Unidentified subject!

1998-10-17 Thread Oscar Molina Baltanas


Re: Calidad de los CD's de Debian

1998-10-17 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Sat, Oct 10, 1998,
Marcelo E. Magallon...

 On Sat,  Oct 10,  1998 at  02:22:59PM +0200,  Antonio Castro

mount: wrong fs type,  bad option, bad superblock on
/dev/scd0, or too many mounted file systems

  Termina escupiendolo  como siempre  y el sistema  no sufre
  ningún destrozo. Ya es algo no ?? :-)

  Has probado:

  $ mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom -o nojoliet

  Y, por si acaso, mira lo que he leido en las news a cerca de
  lo mismo:

Miguel Angel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A  los que  ya la  teneis, ¿os  funcionan los  CD? Yo ya  he
 probado SEIS (3

Como ya  comenté en otro  mensaje yo no  he tenido ni  un solo
problema  con  la  instalación  de Debian  2.0  (CD  de  Linux
Actual) y  eso que he  instalado todos los  paquetes (haciendo
pruebas,hasta ahora había usado RedHat y quería probar todo lo
que había en Debian).

Pero mira tú por donde hace tres  días me acerqué a casa de un
amigo a instalarle la debian en un  486SX 25,con un CD 2x y la
cosa  empezó  a fallar  más  que  una escopeta  de  fería,solo
conseguí terminar la instalación  básica pero en cuanto empecé
con la instalación de más paquetes la cosa se torcio tanto que
estuve a punto de instalarle  el W95 ( :-O Bueno tanto
no pero casi  ),la cuestión es que recordé que  hace unos años
cuando intenté instalar  la RedHat 4.1 en mi  ordenador con un
Creative 4x,me ocurrió algo similar  y lo solucioné dandole la
opción  blocks=2048 al  montar el  CD,así que  monté el  CD de
Debian en  /mnt/cdrom con  dicha opción y  seleccioné instalar
desde una partición ya montada y  la cosa fue de gloría,oye ni
un puñetero  fallo y eso que  la instalación se tiro  cerca de
una hora,sino más.

Resumiendo,mirar a ver si  alguno consigue con esto solucionar
el asunto.

 ¿A alguien  le sucede lo mismo  o es que tengo  pero que muy
 mala suerte?

Si te ha pasado con 6,yo empezaría a pensar en otras causas...

claro que todo  puede ser... así que cuando vayas  a viajar en
avión avisame para no ir contigo. ;-DDD


  Un saludo.

Re: que pasa con smail

1998-10-17 Thread Carlos Costa Portela
On Wed, 14 Oct 1998, Fernando wrote:

 He instalado la Debian 2.0. em el PC de mi casa.
 He instalado netscape 4.04 y lo he configurado para que
 el correo saliente utilice el mailhost con smail.
 Tengo una conexion PPP que funciona correctamente.
 Cuando intento enviar un e-mail desde netscape sin estar conectado,
 este me da un mensaje de error y no lo procesa.
 En la version 1.3.1 tambien con smail el mensaje se enviaba y
 se quedaba en la cola de correo.
 Sabe alguien por que no hace ahora lo mismo.

Sí, porque la nueva versión de smail intenta enviarlo siempre.

Una opción que debería funcionar es activar el queuing en el fichero de
configuración config (creo). Esto encola todo, incluso aunque estés
conectado o el correo sea local, lo cual es una lata. Después hay que
forzar la salida con smail -q.

Ha salido una beta que hace que todo vuelva funcionar como antes.


C a r l o s   C o s t a   P o r t e l a--
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: ccp.servidores.net
  Tódalas persoas maiores foron nenos antes, pero poucas se lembran.

Re: Problemas de instalacion

1998-10-17 Thread Santiago Vila
On Fri, 16 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Me gustaria que me sugirieran alguna posible solucion.

Puedes probar a recompilar el núcleo a ver si obtienes la señal 11.
(Esto no es una solución, pero sí un bien diagnóstico).

 42745b1e62aafd7a095b910a9db68fde (a truly random sig)

Re: linux actual 4 falla

1998-10-17 Thread Santiago Vila

Yo instalé dos Debian 2.0 ayer con dos CDs distintos de LA y no tuve
problema. El lector de CD-ROM era un 32x en ambos casos.

Solamente en uno de los casos no pude arrancar de CD, pero sospecho que es
un problema del BIOS de ese ordenador concreto (al arrancar salía el
mensaje típico de que hay un disco duro con tal geometría en el maestro
del primer IDE, pero del CD-ROM no salía nada).

 2031af99d693f58cc466ce89c557e737 (a truly random sig)

Re: linux actual 4 falla (fwd)

1998-10-17 Thread Ignacio J. Alonso
Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a decia:
 Al parecer la estampadora ha entregado a la redacción un conjunto
 de CDs algunos perfectos y otros defectuosos (quiero creer que no lo han
 hecho a sabiendas), y los que habeis tenido problemas habeis tenido la mala
 suerte de dar con los  defectuosos. También parece que, para rebajar costes
 las estampadoras bajan la calidad y resulta que los CDs se leen bien 
 en lectores de baja velocidad (hasta 12x) pero a más alta empiezan
 a fallar.
 Me siento tremendamente decepcionado con el trabajo de los que se
 suponen profesionales. Un saludo
No es por consolarte pero últimamente es un mal habitual en los CDs que dan
las revistas (yo tengo un CD 32x), p.e. esto mismo me ha pasado con varios
CDs de la revista PC-Actual, en casa patinan pero en el trabajo con un
lector 8X van como la seda :-(, con los de Debian 2 de Linux-Actual tb tengo
problemas en casa (aunque son menores leyendo desde Linux que desde W95 ¿?)
desde el curre todo perfecto :-(

¿De que sirve que sigan aumentando las velocidades de los CDs si cada vez se
len peor los discos?
 _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ ( @ @ )
_/ _/ _/  _/ _/   +-ºoO(_)Ooº-+
   _/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/|   |
  _/ _/  _/ _/  _/ _/ |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
 _/ _/_/_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/  +---+


1998-10-17 Thread TooManySecrets
Juan Antonio Martinez el día Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 08:51:30AM +0200 expuso lo 
 On Thu, 15 Oct 1998, TooManySecrets wrote:

Porfavor,me gustaria que alguien me ayudara. Creo que debe de ser 
simple, pero no tengo ni idea de como hacerlo:

Como puedo sacar capturas de pantalla en pleno proceso de una 
de Linux cualquiera?
 ¿Y en un momento que no sea la instalación, esto es, en cualquier
  Y teniendo un sólo ordenata... ¿cómo lo harias?
   Very facil: arrancas las X, metes el cederrom de instalacion, y
 desde un xterm le das a install --test ( o algo parecido, no lo tengo a mano )
 , y te aparecera el programa de instalacion de redhat. luego, simplemente
 con el xv, das a la opcion de grab, y a capturar ventanas se ha dicho...
 ( Es un truco que estoy usando para capturar ventanucos, para el articulo de 
 proxima aparicion en Linux Actual de Instalación de Eurielec Linux 2.1 )

¡ATENCION! ¡PREGUNTA! ¿Puedo hacer yo lo mismo, o algo parecido, con Debian
2.0? Es que ya no sé dónde acudir para conseguir screenshots de la
instalación. Repito: es para un artículo sobre Linux, para una revista que
se sube ahora al carro linuxero; PC-Plus.

Gracias por todo.

Have a nice day ;-)

Y sigue...

1998-10-17 Thread Miguel Angel
Resulta que una vez en el sistema (correctamente configurado) me ocurre que
al cargar las X, se queda en negro y cuando me canso de esperar y corto el
proceso veo lo siguiente:

waiting for the X server to shunt down FreeFontPath: FPE usr/X11R6...,
etc, etc.

La dirección que indica es correcta y la fuente existe pero de ahí no pasa.
Necesito una solución.


Re: que pasa con smail

1998-10-17 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Sat, Oct 17, 1998 at 12:00:13PM +0200, Carlos Costa Portela wrote:

  Cuando intento enviar un e-mail desde netscape sin estar

 [ netscape como lector de correo... aaarggg... ]
 Sí, porque la nueva versión de smail intenta enviarlo siempre.

 A mi me funciona...

   $ dpkg -s smail | grep ^Version:
   $ zgrep -4 'Default:.*sendmail' /usr/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz 
 6.3.126.  sendmail
 Type: string
 Default: /usr/lib/sendmail -oi -oem
 Specifies the program and arguments used to deliver mail sent by
 Mutt. Mutt expects that the specified program will read the message
 header for recipients.
   $ grep 'set *sendmail' ~/.muttrc
   #set sendmail=/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -oem -t
   #set sendmail_bounce=/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -oem

 Como ven lo que el Mutt hace es pasarle el mensaje a sendmail, en
 lugar de abrir una conexión al puerto 25 de la máquina. No sé si el
 Netscape puede hacer eso...

 Con la configuración que tengo (a continuación) me permite poner los
 mensajes en cola:

   $ egrep -v '^ *($|#)' /etc/smail/config
   received_field=[muy largo para ponerlo aqui]
   $ ls -l /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/
   -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root   61 Jan 18  1998 mail

   $ cat /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/mail

   su -l -c fetchmail --daemon 900 mmagallo

 y como el proceso de fetchmail es mío, puedo hacer con el lo que
 quiera una vez que se ha establecido la conexión (despertarlo, por

 Así a cualquiera le gusta linux: simple y efectivo, ¿no?




1998-10-17 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 06:54:16PM +0200, TooManySecrets wrote:

 ¡ATENCION! ¡PREGUNTA! ¿Puedo hacer yo lo mismo, o algo parecido, con Debian
 2.0? Es que ya no sé dónde acudir para conseguir screenshots de la
 instalación. Repito: es para un artículo sobre Linux, para una revista que
 se sube ahora al carro linuxero; PC-Plus.

 Enrique está mucho mejor calificado que yo para contestar esto, pero
 creo que sería posible que tomaras el paquete boot-floppies, compilas
 las cosas y corres el dinstall... me imagino que así debe ser como
 Enrique prueba las cosas... ¿Enrique?


PPP logging?

1998-10-17 Thread Michael Beattie

For some reason, ppp is not being logged anymore on my hamm/slink box..
anyone else having the same results? If not, how do I fix it? I believe I
upgraded ppp yesterday, as the last logged time was 2:55pm... does not
even have disconnect logged.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  Barney is my hero! BOOM! @#%*! NO CARRIER
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

dbf Program

1998-10-17 Thread Chris Hoover
I'm in need of a program that can convert csv (comma seperated values)
files into a dbf format file.  Does anyone know of a program or script
that can do this?  I really don't care what operating system it runs on
although linux/unix is prefered.



Re: Linux 2.0.35 slink

1998-10-17 Thread wtopa

Subject: Re: Linux 2.0.35  slink
Date: Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 11:00:12AM -0700

In reply to:Bob Nielsen

Quoting Bob Nielsen([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Fri, 16 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  G'day deb'ers
I have just upgraded to slink and compiled the 2.0.35 kernel.  I
  find a small problem with it. 
  Dist  Kernel Bigomips
 --   --
  Debian 2.0 linux 2.0.34   149.91
  Debian 2.0 linux 2.0.35   130.66 ?
  Slackware 3.3  linux 2.0.34   149.91
  Slackware 3.3  linux 2.0.35   149.91 
  Slackware 3.5  linux 2.0.35   149.91
  Slackware 3.5  linux 2.1.125  149.91
  The above are on the same system and are booted via lilo and/or boot
  disks.  The above are the results from cat /proc/cpuinfo.
  I know that Kernel-2.0.35 is in the unstable tree of Debian but doubt
  that this should matter.(?)  Has anyone else noticed this?
  I will now try a non-deb kernel tarball and see if that solves the
 No problem here with 2.0.35, I get 59.8 with all kernels (P150)  Mine is
 compiled by make-kpkg from a tarball on a slink system (with a handful of 
 packages held back).

 Whoops, you got me.  I have been on Slackware too long.  Ok so thanks
to you I remembered make-kpkg and used that.  But the results are the
same 130.66. What the heck would cause that? I made the comfig file
the same as all the others, same modules and all.

  Oh, one last question.  I say an announcement for apt-0.1.7 this
  morning.  As of yet I can't find it on debian.org or any ftp sites.
  How long does it usually take for the software to catch up with the
  announcements?  The anouncement did not mention a location for the
 The update to unstable normally happens daily, much less often for stable.
 I usually find the new files available in the early afternoon (MST), but
 some mirrors are slower at updating than others. 

Thanks, I will look for it later tonight, when the net is quiet.

Appreciate the help Bob.  Any ideas as to what could cause this??
 I expect you will find it in unstable/.../admin later today.
 Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 DM42nh  http://www.primenet.com/~nielsen

It's not just a computer -- it's your ass.
-- Cal Keegan

Netscape doesn't work

1998-10-17 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

I got the 4.07 version, and ran the installed.

When I run it, netscape reports a bus error



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

svgalib and Mach64 cards

1998-10-17 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

Does svgalibwork with such cards? Mine is an ATIXpert98



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

WORKAROUND: lowmem installation trouble

1998-10-17 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Thu, Oct 15, 1998 at 08:55:36PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There appears to be a bug in the installation sequence.  What happens is
 that in effect the swap partition doesn't get activated when the system is
 first booted.  Ouch! on a machine already low on memory! 
 I can't remember the exact order of what happens, but this is what I make
 of it:  After you've gone through the special lowmem steps to prepare a

This was the hint I needed (having been fighting a lowmem install

Here is a (relatively clean) workaround.

Do the low memory installation by the numbers until you get to the point
where you're given some choices about swap. None of the choices applies
because you've already initialized and activated a swap partition
as part of the lowmem install, and whatever you select will break
something at some point in the remaining installation process.

At this point use Alt-F2 to get another console, and do this:

# cat /proc/meminfo

It should show you (1) that you have swap available, and (2) that no
swap is currently being used. If condition (2) isn't met you'll have to
take Joost's route.

If you're among the fortunate, do the following:

# /sbin/swapoff /dev/hda3
(my swap partition, use yours, please)


# cat /proc/meminfo

should show no swap available. Now exit the second console and select
Activate a Previously Initialized Swap Partition from the installation
menu and do the rest of the installation by the numbers. Your /etc/fstab
will be created correctly, and you should be able to reboot your low
memory machine successfully when the installation is complete (at least
I could, 386SX16 with 4MB).

 What's All the Buzz About Linux? 


Re: Apt

1998-10-17 Thread Michael Beattie
On 16 Oct 1998, Ruud de Bruin wrote:

 Is it possible to use Apt for files from the binary-all tree from Slink?
 The binary-all does not contain a Packages.gz file...

binary-all contains files that can be used by all architectures. Relevant
symlinks are made in binary-i386. Therefore, you already are using the
packages from binary-all.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
 yip yip yip yip yip yip yap yap yip *BANG* NO TERRIER
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: exim and fetchmail

1998-10-17 Thread Michael Beattie

Change these lines in /etc/exim.conf:

qualify_domain = your hostname

local_domains = your hostname:localhost
local_domains_include_host = true
local_domains_include_host_literals = true

sender_host_reject_relay = *
sender_unqualified_hosts = localhost

I cant remember which ones are relevant, but that makes it work.

On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Russ Cook wrote:

 I am running exim as my MTA, and I'm using fetchmail to retrieve my mail
 my ISP.  My ISP account is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  My local account is 
 My mail is not getting delivered.  fetchmail knows that [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 russ here, and negotiates the mail retrieval.  A script of the transaction
 Please help with pointers to look for.  What should file ownership be for 
 /var/spool/mail/russ?  It currently is russ:mail.
 fetch retrieval
 Script started on Thu Oct 15 19:24:35 1998
 bash-2.01$ fetchmail -v
 fetchmail: 4.6.0 querying mail.icon.net (protocol POP3) at Thu Oct 15
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK ns2.icon.net POP3 Server (UNIX(r) System V Release
 fetchmail: POP3 USER russcook
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK Password required for russcook.
 fetchmail: POP3 PASS *
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK russcook has 54 messages (166336 octets).
 fetchmail: selecting or re-polling default folder
 fetchmail: POP3 STAT
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 54 166336
 fetchmail: POP3 LIST
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 54 messages (166336 octets)
 (message list deleted ...)
 fetchmail: POP3 .
 54 messages for russcook at mail.icon.net (166336 bytes).
 fetchmail: POP3 RETR 1
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 2093 octets
 reading message 1 of 54 (2093 bytes)
 fetchmail: SMTP 220 p90.mydomain ESMTP Exim 2.04 #1 Thu, 15 Oct 1998
 fetchmail: SMTP EHLO localhost
 fetchmail: SMTP 250-p90.mydomain Hello russ at localhost []
 fetchmail: SMTP 250-SIZE
 fetchmail: SMTP 250-PIPELINING
 fetchmail: SMTP 250 HELP
 fetchmail: forwarding to localhost
 fetchmail: SMTP 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is
 fetchmail: SMTP 550 relaying to [EMAIL PROTECTED] prohibited by
 fetchmail: SMTP listener doesn't like recipient address [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 fetchmail: SMTP 550 relaying to [EMAIL PROTECTED] prohibited by
 fetchmail: can't even send to russ!
 fetchmail: POP3 QUIT
 fetchmail: POP3 Colin Telmer wrote:
 fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from mail.icon.net
 fetchmail: Query status=10
 fetchmail: SMTP QUIT
 fetchmail: SMTP 221 p90.mydomain closing connection
 fetchmail: normal termination, status 10
 bash-2.01$ exit
 Script done on Thu Oct 15 19:25:00 1998
 fetch retrieval
 exim log
 1998-10-15 19:08:00 Start queue run: pid=797
 1998-10-15 19:08:00 End queue run: pid=797
 1998-10-15 19:23:00 Start queue run: pid=802
 1998-10-15 19:23:00 End queue run: pid=802
 1998-10-15 19:23:08 refused relay (host reject) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] H=localhost [] (russ)
 1998-10-15 19:23:09 refused relay (host reject) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] H=localhost [] (russ)
 1998-10-15 19:24:45 refused relay (host reject) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] H=localhost [] (russ)
 1998-10-15 19:24:45 refused relay (host reject) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] H=localhost [] (russ)
 1998-10-15 19:26:01 0zTxiT-DH-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=russ P=local 
 1998-10-15 19:26:05 0zTxiT-DH-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=smarthost 
 T=remote_smtp H=mail.icon.net []
 1998-10-15 19:26:05 0zTxiT-DH-00 Completed
 exim log
 Using eximon, I modified the recipient of one of the messages above, to
 forward to my
 machine at work.
 Any help is greatly appreciated.
 Russell Cook, Engineering Branch
 WSR-88D Operational Support Facility
 (405)366-6520 x4237
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  Don't force it, use a bigger hammer.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Help! FAT magic number corrupted!

1998-10-17 Thread Michael Beattie
On 16 Oct 1998, Rene Hojbjerg Larsen wrote:

  fsck.msdos on /dev/hda1 returns:
  Currently, only 2 FATs are supported, not 81.
  Hmm. Why does it think I have 81 FATs on one partition?
 It seems that the file system on /dev/hda1 is hosed :-(

I would agree here, every time I see 81, 82 and 83, I instantly associate
them with linux/minix Partition ID's.

Since your hda1 appears to be set to 81, (Linux/MINIX) I would worry.
Maybe changing it back? I dunno... Just looks that way to me.

Another mention, if you have a /boot/boot.0301 file, you are in luck... I
guess a probable course of action would be:

1) make sure /dev/hda1 has the correct ID
2) write /boot/boot.0301 to your MBR
(cant remember how... `cat` should do it.)
(`cat boot.0301  /dev/hda`??)

Then try rebooting.. Might work, but dont try it till someone else says
that it would work... It's a guess on my behalf.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   Def: Password: The nonsense word taped to the CRT.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: [Dual boot] dual boot NT and debian?

1998-10-17 Thread count zero
On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Frank Hollmann wrote:

  On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Mrpeabody wrote:
   I currently have debian running on a ide drive on my computer and I have
   recently purchases a scsi drive so that I can boot windows from the
   scsi.  Can I use lilo to tell it to boot the scsi drive up and run
   windows?  Trying to make a dual boot machine.
  I only know two people running dual boot NT/linux (actually tri-boot
  NT/95/linux) and they inform me that lilo won't boot NT or NT need the
  mbr or something and so they have to use the NT bootloader and loadlin
  to get linux bootstraped.
 Lilo can be installed in the mbr, if you use a primary partition for
 ms-dos. After the Installation of msdos install linux or windows nt. 
 In this special case, the nt-loader will be installed in the 
 primary dos-partition. lilo can no be instructed to boot NT via the dos 

i have on my pc linux , nt and dos and all seems to coexist with no

i installed first dos on an eide partiton , then linux on a scsi disk
(all for him that's better) and the rest of the eide disk ( on PMaster)
is for winnt 
i use  nt's boot manager and i installed lilo on the partiton boot record
of the linux partiton ... then i add  one line  to boot.ini ( nt's boot
manager )  

c:\bootsect.lin=Linux  which mean  that the first 512 byte of my
linux partiotn (or something like that ) are on c:\bootsect.lin 

then on linux i  used dd

in this meaning (assuming c: is /dosc )

dd if=/dev/sda1   of=/dosc/bootsect.lin bs=512 count=1 
my linux partiton

i hope this would clear your porblem too


when a man lies he murders some part of the world
these are the pale deaths which men miscall their lives
all this i cannot bear to witness any longer 
cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home?

(cliff burton)

Re: PPP logging?

1998-10-17 Thread john
Michael Beattie writes:
 For some reason, ppp is not being logged anymore on my hamm/slink box..
 anyone else having the same results? If not, how do I fix it? I believe I
 upgraded ppp yesterday, as the last logged time was 2:55pm.

What's your version?  2.3.5-2 is working fine here.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: PPP logging?

1998-10-17 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Michael Beattie wrote:
 For some reason, ppp is not being logged anymore on my hamm/slink box..
 anyone else having the same results? If not, how do I fix it? I believe I
 upgraded ppp yesterday, as the last logged time was 2:55pm... does not
 even have disconnect logged.

AFAICT, this is caused by a faulty sysklogd.  Upgrading to 1.3-28 should
fix the problem (it did for me).
   /'`\  zzzZ  | My PGP Public Key is available at:
  ( - - )   | http://home1.inet.tele.dk/renehl/
 Don't ya just hate it when there's not enough room to fin 

Re: Help! FAT magic number corrupted!

1998-10-17 Thread stick
Michael Beattie said
 On 16 Oct 1998, Rene Hojbjerg Larsen wrote:
 I would agree here, every time I see 81, 82 and 83, I instantly associate
 them with linux/minix Partition ID's.
 Since your hda1 appears to be set to 81, (Linux/MINIX) I would worry.
 Maybe changing it back? I dunno... Just looks that way to me.
 Another mention, if you have a /boot/boot.0301 file, you are in luck... I
 guess a probable course of action would be:
 1) make sure /dev/hda1 has the correct ID
 2) write /boot/boot.0301 to your MBR
 (cant remember how... `cat` should do it.)
 (`cat boot.0301  /dev/hda`??)
 Then try rebooting.. Might work, but dont try it till someone else says
 that it would work... It's a guess on my behalf.
Doing this would restore the partition table and boot record on that drive
to what they were prior to installing LILO.  Is that what you want to do?
I'd be careful here...maybe you should first use dd to make a copy of the
first sector *BEFORE* trying this suggestion!?

It's not reversable otherwise.

Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Chuck Stickelman, Owner E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Practical Network DesignVoice:  +1-419-529-3841
9 Chambers Road FAX:+1-419-529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA

Re: PPP logging?

1998-10-17 Thread Michael Beattie
On 16 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Michael Beattie writes:
  For some reason, ppp is not being logged anymore on my hamm/slink box..
  anyone else having the same results? If not, how do I fix it? I believe I
  upgraded ppp yesterday, as the last logged time was 2:55pm.
 What's your version?  2.3.5-2 is working fine here.

same... I did just upgrade sysklogd before, to 1.3-28 which may have fixed
it, but i downgraded that to 1.3-26 before I tried ppp again... I'll go
and fiddle a bit more.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
Cat Game #10: Hide and go puke.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: PPP logging?

1998-10-17 Thread Michael Beattie
On 17 Oct 1998, Rene Hojbjerg Larsen wrote:

 Michael Beattie wrote:
  For some reason, ppp is not being logged anymore on my hamm/slink box..
  anyone else having the same results? If not, how do I fix it? I believe I
  upgraded ppp yesterday, as the last logged time was 2:55pm... does not
  even have disconnect logged.
 AFAICT, this is caused by a faulty sysklogd.  Upgrading to 1.3-28 should
 fix the problem (it did for me).

That was my next assumption.. although I thought it was my upgrade to -28
which broke it. I downgraded to -26, But I'll have to play around with it.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   Cat Game #1:  Hah - made you look!
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: PPP logging?

1998-10-17 Thread Michael Beattie
On 17 Oct 1998, Rene Hojbjerg Larsen wrote:

 Michael Beattie wrote:
  For some reason, ppp is not being logged anymore on my hamm/slink box..
  anyone else having the same results? If not, how do I fix it? I believe I
  upgraded ppp yesterday, as the last logged time was 2:55pm... does not
  even have disconnect logged.
 AFAICT, this is caused by a faulty sysklogd.  Upgrading to 1.3-28 should
 fix the problem (it did for me).

Hmmm... could you send me your syslog.conf? Mine is missing the relevant
ppp.log line


   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  WinErr: 017 This will end your Windows session. Do you want to play
   another game?
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

unlist on your list my email is stephen.lam@shaw.wave.ca

1998-10-17 Thread Stephen Lam

wget, intermittant connection, and Netscape

1998-10-17 Thread Jim Foltz

Lets say I am running wget and downloading Communicator 4. My Internet
connection times out every hour (what do you want for free). If I reconnect,
say with an at job, will wget know the connection is back up? should I kill
wget and restart it when the connection comes back up? Will wget time out
and quit if there's no connection for so long?


Re: dbf Program

1998-10-17 Thread Kent West

On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Chris Hoover wrote:

 I'm in need of a program that can convert csv (comma seperated values)
 files into a dbf format file.  Does anyone know of a program or script
 that can do this?  I really don't care what operating system it runs on
 although linux/unix is prefered.

I hate to mention it, but I believe MS-Excel can. I played around with
some of that briefly just the other day. If Excel can, I bet something in
Linux could also; perhaps Applixware or Star Office, etc.

Sorry this isn't more definitive; probably someone else will know for
sure, but I thought I'd let you know what I know.


Re: unlist on your list my email is stephen.lam@shaw.wave.ca

1998-10-17 Thread Jim Foltz
Someday a smart mailing list server will be able to decipher that one.

To unsubscribe, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
word unsubscribe in the Subject. 

On Sat, Oct 17, 1998 at 04:02:34AM +, Stephen Lam wrote:
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Re: Midnight Commander

1998-10-17 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sat, 17 Oct 1998, Alan Tam wrote:

 Hi all;
 Can someone please tell me where I can get the Midnight
 Commander package ?

The package is called mc and it is in the utils directory.

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DM42nh  http://www.primenet.com/~nielsen

DDP Manuals

1998-10-17 Thread Saisanthosh B
Are the DDP Manuals, Web pages available as debs (or gz's) for
offline reading ?

Saisanthosh B
All language designers are arrogant.  Goes with the territory...
(By Larry Wall)

ManPages Secton 2

1998-10-17 Thread Lazar Fleysher
Hello everyone,

It seems that I do not have section 2 installed. Should it be installed
separately(how?) from all main manpages or what had happend?

Thank you,


   Take these broken wings and learn to fly...
 0 0
( . )http://pages.nyu.edu/~rqf6512
 | |

Re: config printer.

1998-10-17 Thread Lazar Fleysher

If you think that everything is set up correctly (sd if lp pw...) then you
can try to change the order of the line in /etc/printcap. Eventhough, the
man page state that the order does not matter, in practice it DOES! 

Hope it helps...


On Thu, 15 Oct 1998, Zheng Wang wrote:

 I have a HP 5L printer, but when I print something, the paper is running
 but nothing is printed. Could you help me figure out the problem? 
 Zheng Wang, Ph. D
 Department of Statistics and Applied Probability 
 University of California, Santa Barbara
 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; http://www.pstat.ucsb.edu/~zwang
 On Sun, 11 Oct 1998, W. Paul Mills wrote:
  Sounds like an irq problem.
   X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 11:14:17 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Zheng Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
   Resent-From: debian-user@lists.debian.org
   X-Mailing-List: debian-user@lists.debian.org archive/latest/21434
   X-Loop: debian-user@lists.debian.org
   Precedence: list
   Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   X-UIDL: 03a0a4e87fe9d857fd8dd623b3c9da57
   When I install the Debian base, the network is working. But when I choose
   to install all package from the CD. The network is disconnected. Could I
   get some help to solve this problem? Thanks.
  /*** Running Debian Linux ***
  *   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
  *   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
  * W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
  * EMAIL= [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  WWW= http://Mills-USA.com/  *
  * Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
   pgp public key emailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] */
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

   Take these broken wings and learn to fly...
 0 0
( . )http://pages.nyu.edu/~rqf6512
 | |

Re: ManPages Secton 2

1998-10-17 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Lazar Fleysher wrote:

 Hello everyone,
 It seems that I do not have section 2 installed. Should it be installed
 separately(how?) from all main manpages or what had happend?

manpages-dev has many section 2 (and section 3) entries.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DM42nh  http://www.primenet.com/~nielsen

scripting cvs updates

1998-10-17 Thread Chris Hoover
I'd like to develop a script that will automatically d/l the E cvs
source each night.  However, I have to login to the cvs server and
provide it with a password (password is just pressing the return key).
Is there a way to have the script send the return key w/o human



Re: scripting cvs updates

1998-10-17 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
*-Chris Hoover [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| I'd like to develop a script that will automatically d/l the E cvs
| source each night.  However, I have to login to the cvs server and
| provide it with a password (password is just pressing the return key).
| Is there a way to have the script send the return key w/o human
| interaction?

Are you sure that it's necessary? If you have logged in once and
checked it out, it's just a matter of cd'ing to the checked out
directory and doing 'cvs (-z3) update (-dP)'. No need to log in again.

A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee to theorems
  (Paul Erdøs)

CDROM ATAPI module in new Kernel?

1998-10-17 Thread Remo Badii
Dear Debs,

I asked this already once but with no success. Let me retry.

When I boot with the standard Debian 2.0.34 kernel, I get the message 
which is correct (I have a Teac CD-44E, swappable with a floppy drive in
a Thinkpad 760) and everything works with it.
I had to recompile the kernel, however, (to include ISDN support for a
recent card, by the way): according to the documentation (CDROM-HOWTO, 
Kernel-HOWTO,etc.), it is sufficient to select (with Yes) the kernel 
compilation options
to have support for an IDE/ATAPI CDROM drive.
I did it, but the boot message now says can't find cdrom module: indeed, 
there is no file.o in /lib/modules/2.0.3x/cdrom, not even cdrom.o (the
module that runs when I boot with the Debian kernel).
How does one get cdrom.o in /lib/modules...?
Is it necessary to select at least one type of module for compilation in
order to have the generic module cdrom.o? The documentaiton says NO.

Thank you.
| Dr. Remo Badii | Paul Scherrer Institute   |
| Nonlinear Dynamics and | 5232 Villigen PSI |
| Stochastic Processes Group | Switzerland   |
| badii at psi.ch  | http://www1.psi.ch/~badii |

Window Maker 0.20.1 and required libs...

1998-10-17 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all-

I was wondering if anyone here is using version 0.20.1 of Window Maker?
I have the gzipped  tarred file and compiled it, but I don't have
support for any graphic format other than xpm. I've installed the debian
packages for the following files:


and I installed libXPM via a gzipped tarball. 

For some reason WM can't find the debian packages I installed, but it
finds the libxpm stuff just fine.

If anyone else has WM installed, how did you do it? Do I need to poke
around one or two of the WM files to change some paths? If so can
someone enlighten me?



Partition size technicalities. Re: Debian's recommendation for the size of the swap.

1998-10-17 Thread Christopher Barry
Pierfrancesco Caci wrote:
 I've a machine with 64 MB ram, 1 swap partition of about 32 MB (made
 like that when I only had 32 MB ram) 1 swap file of 127 MB (it doesn't
 take 128 MB, you must put something less).

If you really want to know why this is (probably not), partition sizes
are actually specified in cylinders. It is possible to define partition
boundaries that do not lie on cylinder boundaries, but this can be very
dangerous and most partitioning software only lets you do this with the
'expert options' or something similar.

Most disks have a geometry that is something like num cylinders x 255
heads x 16 sectors x 512 bytes per sector. So the size of one cylinder
is going to be 255x16x512, which is 2,088,960 bytes. Thus all of your
partition sizes are going to be multiples of that, and the closest
multiple to 128MB is 127,426,560 bytes.

While not as important with ext2fs Linux and FAT32/Win, it's a good idea
to size your partitions to the closest cylinder that resides under the
power of 2 mark (31MB, 63MB, 511MB, etc) for minimal cluster sizes
and minimal disk space wastage. Even though newer filesystems like
ext2fs and FAT32 typically use 4k inodes or clusters, if you have 8GB
partitions then there's going to be an incredible amount of clusters or
accounting information and this will lower performance so it's good to
use multiple, smaller partitions anyways for this reason and all the
other reasons for using seperate /var, /tmp, etc. partitions.


data bases

1998-10-17 Thread homega
Hi there,

I'll try to expose this matter as concisely as possible:

I'm rather new to the world of Linux, and am currently using Debian 2.0.
I'm trying to take a 100% advantage on the system, so that I can finally
give up using other OS's.  So far so good on my home computer.  But my
current needs at work, on the short to medium term, are for a system with
some special charcteristics:

- a network made up of some low budget machines (a couple of 386's, two more
486's (one of them 486SX), and one Pentium 120mHz.  I'm willing to upgrade
the machines, though I'm working on a low budget.  I've also thought of
getting a 2nd hand unix machine (such as a sun sparc, digital,...) to make
it serve as a main terminal.

- a data base which allows me the following:

  - to store data on a personalized way, and to easily being able to
retrieve it from any other connected computer, and according to a given

  - to link, add,... pictures (.jpg) to any given data.

  - to get the data, if possible, in a windowing environment (not
necessarily x-windows, a set of frames called from the command prompt
might be good enough), so that the different data can be viewed at one time,
and linked info to parts of that data viewed in different windows (frames).

In the medium to long run, I might need to remotely access to that data, be
it via the internet or else (eg. with a laptop), and hopefully put it (part
of it) available on the web.

I've been hearing on this and other lists about SQL, mySQL, PostgreSQL...,
Informix, Oracle,... and recent developments about it, but so far my
knowledge is limited to the use of dbase and access to a low ground, and
have never used, not even seen the above mentioned.

So, I'll be grateful for any advice you may be willing to give to me, as to
the use of one or another data base application, the features of them, ease
of use, etc.
On the how to network issue, well, I guess that's a completely different
matter for now.

Many thanks in advance.

Un saludo,



Thanks! -- Re: Exchange root and swap partitions?

1998-10-17 Thread kaynjay
Many thanks to both Helge and Steve for their help with my problem.  My
solution was simpler than I thought because of the suggestions they gave me.

Resized DOS. Expanded the swap. Reactivated OS/2 B.Mngr. with DOS fdisk
(cfdisk's rewrite of the partition table screwed up everything--only DOS's
fdisk from floppy saw two partitions being active and reset things).
Made and mounted the new e2fs over the swap, and copied over from the root all 
dirs. and files
after David's suggested reading of the Tips-HOWTO #2.6 (using tar). 
(Naturally I tried to move proc and several mounted partitions ... :)
Changing fstab (old vs. new swapped, keeping old for backup) and rebooting 
confirmed a working
system.  New swap now done .. up and running!

Concerning a few things--I couldn't simply use the expanded space--3
primaries and a logical partition prevented this.  Good suggestion, but too 
much work to redo all
my systems.  The above worked wonderfully well with 48 Mb RAM and an
original root partition which was maxed out at 100% usage (the tar/untar
worked with no problems).  Partition numbers did not change since I was
shrinking one, with another soaking it up.  OS/2's Boot Manager had no
problems with a new menu (I had troubles once in the past with that.  Now
don't know why.).

I am beginning to fully appreciate the Linux/Unix system of managing files and
partitions.  Such a move with OS/2, DOS, or WinDoze would have been a
nightmare with the drive path changes!

Thanks again!


Re: netscape4.x cannot read debian-user list archives

1998-10-17 Thread Christopher Barry
I had this problem to with an earlier Netscape. I'm using 4.06 right now
(though there is 4.07) and it seems to work okay. By the way, the 4.5
final came out just today. The only time I've ever had Linux *really*
crash hard was with a 4.5 beta and it crashed anyways whenever I did a
lot of rapid fire email deleating.

What I'd *really* like to see is a Netscape that properly supports


Jan Krupa wrote:
 I have installed netscape4.5b2 under debian2.0.
  When I try to read debian-user mailing list archives
 (e.g. from September, august) first
 time it's O.K. but next times on the same month archives
 netscape just hangs I have to kill it (the archives are very big).
  When I try to read much smaller archives (e.g. debian-changes,
 September) it's all right.
 I had the same behavior using netscape4.x, but netscape3.x
 reads the archives well.
 Does anybody have any idea  what causes such behavior of netscape ?
  May be I have configured netscape wrong.
  My be I some hint what change in preferences?
 Jan Krupa
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Only root can play squake

1998-10-17 Thread M.C. Vernon
DEar all,

When I run squake, I get a caannot get io permission error, unless
I run it as root. What do I do about this, please?

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

cd-rom installation problem

1998-10-17 Thread Ivan


I finally bought the cd-rom distribution from dvd rent (Victoria, Australia
- thanks Tyson - really great service !) but am having trouble installing

the very first installation went fine but i made some config errors so
rather than trying to reconfigure the system i decided to re-install from

the problem is that the cd-rom seems to spin down and the following errors
are given :

hdc: irq timeout: status = 0xd0
hdc: ATAPI reset complete
hdc: irq timeout: status = 0xd0
hdc: ATAPI reset complete
end_request: I/O error, dev 16:00, sector 444   (*** the sector number
changes ***)

the cd seems marginally readable because either a package is unpacked or a
deslected package is skipped but the cd seems to be operating at 1/4 speed
rather than 24X speed as it is supposed to

FYI, the cd rom is a Diamond Data which i believe is manufactured by
Mitsubishi.  it was installed along with my sb-16 sound card.  sorry - even
the manual isn't any more specific !!!

i have tried cold booting the machine (even leaving it overnight) and warm
booting but the errors just keep on coming !

any help very much appreciated.


Re: Help!

1998-10-17 Thread Robert Wilderspin
On 7 Oct 98 21:04:22 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Adrian Gudas) wrote:

Help! I've installed X, and it works, but the mouse doesn't work (at
all). I'm thrashing around like a spastic cat trying to get back into
shell, but I can't, and without the mouse, how am I supposed to change
my config?

You can manually edit /etc/X11/XF86Config and change the section
titled Pointer to something different.

PS: The mouse is an IntelliMouse. I specified this. Any known
problems/anything else I forgot to do?

I've got a PS2 IntelliMouse and have had all sorts of fun and games
with it.  It's currently specified as IMPS/2 in XF86Config, which
gives me access to the wheel and middle button.  However, PS2 flips
out if two programs are trying to read it, so make sure you're not
running gpm in the console whilst running X.

You would also need PS2 compiled into your kernel.  View the file
/proc/interrupts to see whether you've got an interrupt assigned to
the PS2 port (probably IRQ 12).  If not then you'll need to recompile
the kernel.

What should I use as a backup plan?

Look at the manuals for the program gpm.  It can be set up to read
your IntelliMouse from the console, and can use trickery to pipe the
input through to X.  Basically, run gpm with the '-R' switch and use
GPMData and MouseSystems as the entries in /etc/X11/XF86Config (if
I'm remembering this correctly - check the manpages for the specifics
of this method).

If you've got a serial mouse...  Don't know, never tried, sorry.

Rob Wilderspin
But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep...
--= (send replies to rob@)

Newbie installation problems

1998-10-17 Thread Rebecca Naylor
Wondering if someone could help me.I'm trying to change over from Win
95 to Debian, which would be fine if I could actually get the latter
installed. I'm using a Cheapbytes CD, and BIOS is set up to boot from the
CD drive. I press ENTER at the boot prompt, and a lot of technical info
flashes past on the screen, before everything comes to a complete halt. No
bootlog, since I can't actually get that far, so excuse my vague explanations!

I did manage to write down what was on screen at the time:

Ramdisk driver initialized: 16 ramdisks of 4096K size
loop: registered device at major 7
hda: SAMSUNG VG34323A (4.32GB) gq033, 4124MB w/496KB cache, VHS=525/255/63
hdb: CD-ROM 24x/AKOx, ATAP CDROM drive
hdc: WdC AC31000H, 1033MB w/128KB cache, CHS=2100/16/63
hdd: M1614TA, 1040MB w/64KB cache, CHS=2114/16/63
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7, 0x3f6 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x3f6 on irq 15
Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
FDC is a post-1991 82077
md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8

At which point everything just stops. No reboot, no error message. I left
it for 10 minutes one time, and nothing happened. 
My setup is:

AMD K6 2 300
Samsung 4.32 GB IDE HD
Western digital 1GB IDE HD (that I want to put Debian on)
Philips 24x CDROM
Soundblaster clone
Cirrus Logic 5436 PCI display adapter
Samsung Syncmaster 3 monitor

No SCSI cards/HDs, and I don't have any of the hardware mentioned in the
boot help options. I checked the Linux Hardware Compatability FAQ, and I
don't seem to have any hardware that could cause a problem as far as I
know. What am I missing? Why does it stop straight after the md driver
line? It's probably something really obvious that I'm overlooking...I'd be
really grateful for any help.

Re: Only root can play squake

1998-10-17 Thread Michael Beattie
On Sat, 17 Oct 1998, M.C. Vernon wrote:

 DEar all,
   When I run squake, I get a caannot get io permission error, unless
 I run it as root. What do I do about this, please?

Set /usr/games/squake.real to setuid. It is not by default because of a
potential security hole.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   Windows: the world's first commercially successful virus!
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Newbie installation problems

1998-10-17 Thread Peter Iannarelli
Hello Rebecca:

I am not a 100% certain but I think there are some problems
with the cheap bytes distribution. If you can, create a boot
floppy. The tools should be in the tools section of the CD
you have. hint rawrite2. I have installed cheap bytes using
a floppy and the provided CD.

Boot from floppy


Rebecca Naylor wrote:

 Wondering if someone could help me.I'm trying to change over from Win
 95 to Debian, which would be fine if I could actually get the latter
 installed. I'm using a Cheapbytes CD, and BIOS is set up to boot from the
 CD drive. I press ENTER at the boot prompt, and a lot of technical info
 flashes past on the screen, before everything comes to a complete halt. No
 bootlog, since I can't actually get that far, so excuse my vague explanations!

 I did manage to write down what was on screen at the time:

 Ramdisk driver initialized: 16 ramdisks of 4096K size
 loop: registered device at major 7
 hda: SAMSUNG VG34323A (4.32GB) gq033, 4124MB w/496KB cache, VHS=525/255/63
 hdb: CD-ROM 24x/AKOx, ATAP CDROM drive
 hdc: WdC AC31000H, 1033MB w/128KB cache, CHS=2100/16/63
 hdd: M1614TA, 1040MB w/64KB cache, CHS=2114/16/63
 ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7, 0x3f6 on irq 14
 ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x3f6 on irq 15
 Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
 FDC is a post-1991 82077
 md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8

 At which point everything just stops. No reboot, no error message. I left
 it for 10 minutes one time, and nothing happened.
 My setup is:

 AMD K6 2 300
 Samsung 4.32 GB IDE HD
 Western digital 1GB IDE HD (that I want to put Debian on)
 Philips 24x CDROM
 Soundblaster clone
 Cirrus Logic 5436 PCI display adapter
 Samsung Syncmaster 3 monitor

 No SCSI cards/HDs, and I don't have any of the hardware mentioned in the
 boot help options. I checked the Linux Hardware Compatability FAQ, and I
 don't seem to have any hardware that could cause a problem as far as I
 know. What am I missing? Why does it stop straight after the md driver
 line? It's probably something really obvious that I'm overlooking...I'd be
 really grateful for any help.

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Re: Help!

1998-10-17 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Wed, Oct 14, 1998 at 02:48:15PM +, Robert Wilderspin wrote:
 gives me access to the wheel and middle button.  However, PS2 flips
 out if two programs are trying to read it, so make sure you're not
 running gpm in the console whilst running X.

This is working just fine here on my notebook. I use the psaux
module, with gpm set to /dev/psaux, type=ps2, with X set
to protocol PS/2, device /dev/mouse, which is a symlink to
/dev/psaux. The mouse switches fine. Initially if I switched X - console - X
X would be unable to get the mouse back and would exit, but seems to be
working now.

This works on a friend's desktop with PS/2 mouse also.

I gather it's also possible to configure X to get the mouse data from gpm.

Latest Debian packages at ftp://ftp.rising.com.au/pub/hamish. PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.   http://hamish.home.ml.org

Re: Newbie installation problems

1998-10-17 Thread Alan Tam

Hi Rebecca;

I am a newbie too, I am also switching from W95 to Debian. I installed 
from a floppy set and its smooth -- no problem at all or alternatively if you 
you can install it from your hard disk.

Files to get if from floppy: (asumming your floppy is 3.5 1.44M at 
drive A:)
1. rawrite2.exe (a dos program for writing Debian image files to 
2. resc1440.bin (boot / setup disk can be created by using the 
3. drv1440.bin (driver image)
4. base14-1.bin to base14-5.bin (base/core program files)
5. install.txt (or the Html page at 

Files to get if installed from hard disk (which is also suitable for 
you to
copy your files from your Cheapbyte CD)
1. resc1440.bin (in case you need to write a boot floppy)
2. drv1440.bin
3. base2_0.tgz (core program files)
4. root.bin
4. install.bat
5. linux
6.install.txt or install.html

All the above files or information can be obtained in


Rebecca Naylor wrote:

 Wondering if someone could help me.I'm trying to change over from Win
 95 to Debian, which would be fine if I could actually get the latter
 installed. I'm using a Cheapbytes CD, and BIOS is set up to boot from the
 CD drive. I press ENTER at the boot prompt, and a lot of technical info
 flashes past on the screen, before everything comes to a complete halt. No
 bootlog, since I can't actually get that far, so excuse my vague explanations!

 I did manage to write down what was on screen at the time:

 Ramdisk driver initialized: 16 ramdisks of 4096K size
 loop: registered device at major 7
 hda: SAMSUNG VG34323A (4.32GB) gq033, 4124MB w/496KB cache, VHS=525/255/63
 hdb: CD-ROM 24x/AKOx, ATAP CDROM drive
 hdc: WdC AC31000H, 1033MB w/128KB cache, CHS=2100/16/63
 hdd: M1614TA, 1040MB w/64KB cache, CHS=2114/16/63
 ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7, 0x3f6 on irq 14
 ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x3f6 on irq 15
 Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
 FDC is a post-1991 82077
 md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8

 At which point everything just stops. No reboot, no error message. I left
 it for 10 minutes one time, and nothing happened.
 My setup is:

 AMD K6 2 300
 Samsung 4.32 GB IDE HD
 Western digital 1GB IDE HD (that I want to put Debian on)
 Philips 24x CDROM
 Soundblaster clone
 Cirrus Logic 5436 PCI display adapter
 Samsung Syncmaster 3 monitor

 No SCSI cards/HDs, and I don't have any of the hardware mentioned in the
 boot help options. I checked the Linux Hardware Compatability FAQ, and I
 don't seem to have any hardware that could cause a problem as far as I
 know. What am I missing? Why does it stop straight after the md driver
 line? It's probably something really obvious that I'm overlooking...I'd be
 really grateful for any help.

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Re: Help! FAT magic number corrupted!

1998-10-17 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 06:36:39PM +, Rene Hojbjerg Larsen wrote:
 Btw.: does anyone know why the re-read fails?  AFAIR, this used to work
 fine on my SlackWare system some eons ago, but invariably fails on my
 Debian system--seemingly independant of the kernel version used.

Same experience here usually. Frustrating. If any partition on
the disk is mounted, you can't write to the partition table at all,
perhaps that's relevant.

Latest Debian packages at ftp://ftp.rising.com.au/pub/hamish. PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.   http://hamish.home.ml.org

Re: Help! FAT magic number corrupted!

1998-10-17 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sat, Oct 17, 1998 at 02:13:33PM +1300, Michael Beattie wrote:
 Since your hda1 appears to be set to 81, (Linux/MINIX) I would worry.
 Maybe changing it back? I dunno... Just looks that way to me.

The partition type doesn't actually matter, I have an ext2fs partition
marked BSD/i386. I nuked my FreeBSD install one day when I needed
the space and couldn't reboot to change the partition type.

Latest Debian packages at ftp://ftp.rising.com.au/pub/hamish. PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.   http://hamish.home.ml.org

Re: Debian on Notebooks

1998-10-17 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 03:23:44PM +0200, Lukas Eppler wrote:
 I am looking for a new laptop for debian. If you run debian nicely, please
 let me know. I had some problems installing and running debian on my
 current laptop, and if I can avoid these on my next buy, I would be very
 So please drop a note if you are happy with your installation.
 I would like to buy one with TFT screen 1024x789 w 32k colors in X, if
 possible with a nice resolution with SVGATextMode.
 Most information I get is on 'how can I run X on my laptop', I look for
 information the other way 'round.

Chips and Technologies chips seem to work well. My Toshiba 310CDS runs
X rather nicely. I had a lot of trouble with a friend's Acer notebook
with a Neomagic chip, though. I found a hacked SVGA server on the web
and used that (libc5 of course, and I didn't want to wait while it

I'm pretty happy with Linux on my Toshiba, in short. Installation hassles
with the Tecra disks but otherwise it runs fine. I get fairly regular
unexpected interrupts from the CD-ROM drive, and interrupts while
interrupts are disabled when doing a lot of ethernet traffic,
but nothing more serious than that.

Latest Debian packages at ftp://ftp.rising.com.au/pub/hamish. PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.   http://hamish.home.ml.org

Re: Debian on Notebooks

1998-10-17 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 11:40:36AM -0400, Seth M. Landsman wrote:
 notebook.  The screen is TFT 12.1 800x600, and setting up X was trivial
 with the NeoMagic X server.  I don't use SVGATextMode, so cannot testify

Really? The SVGA server in hamm admits that it doesn't really support
the chip (not the NeoMagic 128 or something in a friend's Acer notebook
anyway) and we had to find another SVGA server on the web.

Latest Debian packages at ftp://ftp.rising.com.au/pub/hamish. PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.   http://hamish.home.ml.org

Re: help w/ kerneld loading of modules

1998-10-17 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sat, Oct 17, 1998 at 01:50:27AM +1000, Nikolai Andreyevich Luzan wrote:
 Do you have a kernel with support for the auto loading of modules?
 Failing that just write a script whic will insmod the relevant
 drivers, put it in /etc/init.d set the correct ownership and
 permissions, and then use update-rc.d to add it to the list of things
 to do at boot time :)

No need -- just list what you want in /etc/modules, it will insert
all those at boot time. You don't need to make your own script to do it.

Latest Debian packages at ftp://ftp.rising.com.au/pub/hamish. PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.   http://hamish.home.ml.org

RE: Window Maker 0.20.1 and required libs...

1998-10-17 Thread Shaleh
When compiling your own versions of a program the libfoo packages are not
sufficient by themselves.  You need to also install the libfoo-dev packages. 
They provide the files necessary for compiling apps.

Since most people use packaged versions the lib is enough.

On 17-Oct-98 Mark Wagnon wrote:
 Hi all-
 I was wondering if anyone here is using version 0.20.1 of Window Maker?
 I have the gzipped  tarred file and compiled it, but I don't have
 support for any graphic format other than xpm. I've installed the debian
 packages for the following files:
 and I installed libXPM via a gzipped tarball. 
 For some reason WM can't find the debian packages I installed, but it
 finds the libxpm stuff just fine.
 If anyone else has WM installed, how did you do it? Do I need to poke
 around one or two of the WM files to change some paths? If so can
 someone enlighten me?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Date: 17-Oct-98
Time: 09:11:29

This message was sent by XFMail

Re: Startup of X fails

1998-10-17 Thread Vincent Zweije
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], MJ Watson

||  After installing 2.0 clean onto my PC, attempts to start up any
||  window manager fails, as does just trying to start an xterm.
||  This output is from an attempt to start up fvwm2:

What are you trying to do?  Are you trying to run

 * fvwm2,
 * xterm, or
 * startx


 * within an X session?
 * a (virtual) console?

I'll assume startx from a console.

||  -
||  [FVWM][main]: ERROR Unknown option:  `:0'
||  [FVWM][main]: ERROR Unknown option:  `-auth'
||  [FVWM][main]: ERROR Unknown option:  `/root/.Xauthority'

/root/.Xauthority really should be $HOME/.Xauthority.  Is $HOME /root?
Is fvwm2 running as root?  You say below you're not doing this as root.

||  Fvwm Version 2.0.46 Usage:
||X [-d dpy] [-debug] [-f config_cmd] [-s] [-blackout] [-version] [-h]

Hey?  Fvwm2 seems to think $0 = X?  Combined with the /root above,
I think your system starts fvwm2 where it should start the X server.
Check out /etc/X11/Xserver:

$ head -1 /etc/X11/Xserver

My guess is that line in your version reads /usr/X11R6/bin/fvwm2, or
maybe /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc or /usr/X11R6/bin/xinit.

If it's okay (i.e. it contains the X server of your choice, not a window
manager), you may have symlinked X to fvwm2.  Check:

$ ls -l /usr/X11R6/bin/X*
-rwsr-xr-x   1 root root 4344 Jun 20  1997 /usr/X11R6/bin/X
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  1617852 Nov 22  1996 

||  [FVWM][main]: ERROR can't open display
||  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
||  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
||  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
||  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
||  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
||  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
||  giving up.
||  xinit:  No such file or directory (errno 2):  unable to connect to X server
||  xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.
||  -
||  Any suggestions?  XF86Setup seems to go OK, though it may have been done as
||  root, but I'm trying to start my windows as under my userid.  I'm not
||  trying to run xdm, just doing a startx.

It could also be that your startx script is at fault.  It is passing
the arguments

:0 -auth /root/.Xauthority

to the client script (/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc or ~/.xinitrc) instead of
the X server.

Try to do

/bin/sh -x /usr/X11R6/bin/startx 2/tmp/startx.stderr

to find out what goes on.

Good luck.Vincent.

repost: cd-rom installation problem - irq errors

1998-10-17 Thread Ivan


I finally bought the cd-rom distribution from dvd rent (Victoria, Australia
- thanks Tyson - really great service !) but am having trouble installing

the very first installation went fine but i made some config errors so
rather than trying to reconfigure the system i decided to re-install from

the problem is that the cd-rom seems to spin down and the following errors
are given :

hdc: irq timeout: status = 0xd0
hdc: ATAPI reset complete
hdc: irq timeout: status = 0xd0
hdc: ATAPI reset complete
end_request: I/O error, dev 16:00, sector 444   (*** the sector number
changes ***)

the cd seems marginally readable because either a package is unpacked or a
deslected package is skipped but the cd seems to be operating at 1/4 speed
rather than 24X speed as it is supposed to

FYI, the cd rom is a Diamond Data which i believe is manufactured by
Mitsubishi.  it was installed along with my sb-16 sound card.  sorry - even
the manual isn't any more specific !!!

i have tried cold booting the machine (even leaving it overnight) and warm
booting but the errors just keep on coming !

any help very much appreciated.


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: netscape4.x cannot read debian-user list archives

1998-10-17 Thread Jan Krupa

On Sat, 17 Oct 1998, Christopher Barry wrote:

 I had this problem to with an earlier Netscape. I'm using 4.06 right now
 (though there is 4.07) and it seems to work okay. By the way, the 4.5
 final came out just today. The only time I've ever had Linux *really*
 crash hard was with a 4.5 beta and it crashed anyways whenever I did a
 lot of rapid fire email deleating.
 I've installed already the 4.5 final and I have the same problem:
it cannot read the big archives debian-user (sept, august,...).
 May be I'll try 4.06 (but I've probably tried it, I don't remember).
 Of course I can use lynx, it works, but I am used to netscape.

 Jan Krupa wrote:
  I have installed netscape4.5b2 under debian2.0.
   When I try to read debian-user mailing list archives
  (e.g. from September, august) first
  time it's O.K. but next times on the same month archives
  netscape just hangs I have to kill it (the archives are very big).
   When I try to read much smaller archives (e.g. debian-changes,
  September) it's all right.
  I had the same behavior using netscape4.x, but netscape3.x
The final 4.5 also cannot read debian-user archives.
  reads the archives well.
  Jan Krupa



1998-10-17 Thread Martin Saturka
Hello, I can't get X working in 16bit depth.
In XF86Config is 16bit part ignored, it takes
following 8 bit one. Parameters 16bpp and
nolinear doesn't work.
I have got S3Trio64V+ with 2MB VideoRam.
I don't understand ramdacs,
Thanks for help.
Martin Saturka

PS I use XDM.

Re: Window Maker 0.20.1 and required libs...

1998-10-17 Thread Michael Lankton
I ran into the same problem.  I removed the debian packages for all my
gfx libs, compiled them myself, and when I ran configure again, Window
Maker recognized everything.  All the needed tarballs are at

Mark Wagnon wrote:
 Hi all-
 I was wondering if anyone here is using version 0.20.1 of Window Maker?
 I have the gzipped  tarred file and compiled it, but I don't have
 support for any graphic format other than xpm. I've installed the debian
 packages for the following files:
 and I installed libXPM via a gzipped tarball.
 For some reason WM can't find the debian packages I installed, but it
 finds the libxpm stuff just fine.
 If anyone else has WM installed, how did you do it? Do I need to poke
 around one or two of the WM files to change some paths? If so can
 someone enlighten me?
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  /###\##  -==-
 ;#;# Mike's WindowMaker
 ;#;#  http://tasteslikechicken.ml.org/windowmaker.html
  \#  /##  -==-

Re: segmentation fault on Debian 2.0

1998-10-17 Thread Ed Cogburn
Evan Van Dyke wrote:
 Jinsong Zhao wrote:
  This problem may have been reported. The netscape (4.05) used to work
  on my Debian 1.3, but it simply says segmentation fault and
  quit. Seems to me Netscape only delivers libc5 version.
  Please advise! Thanks.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Sure, you need to have netscape use the libc5 compats.  :  I set up a
 small script on my box to clear the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and then call
 netscape...  so it only effects the netscape call and not the rest of
 the system.

There *is* libc6 based Netscape software.  Look on ftp.netscape.com for
a subdir called 'development' instead of 'shipping'.  The 'development'
subdir tree will lead you to libc6 versions of Netscape 4.05, 4.06, 4.07
(at least).
Ed C.

diald auto-dial bug/feature

1998-10-17 Thread tko
I asked on the list if anyone could tell me how to find what process was
connecting to a socket. lsof looked promising but did not work as advertised
in it's documentation. However, I did some detective work and found that
diald was the culprit. Here's how it happens:

diald is started by the init process
diald reads it configuratuion files
diald does a gethostid()
diald then compares the machine's hostname against the /etc/hosts file
(because of the /etc/resolv.conf file)

It is at this point where the problem starts!!

The default configuration for local IP address for diald is
However, gethostid() returns the hostname ('westgac3' in my case)
The hostname does not match the name for IP address (which is
'localhost' in the /etc/hosts file)
Thus diald does a DNS request to resolve the hostname! And the endless
diald-ups start!

1) edit the /etc/hosts file and add your hostname behind the 'localhost'
 old '/etc/hosts'  localhost

 new '/etc/hosts'  localhost westgac3  use the name returned by 'hostname'

2) Then reboot your system.
-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@westgac3.dragon.com Remove @_@ for correct Email address
--... ...-- ...  -.. .  -.- -.. - -.-. .. -.-

MTA / MUA bug

1998-10-17 Thread David S. Zelinsky
I read my email lists (such as this one) with Emacs+Gnus, and I've come across
a serious bug.  It seems that if a message contains a line such as the
following, it bombs when incorporating new mail:

from something something

Note the lower-case `f' in `from'.  It doesn't seem to matter what the
`something's are, as long as the angle-backets are there.

It would presumably have the same problem with upper-case, `From', but the MTA
(smail) puts a `' before any such line, so the MUA sees it as `From ...'.
But smail evidently doesn't do that for a lower-case `from'.

So would this be considered a bug in emacs?  or in smail?  or both?

I'd like to file a bug report if one doesn't already exist; or get an update
that fixes it, if there is one.  But I don't know where to look.

Any suggestions?

David Zelinsky

Copy, paste, print

1998-10-17 Thread Michael Montz

When copying and pasting from Netscape to a an editor, ie kedit, nedit,
gedit.  The text does not automatically format to the set column width
of the editor.  Therefore  copy, paste, print produces a page with the
right half of the text missing.

What am I missing?


kernel 2.1.xx

1998-10-17 Thread Marco Machmer
hy there,

i tried to make a new kernel 2.1.122 with make-kpkg.
i got the following error-message while i try to make a the new kernel
with 'make-kpkg--zimage buildpackage'

### these are the last 2 lines from the compiler, while he tried to link
the vmlinux
fs/filesystems.a(proc.o)(__ksymtab+0x0): undefined reference to
make: *** [vmlinux] Error 1

what can i do now?

Marco Machmer
email : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Um ein tadelloses Mitglied einer Schafherde
sein zu koennen, muss man vor allem ein Schaf sein.
Albert Einstein

kernel compiling

1998-10-17 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

I've been reading Manoj's instructions for kernel configurations,
and it says that your kernel source shouldn't be in /usr/src/linux

where does the kernel-source package put it (and are there some
step-by-step instructions, or do I use the for the impatient ones in the
kernel-package readme?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: diald auto-dial bug/feature

1998-10-17 Thread john
Thomas Kocourek writes:
 2) Then reboot your system.

No need to reboot.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: kernel 2.1.xx

1998-10-17 Thread Evan Van Dyke
At 08:26 PM 10/17/98 +0200, Marco Machmer wrote:
### these are the last 2 lines from the compiler, while he tried to link
the vmlinux
fs/filesystems.a(proc.o)(__ksymtab+0x0): undefined reference to
make: *** [vmlinux] Error 1

My guess is that you didn't include /proc support, but asked it to report
info(from a SCSI adapter for example) to /proc somewhere else.


Re: Motherbnoard Sound Device

1998-10-17 Thread Robert Rati
On Tue, 13 Oct 1998, Bert Conliffe wrote:
Attached is my isapnp.conf file, so take a look at what I am using.  Make
sure that you're settings are the board defaults, and not what Windows has
switched them too.  Here's what I have for kernel options:

Sound card support = M
Sound Blaster (SB, SBPro, SB16, clones) support = Y
/dev/dsp and /dev/audio support = Y
FM synthesizer (YM3812/OPL-3) support = Y
I/O base for SG Check ... = 220
Sound Blaster IRQ ... = 5
Sound Blaster DMA 0,1,3 = 1
MPU401 I/O base SB16, Jazz16, ... = 330
SB MPU401 IRQ ... = 9
Audio DMA buffer size ... = 65536

All other options are no.  The only problem I have encountered is that
sound doesn't play through the speakers with ASCD for some reason.  I
haven't gotten around to fixing that yet.  Good luck!


 Hi  Robert Rati,
 Congradulations for your success!   Now, if you'd be kind
 enought to share with the rest of us ( who are having similiar
 problems ), how it was done, we'd be most grateful.
 If not, your success is of no use to us, its a one man victory.
 Until I can get my sound device to speakto me under linux,
 with the setup I presently have; I'll stick with what the sages
 say, and look for relief elsewhere.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055
Homepage: www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/ratirh 

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.
# $Id: pnpdump.c,v 1998/01/07 05:17:47 fred Exp $
# This is free software, see the sources for details.
# This software has NO WARRANTY, use at your OWN RISK
# For details of this file format, see isapnp.conf(5)
# For latest information on isapnp and pnpdump see:
# http://www.roestock.demon.co.uk/isapnptools/
# Trying port address 0203
# Board 1 has serial identifier 8d 01 00 01 00 01 00 a9 0d
# Board 2 has serial identifier 00 1a 13 c8 05 00 14 49 0a

(READPORT 0x0203)

# Card 1: (serial identifier 8d 01 00 01 00 01 00 a9 0d)
# Vendor Id CMI0001, Serial Number 16777472, checksum 0x8D.
# Version 1.0, Vendor version 0.0
# ANSI string --CMI8330. Audio Adapter--
# Logical device id @@@0001
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if 
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy

(CONFIGURE CMI0001/16777472 (LD 0

# Multiple choice time, choose one only !

# Start dependent functions: priority preferred
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0530
# Maximum IO base address 0x0530
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 8
#(IO 0 (BASE 0x0530))
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0388
# Maximum IO base address 0x0388
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 8
#(IO 1 (BASE 0x0388))
#   IRQ 11.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
#(INT 0 (IRQ 11 (MODE +E)))
#   First DMA channel 0.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed in compatible mode
#(DMA 0 (CHANNEL 0))

#   Start dependent functions: priority acceptable
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0530
# Maximum IO base address 0x0530
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 8
# (IO 0 (BASE 0x0530))
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0388
# Maximum IO base address 0x0388
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 8
# (IO 1 (BASE 0x0388))
#   IRQ 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 or 12.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
# (INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
#   First DMA channel 0, 1 or 3.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed in compatible mode
# (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 0))

#   Start dependent functions: priority acceptable
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0e80
# Maximum IO base address 0x0f40

Using VM with Emacs19 and XEmacs20

1998-10-17 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

(Please CC: me as I'm no longer on this list.)

I'm scratching my head:  Have been using VM with Emacs19 for years, and as
XEmacs20 supports VM as well (with its own copy), I thought I could migrate.
Doesn't work (yet).

Anybody have any idea?  I use

ii  emacs19 19.34-21   The GNU Emacs editor.
ii  xemacs20-bin20.4-7 Editor and kitchen sink -- support binaries
ii  xemacs20-nomule 20.4-7 Editor and kitchen sink -- Non-mule binary
ii  vm  6.62-2 A mail user agent for Emacs

Thanks,  Dirk

Linux is not only free; it is, arguably, a better operating system, offering
a degree of stability and an ability to scale up that NT cannot match.
 -- The Economist, Oct 3, 1998

Re: FYI: DMA/33 and kernels

1998-10-17 Thread Jaakko Niemi
 BTW, I have configured it down to one single error message that I can't
 seem to shake:
 hdc: write_intr: status=0xff { Busy }
 ide: reset: success
 This is what is leading me to believe that the driver is either attempting
 a transaction before an earlier one completed ( is the drive attempting an
 internal prefetch? ) or it timed out waiting for the previous command to

 Something like that. I had today the same problem with Intel SE440BX 
 motherboard and a Fujitsu 2gig udma drive. I changed the drive to a 
 Quantum 3,2 gig one and it went away.

 Seems to be a problem with the harddisk.


Re: Dialup ISDN performance

1998-10-17 Thread Jaakko Niemi
 I am using a Bitsurfer Pro on a linux box and a win 95 box.
 Download rates from my provider's site seem not all that exciting. 
 With my x2 modem I can download at the rate of about 4-5 Kb/KB, with ISDN
 using both channels its around 6-8 KB at best.

 I get that with one channel, and very good ping times (about 30ms to 
 This is with Teles S0 16.3 card.


Re: Suddenly can't send mail...

1998-10-17 Thread Jaakko Niemi
 All of a sudden I can't send out mail, if I try to force exim with -qf
 I get
 1998-10-16 19:01:26 0zUDEj-FQ-00 TCP service smtp not found
 (using Exim version 1.92 #1 built 13-May-1998 10:01:52)
 fetchmail delivers incoming mail without any trouble...
 Is this something on my end or is it more likely to be my ISP?
 (sending this throough my school account...)

 Check that you have a line in /etc/inet.d like :
 smtpstream  tcp nowait  mail/usr/sbin/exim exim -bs

 and make sure it is not commented out etc. 
 Note that if you make any changes, you'll have to restart
 inetd for changes to affect.


Re: kernel compiling

1998-10-17 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sat, 17 Oct 1998, M.C. Vernon wrote:

 : Dear all,
 :  I've been reading Manoj's instructions for kernel configurations,
 : and it says that your kernel source shouldn't be in /usr/src/linux
 : where does the kernel-source package put it (and are there some
 : step-by-step instructions, or do I use the for the impatient ones in the
 : kernel-package readme?

kernel-source puts the source in /usr/src/kernel-source-`uname -r`

/usr/doc/kernel-package/README.gz has instructions for the impatient and
extremely detailed instructions as well.  The impatient version has
always worked fine for me.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.midco.net
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: lilo - booting from a device

1998-10-17 Thread G. Crimp

Thanks !  This even worked for a bootable partition on hdd =:¬) (except that
my bios was not then able to load from hdd |:¬( ).

On Wed, Oct 14, 1998 at 12:16:00AM -0400, Richardson,Anthony wrote:
 I don't know the answer to your question, but I've got an alternative   
 Mount the boot partition of the new distribution:
  mount /dev/hda1 /mnt
 Then add the following stanza (it's based on your entry below)
 to lilo.conf:
 Then lilo will figure out the sector to file mapping for you.
 On Tuesday, October 13, 1998 1:32 AM, G. Crimp   
   Does anyone know how to determine what sectors on a partition a
  given file is occupying ?  The lilo docs state that when specifying a   
  name, one also has to say what sectors to map (either by giving a   
  and an end, or a beginning and an offset).
   Here is what I am trying to do.  I want to play with different
  distributions just to see what they are like, but boot them from the
  harddrive.  I currently have Deb installed to hda3.  hda1 and hda2 are   
  partitions, on which I install /boot from another distro, so that the   
  images within fall well below the 1024 cyl. limit.
   I am not at the machine I am doing this on, nor are they networked,
  so the following details may not be 100% accurate (syntax wise).  This   
  has no DOS.  Lilo is installed directly to the MBR.  So, the lilo.conf   
  something like
  [prompt, delay, timeout, etc.]
  to which I want to add something like
  image=/dev/hda1  # this is the partition /w kernel of new distro
 root=/dev/hda12  #this is / of new distro
 sectors[or whatever the variable name is]=
  For floppies I've seen that it is something like 1+512, so I guess the   
  must start on the second sector of the floppy.  there must be someway   
  determine the sector info for any file.
  Any ideas ? TIA.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

Re: Using VM with Emacs19 and XEmacs20

1998-10-17 Thread M.C. Vernon

 (Please CC: me as I'm no longer on this list.)
 I'm scratching my head:  Have been using VM with Emacs19 for years, and as
 XEmacs20 supports VM as well (with its own copy), I thought I could migrate.
 Doesn't work (yet).

It might well be that having emacs19 and xemacs20 is causing a problem.
Try upgrading emacs to 20


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support


1998-10-17 Thread Liran Zvibel

I would like to do some RTFMing about security, and would like to have
some pointers.


Dangerous crash bug: SVGATextmode + X11 + Matrox Millenium II. Has anyone seen this?

1998-10-17 Thread Ed Cogburn
(I apologize for the length of this message)

svgatextmode:   1.8-5.2

Matrox Millennium II 8mb PCI video card

Awhile back, I loaded svgatextmode to try the 112x40 (very nice) text
mode that it provides.  After that, I began to see a system-stopping
crash on occasion when running X.  What is worse is the nature of the
crash itself.  I have a newer 19 monitor (1600x1200 capable) that
fortunately has builtin protection circuitry against invalid timing
signals.  After having run svgatextmode during bootup, I then run
'startx ' after logging in.  About 35% to 45% of the time, running X
ends up with a window displayed on my monitor which says something like
the following:

Error: signal out of range
+125khz, +175hz

The window display comes from the monitor's own protection circuitry, it
is not from Linux.  In addition, the keyboard is locked up (even numlock
doesn't toggle the numlock led), and Linux itself has crashed hard.  I
found out later that the same problem happens with SVGALib programs.  At
this point I have to use the hardware reset button to reboot the
computer.  The bootup is a lengthy process because e2fsck wants to check
all the filesystems because they were not rebooted 'cleanly'.  The worst
of this though, is the 'signal out of range' error, because it implies I
could have damaged my monitor, had I been using an old one without
protection circuitry.
Now to complicate matters further, I have learned from the
README.Debian file in svgatextmode a workaround for this problem.  The
workaround in README.Debian refers to running the command 'cat /proc/pci
 /dev/null' before using svgatextmode to solve a problem with PCI
based Matrox Millennium cards.  In my case though, I can run
svgatextmode without difficulty and without the need of the above
workaround.  However, if I bracket the invocation line for svgatextmode,
svgalib programs, and x11 with the above line, e.g.,

cat /proc/pci  /dev/null
cat /proc/pci  /dev/null

I experience no more crashes.  So, is it a svgatextmode problem
(svgatextmode was derived from svgalib IIRC), or is it an X11 problem,
or, could it be the kernel's PCI code?  I'm not sure who I should be
talking to about this problem.  I have not seen this kind of problem
mentioned in deb-user mailing list, or in comp.os.linux.x, or the bug
listings for the above programs on debian.org, so for all I know I'm the
only one seeing this behavior.
So, is there anyone out there with a Matrox M2 PCI card and a recent
monitor (with builtin protection) who is willing to try the above
software combination and see if the crash occurs on more than my
system?  Please *don't do this* if you have an older monitor, I don't
want to be sued for having damaged it.  :-)  Install svgatextmode and
set it up for the 112x40 mode in TextConfig.  Since you are using the
same card is I am, you'll probably need the slightly modified 80x25 mode
line below as the one in TextConfig doesn't work for us.

80x25  28.663  640  680  776  808400  412  414  449 -Hsync +Vsync 
font 9x16   # 31.532kHz/70.23Hz

With svgatextmode installed, start running X repeatedly.  If its going
to crash, it will do so within the first ten or so executions.
Not knowing what to do with this problem, I've put it up on the Detain
User List, because of the seriousness of the bug;  I feel compelled to
bring this up with somebody.
If there is a better place for this post, please let me know.

Ed C.

Thanks ! [Was: Window Maker 0.20.1 and required libs...]

1998-10-17 Thread Mark Wagnon
Shaleh, Michael, and Christopher

I installed the *-dev.deb packages and everything went smoothly!

Thanks again!

__   _
Mark Wagnon-o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA/\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: Window Maker 0.20.1 and required libs...

1998-10-17 Thread Mark Wagnon
Michael Lankton wrote:
 I ran into the same problem.  I removed the debian packages for all my
 gfx libs, compiled them myself, and when I ran configure again, Window
 Maker recognized everything.  All the needed tarballs are at

Hey Michael,

Thanks for posting. I was about to go that route and had all the gzipped
sources downloaded, but I wanted to check and see if there was another
way to do it so that I don't turn my installation into a mish-mash of

I installed the development packages and everything was great...Window
Maker is now up and running!

__   _
Mark Wagnon-o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA/\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: PPP logging?

1998-10-17 Thread W. Paul Mills

1.3-27 is faulty. -26 or -28 should work. 

 From: Michael Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On 17 Oct 1998, Rene Hojbjerg Larsen wrote:
  Michael Beattie wrote:
   For some reason, ppp is not being logged anymore on my hamm/slink box..
   anyone else having the same results? If not, how do I fix it? I believe I
   upgraded ppp yesterday, as the last logged time was 2:55pm... does not
   even have disconnect logged.
  AFAICT, this is caused by a faulty sysklogd.  Upgrading to 1.3-28 should
  fix the problem (it did for me).
 That was my next assumption.. although I thought it was my upgrade to -28
 which broke it. I downgraded to -26, But I'll have to play around with it.

/*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* EMAIL= [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  WWW= http://Mills-USA.com/  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Re: PPP logging?

1998-10-17 Thread Ed Cogburn
W. Paul Mills wrote:
 1.3-27 is faulty. -26 or -28 should work.
  From: Michael Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On 17 Oct 1998, Rene Hojbjerg Larsen wrote:
   Michael Beattie wrote:
For some reason, ppp is not being logged anymore on my hamm/slink box..
anyone else having the same results? If not, how do I fix it? I believe 
upgraded ppp yesterday, as the last logged time was 2:55pm... does not
even have disconnect logged.
   AFAICT, this is caused by a faulty sysklogd.  Upgrading to 1.3-28 should
   fix the problem (it did for me).
  That was my next assumption.. although I thought it was my upgrade to -28
  which broke it. I downgraded to -26, But I'll have to play around with it.

Uh, I *am* running sysklogd 1.3-28 and my ppp logging is still broken. 

Ed C.

possible bug: fdutils doesn't install driveprm file

1998-10-17 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci

Looks like the fdutils package in hamm doesn't install the /etc/driveprm
file. Here is the relevant part of the postinst file:

if [ -e /etc/fdprm ]; then
echo  Fdutils-5.0 introduced two new configuration files:
/etc/mediaprm and
echo  /etc/driveprm.  They replace the old /etc/fdprm.
echo  Renaming old file /etc/fdprm to /etc/fdprm.obsolete ...
mv -f /etc/fdprm /etc/fdprm.obsolete

There is no trace of the driveprm file in the package, nor a mention
on how to create it.

I've tried to copy the old fdprm file in place and it seems to work.



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://gusp.infogroup.it
   ik5pvx| http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/8999
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.1.125 #1 Fri Oct 16 23:18:57 CEST 1998 i586 unknown

Using the config file from the default kernel

1998-10-17 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

I want to recompile my kernel (to use sound support). Will moving
/usr/src/linux/.config.save to /usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.34/.config
enable me to use the setup from the last kernel when I run make menuconfig
(i.e. I can take that and modify it, rather than starting from scratch)?



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Soundcard - where?

1998-10-17 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

I just plugged a soundcard into my machine, but can't seem to find
it - pnpdump doesn't reveal much (I think), and proc/interrupts isn't much
good either.

included below)

HOw can I find it to compile it into the kernel (it's a yamaha OPL3 card
int the second ISA slot)?


# For details of this file format, see isapnp.conf(5)
# LD n = Logical device, ie write to reg 7
# IO n = IO descriptor n
# BASE n = IO/Mem address
# INT n = Interrupt req n
# IRQ n = Interrupt level
# MODE = line levels etc
# ACT = Activate

#(READPORT 0x3bb)
#(CONFIGURE DFX/1493 (LD 0 (IO 0 (BASE 0x3e8)) (INT 0 (IRQ 12 (MODE +E))) 
(ACT Y)))
#(CONFIGURE DFX/1493 (LD 0 (REG 7 (PEEK)) (REG 0x30 (PEEK
#(CONFIGURE DFX/1493 (LD 1 (REG 7 (PEEK)) (REG 0x30 (PEEK
# Try to force logical device 2 (which doesn't exist)...
#(CONFIGURE DFX/1493 (LD 1 (REG 7 (POKE 2) (PEEK)) (REG 0x30 (PEEK
# .. hence this gives an error
#(CONFIGURE DFX/1493 (LD 2 (REG 7 (PEEK)) (REG 0x30 (PEEK

 0:   10098377   timer
 1: 802682   keyboard
 2:  0   cascade
 3:2436637   NE2000
 8:  2 + rtc
12: 116326   PS/2 Mouse
13:  1   math error
14:1012200 + ide0
15:  0 + ide1

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Using VM with Emacs19 and XEmacs20

1998-10-17 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

  Dirk (Please CC: me as I'm no longer on this list.)
  Dirk I'm scratching my head: Have been using VM with Emacs19 for years,
  Dirk and as XEmacs20 supports VM as well (with its own copy), I thought I
  Dirk could migrate.  Doesn't work (yet).  

  Matthew It might well be that having emacs19 and xemacs20 is causing a
  Matthew problem.  Try upgrading emacs to 20

That would imply uninstalling vm, as vm does not work with FSF Emacs 20. So
I'd loose my working setup. Hmpf.

Linux is not only free; it is, arguably, a better operating system, offering
a degree of stability and an ability to scale up that NT cannot match.
 -- The Economist, Oct 3, 1998

IDE message

1998-10-17 Thread Dave Swegen
Since switching to 2.1 I have been getting the following message at
PIIX3: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 39
PIIX3: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
ide0: BM-DMA at 0xf000-0xf007, BIOS settings: hda:pio, hdb:pio
ide1: BM-DMA at 0xf008-0xf00f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:pio

What does it mean, and is it affecting performance in any way? 

On a related note I had problems with my cdrom drive when I enabled DMA in
the kernel (error messages and being able to open the drive whilst
mounted), so I disabled it. Would it be a good idea to enable DMA on the
two HDDs (I assume I use hdparm for that)? What options should I look at
to increase performance? Where do I place the hdparm command to run at


Telnet with slink

1998-10-17 Thread Phillip Neumann

I just upgrade slink and when telnetting to me i get:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ -- telnet localhost
Connected to computron.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

I realize that after upgrading telnet program were not avaible so i try
to install telnet package apt installed it ok.

How can i fix that?

/ /
   /  Phillip  Neumann   /

Re: Using VM with Emacs19 and XEmacs20

1998-10-17 Thread M.C. Vernon

   Dirk (Please CC: me as I'm no longer on this list.)
   Dirk I'm scratching my head: Have been using VM with Emacs19 for years,
   Dirk and as XEmacs20 supports VM as well (with its own copy), I thought I
   Dirk could migrate.  Doesn't work (yet).  
   Matthew It might well be that having emacs19 and xemacs20 is causing a
   Matthew problem.  Try upgrading emacs to 20
 That would imply uninstalling vm, as vm does not work with FSF Emacs 20. So
 I'd loose my working setup. Hmpf.

:( RU sure about that? It strikes me as rather rubbish if it's true.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: PPP logging?

1998-10-17 Thread Michael Beattie
On Sat, 17 Oct 1998, W. Paul Mills wrote:

 1.3-27 is faulty. -26 or -28 should work. 


(To everyone else that helped also)

  From: Michael Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On 17 Oct 1998, Rene Hojbjerg Larsen wrote:
   Michael Beattie wrote:
For some reason, ppp is not being logged anymore on my hamm/slink box..
anyone else having the same results? If not, how do I fix it? I believe 
upgraded ppp yesterday, as the last logged time was 2:55pm... does not
even have disconnect logged.
   AFAICT, this is caused by a faulty sysklogd.  Upgrading to 1.3-28 should
   fix the problem (it did for me).
  That was my next assumption.. although I thought it was my upgrade to -28
  which broke it. I downgraded to -26, But I'll have to play around with it.
 /*** Running Debian Linux ***
 *   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
 *   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
 * W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
 * EMAIL= [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  WWW= http://Mills-USA.com/  *
 * Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
 * pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  WinErr: 007 System price error - Inadequate money spent on hardware
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!