Re: dpkg list of all packages [Was Re: dpkg and shadow]

1997-03-20 Thread meierrj

> Is there a way to make dpkg give me a list (output) of ALL the packages
> (installed and not installed) along with their descriptions?  Even just
> the short one-liner descriptions?  ... I want to search ... by a keyword ...

dpkg -l

This produces a list of selected packages (installed, half-installed,
removed, etc.).  Purged packages are not included.  I have used this with
find(1), dpkg --search, and dpkg -s to obtain any information that I wanted
with regards to any downloaded packages.

grep  /var/lib/dpkg/available

This searches the dpkg database cache regarding packages that may
be downloaded.

See "dpkg --help" for further details.
Robert Meier

FANUC Robotics North America, Inc.  Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice: 1-810-377-7469   Fax:  1-810-377-7363

Re: write-protected filesystems [Was Re: dpkg and shadow]

1997-03-20 Thread meierrj

> [When I mount] an Iomega Zip drive ... occasionally[,] I get the message:
>   sda: Write Protect is off
>sda: sda4
> ...  Is there a command out there somewhere to write protect/unprotect
> disks?

I am not familiar with Iomega drives but strongly suspect that the
message is simply a warning that the write-protect tab is in the writable

*nix distinguishes between the drive (a device) and the filesystem,
(its data).  You can write-protect the drive (disallow control) by using
chmod a-w on its node /dev/sda?.  This is probably not what you want since
reading a device that you can't control is usually not useful.

mount -r (see "man 8 mount for further details) will mount the
filesystem (data) read-only.  All the standard i/o drivers (see man 4 ioctl
and man 3 errno for further details) will return -1 and set errno to EROFS.
Setting the write-protect tab on the media will normally have the same effect.

Hope this helps
Robert Meier

FANUC Robotics North America, Inc.  Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice: 1-810-377-7469   Fax:  1-810-377-7363

MS Exchange <==> Debian 1.2 Incompatibility?

1997-03-20 Thread Pete Harlan

When a site running MS Exchange Ver. 4.0.994.63 sends us mail, it gets
stuck(*).  This is true whether we run smail or sendmail.  We're a fresh,
updated Debian 1.2 site.  (We didn't have this trouble when we were a
stale, ancient, Slackware 3.0 site.)  I'm running kernel 2.0.29 with
the pre-2.0.30 patch applied (same behavior with stock .29).

Here are some relevant bits from daemon.log (we're mango):

  Mar 20 16:44:23 mango sendmail[12297]: collect: premature EOM:
  Connection reset by []

  Mar 20 16:44:23 mango sendmail[12297]: QAA12297: SYSERR(root):
  collect: I/O error on connection from [],
  from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Connection reset by []

  Mar 20 16:44:23 mango sendmail[12297]: QAA12297:
  from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=0, class=0, pri=0, nrcpts=1, proto=SMTP,

Any ideas?


Pete Harlan

(*) Stuck means that "netstat" shows a connection as ESTABLISHED, and
sendmail is sitting there forever waiting for more.  Eventually they
go away and no mail is delivered.  (When I ran smail, they didn't go
away; I'd reboot and they'd fire up again, a bunch of in.smtpd

Include Files for Compiler

1997-03-20 Thread Pete Poff
could anyone tell me where to find and what file to get, that has all 
the basic include files, like string.h, system.h, ect?  The files 
that most programs need to be compiled. 

 Pete Poff---AKA---BlackJack
   Personal E-Mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kyron E-Mail Address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kyron address: 4000

Re: Sound

1997-03-20 Thread Jason Killen
Recompiling the kernel will get rid of the probing on boot along with
help your sound card, I recompiled a kernel and had sound with no problem,
yes you have the sound code just do a kernel recompile.

The stuff about switching mrb's every time you want a different os sounds
a little funny, ever heard of lilo.  

I havent read your pervious messages so you may already know what I have
told you.

On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Robin Beckett wrote:

>Correct me & modify as needed. :)
>Right, we appear to have sorted the modem, problem, thanks very much. The 
>XFree86 problem still exists, but I'm working on that.
>The other problem I have currently is with sound. I have a Sound Blaster 16 
>which is usually on Address 220, IRQ 5, DMA's 1 & 5, 330 for Midi, etc.
>I've read the Sound-HowTo document, and downloaded the VoxWare Sound drivers 
>2.5, but not had much luck so far. The installation instructions aren't that 
>One would assume that I'm going to have to rebuild the kernel, etc, so where 
>can I find a copy of the source for it? Do I already have it but I don't 
>realise it?
>Help! Maybe I should've used the copy of UNIX System V release 4 in the attic, 
>'cause we've got stacks of books... but this is more fun! :)
>I've successfully got LOADLIN working now anyway, which should stop me 
>constantly changing the MBR to swap operating systems. Phew. Can one assume 
>that if I rebuild the kernel I will have to copy it across again?
>And finally... on bootup it's still looking for all kinds of hardware that I 
>don't have, and I read somewhere about how to remove it... can I assume that 
>since I may have to rebuild the kernel to get sound support, then the other 
>hardware support is in there too, i.e. a rebuild will get rid of it?
>Have fun,
>Fido: 2:2500/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jason Killen Question Stupidity
Monolith : the new ANSI standard for humans  RPS : better living through 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] world domination


Adaptec 2940UW (summary)

1997-03-20 Thread Bernd Kreimeier

Jason Costomiris ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) thought it appropriate to state:
>> I found a statement in the december RedHat (4.1?)
>> claiming that some, but not all Adaptec have problems
>> since 2.0.12.

To set the record straight: it´s in RedHat 4.0, in the unsupported
i386 images section. It states that their bootimage kernel (dunno
which version) had problems with some Adaptec aic7xxx cards, and
that they created another image using the aic7xxx driver from 2.0.12.

Fact: I am, right now, running a 2.0.27 patched with the drivers/scsi
from 2.0.11. The system runs w/o problems. It did not run with the
regular 2.0.27, 2.0.25, 2.0.28, 2.1.15, 2.1.16. Dunno about 2.0.29.

>I've got 9 or 10 of these cards deployed.  All of the machines are running
>2.0.29 without a single problem.  I've never done anything more than plug
>the card in, turn the machine on and install.  No special tweaking

So you´re lucky.

Somewhere between 2.0.11 and 2.0.25, a change in the aic7xxx driver
has happened. From the looks of it, the aic7xxx insists on accessing
a wide scsi disk (IBM DORS, in my case) with 20 MHz scsi-2. This
fails, and the system gets stuck in an loop of negotiating, aborting,
reseting. The Adaptec BIOS is v1.23, 1996.

There might be a problem with cable and/or termination. I have read
that Adaptec boards are a bit picky in this regard. The 16bit cable
is from the kit, but the 8bit bus (having been in operation since
1994, with ISA Adaptec 1542, Asus on-board NCR, and PCI NCR SC200)
has seven SCSI devices and might be a bit long. With "Automatic"
termination selected, low byte termination is reported as disabled,
high byte is reported as enabled. Fits page 1-7 of the manual. 
Nonetheless I will check termination once more as soon as I have
done all the other stuff that kept piling up during the last two days.

The earlier kernel accesses the disk with 10MHz no problem. So if
there´s a hardware flaw, the aic7xxx driver might as well use the
lower frequency as a fallback. I would have settled for half the
bandwidth any time during the last days. If Adaptec tolerance for
cables is indeed substandard, this fallback might be worth changing
the driver once more.

Hope that those who might encounter a similar problem will find this
summary helpful. You will probably not be able to use the older
aic7xxx with 2.1.x, I suspect.


P.S.: my gratitude to those maintaining the aic7xxx. I have read claims
during the last two days that Adaptec does not support Linux in any
regard. The 2940, 2940U and 2940UW boards I have dealt with during the
last years were okay, however, this particular one will be the first
and last one I bought myself. There are alternatives (see e.g.

Re: the warez dudez won't leave me alone...

1997-03-20 Thread Philippe Troin

> I'm new to Linux, how can I be sure there is no way for others to get 
> in  to my machine when I am in a PPP session? 

Disable inetd and rpc.portmap.
You might also want to disable sendmail, sshd, etc... depending on your 
To check if there are any processes listening, do a:
netstat --inet -a
With lsof, you might also know which process opens which socket, etc...
Basically, if no process have a listening socket on your machine, then no one 
will get in.
This is the only 100% safe (but drastic) solution.


Re: Framegrabbers

1997-03-20 Thread Ken Gaugler
John Zachary wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone have experience with a particular brand of framegrabber
> under Debian that they would like to share?
> John


John Bradley's 'xv' has a frame grabbing function, among many other
useful features.

Ken Gaugler  N6OSK  Santa Clara, California
"The life of a Repo Man is always INTENSE..."

Suggestion for list...

1997-03-20 Thread Jason Costomiris
Can we get this list to set a Reply-to: header, like every other piece of
list software I've ever used?  It's kind of a PITA to do a reply that goes
only to the list with the current configuration.

Jason Costomiris | Finger for PGP 2.6.2 Public Key
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | "There is a fine line between idiocy
My employers like me, but not| and genius.  We aim to erase that line"
enough to let me speak for them. |  --Unknown

Re: Re-partitioning the disk (was XWindows .deb package for debian gnu linux)

1997-03-20 Thread Robert D. Hilliard
 You could modify the partition table with DOS fdisk, or with
Linux fdisk or cfdisk.  I strongly recommend using Linux fdisk, since
it permits you to specify the partition boundaries on cylinder
boundaries, which the other two do not support.  In general, any
operating system can define partitions, but it is best to define the
partition under the OS that will use it.  An extended partition can be
defined in DOS, and logical partitions in the extended partition can
be defined in LINUX.  I believe the opposite is true, but I haven't
tried it.  Of course, the file system on the partition must be
created/formatted by the OS that will use it.

 To use Linux fdisk during the installation, use [ALT] F2 to
switch to another virtual console when the install program asks to
partition the disk, then type fdisk [RET].  After fdisk loads, press
'p' to see the existing partition table.  The command 'm' produces a
table of the available fdisk commands, which are self-explanatory.  It
is always advisable to back up everything on the disk before using
fdisk or any other disk partitioning program.  However, it is unlikely
that fdisk will cause any data loss unless you are careless.  Write
down a copy of the existing partition table before you make any
changes.  Anything you do in fdisk, even deleting one or more
partitions, is perfectly safe until you give the 'w' (write) command.
Until then, all changes are made in a memory image of the partition

 Assuming you have only one IDE hard drive, your disk looks like
this now (/dev/sda? if it is a scsi drive):
Primary Partition  (Win95) C: /dev/hda1   504 Mb
Extended Partition/dev/hda2  1528 Mb 
First Logical Partition (Win95)D: /dev/hda5  1024 Mb
Second   "" (Linux)E: /dev/hda6   504 Mb

 If there is no data presently on /dev/hda5, or if any data there
could easily be backed up or replaced, you could delete /dev/hda5 and
/dev/hda6, then delete the extended partition /dev/hda2.  Next, create
/dev/hda2 as a primary partition, of whatever size you wish, then
create /dev/hda3 and /dev/hda4 as primary partitions, one for swap and
one for linux.  With your system, I would suggest 24 or 32 mb for
swap, rather than 64 mb.

 The disk would then look like this:

Primary Partition  (Win95) C: /dev/hda1   504 Mb
Primary Partition  (Win95) D: /dev/hda2  1024 Mb
Primary Partition  (Swap)  E: /dev/hda332 Mb
Primary Partition  (Linux) F: /dev/hda4   472 Mb

 The partition sizes would not be exactly as shown, if partition
boundaries are set on cylinder boundaries.  Optionally, either
/dev/hda3 or /dev/hda4 could be made an extended partition, containing
one or more logical partitions.

 How many partitions to use for Linux is too lengthy a topic to go
into here - it is almost a religious matter - some insist on one only;
others advocate many.  There was an interesting series of messages on
this list last Sunday on the subject.
 If you wish to keep /dev/hda5 intact, you could simply delete
/dev/hda6 and then create /dev/hda6 for swap and /dev/hda7 for Linux
(or vice versa). 
Primary Partition  (Win95) C: /dev/hda1   504 Mb
Extended Partition/dev/hda2  1528 Mb 
First Logical Partition (Win95)D: /dev/hda5  1024 Mb
Second   "" (Swap) E: /dev/hda632 Mb
Third"" (Linux)D: /dev/hda7   472 Mb

 Optionally, /dev/hda7 could be smaller, and /dev/hda8. .? could
be used.  Fdisk and Linux will support far more logical partitions
than anyone is likely to ever want. 

 If your Linux partition is above cylinder 1024, you will not be
able to boot it using LILO; you would have to boot from DOS (either
from the hard disk or a floppy) using loadlin.  If you have more than
1024 cylinders, the 'Begin' column in the partition table show the
lesser of the actual begin value or 1024, but the 'Start' column will
show the correct starting value.  In such cases, the 'v' (verify the
partition table) will complain about an overlap, but these complaints
may safely be ignored.

 The preceding is based on 'standard' BIOS and disk controller
protocols.  Many newer BIOSes and disk controllers use a translation
protocol called LBA to convert disk geometry to a form that is
acceptable to standard BIOS calls.  If your BIOS and controller use
LBA you may never see a cylinder greater than 1024, and it is possible
LILO will boot from higher numbered cylinders.  I haven't used a
system with LBA, so I don't know how fdisk and LILO interact with LBA.

 Good sources of information on this subject are the fdisk 

Re: Upgrading from slackware to debian

1997-03-20 Thread Robert D. Hilliard
 I would like to supplement Paul's excellent summary in respect to
Red Hat.  Red Hat is heavily oriented towards Xwindows.  The
installation program configures X very early, and the balance of the
installation uses Xwindow interface.  They have several X-based
administration tools that they think should be used.  If, for
instance, you load the fstab file in an editor, you are warned that
you should be using "control panel" (or whatever it's called.)  

 Of course, you can refuse to configure X in the installation, and
do administration in the usual manner, without using the X-based
tools.  If you want Linux in order to get multi-tasking without a GUI,
you shouldn't even look at Red Hat.  If, on the other hand, you like
using a GUI, Red Hat should be one of the options you consider. 


 On Wed, 19 Mar 1997 17:02:29 -0800 (PST), Paul Christenson

> On Tue, 18 Mar 1997, Leandro Asnaghi-Nicastro wrote:
> > What is the difference between Red-Hat, Debian and Slackware?
> Slackware:  One of the oldest distributions, and is showing its age.
> Created as a "bugfixed" version of SLS (Softlanding Linux System).
> Maintained by one person (Patrick Volkerding); home site: Walnut Creek
> CD-ROM (  No package tool available.  Very slow to get
> updated; no interim upgrades.  Considered by many "old-timers" to have
> "lost it" with the latest version (3.1), as most of the new parts are
> added "flash", with most known security problems left untouched.
> Red Hat:  Available in two versions; shareware and commercial.  Most of
> the software is the same; the commercial version used to have a commercial
> X server included.  Maintained by several paid people; home site: Red Hat
> Software (  Package tool available.  Reasonably quick in
> bugfixes, sometimes slow in major updates (one of the last to have a
> version with a 2.x kernel).  Versions available for DEC Alpha and SPARC.
> Rumored to be one of the easiest to set up (it and I simply don't get
> along).  Was the base for the original Caldera Network Desktop (a
> commercial version of Linux, with many interesting additions).
> Debian:  Maintained by over a hundred volunteers, each maintaining one (or
> several) package.  Package tool available; able to use Red Hat packages.
> Hosted by CrossLink; home page (  Overall, one of the
> fastest with updates and bugfixes; in many cases, the program author is
> the package maintainer.  Initial installation has had its share of
> "gotchas", mainly dealing with dependencies.  (Don't install everything at
> once; install the recommended packages on the initial installation, then
> install a few packages at a time afterward.)
> Hope this helps.

Re: RAWRITE2 creates nothing

1997-03-20 Thread Greg Vence
Marisol Garcia Valls wrote:
> Could anybody tell me why does "rawrite" creates no files on
> the floppy disks?  I use the command:
> rawrite2 -f rsc1200r.bin -d a:
> |
> |
> It doesn't matter   |
> which file I puth e r e, it just builds no image files on
> the floppy in drive "a:".
> Does anybody know what my problem might be?
> Thanking all in advance,
> Marisol

I've never been able to get rawrite2 to work with the paramenters.

What does work is running it interactively.  
First type rawrite2
Then it asks for file, type rsc1200r.bin
Finally, it asks for drive, type a
Now you should see it writing track/side info.

Enjoy -- Greg.
Greg Vence  | Debian GNU Linux
KH2EA/4 | Diamond 2000 (7npw 4cpw)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]| There is time for what's important

Re: RAWRITE2 creates nothing

1997-03-20 Thread Paul Wade
rawrite simply transfers a "raw" image. If the image was a dos floppy, it
would have a dos directory.

Paul Wade

Re: EDO && 486's

1997-03-20 Thread Nathan Whittacre

On Thu, 20 Mar 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Has anyone put EDO memory in a 486? ..does it work alright? 
> thanks 
> Jonathan

There are certain motherboards that accept EDO memory.  Unless the board 
specifies it will work, don't try it.  It most likely will not work.  


Re: Connection closed by foreign host.

1997-03-20 Thread Maarten Boekhold
> > Trying
> > Connected to localhost.
> > Escape character is '^]'.
> > Connection closed by foreign host.
> Is there a delay between the 'Escape' and 'Connection closed' lines?  If
> so, it may be trying to resolve the names.  However, if you
> deleted/recreated the hosts.deny file, then it shouldn't be worrying about
> that.

I get this behaviour often just after I opened my ppp-link to the
University and am trying to connect to a HP/UX server (9000/735, HPUX 10).
But only on the first try, when I try again everything goes as expected.


| Maarten Boekhold, Faculty of Electrical Engineering TU Delft,   NL|

Re: dpkg and shadow

1997-03-20 Thread Kai Grossjohann
> Thought  writes:

  Thought> [...] Or better yet, is there a program that will search my
  Thought> whole disk (or at least all the data in a directory tree)
  Thought> for a word(s)? [...]

There's glimpse, which is a bit of grep-on-steroids.  You run
glimpseindex once, give it a directory (say) and it will search all
files in that directory and make an index of them.

You can then later say "glimpse foo" to search all files for "foo".
There are various options to trade off index size vs search speed.

There is a glimpse Debian package.

If you want to do content-based searching in text (or text-like)
files, I recommend freeWAIS-sf
(  With it,
you can define fields in files (so you can index BIBTeX files or mails
or whatever) based on regular expressions, and you can do a
content-based search.  freeWAIS-sf has operators for phonetic
similarity, for example, and does stemming (so searching for
"base" will find "bases", as well as "based", maybe even "basic").

A large number of young women don't trust men with beards.
(BFBS Radio)

Re: Sound

1997-03-20 Thread Thought

> Correct me & modify as needed. :)

Ok, I'll try :)

> The other problem I have currently is with sound. I have a Sound Blaster 16 
> which is usually on Address 220, IRQ 5, DMA's 1 & 5, 330 for Midi, etc.
> I've read the Sound-HowTo document, and downloaded the VoxWare Sound drivers 
> 2.5, but not had much luck so far. The installation instructions aren't that 
> helpful.
> One would assume that I'm going to have to rebuild the kernel, etc, so where 
> can I find a copy of the source for it? Do I already have it but I don't 
> realise it?

You probably don't already have it if you didn't choose to install it, but
you can check /usr/src/linux anyway.  (If /usr/src/linux is there, then
you have it.)  If you don't have it, you can get it using the dselect
program.  It's under kernel-source-2.0.27:
Opt develkernel-sourc 2   2   Linux kernel source.
I don't know if there's a stable version with debian past 2.0.27, but my
dselect still says 2.0.27 and I just updated it from today.

Anyway, once you get/have it, cd /usr/src/linux; and type 'make
menuconfig'.  If that doesn't work, then you don't have ncurses installed,
and type 'make config' instead.  (All without the little 'quotes' too.)
This will let you only compile in what you need, and it will get rid of
the time consuming searching for all that hardware you don't have.  You
can also install audio support.  (Make sure to install /dev/audio support!
If you don't, you'll have a lot of problems.  (I overlooked /dev/audio and
just went directly with SB16 only, and I had a headache - you have to
install them both)

Once you're done with make [menu]config, type:
make dep;
make clean;
make zImage;

I'm not sure what to do with zImage, because I don't use loadlin.  I guess
ask someone else about that.  (with LILO you just type make zlilo instead)

> Help! Maybe I should've used the copy of UNIX System V release 4 in the 
> attic, 
> 'cause we've got stacks of books... but this is more fun! :)

Naaa.  Reformatting is GOOD for you!

> I've successfully got LOADLIN working now anyway, which should stop me 
> constantly changing the MBR to swap operating systems. Phew. Can one assume 
> that if I rebuild the kernel I will have to copy it across again?

Why use loadlin?  LILO is much better..  I don't know anything about
loadlin, but I know that if you use lilo you won't ever have to fiddle
with MBRs again.

> And finally... on bootup it's still looking for all kinds of hardware that I 
> don't have, and I read somewhere about how to remove it... can I assume that 
> since I may have to rebuild the kernel to get sound support, then the other 
> hardware support is in there too, i.e. a rebuild will get rid of it?


> Cheers.
> Have fun,
> RtB.
> Fido: 2:2500/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Bug#8119: e2fsck should be linked with -static

1997-03-20 Thread Bruce Perens
From: Dominik Kubla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> What about systems without floppy disks? They do exist!

Put root.bin from the rescue disk under /boot. Add a "rescue" option to
the lilo.conf that boots your regular kernel with INITFS=/boot/root.bin .
You can now type "rescue" at the LILO prompt and boot into the rescue
disk without a floppy. Total cost in disk space: 700K. This is less
than static-linking all of the necessary programs. I count at least 10
of them. It's also superior because it doesn't depend on the damaged
filesystem while repairing it.

It's such a good idea maybe we should do it for all systems. It would
help people who didn't have their rescue floppies on hand. It would take
a package containing root.bin and a change to the LILO postinst to generate
the rescue configuration if /boot/root.bin is present.

> So Mr. President could you please let people do _THEIR_ work without
> constantly interfering?  I would appreciate that.

Note that I am the author of the boot-floppies package and the architect
of booting in Debian 1.1 and 1.2 . I also have a mandate as project leader
that does not say I should always be hands-off. Please get off this
"constantly interfering" thing. It isn't constructive.

Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

Re: the warez dudez won't leave me alone...

1997-03-20 Thread Daniel Robbins

I'm new to Linux, how can I be sure there is no way for others to get in 
to my machine when I am in a PPP session?

On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Richard Morin wrote:

> Hi folks just wanted to pass along my suprise that the warez doodz have
> been trying to get into my *home* machine which is only connected via
> dialup ppp, and get this I use a dynamic ip.  
> Here is just some of the attempts...
> Mar 17 19:52:02 joanrich wu-ftpd[788]: failed login from
> [], mac 
> Mar 18 11:52:29 joanrich wu-ftpd[1421]: failed login from
> [], mac
> ...and 4 more from this guy. 
> Mar 18 11:53:42 joanrich wu-ftpd[1426]: failed login from
> [], mac 
> and 8 from this guy...  
> Mar 18 13:04:43 joanrich wu-ftpd[1647]: failed login from
> [], mac 
> Mar 18 13:06:10 joanrich wu-ftpd[1648]: failed login from
> [],mac 
> Mar 19 23:27:04 joanrich wu-ftpd[3617]: failed login from
> [], mac 
> Mar 19 23:33:29 joanrich wu-ftpd[3628]: failed login from
> [],mac 
> ...this guy was persistent, about 8 tries with different id, mac, Mac,
> warez and so on... 
> Just thought I'd pass this along to others like me who might have wu-ftpd
> on their system to learn about it.  I've not yet had time to think much
> about it till now. 
> I guess this means that somehow someone has listed my machine on a warez
> list eh??  Kinda funny in a mosquito like way.
> Can I leave these kidz a nice message somehow??
> Richard Morin
> ===
>   There are two major products to come out of Berekley:  LSD and UNIX.
> We don't believe this to be a coincidence. Haahaaahaaheeho..


Daniel Robbins
School of Medicine Computer Services
University of New Mexico


Re: XWindows .deb package for debian gnu linux

1997-03-20 Thread Kai Grossjohann
> Paulo Gustavo Raymundo Silva writes:

  Paulo> [...] I would like to know if is possible to transform the
  Paulo> second DOS logical drive at the extended partition (E: 504Mb)
  Paulo> in two new UNIX logical drives (e.g. 64 Mb & 440 Mb) at the
  Paulo> same extended partition where previously there was a logial
  Paulo> DOS drive (D: 1 Gb), at the same Western Digital EIDE HD with
  Paulo> a previously defined DOS primary partition (C: 504 MB) with
  Paulo> no data loss.If your answer is No, where can I encouter a DOS
  Paulo> based program that modifies the partition table with no data
  Paulo> loss at the partitons not modified (I my case, is necessary
  Paulo> to delete drive E:, create two new Unix logical drives in
  Paulo> this region and to keep unchanged The C: and D: partition
  Paulo> information and disk structure).

You can use Linux fdisk or cfdisk to delete the old E partition and to
create two new partitions in its place.  I've done this myself for
primary partitions, so I know it works there, but not for extended
partitions, so YMMV.

A large number of young women don't trust men with beards.
(BFBS Radio)

Re: Chmodding a whole directory tree

1997-03-20 Thread Kai Grossjohann
> Thought  writes:

  Thought> How do I make a whole directory tree and it's files
  Thought> readable by everyone?  I can't just chmod -R a+r dir
  Thought> because then they won't be able to cd to the directories,
  Thought> but I can't chmod -R a+rx dir because then all the files
  Thought> will be executable...  Is there a way to make the
  Thought> directories +x without making all the files +x?

Many people have opinions on the above, but I prefer...

  Thought> Or better yet is there a way to copy the owner's
  Thought> permissions to the group and other's permissions?  Thanks

this approach.  Type "chmod -R g=u ."

A large number of young women don't trust men with beards.
(BFBS Radio)

Re: Connection closed by foreign host.

1997-03-20 Thread Jason Killen
There is a delay between the Escape character is '^]' and Connection closed.

Which log is "the log"?  I'm looked throught last and auth.log but found

On Wed, 19 Mar 1997, Paul Christenson [N3EOP] wrote:

>On Wed, 19 Mar 1997, Jason Killen wrote:
>> I cant rlogin either but I do get mail along with other
>> services.  What happens exactally is I try to telnet in and I get 
>> Trying
>> Connected to localhost.
>> Escape character is '^]'.
>> Connection closed by foreign host.
>Is there a delay between the 'Escape' and 'Connection closed' lines?  If
>so, it may be trying to resolve the names.  However, if you
>deleted/recreated the hosts.deny file, then it shouldn't be worrying about
>What does the log say?

Jason KillenQuestion Stupidity
Monolith : driven by inner daemons  RPS : better living through world


Re: Problem with Smail

1997-03-20 Thread csmall
Marcus Brinkmann typed:
[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
> > 
> > Lars Hallberg writes:
> > > I think smail refuses to rewrite the from: field.
> > 
> > Putting
> > 
> > from_field="From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ($fullname)"
> > 
> > in  /etc/smail/config works for me.
> I have the same line in my /etc/smail/config, but I feel *VERY* sick about
> it, because *EVERY* mail gets this From: field. No! The From: field must be
> user dependent, or there is something wrong. But after spending too much
There is a field, $user i think, that equals whatever should be to the left
of the @ symbol.  This may do what you want.

  - Craig
  // /\   |  | |  Craig Small VK2XLZ @home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ||==||===|==|=|  [] @play: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \\ \/   |  | |  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key!

Re: Security Issue

1997-03-20 Thread csmall
Matthew Tebbens typed:
> I'm not sure if this is normal, but it seems that any file owned by
> someone else and in one of my directories can be deleted by me even
> if I don't have the proper permissions to do so. I also can rename the
> file, but I can't alter the file. This holds true even if the file
> is owned by root.
> Is this normal ?
Yes this is normal.  The permissions for deleting the file are contained in
the directory.  If you can write to a directory, then you can delete files
in that directory.

> If so, what things can I do to someone elses file thats in one of my
> directories , just delete or rename the file ?
It depends on the permissions of the file.

> As root, what if I want to keep a file in someones directory without them
> deleteing it ?  As I see it now, that can't be done ?!?!?
Not really, unless you revoke write privledges in that directory.  What are
you trying to do here?  It sounds like you are going the wrong way about it.

  - Craig

  // /\   |  | |  Craig Small VK2XLZ @home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ||==||===|==|=|  [] @play: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \\ \/   |  | |  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key!

Re: Problem with Smail

1997-03-20 Thread csmall
> Lars Hallberg writes:
> > I think smail refuses to rewrite the from: field.
> Putting
>   from_field="From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ($fullname)"
> in  /etc/smail/config works for me.
With some versions of smail, you cannot do any substitution.  I suspect you
have a "good" version and the other poster has a "bad" version.

The above line wouldn't of worked on a version I use to run.  I haven't
tried it out on this current one.  If there is interest, I'll give it a go.

 - Craig

  // /\   |  | |  Craig Small VK2XLZ @home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ||==||===|==|=|  [] @play: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \\ \/   |  | |  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key!

RAWRITE2 creates nothing

1997-03-20 Thread Marisol Garcia Valls
Could anybody tell me why does "rawrite" creates no files on
the floppy disks?  I use the command:

rawrite2 -f rsc1200r.bin -d a:
It doesn't matter   |
which file I puth e r e, it just builds no image files on
the floppy in drive "a:".

Does anybody know what my problem might be?

Thanking all in advance,



1997-03-20 Thread John Zachary


Does anyone have experience with a particular brand of framegrabber
under Debian that they would like to share?


Re: SCSI Ultra/Wide support

1997-03-20 Thread m*
Jason Costomiris wrote:

> I've got 9 or 10 2940UW's deployed, and I must say I'm quite satisfied
> with their reliability and performance...

we use two on a raid that is running 24x7 and they've have 
produce solid  performance. we like them!


"The Shining One"

gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 6

1997-03-20 Thread Remco van de Meent

When compiling ssh-1.2.17, I get this error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ssh-1.2.17]$ make
cd gmp-2.0.2-ssh-2; make
make[1]: Entering directory /root/ssh-1.2.17/gmp-2.0.2-ssh-2'
for subdir in mpn mpz mpf mpq mpbsd demos; do   \
  target=`echo all-recursive | sed s/-recursive//; \
  echo making $target in $subdir;   \
  (cd $subdir && make $target)  \
   || case "-w" in *k*) fail=yes;; *) exit 1;; esac; \
done && test -z "$fail"
making all in mpn
make[2]: Entering directory /root/ssh-1.2.17/gmp-2.0.2-ssh-2/mpn'
for subdir in tests; do \
  target=`echo all-recursive | sed s/-recursive//; \
  echo making $target in $subdir;   \
  (cd $subdir && make $target)  \
   || case "-w" in *k*) fail=yes;; *) exit 1;; esac; \
done && test -z "$fail"
making all in tests
make[3]: Entering directory /root/ssh-1.2.17/gmp-2.0.2-ssh-2/mpn/tests'
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[3]: Leaving directory /root/ssh-1.2.17/gmp-2.0.2-ssh-2/mpn/tests'
make[2]: Leaving directory /root/ssh-1.2.17/gmp-2.0.2-ssh-2/mpn'
making all in mpz
make[2]: Entering directory /root/ssh-1.2.17/gmp-2.0.2-ssh-2/mpz'
for subdir in tests; do \
  target=`echo all-recursive | sed s/-recursive//; \
  echo making $target in $subdir;   \
  (cd $subdir && make $target)  \
   || case "-w" in *k*) fail=yes;; *) exit 1;; esac; \
done && test -z "$fail"
making all in tests
make[3]: Entering directory /root/ssh-1.2.17/gmp-2.0.2-ssh-2/mpz/tests'
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[3]: Leaving directory /root/ssh-1.2.17/gmp-2.0.2-ssh-2/mpz/tests'
-I.  -I.. -I../mpn -I./..  -g -O  sqrt.c
gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 6
make[2]: *** [sqrt.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory /root/ssh-1.2.17/gmp-2.0.2-ssh-2/mpz'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory /root/ssh-1.2.17/gmp-2.0.2-ssh-2'
make: *** [gmp-2.0.2-ssh-2/libgmp.a] Error 2

Anyone knows how to solve this problem?

// Remco van de Meent   
//   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
//   www:
//   " Never make any mistaeks. "

Re: the warez dudez won't leave me alone...

1997-03-20 Thread Thought
If you have a Dynamic IP assigned each time you log on, then most likely
someone else on your ISP ran or is running a FTP site, and his site was
advertized somewhere.  I doubt it has anything to do with your wu-ftpd.

Note: Previous version of wu-ftpd have been known to have security holes,
but I still don't think that they could "smell" that you were running it
and trying to break in...

On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Richard Morin wrote:

> Hi folks just wanted to pass along my suprise that the warez doodz have
> been trying to get into my *home* machine which is only connected via
> dialup ppp, and get this I use a dynamic ip.  
> Here is just some of the attempts...
> Mar 17 19:52:02 joanrich wu-ftpd[788]: failed login from
> [], mac 
> Mar 18 11:52:29 joanrich wu-ftpd[1421]: failed login from
> [], mac
> ...and 4 more from this guy. 
> Mar 18 11:53:42 joanrich wu-ftpd[1426]: failed login from
> [], mac 
> and 8 from this guy...  
> Mar 18 13:04:43 joanrich wu-ftpd[1647]: failed login from
> [], mac 
> Mar 18 13:06:10 joanrich wu-ftpd[1648]: failed login from
> [],mac 
> Mar 19 23:27:04 joanrich wu-ftpd[3617]: failed login from
> [], mac 
> Mar 19 23:33:29 joanrich wu-ftpd[3628]: failed login from
> [],mac 
> ...this guy was persistent, about 8 tries with different id, mac, Mac,
> warez and so on... 
> Just thought I'd pass this along to others like me who might have wu-ftpd
> on their system to learn about it.  I've not yet had time to think much
> about it till now. 
> I guess this means that somehow someone has listed my machine on a warez
> list eh??  Kinda funny in a mosquito like way.
> Can I leave these kidz a nice message somehow??
> Richard Morin
> ===
>   There are two major products to come out of Berekley:  LSD and UNIX.
> We don't believe this to be a coincidence. Haahaaahaaheeho..

Re: Chmodding a whole directory tree

1997-03-20 Thread Thought
The chmod a+rX did exactly what I was looking for, thanks!

Re: XWindows .deb package for debian gnu linux

1997-03-20 Thread Thought

I'd like to know where to get a base, self explainatory, do-it-all-at-once
XWindows installation too.  Right now I only have the base zsh and
virtual-console interface going, but I kinda want to install X as well...

As for the partition problem, I'm not sure if you really need a swap file
at all.  I am running Debian 1.2 on my P166 w/ 64M RAM without a swap file
at all.  I just have one 400meg partition.  I've had the system up for
about 40 hours now, doing various things on it, and here's my memory
[9:10:02]/root# free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 63100  27516  35584   4480  19060   4668
-/+ buffers: 3788  59312
Swap:0  0  0

So if you're not planning on being a network server or anything, I don't
think having a swap file would be that necessary.  However, if you still
want one, doesn't a more recent version of DOS FDISK (e.g. Win95) allow
more than 2 "logical drives"?  I thought it would let you just delete your
E: and make a new E: and F: drives.  (Man, grammar with drive letters is
though stuff!)  And if it doesn't, I'm not sure if linux fdisk will or
not.  In either case, deleting E: shouldn't have an effect on C: or D:.
It's just a question of how many "logical drives" will the programs allow
you to have.  You might also want to check out a program called "Partition
Magic" - it's a retail DOS program that allows you to resize partitions,
change drive letters, clone partitions, and even change the FATs, from
FAT to FAT32 for example.  It also supports Ext2, OS/2, and HPFS systems.

...  Oh, and I fear for the people who have to read this, because the
lines were too long on my screen BEFORE I quoted (and were being wrapped)
- now they have a "> " in front of them - I'm curious to know what kind of
mess it'll make :)

On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Paulo Gustavo Raymundo Silva wrote:

>  Hi . . .
>  I'm potential Debian GNU/Linux user and I have some questions no covered 
> by this FAQ.
> I would like to get some information about where I could find the XWIndows 
> files for the newest 
> version of the Debian linux (probably X11 R6.3) in the deselect .deb 
> distribuition pack.
> Following the Debian GNU/Linux instructions I just got to generate the 6 
> instalations
> disks with the Kernel and the Base .deb Pack. I looked for the X11 in the 
> ftp
> site and didn't had sucess to find the X11 .deb pack, I just encoutered 
> several programs
> and utilities (e.g. FVWM, OLWM, Xclock, ...).
>  I also have a doubt about the instalation process. My PC is Pentium 100 
> MHz / 32 MB /
> HD 2.1 Gb with a 504 Mb WIN95 active(bootable) primary partition and a 
> extended partition
> with two DOS logical drives (D: with 1.0 Gb and E: with 504 Mb). The logical 
> partition E:
> was created to be used with Linux, and C: & D: will continue to be used with 
> WIN95 (I expect
> that Debian Linux will instal any kind of Master Boot Record program loadable 
> at startup that
> will ask what Operating System (WIN95 or Linux) will be loaded).However, the 
> instalation 
> instructions say that linux requires two partitions: a 16-128 Mb swapp file 
> partition and
> the real linux self partition, both marked in partition table as UNIX 
> partitions. These 
> instructions also say that the instalation program will ask if there are two 
> partitions like
> those at the HD and iff the answer is NO the linux partition program (like 
> DOS FDISK) will
> create them. I would like to know if is possible to transform the second DOS 
> logical drive
> at the extended partition (E: 504Mb) in two new UNIX logical drives (e.g. 64 
> Mb & 440 Mb) at 
> the same extended partition where previously there was a logial DOS drive (D: 
> 1 Gb), at the
> same Western Digital EIDE HD with a previously defined DOS primary partition 
> (C: 504 MB) 
> with no data loss.If your answer is No, where can I encouter a DOS based 
> program that 
> modifies the partition table with no data loss at the partitons not modified 
> (I my case,
> is necessary to delete drive E:, create two new Unix logical drives in this 
> region and
> to keep unchanged The C: and D: partition information and disk structure).
>   Thank's in advance by these informations . . .
>   Paulo Gustavo

Re: Chmodding a whole directory tree

1997-03-20 Thread Thought
Obviously most people here either are Linux EXPERTS or they have *WAY* too
much time on their hands!  Hehehehe just kidding :)  chmod a+rX actually
worked quite nicely.  I know I know it may not do the exact same thing as
writing a script to do it, but sheesh! :)

On 20 Mar 1997, Graeme Stewart wrote:

> Thought <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > How do I make a whole directory tree and it's files readable by everyone?
> > I can't just chmod -R a+r dir because then they won't be able to cd to the
> > directories, but I can't chmod -R a+rx dir because then all the files will
> > be executable...  Is there a way to make the directories +x without making
> > all the files +x?  Or better yet is there a way to copy the owner's
> > permissions to the group and other's permissions?  Thanks
> > 
> > 
> You might try something like this:
> #! /bin/bash
> for direc in `find . -type d` ; do
> chmod $direc a+rx
> done
> for file in `find . -type f` ; do
> chmod $file a+r
> done
> Graeme
> -- 
> | Graeme A Stewart, pgp public key  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
> |  Key fingerprint =  AF C7 BF A4 52 D5 3C 3B  17 A5 62 43 DA 15 E8 97  |
> |   "Keep a good head, and always carry a lightbulb." Dylan   |

Re: Possible problems with

1997-03-20 Thread Thought
m lunch..

er, um, sorry.  my route there has been stable all morning...

. o (man, I'm hungry now!)

On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Pete Templin wrote:

> Debianers,
>   It's possible that there are problems with, aka
>  It's also possible that I'm just losing it, or that my
> employer's internet route to that site is out to lunch.  I've contacted
> someone at, and I'll pass word along as I find out more.
> --
> Pete Templin, Debian List Administrator  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
> PGP fingerprint = BD 9D 90 1C 8D 6D CA 21  D7 0F 2D C6 29 93 A6 1E

dpkg and shadow

1997-03-20 Thread Thought
Hi all, it's me again.  First off thanks for the numerous replies to my
chmodding question :)

Is there a way to make dpkg give me a list (output) of ALL the packages
(installed and not installed) along with their descriptions?  Even just
the short one-liner descriptions?  The reason I'm asking is because
occasionally I want to search for some type of package by a keyword but
I think that the "/" command in dselect only searches the package
filename.  I wanted to do something like 
% dpkg --print-all-descriptions-etc | grep -i "shadow"
or something...  Maybe I could go to the
/var/lib/usr/local/bin/hoopdeha/dpkg/debian/wherever and do a grep -i
"shadow" **/* ?  I dunno...  Oh, that reminds me of another question, but
I'll keep it civilized for now :)


Ok, here's another question about shadow..  I got the following files:

and used dpkg to install them, and everything works fine, but will I ever
need /etc/adduser.conf or /usr/sbin/adduser or /usr/sbin/addgroup again?
Or should I just delete them?  Shadow came with replacements for all of
these, like useradd and groupadd etc, right?  (I can't remember where to
find a list of all the files those packages made...)


Here's a quick question: Why is my /home g+s staff?
drwxrwsr-x   4 root staff1024 Mar 19 23:05 /home/


Here's another quick question:  I have an Iomega Zip drive, and
occasionally I get the message:
sda: Write Protect is off
 sda: sda4
when mounting.  Is there a command out there somewhere to write
protect/unprotect disks?  And why is it sda4 instead of sda1?  (Ooops, I
guess that's two questions!)


Oh, I'd just like to mention that setting up tty-snoops to automatically
snoop ttyp1 on tty7 (virtual console 7) all the way through ttyp6/tty12 is
REALLY handy!  I can spy on peoples with a press of a buttons! :)


One of the main reasons I'm using zsh is because I love it's command
completion and expansion behaviour, for example, **/* for every directory
and subdirectory and everything within.  I often use grep "something"
**/*.  My question is, is there a way to either remove the actual
directories from the listing, or mute the "grep: blah: Is a directory"
message?  Or better yet, is there a program that will search my whole disk
(or at least all the data in a directory tree) for a word(s)?  Lately I've
just been saying grep "something" **/* | more; so that all the grepped
stuff will end up at the bottom and not mixed in with the "grep: blah: Is
a directory" message.


Anyway, that's it for today.Well, for this morning at least...  Well
untill I reboot, okay?? :)  Thanks again everyone

xterm_color HOWTO?

1997-03-20 Thread Ken Gaugler
Is there a good writeup available that describes how to get the
xterm_color to work?  My old Slackware system had that by default,
but I have never been able to get it to work under Debian.

Ken Gaugler  N6OSK  Santa Clara, California
"The life of a Repo Man is always INTENSE..."

Re: EDO && 486's (You *will* want this URL)

1997-03-20 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
> Has anyone put EDO memory in a 486? ..does it work alright?
> thanks
> Jonathan

EDO memory support is MB-specific, not processor specific. For
lots of information about what EDO really is (and information about
lots of other low-level computer stuff), visit the most excellent
web page "Tom's Hardware Guide" ( And "no"
to all you cynics out there, this is *not* my web page which I'm
shamelessly advertising. I don't even know Tom. This page has answers
to all the questions about performance, memory and Intel x86 processor
you always wanted to ask but didn't know who to ask.

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: true type to X11 fonts

1997-03-20 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Lawrence Chim wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to convert some of the true type font to
> use in X11 fonts.  Anyone know how to do it?
> Lawrence,

I know that someone (not necessarily within debian) is working on
something like this. I was reading somewhere that a project is in
progress for a program to convert TrueType fonts to PostScript
Type 1 fonts. It shouldn't be hard once that's done to convert to

Jens B. Jorgensen


1997-03-20 Thread Robin Beckett
Correct me & modify as needed. :)

Right, we appear to have sorted the modem, problem, thanks very much. The 
XFree86 problem still exists, but I'm working on that.

The other problem I have currently is with sound. I have a Sound Blaster 16 
which is usually on Address 220, IRQ 5, DMA's 1 & 5, 330 for Midi, etc.
I've read the Sound-HowTo document, and downloaded the VoxWare Sound drivers 
2.5, but not had much luck so far. The installation instructions aren't that 

One would assume that I'm going to have to rebuild the kernel, etc, so where 
can I find a copy of the source for it? Do I already have it but I don't 
realise it?

Help! Maybe I should've used the copy of UNIX System V release 4 in the attic, 
'cause we've got stacks of books... but this is more fun! :)

I've successfully got LOADLIN working now anyway, which should stop me 
constantly changing the MBR to swap operating systems. Phew. Can one assume 
that if I rebuild the kernel I will have to copy it across again?

And finally... on bootup it's still looking for all kinds of hardware that I 
don't have, and I read somewhere about how to remove it... can I assume that 
since I may have to rebuild the kernel to get sound support, then the other 
hardware support is in there too, i.e. a rebuild will get rid of it?


Have fun,

Fido: 2:2500/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Chmodding a whole directory tree

1997-03-20 Thread Lars Hallberg
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Though
t writes:
> How do I make a whole directory tree and it's files readable by everyone?
> I can't just chmod -R a+r dir because then they won't be able to cd to the
> directories, but I can't chmod -R a+rx dir because then all the files will
> be executable...  Is there a way to make the directories +x without making
> all the files +x?  Or better yet is there a way to copy the owner's
> permissions to the group and other's permissions?  Thanks

chmod -R a+rX

see man chmod

HTH /Lars

Re: Chmodding a whole directory tree

1997-03-20 Thread Graeme Stewart
Thought <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How do I make a whole directory tree and it's files readable by everyone?
> I can't just chmod -R a+r dir because then they won't be able to cd to the
> directories, but I can't chmod -R a+rx dir because then all the files will
> be executable...  Is there a way to make the directories +x without making
> all the files +x?  Or better yet is there a way to copy the owner's
> permissions to the group and other's permissions?  Thanks

You might try something like this:

#! /bin/bash
for direc in `find . -type d` ; do
chmod $direc a+rx

for file in `find . -type f` ; do
chmod $file a+r


| Graeme A Stewart, pgp public key  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  Key fingerprint =  AF C7 BF A4 52 D5 3C 3B  17 A5 62 43 DA 15 E8 97  |
|   "Keep a good head, and always carry a lightbulb."   Dylan   |

Adaptec 2940 UW (2)

1997-03-20 Thread Bernd Kreimeier

I combined a 2.0.27 kernel with a 2.0.11 scsi folder,
and solved my problems for now. It seems that those
kernels that work access the wide scsi disk with 10.0 MHz,
while those that fail insist on accessing with 20.0 MHz
as scsi-2. In addition to a picky aic7xxx driver that
declines to fall back on the lower bandwidth, there
might indeed be a hardware problem hidden. I will check
termination and wiring again.

However, I would still appreciate an explanation on
why the aic7xxx was rewritten to insist on scsi-2, and
whether this will be fixed again. During the last two
months, I would have happily settled for half the
bandwidth, saving me literally dozens of hours of




Re: Chmodding a whole directory tree

1997-03-20 Thread Jason Costomiris
On Wed, 19 Mar 1997, Thought wrote:

> How do I make a whole directory tree and it's files readable by everyone?
> I can't just chmod -R a+r dir because then they won't be able to cd to the
> directories, but I can't chmod -R a+rx dir because then all the files will
> be executable...  Is there a way to make the directories +x without making
> all the files +x?  Or better yet is there a way to copy the owner's
> permissions to the group and other's permissions?  Thanks

find /path/to/dir -type d -exec chmod a+rx {} \;

Jason Costomiris | Finger for PGP 2.6.2 Public Key
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | "There is a fine line between idiocy
My employers like me, but not| and genius.  We aim to erase that line"
enough to let me speak for them. |  --Unknown

Re: SCSI Ultra/Wide support

1997-03-20 Thread Jason Costomiris
On Wed, 19 Mar 1997, Daniel Robbins wrote:

> On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Lawrence Chim wrote:
> > did anyone done a performance comparison of buslogic 958 and adaptec
> > 2940?
> I don't, but I do want to say that I have a Buslogic BT958UW and I love it.

I've got 9 or 10 2940UW's deployed, and I must say I'm quite satisfied
with their reliability and performance...

Jason Costomiris | Finger for PGP 2.6.2 Public Key
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | "There is a fine line between idiocy
My employers like me, but not| and genius.  We aim to erase that line"
enough to let me speak for them. |  --Unknown

Re: Adaptec 2940 UW (general)

1997-03-20 Thread Jason Costomiris
On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Bernd Kreimeier wrote:

> I found a statement in the december RedHat (4.1?)
> claiming that some, but not all Adaptec have problems
> since 2.0.12.


I've got 9 or 10 of these cards deployed.  All of the machines are running
2.0.29 without a single problem.  I've never done anything more than plug
the card in, turn the machine on and install.  No special tweaking

Jason Costomiris | Finger for PGP 2.6.2 Public Key
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | "There is a fine line between idiocy
My employers like me, but not| and genius.  We aim to erase that line"
enough to let me speak for them. |  --Unknown

Possible problems with

1997-03-20 Thread Pete Templin


It's possible that there are problems with, aka  It's also possible that I'm just losing it, or that my
employer's internet route to that site is out to lunch.  I've contacted
someone at, and I'll pass word along as I find out more.

Pete Templin, Debian List Administrator  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = BD 9D 90 1C 8D 6D CA 21  D7 0F 2D C6 29 93 A6 1E

[Help] gpc (Pascal) Problems.

1997-03-20 Thread Pedro Quaresma de Almeida

I have instaled the gpc (GNU Pascal Compiler) with libgpc2 and
all seems ok, dpkg does not report any problem, but...

When I try to compile a program the message all I can get is:

bash$ gpc teste.pas
ld: cannot open -lgpc: No such file or directory

What is the problem? I have installed libgpc2 ...

What is the solution?


At\'e breve

Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
Departamento de Matem\'atica
Faculdade de Ci\^encias e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra

Re: Problems after update from debian 1.1.3 to 1.2.8

1997-03-20 Thread Benoit Goudreault-Emond
>I installed debian linux a while ago from a cd, which contained the
>files from the release 1.1.3. This one worked great and I just had to
>add a kernel-parameter to be able to use my zip-drive. Last week I
>wanted to update my system to 1.2.8. I looked into /var/lib/dpkg/status
>to find out which packages I had installed (isn't there a easier method
>for this) and downloaded the updates. After installing all the packages
>"by hand" (dpkg -i -R ) it appeared, that no Xresource seemed to
>have any influence. All my settings in eg. the ~/.Xresource file were
>ignored. I checked xrdb, which failed with an error message, that it
>couldn't launch cpp. I have gcc installed and tried also the cpp package
>by itself. No success.

Don't think it's a bug.  Looks like you didn't put the
"allow-user-resources" line in the /etc/X11/config file.

>Second thing is that i can't access the audio device (which worked under
>1.1.3) anymore. xmix just says that it can't find the mixer device.

Kernel problem, maybe?  Perhaps the sound module isn't there...

Benoit Goudreault-Emond
My opinions are mine only and may not reflect those of my employer.
E-mail me to obtain my public PGP key.

Re: Problem with Smail

1997-03-20 Thread J.H.M.Dassen
On Mar 20, Hamish Moffatt wrote
> > It is. Due to unclarity wrt ITAR for packages with hooks for crypto,
> > such as mutt, the Debian mutt packages resides on debian-non-US sites
> > nowadays. I've reported a bug against to get the old
> > package removed.
> Which is odd, because the mutt web page states that the author (who
> resides in the US), does not want mutt exported from the US.  Odd that
> Debian takes it outside the US, and then won't let it be exported back. As
> I understand it, you should be able to import mutt (or any such weapons
> :-) just fine, but not re-export it.

It is difficult to prevent such re-export. My preferred way would be to have
'US-only' sites, where you can get mutt, pgp-us etc., but which take some
precautions, say like the mutt homesite does (you can download mutt from the
homesite from outside the US, but it resides in a subdir of an unreadable
US-only directory, whose name is in the, thus making sure
that you are aware of the problems).

> I tried to get 0.65 (beta) to compile here on Solaris, but none of the US
> sites would let me have it and none of the non-US sites had it yet.

I always put a copy on

Obsig: developing a new sig

XWindows .deb package for debian gnu linux

1997-03-20 Thread Paulo Gustavo Raymundo Silva
 Hi . . .

 I'm potential Debian GNU/Linux user and I have some questions no covered 
by this FAQ.
I would like to get some information about where I could find the XWIndows 
files for the newest 
version of the Debian linux (probably X11 R6.3) in the deselect .deb 
distribuition pack.
Following the Debian GNU/Linux instructions I just got to generate the 6 
disks with the Kernel and the Base .deb Pack. I looked for the X11 in the ftp
site and didn't had sucess to find the X11 .deb pack, I just encoutered several 
and utilities (e.g. FVWM, OLWM, Xclock, ...).

 I also have a doubt about the instalation process. My PC is Pentium 100 
MHz / 32 MB /
HD 2.1 Gb with a 504 Mb WIN95 active(bootable) primary partition and a extended 
with two DOS logical drives (D: with 1.0 Gb and E: with 504 Mb). The logical 
partition E:
was created to be used with Linux, and C: & D: will continue to be used with 
WIN95 (I expect
that Debian Linux will instal any kind of Master Boot Record program loadable 
at startup that
will ask what Operating System (WIN95 or Linux) will be loaded).However, the 
instructions say that linux requires two partitions: a 16-128 Mb swapp file 
partition and
the real linux self partition, both marked in partition table as UNIX 
partitions. These 
instructions also say that the instalation program will ask if there are two 
partitions like
those at the HD and iff the answer is NO the linux partition program (like DOS 
FDISK) will
create them. I would like to know if is possible to transform the second DOS 
logical drive
at the extended partition (E: 504Mb) in two new UNIX logical drives (e.g. 64 Mb 
& 440 Mb) at 
the same extended partition where previously there was a logial DOS drive (D: 1 
Gb), at the
same Western Digital EIDE HD with a previously defined DOS primary partition 
(C: 504 MB) 
with no data loss.If your answer is No, where can I encouter a DOS based 
program that 
modifies the partition table with no data loss at the partitons not modified (I 
my case,
is necessary to delete drive E:, create two new Unix logical drives in this 
region and
to keep unchanged The C: and D: partition information and disk structure).

Thank's in advance by these informations . . .

Paulo Gustavo

Re: /dev/ttyS? v. /dev/cua?

1997-03-20 Thread Paul Wade
A possible cause of this would be similar to the ppp setup where ip-up
and ip-down scripts are invoked. Sometimes the scripts get "customized"
by hard coding a device name in place of a passed argument. I have seen
countless examples suggested along the lines of:

(startup script)
export PPPDEV=/dev/foo

(shutdown script)
somecommand $PPPDEV

maybe using a grep-type of tool in /etc and parts of /usr will help you
find remaining /dev/cu* references.

Oliver Elphick wrote:
> Following advice in messages in this list, I have changed my UUCP
> setup to use /dev/ttyS0 instead of /dev/cua0.
> I now get an error message on terminating a cu session which I did not
> see before:
> ops% logout<< Log out from remote machine, which drops the line
> cu: Got hangup signal
> cu: Can't disable hardware flow control: I/O error
> cu: write: I/O error
> Does anyone know the reason for this?
> Oliver Elphick  

Paul Wade, CEO
Greenbush Technologies Corporation
Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fresh Linux CD's mailed monthly 
 No refrigeration needed 
  Under 1 billion sold!

RE: /dev/ttyS? v. /dev/cua?

1997-03-20 Thread Peter Iannarelli
I've used cu as well. What I had to do to get it working properly is
change the permissions on the device file to crw-rw-rw. I don't 
know if this is correct. I think it is incorrect however following this
change, cu connect to the device and I was able to that modem.


Peter Iannarelli

Oliver Elphick wrote:

Following advice in messages in this list, I have changed my UUCP 
setup to use /dev/ttyS0 instead of /dev/cua0.

I now get an error message on terminating a cu session which I did not
see before:

ops% logout<< Log out from remote machine, which drops the line
cu: Got hangup signal
cu: Can't disable hardware flow control: I/O error
cu: write: I/O error

Does anyone know the reason for this?

Oliver Elphick  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight

/dev/ttyS? v. /dev/cua?

1997-03-20 Thread Oliver Elphick
Following advice in messages in this list, I have changed my UUCP 
setup to use /dev/ttyS0 instead of /dev/cua0.

I now get an error message on terminating a cu session which I did not
see before:

ops% logout<< Log out from remote machine, which drops the line
cu: Got hangup signal
cu: Can't disable hardware flow control: I/O error
cu: write: I/O error

Does anyone know the reason for this?

Oliver Elphick  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight

Re: Modem

1997-03-20 Thread Craig Sanders

On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Johann Spies wrote:

> On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Craig Sanders wrote:
> > /dev/cua devices are obsolete now. they are only retained for
> > backwards compatibility with old binaries.
> My system is still configured using /dev/cua. Is it necessary to
> change that? How do I do that? I am using Debian 1.2. 

it's not strictly necessary but i think it is better to. i.e. it is
"correct" to do so, but not required.

if you want to, here's how you do it:

- change all configuration files which reference /dev/cua? to /dev/ttyS? 

- if you have a sym link from /dev/modem to /dev/cua?, change the symlink
so that it points to /dev/ttyS? instead.

- if using non-debian binaries which don't use /var/lock/LCK..ttyS? for
the lock file then try either replacing the non-debian binaries with
debian binaries (if available...most programs are), or recompile the
source code so that it does locking properly (while you're at it,
debianise the package and release it for others to share :-).

> Some of my binaries however are still from the Debian 1.1.

not a problem.  the switch from cua to ttyS devices happened before Debian


EDO && 486's

1997-03-20 Thread C . J . Lawson
Has anyone put EDO memory in a 486? ..does it work alright? 



Re: SVGATextMode?

1997-03-20 Thread C . J . Lawson
And for me too  singing and dancing!!


httpd question

1997-03-20 Thread Daniel Doro Ferrante

I have just upgraded from httpd to apache and I have encountered
some problems with apache config files (as a matter of fact, apache
itself found problems with the config files...). So I would like to know
if there is anything about it that I should know that I don't.



Daniel Doro Ferrante
CECM - Curso Experimental de Ciencias Moleculares - USP.
   Course of Molecular Sciences - University of Sao Paulo.

Av. do Anfiteatro, s/n. Favo 22 - Colmeias.
Sao Paulo, SP.

Tel: +55 +11 818-3188 - comercial
 +55 +11 818-3187 - comercial
 +55 +11 444-6932 - residencial

FAX: +55 +11 444-6932 - residencial

Re: DEC 21140 ethernet card ifconfig failure: "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Try again"

1997-03-20 Thread Martin Stromberg
> I'm installing Debian (1.2) for the first time.  The base install didn't
> seem to have any problems, but my ethernet card isn't being configured
> properly after the system comes up.  The card works in this machine
> under Freebsd and Windows 95.
> The card is an SMC 9332, it's a PCI card based on the DEC 21140 chip.  I
> put "tulip" in /etc/modules.  When the module is loaded it displays
> tulip.c:v0.10 8/11/95 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   +0.72 4/17/96
>   +0.01 10/24/96 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2.1.7)
> eth0: smc9332 (DEC 21140 Tulip) at 0xfc80, 00:00:c0:bb:08:bf, IRQ 9
> but there's an error from ifconfig when /etc/init.d/network runs.  When
> I run it by hand as root it looks like this:
> + ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast 

[Klippa, klapp, kluppit rest of information. ]

> -- 
> Roderick Schertler

I use that card as well.

You should go to  and
get the latest driver. It version 0.66 or something now. I myself use 
version 0.55 quite successfully, so I haven't bothered to upgrade.

The page also have links to two tulip mailing lists.

Hopefully helpful,


AHA 2940U/W, SCSI Ultra/Wide support

1997-03-20 Thread Markus Diesmann
Let me try to summarize the recent discussion about 
Debian support of the  Adaptec AHA 2940U/W SCSI controller.

There are three different opinions:

  1. no problems at all
  2. cable/hardware problems
  3. problems with kernels above ~1.3.88

Can somebody sort this out?


the warez dudez won't leave me alone...

1997-03-20 Thread Richard Morin
Hi folks just wanted to pass along my suprise that the warez doodz have
been trying to get into my *home* machine which is only connected via
dialup ppp, and get this I use a dynamic ip.  
Here is just some of the attempts...

Mar 17 19:52:02 joanrich wu-ftpd[788]: failed login from [], mac 
Mar 18 11:52:29 joanrich wu-ftpd[1421]: failed login from [], mac
...and 4 more from this guy. 
Mar 18 11:53:42 joanrich wu-ftpd[1426]: failed login from [], mac 
and 8 from this guy...  
Mar 18 13:04:43 joanrich wu-ftpd[1647]: failed login from [], mac 
Mar 18 13:06:10 joanrich wu-ftpd[1648]: failed login from [],mac 
Mar 19 23:27:04 joanrich wu-ftpd[3617]: failed login from [], mac 
Mar 19 23:33:29 joanrich wu-ftpd[3628]: failed login from [],mac 
...this guy was persistent, about 8 tries with different id, mac, Mac,
warez and so on... 

Just thought I'd pass this along to others like me who might have wu-ftpd
on their system to learn about it.  I've not yet had time to think much
about it till now. 

I guess this means that somehow someone has listed my machine on a warez
list eh??  Kinda funny in a mosquito like way.

Can I leave these kidz a nice message somehow??

Richard Morin
  There are two major products to come out of Berekley:  LSD and UNIX.
We don't believe this to be a coincidence. Haahaaahaaheeho..

Re: Modem

1997-03-20 Thread Johann Spies
On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Craig Sanders wrote:
> /dev/cua devices are obsolete now.  they are only retained for backwards 
> compatibility with old binaries.

My system is still configured using /dev/cua.  Is it necessary to
change that?  How do I do that?  I am using Debian 1.2.  Some of my
binaries however are still from the Debian 1.1.


Johann Spies

Windsorlaan 19
Suid Afrika (South Africa)
Tel. Nr. 0331-46-1310

Adaptec 2940 UW (general)

1997-03-20 Thread Bernd Kreimeier

Not Debian only (was an issue with rescue problems, though).

I have a SCSI setup that runs perfectly with kernels
like 1.3.88. It includes an Adaptec 2940 UW, BIOS v1.23,
1996 (PCI), and an IBM DORS wide SCSI disk.

Repeat: the hardware worked for months,
this is NOT a cable/termination problem.

I have to use a more recent kernel (ISDN).

The kernels 2.0.25, 2.0.27, 2.0.28, 2.1.15, 2.1.16 do
not work with the very same hardware. During the
"Partition check", access to the disk seems to fail,
aborts, resets, negotiation follow and are repeated
w/o giving up or succeeding.

In my increasingly desparate search for a solution,
I found a statement on USENET about a patched image
on (Errata section), and on an
experimental image at (users/deang).
In both cases, I found neither a hint on a patch for the
kernel sources, nor a statement on the nature of the
I found a statement in the december RedHat (4.1?)
claiming that some, but not all Adaptec have problems
since 2.0.12.

I have been stuck with this for quite some time now.
I would appreciate any comment from people who have
encountered the same problem, or are actually involved
in the aic7 maintenance, regarding:

a) is this a known problem?
b) is there a fix,
that is URL of patch or working kernel source?
c) is there any other possible workaround
except for disconnecting the wide disk?

Thanks a bunch,



Re: Chmodding a whole directory tree

1997-03-20 Thread Philippe Troin

On Thu, 20 Mar 1997 02:27:01 EST Matt Lawrence ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

> At 11:11 PM 3/19/97 -0800, Philippe Troin wrote:
> >Either:
> > find  -type d | xargs chmod a+rx
> I'd use "find  -type d -exec chmod a+rx {} \;"

This will spawn a process per directory, vs very few...

> (I've had problems with xargs)

Which problems ?

Note that if you have few directories in your tree, you might also:
chmod a+rx `find  -type d`


Re: Chmodding a whole directory tree

1997-03-20 Thread Matt Lawrence
At 11:11 PM 3/19/97 -0800, Philippe Troin wrote:

>   find  -type d | xargs chmod a+rx

I'd use "find  -type d -exec chmod a+rx {} \;"

-- Matt  (I've had problems with xargs)

Re: Chmodding a whole directory tree

1997-03-20 Thread Philippe Troin

On Wed, 19 Mar 1997 23:00:18 PST Thought ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> How do I make a whole directory tree and it's files readable by everyone?
> I can't just chmod -R a+r dir because then they won't be able to cd to the
> directories, but I can't chmod -R a+rx dir because then all the files will
> be executable...  Is there a way to make the directories +x without making
> all the files +x?  Or better yet is there a way to copy the owner's
> permissions to the group and other's permissions?  Thanks

find  -type d | xargs chmod a+rx
chmod -R a+rX 
(this will make all files and directories readable, and inodes
with an existing execute permission executable)


Chmodding a whole directory tree

1997-03-20 Thread Thought
How do I make a whole directory tree and it's files readable by everyone?
I can't just chmod -R a+r dir because then they won't be able to cd to the
directories, but I can't chmod -R a+rx dir because then all the files will
be executable...  Is there a way to make the directories +x without making
all the files +x?  Or better yet is there a way to copy the owner's
permissions to the group and other's permissions?  Thanks

date of package installation

1997-03-20 Thread Craig Sanders

On Wed, 19 Mar 1997, Ioannis Tambouras wrote:

> > Now this IS the answer. I just downgraded one of my systems to
> > sysvinit 2.69-1, rebooted, and the corruption seems to be gone.
> Few weeks ago, my corruption occured with sysvinit-2.69-1. I have been
> having this same package since December 8. For some unknown reason,
> few weeks ago my wtmp _stoped_ getting corrupted.

i haven't had any wtmp corruption problems since downgrading to 2.69-1.
those systems which i haven't downgraded and rebooted yet are still
getting corruption, those which i have aren't getting any.

> And I have one dpkg request: An option that tells which packages were
> intalled since a certain date, i.g., % dpkg -older 2/28/97 .

it's not a feature (documented or otherwise) of dpkg but i've found
that you can do an 'ls -alrt /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list' to get a rough
listing of what days packages were upgraded.

(note, this is the date the package was actually installed/upgraded on
the target system, *NOT* the date that the package was released)

on my system, for example: 

-rw-r--r--   1 root root   85 Nov 17  1995 untex.list
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  139 Apr 16  1996 giftrans.list
-rw-r--r--   1 root root0 Apr 17  1996 libc.list
[...many lines deleted...]
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 1706 Mar 15 13:39 tetex-bin.list
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  153 Mar 15 13:40 pico.list
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  399 Mar 15 13:40 pine.list

it shouldn't be too difficult to use write a script using find to build
a list of packages modified less than x days old.

something like:

#! /bin/sh
# dpkg_age: list packages installed on system before/since
#   $1 days.
# $1 = days.  This is the find mtime argument so can be +, -, 
# or unsigned.  see find(1) for details.
# BUGS: dpkg_age is a really crappy name but it's the only thing i
#   could think of at the time :-)

find /var/lib/dpkg/info -mtime $1 -name "*.list" -not -empty \ -exec
basename \{\} .list \;

the "-not -empty" excludes empty .list files...i.e. "purged" packages.
"removed" packages with conf files will still show up in the list
because the .list file will not be empty.

e.g. to display all installed packages on the system which haven't been
updated for 320 days or more:

$ dpkg_age +320
[...several lines deleted...]

example 2: to display all packages which have been installed or upgraded in
the last 6 days.

$ dpkg_age -6
[...several lines deleted...]

variations on this theme will probably give you what you want.  enjoy.


ps: this really is undocumented dpkg behaviour. don't count on it. it
may change. it may not work. if it breaks you own both pieces plus the
disclaimer "what do you expect when you go making assumptions about the
files under /var/lib/dpkg"

Re: Problem with Smail

1997-03-20 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mar 03, 1997 at 01:52:34PM +0100, J.H.M.Dassen wrote:
> On Mar 19, Alexander Koch wrote
> > So you may see what Mutt is like. But you should be careful.  I'd say:
> > stick with the Debian- MUTT- Package and you're fine. It's not as news as
> > the real MUTT but it _works_ (believe me, it's a bit tricky to make it
> It is. Due to unclarity wrt ITAR for packages with hooks for crypto, such as
> mutt, the Debian mutt packages resides on debian-non-US sites nowadays. I've
> reported a bug against to get the old package removed.

Which is odd, because the mutt web page states that the author
(who resides in the US), does not want mutt exported from the US.
Odd that Debian takes it outside the US, and then won't let it
be exported back. As I understand it, you should be able to import
mutt (or any such weapons :-) just fine, but not re-export it.
Most of non-US though is software which uses RSA, which I understand
US users can't use because they use free RSA stuff, while
USA has patented RSA. (Must be a good point of discussion for the
LPF people?)

I tried to get 0.65 (beta) to compile here on Solaris, but
none of the US sites would let me have it and none of the
non-US sites had it yet.

Hamish Moffatt, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Melbourne, Australia.
Student, computer science & computer systems engineering. 3rd year, RMIT. CPOM: [  ] 40%
PGP key available from web page above.


1997-03-20 Thread zchen

DEC 21140 ethernet card ifconfig failure: "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Try again"

1997-03-20 Thread Roderick Schertler
I'm installing Debian (1.2) for the first time.  The base install didn't
seem to have any problems, but my ethernet card isn't being configured
properly after the system comes up.  The card works in this machine
under Freebsd and Windows 95.

The card is an SMC 9332, it's a PCI card based on the DEC 21140 chip.  I
put "tulip" in /etc/modules.  When the module is loaded it displays

tulip.c:v0.10 8/11/95 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+0.72 4/17/96
+0.01 10/24/96 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2.1.7)
eth0: smc9332 (DEC 21140 Tulip) at 0xfc80, 00:00:c0:bb:08:bf, IRQ 9

but there's an error from ifconfig when /etc/init.d/network runs.  When
I run it by hand as root it looks like this:

+ ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast

If I run "ifconfig eth0" at this point it shows:

eth0  Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:C0:BB:08:BF
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  Interrupt:9 Base address:0xfc80

If I just run "ifconfig eth0 up" it gives me the same "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Try
again" error.

At first I specified all the modules I thought I'd want to the install
program, these ended up in /etc/modules.  After the card failed to
configure properly I tried commenting out all the modules except the one
for my ethernet card, but this didn't seem to change the symptoms.  (I
also tried leaving the tulip module out entirely, but then ifconfig said
that eth0 didn't exist.)

Can anyone spot what the problem is?  Please let me know if you need
more information.  I tried checking the ethernet howto and the bug
report subjects and the mail archives (searching for "smc" and "tulip").

Roderick Schertler

Re: Modem

1997-03-20 Thread Paul Wade
Craig Sanders wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Mar 1997, Paul Wade wrote:
> > > It mentioned /dev/modem, which I don't appear to have. Have I missed
> > > a package somewhere? Help!
> >
> > /dev/modem is usually a soft link
> >
> > for example my modem is on the 3rd port - COM3 in msdos/win
> >
> > ln -s /dev/cua2 /dev/modem
> >
> > creates the soft link
> /dev/cua devices are obsolete now.  they are only retained for backwards
> compatibility with old binaries.
> what you have obviously works for you, but you would be much better off
> using /dev/ttyS2 - this is especially true if you want to use the same
> line for both dialin and dialout...port locking is handled much better
> with ttyS2 devices (as long as all programs are compiled to use the
> correct lock file...all debian packages are)
> craig

I turned around to my old 386, did a ls /dev/mo*, and answered his
question. I must have inherited the link to /dev/cua2 from another
distribution. Probably, I created it following some old FAQ or howto. I
wasted time with two other distributions before I switched to debian.
You and Tim both make a good point here about the debian distribution -
it actually has standards. A lot of people are running the others
because they bought some worthless book with a CD inside the back cover. 

Paul Wade, CEO
Greenbush Technologies Corporation
Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fresh Linux CD's mailed monthly 
 No refrigeration needed 
  Under 1 billion sold!

Re: wtmp locking problem (was: Re: SOLVED: Erk! Something is *really* wrong here!)

1997-03-20 Thread Ioannis Tambouras

> Now this IS the answer.  I just downgraded one of my systems to sysvinit
> 2.69-1, rebooted, and the corruption seems to be gone.

 Few weeks ago, my corruption occured with sysvinit-2.69-1. I have been
having this same package since December 8. For some unknown reason,
few weeks ago my wtmp _stoped_ getting corrupted.

 And I have one dpkg request: An option that tells which packages 
were intalled since a certain date, i.g., % dpkg -older 2/28/97 .

Ioannis Tambouras 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], West Palm Beach, Florida
Signed pgp-key on key server. 

Re: Linux 2.1.28

1997-03-20 Thread Christian Leutloff
Peter Iannarelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What I have in my /etc/init.d/network is
> ifconfig lo netmask
> route add -net netmask

> Hi Peter, and listers, This is my /etc/init.d/network  
> #!/bin/sh
> ifconfig lo
> route add -net

the original one is the right one - if testet it today ;-)

you can verify that with ifconfig and netstat -nr:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[run] #ifconfig 
loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:22 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  TX packets:22 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[run] #netstat -nr
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface   U  3584 0  0 lo

hope it helps

Christian Leutloff, Aachen, Germany

Debian/GNU Linux! Mehr unter

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question

1997-03-20 Thread Lawrence Chim
Alexander Poquet wrote:
> When will debian get support for BusLogic FlashPoint LT SCSI adapters?
> More specifically, I want to install Debian onto my computer at work, whose
> hard drive is SCSI (along with the CD-ROM).
> The disks-i386 directory for the current debian release doesnt have a
> Rescue disk compatible with that card...
> it possible to build our own install disks set?


Re: Modem

1997-03-20 Thread Craig Sanders

On Wed, 19 Mar 1997, Paul Wade wrote:

> > It mentioned /dev/modem, which I don't appear to have. Have I missed
> > a package somewhere? Help!
> /dev/modem is usually a soft link
> for example my modem is on the 3rd port - COM3 in msdos/win
> ln -s /dev/cua2 /dev/modem
> creates the soft link

/dev/cua devices are obsolete now.  they are only retained for backwards 
compatibility with old binaries.

what you have obviously works for you, but you would be much better off
using /dev/ttyS2 - this is especially true if you want to use the same
line for both dialin and dialout...port locking is handled much better
with ttyS2 devices (as long as all programs are compiled to use the
correct lock file...all debian packages are)


Re: GCC Compiler

1997-03-20 Thread Craig Sanders

On Wed, 19 Mar 1997, Pete Poff wrote:

> I've just downloaded the Gcc Compiler version I currently
> don't have any other compilers that I know of. I'll I've done is
> installed the newest version of Debian Linux System. The Gcc Compiler
> has to be compiled but I can't because it's my first compiler. Can
> anyone help me install it?

debian comes with gcc - why not just install the .deb package instead of
compiling your own (you'd need to install it anyway in order to compile
gcc :-) 

if you installed debian from CD then the gcc packages should be right
there on your cd. just look in the devel/ subdirectory of the

if you installed from the net, then you can find gcc at in
the /stable/binary-i386/devel directory.  if you're using the unstable
development tree, then the path is /unstable/binary-i386/devel

note that gcc depends on quite a few packages - cpp, binutils, and others.
You could download and install all of these by hand using dpkg but it
would probably be much easier for you to use dselect and select gcc for
installation - it will automatically select everything else that gcc
depends on. 

you can use dselect to install from cdrom or ftp (amongst other methods). 


GCC Compiler

1997-03-20 Thread Pete Poff
I've just downloaded the Gcc Compiler version  I currently 
don't have any other compilers that I know of.  I'll I've done is 
installed the newest version of Debian Linux System.  The Gcc Compiler 
has to be compiled but I can't because it's my first compiler.  Can 
anyone help me install it?


 Pete Poff---AKA---BlackJack
   Personal E-Mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kyron E-Mail Address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kyron address: 4000

true type to X11 fonts

1997-03-20 Thread Lawrence Chim

I want to convert some of the true type font to
use in X11 fonts.  Anyone know how to do it?



1997-03-20 Thread Alexander Poquet
When will debian get support for BusLogic FlashPoint LT SCSI adapters?
More specifically, I want to install Debian onto my computer at work, whose
hard drive is SCSI (along with the CD-ROM).

The disks-i386 directory for the current debian release doesnt have a 
Rescue disk compatible with that card...


X windows

1997-03-20 Thread Daniel Stringfield
NOTE: Please respond directly to me! (or both to the list and me, since I
don't have time to subscribe to this list anymore)

I seem to be having a bit of trouble with getting X running on my server.
I'm running a Realtek 256k Video Card (Cheezy card, I know.  but I don't
USUALLY use this box with a monitor anyway) and have a DigiVIEW 14 inch
monitor.  It ran fine on the other machine I had X running on, and only
needed a few tweaks to XF86Config to get it working *well* in higher
resolutions.  But,,, it was on a 1Mb acellerated video card.

All I need for this machine to do is have basic X running, so I can run a
program or two under it to test,  since I am trying to find a program that
will do what I (And the guy I'm doing to consulting for) needs it to do.  

X comes up when you run the utility that actually runs under X to
configure it, but doesn't like the configuration file it makes.  I tried
making one by the old text based program but that barfs too.  My last
attemp totally screws up the video mode, and I can't do anything to get it
to correct it, and have to CTRL-ALT-DEL and reboot. :(  

Any suggestions?  Or maybe someone with a really low end generic video
system can lend me there configuration file.  Any help is appreciated


Daniel Stringfield, running Debian GNU/Linux * mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit me and the Jax-LUG on the web at

Re: Unarj

1997-03-20 Thread Karl Ferguson
At 06:05 PM 3/19/97 -0600, Pete Poff wrote:
>well, I had someone download a large file and make it smaller for 
>me.  They used ARJ to split it up, and I read on the debian ftp site that 
>there is only ARJ for MS-DOS.  I have gotten unarj, and can't find out 
>how to unarj it.  It's in 10 different files, and I need to put then into 
>one again, how do I do this?  If I try to unarj each file at a time, it 
>says that file is already there.

Unfortunately unarj for unix will most likely never support those type of
'complicated' features, at least, not with source code.  Unarj is merely an
experimental thing that the author was working on and seems to not want to
support it anymore...

I just read a reply you got about unarj'ing each a.0x and that's probobly
the best way to handle it.



   Karl Ferguson,
   Tower Networking Pty Ltd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   t/a STAR Online Services  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Tel: +61-9-455-3446  Fax: +61-9-455-2776

Re: Upgrading from slackware to debian

1997-03-20 Thread David Pfitzner
> > What is the difference between Red-Hat, Debian and Slackware?
> Slackware:  One of the oldest distributions, and is showing its age.
> Created as a "bugfixed" version of SLS (Softlanding Linux System).
> Maintained by one person (Patrick Volkerding); home site: Walnut Creek
> CD-ROM (  No package tool available.  Very slow to get
> updated; no interim upgrades.  Considered by many "old-timers" to have
> "lost it" with the latest version (3.1), as most of the new parts are
> added "flash", with most known security problems left untouched.

I don't intend to promote Slackware on a Debian mailing list (I'm in
the process of `upgrading' from Slackware to Debian), but there are
some mistakes in the above.
Slackware _does_ have a package tool (called, I believe, pkgtool :-)
albeit simpler (less sophisticated, less capable) than those of
Debian or Redhat. 
Also Slackware _does_ have interim upgrades, both for new software 
versions and to fix security holes.  However with more limited packaging
and versioning etc, these are much less convenient than, say, Debian. 

David Pfitzner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Upgrading from slackware to debian

1997-03-20 Thread Bruce Perens
> Hosted by CrossLink;

Beleive it or not we now have 73 FTP sites! Crosslink hosts the main
web site and one of the FTP sites. There are a number of secondary
web servers coming up now - for example there's one in Spain.

Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

Re: Upgrading from slackware to debian

1997-03-20 Thread Paul Christenson \[N3EOP\]
On Wed, 19 Mar 1997, Daniel Robbins wrote:

> I didn't know that Debian can use RedHat packages.  Can dpkg do it or do 
> I need something more?

It's the 'alien' package.

Re: Connection closed by foreign host.

1997-03-20 Thread Paul Christenson \[N3EOP\]
On Wed, 19 Mar 1997, Jason Killen wrote:

> I cant rlogin either but I do get mail along with other
> services.  What happens exactally is I try to telnet in and I get 
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> Connection closed by foreign host.

Is there a delay between the 'Escape' and 'Connection closed' lines?  If
so, it may be trying to resolve the names.  However, if you
deleted/recreated the hosts.deny file, then it shouldn't be worrying about

What does the log say?

Re: Upgrading from slackware to debian

1997-03-20 Thread Daniel Robbins
I didn't know that Debian can use RedHat packages.  Can dpkg do it or do 
I need something more?


Daniel Robbins
School of Medicine Computer Services
University of New Mexico


Re: Upgrading from slackware to debian

1997-03-20 Thread Paul Christenson \[N3EOP\]
On Tue, 18 Mar 1997, Leandro Asnaghi-Nicastro wrote:

> What is the difference between Red-Hat, Debian and Slackware?

Slackware:  One of the oldest distributions, and is showing its age.
Created as a "bugfixed" version of SLS (Softlanding Linux System).
Maintained by one person (Patrick Volkerding); home site: Walnut Creek
CD-ROM (  No package tool available.  Very slow to get
updated; no interim upgrades.  Considered by many "old-timers" to have
"lost it" with the latest version (3.1), as most of the new parts are
added "flash", with most known security problems left untouched.

Red Hat:  Available in two versions; shareware and commercial.  Most of
the software is the same; the commercial version used to have a commercial
X server included.  Maintained by several paid people; home site: Red Hat
Software (  Package tool available.  Reasonably quick in
bugfixes, sometimes slow in major updates (one of the last to have a
version with a 2.x kernel).  Versions available for DEC Alpha and SPARC.
Rumored to be one of the easiest to set up (it and I simply don't get
along).  Was the base for the original Caldera Network Desktop (a
commercial version of Linux, with many interesting additions).

Debian:  Maintained by over a hundred volunteers, each maintaining one (or
several) package.  Package tool available; able to use Red Hat packages.
Hosted by CrossLink; home page (  Overall, one of the
fastest with updates and bugfixes; in many cases, the program author is
the package maintainer.  Initial installation has had its share of
"gotchas", mainly dealing with dependencies.  (Don't install everything at
once; install the recommended packages on the initial installation, then
install a few packages at a time afterward.)

Hope this helps.

Re: SCSI Ultra/Wide support

1997-03-20 Thread Daniel Robbins
On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Lawrence Chim wrote:

> did anyone done a performance comparison of buslogic 958 and adaptec
> 2940?

I don't, but I do want to say that I have a Buslogic BT958UW and I love it.


Daniel Robbins
School of Medicine Computer Services
University of New Mexico


Re: Unarj

1997-03-20 Thread Heikki Vatiainen
I know this problem too. I have even thought about making a wrapper with perl 
to make unarj handle multiple volumes.

Anyways if you have file.arj file.a01 file.a02 etc. you can start by doing 
'unarj x file.arj'. It will uncompress the first part of the big file. Let's 
call the big file 'file.deb'.

You then have to rename 'file.deb' to let's say 'file.tmp'. After that unarj 
the second part, file.a01 and use cat to append the uncompressed part to the 
end of the 'file.tmp'. The command is 'cat file.deb >> file.tmp'. Remove 
'file.deb' and unarj the next archive file.

Do this untill there's no more files to unarj. Here's the whole thing in short:

#unarj x file.arj
#mv file.deb file.tmp
#unarj x file.a01
#cat file.deb >> file.tmp
#rm file.deb
#unarj x file.a02
#cat file.deb >> file.tmp
#rm file.deb

After you have run unarj to all the archive files just use 'mv' to rename the 
reconstructed archive back to it's original name.

This is tedious and takes a lot of extra work but it works. I hope this helps.

Pete Poff wrote:
> Hi,
> well, I had someone download a large file and make it smaller for 
> me.  They used ARJ to split it up, and I read on the debian ftp site that 
> there is only ARJ for MS-DOS.  I have gotten unarj, and can't find out 
> how to unarj it.  It's in 10 different files, and I need to put then into 
> one again, how do I do this?  If I try to unarj each file at a time, it 
> says that file is already there.

// Heikki
Heikki Vatiainen  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

Re: Modem

1997-03-20 Thread Tim Sailer
In your email to me, Paul Wade, you wrote:
> Robin Beckett wrote:
> > I got hold of the PPP-How-To and examined it's contents with interest, 
> I read it several months ago, but when I switched to Debian ppp got a
> lot easier. I quickly edited the supplied chatscript and typed pon. It
> was a lot easier than 2 other distributions I tried.
> > It mentioned /dev/modem, which I don't appear to have. Have I missed a 
> > package
> > somewhere? Help!
> /dev/modem is usually a soft link
> for example my modem is on the 3rd port - COM3 in msdos/win
> ln -s /dev/cua2 /dev/modem 
> creates the soft link
> if you switch your modem to the next port:
> rm /dev/modem
> ln -s /dev/cua3 /dev/modem

No! *Please* don't give out info like this. The cua devices have been 
depricated for quite a while. /dev/ttyS* should be used for the serial
devices. Other than that, what you stated is correct.


   "You cannot paint the 'Mona Lisa' by assigning one dab 
 each to a thousand painters."
  -- William F. Buckley, Jr.
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**


1997-03-20 Thread Pete Poff
well, I had someone download a large file and make it smaller for 
me.  They used ARJ to split it up, and I read on the debian ftp site that 
there is only ARJ for MS-DOS.  I have gotten unarj, and can't find out 
how to unarj it.  It's in 10 different files, and I need to put then into 
one again, how do I do this?  If I try to unarj each file at a time, it 
says that file is already there.

Pete Poff

 Pete Poff---AKA---BlackJack
   Personal E-Mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kyron E-Mail Address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kyron address: 4000