Re: GPL-compatible, copyleft documentation license

2004-07-20 Thread Branden Robinson
On Mon, Jul 12, 2004 at 12:33:22PM +0200, Florian Weimer wrote:
 * Branden Robinson:
In the copyright holder's understanding, re-imposition of the
requirements of sections 2a and and 2c by those creating a derivative
work is not allowed, since those restrictions never attached to this
work; see section 6. This work can be combined with another work licensed
under the GNU General Public License, version 2, but any section 2a and
2c restrictions on the resulting work would only attach only due to the
copyright license on the work(s) with which this work is combined and for
which those restrictions are in force.
 Isn't this at least a bit self-contradicting?

I don't think so.

(Hint: If you want to raise an objection, raise one.  Doesn't this suck?
doesn't really cut it.)

 Why produce such a mess in the first place?

Well, first things first.

What problem(s) do you think there would be in licensing the work in
question[1] under the straight GNU GPL?

What applicability do you suggest clause 2c) has to things that can't read
commands interactively when run, because it's not a program?

 Your license doesn't give me permission to publicly perform the work,
 or to broadcast it.

True enough.  Neither does the GNU GPL.  Why is this not a problem for the

 It doesn't deal with moral rights at all (which
 are quite important in some jurisdictions when it comes to

True enough.  Neither does the GNU GPL.  Why is this not a problem for the

 It doesn't special-case distribution of printed copies, which means that
 the GPL provisions apply.  These provisions pretty much rule out
 small-scaleprinting and redistribution because of the valid for at least
 three years rule.

True enough.  Neither does the GNU GPL.  Why is this not a problem for the

 However, the license does clarify what constitutes source code, but this
 might also be a further restriction in the GPL sense, making the license
 incompatible with the GPL.

What's your reasoning?  If someone transforms the document into an
executable program, they have likely changed the preferred form of
modification for the work.  Nothing in the GNU GPL forbids them from doing
so, and my clarification doesn't either.

 All in all, I don't think this is a particularly good license for
 documentation, it's just yet another GPL variant.

It's supposed to be a GPL variant.  It's also supposed to be compatible
with the GPL.


G. Branden Robinson|  What cause deserves following if
Debian GNU/Linux   |  its adherents must bury their
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |  opposition with lies? |  -- Noel O'Connor

Description: Digital signature

Re: GPL-compatible, copyleft documentation license

2004-07-20 Thread Branden Robinson
On Mon, Jul 12, 2004 at 02:27:53PM +0200, Florian Weimer wrote:
  To me it seems potentially useful to release licensees from those
 I agree, but at the same time, Branden explicitly forbids to
 re-introduce these requirements, creating the GPL compatibility issue.

Anything independently copyrighted and licensed under the GNU GPL can be
combined with this work.

Furthermore, any independently copyrightable modifications can be placed
under the GNU GPL and this combined.

  As I understand it moral rights are not portable in the way that
  copyright is, so it might not even be possible to deal with moral
  rights without hiring a huge international team of lawyers and
  producing a multilingual licence the size of a small book.
 Creative Commons is doing this already, so why not use their efforts?

Because their efforts are not DFSG-free, and they left a bad taste in my
mouth the last time I read them.

  I don't think that's a huge problem in practice. If you tell the
  people to whom you give the hard copy that they must download the
  source within the next 48 hours, then that probably counts as giving
  them the source.
 This is not GPL-compatible, and not comptible with Branden's license.

Offering them a copy at the time you distribute the binary is compatible
with both.  If they decline, your obligation to them is released.

  If you're selling the hard copies then you can probably afford to
  include a CD.
 I don't think there are affordable self-publishing deals that also
 include CD production, but I could be wrong.

Keep in mind that it's not exactly challenging to represent (X)HTML and CSS
on paper, given that they're plain text.  (Granted, this would drive the
page count and corresponding cost up.  But it's not *challenging*.)

This argument holds less water for binary document source formats.

G. Branden Robinson|  I came, I saw, she conquered.
Debian GNU/Linux   |  The original Latin seems to have
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |  been garbled. |  -- Robert Heinlein

Description: Digital signature

Re: GPL-compatible, copyleft documentation license

2004-07-20 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 10:50:35PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 Well, I used to think that myself, until Steve Langasek and Henning Makholm
 argued me to exhaustion.  :)
   Debian interprets this License and herein to mean the conditions of
   the GNU GPL expressed in its text; no more and no less.  We interpreted
   the PHP-Nuke author's additional restriction as just that, with the
   consequences you'd expect from the above.  In our assessment, PHP-Nuke
   isn't licensed to the public at all (as far as we can tell), and we
   cannot distribute it -- even in our non-free archive.[1]
 If you really feel you're right about this, I invite you to take up
 Henning's and Steve's challenge.

I don't think we need to come to a strong agreement on this, anyway.  A
copyright holder can certainly take the GPL, modify its text directly
(instead of patching it out-of-line with riders), and use the result, as
long as he removes the preamble (in order to comply with the GPL's

The significance is simply that it's clearly possible (to my understanding
of the terms governing modifications to the GPL) to use the GPL with modified
terms, even if riders aren't a good way of doing so, which changes the
result from you can't do that to you're doing it wrong.

Modifying the license in this way would help avoid the confusion typically
associated with GPL + extra-restrictive riders, too.

(I also still suspect that distributing a work under the GPL with additional
restrictions, linked against LGPL works such as glibc, would be in violation
of the former license.  If my interpretation is correct, this would probably
render Hydra undistributable, even in non-free.)

Glenn Maynard

Re: Re: Re: Bug#227159: ocaml: Worse, the QPL is not DFSG-free

2004-07-20 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 05:16:19AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
 No response yet to my reasonable thread, i wonder if it was the good  way to
 go finally.

I'll speak up and say that your new thread appears to be fairly inclusive of
several points of concern in the QPL.

I imagine that nobody has responded yet (at least in part) because reasoned
arguments take time to address an appropriately reasoned reply.  It's much
easier and quicker to respond to knee-jerk reactions.

I, for one, am planning on responding to your summary with my arguments. 
Please do not take an hour or two of silence as being either (a) consensus,
or (b) wilful dismissal.

- Matt

Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 04:06:22AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
 The reproach which is being done is twofold :
   1) 6c of the QPL. I believe there has been some serious misunderstanding on
   all parts about this clause in almost all posts previous to this.
 Let's quote the whole of section 6).
 6. You may develop application programs, reusable components and other
 software items that link with the original or modified versions of the
 Software. These items, when distributed, are subject to the following
   a. You must ensure that all recipients of machine-executable
   forms of these items are also able to receive and use the
   complete machine-readable source code to the items without any
   charge beyond the costs of data transfer.

   b. You must explicitly license all recipients of your items to
   use and re-distribute original and modified versions of the
   items in both machine-executable and source code forms. The
   recipients must be able to do so without any charges whatsoever,
   and they must be able to re-distribute to anyone they choose.

I have no problems with either of these clauses.  They form a nice copyleft.

   c. If the items are not available to the general public, and the
   initial developer of the Software requests a copy of the items,
   then you must supply one.
 Well, i have some feeling that this is a clause directly targeted to try to
 void the GPL incompatibility, at least point a nd b, i will come to c later
 Notice, and this is the point we have missed previously, that this doesn't
 even remotely apply to modified versions of the software, which are mentioned
 earlier, and where not subject to DFSG-doubt.

If you're talking about the fact that the software is linked, I think you're
out of luck, but I'll talk about that later.

 Now, the clause which causes problem is the 6c, which states that upstream
 might also want to get those works linked with the software. I understand that
 this may be considered non-free, but let's go over the DFSG points one by one,
 and not start with discutable chinese disident or desert island stuff which
 only muddy the water.
 DFSG 1) it was claimed that giving the linked items back to upstream on
 request is considered a fee, which may invalidate this licence. How much of
 this claim is realistic, and does it constitute a fee ? After all, you lose
 nothing if you give it to upstream, so it doesn't cost you.

 DFSG 2) and 3) Obviously fine given 6a and 6b.

I believe that DFSG #3 disallows compelled distribution of derived works to
the original author.  To whit:

DFSG #3: The license must allow modifications and derived works, and must
allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the
original software.

The licence of the original software was must distribute
(changed|linked)[1] versions to O. Author.  Now, does the licence of the
modifications Q say must distribute changes (of the modifications) to O.
Author or must distribute changes (of the modifications) to J. Modifier? 
If the former, then J. Modifier, the author of the modification Q, is being
denied options that original author had, which is a DFSG #5 problem, and if
the licence is the latter, it fails DFSG #3 because the licence is not the
same as the original.

 DFSG 9) Well, since there is only mention of link-time restriction, and none
 whatsoever on distribution media.

More on this below.

 Even if it does indeed constitute a royalty, notice that QPL 6) mentions :
   6. You may develop application programs, reusable components and other
  software items that link with ...
 So my understanding is that this only applies with the stuff that links to the
 QPL covered work. Which would mean that the QPL covered work is a library. 

Right, here is where we start to disagree violently.

Firstly, what exactly is meant by linking?  I'd say the inclusion (by
inclusion or reference) of some (typically) object code into an executable
for the purpose of future execution.

If the original code is entirely contained within A.o, and I make various
modifications to A.c (producing A'.c) and recompile (producing A'.o), my
modifications are essentially linked with various parts of the original A.o
to produce A'.o.  Hence, essentially every modification I make is a linked
work, especially considering that the QPL only allows patch distribution.

To make a clearer example, consider an original work with A.c and B.c.  If I
create a C.c, which replaces B.c, my modifications are very definitely
linking with A.o when I compile.

Seriously, the only force distribution of linked code argument is not
going to fly.

To attack the problem from an entirely different perspective, I think we
need to revisit the question of does linking qualify as creating a
derivative work?.  I don't want to really try and answer the question, and
I don't think it matters in this case, but here are the options:


Re: Bug#227159: ocaml: Worse, the QPL is not DFSG-free

2004-07-20 Thread Sven Luther
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 12:48:35AM -0400, Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
  Err, have you read the GPL licence recently ? If it is not specifically into
  every detail, i dont' know what is. There is specific text about binding and
  such, and it makes explicit mentions of distribution of a work linked with 
  GPLed work. 
 There is not one mention of link in the GNU GPL.  There is not one
 mention of bind or bound.  I don't think you're even bothering to
 make up consistent nonsense at this point.

But is is supposed to mean the same thing though.

 There is this issue, though: it doesn't matter if I break up the .el
 files in question into two apparently random bitstrings, send them
 separately to the target machine, XOR them back together there, and
 then compile them.  What matters is that I've built a complicated
 machine for putting a compiled file linked with the internal Emacs API
 on that system, and so infringed the copyright of the Free Software
 Foundation unless I'm doing so within the bounds set by the GPL.

Which is why i am removing them from the binary packages until upstream
changes his mind.


Sven Luther

Re: Re: Re: Bug#227159: ocaml: Worse, the QPL is not DFSG-free

2004-07-20 Thread Sven Luther
On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 10:24:03PM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 05:52:52AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
   the ultimate conclusion is that the QPL is not free, any time you've
   spent trying to delay examination of this license can only hurt ocaml's
   chances of remaining in the archive.
  Well, did i try to delay examination ? I posted with my doubts about the 
  summary conclusion, and was ignored. This hardly seams like a delaying 
  on my part.
 It is my impression that your comments are intended to discourage this
 discussion from taking place before sarge's release.

Nope, just the expression of my fear that this will happen in a way that let
me no choice but to remove it from sarge, due to time constraints.

  I also contacted upstream, let's see what he will say to it, i doubt it will
  be positive though.
 I hope it may be; but if not, I hope we can at least have a productive
 discussion with upstream about these concerns over the license -- more
 productive than this in-house discussion seems to have been so far.

Well, let's see if they respond to me, not entirely sure in these days of
french vacations though.


Sven Luther

Re: your mail

2004-07-20 Thread Sven Luther
On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 10:31:02PM -0800, D. Starner wrote:
  Also, in any sane legal
  system, it should only affect those users who willingly violate the licence,
  even after a cease-and-desist letter, and i would say they deserve what they
 In any sane legal system, the judge is going to find out what's going 
 on from both sides before he even considers dismissing the case. That 

Ok, but we are in the case where the defendor is innocent, right ? 

 means that the user has to hire a French lawyer to write a response to
 the statement of cause. Unless the judges are omniscient, that's what
 has to happen.

What exactly is stopping him from hiring a local lawyer to write the statement
and sent it per letter to the judge, and how will it differ from the case
where the court of venue is local to him ? The choice of law is the french law
in both case.

 And let's be honest; a court case may look obvious to us, but few 
 judges have ever had a case where an open-sourceish license is 

Well, but a tentative to repeteadly harass using lawsuits will probably not be
missed by a judge.

 involved, and not many more are familiar with programming and the
 free software community. The judge may need some time to get up
 to speed. 

Well, it may be, but upstream has to frame the accusation, and you get at
least a chance to send a letter defending yourself before it goes in full

  In the ocaml case, the upstream authors being a small team of 6-10 people 
  from the academic world, and wanting to be as unbothered as possible in 
  all these issues, also may fear the violation of the ocaml licence by 
  entities such as sun or microsoft, which would gain from the ocaml 
  technology in both java and C#,
 I understand they fear the use of OCaml code in any non-functional
 programming system, Free or not. In any case, neither Sun or Microsoft
 is probably going to want to copy code from OCaml; they want to copy
 ideas. And that is not protected by copyright law.

Point taken.

  fear that a court of venue in the US may render any chance of getting
  justice void, given the money governed US legal system.
 Somehow, I am left unconcerned by the irrational fears of bigots. I'm

Well, is it or is it not so ? In all the software lawsuits i hear about,
including those music-industry against teenage childs, the amount of money
available plays an immediate role in the possibility to defend oneself. If
that is not so, its their own fault they publicize it in that way.

 sure Americans could equally rational worry that a court of venue in 
 France may render any chance of getting justice void, giving the fact
 they are Americans.

I doubt the USians leaving in france would feel the same though.


Sven Luther

Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread Sven Luther
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 03:31:34PM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 04:06:22AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
  The reproach which is being done is twofold :
1) 6c of the QPL. I believe there has been some serious misunderstanding 
all parts about this clause in almost all posts previous to this.
  Let's quote the whole of section 6).
  6. You may develop application programs, reusable components and other
  software items that link with the original or modified versions of the
  Software. These items, when distributed, are subject to the following
a. You must ensure that all recipients of machine-executable
forms of these items are also able to receive and use the
complete machine-readable source code to the items without any
charge beyond the costs of data transfer.
b. You must explicitly license all recipients of your items to
use and re-distribute original and modified versions of the
items in both machine-executable and source code forms. The
recipients must be able to do so without any charges whatsoever,
and they must be able to re-distribute to anyone they choose.
 I have no problems with either of these clauses.  They form a nice copyleft.


c. If the items are not available to the general public, and the
initial developer of the Software requests a copy of the items,
then you must supply one.
  Well, i have some feeling that this is a clause directly targeted to try to
  void the GPL incompatibility, at least point a nd b, i will come to c later
  Notice, and this is the point we have missed previously, that this doesn't
  even remotely apply to modified versions of the software, which are 
  earlier, and where not subject to DFSG-doubt.
 If you're talking about the fact that the software is linked, I think you're
 out of luck, but I'll talk about that later.

Well, the link is mentioned in the main 6 part, so ... It clearly means that
it doesn't mention the original piece of work, or modifications thereof, which
are covered by the clause 3 and 4. And it doesn't mention piece of software
merely agregated with the work on the same media or such. But more to this

  Now, the clause which causes problem is the 6c, which states that upstream
  might also want to get those works linked with the software. I understand 
  this may be considered non-free, but let's go over the DFSG points one by 
  and not start with discutable chinese disident or desert island stuff which
  only muddy the water.
  DFSG 1) it was claimed that giving the linked items back to upstream on
  request is considered a fee, which may invalidate this licence. How much of
  this claim is realistic, and does it constitute a fee ? After all, you lose
  nothing if you give it to upstream, so it doesn't cost you.
  DFSG 2) and 3) Obviously fine given 6a and 6b.
 I believe that DFSG #3 disallows compelled distribution of derived works to
 the original author.  To whit:
 DFSG #3: The license must allow modifications and derived works, and must
 allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the
 original software.

Well, what is stopping you from licencing it back to the author under the QPL ?

 The licence of the original software was must distribute
 (changed|linked)[1] versions to O. Author.  Now, does the licence of the
 modifications Q say must distribute changes (of the modifications) to O.
 Author or must distribute changes (of the modifications) to J. Modifier? 
 If the former, then J. Modifier, the author of the modification Q, is being
 denied options that original author had, which is a DFSG #5 problem, and if
 the licence is the latter, it fails DFSG #3 because the licence is not the
 same as the original.

Well, compare it to the GPL ? The original authour had the choice of of using
whatever licence he wanted, but a work linked with the GPLed software has no
choice but to be the GPL (or some minor derivative).

  DFSG 9) Well, since there is only mention of link-time restriction, and none
  whatsoever on distribution media.
 More on this below.

Let's quote DFSG 9) for clarity :

  9 License Must Not Contaminate Other Software

  The license must not place restrictions on other software that is
  distributed along with the licensed software. For example, the license must
  not insist that all other programs distributed on the same medium must be
  free software.

  Even if it does indeed constitute a royalty, notice that QPL 6) mentions :
6. You may develop application programs, reusable components and other
   software items that link with ...
  So my understanding is that this only applies with the stuff that links to 
  QPL covered work. Which would mean that the QPL covered work is a library. 
 Right, here is where we start to disagree violently.

Re: your mail

2004-07-20 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 10:16:12AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 10:31:02PM -0800, D. Starner wrote:
   Also, in any sane legal
   system, it should only affect those users who willingly violate the 
   even after a cease-and-desist letter, and i would say they deserve what 
  In any sane legal system, the judge is going to find out what's going 
  on from both sides before he even considers dismissing the case. That 
 Ok, but we are in the case where the defendor is innocent, right ? 

So?  The cost of defending against the suit is still considerable.  And
there is no guarantee of being awarded costs even for a frivolous lawsuit,
let alone collecting.

  means that the user has to hire a French lawyer to write a response to
  the statement of cause. Unless the judges are omniscient, that's what
  has to happen.
 What exactly is stopping him from hiring a local lawyer to write the statement
 and sent it per letter to the judge, and how will it differ from the case
 where the court of venue is local to him ? The choice of law is the french law
 in both case.

It's still very costly.  Here's an example from the US:

Whilst this is America, home of the bullshit lawsuit, I contend that
something substantively similar could happen basically anywhere.  It
happened in Australia, too, again around the issue of spam, and I think
there's been a similar case or two in Europe somewhere.

  And let's be honest; a court case may look obvious to us, but few 
  judges have ever had a case where an open-sourceish license is 
 Well, but a tentative to repeteadly harass using lawsuits will probably not be
 missed by a judge.

s/tentative/tendency/?  Possibly not, but it's not hard to identify this
sort of thing if the suits don't come before the same judge.

- Matt

Re: your mail

2004-07-20 Thread Sven Luther
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 07:16:22PM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 10:16:12AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
  On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 10:31:02PM -0800, D. Starner wrote:
Also, in any sane legal
system, it should only affect those users who willingly violate the 
even after a cease-and-desist letter, and i would say they deserve what 
   In any sane legal system, the judge is going to find out what's going 
   on from both sides before he even considers dismissing the case. That 
  Ok, but we are in the case where the defendor is innocent, right ? 
 So?  The cost of defending against the suit is still considerable.  And
 there is no guarantee of being awarded costs even for a frivolous lawsuit,
 let alone collecting.

Well, the cost would be mostly the same, but i answered that elsewhere to you.

   means that the user has to hire a French lawyer to write a response to
   the statement of cause. Unless the judges are omniscient, that's what
   has to happen.
  What exactly is stopping him from hiring a local lawyer to write the 
  and sent it per letter to the judge, and how will it differ from the case
  where the court of venue is local to him ? The choice of law is the french 
  in both case.
 It's still very costly.  Here's an example from the US:

Yeah, but cost in the US and cost elsewhere may not be comparable. And we have
free legal counsel here. And an instruction judge, which mean that you have to
somehow convince the judge of the legalities of your claim before the lawsuit
starts. This would not be the case in the US, i think.

 Whilst this is America, home of the bullshit lawsuit, I contend that
 something substantively similar could happen basically anywhere.  It
 happened in Australia, too, again around the issue of spam, and I think
 there's been a similar case or two in Europe somewhere.

Well, the law of australia and US are mostly similar, are they not ? 

   And let's be honest; a court case may look obvious to us, but few 
   judges have ever had a case where an open-sourceish license is 
  Well, but a tentative to repeteadly harass using lawsuits will probably not 
  missed by a judge.
 s/tentative/tendency/?  Possibly not, but it's not hard to identify this
 sort of thing if the suits don't come before the same judge.

No, a try would be more like it ? Also, since the defendor has at least the
chance of an initial reply, he could very well mention other suits, or tries
of suits, and i thougt there were something about a suit once tried or
dismissed, you cannot simply go to another judge and try again.


Sven Luther

Re: GPL-compatible, copyleft documentation license

2004-07-20 Thread MJ Ray

On 2004-07-20 10:15:11 +0100 Florian Weimer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So you suggest that if someone approaches Debian and asks his name to
be removed, Debian would ignore this request even if it can be
honored, practically speaking?

I believe it should, if that mention of his name was essential to the 
accuracy of a work. It has nothing to do with moral rights. I believe 
we should honour a request not to be identified as the author of a 
work, but that CC clause goes far beyond that.

MJR/slefMy Opinion Only and not of any group I know for creative copyleft computing
Please email about: BT alternative for line rental+DSL;
Education on SMEs+EU FP6; office filing that works fast

Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread MJ Ray
On 2004-07-20 03:06:22 +0100 Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

DFSG 1) it was claimed that giving the linked items back to upstream 
request is considered a fee, which may invalidate this licence. How 
much of
this claim is realistic, and does it constitute a fee ? After all, 
you lose

nothing if you give it to upstream, so it doesn't cost you.

You lose your control over the work, if you are obliged to license it 
freely or give it to upstream. 6b kicks in, requiring us to license it 
freely to them. This seems particularly ironic, as author control over 
the work is often given as a motive for using the QPL, which is 
something they seem to be denying other authors.

I'm still thinking whether this is clearly a fee, but I'm not sure why 
you claim it would invalidate the licence.

So my understanding is that this only applies with the stuff that 
links to the
QPL covered work. Which would mean that the QPL covered work is a 

When I read this bit first of all, I thought wow, elegant hack. 
Sadly, it doesn't work, as it limits permitted modifications, because 
we could never make a QPL'd part of ocaml into a library. I think most 
-legal readers get upset about that not satisfying DFSG 3.

Now, if the LGPL is applied to all ocaml libraries, including modified 
ocamls present and future, we have an elegant hack to remove the QPL 
from ocaml. ;-)

Also, this applies to stuff not covered by the licence that links with 
it. Is this contamination of other software? (Compare DFSG 9)

I will go over the DFSG points in a while, but let's first mention 
point. Altough the Social contract places our priorities at our users 
free software, where do the upstream author enter in consideration ? 

upstream authors without with debian would hardly exist.

If you feel the SC inadequately protects upstream authors, then maybe 
you want to change the SC.

[...] may fear the violation of the ocaml licence by entities such as
sun or microsoft, which would gain from the ocaml technology in both 
java and
C#, and fear that a court of venue in the US may render any chance of 

justice void, given the money governed US legal system. [...]

AIUI, they could sue the French arms of Sun or Microsoft and keep the 
venue in France, even without this clause. I hope they have a more 
realistic motivation.

Well, nothing in the DFSG makes mention of this kind of legal 
problems, so we
can hardly claim that this would make it DFSG-non-free, even though 
we may

have more or less justified to think so.

My current thought is that it is a DFSG 1 problem, resticting free 
redistribution, but I'm still listening.

MJR/slefMy Opinion Only and not of any group I know for creative copyleft computing
Please email about: BT alternative for line rental+DSL;
Education on SMEs+EU FP6; office filing that works fast

Re: arbitrary termination clauses (was: Choice of venue, was: GUADEC report)

2004-07-20 Thread Matthew Garrett
Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On a more fundamental basis, abitrary termination clauses are odious and
offensive to freedom because we are not free if we are just waiting for the
hammer to fall.  One of things you give up when you decide to share your
work with the FLOSS community is your right to act as a tyrant, yanking
people's licenses away from them in a fit of pique.

I think I'm inclined to buy this argument, though I'm unconvinced that
it actually makes any significant amount of difference to any users in
the current climate.

Matthew Garrett | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS

 The reproach which is being done is twofold :

Perhaps two separate threads would be justified. I'm only replying on
the first reproach.

   c. If the items are not available to the general public, and the
   initial developer of the Software requests a copy of the items,
   then you must supply one.

 Now, the clause which causes problem is the 6c, which states that upstream
 might also want to get those works linked with the software. I understand that
 this may be considered non-free, but let's go over the DFSG points one by one,
 and not start with discutable chinese disident or desert island stuff which
 only muddy the water.

As I see it 6c is a serious privacy problem. Perhaps the requirement
for privacy is not directly implied by any of DFSG, but I can't
imagine people being very happy with the requirement to let the
initial developers know how the software is being used. Do you think
upstream really need this clause?

Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread Bernhard R. Link
* Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] [040720 04:06]:
 DFSG 1) it was claimed that giving the linked items back to upstream on
 request is considered a fee, which may invalidate this licence. 

 How much of
 this claim is realistic, and does it constitute a fee ? After all, you lose
 nothing if you give it to upstream, so it doesn't cost you.

Wow, this is quite a strong assertion. Especially after many people
describes situations where it cost you and/or brings you in risk of

 DFSG 5) and 6) it was claimed that one of those is broken by the desert island
 or chinese dissident tests, i have seen no consensus as a quick overview of
 the thread prior to my involvement shows. I personally dispute those claims as
 not only irrealistic, but also as not applying here, since the request should
 be done nominally. 

What do you mean by nominally? That when I'm initial deleveloper and 
want to stop someone on an desert island from using my software, I have
to know his name before? Or give an evil goverment a reguest they shall
under my name place each residents name on it and give it to him?

For DFSG 5: What about the group of people that is in countries that 
impose an embargo or export restrictions on countries the initial
developer is in.
Consider something like a ssl-library was under this licence in the
times where those were more strictly handled and the initial developer
was outside the USA.

  Bernhard R. Link

Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.

Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread Bernhard R. Link
* Matthew Garrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] [040720 13:54]:
 The QPL is bad news in yet another way.  Do we need a DFSG basis for forces
 people to break the law?
 Mm. It forces people to break the law if they exercise certain freedoms.
 China requires (used to require?) licensing of imported cryptography
 software. If it were GPLed, distributing modified versions would be
 illegal under copyright law (you couldn't actually satisfy the GPL's
 requirements) and if the recipient didn't have a license, under
 anti-crypto laws. Israel used to have similar provisions.
 It's an interesting question. How prevelant does a law have to be before
 we believe that being obliged to break it becomes non-free? 

I think that should not be a question of prevalence, but wether the law
allows free software. In a world where everything was free software, and
noone would wanted to give any piece of software to anyone else without
giving the source code and does not forbid to use, modify and so forth,
would any group be or person or field of endeavor be discriminated, i.e.
no longer be able to exercise those rights because restrictions in the
licence make it impossible to comply?

 I'd be inclined to say that countries that limit exports of technology
 are broken and we should treat them as if they don't exist, even though
 the UK is one of them. Maybe I should make more use of my Irish

We may ignore the countries, but are we allowed to ignore the users
within it? 

  Bernhard R. Link

Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.

Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 12:35:49PM +0100, Matthew Garrett wrote:
 Matthew Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The QPL is bad news in yet another way.  Do we need a DFSG basis for forces
 people to break the law?
 Mm. It forces people to break the law if they exercise certain freedoms.
 China requires (used to require?) licensing of imported cryptography
 software. If it were GPLed, distributing modified versions would be
 illegal under copyright law (you couldn't actually satisfy the GPL's
 requirements) and if the recipient didn't have a license, under
 anti-crypto laws. Israel used to have similar provisions.

This is a slightly different problem to that of a local law which says you
can't do that.  I'm not distributing prohibited technology to an embargoed
location by choice.  I never thought hmm, wouldn't it be cool if I sent
this to Iran.  Instead, the terms of the licence are forcing me to do that. 
Even worse, there may have been no way I could have known I would later have
to break the law at the time I accepted the licence (by distributing my
modifications).  The author could previously have been in a friendly
country, but happen to be in Iran when they request my libraries.

I have no way of knowing that my compliance with the licence will some day
require me to break the law.  It's a downright hideous licence term, and a
pretty damn good argument for why forced unrelated distribution is a bad

 I'd be inclined to say that countries that limit exports of technology
 are broken and we should treat them as if they don't exist, even though

But it's really dangerous to do so.  Allowing such a licence into Debian
could result in our users to fall foul of situations just like these.

- Matt

Re: GPL-compatible, copyleft documentation license

2004-07-20 Thread Evan Prodromou

Florian Weimer wrote:

How?  As MJ said, it's clearly practical to remove the author's
name in places where it would nevertheless be a grievous

So you suggest that if someone approaches Debian and asks his name to
be removed, Debian would ignore this request even if it can be
honored, practically speaking?

I think this clause mainly deals with something Debian does anyway, as
a mrere courtesy.

I believe that was the intent. As stated, though, it could be abused; it 
doesn't restrict the erasing to just authorship credit.

The classic example here is an autobiographical work. The author could 
ask that all references to herself be removed from a derivative work 
critical of her.

In software documentation, an original author could require that 
changelogs or discussion of differences in design or implementation 
(Original Author had it this way; the new version does it this other 
way) be removed.


Re: Choice of venue, was: GUADEC report

2004-07-20 Thread Steve McIntyre
Branden Robinson writes:
On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 12:01:22PM +0100, Matthew Garrett wrote:

 I'm certainly not clear that the new SC gives any leeway to use tests
 that don't spring directly from the DFSG.

Put that way, it doesn't give us any leeway to use tests at all.

In any event, I laid out my approach to upholding the Social Contract in
this respect a while back[1].

Feel free to take it apart now, since you didn't at the time.

OK, I'll take a crack at it. If you're going to treat debian-legal
discussions as case law, where's the delegation by the rest of
Debian to give you the rights to make decisions and set precedent?
That's a big problem that's been coming up more and more often in
recent licensing discussions. The DDs have all agreed to the DFSG, but
not necessarily to whatever interpretations the debian-legal debaters
can come to based on the DFSG. And some of the interpretations have
been getting pretty damn loose lately...

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Every time you use Tcl, God kills a kitten. -- Malcolm Ray

Re: DRAFT: debian-legal summary of the QPL

2004-07-20 Thread Steve McIntyre
Don Armstrong writes:
On Mon, 19 Jul 2004, Matthew Garrett wrote:

 There's no consistent and coherent argument going on, other than a
 sort of fuzzy We think it's not free, and we can sort of point at
 these two things and handwave and say they cover them.

 DFSG 5 No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
 The license must not discriminate against any person or group of

As had been mentioned earlier, the argument is that because dissidents
living in some country (or persons living on a desert island) are
either persons or a group of persons, and are discriminated against by
a clause of this license, then that particular clause fails DFSG 5.

This word discriminate - I don't think it means what you think it
means. All users of the software are given the same license. The
license itself does not discriminate against them; it does not say no
people on a desert island may use this or similar. If other
circumstances created by local law or coincidence are causing
difficulties, then why is that a license problem?

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Every time you use Tcl, God kills a kitten. -- Malcolm Ray

Re: DRAFT: debian-legal summary of the QPL

2004-07-20 Thread David Nusinow
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 01:53:53PM +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
 This word discriminate - I don't think it means what you think it
 means. All users of the software are given the same license. The
 license itself does not discriminate against them; it does not say no
 people on a desert island may use this or similar. If other
 circumstances created by local law or coincidence are causing
 difficulties, then why is that a license problem?

I agree with this interpretation to a large degree. The examples in the DFSG
for fields of endeavor are explicit examples, and thus imply some sort of
explicit discrimination (such as No one involved in genetic engineering may
use this software) rather than an unintentional discrimination against corner
cases.  Licenses which require distribution of modifications to upstream
authors are not discriminating against castaways any more than the GPL is
discriminating against people who somehow lose all copies of the source to
their modifications after distributing modified binaries.

While licenses that don't require this are perhaps more free I don't feel
that they fail the DFSG.

 - David Nusinow

Re: Termination clauses, was: Choice of venue

2004-07-20 Thread David Nusinow
On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 10:34:08PM -0400, Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
 David Nusinow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  But the cost of disclosure of the sources to downstream recipients is also a
  fee imposed by the upstream author simply by choosing the GPL or
 That only comes automatically with the QPL; with the GPL, I can work
 in a small group with no risk that it will be spread more widely.

Perhaps I replied too soon. On second thought, the problematic clause in the
QPL that you're referring to is 6c:

  c. If the items are not available to the general public, and the initial
  developer of the Software requests a copy of the items, then you must supply

I said in my first reply that this discriminates against those whose field of
endeavor is private study. First, I think the spirit of DFSG 5 and 6, as
provided by the examples of business or genetic research, is meant to prevent
more explicit discrimination. 6c only applies to modifications which have been
distributed, so the private study endeavor does not apply. 

So back to the small group. From the wording of the license, I can't clearly
see whether or not one can distribute the software within a company (since
you is not defined within the document) and still have it considered as
having been distributed (if you applies to a corporate entity, and the software
is kept within the corporation, is it distributed?) This issue appears with the
GPL as well, and the boundary is not entirely defined. I still see conflict
between what we accept with the GPL and appear to fail to accept with the QPL.

Finally, the spirit of the QPL, as from their annotated license[1] appears to
be very much in favor of Free software. Section 6c's annotation states:

 This is to avoid problems with companies that try to hide the source. If we
 get to know about it we want to be able to get hold of the code even if we are
 not users. In this way, if somebody tries to cheat and we get to know we can
 release the code to the public.

Not only can they release the code to the public, but they must release it
should they choose to use it, according to section 3a. I would argue that while
this license may fail corner cases of DFSG 5 or 6 (and I'm not sure it does) it
certaintly does appear that the author's intentions are to remain Free. I have
heard repeatedly that the developer's intentions are taken in to account when
evaluating packages, and we seem to have some clear indication here that the
goal of the QPL is to keep modifications open to the community.

 - David Nusinow


Re: DRAFT: debian-legal summary of the QPL

2004-07-20 Thread Sven Luther
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 11:17:51AM -0400, Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
 Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 11:12:57AM -0800, D. Starner wrote:
  Sven Luther writes:
   Sorry, but i don't believe such a request is legally binding. 
  I do. More to the point, neither of us is the judge who's going to 
  Well, as said, i did some legal consulting, and the mention that a TV
  broadcasted request for patches should be legally binding did bring in some
  round of laughter.
 Did you explain to your legal advisor that this is a broadcast request
 in the context where you're operating within a license obliging you to
 obey such requests?

Yeah, sure. It is not binding.

  Furthermore, i was mentioned the fact that the request should be
  nominal, both to the modificator and the actual patch involved,
 I apologize, but I cannot understand what you mean by a request being
 nominal to the modifier or the patch.  Where does this idea of
 nominalness appear in the QPL?

You Brian, i know that you modified my work with patch foo. As the QPL point
6c mentions, i request from you that you send me the changes in question.

In a formal letter, sent as recomande awith avis de reception in france, so
you get proof not only that it arrived, but your signature in the avis de
reception. But then, i guess a fedex or DHL or whatever such sending would do

This is the way i imagine a legally binding request, and the way such business
is conducted here. And i send such recomande avec avis de reception, for all
critical stuff, including employer disputes, house contract resignation and


Sven Luther

Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread Brian Thomas Sniffen
I'll get to the other two in a bit, but for now: you completely failed
to address the non-freeness of 3b:

  b. When modifications to the Software are released under this
  license, a non-exclusive royalty-free right is granted to the
  initial developer of the Software to distribute your
  modification in future versions of the Software provided such
  versions remain available under these terms in addition to any
  other license(s) of the initial developer.

which allows the initial developer to take code I've written and
distribute it in proprietary ways, even though I don't get that
privilege with respect to his code.

Why are you justifying INRIA's code hoarding in this way?


Brian Sniffen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread Brian Thomas Sniffen
Matthew Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This is a slightly different problem to that of a local law which says you
 can't do that.  I'm not distributing prohibited technology to an embargoed
 location by choice.  I never thought hmm, wouldn't it be cool if I sent
 this to Iran.  Instead, the terms of the licence are forcing me to do that. 

Almost -- they force you to do that if you modify and distribute.  So
you don't have freedom with respect to the software, because you can't
modify and distribute without the license urging you to potentially
break the law.

 I have no way of knowing that my compliance with the licence will some day
 require me to break the law.  It's a downright hideous licence term, and a
 pretty damn good argument for why forced unrelated distribution is a bad

That it is.  Thanks for pulling it out as a clean example.


Brian Sniffen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i was thinking..

2004-07-20 Thread Jacques


Need a little spice in your life? having problems with your male parts?
Wana go for days? Keep the wife at home happy. Be happy.

I keep it hard here


Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread Matthew Garrett
Matthew Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is a slightly different problem to that of a local law which says you
can't do that.  I'm not distributing prohibited technology to an embargoed
location by choice.  I never thought hmm, wouldn't it be cool if I sent
this to Iran.  Instead, the terms of the licence are forcing me to do that. 
Even worse, there may have been no way I could have known I would later have
to break the law at the time I accepted the licence (by distributing my
modifications).  The author could previously have been in a friendly
country, but happen to be in Iran when they request my libraries.

Distribution under GPL 3b has the same problem, of course. It's an
interesting issue. The QPL doesn't actually compel it, though, so
it has little influence on that specific license.

To be honest, I'd expect that the given example wouldn't be a problem -
aren't license terms that would compel illegal behaviour generally held
unenforcable? You'd lose the right to distribute further modifications
after becoming aware that it would be illegal, but...

I have no way of knowing that my compliance with the licence will some day
require me to break the law.  It's a downright hideous licence term, and a
pretty damn good argument for why forced unrelated distribution is a bad

It's only an argument against forced distribution to given parties is a

 I'd be inclined to say that countries that limit exports of technology
 are broken and we should treat them as if they don't exist, even though

But it's really dangerous to do so.  Allowing such a licence into Debian
could result in our users to fall foul of situations just like these.

Really that's a user education problem. People should be told what the
risks are (This software may contain patents that you do not hold a
license to, for instance) and spend some time thinking about them
before exercising any of the freedoms we provide.

Matthew Garrett | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

More questions about the QPL for a compiler

2004-07-20 Thread Brian Thomas Sniffen
My understanding of the Ocaml compiler is that it emits part of itself
into its output.  Not all of itself, not even most of itself, but a
noticeable and copyrightable part.  I know this is the case for most
compilers, and see no reason it wouldn't be for Ocaml as well.

Now I look again at QPL 6:

 You may develop application programs, reusable components and other
 software items that link with the original or modified versions of
 the Software. These items, when distributed, are subject to the
 following requirements...

And I wonder about executables compiled by the QPL'd Ocaml compilers.
Are they application programs that link with versions of the Software?
It sure sounds like it.  I doubt INRIA intended the license to be read
that way.  But saying, this is free because they didn't really mean
what they wrote, doesn't seem a good route.

Under this interpretation, does this fail DFSG 9?  Or is it no worse
than the case of Emacs, where .elc files must be distributed under the
terms of the GPL?


Brian Sniffen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Bug#227159: ocaml: Worse, the QPL is not DFSG-free

2004-07-20 Thread Brian Thomas Sniffen
Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 09:19:40AM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 12:50:15AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
  On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 06:01:50PM -0400, Glenn Maynard wrote:
   On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 11:27:05PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 1) be able to take other people's modifications proprietary.  That's fine
 for them, it's just non-free for us.

 Oh, ok. do we have a consensus on that ? could you point out why in clear
 points of the DFSG, and not some far fetched and controversed island paradise
 metahpors. Notice that the FSF doesn't seem toi think so, and it would make
 the BSD non-free, would it not ? 

I think there's a clear consensus that that's non-free, as it's a
substantial cost imposed on those distributing modifications.  It is a
fee.  Normally, I distribute my software under copyleft.  If somebody
wants to do something proprietary with it, they must pay me a lot of
money.  INRIA wants to pay my instead with a license to distribute
modifications to their software.  Clearly, the license I'm giving them
under QPL 3(b) is a fee.

 2) Wants to be able to relicence OCaml to others under a proprietary licence
 for a fee, in order to fund further development.  That's even finer, and can
 be done by either writing it all themselves (and hence having nobody else's
 licence to worry about), or getting copyright assignments or
 totally-permissive grants from everyone whose contributions they incorporate
 into OCaml.

 Well, sure. or maintaining a dual tree, which is a pain. Remember, the ocaml
 team is at best 6 or so people, without legal advisories (i was told some year
 back that the INRIA legal council is a joke with regard to that kind of

They need not maintain a dual tree -- just not integrate into their
tree work which they don't have the license to use as they wish.  That
means they probably don't get my modifications, because I will only
give my modifications to INRIA under a copyleft.

 Well, anyway, ... Ok, i will follow advice, and start a new thread. abotu this
 whole mess.

 1) is non-free, no matter what licence they use.  2) doesn't require the QPL
 (which I feel is non-free for a variety of reasons).

 Ah, and the FSF strongly encouraging me to give them copyright of any
 contribution to an FSF project is not ?

That's right.  The FSF won't distribute your work unless you give them
copyright.  That's fine.  They give you a free license to distribute
your work -- modifications to their work -- as you please.  That they
also happen to want donations of money, time, and programs is not non-free.

 But was fine three years ago when they chose it, and this had some influence
 about their chosing of it. What thrust will they have in our decisions if we
 don't stand by it, especially as i am sure most people participating in this
 have not read previous threads about this issue ? 

And we thought their software had no RC bugs three years ago.  What
trust should we have in them to write releasable, bug-free code?
There are bugs in licenses, just like bugs in code.  Sometimes they
take a while to find.

 How would you have reacted if someone came with a bug report out of nothing
 like Brian did, without pointing to this discussion,

You already have mail from me -- now weeks old -- explaining that I
wasn't aware of this discussion; I read the license file for ocaml
before modifying it, and was horrified to see a clearly non-free
license there.  So I filed a bug.

As a Debian user, I read the DFSG and expected I'd be able to exercise
those rights with respect to Debian-shipped software.  That I can't do
so with respect to ocaml is a serious bug.  If I'd treated that as
free software and made the modifications I want, I'd have been put in
a position of violating the QPL or violating other contracts.

So, as it happens, I'm working with PLT Scheme, an LGPL'd compiler,
instead.  Niiice code, too.

 And Brian was not really tactfull either.

 Well, if i have been offensive and rude to an email which was constructive i
 apologize for it. for the rest, well i have been under Branden's english and
 discuss things in email school, so what do you expect. And any rude language i
 use here, i did learn on debian mailing lists.

 You are aware that Brian !== Brian?  Brian Thomas Sniffen, your primary
 combatant in this thread, is not Brian M. Carlson, the author of the snippet
 you quoted above?

 Oh   , well, i am really sorry about this. and i apologize to Brian about 
 confusion. shame on me for not noticing ... but then it is hard to notice such
 details after many hundred of emails.

Of course.  It's easy to get confused when facing so much traffic.


Brian Sniffen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DRAFT: debian-legal summary of the QPL

2004-07-20 Thread Brian Thomas Sniffen
Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 11:17:51AM -0400, Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
 Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 11:12:57AM -0800, D. Starner wrote:
  Sven Luther writes:
   Sorry, but i don't believe such a request is legally binding. 
  I do. More to the point, neither of us is the judge who's going to 
  Well, as said, i did some legal consulting, and the mention that a TV
  broadcasted request for patches should be legally binding did bring in some
  round of laughter.
 Did you explain to your legal advisor that this is a broadcast request
 in the context where you're operating within a license obliging you to
 obey such requests?

 Yeah, sure. It is not binding.

Then you can safely ask upstream to remove it from the license, right?
Then we don't have to worry about it.  A shorter, simpler license can
only be a good thing.

  Furthermore, i was mentioned the fact that the request should be
  nominal, both to the modificator and the actual patch involved,
 I apologize, but I cannot understand what you mean by a request being
 nominal to the modifier or the patch.  Where does this idea of
 nominalness appear in the QPL?

 You Brian, i know that you modified my work with patch foo. As the QPL point
 6c mentions, i request from you that you send me the changes in question.

 In a formal letter, sent as recomande awith avis de reception in france, so
 you get proof not only that it arrived, but your signature in the avis de
 reception. But then, i guess a fedex or DHL or whatever such sending would do

 This is the way i imagine a legally binding request, and the way such business
 is conducted here. And i send such recomande avec avis de reception, for all
 critical stuff, including employer disputes, house contract resignation and

Ah!  So if they put the source code to the ocaml compiler up there,
with the QPL, is that not binding either?  How can this copyright
license be valid if it is not given to me by name?


Brian Sniffen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: More questions about the QPL for a compiler

2004-07-20 Thread Sylvain LE GALL
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 12:59:35PM -0400, Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
 My understanding of the Ocaml compiler is that it emits part of itself
 into its output.  Not all of itself, not even most of itself, but a
 noticeable and copyrightable part.  I know this is the case for most
 compilers, and see no reason it wouldn't be for Ocaml as well.
 Now I look again at QPL 6:
  You may develop application programs, reusable components and other
  software items that link with the original or modified versions of
  the Software. These items, when distributed, are subject to the
  following requirements...
 And I wonder about executables compiled by the QPL'd Ocaml compilers.
 Are they application programs that link with versions of the Software?
 It sure sounds like it.  I doubt INRIA intended the license to be read
 that way.  But saying, this is free because they didn't really mean
 what they wrote, doesn't seem a good route.
 Under this interpretation, does this fail DFSG 9?  Or is it no worse
 than the case of Emacs, where .elc files must be distributed under the
 terms of the GPL?


Ocaml, as far as i know, is splitted in two differents sets of object
files : 
- one set represents the compiler, this means the internal guts of the
  compiler, typing system et al
- another set represents the standards library, stubs system ( foreign 
  call ), VM  et al

The first set ( compiler ) is under QPL, the second set is under LGPL
with Ocaml exception. This means, you can produce binary using LGPL (
with Ocaml exception ) only licenced ocaml objects...

Sylvain Le Gall

Re: DRAFT: debian-legal summary of the QPL

2004-07-20 Thread Brian Thomas Sniffen
Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 09:25:57PM -0400, Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
 Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 01:44:16PM -0400, Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
   He doesn't need to learn of the patch first in the case of the generic
   call.  Additionally, the idea is not to help users get away with as
   Well, i am somehow doubtfull that sucha generic call is legally 
   binding, so
   your point is moot. How can upstream guarantee that the modifier did 
   the call and convince the judge of it ?
  Can you provide any evidence that such a generic call not legally
  binding?  Or are you just somehow doubtful, without any reason?
  Well, this is common sense, so i guess it would be upto you to prove the
  contrary. But don't fear i will be getting legal advice this afternoon,
  altough not IP specific one, and i will tell you what comes of it.
 I'm claiming that the license should be read as saying what it plainly
 says, and that other implied conditions should not be read into it.
 I'm perfectly willing to believe such implied conditions should be
 read -- but I want to see evidence of such.  The claim that it's
 common sense, when that position appears uniquely yours, is unpersuasive.

 Please read and reponsd to the other thread i started. I asked for legal
 advice, even if not specialized one, on this subject, and the reply i got
 confirmed my intuition. Now, it is your turn to find legal evidence to
 contradict it.

Yes, you say you got legal advice.  But you don't say what it was!
Not even over there.  The specifics of that advice make it useless.
Was it just for your jurisdiction?  Well, choice-of-law makes that

Even so, how does the unenforceability of a license justify ignoring
the wishes of the author?


Brian Sniffen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: More questions about the QPL for a compiler

2004-07-20 Thread Brian Thomas Sniffen

 Ocaml, as far as i know, is splitted in two differents sets of object
 files : 
 - one set represents the compiler, this means the internal guts of the
   compiler, typing system et al
 - another set represents the standards library, stubs system ( foreign 
   call ), VM  et al

 The first set ( compiler ) is under QPL, the second set is under LGPL
 with Ocaml exception. This means, you can produce binary using LGPL (
 with Ocaml exception ) only licenced ocaml objects...

Yes, I understand that the runtime library and such are LGPL'd.  But
the compiler, when it compiles a loop, for example, does it in a
particular way.  The patterns of assembly code output by the compiler
-- not the parts in the library linked in, but the part actually
written out by the compiler -- are part of the compiler.  And they end
up linked with my code.

It's hard for me to believe that the compiler doesn't write any
creative bits into its output -- though maybe there really has been
effort to put those all into the runtime.


Brian Sniffen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DRAFT: debian-legal summary of the QPL

2004-07-20 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 09:23:40AM -0400, David Nusinow wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 01:53:53PM +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
  This word discriminate - I don't think it means what you think it
  means. All users of the software are given the same license. The
  license itself does not discriminate against them; it does not say no
  people on a desert island may use this or similar. If other
  circumstances created by local law or coincidence are causing
  difficulties, then why is that a license problem?
 I agree with this interpretation to a large degree. The examples in the DFSG
 for fields of endeavor are explicit examples, and thus imply some sort of
 explicit discrimination (such as No one involved in genetic engineering may
 use this software) rather than an unintentional discrimination against corner
 cases.  Licenses which require distribution of modifications to upstream
 authors are not discriminating against castaways any more than the GPL is
 discriminating against people who somehow lose all copies of the source to
 their modifications after distributing modified binaries.

This is why DFSG#5 and #6 are fairly useless, in practice.  I can't think of
any license that actually explicitly said may not be used for bioweapons
research, clauses that clearly fall under those guidelines.  Any less
direct arguments tend to reduce to absurdity almost immediately, eg. the
GPL discriminates against the field of creating proprietary software--it
certainly does, and almost all licenses discriminate against people who
don't want to comply with those terms, but we don't read DFSG#6 that way.

Glenn Maynard

Re: Re: Help about texture inclueded in stellarium

2004-07-20 Thread Nathanael Nerode

While a work may be in the public domain in the U.S., it may be under
copyright elsewhere. So, e.g., while works by the U.S. government may be
public domain in the U.S., they may remain under copyright in other

Damn.  Did some more research, and you appear to be correct with respect 
to the most recent interpretations of the law.  :-P  The current 
interpretation of 17 USC Sect. 105 is that such works are 
copyright-controlled in countries which have copyright control over the 
works of their own governments.

However, the U.S. government may license their works and thus
give permissions with respect to these foreign copyrights.

Traditionally, the US Government has not abused this foreign copyright 
opportunity, and has treated its works as public domain worldwide. 
Accordingly, it hasn't issued explicit licenses.  See for example from 
the USGS website, on 
USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain.

The current interpretation  of 17 USC appears, frankly, to be another 
example of encroaching copyright where it doesn't belong.  :-(

Re: More questions about the QPL for a compiler

2004-07-20 Thread Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS
Brian Thomas Sniffen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Yes, I understand that the runtime library and such are LGPL'd.  But
 the compiler, when it compiles a loop, for example, does it in a
 particular way.  The patterns of assembly code output by the compiler
 -- not the parts in the library linked in, but the part actually
 written out by the compiler -- are part of the compiler.  And they end
 up linked with my code.
 It's hard for me to believe that the compiler doesn't write any
 creative bits into its output -- though maybe there really has been
 effort to put those all into the runtime.

Could you give an example of such a pattern in the binary output of
any compiler that you think might require a copyright licence?

I've seen some non-trivial patterns used for procedure prologues and
epilogues, for example, but it's not the sort of thing people usually
claim copyright for (they're not the expression of an idea), and
typically the same patterns are used by different compilers and also
by assembly-language programmers, so, if there is a problem, it's a
very general one. Perhaps someone will claim to own the copyright for
any code that stores the return address on a stack or uses a
particular set of callee-save registers or a frame pointer or finds
the lowest set bit in x by computing x  ~(x - 1) ...

Re: Re: Help about texture inclueded in stellarium

2004-07-20 Thread Raul Miller
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 04:31:44PM -0400, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 Damn.  Did some more research, and you appear to be correct with respect 
 to the most recent interpretations of the law.  :-P  The current 
 interpretation of 17 USC Sect. 105 is that such works are 
 copyright-controlled in countries which have copyright control over the 
 works of their own governments.

Also, public domain in the U.S. means that any U.S. citizen can assert
copyright over such works (or derivatives).

So we can GPL such works, for all the difference that makes.


Re: Help about texture inclueded in stellarium

2004-07-20 Thread D. Starner
 The international copyright treaties, if I am not mistaken, only 
 grant copyrights to works which are capable of being subject to 
 copyright in their 'home countries'.

It's not that simple. The US, for one, recognizes copyrights on
works under copyright under US law that aren't in copyright elsewhere.
I believe it's merely an option in those treaties whether or not
you recognize such copyrights, and I don't believe that the US is
the only nation that does.
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Fwd: Abiword being removed from Debian/unstable?

2004-07-20 Thread Daniel Glassey

Begin forwarded message:

From: Dom Lachowicz
Date: 20 July 2004 22:08:34 BST
To: Andy Korvemaker,
Subject: Re: Abiword being removed from Debian/unstable?

I'm not sure if this is the reason or not, but please

For the record, I've recently acquired the AbiWord
trademarks and whatnot. I haven't had a chance to
update the TM information on the website.

To be expressly clear here for any Debian guys that
read this message:

Within reason, I don't care if you use AbiWord vs.
AbiWord Personal. In fact, I'd prefer it if you used

Within reason, I don't care if you use the official
artwork or the personal artwork. In fact, I'd prefer
it if you used the official artwork.

I do begin to care if you use my trademarks to promote
other products, or in ways that disparage my
trademarks or products. If you forked AbiWord, you
couldn't use the trademarks. But you're clearly not
going to do that. The USPTO has more info and case law
on this sort of thing.

Debian and the other distros are clearly distributing
AbiWord, and providing a beneficial service to the
community. Even though Debian's version might have a
few patches against our mainline branch, I don't
believe it constitutes a fork. As such, I think that
it is fine (if not preferable) for you guys to use the
official name and artwork in your distribution.

So, you have my blessing to call your AbiWord +
patches AbiWord. You can use the official artwork


--- Andy Korvemaker wrote:

I was checking whether a new version of Abiword was
available in
Unstable and decided to see what was holding the
current Unstable
version from moving into Testing (at

Clicking on the Check why link for why it's not
there, it looks like
Abiword is scheduled for removal from Sid. See

I'm not a Debian developer at all, so I'm not sure
if this is a common
occurence. But as a (relatively inexperienced) user
it sounds like
Abiword is being pulled for some reason. (I don't
know how to find out
what that reason is.)

Andy Korvemaker

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Re: Fwd: Abiword being removed from Debian/unstable?

2004-07-20 Thread Steve Langasek
[answerinng only the off-topic parts, for clarification from the release

On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 10:35:48PM +0100, Daniel Glassey wrote:

--- Andy Korvemaker wrote:

 I was checking whether a new version of Abiword was
 available in
 Unstable and decided to see what was holding the
 current Unstable
 version from moving into Testing (at
 Clicking on the Check why link for why it's not
 there, it looks like
 Abiword is scheduled for removal from Sid. See

 I'm not a Debian developer at all, so I'm not sure
 if this is a common
 occurence. But as a (relatively inexperienced) user
 it sounds like
 Abiword is being pulled for some reason. (I don't
 know how to find out
 what that reason is.)

You can find this information at  The reason for the
removal request was not 258918, which is far too recent to have shown up
on the release team's radar yet as a removal issue, but 241279,
affecting a library that abiword depends on.  An alternative resolution
for 241279 has since been found that doesn't involve ripping out abiword
and half the GNOME metapackages depending on it, so abiword is no longer
in danger of removal.

Please feel free to forward this information to Andy, as I don't appear
to have his email address.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: Digital signature

Re: More questions about the QPL for a compiler

2004-07-20 Thread Sylvain LE GALL
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 04:07:34PM -0400, Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
 Sylvain LE GALL [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Ocaml, as far as i know, is splitted in two differents sets of object
  files : 
  - one set represents the compiler, this means the internal guts of the
compiler, typing system et al
  - another set represents the standards library, stubs system ( foreign 
call ), VM  et al
  The first set ( compiler ) is under QPL, the second set is under LGPL
  with Ocaml exception. This means, you can produce binary using LGPL (
  with Ocaml exception ) only licenced ocaml objects...
 Yes, I understand that the runtime library and such are LGPL'd.  But
 the compiler, when it compiles a loop, for example, does it in a
 particular way.  The patterns of assembly code output by the compiler
 -- not the parts in the library linked in, but the part actually
 written out by the compiler -- are part of the compiler.  And they end
 up linked with my code.
 It's hard for me to believe that the compiler doesn't write any
 creative bits into its output -- though maybe there really has been
 effort to put those all into the runtime.

Well -- using your arguments, let me claim that every french book in
the world fall under the copyright of Grammaire Francaise. I am not
sure whom belongs this licence ( maybe Bled should be the good one

In other word : the translation made by the compiler is a translation.
The original idea which can be copyrighted comes from the code which are
translated... No compiler produces automatic meaningfull code... 

Compilers are made to simplify the task of producing binary code, but
they only mimics what human should have written for code. Compilers --
even the actual clever one -- doesn't have the skill to write loop code
better than human...

Compilers are just tool to manage complexity... There are not really
clever -- and they don't produce copyrighted things ( or maybe they take
contact by themselves with the patent office, to say : well, i have
written a new loop, and this one is really good, could i copyright it ?

This mail is ridiculous -- sorry, 
Sylvain Le Gall

ps : the Categorical Abstract Machine ( ie the CAM ) is clever, but it
just interprets the code to have a good view of it, this is the main
QPLed part of o CAM l

Re: More questions about the QPL for a compiler

2004-07-20 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 04:07:34PM -0400, Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
 Yes, I understand that the runtime library and such are LGPL'd.  But
 the compiler, when it compiles a loop, for example, does it in a
 particular way.  The patterns of assembly code output by the compiler
 -- not the parts in the library linked in, but the part actually
 written out by the compiler -- are part of the compiler.  And they end
 up linked with my code.

Unless there is far more to an OCaml compiler, I don't see a big difference
between this issue and gcc.  They both perform mechanical translations of
data from one format to another.  It's a fairly tricky and involved
transformation, but giving the same code to the same compiler at two
different times will result in an identical output -- which I have a vague
recollection is one of the tests of creative work.

- Matt

Re: DRAFT: debian-legal summary of the QPL

2004-07-20 Thread Matthew Garrett
Glenn Maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is why DFSG#5 and #6 are fairly useless, in practice.  I can't think of
any license that actually explicitly said may not be used for bioweapons
research, clauses that clearly fall under those guidelines.  Any less
direct arguments tend to reduce to absurdity almost immediately, eg. the
GPL discriminates against the field of creating proprietary software--it
certainly does, and almost all licenses discriminate against people who
don't want to comply with those terms, but we don't read DFSG#6 that way.

The most obvious examples (and presumably the sort of thing that was
being held in mind when those clauses were written) are things like Not
for commercial use, or the wide variety of fuckups in academic-only

[1] Today's excellence is a program that requires me to post a signed
agreement to Brazil before I can even download the damn thing.
Matthew Garrett | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Termination clauses, was: Choice of venue

2004-07-20 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 12:40:57AM -0400, David Nusinow wrote:
 Finally, the spirit of the QPL, as from their annotated license[1] appears to
 be very much in favor of Free software. Section 6c's annotation states:
  This is to avoid problems with companies that try to hide the source. If we
  get to know about it we want to be able to get hold of the code even if we 
  not users. In this way, if somebody tries to cheat and we get to know we can
  release the code to the public.
 Not only can they release the code to the public, but they must release it
 should they choose to use it, according to section 3a. I would argue that 
 this license may fail corner cases of DFSG 5 or 6 (and I'm not sure it does) 
 certaintly does appear that the author's intentions are to remain Free. I have
 heard repeatedly that the developer's intentions are taken in to account when
 evaluating packages, and we seem to have some clear indication here that the
 goal of the QPL is to keep modifications open to the community.

But we're not distributing anything from TrollTech under the QPL, are we? 
If that's the case, TrollTech's annotations aren't worth a hill of beans to
us, because they aren't the licensor.  What TrollTech thinks the licence
means is very important in situtations where it's TrollTech's stuff were
distributing, but in the cases at hand we need to look at what INRIA (OCaml)
and the Cervisia developers (the two QPL-only packages I can recall) think
of the QPL, which is likely to be different.

- Matt

Re: Termination clauses, was: Choice of venue

2004-07-20 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 01:38:33PM -0400, David Nusinow wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 01:23:11PM -0400, Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
  It's that last bit which is non-free.  If they did something like the
  FSF, and asked for copyright assignment, that would be free.
  If they did something like best practical, and warned that they would
  consider anything submitted to them by its author to include an
  implied BSD-ish license, that would be free.
 Any code submitted upstream to the author will have the QPL attached to it, 
 thus will not become hidden or proprietary should upstream choose to 

Read 3b again.  It states that the initial developer gets a special licence
to sell my work to people under different licences, as well as release it
under the QPL.  It's hardly a stretch to work out a case where my
modifications might be nominally released under the QPL, but not readily
available, whilst it gets wide distribution under some proprietary licence.

  But when they make it a condition of the license, a fee I must pay in
  order to distribute modifications, then it is no longer free software.
 This brings us back full circle to the definition of a fee. I still
 contend that by forcing downstream distribution of source, the GPL imparts
 a fee of its own, and yet we accept that as free.

I consider that to be a fee consistent with the expansion of Free Software. 
In order to distribute modified binaries, I have to licence my source to the
recipient as well.  That has clear freedom-enhancing properties (Now With
Freesol, for added Freeness!)  The QPL says I must give a carte-blanche
licence to the initial developer of the work I modify.  I don't see how that
is enhancing Free Software.

I don't particularly like to call it a fee as such, especially since DFSG #1
says fee for such sale, and we're not necessarily selling the work.  But I
cannot in good conscience say that just because the letter of the DFSG
doesn't say it, that it's automatically Free.  Especially in this case --
forcing me to licence my modifications to some special party specially.  If
we read DFSG #3 with an implied only in there -- must allow them to be
distributed [only] under the same terms -- then forcing me to give a
special licence to someone else is bad.  My phrasing there is bad -- it
makes it sound as though the DFSG then prohibits licences which say licence
your modified version as you like, but hopefully you get the idea.

- Matt

Re: DRAFT: debian-legal summary of the QPL

2004-07-20 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 03:25:19PM -0400, Glenn Maynard wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 09:23:40AM -0400, David Nusinow wrote:
  I agree with this interpretation to a large degree. The examples in the DFSG
  for fields of endeavor are explicit examples, and thus imply some sort of
  explicit discrimination (such as No one involved in genetic engineering may
  use this software) rather than an unintentional discrimination against 
  cases.  Licenses which require distribution of modifications to upstream
  authors are not discriminating against castaways any more than the GPL is
  discriminating against people who somehow lose all copies of the source to
  their modifications after distributing modified binaries.
 This is why DFSG#5 and #6 are fairly useless, in practice.  I can't think of
 any license that actually explicitly said may not be used for bioweapons
 research, clauses that clearly fall under those guidelines.  Any less

No commercial use is the usual one.  I'm pretty sure I've seen a licence
that prohibited use in genetics research, and I'm quite sure there's been
one that prohibited use in nuclear facilities (although that was more of an
overzealous warranty disclaimer, from memory).

 direct arguments tend to reduce to absurdity almost immediately, eg. the
 GPL discriminates against the field of creating proprietary software--it
 certainly does, and almost all licenses discriminate against people who
 don't want to comply with those terms, but we don't read DFSG#6 that way.

Indeed.  It's scope is fairly narrow once you look at it in a non-absurd
fashion, but it still has it's uses.

- Matt

Re: DRAFT: debian-legal summary of the QPL

2004-07-20 Thread Steve McIntyre
Don Armstrong writes:
On Tue, 20 Jul 2004, Steve McIntyre wrote:
 All users of the software are given the same license. The license
 itself does not discriminate against them; it does not say no
 people on a desert island may use this or similar.

I think you're limiting it to explicit discrimination, whereas I feel
it should apply to effective discrimination as well. 

Since the DFSG itself doesn't distinguish between the two in that
clause, the latter is a perfectly reasonable interpretation.

So where does this stop? Just about every current free license out
there will have clauses that may clash with national laws
somewhere. Be reasonable here, please: effective discrimination is a
very shaky thing to start claiming...

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Every time you use Tcl, God kills a kitten. -- Malcolm Ray

Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 11:54:24AM -0400, Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
 Matthew Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  This is a slightly different problem to that of a local law which says you
  can't do that.  I'm not distributing prohibited technology to an embargoed
  location by choice.  I never thought hmm, wouldn't it be cool if I sent
  this to Iran.  Instead, the terms of the licence are forcing me to do 
 Almost -- they force you to do that if you modify and distribute.  So
 you don't have freedom with respect to the software, because you can't
 modify and distribute without the license urging you to potentially
 break the law.
  I have no way of knowing that my compliance with the licence will some day
  require me to break the law.  It's a downright hideous licence term, and a
  pretty damn good argument for why forced unrelated distribution is a bad
 That it is.  Thanks for pulling it out as a clean example.

Having slept on it, I've decided that in the specific case of the QPL, this
particular situation is not a problem for Debian, but ONLY because we can
avoid the whole issue by making the items in question available to the general 
public (which we do). 
Unfortunately, since there's no clear definition of general public, I
can't give this clause the all clear, since it might require providing
availability to embargoed countries, or to people without computers(!), but
if the author takes a reasonable view of general public (which is a bit of
a nightmare to actually define without going nuts), I don't think we will
have too much of a problem.

We're taking a similar path with the GPL, anyway -- the non-freeness of 3b
and 3c is OK because we're distributing under 3a.  By analogy, the
non-freeness of compelled unrelated distribution of linked items is OK(ish)
because we're taking the publically available route.

I'm still not comfortable with it, but I don't think it's the hairy bear
trap it is, but only because of the rustiness of the springs.  grin

- Matt

Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 05:33:21PM +0100, Matthew Garrett wrote:
 Matthew Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To be honest, I'd expect that the given example wouldn't be a problem -
 aren't license terms that would compel illegal behaviour generally held

Probably, but you're still working against the author's wishes in that
circumstance.  I'd rather a licence that didn't try and compel me to break
the law in the first place.

 You'd lose the right to distribute further modifications
 after becoming aware that it would be illegal, but...

Hey, it's an arbitrary termination clause!  Just move to an embargoed
country, and you can screw most of the western world!  /sarcasm

 I have no way of knowing that my compliance with the licence will some day
 require me to break the law.  It's a downright hideous licence term, and a
 pretty damn good argument for why forced unrelated distribution is a bad
 It's only an argument against forced distribution to given parties is a


Hence 'unrelated'.  Defining who the 'given parties' are in any particular
instance of forced unrelated distribution is useful, but the fact that, for
some values of 'given parties', you might end up breaking the law, makes the
clause very non-free.

Luckily the QPL gives Debian a bit of an escape hatch, although I'm still
not 100% sure it's enough, but see my previous missive to Brian for more on

  I'd be inclined to say that countries that limit exports of technology
  are broken and we should treat them as if they don't exist, even though
 But it's really dangerous to do so.  Allowing such a licence into Debian
 could result in our users to fall foul of situations just like these.
 Really that's a user education problem. People should be told what the
 risks are (This software may contain patents that you do not hold a
 license to, for instance) and spend some time thinking about them
 before exercising any of the freedoms we provide.

I thought the purpose of the DFSG and such were so that, for anything in
main, you knew you could exercise all of the freedoms listed in the DFSG
without fear of getting a summons.  Now you're saying we're back to the
before doing anything, read debian/copyright system?  No thanks.

Patents are a separate issue, and I wish you'd stop using them as a means of
justifying other abuses of freedom.

- Matt

Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 01:58:36PM +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
 Matthew Palmer writes:
 On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 12:35:49PM +0100, Matthew Garrett wrote:
  I'd be inclined to say that countries that limit exports of technology
  are broken and we should treat them as if they don't exist, even though
 But it's really dangerous to do so.  Allowing such a licence into Debian
 could result in our users to fall foul of situations just like these.
 If we really think this is a major problem (and I'm not arguing
 against you, BTW), then why not get this codified into the DFSG via a
 GR? Get everybody[*] to agree on this, then we won't have to have this
 argument over and over again.

I think that this issue might be enough to get a change or two to the DFSG
made.  Compelled unrelated distribution and compelling the grant of a
separate licence are both issues that I think need specific mention.  The
latter can probably be accomodated by a rewording of DFSG #3, but I think
we're going to need a DFSG #11 for the former problem.

 People seem very leery of trying to
 update the DFSG, and it's not clear why.

Several reasons that I've come up with:

1) A fuckup in wording could very easily see a lot of software thrown out or
brought in.

2) The stability of the DFSG is a very major rock we stand on.  As Sven
Luther has mentioned, upstreams kind of rely on us not to go changing our
minds every couple of weeks, and a change to the DFSG could see some pretty
major upheavals.

3) To be thorough, after any DFSG change, we should check every package in
the archive and throw anything out which doesn't comply with the new! shiny!
DFSG.  That's a lot of work.

4) Nobody's been real keen to do the work for it, considering that we've
been quite happy in our little world.

I welcome the new blood that appears to have cropped up on d-legal recently
with these issues -- it's forced a re-evaluation of how we do business.  And
I think that carefully considered DFSG modifications may end up being how
business is done in the future.

- Matt

Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread Michael Poole
Matthew Palmer writes:

 Having slept on it, I've decided that in the specific case of the QPL, this
 particular situation is not a problem for Debian, but ONLY because we can
 avoid the whole issue by making the items in question available to the 
 general public (which we do). 

The QPL doesn't release you from the obligation to provide changes to
the author if you have since stopped distributing the software (for
whatever reason).  That clause applies to *any* time at which the code
is not available to the general public.  It would be plausible for an
SCO or Microsoft to demand that a Debian package maintainer provide a
three-year-old version of a package because Debian users downloaded
that modified version.

 We're taking a similar path with the GPL, anyway -- the non-freeness of 3b
 and 3c is OK because we're distributing under 3a.  By analogy, the
 non-freeness of compelled unrelated distribution of linked items is OK(ish)
 because we're taking the publically available route.

The GPL is qualitatively different because it bounds the time during
which you must act to comply with the license: Either immediately, if
you make the source code available at time of transfer, or for the
next three years, if you only make the binary code available.  The QPL
obligations do not terminate.

It may also be qualitatively different because the upstream author
gets a symmetric license and cannot compel downstream modifiers to
provide changes; but that is a different discussion.

Michael Poole

Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 09:06:22AM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
 Having slept on it, I've decided that in the specific case of the QPL, this
 particular situation is not a problem for Debian, but ONLY because we can
 avoid the whole issue by making the items in question available to the 
 general public (which we do). 

Not being a problem for Debian only means that it can be legally distributed,
not that it's DFSG-free.

 Unfortunately, since there's no clear definition of general public, I
 can't give this clause the all clear, since it might require providing
 availability to embargoed countries, or to people without computers(!), but
 if the author takes a reasonable view of general public (which is a bit of
 a nightmare to actually define without going nuts), I don't think we will
 have too much of a problem.
 We're taking a similar path with the GPL, anyway -- the non-freeness of 3b
 and 3c is OK because we're distributing under 3a.

How Debian distributes a work does not determine whether it's free or not.

The non-freeness of 3b and 3c[1] is OK because 3a, alone, is sufficient to make
the license DFSG-free; 3b and 3c are merely additional permissions on top of
that, and additional permissions never make a license less free.  (None of
this is related to which options Debian actually exercises.)

 By analogy, the
 non-freeness of compelled unrelated distribution of linked items is OK(ish)
 because we're taking the publically available route.

If we believed that it acceptable to require people to make modifications
to the general public, then the situation might be comparable; but I believe
that most of us, at least, do not.  A workaround like this being acceptable
for Debian's own use doesn't mean that it's free.

[1] if any; I believe it is, but due to 3a, there hasn't been a need to
come to a real consensus on this

Glenn Maynard

Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 07:44:58PM -0400, Michael Poole wrote:
 Matthew Palmer writes:
  Having slept on it, I've decided that in the specific case of the QPL, this
  particular situation is not a problem for Debian, but ONLY because we can
  avoid the whole issue by making the items in question available to the 
  general public (which we do). 
 The QPL doesn't release you from the obligation to provide changes to
 the author if you have since stopped distributing the software (for
 whatever reason).  That clause applies to *any* time at which the code
 is not available to the general public.  It would be plausible for an
 SCO or Microsoft to demand that a Debian package maintainer provide a
 three-year-old version of a package because Debian users downloaded
 that modified version.

An excellent point, and well made.  Thankyou for reminding me of this.

My objection to this clause is re-established.

  We're taking a similar path with the GPL, anyway -- the non-freeness of 3b
  and 3c is OK because we're distributing under 3a.  By analogy, the
  non-freeness of compelled unrelated distribution of linked items is OK(ish)
  because we're taking the publically available route.
 The GPL is qualitatively different because it bounds the time during
 which you must act to comply with the license: Either immediately, if
 you make the source code available at time of transfer, or for the
 next three years, if you only make the binary code available.  The QPL
 obligations do not terminate.

Ayup.  I had these vague feelings that the GPL and QPL situations weren't
entirely comparable; I think the timeframe issue was what it was (either
that or the Quesadilla I had last night grin).

 It may also be qualitatively different because the upstream author
 gets a symmetric license and cannot compel downstream modifiers to
 provide changes; but that is a different discussion.

I think you meant asymmetric, but yes, that is a different discussion.  I
tried to ensure that it was understood that my change in reasoning was only
related to 6c; I still think that the asymmetric licence problem, as well as
the choice of venue, are problematic.  And, with your excellent reminder, I
now think 6c is a problem again too.

- Matt

Re: Summary : ocaml, QPL and the DFSG.

2004-07-20 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 09:19:51AM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
 I think that this issue might be enough to get a change or two to the DFSG
 made.  Compelled unrelated distribution and compelling the grant of a
 separate licence are both issues that I think need specific mention.  The
 latter can probably be accomodated by a rewording of DFSG #3, but I think
 we're going to need a DFSG #11 for the former problem.

Compelling unrelated distribution is a restriction on modification and/or
distribution (depending on the license).  That's certainly the usual
rationale connecting this problem to the DFSG.  DFSG#1 says may not restrict
any party from selling or giving away the software ...; saying in order to
distribute this, you must XXX is a restriction.

Of course, XXX = you must distribute source, too is also a restriction.
Again, guidelines.  (If the complaint is that these guidelines can't be
used without interaction with Debian and having the same result, then it's
just a complaint that they're guidelines--this can't be fixed without
turning it into something other than guidelines.)

I don't see what's special about this particular restriction that doesn't
apply to many other non-free restrictions as well.  DFSG#1 and #3 could
certainly mention this case specifically, eg.  The license may not require
distribution to the original author as a condition for distribution, but
that would seem to imply that we also need to mention that requiring click-
wrap before distributing isn't free, requiring that modifications adhere to
some standard isn't free, and so on.  (People are thinking up new ways to
restrict freedom all the time.)

(I don't really see a need for an entire new guideline, but it's the same
whether it's a new guideline or a part of other guidelines.)

In short, I don't see why this particular issue is special.  It's one non-free
requirement among multitudes.

  People seem very leery of trying to
  update the DFSG, and it's not clear why.
 Several reasons that I've come up with:
 1) A fuckup in wording could very easily see a lot of software thrown out or
 brought in.
 2) The stability of the DFSG is a very major rock we stand on.  As Sven
 Luther has mentioned, upstreams kind of rely on us not to go changing our
 minds every couple of weeks, and a change to the DFSG could see some pretty
 major upheavals.
 3) To be thorough, after any DFSG change, we should check every package in
 the archive and throw anything out which doesn't comply with the new! shiny!
 DFSG.  That's a lot of work.
 4) Nobody's been real keen to do the work for it, considering that we've
 been quite happy in our little world.

5) See the recent GR, modifying the SC.  It was editorial; it wasn't intended
to (and, in my opinion, did not) modify the meaning of the SC.  It was
certainly much more minor than adding a new guideline--and it still kicked up
a huge amount of mud, resulting in another GR to put the changes on hold.
The reasons for the mud flinging aren't relevant; the point is that any
modifications to founding documents run a better than even chance of having
unintended consequences.

Glenn Maynard

Re: DRAFT: debian-legal summary of the QPL

2004-07-20 Thread Stephen Ryan
On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 18:59, Matthew Palmer wrote:

 One thing that still bothers me about this, and I haven't seen a good
 rebuttal of it yet, is why we're so keen to use the law to void out a clause
 in the licence because it's unenforcable.  I've mentioned it before and had
 it danced around, but I still don't see why we shouldn't be honouring the
 author's wishes as expressed in his chosen licence.

Neither do I.  Relying on the unenforcability of a license or a clause
in a license is foolishness in the extreme; all it takes is a little
lobbying from Hollywood for some seemingly unrelated thing, and
presto-chango, it's suddenly retroactively an enforcable clause under
the new and improved Super-DMCA, and because somebody had this
discussion and therefore noticed the clause, that makes it wilful

Now, it may be that the author's wishes may or may not be practical, but
nobody is actually required to carry any particular author's works.  For
myself, I consider forced-distribution clauses of any sort to be of such
a nature that I am unwilling to submit myself to them.  I can give my
friend a CD or DVD full of binaries and corresponding source and
discharge my obligations entirely under the GPL and anything else I
consider to be Free.  YMMV.  That CD can even be customized for them,
and I've still discharged my obligations.  Under the QPL (or GPL 3(b),
which I think is equally impractical for such small scale distribution),
I've just incurred an obligation for some indeterminate time in the
future, when I may or may not be able to discharge that obligation
without significant cost.  That risk is too great for me to consider
participating, and hence, I personally will not touch anything licensed
under the QPL.

What is acceptable for Debian to distribute is another matter entirely,
but I do think that the pass a CD along to a friend model ought to be
considered as part of the discussion.  

Re: DRAFT: debian-legal summary of the QPL

2004-07-20 Thread Don Armstrong
On Tue, 20 Jul 2004, Steve McIntyre wrote:
 Don Armstrong writes:
 I think you're limiting it to explicit discrimination, whereas I feel
 it should apply to effective discrimination as well. 
 So where does this stop?

Presumably where the good to free software outweighs the effective

That's why we're discussing it now (and have discussed it in the
past.) We're trying to determine what amount discrimination is
allowable in a free license.

 Just about every current free license out there will have clauses
 that may clash with national laws somewhere.

Yes, but presumably those are a case of the national laws restricting
the freedom of the user, rather than the license itself restricting
that freedom.

 Be reasonable here, please: effective discrimination is a very
 shaky thing to start claiming...

It's not necesarily shaky, it's just that there isn't a clear defining
line where allowable discrimination starts, and disallowable
discrimination begins.

DFSG 5 is perhaps purposely vague in this regard.

Don ARmstrong

If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
 -- Lowery's Law