4:4.2.4-1
libkdepim4(= 4:4.2.4-1) | 4:4.2.4-1
libkleo4  (= 4:4.2.4-1) | 4:4.2.4-1
libkontactinterfaces4 (= 4:4.2.4-1) | 4:4.2.4-1
libphonon4 (= 4:4.3.0) | 4:4.3.1-1
libqt4-dbus  (= 4.5.1) | 4.5.1-2
libqt4-qt3support(= 4.5.1) | 4.5.1-2
libqt4-xml   (= 4.5.1) | 4.5.1-2
libqtcore4   (= 4.5.1) | 4.5.1-2
libqtgui4(= 4.5.1) | 4.5.1-2
libstdc++6   (= 4.2.1) | 4.4.0-5
phonon (= 4:4.3.0) | 4:4.3.1-1
akonadi-server   (= 1.1.1) | 1.1.2-1+b1

Package's Recommends field is empty.

Suggests   (Version) | Installed
kdepim-kresources| 4:4.2.4-1

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Bug#534990: [konqueror] nowhere to disable access keys

2009-06-28 Thread Borden Rhodes
Package: konqueror
Version: 4:4.2.4-1
Severity: normal

Access Keys are a pain in the neck and have been singularly responsible for me 
losing entries in text fields and navigating to whoknowswhereall.  KDE 
programmers allegedly added a setting to disable Access Keys 
( but it's impossible to find in 
Konqueror 4.x.

I asked the kde-linux mailing list (
linuxm=124341492014836w=2) if they could help me find it and they had no idea 

Either the setting needs to be added or it needs to be much more obvious and 
better documented.

--- System information. ---
Architecture: i386
Kernel:   Linux 2.6.29-2-686

Debian Release: squeeze/sid
  500 testing 
  500 testing 
  500 testing 

--- Package information. ---
Depends   (Version) | Installed
kdebase-runtime(= 4:4.2.2) | 4:4.2.4-1
kdelibs5   (= 4:4.2.4) | 4:4.2.4-1
libc6  (= 2.2) | 2.9-12
libkonq5| 4:4.2.4-1
libkonqsidebarplugin4   | 4:4.2.2-1
libqt4-dbus  (= 4.5.1) | 4.5.1-2
libqt4-qt3support(= 4.5.1) | 4.5.1-2
libqt4-xml   (= 4.5.1) | 4.5.1-2
libqtcore4   (= 4.5.1) | 4.5.1-2
libqtgui4(= 4.5.1) | 4.5.1-2
libstdc++6   (= 4.1.1) | 4.4.0-5
libx11-6| 2:1.2.1-1
zlib1g (= 1:1.1.4) | 1:
kdebase-data  (= 4:4.2.4-1) | 4:4.2.4-1
kdebase-bin   (= 4:4.2.4-1) | 4:4.2.4-1

Recommends  (Version) | Installed
konqueror-nsplugins (= 4:4.2.4-1) | 4:4.2.4-1
dolphin   | 4:4.2.4-1

Suggests   (Version) | Installed
konq-plugins (= 4:4.1~) | 4:4.2.2-1

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Bug#531493: dolphin: Cannot move items to wastebin/trash in Dolphin

2009-06-01 Thread Borden Rhodes
Package: dolphin
Version: 4:4.2.2-1
Severity: normal

Permanent deletion/wastebin-bipass/shift-delete on files works correctly; I can 
get rid of files permanently in Dolphin.  However, if I try to use the normal 
delete/move-to-wastbin/trash, I get a notification dialogue that the file is 
being moved and it just sits there; never does anything.  The wastebin is 
definitely not full and I get no other error messages.

I've tried clearing out all of my KDE settings to no joy.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: squeeze/sid
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing'), (1, 'experimental')
Architecture: i386 (i686)

Kernel: Linux 2.6.26-2-686 (SMP w/1 CPU core)
Locale: LANG=en_CA.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_CA.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash

Versions of packages dolphin depends on:
ii  kdebase-runtime   4:4.2.2-1  runtime components from the offici
ii  kdelibs5  4:4.2.2-2  core libraries for all KDE 4 
ii  libc6 2.9-12 GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libgcc1   1:4.4.0-5  GCC support library
ii  libkonq5  4:4.2.2-1  core libraries for Konqueror
ii  libqt4-dbus   4.5.1-2Qt 4 D-Bus module
ii  libqtcore44.5.1-2Qt 4 core module
ii  libqtgui4 4.5.1-2Qt 4 GUI module
ii  libsoprano4   2.2.2+dfsg.1-1 libraries for the Soprano RDF 
ii  libstdc++64.4.0-5The GNU Standard C++ Library v3
ii  libx11-6  2:1.2.1-1  X11 client-side library
ii  libxext6  2:1.0.4-1  X11 miscellaneous extension 
ii  libxrender1   1:0.9.4-2  X Rendering Extension client 

Versions of packages dolphin recommends:
ii  kfind 4:4.2.2-1  file search utility for KDE 4

dolphin suggests no packages.

-- no debconf information

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Bug#443989: same problem with Palm T|X

2008-06-27 Thread Borden Rhodes
Both KPilotDaemon and T|X would crash when I tried to use the wizard
to set up synchronisation.  I was able to work around the problem by
configuring the Pilot Device (Settings - Configure KPilot - General
Setup - Device) to usb: and leaving most other settings to their
default (except, I suppose, the Pilot User field).

Anyway, syncing seems to work correctly but KPilotDaemon will still
crash within a minute after syncing if I leave the Palm idle in the

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#443989: Also applies to PalmTX

2008-02-19 Thread Borden Rhodes
This problem is also present in the Palm T|X line of Pilots; but you
probably knew that already since it's in the same family as the
Tungstens.  Here is my version information if it helps:

Package: kpilot
Version: 4:3.5.8-1
-- System Information:
Debian Release: lenny/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (1, 'experimental')
Architecture: i386 (i686)

Kernel: Linux 2.6.24-1-686 (SMP w/1 CPU core)
Locale: LANG=en_GB.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_GB.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash

Versions of packages kpilot depends on:
ii  debconf [debconf-2.0]   1.5.19   Debian configuration management$
ii  kdelibs4c2a 4:3.5.8.dfsg.1-7 core libraries and binaries for$
ii  libc6   2.7-8GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libgcc1 1:4.3-20080202-1 GCC support library
ii  libkcal2b   4:3.5.8-1KDE calendaring library
ii  libpisock9  0.12.3-2 library for communicating with $
ii  libqt3-mt   3:3.3.8b-2   Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtim$
ii  libstdc++6  4.3-20080202-1   The GNU Standard C++ Library v3

kpilot recommends no packages.

-- no debconf information

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