Re: Appeal procedure for DAM actions

2019-01-08 Thread Anthony Towns
On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 11:27:35PM +0100, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> With this message we define a way to appeal a DAM action,

I'm treating this as if it's a first draft and open to comment.

> 1. Appealing DAM decisions
> --
> Any person who had their Debian membership suspended or revoked by DAM may
> appeal the decision.

Based on the process you describe, I'd suggest phrasing this as "may
ask for the decision to be reviewed by the New Members Committee".
An "appeal" (at least in legal terms) usually goes to the more powerful
body, but in this case, DAM is the more powerful body.

Having the boss's decision reviewed by people who report directly to
the boss is kind of a dodgy structure; and people on the new member
committee will probably want to maintain good relations with DAM, at
least if they want to continue doing new member work.

> 2. DAM statement
> Within 72 hours DAM will provide a statement to the NMC and the appealer
> with their reasoning for the account status change.

I think by this point DAM should have already provided the reasoning
for the expulsion to -private (or -project if the person being expelled
agreed), so this should be redundant.

> DAM may also send additional material to the NMC only, encrypted to the
> individual members, if they deem it necessary for the case, and if
> presenting this to a wider public might cause issues of confidentiality for
> involved third-parties.

> [1] The NM-Committee is defined as:
>- All members of DAM and FrontDesk.
>- All application manager that are marked as active and
> processed at least one NM in the last 6 months.
>There is a mail alias  which reaches all
> members, it is regularly regenerated by FrontDesk.

All AMs that have processed an NM in the last 6 months is a fairly
broad group, and not one that's particularly selected for dealing with
particularly sensitive information. It doesn't seem like a great idea to
send sensitive info to them that you wouldn't feel comfortable sending
to any random developer to me, so again sending the detailed reasoning
to -private still seems like the right approach, removing personally
identifying details in the rare cases where that's necessary.

> The NMC members are expected to avoid disclosing
> this material to anyone else, including the appealer.[3]

Doing things that way avoids this risk/caveat.

I don't really think providing sensitive material to the new member ctte
in this way is helpful anyway: if they can't pass it on to the person
who got expelled they can't ask "is this true? what's your side of the
story?" either, which is pretty essential if you want to have a remotely
fair process.

> 3. Appealer statement
> -
> Within a further 72 hours, the appealer has the opportunity to respond to
> the DAM statement with their own statement.

DAM should be providing the full reasoning to the person being expelled
when they're expelled; if that person's going to ask for review, they
already have all they need to provide their side of the story as part
of the request for review, avoiding the need for this 72h period.

Both the above changes would cut the appeal time down by a week, from:

 - expulsion happens
 - <30 days, review is requested
 - 3 days for DAM to do an update
 - 3 days for expelled person to provide a statement
 - 7 days for discussion
 - 3 days for vote

to something more like:

 - expulsion happens, affected member and -private given detailed
 - <30 days, review is requested and statement from expelled person is
   provided to newmaint-ctte
 - 7 days for discussion
 - 3 days for vote

This setup avoids giving the expelled developer the opportunity to
pick Christmas or Easter or the start/end of the freeze or some other
inconvenient time to start the process, and immediately triggering a 3
day deadline for DAM members.

> 4. NM Committee review
> --
> The NMC has 7 days to review the received material and discuss the matter in
> private. They are expected not to solicit further input, as this is not an
> inquiry but a peer review of the DAM decision.

One of the things appeals courts in real life can do is send the case back
to a lower court with a requirement to fix up mistakes in fact finding,
which gives them an easy opportunity to avoid having to do any fact
finding themselves. Since the balance of power is the other way around
here; I'd expect that if the new member committee isn't just going to be
a rubber stamp for DAM, then they'd need to be able to solicit further
input in cases where DAM's summary of events doesn't match the expelled
developer's take on what happened.

(Another difference between the proposed process and court appeals is
that appeals courts can provide detailed opinions as to why the original
decision was wrong which helps avoid making the same mistakes in future;
this process doesn't really have that feature)

> 5. NM-Committee vote

Re: Censorship in Debian

2019-01-04 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Jan 04, 2019 at 10:47:05AM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
> People seem to feel they're unreasonably put-upon by having to think about
> what they're saying *at all*, but this is absurd.  Everyone else in the
> world is doing this all the time.

There are times when you don't have to think about what you're saying
before you say it; that situation is often called being "among friends",
or "in a safe space", or "able to let your guard down".

I think it's probably news to a lot of people that Debian isn't that
sort of a situation today.

(IMO, one of the problems with planet aggregators is it changes your
personal blog from being a place where you can say whatever you want
and have it only affect yourself, to a place where you have to watch
what you say because it's automatically pushed to strangers who are only
interested in very particular parts of who you are)


Re: What do you expect from the DPL?

2015-02-15 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 02:41:18PM +0100, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
 On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 10:07:08AM +0100, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
  My own view on the original question (What are you expected the DPL to
  do?) is that the main thing the DPL must absolutely do is being a good
  garbage collector (I think the original naming comes from Zack).
 Possibly. I think I actually used decision garbage collector, but the
 notion is exactly the one you explained.

I wonder if that couldn't be framed a bit more positively. I reread
HPMOR recently, and I wonder if the notion of heroic responsibility
mightn't be applicable:

   You could call it heroic responsibility, maybe, Harry Potter
said. Not like the usual sort. It means that whatever happens,
no matter what, it's always your fault. Even if you tell Professor
McGonagall, she's not responsible for what happens, you are. Following
the school rules isn't an excuse, someone else being in charge isn't
an excuse, even trying your best isn't an excuse. There just aren't
any excuses, you've got to get the job done no matter what.


 FWIW, that aspect of the DPL job seems to be frequently overlooked in
 DPL candidate platforms, which often tend to focus on ambitious Debian
 reform plans. 

To my mind, that's because there's a lack of obvious alternatives on how
to do ambitious Debian reform plans -- or in particular establishing the
moral and practical support for them. So in the same sense that the DPL
is the final answer for trying to resolve disputes when everything else
you can think of fails, it's also the answer for trying to make big
changes when you run out of other idas.

 They are all fine and well of course, but DPL time will in
 the end have to be split among implementing those plans and tending to
 often unpredictable day by day duties, with the latter often dominating
 the DPL agenda (IME).

I haven't seen any followup from the tech ctte on some of the disucssion from
Dec about improving the way the ctte approaches requests, cf

Improvements there might help with the DPL's workload, in so far as that
involves dealing with arguments over technical things.


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Re: About language specific package management tools

2015-01-30 Thread Anthony Towns
On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 02:15:22PM +, Sam Hartman wrote:
 One huge advantage of teaching our package management tools to
 understand alternate package technologies and convert on the fly is that
 we can use the mirror networks of the language-specific packages.
 Unfortunately, we're fairly picky about licensing issues and legal
 distributability of packages.  

The above's fair. But I don't think you can say:

 That's a significant value we add to Debian and it's really important.  

and then go on to say that it's hard so we should just wash our hands of
the responsibility by letting our users go direct to upstream and deal
with the problems themselves. Either it's valuable and it's worth doing,
or it's not worth worrying about and not actually that valuable.

It's not like the problem goes away if Debian ignores it: it still hits
the upstream (distributing it in the first place), their mirror network
(redistributing), and users (who might base their code or systems on
libraries that they don't have any right to actually use).

 However, we'll probably find that if
 we tried to automate something we'd discover legal problems. 

The fact that CPAN, PyPI and others exist and function puts an upper
bound on the problems that there are to be discovered. It's something
they can manage, so it's something we could manage too.

It's entirely possible that having two levels of vetting would be valuable
to our users -- ie, our current level of NEW checking for main, and
a CPAN/PyPI/etc minimal effort level of checking for extras. That's
not much different to the main vs non-free split we already have, except
that in this case it'd still be all about promoting free software.

 discover confirming DFSG status difficult if we tried and that there are
 probably packages out there our users want that really when you look at
 it aren't actually even redistributable.

That already happens occassionally with stuff in main, cf:


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Re: About the recent DD retirements

2015-01-23 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 10:03:08AM -0800, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Fri, 23 Jan 2015, Anthony Towns wrote:
   CRAN has about 6k (~250 in Debian),
 Just to piggyback here, has about 8.6k of these
 packages (bioc, cran, and omegahat).

Talk about giving 110%! [0] 

  Yes, I really think Debian should have 300k+ packages, including
  everything in all the language archives
 Handling this will probably require second-class packages, where we use
 automated tools to package the package, and hope for the best. In some
 ways, we're already starting to go that way,[1] but it would be nice to
 use all of Debian's infrastructure even for those second-class packages,

Archive, mirrors, lintian, piuparts, other qa stuff, yep. Promotion to
testing [1], maybe? BTS, I somewhat don't think so? NEW-esque license
review seems impractical.

Probably also wants an additional db tracking what upstream
commit/whatever was converted to which Debian-ised version.


[0] Or more accurately 110% of 110% of 110% of 110% 

[1] Oh, dude! I finally thought of a possible rename for britney:
pro-test as in promotion to testing.

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Re: About the recent DD retirements

2015-01-23 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 11:29:19AM -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
 Anthony Towns dijo [Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 10:57:55AM +]:
  (Yes, I really think Debian should have 300k+ packages, including
  everything in all the language archives, no matter how special purposes
  (compare against the chiark* packages eg).
 My answer to this is that... A distribution should mostly cater to
 users. That means, we should target applications, not libraries.

So I'm going to disagree with that in two ways.

First, and more trivially, is that there are plenty of applications
people want to run, that depend on unpackaged libraries that are a
PITA to package. Etherpad is the example I already gave. Openrocket is
another -- it's packaged as an installer that downloads the pre-build
OpenRocket .jar file from the upstream site and instals it; because
openrocket upstream likes using cool new java libraries for features and
java libraries are a pain to package. 

ie, not having those libraries easily available in Debianised form /is/
one of the things that prevents people from running apps on Debian.

Second, and more philosophically... Free software's about users not just
being passive consumers, but treating them like co-developers. From Free software developers guarantee everyone equal rights
to their programs; any user can study the source code, modify it,
and share the program. If we *really* believe that, then we shouldn't
just be about getting users some nice eary to install prepackaged apps,
we should be about getting them the tools they need to make those apps
do whatever they want, and even make apps of their own. Once upon a
time the C library, a compiler and a debugger were state of the art for
doing that; nowdays, pulling together bits of code from the hundreds of
thousands of pre-written open source modules is.

Oh, and as a bonus: third -- how much easier would packaging applications
be, if all the libraries they used (and all the libraries we currently
maintain) we're already packaged, essentially for free?

 By limiting our scope to what is actually wanted (i.e. by applications
 that have been ITPed or RFPed, 

Per the wnpp pages, there are:

 * 868 packages being worked on
 * 3434 requested packages

That's a total of 4302, compared to 21554 source packages, that's just
under 20%, so about two years worth of backlog at 10% growth in source
packages per year. ie, Debian's already not coming close to keeping up
with the actually wanted stuff.

(Also, note that quite a lot of those are modules from various language sites


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Re: About language specific package management tools

2015-01-23 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 11:51:32AM +, Jonathan McDowell wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 10:57:55AM +, Anthony Towns wrote:
  It takes a couple of minutes to download something using pip or
  npm; how long does it take to get a python or nodejs Debianized and
  installable? (eg: learning that npm2deb exists, how to use it, what else
  you have to do to have a package, building the package, and getting apt
  access to the package -- which in turn presumably includes setting up
  and distributing an archive key)
  In an ideal world, users would just be able to say apt-get install
  lib-whatever-perl and have it. At worst, they might have to modify
  their apt sources explicitly to say yes, I know there's a lot of crap
  on CPAN that doesn't necessarily receive good security updates, I know
  what I'm doing.
  There's two ways that could be achieved:
   - having automated scripts pull everything from CPAN (et al), package
 it as debs, and publish it
   - having about 14,000 new DDs each individally maintaining 10-20
 library packages
  But if the answer is oh, you want to use some random nodejs package? just
  npm it into /opt. if you want there's some tools to help start you off
  in packaging it too 
  (Yes, I really think Debian should have 300k+ packages, including
 If this is being done in an automated fashion is there not a third
 option? Teach apt and associated tools about the language specific
 repositories. They'd do the download from CPAN or wherever, do the
 conversion, and pass to dpkg. On the fly, no need to expand the archive
 and no need to wait for the latest and greatest if you're that way
 inclined. For extra bonus points teach cpan, gem etc to still work but
 register the package + files with dpkg.

Sure, that's an option. It seems more a gentoo-style approach than a
Debian style approach to me. The main drawback to my mind is that I
don't think it's as feasible:

 - if cpan/pypi/etc change their formats and the conversion scripts need
   updating, it'd have to be done on every system, rather than in one

 - you'd still require a build environment just to use the modules on
   and end-user system

 - your end-user system relies on multiple mirror networks all working,
   rather than just the debian mirror network working

 - modifying apt is probably harder than just writing scripts that
   generate debs

(On the other hand, just pointing users at urls and having them download
stuff has fewer potential licensing issues)

 I think there are some issues with automated packaging which would mean
 that you'd still want hand crafted bits,

You definitely want hand-crafted bits somewhere; ideally those would go
in the upstream sources. Having them in a separate git repo could work
too though; though that adds another dependency if you're expecting
every user to have access to it.

 and there's the question of how
 you pin to a stable version (though I think often the reason
 people are pulling in from external sources is because the version in
 stable simply isn't recent enough, rather than unavailable) but it'd be

Yep, that's certainly a question. You might be able to automate it via
dependency analysis, britney-style, or use popcon-style statistics. 

I don't know how you'd choose versions either; would
experimental/unstable/testing/stable be enough varieties? Would they
even be useful? How would you deal with developing against one version
of a module versus running an app using a different version? Coinstalled
packages? Containers?

 kinda cool to have:
 etc in /etc/apt/sources.list and have it just work. 

I guess my theory was more along the lines of either:

  deb testing main contrib extras

(with them all combined into the extras component, and sharing the
pool with Debian main), or

  deb testing cpan cran pypi
  deb unstable cpan npm

(with a separate pool/ and separated by upstream archive)

Same/similar result, different behind the scenes implementation.

 You could probably
 treat each different source as a different suite to aid with apt
 pinning (and by default preferring the Debian version rather than the
 external version).

With the examples above it'd be:

  Pin: release c=extras


  Pin: release o=Debian-extras


  Pin: release o=Debian-extras, c=cpan, a=unstable


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Re: About the recent DD retirements

2015-01-23 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 07:02:51PM +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 6:28 PM, Anthony Towns wrote:
   - there are archive networks for most programming languages these days:
 CPAN, CRAN, Hackage, PyPI, RubyGems, NPM, CCAN, etc. Installing
 software from these sources is often necessary for Debian users, but
 doesn't mesh well with packaged software (unlss you're a DD and can
 package it yourself). Since it's all free software, I don't really
 see why Debian doesn't have a set of automatic tools to repackage
 all that software, so it's all just an apt-get away.
 We do: dh-make-perl, npm2deb, gem2deb, stdeb, cabal-debian etc which
 are intended to be wrapped by debdry to eliminate much of the initial
 packaging process.

Sure, that works great if your model is there are a few thousand pieces
of interesting software, and a few hundred packagers, each of whom can
maintain tens of them. But CPAN has 30k modules (~3k in Debian), CRAN
has about 6k (~250 in Debian), Hackage has 7k (~700 packaged), PyPI has
about 54k (2500 packaged), RubyGems has about 95k (~6000 packaged?),
npm has about 120k (266 packaged?). [0]

There's obviously a seriously long tail of stuff that's not very
interesting to many people in those numbers, but Debian's still at least
an order of magnitude short of any of them.

So what's that mean if you're either developing or installing random

 1) ignore anything not in Debian and be hamstrung

 2) use the language native packaging stuff

 3) invest a lot of time skilling up on the various Debian utilities
and package it yourself (including repackaging every update)

 4) invest even more time so that your packages can be included in Debian

It takes a couple of minutes to download something using pip or
npm; how long does it take to get a python or nodejs Debianized and
installable? (eg: learning that npm2deb exists, how to use it, what else
you have to do to have a package, building the package, and getting apt
access to the package -- which in turn presumably includes setting up
and distributing an archive key)

In an ideal world, users would just be able to say apt-get install
lib-whatever-perl and have it. At worst, they might have to modify
their apt sources explicitly to say yes, I know there's a lot of crap
on CPAN that doesn't necessarily receive good security updates, I know
what I'm doing.

There's two ways that could be achieved:

 - having automated scripts pull everything from CPAN (et al), package
   it as debs, and publish it

 - having about 14,000 new DDs each individally maintaining 10-20
   library packages

But if the answer is oh, you want to use some random nodejs package? just
npm it into /opt. if you want there's some tools to help start you off
in packaging it too 

(Yes, I really think Debian should have 300k+ packages, including
everything in all the language archives, no matter how special purposes
(compare against the chiark* packages eg). By my count, jessie's at
20,700 source packages in main, which is about an 11% per annum growth
rate since lenny, and indeed since sarge in 2005 [1]. If we'd stayed at
about a 35% pa growth rate since woody then we'd be at around 200k source
packages now, which I think would be the right order of magnitude for
everything that's actually buildable in CPAN, and PyPI and so on being
just an apt-get away.)

   - perhaps it's all been fixed since I last looked, but web apps still
 don't seem to be a solved problem to me. If you install, say,
 libreoffice, you run apt-get (or whatever), then you run libreoffice,
 and you're done. But if you want to install wordpress, you have a whole
 bunch of additional steps to go through [1].
 We have a web app policy but it is fairly abandoned.

Isn't that statement alone a pretty clear indication that Debian's not
addressing the packaging problems of today?

 There are some external projects in this space, like sandstorm and juju.

(And that one too... Also, unless I'm mistaken neither are packaged
in Debian; apparently juju got dropped over a year and a half ago,

 The wordpress wiki page seems to miss the wp-setup script that is in
 the package now.

The manpage says For now, it's mainly for the package's internal usage

   - application isolation is a popular issue now, often solved by blatting
 whole OS images around (VMs, docker, ...). That brings up a whole host
 of packaging issues (how do you create the image, how do you keep it up
 to date, how do you distribute the image)
 systemd has some great isolation features that use the same Linux
 kernel APIs as docker/etc.
 The GNOME folks are working on application isolation for the desktop:

Why is that something the GNOME folks are doing, but the Debian
folks aren't?

If Debian's just about packaging, sandboxing applications (eg, apache
being sandboxed from

Re: About the recent DD retirements

2015-01-22 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 06:46:16PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
 Gunnar Wolf writes:
  ... And yes, maybe Debian is less attractive in general ...
 One side effect of this is that packaging feels like a solved problem.

If so (and assuming that's all Debian's about), then that'd be a good
reason to consider Debian a mature project and the only thing that's
really needed is enough people to keep the lights on.

I think that's a meritorious [0] argument.

Personally, I'd argue the other side though. Packaging works fine within
Debian -- which is certainly an improvement on how things were in the
90s (or even ten yars ago); but there are a bunch of unsolved problems
in the area. For instance:

 - there are archive networks for most programming languages these days:
   CPAN, CRAN, Hackage, PyPI, RubyGems, NPM, CCAN, etc. Installing
   software from these sources is often necessary for Debian users, but
   doesn't mesh well with packaged software (unlss you're a DD and can
   package it yourself). Since it's all free software, I don't really
   see why Debian doesn't have a set of automatic tools to repackage
   all that software, so it's all just an apt-get away.

 - perhaps it's all been fixed since I last looked, but web apps still
   don't seem to be a solved problem to me. If you install, say,
   libreoffice, you run apt-get (or whatever), then you run libreoffice,
   and you're done. But if you want to install wordpress, you have a whole
   bunch of additional steps to go through [1].

 - application isolation is a popular issue now, often solved by blatting
   whole OS images around (VMs, docker, ...). That brings up a whole host
   of packaging issues (how do you create the image, how do you keep it up
   to date, how do you distribute the image)

Other folks are answering those questions -- eg in order to run my own
instance of etherpad [2], I found that it needs some nodejs modules that
aren't packaged, so rather than jump through the hoops to Debianise it,
I created a docker instance for it, and followed the upstream instructions
to install it, and put a port redirect in place via systemd. Of course,
that system is out of date (because I forget to login to run apt-get on
it, and who knows what the npm packages are up to).

And, of course, I run Linux systems that aren't Debian these days --
I have both a phone and a tablet. In some sense you could say they're
kind-of open hardware running free software, but both running my own
software on them or rebuilding what's already on there aren't things I
can actually do. That's not because they're .apk's rather than .deb's,
but more because (as far as I've looked anyway) the android ecosystem 
doesn't have the same build-package-distribute infrastructure that distros
like Debian and Fedora have built and now take for granted.

Oh, for heaven's sake, how could I almost forget to mention the
reproducible builds effort? I don't know how the laws of reality changed
to make that possible let alone feasible, but wow. And that /is/ even
being addressed in Debian [3].

 But some of it is also inevitable.  A lot of smart, talented people want
 to work on really hard problems that are currently major pain points,
 since that's where they can have the most leverage.  Packaging just
 *isn't* that any more, ...

So I'd say there are plenty of major pain points in this space that are
hard and interesting and attract smart, talented people. Heck, Docker
got a $.4B valuation [4] a few months ago just a few months ago.

Why aren't those people doing things in Debian? I claim two reasons:
1) because they can make (more/any) money doing it elsewhere; and 2)
because Debian folks are more interested in the solved problems of the
90s than the problems of today.


[0] *Not* meretricious as I was about to write. Thankyou dict.



(This should totally be posted to d-d-a)


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Fwd: Maximum term for tech ctte members

2014-06-29 Thread Anthony Towns
On 26 June 2014 08:18, Ian Jackson wrote:
 Anthony Towns writes (Re: Maximum term for tech ctte members):
- Term limit: Every 1st of November, the most senior member of the
  Technical Committee's is immediately and automatically removed
  from the Committee, if in the preceding 27 months less than two
  new Committee members have been appointed.  Seniority is
  determined by a member's most recent date of appointment to the
  Committee, with ties broken by length of membership in the

27 months prior to November 1st is August 1st two years prior. (Is
there any particular rationale for Nov 1st?)

So by my count, that would result in:

 - 2014-11-01: Keith appointed in the previous 27 months, Ian removed;
Alice appointed
 - 2015-11-01: Keith and Alice appointed in the previous 27 months, no
compulsory removal
 - 2016-11-01: Alice appointed in the previous 27 months, Bdale
removed, Bob appointed
 - 2017-11-01: Bob appointed in previous 27 months, Steve removed,
Carol appointed
 - 2018-11-01: Bob and Carol appointed in the previous 27 months, no
compulsory removal
 - 2019-11-01: Carol appointed in previous 27 months, Andi removed,
Dave appointed
 - 2020-11-01: Dave appointed in previous 27 months, Don removed,
Emma appointed
 - 2021-11-01: Dave and Emma in previous 27, no compulsory removal
 - 2022-11-01: Emma in previous 27, Russ removed, Fred appointed
 - 2023-11-01: Fred in prev 27; Colin removed, Gwen appointed
 - 2023-11-01: Fred and Gwen in prev 27, no compulsory removal
 - 2024-11-01: Gwen in prev 27, Keith removed, Henry appointed
 - 2024-11-01: Henry in prev 27, Alice removed, ...

Total term lengths would then be:
 - Ian: 16 years (1998-2014)
 - Bdale: 15 years (2001-2016)
 - Steve: 11 years (2006-2017)
 - Andreas: 13 years (2006-2019)
 - Don: 11 years (2009-2020)
 - Russ: 13 years (2009-2022)
 - Colin: 12 years (2011-2023)
 - Keith: 11 years (2013-2024)
 - Alice: 10 years (2014-2024)

That seems overly long.

 But adding non-normative text:
  The Technical Committee should arrange to appoint fresh members
  on a regular basis, at least as often (and probably more often)
  than the minimum specified here.

That's only possible when the ctte isn't full; if the ctte's full, the
only way to refresh members is for someone to be removed... If the
idea is to leave have some spare slots on the committee on an ongoing
basis, that may mean even longer terms than implied above, eg an
additional twelve months for Steve:

 - 2014-11-01: Keith appointed in the previous 27 months, Ian removed;
 - 2015-10-30: Alice appointed
 - 2015-11-01: Keith and Alice appointed in the previous 27 months, no
compulsory removal
 - 2016-11-01: Alice appointed in the previous 27 months, Bdale removed
 - 2017-10-30: Bob appointed
 - 2017-11-01: Allice and Bob appointed in previous 27 months, no
compulsory removal
 - 2018-11-01: Bob appointed in prev 27, Steve removed

 I think 6 years is probably a better actual term than 9 or 4.5.  So I
 would be in favour of the TC running an election for 1 place every 18

1 place every 18 months would be an average term of 8x1.5 = 12 years,
or 9x1.5 = 13.5 years...

- For the purposes of seniority and term expiry, someone who leaves
  the committee but rejoins it less than 10 months later, is
  treated as having been a member continuously throughout that gap.

I don't think that would have any teeth:

 2014-11-01: only one recent appointment, Ian most senior, Ian removed
 2014-11-02: Ian reappointed, term treated as continuous
 2015-11-01: only one recent appointment, Ian most senior, Ian removed
 2015-11-02: Ian reappointed, term treated as continuous
 2016-11-01: no recent appointments, Ian most senior, Ian removed
 2016-11-02: Ian reappointed, term treated as continuous

 [on your earlier non-specified-date scheme:]
 But it sure gets confusing, especially with Colin having to resign
 after four years in order to be re-appointed to serve eight years,
 rather than maxing out at about six years and not being immediately
 re-appointable. Worse still with Keith who (I think) would max out
 after 3 and a bit years, get reappointed, and would then have to
 resign a few months later and get reappointed in order to max out at
 eight years...
 This is a consequence of the rule running continuously rather than
 at fixed intervals.

No, it's a consequence of the rule allowing for approximately one
immediate re-appointment.  The combination of:

 - The committee's membership will be reviewed annually on August 16th.
 - At that point, if there have not been at least two members leave
   the committee in the past 12 months, the most senior committee member's
   term expires immediately.
 - In addition, if there are more than five members in the committee, and
   no members have left the committee in the the past 12 months, the
   second most senior committee member's term also expires immediately

Re: Maximum term for tech ctte members

2014-06-29 Thread Anthony Towns
On 29 June 2014 19:14, Anthony Towns wrote:
 On 26 June 2014 08:18, Ian Jackson wrote:
 Anthony Towns writes (Re: Maximum term for tech ctte members):
- Term limit: Every 1st of November, the most senior member of the
  Technical Committee's is immediately and automatically removed
  from the Committee, if in the preceding 27 months less than two
  new Committee members have been appointed.  Seniority is
  determined by a member's most recent date of appointment to the
  Committee, with ties broken by length of membership in the
 27 months prior to November 1st is August 1st two years prior. (Is
 there any particular rationale for Nov 1st?)

 So by my count, that would result in:

I missed the potential interaction with increasing the committee size
to 9. With a two week minimum discussion period and a two week voting
period, the earliest that could be accepted would be July 30th or so,
so it seems likely that would result in an extra appointment in the
period between Aug 1st 2014 and Nov 1st 2014. Combined with the above,
that's something more like:

2014-09-01 Zach appointed as 9th ctte member
2014-11-01 Keith @ 12 months, Zach @ 2 months, no compulsory removals
2015-11-01 Keith @ 24 months, Zach @ 14 months, no compulsory removals
2016-11-01 Zach @ 26 months, Ian removed, Alice appointed
2017-11-01 Alice @ 12 months, Bdale removed, Bob appointed
2018-11-01 Alice @ 24 months, Bob @ 12 months, no compulsory removals
2019-11-01 Bob @ 24 months, Steve removed, Carol appointed
2020-11-01 Carol @ 12 months, Andi removed, Dave appointed
2021-11-01 Carol @ 24 months, Dave @ 12 months, no compulsory removals
2022-11-01 Dave @ 24 months, Don removed, Emma appointed
2023-11-01 Emma @ 12 months, Russ removed, Fred appointed
2024-11-01 Emma @ 24 months, Fred @ 12 months, no compulsory removals
2025-11-01 Fred @ 24 months, Colin removed, Gwen appointed
2026-11-01 Gwen @ 12 months, Keith removed, Harry appointed
2027-11-01 Gwen @ 24 months, Harry @ 12 months, no compulsory removals
2028-11-01 Harry @ 24 months, Zach removed, Irene appointed
2029-11-01 Irene @ 12 months, Alice removed, Jack appointed

Total term lengths would then be:
  - Ian: 18 years (1998-2016)
  - Bdale: 16 years (2001-2017)
  - Steve: 13 years (2006-2019)
  - Andreas: 14 years (2006-2020)
  - Don: 13 years (2009-2022)
  - Russ: 14 years (2009-2023)
  - Colin: 14 years (2011-2025)
  - Keith: 13 years (2013-2026)
  - Zach: 13 years (2014-2028)
  - Alice: 13 years (2016-2029)

ie, an additional couple of years for each member compared to my
previous simulation:

 Total term lengths would then be:
  - Ian: 16 years (1998-2014)
  - Bdale: 15 years (2001-2016)
  - Steve: 11 years (2006-2017)
  - Andreas: 13 years (2006-2019)
  - Don: 11 years (2009-2020)
  - Russ: 13 years (2009-2022)
  - Colin: 12 years (2011-2023)
  - Keith: 11 years (2013-2024)
  - Alice: 10 years (2014-2024)

 I think that leaves me still leaning towards the following or
 something pretty close to it:

  - On August 16th of each year, the terms of any Committee Members who
 have served on the committee for 50 months (4 years and 2 months) or
 more will ordinarily automatically expire. However an individual
 member's term may be extended for an additional twelve months if there
 are two or more Committee Members who have either served on the
 Committee for a longer continuous period or left the Committee in the
 preceding twelve months.

  - A developer is not eligible to be reappointed to the Committee if
 they have been a member of the Committee at any time in the preceding
 twelve months.


Anthony Towns

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Re: Maximum term for tech ctte members

2014-06-18 Thread Anthony Towns
On 30 May 2014 19:37, Anthony Towns wrote:
 I might have another go at seeing if I can word it for rolling twelve
 months, to see if that's workable.

Okay, so I gave it a go, and came up with:

 - A Technical Committee member's term will end upon resignation, removal
   or expiry.

 - A Technical Committee member may resign by stating such in public
   email to the committee discussion list.

 - If the Technical Committee and the Project Leader agree they may
   remove or replace an existing member of the Technical Committee.

 - The most senior member of the Technical Committee's term expires
   immediately, if in the preceding twelve months fewer than two
   Committee members' terms have ended. Seniority is determined
   by a member's most recent date of appointment to the Committee,
   with ties broken by length of membership in the Project.

That should work okay along with:

 - A developer is not eligible to be reappointed to the committee if
   they have been a member for more than four of the past five years.

But it sure gets confusing, especially with Colin having to resign
after four years in order to be re-appointed to serve eight years,
rather than maxing out at about six years and not being immediately
re-appointable. Worse still with Keith who (I think) would max out
after 3 and a bit years, get reappointed, and would then have to
resign a few months later and get reappointed in order to max out at
eight years...

Maybe it would be simpler and better to go with something like:

 - On August 16th of each year, the terms of any Committee Members who
have served on the committee for six or more years will ordinarily
automatically expire. However an individual member's term may be
extended for the next year, if two or more Committee Members have
either left the Committee in the preceding twelve months, or served on
the Committee for a longer continuous period.

 - A developer is not eligible to be reappointed to the Committee if
they have been a member of the Committee at any time in the preceding
twelve months.

Assuming no one resigns or gets reappointed to the committee, that would mean:

 - Aug 16 2014 - Ian (16y), Bdale (14y) out; Alice, Bob in
 - Aug 16 2015 - Steve (10y), Andi (10y) out; Carol, Dave in
 - Aug 16 2016 - Russ (7y), Don (7y) out, Emma, Fred in
 - Aug 16 2017 - Colin (6y) out, Greta in
 - Aug 16 2018 - [no change]
 - Aug 16 2019 - [no change]
 - Aug 16 2020 - Keith (7y) out, Henry in

  Alice, Bob - 6 years in
  Carol, Dave - 5 years in
  Emma, Fred - 4 years in
  Greta - 3 years in
  Henry - fresh blood

Specifying six years means you effectively get seven years though,
unless appointments manage to happen on or before Aug 16th. 5.5
years is probably better, which would bring Keith's term back to
2019, and result in just under six years in practice, I think. 4.5
years would get to Stefano's suggestion of 5y on / 1y off, which
might look like:

 - Aug 16 2014 - Ian (16y), Bdale (14y) out; Alice, Bob in
 - Aug 16 2015 - Steve (10y), Andi (10y) out; Carol, Dave in
 - Aug 16 2016 - Russ (7y), Don (7y) out, Emma, Fred in
 - Aug 16 2017 - Colin (6y) out, Greta in
 - Aug 16 2018 - Keith (5y) out, Henry in

  Alice, Bob - 4 years in
  Carol, Dave - 3 years in
  Emma, Fred - 2 years in
  Greta - 1 year in
  Henry - fresh blood


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Re: Maximum term for tech ctte members

2014-05-30 Thread Anthony Towns
On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 07:58:45PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
 I'm still skeptical that something built around people typically serving
 for eight years is the sort of turnover we want, but it's the conservative
 approach and doesn't change too much at once.  Which has some definite

I'm not sure that two terms would necessarily be the normal case;
I suspect some of that is just that having to quit and appoint a new
member to the ctte is work and it's always easier to just let things be.

Having thought about it some more, I don't think longest serving ctte
member's term ends on date, unconditionally is a good rule. For one
thing, it means that on day-before-date, the longest serving ctte member
can resign and force the second longest serving ctte member's term to end

I might have another go at seeing if I can word it for rolling twelve
months, to see if that's workable.

  Possible candidacy rules:
   - A developer is not eligible to rejoin the committee if they have
 been a member for more than four of the past five years.
 (Max two consecutive terms, roughly)
 I think this is my preference.

Yeah, it seems plausible.

   - When considering candidates for inclusion in the committee, the ballot
 must include at least one candidate who has not been a member of the
 committee in the previous four years.
 (Enforce considering new members, not necessarily having them)
 The social pressures here don't work very well.  In general, any approach
 that has the existing committee decide whether to retain a member who's
 already on the committee has the potential for hard feelings, creating
 future difficulties working together, and so forth.  

Yeah, that's a fairly persuasive argument.

   - Any eligible developer nominated by the DPL or by at least two
 developers in the period between August 1st and August 16th will be
 considered for appointment to the committee, and be included on the
 next ballot. Any developer so nominated may, however, withdraw their
 nomination if they so choose.
 I'm not sure there's any need to say something about this, 

Me either.


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Re: Maximum term for tech ctte members

2014-05-26 Thread Anthony Towns
On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 11:02:17AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 The Australian senate (our federal parliament) has 8 year terms. In

(6 year terms; same as the US senate as it happens. We have 3 years
terms the house of reps and hence prime minister as compared to 2 year
terms for the US hous of reps or the 4 year term of the US President)


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Re: Maximum term for tech ctte members

2014-05-26 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 02:09:35PM -0400, Michael Gilbert wrote:
 8 seems like it would be near ideal: turnover is dealt with only about
 once per year, it is close to the average of the existing members
 terms (7.385 years), and it's likely close the historical average
 (although I haven't calculated that, would be interesting for someone
 to research).

Going by the CVS history of the page,
past ctte members had terms of:

Manoj Srivastava ~14y
  1998-12-14 - 2012-08-30
  (* - 1.440)

Raul Miller ~ 9y
  1998-12-14 - 2007-06-14
  (* - 1.244)

Guy Maor ~ 7y
  1998-12-14 - 2006-01-05
  (* - 1.186)

Wichert Akkerman ~ 5y
  2001-04-23 - 2006-01-05
  (1.40 - 1.186)

Jason Gunthorpe ~ 5y
  2001-06-01 - 2006-01-05
  (1.42 - 1.186)

Dale Scheetz ~ 4y
  1998-12-14 - 2002-10-16
  (* - 1.84)

Anthony Towns ~ 3y
  2006-01-05 - 2009-01-06
  (1.186 - 1.312)

Klee Dienes ~ 2.5y
  1998-12-14 - 2001-06-01
  (* - 1.42)

I've put the CVS revision id in brackets for the relevant commits to in the webwml tree for verification purposes, and based
on the commit dates had a look in the -ctte archives for what seem to
be the relevant removal mails.

That's an average of ~6 years, and a median of 5 years; but that should
probably be scaled down given the lack of involvement of most of those
folks towards the end of their terms...


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Re: Maximum term for tech ctte members

2014-05-26 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 10:37:05AM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
  If we want the opportunity to appoint new members regularly, rather
  than expire old members per se, we could just say that: on July 1st,
  the two longest serving ctte members' term expires to end up with (on
  average) four year terms... [...]
 Yeah, that would achieve the same goals I had in mind and might be a
 better idea.

Okay, let's see where that goes...

 I don't know if it makes sense to have two people's terms expire at the
 same time or to have one person expire every six months. 

Or, in general, n people's terms expire every 6n months. You could have
3 people every 18 months, or 4 people every 2 years too.

 We could combine both features, though: set a term length of two years,
 and then say that people can serve for two terms in succession but then
 have to leave the committee for at least one term.

Two year terms would be electing (up to) four people a year. That seems
a lot? Eg, assuming two year term, and one year ineligible after two
consecutive terms, that'd be:

  2014: Alice, Bob re-elected; Carol, Dave newly-elected
  2015: Emma, Fred re-elected; Greta, Henry newly-elected
  2016: Carol, Dave re-elected; Ivy, Jason newly-elected
(Alice, Bob ineligible)
  2017: Greta, Henry re-elected; Karen, Larry newly-elected
(Emma, Fred ineligible)
  2018: Ivy, Jason re-elected; Miley, Nathan newly-elected
(Carol, Dave ineligible)

Given only four tech ctte members have been on the ctte less than
essentially four years (Klee, who was an original member; myself, who
chose to not stay longer than 3 years; and Keith and Colin who are
both still serving), it seems to me like four years is a reasonable

For the sake of something concrete to improve upon, how about, ummm...

 - The committee's membership will be reviewed annually on August 16th.

 - At that point, if there have not been at least two members leave
   the committee in the past 12 months, the most senior committee member's
   term expires immediately.

 - In addition, if there are more than five members in the committee, and
   no members have left the committee in the the past 12 months, the
   second most senior committee member's term also expires immediately.

 - A member's seniority is determined by the date of their most recent
   appointment to the committee. In the case of multiple members appointed
   to the committee on the same day, ties are broken based on their uid (lower uid, more senior).

August 16th, because that's Debian's birthday, and choosing an arbitrary
date seemed to make it easier to deal with. Having it be a continuously
rolling 12 months could be a good idea if it can be worded reasonably?

Also possible would be just having the most senior ctte member's term
expire on Aug 16th unconditionally.

To make it two year terms, make the four most senior people's terms expire
each year.

To make it six year terms, you'd probably have to go with a rolling 18
month period.

There's nothing in the above preventing a member from being immediately
reappointed once their term expires, if the remaining committee vote
and the DPL agrees. However...

Possible candidacy rules:

 - A developer is not eligible to rejoin the committee if they have
   been a member of the committee within the preceeding twelve months.

   (One term, then a break)

 - A developer is not eligible to rejoin the committee if they have
   been a member for more than four of the past five years.

   (Max two consecutive terms, roughly)

 - A developer is not eligible to rejoin the committee unless another
   appointment has been made since they were most recenty a member.

   (No term limit per se, but continually enforce some new blood)

 - When considering candidates for inclusion in the committee, the ballot
   must include at least one candidate who has not been a member of the
   committee in the previous four years.

   (Enforce considering new members, not necessarily having them)

 - Any eligible developer nominated by the DPL or by at least two
   developers in the period between August 1st and August 16th will be
   considered for appointment to the committee, and be included on the
   next ballot. Any developer so nominated may, however, withdraw their
   nomination if they so choose.

   (Enforce more meaningful consideration of new members, and provide a
   nomination mechanism)

   (This would work well with always expiring the most senior member's
   term, because then there would be a guaranteed vacancy to fill after
   August 16th, so nominations would always be relevant; even if none might
   actually end up being appointed)

I've got a weak preference for the later options that don't set hard
term limits, personally.


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Re: Maximum term for tech ctte members

2014-05-26 Thread Anthony Towns
On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 09:02:25AM +0200, Matthias Urlichs wrote:
 Russ Allbery:
  I had picked four-year terms because I think adding one member every six
  months (or two members every year) is probably near the upper limit of
  membership management that the TC can deal with and still get other things
  done, and at the same time I think four years is near the upper limit for
  meaningful term lengths.  Eight years is an eternity in free software.
 That may be true, but our release cycles also feel like an eternity :-P
 and it might make sense to have, say, at least one TC member on board who
 has been on the TC at least since the current oldstable was released.

So the periods between release n and n-2 have been:

 4y10m - 3.1 sarge June 6th 2005
 4y9m - 4.0 etch Apr 8th 2007
 4y3m - 7.0 wheezy May 4th 2013
 3y10m - 6.0 squeeze February 6th 2011
 3y8m - 5.0 lenny February 14th 2009
 3y4m - 3.0 woody July 19th 2002
 2y4m - 2.1 slink March 9th 1999
 2y1m - 2.2 potato August 15th 2000
 1y10m - 0.93R6 November 1995 
 1y7m - 2.0 hamm July 24th 1998
 1y3m - 1.1 buzz June 17th 1996
 1y1m - 1.3 bo July 2nd 1997
 1y1m - 1.2 rex December 12th 1996

Though aiui, the security team only support oldstable for 1 year after
the release date of stable (previously 6 months), so the effective life
of oldstable releases is probably shorter than the times above.


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Re: Maximum term for tech ctte members

2014-05-25 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 11:37:53AM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
  Yeah; I don't think that's a bad rule in general, but I'm not convinced
  it's a great fit for the tech-ctte. The thought experiment that makes me
  doubt it is if a compulsory x year break after n years of service makes
  sense in general, shouldn't it make sense now?, or equally, if it's
  too painful for us to do things this way now, why won't it be equally
  painful in future (eg if we end up appointing four members at the same
  time, and having their terms all expire at the same time as a
 Well, I guess my point is that I think it *is* a good idea now.  

Hmm, that doesn't really get to the point I was trying to reach. How

 Which is more important, avoiding sudden upheavals where possible,
 or ensuring individual ctte members have breaks?

If the latter's more important, then it's better not to special case
things now; if the former's more important, shouldn't whatever rule take
that into account in case we end up in a similar situation in future? If
so, then there's also no need for special casing now...

Without special casing, it might be hard to reconstitute the ctte from
just Coin and Keith (assuming terms of less than six years) if all the
existing members were unavailable to be re-included. I don't know that
it'd actually be that hard though -- they could just appoint two members
initially to get up to the constitutionally recommended at least 4,
then add to that over the next few years to get up to a steady state of
8 ctte members with 2 appointed each year...

An approach like:

  If we want the opportunity to appoint new members regularly, rather than
  expire old members per se, we could just say that: on July 1st, the two
  longest serving ctte members' term expires to end up with (on average)
  four year terms... [...]

would work for avoiding sudden upheavals where possible (if everyone
resigned simultaneously, you're still stuck, eg), but still supports
reviewing or cycling through members, IMO. Any thoughts on that sort
of approach?

  I would have thought deliberate scaling would make more sense than
  random assignment, eg, tech ctte members have four year terms; for the
  purpose of this rule the existing members are deemed to have been
  appointed at:
Ian, Bdale:2010-12-01 (expiry 2014-11-30)
Andi, Steve:   2011-12-01 (expiry 2015-11-30)
Russ, Don: 2012-12-01 (expiry 2016-11-30)
Colin, Keith:  2013-12-01 (expiry 2017-11-30)
 I was not particularly clear on what I meant by random assignment.  What I
 had intended was to designate six artificial start of term points in the
 past four years and then have all the members who have served for over
 four years to just draw those out of a hat.  Not completely randomly
 generating a start date.

Colin's already at 2.75 years; so if the artificial start-of-term points
weren't limited to being between, say, May 2010 and Aug 2011, you'd have
some of the oldbies' terms expiring after Colin, despite being appointed
before Colin. If you did set them all in that 15 month period, you'd still
have 6 of 8 ctte members terms expiring in, well, the next 15 months --
which seems about as bad as having them all expire now to me. Less of
a problem with longer terms, though.

BTW, I've been using four years because it's a nice round number and
reasonably short; did you think it was a good number, or were you just
using it as an example too? Based on how long current folks have been
on the ctte, I could see 8 years being plausible too, though anything
more than that seems overly long to me.


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Re: Maximum term for tech ctte members

2014-05-24 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 06:40:22PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
 Anthony Towns writes:
  Would anyone else be supportive of a proposal to set a term for tech
  ctte membership?
 I just mentioned this today in our TC meeting, so obviously I've been
 thinking along these lines as well and have been wondering if this would
 be a good idea.


  I think set terms, with no term limits would make sense (ie, you're
  appointed to the ctte, you stay on it for X years, then you either say
  thanks, but enough's enough or that was fun, I'd like to keep doing
  it and the ctte and DPL considers whether to reappoint you in the usual
 Other bodies of this type take a variation on this approach (and of the
 reappointment rule you propose below) that I quite like: after each term,
 that member may not be reappointed for some period.  For example, we could
 say that members serve for four years, and after that four-year period
 they cannot be reappointed to the TC for at least two years.

Yeah; I don't think that's a bad rule in general, but I'm not convinced
it's a great fit for the tech-ctte. The thought experiment that makes me
doubt it is if a compulsory x year break after n years of service makes
sense in general, shouldn't it make sense now?, or equally, if it's
too painful for us to do things this way now, why won't it be equally
painful in future (eg if we end up appointing four members at the same time,
and having their terms all expire at the same time as a consequence)?.

Even if you set n as high as 13 years, that'd mean Bdale and Ian would be
due for a compulsory break, despite (from my impression) them both being
enthusiastic contributors.

I was thinking of the have to appoint someone different rule I suggested
because that would at least mean you could do something like set n=6,
have Steve, Andi, Bdale and Ian's term expire immediately, but still
reappoint up to three of them almost immediately.

I'm not really convinced by the idea either, though.

Another approach might be, say, four year terms, with a compuslory two year
break after eight years.

 One approach we could take to this would be to randomly assign each
 existing member (except maybe Keith and Colin) to an artificial start of
 term date distributed across the past three or four years, for the
 purposes of deciding when our current term ends.  That would build in some
 transition time and spread new member selection out in a sustainable way.

I would have thought deliberate scaling would make more sense than random
assignment, eg, tech ctte members have four year terms; for the purpose
of this rule the existing members are deemed to have been appointed at:

  Ian, Bdale:2010-12-01 (expiry 2014-11-30)
  Andi, Steve:   2011-12-01 (expiry 2015-11-30)
  Russ, Don: 2012-12-01 (expiry 2016-11-30)
  Colin, Keith:  2013-12-01 (expiry 2017-11-30)

That still rubs me a bit the wrong way though -- we limit the tech
ctte to 4 years each, which for Ian means 16 years, for Bdale means
almost 14 years, for Andi and Steve it means 10 years, for Russ and Don
it means 8 years, for Colin it means six years, and for Keith it means
4 years. And again, sure, you can't change the past, but if it's good
for tech ctte members to be reviewed or put on a break after X years,
excluding the current members who've served X years from the rule
just doesn't seem sound to me.

If we want the opportunity to appoint new members regularly, rather than
expire old members per se, we could just say that: on July 1st, the two
longest serving ctte members' term expires to end up with (on average)
four year terms... Probably needs some tweaking though -- maybe it ought
only apply if nobody's resigned in the previous 12 months or something.


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Re: Maximum term for tech ctte members

2014-05-24 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 01:07:11AM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
 On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 06:58:36PM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
 I believe a maximum of 5 years in a
 row with a minimum 1-year suspension before being able to join again
 would work well for our tech-ctte.

I think 5 years would be awkward in an 8-member ctte; you'd end up with:

  2010: 2 members appointed
  2011: 2 members appointed
  2012: 1 member appointed
  2013: 2 members appointed
  2014: 1 member appointed
  2015: 2 members replaced

4 years is easy (2 members per year), as is 8 years (1 member per year),
and 6 years isn't too bad (4 members every three years; or 2 members
every year and half).

Bumping the ctte size to 10 members could make 5 years work of
course. Think it makes sense to have the term proportional to the ctte
size though, so turn over can be regular.


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Re: Maximum term for tech ctte members

2014-05-24 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 01:07:11AM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
 - continuity is valuable in a body like the tech-ctte, where there
   aren't that many decisions on a yearly basis (and hence, for instance,
   it takes time to get new members up to speed). 

You could get continuity by having past members continue to participate
in tech ctte discussions; they just wouldn't get a vote in the outcome...

Also, new ctte members could have been participating in ctte discussions
previously (or just general Debian development issues on -devel, -policy,
etc), so they kind-of should be mostly up to speed already. Keith
was appointed in December, and engaged in the init system question by
January, eg.


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Maximum term for tech ctte members

2014-05-22 Thread Anthony Towns
Hello world,

Would anyone else be supportive of a proposal to set a term for tech ctte

The current tech ctte members were appointed:

 Ian: May/Dec 1998 (15 years, 5 months) [0]
 Bdale: Apr 2001 (13 years, 1 month) [1]
 Andreas: Jan 2006 (8 years, 4 months) [2]
 Steve: Jan 2006 (8 years, 4 months) [2]
 Russ: Jan 2009 (5 years, 4 months) [3]
 Don: Jan 2009 (5 years, 4 months) [3]
 Colin: Aug 2011 (2 years, 9 months) [4]
 Keith: Nov 2013 (6 months) [5]

I think set terms, with no term limits would make sense (ie, you're
appointed to the ctte, you stay on it for X years, then you either say
thanks, but enough's enough or that was fun, I'd like to keep doing
it and the ctte and DPL considers whether to reappoint you in the
usual fashion.

Personally, I think 3 or 4 year terms ought to be long enough, but
that would mean kicking everyone but Colin and Keith off the ctte
immediately. Terms of 6-8 years would leave half the current ctte around
to reconstitute the ctte. With a term of 16 years (which no member has
exceeded yet), a new member would have to be voted on once every two
years on average to maintain a full 8-member ctte.

I think it'd be healthy if there was a rule something like an ex-member
may not be reappointed to the committee unless someone else has been
appointed to the ctte since s/he was last a member. That would mean
you couldn'y have Alice, Bob, Carol, Dave as the tech ctte with an
agreement that they'll just reappoint each other anytime their term
expires; they'd have to appoint someone from outside the group (Emma,
say) first. Call it an anti-Cabal measure. I'm not sure there's a simple
and obvious way to phrase such a measure though, so maybe it's too hard.

At present, the only way for someone to leave the tech ctte is for them to
disappear, resign, or be hounded out by either their fellow ctte members
or a GR. IMO, it would be nice if there was a way out of the ctte that had
more of a feeling of winning / leaving at the top of the game than those.

YMMV. I think I'd rather second a proposal along these lines than actually
propose it...



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Synchronising with Ubuntu

2009-08-11 Thread Anthony Towns
On Mon, Aug 03, 2009 at 03:55:16PM +, Anthony Towns wrote:
   etch:  2006/12 - 2007/04 (decent hit for feisty's import freeze)
   lenny: 2008/07 - 2009/02 (decent hit for jaunty's import freeze)
 dapper and hardy are the two Ubuntu LTS releases so far, dapper reached
 its desktop end-of-life a couple of weeks ago. feisty hit its end-of-life
 in October last year. I'm just extrapolating from karmic's release
 schedule; I haven't checked the schedules weren't different historically.
 Based on that, comparing universe packages in etch-vs-feisty and
 lenny-vs-jaunty for version differences, and any differences in security
 updates could be interesting, actually.

Turns out it kind-of is, too.

First, basics:

etch: froze in December 2006, released in April 2007; still supported
feisty: DebianImportFreeze in Dec 2006, UpstreamVersionFreeze in Feb 2007,
released in April 2007; support ended October 2008

Comparison between etch/main and feisty/main+universe by source:

6874 exact same source
 132 only in Debian
2273 only in Ubuntu

 600 newer upstream version in Debian
1538 newer upstream version in Ubuntu

1079 Ubuntu has Vebian bersion with ubuntuXX patch

As at today (2009/08/11) etch/feisty security support compare as follows:

  63 packages with security updates in both Debian and Ubuntu (11
 same version, 8 where Debian has new upstram, 28 where Ubuntu has
 new upstream, 16 where Ubuntu applied patches to Debian version)

   5 updates in Debian to Debian only packages
   7 updates in Ubuntu to Ubuntu only packages

  31 updates in Debian to packages with the exact same source in Ubuntu
   6 updates in Ubuntu to packages with the exact same source in Debian (!)

  42 packages updated in Debian but not Ubuntu (6 where Debian has
 newer upstream, 30 where Ubuntu has newer upstream, and 6 with
 ubuntuXX patches)

  15 packages updated in Ubuntu but not Debian (4 where Debian has
 newer upstream, 6 where Ubuntu has newer upstream, and 5 with
 ubuntuXX patches)

Of the 31 updates Ubuntu's missing, only one is from feisty/main,
and that lcms 1.15-1.1+etch3, which was DSA-1684-1 (etch1), DSA-1745-1
(etch2) and DSA-1745-2 (etch3), which were released on Dec 10, 2008,
March 20, 2009 and March 25, 2009; well after feisty's end of life in
October 2008.

The 6 updates it seems like should be a no-brainer for Debian to pull are:

clamcour 0.2.2-1.2+feisty2 universe/mail
dansguardian universe/web
denyhosts 2.6-1ubuntu0.1 universe/net
dircproxy 1.0.5-5ubuntu0.1 universe/net
dokuwiki 0.0.20061106-6ubuntu0.1 universe/web
jasper 1.701.0-2ubuntu0.7.04 libs

The only USN I can find covering these is for jasper, namely USN-501-1.

In any event, seems like there's more room for collaboration there at
first glance.

I've half done the same analysis for lenny/jaunty; but apparently it's time
for pizza.


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Re: Synchronising with Ubuntu

2009-08-11 Thread Anthony Towns
On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 07:42:24PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
 Comparison between etch/main and feisty/main+universe by source:
 As at today (2009/08/11) etch/feisty security support compare as follows:
   63 packages with security updates in both Debian and Ubuntu (11

Hmm, let's try that again. I was missing a few things... Also, comparisons
for lenny against intrepid and jaunty (both of which are still supported,
though neither are LTS).

etch vs feisty

   6874 (55%) same version

132 ( 1%) only in Debian
   2273 (18%) only in Ubuntu

195 ( 2%) Debian has newer upstream
405 ( 3%) Debian has newer patches

868 ( 7%) Ubuntu has newer upstream
670 ( 5%) Ubuntu has newer Debian patches
   1079 ( 9%) Ubuntu has ubuntuX patches

125 packages with security updates in both Debian and Ubuntu
 28 same version
  2 Debian has newer upstream
 18 Debian has newer patches
 37 Ubuntu has newer upstream
 15 Ubuntu has newer Debian patches
 25 Ubuntu has ubuntuX patches

12 updates in Debian to Debian only packages
15 updates in Ubuntu to Ubuntu only packages

68 updates in Debian to packages with the exact same source in Ubuntu
10 updates in Ubuntu to packages with the exact same source in Debian

87 packages updated in Debian but not Ubuntu
  3 Debian has newer upstream
 15 Debian has newer patches
 33 Ubuntu has newer upstream
 21 Ubuntu has newer Debian patches
 15 Ubuntu has ubuntuX patches

34 packages updated in Ubuntu but not Debian
  1 Debian has newer upstream
 10 Debian has newer patches
 10 Ubuntu has newer upstream
  4 Ubuntu has newer Debian patches
  9 Ubuntu has ubuntuX patches

Updates in Debian for packages not in Debian:
linux-2.6.24 2.6.24-6~etchnhalf.8etch2 devel
openssh-blacklist 0.1.1 net

Packages Debian should pull advisories for:
clamcour 0.2.2-1.2 mail
dansguardian web
denyhosts 2.6-1 net
dircproxy 1.0.5-5 net
dokuwiki 0.0.20061106-6 web
jasper 1.701.0-2 libs
python-clamav 0.3.3-2.1 python
sylpheed-claws 1.0.5-5.1 mail
xemacs21 21.4.19-2 editors
xfsdump 2.2.38-1 admin

(NB: denyhosts 2.6-1etch1 and dircproxy 1.0.5-5etch1 were included in
4.0r3, but didn't have a security.d.o upload, afaics. This is effectively
considering someone who has a DVD of etch r0 and otherwise only updates
from security.d.o)

Updates in Ubuntu for packages not in Ubuntu:
openssh-blacklist 0.1-1ubuntu0.7.04.1 net
openssl-blacklist 0.3.3+0.4-0ubuntu0.7.04.2 net
openvpn-blacklist 0.1-0ubuntu0.7.04.1 universe/net
pyclamd 0.1.1-0ubuntu1~feisty2 universe/python

Packages Ubuntu should pull advisories for:
(well, if it weren't already past it's use-by...)

lcms 1.15-1 libs[DSA 1684-1, 1745-1, 1745-2]
mtr 0.71-2 net  [DSA 1587-1]
netpbm-free 2:10.0-11 graphics  [DSA 1579-1]

afuse 0.1.1-1 universe/utils
alsaplayer 0.99.76-9 universe/sound
b2evolution 0.9.2-3 universe/web
backup-manager 0.7.5-3 universe/admin
bochs 2.3-2 universe/misc
camlimages 2.20-8 universe/devel
centericq 4.21.0-18 universe/net
cscope 15.6-2 universe/devel
devil 1.6.7-5 universe/libs
eggdrop 1.6.18-1 universe/net
exiftags 0.98-1 universe/graphics
feta 1.4.15 universe/admin
flamethrower 0.1.8-1 universe/admin
gallery2 2.1.2-2 universe/web
gnome-peercast 0.5.4-1.1 universe/gnome
hf 0.7.3-4 universe/hamradio
hyperestraier 1.4.9-1.1 universe/text
imp4 4.1.3-4 universe/web
inotify-tools 3.3-1 universe/misc
jailer 0.4-9 universe/admin
kazehakase 0.4.2-1 universe/web
kronolith2 2.1.4-1 universe/web
ldapscripts 1.4-2 universe/admin
libcdaudio 0.99.12p2-2 universe/libs
libdbd-pg-perl 1.49-2 universe/perl
libfishsound 0.7.0-2 universe/misc
libnss-ldap 251-7.5 universe/net
libpam-krb5 2.6-1 universe/net
libphp-phpmailer 1.73-2 universe/web
libtk-img 1:1.3-15 universe/devel
loop-aes-utils 2.12r-15 universe/admin
maradns universe/net
memcached 1.1.12-1 universe/web
newsx 1.6-2 universe/news
nsd 2.3.6-1 universe/net
open-iscsi 2.0.730-1 universe/net
openswan 1:2.4.6+dfsg.2-1.1 universe/net
otrs2 2.0.4p01-17 universe/web
pdns-recursor 3.1.4-1 universe/net
peercast 0.1217.toots.20060314-1 universe/sound
php-xajax 0.2.4-2 universe/web
phpbb2 2.0.21-6 universe/web
phppgadmin 4.0.1-3.1 universe/web
phpwiki 1.3.12p3-5 universe/web
refpolicy 0.0.20061018-5 universe/admin
reprepro 1.3.1-1 universe/utils
ruby-gnome2 0.15.0-1.1 universe/interpreters
ruby1.9 1.9.0+20060609-1 universe/interpreters
scponly 4.6-1 universe/utils
serendipity 1.0.4-1 universe/web
slash 2.2.6-8 universe/web
sork-passwd-h3 3.0-2 universe/web
splitvt 1.6.5-9 universe/utils
streamripper 1.61.27-1 universe/sound
strongswan 2.8.0+dfsg-1 universe

Re: Debian decides to adopt time-based release freezes

2009-08-04 Thread Anthony Towns
On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 05:44:58PM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 11:51:35AM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
  Also in many cases, Ubuntu and Debian teams can't fully collaborate
  because they do not target the same upstream version, freezing at the same
  time should make it possible to achieve this goal.
 I still see that Ubuntu gets more benefit from that decision. Also,
 the release team's stunning silence to questions asked about their
 decisions makes me wonder.

I'm a little bothered by the lack of release team involvement in
the discussion, but I wonder if the reason isn't simply that it's
probably pretty hard for them to pick a way of responding that won't
be misinterpreted to fit folks predisposition to argue that Ubuntu
are thieves!  or everything's always decided behind closed doors! or

I don't know of a solution to that, beyond just accepting you'll be
misinterpreted and responding anyway. 

Maybe a stylised debate would work -- ie, pick a couple of people who
can debate civilly, randomly assign positions under consideration, and
let them make the best arguments they can for those positions, then
see what falls out. Basically, just like school debates, though with
more points for substance than rhetoric. I'd find that fascinating to
follow/participate in, personally.

Alternatively, one of the ideas suggested while I was DPL that I didn't
end up getting a chance to try was having regular ask the DPL sessions,
where anyone can mail in questions, then every couple of weeks the DPL
selects a few of them and gives answers. Kind of along the lines of Google
Moderator, perhaps. Maybe something like that could be intriguing, anyway.


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Re: Debian decides to adopt time-based release freezes

2009-07-30 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 01:09:35PM +, Anthony Towns wrote:
 For three, what happened to getting the firmware issue resolved early in
 squeeze's cycle [1]? It's evidently no longer early in squeeze's cycle,
 so maybe I just somehow missed the decision on that...

For those who didn't see this post [womble] on Planet Debian already:


Status of firmware in Debian

A question from AJ reminded me that I haven't said much about the changes
to packaging of firmware in Debian, and in particular the separation of
non-free firmware from the Linux kernel.  Linux kernel packages

There is an ongoing process upstream to move firmware blobs from
drivers into a firmware/ subdirectory of the source, which is now
almost complete. Since most of this firmware is non-free, we remove it
from the source tarballs for kernel packages but use it to update the
firmware-nonfree source package.

We continue to patch some drivers to separate out firmware, and have
been submitting our changes upstream. Most of these have been accepted
though the DRI drivers matrox, r128 and radeon are notable exceptions.

A few months ago I attempted to make a new inventory of the remaining
firmware blobs [inventory] outside of the firmware/ subdirectory. I
identified three that should still be addressed. The Linux-libre [libre]
project, however, removes many other constant arrays from the kernel
[arrays] (and disables the affected drivers) where I judged the array
to be a plausible preferred form of modification.  Firmware packages

Much of the non-free firmware removed from the kernel is now available
in the firmware-linux package in the non-free section of the Debian
archive. Starting with Linux 2.6.31, we will build the DFSG-free firmware
shipped with Linux into a package called firmware-linux-free, which will
be recommended by kernel image packages. The contents of firmware-linux
will be moved to firmware-linux-nonfree and firmware-linux becomes a
meta-package depending on the other two packages.

Many other firmware images [others] never distributed with Linux are
also packaged for the benefit of users that require them.


Does that mean we can now pass something along the lines of [reaffirm]
for squeeze and expect minimal (or no) effect on the release? If so, that
seems like a major cause for celebration, no?



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Re: Debian decides to adopt time-based release freezes

2009-07-30 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 11:49:48AM +0200, Steve Langasek wrote:
 Doesn't this imply that everyone who continues using Debian today does so
 merely as an accident of the release schedule and the particular set of
 packages that land in a given Debian release?

That and the fact that upgrades between Debian stable releases are easier
(or, at least, more officially supported) than from Debian to Ubuntu.

At the moment I could recommend Debian stable over Ubuntu LTS because
it has more recent packages (2009/02 release versus 2008/04 release),
or because it's an easier upgrade for people with existing Debian systems.

With synchronised releases, both those reasons to run stable disappear.

 OTOH, perhaps you're saying that you think that the proposed sychronization
 will be successful, and as a result Ubuntu's quality will come up,
 eliminating a key differentiator between the two at present?

I'm not aware of any apples-to-apples comparisons of Debian's and Ubuntu's
quality; but personally I haven't seen much evidence that Debian's
is significantly superior (NB: I haven't used Ubuntu LTS personally,
though). The tradeoffs to me seem to be:

  Debian stable Ubuntu LTS

  2 year rel cycle  2 year rel cycle
  3 years security  3 years desktop security, 5 years server
  guaranteed freeze dateguaranteed release date
  support for all pkgs  support for main, best-effort for universe
  stabilise from testingupgrade support from previous Ubuntu 6mo release
  upgrade from oldstableupgrade support from previous Ubuntu LTS (?)
  support for 6-12 archssupport for 2-3 architectures
availability of pre-installed systems
full-time security support staff
commercial quality support
larger userbase
some additional packages

Having stable and LTS have mostly the same packages makes apples-to-apples
quality comparisons easier, which might be good or bad for Debian
depending on what the difference is. It'll make cross-grades from Debian
to Ubuntu fairly easy, removing most of the lock-in on Debian's behalf; and
probably vice-versa.

For otherwise unsupported packages in Ubuntu universe, any security
problem that Debian notices can be copied straight into Ubuntu due to
synced package versions, making best-effort mean at least as good as
Debian, so there's no drawback to using packages in universe.

So afaics, Ubuntu LTS looks to be the better system to use in all but
niche cases (non-x86/amd64 machines).

 There seems to be an assumption here that Ubuntu would benefit from bugfixes
 from Debian developers, but that the reverse would not be true.  Is this
 what you believe?  Does that mean you don't think Ubuntu developers
 contribute fixes back to Debian today?

Ubuntu has a well-defined and efficient process for accepting changes
from Debian (pull from unstable regularly), Debian doesn't have a
similarly efficient process for getting contributions from Ubuntu
(Ubuntu folks file a bug, maintainer eventually incorporates it), and
that'll presumably be made worse if there's a Debian freeze for most of
the LTS development cycle. So yeah, I think it's reasonable to expect
Debian won't get that many benefits from work on Ubuntu LTS into the
corresponding stable release.

Testable/refutable claim: my impression is most changes developed for
an Ubuntu release don't make it into Debian testing/stable until after
that release is out.

I'm not particularly bothered by this in and of itself -- if Ubuntu
LTS becomes better in every way than Debian stable is now, well great:
let's all use that instead! Benefits of free software, etc! But if stable
doesn't get used much because LTS releases (or short-term-support Ubuntu
releases) are way better, I expect that will have a flow-on effect
making testing and unstable less useful/effective, which in turn will
make Ubuntu less useful/effective. That doesn't sound like a fun outcome
for anyone to me.


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Re: Debian decides to adopt time-based release freezes

2009-07-29 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 11:25:01AM +0200, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
 Steffen Moeller schrieb:
  Same here. The release team, or the individual that pressed the button for 
  announcement, I suggest to apologize for disturbing our community.
 The text was coordinated within the entire press team, our release
 masters, the head of the technical commitee and the DPL.  IMHO there's
 no need for an apology.

It's remarkable how often people who should be apologising don't think
there's cause for an apology. Personally, I would suggest that the
press team made the mistake here of making an announcement on behalf
of the project of something pretty major that hadn't actually already
been discussed on any developer lists. I'm very surprised that neither
Bdale nor Steve made that point...

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 04:30:07PM +0200, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
 That was meant in a more general way:  It seemed to me clear, that such
 a change would be picked up by the journalists as soon as they get to
 know.  I think you agree on that?

Yeah. Journalists do things like that. It's one of the costs of working
in public.

 That's not important; independently of whether there was time for mail
 to d-d-a or not, it's not the press teams job to keep Developers
 informed.  The press teams job is external communication.

Yes, and announcing this as a finished decision before it's even been
discussed amongst the developers is very misleading.

aj, watching master get shutdown as he types

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Re: Voting on messages: a way to resolve the mailing list problems

2008-12-20 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:35:14AM +, Jurij Smakov wrote:
 * Vocal minority dominates silent majority by contributing a 
 disproportionate amount of list traffic, [...]

Note that voting can have a similar drawback -- in that if you've got
enough like-minded people voting for a particular viewpoint (eg, Joe
Random sucks, give him what for!) people with a different viewpoint
(eg, stop berating people, argh) aren't going to bother voting (the
score's already +50, why bother with a -1?). This seems to happen on
digg a fair bit. Probably someting to be aware of.

Anyway, another idea I was pondering, was having posting credits. Everyone
gets, say, five a month, and whenever they make a post, they use one up. _But_,
everytime you get a reply to a post you made, critical or complimentary, you
get one back. Benefits:

  - rate limits people, rather than censoring them. got a lot
to say? if you can say it in one post a week, rather than a hundred,
you're set. if people think you're intersting, it's easy for them
to follow what you've got to say, if people think you're boring,
it's easy to ignore you

  - allows discussions to happen (I say something, you reply, I reply
to you, you reply to me, etc, and I've spent one credit, and we just
keep swapping the other one)

  - discourages people from feeding the energy beast -- replying to
trolls then *technically* enables them to post more not just socially
(and likewise prevents you posting on other subjects technically,
not just due to the distraction); so unless you've got something
you *really* want to add, your best way to shut someone stupid up
is just to ignore them (both technically and socially)

Optionally: also allow people to give someone else one of their credits
without posting a +1. Maybe also limit who can get the five credits
a month (eg, DDs, DMs, people recommended by someone with credits),
so random anonymous trolls with throwaway accounts have to get vetted
first, before posting.


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Re: RFC: General resolution: Clarify the status of the social contract

2008-12-19 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 09:10:25PM +0100, Robert Millan wrote:
  ,[ The social contract is a goal, not a binding contract ]
  |  This amends the proposal above, and replaces the text of the proposal
  |  with: The developers, via a general resolution, determine that the
  |  social contract is an aspirational document: while we aim to achieve as
  |  much of it as feasible at all times, we don't expect to get it
  |  completely right for some time yet. This includes DFSG-freeness of all
  |  firmware

  ,[ The social contract is a non-binding advisory document ]
  |  This amends the proposal above, and replaces the text of the proposal
  |  with: The developers, via a general resolution, determine that the
  |  social contract is a statement of principle only, and has no particular
  |  force on the day to day operations of Debian, except in so far as it
  |  influences individual contributors' actions.
 How does this differ from the previous one in practice?

The main difference is in direction -- the former indicates that current
issues of non-compliance are bugs, that we promise to incrementally fix,
but aren't able to immediately.

The latter indicates the social contract is more of a vision or mission
statement -- something we might individually look to for guidance when
making decisions, but not something that's of practical influence.

So what's a practical difference? If you file a (valid) bug about some
package not-complying with the social contract (but somehow causing
no other ill-effects that would also justify the bug report), in the
former case the maintainer might reasonably defer it to post-lenny or
post-squeeze (perhaps with an -ignore tag in cooperation with the RMs,
or perhaps just by leaving a note in the bug log), while in the latter
the maintainer might reasonably close it outright, if that's what they
thought was appropriate.

(In none of the other cases could valid bugs about non-compliance with the
social contract reasonably be significantly deferred /or/ closed, where
reasonably means in line with the project's expectations. stable
releases are one reasonable milestone for significantly deferred,
but not the only one, IMO)


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Re: RFC: General resolution: Clarify the status of the social contract

2008-12-19 Thread Anthony Towns
 On Fri Dec 19 21:10, Robert Millan wrote:
   ,[ The social contract is binding but may be overridden by a simple 
   GR ]
   |  This amends the proposal above, and replaces the text of the proposal
   |  with: The developers, via a general resolution, determine that the
   |  social contract should apply to /almost/ everything Debian does, now
   |  and in the future; _AND_ for the few cases where it should not apply
   |  now, there should be an explicit GR affirming that variation (by simple
   |  majority)
  I don't like the workaround approach to supermajority requirements.  If
  we don't want 3:1, why don't we ammend the Constitution instead?

If you don't like an option, preference a different one. That's the way
(preferential) voting works.

The reason some people might like the workaround option is it makes it
clear what the goal is, and requires specific, clear, repeated effort to
/not/ meet the goal. They might like that either because you think it'll
make people think it's easier to meet the goal than not, or because it
puts the focus where we want it (front and centre in the social contract:
100% free), but still makes it clear to everyone what's going on (project
wide vote acknowledging we haven't freed some firmware yet, eg).

On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 08:31:34PM +, Matthew Johnson wrote:
 I assume any final proposal would explicitly amend the SC/constitution
 to state this. In fact, I'm tempted to say that _all_ of these should
 include SC/Constitution amendments to make them explicitly state that

All of those proposals are position statements on issues of the day,
they don't purport to modify the social contract or the DFSG or the
constitution; they just give the project's understanding of where things
are at. As such they only require a simple majority to pass.

As far as voting for a position statement along the lines of the social
contract doesn't matter, we'll upload Microsoft Word into main, yay!,
I believe that would also require a simple majority (1:1) to pass, and
would hope that a vast majority of the project would join me in voting
against it. If a majority of developers are making position statements
out of line with the social contract, I don't think there's much point
being part of some honourable minority trying to keep them in check.


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Re: RFC: General resolution: Clarify the status of the social contract

2008-12-19 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 12:18:01PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
 I think these have the same flaw as our current situation: none of them
 state who interprets the Social Contract and the DSFG if there is a
 dispute over what they mean.  

If there is a dispute in Debian, there are three levels at which it's
dealt with formally:

   1) the maintainer asks for advice, and decides

   2) the technical committee reviews the technical impact of the decision,
  and offers advice, adjudicates or overrules (const 6.1(2,3,4))

   3) the developers as a whole decide by general resolution

Informally, the DPL (and others) can influence the people responsible at
point (1) pretty effectively, and the tech-ctte at point (2).

I guess there's some small possibility that there's a relevant impact
to a social contract decision that's both completely non-technical and
in some way enforcable, but I can't think of one. And there's the GR
process as back up then, anyway.

 Witness the arguments that led up to the editorial changes GR, for

Up until that social contract amendment GR, the relevant maintainers
decided (some maintainers split packages, others didn't, and the
ftpmasters accepted packages into main so long as the programs in the
package were DFSG-free). It wasn't referred to the tech ctte iirc,
and eventually there was a GR.

That went fine, with the exception that perhaps people didn't give
enough attention to that GR, in the context of the attempts to freeze
and release sarge, the just finished don't drop non-free GR, and the
2004 DPL elections.

Obviously the result of the GR turned out to be arguably ambiguous in
and of itself, though I still don't think I've seen anyone saying that
releasing non-free documentation/firmware/etc complies with the current
text. It certainly turned out to be a surprising result to many, at least.

In any event, at the first stage, my interpretation (as maintainer of
the release and I guess to a lesser extent as one of the ftpmasters)
was it meant we needed to immediately drop non-free stuff and I posted
to -devel to that effect [0], offering all the alternatives I could
see. There were lots of responses, and they quickly got heated enough
[1,2,3,etc] that I metaphorically threw my hands up in the air to let
the other mechanisms operate (and eventually stepped down as RM). The
tech-ctte didn't go anywhere [4], the GR process did [5].


That seems to me to have been a perfectly adequate way of resolving
disputes then, I don't see why a different one would be needed.

 Otherwise, even if we say the social contract is binding, it doesn't
 resolve the current problem or future problems like it.

Wouldn't it be nice to know if we consider the social contract explicitly
binding though? Not everyone did then [6] or does now [7], eg.


In any event, as far as the current problem is concerned, is there anyone
who thinks the current situation complies with the social contract as it
stands today? If not, in what doesn't knowing that the social contract
is binding (along with what we actually want the social contract to say
wrt this) resolve the current problem?

aj, who personally thinks Debian would already be 100% free stuff in
main (docs, fonts, firmware, blobs, etc), if we hadn't distracted
outselves by promising it prematurely

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Re: Updated Debian Developers Keyring

2008-04-18 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 07:53:15AM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
 On Fri, 18 Apr 2008, Anthony Towns wrote:
 The following changes to the Debian keyring have been made:
 May I guess that this good news is somehow connected to [1]?
 If yes, thanks once more to our former DPL!

I don't see any evidence of it:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -l /srv/
total 28056
-rw-r--r-- 1 troup root 25393210 Apr 17 19:13 debian-keyring.gpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 troup root   949211 Apr 17 19:13 debian-keyring.pgp
-rw-r--r-- 1 troup root 4924 Apr 17 19:13 debian-role-keys.gpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 troup root   583785 Apr 17 19:13 emeritus-keyring.gpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 troup root   104871 Apr 17 19:13 emeritus-keyring.pgp
-rw-r--r-- 1 troup root26468 Apr 17 19:13 extra-keys.pgp
-rw-r--r-- 1 troup root  1232873 Apr 17 19:13 removed-keys.gpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 troup root   366193 Apr 17 19:13 removed-keys.pgp

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ groups joerg noodles
joerg : Debian webwml nm newmaint qa debadmin planet ftpteam
noodles : Debian keyring

Over the past few years (2005, 2006 and 2007 at least), there's been a
keyring update during the DPL election period; this one's not long after
that. It might likewise be correlated with the Ubuntu .04 releases.


Description: Digital signature

Re: RFC: Introducing Debian Enhancement Proposals (DEPs)

2008-01-18 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Jan 18, 2008 at 09:12:53AM +0100, Bas Wijnen wrote:
 If people want to do this, it's useful.  The problem that is described
 is that people don't actually want to do this, because they don't know
 if their solution will be used.  

That seems a pretty bad rationale -- implementing your solution (demoing,
prototyping, whatever) is a first step in convincing people your idea's
good, not something you do after everyone agrees with you.

 Obviously this doesn't guarantee that the work is used, but it improves
 chances, which may be enough to just go and do it.

Sure, getting a second opinion before starting is useful; but you'd do
that before a DEP anyway? gives us a central index of ways in which Debian should
  be improving, along with all of:
 Not the sort of things that DEPs are proposed for IMO.  Or at least it
 isn't used as such.  

It certainly has been in the past.

Reasons to use it again would be: it already exists, it integrates well
with lots of other things we do in Debian.

Reasons not to use it would be that it doesn't do something that's needed.

 For example, the machine-parsable copyright thing
 seems (to me) to be pretty much accepted as a Good Thing, but it's
 unclear when it would be a good idea to start suggesting or even
 mandating it in policy.

Well, that's an issue with how -policy is working, not an issue with
the BTS.

 Also, I disagree that the BTS is a usable storage place for completed
 proposals.  [...] is a much more reliable reference for a closed
report than most wikis, or even mailing lists.

 And IME they are much harder to find when they
 are, which makes the system less useful as an archive.

That's mostly because people tend not to look through old bugs. They're
certainly searchable, eg:;package=project;package=project

 Right.  The BTS is one place where these things can happen.  

The BTS is a *tracking* system -- it helps you keep track of where a
bug fix is up to. If you're wanting to track feature requests (which is
what the states and unique id assignment is about), then the BTS is a
useful tool.

 In other
 cases, other places are used, for example, or mailing
 lists.  The proposal is as non-invasive as possible and leaves all these
 options open. 

If you leave all options open, you're not doing anything.

 2. a document that can be referred to later on without having to dig
up and read through large discussions.
  What's the benefit of this, as distinct from maintained documentation
  that's distributed with the feature?
 Are you suggesting that each new feature must be implemented by one
 person (or a small team with lots of communication), and they can then
 present the idea including a full implementation with documentation?

Huh? I've no idea where you'd get that from.

If you have documentation that describes what was originally proposed,
but not what was implemented, let alone changes that've been made since,
what's so great about it?

For example, if a proposal for changing debconf travel funding was made,
what's the great advantage of having the original proposal, when it will
have almost certainly changed as soon as it's actually tried, and will have
changed further later.

Another example. The original proposal (well, one of them) for the current
new maintainer process, was

But the current documentation for the n-m process is

The original discussions are interesting for historical reasons, but I'm
not seeing what the win is in having a document that can be referred
to later on without having to dig up and read through large discussions.

 and at the end, people
 may forget to write proper documentation about it.  Both these
 problems are solved by the proposal, without forcing much policy on the

It's not writing documentation in the first place that's hard; it's
writing it so it's useful for the people who'll use it (not the people
who're implementing it), and keeping it up to date as changes are made.

  In so far as a DEP is about tracking a feature request, the BTS seems the
  right way to handle it.
 No, that would be _a_ right way.  The whole point of DEPs is to not
 mandate such a thing.

It's instead mandating for indexing, a new rfc822 format,
a bunch of manually managed states, posts to lists to manually claim a
number, all of which we already have a tool for?

 * this period must be long enough that there is a consensus that the
   enhancement works (on the basis of implementation evaluation)
  Adding delays seems to contradict the previous notes about DEPs not
  changing who gets to make decisions -- if it takes five minutes for the
  maintainer of a package to say omg, what a great idea, 

Re: RFC: Introducing Debian Enhancement Proposals (DEPs)

2008-01-18 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Jan 18, 2008 at 12:15:33PM +0100, Bas Wijnen wrote:
   For example, the machine-parsable copyright thing
   seems (to me) to be pretty much accepted as a Good Thing, but it's
   unclear when it would be a good idea to start suggesting or even
   mandating it in policy.
  Well, that's an issue with how -policy is working,
 No, it isn't.  Changes in policy shouldn't be made unless there is
 consensus that it's a good idea.  

Yes, and you get that consensus by proposing a change and addressing
any problems people raise with it. You propose the change by filing a
bug report against the debian-policy package.

  That's mostly because people tend not to look through old bugs. They're
  certainly searchable, eg:
 I know, but it doesn't look nice.  

So this all sounds like changing things for the sake of changing
things, rather than actually solving any problems to me. Count me as
not interested.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Using the BTS instead of a different system? (Was: RFC: Introducing Debian Enhancement Proposals (DEPs))

2008-01-18 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Jan 18, 2008 at 01:16:29PM -0500, Joey Hess wrote:
 If we called this field a summary, one interface to use it could be to
 mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] to set a new summary. This would add
 the message to the detailed bug log, [...]

That more or less means having a particular message in the bug log be
the summary, so adding:

Summary-Mail: 6

to db-h/nn/nn.summary, a -summary alias that updates the Summary-Mail
field to that mail's number, and probably a summary bug msg control
command as well. Presumably Summary-Mail: should either default to unset
(there is no summary), or the initial bug report.

Not sure what the display should look like. It could be just a link
to the particular message, or it could be the entire summary message
separated by hr's or similar, or it could be the first paragraph or
n lines of the summary message.

 would be available, and the newest summary would be displayed at the top
 of the bug report. It would probably also be useful to have a way to get
 a bug report's newest summary out of the bts and into $EDITOR so minor
 modifications can easily be made and sent back to the bts.

In that case it'd probably be good for the summary messages themselves
to be considered boring.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Update #1 [RFC: Introducing Debian Enhancement Proposals (DEPs)]

2008-01-17 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 09:55:19AM +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
 On Thu, 17 Jan 2008, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
   Why can't we manage the DEP list just like the rest in a VCS ? A VCS
   commit is atomic. :)
  To avoid religious was on which VCS to choose :-)
 Just use svn for that part. 

Uh, if you're just trying to get a unique number, why not use the BTS?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFC: Introducing Debian Enhancement Proposals (DEPs)

2008-01-17 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Jan 16, 2008 at 12:18:30PM +0100, Adeodato Sim?? wrote:
 Currently, when having discussions about improvements to Debian, it is
 not always clear when consensus has been reached, and people willing to
 implement it may start too early, [...]

Isn't it useful to have sample implementations before trying to decide
whether an idea is good or not? PEPs often seem to have patches for the
feature they're suggesting, before they're accepted.

 Secondly, we lack at the moment a central index in which to list such
 proposals, which would be useful to see at a glance what open fronts
 there are at a given moment in Debian, [...] gives us a central index of ways in which Debian should
be improving, along with all of:

 and who is taking care of them
 and, additionally, to serve as a storage place for successfully
 completed proposals, documenting the outcome of the discussion and the
 details of the implementation.

 A Debian enhancement can be pretty much any change to Debian,
 technical or otherwise. Examples of situations when the DEP process
 might be or might have been used include:

 * Introducing new debian/control fields (Homepage, Vcs-*).
 * Making debian/copyright be machine parseable.
 * Agreeing upon a meta-package name or virtual package name.

These sorts of issues are already tracked with the BTS, for instance when
they're dealt with by the tech-ctte or -policy.

 * Deciding on a procedure for the Debconf team for assigning travel
   sponsorship money.
 * Formalizing existing informal processes or procedures, e.g.,
   the procedure for getting a new architecture added to the archive, or
   getting access to to run QA tests.

Is it really a good idea to merge this is how we run our distribution and
this is how we organise our project ?

 The result of all this is:
   1. an implementation of the enhancement and

That's kind of implied by any process that results in changes happening...

   2. a document that can be referred to later on without having to dig
  up and read through large discussions.

What's the benefit of this, as distinct from maintained documentation
that's distributed with the feature?

 The actual discussions should happen in the usual forum or forums for
 the topic of the DEP. [...]
 In the same way, DEPs do not give any extra powers [...]
 The person or people who do the suggestion are the drivers of the
 proposal and have the responsibility of writing the initial draft, and
 of updating it during the discussions, see below.

 Proposal states
 The proposal goes through several states over its lifetime. The ideal
 progression is DRAFT - CANDIDATE - ACCEPTED, but reality requires a
 couple of other states as well.

In so far as a DEP is about tracking a feature request, the BTS seems the
right way to handle it.

  DRAFT: discussion until (rough) consensus
   * every new proposal starts as a DRAFT
   * anyone can propose a draft
   * each draft has a number (next free one from document index)
   * normal changes happen in this period
   * drafts should include extra criteria for success (in addition to
 having obtained rough consensus, see below), that is, for moving to
 the ACCEPTED state

These are all possible with the BTS right now.

  CANDIDATE: implementation + testing
   * consensus exists for what should be done, and how it should be done
   * agreement needs to be expressed by all affected parties, not just the
 drivers; silence is not agreement, but unanimity is not required, either
   * implementation can of course start earlier
   * changes in this period are primarily based on feedback from implementation

Tagging the bug confirmed allows this right now.

   * this period must be long enough that there is a consensus that the
 enhancement works (on the basis of implementation evaluation)

Adding delays seems to contradict the previous notes about DEPs not
changing who gets to make decisions -- if it takes five minutes for the
maintainer of a package to say omg, what a great idea, why shouldn't
it be implemented immediately?

  ACCEPTED: integrate to policy/devref/elsewhere (if applicable)
   * consensus exists that the implementation has been a success
   * also, the final version of the document is archived in a central place
 (vcs on alioth, plus web page generated from that), even if integrated
 to other documents as well

Tag it patch or close the bug, and this already happens.

  DROPPED: no further action needed
   * the drivers are no longer interested in pursuing the DEP
   * if there are no modifications to a DEP in DRAFT state for six months,
 or there is a consensus that the implementation of a DEP in
 CANDIDATE state has been abandoned, the DEP is moved to DROPPED
 state (from which it can be resurrected by moving to DRAFT stage

Tag it wontfix or close the bug, and this already happens.

  OBSOLETE: no longer 

Re: Updated Debian Maintainers Keyring

2007-12-02 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sun, Dec 02, 2007 at 08:59:56PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
 It was closer, but there were stray x89 and x94 strings (as literal
 strings, not as escapes or hex encodings of characters).

Ah, well, that makes some sense. That's what gpg's dumping to me:

$ gpg --with-colons --list-key 65B4B162 | hd
0040  2d 33 31 3a 3a 3a 2d 3a  41 75 72 c3 a9 6c 69 65  |-31:::-:Aur..lie|
0050  6e 20 47 c3 5c 78 38 39  52 c3 5c 78 39 34 4d 45  |n G.\x89R.\x94ME|
0060  20 3c 61 67 40 72 6f 78  6f 72 2e 63 78 3e 3a 3a  | [EMAIL 

except that I'm sending '\x89' to psql instead of '\\x89'. Doing the
latter makes my output include the literal text \x89, and makes psql
include the same thing. That at least stops it repeatedly reporting the
name. And making the script de-escape '\\x89' into the actual chacter
'\x89' makes it work properly. Yay!


Description: Digital signature

Re: Updated Debian Maintainers Keyring

2007-11-29 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 02:57:22AM +0100, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
  Full name: Aur?lien G?R?ME
 (rewritten w/o half-broken encoding, maybe it would be nice to send
 mails using something different from us-ascii?)

Patches welcome. A suggested Content-Type: header might be enough?

   debian-maintainers (1.6) unstable; urgency=low
 * Updated Ryan Finnie's key. Closes: #453075
 * Added Debian maintainer Manuel Prinz. Closes: #453064
 * Added Debian maintainer Simon Josefsson. Closes: #453138
 Looks like there were actually no changes here. False positive of some

Or python/psql is getting a different value pulled out of psql to the
one it thinks it's putting in, and Aurelian's name will be reported as
updated with every upload...


Description: Digital signature

Re: linhdd concerns (was: Re: Updated Debian Maintainers Keyring)

2007-11-27 Thread Anthony Towns
On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 09:44:50PM +0530, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan wrote:
 As people have already explained, this is not the first mistake people
 have commited.  And at the same time, I agree that it was a grave
 mistake on my part and I publicly apologize for this mistake. If you
 care to rectify this by removing my account, by all means do so.

Right, and it won't be the last either -- but it seems to me the best 
approach is to prevent similar bugs from happening again.

Unless there's some hidden mass of problems in packages you sponsor (and
I imagine it would've become apparent by now if there were), removing your
account or upload rights or ability to sponsor wouldn't actually be an

But there has to be *something* that could reasonably have been done
to avoid this mistake, that you and other sponsors could just make part
of your routine in future so *this* mistake doesn't happen again. I've
suggested some ways that might work, but your thoughts on the matter
would seem much more useful, both since this was your mistake, and
because you're much more actively involved in sponsoring than I am.

aj, who'd just like to see some failure analysis / air crash investigation
type conclusions out of this, rather than just foo sucks and
shouldn't upload

Description: Digital signature

Re: linhdd concerns (was: Re: Updated Debian Maintainers Keyring)

2007-11-26 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sat, Nov 24, 2007 at 11:22:52PM +0530, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan wrote:
 [I did not recieve the original email addressed to me by aj, so I am
 literally reading between the lines to digest the original message]

It was sent to your @d.o address, and is in the list archives at:

  Ramakrishnan, how did your sponsorship checking miss both this error
  and the RC bug (442093) the previous upload introduced by the i386
  binary's absence?
 I have tried to catch and feed the lintian and linda errors back to
 Kartik all the time. I really don't know how I missed it. 

Well, it was overriden, so unless you'd use lintian with --show-overrides,
it wouldn't've shown up.

 If I remember right, I did an upload of this package only once. 

You sponsored both the 0.4-1 and 0.4-2 uploads according to the signatures
on the .changes files [0].

AFAICS, there were three places where, as sponsor, you could have picked
this issue up:

- in the 0.4-1 upload, you should have found that the program didn't
  work at all after being built, ie spotted Bug#442093 prior to
  uploading; working more closely with Kartik in solving that bug
  might have avoided including abs_fdisk at all

- in the 0.4-2 upload, you should've seen the changelog entry added
  abs_fdisk binary and wondered why a binary was being added to an
  arch:all package. Or why it wasn't using fdisk from util-linux.

- in the 0.4-2 upload, you might've looked at the debdiff against
  0.4-1 and noticed the addition of the debian/lintian.override file

linhdd: arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object ./usr/bin/abs_fdisk

  and asked what was going on.

 Please go ahead with my upload rights removal and also removal from
 debian keyring, if you judje people by just one of their actions.

In this case it's inaction, and it'd be better if you'd acknowledge the
problem and do what you can to avoid it in future. From the above, it
seems like when sponsoring packages you're not always:

- testing to see if they work
- reviewing the changelog with an eye for problems
- running debdiff to see if anything looks odd
- agreeing to sponsor packages only when you've got time to review them

That's only my inference from the results though; maybe you are doing
some or all of the above normally, and just slipped up this time. Or
maybe you have some other technique to catch problems that makes more
sense than the above? 

Removal of your upload rights is one way of avoiding this mistake in
future, but there are lots of other sponsors who could make the same
mistake, and given you sponsor other things, it has a lot of collateral


[0] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/srv/$ gpgv \
--keyring /srv/ \
gpgv: Signature made Thu Sep  6 11:01:25 2007 MDT using DSA key ID 6A9F3C38
gpgv: Good signature from Ramakrishnan M [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/srv/$ gpgv \
--keyring /srv/ \
gpgv: Signature made Wed Sep 19 10:19:22 2007 MDT using DSA key ID 6A9F3C38
gpgv: Good signature from Ramakrishnan M [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: Digital signature

linhdd concerns (was: Re: Updated Debian Maintainers Keyring)

2007-11-24 Thread Anthony Towns
Hi Ramakrishnan, Mohammed, Jaldhar, Kartik,

It's been pointed out that Kartik's latest upload of linhdd has included
an i386 binary in arch:all package, and explicitly overriden the lintian
warning for it (see the mail quoted below). That seems pretty dodgy. 

Kartik what possible reason did you have for overriding the lintian
error report, rather than changing your package to remove the error? Did
you ask anyone's advice before doing so? Why are you asking for the
removal of linhdd now (Bug#452629), instead of *fixing* the package,
eg, by making the package architecture specific instead of arch:all and
either the binary built as part of debian/rules, or simply using the
fdisk that's already packaged as part of util-linux?

Ramakrishnan, how did your sponsorship checking miss both this error
and the RC bug (442093) the previous upload introduced by the i386
binary's absence?

Mohammed and Jaldhar, as advocates (and AM) of Kartik, do you have
anything to add here?

For the record, Ramakrishnan also seems to have sponsored uploads of the
following packages for Kartik that are still present in the archive:
of festival, festival-doc, fontypython, speech-tools, tagtool, and
uni2ascii. His only other sponsored upload still in the archive is kpsk
1.0.1-3 in sarge for Sebastian Muszynski.

Kartik is listed as maintainer of:

 aspell-gu  | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ayttm  | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 bake   | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 blast  | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 chmlib | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 clara  | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 dvdrtools  | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 festival   | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 festival-doc   | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 fontypython| Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 freetalk   | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 gnome-specimen | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 gtkdiskfree| Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 kphotobymail   | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ldtp   | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ldtp-doc   | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 libyahoo2  | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 linhdd | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mpy-svn-stats  | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pygtkmvc   | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pyslide| Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 recoll | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 scanmem| Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 sitecopy   | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 speech-tools   | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 tagtool| Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 tepache| Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 uni2ascii  | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 xchm   | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 xmms-crossfade | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 xmountains | Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 xosview| Kartik Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 06:49:24PM +, Steve McIntyre wrote:
  Full name: Kartik Mistry
 I don't know if that was such a good idea, see #452464
 Wow, the linhdd package is *special*. Based on initial analysis of
 this package, please remove:
  * the DM (Kartik Mistry) from the keyring (he clearly needs to learn
more before he should be allowed to upload directly)
  * the upload rights of the sponsor (Ramakrishnan M
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) who uploaded this to incoming without any
suitable level of checking. This is a *much* more important problem
  * the package itself
 The package contains an i386 binary (abs_fdisk)in a binary-all
 package, directly installed from a binary that comes in the upstream
 source packages. To accompany that, there are the following
  * a README.Debian stating
   linhdd also has binary called 'abs_fdisk' which is used for linhdd
working correctly. util-linux is provided for its source.
   To save archive space, the package is set to Architecture:
all. Please do not report this as a bug on the mentioned
  * a lintian.override file to suppress errors about it
  * changed source files that claim to be used in fdisk and abs_fdisk
 I expect a *much* higher standard of packages in our archive, and I
 hope I'm not alone here.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Updated Debian Maintainers Keyring

2007-11-22 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Nov 21, 2007 at 12:10:41PM +0100, Pierre Habouzit wrote:
 Here is the current list. 

When psql on merkel gets updated to a version that can load the dumps
from ftp-master, you can get a more accurate view of who can upload what
by ssh'ing to merkel and running:

psql projectb EOF
  SELECT s.source, s.version, u.uid
FROM src_uploaders su JOIN source s ON (su.source = 
 JOIN src_associations sa ON ( = sa.source)
 JOIN maintainer m ON (su.maintainer =
 JOIN uid u ON ( LIKE || ' %')
   WHERE u.uid LIKE 'dm:%' AND sa.suite = 5
ORDER BY u.uid, s.source, s.version;

The current output for that is:

  source  |   version|   uid   
 apt-transport-debtorrent | 0.1.1| dm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 bittornado   | 0.3.18-5 | dm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 debtorrent   |  | dm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 libphp-adodb | 4.96-1   | dm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 torrentflux  | 2.3-6| dm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 a7xpg| 0.11.dfsg1-2 | dm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 gunroar  | 0.15.dfsg1-2 | dm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 tumiki-fighters  | 0.2.dfsg1-1  | dm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 iso-codes| 1.6-2| dm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(9 rows)

 I note that the 4th package made an interesting choice indeed.

The Dm-Upload-Allowed: field is only relevant for DM when there're non-DD
uploaders listed.

It's relevant for dak in that only packages with that field set get
their uploaders put into the database where they can be referred to later.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Updated Debian Maintainers Keyring

2007-11-22 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, Nov 22, 2007 at 06:10:42PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 21, 2007 at 12:10:41PM +0100, Pierre Habouzit wrote:
  Here is the current list. 
 When psql on merkel gets updated to a version that can load the dumps
 from ftp-master, you can get a more accurate view of who can upload what
 by ssh'ing to merkel and running:

...or I could script it and you could just look at an automatically
updated web page like:


Description: Digital signature

Re: Updated Debian Maintainers Keyring

2007-11-22 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, Nov 22, 2007 at 03:13:52PM +, Stephen Gran wrote:
 This one time, at band camp, Anthony Towns said:
  When psql on merkel gets updated to a version that can load the dumps
  from ftp-master [...]
 Can we just open the postgres port on ftp-master to merkel, and grant 
 read only access (over ssl if it makes people feel better)?.

I think that'd require code changes to dak. It probably also means the
dak install on merkel wouldn't be an exact mirror of the one on ries,
which would be a nuisance as far as keeping it an exact mirror of the
live install is concerned.

Also, restoring the dump to merkel has the advantage that we know our
backups can actually be restored.

Anyway, updating merkel to etch looks set to happen fairly soon anyway.


Description: Digital signature

Re: NM process, AMs, advocates, mentors and applicants

2007-11-21 Thread Anthony Towns
On Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 02:51:42PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
 Hm, it didn't seem like a mentor role to me.  Being a mentor involves
 telling the mentee how to solve a problem and helping them work through
 the learning process.  

I would've said it involves helping them work through the process
repeatedly, until they don't need any help; possibly introducing new
difficulties at each cycle. A good mentor ought to be able to tell when
the mentee's reached the point that they no longer need any help.

I'd consider the release assistant stuff to follow that sort of structure,
personally; it definitely has an educational component as well as
practical work, and it also has the mentors evaluating the progress and
deciding at some point that they've reached the point where they can do
the work on their own.

 It felt more like a practical examination to me than a mentor

Which is fine too, of course; but it's the sort of thing that works well
for people who're already competent and confident in their abilities, and
really badly for people who're nervous or just don't know where to start.

Of course, if someone is already skilled, then it's better to just have
them demonstrate that than try to teach them things they already know,
in which case worrying too much about mentoring is a bad idea.


Description: Digital signature

test mail from ajt@ via d...@ftp-master

2007-11-17 Thread Anthony Towns
If this were a real mail, there would be some useful content here.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Updated Debian Maintainers Keyring

2007-11-17 Thread Anthony Towns
Apparently bouncing messages to -project doesn't work so well, so this
is a forward of [0] instead. Future messages will be sent direct to
-project when an update d-m package is accepted.


  -- aj

With the upload of debian-maintainers version 0.08, the following
changes to the keyring have been made:

Full name: Jose Parrella
Added key: 7C1081B53C566C78AC7D3A2D51602C8D005C3B82

A summary of all the changes in this upload follows.

Debian distribution maintenance software,
on behalf of,

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 22:05:57 -0500
Source: debian-maintainers
Binary: debian-maintainers
Architecture: source all
Version: 0.08
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian Maintainer Keyring Team [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Changed-By: Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 debian-maintainers - GPG keys of Debian maintainers
 debian-maintainers (0.08) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Joey Hess ]
   * Add James Troup, Michael Beattie, Ryan Murray, Joerg Jaspert, Brian
 Nelson, Marc Brockschmidt, and Christoph Berg to the admins keyring.
 Per the GR, they all have commit access already, so it seems they might
 as well be able to easily jetring-accept changes too.
   * Add Anibal Monsalve Salazar to the admins keyring. Anibal is the newest
 member of the DM team.
   * Use pgp-clean from signing-party to strip signatures from the admins
 keyring, saving a couple megabytes from the source package.
   * Update docs, manual announcements are no longer needed since aj automated
 them at package accept time.
   [ Anibal Monsalve Salazar ]
   * Added added myself to the uploaders list.
   * Added Homepage line in debian/control.
   * Added Debian maintainer Jose Parrella.
 7e140d55433bc453b78cbc5da7ddb311 846 misc extra debian-maintainers_0.08.dsc
 f1360e1e31d55d04c52939716eeb8337 185505 misc extra 
 8bccafce4e6a5912a4eff26ccb8a3b63 32930 misc extra 
 71e49a5a21da0537542a801fcbfcf04f 41984 raw-keyring - 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian Maintainers

2007-10-27 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 09:55:57AM +0200, Bart Martens wrote:
 I'm sure that the intentions are good, but Joerg has a point about these
 three DM's.  Maybe it is better to replace these three DM registrations
 in the DM keyring by three artificial DM's owned by DD's.  

For the record, the code for this was tested first by limiting my own
key to only have DM rights for some months. 

The limitations inherent in separating keys/rights for DMs include:

- not having the same key being a DD and DM
- not having a DD and DM with the same name
- having the DM's name from the gpg key be included in the
  Uploaders: field

I don't think having dummy uploads introducing made up names into
Uploaders fields is a great idea, and limiting testing to DDs means you
don't get reports of things that are obvious to DDs but aren't for people
who've never uploaded before.

 Then nobody
 can complain about real DM's already being added without following the

Joerg's already made other complaints of that form:

19:25 Ganneff aj: wasnt there a dont accept your own package?
19:27 Ganneff (i know, i violated that myself already).
19:28 Ganneff gpg --list-keys in build without gnupghome. 
as buildd maintainer i would file rc bugs.
19:31 aj good thing arch:all packages aren't build on buildds then? ffs

I don't think any solution short of revert the GR entirely would
stop those complaints -- and in turn is why they're correlated with the
original votes.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian Maintainers

2007-10-26 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 12:45:54AM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 25, 2007 at 10:44:29PM +0200, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
  Please follow your own rules. Thanks.
 Besides, and with a sharp different tone, if Debian Maintainers are a
 reality now ... 

It's not yet; remaining holdups are:

- only one non-DD beta-tester to shake out bugs; I'd prefer
  two before announcing or having any uploads I'm not willing
  to personally take responsibility for

- debian-maintainer keyring uploads aren't processed
  automatically, mean that, in effect, only ftpmaster is able
  to change the keyring

I've been more low-key (and hesitant) about implementing this than
I would've liked to have been in order to try to avoid offending the
people who're worried about this, but I should probably have expected
those to find fault with this no matter what happens anyway.

For amusement's sake, correlating GR votes with respondents in this
thread up until now:

V: 1-js Jonas Smedegaard
V: 12   don Don Armstrong
V: 12  zack Stefano Zacchiroli
V: 12 joeyh Joey Hess
V: 12killer Kalle Kivimaa
V: 12   hertzog Raphael Hertzog

V: 21he Marc Brockschmidt
V: 21   faw Felipe van de Wiel
V: -1  acid Julien Danjou
V: -1 bartm Bart Martens
V: 21 joerg Joerg Jaspert
V: 21schizo Clint Adams
V: -1  madcoder Pierre Habouzit

 Point is, right now nobody knows DM can be used practically.

To be clear, it can't. It's in final beta-testing. 

Developers who are interested can monitor it by examining the projectb
database (on ries if you have access, or on merkel otherwise), eg:

Packages with Dm-Upload-Allowed: yes and corresponding allowed uploaders:

SELECT S.source, S.version, 
  FROM src_uploaders U JOIN source S ON (U.source = 
   JOIN maintainer M ON (U.maintainer =;

  source  |   version|name
 debtorrent   |  | Cameron Dale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 a7xpg| 0.11.dfsg1-2 | Miriam Ruiz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 gunroar  | 0.15.dfsg1-2 | Miriam Ruiz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 tumiki-fighters  | 0.2.dfsg1-1  | Miriam Ruiz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 apt-transport-debtorrent | 0.1.1| Cameron Dale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 torrentflux  | 2.3-5| Cameron Dale [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Recognised DM uploaders:

SELECT U.uid,, F.fingerprint 
  FROM uid U JOIN fingerprint F ON (F.uid =
 WHERE U.uid like 'dm:%';

   uid   | name |   fingerprint  
 dm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Fathi Boudra | CEE06509A9D42D28D2573EA88CF535F6...
 dm:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Miriam Ruiz  | AA46F4F2BD5975A4EE4282237DB96D2E...
 dm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Cameron Dale | FF0784FEE439DA85CAF1EA950F1F76E2...

(fingerprints trimmed by hand at 80 characters)

Sources currently in the archive uploaded by DMs:

SELECT S.source, S.version, S.install_date, U.uid 
  FROM source S JOIN fingerprint F ON (S.sig_fpr = 
   JOIN uid U ON (F.uid = 
 WHERE U.uid like 'dm:%';

   source| version |  install_date  |  uid  
 torrentflux | 2.3-5   | 2007-10-23 00:00:00+00 | dm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 torrentflux | 2.3-4   | 2007-10-21 00:00:00+00 | dm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 debtorrent  | | 2007-10-19 00:00:00+00 | dm:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Those queries should continue to work once the system's out of beta.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Multi-winner elections, soc-ctte (Was: Re: soc-ctte discussion at DebConf7)

2007-06-30 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sat, Jun 30, 2007 at 10:00:47AM +0300, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 02:43:24PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
  It should be relatively straight forward for Devotee to find the
   winner, take the winner out of contention the next round, find the next
   winner (ignoring any pairwise contests dealing with any candidate no
   longer in the contest), and continue until the number of candidates
   desired has been reached.
 This is no doubt true.
 As I mentioned in another mail, this procedure does have the problem of not
 delivering proprtional results.
 A scenario.  

A simpler scenario. A bunch of candidates divide themselves into
essentially two parties, people focussed on free software, and people
focussed on our users. As it turns out, one group has 60% support within
the project, the other group has 40% support within the project. There
are six candidates, and three places to fill. Votes go along the lines of:

60% [ 1 ] A-1
[ 2 ] A-2
[ 3 ] A-3
[ 4 ] B-1
[ 5 ] B-2
[ 6 ] B-3

40% [ 4 ] A-1
[ 5 ] A-2
[ 6 ] A-3
[ 1 ] B-1
[ 2 ] B-2
[ 3 ] B-3

Condorcet gives the winner as A-1. Excluding A-1 gives you a Condorcet winner
of A-2. Excluding A-1 and A-2 gives you a Condorcet winner of A-3.

A more desirable outcome, IMO, would have given B-1 a seat in the above
circumstances. Which is what proportionality is all about...

Whether A is free software and B is our users or vice-versa is left as
an exercise for the reader. ;) Other plausible scenarios might involve
soc-ctte candidates promoting freedom of speech versus improving


Description: Digital signature

Re: message from Sven Luther

2007-06-29 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 03:51:32PM +0200, Robert Millan wrote:
 I don't personaly think being publicly
 discredited by our mistakes is something we want as a community.

Being publicly discreditted for our mistakes seems like exactly the
right thing to happen to me, actually. Helps discourage us from making
mistakes in future, helps other people avoid making the same mistakes,
helps people understand how Debian works.

That's why we have a publically available BTS, do our development in
public, try to avoid using private lists, etc, after all...


Description: Digital signature

Re: Micros*ft deal

2007-06-25 Thread Anthony Towns
On Mon, Jun 25, 2007 at 03:57:39PM +0200, Alexander Schmehl wrote:
 I would to see some kind of statement, too.

How about To the best of our knowledge, Debian is free of patent
encumberance. We will, however, happily accept patent indeminfications
for our users, upstream developers, and derived distributions; and will
be happy to offer any company that offers such an indemnification any
number of copies of Debian to provide to their customers that they may
desire. ? :)


Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian Trademarks Summary

2007-06-23 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sat, Jun 23, 2007 at 12:48:26AM +0100, MJ Ray wrote:

] Just to be clear, the two debian logos are currently under the restrictive
] copyright licences described on (set by
] votes in 1999) and not currently suitable for inclusion in the debian
] operating system, but the project is currently in the process of changing
] this. I expect an announcement from SPI soon.

That's no longer the case; both logos are now available under the MIT
license, however a public announcement hasn't been made pending some

] Personally, I'm not surprised that there was not much progress on
] our trademark during 2006-2007, with a Debian Project Leader who writes
] utter rubbish like The DFSG [...] doesn't cover patents or trademarks
] but maybe we can get moving again now, and make debian more fun by
] fixing this mess at long last, instead of it being thrown up over our
] shoes each time we complain about someone else using trademarks to
] obstruct free software.

Yes, clearly no progress was made, and certainly all the progress that wasn't
made was in spite of anything I might have done.

  * there's a draft trademark license that we've been waiting for the
  project to do something with it for many months (mentioned on-list
  Sep 2005 and on planet May 2006 AFAICT), so please don't blame -legal
  or SPI for our delays.

It's likewise nice to see we're back to -legal not being a mailing
list, but an unconstituted advisory body that manages to be a responsible
body, somehow.



Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian release cycle for enterprise ?

2007-06-09 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Jun 08, 2007 at 09:41:09AM +0200, Fr??d??ric PICA wrote:
 This the follow up of the same thread in debian-release :

In that thread, Martin Krafft wrote:

] To support a release for 4-5 years, we would need substantially more
] resources: people who backport security fixes and maintain the
] archive, mirror operators who don't mind additional gigabytes,
] package maintainers who don't mind cooperating on old packages, and
] upstreams who are equally cooperative.

There's a lot of value to being able to update regularly and take
advantage of new developments, whether you do that at a twice-daily
interval (testing, unstable), three monthly interval (ubuntu), which is
an important consideration in regards to regular releases and minimising
freeze times and so forth. I'm going to ignore it completely for the
rest of this mail though.

One thing I think's interesting is comparing the lifetime of systems
like Windows 98 or Windows XP to Debian -- ie, considering people still
running hamm today, or still doing installs of potato or woody, and what
it would take to support that sort of usage.

I think there's probably a few factors to take into acocunt here:

i = initial time to review the upgrade and be confident it will work
d = planning and downtime to actually do an upgrade
l = preferred lifetime of installations

For i, it's probably fair to say that major Windows upgrade tend to
have a longer burn in period due to people preferring to wait for bugs to
be worked out and service packs to be released before considering major
upgrades. For Debian, most of the bugs are worked out before the stable
release (or at least, most of the bugs that are going to be fixed anyway),
and it's easy to get experience with the new OS while it's in development.

Likewise d is reduced for Debian systems because it is fairly easy to
do an upgrade -- some configuration may need to be retested and updated,
and some packages may need to be replaced instead of upgraded, but that
work is relatively minor compared to reinstalling and reconfiguring a
system from scratch.

For l, in Windows circles it's traditional to take that as the lifetime
of the hardware, so three-to-five years; though in Debian circles you
might often expect an installation to last through multiple changes of
hardware, and thus be able to consider it independently.

It's probably worth considering a variation of that,

l' = preferred availability for new installations

so that if l'=2 and l=3, you know you have a two year period when you
don't need to worry about installing anything but XP, and you also know
you're not going to be forced to upgrade any of those computers for
three years -- which means two (l') years of commercial availability,
and five (l+l') years of security support.

If we define

s = desired length of security support
r = release cycle length

and we calculate:

t_release = date release is released
a_release = date release is available to be installed
e_release = date release ceases having security support


t_lenny = t_etch + r
a_etch = t_etch + i
e_etch = t_etch + s

a_lenny = a_etch + l'
t_lenny = t_etch + l'
r   = l'

e_etch = a_etch + l' + l
 = t_etch + i + l' + l
 = t_lenny - (t_lenny - t_etch) + i + l' + l
 = t_lenny - r + i + l' + l
 = t_lenny + i + l + (l' - r)

e_etch - t_lenny = i + l + (l' - r)

So oldstable security support (how long we do etch security support
after lenny is released) needs to last for at least i+l (since l' =
r), and i+l+l'-r if you're not synchronising your upgrade cycle with
Debian's release cycle (ie, l'  r).

At the moment that's one year, so we can work backwards and estimate
for Debian users,

l'=r = 1.5 years   (minimising l'-r)
i+l  = 1 year  (oldstable security support)

So the usable lifetime of a release (l'+l) is 2.5y-i, and the maximum
amount of time you can guarantee a Debian release is usable is 1y (if
you're required to install the day before a stable release comes out,
you'll need to do an upgrade within a year).

If we want to choose l', l and i rather than calculate them, then sample
figures like:

l' = 1y6m ; i = 0y  (always install the newest release)
l = 3y  (only do new installs on new hardware)

might be appropriate, in which case you get:

e_etch - t_lenny = i+l = 3y

ie, you would need oldstable support to last three times as long as it
currently does.

Alternately, you might consider:

l' = 3y ; l = 0 ; i = 0  (have a 3 year cycle of upgrades, where
  every machine gets upgraded, including
  ones that were just installed yesterday;
  all machines run the same 

Re: Social committee proposal

2007-06-04 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sun, Jun 03, 2007 at 10:56:32PM +0100, Mark Brown wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 01, 2007 at 10:30:24PM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
  Also, I can already see opposition to a committee which is only elected
  once, and can then change its own membership at will, while retaining
  all of its the powers that the originally elected members were given.
  That simply sounds evil.
 It does mirror the arrangements for the TC.

Is that meant to be a good thing? :)


Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian Maintainers oup

2007-06-01 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 03:15:06PM +0200, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis) wrote:
 - do we really need to make this more complicated than:
 1) sponsor officially declares this person can in his opion handle the 
 sponsored package?
 2) sponsoree gets upload rights for that package

We need some way to identify this person -- ie, a gpg key that's
verified by a DD in some way. We probably want some assurance that this
person's going to be trustworthy and honourable and support Debian's
goals, like affirming the social contract and such.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Jury (was Re: Two GR concepts for dicussion)

2007-06-01 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 11:30:28PM -0400, Philippe Cloutier wrote:
 Hey, why not? A third idea: instead of having delegates or a committee
 or whatever to decide amongst disputes, how about randomly selecting a
 jury from DDs and having their word (on who's right, on what punishment
 is plausible) be absolutely final, with no appeal, ever?
 I don't like it at first read, but you may provide examples of 
 situations where such a procedure could be useful. In particular, just 
 determining who's right doesn't help much. As for determining what 
 punishments are plausible, isn't this better done by a committee 
 specialized in the Constitution?

Randomly selected juries avoid the cabal problem -- it's transparent
who gets involved, it's not limited to some people, it's not
the same people all the time, and it's a bit easier to deal with
(perceived/claimed/whatever) conflicts of interest.

I dunno, it's just something I've been wondering about for a little
while now.


Description: Digital signature

Two GR concepts for dicussion

2007-05-31 Thread Anthony Towns
Hey all,

As a slight distraction from other discussions going on, I'd like to
throw a couple of ideas out there for consideration, particularly with
debconf coming up and a chance for many of us to discuss things in person.

First, the Debian Maintainers concept, ie giving limited upload access
to people prior to, or instead of, them becoming developers. For this
to be useful, the process should be lightweight, but still provide a
good means of ensuring we (and our users) can maintain our trust in the
packages that get uploaded.

I think the process should involve:

- automated application process

- as close as feasible to automated keyring maintenance

- policies developed by consensus and implemented individually by
  developers, in a similar manner to policies for sponsored
  uploads at present, rather than an individual or group setting
  policy or approving applications (like DAM or NEW processing)

- minimal requirements: gpg keyring signed by either one or two
  developers, recommendation by a developer, use of existing
  fields such as Maintainer: and Uploaders: to control access,
  no provision for uploaders to do NMUs or upload NEW packages etc

Both Joerg (DAM) and James (DAM, DSA, ftpmaster, keyring-maint) objected
to me pushing ahead with this a couple of months ago [0], and not much
was achieved after it was discussed at debconf last year either, ttbomk.
My best summary of Joerg's objections are:

- having me be pushy about it, particularly in the lead up to
  a DPL election in which I'm a candidate, doesn't work

- there isn't a sufficiently concrete plan

- it's taking over some of the DAM role (in principle if not
  precisely in practice) so should be done with DAM's approval and

- there should be a general consideration of other DD priveleges
  (voting, machine access, addresses) and having
  more granular control of those too

Personally, I'd rather leave a general consideration of other priveleges
until after we've tried generalising uploads and seeing how (if) that
works, which makes me pretty reluctant to worry about the last point;
and I'd like to think that you don't need to have a DAM hat (or approval)
to work on improving this area of Debian, so while I certainly respect
Joerg's opinion (which is why I'm trying to paraphrase and reply to
it!), I'd rather that only be due to his experience and insight wrt
helping newbies join Debian satisfactorily, than his current position
in the project.

James hasn't made his particular objections clear, apart from that
it should go through keyring-maint. The thread following [0] includes
various criticisms and responses too.

So, the reason I call it a GR concept is that I think a reasonable
approach would be to work out a concrete plan over the next few weeks,
and hopefully come up with something that has a demonstrable consensus
behind it, rather than just a pushy DPL candidate, a couple of cabal
members, or whatever. Whatever happens, it won't be perfect, but surely
we can think of and implement *something* better than what we've currently
got within a few weeks.


Another thought. Sam's written about having more people in our core teams
a few times, and no doubt will have more to say in the future; but a
single person can only focus on helping one or two teams at any one time,
and there's no limit to the number of teams that can have problems.
Maybe it's worth thinking about a more general solution than DPL
intervention for helping teams that have calcified to grow and improve.

My idea was to have an annual round where any DD could nominate themselves
to join any team -- DSA, ftpmaster, maintenance of some particular
package, www team, whatever. Acceptance would be automatic, provided:

* no more than three people are joining the team (if so,
  the existing team can select three, or the DPL can if the
  existing team don't)

* the role isn't core, or the person isn't already involved
  in two or more other core roles (eg, ftpmaster assistant isn't
  core, ftpmaster is; release assistant isn't, release manager is)

* the person can demonstrate some minimal existing competence
  in the area

* the person is willing to agree in writing to make every
  reasonable effort to work with the existing team (which the
  DPL will enumerate on request)

(That's intended to be in *addition* to the existing members of a team
finding people to join in and help, not instead of it.)

That has two major prerequisites in order to work: that we're *all*
willing to give up some of the control we're used to exercising over our
domain within Debian (whether that be a package or some infrastructure
or a role or whatever); and that we 

Re: Proposed name change for DWN

2007-05-02 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 11:56:02AM -0300, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) 
 Hopefully, I think we can start having DWN weekly
 again, so let's try. :-)

The DWN contribution howto is at:

The most relevant points are probably:

Right after an issue of DWN is released, Joey will start with an
empty new issue. The issue is online at Joey's private website which
is available using anonymous CVS as well. Check it out using  

cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/cvs/ \
  co -d dwn public_html/src/Writing/DWN
(empty password for cvs login)


Anybody, who would like to add an item to DWN or who has an issue
that should be mentioned in the next DWN, should contact us* at any
time with enough information.



Description: Digital signature

Re: When Debian 4.1 will arrive... will anyone care?

2007-04-11 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 10:34:47AM +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
   I propose another idea: having a major.minor release scheme in
 which we guarantee the upgrade path from major.x to major+1.0, and
 from one minor release to the other. One big obstacle common to all
 these directions is to find a security strategy which would not drain
 all the workforce of the Project.

Isn't that essentially the same idea as 

with a mapping between major.x and cut x ?

(I think it is the same thing in effect, and I'm really hoping we can make
that happen; somewhat interested in discussing any differences though)


Description: Digital signature

Re: Google SoC - Bug Triaging and Forwarding Tool

2007-03-27 Thread Anthony Towns
On Mon, Mar 19, 2007 at 09:12:40AM -0300, Gustavo R. Montesino wrote:
 1. Query BTS according to paramaters given by the user. It could filter
 the bugs by maintaner, uploader, package, usertags, tags, etc. Display a
 list with bug number, title and tags to the user.

 2. The user may select one of the bugs. The user would be then able to
 do the following on the selected report:
 * See the full bug report, followups, etc
 * Follow-up to the bug (launch the mail client with the right headers)

reportbug-ng already does something like this. Have you looked at that

 * Change the bug tags (generate and send a control mail with the
   choices made by the user)
 * Search the upstream BTS for similar bugs [...]

Philip Kern worked on this for last year's SoC, but I'm not sure if the
code actually ended up working and I can't remember where it was now. :-/
The best I can find is some mock-up screenshots at:

Personally, I find triaging mostly involves grouping rather than followup
-- ie, the process is look at all the bugs, group related ones together
into a bloc (by what area of the code they impact, how important they
are, whether there's anything that can be done about them yet, etc),
and then choose a group and do detailed followup/resolution on those bugs.

Would it make sense to focus on the tagging aspect (either with the
standard tags or usertags) so that your program just makes it really
easy to set tags so maintainers can get a good idea of the state of
their package (and share that idea through the use of tags), and fire
off reportbug or a web browser for following up or reading bug logs?


Description: Digital signature

SPI resolution formalising Debian as an SPI associated project

2007-03-17 Thread Anthony Towns
Hey all,

At their meeting today, SPI passed [0] a motion formalising Debian's
relationship with SPI. AIUI, the text of the motion is as per:


[0] The votes were four in favour (Ian Jackson, Michael Schultheiss, Jimmy
Kaplowitz, Neil McGovern) with the two non-DDs on the board abstaining
(David Graham and Josh Berkus), and Bdale Garbee, Branden Robinson,
and Joey Schulze not present.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Developers vs Uploaders

2007-03-16 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, Mar 15, 2007 at 02:47:22PM +0100, Pierre Habouzit wrote:
   Well at first it is. One of my main sponsoree is Fathi[0]. I sponsor
 him for quite a long time now, I'd say a year at least. The beginning of
 our relationship was indeed really a teacher/student one. [...]

   But for now something like 6 months, I've nothing to say wrt his
 packages. I merely do cosmetics remarks, he knows his stuff. [...]

   At least, with the DM proposal, he would not depend upon me anymore,
 except for the introduction of NEW packages. That would allow me to take
 new sponsoree, that would need the teaching part I quite like to do,
 and that Fathi no longer needs for months.

That sounds like a recommendation...

From what I can see [0], in the past six months you've sponsored about
83 uploads for (afaict):

Aurelien Gerome Jeremie Corbier 
Cyril Brulebois Jeremy Bobbio   
Emmanuel Bouthenot  Julien Louis
Fathi BoudraKhalid El Fathi
Gregory Colpart Ludovic RESLINGER

of which about 52 were for Fathi. To me, that sounds like it meets the
requirement of sponsored 30 uploads in the last six months that I
suggested for being able to recommend a DM originally [1].

It seems sensible to me to have the recommendation take the form of a
file that we can just dump directly into jetring. I was thinking something
like this (for holger) looked sensible:

Changed-By: Anthony Towns [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Comment: adding holger as debian-maintainer
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 18:25:59 +1000
  ajt -
  kaol -
  zobel -
  tolimar -
  sgran -
  93sam -
  neilm -
  damog -
  [output of]
Action: import
  [ascii armoured key to be imported]

The required fields are Changed-By, Comment, Date, Action and Data;
the others are just useful extra information for people who're trying
to find out about the maintainer.

The advocacy there is probably well above what should be necessary
(it was an AM report, after all), but some brief comments on what
they're like from various DDs who've worked with them is still probably
worthwhile. Some brief comments to the effect that they'll follow the
social contract and Debian policies, and that they understand how to
keep their key secure might be worthwhile too.

I guess Fathi's worked closely with Daniel Glassey (clucene-core), Gustavo
Franco (desktop-base) and Mark Purcell (KDE extras) so some of them
might have nice things to say about him that might be worth including.
If any of the KDE team or Enrico (as his AM) have any comments, likewise.

Anyway, what do you think about having a go at creating a jetring stanza
something like the above for Fathi?


[0] cd queue/done
touch -d '6 months ago' ~/date
find -maxdepth 1 -newer ~/date | 
 xargs grep -l 'Arch.*source' | 
 while read a; do gpgv $a 21 | 
 grep -q A1EE761C  (grep -q Pierre Habouzit $a || echo $a);


Description: Digital signature

Developers vs Uploaders

2007-03-14 Thread Anthony Towns
Hey all,

Over the past few weeks, after Joey Hess created the jetring keyring
management tool from whole cloth [0], I've been poking at changing dak
to support a maintainers keyring [1] so that we can make it possible for
people who want to work on just one or two packages able to do exactly
that. I think that's at a point that I'm happy with now, so ftpmaster
now effectively has the ability to:

a) add a third keyring for people allowed to upload to the archive,
   (in addition to debian-keyring.{gpg,pgp}) that contains keys for
   maintainers and is managed separately to the developer keyring

b) restrict certain uploaders from sponsoring packages
   (ie, giving signing a .changes file that claims to be made by
   someone else) and from doing NMUs (ie, uploading a package that's
   maintained by someone else and that they're not listed as an
   Uploader for, or anything that needs NEW or BYHAND processing)

My theory is that we should do something like this:

 1) create a class of contributors called debian maintainers

 2) have a group of people authorised to maintain the keyring for
those people, using jetring

 3) allow existing developers who're already involved in mentoring
and the new-maintainer process to recommend people for inclusion
in the maintainer keyring

If people don't do a good job as a maintainer they should have their
priveleges removed fairly promptly; and if a developers recommends
people to be listed as maintainers who turn out to be a problem, or if a
developer just doesn't stay around to help them out when the need arises,
they should stop being allowed to recommend people.

My thought for showing that you're involved in mentoring was something
like has sponsored 30 uploads in the last six months or has AMed at
least ten applicants through to DD status or similar, though I don't
see any reason to make those rules too hard and fast.

The idea is that not everyone who wants to be involved in Debian is
(currently) able to do everything we expect of DDs, or (currently)
wants to do anything more than maintain a couple of packages. At the
moment people who fit that description need a sponsor to help them with
every contribution they make, even if they've already been contributing
for years. I think we can optimise that without losing quality at all,
and leave our sponsors and mentors more time for carefully reviewing
the packages that do need review.

I'm happy to manage the keyring as a trial for a few months, though
I'd prefer not to do it alone, or longterm. ATM I don't know of any
non-developers whose work I'm familiar enough with to be comfortable
recommending myself though, so I definitely can't do (3).

In the long term, I think it would be sensible to have keyring-maint
be a group looking after both this keyring and the developer keyring;
and also to have the members of that team not be part of DSA or DAM to
avoid concentration of powah.

To get a vote, you'd still need to be approved as a DD by the DAM, and
you wouldn't get a login on any d.o machines just by being a maintainer.
Either of those could be changed if we decided we wanted to at some point,
of course.



[1] my original blog post on the subject. Marc Brockshmitt posted
about this to d-d-a last year too:

(see the section Separate upload permissions, system accounts and
voting rights). Christoph Berg gave a talk on the topic at debconf6
as well, and the video of that is downloadable, see:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Developers vs Uploaders

2007-03-14 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Mar 14, 2007 at 08:50:06PM +0100, Bastian Venthur wrote:
 My first thought: do we really need this new class of contributors? I
 mean how many people do you currently know fitting in this category
 (don't like to become DD just maintainers). 

It's not don't want to be a DD, it's aren't a DD, but are still
able to be trusted to some extent. For example, we've got around 2000
unique maintainers these days [0], which is about twice the number of
DDs we have...

 My second thought: Should we really allow anonymous people to upload
 packages? Shouldn't they at least prove that they are who they claim to
 be (via gpg-key singed by an existing DD)?

Yes, definitely. (That's mentioned in some of the references in my earlier

 Who is responsible if a maintainer uploads malware, the one who
 recommended him? 

The maintainer who uploads it is responsible. The one who recommended
him is responsible for recommending someone who uploaded malware. Both
those would likely be treated differently if it was repeated or deliberate
compared to rare or accidental, of course.

If we decide it's worth more than a warning in either case, we'd respond by
removing the maintainer's ability to upload or stop accepting recommendations
from the developer, respectively.

 Oh, and will there be a vote about this issue or is it still in the
 discussion-phase or is it already decided?

If discussion wasn't worthwhile, I wouldn't have posted...


[0] projectb= select count(name) from maintainer where name not like '%lists%';
(1 row)

Description: Digital signature

Re: gpg changesets (was Re: Bits from the DPL: DSA and buildds and DAM, oh my!)

2007-02-24 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sat, Feb 24, 2007 at 01:59:07AM -0500, Joey Hess wrote:
  How would you convert gpg --refresh-keys into changeset based
  operations, I wonder? Maybe you could do it by something like: [...]
 That's beautiful, if we can figure out what changed-keys is. :-)

Two ways: either parse the output of gpg as it's running:

   gpg: requesting key CA57AD7C from ldap server
   gpg: key CA57AD7C: PGP Global Directory Verification Key not changed
   gpg: Total number processed: 1
   gpg:  unchanged: 1
   gpg: requesting key DDD11D8A from hkp server
   gpg: key DDD11D8A: Ted Percival (midg3t) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 74 new 
   gpg: Total number processed: 1
   gpg: new signatures: 74

or run gpg --list-keys --verbose on the old and new keyring, and see
what differences you find.

I guess we need something that'll do that anyway, though. How about the attached
as a proof of concept?

] $ ./ ./debian-keyring.list ./debian-keyring-aj.list
] Updated uid 1024D/788A3F4C-Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sigs: +0, -181)
] Updated uid 1024D/788A3F4C-Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sigs: +0, -86)
] Updated uid 1024D/788A3F4C-Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sigs: +0, -191)
] Removed uid 1024D/788A3F4C-Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sigs: 173)


] $ ./ ./debian-keyring-aj.list ./debian-keyring.list
] Updated uid 1024D/788A3F4C-Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sigs: +181, -0)
] Updated uid 1024D/788A3F4C-Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sigs: +86, -0)
] Updated uid 1024D/788A3F4C-Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sigs: +191, -0)
] Added uid 1024D/788A3F4C-Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sigs: 173)

It works on the output of `gpg --verbose --list-sigs', which is a bit
slow on a full keyring. Oh well.

On Sat, Feb 24, 2007 at 03:04:57AM -0500, Joey Hess wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ls jetring

May Manoj's typos live forever :)

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/debian-keyring-2005.05.28/keyringshead 
 Comment: extracted from emeritus-keyring.pgp by keyring-explode
 Action: import

No import date?

 Ok, no significant changes, only id rearrangement and dup removal. should deal with those fwiw. Doesn't deal with revocations, and
may not deal well with subkeys.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Copyright (c) 2007 Anthony Towns
# GNU GPL; v2 or later
# Gives an overview of what changed between two keyrings

use strict;

my $l = parse_keyring($ARGV[0]);
my $r = parse_keyring($ARGV[1]);

foreach my $ku (sort keys %{$l}) {
if (not defined $r-{$ku}) {
my $n = @{$l-{$ku}};
print Removed uid $ku (sigs: $n)\n;
} else {
my $a = $l-{$ku};
my $b = $r-{$ku};
my ($i, $j) = (0,0);
my ($del, $add) = (0,0);
while() {
my $A = $a-[$i] || G;
my $B = $b-[$j] || G;

# avoid dupes:
if ($i  0  $A ne G  $A eq $a-[$i-1]) { $i++; next; }
if ($j  0  $B ne G  $B eq $b-[$j-1]) { $j++; next; }

# compare:
my $x = $A cmp $B;
if ($A eq G and $B eq G) { last; }
if ($x == 0) { $i++; $j++; next; }
if ($x  0) { $add++; $j++; next; }
if ($x  0) { $del++; $i++; next; }
if ($add or $del) { 
print Updated uid $ku (sigs: +$add, -$del)\n;
foreach my $ku (sort keys %{$r}) {
if (not defined $l-{$ku}) {
my $n = @{$r-{$ku}};
print Added uid $ku (sigs: $n)\n;

sub parse_keyring {
my $k = shift;
my $fd;

#open $fd, gpg --no-default-keyring --no-auto-check-trustdb --keyring $k --verbose --list-sigs | or die couldn't open keyring $k: $!;
open $fd,  $k or die couldn't open gpg--list-sigs-output $k: $!;

my $x = build_key_hash($fd);

return $x;

sub build_key_hash {
my $f = shift;

my $keys = {};

my ($k, $u);
while ($f) {
if (m/^\s*$/) {
# skip
} elsif (m/^pub/) {
$k = substr($_,6); 
$k =~ s/\s.*//;
$u = undef;
} elsif (defined $k  m/^sub/) {
$u = substr($_,6); 
$u =~ s/\s.*//;
$keys-{$k-$u} = [];
} elsif (defined $k  m/^uid/) {
$u = substr($_,21);
$keys-{$k-$u} = [];
} elsif (defined $k  m/^rev/) {
# skip
} elsif (defined $k  defined $u  m/^sig/) { 
push @{$keys-{$k-$u}}, substr($_, 13, 19); 
} else {
#print XXX: $_\n;
foreach my $ku (keys %{$keys}) {
$keys-{$ku} = [ sort( @{$keys-{$ku}} ) ];

return $keys;

Description: Digital signature

Re: Bits from the DPL: DSA and buildds and DAM, oh my!

2007-02-23 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Feb 23, 2007 at 10:44:55AM +0100, Pierre Habouzit wrote:
   So sorry, but I don't buy a single word of your argumentation here.

It wasn't an argument; it was just a statement of things are, as I see
them. In so far as how things are isn't well communicated in those
areas, I don't see any other way of addressing that other than the above.

   We're far beyond trying to help them, at least for me, [...]

Your opinions are only ever going to be considered in so far as you're
willing to help make them a reality. If you're not willing to help,
find something else to worry about.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Bits from the DPL: DSA and buildds and DAM, oh my!

2007-02-23 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Feb 23, 2007 at 12:13:03PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
 The primary reason why there's only one keyring-maint is the binary
 blob problem: [...]
 This issue has been mentioned briefly in the past a few times, but to
 the best of my knowledge, no one's taken up the challenge so far.

One of those mentions was in a mail to Branden as DPL in November 2005. I
figure since I'm DPL now, it's fair game for me to quote the bits of
that mail that don't go into any personal stuff:

] To: Branden Robinson / Debian Project Leader
] Subject: Re: keyring-maint assistance needed?
] From: James Troup
] Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 02:46:34 +
] [...]
] I think in the long term, keyring maintenance should obviously be done
] by more than one person.
] But I also think the ill-effects of forcibly or hurriedly adding
] additional maintainers vastly outweigh the ill-effects of its current
] one-man state.
] There's also a bunch of stuff that could be done, most of which is
] being worked on, that doesn't involve adding more people or have the
] problems associated with that.
] The three things most need to be worked on are:
]  (a) spam.  The keyring-maint address gets something like,
]  conservatively, 500 spams for every non-spam email.  This is
]  after 4 layers of spam filtering.  Thanks to Ryan's stellar work
]  on our email infrastructure there are now options available to us
]  that should allow us to drop this down to 0 spams (by requiring a
]  specific tag in the subject, a pseudo-header in the body or a
]  specific address to be used).
]  (b) if/when (a) gets fixed[0], I'm going to look at setting up a
]  Request Tracker instance to manage the keyring.  Apart from
]  helping me in terms of managing (and not losing track of)
]  requests, it will also allow better transparency in terms of
]  people being able to see how many and what requests are
]  pending[1].  The only potential problem here is finding a
]  suitable machine as RT is a big scary perl web app that can
]  require a lot of resources.
]  (c) right now changes to the keyring are fundamentally unauditable
]  unless they're done by a single person on a trusted machine with
]  trusted scripts.  There are a bunch of ways to solve this, but
]  the best suggestion I've heard so far is something that breaks
]  down the 17Mb binary blob of 'debian-keyring.gpg' into single key
]  auditable chunks that can then be managed in a sane way.  The
]  scripts to do these would have to be simple first and foremost so
]  they could be audited.
] I'm working on (a) and (b) but I'm not working on (c) because I simply
] don't have time - others are of course welcome to.  I've discussed the
] idea with several people in real life, and it's come up in the thread
] on -private.  I also believe that with (a) and (b) done there is no
] pressing need for (c) although it'd obviously be nice to have.
] [...]
] --
] James
] [0] RT sends auto-replies so it isn't an option as long as the email
] address is getting this much spam.
] [1] Although given the nature of some of the emails sent to
] keyring-maint things in the RT will be private by default and only
] public when they're moved to a public queue.

I summarised this portion of the mail this time last year, too, fwiw:


Description: Digital signature

Re: Bits from the DPL: DSA and buildds and DAM, oh my!

2007-02-23 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Feb 23, 2007 at 12:57:01PM +0100, Frank K?ster wrote:
 Anthony Towns wrote:
We're far beyond trying to help them, at least for me, [...]
  Your opinions are only ever going to be considered in so far as you're
  willing to help make them a reality. If you're not willing to help,
  find something else to worry about.
 So you think that from the project's point of view it is okay if nobody
 can expect basic support from core infrastructure teams?  

I think we're talking about different things, so the following's a bit
verbose in hopes that it makes it a bit clearer.

If they don't do it, and it's important, someone else will. Cf the
security team versus testing security support, backports or volatile
versus ftpmaster, alioth versus DAM, or whatever. So yes, I do think it's
okay even if we couldn't expect basic support from core infrastructure

 All we are
 allowed to consider with respect to these teams is to help *them*, not
 to achieve help?

You can reasonably expect them to do what they've said they will, or
what the role obviously entails. You can also expect that every now
and then you'll be disappointed and that won't be achieved, and that
the only things you can really do about that is not worry about it and
hope it's better next time, work out how to do it yourself, or figure
out some way of helping them out.

That's not what I was referring to though: I was talking about when
you want someone else to do things in the way you'd like, rather than
the way they prefer. That's something that only ever happens if you
help out, whether you're talking about a user making suggestions to a
maintainer, a maintainer making suggestions to upstream, or anything
of the sort. You're not owed anything by people who freely donate their
time to maintain things you use, it works better if you remember that.

All I'm saying is it's a two-way process -- if you spend lots of time
actually helping out someone, and they don't return the favour by helping
you out, you shouldn't keep wasting your time.

 If yes, what is then the purpose of having infrastructure teams?

If you don't have infrastructure teams you don't have infrastructure in
the first place, well maintained or not... And if we didn't have useful
infrastructure, someone would make it, and we'd have an infrastructure
team. No purpose required... I don't think I understand the question.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Bits from the DPL: DSA and buildds and DAM, oh my!

2007-02-23 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Feb 23, 2007 at 08:05:33PM +0100, Josselin Mouette wrote:
 Anthony Towns wrote:
  I've been delaying this mail for a while now
 Is it purely coincidental that it was sent the same day as your
 nomination for the DPL elections?

Not remotely; I was delaying the nomination until I'd finished that mail
(which I've been working on since end of January) and the trademark thing.


Description: Digital signature

Re: gpg changesets (was Re: Bits from the DPL: DSA and buildds and DAM, oh my!)

2007-02-23 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sat, Feb 24, 2007 at 12:54:41AM -0500, Joey Hess wrote:
  That means you can't reorder changesets easily. I wonder if it'd be
  better say del uid [EMAIL PROTECTED] and have the tool work out
  which uid (if any) that is.
 I don't feel that reordering changesets is a good thing in general, since
 it can lead to other problems (for example, reordering a key deletion to
 come before a key addition), and it loses history that can be useful for
 reviewing why and when a given change was made.

I was more meaning it as an optimisation so you could ignore key
add 0x7172daed if there was a key delete 0x7172daed changeset
later. Likewise a uid add followed by a uid del or whatever.

How would you convert gpg --refresh-keys into changeset based
operations, I wonder? Maybe you could do it by something like:

cp real-keyring.gpg tmpkeys.gpg
gpg --keyring tmpkeys.gpg --refresh-keys
for x in $(changed-keys); do
  echo Changed-By: me
  echo Comment: new signatures/uids for key $x
  echo Action: import --keyserver-options merge-only
  echo Data:
  gpg --keyring tmpkeys.gpg --ascii --armour --export $x | sed -e 's/^/  
  )  changeset-refresh-$x
rm tmpkeys.gpg
echo Now you just have to apply changeset-refresh-* to real-keyring.gpg :)



Description: Digital signature

Bits from the DPL: DSA and buildds and DAM, oh my!

2007-02-22 Thread Anthony Towns
Hey all,

I've been delaying this mail for a while now, because I haven't been able
to work out a way of writing it that doesn't strike me as not treating
some of the concerns I've heard seriously enough. I still haven't come
up with a way of avoiding that unfortunately, but it seems better to
get something happening, even if it isn't really good enough.

I'm trying to be descriptive here rather than prescriptive or proscriptive
-- we've got a DPL campaign coming up where there'll be plenty of time
to talk about various ways of improving things, so to me the most useful
thing to do now seems to be providing a good understanding of how things
are at the moment, and have an informed discussion over the next few
weeks, rather than a repeat of all the arguments we've already had.

So the first thing I'd like to note is that despite all the criticisms
there are of things like new-maintainer, buildd administration,
ftpmaster, system administration, and whatever else, objectively all
of those areas are very impressive: compared to other distributions,
we still have a huge number of contributors, we still support a huge
number of architectures at an amazing level of quality, we still have
a huge number of packages that are maintained at an amazingly high
quality, we have a huge number of services that are administered in an
incredibly open manner with a pretty impressive level of uptime. None
of that means we can't or shouldn't be doing better, but I think it's
worth recognising that when we say we're not doing a good enough job,
*we* are still the ones setting and raising the bar.

Okay, this is going to get really long, so if you've read this far and
don't really care about any of the above areas, now's the time to skip
to the next message and get on with your life.

I think a good step is to cover what rights some of the more controversial
roles actually have, as best I understand it. Again, this is just meant
to be a description of what is, not necessarily what I think things
should be, or was originally intended or anything else.

  * Debian Account Manager(s) (DAM)
 - Joerg Jaspert and James Troup
 - delegated authority to determine who is a developer
 - may only exercise this authority in cooperation with keyring-maint
 - have created assisting roles in the form of FrontDesk and
   Application Manager
 - documents current progress of active applications
 - numerous amounts of documentation and sample reports around for
   what form applications should take

  * Debian System Administration (DSA)
 - James Troup, Martin Schulze (Joey), Ryan Murray, Phil Hands
 - delegated authority to determine official Debian services via delegation 
of subdomains
 - delegated authority to determine unofficial Debian services via 
   of subdomains
 - default administrators (root@) for machines donated to Debian
 - have created for tracking machines and accounts
   and controlling subdomains
 - listed as group adm on DSA adminned machines
 - have a repository for customised packages at
 deb-src debian-admin/

   * System admin for host (root@host)
 - determined by owner/sponsor of hardware/bandwidth
 - responsible for security of machine
 - determines who is allowed access to host
 - determines what services are provided by host

   * Debian Archive Maintainer(s) (ftpmaster)
 - Ryan Murray, James Troup, Anthony Towns
 - responsible for maintianing the archive on
 - determines what may be accepted into the archive
 - determines the process by which software is accepted into the archive
 - listed as group debadmin on DSA adminned machines, have access to
   role user dak on DSA adminned machines
 - assisted by Joerg Jaspert, Jeroen van Wolffelaar, Randall Donald,
   Michael Beattie
 - ftpmaster and assistants are listed as group ftpteam on DSA
   adminned machines
 - maintain various bits of information about how the archive is
   administered at and have a
   developer-accessible mirror of the archive software on
 - BTS psuedopackage is

   * Debian Kerying Maintainer (keyring-maint)
 - James Troup
 - responsible for maintaining the keyring containing public keys for
   all developers as used by DSA for, ftpmaster for the
   archive and others
 - provides interface to the keyring
 - maintains debian-keyring package
 - listed as group keyring on DSA adminned machines
 - assisted in the past by Michael Beattie
 - some procedures documented in section 3.2 of the developers reference
   and at

   * Buildds...

   * Local admin of buildd

Re: BREAKING NEWS: Debian developers aren't trusted

2007-02-22 Thread Anthony Towns
On Fri, Feb 16, 2007 at 07:55:10PM -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 10:00:25AM +0100, Frank K?ster wrote:
  Are you so overworked, or are you deliberately forgetting?  It has
  been suggested multiple times in the past to use existing or new
  hardware and add it to the set of standard autobuilders.  Many arches do
  not meet the redundancy requirement,
 Um, the only archs that don't meet the redundancy requirement today are i386
 and ia64. says alpha, amd64, arm,
hppa, i386, ia64, and m68k don't meet it, fwiw.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian logos and trademarks

2007-02-22 Thread Anthony Towns

As per the thread on debian-project [0] I'm writing to request that SPI
relicense the Debian logos that they hold the copyright to [1] under the
MIT copyright license:

   Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
   obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
   files (the Software), to deal in the Software without restriction,
   including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
   publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
   and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
   subject to the following conditions:
   The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
   included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

I'm further requesting that SPI not enforce the open use logo (ie,
the swirl) as an exclusive trademark, and to limit any enforcement
activities to ensuring the trademark remains available to be to refer
to and promote Debian.

The official use logo (ie, the swirl and bottle) should continue to
be enforced as an unregistered trademark, with that logo (or similar
logos) only being authorised to be used where the product or service
being referred to is officially related to Debian (such as an official
CD image, a t-shirt promoting, a Debian developer's business
card, etc).  In cases of doubt, [EMAIL PROTECTED] may be contacted to
determine whether something is officially related to Debian.

If the board has any concerns or questions regarding this course of
action, please don't hesitate to raise them.




Description: Digital signature

Re: BREAKING NEWS: Debian developers aren't trusted

2007-02-15 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 06:34:16PM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 01:13:36PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
  -vote dropped
  On Wed, Feb 14, 2007 at 03:06:01PM +0100, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
   i think someone running more than one autobuilder for more than _two_
   years now (okay, not for the officical archive, but i see that as
   nonrelevant here) demonstrats very good that he mets your mentioned
   technical constraints.
  AIUI, Aurelian doesn't have the capability to run a non-emulated arm
  buildd. While is a good demonstration
  of some things, I don't think it's the level of buildd we want for our
  release architectures.
 Wow, was there a point to your post or was pure insult?

What's insulting in that (apart from the misspelling of Aurelien)?


Yes I agree that real machines would be better, but I dont have a
stack of fast ARM machines at home.

so, afaict, he doesn't have the capability to run a non-emulated arm
buildd. And hacking together a buildd quickly and easily is impressive
and useful for new ports, but it's more important for buildds for release
architectures to be well-connected and reliable over a long period. We
probably could change that expectation and have buildds be put together
by DDs from whatever they have lying around and hosting them at home;
I don't think it'd be a good idea, but others mileage may vary.

Not every criticism is an insult, and if you want to know why things
don't happen you need to be able to take criticism without taking insult.


Description: Digital signature

Re: BREAKING NEWS: Debian developers aren't trusted

2007-02-15 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 08:37:27AM +0100, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
 On Thu Feb 15, 2007 at 13:13:36 +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
  -vote dropped

And readded apparently. Do we really have to have these conversations
across multiple lists?

   i think someone running more than one autobuilder for more than _two_
   years now (okay, not for the officical archive, but i see that as
   nonrelevant here) demonstrats very good that he mets your mentioned
   technical constraints.
 I didn't thought of Aurelien, but of a few other persons, who are acting
 as buildd maintainers for experimental and non-free packages.

Experimental and non-free packages go to the official archive... I'm
not seeing what you're asking for here. Beyond re-enabling access for
those packages to be uploaded over the past couple of months (which has
now happened) I haven't heard any requests related to any of that.


Description: Digital signature

Re: BREAKING NEWS: Debian developers aren't trusted

2007-02-15 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 03:17:58PM +0100, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
 FYI, I am running a wanna-build database for hurd-i386, kfreebsd-i386
 and kfreebsd-amd64 on my home server, and running three build daemons,
 two for kfreebsd-i386 (yes, contrary to some official architectures we
 have buildd redundancy), and one for kfreebsd-amd64. And that for almost
 2 years.

Aren't you running emulated buildds for m68k too? Or was that someone else?

_That_, imo, is awesome both for demonstrating emulated buildds work, and
reviving m68k... Assuming I'm not confused.


Description: Digital signature

Re: BREAKING NEWS: Debian developers aren't trusted

2007-02-15 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 10:00:25AM +0100, Frank K?ster wrote:
i think someone running more than one autobuilder for more than _two_
years now (okay, not for the officical archive, but i see that as
nonrelevant here) demonstrats very good that he mets your mentioned
technical constraints.
  I didn't thought of Aurelien, but of a few other persons, who are acting
  as buildd maintainers for experimental and non-free packages.
  Experimental and non-free packages go to the official archive... I'm
  not seeing what you're asking for here. 

(If there's something more than the general comments Frank made,
I'm still not seeing it. TTBOMK, the non-free and experimental builds
aren't at all integrated with the buildd.d.o stuff, and there's been
no particular interest in changing that. If that's not the case, it's
probably worth talking about sometime)

 Are you so overworked, or are you deliberately forgetting?  It has
 been suggested multiple times in the past to use existing or new
 hardware and add it to the set of standard autobuilders.  Many arches do
 not meet the redundancy requirement, and we don't have autobuilders for
 i386 at all AFAIK.  Moreover, the current buildd admin's apparently
 don't have adequate time to communicate, which could be ameliorated by
 adding people.  Even if nobody had asked so far, we should ask people
 who seem capable of doing it.

I've been thinking for a few days now that people in Debian disagree
too much (hence the comments preceding my responses to Raphael in an
earlier message), so starting now, I'm going to stop replying to mails
by focussing on differences, and start with agreements. Let's see how
long it takes until I can't stop myself from adding a but.


There are a number of serious problems in how the Debian infrastructure's
managed. That may be too strong: I mean to say that they're important,
without being critical to be solved immediately [1]. And often the impact
of these problems is to block other people's attempts to contribute to
Debian, and in so doing disrespect their contributions and discourage
further contributions, though in some cases those contributions are
merely thrown out as collateral damage along with something that
should be blocked, whether that be a buggy upload or some changes that
need further review.

The right way of dealing with that is to work with the potential
contributor to ensure they understand the issues that're involved so
that their future contributions can be accepted and will be useful. IMO,
that applies whether the contribution's a patch, or an emulated buildd. I
guess I'd argue that it applies to existing contributors too, if you want
to critique their performance. I've found it difficult to work up the
energy to try working with potential contributors on this score because
there seems to be so much rage about the way things work now that I can't
really imagine reaching that level of mutual understanding. I can't say
I like that state of affairs much.

Anyway, I already have a related email that I've promised to send out that
I hope will show something of a step towards fixing these problems. I
think I'm going to bow out of the discussion for the minute until I
can get that off my plate. Unfortunately, that'll take longer than YA
inconsequential mail where I'm able to just write what I think...



[0] Or if I can even work out how to start the next paragraph without a

[1] They're mostly long-term problems, so if they were critical,
frankly we'd not be having this conversation, and people wouldn't
be asking if Debian was dying, they'd be getting us confused with

[2] Wow, I'm really in the habit of qualifying everything I write. That
was much harder than I expected...

Description: Digital signature

Google Summer of Code

2007-02-15 Thread Anthony Towns
Hey all,

The Google's running a Summer of Code again in 2007, mentoring
organisations need to submit applications between the 5th and 12th
of March.



Deadlines paraphrased:

March 5th -- decide whether we want to be a mentoring organisation, and
 if so, have a list of suggested projects up, along with
 recommendation on what students should expect if they get
 accepted by Debian

March 14th -- be ready to start working with potential applicants

March 24th - April 9th -- review applications

April 9th - May 28th -- introduce accepted students to Debian

May 28th - August 20 -- Summer of Code work

Anyone want to volunteer to take the lead on the first couple of steps?


Description: Digital signature

Re: BREAKING NEWS: Debian developers aren't trusted

2007-02-14 Thread Anthony Towns
-vote dropped

On Wed, Feb 14, 2007 at 03:06:01PM +0100, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
  Maintaining a buildd isn't trivial, there's:
  - making sure they don't get rooted, and their builds compromised
  - keeping the chroot up to date
  - keeping in sync with w-b / sbuild changes
  - keeping in sync with the infrastructure upstream (building from 
access to the buildd.d.o, etc)
  - keeping the hardware available and running
  - keeping the buildd building packages that will work
  It's not /that/ hard either (even if it's not something I could do without
  a chunk of learning), but basically, yeah there are technical constraints.
  The only policy constraint is that we're aiming to keep the number of
  buildds limited to two or three per architecture (where possible); the
  social constraints are mostly about convincingly demonstrating that the
  technical constraints will be met on an ongoing basis.
 i think someone running more than one autobuilder for more than _two_
 years now (okay, not for the officical archive, but i see that as
 nonrelevant here) demonstrats very good that he mets your mentioned
 technical constraints.

AIUI, Aurelian doesn't have the capability to run a non-emulated arm
buildd. While is a good demonstration
of some things, I don't think it's the level of buildd we want for our
release architectures.

In general, I could pretty easily imagine a buildd that fails every one of
those points still being suitable for a non-release arch for two years.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian logos and trademarks

2007-02-08 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Feb 07, 2007 at 11:57:13PM -0800, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Thu, 08 Feb 2007, Anthony Towns wrote:
  The DFSG refers to copyright licensing, it doesn't cover patents or
 It actually doesn't refer to any of them specifically. It does talk
 about licensing, but it doesn't clarify whether it's refering to
 copyright licensing or trademark licensing.

It talks about modification and distribution, which are copyright issues.

 In any event, this entire line of argument isn't particularly
 important, so long as no one puts the official logo into main or

That's a completely new line of argument to the best of my knowledge,
and not one which Debian should support, in my opinion. Having a free
copyright license, and a reasonably permissive trademark license is
sufficient for a name or logo to be in main, cf the terms Gnome, apache,
java, or Debian for example.

If you want to do an in depth legal/dfsg analysis in response to this,
please limit it to -legal; if you want that response to be taken into
account, please make it persuasive to people who don't already agree
with you -- consider people who hold each of the opinions represented
by the GFDL ballot from last year, eg.

Please note that historically we've protected both logos (the swirl
and the bottle) using a non-free copyright license, and as unregistered


Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian logos and trademarks

2007-02-07 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Feb 07, 2007 at 10:03:52AM +0100, Bastian Venthur wrote:
 I have a question. If I understand you correctly you want to put the
 official use logo under the MIT license AND enforce it as an
 unregistered trademark so that someone can only use it if we (who?)
 authorize it. This sounds contradicting to me and how does this meet the

The DFSG refers to copyright licensing, it doesn't cover patents or
trademarks. The difference between trademarks and copyright, is that
copyright covers all copies and derivatives, while trademarks cover
anything that's confusingly similar. So if you independently create a
logo that looks confusingly similar, you need a trademark license but
not a copyright license; while if you create a derived works that's not
similar at all, you need a copyright license, but not a trademark license.

Having a restrictive trademark license prevents people from using
confusingly similar logos, while a DFSG-free copyright license allows
people to make derivatives as long as they're not confusingly similar.

 BTW I am not a lawyer, so what does to enforce an unregistered
 trademark actually mean?

See eg.


Description: Digital signature

Debian logos and trademarks

2007-02-06 Thread Anthony Towns
Hi all,

Back in October, during the firefox/iceweasel dispute, Branden Robinson
and I expressed a little exasperation on IRC that Debian wasn't really
setting a great example itself in how it licenses its logos. We had a
bit of a chat about that and that resulted in a rough agreement on what
to do, which Branden wrote up on the Debian wiki at:

Since then, that hasn't seen much real feedback, so I've been reluctant to
push it any further -- it's hard to tell whether a lack of feedback means
we don't care, that sounds fine, this is too complicated, whatever
you do is wrong, or just we haven't heard about this or looked at it.

Fortunately, I had the opportunity to do a bit of a straw poll at the
Debian miniconf at LCA of what people thought about freeing up the Debian
trademark policy, and it seems that people there were pretty much for
the idea.

As such at the end of this week, I'm planning on asking the SPI board to
relicense the Debian logos as follows:

* both logos shall be released under the MIT copyright license:

  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
  obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
  files (the Software), to deal in the Software without restriction,
  including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
  publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
  and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
  subject to the following conditions:

  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


* the open use logo will not be enforced as a trademark; anyone may
  use it or create similar logos in whatever way they like, though
  we will continue using it to refer to and promote Debian.

* the official use logo will be enforced as an unregistered
  trademark; and we will only authorise use of the logo or similar
  logos where the product or service being referred to is officially
  related to Debian (such as an official CD image, a t-shirt promoting, a Debian developer's business card)

I think that's a good way of ensuring both our logos meet the DFSG,
and also provides both a good experiment in a completely free trademark
license that fairly accurately reflects our current treatment of the
open use logo as well as a reasonable example for groups who want to
have some protection for their brand but still be a good citizen of the
free software community.

Anyway, if anyone has some fairly convincing reasons why the above
is a bad idea, please do speak up now. If you think it's a good idea,
and want to refute the no feedback issue mentioned above, feel free
to comment too. :)


Description: Digital signature

Re: Sven Luther, report of the mediation attempt and further actions

2007-01-03 Thread Anthony Towns
[-private bcc'ed]

As well as this mail on -project, Sven's also written to both -kernel
and -powerpc:

On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 09:30:01AM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 05:47:36PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
  On Fri, Dec 29, 2006 at 05:38:19PM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
   On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 12:44:46AM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
 skipped private comment from Anthony Towns where he asks me to be 
from debian lists 
   I said i would, and i will do it. I am a man of word, contrary to others.
   But as there seem to be a technical and ethical problem in banning someone
   from the lists, i propose a self-imposed not access to the lists until 
   end of
   february, with the lone exception of problems i am currently working on 
   the infamous xserve/udev/d-i/initramfs bug), and the BTS.
   skipped hypocrit private comment from Anthony Towns where he denied me the
  right to participate in the discussion about if i was to be baned or not 
   skipped comment from Anthony Towns, where he believes mediation is 

The context Sven summarises above was, in fact:

 On Fri, Dec 29, 2006 at 05:38:19PM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
  On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 12:44:46AM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
   Do you, in fact, accept the result of this mediation?
  I said i would, and i will do it. I am a man of word, contrary to others.
  But as there seem to be a technical and ethical problem in banning someone
  from the lists, i propose a self-imposed not access to the lists until end 
  february, with the lone exception of problems i am currently working on 
  the infamous xserve/udev/d-i/initramfs bug), and the BTS.
 Sven, in the three days since the post quoted above, you've made
 twenty-nine posts to -private, including nine posts in this particular
 subthread. While that isn't cause to doubt that you're fundamentally a
 man of your word, you aren't managing to keep it in this case.
 While that remains the case, I don't think further mediation or
 arbitration is likely to be useful.

The result of the mediation referred to was: 

 The main problem so far is that Sven still brings the issue over and over:
 this does not help at all, and the only effect of this behaviour is growing
 the conflict.
 With this e-mail, I'm asking who is concerned to take this action in the
 interest of Sven, the d-i team and the whole Debian:
  * Ban for 2 months Sven Luther from all the debian-mailing lists.
(I am not sure that it is also possible for debian-vote)
If Sven bug-reports or IRC conversations in the next two months will
still contain references to the revocation of his SVN access to the d-i
repository or to this ongoing dispute, I'll ask for his permanent ban
from Debian mailing-lists.
 To make it more clear: Sven, if you don't stop with those non-technical
 e-mails and messages the issue won't be solved. When I proposed myself as
 mediator, I knew that I couldn't make the magic happen, but at least I need
 some collaboration from you as well as from the d-i team. If somebody did
 not want to apply your patch, or if you do not like what somebody wrote
 about you, or if your opinion does not match the others' one, please ignore
 them. My hope is that a ban from debian mailing lists for two months could
 help you to understand the weight that your messages have in this

(quoted with permission)

I don't think it's productive to move this conversation from -private
to -project; but given it has been, it seems appropriate to give people
following this more than just Sven's side of the story.

 Anyway, i take this as announcement that i will now retire from debian until
 end of february, and not post on debian mailing lists until the end of
 february, with a few lone exceptions :

   1) If someone bashes me on irc or on mailing lists, i will ask you as DPL to
   immediately apply the ban to him too, and if you fail to do so in a timely
   fashion, i will stop my self-imposed ban, and immediately ask for your
   revocation as DPL. 
   2) I will write a mail on a few chosen lists (like debian-powerpc) to
   announce my decision. If someone else than Fabio replies to these, i will
   ask you as DPL to extend the ban to them, and if you fail to do so in a
   timely fashion, i will stop my self-imposed ban, and immediately ask for
   your revocation as DPL.

Sven, the mediation was an attempt to help you and the d-i team work
together effectively in future. If you don't want to accept it, you
don't have to; but if you do, you cannot use it as a bargaining chip to
threaten other developers if they don't follow your demands.

   3) I ask the permission to take Frans email public, so that everyone will
   see how i hold to my world and he does not.

As a developer, you're expected to respect the privacy

Re: Sven Luther, report of the mediation attempt and further actions

2007-01-03 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Jan 03, 2007 at 09:42:17AM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
 Oh well, i guess it is ok for me to reply to a few points on this.

No, Sven, it is not okay to say I agreed instead to a self-imposed
removal from lists, so this will be my last post until end of februrary,
and then keep posting.

 Anthony, i asked that exclusively Fabio did reply to my mails, because you
 have proven to not be able to be neutral and objective in this. Should i ask
 you now to ban yourself from the lists for as long as i am banned :) ?

You can ask for whatever you like, but as I said:

 On Wed, Jan 03, 2007 at 06:05:08PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
  Sven, the mediation was an attempt to help you and the d-i team work
  together effectively in future. If you don't want to accept it, you
  don't have to; but if you do, you cannot use it as a bargaining chip to
  threaten other developers if they don't follow your demands.

If you were to follow Fabio's suggested course of action and stop posting
to lists, you may be able to find a way to work effectively with other
people in Debian. But that's _all_ that will achieve, and it certainly
doesn't obligate anyone else to stop discussing anything, no matter how
much you might want to be involved in such a discussion.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Help for OSS Survey

2006-12-23 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sat, Dec 23, 2006 at 01:30:48PM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
 Indeed, it was her which i had in mind originally, and which i urged Anthony
 as DPL to contact. I was mostly ignored except one post saying why don't you
 contact them yourself. Do you know her contact info ? Would you like to ask
 her what is possible or such ? 

Err, she's on Planet Debian -- which links to her blog at:

She links to her CV from that page, via:

and the CV and contact information itself is at:


Description: Digital signature

Re: Please appoint one new person to the DSA Team

2006-12-20 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 09:06:01PM +0100, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
 It is known among debian developers that the Debian System
 Administration Team (aka DSA or [EMAIL PROTECTED]) is not
 really responsive. 

So apparently this complaint was immediately followed up by setting up an
emulated autobuilder not synced in with the regular
stuff [0]. This resulted in James and Ryan adding a quick hack to
disable arm uploads, which have remained disabled over the past few days,
apparently with some of the deferred uploads from the official autobuilder
getting overwritten by later uploads by Aurelian's autobuilder.

This was brought to my attention as a result of the release team trying
to get a fixed version of attr into unstable; for the time being, I've
re-enabled arm uploads signed by James Troup, Ryan Murray, and Martin
Michlmayr, as well as (hopefully) security uploads. Everyone else will
get a REJECT saying not signed by authorised uploader. That means
contrib and non-free builds for arm will probably all be REJECTed. This
will stay this way until someone in ftpmaster is confident arm builds
signed by other people are likely to be reliable and the check is removed.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Please appoint one new person to the DSA Team

2006-12-20 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Dec 20, 2006 at 04:27:41PM +, Simon Huggins wrote:
  So apparently this complaint was immediately followed up by setting up an
  emulated autobuilder not synced in with the regular
  stuff [0]. [...]
 PS you're missing your footnote.



Description: Digital signature

Re: Please appoint one new person to the DSA Team

2006-12-20 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Dec 20, 2006 at 08:38:33PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
 Would you, as DPL, please try to address the original issue?  

Martin, Branden and myself have all been trying to address the original
issue as DPL; messages like the one beginning this thread don't help,
and setting up unofficial autobuilders when you can't work out how to
get an official one accepted are seriously counterproductive.

I would greatly appreciate it if people would help the process by
supporting the efforts of the DSA team consistently rather than heaping
praise on them when they fix compromises and scorn on them the rest of
the time. It would also be helpful if there were people who are able to
commit time to do significant but boring tasks to help DSA, expecting
neither praise, acknowledgement or, most importantly, any additional
rights/priveleges in return. If that's you please mail me privately,
probably at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Description: Digital signature

Re: Please appoint one new person to the DSA Team

2006-12-20 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Dec 20, 2006 at 10:43:48PM -0800, Mike Bird wrote:
 4) What kind of Debian Project unprivileged admin tasks are so secret
that discussion thereof must occur in private?

The issue isn't that secrecy is required; just that discussing these
things in public on Debian fora turns into a grandstanding exercise or
a lot of bikeshedding, neither of which help resolve the initial concern.

Technically, fixing security vulnerabilities in packages used by on d.o
machines is an answer to your question. There's been some discussion
recently about help potentially being wanted on that score for etch


Description: Digital signature

Re: Please appoint one new person to the DSA Team

2006-12-20 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, Dec 21, 2006 at 04:06:56PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
 I would greatly appreciate it if people would help the process by
 supporting the efforts of the DSA team consistently rather than heaping
 praise on them when they fix compromises and scorn on them the rest of
 the time. It would also be helpful if there were people who are able to
 commit time to do significant but boring tasks to help DSA, expecting
 neither praise, acknowledgement or, most importantly, any additional
 rights/priveleges in return. If that's you please mail me privately,
 probably at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh, given the no rights/priveleges part, that's probably applicable to
non-DDs too, if there are any reading who are interested. If that's you,
please also provide a gpg key id, and some evidence that you're a real
person, not a pseudonymous committee of AIs at Microsoft Labs or whatever,
if possible. :)


Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian Etch Stable.

2006-12-19 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, Dec 14, 2006 at 03:32:16PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 13, 2006 at 01:24:32PM +, MJ Ray wrote:
   Actually, I believe you'll find that that wasn't even put forward as a
   metric for the experiment.
  In your own words, the experiment was to allocate sufficient funds so
  that Steve Langasek and Andreas Barth can dedicate a month each to
  getting etch out on time (and Mon 4 Dec 06 was already given as the
  release date).
 If you consider that to be the success condition, it seems it was
 already a success -- that amount of funds was allocated, for exactly
 that purpose.

I've said a few times in this discussion things like as long as you
learn something, an experiment isn't a failure. If you combine that
with the fact that when you learn something you do things differently,
that's equivalent to saying that if the experiment needs to be repeated,
it's a failure, and if it's a success, it doesn't need to be repeated.

I'm going to continue avoiding trying to draw any conclusions about the
effect on Debian while the release is still pending, but at the very least
there's been a few things learnt:

- Debian shouldn't do funding of Debian work for various reasons,
  that add up to it not having the support of the developer body

- there's no need to do funding through Debian/SPI -- it's possible
  to raise decent amounts of money for Debian work in short amounts of

- lots of people don't like key Debian people to be involved
  in funding Debian things, due to potential or actual confusion
  and other potential or actual conflicts of interest

- some people don't like paying people at all and would rather
  that not affect their hobby

- some people actively disendorse/disclaim the goal of releasing
  on a set date, even as subordinated to when it's ready

A number of those were found out during discussion on -private, and
Dunc-Tank aimed to address them as best it could; posts to this list
and elsewhere demonstrate that any future projects should be able to do
a better job of that IMO. I'm pretty sure there're other lessons that
could be drawn out of a better understanding of the objections related
to how the task was selected and whatever too. No doubt some of these
conclusions were obvious to some people before this was ever raised;
unfortunately not everyone's that well informed.

So as far as I can see, questions like Has the experiment failed
now? Will it be repeated? [0] are related in the opposite way to what
people are assuming -- yes, things were learnt, therefore no it hasn't
failed, and no, the experiment doesn't need to be repeated [1].

I presume the real question is whether anyone gets funded to do Debian
stuff in the future. But ultimately I don't get /any/ say in that --
it's totally up to the people who are actually going to do the funding.
If you're against this sort of thing, it's not me you've got to convince
of the evils of funding or the superiority of other ways of doing this;
it's all the people who can afford to fund Debian-related activities,
and have the desire to do so. Because in the end, they'll do whatever
they want with their money, no matter whether you, or I, or Debian thinks
it's good or bad, or whether we dance for joy, or sulk and swear.

(As an aside, one question that has been at the back of my mind following
some of the more intense opposition is just how easy it might be to
disrupt Debian by applying small amounts of money -- either to recruit
developers to work on other projects, or just to create arguments that
distract people from doing work (ie, trolling). If it's really possible
to repeatedly disrupt Debian with just $12,000, eg, I'd imagine Microsoft
would be happy to do that in a heartbeat if they ever started feeling
threatened by us. Again, I don't want to judge things 'til etch is out,
but my initial impression is that in spite of the flamewars and claims of
demotivation, the primary negative effect has been an increased focus
on quality assurance (in support of the widely recognised goal of making
the next stable release as reliable and well-tested as possible), at
the expense of releasing on the 4th (which was a less expected goal, and
less widely recognised amongst developers). If that's actually the case,
that's a fine kick in the pants to me or Dunc-Tank supporters or whatever,
but at the same time it's a good demonstration that Debian's willing
and able to keep its own priorities in the event of monetary interference)



[1] least if you're not trying to get published in an academic
review and have to demonstrate repeatability under laboratory
conditions or similar.

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Re: Debian Etch Stable.

2006-12-14 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, Dec 14, 2006 at 08:40:41AM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
 I would further expect that you didn't try to pollute the experiment result
 with stuff like the mail starting this thread. From the tone of that mail, it
 indicated clearly that for you the experiment was over, and that you called
 for experiment oponents to be remotivated for that.
 Sorry, but again, this cannot happen until the final report is there, and your
 mail was all but a good idea.

Dunc-Tank's activities for the etch release are almost over, aside from some
logistical things that still need to be completed. If you're worried about
people being payed to do work, and not doing it because you're not being
paid, well, that's ceasing very shortly.

If it's the concept of an experiment at all that bothers you -- ie,
doing something that some people (including yourself) don't agree with,
that might not work, that's controversial, that hasn't been 100% thought
out and proven to be correct and already tried elsewhere -- well, it's
fair enough that you should continue being upset. Though I think you'll
have trouble finding somewhere in free software that people are that
conservative that you won't continue getting upset.

Personally, if you're already upset by things I've said or done, I
wouldn't recommend you rely on any report I might work on to make you
feel that much better. :-/


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Re: Debian Etch Stable.

2006-12-13 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Dec 13, 2006 at 01:00:38PM +0100, Marc Haber wrote:
 As far as I remember, the experiment has two steps, paying Steve for a
 month and paying Andi for a month. Steve's month is already over, and
 Andi is like in his third week. So - again - as far as I remember
 there is only one week of experiment left in _any_ case so it does not
 make too much sense talking about continuing or not. It's over soon
 If I'm wrong, please correct me.

You're not. 

There's still logistical issues (getting the money to Steve and Andi,
dealing with taxes and whatnot -- they haven't been paid in advance)
that have to be sorted out but they're entirely a matter for the Dunc
board to deal with. Personally, I don't consider the experiment over
'til all those loose ends are tied up; and it could easily turn out that
the logistical issues alone are enough of a problem to make this sort
of endeavour not worth the effort.


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Re: Debian Etch Stable.

2006-12-13 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Dec 13, 2006 at 01:24:32PM +, MJ Ray wrote:
  Actually, I believe you'll find that that wasn't even put forward as a
  metric for the experiment.
 In your own words, the experiment was to allocate sufficient funds so
 that Steve Langasek and Andreas Barth can dedicate a month each to
 getting etch out on time (and Mon 4 Dec 06 was already given as the
 release date).

If you consider that to be the success condition, it seems it was
already a success -- that amount of funds was allocated, for exactly
that purpose.
 I think the experiment has even failed to provide useful information
 it could have, partly due to the refusal to take or request any
 recognisable measurements.  Any future DPL funding initiative could be [...]

Given this isn't a DPL funding initiative, I think you're way off base.

 Further, it's cynical and unrealistic to demand that those unhappy
 with the experiment to fulfil the DPL's wishlist at this busiest time
 of year for festivals and so on.  [...]

You are, of course, free to do what you want, and you don't need to come
up with any excuses for that.

 I hope that
 reporters are smart enough to recognise both that demand and the
 refusal to report yet as the politicking of a DPL trying to hide the
 negatives of his decisions.

If this were politicking, what makes you think that I'm not suggesting
the very thing I'm worried most about, safe in the knowledge that yourself
and others will say oh, if aj suggested it, it must be an evil, political
idea and I shall do the exact opposite?


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Re: Debian Etch Stable.

2006-12-13 Thread Anthony Towns
On Wed, Dec 13, 2006 at 02:17:35PM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
  [...] Personally, I don't consider the experiment over
  'til all those loose ends are tied up; and it could easily turn out that
  the logistical issues alone are enough of a problem to make this sort
  of endeavour not worth the effort.
 What about the analysis and resulting conclusion, report, whatever of this
 experiment ? 

I wouldn't expect those to be started until the experiment is over.


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Re: Debian Etch Stable.

2006-12-12 Thread Anthony Towns
On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 09:56:33AM +, MJ Ray wrote:
  In the context of an experiment to
  find out whether paying people to do Debian work can be useful, it'd
  certainly provide some useful information as to whether there are better
  alternatives for encouraging contributions and getting things done.
 The release was the only metric put forward for the experiment,
 despite various requests.

Actually, I believe you'll find that that wasn't even put forward as a
metric for the experiment. As per [0], it wasn't even the primary goal
of the payments.

One of the major arguments against changing the rules of the game
is that paying some people and not paying others will discourage (some
of) the people who don't get paid from contributing. When people are
reviewing this experiment and working out whether to try similar things
in the future, whether within Debian or elsewhere, I'd expect one of the
things they'll consider is whether the people who claim to be demotivated
now were really going to contribute much more otherwise. This is, IMO,
a fairly unique opportunity to demonstrate just how much contribution
is being lost due to jealousy or unfairness or whathaveyou.

Obviously, there's no requirement for anyone to take advantage of that
opportunity, but if I thought paying people was a bad idea even in
principle, I'd be making the most of this opportunity to prove that I
was right. Actions speak louder than words and all that.



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Re: Debian Etch Stable.

2006-12-12 Thread Anthony Towns
On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 12:11:07PM +0100, Sam Hocevar wrote:
It looks to me that you are now asking others to set up the
 experimental protocol you failed to deliver when the experiment was
 being discussed. As of now, anything that might happen can be reused for
 a Dunc-Tank PR explaining how much the experiment helped.

As far as any hypothetical PR is concerned, vocal critics of the
Dunc-Tank procedure declined to contribute any effort to getting the
release out sooner, even to demonstrate how effective Debian can be in
the absence of paid work seems like it would be entirely sufficient. I
don't really see the point of caring about PR for Dunc-Tank though --
from Debian's POV it's a separate project, so it can say what it likes
and if it lies to the press it'll pay the price soon enough, and from
Dunc-Tank's POV, it needs to fulfill its various obligations -- eg,
a thorough post-etch report on what happened -- before it even starts
thinking about promoting itself to do new things in the future.

But if it turns out there really is a huge cost to paying people, it
seems to me like it'd be a lot easier to do a PR saying this is what
development looks like with money, this is what community development
looks like without money with the latter being obviously a lot more
effective than the former. And you already know exactly how effective
the former is in this case, so you just have to beat that.

Nowhere have I seen an official statement, explicit or implied, that
 Dunc-Tank will be a failure if XYZ happens, hence I fail to see how the
 so-called anti-payment people could be motivated to do anything yet.
 Please correct me if such a statement exists.

As an experiment, the only way it can be a failure is if it doesn't teach
us anything, and personally I think there's already plenty to be learnt from
this, so I don't think that's a question.

As to whether anything similar should be done in future, I'm going to
continue to reserve judgement on that until etch is out, and there's a
chance to consider the exercise in its entirety, with all the results
in. You're not in any way obligated to do the same, of course.

To be clear: I'm well aware that there are a number of people who don't
agree or approve of the Dunc-Tank project -- whether in concept or
merely in execution -- who are working on getting the release out at
our usual quality as soon as possible in spite of that difference of
opinion. There's nothing wrong with that, and I'm not suggesting that
they need to put it any more effort than they otherwise might for their
opinion to matter. But there are at least some people who are specifically
contributing less, whether as a deliberate protest against payments,
or simply because the project's doing things that don't interest them
as much as it might otherwise. This is a chance to turn that around,
take the momentum from the Dunc-Tank project and put it towards not
only helping Debian, but convincing other developers and free software
hackers that free, voluntary contributions are vastly better than even
trying to pay people.

And hey, maybe it won't work first go, but so what? Anyone who's going
to look beyond didn't make 4th Dec release for Dunc-Tank will surely
do the same for an unpaid endeavour, if the people undertaking it are
serious about it.


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