Re: Some thoughts about Diversity and the CoC

2019-12-27 Thread Martina Ferrari
On 26/12/2019 08:28, Norbert Preining wrote:
> Hi Sam,
> thanks for trying to help explain things.
> On Mon, 23 Dec 2019, Sam Hartman wrote:
>> I think your messages here over the last few weeks and your blog posts
>> (not sindicated on planet) would reasonably lead someone to the
> Indeed, I have made the same failure I criticized Pierre-Elliott for,
> namely extrapolating from one person to a larger group. I have updated
> the blog post to make this clear, including an apology, but remain clear
> with my critic on Martina.

Ah, thanks for letting me know I am being publicly targeted in such a
way that some trolls will surely find worth their time to harass me!

One would think that the author of that blog post is completely clueless
of the world around them to think that transgender people could be
called the "privileged gender class", considering that transgender
people are disproportionally affected by poverty, systemic violence and
discrimination, and high suicide rates. But probably the only metric the
author considers is the ability to post in a Debian mailing list, "free
speech", and that kind of things you find in MRA/alt-right fora.

In any case, that post is just another example of somebody just "being
concerned", and "asking questions", trying to look polite and innocent.
But in reality this person is just continuing their vendetta against
people who dared to curtail their "free speech" to protect others from
hate and to make Debian a better community.

This thread is still about somebody with a similar history of
challenging every attempt at social justice now proudly displaying
transphobia in this ML and never apologising for it. And then the usual
suspects coming to his defence, and crying when people get fed up of
their tactics and abuse.

> (btw, it seems I am the only one in the whole group who ever admits to
> an error - funny how **perfect** you all are!)
Norbert, I am still trying to know if all the misgendering and
deadnaming you've done was another "error", or just part of the
character attack you were engaging in. Maybe we will never know, but as
the saying goes: if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck..

Martina Ferrari (Tina)

Re: Do we still value contributions?

2019-12-27 Thread Jonas Smedegaard
Quoting Steffen Möller (2019-12-27 01:53:51)
> Folks at conda do everything on github, including a peer review. For 
> most scientific packages I sense this to be just fine. Maybe we could 
> somehow stage our developments? A peer-reviewed (as in "get at least 
> three signatures" maybe?) instant upload into a "periphery" 
> distribution with a transition into a "as time permits" 
> FTPmaster-scrutinized "main" distribution?

If you want to setup a Debian-compatible pool of packages and make them 
easiest and most secure to use by Debian users, then have a look at the 
package extrepo.

I know, that is not really what you talk about above.  Above you talk 
about an _intermediary step which speeds up ftpmaster processing - but I 
cannot help second-guess which technical changes might help ftpmasters.

I suspect what helps ftpmasters is more volunteers doing the work (not 
technical changes to how their work is done).  But that is just a guess, 
based on what few messages I have noticed from them about their needs.

> Also, I find it somehow sad that FTPmasters after their ingenious 
> isolation of a problem that would then be fixed real easy don't have 
> the chance to just do the fix in salsa and have the package accepted 
> from there. The workflow now is that the package goes back to the 
> uploading developer who then fixes the typically trivial bit and the 
> package impose the same work on the FTPmasters again, often with a 
> llooonngg delay again. Instant trivial fixes would dramatically reduce 
> the rejection rate, I presume, and may also increase the fun to be an 
> FTPmaster.

Speculation only.  Sadly.

I suspect that automating the task done by ftp-masters will lower its 
quality, which I don't want.  But I am also just speculating here.

Seems to me that a prerequisite for discussing changes to ftpmaster 
tasks is deeper understanding of ftpmaster tasks.  Do we already have 
that, and I am just missing where it is?

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

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Moderated forum for Debian (was: Re: Merry Christmas more debian private leaks)

2019-12-27 Thread Eldon Koyle
At this point, I think moderation would be a very useful tool for the
community.  The ability to end off-topic or offensive threads without
commenting on them beyond "this topic is not appropriate here, so we are
deleting/closing the thread" or "this was not appropriate in your post,
please fix it" could help with a lot of messy situations.  I'm unaware of
any mailing lists with this capability (short of moderating every single

IANADD, but I am willing to commit time to work on a pilot project to
create a moderated forum for Debian (in addition to the existing Debian
fora).  I know Sam mentioned that the Gnome project has had some success
with discourse when I asked about something similar in a previous thread[1].



Re: Moderated forum for Debian (was: Re: Merry Christmas more debian private leaks)

2019-12-27 Thread Charles Bond

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Friday, December 27, 2019 9:26 PM, Eldon Koyle  wrote:

> At this point, I think moderation would be a very useful tool for the
> community. The ability to end off-topic or offensive threads without

The DPL used an Albanian to distribute offensive messages about another DD.

The ex-DPL's ex-girlfriend boasted about this toxic culture in her talk at 

How would you feel if the DPL snet abusive messages about you shortly after 
your father died?

Many DDs are seething about it.

Moderation doesn't fix a toxic situation like that.  It needs an unequivocal 
apology from the DPL on behalf of the whole project, nothing less.

Kind regards,


Re: Some thoughts about Diversity and the CoC

2019-12-27 Thread Norbert Preining
Hi Martina,

On Fri, 27 Dec 2019, Martina Ferrari wrote:
> Norbert, I am still trying to know if all the misgendering and
> deadnaming you've done was another "error", or just part of the

Can you point me to *one*single* case I misgendered you or called you by
the wrong name?

Ar you referring to the blog post from 1 year ago, where I spelled
*one* pronoun false, and fixed it within hours it was pointed out to me?

Martina, I think you actively trying a defamation campaign against me,
and I am pondering actions, both within and outside of Debian, to
counteract you permanent defamations.

(public and Debian aggregated blog calling me out as advocate of sexism,
calling me repeatatly transphobe and other things in public fora, ...)

I am not interested in your gender, not at all, I am interested in your
complete misbehaviour. If you cannot accept responsability for calling
out other people as Nazis, creators of a genocide, etc, and always take
the gender as cover for your bad behaviour, I think you are really
serving the LBGTQ community very badly.

> the saying goes: if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck..


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