Disculpas por mensajes tontos

1998-08-19 Thread Traque
Disculpad por los absurdos mensajes que habreis
recibido, no se como se me han podido escapar.

Estoy configurando y probando sendmail, fetchmail
y procmail, y estos mensajes eran pruebas que
me estaba enviando a mí mismo.

Yo juraría que en la dirección destinataria en ningun
momento he puesto la lista-debian, pero claro
¿quien me va a creer?

En fin, reitero las disculpas.

Un saludo.

problemas con XF86Config

1998-08-19 Thread M.G.
Hola, estoy teniendo problemas para configurar/instalar el X
Window System.

Las características de la tarjeta de vídeo son (comprobado con
First video: Super-VGA
Chipset: S3 Trio64V+ (Port Probed)
Memory: 2048 Kbytes
RAMDAC: Generic 8-bit pseudocolor DAC

He instalado con dselect los servidores de X S3 y S3V, y hecho la
configuración con xf86config
Al terminar de configurar (varias intentonas ya), ejecuto el startx (o
xinit) y me da el siguiente error (al principio una serie de líneas que
no consigo leer hasta:

(--) S3V: Mode 400x300 needs hsync freq of 48.00 kHz. Deleted.
(**) FontPath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc,
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/
(--) S3V: PCI: unknown (please report), ID 0x8811 rev 54, linear FB
@ 0xe000
(--) S3V: Unknown S3 chipset: chip_id = 0x8811 rev. 54

   *** None of the configured devices were detected ***

Fatal server error:
no screens found

When reporting a problem...

_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno=111
giving up.
xinit: Connection refused (errno 111): unable to connect to X server
xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error.

¿Qué estoy haciendo mal, o qué no estoy haciendo?
Gracias por adelantado.



Re: duda sobre el comando clock

1998-08-19 Thread Enzo A. Dari
J.Parera wrote:
 echo -e Sincronitzar el rellotje amb SLUG ...
 rdate slug.ctv.es.es  clock -w
 el problema es que el comando clock no existe. En la Debian 1.3.1 si 
 sin ningún problema. En que paquete se encuentra? O es que ha cambiado de 
 dicha orden?

Efectivamente cambió de nombre, ahora es hwclock, aunque si hacés
man clock te aparece la página del hwclock.

A propósito, yo uso una orden similar para la sincronización de
relojes, y hace poco me rompí la cabeza toda una mañana en un sistema
con RedHat, porque el default de rdate es mostrar la hora y no
setearla, al contrario que en Debian.

Solución inmediata: usar el calificador -s y no confiar en el default.

Inquietud de mediano plazo: quién me garantiza que un comando funciona
de la misma forma en distintas versiones de Linux?

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-944-45208, 54-944-45100 Fax: 54-944-45299
Web page: http://cabmec1.cnea.edu.ar/darie/darie.htm

RE: Uso de fuentes TrueType con xfstt e impresión con Ghost script

1998-08-19 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
  Ahora viene la duda, para instalar las fuentes (*.ttf) que debo hacer? 
  fuentes en /var/ttfonts o ejecutar xfstt --sync nombrefuente.ttf?

Yo las tengo copiadas en /usr/share/fonts/truetype o algo asi.

 lo copias y

 $ /etc/init.d/xfstt reload

  Estoy en lo cierto o falta alguna operación?

 Ni idea. Prueba y nos cuentas :-)

Si, tambien tengo una linea añadida (no quitar ninguan de las que hay) 
FontPath unix/:7101 en XF86Config, y con esto he conseguido usar arial en el 
Aunque tengo entendido que segun la version de xfstt puede ser FontPath 
unix/:otro, e incluso el directorio donde residen las ttf, tambien es otro, 
habria que remitirse a la documentacion.

Angel Vicente Perez
Dpto. Informática
Tfno.   +34-1-6070-311
Fax +34-1-6070-331

RE: problemas con XF86Config

1998-08-19 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
 Las características de la tarjeta de vídeo son (comprobado con
 First video: Super-VGA
 Chipset: S3 Trio64V+ (Port Probed)
 Memory: 2048 Kbytes
 RAMDAC: Generic 8-bit pseudocolor DAC

 He instalado con dselect los servidores de X S3 y S3V, y hecho la
 configuración con xf86config
 Al terminar de configurar (varias intentonas ya), ejecuto el startx (o
 xinit) y me da el siguiente error (al principio una serie de líneas que
 no consigo leer hasta:

 (--) S3V: Mode 400x300 needs hsync freq of 48.00 kHz. Deleted.
 (**) FontPath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc,
 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/
 (--) S3V: PCI: unknown (please report), ID 0x8811 rev 54, linear FB
 @ 0xe000
 (--) S3V: Unknown S3 chipset: chip_id = 0x8811 rev. 54

*** None of the configured devices were detected ***

 Fatal server error:
 no screens found

Yo creo que estas utlizando el servidor incorrecto, tengo instalada una tarjeta 
igual, y el servidor que utilizo es el xserver-s3, el s3v debe ser para las S3 
Virge. Yo desinstalaria el xserver-s3v, y volveria a reconfigurar; existe una 
opcion S3 Trio64V+ (Generic) en la lista de tarjetas de la configuracion (creo 
que es la 110 o por ahi).

Angel Vicente Perez
Dpto. Informática
Tfno.   +34-1-6070-311
Fax +34-1-6070-331


1998-08-19 Thread TooManySecrets
Querría agradecer a todos la ayuda prestada.
Ya tengo en marcha la conexión Inet y todo lo demás.

Gracias a todos.

Have a nice day ;-)

Problema con smail en hamm

1998-08-19 Thread cmartinezch
Aupa gente,

me he instalado la Debian 2.0 y tengo un problema con el smail, no
me encola los mensajes y cuando estoy offline el pine me contesta con un
mensaje de error (creo que me dice que no encuentra el host). Eso antes no
me pasaba, era un paquete posterior al que venía en bo, aunque no tan
nuevo como el que viene en la 2.0,  y funcionaba correctamente :?   He
mirado toda la documentación que he podido pero no ha habido forma...

De todas formas creo que me pasaré a sendmail, pero bueno,
quisiera saber si a alguien más le ocurre y cómo lo ha arreglado. En
online funciona correctamente, eso sí.


txakar  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problemas de conexión con el servidor

1998-08-19 Thread David

Estoy intentando conectarme a internet con Linux, y he seguido los pasos
que ponen en la revista Programacin Actual.
Al ejecutar pon hace la marcacin normal, mirando el
fichero '/var/log/ppp.log' llega a decir que la conexin se ha establecido
y ppp0 --> /dev/ttyS1, la siguiente linia dice:
remote message:
could not determine remote IP address.

He revisado las direcciones, los ficheros y no se donde puede estar
el error,  me podis orientar?

Gracias de antemano,


Re: Inclusión de Debian 2.0 en Linux Actual 9/98

1998-08-19 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Siento responder a este mail tarde, pero he estado de vacaciones algo 
mas de 
una semana y, no, en Galicia no tenia conexion a la Red.
Respecto a la inclusion de los CDs en LA os voy a dar mi punto de vista 
colaborador de Linux Actual y Debian Developer, al mismo tiempo intentare ser 
La distribucion completa de Debian GNU/Linux son 3 CD's= 
main+fuentes+contrib/fuentes, y
la revista generalmente saca un CD con software relacionado con los articulos, 
y, a poder
ser, software para el usuario de Linux en general. Este CD puede tener desde 
500 Mbs, hasta
tan pocos como 35 Mbs.
En conversaciones con la Redaccion de LA yo les comente la posibilidad 
sacar Debian en CD en setiembre (mas gente tambien se ofrecio). Al final me 
a mi la tarea, facil, en principio, porque las imagenes de los CDs no hay mas 
cogerlas, grabarlas y probarlas.
El problema reside en que les comento que se deberian distribuir, como 
2 Cds (main+fuentes), y si es posible todos. A lo cual me han puesto pegas y, 
aunque no
tengo confirmacion 100% es posible que se incluyan los 2, pero, me ha pedido 
que tenga
espacio para incluir el sw de los articulos en uno de los CDs' (unos 30-40 Mbs).

En resumen, lo mas probable es que finalmente, la cosa se quede 
intermedia entre
tu 1) y 2), es decir, habra 2Cd's con main+fuentes y quizas haya que hacer 
algun apaño
para meter lo de la revista.
Se que contrib tiene muchas cosas interesantes, tambien non-free y 
non-US pero 
no creo que los responsables de la revista accedan. Ellos velan por otros 
intereses, quieren
tener a los lectores contentos pero no se pueden permitir incluir 4 Cds en una 
Algo que, por cierto, no he visto en ningun sitio.

De todas formas me gustaria hacer un sondeo de opinion entre los 
presentes y, si veo
respuestas, lo hare tambien en otras listas de distribucion de Linux españolas.

Cuanto estarias dispuesto a pagar por una revista (Linux Actual) con 

- 1500?
- 1995 ?
- 2250 ?
- otra cifra?

Quizas pueda convencer a la editorial si hay mucha gente que acepta que 
4 CDs con un incremento en el precio, que lo va a tener que haber con tantos 

Un saludo a todos


On Tue, Aug 11, 1998 at 11:19:57AM +0200, Ignacio Torres Masdeu wrote:
 Saludos a todos:
 Mi punto de vista sobre el tema este es que es mejor incluir los 3
 compactos de la distribución original de debian en la revista en vez de
 meter 2 capados y con posibles errores (el que tiene boca se equivoca, y
 el que tiene una grabadora de CD's suele hacerlo con mas frecuencia, hablo
 por experiencia propia).
 Paso a analizar el problema desde dos puntos de vista.
 1) Me copio la distribucion de 3 discos de un amigo y compro LA con 1 cd
  -Pros: si hay algun error en la copia vuelvo a empezar y no tengo mas
 problemas que el dinero.
  -Contras: Los CD-R son menos tolerantes a los roces y huellas que los
   Compra de LA con 1 CD: 995
   Compra de 3 CDR: 600 ptas
   Copia (en caso de no tener grabadora disponible): 200 ptas/CD=600
 Con lo que tirando por lo bajo, la copia hecha por uno mismo en un soporte
 menos fiable se pone en 1.000 ptas lo que sumado a la revista da un total 
 de 1.995 ptas.
 2) Compro LA con 4 cd's incluyendo la distribucion completa:
  -Pros: Las contras de (1) ;)
  -Contras: Los pros de (1) ;)
   No puedo saberlo, pero estoy seguro de que no supera las 1.995 ptas del 
 caso anterior. Teniendo en cuenta la comodidad que supone no tener que
 hacer uno mismo las copias, creo que vale la pena.
 No se si estareis de acuerdo con mi razonamiento, pero ahi lo dejo.
 PS: alguien sabe de alguna reunion linuxera en ciernes por Madrid? =)
 Enviado con Linux (Redhat 5.0)
 Ignacio Torres Masdeu
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RV: Problemas de conexión con el servidor

1998-08-19 Thread Mariano Egurrola
Estoy intentando conectarme a internet con Linux, y he seguido los pasos
que ponen en la revista Programación Actual.
Al ejecutar pon hace la marcación normal, mirando el fichero
'/var/log/ppp.log' llega a decir que la conexión se ha establecido y ppp0
-- /dev/ttyS1, la siguiente linia dice:
remote message:
could not determine remote IP address.
He revisado las direcciones, los ficheros y no se donde puede estar el
error,  ¿ me podéis orientar?

En las opciones del pppd tienes que añadir noipdefault.

Un saludo

Mariano Egurrola


1998-08-19 Thread TooManySecrets

¿Para qué sirven exactamente las utilidades Dotfile que vienen en la nueva
Debian 2.0?
Según dice es una herramienta de configuración, con la cual configurar cosas
básicas y características exóticas de nuestros programas favoritos
(según dice la explicación + ó - del paquete).
¿Alguien podría proporcionarnos alguna explicación más... cómo diría...

Gracias por todo.

Have a nice day ;-)

Re: Problema con smail en hamm

1998-08-19 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Aug 19, 1998 at 02:00:19PM +, CARLOS MARTINEZ.CHACARTEGUI wrote:

   me he instalado la Debian 2.0 y tengo un problema con el smail, no 
 me encola los mensajes y cuando estoy offline el pine me contesta con un 
 mensaje de error (creo que me dice que no encuentra el host). Eso antes no 
 me pasaba, era un paquete posterior al que venía en bo, aunque no tan 
 nuevo como el que viene en la 2.0,  y funcionaba correctamente :?   He 
 mirado toda la documentación que he podido pero no ha habido forma...

Lo configuras como internet site con un smart host. (dale smail-config,
o smailconfig, no recuerdo ahora).


Re: Dotfiles

1998-08-19 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Aug 19, 1998 at 05:34:15PM +0200, TooManySecrets wrote:

 ¿Para qué sirven exactamente las utilidades Dotfile que vienen en la nueva
 Debian 2.0?

Es un programa en Tcl/Tk que con una interface grafica pasable te muestra
TODAS las opciones que tienes en un archivo de configuracion. Por eso vez
que existe bash-dotfile (o algo asi). Es para configurar bash. Tambien
existe procmail-dotfile, etc.

Mejor lo instalas, lo usas un poco y decides si te gusta. (A mi no...)


Re: problemas con XF86Config

1998-08-19 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Aug 19, 1998 at 01:54:32AM +0200, M.G. wrote:

 He instalado con dselect los servidores de X S3 y S3V, y hecho la
 configuración con xf86config Al terminar de configurar (varias intentonas
 ya), ejecuto el startx (o xinit) y me da el siguiente error (al principio
 una serie de líneas que no consigo leer hasta:

prueba con xserver_svga. Algunas S3 usan ese servidor.


[homega@correo.com: dselect]

1998-08-19 Thread Martin Schulze
All language designers are arrogant.  Goes with the territory...
-- Larry Wall
Por fin logré hacer que el lilo me preguntase qué SO quería
arrancar, gracias Roberto Ruiz por tu lilo.conf

Ahora, he vuelto a instalarlo todo, pero estoy teniendo problemas
con el dselect.  Simplemente empieza a instalar, y de repente el
no lee más del cdrom, se engancha.  ¿A alguien le ha pasado esto


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
---End Message---

[SADACIA@santandersupernet.com: ¿Como guardar los niveles de volumen de la AWE al salir?]

1998-08-19 Thread Martin Schulze
All language designers are arrogant.  Goes with the territory...
-- Larry Wall
Hola otra vez ;-)
¿Sabeis como puedo guardar los niveles de volumen de la AWE32 al hacer
un 'halt'? Es decir, que me guarde el estado del mezclador de volumen
(el chip awemix) al salir y lo restablezca al reiniciar el sistema.
Es que siempre tengo que estar regulando cada vez que entro, y es una
incomodidad. Seria mas comodo lo qwe propongo.

Se que habia algo asi en la pagina de AWEDRIVER, pero parece que ya no
esta, o no lo encuentro.

Gracias por adelantado:
Juan Carlos

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
---End Message---

[SADACIA@santandersupernet.com: Re: No me arrancan los programas delibc5]

1998-08-19 Thread Martin Schulze
All language designers are arrogant.  Goes with the territory...
-- Larry Wall
El lun, 17 ago 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon escribió:

Ejem... que es eso de configurator.debian.org?

Pues si te digo la verdad, ni idea.
Resulta que envie el otro dia el mensaje por medio del Kmail, y como me dio la
sensacion de que no llego, lo hice por 'mailx' en la consola. Y eso de
configurator tiene que ver con lo de la consola. Pero no me preguntes que es
porque no lo se ;-) Me sabrias dar una pista? 
Gracias y perdon si esto ocasiona alguna molestia a alguien.
Juan Carlos

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
---End Message---

[parera@teleline.es: Abilitar tecla insert en bash y fuente para la consola]

1998-08-19 Thread Martin Schulze
All language designers are arrogant.  Goes with the territory...
-- Larry Wall
 se puede abilitar la tecla insert en bash de forma que actue como tal?

Hay alguna fuente para la consola que no de muchos problemas con los caracteres

Un saludo,
  J. Parera

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
---End Message---

[cpereac@infomail.lacaixa.es: Re: Debian 2.0 llego]

1998-08-19 Thread Martin Schulze
All language designers are arrogant.  Goes with the territory...
-- Larry Wall
El Sun, Aug 16, 1998,

 Por cierto, ¿cómo cambio el editor por defecto del mutt? Viene el Vi, pero
 me gustaría dejar otro, como el Pico, Joe, o por el estilo. He leído la
 documentaçao adjunta, pero no he encontrado nada de nothing. Seguramente que
 se tratará de algún dot-file, un .muttrc o algo así, pero la variable a
 cambiar no sé cuala es.

  Mutt (yo uso la 0.88 de 1.3.1) reconoce la variable de
  entorno $EDITOR.
  Yo tengo en el /etc/profile
export EDITOR='joe'
  y funciona, :-)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
---End Message---

[SADACIA@santandersupernet.com: Re: Mailx me saca directamente del programa.]

1998-08-19 Thread Martin Schulze
All language designers are arrogant.  Goes with the territory...
-- Larry Wall
Bueno, otra cosa que tengo solucionada.
Simplemente me he bajado el mailx de hamm y ya esta ;-)
Perdon por las molestias y gracias:
Juan Carlos

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
---End Message---

[agmartin@aq.upm.es: Re: No me arrancan los programas de libc5]

1998-08-19 Thread Martin Schulze
All language designers are arrogant.  Goes with the territory...
-- Larry Wall
Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 17, 1998 at 03:17:30PM +0200, Juan Carlos Muro wrote:
  No se si dira esto algo ... Bueno, a ver que ideas hay (y gracias por lo
  menos por pensar).
 Quita LD_LIBRARY_PATH. No se necesita.

Aprovechando el thread un poco de información que encontré ayer.

Hablando del tema de los programas libc5 que no van bien con libc6, a mí
me ha ocurrido con el asWedit, un editor HTML, que también da
segmentation faults al arrancar. Al hacer 

ldd asWedit 

me da que depende de las dos librerías, libc5 y libc6, lo que provoca el
problema. En el caso de este programa y probablemente en el de otros la
dirección de libX11 está metida de forma dura en el binario
(/usr/X11R6/lib) según la página de advasoft porque está compilado con
un linker antiguo. Así que depende de libc6 a través de la libX11 que
encuentra ahí y de libc5 a través de todo lo demás, es decir, castañazo

La solución que proponen los de advasoft es parchear el binario, con
algo que puesto junto en un script sería

mv asWedit asWedit-3.0
cat asWedit-3.0 | sed -e s:/usr/X11R6/lib/:Xusr/X11R6/lib/: \
-e s:/usr/X11R6/lib: usr/X11R6/lib: \
-e s:Xusr/X11R6/lib/:/usr/X11R6/lib/: \
chmod 755 asWedit
Exactamente que hace se me escapa, porque no veo la diferencia en el
binario entre uno y otro camino, pero el caso es que funciona y es
posible que se pueda probar con éxito en otros programas antiguos libc5
de los que se tiene solo el binario y que cascan al lanzarlos en un
sistema libc6 por la misma razón.

De hecho yo lo he probado con otro editor html que daba el mismo
problema, xhtml, cambiando los nombres en el script, y ha funcionado,
aunque en este caso recomiendo mejor recompilarlo ya que con el LessTiff
de la 2.0 va bien incluso los acentos.

Espero que pueda ser útil para algún otro programa en las mismas


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://corbu.aq.upm.es/~agmartin/welcome.html

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
---End Message---

RE: problemas con XF86Config

1998-08-19 Thread M.G.
  En efecto, el problema era que teniendo instalados S3 y S3V,
  cogía por defecto S3V.  Ahora he desinstalado S3V y... se ejecuta
  el X Window System PERO... el puntero del ratón no se mueve.
  Tan sólo veo una ventana de xterm, y el puntero (que no puedo
  usarlo).  Pageando (con g, no con j, de página) por los man y
  otros docs, lo único que he visto ha sido un comentario en el man de
  /X11/README.Config que dice que algo sobre problemas con el ratón, que
  en el 99.99% de los casos tiene que ver con el SO, no con el sistema X.
  En una de las primeras instalaciones, ejecuté el XF86Setup, y reconocía
  el ratón, pero ahora no puedo ejecutar XF86Setup, no está por ningún
  lado... ¿alguna idea?

 Si, ese configurador esta en el paquete xserver-vga16. Yo lo que hice, y
 hago cuando actualizo es instalar primero xserver-vga16, y despues
 xserver-s3. Lo del raton, alguna vez me paso, y creo recordar que era
 porque le establecia un tipo de raton que no correspondia.

Vale, finalmente he logrado configurar y ejecutar el X Windows
System.  Tuve que instalar xserver_16 para usar el XF86Setup (lo
que no me hace mucha gracia, preferiría haberlo hecho todo
manualmente con xf86config).  Gracias.

Ahora me gustaría saber qué procesador de textos podría utilizar.
Instalé el LyX pero no aparece en ningún menú de X.  El StarOffice
creo que es gratis, pero difícil de instalar;  WordPerfect es caro,
pero imagino que es lo mejor que hay.  Creo que hay otros,
Papyrus, Scriptum (uno creo que es un procesador de textos, y el
otro un editor, o vice versa).

También me resulta extraño que en el poco tiempo que llevo en la
lista, no se haya hablado del KDE o de GNOME (el primero lo
probé con SuSE hace tiempo, del segundo no sé mucho... nada).

Luego está el tema de la instalación/configuración de paquetes en
Linux:  si no lo he entendido mal, la mayoría de programas vienen
en formatos como el .deb (debian), .rpm (RedHat), .tgz
(Slackware).  Para instalarlos basta con el comando: dpkg -i
foo.deb (en el caso de Debian) o rpm -i foo.x.rpm (en el caso de
RedHat).  Pero la mayoría vienen en .tgz (Slackware) y se trata de
hacerlo con el comando tar (-opciones... xvfz)... ¿es esto
correcto, o estoy dejando algo/mucho en el tintero?

Espero que no sean demasiadas preguntas a un tiempo (por
cierto, al tiempo que pregunto, también miro la documentación).


Re: Uso de fuentes TrueType con xfstt e impresión con Ghost script

1998-08-19 Thread J . Parera
 Ahora viene la duda, para instalar las fuentes (*.ttf) que debo hacer? Meter 
 fuentes en /var/ttfonts o ejecutar xfstt --sync nombrefuente.ttf?

lo copias y

Si haces xfstt --sync nombrefuente.ttf te la copia en /var/ttfonts y te añade la
descripción al archivo pertienente. Por lo que debe ser lo mismo que copiar
todas las fuentes allí y reiniciar.

$ /etc/init.d/xfstt reload

Este script no existe, el más parecido es el xfs.

[~/doc]$ cd /etc/init.d/
[/etc/init.d]$ xfs reload
usage: xfs [-config config_file] [-ls listen_socket] [-nodaemon] [-port 
   [-user username]

Lo anterior es lo que sale al hacer xfs reload. Por lo que he reiniciado la
máquina con lo que tendría que ser lo mismo que reiniciar el xfstt.

Ahora biene una dudilla, para comprobar que las fuentes se han instalado
correctamente que hago? He probado con el Gimp y con el Fontmanager del KDE pero
en ninguno de los dos sitios me salen las fuentes que acabo de instalar.

Con que programa puedo utilizar las fuentes ttf? Aún no he instalado ninguna
suite ofimática por lo que no puedo comprobarlo desde allí.

Otra cosa, me he fijado que la fuente Times New Roman no está incluida entre las
ttf, de que tipo es? Como uso/instalo dicho tipo de fuentes?

Un saludo,
  Josep Parera

 ¿Porqué el uso de fuentes está tan poco documentado?

RE: Uso de fuentes TrueType con xfstt e impresión con Ghost script

1998-08-19 Thread J . Parera

Si, tambien tengo una linea añadida (no quitar ninguan de las que hay) 
FontPath unix/:7101 en XF86Config, y con esto he conseguido usar arial en el 
Aunque tengo entendido que segun la version de xfstt puede ser FontPath 
unix/:otro, e incluso el directorio donde residen las ttf, tambien es otro, 
habria que remitirse a la documentacion.

puedes explicarme mejor eso del unix/:? Sintaxis, uso, etc.

Un saludo,
  J. Parera

Re: Inclusión de Debian 2.0 en Linux Actual 9/98

1998-08-19 Thread David Requena
On Wed, 19 Aug 1998 16:05:26 +0200, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:

Cuanto estarias dispuesto a pagar por una revista (Linux Actual) 

- 1500?
- 1995 ?  Este, aunque preferiria el anterior, claro ;-)
- 2250 ?
- otra cifra?

Otra opcion es sacar dos versiones de LA como hacen los ingleses
con sus versiones CD y FD


David Requena   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fido:   2:343/302.2
RedBBS: 757:1102/1.2

 ** TagIt/2 v1.2 ** 

Más sobre: En el NS Communicator 4.05 an dejado de funcionarme los acentos!!!

1998-08-19 Thread J . Parera
He reinstalado el Netscape Communicator 4.05 y aún continua sin funcionarme los
acentos por lo que el fallo tiene que ser debido a un archivo externo a la
aplicación pero relacionado con las caracteristicas del Communicator 4.05.

Hace como unos 3-5 días (no recuerdo exactamente) al arrancar la  máquina me
hizo un fsck por lo que debió detectar algún sector mal (algún microcorte de la
red electrica?) y creo recordar que me borro (por decirlo de alguna manera)
algunos sectores que detectaba como archivos invalidos o algo asi (no recuerdo
lo que dijo el programa).

Lo que no entiendo es, suponiendo que esté en lo cierto, que asta hace poco el
Communicator no me fallase (por lo que creo que eso no es, pero hay que

De todas maneras, hay alguna forma de verificar que no haya sido dañado ningún
archivo? Mediante el dpkg o lo que sea. Debo reinstalar algún paquete? Entiendan
que volver a reinstalar la Debian 2.0 no es precisamente sencillo. (algo
bueno tenía el W95, al menos se reinstalaba rápido :-D)

Y suponiendo que todo lo anterior sea descabellado, por fuerza debe tratarse de
un archivo de configuración que se debe haber modificado por accidente por lo
que les agradecería que e diesen una lista de posibles archivos candidatos al
premio y una forma de poder verificarlos (eso ya lo veo más dificil ...).

En fin, saludos desde un mozillero descafeinado
  Josep Parera

Problemas en X-Window con tarjeta AGP

1998-08-19 Thread Pedro F. Pareja
Saludos a los miembros de la lista:

Mi ordenador dispone de una tarjeta gráfica Leadtek Winfast 3D S900 con
4 Mb de memoria video. Está equipada con el chip i740 de Intel y es del
tipo AGP. Mi problema es que supongo que no existe soporte aún en Linux
para hacerla funcionar en Debian 1.3.1 (Linux Actual 1) y ni siquiera a

mano puedo configurar las X para que se comporte como una simple VGA a
16 colores y 640x480 pues sistemáticamente me genera un macro-escritorio

a una resolución de 300x200 más o menos y en monocolor.

¿Podría alguien indicarme cómo solucionar este problema?

Gracias de antemano.

Pedro F. Pareja

Re: modprobe

1998-08-19 Thread count zero

 hi to all,
 when i boot up my linux debian 2.0 i find this message
 modprobe: can't locate module char-major-10
 does anyone know what to do to eliminate this annoying message ?
 i don't know what is this module for .
 samuele tonon

smail configuration problem

1998-08-19 Thread count zero

hi to all ,
every 20 minutes linux give me this message 

Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 00:03:01 +0200 (CEST)
From: Cron Daemon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] runq

runq: setgroups() failed: Operation not permitted

what's that mean ? where is the problem? where can i find info on how to
correctly setup smail ( i try sendmail but my system crashes so i prefer
smail which seems to be easyier)


samuele tonon

Re: cfdisk: Fatal error: Bad Primary partition

1998-08-19 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Nope, I looked at the source and cfdisk won't show you anything about the 
table if it doesn't make sense to it. However, this perl script will (all one 
line, my
mailer my break it up):

perl -e 'open(IN,/dev/hda);sysread(IN,$buf,512);printf(boot ind: %u, 
start(h %d, s
%d, c %d), type 0x%02x, end(h %d, s %d, c %d), lba %d, lba-len %d\n,

This will print out your first primary partition. On my system:

boot ind: 128, start(h 1, s 1, c 0), type 0x83, end(h 63, s 191, c 46), lba 63,
lba-len 2253825

'boot ind' is for boot indication. It's 128 if the partition is bootable, zero
otherwise. There there's your partition start, with head, sector, and cylinder, 
partition type (0x83 is Linux, 0x82 is Linux Swap), the end of the partition 
and then
the partition start sector and length in sectors (lba, lba-len, respectively). 
will puke if the numbers aren't consistent (start is before end, etc.) so you 
check these out yourself.  To look at partitions 2, 3, and 4, change
'unpack(x446LL' to 'unpack(x446x16LL',
'unpack(x446x32LL', and 'unpack(x446x48LL', respectively. 
It goes
without saying you have to be root to run this script.

Nebu John Mathai wrote:

 Has anone got this error?

 On installing Debian 2.0 I used cfdisk to partition my 8.4Gig drive. The
 first time I did it, I did not like the partition sizes (after writing the
 partition info and initializing my root partition) and so rebooted the
 machine (by going into the installation option to reboot the machine) to
 do the install once more. However, this time, when I went to partition the
 drive cfdisk stated fatal error: ban primary partition. So I went to
 fdisk and erased the partition info (fdisk seemed to work) and ran cfdisk
 once more and all was fine. I installed debian and everything worked fine.

 Now, a few days later I went to install NT (unfortunately I have to run
 some NT software for school), and NT disabled the bootability of Linux.
 So I used a boot disk to get back to Linux, and tried running cfdisk to
 get the partition with linux (the primary partition) bootable, but cfdisk
 now complains: Fatal error: bad primary partition.

 Any ideas on what this error means? Is my hard drive bad? I noticed that
 cfdisk gives me cylinder/head/sector information on my drive that does not
 matchmy hard drive specs ... should I use cfdisk to change that info?

 Thanks for any advice!

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Sendmail Help

1998-08-19 Thread Harry Tuttle
Hello Everyone,

I have changed my ISP recently and do not have a static IP any longer. I have
tried setting up Sendmail to send and am using Fetchmail to retrieve messages.
Fetchmail gets the messages Ok, but I never get the messages in my
/var/spool/mail/htuttle mailbox. Here is the log message that I get after
fetchmail gets the messages.

Aug 18 17:51:52 user-38lcgom sendmail[1834]: RAA01832: 
to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=00:00:03, xdelay=00:00:03, mailer=nullclient,
relay=mail.mindspring.com. [], stat=Sent (SAA04691 Message
accepted for delivery) 
Aug 18 17:51:54 user-38lcgom sendmail[1837]: RAA01835:
to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=00:00:03, xdelay=00:00:03, mailer=nullclient,
relay=mail.mindspring.com. [], stat=Sent (SAA09795 Message
accepted for delivery).

But I can't figure out where the mail is going. I have set up sendmail as a
transfer to the HUB, but locally, I can't see where it is going. Anyone using
Sendmail with a Dialup ISP only?

Thanks for any help. 

Mike Acklin

Re: cfdisk: Fatal error: Bad Primary partition

1998-08-19 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Ok, here's an even better script for printing all partitions. Just run it like
'showpart.pl /dev/hda'.

Nebu John Mathai wrote:

 Has anone got this error?

 On installing Debian 2.0 I used cfdisk to partition my 8.4Gig drive. The
 first time I did it, I did not like the partition sizes (after writing the
 partition info and initializing my root partition) and so rebooted the
 machine (by going into the installation option to reboot the machine) to
 do the install once more. However, this time, when I went to partition the
 drive cfdisk stated fatal error: ban primary partition. So I went to
 fdisk and erased the partition info (fdisk seemed to work) and ran cfdisk
 once more and all was fine. I installed debian and everything worked fine.

 Now, a few days later I went to install NT (unfortunately I have to run
 some NT software for school), and NT disabled the bootability of Linux.
 So I used a boot disk to get back to Linux, and tried running cfdisk to
 get the partition with linux (the primary partition) bootable, but cfdisk
 now complains: Fatal error: bad primary partition.

 Any ideas on what this error means? Is my hard drive bad? I noticed that
 cfdisk gives me cylinder/head/sector information on my drive that does not
 matchmy hard drive specs ... should I use cfdisk to change that info?

 Thanks for any advice!

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Description: Perl program

Re: Little/Big endian discussion (was: Re: can I burn the output of mpg123 -s?)

1998-08-19 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 08:46:20AM -0400, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
 currently xfstt bombs out if it gets a connection of a differnt 
 endianess than the system it is on...I have been meaning to fix that but
 maybe the PowerPC may have an easier fix...
 nah...ill just look into fixing it right

Ouch.. use htons(), htonl(), ntohs(), ntohl() to convert; you don't
have to know what endianness the machine is you're using, you rely
on libc knowing and implementing those functions appropriately.

Latest Debian packages at ftp://ftp.rising.com.au/pub/hamish. PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.   http://hamish.home.ml.org

Linux security

1998-08-19 Thread randyh
I was having a discussion with my ISP about Linux.  He said he uses Windows NT 
because it is much more secure than Linux.  He stated that since the source 
code was available that it was very unsecure.  He mentioned something about 
attaining root access by downloading /etc/passwd and de-crypting the passwords. 
 He bases this on a source called cicia.org.  He said it reflected several 
cases of insecurity regarding Linux.  I would like to know from a more 
qualified source as to how to respond to this.  I have been using Debian for a 
few months now and thoroughly enjoy it.  Not only as an operating system, but 
for the documentation and the learning experience.  Thank you for your time and 

Re: HELP! emufs doesn't work with FreeDos under dosemu in Debian

1998-08-19 Thread Damon Muller

On Sun, 16 Aug 1998 12:31:33 +0200 (EEST)
Wojciech Zabolotny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just had to run some DO$ software on my Linux Box (exactly: the monitor
 for DSP56002EVM evaluation module and DSP56002 assembler). I have decided
 to install the dosemu. To keep my box M$-free I wanted to use the FreeDOS
 (included in dosemu package). And here my problem begins:
 I was unable to use neither emufs, nor lredir to get access to Linux 
 filesystem. All I could see was the starting hdimage :-(.
 The disks mounted with emufs seemed to contain scrambled rubbish, and 
 lredir did not mount anything at all returning the errors (0x3a, 0x3c or
 When I switched the starting boot image into one containing DO$6.2
 (without changing anything else in /etc/dosemu/conf) everything started to
 Has anybody managed to get emufs working with FreeDOS under dosemu?

I seem to recall reading somewhere that lredir does not work with
FreeDOS, or something along those lines. 

If you want an alternative to M$-DOS, think about Caldera's OpenDOS or
DR-DOS. This is free for non-commercial use (Hence, not strictly 'free'
as we debian ppl. tend to think of free...) and can be downloaded from
their FTP site. Quite a nice DOS, IMHO.



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | As my head fell in the basket,
Network Administrator | And was everyone dancing on the casket...
EmpireNET |  - TBMG, Dead

Re: qmail package for debian?

1998-08-19 Thread Damon Muller

On Sun, 16 Aug 1998 19:02:23 -0500
the lone gunman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a qmail package for debian?  I've installed it on my
 slackware system in the past, and would like to install it on

There are some source debs either in contrib or non-free (can't remember
which off the top of my head). The program's author has various
restrictions on distribution of binary packages, mainly because he can't
guareentee that the code is pure and still secure.

I wouldn't let the fact that it's source put you off. It's very easy to
compile and install. The instructions are pretty detailed, and have lots
of tests to ensure it's all working. I haven't had any trouble getting
it working on my debian (Hamm) system (actually, my qmail predates Hamm,
but upgrading to hamm didn't seem to break anything...)



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | As my head fell in the basket,
Network Administrator | And was everyone dancing on the casket...
EmpireNET |  - TBMG, Dead

Re: newest distribution?

1998-08-19 Thread Damon Muller

On Sun, 16 Aug 1998 06:45:58 -0400 (EDT)
Paul Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ... I'm looking for qmail-src 1.03 ... version 1.03 has been around for
 quite awhile...  has the author released an update?

1.03 is the latest version of qmail.


Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | As my head fell in the basket,
Network Administrator | And was everyone dancing on the casket...
EmpireNET |  - TBMG, Dead

Re: OFF-TOPIC (How do you guys sort your mail?)

1998-08-19 Thread Damon Muller
Hi all,

It's actually really easy to sort mail according to mailing lists with
qmail. The linux machine I administer is RedHat, so I like to keep track
of the RedHat lists, but I don't want to actually pick them all up with

For eg, I subscribed to redhat-list with the email address
in .qmail-redhat

And likewise for a few other lists. This just creates standard mbox
format mailboxes which can be read by mailers such as mutt (and
presumably pine).

For my debain mail, I grab it all with a windoze pop email client,
which filters it all (Becky), but I guess you're not really interested
in any of that :)


Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | As my head fell in the basket,
Network Administrator | And was everyone dancing on the casket...
EmpireNET |  - TBMG, Dead

Re: Linux security

1998-08-19 Thread Kyle Amon

Clearly, you were speaking with a Junior Level individual.
Call back and ask for Second Level Support next time. :-)

- - Kyle

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was having a discussion with my ISP about Linux.  He said he uses 
 Windows NT because it is much more secure than Linux.  He stated that
 since the source code was available that it was very unsecure.  He
 mentioned something about attaining root access by downloading
 /etc/passwd and de-crypting the passwords.  He bases this on a source
 called cicia.org.  He said it reflected several cases of insecurity
 regarding Linux.  I would like to know from a more qualified source as
 to how to respond to this.  I have been using Debian for a few months
 now and thoroughly enjoy it.  Not only as an operating system, but for
 the documentation and the learning experience.  Thank you for your time
 and attention.

Kyle Amon email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unix Systems Administratorphone: (203) 486-3290
Security Specialist   pager: 1-800-759- PIN 1616512
IBM Global Services  or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  url:   http://www.gnutec.com/kyle
KeyID 1024/26DD13D9
Key fingerprint = 7D 86 D1 AE 4B E9 91 6A  4B BC B5 B4 12 F0 D3 1A

GNU does not eliminate all the world's problems, only some of them. 

- Richard Stallman
  The GNU Manifesto, 1985

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv



1998-08-19 Thread phillip Neumann

What means :

./DAP: can't load library 'libforms.so.0.88' ??

I have this file:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/X11R6/lib -- ls *forms*
libforms.alibforms.so   libforms.so.0.88

thanks, Phillip Neumann

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: Linux security

1998-08-19 Thread Sergey Imennov
I was having a discussion with my ISP about Linux.  He said he uses Windows NT 
because it is much more secure than Linux.  He stated that since the source
code was available that it was very unsecure.  He mentioned something about

That is apparently a VERY wrong statement.  Just because
the source is out, does not make the system insecure.
Open source allows programmers from around the world to
collaborate, and eliminate bugs fast.  With open source, one
has complete insurance there are no back doors, or some
other nasty things.

attaining root access by downloading /etc/passwd and de-crypting the
passwords.  He bases this on a source called cicia.org.  He said it reflected

People who do not use shadow should be shot!

In ancient versions of UNIX, passwords were indeed stored
( encrypted ) in /etc/passwd.  Shadow passwords
eliminates that.  It moves all of the encrypted files to
a file, that is readable by administrator ( root ) only.
( If root is compromised, system is doomed anyway )

In short -- it's not true.  If passwords are stored in
/etc/passwd, whoever is responsible for the system is not
worth $1/day.

several cases of insecurity regarding Linux.  I would like to know from a more

'Several cases' out of what -- 1000?  What about NT?  
Open source allows for patches to be distributed v. 
quickly, and problem is fixed before MS publicly 
admits that bug is present in their products...

qualified source as to how to respond to this.  I have been using Debian for
a few months now and thoroughly enjoy it.  Not only as an operating system,
but for the documentation and the learning experience.  

Good luck in your quest.  

I'm ready to put Linux against NT any day.  ( I'm not even
talking about day-to-day administration. )

If you want to hear more assurances from people who
actually run ISPs, e-mail debian-isp list.

Thank you for your time and attention.

No problem.


Even God cannot change the past.
 -- Joseph Stalin

Re: Linux security

1998-08-19 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was having a discussion with my ISP about Linux.  He said he uses
 Windows NT because it is much more secure than Linux.  He stated that
 since the source code was available that it was very unsecure.  He

This is known as 'security through obscurity' NT is more secure because
some smart person can't look at the source code and find a bug.

Trouble is there is a 50/50 chance of a smart person looking at linux's
source code and: 
 1 - Exploiting the bug
 2 - Reporting the bug

So it all manages to work out : With NT the people looking for bugs
generally do so with an intent to exploit.

 mentioned something about attaining root access by downloading
 /etc/passwd and de-crypting the passwords.  He bases this on a source
 called cicia.org.  He said it reflected several cases of insecurity

This is cute : No, you can't decrypt unix passwords, they use a hashing
technique, the best you can do is guess. NT uses an IDENTICAL system of
password management, save for the fact that they use MD4 hashes. If you
donwload the windows registry from an NT machine you can subject it to the
same attack.

 regarding Linux.  I would like to know from a more qualified source as
 to how to respond to this.  I have been using Debian for a few months

There is a site someplace with security holes in NT, it's quite the
impressive list and is esially comparable to the unix list (which includes
alot more software) I don't have the url unfortunately.


Re: Linux security

1998-08-19 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 : I was having a discussion with my ISP about Linux.  He said he uses
 : Windows NT because it is much more secure than Linux.  He stated that
 : since the source code was available that it was very unsecure.  He
 : mentioned something about attaining root access by downloading
 : /etc/passwd and de-crypting the passwords.  He bases this on a source
 : called cicia.org.  He said it reflected several cases of insecurity
 : regarding Linux.  I would like to know from a more qualified source
 : as to how to respond to this.  I have been using Debian for a few
 : months now and thoroughly enjoy it.  Not only as an operating system,
 : but for the documentation and the learning experience.  Thank you for
 : your time and attention. 

Uh ... boy, I sure do like NT administrators.  They make me worth more
money :)

I am by no means a Linux guru, but here's what I know:

First, the /etc/passwd file can not be decrypted.  First reason:  on
modern unices, the actual crytped passwords are kept in /etc/shadow, not
/etc/passwd.  Of course, you can disable shadow passwords, but if you do
not you now have file permissions protecting your crypted passwords.

However, let's assume someone grabs a copy of your /etc/passwd file, and
you aren't using shadow passwords.  All is not lost (yet).  See, you
can't decrypt the information stored on disk - your plaintext password
is encrypted using a one-way hash (the crypt function), and every time
you are prompted for your password your INPUT is again encrypted, and
compared to the already encrypted version stored on disk.

Given today's machines, it is possible to mount a brute force dictionary
attack against crypted passwords - I take every word I can think of and
crypt it using all 4096 salts.  If I can produce a match against one of
the password fields in your /etc/passwd file I have guessed the
password!  However, you can eliminate the success of a dictionary attack
by employing triviality checks against proposed passwords.  The Debian
password suite does implement some of these checks, though it will allow
the root user to assign any user a weak password.  The makepasswd
command can also be used to produce hard to guess passwords.

I've seen quite a few programs that will attack the Windows Registry
anbd retrieve passwords for you.  Some security.

As a non-trivial OS, Linux does of course have bugs.  So does NT.  Since
the Linux source code is readily available, it can be perused for bugs
at your leisure.  Of course, some people will use this information for
harm.  Others will use it to produce a fix, and more often then not they
propagate the fix throughout the community.  Soon, most machines are no
longer vulnerable to that security hole!

Contrast this to NT, where source code is not available.  In time,
someone will discover some scheme where NT can be crashed, or its
security m,odel compromised (remember OOB data?).  However, even if the
person discovering the bug is a conscientious person, tehy cannot fix
the bug, even for themselves!  No, you must go to Microsoft and either
retrieve a patch or hgope they write one soon (this is my gripe with
commercial unices as well).  In the meantime, you are insecure!  Not a
great option for an ISP especially.

Even if NT and Linux had similar security features and availability of
source code were not an issue, I still choose Linux because of cost of
ownership issues.  Never mind the software license costs:  have you
priced an NT based news server lately?  Or an NT based webserver?  Or
even an Exchange server?  NT places gross demands on the hardware, often
with no immediate benefit to the user (other than a pretty face).
Linux, on the other hand, can extend the life of a 486, and if given
enough RAM and disk can outperform many higher horsepower boxes running
proprietary OSes.

Having said all that, I use NT on my desktop at work - I need Lotus
Notes and I couldn't deal with Win95 crashing 3 times a day.  NT crashes
about every ten days, so that's not too bad (compared to 95).  All of my
servers do run Linux, and with the exception of two machines (one with
flaky hardware; the other with a hodge-podge of add-on software anbd
kludged scripts) they are rock solid - they never crash.

Hmm - I just noticed you asked for a qualified source - that's not me :)
Point him to on of the O'Reilly books on Internet security.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.midco.net
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: Linux security

1998-08-19 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 11:46:43AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was having a discussion with my ISP about Linux.  He said he uses 
 Windows NT because it is much more secure than Linux.  He stated that 
 since the source code was available that it was very unsecure.  He mentioned 
 something about attaining root access by downloading /etc/passwd and 
 de-crypting the passwords.  He bases this on a source called cicia.org.  
 He said it reflected several cases of insecurity regarding Linux.  
 I would like to know from a more qualified source as to how to respond 
 to this.  I have been using Debian for a few months now and thoroughly 
 enjoy it.  Not only as an operating system, but for the documentation 
 and the learning experience.  Thank you for your time and attention.

I am no security expert but...I have been reading BUGTRAQ and have some
understanding of security issuesbut here is what I have to say.

First The only computer system that is truely secure is one whith all
of the cords pulled out (ESPECIALLY POWER) locked in a thick steel safe
and dropped to the bottom of the ocean

The opion I have seen expressed form most security experts is that
opensource tends to make thing sMORE SECURE. The reason is that people
are able to read the source and find the problems...this allows them
to be identified and fixed.

NT not having open source meerly hides its vulnerabilities...and a hidden
vulnerability is a ticking time bomb!

ALso...personal experiance...
At work we are a Microsoft shop...we had an NT machine where the admin password
was lost. We were able to brute force the admin password in about 2 hours!
In fact...the entire keyspace of the NT passwords can be searched
in under 3 days on a modest desktop computer.

This was with physical acess...to prove th epoint a co-worker then used
his system to brute force another persons password...by pasively grabbing the 
password hash then brute forcing it...with NO physical acess to the NT machine
wa sjust on the network

As for his claims about Unix passwords...
1) Unix passwords are hashed NOT encrypted. This means that there is no magic
that can give you the password if you know the right keys
To get a unix password this way you must take possible passwords
and hash them and test the hash against the original hash...
this can be a dictionary attack (using a word list for weak word-based
passwords) or brute force (trying every possible password from 
a to  ) This WILL takew you allot longer than 3 days ;) 

2) With shadow passwords the password hashes are hidden...only root can read
them. Here is the difference:
old style:

root:JKzdgcbnwej:0:0:Info Field:/bin/bash
 ^^^ password hash used in cracking

shadow (this is actually from the password file on MY system..cut and paste:

root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash ^

The hash is stored in /etc/shadow...which is NOT readable by anyone but root.
This is a fairly standard security setup.

To get back to open source...
Often on Bugtraq I will see someone with a report saying 
There is a insert hole type in insert program name. The following is
the source code for how to exploit it...insert exploit code and here
is a patch to fix the problem: insert patch

and with NT vulnerabilities...
There is an exploit in this...here is how to exploit it
(14 days later)
Microsoft has releaces a patch...

See a difference? see the advantage of Open Source?

Note: i mean Open SOurce not free software... any program where source is
available a patch like this can be made... even if its not free ..this is
completely impossible with NT (unless you are into disassembly)


/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux

Description: PGP signature

Re: Little/Big endian discussion (was: Re: can I burn the output of mpg123 -s?)

1998-08-19 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Wed, Aug 19, 1998 at 10:54:52AM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 08:46:20AM -0400, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
  currently xfstt bombs out if it gets a connection of a differnt 
  endianess than the system it is on...I have been meaning to fix that but
  maybe the PowerPC may have an easier fix...
  nah...ill just look into fixing it right
 Ouch.. use htons(), htonl(), ntohs(), ntohl() to convert; you don't
 have to know what endianness the machine is you're using, you rely
 on libc knowing and implementing those functions appropriately.

thats the problem...
htons et al are empty functions on big-endian systems and thge situation
actually requires they perform the swap because in this case endian-ness
matters and sending it in Network order is NOT apropriate unless
Network Order is the same as host order on the client.

see teh problem?
if the other side doesn't ntoh the data then it doesn't work ;)


/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux

Description: PGP signature

Re: Linux security

1998-08-19 Thread George R
On 08/18/98 at 11:46 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

I was having a discussion with my ISP about Linux.  He said he uses
Windows NT because it is much more secure than Linux.  He stated that
since the source code was available that it was very unsecure.  He
mentioned something about attaining root access by downloading
/etc/passwd and de-crypting the passwords.  He bases this on a source
called cicia.org.  He said it reflected several cases of insecurity
regarding Linux.  I would like to know from a more qualified source as
to how to respond to this.  I have been using Debian for a few months
now and thoroughly enjoy it.  Not only as an operating system, but for
the documentation and the learning experience.  Thank you for your time
and attention.

I know you are talking about NT vs Linux; but does anyone know how well
Win95 password protection works?  It doesn't the morons made the default
configuration one where all the invader has to do is hit the ESC key to
by pass the login.  What is the _first_ thing some lacking in skill
vandal would do upon seeing a login screen?  I can't get in here. 
Better get rid of the evidence as he hits the ESC key.

Any company that makes that configuration the default isn't capable of
making a secure OS.  It is beyond there mental ability.  BTW, this is
still the default for Win95 OSR2.  Even better, there is no obvious way
to change the default and the change takes some involved steps.


Re: Linux security

1998-08-19 Thread detre

In my experiance the only thing that happens when you press escape at the
login screen is some machines on the network won't be visable/accesable
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, George R wrote:

 On 08/18/98 at 11:46 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 I was having a discussion with my ISP about Linux.  He said he uses
 Windows NT because it is much more secure than Linux.  He stated that
 since the source code was available that it was very unsecure.  He
 mentioned something about attaining root access by downloading
 /etc/passwd and de-crypting the passwords.  He bases this on a source
 called cicia.org.  He said it reflected several cases of insecurity
 regarding Linux.  I would like to know from a more qualified source as
 to how to respond to this.  I have been using Debian for a few months
 now and thoroughly enjoy it.  Not only as an operating system, but for
 the documentation and the learning experience.  Thank you for your time
 and attention.
 I know you are talking about NT vs Linux; but does anyone know how well
 Win95 password protection works?  It doesn't the morons made the default
 configuration one where all the invader has to do is hit the ESC key to
 by pass the login.  What is the _first_ thing some lacking in skill
 vandal would do upon seeing a login screen?  I can't get in here. 
 Better get rid of the evidence as he hits the ESC key.
 Any company that makes that configuration the default isn't capable of
 making a secure OS.  It is beyond there mental ability.  BTW, this is
 still the default for Win95 OSR2.  Even better, there is no obvious way
 to change the default and the change takes some involved steps.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Linux security

1998-08-19 Thread George R
On 08/18/98 at 11:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, George R wrote:

 I know you are talking about NT vs Linux; but does anyone know how well
 Win95 password protection works?  It doesn't the morons made the default
 configuration one where all the invader has to do is hit the ESC key to
 by pass the login.  What is the _first_ thing some lacking in skill
 vandal would do upon seeing a login screen?  I can't get in here. 
 Better get rid of the evidence as he hits the ESC key.
 Any company that makes that configuration the default isn't capable of
 making a secure OS.  It is beyond there mental ability.  BTW, this is
 still the default for Win95 OSR2.  Even better, there is no obvious way
 to change the default and the change takes some involved steps.

In my experiance the only thing that happens when you press escape at
the login screen is some machines on the network won't be

I haven't tried it on a networked Win95 box.  That is a real scarry
result, bypass MS non-security and get limited network access.  I
_really_ don't want to depend on security in a MS OS now.

Why bother with security like this?


Re: Linux security

1998-08-19 Thread Steve Lamb
On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 09:43:13PM -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 However, let's assume someone grabs a copy of your /etc/passwd file, and
 you aren't using shadow passwords.  All is not lost (yet).  See, you
 can't decrypt the information stored on disk - your plaintext password
 is encrypted using a one-way hash (the crypt function), and every time
 you are prompted for your password your INPUT is again encrypted, and
 compared to the already encrypted version stored on disk.

I thought what happened was that the password entered is used to encrypt
a string of 0's and the encoded (not encrypted) password is also used to
encrypt the same string of 0's and if they match the password is correct.

 Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my
http://www.calweb.com/~morpheus| employer's.  They hired me for my
CC: from news not wanted or appreciated| skills and labor, not my opinions!

Re: Linux security

1998-08-19 Thread Kent West
At 11:22 PM 8/18/1998 +, you wrote:
On 08/18/98 at 11:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, George R wrote:

 I know you are talking about NT vs Linux; but does anyone know how well
 Win95 password protection works?  It doesn't the morons made the default
 configuration one where all the invader has to do is hit the ESC key to
 by pass the login.  What is the _first_ thing some lacking in skill
 vandal would do upon seeing a login screen?  I can't get in here. 
 Better get rid of the evidence as he hits the ESC key.
 Any company that makes that configuration the default isn't capable of
 making a secure OS.  It is beyond there mental ability.  BTW, this is
 still the default for Win95 OSR2.  Even better, there is no obvious way
 to change the default and the change takes some involved steps.

In my experiance the only thing that happens when you press escape at
the login screen is some machines on the network won't be

I haven't tried it on a networked Win95 box.  That is a real scarry
result, bypass MS non-security and get limited network access.  I
_really_ don't want to depend on security in a MS OS now.

Why bother with security like this?


Here on our university campus we tried putting a bunch of Win95 boxes in
our several labs. It didn't take long to discover that that was not going
to work. So the following year we converted to NT WS. I'm not really part
of that side of things, so I'm not sure how things are working now, but as
soon as I get more literate in Linux, I'll be pushing wherever I can to get
away from the MS mentality.
Kent West   | Technology Support/   
Abilene Christian University| Voice: 915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724
ACU Station, Box 29005  | E-MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Abilene, TX  79699-9005 | Ham:KC5ENO, General   |

Re: Linux security

1998-08-19 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 11:22:37PM +, George R wrote:
 On 08/18/98 at 11:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, George R wrote:
  I know you are talking about NT vs Linux; but does anyone know how well
  Win95 password protection works?  It doesn't the morons made the default
  configuration one where all the invader has to do is hit the ESC key to
  by pass the login.  What is the _first_ thing some lacking in skill
  vandal would do upon seeing a login screen?  I can't get in here. 
  Better get rid of the evidence as he hits the ESC key.
  Any company that makes that configuration the default isn't capable of
  making a secure OS.  It is beyond there mental ability.  BTW, this is
  still the default for Win95 OSR2.  Even better, there is no obvious way
  to change the default and the change takes some involved steps.
 In my experiance the only thing that happens when you press escape at
 the login screen is some machines on the network won't be
 I haven't tried it on a networked Win95 box.  That is a real scarry
 result, bypass MS non-security and get limited network access.  I
 _really_ don't want to depend on security in a MS OS now.
 Why bother with security like this?

At work we have a setup like this...it requires that you log in
to even use the computer.
If you hit cancel (or esc) it denies acess...but...
hit alt-esc and presto
the login screen is still there but the task manager comes up...
then you merrily goto file-run
and run explorerbang...startr menu...works...fully acessable
and to add insult to injury... the login screen is STILL THERE 
waitin gfor you to login while you do your nasty deeds 

(of course even without thois/...as a demonstration
we captured and brute forced someone s password in under a day)
/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux

Description: PGP signature

Re: Linux security

1998-08-19 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Steve Lamb wrote:

 : On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 09:43:13PM -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 :  However, let's assume someone grabs a copy of your /etc/passwd file, and
 :  you aren't using shadow passwords.  All is not lost (yet).  See, you
 :  can't decrypt the information stored on disk - your plaintext password
 :  is encrypted using a one-way hash (the crypt function), and every time
 :  you are prompted for your password your INPUT is again encrypted, and
 :  compared to the already encrypted version stored on disk.
 : I thought what happened was that the password entered is used to encrypt
 : a string of 0's and the encoded (not encrypted) password is also used to
 : encrypt the same string of 0's and if they match the password is correct.

No.  The first two characters of the Encrypted password field are the
salt; the plaintext password collected from loogin or wherever is
crypted using that salt, and the result compared to the entire field.

The Perl Camel book has a function which demonstrates a simple
implementation of this system.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.midco.net
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: Linux security

1998-08-19 Thread Steve Lamb
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998 23:27:40 -0500 (CDT), Nathan E Norman wrote:

No.  The first two characters of the Encrypted password field are the
salt; the plaintext password collected from loogin or wherever is
crypted using that salt, and the result compared to the entire field.

Hrm, guess things have changed since the other nutshell book was printed.

 Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my
http://www.calweb.com/~morpheus| employer's.  They hired me for my
 ICQ: 5107343  | skills and labor, not my opinions!

Re: New Debian user needs help: Problems about partitioning, booting from harddisk, etc.

1998-08-19 Thread Ed Cogburn
Huang Yan wrote:
 I've just downloaded and installed Debian, the following problems were 
 1. My PC have 2 harddisks and 1 CD-ROM:
Primary IDE Master:  4.3G (hda), LBA MODE
Primary IDE Slave:   NONE
Secondary IDE Master:SONY CD-ROM(CDU611)
Secondary IDE Slave: 2.1G (hdd), LBA MODE
 I installed Windows95 osr2 on hda first and then installed Debian on hdd from 
 drive c. The installation of Debian seemed to be successful(except before 
 LILO was installed, it's said that Debian would try to boot from my 
 secondary harddisk but perhaps my CMOS doesn't support it), but after reboot 
 Debian failed to boot from hdd. And I noticed that the size of my secondary 
 harddisk(2.1G) in CMOS Setup Menu had been set to 528MB. How to explain this 
 and how can Debian boot from my secondary harddisk? Should I set the 
 harddisk mode from LBA to NORMAL before installing Debian?

First, it sounds like you have an old? bios, if it reports 528m instead
of 2.1g.  I would double-check that; maybe cmos isn't setup correctly.
Look in /etc/lilo.conf and see if it has 'boot=/dev/hda'.  Since your
machine aparently can't boot from hdd in your setup, try having lilo
occupy the master boot record on the primary hard drive.  Of course,
don't change the root line which should still specify hdd1 as where
linux is.
LBA is not a problem, and shouldn't be for you unless you have a real
old bios.  Linux is quite happy with my 4g hard drive in LBA mode.

 2. What's the difference between primary partition and logical partition in 
 Linux?  Which should I select when I partition my harddisk for Debian?

logical parts are a creation of DOS/Win world.  Linux works with both
types.  If you can, avoid using logical partitions.  Since you have only
one DOS/Win partition, there should be no need for a logical partition.

 A lot of thanks!!

Ed C.

Re: [ale] SB16 PnP Problems

1998-08-19 Thread Ed Cogburn
 Benjamin Dixon writes:
  I've never been able to get my SB16 ViBra Pnp to work. Using sndconfig I
  alaways get dsp reset failed. I'm pretty certain my isapnp.conf file is
  set up correctly as I see information pertaining to it just before I see
  the sound driver loading. When I try to play a sound I get a device busy
  error. Anyone know whats going on? Dejanews had nada.
 Does the sound.o (sound module of the kernel) match the settings of
 isapnp.conf? If the IRQ, BASE address, etc. are not consistant between the
 kernel, DOS/windowss. and isapnp.conf , you can have problems. Second thing,
 did you install the NAS package? It conflicts with stand-alone audio packages.

Show us what the output of 'cat /dev/sndstat' is.

Ed C.

Re: Almost there. . .HELP

1998-08-19 Thread Ed Cogburn
 I was able to ping as ftp.debian.org but when I run dselect,
 choose ftp access enter as address, select anonymous login,
 the default directories and no proxies, I get the following:
 Using FTP to check directories. . .(stop with cntrlC)
 Connecting to . .
 Login as anonymous. . .
 Setting transfer mode to binary. . .
 Cd to '/debian'. . .
 Checking dists/stable/main/binary-i386. . .FTP ERROR - Can't call method
 _close without a package or object reference at /usr/lib/perl5/Net/FTP.pm
 line 689, STDIN chunk 8.
 query/setup script returned error exit status 1.
 Press RETURN to continue.
 It seems I am connecting O.K. but something seems to fail part way. I've
 tried this several times tonight and I keep getting the same fail in the
 same spot.
 I'm clueless,. . . how about you?
 I'm probably doing something really stupid, but, I know nothing about this
 network stuff, I only need the connection long enough to finish installing
 Then I'll be happy : 
  John Gay

01:46am ~$ dpkg -S /usr/lib/perl5/Net/FTP.pm 
libnet-perl: /usr/lib/perl5/Net/FTP.pm

Do you have the libnet-perl package installed?

You really would be better off with apt.  Get apt from slink, and
install it.  Then you can use it by the command line, or from within
dselect as a special 'access' method (right after ftp in the list).

Ed C.

Encrypt files?

1998-08-19 Thread Hank Fay
Using SMB (or not, although accessing through Samba is the primary
interest), is it possible to have the files encrypted with on-the-fly



Passwd Encryption (Re: Linux security)

1998-08-19 Thread Chris
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Steve Lamb wrote:

 On Tue, 18 Aug 1998 23:27:40 -0500 (CDT), Nathan E Norman wrote:
 No.  The first two characters of the Encrypted password field are the
 salt; the plaintext password collected from loogin or wherever is
 crypted using that salt, and the result compared to the entire field.
 Hrm, guess things have changed since the other nutshell book was printed.

An extract from the crypt(3) man page:

   crypt is the password encryption function.  It is based on
   the Data Encryption  Standard  algorithm  with  variations
   intended  (among  other things) to discourage use of hard?
   ware implementations of a key search.

   key is a user's typed password.

   salt  is  a  two-character  string  chosen  from  the  set
   [a-zA-Z0-9./].   This  string is used to perturb the algo?
   rithm in one of 4096 different ways.

   By taking the lowest 7 bit of each character of the key, a
   56-bit  key  is  obtained.   This  56-bit  key  is used to
   encrypt repeatedly a constant  string  (usually  a  string
   consisting  of  all  zeros).  The returned value points to
   the encrypted password, a series  of  13  printable  ASCII
   characters  (the  first  two characters represent the salt
   itself).  The return value points  to  static  data  whose
   content is overwritten by each call.


  Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!
Reply with subject 'key' for PGP public key.  KeyID A9E087D5

Re: Linux and Security

1998-08-19 Thread Michael Beattie

After thinking about the crypt function, salts, etc... would it not be
possible to do this:

1) obtain the source for the crypt function.

2) obtain by whatever method, the hashed/encrypted/whatever password from

3) reverse the technique in the crypt function, then apply that to the
string obtained from /etc/shadow using salt #1

4) repeat step 3 for each of the 4096 (??) salts.

would that leave you with 4096 possible passwords to try at login? maybe
use a telnet script of some kind somehow?

The above is only an Idea I thought of on the toilet (of all places..
sheesh). would it work?

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Klingons opened fire.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: OFF-TOPIC (How do you guys sort your mail?)

1998-08-19 Thread Manoj Srivastava

__ dpkg -s mailagent
Package: mailagent
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: mail
Installed-Size: 1140
Maintainer: Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 3.63-1
Depends: libc6, perl, sendmail | smail | mail-transport-agent
Description: An automatic mail-processing tool
 Mailagent allows you to process your mail automatically. This has
 far more functionality than procmail, and is easier to configure
 (providing, of course, that you grok perl). As a mail processing
 tool, this slices, it dices, it ...
 Given a set of lex-like rules, you are able to file mails to specific
 folders (plain Unix-style folders and also MMDF and MH ones), forward
 messages to a third person, pipe a message to a command or even post
 the message to a newsgroup.
 It is also possible to process messages containing some commands.
 You may also set up a vacation program, which will automatically
 answer your mail while you are not there, but more flexibly than the
 Unix command of the same name. You only need to supply a message to
 be sent and the frequency at which this will occur. Some simple macro
 substitutions allow you to re-use some parts of the mail header into
 your vacation message, for a more personalized reply.
 You may also set up a generic mail server, without the hassle of the
 lower-level concerns like error recovery, logging or command parsing.
 The mailagent is not usually invoked manually but is rather called
 via the filter program, which is in turn invoked by sendmail. That
 means you must have sendmail/smail on your system to use this. You
 also must have perl to run the mailagent scripts.
 It is possible to extend the mailagent filtering commands by
 implementing them in perl and then having them automagically loaded
 when used.

 The degree of technical confidence is inversely proportional to the
 level of management.
Manoj Srivastava  [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

Re: Apt how, why, where

1998-08-19 Thread Ed Cogburn
Mark Panzer wrote:
 Apt is supposed to be a better replacement for dselect/dpkg right?  Can
 you install it on a HAMM system, and if so how?  I guess I kinda got
 left behind on the Apt thing.  Does Apt use the same .deb's as dselect?
 Also what is the proper way to compile and install a kernel in debian?
 I've heard make kpkg instead of make zlilo and other makeables.  Sorry
 for all the questions. Thanks.
 Mark Panzer
Apt is a replacement for dselect, not dpkg.  It is front-end to dpkg,
so the '.deb' packaging scheme is the same.  It currently has only a
command-line interface.  However it also installs itself as a 'access'
method under dselect.  dselect/apt is better than dselect/ftp.
'make-kpkg' is supposed to be the Debian Way(TM), although, being lazy,
I still go the old zlilo/zImage route.

Ed C.

Re: Linux and Security

1998-08-19 Thread Michael Beattie
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, George Bonser wrote:

 On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, Michael Beattie wrote:
  2) obtain by whatever method, the hashed/encrypted/whatever password from
 Stop right there. Since /etc/shadow is readable only by root, if you can
 access the file, you must be root  right? If you are root, you do not
 NEED a password to access a user's account. You can just become that user.
 You can also create your own user accounts. You can also change the root
 and user passwords or delete the passwords.
 In other words ... the whole point is to protect root and keep /etc/shadow
 readable only by root. If you can read the shadow file, you don't need it.

Okay, true, but it was more of a feasability question, if you can get the
string, is it possible to use the following method to decrypt it??

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Samba and win98

1998-08-19 Thread Michael Beattie

I have just stumbled across an annoying little problem. A friend and I
have a network between our PC's, and when I mount his smbfs shares, I get
really screwy file listings. when there is 700 files or something (windows
dir.. :) ) it comes out showing me 64, 128 etc... it changes
intermitently. Anyone got an idea as to wtf is going on?


   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  WinErr: 007 System price error - Inadequate money spent on hardware
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Libforms?

1998-08-19 Thread jdassen
On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 07:27:57PM -0700, phillip Neumann wrote:
 What means :
 ./DAP: can't load library 'libforms.so.0.88' ??

It means ./DAP is linked against the library libforms.so.0.88 which
cannot be found by the dynamic loader. Install the libforms0.88 package
from the non-free section of the archives and try again.

LEADERSHIP  A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with auto-
destructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it comes to the crunch 
it'll be someone else's bones which go crack and not their own.   
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan

Re: Linux and Security

1998-08-19 Thread Joey Hess
George Bonser wrote:
 On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, Michael Beattie wrote:
  Okay, true, but it was more of a feasability question, if you can get the
  string, is it possible to use the following method to decrypt it??
 Sure ... the login program has to decrypt it, doesn't it? You can
 cut/paste passwd entries between linux systems ... the encrypted password
 is not system-specific.

No, it's not reversable. There is no way to get the original password from
the data in the shadow password file.

Login simply takes the password the user enters, encrypts it using crypt(), 
and compares it with that's in the password file. No decryption is done.

see shy jo

Re: Samba and win98

1998-08-19 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:

I have just stumbled across an annoying little problem. A friend and I
have a network between our PC's, and when I mount his smbfs shares, I get
really screwy file listings. when there is 700 files or something (windows
dir.. :) ) it comes out showing me 64, 128 etc... it changes
intermitently. Anyone got an idea as to wtf is going on?

What kernel version are you using? You can find out by typing in
uname -a.

I have had problems using 2.1.109 accessing a Win98 computer, as I often
get errors: Too many open files (or something similar). I am not sure
if this is becuase of Linux or Win98.

Re: Linux and Security

1998-08-19 Thread Manoj Srivastava
Michael == Michael Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Michael After thinking about the crypt function, salts, etc... would
 Michael it not be possible to do this:

 Michael 1) obtain the source for the crypt function.
 Michael 2) obtain by whatever method, the hashed/encrypted/whatever
 Michaelpassword from /etc/shadow.

That means you are root on the machine.

 Michael 3) reverse the technique in the crypt function, then apply
 Michaelthat to the string obtained from /etc/shadow using salt #1

Yup. You shall then have accomplished something that noone
 else has, so far. You probably shall then command large salaries as
 several corporations and government agencies vie for you talents ;-) 

 Michael 4) repeat step 3 for each of the 4096 (??) salts.

Why? You already know what the salt is, if you have read
 /etc/shadow. And if you can reverse crypt; you have the password. 

 Michael would that leave you with 4096 possible passwords to try at
 Michael login? maybe use a telnet script of some kind somehow?

Does your telent allow you to keep trying passwords ad
 infinitum? Does it not close connections after a fixed number of

 Practice is the best of all instructors. Publilius
Manoj Srivastava  [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

Re: Apt how, why, where

1998-08-19 Thread Manoj Srivastava
Ed == Ed Cogburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Ed'make-kpkg' is supposed to be the Debian Way(TM), although, being lazy,
 Ed I still go the old zlilo/zImage route.

That is surprising; make-kpkg has been designed for the truly
 lazy ;-)

These are really the steps I take (one is supposed to read the
 docs, but since I wrote 'em, I skip that step ;-)

 For the Brave and the impatient:
1% cd kernel source tree
2% make config   # or make menuconfig or make xconfig and configure
3% make-kpkg clean
4% fakeroot make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image 
5# dpkg -i ../kernel-image-X.XXX_1.0_arch.deb
6# shutdown -r now # If and only if LILO worked or you have a means of
   # booting the new kernel. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

 With the addition of fakeroot ( a really nice program, I recommend
 it) Steps 1 to 4 can be carried out as a non root user. Step 5 does
 require root privileges. 

 You can't depend on your judgment when your imagination is out of
 focus. Mark Twain
Manoj Srivastava  [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

Re: HELP! emufs doesn't work with FreeDos under dosemu in Debian

1998-08-19 Thread Michele Bini

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:

 On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Michele Bini wrote:
  On Sun, 16 Aug 1998, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
   Hi All!
   I just had to run some DO$ software on my Linux Box (exactly: the monitor
   for DSP56002EVM evaluation module and DSP56002 assembler). I have decided
   to install the dosemu. To keep my box M$-free I wanted to use the FreeDOS
  I experienced the same your problem (I was not able to access the linux
  fs using lredir), and solved it using Open DOS from
 I used the M$ DOS (which I have bought with my computer, because it is
 very difficult to buy a computer in Poland without included M$ additions).
 However I think, that we should report this problem as a bug to the
 FreeDos team. May be they simply don't know about it...
   Wojtek Zabolotny

Re: refocus photo?

1998-08-19 Thread Michele Bini

On Sun, 16 Aug 1998, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 14, 1998 at 10:59:44PM +0200, Joost Witteveen wrote:
  I've got (at least) one photo taken while the camera was moving.
 Only one? :)
  I'd really like to get rid of the vageness caused by this motion.
 Mmmh. I doubt that this is possible... but I'd like to be proofed
 Actually, missing sharpness is lost information. How can this information be
 regained? OTOH, maybe there are acceptable solutions for certain types of
No software can bring back lost information.
However it is possible to enphasize the edges of an image 'refocusing' it
a little.
In GIMP you could use the 'enhance' filter.

Re: Formatting a file with mkfs.msdos

1998-08-19 Thread Brian May
My problem is I want to get the FAT formatting onto a file (disk image
may be a better word) that is 20Mb large so I can mount it under DOSEMU.  Why
do it that way, you ask?  Simple, I don't have any room on my current HDs to
make a real DOS partition and by doing it this way I can delete it later on
down the road.  The problem is, mkfs.msdos (or mkfs -t fat) cannot find the
geometry of the drive (file) even when it is hooked up through a loopback

If you can't tell mkfs.msdos the disk geometry of the disk (actually
disk image), then I would file this as a bug (or wish list item)
against the package which contains mkfs.msdos

(Does the FAT filesystem even depend on the disk geometry? I didn't
think it did, but I could be mistaken...)

Re: boot from an extended partition?

1998-08-19 Thread Michele Bini
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Paul Miller wrote:
 Can Linux boot from an extended partition if I use a program such as
 System Commander?
If System Commander is as powerful as LILO, it should be possible.


Re: Linuxmusicface=2

1998-08-19 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, phillip Neumann wrote:

 Linux isn't the crap, you should be refering to the lack of
 applications that exist.  If you need one so bad you should start a
 project to create one, join debian-devel., learn C, etc... That's how
 the Linux/GNU thing works, everyone pitches in.  If you don't like it
 improve it!
 Mark Panzer
 Well, your right. The Linux isnot crap. But for people that only use 
 computer only for music, they dont see any app for music and so , for 
 them, linux is crap. 
 Fortunatly im not not one of these. And this situation is good for me. I 
 can `kill 2 bird on one shot': i can learn programing without going away 
 from my hobby...

With a little searching, you can find several versatile sound/music
packages (see URLs sent by people yesterday) - if you find one of those
that does almost what you want, then it's probably more productive to use
the source for that as a basis rather than starting from scratch.



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support


1998-08-19 Thread M.C. Vernon

 [this is cross posted to the user list, as I want to get some of our kind
 users to help with the FAQ-O-MATIC. The idea is that it is their FAQ.
 Please snip the CC list as appropriate]

(and so some of us get it twice? :) )
 I think we should get the users to use the fom. it is their FAQ, if they
 want it. Any users around here who want to see this, too?

Part of the problem, I think, is that it isn't publicised, and so few
people know how to submit things to it - but yes it is a good idea - and
could avoid embarassment when you forget something obvious ;)


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Apt how, why, where

1998-08-19 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
Manoj wrote:
   These are really the steps I take (one is supposed to read the
  docs, but since I wrote 'em, I skip that step ;-)
  For the Brave and the impatient:
 1% cd kernel source tree
 2% make config   # or make menuconfig or make xconfig and configure
 3% make-kpkg clean
 4% fakeroot make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image 
 5# dpkg -i ../kernel-image-X.XXX_1.0_arch.deb
 6# shutdown -r now # If and only if LILO worked or you have a means of
# booting the new kernel. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
  With the addition of fakeroot ( a really nice program, I recommend
  it) Steps 1 to 4 can be carried out as a non root user. Step 5 does
  require root privileges. 

Being lazy myself, I have a feature request on behalf of all the (lazy)
loadlin users.  Would it be possible to have the newly created
kernel-image package offer the option of copying the kernel to the
place loadlin expects it in your setup?  I would figure that
kernel-package_...deb could ask if there is a standard
`loadlin-kernel-directory', and store that in its configuration files.
Of course it should rename old kernels using some intelligent renaming
scheme (vmlinuz.1, vmlinuz.2, ...).


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

format a floppy ?

1998-08-19 Thread fantomas
as i upgraded from bo to hamm (and on other machine I installed directly
hamm), I miss the fdformat command... where's that gone ?
 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at NETLAB+ Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of netlab.irc.sk; co-admin of irc.felk.cvut.cz

Re: Problem with KDE

1998-08-19 Thread schulte
According to Stefan Stefan:
 I have a problem with KDE an I try to describe it so exactly as 
 I have installed on my Debian Linux 1.3.1 the .deb packets from 
 ftp.kde.org.  These  packets were:
 I could install this packets without any error.
 To do this I used the following packets.

  [ some lines omitted ]

 If I enter startx starts the Kpanal and the blue Desktop Background 
 But on the Desktop were no icons (f. g. trash, autostart, ...,)
 I can click around in the KPanal Menu, but I can not start a program 
 with it.
 If I tipp kfm into a xtreme window, appears the kfm and the symbols on 
 the desktop for some seconds.

According to my memory: You have to install the *-dev version for one 
of the above KDE libraries (kdesupport0g, kdelibs0g, don't remeber 
exactly which). If not, you are missing some important icons. This is
a packaging bug, of course.

 Please help.

Hope it helps.

Mfg  K.-W. Schulte

Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Schulte
Bergische Universitaet-GH/HRZ (Computing Center)
Gaussstr. 20
D-42097 Wuppertal (Germany)
Tel. +49-202-4392807, Fax +49-202-4392910

Re: Sound Problems

1998-08-19 Thread Lars Steinke
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Jens Ch. Lisner wrote:

 I am really confused about this.

Well, have you tried using a mixer to figure out where the noise
originates from, e.g. MIC IN or so ?

   /(__  __|\  Lars Steinke, Research Student @
  (\/  __)_www.fmf.uni-freiburg.de, Germany
   )   (_  /   for PGP PKey and WWW-Page finger

Re: Can apt-get do proxy-http req?

1998-08-19 Thread Tony Crawford
On 18 Aug 98 at 9:01, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

 Set http_proxy to point to your proxy server, ie
 export http_proxy=;
 The sources.list man page explains this.

Thanks!  I'm trying this now.  (BTW the information on apt 
in the bottom half of the dselect access methods screen refers 
to the man page for source.list, apparently a typo!)


Tony Crawford
Phone: +49-3341-30 99 99
Fax:   +49-3341-30 99 98

non-interactive ispell

1998-08-19 Thread Martin Schulze

is it possible to let ispell find all words that it doesn't understand
store in a file?  When checking a long text one can't concentrate by
all these words that ispell doesn't know.

Something like would be appreciated

ispell -option file  wrong-spellings
ispell file |some-fitler  wrong-spellings



All language designers are arrogant.  Goes with the territory...
-- Larry Wall

Re: Linux and Security

1998-08-19 Thread Michael Beattie
On 19 Aug 1998, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

 Michael == Michael Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Michael After thinking about the crypt function, salts, etc... would
  Michael it not be possible to do this:
  Michael 1) obtain the source for the crypt function.
  Michael 2) obtain by whatever method, the hashed/encrypted/whatever
  Michaelpassword from /etc/shadow.
   That means you are root on the machine.

It was more of a by whatever means possible scenario.

  Michael 3) reverse the technique in the crypt function, then apply
  Michaelthat to the string obtained from /etc/shadow using salt #1
   Yup. You shall then have accomplished something that noone
  else has, so far. You probably shall then command large salaries as
  several corporations and government agencies vie for you talents ;-) 

Great :) --  -

  Michael 4) repeat step 3 for each of the 4096 (??) salts.
   Why? You already know what the salt is, if you have read
  /etc/shadow. And if you can reverse crypt; you have the password. 

Ooops.. forgot the salt is right under yer nose.

  Michael would that leave you with 4096 possible passwords to try at
  Michael login? maybe use a telnet script of some kind somehow?
   Does your telent allow you to keep trying passwords ad
  infinitum? Does it not close connections after a fixed number of

um, reconnect maybe? yeah, I know, my box is set to 5 attempts.. or is it
3? heh.. cant remember.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
 WinErr: 003 Dynamic linking error - Your mistake is now in every file
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Sound Problems

1998-08-19 Thread Jens Ch. Lisner

On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, Lars Steinke wrote:

 On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Jens Ch. Lisner wrote:
  I am really confused about this.
 Well, have you tried using a mixer to figure out where the noise
 originates from, e.g. MIC IN or so ?
Yes, you are right! The bass volume seemed to be too high. Thanx for the


Re: Yet another WindowMaker question...

1998-08-19 Thread Waldemar Żurowski
Marcelo E. Magallon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Debian Apps OPEN_MENU menu.hook

Yes - that's exactly what I wanted to get. Thank You a lot.

 e) Optionally, if you want to add your own items to the Debian Apps menu,
create files in /etc/menu/ for the items you want there. (And read the
menu documentation -- you have menu installed, don't you?)

Well - its silly, but I still don't get how each user can customize
Debian Apps using menu - I know that it is possible to overwrite
some menu entry in ~/.menu (or ~/.menus) but I still don't know how to
_add_ some new menu entry :(


Re: modprobe

1998-08-19 Thread Jens Ritter
count zero [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  hi to all,
  when i boot up my linux debian 2.0 i find this message
  modprobe: can't locate module char-major-10
  does anyone know what to do to eliminate this annoying message ?
  i don't know what is this module for .

edit /etc/conf.modules


KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
This is the difference: Unix is an OS with tradition, the other are
 illogical from scratch.
-- free translation from Anselm Lignau's comment in

Re: non-interactive ispell

1998-08-19 Thread Martin Schulze
Sorry to quote myself but suddenly Ray got the answer.

Martin Schulze wrote:
 is it possible to let ispell find all words that it doesn't understand
 store in a file?  When checking a long text one can't concentrate by
 all these words that ispell doesn't know.

The program spell from the spell package does exactly this.

One disadvantage though: it doesn't know how to use LaTeX encoded

Since I'm in Germany and have to write in German partially
I'd like to check german texts.  Any hint how I should encode
umlauts?  Ascii, Iso, HTML and LaTeX are no problems...



All language designers are arrogant.  Goes with the territory...
-- Larry Wall

Re: Samba and win98

1998-08-19 Thread peloy
Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What kernel version are you using? You can find out by typing in
 uname -a.
 I have had problems using 2.1.109 accessing a Win98 computer, as I often
 get errors: Too many open files (or something similar). I am not sure
 if this is becuase of Linux or Win98.

Uhh, this was with Samba (the smbd daemon) or with smbmount-2.1.x?
I've seen the Too many open files or something like that when using
smbmount with Windows 95 clients, but have never seen the message with


new Official 2.0 CD's?

1998-08-19 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)

I have an image of the debian 2.0 cd's called `binary-i386.raw', with
md5sum 726e6e06379b4bb33a1726c00f2828d6.  This matches the md5sum that
was in the MD5SUMS file that I got from the same source.  Now I find
that the md5sum listed for binary-i386.raw on several mirror sites has
the md5sum e25491474227b42f61e4185201f4120b listed.  Is this a newer
version?  Wouldn't it be nice to inform people about the creation date
of the image?

I came across two problems using the first image in a fresh install:

- I could not get the installation to write the configured kernel to a
floppy (I don't use LILO).  After formatting the floppy, the program
announced that the floppy was bad.  I got around this, using the rescue
disk kernel and later compiling my own, and later the very same floppy
proved perfectly ok for holding the kernel.  Any comments?

- The installation of xserver-something_...deb packages screwed up, due
to an error in the preinst script.  I downloaded a newer version
(xserver-mach64_3.3.2.2-4.deb), and this installed ok, but I ended up
with the XF86-VGA16 server installed.  I think this happened at least to
one other person on the list, who reported (s)he could not get a depth
greater than 4.  I edited the /etc/X11/Xserver file to point to the
mach64 server, and now X11 works as expected.  I also deleted some files
called `newxserver' in /etc/X11.  Does anyone know whether this
could hurt?

Question: has the new image the fixed xserver packages on it?


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: Samba and win98

1998-08-19 Thread peloy
Michael Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have just stumbled across an annoying little problem. A friend and I
 have a network between our PC's, and when I mount his smbfs shares, I get
 really screwy file listings. when there is 700 files or something (windows
 dir.. :) ) it comes out showing me 64, 128 etc... it changes
 intermitently. Anyone got an idea as to wtf is going on?

Oh, the problem is with smbfs and NOT with Samba. I got confused by
the subject line...

Yup, what kernel version are you using? There's something wrong with
smbfs in 2.1.x kernels when smbmount'ing a share from Windows 95 (and
probably Windows 98 as well, as you report) servers.


Re: non-interactive ispell

1998-08-19 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Martin Schulze [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  is it possible to let ispell find all words that it doesn't understand
  store in a file?  When checking a long text one can't concentrate by
  all these words that ispell doesn't know.
 The program spell from the spell package does exactly this.
 One disadvantage though: it doesn't know how to use LaTeX encoded
 Since I'm in Germany and have to write in German partially
 I'd like to check german texts.  Any hint how I should encode
 umlauts?  Ascii, Iso, HTML and LaTeX are no problems...
Why not write your texts with the real umlauts (requires:
\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} in the preamble)?


Re: modprobe

1998-08-19 Thread Tony Crawford
On 18 Aug 98 at 23:10, count zero wrote:

  hi to all,
  when i boot up my linux debian 2.0 i find this message
  modprobe: can't locate module char-major-10

Me too!  Can you please forward any personal replies you get 
that don't go through the list?


Tony Crawford
Phone: +49-3341-30 99 99
Fax:   +49-3341-30 99 98

Re: modprobe

1998-08-19 Thread David B. Teague
On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, Tony Crawford wrote:

 On 18 Aug 98 at 23:10, count zero wrote:

   when i boot up my linux debian 2.0 i find this message
   modprobe: can't locate module char-major-10
 Me too!  Can you please forward any personal replies you get 
 that don't go through the list?


 Please, either cc: me any replies, or perhaps post a summary.
 Many thanks

   LINUX: the FREE 32 bit OS for [3456]86 PC's available NOW!
David B Teague | Ask me how user interface copyrights  software
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | patents make programing a dangerous business. 

Designing a Linux lab.

1998-08-19 Thread Liran Zvibel

We have some Linux servers, and we want to build a new computer lab. We
basically have two choices:

1. Install NT on all of them, and work with Xceed.
2. Install a dual boot Linux/NT on them.

I'd like it to be the dual boot (If it was up to me, we wouldn't put the
NTs at all...)

I have one question, though, NT has an option to be installed and
configured from the network (I don't mean installing via NFS, but
actually get all the installation profile form the network, including the
installed programs and conf. files (Of course the administrator has to
give the ip and host name)).

Is there such an option for Linux? If there is it will be much easier to
convince my boss to make the systems dual boots.

I can put a main /usr partition on our RAID, and just copy the /etc
directory. But even in this way I'll have to change the ip and hostname
manually for every computer.

I want the students to be able to work locally on the Linux machines, and
might add a third boot option to run XDM, connect to our chooser and work
from the servers.


Re: Debian Knowledge Base ?

1998-08-19 Thread Greg \Tower\ Starkes
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Hank Fay wrote:

 What I think would be helpful would be a Keyword search which then provided
 the title and link for results; on the order of the gasp! MSKB.  That way,
 when you searched on kernel you'd come up with 'make-kpkg' in a couple of
 locations.  I responded to RMS on his article on the need for free
 documentation as well as free software (as the maillist is testament to,
 it's darned hard to use the second without the first), and he suggested I
 write it (I knew this was a risk when writing him g).  Keywords of sound
 software would bring up titles and links.

I'll second that. These searches could also be tied into the bug tracking 
system as well.

Greg Tower Starkes (http://www.cs.mun.ca/~gstarkes/)
NLPA Secretary (http://www.infonet.st-johns.nf.ca/nlpa/)
Player with Voodoo Reign (http://www.cs.mun.ca/~gstarkes/voodoo/)

Re: qmail package for debian?

1998-08-19 Thread Robert Ramiega
On Wed, Aug 19, 1998 at 12:16:15PM +1000, Damon Muller wrote:
 On Sun, 16 Aug 1998 19:02:23 -0500
 the lone gunman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There are some source debs either in contrib or non-free (can't remember
 which off the top of my head). The program's author has various
 restrictions on distribution of binary packages, mainly because he can't
 guareentee that the code is pure and still secure.
 Yes there is qmail source package but only 1.02 not the latest 1.03
 And recently Bernstein has changed policy about distributing qmail in binary

 Robert Ramiega   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]IRC: _Jedi_ | Don't underestimate 
 IT Manager @ PDi | http://plukwa.pdi.net/| the power of Source

Runaway X

1998-08-19 Thread Hersh, Harry
Debian 2.0 installed on my machine amazingly easy, including ppp
connectivity. However, now that I'm trying to get X up, things have
bogged down.  In trying to debug XF86Config, my system is caught in an
endless loop it cannot get out of. The problem is that xdm somehow is in
the boot sequence and now I can't shut it off. Ctrl/Alt/BS kills the
server, but it immediately comes back up. I've tried rebooting with the
boot floppy and the rescue floppy, but as soon as the file system is
mounted and fsck'ed, the disfunctional X comes right back. 

How can I get out of this endless loop so I can fix XF86Config? This is
a stand-alone machine, so it cannot be remotedly accessed. 

Once I can stop the looping, I can start figuring out why the server
only comes up in 340x200 mode and why /dev/psaux doesn't work as a
Microsoft mouse port.


Harry Hersh

ppp connect trouble

1998-08-19 Thread ssnow

I am currently having a problem with ppp in Debian 2.0.  When I first boot
debian and run my ppp script. It connects fine. But when I hang up (kill
pppd pid) and try to reconnect be re-executing the script nothing happens
system just sits here and does nothing.

Aug 19 08:18:07 indolent pppd[6010]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root,
uid 0
Aug 19 08:18:07 indolent pppd[6010]: Removed stale lock on ttyS3 (pid 238)
Aug 19 08:18:54 indolent chat[6043]: Failed
Aug 19 08:18:54 indolent pppd[6010]: Connect script failed   
Aug 19 08:19:50 indolent pppd[6010]: Serial connection established.
Aug 19 08:19:51 indolent pppd[6010]: Using interface ppp0
Aug 19 08:19:51 indolent pppd[6010]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS3
Aug 19 08:19:54 indolent pppd[6010]: Cannot determine ethernet address for
proxy ARP
Aug 19 08:19:54 indolent pppd[6010]: local  IP address
Aug 19 08:19:54 indolent pppd[6010]: remote IP address

But if I wait for a while then it will work. Because the first time it
does not
work but the second time it does.

Anyone know?

Re: Runaway X

1998-08-19 Thread M.C. Vernon

 Debian 2.0 installed on my machine amazingly easy, including ppp
 connectivity. However, now that I'm trying to get X up, things have
 bogged down.  In trying to debug XF86Config, my system is caught in an
 endless loop it cannot get out of. The problem is that xdm somehow is in
 the boot sequence and now I can't shut it off. Ctrl/Alt/BS kills the
 server, but it immediately comes back up. I've tried rebooting with the
 boot floppy and the rescue floppy, but as soon as the file system is
 mounted and fsck'ed, the disfunctional X comes right back. 
 How can I get out of this endless loop so I can fix XF86Config? This is
 a stand-alone machine, so it cannot be remotedly accessed. 

The mistake you have made is to tell xdm to start automatically before
getting X configured correctly.
Try starting it up in single user mode...

and using the boot floppy shouldn't let xdm start - it's running its own


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Designing a Linux lab.

1998-08-19 Thread Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Liran Zvibel wrote:
 I have one question, though, NT has an option to be installed and
 configured from the network (I don't mean installing via NFS, but
 actually get all the installation profile form the network, including the
 installed programs and conf. files (Of course the administrator has to
 give the ip and host name)).
 Is there such an option for Linux? If there is it will be much easier to
 convince my boss to make the systems dual boots.
 I can put a main /usr partition on our RAID, and just copy the /etc
 directory. But even in this way I'll have to change the ip and hostname
 manually for every computer.
 I want the students to be able to work locally on the Linux machines, and
 might add a third boot option to run XDM, connect to our chooser and work
 from the servers.

I think there's a diskless mini-HOWTO at http://sunsite.unc.edu./LDP/
and a xterminal tutorial at
http://www.menet.umn.edu/~kaszeta/unix/xterminal/index.html or something
like that

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
http://www.terravista.pt./Enseada/1989/ BRASIL
   Campanha da fita ASCII - contra correio HTML  vcards
 X   ASCII ribbon campaign - against HTML email  vcards
/ \


1998-08-19 Thread Christopher Wesneski
Is there a window manager for debian similar (if not the same as) to
CDE? The closest one I can find is Openlook Virtual but I would rather
not use it.


begin:  vcard
fn: Christopher Wesneski
n:  Wesneski;Christopher
adr:1310 Electronics Drive;;;Carrollton, Texas;;75006;USA
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:  ASIC Design Engineer, PMG
tel;work:   (972) 466-8277
tel;fax:(972) 466-6572
note;quoted-printable:I skate to where the puck is going to be,=0D=0A=
	  not where it has been. -Wayne Gretzky
x-mozilla-cpt:  http://sun4s023/~wesneski/;2
x-mozilla-html: TRUE


1998-08-19 Thread Joe Stewart
Chris, Try xfce http://www.linux-kheops.com/pub/xfce/en/index.html.  It
does include the window manager xfwm, but does not require it. It is a
toolbar which resembles cde.  The binaries are in rpm.  Just run alien on
them and install with dpkg.

Hope this helped.


On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, Christopher Wesneski wrote:

 Is there a window manager for debian similar (if not the same as) to
 CDE? The closest one I can find is Openlook Virtual but I would rather
 not use it.

  1   2   >