Re: On cadence and collaboration

2009-08-13 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
Gunnar Wolf wrote:
 Of course, many upstreams will not accept this, as it breaks their
 workflow and might just feel outside influence from people they don't
 care too much about (and I'm not meaning the Linux desktops, as they
 obviously care about Linux distributions, but mainly OS-agnostic
 projects). Still, I think it would be worth a try.
This is a good point. We do already see lots of upstreams moving to a
cadence, which is improving their release energy and practices. There is
*some* alignment between various upstreams, but at this stage it will
take getting two or more distributions together in order to create a
real center of gravity.


Re: On cadence and collaboration

2009-08-07 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
Cyril Brulebois wrote:
 Raphael Geissert (05/08/2009):
 Like some people said during Debconf: freezing in December doesn't
 necessarily mean freezing the first day or even the first week of
 December; the 31 is still December, which means there are 30 days to
 decide many things, if necessary.

 Without having to resort to nitpicking on days, was the “freeze” term
 define anywhere? My main question would be: will it be possible to e.g.
 switch the default compiler right before the freeze and trigger possible
 hundreds of serious FTBFS bugs? Or is some incremental freeze still
 supposed to happen? (Putting -release in Cc to catch their attention.)

At least on the Ubuntu side, there would be room to agree in advance on
items that are as yet unreleased, but which have for various reasons
clear advantages and well understood risks.

So, for example, if someone on the toolchain team said GCC 4.5 is going
to be released in February, and we've run a test rebuild of the archive
and there were only 20 FTBFS's then it might well be possible to get
consensus around that new version being planned as a consensus base
version for releases in 2010.


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Re: On cadence and collaboration

2009-08-05 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
Julien BLACHE wrote:
 [Cc:ed as I don't know whether you're subscribed to -project]
I am subscribed, yes, but thanks for the cc.

 From the very start of the Debian Project, Debian has been different
 from everything else: different package management tools, different
 philosophy, different organization, you name it.
Debian stands out in many respects, yes. But being different for the
sake of it isn't a laudable goal: if there's a good idea, it deserves to
be considered, even if others are already considering it.

 Overall, it's been working fine for the last 16 years.
A lot has been achieved, yes. Could more be done? Could Debian be
stronger? Are there weaknesses that may be addressed? I think it's
always worth considering how things can be improved.
 What do you think the changes you are proposing can gain us?

 I don't believe in the upstreams will care stuff (there are good
 examples of upstreams not giving a damn about distributors over the
 past months) and I don't believe in the 100% end-user-centric focus
 you're displaying in your mail.
Well, we believe differently, and that's OK. I think it's easy enough to
go and speak to a few upstreams, and ask them this: what would you do
differently if you knew that multiple distributions would all sit down
and think about which version of your code to ship with their big 2010
release? I think you'd find most of them say that would be amazing.

 Once I've removed that from your mail, and the but Ubuntu loves you!
 stuff, there's nothing left.


Re: On cadence and collaboration

2009-08-05 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
Julien BLACHE wrote:
 Debian stands out in many respects, yes. But being different for the
 sake of it isn't a laudable goal: if there's a good idea, it deserves to
 be considered, even if others are already considering it.

 Being different and independent actually enables us to be better at
 what we're doing than anyone else.
I agree, that conscious, planned and considered differences are the best
way to beat the competition or stand for your brand. If you do the same
thing as everyone else it's very difficult to be better.

But it is wise to think carefully about the things that one really wants
to do differently. In business it makes sense to standardise on as much
as possible, then be different on the key things that really do define
you vs your competition. In Debian's case, I can think of several things
that really define the brand and the values. Supporting more
architectures. Having the most democratic processes. debian-legal. And
many more. None of them depend on having the same, or different base
versions of the major components as any other distro.

There's a great expression that says if you always do what you always
did, you can only expect to get again what you got before. In other
words, it's always worth thinking about what can be done differently.

  If we were tied to something or
 someone one way or another, this would not be possible.
Having a cadence and discussion across many distros to try and find
opportunities for common base versions of major components does not tie
anybody. If Debian wants to have a different version of ANY component to
any other distro, of course it can! And if it wants to take 9 months to
bake the release, instead of 6 months, of course it can too. There are
real differences in approach (architectures etc) that will always drive
some delta. It's worth paying the cost of that delta if it helps you be
you. It's not worth having a delta just because nobody bothered to sit
down and talk about it.

 Overall, it's been working fine for the last 16 years.
 A lot has been achieved, yes. Could more be done? Could Debian be
 stronger? Are there weaknesses that may be addressed? I think it's
 always worth considering how things can be improved.

 Indeed. And I truly don't see how being tied to and restricted by
 other projects with differing interests can help us there. Quite to
 the contrary.
This proposal does not tie Debian in any way.

 Well, we believe differently, and that's OK. I think it's easy enough to
 go and speak to a few upstreams, and ask them this: what would you do
 differently if you knew that multiple distributions would all sit down
 and think about which version of your code to ship with their big 2010
 release? I think you'd find most of them say that would be amazing.

 I don't really care about what they say, I care about how they act
 upon it afterwards. And unfortunately there's no guarantee that
 they'll support us better than they do today. Especially if those
 statements were made without community backing.
There's no guarantee, no. But community members rally to a good,
inspiring, intellectually true vision. You may not get them all, and you
may not get the leader, but you will ensure that on every mailing list
*someone* will be asking the question what can we do to help those guys
with their noble cause?


Re: On cadence and collaboration

2009-08-05 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
Hi Marc

Marc Haber wrote:
 this is kind of a personal reply; I am therefore writing this to you
 directly and only Cc'ing debian-project, and I do not know whether you
 read that mailing list.
 On Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 10:21:38AM +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
 I've stayed quiet in this discussion, though several folks have invoked
 my name and ascribed motivations to me that were a little upsetting. I'm
 not responding to that here,

 A pity. I bet many people would like to hear that response.

I've tried to clarify my motivations without responding to personal attacks.

 I hear this story all the time from upstreams. We'd like to help
 distributions, but WHICH distribution should we pick?

 I have never heard that story from an upstream, neither have I heard
 that other maintainers have heard that. Especially not from the
 upstream who consider themselves big and powerful.
At the last Linux Collaboration Summit, a panel of kernel leaders said
exactly this. We see more and more upstreams adopting time-based
releases, and cadences of 3 or 6 months. A few are starting to think
about 2-year long-term releases, too. So it fits.

 Adopting a broad pattern of cadence and collaboration between many
 distributions won't be a silver bullet for ALL of those problems, but it
 will go a very long way to simplifying the life of both upstreams and
 distribution maintainers.

 It will also cost the free software ecosystem a lot of what's one of
 its most major properties: diversity.
Diversity in distributions comes from choice of components, not from
choice of component versions. Version skew just makes it much harder to

  If upstream knows, for example, that MANY distributions will be
  shipping a particular version of their code and supporting it for
  several years (in fact, if they can sit down with those distributions
  and make suggestions as to which version would be best!) then they
  are more likely to be able to justify doing point releases with
  security fixes for that version... which in turn makes it easier for
  the security teams and maintainers in the distribution.

 In practice, most upstreams adopt a you're using a version that's two
 weeks old, go update to our current development snapshot and see
 yourself whether the bug is still there attitude.
That's true. To upstream there is tip (which all real developers run,
right? ;-)) and then there's the cloud of released versions which
distributions are still shipping. It's hard to get their attention
about the particular version that any one distribution is shipping, but
I think it's reasonable to believe it would be easier to get their
attention about a version that *many* distributions adopted.

 Well, the first thing is to agree on the idea of a predictable cadence.
 Although the big threads on this list are a little heartbreaking for me
 to watch, I'm glad that there hasn't been a lot of upset at the idea of
 a cadence in Debian so much as *which* cadence. We can solve the latter,
 we couldn't solve the former. So I'm happy at least at that :-)

 Most upset that happened on the lists and in real life was about that
 Debian learned about your collaboration from a Debian press release.
I agree, that was unfortunate.

 As pointed out on this list, Debian and Ubuntu share a great deal.

 I wouldn't call that share.
We share many things, in the sense of having many things in common.

Do you believe that this is an unfair, or unbalanced relationship? What
does Ubuntu take from you, beyond that which you have freely given? And
whatever Ubuntu brings back to Debian, is that not of value?

  We have largely common package names (imagine what a difference that
  will make to practical discussions over IRC ;-))

 Right, this makes it much easier for Ubuntu users to pester Debian
 people with the problems that the Ubuntu community wasn't able to
 solve by itself.

  (most of the strongest Ubuntu
  contributors are or have been very strong Debian contributors too,

 yes, and have usually stopped doing their debian duties without
 properly stepping down upon their engagement with Ubuntu. This has
 greatly harmed Debian a few years ago when Ubuntu was still hatching,
 and has obviously also helped Ubuntu in getting more momentum than
 Debian since Ubuntu took privileges from Debian which slowed down
 Debian a great deal.
The people concerned, for whom I have a great deal of respect, don't agree.

  and many new Debian maintainers have come to the project through

 Yes. Ubuntu should think about the reason for Ubuntu people changing
 over to Debian.
We see this differently. When a person comes to free software as an
Ubuntu user, starts contributing to Ubuntu, then begins the process of
becoming a Debian maintainer, and succeeds at it, I celebrate a win for
free software. It helps greatly with the relationship and with general

Re: Debian decides to adopt time-based release freezes

2009-08-05 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
Werner Baumann wrote:
 The two models as I can see them from the discussion so far:

 Model 1:
 Debian freezes in December
 Debian developers concentrate on fixing RC bugs
 Ubuntu developers concentrate on including newer versions of major
 software packages
 When the number of RC bugs in Debian is low enough Ubuntu freezes
 Ubuntu and Debian release at approximately the same time
 With this model Debian developers will bear the main burden of bug
 fixing while Ubuntu will use the time to integrate newer software

 Model 2:
 Debian and Ubuntu freeze at the same time (December?)
 Debian and Ubuntu developers coordinate in fixing RC bugs
 Debian and Ubuntu release at about the same time
 With this model the burden is shared and both operating system will be
 at the same state with respect to the main components. Differences will
 be according to different philosophy (questions asked by the installer,
 components and configuration of a standard installation, what is user
 friendly). There may be also differences in the versions of main
 software packages, but this differences would be clear at freeze time
 and due to different philosophy.

 While I think model 2 could prove useful for Debian and Ubuntu I can't
 see what Debian would gain from model 1. I believe this discussion
 would look very different if Ubuntu says it agrees on model 2.
We certainly agree on the idea that multiple distributions, and all the
major upstreams, would benefit from a coordinated freeze. If we sit down
and agree to use the same version of the kernel, for example, that helps
the kernel community plan their merge windows and merge criteria in a
way that they have never been able to do before.

It would be substantially easier to collaborate on RC (and non-RC) bug
fixes where the base versions of major components were the same.

That said, I don't believe that any distribution should feel compelled
to go with a particular version. If Mandriva really wants to go with a
different version of X, say, then all power to them. There will be
benefits to being on a common base with others, and there will sometimes
be benefits or constraints which mandate a delta for any particular

So, coordinated *freezes* make a lot of sense for distributions *and*
for upstreams.

However, when it comes to the release, there are equally good reasons
for different distributions to take different approaches. We each have
different policies and focuses. We treat different issues as release
blockers. We are focused on different use cases. All of those will drive
differences in release dates.

So, I strongly support your Option 2 as the model, but I don't think it
leads to exactly the same freeze-and-release dates. It leads to a shared
freeze date where we establish how much common signalling we can send to
upstreams, followed by improved collaboration both with other
distributions and with upstreams, and varying release dates.

Is that a bad thing? Well, I think some people will say a distro is
*better* if it releases later. Others will say a distro is better if it
releases on a schedule. There have been so many distributions around for
so long and yet each of the majors, including both Debian and Ubuntu,
have loyal and passionate users. I don't think this is about trying to
convince users to switch - they believe in the brands they believe in,
to the credit of both groups, not to either detriment.


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Re: Debian decides to adopt time-based release freezes

2009-08-05 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
Pierre Habouzit wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 10:29:11AM +0100, Steve Langasek wrote:
 I'm sorry that you have a negative impression of Ubuntu's relationship
 with Debian, but there's plenty of data available that contradicts
 your conclusion (including BTS reports that have been posted to this
 very thread).

 The problem is there is also plenty of data, like for example the recent
 #539950 (on a package never uploaded to Debian) which is looking a _lot_
 like LP#408901. In this bug, the Ubuntu developer is (IMHO) trying to
 make the Debian one find, fix and patch the bug for him.

 The problem is (as a DD) that I would expect Ubuntu to collaborate the
 most on the harder core packages, meaning the toolchain, the kernel,
 X... Alas, it happens more coincidentally than on a regular basis, and
 that saddens me.

 I'm not saying there aren't any working cases of cooperation, and I
 welcome them. But there are way too many example of bad (or rather
 inexistant) cooperation, or even dirty tricks like #539950, which
 undermines the former tries a lot.

When you have two large, complex, passionate organisations there will
always be plenty of opportunities to find fault with one another. Do you
not believe that it would be possible to find a long list of cases where
Debian developers have acted in a way that made collaboration difficult
or impossible, or could be interpreted as bad faith? Of course it would.

Nevertheless, we never let those incidents poison our commitment to
working better with Debian. On balance, when I look at the huge effort
that has gone into better collaboration with Debian, from many core and
MOTU developers in Ubuntu, I think we should celebrate those successes
and inspire people to do more of that, rather than taking every
opportunity to find fault.

In this conversation, there are large groups of people who's starting
assumption is that Ubuntu is bad, or Debian is difficult, and they
find facts to support that assumption. Fair enough, that's human nature.
But it will never improve the state of the world to focus on things that
people believe are absolute - if you want to improve the state of the
world, you need to look for opportunities to make it better.

Instead of saying there's a bug that was badly handled, so we should
never collaborate better on anything, let's look for opportunities to
make things better. We have a good opportunity to make a profound change
in the way upstreams and distributions engage. A change that will really
help the whole free software ecosystem, and many distributions beyond
Ubuntu and Debian. Isn't it worth exploring that idea for its full value?


Re: On syncing freeze dates with other distributions

2009-08-05 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
 Manoj Srivastava wrote:

 I also think that we should be looking at when we freeze not
  merely at when a derived distro freezes, but when major system
  components release, and when top level sister distributions freeze
  (we'll get far more benefit for Debian users were we to sync up with
  fedora/rhel; and have more clout with upstream, especially if Ubuntu
  sync's up with Debian/red hat as well).

 Ack. It makes *mucH* more sense for use to keep in sync with fedora/rhel than
 with Ubuntu. Especially Fedora tries out the very latest funky stuff, it is
 often really worth the work to have a look what they're doing. At the end this
 will help Ubuntu, too - if they manage to change their freeze time to an
 appropriate date similar to the one of Debian.
I reached out to RHEL last year to see if they are interested in
adopting a predictable cycle of releases, and collaborating around them.
They did not respond to the email. I've heard it said informally that
they will never do that. In fact, I think RHEL could be persuaded to
join such a movement, but only if we have won over almost everyone else
first! That's why I've tried to include Novell in the discussion (they
are more interested, but still not takers to the idea).

Agreeing an approach between Debian and Ubuntu would be a very
significant first step. I believe we could then bring in many of the
smaller distributions, followed by Novell, and ultimately Red Hat too.


Re: On cadence and collaboration

2009-08-05 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
Hi Marga

Margarita Manterola wrote:
 If Debian commits to a December freeze, would that mean that Ubuntu
 commits to releasing 10.04 with KDE 4.3 (already released) and GNOME
 2.28 (to be released in a few months), instead of KDE 4.4 (to be
 released in January) and GNOME 2.30 (to be released in March)?

 This has been one of the main concerns of the December freeze, apart
 from the fact that we wouldn't meet our release goals, that you are
 suggesting how to solve.  Ubuntu has shown in the past a tendency to
 ship with the latest versions of software. In the case of GNOME, the
 freeze in Ubuntu usually happens before GNOME is even released, and
 yet the latest GNOME goes into the release.

 So, how would that work in this case?

The proposal as I understood it was that in December, the key component
maintainers / release managers from all interested distributions would
discuss, on a public mailing list, their plans for the base versions of
those components in their 2010 releases. It wouldn't be realistic to
hope that every distro joins a consensus on every component - there are
good reasons why some might want to use a more bleeding edge piece and
others may want a more conservative piece. For example, architecture
support in Debian might require a different GCC or kernel than the one
that everyone else goes with, and that's fine.

The rough guide I heard was that, if we looked at the list in December,
we'd probably be able to agree on things like the default versions of
Python, Perl, X and GCC, but that it might be harder on kernel, GNOME
and KDE. That's OK by me - whatever consensus *does* emerge from the
process is a win that we otherwise would not have. Some teams may not be
ready for the discussion, some might be. That's OK too.

My expectation is that Debian will want to have more flexibility in how
long the release is baked than Ubuntu would normally give itself. My
hope is that we can agree on a GNOME and KDE version, and that Debian
will thus benefit from all the work Ubuntu does on that and then have a
few extra months (as many as deemed necessary) to bake it to Debian's

 It is my opinion that freezing after GNOME releases (and gets into
 testing) would be better for Debian.  This means either April or
 October, depending on which GNOME release we want to ship.

 If we think, for real, that December is the best month of the year to
 freeze (I definitely don't), then we would need to somehow convince
 both GNOME and KDE (and then other upstreams as well) to release in
 October/November.  It's not that much of a change for GNOME, but I
 don't see this happening this year for KDE.  Maybe next year, if this
 is planned well in advance.
The difference in our language is about the meaning of freeze in
December. I think December is not about actually freezing, it's about
reviewing and planning and looking for opportunities. Certainly, I think
the Debian team will want to freeze some things very early (December!),
but some maintainer teams may well be willing to commit to using
something that will freeze a little later, especially if they can
collaborate well with Ubuntu on those packages.

 But why December? December is a very nasty month to do important
 things, people go on holidays, stay away from their computers for one,
 two or more weeks.  If anything, I think December is the worst month
 to plan for a freeze.
It's true that Decembers a fractured month, and it would arguably be
better to do heavy lifting in another month. I imagine the main work
will really be Feb-March, once the decisions are final and widely
communicated. In December, by this proposal, we would just have a series
of threads on a list like the list,
where we try to establish what consensus we can across the major
components. It would be planning and discussion, not actually starting
the freeze itself except for those components which the maintainers and
release managers felt it necessary.


Re: On cadence and collaboration

2009-08-05 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
Julien BLACHE wrote:
 You are on a fight against proprietary software (you made that clear
 through your wording in your first mail). One of the issues with
 proprietary platforms is that everyone running a given platform runs
 the same security holes.

 Now, that obviously applies equally if platform = Debian, but not if
 platform = Linux. There aren't different Windows vendors. There's only
 one. There are different Linux vendors. If they all offer the same
 thing, then we have another monoculture and we lose something,
 something very real.

 In the free software world, the diversity we have today, which is
 partly due to unaligned releases from the major vendors, is an asset.

 You have been talking a lot about the implications at our level and
 a bit about upstream, but there are implications downstream too that
 must not be overlooked and they might not be the most obvious.
Yes, I would have to agree with your point - having more distributions
on the same base version of something like Apache or OpenSSH does
increase the risk of a compromise being systemic rather than limited to
a particular vendor. The other side to the coin, though, would be the
benefits in terms of scrutiny and speed to resolve the issue (produce a
patch, at least) when it does happen. But it's a good point.


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Re: On cadence and collaboration

2009-08-05 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
Marc Haber wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 09:32:36PM +0200, Jesús M. Navarro wrote:
 In other words: freeze on december the first doesn't mean that if, say, 
 will publish it's new shiny 1.2 version by december the 15, the last beta 
 should have to be included, but that the december version will ship version 
 1.1 (or whatever is the previous known to work stable).  It's up to the 
 upstreamer to decide if next time they will publish by november the 15th 
 instead of december the 15th so their latest greatest gets to be shipped.  

 So we basically force a time-based release schedule upon our upstreams
 when we do time-based freezes? I am not sure whether upstreams are
 going to like this.

No, we give them the opportunity to recommend a version. It might be an
older version, or a version they happen to be about to release, it's not
*necessarily* time-based for them. We're going to pick a version of
their stuff anyway, this just makes it easier to participate in one
conversation with many distros about which would work best.

I do think more upstreams will adopt time-based releases. Kernel, GNOME,
KDE and others are already doing quite well there. X would like to, but
is short of manpower on the RM front.


Re: On cadence and collaboration

2009-08-05 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
Marc Haber wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 08:44:29PM +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
 My expectation is that Debian will want to have more flexibility in how
 long the release is baked than Ubuntu would normally give itself. My
 hope is that we can agree on a GNOME and KDE version, and that Debian
 will thus benefit from all the work Ubuntu does on that and then have a
 few extra months (as many as deemed necessary) to bake it to Debian's

 And you are willing to allow Ubuntu to release with outdated KDE and
 outdated GNOME, frozen in Dezember, while both upstreams releasing
 again in January? In the past, so I have been told, Ubuntu has let the
 current versions slip into the April release
We only do this with upstreams which have earned credibility in their
release management. Our general policy is that we only accept things
which are already an upstream stable release at our upstream version
freeze milestone (about two months into the six month cycle). We make
exceptions for those upstreams which have a very good track record of
actually delivering on time, every time, and being good about freezing
early themselves (with appropriate policies for translation and UI
freeze, for example). GNOME set the pace on that, KDE is now also
looking good.

The stronger an upstream's reputation, the easier it is to trust them
and plan for a release which they haven't yet delivered when we freeze.

I doubt we would lightly trust an upstream that had not already gone
through that process once or twice.

 , which would not be possible if you were syncing with Debian.
Well, given that Debian will typically take longer to be satisfied with
a release (more architectures, more packages considered RC, different
approach to QA, volunteer team) it may well be possible to agree to
freeze on something which is not yet released in December, but will be
released early enough to give both Ubuntu and Debian confidence that it
can be a shared component.

 Or do you expect that we would let new KDE and new GNOME into a
 distribution frozen two months earlier to accomodate Ubuntu?
No, I wouldn't expect that, it wouldn't make sense or be congruent with
Debian's values.

 If you mean that Debian continues its staged freeze, starting with the
 toolchain in December, followed by other stages and the last stage
 including the desktop environments in february, do you seriously
 expect us to release before October? That would be overly optimistic,
 we're not that fast.
Well, I agree that prior staged freezes haven't been ideal, but I think
the basic idea has merit, especially in collaboration with other
distributions and upstream.

  And, even if we were that fast, Ubuntu LTS would
 be on the market half a year earlier, giving Ubuntu a strong advantage
 over Debian stable.
We've been in that situation in the past, for example with Ubuntu 6.06
and Debian Etch, and it didn't make much difference.


Re: On cadence and collaboration

2009-08-05 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
Noah Meyerhans wrote:
 I think it's reasonable to believe it would be easier to get [upstream]
 attention about a version that *many* distributions adopted.

 Additionally, even if upstream isn't willing to provide any help to
 distros shipping what they consider to be a stale version, the distros
 are in a better position to help each other if they're shipping similar
Yes, I agree very strongly.

Re: On cadence and collaboration

2009-08-05 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
Jan Hauke Rahm wrote:
 I understand you've been talking to other distributions as well about
 syncing releases (or freezes) in order to ship same versions of major
 system components. Now, much of the discussion here is about the actual
 dates, i.e. the possible freeze in a few month as well as freezing in
 the end of odd years to release in spring of even years. This idea seems
 to fit best to your (ubuntu's) current release cycle and I feel many
 Debian contributors see there your (inacceptable?) influence on Debian.

 I'm interested in the reactions of other distributions. Are they likely
 to change their release cycle to fit yours? Or would you be willing to
 change Ubuntu's release dates if SuSE proposed LTS releases to come out
 in odd years or similar?

I think most are waiting to see if Debian and Ubuntu can do this. If we
can, I am very confident we will get a group of other distributions
participating in the version harmonisation discussions in the first
round. To win Novell we would have to actually demonstrate the process
works, I think. And to win Red Hat we would need to demonstrate it works
with everyone else first. At least, that's my impression from
conversations to date.
