Re: A possible weakened rephrase of clause 5d [was: Re: GPL v3 Draft 3- text and comments]

2007-04-12 Thread Francesco Poli
On Thu, 12 Apr 2007 15:15:38 +0200 Lasse Reichstein Nielsen wrote:

 On Thu, 12 Apr 2007 00:46:06 +0200, Francesco Poli
  OK, this is my attempt to rephrase clause 5d in a form that is weak
  enough to be less harmful than clause 2c of GPLv2:
    begin proposed text 
 d) If the Program has interactive user interfaces which display
 legal notices, this feature must be preserved in each
 interactive interface that is also present in the work.  In
 this subsection, an interactive interface is said to display
 legal notices if it includes a convenient feature that
 displays an appropriate copyright notice, and tells the user
 that there is no warranty for the work (unless you provide a
 warranty), that licensees may convey the work under this
 License, and how to view a copy of this License.
   ~ end proposed text ~
 What does each interactive interface mean? I.e., what delimiters an 

The term is not defined in a precise manner, but I think that it's clear

 Does a program with more than one window have more than one interface?

Not in my understanding.
AFAICS, a program with two interfaces could be something that may be
started in such a way to offer a GUI, but also in a different way to
offer an interactive textual command interpreter, for instance...

 What if it is a web application with several clients? That each open  
 windows? (This is not specified in the GPLv3 draft either, but I don't
 it is at all obvious.)

As long as the web application presents the same kind of window to each
client, it has only one interface, AFAICT.

 Anyway, consider this case:
   Program A has a graphical user interface with an about feature
   showing legal
   notices. It also has some very clever algorithms in its belly.
   Program B wants to use the algorithms, but cares not for the
   interface of program A.

Minor nitpick: program B wants to reuse the algorithm *implementations*
(algorithms are not copyrightable, only their implementations are).
But anyway, let's go on...

   Program B has an interactive textual user interface.
   (Can the *feature* be preserved when going from graphical to

Maybe, but my proposed clause is *not* intended to mandate this, as no
interactive interface of program A is kept in program B.

Maybe it's clearer if the clause says:

  this feature must be preserved in each interactive interface that is
   present both in the Program and in the work

   Program B extracts the algorithms and uses them, but dumps the
   interface. Should Program B preserve the legal notices? Obviously

As stated above, my proposed clause is *not* intended to mandate the
preservation of the feature that displays legal notices, when the
affected interactive interfaces are dropped.
Of course program B must have appropriate copyright notices and stuff
required by the rest of the GNU GPL.  But, with my proposed clause,
program B would not be compelled to implement a feature to display legal
notices in the interactive interfaces that are not taken from program

   Now the people at Program B Software first extract the clever
   algorithms and distributes them, alone, under the original license,
   as allowed by  
 the GPL.
   Then they use *this* distribution in program B. The program they use
 no interactive
   user interface at all, and no feature displaying legal notices, so  
 program B isn't
   required to have it either.

That is the same exact result that we would get in your previous example
(assuming that my proposed clause works as intended...).

 This problem is inherent to linking a requirement relating to an
 entire   program
 to only parts of that program (here: the user interface). Anybody can 
 remove those
 parts and distribute the rest, thereby removing the requirement.
 Your version does alleviate this problem. Clause 5d of GPLv3draft3, as
 you   quoted it,
 does. It requires that legal notices be inserted if deriving form a
 program with no user interface (but not from one with a user interface
 but without legal notices). It's not necessarily the same notices as
 the original   program, though,
 just the default GPL notices.

Wait, let me understand: are you criticizing my proposed clause because
you feel that it's not restrictive enough?
If this is the case, please note that it's *intended* to be *more*
permissive than clause 5d of GPLv3draft3!  After all, I said that my
proposed clause is a *weakened rephrase* of clause 5d!
Indeed, I hope that my proposed clause is more permissive than clause 2c
of GPLv2...

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. Francesco Poli .
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A possible weakened rephrase of clause 5d [was: Re: GPL v3 Draft 3- text and comments]

2007-04-11 Thread Francesco Poli
On Mon, 2 Apr 2007 20:50:27 +0200 Francesco Poli wrote:

 On Mon, 02 Apr 2007 12:26:42 +0100 Gervase Markham wrote:
  Francesco Poli wrote:
   Clause 5d in GPLv3draft3 is basically unchanged with respect to
   previous drafts.  It's worse than the corresponding clause 2c in
   GPLv2... :-(
   I would like to see clause 5d dropped entirely. 
  I agree that it's not very good. Given that persuading the FSF to
  drop the clause entirely at this late stage is unlikely, can we come
  up with  a form of wording to suggest which at least makes it no
  worse than GPLv2?
 Well, I think that clause 2c of GPLv2 is already suboptimal (even
 though not so bad to become non-free) and should have been weakened in
 GPLv3, rather than strengthened, as it currently is...
 Anyway, we *could* perhaps try to rephrase it in a weaker form,
 assuming that the FSF won't drop it, but could consider weakening it,
 instead...  I don't know whether that will actually be the case, but
 maybe it's worth trying.
 It won't be easy, though: the simplest solution remains dropping it
 entirely, IMO.  I will try and find the time to draft something and
 come back later (or at least, I hope...).

OK, this is my attempt to rephrase clause 5d in a form that is weak
enough to be less harmful than clause 2c of GPLv2:

 begin proposed text 

 d) If the Program has interactive user interfaces which display
 legal notices, this feature must be preserved in each interactive
 interface that is also present in the work.  In this subsection, an
 interactive interface is said to display legal notices if it
 includes a convenient feature that displays an appropriate
 copyright notice, and tells the user that there is no warranty for
 the work (unless you provide a warranty), that licensees may convey
 the work under this License, and how to view a copy of this

~ end proposed text ~

Constructive critics and suggestions are welcome.

For reference, here's clause 5d of GPLv3draft3:

|d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must
|include a convenient feature that displays an appropriate
|copyright notice, and tells the user that there is no warranty for
|the work (unless you provide a warranty), that licensees may
|convey the work under this License, and how to view a copy of this
|License. Specifically, if the interface presents a list of user
|commands or options, such as a menu, a command to display this
|information must be prominent in the list; otherwise, the
|work must display this information at startup.  However, if the
|Program has interactive interfaces that do not comply with this
|subsection, your work need not make them comply.

and clause 2c of GPLv2:

|c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
|when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
|interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
|announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
|notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
|a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
|these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
|License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
|does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
|the Program is not required to print an announcement.)

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. Francesco Poli .
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Re: GPL v3 Draft 3- text and comments

2007-04-04 Thread Bernhard R. Link
* Gervase Markham [EMAIL PROTECTED] [070404 01:09]:
 Calling Affero code proprietary is a pretty big stretch. Yes, there's a 
 clause in there which is a restriction on modification - so it's not 
 entirely free. But you still have to release the source to 
 modifications, source follows the binary - all that GPL goodness, 
 because the Affero license is based on the GPL.

While proprietary might not be the proper term using the dictionary
meaning of proprietary, it's often used in the meaning more evil than
I want to deal with. And in that meaning it fits.

Forcing users to surrender their right to run for their right to modify,
is nothing I'd consider less free, it's not free at all.

 And, from a practical point of view, there's hardly any code under the 
 Affero. Proprietary software companies are not going to relicense under 
 the Affero in order to link with GPLed code - because the Affero doesn't 
 let them keep their code secret.

So, imposing the condition that everyone is allowed to make the code
non-free is OK, because it would be a form of non-free that currently
no proprietary software companies has any use for?
I don't choose my licenses to destroy proprietary software companies,
but to keep my code free.

 Some of your other points were good, but this one is really not going to 
 be a problem in practice.

It's an obvious and large problem in theory. Free software is to an
large part idealism. Idealism and big problems in the theory don't fit
well together.

  Bernhard R. Link

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Re: GPL v3 Draft 3- text and comments

2007-04-04 Thread Francesco Poli
On Wed, 04 Apr 2007 00:09:30 +0100 Gervase Markham wrote:

 Francesco Poli wrote:
  Well, *when* I want a copyleft, I want one that *actually works*...
  Exemptions for specific incompatible licenses should be left out of
  the license text (so that who wants them can add them as additional
  *When* I choose the GNU GPL, I want to prevent my code from being
  linked with proprietary code (including AfferoGPL'd code).
  I'm simplifying things to a great extent here, but I think what I
  mean is clear enough...
 Not-quite-DFSG-free != proprietary.

On the contrary:

Not-quite-DFSG-free == non-free, even though close to the freeness
boundary == proprietary, even though close to the freeness boundary

By definition, whatever is not free, is proprietary.
It may be closer to or farther from the freeness boundary, but it
remains proprietary.
Likewise DFSG-free works may be closer to or farther from the freeness
boundary (on the right side, this time!), but they still are DFSG-free.

 Calling Affero code proprietary is a pretty big stretch.

IMHO, it's just calling things with their name...

 Some of your other points were good, but this one is really not going
 to  be a problem in practice.

The problem is that (if this clause is not dropped) GPLv3'd code will
be linkable to non-free-restriction-encumbered code.
That's not in the spirit of the GNU GPL v2.

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. Francesco Poli .
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Re: GPL v3 Draft 3- text and comments

2007-04-04 Thread Gervase Markham

Francesco Poli wrote:

Not-quite-DFSG-free == non-free, even though close to the freeness
boundary == proprietary, even though close to the freeness boundary

By definition, whatever is not free, is proprietary.

I was using proprietary in what I thought was its fairly common meaning, 
i.e. closed source, controlled by only one company.

I have no intention of getting into a fight about whether the Affero 
additional restriction is acceptable or free or whatever. The FSF thinks 
it's free; other people disagree. Their reasons are credible. I don't 
like it.

But my point is that you are acting as if this exception turns all GPLed 
code into LGPLed code - i.e. Microsoft can come along and link it into 
Windows, or whatever. But that's obviously not true.

The only non-GPLed code your GPLed code can be linked with is code that 
also follows the GPL exactly _except_ that it has a single additional 
restriction on modification to a small part of it. This may not be a 
good thing, but it's not even on the same planet as some of the 
scenarios the phrase being able to link with proprietary code could cover.

And considering the small amount of code actually covered by the Affero 
GPL (and that there's very little evidence that version 2 of the Affero 
GPL will cause it to suddenly surge in popularity) then it's also very 
unlikely that code you write will end up in this situation.

Lastly, the FSF is keeping their promises. If you can think of a better 
way for them to do so (and this way is already a whole load better than 
their last attempt), then suggest it.

So I'd suggest you concentrate your efforts on the other points you made 
in your analysis, which were good and reasonable. In order to facilitate 
this, I'm not going to contribute further to this discussion, because 
its very continuance is counter-productive to its point.

The problem is that (if this clause is not dropped) GPLv3'd code will
be linkable to non-free-restriction-encumbered code.
That's not in the spirit of the GNU GPL v2.

True. And Debian can easily refuse to distribute applications so linked.


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Re: GPL v3 Draft 3- text and comments

2007-04-04 Thread Anthony W. Youngman
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gervase Markham 

Francesco Poli wrote:

Not-quite-DFSG-free == non-free, even though close to the freeness
boundary == proprietary, even though close to the freeness boundary
 By definition, whatever is not free, is proprietary.

I was using proprietary in what I thought was its fairly common 
meaning, i.e. closed source, controlled by only one company.

Actually, I wish people would use the word proprietary in its proper 
meaning, ie the property of someone. Linux is proprietary, because 
it's copyrighted and owned by people.

Oh - and you know where the fairly common meaning came from?

Yes. Our friends at Microsoft - Windows is open, Unix is proprietary.

Anthony W. Youngman - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: GPL v3 Draft 3- text and comments

2007-04-04 Thread Francesco Poli
On Wed, 04 Apr 2007 18:40:12 +0100 Gervase Markham wrote:

 Francesco Poli wrote:
  Not-quite-DFSG-free == non-free, even though close to the freeness
  boundary == proprietary, even though close to the freeness boundary
  By definition, whatever is not free, is proprietary.
 I was using proprietary in what I thought was its fairly common
 meaning,  i.e. closed source, controlled by only one company.

I instead used the above-stated definition: now I think we clarified our

 I have no intention of getting into a fight about whether the Affero 
 additional restriction is acceptable or free or whatever. The FSF
 thinks  it's free; other people disagree. Their reasons are credible.
 I don't  like it.
 But my point is that you are acting as if this exception turns all
 GPLed  code into LGPLed code - i.e. Microsoft can come along and link
 it into  Windows, or whatever. But that's obviously not true.

I'm not acting like that.

I'm saying that the clause under consideration permits linking with code
encumbered by more restrictive terms than the ones of the GNU GPL v3
(this is true for sure, otherwise there would be no reason for
special-casing the AfferoGPL v2...).
This is a flaw for a license that claims to be a copyleft in the spirit
of the GNU GPL v2.  I'm simply pointing out this flaw.

 The only non-GPLed code your GPLed code can be linked with is code
 that  also follows the GPL exactly _except_ that it has a single
 additional  restriction on modification to a small part of it.

Wait, AFAIK, there are no publicly disclosed drafts of the AfferoGPL v2
yet: hence we cannot know what it will look like.
It could be better than how you depict it, but it could even be worse.
We simply do not know.

The only thing we know for sure is that it will be more restrictive than
the GNU GPL v3, as explained above.

 may not be a  good thing, but it's not even on the same planet as some
 of the  scenarios the phrase being able to link with proprietary
 code could cover.

It's on the same planet (Propworld), just closer to the spaceport where
ships that go to the other planet (DFSGworld) take off!  ;-)

 And considering the small amount of code actually covered by the
 Affero  GPL (and that there's very little evidence that version 2 of
 the Affero  GPL will cause it to suddenly surge in popularity) then
 it's also very  unlikely that code you write will end up in this

Do not underestimate the power of FSF endorsement: see how popular and
widespread the GFDL is, despite its relatively young age and
debian-legal's efforts to explain its freeness issues...  :-(

 Lastly, the FSF is keeping their promises.

They are keeping recent promises, by forgetting less recent ones.
Back in 1991 the FSF wrote GNU GPL v2 which, in section 9, stated:

| The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
| of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions
| will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in
| detail to address new problems or concerns.

One of the key principles of the GNU GPL v2 copyleft mechanism is the
prohibition to impose further restrictions.
A license that allows adding further restrictions is *not* similar in
spirit to the GNU GPL v2, IMO.

 If you can think of a
 better  way for them to do so (and this way is already a whole load
 better than  their last attempt), then suggest it.

My suggestion for the FSF is: first, keep promises made to the *whole*
free software community inside one of the most important documents ever
published by the FSF (namely the GNU GPL v2), *then*, if at all
possible, keep promises made to the *few* AfferoGPL enthusiasts.

Please note that I don't actually know how many people love the
AfferoGPL, I just assumed you're right in saying that there are not many
of them...

 So I'd suggest you concentrate your efforts on the other points you
 made  in your analysis, which were good and reasonable. In order to
 facilitate  this, I'm not going to contribute further to this
 discussion, because  its very continuance is counter-productive to its

OK, let's stop here, then.

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. Francesco Poli .
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Re: GPL v3 Draft 3- text and comments

2007-04-03 Thread Gervase Markham

Francesco Poli wrote:

On Mon, 02 Apr 2007 12:26:42 +0100 Gervase Markham wrote:

I can't see any judge with a decent grasp of English or the notion of
a  legal notice or author attribution permitting the attachment of
the  GNU Manifesto to a work under this clause. Can you give a
concrete  example of a problematic situation you see?

I cannot depict a specific scenario off the top of my head, but my alarm
bell rang as soon as I saw the word preservation coupled with
undefined (and hence vague) terms as reasonable legal notice and
author attribution.

Undefined in the license != vague. There are lots of English words 
the license uses which it does not explicitly define, and yet we seem to 
manage to understand it pretty well. An author attribution is text which 
tells you the name of an author. A reasonable legal notice is any notice 
of relevance to and on the topic of the legal situation surrounding the 

I really can't see any GFDL-like insert GNU Manifesto here problems 
with this.

Since the clause does not seem to be designed as sufficiently narrow to
avoid posing nasty problems in the future, I assumed the worst case
scenario and concluded that the clause will bite.  That was my line of

How would you rephrase it?

BTW, does this section make GPLv3 compatible with the license of

I don't know: I didn't check, as it was not my primary concern.

It was a question for the group :-)

This clause is a permission to link; 
therefore, as I read it, the GPLv3 copyleft weakens to an LGPL-style
copyleft in the case of linking with the Affero GPL. Each bit of code 
remains under its own license.

Yes, and I dislike it: it sounds as (and probably actually is...) an
endorsement of the AfferoGPL v2 by the FSF.

Yes, it is. If you never use the Affero GPL, is it really a big deal? 
They made a promise ages ago, and now are looking for the least painful 
way to keep it. Having a special exception everyone else can ignore is a 
far better solution than the previous section-7-based attempt.

P.S.: Please do not reply to me, Cc:ing the list, as I didn't asked you
to do so. 

Sorry. It wasn't intentional.


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Re: GPL v3 Draft 3- text and comments

2007-04-03 Thread Francesco Poli
On Mon, 2 Apr 2007 21:50:12 -0400 Joe Smith wrote:

 I think most courts do not rule on uncontested fact. This clause is
 probably  intended to
 prevent EvilCorp(TM) from claiming that the work falls into that
 class. The  other party
 is unlikely to contest that, claiming the work does fall into that
 class, as  that could
 only hurt said other party.

I'm not sure I follow your reasoning, sorry.
Anyway, as I stated, what concerns me is that declaring a fact as true
in a license does not make it magically true.  It could instead prevent
the adoption of the license for some works, or, at any rate, become
problematic in some scenarios...

 I think this stems from source code not requireing a patent license.
 So if the source code is available, the patent can be bypassed by
 having the  consumer
 download and compile the code themselves. Of course all of this can
 only  protrect the downstream
 consumer if the compiled binaries are not being passed around.

Hence, with this kind of protection from patents we lose the
permission to distribute binaries!  It does not look as a good enough
protection, then...

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. Francesco Poli .
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Re: GPL v3 Draft 3- text and comments

2007-04-03 Thread Joe Smith

Francesco Poli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

On Mon, 2 Apr 2007 21:50:12 -0400 Joe Smith wrote:

I think this stems from source code not requireing a patent license.
So if the source code is available, the patent can be bypassed by
having the  consumer
download and compile the code themselves. Of course all of this can
only  protrect the downstream
consumer if the compiled binaries are not being passed around.

Hence, with this kind of protection from patents we lose the
permission to distribute binaries!  It does not look as a good enough
protection, then...

I agree. It does protect the freedom of the end user, but without more 
effort on the part of the

licensor, things can be problematic.

I'm not sure about commerical entities compiling from source code and using 
the application.
I suspect that sort of use may still need a patent license. Thus we have 
effetive discrimination against businesses.
(That discrimination is not part of the licence, but is part of the 
source-code only software patent workaround.)

Thus ideally the GPL v3 would not allow public availability of source code 
as an option, but require further


However that could be a problem. There has historicly been a fair amount of 
GPLv2 covered code that was distributed

source-only because of patent issues.

On the other hand, most of the time most of the time that happened the party 
did not have an actual patent license,

so that clause would not apply to them.

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Re: GPL v3 Draft 3- text and comments

2007-04-03 Thread Francesco Poli
On Tue, 03 Apr 2007 14:17:42 +0100 Gervase Markham wrote:

 Francesco Poli wrote:
  I cannot depict a specific scenario off the top of my head, but my
  alarm bell rang as soon as I saw the word preservation coupled
  with undefined (and hence vague) terms as reasonable legal notice
  and author attribution.
 Undefined in the license != vague.

You're right, but, in the present case, I felt that those terms could be
intepreted in a broader sense than intended.

 There are lots of English words
 the license uses which it does not explicitly define, and yet we seem
 to  manage to understand it pretty well. An author attribution is text
 which  tells you the name of an author. A reasonable legal notice is
 any notice  of relevance to and on the topic of the legal situation
 surrounding the  product.
 I really can't see any GFDL-like insert GNU Manifesto here problems 
 with this.

I'm afraid that some extra care should be taken to avoid such

  Since the clause does not seem to be designed as sufficiently narrow
  to avoid posing nasty problems in the future, I assumed the worst
  case scenario and concluded that the clause will bite.  That was my
  line of reasoning.
 How would you rephrase it?

That's a hard one...
I will try and find the time to draft something (h... I'm saying so
too often lately!).

  This clause is a permission to link; 
  therefore, as I read it, the GPLv3 copyleft weakens to an
  LGPL-style copyleft in the case of linking with the Affero GPL.
  Each bit of code remains under its own license.
  Yes, and I dislike it: it sounds as (and probably actually is...) an
  endorsement of the AfferoGPL v2 by the FSF.
 Yes, it is. If you never use the Affero GPL, is it really a big deal?

Well, *when* I want a copyleft, I want one that *actually works*...
Exemptions for specific incompatible licenses should be left out of the
license text (so that who wants them can add them as additional
*When* I choose the GNU GPL, I want to prevent my code from being linked
with proprietary code (including AfferoGPL'd code).
I'm simplifying things to a great extent here, but I think what I mean
is clear enough...

 Need to read a Debian etch installation walk-through?
. Francesco Poli .
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Re: GPL v3 Draft 3- text and comments

2007-04-03 Thread Gervase Markham

Francesco Poli wrote:

Well, *when* I want a copyleft, I want one that *actually works*...
Exemptions for specific incompatible licenses should be left out of the
license text (so that who wants them can add them as additional
*When* I choose the GNU GPL, I want to prevent my code from being linked

with proprietary code (including AfferoGPL'd code).
I'm simplifying things to a great extent here, but I think what I mean
is clear enough...

Not-quite-DFSG-free != proprietary.

Calling Affero code proprietary is a pretty big stretch. Yes, there's a 
clause in there which is a restriction on modification - so it's not 
entirely free. But you still have to release the source to 
modifications, source follows the binary - all that GPL goodness, 
because the Affero license is based on the GPL.

And, from a practical point of view, there's hardly any code under the 
Affero. Proprietary software companies are not going to relicense under 
the Affero in order to link with GPLed code - because the Affero doesn't 
let them keep their code secret.

Some of your other points were good, but this one is really not going to 
be a problem in practice.


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Re: GPL v3 Draft 3- text and comments

2007-04-02 Thread Gervase Markham

Francesco Poli wrote:

Clause 5d in GPLv3draft3 is basically unchanged with respect to previous
drafts.  It's worse than the corresponding clause 2c in GPLv2... :-(

It's an inconvenience and border-line with respect to freeness. 
Actually this clause restricts how I can modify what an interactive

program does when run.  It mandates a feature that I *must* implement in
*any* interactive interface of my modified work.  It's very close to
place an unacceptable restriction on modification.  What is more awkward
is that it seems that when a non-interactive work is modified so that it
becomes an interactive work, the modifier is *compelled* to implement
these features in *any* newly created interactive interface...

I would like to see clause 5d dropped entirely. 

I agree that it's not very good. Given that persuading the FSF to drop 
the clause entirely at this late stage is unlikely, can we come up with 
a form of wording to suggest which at least makes it no worse than GPLv2?

I would be happy to see all these permissions to add restrictions
entirely dropped from Section 7.

=== not a Freeness issue, but a great loss, since, if this mechanism is
kept in the final GPLv3 text, GPL-compatibility will no longer be a
DFSG-compliance guarantee...  :-(

Can you give an example of a DFSG-non-compliant term that could be 
introduced under section 7?

  b. requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
  author attributions in source or object code forms of material added
  by you to a covered work; or

 Kills copyleft: are these the cousins of GFDL's Invariant Sections?

What exactly is a reasonable legal notice?  What exactly is an author
attribution?  It seems that these terms are not defined anywhere in the
license.  I'm concerned that they could be interpreted in a broad sense
and allow people to take a GPLv3'd work and add some sort of invariant
long text that nobody will ever be able to remove or modify...

I can't see any judge with a decent grasp of English or the notion of a 
legal notice or author attribution permitting the attachment of the 
GNU Manifesto to a work under this clause. Can you give a concrete 
example of a problematic situation you see?

BTW, does this section make GPLv3 compatible with the license of OpenSSL?

  13. Use with the Affero General Public License.

 Kills copyleft: compatibility with a yet unknown license

This section introduces a form of compatibility with a license that is
yet unreleased and thus possibly non-free: the Affero General Public
License, version 2.  The AfferoGPL v1 is, in my opinion, a non-free
license, due to its clause 2(d).  I won't restate all the reasons for my
conclusions (more details in
As a consequence, I have few hopes that the forthcoming version 2 of
the AfferoGPL will be a free license.

Being compatible with an unknown (and thus possibly non-free) license
destroys the copyleft mechanism of the GPLv3.  

Destroys is a bit strong. This clause is a permission to link; 
therefore, as I read it, the GPLv3 copyleft weakens to an LGPL-style 
copyleft in the case of linking with the Affero GPL. Each bit of code 
remains under its own license.


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Re: GPL v3 Draft 3- text and comments

2007-04-02 Thread Francesco Poli
On Mon, 02 Apr 2007 12:26:42 +0100 Gervase Markham wrote:

 Francesco Poli wrote:
  Clause 5d in GPLv3draft3 is basically unchanged with respect to
  previous drafts.  It's worse than the corresponding clause 2c in
  GPLv2... :-(
  I would like to see clause 5d dropped entirely. 
 I agree that it's not very good. Given that persuading the FSF to drop
 the clause entirely at this late stage is unlikely, can we come up
 with  a form of wording to suggest which at least makes it no worse
 than GPLv2?

Well, I think that clause 2c of GPLv2 is already suboptimal (even though
not so bad to become non-free) and should have been weakened in GPLv3,
rather than strengthened, as it currently is...

Anyway, we *could* perhaps try to rephrase it in a weaker form, assuming
that the FSF won't drop it, but could consider weakening it, instead... 
I don't know whether that will actually be the case, but maybe it's
worth trying.
It won't be easy, though: the simplest solution remains dropping it
entirely, IMO.  I will try and find the time to draft something and come
back later (or at least, I hope...).

  I would be happy to see all these permissions to add restrictions
  entirely dropped from Section 7.
  === not a Freeness issue, but a great loss, since, if this
  mechanism is kept in the final GPLv3 text, GPL-compatibility will no
  longer be a DFSG-compliance guarantee...  :-(
 Can you give an example of a DFSG-non-compliant term that could be 
 introduced under section 7?

What concerns me is an invariant text that could be introduced by
exploiting clause 7b: see below for more details.

b. requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices
or author attributions in source or object code forms of material
added by you to a covered work; or
   Kills copyleft: are these the cousins of GFDL's Invariant
  What exactly is a reasonable legal notice?  What exactly is an
  author attribution?  It seems that these terms are not defined
  anywhere in the license.  I'm concerned that they could be
  interpreted in a broad sense and allow people to take a GPLv3'd work
  and add some sort of invariant long text that nobody will ever be
  able to remove or modify...
 I can't see any judge with a decent grasp of English or the notion of
 a  legal notice or author attribution permitting the attachment of
 the  GNU Manifesto to a work under this clause. Can you give a
 concrete  example of a problematic situation you see?

I cannot depict a specific scenario off the top of my head, but my alarm
bell rang as soon as I saw the word preservation coupled with
undefined (and hence vague) terms as reasonable legal notice and
author attribution.
Since the clause does not seem to be designed as sufficiently narrow to
avoid posing nasty problems in the future, I assumed the worst case
scenario and concluded that the clause will bite.  That was my line of

 BTW, does this section make GPLv3 compatible with the license of

I don't know: I didn't check, as it was not my primary concern.

13. Use with the Affero General Public License.
   Kills copyleft: compatibility with a yet unknown license
  This section introduces a form of compatibility with a license that
  is yet unreleased and thus possibly non-free: the Affero General
  Public License, version 2.  The AfferoGPL v1 is, in my opinion, a
  non-free license, due to its clause 2(d).  I won't restate all the
  reasons for my conclusions (more details in
  As a consequence, I have few hopes that the forthcoming version 2 of
  the AfferoGPL will be a free license.
  Being compatible with an unknown (and thus possibly non-free)
  license destroys the copyleft mechanism of the GPLv3.  
 Destroys is a bit strong.

I admit that weakens would have been a more appropriate term...

 This clause is a permission to link; 
 therefore, as I read it, the GPLv3 copyleft weakens to an LGPL-style
 copyleft in the case of linking with the Affero GPL. Each bit of code 
 remains under its own license.

Yes, and I dislike it: it sounds as (and probably actually is...) an
endorsement of the AfferoGPL v2 by the FSF.
I don't want to open the can of worms of the FSF legal theory of
linking, hence, let's assume for the sake of the argument that it's a
legally sound theory.  If this is the case, I don't want a general
exemption for a license that will probably be non-free (and will for
sure be GPLv3-incompatible, only artificially linkable due to this
section and a corresponding one in its text).

P.S.: Please do not reply to me, Cc:ing the list, as I didn't asked you
to do so.  I am a debian-legal subscriber and would rather avoid
receiving the same message twice.  Reply to the list only (as long as
you want to send a public response).  See
for more details.  Thanks.


Re: GPL v3 Draft 3- text and comments

2007-04-02 Thread Joe Smith
The following is intended to be a compression of your comments down into the 
most important points (generally, the areas you are concerned about),
to aid further discussion. As well as some responses to your comments. (I 
had to manually fix the quoting, so apologies if I mess it up somewhere).

Francesco Poli wrote in message 


3. No Denying Users' Rights through Technical Measures.

  No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such

 Problematic: possibly untrue

This clause is improved (being now denationalized), but still
problematic.  It could be seen as an untrue statement in some cases.
How can the licensor say that the covered work won't be judged as part
of an effective technological measure under a given law?  That is for
the courts to decide.  In some scenarios, GnuPG may actually be
considered part of an effective technological measure and could be
deemed so by a judge...

I think most courts do not rule on uncontested fact. This clause is probably 
intended to
prevent EvilCorp(TM) from claiming that the work falls into that class. The 
other party
is unlikely to contest that, claiming the work does fall into that class, as 
that could

only hurt said other party.

  When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
circumvention of technical measures to the extent such circumvention
is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
the covered work,

 Bad: possibly overreaching

This clause is clearer than in the previous draft, but still
troublesome, as it seems to be overreaching.  For instance, it could be
interpreted as covering legal powers to forbid computer crimes such as
unauthorized intrusion into computer systems.

E.g.: suppose that the covered work is a vulnerability scanner, or
password cracker, or anyway a tool that could be used (among other
things) to break into other people's computers.  Using that tool in this
manner is exercising a right under this License and is a circumvention
of appropriate technical measures set to protect a computer system or
network from unauthorized access.  Gaining unauthorized access to a
protected computer system or network is forbidden by law in several
jurisdictions; do I waive such a legal protection, when I convey the
covered work?

I suggest dropping the waiver entirely, thus leaving the following
disclaimer only.

=== waiving legal rights can be seen as a fee: this clause could fail

and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
technical measures.

Agree with your assesment, assuming the disclaming of intention could
let a defentent invoke estoppel or other similar.
Presumably that clause is intended to prevent the obvious workaround
of moving the anti-copyprotection-circumvention law outside the copyright 

Overall, I find this to be one of the parts of the licence that is very 
unclear if

approched without knowing it is about DCMA-style anti-circumvention laws.
If one was not aware of that problem, one may well be quite confused while 

to figure out the purpose of that section


d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must
include a convenient feature that displays an appropriate
copyright notice, and tells the user that there is no warranty for
the work (unless you provide a warranty), that licensees may
convey the work under this License, and how to view a copy of this
License. Specifically, if the interface presents a list of user
commands or options, such as a menu, a command to display this
information must be prominent in the list; otherwise, the
work must display this information at startup.  However, if the
Program has interactive interfaces that do not comply with this
subsection, your work need not make them comply.

 Bad: too restrictive

Clause 5d in GPLv3draft3 is basically unchanged with respect to previous
drafts.  It's worse than the corresponding clause 2c in GPLv2... :-(

It's an inconvenience and border-line with respect to freeness.
Actually this clause restricts how I can modify what an interactive
program does when run.  It mandates a feature that I *must* implement in
*any* interactive interface of my modified work.  It's very close to
place an unacceptable restriction on modification.  What is more awkward
is that it seems that when a non-interactive work is modified so that it
becomes an interactive work, the modifier is *compelled* to implement
these features in *any* newly created interactive interface...

I would like to see clause 5d dropped entirely.

=== very close to 

Re: GPL v3 Draft 3- text and comments

2007-04-01 Thread Francesco Poli
On Wed, 28 Mar 2007 16:07:34 -0400 Joe Smith wrote:

 For the record: IANAL, IANADD.

My comments on the new draft follows.
I will send them to the FSF public consultation system RSN (since they
are accepting comments for only 60 days, starting on 28 March).
IANAL and IANADD either.

 Discussion Draft 3 of Version 3, 28 March 2007
 0.  Definitions.
   The Program refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this

 Style: Program or Work?

Since the GPL is designed to be applicable to any work of authorship
(not only computer programs), I would suggest using a more neutral term
than the Program.  Something like the Work would avoid misleading
many many people into thinking that the GPL can only be applied to
computer programs.

   To modify a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the
 work in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the
 making of a verbatim copy.  The resulting work is called a modified
 version of the earlier work or a work based on the earlier work.  A
 covered work means either the unmodified Program or a work based on
 the Program.

 Good: clear definitions

The definitions of modify, modified version, work based on another
work, and covered work are slightly changed with respect to
GPLv3draft2, but they are still clear.  It's good that the definition of
modified version exploits applicable copyright law without trying to
rewrite it.  This ensures that the license does not place restrictions
on activities that do not require permission under applicable copyright

   To propagate a work means to do (or cause others to do) anything
 with it that requires permission under applicable copyright law,
 except executing it on a computer or making modifications that you do
 not share.  Propagation includes copying, distribution (with or
 without modification), making available to the public, and in some
 countries other activities as well.  To convey a work means any kind
 of propagation that enables other parties to make or receive copies,
 excluding sublicensing.  Mere interaction with a user through a
 computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.

 Good: clear definitions

The definitions of propagate and convey seem fairly clear.
Again, their linking to copyright law ensures that the license does not
place restrictions on activities that do not require permission under
applicable copyright law.

 1. Source Code.

 Good: clear and appropriate

This section seems OK to me.

   The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work
 for making modifications to it.  Object code means any non-source
 form of a work.

 Good: please keep these definitions

I like the definitions of source code and Object code as they are. 
Good to see that they were kept unaltered.

 2. Basic Permissions.
   All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
 copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
 conditions are met.  This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
 permission to run the unmodified Program.  The output from running a
 covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
 content, constitutes a covered work.  This License acknowledges your
 rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.

 Good: mentioning of fair use is an improvement

Good to see that fair use and similar rights are explicitly mentioned. 
This is an improvement over GPLv2.

   Propagation of covered works that you do not convey, and making
 modified versions of the Program that you do not convey, are permitted
 without conditions, so long as your license otherwise remains in
 force. Conveying is permitted under the conditions stated below.
 Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 makes it unnecessary.

 Good: overreaching patent retaliation clause has been dropped

I'm glad that the patent retaliation clause has been dropped: it was
overreaching IMHO.

 3. No Denying Users' Rights through Technical Measures.
   No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
 measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
 11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
 similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such

 Problematic: possibly untrue

This clause is improved (being now denationalized), but still
problematic.  It could be seen as an untrue statement in some cases. 
How can the licensor say that the covered work won't be judged as part
of an effective technological measure under a given law?  That is for
the courts to decide.  In some scenarios, GnuPG may actually be

Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-28 Thread Nathanael Nerode
Florian Weimer wrote:
 * Nathanael Nerode:
I think this is overly broad.  What about the following?

You must not add any functionality to programs licensed under this
License which may not be removed, by you or any third party, according
to applicable law.  Such functionality includes, but is not limited
to, technological measures which effectively control access to any
work, provided that removal of the measure would be prohibited by
applicable law.

Good idea.  We need to do some more wording work, of course
 I don't think such an approach would be popular with the FSF, though.
 If you propagate the view that features you cannot remove from the
 software are harmful (which is, as far as I can see, a pretty
 reasonable general position), it's a bit hard to explain why you are
 in favor of AGPL-like provisions that introduce such non-removable

Well, we were hoping that the FSF would be willing to accept replacement
text which would achieve the AGPL goals *without* introducting
non-removable features, of course.

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Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-22 Thread Alexander Terekhov
Breaking new.

Barnes  Thornburg LLP on the GPL (Wallace v IBM et al):

Although it is not clear how it is relevant to whether the per se or
rule of reason analysis would apply, Plaintiff also argues that the
GPL purports to defeat the requirements of contractual privity and
thus evade the prohibition under 17 U.S.C. 301 concerning the
contractual regulation of copyrights. (Response at 4.) Section 301
of 17 U.S.C., however, concerns the preemptive effect of the Copyright
Act with respect to other laws and does not prohibit contractual
regulation of copyrights. To the contrary, as is evident from the
ProCD case Plaintiff cites, copyrights may be licensed by a uniform
contract effective against all who choose to use it. (Response at 6)
(citing ProCD, Inc. v. Zeidenberg, 86 F.3d 1447, 1454 (7th Cir. 1996).)
The court in ProCD held that a shrinkwrap software license, that
is, a license that accompanies software limiting its use, is an
effective contract under the UCC against anyone who receives the
terms of the license and uses the software. Id. at 1452. The court
also held that state enforcement of such contracts under the UCC
would not be preempted by the Copyright Act or 17 U.S.C. § 301. Id.
The GPL, like the shrinkwrap license in ProCD, is a license
applicable to anyone who receives its terms and chooses to use it,
and by using it, accepts the terms under which the software was
offered. Id.

My, this is such a fun. Kudos to Wallace.


Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-22 Thread Alexander Terekhov
Barnes  Thornburg LLP on price:

Plaintiff's argument that an agreement to license any derivative works
at no charge is somehow a minimum re-sale price is untenable given
that the provision does not set a price for licenses at all, but
rather provides that there shall be no price for licenses. (Response
at 10; GPL para. 2(b).) Furthermore, a minimum price agreement
requires that any price below that price would violate the agreement.
There is no indication that in the unlikely event a licensor wished to
license modifications to the GPL at a price below zero (i.e., an
effective negative price by paying the licensee to take the license),
such would in any way violate the GPL. To the extent the GPL is
analogous to any type of price restraint, it would be no more than a
maximum vertical restrain subject to the rule of reason.

He he.


Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-22 Thread olive

Alexander Terekhov wrote:

On 2/15/06, Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 10:26:10AM -0600, John Goerzen wrote:

On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 04:47:32PM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:

On 2/14/06, John Goerzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 04:01:05PM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:

But we all know that the GPL is a license-not-a-contract, and so UCC
and related case law simply doesn't apply.

Do we?  I thought that a license was a contract.

Everyone who is neither blind nor an idiot knows for certain that the
GPL is a *LICENSE NOT A CONTRACT* -- Richard Stallman and Eben Moglen
have clarified that fact at least a hundred times.

What purpose do you feel calling a person blind or an idiot serves?
I don't think you are contributing anything to this discussion.

He's not.  Would you please killfile him so that we can get on with life? :)

Oh c'mon, I try all my best.

This would not be a presentation about the GPL by me if emphasis was
not placed on what you see before you now. This license is

Not a Contract.

You are not required to accept this License in order to receive a copy
of the Program.

We have not argued now, nor will we, nor can anyone argue, who reads
the text of the language, that the receipt of the code is some
quid-pro-quo for the acceptance of some terms. If you are existing in
a legal system in which that wasn't what made it a contract, then
...go with God, but arguments based on the contractual exchange of the
code for promises of compliance have nothing to do with us. We give
permissions here and the enforcement weight of our license lies in the
fact that you have no permission to propagate, that is, you have no
permission to do what copyright law requires permission to do, but
through this license. That's our legal theory and we are sticking to

Oh just love it. Moglen comedian. Brilliant one.

This theory make sense. Copyright law requires that you must have an 
explicit permission to copy/modify, etc... the software. The GPL give 
you this permission on certain conditions. If someone does not respect 
the GPL, he will not be sued for having breaking the contract, he will 
be sued because he distribute/modify a software without the explicit 
permission required by copyright law.

I do not see why you object to this theory. GPL give more permission 
than copyright law: if you think that it does not give enough permission 
for you, then what you must attack is copyright law. I cannot understand 
the theory (which apparently you defend) that because you do like the 
GPL or because you do not agree to it; you would have the right to do 
whatever you want with a GPL software.

The only problem is that if you find a way to not respect the GPL by 
doing something not forbidden by copyright law. But the GPL is made that 
there is no such situation (exept maybe in some very marginal cases).


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Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-22 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 2/22/06, olive [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[... Not a Contract ...]

 I do not see why you object to this theory.

Go ask Barnes  Thornburg LLP. [O]ne of the Midwest's largest law
firms says that

The GPL, like the shrinkwrap license in ProCD, is a license
applicable to anyone who receives its terms and chooses to use it, and
by using it, accepts the terms under which the software was offered.

(In ProCD the court then held the license valid and enforceable as a


P.S. Never mind that EULAs don't convey any rights under 17 USC 106
(subject to limitations under 17 USC 117 and etc.) at all.

Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-22 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 2/22/06, Alexander Terekhov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Barnes  Thornburg LLP on price:

 Plaintiff's argument that an agreement to license any derivative works
 at no charge is somehow a minimum re-sale price is untenable given
 that the provision does not set a price for licenses at all, but
 rather provides that there shall be no price for licenses. (Response
 at 10; GPL para. 2(b).) Furthermore, a minimum price agreement
 requires that any price below that price would violate the agreement.
 There is no indication that in the unlikely event a licensor wished to
 license modifications to the GPL at a price below zero (i.e., an
 effective negative price by paying the licensee to take the license),
 such would in any way violate the GPL. To the extent the GPL is
 analogous to any type of price restraint, it would be no more than a


Wallace's argument was about collective works to begin with.

Alternative Vertical Analysis

In the alternative, if the GPL license is viewed simply as
distributing a collective work in a vertical agreement ...

Somehow it got translated by Barnes  Thornburg LLP to

Plaintiff's argument that an agreement to license any derivative works

Any ideas, all?

Oh, Ah, BTW... does anyone know where can I find a negatively priced
GPL'd stuff?

Half the profit for a link! Heck, 75 percent!! 90 if you insist!!!


Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-22 Thread olive

Alexander Terekhov wrote:

On 2/22/06, olive [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[... Not a Contract ...]

I do not see why you object to this theory.

Go ask Barnes  Thornburg LLP. [O]ne of the Midwest's largest law
firms says that

The GPL, like the shrinkwrap license in ProCD, is a license
applicable to anyone who receives its terms and chooses to use it, and
by using it, accepts the terms under which the software was offered.

(In ProCD the court then held the license valid and enforceable as a

I do not know exactly ProCd; but there is usually a big difference. 
Proprietary software license give you *less* permissions than copyright 
law; so that these companies need an enforceable contract because 
otherwise you have your normal rights. The GPL give you *more* 
permissions than copyright law; so a contract is not needed because the 
forbidden things by the GPL are forbidden by copyright law anyway. If 
you break the GPL you just can get sued because you have 
distributed/modified softwares without the required permission; not 
because you have not respected a contract.

Although, as you have shown in ProCD, the first situation is defendable 
(you have agreed to the license since you use the software); this is 
nevertheless more fragile: for example if you buy a CD with software on 
it and if there is no license on the CD (visible before you buy the 
products); some juridiction might decide that by buing the CD, you have 
the right to use it and that you haven't to agree with any further terms 
(this seems logical, reciprocally if you have bought a CD you cannot 
make extra conditions in other that the vendor get paid). There are GPL 
software which are sold in this way. I do not know what courts will 
decide if you use a software downloaded from the net but anyway the 
second second argument seems juridically stronger.


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Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-22 Thread Alexander Terekhov
Barnes  Thornburg LLP on conspiracy.

Finally, the Response confirms that there is no alleged conspiracy,
as the GPL is allegedly public by its nature with hundreds and
potentially an unlimited number of programmers using the program.
(Response at 3.) The allegations support no more than a unilateral
decision by each of the Defendants, and the hundreds of others,
to use the GPL for distribution of software. (Second Am. Compl. at
2.) The Second Amended Complaint must therefore be dismissed under
Rule 12(b)(6) for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be

Well, well, well.
(The U.S. Declares Hollywood Guilty of Antitrust Conspiracy)

The District Court found that the defendants in the licenses they
issued fixed minimum admission prices which the exhibitors agreed
to charge, whether the rental of the film was a flat amount or a
percentage of the receipts. It found that substantially uniform
minimum prices had been established in the licenses of all
defendans. Minimum prices were established in master agreements or
franchises which were made between various defendants as
distributors and various defendants as exhibitors and in joint
operating agreements made by the five majors with each other [334
U.S. 131 , 142]   and with independent theatre owners covering the
operation of certain theatres. 4 By these later contracts minimum
admission prices were often fixed for dozens of theatres owned by
a particular defendant in a given area of the United States.
Minimum prices were fixed in licenses of each of the five major
defendants. The other three defendants made the same requirement
in licenses granted to the exhibitor-defendants. We do not stop
to elaborate on these findings. They are adequately detailed by
the District Court in its opinion. See 66 F.Supp. 334-339.

The District Court found that two price-fixing conspiracies
existed-a horizontal one between all the defendants, a vertical
one between each distributor-defendant and its licensees. The
latter was based on express agreements and was plainly established.
The former was inferred from the pattern of price-fixing disclosed
in the record. We think there was adequate foundation for it too.
It is not necessary to find an express agreement in order to find
a conspiracy. It is enough that a concert of action is contemplated
and that the defendants conformed to the arrangement. Interstate
Circuit v. United States, 306 U.S. 208 , 226, 227, 474; United
States v. Masonite Corp., 316 U.S. 265, 275 , 1076. That was shown


Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-22 Thread Michael Poole
debian-legal is not your personal blog.  Stop spamming it with
off-topic troll postings already.  If you want to rant or rave about
nutcases tilting at windmills, do it in an appropriate place.

Michael Poole

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-22 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 2/22/06, olive [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The GPL give you *more* permissions than copyright law; so a
 contract is not needed because the forbidden things by the GPL
 are forbidden by copyright law anyway. If you break the GPL
 you just can get sued because you have distributed/modified
 softwares without the required permission.

Distribution of authorized (not pirated) copies is permitted under 17 USC 109.

Similarly, owners of authorized copies can modify software under 17 USC 117.

of publicly available GPL'd works is explicitly permitted by the
copyright law.

It doesn't require permission. Copyright doesn't contemplate copyleft.


Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-22 Thread Alexander Terekhov
Moglen's underling Fontana in action.

On the DRM front, there is little the GPL can do to fix this, and
this is a matter that needs to be taken up by the legislature, Fontana

But, that being said, the license also makes it difficult for people
to use the GPL to invoke DRM protections, and we want to make sure
that if they are going to invoke DRM restrictions that they can't use
our license to do that, he said.

Also, on the issue of derivative works, Fontana said the draft license
has not changed the language that defines what a derivative work is,
and I don't think that we can.

But Lawrence Rosen, a partner with Rosenlaw  Einschlag, said people
want to know whether, if they linked two pieces of work together, this
creates a derivative work. People do not know if that is the case
here, and the license is not entirely clear about the obligation to
release source code, and that uncertainty hurts potential adoption of
the GPL, he said.



Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-22 Thread Alexander Terekhov
Page 2 exhibit managed to escape. Bringing it back.

On 2/22/06, Alexander Terekhov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Moglen's underling Fontana in action.

 On the DRM front, there is little the GPL can do to fix this, and
 this is a matter that needs to be taken up by the legislature, Fontana

 But, that being said, the license also makes it difficult for people
 to use the GPL to invoke DRM protections, and we want to make sure
 that if they are going to invoke DRM restrictions that they can't use
 our license to do that, he said.

 Also, on the issue of derivative works, Fontana said the draft license
 has not changed the language that defines what a derivative work is,
 and I don't think that we can.

 But Lawrence Rosen, a partner with Rosenlaw  Einschlag, said people
 want to know whether, if they linked two pieces of work together, this
 creates a derivative work. People do not know if that is the case
 here, and the license is not entirely clear about the obligation to
 release source code, and that uncertainty hurts potential adoption of
 the GPL, he said.

Rosen said he is still trying to figure out what the wording of the
license actually means. You have to make sure that all the words fit
together, and right now, I'm nor sure they actually do, so it's useful
to have all these committees looking at it, he said.

Rosen also wants to know how and why this license differs from others,
and is looking forward to hearing from the FSF about that. He unsure
that all the language in the license has legal effect and what the
drafters are hoping the legal effect of the license will be.

Mike Milinkovich, the executive director of the Eclipse Foundation,
stressed that code licensed under the EPL (Eclipse Public License)
remain EPL code under any condition.



Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-22 Thread Stephen Gran
Olive, this guy is just a troll.  Feeding him just seems to make him
waste more of Debian's bandwidth and my spambox.  My advice is to leave
him be.
|   ,''`.Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'Debian user, admin, and developer |
|`- |

Description: Digital signature

Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-16 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 2/15/06, Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 10:26:10AM -0600, John Goerzen wrote:
  On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 04:47:32PM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
   On 2/14/06, John Goerzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 04:01:05PM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
 But we all know that the GPL is a license-not-a-contract, and so UCC
 and related case law simply doesn't apply.

Do we?  I thought that a license was a contract.

   Everyone who is neither blind nor an idiot knows for certain that the
   GPL is a *LICENSE NOT A CONTRACT* -- Richard Stallman and Eben Moglen
   have clarified that fact at least a hundred times.

  What purpose do you feel calling a person blind or an idiot serves?
  I don't think you are contributing anything to this discussion.

 He's not.  Would you please killfile him so that we can get on with life? :)

Oh c'mon, I try all my best.

This would not be a presentation about the GPL by me if emphasis was
not placed on what you see before you now. This license is

Not a Contract.

You are not required to accept this License in order to receive a copy
of the Program.

We have not argued now, nor will we, nor can anyone argue, who reads
the text of the language, that the receipt of the code is some
quid-pro-quo for the acceptance of some terms. If you are existing in
a legal system in which that wasn't what made it a contract, then
...go with God, but arguments based on the contractual exchange of the
code for promises of compliance have nothing to do with us. We give
permissions here and the enforcement weight of our license lies in the
fact that you have no permission to propagate, that is, you have no
permission to do what copyright law requires permission to do, but
through this license. That's our legal theory and we are sticking to

Oh just love it. Moglen comedian. Brilliant one.


Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-16 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 2/16/06, Alexander Terekhov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2/15/06, Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 10:26:10AM -0600, John Goerzen wrote:
   On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 04:47:32PM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
On 2/14/06, John Goerzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 04:01:05PM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
  But we all know that the GPL is a license-not-a-contract, and so UCC
  and related case law simply doesn't apply.
 Do we?  I thought that a license was a contract.
Everyone who is neither blind nor an idiot knows for certain that the
GPL is a *LICENSE NOT A CONTRACT* -- Richard Stallman and Eben Moglen
have clarified that fact at least a hundred times.
   What purpose do you feel calling a person blind or an idiot serves?
   I don't think you are contributing anything to this discussion.
  He's not.  Would you please killfile him so that we can get on with life? :)

 Oh c'mon, I try all my best.

 This would not be a presentation about the GPL by me if emphasis was
 not placed on what you see before you now. This license is

 Not a Contract.

 You are not required to accept this License in order to receive a copy
 of the Program.

 We have not argued now, nor will we, nor can anyone argue, who reads
 the text of the language, that the receipt of the code is some
 quid-pro-quo for the acceptance of some terms. If you are existing in
 a legal system in which that wasn't what made it a contract, then
 ...go with God, but arguments based on the contractual exchange of the
 code for promises of compliance have nothing to do with us. We give
 permissions here and the enforcement weight of our license lies in the
 fact that you have no permission to propagate, that is, you have no
 permission to do what copyright law requires permission to do, but
 through this license. That's our legal theory and we are sticking to
On another forum, I've posted a link to

as an example of Moglen's talent in bullshit rap:

Current research proceeds by facilitating
high-energy collisions between widely-dispersed
non-homogeneous randomly-motivated incremental
acts of individual creativity and large masses
of ill-gotten wealth.

I've also asked if anyone ever saw a computer program written by Eben

I am a historian and a computer programmer,

(nodody replied thus far).

Finally, I suggested that someone must tell Eben that he got a broken
link to Manifesto of the Communist Party.

See Moglen, The DotCommunist Manifesto[link] (2003). See and hear
Moglen, The DotCommunist Manifesto: How Culture Became Property and
What We're Going to Do About It[link] (University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, November 8, 2001). See also Crane Brinton, The Anatomy
of Revolution (New York, Prentice-Hall: 1952) (mult. repr.) (unfree);
Barrington Moore, Jr., Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy;
Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World (Boston, Beacon
Press: 1966) (mult. repr.) (unfree); Karl Marx  Friedrich Engels,
Manifesto of the Communist Party[BROKEN link], (English ed. London,
1888) (Engels ed.) (mult. repr.) (mult. trans.).

daydone commented:

Now Alex let's not rag on Eben's qualities. It is well known that
Eben has impeccable credentials and legal judgement. His wisdom is
spread far and wide. Ever free software advocate in the United
States accepts what Eben says as gospel truth:

Licenses are not contracts: the work's user is obliged to remain
within the bounds of the license not because she voluntarily
promised, but because she doesn't have any right to act at all
except as the license permits.

Even Groklaw's PJ knows this to be a fact:

The GPL is a License, Not a Contract, Which is Why the Sky Isn't

Only a small, irrelevent segment of the U.S. population doesn't
know this. . . the entire federal judiciary and the professional
lawyers hired to defend the F.S.F.

Perhaps with Eben's charm they'll come to see things his way. . .
I guess one can always hope.


Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-16 Thread Alexander Terekhov
I respectfully suggest to Debian and Software in the Public Interest,
Inc. to consider sponsoring a new glasses (let's not dilute $4 million
grant from OSDL) to crazy Eben, and let him take a brief look at ...

Because the deterrent effect of denying the right to have and use and
distribute free software is not enough in and of itself to break most
patent aggression schemes. Where we have satisfied ourself that narrow
targeted patent retaliation may have true deterrent affect, we have
however incorporated it into the license as part of a general attempt to
do everything we can about the patent problem. Here we believe that one
narrow form of retaliation may actually have meaningful effect, so this
license gives unlimited permission to privately modify and run the
program provided that you do not bring suit for patent infringement
against anyone for making, using, or distributing, their works based on
the program. And as Richard has already told you, we believe the
operative effect of this clause would be to deny continued opportunity
to maintain privately modified versions on the part of any party who
seeks to use its patent claims to prevent similar or equivalent
modifications from being made by others. In this very narrow field we
think retaliation may actually deter aggression and we wish therefore to
include it.

Please note also the way in which the next paragraph makes use of our
copyright-culture-free notation scheme.

Propagation of covered works is permitted without limitation provided
it does not enable parties other than you to make or receive copies.
Propagation which does enable them to do so is permitted, as
'distribution', under the conditions of sections 4-6 below.

So let us, just for a moment, attend to the question of non-US statutory
copyright schemes under the new license.

... Sections 109 and 117 in the US statutory copyright scheme.


Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-14 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 1/17/06, Alexander Terekhov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 1/17/06, Don Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Eben had a really humorous explanation, which I will attempt to
  paraphrase from my (impressively imperfect) memory:
 No lawyer knows exactly why we have been shouting at eachother for
 the past 50(?) years; but since everyone is shouting, everyone
 thought there must be some reason. I've decided to take take the
 initiative and return to mixed case, ending the endless shouting


United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit:

Uniform Commercial Code §  2-316(2), which requires that any
exclusion or modification of the implied warranty of merchantability
be conspicuous, and that any exclusion or modification of the implied
warranty of fitness for a particular purpose be made in a conspicuous
writing. A contract's warranty disclaimer satisfies the conspicuous
requirement when it is printed in all capital letters, when it appears
in a larger type than the terms around it, or when it is in a larger
and boldface type. Likewise, a disclaimer in boldface type, printed in
all capitals on the face of the warranty above the buyer's signature
meets the definition of conspicuousness. A disclaimer is not [*25] 
conspicuous, however, when it is printed in small print on the back of
the document, when it is the same size and typeface as the terms
around it, or when it is not in boldface or capital lettering.

But we all know that the GPL is a license-not-a-contract, and so UCC
and related case law simply doesn't apply.


 LWN: So, if the kernel is covered solely by the GPL, you would see
  proprietary modules as an infringement?
  Eben: Yes. I think we would all accept that. I think that the
  degree of interpenetration between kernel modules and the remainder
  of the kernel is very great, I think it's clear that a kernel with
  some modules loaded is a a work and because any module that is
  dynamically loaded could be statically linked into the kernel, and
  because I'm sure that the mere method of linkage is not what
  determines what violates the GPL, I think it would be very clear
  analytically that non-GPL loadable kernel modules would violate the
  license if it's pure GPL.

 Analytically, the above would be true only if the first Nth
 hyperbolic cosines of the address registers are congruent (in a
 Hilbert Space) to the metric tenor of the hard drive space when
 mapped one to one onto (or is it into?) a finite but unbounded
 timelike manifold.

 Eben's got more bullshit rap than Snoop Dogg. 

  -- day5done.

Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-14 Thread John Goerzen
On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 04:01:05PM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
 But we all know that the GPL is a license-not-a-contract, and so UCC
 and related case law simply doesn't apply.

Do we?  I thought that a license was a contract.

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Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-14 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 2/14/06, John Goerzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 04:01:05PM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
  But we all know that the GPL is a license-not-a-contract, and so UCC
  and related case law simply doesn't apply.

 Do we?  I thought that a license was a contract.

Everyone who is neither blind nor an idiot knows for certain that the
GPL is a *LICENSE NOT A CONTRACT* -- Richard Stallman and Eben Moglen
have clarified that fact at least a hundred times.


 [... ICE MILLER lawyers in Wallace v FSF: the contract controls ...]

 If Moglen doesn't fire them he has some serious explaining to do to
 thousands of people on why he misled programmers and companies on the
 legal nature of the GPL -- he is, after all, a Professor of Law and
 lead counsel for the FSF.

 This right to exclude implies an equally large power to license--that
 is, to grant permission to do what would otherwise be forbidden.
 Licenses are not contracts: the work's user is obliged to remain
 within the bounds of the license not because she voluntarily promised,
 but because she doesn't have any right to act at all except as the
 license permits. 

 -- day5done

Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-14 Thread John Goerzen
On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 04:47:32PM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
 On 2/14/06, John Goerzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 04:01:05PM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
   But we all know that the GPL is a license-not-a-contract, and so UCC
   and related case law simply doesn't apply.
  Do we?  I thought that a license was a contract.
 Everyone who is neither blind nor an idiot knows for certain that the
 GPL is a *LICENSE NOT A CONTRACT* -- Richard Stallman and Eben Moglen
 have clarified that fact at least a hundred times.

What purpose do you feel calling a person blind or an idiot serves?
I don't think you are contributing anything to this discussion.

In fact, if you were to pull up as I have now
done, you would see:

  The GPL was designed as a license, rather than a contract. In some
  Common Law jurisdictions, the legal distinction between a license and
  a contract is an important one: contracts are enforceable by contract
  law, whereas the GPL, as a license, is enforced under the terms of
  copyright law. However, this distinction is not useful in the many
  jurisdictions where there are no differences between contracts and
  licences, such as Civil Law systems.

Further reading will show that most of Europe, Japan, and Louisiana have
Civil Law systems.

  This right to exclude implies an equally large power to license--that
  is, to grant permission to do what would otherwise be forbidden.
  Licenses are not contracts: the work's user is obliged to remain
  within the bounds of the license not because she voluntarily promised,
  but because she doesn't have any right to act at all except as the
  license permits.

That statement, if true, would appear to be valid only in 49 of the
United States and parts of Europe, apparently.

-- John

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Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-14 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 2/14/06, John Goerzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What purpose do you feel calling a person blind or an idiot serves?
 I don't think you are contributing anything to this discussion.

How about this:
(I am an Adjunct Professor at Duquesne University School of Law
teaching upper-level intellectual property law...)

I mean read it now (and try not to die... very high degree of ROFL).

And it's not a hoax.

Practicing Law Without a License, (a rebuttal of a non-lawyer's
attack on software open source General Public License validity
issues), LinuxWorld, February 6, 2004.

Done with it? Now turn to

When Linux is distributed under the GPL, the distributor (if it has
contributed to the code base) is the licensor and is sublicensing code
from other authors under the authority of the GPL to the user-licensee.
The result is that a large number of contributors to the Linux kernel
code are licensors (as well as licensees) under the GPL and have the
ability to enforce their contractual rights under the GPL just as any
other licensor would.

Contractual rights? User-licensee?


9.[5] Not a Contract. (Rationale: Section 9 revises the
corresponding section in GPLv2 in various ways to make the provision

You are not required to accept this License in order to receive a
copy of the Program.


It's just mind boggling how many different legal faces the GPL
possesses in Prof. Celia's mind. Ranging from
unilateral-permission-not-a-contract to just-like-normal-eula. Prof.
Celia must be truly excited by such legal chameleon.

   This right to exclude implies an equally large power to license--that
   is, to grant permission to do what would otherwise be forbidden.
   Licenses are not contracts: the work's user is obliged to remain
   within the bounds of the license not because she voluntarily promised,
   but because she doesn't have any right to act at all except as the
   license permits.

 That statement, if true, would appear to be valid only in 49 of the
 United States

United Sates?

Lee Hollaar the author of (I mean his
treatise, not the Foreword written by the Chief Judge and the Chief
Intellectual Property Counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee)
commented on that statement. Here's what Lee Hollaar who worked with
the Chief Judge and the Chief Intellectual Property Counsel to the
Senate Judiciary Committee on Internet, copyright, and patent issues
as a Committee Fellow said regarding truthfulness of that statement:

Licenses are not contracts: the work's user is obliged to remain
within the bounds of the license not because she voluntarily promised,
but because she doesn't have any right to act at all except as the
license permits. [quoting Eben Moglen]

That might be true IF she doesn't have any right to act at all except
as the license permits.  But as I have pointed out here and in my
comments to the FSF regarding the new GPLv3, that is not the case.
United States copyright law provides a number of exceptions to the
exclusive rights of the copyright owner, including first sale as
covered in 17 U.S.C. 109 and the right in 17 U.S.C. 117 of the owner
of a copy of a computer to reproduce or adapt it if necessary to use

The convenient redefinition of things in the GPL reminds me of a
quote from Abraham Lincoln:
 How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?
 Four.  Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.


Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-14 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 10:26:10AM -0600, John Goerzen wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 04:47:32PM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
  On 2/14/06, John Goerzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 04:01:05PM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
But we all know that the GPL is a license-not-a-contract, and so UCC
and related case law simply doesn't apply.

   Do we?  I thought that a license was a contract.

  Everyone who is neither blind nor an idiot knows for certain that the
  GPL is a *LICENSE NOT A CONTRACT* -- Richard Stallman and Eben Moglen
  have clarified that fact at least a hundred times.

 What purpose do you feel calling a person blind or an idiot serves?
 I don't think you are contributing anything to this discussion.

He's not.  Would you please killfile him so that we can get on with life? :)

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-11 Thread Florian Weimer
* Nathanael Nerode:

 I think this is overly broad.  What about the following?
 You must not add any functionality to programs licensed under this
 License which may not be removed, by you or any third party, according
 to applicable law.  Such functionality includes, but is not limited
 to, technological measures which effectively control access to any
 work, provided that removal of the measure would be prohibited by
 applicable law.

 Good idea.  We need to do some more wording work, of course

I don't think such an approach would be popular with the FSF, though.
If you propagate the view that features you cannot remove from the
software are harmful (which is, as far as I can see, a pretty
reasonable general position), it's a bit hard to explain why you are
in favor of AGPL-like provisions that introduce such non-removable

 I still see problems.  :-/  This could be interpreted to prohibit adding
 access control features, rather than to require that they be removable.

The restriction would only apply to licensees (not those who control
execution of the software, without receiving a copy of it), and I
think it is our intent that access control features which cannot be
circumvented by licensees are prohibited.

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Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-02-01 Thread Nathanael Nerode
Florian Weimer wrote:
 * Nathanael Nerode:
Hrrm.  We need a different clause then.

No program licensed under this License, which accesses a work, shall require 
the authority of the copyright owner for that work, in order to gain access 
to that work.  Accordingly, no program licensed under this License is a 
technological measure which effectively controls access to any work.
 I think this is overly broad.  What about the following?
 You must not add any functionality to programs licensed under this
 License which may not be removed, by you or any third party, according
 to applicable law.  Such functionality includes, but is not limited
 to, technological measures which effectively control access to any
 work, provided that removal of the measure would be prohibited by
 applicable law.

Good idea.  We need to do some more wording work, of course

 (It would make sense to include language which requires the
 possibility of legal redistribution without the features, but I'm too
 tired to rephrase it again.)

I still see problems.  :-/  This could be interpreted to prohibit adding
access control features, rather than to require that they be removable.

 The rationale is that we don't care if a piece of code enforces a
 restriction if we can legally patch it away.  This is the difference
 between mandatory DRM and an ACL check in a file system.

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Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-28 Thread Florian Weimer
* Nathanael Nerode:

 Hrrm.  We need a different clause then.

 No program licensed under this License, which accesses a work, shall require 
 the authority of the copyright owner for that work, in order to gain access 
 to that work.  Accordingly, no program licensed under this License is a 
 technological measure which effectively controls access to any work.

I think this is overly broad.  What about the following?

You must not add any functionality to programs licensed under this
License which may not be removed, by you or any third party, according
to applicable law.  Such functionality includes, but is not limited
to, technological measures which effectively control access to any
work, provided that removal of the measure would be prohibited by
applicable law.

(It would make sense to include language which requires the
possibility of legal redistribution without the features, but I'm too
tired to rephrase it again.)

The rationale is that we don't care if a piece of code enforces a
restriction if we can legally patch it away.  This is the difference
between mandatory DRM and an ACL check in a file system.

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Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-25 Thread Josh Triplett
Walter Landry wrote:
 Nathanael Nerode [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Walter Landry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
That is the basic problem with these anti-DRM clauses: differentiating
between DRM and legitimate privacy controls is basically impossible.

I think it is possible.  It requires a sharp focus on the *legal*
issues, since the technology is not different, but the legal basis
is.  A legitimate privacy control may control access to many things
-- but it does *not* exert control over works you have published
(since they're, well, *public*.)
 A legitimate privacy device may function very much like DRM.  Consider
 classified environments, where you really don't want people to copy
 things around willy-nilly.  Making it hard to copy information won't
 eliminate leaks, but it will reduce them.  I don't see why making a
 system to handle classified documents should be disallowed by the GPL.

Again, the goal of this clause isn't to prohibit the creation of such
systems.  The goal is merely to curtail the application of laws such as
the DMCA which would give such systems the force of law.

I believe the best solution to this confusion would be to frame the
clause with something like For the purposes of [laws like the DMCA,
stated in some generic manner]

This does raise another interesting point: there are laws in some
jurisdictions which mandate the use of certain measures to protect
privacy in certain situations, such as patient medical records.  It
would be problematic if this clause was taken as a legal definition in
those cases as well, preventing the use of GPLed software for that
purpose.  Thus, the above indication of scope might actually be
necessary, with a sufficiently narrow description of DMCA-like laws.

- Josh Triplett

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-25 Thread Francesco Poli
On Wed, 25 Jan 2006 08:44:21 -0800 Josh Triplett wrote:

 This does raise another interesting point: there are laws in some
 jurisdictions which mandate the use of certain measures to protect
 privacy in certain situations, such as patient medical records.  It
 would be problematic if this clause was taken as a legal definition in
 those cases as well, preventing the use of GPLed software for that

Indeed, this clause could really backfire...

 Thus, the above indication of scope might actually be
 necessary, with a sufficiently narrow description of DMCA-like laws.

I don't know if it's at all possible to say something like:

 for the purposes of law $NASTY_LAW this is not a $THING,
  but for the purposes of $PRETTY_GOOD_LAW this can indeed be a $THING

Well, maybe you can say it, but it won't necessarily hold...

This clause looks more and more problematic, each time we review it. 
Wouldn't it better to not have it at all?

:-(   This Universe is buggy! Where's the Creator's BTS?   ;-)
  Francesco Poli GnuPG Key ID = DD6DFCF4
 Key fingerprint = C979 F34B 27CE 5CD8 DC12  31B5 78F4 279B DD6D FCF4

Description: PGP signature

Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-23 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 1/23/06, Walter Landry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A legitimate privacy device may function very much like DRM.  Consider
 classified environments, where you really don't want people to copy
 things around willy-nilly.  Making it hard to copy information won't
 eliminate leaks, but it will reduce them.  I don't see why making a
 system to handle classified documents should be disallowed by the GPL.

Because I don't believe that it's really desirable to have security on
a computer, I shouldn't be willing to help uphold the security regime.

I like also this:

So the result is that we had a smoothly functioning anarchy, and after
my experience there, I'm convinced that that is the best way for people
to live.

Unfortunately the AI lab in that form was destroyed.



Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-22 Thread Walter Landry
Nathanael Nerode [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Walter Landry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nathanael Nerode [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hrrm.  We need a different clause then.
  No program licensed under this License, which accesses a work,
  shall require the authority of the copyright owner for that work, in
  order to gain access to that work.
 This is too broad.  If I have a machine on the internet which is
 secured using GPL'd programs, I certainly do not give anyone and
 everyone the legal authority to see what is on the machine.
 That's using your authority as the *machine owner*, though.  Not your
 authority as a *copyright holder*.  That's precisely the distinction I'm
 trying to make here, though I clearly haven't succeeded.

In that case, a better example would be if I put up an file encrypted
with your public key on a webserver.  I am not giving anyone but you
the authority to access the contents.

 That is the basic problem with these anti-DRM clauses: differentiating
 between DRM and legitimate privacy controls is basically impossible.
 I think it is possible.  It requires a sharp focus on the *legal*
 issues, since the technology is not different, but the legal basis
 is.  A legitimate privacy control may control access to many things
 -- but it does *not* exert control over works you have published
 (since they're, well, *public*.)

A legitimate privacy device may function very much like DRM.  Consider
classified environments, where you really don't want people to copy
things around willy-nilly.  Making it hard to copy information won't
eliminate leaks, but it will reduce them.  I don't see why making a
system to handle classified documents should be disallowed by the GPL.


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Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-21 Thread Francesco Poli
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 09:07:42 -0800 Don Armstrong wrote:

 Here is version 3; it's also available on as well.

OK, I'm going to comment here first, so that I can get some feedback
from other debian-legal regulars.
Feel free to comment on my concerns.

 0. Definitions.
 A licensed program means any program or other work distributed under
 this License. The Program refers to any such program or work,

Is it supposed to be licensed program or licensed Program?

Since the GPL is designed to be applicable to any work of authorship
(not only computer programs), I would prefer seeing a more neutral term
than Program.
Since licensed program is defined as any program or other work
distributed under this License, why don't they use a term such as
licensed Work?
Calling it Program is misleading and actually confuses many many
people into thinking the GPL can only be applied to computer programs.

 and a
 work based on the Program means either the Program or any derivative
 work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the
 Program or a portion of it, either modified or unmodified.

This defines a work based on the Program as either the Program or any
derivative work under copyright law and then tries to restate this
definition by expanding what derivative work is supposed to mean under
copyright law.

This is troublesome, since in the opinion of some people with legal
expertise, the restatement is flawed and fails to actually mean the same
as the real definition.
For instance, the restatement seems to catch collective works containing
the Program; on the other hand those works are neither the Program, nor
derivative works of the Program under copyright law...

Moreover, what is actually a derivative work under copyright law is
subject to change in time (laws can be updated) and could even be
jurisdiction-dependent in some corner cases (despite the Berne
Linking the definition of work based on the Program to definitions
found in copyright law can be a good thing to keep, but then the license
text should avoid hard-coding a particular meaning that the referred-to
legal concepts are supposed to have...

 this License, the term modification includes, without limitation,
 translation and extension.

The rationale ( explains that extension
is intended to refer to activities such as adding text to a work.
But, unfortunately, extension seems to be too vague a term: for
instance, one can say that a script that preprocesses input data for a
given program extends that program.
I would not classify this as modification  though (as the program is
actually unchanged) and I don't think I need a license from the program
copyright holders to write and distribute such a script.

This could fail DFSG#9.

 A covered work means either the Program
 or any work based on the Program.

Thus (after substituting the definition of work based on the Program)
a covered work means:

 { the Program }
   { the Program }
   { any derivative work under copyright law }

Now I'm puzzled.
Isn't this the same as a work based on the Program?
In other words: are they calling the same thing with two distinct names?

 Each licensee is addressed as you.
 To propagate a work means doing anything with it that requires
 permission under applicable copyright law, other than executing it on
 a computer or making private modifications. This includes copying,
 distribution (with or without modification), sublicensing, and in some
 countries other activities as well.

If I understand correctly, broadcast or public performance are included
in the term propagation. This may be useful, let's see how it is

 1. Source Code.
 The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work
 for making modifications to it. Object code means any non-source
 version of a work.

This seems to be OK.

 The Complete Corresponding Source Code for a work in object code
 form means all the source code needed to understand, adapt, modify,
 compile, link, install, and run the work, excluding general-purpose
 tools used in performing those activities but which are not part of
 the work. For example, this includes any scripts used to control those
 activities, and any shared libraries and dynamically linked
 subprograms that the work is designed to require, such as by intimate
 data communication or control flow between those subprograms and other
 parts of the work, and interface definition files associated with the
 program source files.
 Complete Corresponding Source Code also includes any encryption or
 authorization codes necessary to install and/or execute the source
 code of the work, perhaps modified by you, in the recommended or
 principal context of use, such that its functioning in all
 circumstances is 

Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-20 Thread Nathanael Nerode
Walter Landry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Nathanael Nerode [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hrrm.  We need a different clause then.
 No program licensed under this License, which accesses a work,
 shall require the authority of the copyright owner for that work, in
 order to gain access to that work.

This is too broad.  If I have a machine on the internet which is
secured using GPL'd programs, I certainly do not give anyone and
everyone the legal authority to see what is on the machine.

That's using your authority as the *machine owner*, though.  Not your
authority as a *copyright holder*.  That's precisely the distinction I'm
trying to make here, though I clearly haven't succeeded.

That is the basic problem with these anti-DRM clauses: differentiating
between DRM and legitimate privacy controls is basically impossible.

I think it is possible.  It requires a sharp focus on the *legal* issues,
since the technology is not different, but the legal basis is.  A legitimate
privacy control may control access to many things -- but it does *not* exert
control over works you have published (since they're, well, *public*.)

Nathanael Nerode  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-20 Thread Nathanael Nerode
I wrote:
 Accordingly, no program licensed under this License is a
 technological measure which effectively controls access to any

Walter Landry wrote:
Again, writing this sentence into the license doesn't make it true.

Well, no, but I think it is in fact true.

It is decided by external factors, such as whether the people
implementing the scheme know how to do decent crypto.

No; if I wrote this correctly, it is true.  According to the legal definitions
which I was using, it effectively controls access if it requires the
application of information (etc.) with *copyright holder authority* in order
to access.  This is impossible because there is no mechanistic way to test
whether the information is being provided with copyright holder authority or
without it.  No program can actually require copyright holder authority;
it's unimplementable.

Nathanael Nerode  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's just a goddamned piece of paper.
-- President Bush, referring to the US Constitution

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Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-20 Thread Walter Landry
Andrew Donnellan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 1/20/06, Glenn Maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There seems to be some rift between the law and reality, though.  If the
  law is taken literally, it's a no-op: it forbids writing software that
  can't be written (if you write software for an effective protection
  scheme, then, well, it's not effective).  If the law is being enforced
  anyway (which it is, of course), then it's being interpreted to mean
  something a little different--where effective means something other
  than what it does in English.  In that case, anti-DRM clauses, and
  evaluations of their potential effectiveness, need to be done while
  under the influence of the courts' private version of the language.

I think that effective does not mean perfect.  Having a police
force is an effective way of combatting crime, but it is far from

 What about a clause which says 'designed to be' rather than
 'effective'? Because GnuPG is an effective TPM, but it is designed as
 a personal privacy program rather than a copyright enforcement

This sounds like the disclaimers you sometimes see stating that a
particular piece of software is not designed for safety critical
systems.  If it is just a disclaimer, then there is no freeness
problem.  But then I don't really see the point.  If it is meant to
prohibit certain types of modifications of the software, then we run
squarely into DFSG #3 and/or #6.


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Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-20 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Fri, Jan 20, 2006 at 09:49:09AM -0800, Walter Landry wrote:
 I think that effective does not mean perfect.  Having a police
 force is an effective way of combatting crime, but it is far from

A security mechanism which has been defeated by a piece of software
is not imperfect.  If I post my root password to this list, it is
not an imperfect but still effective security mechanism; it is
useless and defeated.

(It seems to me that the real goal of this law is so that once a
security mechanism is defeated, and is no longer effective, the
real security mechanism becomes the law itself: by pretending
that the obsolete mechanism is still effective, the deterrent
becomes the threat of prosecution, instead of actual security.)

Glenn Maynard

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Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-20 Thread Jeremy Hankins
Glenn Maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 A security mechanism which has been defeated by a piece of software is
 not imperfect.  If I post my root password to this list, it is not
 an imperfect but still effective security mechanism; it is useless
 and defeated.

But, as you note below, that's not the case.

 (It seems to me that the real goal of this law is so that once a
 security mechanism is defeated, and is no longer effective, the real
 security mechanism becomes the law itself: by pretending that the
 obsolete mechanism is still effective, the deterrent becomes the
 threat of prosecution, instead of actual security.)

Precisely.  IIRC, effective security mechanism was defined in terms of
controlling access in the normal course of operation -- which the
copyright holder is going to have a great deal of flexibility to define.

If you want to be charitable, you might say that effective here is
being used in the sense of effectively, it's a security mechanism.
But whether you want to be charitable or not, it's clearly not being
used in a way that requires the mechanism to be robust.

Jeremy Hankins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP fingerprint: 748F 4D16 538E 75D6 8333  9E10 D212 B5ED 37D0 0A03

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Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-20 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Fri, Jan 20, 2006 at 10:30:29PM -0500, Jeremy Hankins wrote:
 If you want to be charitable, you might say that effective here is
 being used in the sense of effectively, it's a security mechanism.
 But whether you want to be charitable or not, it's clearly not being
 used in a way that requires the mechanism to be robust.

I thought about effectively, but that just means in reality.  If I
post my password to the internet, it is no longer, in reality, a security

In any case, it's not my interpretation, or a rational interpretation, that
counts, it's the court's--which was my original point.  Evaluations of anti-
DRM clauses need to bear in mind the reality of the laws, not just the
literal word.  Walter says, I think, that merely stating GPG isn't an
effective encryption software doesn't make it true.  That's so--but if it's
not actually the effectiveness of the security mechanism that the law cares
about, but something else (such as stated intent), then the apparent simple
untruth of the statement may not indicate that it won't be effective (and
taken in context of the interpretation of the law, may not be untrue).

If the authors of the statement have done some research into this (which I
would hope), it might be interesting to hear their rationale in more detail,
even if it's we don't know if this will work, we're just throwing darts at
the courts (which is fine with me, as long as the clause seems harmless).

Glenn Maynard

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Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-19 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 1/19/06, Glenn Maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 compatible with itself

The GPL is incompatible with itself.


A recent press conference of the Free Software Foundation confirmed
the rumors that the GNU General Public License was found to be
incompatible with itself. This newly discovered fact may actually
cause a lot of disorder in the free software world in which most
programs and libraries are licensed under this license.

Richard Stallman, chairman of the FSF, called upon developers to
immediately exempt GPL-licensed software from the GPL, as far as
linking them with GPL programs is concerned. We have already made
sure all GNU software and every other software that is licensed to
the Free Software Foundation would be ad-hoc compatible with itself.
However we need other developers to do the same for their software,
Stallman said.

Eben Moglen, the FSF's attorney outlined the subsequent steps that
his organization will take to overcome this crisis. The first step
would be releasing a Modified General Public License (or MGPL for
short) that will be compatible with the GPL and with itself as well
as with all other licenses that the GPL is already compatible with.
It will be labeled the GPL version 2.1, thus allowing developers to
convert their software to it. He noted that care would be taken to
make sure the upcoming GPL version 3.0 will be compatible with
itself, as well as the MGPL.

For the time being, though, there is an explosion of commentary,
confusion and otherwise bad temper about the newly formed situation.
Eric S. Raymond, the famous Open Source Guru notes: This is one of
the greatest blows to the Open Source world, I have yet encountered.
I have already exempted all of my own software from the GPL in this
regard, but there is a lot of other software out there, and many of
its authors are not very communicative.

Bill Gates, Microsoft's co-founder, on the other hand, seems to
find the situation very amusing: I said times and again, that
viral licenses such as the GPL are a bad idea, and many open-source
advocates disagreed. Now they see that even making sure one's
license is compatible with itself, is hard to do when you open that
can of worms.

The integrity of many software projects whose license is the GPL and
yet contain works licensed by several developers is in jeopardy. The
Linux kernel is a prominent example of such a case. In a post to its
mailing list, Linus Torvalds commented that, in their case, it was
not an issue. My interpretation of the GPL is already quite unusual,
so I'll simply rule that I also interpret the GPL as compatible with



***) Posted by Shlomi Fish on Monday April 01

Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-19 Thread Yorick Cool
What is it you need to get rid of trolls? Fire?

On Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 02:33:41PM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
Alexander On 1/19/06, Glenn Maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Alexander [...]
Alexander  compatible with itself
Alexander The GPL is incompatible with itself.
Alexander quote***
Alexander A recent press conference of the Free Software Foundation confirmed
Alexander the rumors that the GNU General Public License was found to be
Alexander incompatible with itself. This newly discovered fact may actually
Alexander cause a lot of disorder in the free software world in which most
Alexander programs and libraries are licensed under this license.
Alexander Richard Stallman, chairman of the FSF, called upon developers to
Alexander immediately exempt GPL-licensed software from the GPL, as far as
Alexander linking them with GPL programs is concerned. We have already made
Alexander sure all GNU software and every other software that is licensed to
Alexander the Free Software Foundation would be ad-hoc compatible with itself.
Alexander However we need other developers to do the same for their software,
Alexander Stallman said.
Alexander Eben Moglen, the FSF's attorney outlined the subsequent steps that
Alexander his organization will take to overcome this crisis. The first step
Alexander would be releasing a Modified General Public License (or MGPL for
Alexander short) that will be compatible with the GPL and with itself as well
Alexander as with all other licenses that the GPL is already compatible with.
Alexander It will be labeled the GPL version 2.1, thus allowing developers to
Alexander convert their software to it. He noted that care would be taken to
Alexander make sure the upcoming GPL version 3.0 will be compatible with
Alexander itself, as well as the MGPL.
Alexander For the time being, though, there is an explosion of commentary,
Alexander confusion and otherwise bad temper about the newly formed situation.
Alexander Eric S. Raymond, the famous Open Source Guru notes: This is one of
Alexander the greatest blows to the Open Source world, I have yet encountered.
Alexander I have already exempted all of my own software from the GPL in this
Alexander regard, but there is a lot of other software out there, and many of
Alexander its authors are not very communicative.
Alexander Bill Gates, Microsoft's co-founder, on the other hand, seems to
Alexander find the situation very amusing: I said times and again, that
Alexander viral licenses such as the GPL are a bad idea, and many open-source
Alexander advocates disagreed. Now they see that even making sure one's
Alexander license is compatible with itself, is hard to do when you open that
Alexander can of worms.
Alexander The integrity of many software projects whose license is the GPL and
Alexander yet contain works licensed by several developers is in jeopardy. The
Alexander Linux kernel is a prominent example of such a case. In a post to its
Alexander mailing list, Linus Torvalds commented that, in their case, it was
Alexander not an issue. My interpretation of the GPL is already quite unusual,
Alexander so I'll simply rule that I also interpret the GPL as compatible with
Alexander itself.
Alexander /quote
Alexander regards,
Alexander alexander.
Alexander ***) Posted by Shlomi Fish on Monday April 01


Description: Digital signature

Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-19 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 1/19/06, Yorick Cool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is it you need to get rid of trolls? Fire?

A troll hunter.


Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-19 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 1/19/06, Alexander Terekhov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 1/19/06, Glenn Maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  compatible with itself

 The GPL is incompatible with itself. [ ... Shlomi Fish on Monday April 01 ...]

Beside that,


Even small changes from version 2 of the GPL will result in an incompatible
license. Two slightly different licenses, each saying that modified versions of
a program must be distributed under the same license, are inevitably
incompatible. That's why we suggest that programs permit use of future
versions of the GPL. It is the only way they can migrate.


Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-19 Thread MJ Ray
 What is it you need to get rid of trolls? Fire?

A clue-by-four, the same as used for top-post/whole-quoters.

(ObSerious: please stop feeding the troll, please follow
the code of conduct and no top-posting. That means you.)

My Opinion Only: see
Please follow

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Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-19 Thread Alexander Terekhov
Hands Off Yorick!

On 1/19/06, MJ Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What is it you need to get rid of trolls? Fire?

 A clue-by-four, the same as used for top-post/whole-quoters.

 (ObSerious: please stop feeding the troll, please follow
 the code of conduct and no top-posting. That means you.)

 My Opinion Only: see
 Please follow

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Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-19 Thread Walter Landry
Nathanael Nerode [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Anthony Towns wrote:
   On Mon, Jan 16, 2006 at 02:15:09PM -0500, Glenn Maynard wrote:
 No covered work constitutes part of an effective technological 
 measure: that is to say, distribution of a covered work as part of a 
 to generate or access certain data constitutes general permission at 
 for development, distribution and use, under this License, of other
 software capable of accessing the same data.
It sounds like this means if your GPL application accesses data, you 
a GPL license to every other application that accesses the data.
   Not quite -- it says you give general permission for other applications
   to be distributed under the GPL. Which means that when someone does
   reverse engineer your stuff, and puts it in a GPLed app, you can't then
   say You don't have permission to do that because you're violationg my
   patents|the DMCA -- because you've already given them the permission
   you claim they don't have.
  I am not disagreeing with you here, but my main issue with this
  paragraph in the license is that it can just not be true.  GPG is an
  effective way of encrypting communications, and having the license say
  otherwise does not change that.
 OK, there's a subtle issue here which could be cleared up with a
 small change in the license.
 Effective technological protection measure is supposed to mean
 Effective technological protection measure for preventing copying
 or distribution.  This is what it means in the DMCA, which is what
 the clause is referring to.  GPG is not in fact an effective way of
 doing that, since an encrypted copy is still a copy (and can be
 decrypted given some computing power).

That is not how the court ruled in MPAA v. 2600.  2600 was not
circumventing copy protection, they were circumventing the encryption.
If the DVD CCA had disallowed software implementations and used any of
the algorithms implemented in GPG, they would have had a much more
effective technological protection measure.


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Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-19 Thread Nathanael Nerode
Arnoud Engelfriet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think the DMCA actually speaks about access to the work
 (17 U.S.C. 1201):
(2) No person shall manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide,
or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device,
component, or part thereof, that--
(A) is primarily designed or produced for the purpose of circumventing
a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work
protected under this title;
 And access is defined such that I don't think it covers
 copying of the protected work:
(3) As used in this subsection--
(A) to circumvent a technological measure means to descramble a
scrambled work, to decrypt an encrypted work, or otherwise to
avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, or impair a technological
measure, without the authority of the copyright owner;  and
(B) a technological measure effectively controls access to a
work if the measure, in the ordinary course of its operation,
requires the application of information, or a process or a
treatment, with the authority of the copyright owner, to gain
access to the work.

Hrrm.  We need a different clause then.

No program licensed under this License, which accesses a work, shall require 
the authority of the copyright owner for that work, in order to gain access 
to that work.  Accordingly, no program licensed under this License is a 
technological measure which effectively controls access to any work.

Think that will do it?  The point here is that the authority of the copyright 
owner cannot be enforced technologically, only legally.  So this doesn't 
actually impose any restrictions on the content of the program, and it's 
true.  (The program can still require the application of information, or a 
process or a treatment, but can't require the authority of the copyright 

(Incidentally, the DMCA text makes me think of South Park: respect my 

We need to see the clauses from countries with similar DMCA-like laws to 
successfully eviscerate them as well.

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Re: Clause 7d (was Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-19 Thread Gervase Markham
Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 So here it is:
 7d. They may require that propagation of a covered work which causes it to 
 have users other than You, must enable all users of the work to make and 
 receive copies of the work.

I like this, together with Arnoud's suggestions. But Walter is right;
the devil is in the detail of defining user. In order for the clause
to maintain the market in addon clauses which the FSF has talked
about, you have to leave it up to the specific clause to define where
the line is. And then debian-legal will have the lovely job of judging
27 different variants and deciding which ones are free.

There's also a comment discussing potential revisions of this clause on
their wiki-like thing. It has my suggestion in, which is along the same
lines, but I like yours better.

I think it's inevitable that, whatever this clause ends up like, it'll
be possible to write a non-free additional term with it. But we can at
least get it phrased in a way which makes it possible to, and encourages
people to write free terms.


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Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-19 Thread Arnoud Engelfriet
Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 No program licensed under this License, which accesses a work, shall require 
 the authority of the copyright owner for that work, in order to gain access 
 to that work.

I'm not sure how a program _can_ require authority of a copyright
holder? Did you mean The exercise of the rights granted under
this License shall not require the authority...?

  Accordingly, no program licensed under this License is a 
 technological measure which effectively controls access to any work.

That reads like a statement of fact, and you can debate whether it is
true in the general case. GPG is in fact an effective measure to
control access to any work. Lawyers usually say is deemed to be, so
maybe you can write it as something like The copyright holder
considers/deems no program licensed under this License to be...

 We need to see the clauses from countries with similar DMCA-like laws to 
 successfully eviscerate them as well.

They all came from the WIPO Copyright Treaty of 1996, so the wording
will be largely the same everywhere. Here's the EU Copyright

   Linkname: European Union Final Directive on Copyright

There they use acts which are not authorised by the copyright


Arnoud Engelfriet, Dutch  European patent attorney - Speaking only for myself
Patents, copyright and IPR explained for techies:

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Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-19 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 02:46:52PM +0100, Yorick Cool wrote:
 What is it you need to get rid of trolls? Fire?

A billy goat gruff, if I remember my mythology correctly.

- Matt

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Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-19 Thread Walter Landry
Nathanael Nerode [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hrrm.  We need a different clause then.
 No program licensed under this License, which accesses a work,
 shall require the authority of the copyright owner for that work, in
 order to gain access to that work.

This is too broad.  If I have a machine on the internet which is
secured using GPL'd programs, I certainly do not give anyone and
everyone the legal authority to see what is on the machine.

That is the basic problem with these anti-DRM clauses: differentiating
between DRM and legitimate privacy controls is basically impossible.

 Accordingly, no program licensed under this License is a
 technological measure which effectively controls access to any

Again, writing this sentence into the license doesn't make it true.
It is decided by external factors, such as whether the people
implementing the scheme know how to do decent crypto.

Walter Landry

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Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-19 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 07:53:46AM +0100, Arnoud Engelfriet wrote:
 Nathanael Nerode wrote:
  Effective technological protection measure is supposed to mean Effective 
  technological protection measure for preventing copying or distribution.  
 I think the DMCA actually speaks about access to the work
 (17 U.S.C. 1201):
(2) No person shall manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide,
or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device,
component, or part thereof, that--
(A) is primarily designed or produced for the purpose of circumventing
a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work
protected under this title;

This doesn't even make sense.  If a measure effectively controls access
to a work, it's not possible to create technology to bypass it; conversely,
if it's possible to bypass a control measure, then it is, by definition,
ineffective.  GPG is effective because it can't be reasonably bypassed;
if someone successfully wrote a program to decrypt its files, then it
would obviously no longer be effective.

(Of course, laws and courts have free reign to interpret words in any
way that suits their agenda, so effectively probably really means
pretends to ...)

Glenn Maynard

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Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-19 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 1/19/06, Glenn Maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (Of course, laws and courts have free reign to interpret words in any
 way that suits their agenda, so effectively probably really means
 pretends to ...)

It meansin effect here.


Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-19 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 01:58:08PM -0800, Walter Landry wrote:
  Accordingly, no program licensed under this License is a
  technological measure which effectively controls access to any
 Again, writing this sentence into the license doesn't make it true.
 It is decided by external factors, such as whether the people
 implementing the scheme know how to do decent crypto.

There seems to be some rift between the law and reality, though.  If the
law is taken literally, it's a no-op: it forbids writing software that
can't be written (if you write software for an effective protection
scheme, then, well, it's not effective).  If the law is being enforced
anyway (which it is, of course), then it's being interpreted to mean
something a little different--where effective means something other
than what it does in English.  In that case, anti-DRM clauses, and
evaluations of their potential effectiveness, need to be done while
under the influence of the courts' private version of the language.

(Unfortunately, I don't speak that language ...)

Glenn Maynard

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Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-19 Thread Andrew Donnellan
On 1/20/06, Glenn Maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There seems to be some rift between the law and reality, though.  If the
 law is taken literally, it's a no-op: it forbids writing software that
 can't be written (if you write software for an effective protection
 scheme, then, well, it's not effective).  If the law is being enforced
 anyway (which it is, of course), then it's being interpreted to mean
 something a little different--where effective means something other
 than what it does in English.  In that case, anti-DRM clauses, and
 evaluations of their potential effectiveness, need to be done while
 under the influence of the courts' private version of the language.

What about a clause which says 'designed to be' rather than
'effective'? Because GnuPG is an effective TPM, but it is designed as
a personal privacy program rather than a copyright enforcement


Andrew Donnellan
Member of Linux Australia -
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Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-19 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Mon, Jan 16, 2006 at 11:52:43PM -0800, Don Armstrong wrote:
 Eben had a really humorous explanation, which I will attempt to
 paraphrase from my (impressively imperfect) memory:
No lawyer knows exactly why we have been shouting at eachother for
the past 50(?) years; but since everyone is shouting, everyone
thought there must be some reason. I've decided to take take the
initiative and return to mixed case, ending the endless shouting

FWIW, I just noticed on

a small warranty disclaimer that's not screaming:

Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content
may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link
to sites or pages that no longer exist.

However--and this may be significant--the text is colored red.

Glenn Maynard

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Re: Anti-DMCA clause (was Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-19 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 1/20/06, Glenn Maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (Unfortunately, I don't speak that language ...)

Hey legals, drop this link

to poor Maynard.


Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-18 Thread Marco d'Itri

I'm not going to defend patch clauses. I think they're massively
horrible things, and the world would be a better place without them. But
deciding that they're not free any more would involve altering our
standards of freedom, and I don't see any way that we can reasonably do
Agreed. The original DFSG used to reflect pretty well what was the
consensus about freedom in the free software community (not just
Debian). While patch clauses are indeed highly annoying they have always
been widely considered free, both in and outside Debian.
It's unfortunate that, after trying for years to subtly change its
meaning, newcomers now are proposing to radically remove some of its


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Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-18 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 1/18/06, Joe Buck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 03:34:24AM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
  On 1/18/06, Alexander Terekhov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On 1/18/06, Joe Buck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 01:48:11AM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
 Care to post a link to rules of New York?
It's not up to me.  You charged Moglen with offenses, you back it up.
   In this type of offence it sorta goes the other way around: let Moglen 
   up some of his fraudulent legal claims like the GPL is not a contract 
   need to upper case disclaimers aside for a moment).
  Here's an example.
  (PTRAVEL is a practicing IP lawyer and litigator)

 So this guy disagrees with Moglen, therefore Moglen is wrong and a fraud,
 based on what?  His credentials?  Moglen is also a practicing IP lawyer as
 well as a law professor.

Moglen is a liar. And Stallman too.


Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-18 Thread MJ Ray
Matthew Garrett:
 Because saying We used to think that this sort of license provided you
 with all necessary freedoms, but now we've decided that it doesn't
 looks astonishingly bad?

Is not looking bad more important than getting it right eventually?
(Start aliasing [EMAIL PROTECTED] to /dev/null: a big BTS looks bad.)

Another irony. I thought Matthew Garrett usually argued for
changing views at the drop of a hat. For example, changing
position and letting the project sell stuff near the end of
even though saying we used to say that we wouldn't compete
with debian retailers, but now we've decided that we will
looks astonishingly bad.

I don't think looking bad is a good reason not to
re-evaluate a position, but let's honour past agreements
until obsoleted.

Personally, I think some patch clauses are free enough to
allow the four freedoms, although most are a nuisance
in practice. I'm happy to discuss that: why not?

My Opinion Only: see
Please follow

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Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-18 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 1/18/06, Alexander Terekhov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 1/18/06, Joe Buck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 03:34:24AM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
   On 1/18/06, Alexander Terekhov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 1/18/06, Joe Buck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 01:48:11AM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
  Care to post a link to rules of New York?

 It's not up to me.  You charged Moglen with offenses, you back it up.
In this type of offence it sorta goes the other way around: let Moglen 
up some of his fraudulent legal claims like the GPL is not a contract 
need to upper case disclaimers aside for a moment).
   Here's an example.
   (PTRAVEL is a practicing IP lawyer and litigator)
  So this guy disagrees with Moglen, therefore Moglen is wrong and a fraud,
  based on what?  His credentials?  Moglen is also a practicing IP lawyer as
  well as a law professor.

 Moglen is a liar. And Stallman too.

Beside that,

Licenses are not contracts: the work's user is obliged to
remain within the bounds of the license not because she
voluntarily promised, but because she doesn't have any right
to act at all except as the license permits.

is simply legal nonsense.

Here's an email exchange with RMS:

I assume, however, that at least some people want the GPL
to be binding--nothing can make it binding except a claim of

-- the respondent's email address resolves to:
MICHAEL H. DAVIS, (Professor of Law) Cleveland State
University. Education: Occidental College (B.A.,1967);
Hofstra Law School (J.D., 1975); Harvard Law School (LL.M.,

Perhaps further consideration should be given to:

(A``non-contractual copyright permission'' would be some
sort of license that does not involve a contract I
suppose, but that is not a well defined term.)

-- the respondent's email address resolves to:
Professor of Law Emeritus
Case Western Reserve University
College: Harvard College, A.B. 1955
Law School: Harvard Law School, LL.B. (magna cum laude)

How about this:

The GPL IS a contract. Calling it a license
simply describes the type of contract it is. at openso

-- the respondent's email address resolves to:
Visiting Assistant Professor of Law, Rutgers University
School of Law, Camden, New Jersey, Fall 1999 to present.
EDUCATION: LL.M. (with Distinction), Georgetown
University Law Center, 1998. J.D., George Washington
University Law School, 1992. M.A., University of
Pittsburgh, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 1986. B.A.,
University of Pittsburgh, College of Arts and Sciences,


Doesn't anyone outside the academic legal community harbor
any suspicion that the GPL is broken? Eben Moglen has propounded
specious legal theories without ever citing relevant case, statute
or other legal authority supporting his stance on the validity
of the GPL and his claim that it is not a(n) (invalid) contract.

Moglen makes extraordinary claims about the GPL, so why doesn't
he come forward with the appropriate legal citations? Moglen is
a J.D. with a Ph.D. in history and not an LL.M. He would not even
be accepted as qualified for Professorship at many institutions.
What qualifies his word alone as legal authority?



Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-18 Thread Frank Küster
Alexander Terekhov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Doesn't anyone outside the academic legal community harbor
 any suspicion that the GPL is broken? Eben Moglen has propounded
 specious legal theories without ever citing relevant case, statute
 or other legal authority supporting his stance on the validity
 of the GPL and his claim that it is not a(n) (invalid) contract.

No idea about that, but I'd like to point out that the world is larger
than just the US.  A german court has stated that the GPL is valid in
Germany, and that it is to be treated as a (valid) contract.  Or rather
as the Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen; if you go to a shop and buy
something, not only the individual words you talk with the shopkeeper
(how much is that shirt? 20 Euro Here you are) are part of the
contract, but also a non-individual legalese text if it can plainly be
seen at the cash desk, or if you are referred to it in an online-shop.

The german original text is at, an english translation at 

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-18 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 1/18/06, Frank Küster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[...], an english translation at

I know. See

Pls read that message in its entirety (and also follow the links and
read the linked stuff as well, and do it recursively ;-) ) before starting
writing a reply (if any).

As for US,

The standard for PI under copyright infringement claim includes presumption
of irreparable harm. The judge didn't apply it (and used a contract standard
instead). Note also portion breach of contract claim and didn't cure the
breach wording (you just can't cure a copyright violation). Finally, that
decision is tagged as Nature of Suit: 190 and that's neither 820/840 nor
190/820/840 (all three).

190 is CONTRACT/Other Contract
820 is PROPERTY RIGHTS/Copyrights
840 is PROPERTY RIGHTS/Trademark


P.S. I must say that I disgust Welte's efforts for his legal ignorance and
because his attorneys (the gang from ifross/jbb) try to advance the idiotic
theory under which the GPL'd works are exempted from the doctrine of
exhaustion (equivalent of 17 USC 109 in Europe).

Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-18 Thread Matthew Garrett
Glenn Maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 06:24:19AM +, Matthew Garrett wrote:
 What mistakes? Pretty much the entire free software community believes
 that patch-clause licenses are acceptable. Why do you think that they're
 You're asking me to repeat the entire discussion I just had with you and
 Michael, where I explained very explicitly the serious problems of patch
 clauses?  If you've accidentally deleted your mailbox, I'm sure it's in
 the list archives.

No, you've described why they cause practical inconvenience. You haven't
described why everyone else ever was wrong.

Matthew Garrett | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-18 Thread Matthew Garrett
Michio Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is not looking bad more important than getting it right eventually?
 (Start aliasing [EMAIL PROTECTED] to /dev/null: a big BTS looks bad.)


 Another irony. I thought Matthew Garrett usually argued for
 changing views at the drop of a hat. For example, changing
 position and letting the project sell stuff near the end of
 even though saying we used to say that we wouldn't compete
 with debian retailers, but now we've decided that we will
 looks astonishingly bad.

You seem to have misunderstood me. I'm not saying that changing our
minds on things is bad. I'm saying that diverging from the rest of the
community for no good reason looks bad. It's hardly as if patch clauses
were badly understood when the DFSG were written. There's no way you can
claim Oh, they didn't know what they were talking about. The people
who wrote this document considered the issue and decided that the
practical implications were not sufficiently offensive to avoid
describing them as free.

Since then, the practical freedoms provided by patch clauses have
increased. Altering the DFSG would be a clear redefinition of our stance
on freedom, and there would be no way that anyone could argue that it
was in any way in line with community consensus. Do I think that would
look bad? Yes, I do. The DFSG should reflect reality, like our website
should do.

Matthew Garrett | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My preferred name is you

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Clause 7d (was Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-18 Thread Nathanael Nerode
Well, I did devise a potentially Free alternative for the infamous clause 7d 
after an hour or two's thought.

The key point here was that the clause suffered from specifying means rather 
than ends, which we have diagnosed as a major source of license drafting 
errors.  By restricting the functionality of the program and all derivative 
works, it causes endless trouble.  Instead, I attempted to rewrite this as a 
restriction which could be imposed on the recipients of the license.

So here it is:
7d. They may require that propagation of a covered work which causes it to 
have users other than You, must enable all users of the work to make and 
receive copies of the work.

This leverages the careful definition of propagate up top, so that it avoids 
restricting any acitivities which do not require a copyright license.

A restriction along these lines would mean that
(1) it imposes no restrictions on the *writers* of derivative works
(2) If you've already distributed (or offered to distribute) the work to all 
its users (the normal case and the troublesome one for the original clause), 
you have no additional obligations
(3) making the program available for users over the Internet (or on a local 
server) -- if and only if that requires a copyright license, which it 
probably does -- requires that you provide access to the source code to those 
users, according to the usual GPL v3 clauses regarding distributing copies.

What do other people think of this?  It's sort of a forced distribution 
clause, but it only forces distribution to the people you're already allowing 
to use the program.  If it's considered acceptable, we could push to have 
this replace the proposed (7d).

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Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-18 Thread Joe Buck
On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 11:35:55AM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
 Moglen is a liar. And Stallman too.


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Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-18 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 1/18/06, Joe Buck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 11:35:55AM +0100, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
  Moglen is a liar. And Stallman too.


And how long is your plonk? Longer than Pool's one?


Re: Clause 7d (was Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-18 Thread Josh Triplett
Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 The key point here was that the clause suffered from specifying means rather 
 than ends, which we have diagnosed as a major source of license drafting 
 errors.  By restricting the functionality of the program and all derivative 
 works, it causes endless trouble.

That perfectly describes my problem with the clause as written.

 Instead, I attempted to rewrite this as a 
 restriction which could be imposed on the recipients of the license.
 So here it is:
 7d. They may require that propagation of a covered work which causes it to 
 have users other than You, must enable all users of the work to make and 
 receive copies of the work.
 This leverages the careful definition of propagate up top, so that it 
 restricting any acitivities which do not require a copyright license.
 A restriction along these lines would mean that
 (1) it imposes no restrictions on the *writers* of derivative works
 (2) If you've already distributed (or offered to distribute) the work to all 
 its users (the normal case and the troublesome one for the original clause), 
 you have no additional obligations
 (3) making the program available for users over the Internet (or on a local 
 server) -- if and only if that requires a copyright license, which it 
 probably does -- requires that you provide access to the source code to those 
 users, according to the usual GPL v3 clauses regarding distributing copies.
 What do other people think of this?  It's sort of a forced distribution 
 clause, but it only forces distribution to the people you're already allowing 
 to use the program.  If it's considered acceptable, we could push to have 
 this replace the proposed (7d).

I believe this clause addresses the issue perfectly, and I agree with
proposing it as a replacement.

- Josh Triplett

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Clause 7d (was Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-18 Thread Arnoud Engelfriet
Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 7d. They may require that propagation of a covered work which causes it to 
 have users other than You, must enable all users of the work to make and 
 receive copies of the work.

This sounds a lot better. I would suggest using work based on the
Program to re-use that definition as well. Also, how about just
to receive copies and add under the terms of this License.

Or maybe refer to the article that allows you to make copies.
Then you nicely catch all the other requirements that you have to
fulfil (storage medium, written offer, etc). 

And this just occurs to me: do I need to have a world-readable
/usr/src if I let people log into my system and use a tool that
is GPLv3 with 7d enabled? 


Arnoud Engelfriet, Dutch  European patent attorney - Speaking only for myself
Patents, copyright and IPR explained for techies:

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Re: Clause 7d (was Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-18 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 11:52:39AM -0500, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 Well, I did devise a potentially Free alternative for the infamous clause 7d 
 after an hour or two's thought.
 The key point here was that the clause suffered from specifying means rather 
 than ends, which we have diagnosed as a major source of license drafting 
 errors.  By restricting the functionality of the program and all derivative 
 works, it causes endless trouble.  Instead, I attempted to rewrite this as a 
 restriction which could be imposed on the recipients of the license.
 So here it is:
 7d. They may require that propagation of a covered work which causes it to 
 have users other than You, must enable all users of the work to make and 
 receive copies of the work.
 This leverages the careful definition of propagate up top, so that it 
 restricting any acitivities which do not require a copyright license.

Neat, although a little hard to understand at first without the context of
what it's referring to (Affero-like clauses).  I certainly like it a lot
more than the original, though, for all of the reasons you cited.

 What do other people think of this?  It's sort of a forced distribution 
 clause, but it only forces distribution to the people you're already allowing 
 to use the program.  If it's considered acceptable, we could push to have 
 this replace the proposed (7d).

I like it, and I think it should be definitely be submitted to the FSF for

- Matt

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Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-18 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 07:18:10PM -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:
 But in that case, you might find it more fruitful to discuss this clause
 with the FSF itself rather than with debian-legal.

Well, I'm not discussing these things here to try to get the weight of this
would make Debian call the GPLv3 non-free, since the GFDL showed just how
much weight that holds with the FSF.  I do want to know what others here
think about these things, though, and to let anyone who agrees with these
things to lend their voice to fixing them.

Glenn Maynard

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Re: Clause 7d (was Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-18 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 1/18/06, Matthew Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What do other people think of this?

I think the GPLv3 is great. It's perfect impotence pill for (ordinary
contractual) stuff like OSL, IPL, CPL and whatnot the FSF is going to
deem now compatible.

The OSI approval (I just pray that someone submits it) will be fun.


Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-18 Thread Francesco Poli
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 22:41:05 -0800 Josh Triplett wrote:

 Bas Zoetekouw wrote:
  Hi Glenn!
  You wrote:
 3. Digital Restrictions Management.
 As a free software license, this License intrinsically disfavors
 technical attempts to restrict users' freedom to copy, modify, and
 share copyrighted works. Each of its provisions shall be
 interpreted in light of this specific declaration of the licensor's
 intent.  Regardless of any
 other provision of this License, no permission is given to
 distribute covered works that illegally invade users' privacy
  IMO, this is a clear violation of DFSG 6.  If we allow terrorists to
  use our code, and allow it to be used in biological weapons
  research, clearly also black hat hackers must be allowed to use it
  to produce spyware.
 It seems particularly hypocritical in light of

It's indeed a hypocrisy masterpiece...  :-(

:-(   This Universe is buggy! Where's the Creator's BTS?   ;-)
  Francesco Poli GnuPG Key ID = DD6DFCF4
 Key fingerprint = C979 F34B 27CE 5CD8 DC12  31B5 78F4 279B DD6D FCF4

Description: PGP signature

Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-18 Thread Francesco Poli
On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 10:13:18 +0100 Jacobo Tarrio wrote:

  d) Distribute the Object Code by offering access to copy it
  from a designated place, and offer equivalent access to copy
  the Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place.
  You need not require recipients to copy the Corresponding Source
  along with the Object Code.
  It's nice that they include this because it's theoretically not
 in GPLv2, and that's how Debian (and everyone else) distributes its
 stuff :)

It was in fact permitted by GPLv2...
See GPLv2, section 3., last paragraph:

 | If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
 | access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
 | access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
 | distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
 | compelled to copy the source along with the object code.

:-(   This Universe is buggy! Where's the Creator's BTS?   ;-)
  Francesco Poli GnuPG Key ID = DD6DFCF4
 Key fingerprint = C979 F34B 27CE 5CD8 DC12  31B5 78F4 279B DD6D FCF4

Description: PGP signature

Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-18 Thread Francesco Poli
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 15:26:47 -0500 Glenn Maynard wrote:

 I'm in favor, in principle, of being allowed to make anonymous

So do I!
The right to make anonymous changes is indeed an important one.

:-(   This Universe is buggy! Where's the Creator's BTS?   ;-)
  Francesco Poli GnuPG Key ID = DD6DFCF4
 Key fingerprint = C979 F34B 27CE 5CD8 DC12  31B5 78F4 279B DD6D FCF4

Description: PGP signature

Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-18 Thread Nathanael Nerode
 Anthony Towns wrote:
  On Mon, Jan 16, 2006 at 02:15:09PM -0500, Glenn Maynard wrote:
No covered work constitutes part of an effective technological 
measure: that is to say, distribution of a covered work as part of a 
to generate or access certain data constitutes general permission at 
for development, distribution and use, under this License, of other
software capable of accessing the same data.
   It sounds like this means if your GPL application accesses data, you 
   a GPL license to every other application that accesses the data.
  Not quite -- it says you give general permission for other applications
  to be distributed under the GPL. Which means that when someone does
  reverse engineer your stuff, and puts it in a GPLed app, you can't then
  say You don't have permission to do that because you're violationg my
  patents|the DMCA -- because you've already given them the permission
  you claim they don't have.
 I am not disagreeing with you here, but my main issue with this
 paragraph in the license is that it can just not be true.  GPG is an
 effective way of encrypting communications, and having the license say
 otherwise does not change that.

OK, there's a subtle issue here which could be cleared up with a small change 
in the license.

Effective technological protection measure is supposed to mean Effective 
technological protection measure for preventing copying or distribution.  
This is what it means in the DMCA, which is what the clause is referring to.  
GPG is not in fact an effective way of doing that, since an encrypted copy is 
still a copy (and can be decrypted given some computing power).

What constitutes an effective technological protection measure for preventing 
copying or distribution?  Well, I suppose at first glance a locked safe might 
be.  Or a password-protected site might be.  There is obviously no such thing 
as an effective technological protection measure which prevents copying or 
distribution of data *while* providing access to it.

I'm not even sure there is such a thing as an effective technological 
protection measure for preventing copying and distribution *at all*.   Safes 
can be cracked (and if you own the safe, it's your right to do so, unless you 
have a contract with someone where you agreed not to); password-protected 
sites can be accessed by the hardware administrator (who again usually has 
the right to do so).

So, if clearly restricted to measures for preventing copying and distribution, 
this clause may in actual fact be *true*.

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Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-18 Thread Nathanael Nerode
Glenn Maynard wrote:
 No, I've described why they practically *prohibit* code reuse.  The only
 counterarguments I've ever seen are:
  - code reuse isn't important (often thinly veiled as eg. you don't
really need to reuse code, you can always rewrite it), and
  - if you really want to reuse code, you can create a complex, massively
impractical patching system to handle it (and I'm not convinced that's
even possible, when two separate patch-clause code bits end up mashed
closely together).
Incidentally, I think you're right about this; I don't really see how to 
distribute a single file in the form of a patch to TeX and a patch to, say, 
an old release of Qt (under their patch clause) simultaneously.  If I put the 
Qt code into the patch to TeX, I violate the Qt license; if I put the TeX 
code into the patch to Qt, I violate the TeX license; if I do neither, I 
violate both licenses.

Have you heard argument three?
A new license incompatible with all other free software licenses practically 
prohibits code reuse in the same way.  This sucks, but we consider it Free 
(while discouraging it).  Patch clauses suck in the exact same way, so we 
should consider them Free too (while discouraging them).

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Re: Ironies abound (was Re: GPL v3 draft)

2006-01-18 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 11:14:03PM -0500, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 Have you heard argument three?
 A new license incompatible with all other free software licenses practically 
 prohibits code reuse in the same way.  This sucks, but we consider it Free 
 (while discouraging it).  Patch clauses suck in the exact same way, so we 
 should consider them Free too (while discouraging them).

The difference is that such a license is at least compatible with itself: if
you put your software under the same license, or something almost guaranteed 
to be compatible (eg. public domain), you can reuse the code.  Patch clauses
aren't even compatible with themselves: putting your work under the same
license doesn't fix it.

Also, a license incompatible with other licenses wouldn't cause problems like
can't put the code in CVS.  I have trouble viewing any software under a
license that prohibits the use of ordinary source control as a valuable
contribution to free software.

Glenn Maynard

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Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-18 Thread Arnoud Engelfriet
Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 Effective technological protection measure is supposed to mean Effective 
 technological protection measure for preventing copying or distribution.  

I think the DMCA actually speaks about access to the work
(17 U.S.C. 1201):

   (2) No person shall manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide,
   or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device,
   component, or part thereof, that--

   (A) is primarily designed or produced for the purpose of circumventing
   a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work
   protected under this title;

And access is defined such that I don't think it covers
copying of the protected work:

   (3) As used in this subsection--

   (A) to circumvent a technological measure means to descramble a
   scrambled work, to decrypt an encrypted work, or otherwise to
   avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, or impair a technological
   measure, without the authority of the copyright owner;  and
   (B) a technological measure effectively controls access to a
   work if the measure, in the ordinary course of its operation,
   requires the application of information, or a process or a
   treatment, with the authority of the copyright owner, to gain
   access to the work.


Arnoud Engelfriet, Dutch  European patent attorney - Speaking only for myself
Patents, copyright and IPR explained for techies:

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Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-17 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 05:05:26PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
 HTTP and FTP sound pretty equivalent to me. I don't think you'd have any
 problems finding an expert witness to testify to that. HTTP and rsync
 might not be, though. I'm not sure a court would have much difficulty in
 allowing equivalent to allow for well, the source archive is /more/
 capable, we figured that woudl be fine, though.

What about binaries via BitTorrent, source via HTTP?  BT would be more
capable than HTTP for many projects' binaries, and HTTP more capable for
source, where a lot of people download binaries and few download source.
They're clearly not equivalent, but it seems like a perfectly reasonable
distribution scheme.

   d) They may require that the work contain functioning facilities that
 It's interesting that the word they've chosen is contain, not retain.

Well, retain would imply I can't change it, which would be even worse.

   allow users to immediately obtain copies of its Complete Corresponding
   Source Code.
  Such terms make code reuse with non-networked applications extremely
  inconvenient, and prohibit reuse in embedded environments (eg. a device
  with 32k of memory, no network facilities, and limited or no visual output).
  I'd find it disturbing for the FSF to even call such terms free; they're
  going much further, and condoning it by making it GPL-compatible.
  (This is, by a wide margin, my biggest objection.)
 OTOH, at its absolute worst, it doesn't make GPLv3 stuff that doesn't make
 use of that option non-free.

I think you're the third person to say something along those lines: be
thankful, it could be a lot worse.  It's still endorsing an extremely
onerous class of restriction, implying that it's acceptable, helpful,
and that the classes of application screwed over by it is unimportant.
It's discouraging that people are thankful that's all it is ...

Glenn Maynard

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-17 Thread Don Armstrong
On Tue, 17 Jan 2006, Henning Makholm wrote:
 Scripsit Don Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | 16.[11] There is no warranty for the Program, to the extent permitted by
 | applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright
 | holders and/or other parties provide the Program as is without warranty
 | of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to,
 | the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
 | purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Program
 | is with you. Should the Program prove defective, you assume the cost of
 | all necessary servicing, repair or correction.

Eben had a really humorous explanation, which I will attempt to
paraphrase from my (impressively imperfect) memory:

   No lawyer knows exactly why we have been shouting at eachother for
   the past 50(?) years; but since everyone is shouting, everyone
   thought there must be some reason. I've decided to take take the
   initiative and return to mixed case, ending the endless shouting

[He said it yesterday in the first session when he went through the
rationale towards the end before questions; when people can actually
watch it someone will hopefully correct me. ;-)]

Don Armstrong

Cheop's Law: Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget.
 -- Robert Heinlein _Time Enough For Love_ p242

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-17 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 02:49:24AM -0500, Glenn Maynard wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 05:05:26PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
  HTTP and FTP sound pretty equivalent to me. I don't think you'd have any
  problems finding an expert witness to testify to that. HTTP and rsync
  might not be, though. I'm not sure a court would have much difficulty in
  allowing equivalent to allow for well, the source archive is /more/
  capable, we figured that woudl be fine, though.

 What about binaries via BitTorrent, source via HTTP?  BT would be more
 capable than HTTP for many projects' binaries, and HTTP more capable for
 source, where a lot of people download binaries and few download source.
 They're clearly not equivalent, but it seems like a perfectly reasonable
 distribution scheme.

The interpretation of equivalent here is up to the courts to settle; which
I think is how it should be.  While equivalent doesn't mean identical,
you can always resort to *using* identical methods if in doubt.

Just to be clear, do you believe there's a freeness issue here, or are you
merely suggesting ways the license could be improved?

allow users to immediately obtain copies of its Complete Corresponding
Source Code.
   Such terms make code reuse with non-networked applications extremely
   inconvenient, and prohibit reuse in embedded environments (eg. a device
   with 32k of memory, no network facilities, and limited or no visual 
   I'd find it disturbing for the FSF to even call such terms free; they're
   going much further, and condoning it by making it GPL-compatible.
   (This is, by a wide margin, my biggest objection.)

  OTOH, at its absolute worst, it doesn't make GPLv3 stuff that doesn't make
  use of that option non-free.

 I think you're the third person to say something along those lines: be
 thankful, it could be a lot worse.  It's still endorsing an extremely
 onerous class of restriction, implying that it's acceptable, helpful,
 and that the classes of application screwed over by it is unimportant.
 It's discouraging that people are thankful that's all it is ...

I'm thankful that it's not *built into* the license in such a way that
everything released under GPLv3 will have this issue.  The FSF had a hard
job of balancing quite a few disparate interests; it's to be expected that
the resulting license would allow people to use it in some ways that Debian
considers non-free, the good news is if it can also still be applied in ways
that *are* free.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-17 Thread Jacobo Tarrio
El lunes, 16 de enero de 2006 a las 09:07:42 -0800, Don Armstrong escribía:

 The Complete Corresponding Source Code for a work in object code form
 means all the source code needed to understand, adapt, modify, compile,

 Good, now even if someone codes a piece of firmware directly in machine
code, they cannot say that the preferred form for modification is this
raw listing of 73894 hex codes. There's probably some comments and some
documentation that was used to understand the program while it was being
written, and that's now being considered part of the complete source code

 Propagation of covered works is permitted without limitation provided it
 does not enable parties other than you to make or receive copies.

 Given up on the ASP loophole yet? :-)

 this specific declaration of the licensor's intent. Regardless of any
 other provision of this License, no permission is given to distribute
 covered works that illegally invade users' privacy, nor for modes of

 This is a restriction on running the program disguised as a restriction on

 c) If the modified work has interactive user interfaces, each must
 include a convenient feature that displays an appropriate
 copyright notice, and tells the user that there is no warranty for

 No longer optional?

 startup--except in the case that the Program has such
 interactive modes and does not display this information at

 But the message on startup is still optional. I'm not sure it's exactly
what they mean...

 d) Distribute the Object Code by offering access to copy it
 from a designated place, and offer equivalent access to copy
 the Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place.
 You need not require recipients to copy the Corresponding Source
 along with the Object Code.

 It's nice that they include this because it's theoretically not permitted
in GPLv2, and that's how Debian (and everyone else) distributes its stuff :)

 Aside from additional permissions, your terms may add limited kinds of
 additional requirements on your added parts, as follows:

 I can see now the coming 15 years of debian-legal flamewars, since some of
these allowed additional requirements are non-DFSG-free (some forms of
patent retaliation and of mandatory link to download the source code, for
example). So some GPLv3-ed works will be non-DFSG-free because they contain
components which are non-DFSG-free.

 And, of course, people won't say d-l says that work X under the GPLv3
which contains component Y under the license Z is non-free, but d-l says
that the GPLv3 is non-free.

 Such is life in d-l.

 When others modify the work, if they modify your parts of it, they may
 release such parts of their versions under this License without additional
 permissions, by including notice to that effect, or by deleting the notice
 that gives specific permissions in addition to this License. Then any
 broader permissions granted by your terms which are not granted by this
 License will not apply to their modifications, or to the modified versions
 of your parts resulting from their modifications. However, the specific
 requirements of your terms will still apply to whatever was derived from
 your added parts.

 This paragraph is using permissions and requirements interchangeably,
which is confusing (and incorrect).

   Jacobo Tarrío |

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-17 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 12:49:31AM -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 02:49:24AM -0500, Glenn Maynard wrote:
  What about binaries via BitTorrent, source via HTTP?  BT would be more
  capable than HTTP for many projects' binaries, and HTTP more capable for
  source, where a lot of people download binaries and few download source.
  They're clearly not equivalent, but it seems like a perfectly reasonable
  distribution scheme.
 The interpretation of equivalent here is up to the courts to settle; which
 I think is how it should be.

If a license requires a court to interpret, to find out what my rights
are, then it's a poor license; I should be able to find out what I'm
allowed to do under a license by reading it, not waiting to be sued.
I don't think this is an obscure corner case, either, but a realistic
example, where I think the license should make its intent clear.

 While equivalent doesn't mean identical,
 you can always resort to *using* identical methods if in doubt.

If I have reason to want to use different methods, saying don't do that
isn't a very helpful solution.

 Just to be clear, do you believe there's a freeness issue here, or are you
 merely suggesting ways the license could be improved?

I think this clause is a superset of the GPLv2's version, so for Debian's
purposes, I don't think there are freeness issues.  (It's 4am, though, so
I'm not sure.)

Glenn Maynard

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-17 Thread Alexander Terekhov
On 1/17/06, Don Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Eben had a really humorous explanation, which I will attempt to
 paraphrase from my (impressively imperfect) memory:

No lawyer knows exactly why we have been shouting at eachother for
the past 50(?) years; but since everyone is shouting, everyone
thought there must be some reason. I've decided to take take the
initiative and return to mixed case, ending the endless shouting

Yeah. So legal mandates like, for example,

When the communication is in writing, the disclaimer shall be in bold
type face and uppercase letters in a font size that is at least as large
as the largest text used

mean nothing for Moglen. I'm not surprised. Moglen is a blatant
violator of rules like

A lawyer shall not, on behalf of the lawyer or any other lawyer affiliated
with the lawyer or the firm, use or participate in the use of any form of
public communication if such communication contains a false,
fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive statement or claim.

to begin with.


Re: GPL v3 Draft

2006-01-17 Thread Anthony Towns
On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 02:49:24AM -0500, Glenn Maynard wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 05:05:26PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
  HTTP and FTP sound pretty equivalent to me. I don't think you'd have any
  problems finding an expert witness to testify to that. HTTP and rsync
  might not be, though. I'm not sure a court would have much difficulty in
  allowing equivalent to allow for well, the source archive is /more/
  capable, we figured that woudl be fine, though.
 What about binaries via BitTorrent, source via HTTP? BT would be more
 capable than HTTP for many projects' binaries, and HTTP more capable for
 source, where a lot of people download binaries and few download source.

I can't see a reason why you wouldn't make the source available by bittorrent

 They're clearly not equivalent, but it seems like a perfectly reasonable
 distribution scheme.

I don't know; they're not that non-equivalent: they both distribute
verbatim files at you. If the http server had insufficient bandwidth,
or wasn't as available as the bt network, there could be an issue,
but I wouldn't say they're non-equivalent in all circumstances.

d) They may require that the work contain functioning facilities that
  It's interesting that the word they've chosen is contain, not retain.
 Well, retain would imply I can't change it, which would be even worse.

No, retain would just mean you couldn't remove it -- it's also what
the Affero GPL requires. Contain is stronger -- it means if it's not
already there, you have to add it.

  OTOH, at its absolute worst, it doesn't make GPLv3 stuff that doesn't make
  use of that option non-free.
 I think you're the third person to say something along those lines: be
 thankful, it could be a lot worse.  

I think you're underestimating just how bad some of us expected the
GPLv3 draft to be. :)

 It's still endorsing an extremely
 onerous class of restriction, implying that it's acceptable, helpful,
 and that the classes of application screwed over by it is unimportant.
 It's discouraging that people are thankful that's all it is ...

The Affero license came out in 2002, at which point flash cards cost
~$1/MB; they now seem to cost around 6c/MB. Hard drives, bandwidth,
etc seem to be similarly better. How hard is it really to satisfy these

(The Affero licenses clause is:

d) If the Program as you received it is intended to interact with
users through a computer network and if, in the version you received,
any user interacting with the Program was given the opportunity to
request transmission to that user of the Program's complete source
code, you must not remove that facility from your modified version
of the Program or work based on the Program, and must offer an
equivalent opportunity for all users interacting with your Program
through a computer network to request immediate transmission by
HTTP of the complete source code of your modified version or other
derivative work.

There was also an RPSL clause for similar purposes that was more problematic)


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