Block highlight in elvis

1998-11-03 Thread Chris Leishman

Hi all,

In the recent slink version of the elvis editor, a default action was
modified, which now causes the editor to block select phrases found
during a matching search.

This is really, really annoying, as now the standard search and modify
key strokes have changed.

Does anyone know how to turn this bug/feature off




REALITY.SYS corrupted: Reboot universe? (Y/N/Q)   Debian GNU/Linux
Reply with subject 'request key' for PGP public key.  KeyID 0xA9E087D5

Re: about latex and tables

1998-11-03 Thread Ionutz Borcoman

Thanks to all that answered to my question about latex and tables. The
'longtable' was the first one I've try and it worked from the beginning.
I'll look over the others also to see which is best for my needs, but
longtable seems to be exactly what I need. And was on my computer,
installed by tex package, I presume.


Re: exim questions

1998-11-03 Thread Gregory T. Norris
> > 1. Is there any way to have exim rewrite headers for only outbound
> > messages?  I need to "correct" the headers for my ISP, but I don't
> > really want local messages to appear as "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
> Absolutely. exim.conf has a header rewrite section. You might use the
> online manual at Click the documentation link and go on from
> there. 

Thanx, I'll take a look there.

> > 2. Exim doesn't seem to like my .forward file, and I have absolutely no
> > idea why.  If I rename the file, mail can get through, otherwise it gets
> > deferred (apparently) forever.  I've been looking through the
> > documentation, and I can't for the life of me see what's wrong.  My
> > .forward looks like this (split for readability):
> What is the ownership and permissions on that .forward file? Does the mail
> user have permission to read it? What does /var/log/exim/mainlog or
> /var/log/paniclog say about it?

It is owned by myself and group "users", with mode 644.  The error-message
coming out of mainlog is:

"IFS='" command not found for address_pipe transport

I've tried playing with the quoting in .forward, but it doesn't seem to
make any difference.


why won't my modules work?

1998-11-03 Thread roadrun37
i just finished recompiling the kernel to configure my sound card.

now my hpfs, vfat, and most importantly psaux modules won't work.!!

should i use kerneld, what should i do?

Re: exim questions

1998-11-03 Thread Gregory T. Norris
> > What is the ownership and permissions on that .forward file? Does the mail
> > user have permission to read it? What does /var/log/exim/mainlog or
> > /var/log/paniclog say about it?
> It is owned by myself and group "users", with mode 644.  The error-message
> coming out of mainlog is:
> -
> "IFS='" command not found for address_pipe transport
> -
> I've tried playing with the quoting in .forward, but it doesn't seem to
> make any difference.

Well, I've gotten this half of it taken care of, at least.  It seems
that smail invokes a subshell when processing the .forward file, while
exim doesn't.  So I just had to trim the contents doen to:

"|/usr/bin/procmail -Yf-"

Works like a charm again.

Re: why won't my modules work?

1998-11-03 Thread Nathan C. Burnett
What error does it give you, if any?  Do the modules load at all? (use
lsmod to see what modules are loaded).  If you just rebuilt the kernel I
would suspect that your problem is that you didn't remember that you need
to rebuild the modules to go with the new kernel.


On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, roadrun37 wrote:

> i just finished recompiling the kernel to configure my sound card.
> now my hpfs, vfat, and most importantly psaux modules won't work.!!
> should i use kerneld, what should i do?

Nathan C. Burnett  "It is not certain that everything 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  is uncertain." Pascal
( ( (((In Stereo Where Available))) ) )

Re: Haunted PPP daemon.....

1998-11-03 Thread Ryan Kirkpatrick
On 1 Nov 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ryan Kirkpatrick writes:
> > They never specified what authentication protocal to be used (chap or
> > pap), while I was.
> You need to understand that ppp is a peer to peer protocol.  There is no
> server and no client: it works exactly the same way whether you are a user
> dialing in or an ISP.  When you specify an authentication protocol you are
> telling pppd to demand that the other end authenticate to you using that
> protocol.  That's how an ISP goes about requiring you to use PAP.  He, of
> course, will not authenticate to you.

Sorry, you are correct... I just needed some way to differentiate
between my ISP and my system, and since they are "serving" me an Internet
connection, and I am the "client" of the Internet connection, I used the
naming as such.
As for the authentication protocal, I understand now. The ISP was
demanding an auth protocol and I was demanding one as well. Guess it does
not work even when both demand the same auth protocal... Guess the reason
I got confused is that my old RH4.2 desktop box demands pap (via +ua) and
has been working fine. Of course that is version 2.2.0 of pppd, and the
one I had on my laptop was 2.3.x, a relatively large jump. :)
Thanks for the clarifications.

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." |
|--- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)|

|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |


xfstt + xset

1998-11-03 Thread Gossamer
I've just installed xfstt and a bunch of truetype fonts.  When
I run 'xfstt --sync' it works fine, and startind the daemon from
the /etc/init.d/xfstt script works.  But I can't get the server
to talk to it:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/cs3/ai> ps aux | grep xfstt
root   227  7.4  1.3  1332   520  ?  S12:53   0:50 /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/cs3/ai> xset fp+ unix:/7101
xset:  bad font path element (#38), possible causes are:
Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
Directory missing fonts.dir
Incorrect font server address or syntax

Any ideas?


: --Neophilic-Hacker-Grrl-Geek-Eclectic-Gay-Disabled-Boychick--
: The POP3 server service depends on the SMTP server service,
: which failed to start because of the following error: The
: operation completed successfully.  -- Windows NT Server v3.51

First-time Linux setup - questions

1998-11-03 Thread Jerry E. McGoveran
I've just got the basic Linux 2.0.35 working and have been busily
adding packages.  Among them is the olvwm package.  When I try to
invoke olvwm, I get a library missing error message.  When I look
in /usr/lib, the file olvwm complains about is there.  Apparently,
the environment setup is not complete on my system.  SunOS uses
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  Is it the same in Linux?

What else am I going to find that needs setting up?  Is there an easy
way to do it all?



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Sml-nj requires libc6 , will this have problems with libc5?

1998-11-03 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III

A while ago I wrote about setting up ML on my system. I am running 1.3.1
and have libc5 installed (ver 5.4.33-3).  In trying to install sml-nj, dpkg
tells me that I need libc6 (>=2.0.7u). Will I have problems if I install
libc6?  Will this conflict with libc5, will it over write it?  How will
this affect my programs in C and C++? is there a stable version of libc6
that I can use? Will it work with 1.3.1?  Where can I get libc6?  Is there
a way to get Sml-nj to work properly without libc6, using libc5?

Thank you for your time and thoughts.


Re: ppp problems continue! (long)

1998-11-03 Thread john
Chris Evans writes:
> I suspect from the proxyARP message...

No.  This message is harmless and irrelevant.

> I have a sense that I need to change /etc/init.d/network to bind ppp0...

Can't be done: ppp0 does not exist until the ppp link comes up.

> Acting on advice from my last posting I have changed my
> /etc/init.d/network settings to put the appropriate addresses in against
> eth0.

Exactly what did you do here?  You should have disabled the default route
and added the network and interface addresses.  This what I have in

/sbin/ifconfig eth0
/sbin/route add -net device eth0

Your routing table looks very strange: as if you have given your ethernet
interface and the ppp interface the same address.  The only place you
should put the ppp addresses xxx.yy.zzz.ww and is in
/etc/ppp/peers/provider.  Give the ethernet card a non-routed address such
as and give other machines on your LAN address on the net.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

cracklib mail

1998-11-03 Thread Max
I keep on getting bizarre mail from cracklib every single day with the
following message:

45375 45375

Looking in /etc/cron.daily/cracklib doesn't tell me why it's mailing
me with those two numbers, and neither do the cracklib man pages.  Any



1998-11-03 Thread Debian-User
can anyone tell me how to make images your background in wmaker? I dloaded some 
of those
themes from which are .jpg format then i converted them to xpm 
with the gimp.
But i can't figure out how to set it to my background.  Can anyone help?  Am I 
doing anything
wrong?  Thanks in advance.


1998-11-03 Thread Steve Lamb
I use netdate to sync my machine's clock to several other clocks. 
However, netdate does not change the BIOS clock along with the system clock
so each time my machine is rebooted (which is often right now, nasty memory
leak somewhere) the clock is out of sync again.  This is also happening on my
laptop.  How can I set the BIOS clock from inside Linux and is there a time
syncing program which can poll other machines and do this?

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: netdate

1998-11-03 Thread Michael Stone
Quoting Steve Lamb ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I use netdate to sync my machine's clock to several other clocks. 
> However, netdate does not change the BIOS clock along with the system clock
> so each time my machine is rebooted (which is often right now, nasty memory
> leak somewhere) the clock is out of sync again.  This is also happening on my
> laptop.  How can I set the BIOS clock from inside Linux and is there a time
> syncing program which can poll other machines and do this?

hwclock --systohc

You might want to add a --utc if your clock is set to GMT. I don't know
of a time program that does this. It shouldn't be a big deal to add this
to your shutdown routine.

Mike Stone

Re: netdate

1998-11-03 Thread Steve Lamb
On Mon, 2 Nov 1998 22:00:12 -0500, Michael Stone wrote:

>hwclock --systohc

>You might want to add a --utc if your clock is set to GMT. I don't know
>of a time program that does this. It shouldn't be a big deal to add this
>to your shutdown routine.

Great, thanks for the information.  :)

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: Haunted PPP daemon.....

1998-11-03 Thread john
Ryan Kirkpatrick writes:
> As for the authentication protocal, I understand now. The ISP was
> demanding an auth protocol and I was demanding one as well. Guess it does
> not work even when both demand the same auth protocal...

Actually, it would work fine as long as both sides are willing to
authenticate.  It's just that the ISP won't.

> Guess the reason I got confused is that my old RH4.2 desktop box demands
> pap (via +ua)...

That's not waht '+ua' did.  And it is obsolete now.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: wmaker

1998-11-03 Thread stephen . p . ryan
On  2 Nov, Debian-User wrote:
> can anyone tell me how to make images your background in wmaker? I dloaded 
> some of those
> themes from which are .jpg format then i converted them to xpm 
> with the gimp.
> But i can't figure out how to set it to my background.  Can anyone help?  Am 
> I doing anything
> wrong?  Thanks in advance.
Don't bother converting them.  Just dump the .jpg's in your
directory, then choose it from the
Workplace->Appearance->Background->Images menu.

Stephen Ryan   Debian GNU/Linux
Mathematics graduate student, Dartmouth College


1998-11-03 Thread Mark Panzer
I d/l'ed and installed all the files for GTKICQ from SLINK to use it on
my HAMM box. The only problem is it says "connecting to server..." then
the moving scroll-bar freezes and it never connects.  Is this package
broken?  There are no real docs with it.

Thanks in advance,

Mark Panzer

dpkg-perl help

1998-11-03 Thread Kalvinder Kang
I've installed Debian Linux ver 2.0 as an alternative os to Windows on my
PC with a view to making this a permanent arrangement and learning Unix as
part of my studies.  However, on running dselect and trying to install
Standard Packages (or updates, etc.)  I constantly get the following

"Oh dear, I need to install or upgrade dpkg-perl but I don't see the
appropriate file(s) anywhere.  I am expecting version (not given) or later,
as that is listed in the packages file."

It then mentions some material that I don't yet understand, and despite a
reasonably conscientious reading of available material, I seem to be no
further forward.  I have also downloaded programmer_ps which I believe to
be a dpkg manual but cannot view it in windows - do I need a binary viewer,
rename it or something?  Please help if you have time, I'm getting very

XF86Setup on Debian2.0 - help

1998-11-03 Thread rathon

I was installing Debian2.0 on a new PC and I have two question:

1) While in deselect, I would see the follwoing

 ***   etc etc
 ***   etc etc

How can I tell that the above pkg has already been installed ? Is that
by that last asterik under 'M' ?

2) While trying to setup the XServer, I get this message pop on my
screen :
Out of Range
Hf: 28KHz - 70 KHz
Vf: 40Hz - 120 Hz

and the screen just freezes there. I had to do a hard RESET to get
in again. This has stopped me from setting up the XServer.

I started the process by doing /usr/bin/X11/XF86Setup (as root)
Pls help ?


Get free e-mail and a permanent address at

Re: XF86Setup on Debian2.0 - help

1998-11-03 Thread Andrew Ivanov
On 3 Nov 1998, rathon wrote:

> Hi,
> I was installing Debian2.0 on a new PC and I have two question:
> 1) While in deselect, I would see the follwoing
>  ***   etc etc
>  ***   etc etc
> How can I tell that the above pkg has already been installed ? Is that
> by that last asterik under 'M' ?

In dselect, the screen is split into 2 parts, top one lists all the
packages you have, bottom one provides a short description.
When you scroll down to a particular package, look into the middle of a
screen, right in between two windows, it will say if the package is
installed, and what is it's status (marked for installation, removal, etc)
 Hope this helps.

Re: xfstt + xset

1998-11-03 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov
Use "ps aux" to check that xfstt is actually running. I've encountered a
wierd problem today that xfstt by itself works, but xfstt --daemon
does not.
Very strange - it worked yesterday. I don't think I've changed anything
Anyone got a similar problem ?


On 3 Nov 1998, Gossamer wrote:

> I've just installed xfstt and a bunch of truetype fonts.  When
> I run 'xfstt --sync' it works fine, and startind the daemon from
> the /etc/init.d/xfstt script works.  But I can't get the server
> to talk to it:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/cs3/ai> ps aux | grep xfstt
> root   227  7.4  1.3  1332   520  ?  S12:53   0:50 
> /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/cs3/ai> xset fp+ unix:/7101
> xset:  bad font path element (#38), possible causes are:
> Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
> Directory missing fonts.dir
> Incorrect font server address or syntax
> Any ideas?
> bekj
> -- 
> : --Neophilic-Hacker-Grrl-Geek-Eclectic-Gay-Disabled-Boychick--
> : The POP3 server service depends on the SMTP server service,
> : which failed to start because of the following error: The
> : operation completed successfully.  -- Windows NT Server v3.51

Re: rawrite2 & NT

1998-11-03 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Nov 02, 1998 at 11:57:45AM -0800, Jeff Katcher wrote:
> Greg Vence wrote:
> > It appears that rawrite2 doesn't work with NT.  Is there one that does?
> > I didn't see it going 0-1-0-1-... on side.  Is there something I'm
> > missing?
> No, I had the same results - EXCEPT that my disks worked PERFECTLY.  I
> don't know why NT dosn't show the 0-1-0-1-... on side, but it Works
> Fine.

It's probably to do with caching or access speeds or something on NT.
As Jeff says, it works perfectly.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: xfstt + xset

1998-11-03 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Nov 03, 1998 at 02:06:33AM +, Gossamer wrote:
> I've just installed xfstt and a bunch of truetype fonts.  When
> I run 'xfstt --sync' it works fine, and startind the daemon from
> the /etc/init.d/xfstt script works.  But I can't get the server
> to talk to it:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/cs3/ai> ps aux | grep xfstt
> root   227  7.4  1.3  1332   520  ?  S12:53   0:50 
> /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/cs3/ai> xset fp+ unix:/7101
> xset:  bad font path element (#38), possible causes are:
> Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
> Directory missing fonts.dir
> Incorrect font server address or syntax
> Any ideas?

Ok xfstt maintainer I have to say I have never seen this before :)

Usually if there is a problem...xfstt wont even run.

ok found the problem :)

xset fp+ unix:/7101 <--- wrong :)

xset +fp unix/:7101 had me scared for a bit :)

/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
"Society prepares the crime; the criminal commits it."
-- Henry Thomas Buckle

Re: GIMP plugins

1998-11-03 Thread Peter Granroth
"M.C. Vernon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Dear all,
>   I want some plugins :).
> a) are any debian packages?
> b) if not, where will the gimp debian package look for them?

just get the plugin (e.g from the plugin registry at
then 'man gimptool':

== quote ==
   gimptool is a tool that can,  among  other  things,  build
   plug-ins  or  scripts  and  install  them if they are dis­
   tributed in one source file.
= end quote ===

> c) having installed a plugin, how do I use it (i.e. invoke the plugin)

If it's a filter for example, it should show up in the menu when you
start gimp after installing the plugin since it scans the plugin
directories at startup, so there usually is nothing you need to do
manually, expect installing the plugin in the right place (that is
what the gimptool is for)

+ Peter Granroth +  Microsoft is NOT the answer  +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +   Microsoft is the question   +
+ +   The answer is NO+

how to install slink netscape?

1998-11-03 Thread Eric
I am really confused and I feel like I shouldn't be.  I recently upgraded
to slink so I figured I would go from the old netscape deb package
(netscape4) to the new format (netscape-base-45b2).  So I ended up
removing netscape4 (since it conflicts with the new netscape package) and
installing netscape-base-45b2, netscape-base-4 (since it is necessary for
installing netscape-base-45b2), netscape-java-whatever, and plugger.  All
seemed to go fine and I was very pleased.  I went under the assumption
that the actual netscape binaries were now included in these
this wrong?  When I tried to run netscape, it wasn't there.  I don't have
a /usr/X11R6/bin/netscape (which I think should probably be a link to
/usr/lib/netscape/45b2/wrapper or something).  All I seem to have are the real netscape binaries.  I find this odd since the package
installed fine and didn't tell me to do anything.  What stupid thing am I


 _  _ 
| |(_)
|  _|  | | Page me via ICQ at
| |___ | |
|__/ | or by mailing [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xfstt + xset

1998-11-03 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Nov 03, 1998 at 12:07:05AM -0500, Sergey V Kovalyov wrote:
> Use "ps aux" to check that xfstt is actually running. I've encountered a
> wierd problem today that xfstt by itself works, but xfstt --daemon
> does not.
> Very strange - it worked yesterday. I don't think I've changed anything
> important.
> Anyone got a similar problem ?

Wow someone already using -daemon option (I added it and rushed it in
to the upstream author very shortly before releace :) ) is "-daemon" NOT "--daemon" yes this is counter-intuitive
to the way MANY programs work but...
ALL o fth eother xfstt options use only 1 '-' and ALL are long options.

I just followed the convention the author used. Try it an let me know.


> Sergey.
> On 3 Nov 1998, Gossamer wrote:
> > I've just installed xfstt and a bunch of truetype fonts.  When
> > I run 'xfstt --sync' it works fine, and startind the daemon from
> > the /etc/init.d/xfstt script works.  But I can't get the server
> > to talk to it:
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/cs3/ai> ps aux | grep xfstt
> > root   227  7.4  1.3  1332   520  ?  S12:53   0:50 
> > /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/cs3/ai> xset fp+ unix:/7101
> > xset:  bad font path element (#38), possible causes are:
> > Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
> > Directory missing fonts.dir
> > Incorrect font server address or syntax
> > 
> > 
> > Any ideas?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > bekj
> > 
> > -- 
> > : --Neophilic-Hacker-Grrl-Geek-Eclectic-Gay-Disabled-Boychick--
> > : The POP3 server service depends on the SMTP server service,
> > : which failed to start because of the following error: The
> > : operation completed successfully.  -- Windows NT Server v3.51
> > 
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
"We do everything by custom, even belive by it; our very
axioms, let us boast of free-thinking as we may, are oftenest
simply such beliefs as we have never questioned"
--Thomas Carlyle

Description: PGP signature

Re: how to install slink netscape?

1998-11-03 Thread Michael Stone
Quoting Eric ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> seemed to go fine and I was very pleased.  I went under the assumption
> that the actual netscape binaries were now included in these
> this wrong?  When I tried to run netscape, it wasn't there.  I don't have

You also need to install either a navigator or a communicator package,
depending on whether you want a browser only or the whole
browser/email/news bundle.

Mike Stone

Re: xfstt + xset

1998-11-03 Thread Peter Granroth
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gossamer) writes:

> I've just installed xfstt and a bunch of truetype fonts.  When
> I run 'xfstt --sync' it works fine, and startind the daemon from
> the /etc/init.d/xfstt script works.  But I can't get the server
> to talk to it:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/cs3/ai> ps aux | grep xfstt
> root   227  7.4  1.3  1332   520  ?  S12:53   0:50 
> /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/cs3/ai> xset fp+ unix:/7101
> xset:  bad font path element (#38), possible causes are:
> Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
> Directory missing fonts.dir
> Incorrect font server address or syntax
> Any ideas?


xset fp+ unix/:7101

(see the difference?)

+ Peter Granroth +  Microsoft is NOT the answer  +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +   Microsoft is the question   +
+ +   The answer is NO+

Re: XF86Setup on Debian2.0 - help

1998-11-03 Thread Kent West
On 3 Nov 1998, rathon wrote:

> Hi,
> I was installing Debian2.0 on a new PC and I have two question:
> 1) While in deselect, I would see the follwoing
>  ***   etc etc
>  ***   etc etc
> How can I tell that the above pkg has already been installed ? Is that
> by that last asterik under 'M' ?

If I understand what you're asking, I'd suggest pressing "v" to turn on
verbose mode; you trade a little more info for a little clearer info, but
it works for me.

Re: exim and bad Sender: header

1998-11-03 Thread Mike Touloumtzis
On Sun, Nov 01, 1998 at 08:09:41PM -0800, Carl Johnson wrote:
> Lee Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Sun, Nov 01, 1998 at 10:18:15AM -0800, Carl Johnson wrote:
> > > I ended up with the following fetchmail messages:
> > > reading message 1 of 31 (1088 header bytes) .fetchmail: SMTP error: 501 
> > > <> : colon expected after route
> > > fetchmail: SMTP error: 501  : sender address must contain a domain
> > > fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
> > 
> > I had a similar problem with messages bounced from non-existent
> > accounts. The automatic reply from the server is from <>, I guess to
> > prevent loops. Upgrading to fetchmail in slink (Version: 4.6.4-1) solved
> > my problem.
> I just installed it, so hopefully it will fix my problem also.  Thanks
> for the response.

For reference: I was able to get a download to work by adding 

sender_unqualified_hosts =

to exim.conf.


Re: potential smail security bug

1998-11-03 Thread Steve Lamb
On Tue, 3 Nov 1998 00:31:33 -0800 (PST), George Bonser wrote:

>Remote site connects to your mail server. In the reverse DNS lookup, the
>remote admin has pointed the PTR record to your mailhosts
>name. The forward and reverse lookups do not match, smail warns of the
>discrepancy in the log file but accepts the mail anyway. In this case, the
>host gives a trusted HELO and has a trusted reverse DNS though the forward
>DNS (look up the hostname, find the IP address) does not match.

Hrm, odd.  Wonder if Exim or Sendmail are susceptable to this?

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

A few questions

1998-11-03 Thread Karsten Bolding

1: If I use 24 bpp then Netscape doesn't look very nice and if I run 8
bpp idl, gimp and glade are not optimal. Is there a way to use 24 bpp
with Netscape - also the fvwm95 icons looks starnge if I use 24 bpp.

2: Can Netscape 4.5 under Windows and Linux share address book and
e-mail folders etc. Now I've made my ~/nsmail a link to
/win95/_path_to_mail_folder. The only disadvantage is that files with
the extension .snb or .snm (I write this at work) also shows op in the

3: If I upgrade netstd from 3.07-2 I can not any longer ftp to the
machine - I looked at /etc/services and can not find any differences -
what has happened ?


Karsten Bolding,
CEC - Joint Research Centre, ISPRA  Direct: +39 (0)332 789314
Space Applications InstituteSec.+39 (0)332 789177
Marine Environment Unit, TP690  FAX:+39 (0)332 789034
I-21020 Ispra(VA) - Italy   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A few questions

1998-11-03 Thread Martin Bialasinski

>> "KB" == Karsten Bolding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

KB> 1: If I use 24 bpp then Netscape doesn't look very nice and if I
KB> run 8 bpp idl, gimp and glade are not optimal. Is there a way to
KB> use 24 bpp with Netscape - also the fvwm95 icons looks starnge if
KB> I use 24 bpp.

Some programms have trouble with X running at 24 bpp. Either 16 bpp or 
32 pbb should work OK.


Re: Build of xemacs-20.4-7 fails

1998-11-03 Thread Jan Vroonhof
Paul Seelig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> /usr/src/XEmacs/xemacs20-20.4-5/lib-src/profile.c:51: too few arguments to 
> function `gettimeofday'

This sounds like a configure failure. 

The source package is probably using some --with-bla-bla switches that 
are incompatible with your hamm install and cause other tests to fail.
(you can check in /usr/src/XEmacs/xemacs20-20.4-5/Installation)

XEmacs 21.2.x (the bleeding edge development version) build out of the 
box on my ham system.


P.S. If that really is the case you should file a bug report against
the debian package. Using --with-bla-bla=yes is generally bad. 

Re: kppp

1998-11-03 Thread Bostjan JERKO
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 27.10.98 04:45:00 PM
Subject:Re: kppp

>Sounds like your chat script is garbled.  Both 'OK' and 'CONNECT' are
>messages that chat expects from the modem.

>Send me a copy of your chatscript and the output of plog.

I am not using ppp directy. Instead I use kppp and actualy I don't know where 
chat scipt for that is saved.


creating CD images

1998-11-03 Thread Ferenc Kiraly

I want to create my own non-official Debian CD set using the
debian-cd package. I have an intact mirror, including contrib
, non-US and non-free. Is there an easy way to include ALL the
non-free packages on the images, the hard way being listing
each package separately in the 'Configuration' file.


Re: XF86Setup on Debian2.0 - help

1998-11-03 Thread WebMaster
The dselect screen is divided in three parts

the top part is the one u describe with the list of packages, as your cursor
moves thru each item is highlited.

the b lue line in the middle gives u the status of the package highlited,
i.e whether it is on your system and whether it is install.  It also tells u
your selection (i.e. if u want it installed) and your previous choices (i.e.
if it was a purge or what)

the bottom part gives you a description of the package highlited

hope it helps.

-Original Message-
From: Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: rathon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 03 November 1998 06:36
Subject: Re: XF86Setup on Debian2.0 - help

>On 3 Nov 1998, rathon wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was installing Debian2.0 on a new PC and I have two question:
>> 1) While in deselect, I would see the follwoing
>>  ***   etc etc
>>  ***   etc etc
>> How can I tell that the above pkg has already been installed ? Is that
>> by that last asterik under 'M' ?
>If I understand what you're asking, I'd suggest pressing "v" to turn on
>verbose mode; you trade a little more info for a little clearer info, but
>it works for me.
>Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <

Re: XF86 config - help

1998-11-03 Thread WebMaster

hi all
I have recently installed debian 2 on my PC and after a bit of 
tribulation and hours FTPing I got it working :)
I was playing around in Xwindows and there was an option on 
the menu for XF86 config and I thought I'd click on it and 
see what'd happen.  There was a lot of disk activity and Xsysinfo showed a 
very busy kernel, at times up to 100%, for a while.  However nothing else 
visible happened.
the next time I switched the puter on everything works fine 
until login time.  Xwindows starts, but I don't get a login window and 
nothing happens apart from that grey screen.
I usually boot up using Loadlin from my CD.  Are there 
any option that will let me bypass the automatic xwindow load or any way I can 
get to a normal shell and log in?  Also, would anyone have any idea of what 
happened and how I can sort it out?

[OFF TOPIC] Re: Linux kernel in breach of GPL ? (fwd)

1998-11-03 Thread C.J.LAWSON
I guess we should all be aware of this 

> I'm sure all of you are aware of the "Halloween Document", URLS:
> Given the attention of Microsoft, I think it would be prudent if
> the Linux kernel was reviewed for compliance with the GPL.  Having
> read some of the .c files in kernels as recent as 2.1.122, I am
> under the impression that not all of the source code in the
> distribution is in fact GPL'd and that which isn't would be in
> direct conflict of the GPL itself.  If I was a legal eagle, I might
> have more idea about whether or not that's grounds for a case, and
> if so, who would be in a position to take such action.
> To give you an example, the first .c file I looked at was kernel/dma.c
> which has the following:
> /* $Id: dma.c,v 1.7 1994/12/28 03:35:33 root Exp root $
>  * linux/kernel/dma.c: A DMA channel allocator. Inspired by 
> linux/kernel/irq.c.
>  *
>  * Written by Hennus Bergman, 1992.
>  *
>  * 1994/12/26: Changes by Alex Nash to fix a minor bug in /proc/dma.
>  *   In the previous version the reported device could end up being wrong,
>  *   if a device requested a DMA channel that was already in use.
>  *   [It also happened to remove the sizeof(char *) == sizeof(int)
>  *   assumption introduced because of those /proc/dma patches. -- Hennus]
>  */
> To me this implies that "Hennus Bergman" wrote that file and hence owns
> the copyright to it and that the file is not in fact placed under GPL.
> A quick count reveals 4000+ files in the linux kernel source tree, with
> around 1000 actually having the word "GNU" in them.  Some 300 or so
> have the word "GPL" in them.
> Whilst this might be just a "nit", if I were part of Linux and with Linux
> coming under the spotlight more and more, I would think it prudent for all
> involved if any anonmalies were quickly resolved.  I don't think comments
> such as the following are particularly "bright":
>  * This code is heavily based on the code on the old ip_fw.c code; see below 
> for
>  * copyrights and attributions of the old code.  This code is basically GPL.
> Reading later down in the file, it clearly contains a different license
> to the GPL which is in fact against the license - unless permission has
> been granted by the FSF for such to be allowed (in which case it would
> probably be prudent to mention that somewhere).
> To me, this indicates that all current, distributed, versions of Linux
> are in fact in contradiction to the GPL license.
> I don't mean to start a flame war, but if I was Microsoft and I was looking
> for a way to take Linux out of the picture, this might (somehow) provide
> them with the necessary first step.  I don't want to see that any more than
> anyone else here.  I think a new release of 2.0 and 2.1 needs to be made
> with at least the required corrections as suggested by the file "COPYING"
> in the root Linux kernel source code directory.
> Again, I'm not trying to pick a fight, _we_ all know what it meant to mean,
> but we're not lawyers and if they can get OJ freed, then perhaps they could
> argue Linux (as it is now) contradicts its own license.  As for what that
> means, who knows ?
> Darren
> -
> To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
> the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Please read the FAQ at

Paul Duncan [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Indifference will be the downfall humanity, but who cares? - fortune

"in short, all known bugs should be "I'm to blame; I wonder just who
 fixed, but hey, what else is new?" made the rules up for this game."
  - Linus Torvalds- nine inch nails
Jonathan Lawson 
Thermal Processes Unit 
Department of Applied Energy and Optical Diagnostics 
School of Mechanical Engineering, 
Cranfield  University, 
Cranfield, Bedford. UK.  
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good 
that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, 
that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, 
Thy God reigneth!


Re: dpkg/apt-get madness

1998-11-03 Thread Helge Hafting
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 11/02/98 
   at 05:10 PM, "E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>I seemed to remember that the X11 maintainer specifically mailed to this
>list that the slink X packages were severely broken and only to be used
>by brave peoply meaning to help with the debugging process.
Ok.  I'll reinstall X from the CD then.  No problem with that.

>I also had lots of trouble with the emacs20 package on hamm.  Some people
>suggested to remove the `tm' package.  This worked on certain systems,
>but on other systems there was no `tm' present at all.  I got this sorted
I'll try removing this "tm" thing, but what if it doesn't work?   I can
list the contents of the emacs20 package and remove files by hand, but how
to I make the package management system believe that package emacs20 no
longer exist?  I don't want apt-get/dpkg to fail forever trying to deal
with  it.   

I have no problems with dubious software in the unstable tree, but this
looks like a problem in the package management system itself.  Unable to
even remove a package (that nothing depends on anymore) because of a "very
bad  inconsistent state?"   

Helge Hafting

Diskette Basic Installation

1998-11-03 Thread Mitchell R. Pryor
I have downloaded the bin files for 2.0 and created diskettes (using
rawrite2.exe). The following message appears after the install reads the
2nd Base diskette:

Error reading from tempfile!  Input/Output error.

Any suggestions as to what could cause this?  I redownloaded the bin file
and created a new diskette, but the same thing happened.  I know you
discourage the use of diskettes, so maybe I'm the first to try using the
diskette installation. I did so because I wanted to create a Linux-only
system for evaluation.

Linux diskettes

1998-11-03 Thread Bostjan JERKO
Hello !

Can anybody tell me how to create basic diskettes for Linux (e.g. Debian) to 
install on PC without CD-ROM and than install the rest over
the network.
I tried make-floppy or something like that (can't remember exact name) but it 
exits with an error.


Disk problems

1998-11-03 Thread Biciunas, Paul John
Hello, all.

I installed Debian 2.0 (2.0.34) Greenbush distribution.
My disks are 2 IDE drives, a 540M and 2.5G slave.

The partitions are (df output)
/dev/hda1 99029   ... /
/dev/hda3   348873   ... /home
/dev/hdb1   495714   ... /var
/dev/hdb2 1926659   ... /usr

I had problems making a kernel, but finally managed to build a bzImage.
The kernel booted, and upon testing, realized that I needed to rebuild
the kernel.
That's when the fun started. The make failed, when it couldn't process 
some .c files in /usr/src/linux/lib/ - "file" said they were MPEG files.

Firing up emacs, it complained about not being able to find
files, and sure enough, /usr/local/share was no longer a directory, but
some .c file.

Running fsck was a nightmare.
Instead, I rebooted from the installation cdrom, and repartitioned the
disks, checked
for bad blocks (passed), and started dselect. On Install, what I got was

EXT_fs error (device 03:42): ext2_find_entry : bad entry in directory
#8193 : rec_len
is too small for name_len - offset 0, inode 538976288, rec_len=8224,

Is my disk toast? 
Any and all help will be appreciated.

-Paul Biciunas

Re: Linux diskettes

1998-11-03 Thread Peter Iannarelli
Hello Bostjan:

and it is all explained there.


Bostjan JERKO wrote:

> Hello !
> Can anybody tell me how to create basic diskettes for Linux (e.g. Debian) to 
> install on PC without CD-ROM and than install the rest over
> the network.
> I tried make-floppy or something like that (can't remember exact name) but it 
> exits with an error.
> Bostjan
> --
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fn:Peter Iannarelli

Font Frustration

1998-11-03 Thread Jeff Miller

I am trying to get AfterStep working and I keep getting the following error 

AfterStep: can't get font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
AfterStep: can't get font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
AfterStep: can't get font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-8-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Can anyone tell me what package these fonts are included in?  Thanks!



absolute beginner !

1998-11-03 Thread Alain Cadenat
Hy all,

I am an absolute beginner in linux and  Debian

I have just download and (successfully) installed the base debian linux.
It runs properly on the same hard disk of windows 95 ! (hmmm not too bad for
a beginner no ?)
But now..
I dont even know how to read the .gz files in /usr/doc
I wish also to install an X11 interface. Where can I find one and how to
install it ???

Thanks for weloming me in the linux community

Alain Cadenat


Re: absolute beginner !

1998-11-03 Thread Peter Iannarelli
Hay there absolute beginner:

That pretty good for a first go around.

To uncompress the .gz files. Use gunzip .

Happy uncompressing.


Alain Cadenat wrote:

> Hy all,
> I am an absolute beginner in linux and  Debian
> I have just download and (successfully) installed the base debian linux.
> It runs properly on the same hard disk of windows 95 ! (hmmm not too bad for
> a beginner no ?)
> But now..
> I dont even know how to read the .gz files in /usr/doc
> I wish also to install an X11 interface. Where can I find one and how to
> install it ???
> Thanks for weloming me in the linux community
> Alain Cadenat
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
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note:Unix/Linux Support
fn:Peter Iannarelli

RE: wmaker

1998-11-03 Thread Person, Rod
Does anyone no how to center the background. I was playing with the gimp
and converted my old NT backgrounds to wmaker, but the tile and there is
no need for them to.

Rod Person

"Humanity is the biggest cancer ever to be seen!"
-Alx Hellid 

> --
> From:
> Sent: Monday, November 02, 1998 10:23 PM
> Cc:
> Subject:  Re: wmaker
> On  2 Nov, Debian-User wrote:
> > can anyone tell me how to make images your background in wmaker? I
> dloaded some of those
> > themes from which are .jpg format then i converted them
> to xpm with the gimp.
> > But i can't figure out how to set it to my background.  Can anyone
> help?  Am I doing anything
> > wrong?  Thanks in advance.
> > 
> Don't bother converting them.  Just dump the .jpg's in your
> ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds/
> directory, then choose it from the
> Workplace->Appearance->Background->Images menu.
> HTH,
> -- 
> Stephen Ryan   Debian GNU/Linux
> Mathematics graduate student, Dartmouth College

xadmin. Where did it go?

1998-11-03 Thread Person, Rod
What happend to the xadmin package.

when I first install Hamm via ftp I could find it now I can't. That's
one of the few deb I did backup. 

Rod Person

"Humanity is the biggest cancer ever to be seen!"
-Alx Hellid 

> --
> From:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:debian-user-digest-re
> Reply To:
> Sent: Monday, November 02, 1998 11:44 PM
> Subject:  debian-user-digest Digest V98 #1232
> <>< questions>>< ...>><>< systems and Debian/Linux?>><>< questions>><>< Block highlight in elvis>>< tables>><>< work?>><>< modules work?>><>< xfstt + xset>>< questions>>< ha...>><>< cracklib mail>><><>< netdate>><>< daemon.>><>< ANYTHING>>

RE: dpkg-perl help

1998-11-03 Thread Cristov Russell
I've had this problem as well.  I had to manually install the file.  It
appears that the name of the file is slightly different than what is listed
in the Packages.gz file.  This will also happen if you  download .deb files
from a Win box and not change the last '_' to a '.' before saving it.

To manually install a package use:
dpkg -i package_name.deb

from the directory where you have all deb files.  Then run dselect again and
it should work.

Cristov Russell

-Original Message-
From: Kalvinder Kang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 02, 1998 10:44 PM
To: Debian Users
Subject: dpkg-perl help

I've installed Debian Linux ver 2.0 as an alternative os to Windows on my
PC with a view to making this a permanent arrangement and learning Unix as
part of my studies.  However, on running dselect and trying to install
Standard Packages (or updates, etc.)  I constantly get the following

"Oh dear, I need to install or upgrade dpkg-perl but I don't see the
appropriate file(s) anywhere.  I am expecting version (not given) or later,
as that is listed in the packages file."

It then mentions some material that I don't yet understand, and despite a
reasonably conscientious reading of available material, I seem to be no
further forward.  I have also downloaded programmer_ps which I believe to
be a dpkg manual but cannot view it in windows - do I need a binary viewer,
rename it or something?  Please help if you have time, I'm getting very

Re: absolute beginner !

1998-11-03 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Alain Cadenat wrote:

> Hy all,
> I am an absolute beginner in linux and  Debian
> I have just download and (successfully) installed the base debian linux.
> It runs properly on the same hard disk of windows 95 ! (hmmm not too bad for
> a beginner no ?)
> But now..
> I dont even know how to read the .gz files in /usr/doc

Use 'zless .gz'

> I wish also to install an X11 interface. Where can I find one and how to
> install it ???

Install xbase and an xserver which suits your video card.  The vga16
server works with almost anything, with reduced performance.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: netdate

1998-11-03 Thread dpk
On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, Steve Lamb wrote:

   I use netdate to sync my machine's clock to several other
   clocks.  However, netdate does not change the BIOS clock along with
   the system clock so each time my machine is rebooted (which is
   often right now, nasty memory leak somewhere) the clock is out of
   sync again.  This is also happening on my laptop.  How can I set
   the BIOS clock from inside Linux and is there a time syncing
   program which can poll other machines and do this?

I use 'hwclock --systohc' to set the BIOS clock to the current system
time.  I have a ntp server and I sync clients using rdate (since I'm
not concerned with millisecond accuracy) nightly in cron.

Dennis Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Network Adminstrator
College of Engineering, MSU
353-4844 (phone)
222-5875 (pager)

Re: Problems with network card IRQ conflicting.

1998-11-03 Thread Dale E. Martin
Nathan E Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Both PCI cards, right?  And an Adaptec SCSI card I'll wager.
> Pull out the NIC, and boot.  Shutdown, insert the NIC, and boot.  The
> BIOS should assign a different IRQ to the NIC.
> I had this exact problem recently with a 2940 and a Netgear FA-310TX.

I have also observed that on my Tyan S1668 (Titan Pro, I think), the PCI
cards are assigned IRQs simply by mapping a certain IRQ to a certain slot.
It has 4 IRQs available for mapping, and 5 PCI slots.  The pigeon-hole
principle tells us that there must be two slots sharing an IRQ ;-) It turns
out to be the first and last slot that share.  So, on this board, if you
have less than 5 cards, you're wise not to use those slots simultaneously.

+  finger for pgp public key  -+
| Dale E. Martin |  Clifton Labs, Inc.  |  Senior Computer Engineer|

Re: cracklib mail

1998-11-03 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, Max wrote:

> I keep on getting bizarre mail from cracklib every single day with the
> following message:
> /etc/cron.daily/cracklib:
> 45375 45375
> Looking in /etc/cron.daily/cracklib doesn't tell me why it's mailing
> me with those two numbers, and neither do the cracklib man pages.  Any
> clues?

/etc/cron.daily/cracklib reforms cracklib's cached dictionary
database everyday using crack_packer.  In my version, 2.7-5, the
output is redirected to /dev/null.  Which version are you using?

Jean Pierre

RE: wmaker

1998-11-03 Thread Richard L. Alhama
On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Person, Rod wrote:
> Does anyone no how to center the background. I was playing with the gimp
> and converted my old NT backgrounds to wmaker, but the tile and there is
> no need for them to.

Add this line on your ~/GNUstep/Defaults/Windowmaker

-->WorkspaceBack = (cpixmap,any-pic-you-like.whatever-image-format,


Admiral Charah
Technical Support Group 
Cyberspace Laoag, ISP

Re: xfstt + xset

1998-11-03 Thread Richard L. Alhama
On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:

> Ok xfstt maintainer I have to say I have never seen this before :)
> Usually if there is a problem...xfstt wont even run.
> ok found the problem :)
> xset fp+ unix:/7101 <--- wrong :)
> try:
> xset +fp unix/:7101
> had me scared for a bit :)

Now that xfstt is tackled on this thread, why can't I see any TTfonts
when I run an xsession?

I have copied some TTfonts on /var/ttfonts/, xfstt is running as a daemon
tho' I have to manually enter the entries into /etc/rc?.d.  Doesn't the
dpkg install script do this?

$ps ax |grep xfstt
142  ?  S0:00 /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt --port 7101

What else do I need to do Steph?


Admiral Charah
Technical Support Group 
Cyberspace Laoag, ISP

Re: absolute beginner !

1998-11-03 Thread Helge Hafting
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 11/03/98 
   at 01:59 PM, "Alain Cadenat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Hy all,

>I am an absolute beginner in linux and  Debian

>I have just download and (successfully) installed the base debian linux.
>It runs properly on the same hard disk of windows 95 ! (hmmm not too bad
>for a beginner no ?)
Not bad.
>But now..
>I dont even know how to read the .gz files in /usr/doc
>I wish also to install an X11 interface. Where can I find one and how to
>install it ???
As usual, there are several ways.  You can uncompress the files. "gunzip
filename" will do that.  This wastes space.

You can use "zless" instead of "less"

Or you can read the manpages on "less/lesspipe"
and set up lesspipe so "less" works both with compressed and ordinary
files. You don't actually have to create a lesspipe script because one is
provided already.  Just set up the LESSPIPE environment string, that's
all.  The provided lesspipe script will deal with compressed files and a
lot of other formats too.

Helge Hafting

Re: xfstt + xset

1998-11-03 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Nov 03, 1998 at 10:32:47PM +0800, Richard L. Alhama wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
> > Ok xfstt maintainer I have to say I have never seen this before :)
> > 
> > Usually if there is a problem...xfstt wont even run.
> > 
> > ok found the problem :)
> > 
> > xset fp+ unix:/7101 <--- wrong :)
> > 
> > try:
> > xset +fp unix/:7101
> > 
> > had me scared for a bit :)
> Now that xfstt is tackled on this thread, why can't I see any TTfonts
> when I run an xsession?
> I have copied some TTfonts on /var/ttfonts/, xfstt is running as a daemon
> tho' I have to manually enter the entries into /etc/rc?.d.  Doesn't the
> dpkg install script do this?
> $ps ax |grep xfstt
> 142  ?  S0:00 /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt --port 7101
> What else do I need to do Steph?

Well for starters, put the fonts in /usr/share/fonts/truetype not /var/ttfonts.
(unless you are using the hamm version...then you are right :))

The script SHOULD (last time I looked does) install the rc.d links for the 
init.d script...are you SURE it doesn't? If not the proper way to add them
(which the deb file is suposed to do) is "update-rc.d xfstt defaults"

Do you mean you need to manually enter the font path every time you start X?

if that is the problem then I suggest the following:

edit /etc/X11/Xf86config and add to the fontpaths:

FontPath   "unix/:7101"


/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Drug War Fact:
Nearly every 49 seconds someone is arrested for a marijuana offense in
the United States. Aproximatly 85% of these are for simple possesion.

Re: xfstt + xset

1998-11-03 Thread Richard L. Alhama
On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:

> > Now that xfstt is tackled on this thread, why can't I see any TTfonts
> > when I run an xsession?
> > 
> > I have copied some TTfonts on /var/ttfonts/, xfstt is running as a daemon
> > tho' I have to manually enter the entries into /etc/rc?.d.  Doesn't the
> > dpkg install script do this?
> > 
> > $ps ax |grep xfstt
> > 142  ?  S0:00 /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt --port 7101
> > 
> > What else do I need to do Steph?
> Well for starters, put the fonts in /usr/share/fonts/truetype not 
> /var/ttfonts.
> (unless you are using the hamm version...then you are right :))

I've upgraded to hamm =8^) 

> The script SHOULD (last time I looked does) install the rc.d links for the 
> init.d script...are you SURE it doesn't? If not the proper way to add them
> (which the deb file is suposed to do) is "update-rc.d xfstt defaults"

When I upgraded xfstt (never thought it was installed when I had 1.3).  It
placed the file /etc/init.d/xfstt.dpkg-new.  So i had to symlink the
entries in /etc/rc?.d using that file.

> Do you mean you need to manually enter the font path every time you start X?


> if that is the problem then I suggest the following:
> edit /etc/X11/Xf86config and add to the fontpaths:

Thanks for pointing that out.


Admiral Charah
Technical Support Group 
Cyberspace Laoag, ISP

That Infamous Microsoft Memo

1998-11-03 Thread Allan Bart


Here is something that should bring joy to the heart of the free
software community, microsoft is afraid of us.


go to

Allan W. Bart, Jr.
Strategic Analyst

Get your free address at

can't link to termcap

1998-11-03 Thread Ian Keith Setford

I d/l the Pine 4.05 tarball and I am trying to compile it.  Everytime I
compile (using the ./build lnx command) it bails when trying to link to
termcap (-ltermcap "File or directory does not exist").  Any idea how to
fix this?




PGP = F2 92 50 E3 CD D7 A2 D9  C4 CE 08 A6 98 E0 0F 58

Re: can't link to termcap

1998-11-03 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Tue, Nov 03, 1998 at 09:29:40AM -0600, Ian Keith Setford wrote:
> I d/l the Pine 4.05 tarball and I am trying to compile it.

There's a pine-src package you might want to look at.

> Everytime I compile (using the ./build lnx command) it bails when trying
> to link to termcap (-ltermcap "File or directory does not exist").
> Any idea how to fix this?

Link -lncurses instead. Complain to the Pine developers; while you're at it,
ask them nicely to switch to a DFSG-free license.

Obsig: developing a new sig

absolute beginner again

1998-11-03 Thread Alain Cadenat
Thanks to all for your answers

I am ok with .gz files now !
But it appears I started the wrong way ! each time I want to read email or
access to the web I have to reboot and goes back to windows, then go back to
linux  try etc..
So first thing is to get connected under linux.
I tried to configure a PPP connection at the install but it does not seems
to work.
I dont even know if Linux knows I have a modem.
So what do I have to do to have a ppp connection, get my mail, and browse
the web (...h by the way ftp will not be bad as well)

Alain Cadenat


Re: xfstt + xset

1998-11-03 Thread Frank Barknecht
Stephen J. Carpenter hat gesagt: // Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:

> Do you mean you need to manually enter the font path every time you
> start X? if that is the problem then I suggest the following: edit
> /etc/X11/Xf86config and add to the fontpaths:
> FontPath "unix/:7101"

I remember a thread on this list where someone had trouble using vnc 
with this line. His solution was to put

FontPath   "tcp/localhost:7101"

in XF86Config instead. 
Seems vnc is/was buggy somehow?!
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: Disk problems

1998-11-03 Thread Michael B. Taylor

On Tue, Nov 03, 1998 at 07:32:19AM -0500, Biciunas, Paul John wrote:
> Hello, all.
> I installed Debian 2.0 (2.0.34) Greenbush distribution.
> My disks are 2 IDE drives, a 540M and 2.5G slave.
> The partitions are (df output)
> /dev/hda1 99029   ... /
> /dev/hda3   348873   ... /home
> /dev/hdb1   495714   ... /var
> /dev/hdb2 1926659   ... /usr
> I had problems making a kernel, but finally managed to build a bzImage.
> The kernel booted, and upon testing, realized that I needed to rebuild
> the kernel.
> That's when the fun started. The make failed, when it couldn't process 
> some .c files in /usr/src/linux/lib/ - "file" said they were MPEG files.
> Firing up emacs, it complained about not being able to find
> /usr/local/share/emacs/...
> files, and sure enough, /usr/local/share was no longer a directory, but
> some .c file.
> Running fsck was a nightmare.
> Instead, I rebooted from the installation cdrom, and repartitioned the
> disks, checked
> for bad blocks (passed), and started dselect. On Install, what I got was
> multiple
> EXT_fs error (device 03:42): ext2_find_entry : bad entry in directory
> #8193 : rec_len
> is too small for name_len - offset 0, inode 538976288, rec_len=8224,
> name_len=8224
> Is my disk toast? 

That would be my guess.  Unfortunately, it looks like the newer 2.5G
drive is the one going south.

To test this theory, unplug the data cable from the 2.5G and jumper the
540M as a solo master.  Reinstall from scratch, including repartitioning.
That way, you can be sure that you are not starting out with any corrupt

I think, however, that IDE drives can fail in ways that induce errors
in drives mounted on the same controller, so it *could* be that the
540M is failing.  If the above does not clear up the problem, unplug the
540M, set up the 2.5G as solo master, and try again.

If the problem still presists, it is prolly a controller problem, or 
something I missed.

If you are not using the kernel-package for your kernel compiles, I suggest
you check it out.  It makes things much easier.  The documentation will
be in /usr/doc.


Clustering and Fibre Channel Support

1998-11-03 Thread Adam Greene
With the sudden uprise in the desire for Server Clustering, and the advent
of Fibre Channel devices, where will that place Linux on the Road map??  Is
there any attempt to support Fibre Channel, for example 3Com has designed
what they call a Storage Area Network (SAN), basically a Fibre Channel LAN
for Storage Devices that attaches only to the servers.  Also DPT and Compaq
have Fibre Channel RAID Towers (We sell the DPT ones with controller for
about $22700CAN), and we are wondering if we can get support in Linux for
Fibre Channel (It would really make Linux look nice in the BackOffice).

XWindow at Slink already good?

1998-11-03 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Debian users and developers too,
Last week I have upgraded XWindow and that was the worse thing that I 
ever did in Debian. I didn't have read the warning about XWindow in slink.
I reinstalled XWindow that I have in hamm, but the things aren't stable 
I would like to know if XWindow already is good to upgrade.
If so, what packages I have to install?
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

PS.: I'm trying to mirror Debian in my machine.
Has anyone a mirror config file only of x86 stuff?

Re: xfstt + xset

1998-11-03 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov

On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 03, 1998 at 12:07:05AM -0500, Sergey V Kovalyov wrote:
> > Use "ps aux" to check that xfstt is actually running. I've encountered a
> > wierd problem today that xfstt by itself works, but xfstt --daemon
> > does not.
> > Very strange - it worked yesterday. I don't think I've changed anything
> > important.
> > Anyone got a similar problem ?
> Wow someone already using -daemon option (I added it and rushed it in
> to the upstream author very shortly before releace :) )
> is "-daemon" NOT "--daemon" yes this is counter-intuitive
> to the way MANY programs work but...
> ALL o fth eother xfstt options use only 1 '-' and ALL are long options.
> I just followed the convention the author used. Try it an let me know.

I am using xfstt 0.9.10-1 and the --daemon option is actually part of
/etc/init.d/xfstt script, I don't use it manually. On the attempt to issue
only one dash "-daemon" it complains of the wrong syntax.

The problem is that starting xfstt manually works fine, but starting it
from init.d does not. Neither does "xfstt --daemon". And I'm not sure
what's wrong.


Re: UPS systems and Debian/Linux?

1998-11-03 Thread stick
Mitch Blevins said
> Chris R. Martin wrote:
> > I am looking to get a couple UPS units to protect my (2) Debian 2.0/Linux
> > boxes. I don't need a lot of running time; I just want to be able to
> > shutdown in case of a short power outage. I need a unit with uses a serial
> > port to communicate its status, but statistics, etc are not needed. Also, I
> > don't have a large budget for this.
> > 
> > I am looking in the 200-300 VA range, or if it's cheaper to buy one
> > "bigger" one, in the 600-700 VA range.
I use Best Fortresses at several of our locations.  Best Patriot's on
most workstations.  I really like best!

>  I have several machines using Best Patriot UPS's.  They are cheap
>  and reliable.  I'm actually planning on packaging bpowerd soon
>  to automate the shutdown (already use it on my Redhat).  If you're
>  interested in this package, drop me a line and I'll notify you
>  when/where to get it.
I'm interested.

>  -Mitch
> -- 
> This .sig space available for lease.  Please contact:
> Mitch Blevins | [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Chuck Stickelman, Owner E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Practical Network DesignVoice:  +1-419-529-3841
9 Chambers Road FAX:+1-419-529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA

Re: how to install slink netscape?

1998-11-03 Thread Ed Cogburn
Eric wrote:
> I am really confused and I feel like I shouldn't be.  I recently upgraded
> to slink so I figured I would go from the old netscape deb package
> (netscape4) to the new format (netscape-base-45b2).  So I ended up
> removing netscape4 (since it conflicts with the new netscape package) and
> installing netscape-base-45b2, netscape-base-4 (since it is necessary for
> installing netscape-base-45b2), netscape-java-whatever, and plugger.  All
> seemed to go fine and I was very pleased.  I went under the assumption
> that the actual netscape binaries were now included in these
> this wrong?  When I tried to run netscape, it wasn't there.  I don't have
> a /usr/X11R6/bin/netscape (which I think should probably be a link to
> /usr/lib/netscape/45b2/wrapper or something).  All I seem to have are the
> real netscape binaries.  I find this odd since the package
> installed fine and didn't tell me to do anything.  What stupid thing am I
> doing?
> Thanks,
> Eric.

The actual NS binaries are in 'communicator-xxx' packages.  In my case
(NS 4.07), I have 'communicator-base-407' and 'communicator-smotif-407'
packages.  If you have Motif you can use 'xxx-dmotif-407' package.

Ed C.

/etc/ppp/ip-up not being run

1998-11-03 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

The ip-up script is not being run when I start a ppp connection using pon.
I can run the script manually, and it works OK.  I've read the pppd man
page, but didn't find anything in it that mentioned anything about
requiring this script to have certain permissions or ownership (aside from
the obvious execute permissions).  It doesn't matter if I run pon as root
or a user; the script isn't run in either case.

There are no error messages.

Any ideas?


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Version: 2.6.2


Re: absolute beginner again

1998-11-03 Thread Brent McMillan
Have you tried using "pppconfig" (need to be root)?  

Your modem should be found at /dev/SttyX where "X" is (modem com port -
1).  Eg, if your modem is on com 4, then you can reach it at /dev/Stty3.
some people make a symbolic link ("ln -s /dev/SttyX /dev/modem") to make
things easier.

There's also
or any other HOWTO site on the net that can go into detail.

On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Alain Cadenat wrote:

> Thanks to all for your answers
> I am ok with .gz files now !
> But it appears I started the wrong way ! each time I want to read email or
> access to the web I have to reboot and goes back to windows, then go back to
> linux  try etc..
> So first thing is to get connected under linux.
> I tried to configure a PPP connection at the install but it does not seems
> to work.
> I dont even know if Linux knows I have a modem.
> So what do I have to do to have a ppp connection, get my mail, and browse
> the web (...h by the way ftp will not be bad as well)
> Alain Cadenat
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: absolute beginner !

1998-11-03 Thread Ed Cogburn
Alain Cadenat wrote:
> Hy all,
> I am an absolute beginner in linux and  Debian
> I have just download and (successfully) installed the base debian linux.
> It runs properly on the same hard disk of windows 95 ! (hmmm not too bad for
> a beginner no ?)
> But now..
> I dont even know how to read the .gz files in /usr/doc
> I wish also to install an X11 interface. Where can I find one and how to
> install it ???
> Thanks for weloming me in the linux community
> Alain Cadenat

First I reccomend the Midnight Commander (mc) file manager for starting
out.  Mc can let you browse a xxx.gz file simply by placing the cursor
over the file and pressing the F3 key.  You don't have manually run
gunzip/gzip all the time.
Second, you either need a Debian CDROM or a *lot* of time spent
downloading the X11 stuff (multiple megabytes are involved here).  I'd
suggest getting a Debian CDROM from one of the many distributers of
Linux on CDROM.  One example is; who sells
Debian on CDROM for just a few bucks plus shipping.

Ed C.

Re: xfstt + xset

1998-11-03 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov
Even more wierd: 
I have a server and a client, the client mounts /usr via nfs from server;
/var is local, the rest is syncronized via cfengine.
/etc/init.d/xfstt start
works on the server, does not on the client. Just xfstt works everywhere.

Any idea what the so subtle difference between these machines might be?


On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 03, 1998 at 12:07:05AM -0500, Sergey V Kovalyov wrote:
> > Use "ps aux" to check that xfstt is actually running. I've encountered a
> > wierd problem today that xfstt by itself works, but xfstt --daemon
> > does not.
> > Very strange - it worked yesterday. I don't think I've changed anything
> > important.
> > Anyone got a similar problem ?
> Wow someone already using -daemon option (I added it and rushed it in
> to the upstream author very shortly before releace :) )
> is "-daemon" NOT "--daemon" yes this is counter-intuitive
> to the way MANY programs work but...
> ALL o fth eother xfstt options use only 1 '-' and ALL are long options.
> I just followed the convention the author used. Try it an let me know.
> -Steve
> > Sergey.
> > 
> > On 3 Nov 1998, Gossamer wrote:
> > 
> > > I've just installed xfstt and a bunch of truetype fonts.  When
> > > I run 'xfstt --sync' it works fine, and startind the daemon from
> > > the /etc/init.d/xfstt script works.  But I can't get the server
> > > to talk to it:
> > > 
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/cs3/ai> ps aux | grep xfstt
> > > root   227  7.4  1.3  1332   520  ?  S12:53   0:50 
> > > /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/cs3/ai> xset fp+ unix:/7101
> > > xset:  bad font path element (#38), possible causes are:
> > > Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
> > > Directory missing fonts.dir
> > > Incorrect font server address or syntax
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Any ideas?
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > bekj
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > : --Neophilic-Hacker-Grrl-Geek-Eclectic-Gay-Disabled-Boychick--
> > > : The POP3 server service depends on the SMTP server service,
> > > : which failed to start because of the following error: The
> > > : operation completed successfully.  -- Windows NT Server v3.51
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> /* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL 
> "We do everything by custom, even belive by it; our very
> axioms, let us boast of free-thinking as we may, are oftenest
> simply such beliefs as we have never questioned"
> --Thomas Carlyle

lprng and logs

1998-11-03 Thread Pere Camps

Anyone got some decent logs for lprng? Something like puting:

user someone printed somewhat on lp on Sat 5 Oct 12:23 

at /var/log/lpr.log 


Salutacions, Pere     __oUltima Ratio Regum
  2:343/108.91   -  _`\<;_mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP key available ---  (_)/ (_)

Re: xfstt + xset

1998-11-03 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Nov 03, 1998 at 11:39:43AM -0500, Sergey V Kovalyov wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
> > On Tue, Nov 03, 1998 at 12:07:05AM -0500, Sergey V Kovalyov wrote:
> > > Use "ps aux" to check that xfstt is actually running. I've encountered a
> > > wierd problem today that xfstt by itself works, but xfstt --daemon
> > > does not.
> > > Very strange - it worked yesterday. I don't think I've changed anything
> > > important.
> > > Anyone got a similar problem ?
> > 
> > Wow someone already using -daemon option (I added it and rushed it in
> > to the upstream author very shortly before releace :) )
> > 
> > is "-daemon" NOT "--daemon" yes this is counter-intuitive
> > to the way MANY programs work but...
> > ALL o fth eother xfstt options use only 1 '-' and ALL are long options.
> > 
> > I just followed the convention the author used. Try it an let me know.
> > 
> I am using xfstt 0.9.10-1 and the --daemon option is actually part of
> /etc/init.d/xfstt script, I don't use it manually. On the attempt to issue
> only one dash "-daemon" it complains of the wrong syntax.
> The problem is that starting xfstt manually works fine, but starting it
> from init.d does not. Neither does "xfstt --daemon". And I'm not sure
> what's wrong.

Ok first things first...install xfstt here at work (I have an old version
on this machine).

Weird...I am having problems with this...
ok now it is installing :)

ok I was wrong (d'ho) it IS
--daemon (and all theother optuions use -- too )

ok...are you running it as root? if it is run as a normal user it fails (I 
believe specifically it needs write acess to something but...I need to
look ;))


/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
"If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable"
-- Louis D. Brandeis

Re: XF86Setup on Debian2.0 - help

1998-11-03 Thread M.C. Vernon

> I was installing Debian2.0 on a new PC and I have two question:
> 1) While in deselect, I would see the follwoing
>  ***   etc etc
>  ***   etc etc
> How can I tell that the above pkg has already been installed ? Is that
> by that last asterik under 'M' ?

dpkg -s packagename is probably the best bet. You don't need to be root to
do this.
> 2) While trying to setup the XServer, I get this message pop on my
> screen :
>   Out of Range
>   Hf: 28KHz - 70 KHz
>   Vf: 40Hz - 120 Hz
> and the screen just freezes there. I had to do a hard RESET to get
> in again. This has stopped me from setting up the XServer.
> I started the process by doing /usr/bin/X11/XF86Setup (as root)
> Pls help ?

That's bizarre. XF86Setup should work with all card/screen combos. Try
running XF86Config instead.



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: xfstt + xset

1998-11-03 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Nov 03, 1998 at 12:11:20PM -0500, Sergey V Kovalyov wrote:
> Even more wierd: 
> I have a server and a client, the client mounts /usr via nfs from server;
> /var is local, the rest is syncronized via cfengine.
> /etc/init.d/xfstt start
> works on the server, does not on the client. Just xfstt works everywhere.
> Any idea what the so subtle difference between these machines might be?

well this si a FIXME of sorts) :)

xfstt currently requires write acess to a font database it stores
(which by all rights should be in /var) as it stands this is in
the same directory as the fonts...

this same thing happens when you run xfstt as a normal user. With NFS on
you probably have root_squash on (which is the default) so root
on the client can not write tot he database!

sorry for the inconvinece...I should work on this!

any ideas on where the font database should be?


> On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
> > On Tue, Nov 03, 1998 at 12:07:05AM -0500, Sergey V Kovalyov wrote:
> > > Use "ps aux" to check that xfstt is actually running. I've encountered a
> > > wierd problem today that xfstt by itself works, but xfstt --daemon
> > > does not.
> > > Very strange - it worked yesterday. I don't think I've changed anything
> > > important.
> > > Anyone got a similar problem ?
> > 
> > Wow someone already using -daemon option (I added it and rushed it in
> > to the upstream author very shortly before releace :) )
> > 
> > is "-daemon" NOT "--daemon" yes this is counter-intuitive
> > to the way MANY programs work but...
> > ALL o fth eother xfstt options use only 1 '-' and ALL are long options.
> > 
> > I just followed the convention the author used. Try it an let me know.
> > 
> > -Steve
> > 
> > > Sergey.
> > > 
> > > On 3 Nov 1998, Gossamer wrote:
> > > 
> > > > I've just installed xfstt and a bunch of truetype fonts.  When
> > > > I run 'xfstt --sync' it works fine, and startind the daemon from
> > > > the /etc/init.d/xfstt script works.  But I can't get the server
> > > > to talk to it:
> > > > 
> > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/cs3/ai> ps aux | grep xfstt
> > > > root   227  7.4  1.3  1332   520  ?  S12:53   0:50 
> > > > /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt
> > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/cs3/ai> xset fp+ unix:/7101
> > > > xset:  bad font path element (#38), possible causes are:
> > > > Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
> > > > Directory missing fonts.dir
> > > > Incorrect font server address or syntax
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Any ideas?
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > bekj
> > > > 
> > > > -- 
> > > > : --Neophilic-Hacker-Grrl-Geek-Eclectic-Gay-Disabled-Boychick--
> > > > : The POP3 server service depends on the SMTP server service,
> > > > : which failed to start because of the following error: The
> > > > : operation completed successfully.  -- Windows NT Server v3.51
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > /* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL 
> > PROTECTED]> */
> > "We do everything by custom, even belive by it; our very
> > axioms, let us boast of free-thinking as we may, are oftenest
> > simply such beliefs as we have never questioned"
> > --Thomas Carlyle
> > 

/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
"If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable"
-- Louis D. Brandeis

Re: absolute beginner !

1998-11-03 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Alain Cadenat wrote:

> Hy all,
> I am an absolute beginner in linux and  Debian
> I have just download and (successfully) installed the base debian linux.
> It runs properly on the same hard disk of windows 95 ! (hmmm not too bad for
> a beginner no ?)
> But now..
> I dont even know how to read the .gz files in /usr/doc

Use zless - this uncompresses them and reads them without adding lots of
big uncompressed documents to your hard disk.

> I wish also to install an X11 interface. Where can I find one and how to
> install it ???

You need Xbase, and xserver-vga16, and an xserver that suits your card
(plus all the packages these depend on). I suggest you use the hamm
versions for now, as the slink ones have a few niggles ATM.

Have fun,


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: XWindow at Slink already good?

1998-11-03 Thread Ed Cogburn
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
> Hi Debian users and developers too,
> Last week I have upgraded XWindow and that was the worse thing that I 
> ever
> did in Debian. I didn't have read the warning about XWindow in slink.
> I reinstalled XWindow that I have in hamm, but the things aren't 
> stable yet.
> I would like to know if XWindow already is good to upgrade.
> If so, what packages I have to install?
> Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique
> PS.: I'm trying to mirror Debian in my machine.
> Has anyone a mirror config file only of x86 stuff?

I believe the current X11 ( in slink) is busted; you should
wait for the next version.

Ed C.

Re: A few questions

1998-11-03 Thread Ed Cogburn
Martin Bialasinski wrote:
> >> "KB" == Karsten Bolding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> KB> 1: If I use 24 bpp then Netscape doesn't look very nice and if I
> KB> run 8 bpp idl, gimp and glade are not optimal. Is there a way to
> KB> use 24 bpp with Netscape - also the fvwm95 icons looks starnge if
> KB> I use 24 bpp.
> Some programms have trouble with X running at 24 bpp. Either 16 bpp or
> 32 pbb should work OK.
> Ciao,
> Martin

I seem to have read somewhere (this list maybe?) that the problem was
Netscape itself, i.e., a bug in Netscape.

Ed C.

Re: xfstt + xset

1998-11-03 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov

On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 03, 1998 at 12:11:20PM -0500, Sergey V Kovalyov wrote:
> > Even more wierd: 
> > I have a server and a client, the client mounts /usr via nfs from server;
> > /var is local, the rest is syncronized via cfengine.
> > /etc/init.d/xfstt start
> > works on the server, does not on the client. Just xfstt works everywhere.
> > 
> > Any idea what the so subtle difference between these machines might be?
> > 
> Ahhh
> well this si a FIXME of sorts) :)
> xfstt currently requires write acess to a font database it stores
> (which by all rights should be in /var) as it stands this is in
> the same directory as the fonts...

Yep, I've just come to the same conclusion. And you can guess I mount /usr

> this same thing happens when you run xfstt as a normal user. With NFS on
> you probably have root_squash on (which is the default) so root
> on the client can not write tot he database!
> sorry for the inconvinece...I should work on this!
> any ideas on where the font database should be?

How about /var/cache/xfstt ?


Stopping apache at boot

1998-11-03 Thread Dave Swegen
How do I stop apache from starting at bootup? I have installed it for
learning purposes (another item to put in my CV :) but I don't need it
running all the time. Somehow I have a feeling the answer is going to be
very simple...


   Dave Swegen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks
   without knowledge, of things without parallel. (A. Bierce)

xfstt font database should be in /var

1998-11-03 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
Package: xfstt
Version: 0.9.10-1

Ok I am opening a bug report on this now..mostly as a note to myself to fix it

the fix should be easy :) ill move it to /var/cache/xfstt unless anyone
has a more apropriate idea


On Tue, Nov 03, 1998 at 01:04:13PM -0500, Sergey V Kovalyov wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
> > On Tue, Nov 03, 1998 at 12:11:20PM -0500, Sergey V Kovalyov wrote:
> > > Even more wierd: 
> > > I have a server and a client, the client mounts /usr via nfs from server;
> > > /var is local, the rest is syncronized via cfengine.
> > > /etc/init.d/xfstt start
> > > works on the server, does not on the client. Just xfstt works everywhere.
> > > 
> > > Any idea what the so subtle difference between these machines might be?
> > > 
> > 
> > Ahhh
> > well this si a FIXME of sorts) :)
> > 
> > xfstt currently requires write acess to a font database it stores
> > (which by all rights should be in /var) as it stands this is in
> > the same directory as the fonts...
> Yep, I've just come to the same conclusion. And you can guess I mount /usr
> ro.
> > 
> > this same thing happens when you run xfstt as a normal user. With NFS on
> > you probably have root_squash on (which is the default) so root
> > on the client can not write tot he database!
> > 
> > sorry for the inconvinece...I should work on this!
> > 
> > any ideas on where the font database should be?
> How about /var/cache/xfstt ?
> Sergey.
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
The Public enemy's not the man who speaks his mind
The Public enemy's the man who goes and acts blind"
-- Anthrax "Keep it in the Fammily"

Re: cracklib mail

1998-11-03 Thread Max
-- Start of included mail From:  Jean Pierre LeJacq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, Max wrote:
> > I keep on getting bizarre mail from cracklib every single day with the
> > following message:
> > 
> > /etc/cron.daily/cracklib:
> > 45375 45375
> > 
> > Looking in /etc/cron.daily/cracklib doesn't tell me why it's mailing
> > me with those two numbers, and neither do the cracklib man pages.  Any
> > clues?
> /etc/cron.daily/cracklib reforms cracklib's cached dictionary
> database everyday using crack_packer.  In my version, 2.7-5, the
> output is redirected to /dev/null.  Which version are you using?

I'm using the same version, and here's the key section of my

/usr/sbin/crack_mkdict ${cracklib_dictpath_src} |\
  /usr/sbin/crack_packer ${cracklib_dictpath}

The man page says that crack_packer creates 3 files, yet there's no
mention of anything being sent to standard output, so I don't know if
adding "> /dev/null" to the end of the line will do anything, or will


Re: lprng and logs

1998-11-03 Thread Max
>   Anyone got some decent logs for lprng? Something like puting:
>   user someone printed somewhat on lp on Sat 5 Oct 12:23 
>   at /var/log/lpr.log 

Have you tried looking in /var/log/lp-acct?  LPRng saves very detailed
accounting info in there if you enable accounting.  If it's not
enabled, edit your /etc/printcap and add the following entry for the
desired printer:



Re: Stopping apache at boot

1998-11-03 Thread Peter Granroth
Dave Swegen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How do I stop apache from starting at bootup? I have installed it for
> learning purposes (another item to put in my CV :) but I don't need it
> running all the time. Somehow I have a feeling the answer is going to be
> very simple...

should be as easy as removing the apache symlink from the
/etc/rc[2-5].d directories (it's S91apache on my box).

then when you want to run apache, just do:

/etc/init.d/apache start
/etc/init.d/apache stop

to start and stop it.

+ Peter Granroth +  Microsoft is NOT the answer  +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +   Microsoft is the question   +
+ +   The answer is NO+


1998-11-03 Thread Jeff Katcher
Hi all

I am trying to experiment with the grass4.2 GIS software, and when I
start it up I get the message 
/usr/local/grass42/etc/gis_set: can't load library ''

I (ass}u{me} ;>) that this means I need the "curses" library (as opposed
to the "ncurses" library)  is there a Debian package that contains
this?  or do I already have it somewhere and just can't find it.

Thanks in advance
Jeff Katcher
Linux Dewbie

Re: cracklib mail

1998-11-03 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Max wrote:

> -- Start of included mail From:  Jean Pierre LeJacq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, Max wrote:
> > 
> > > I keep on getting bizarre mail from cracklib every single day with the
> > > following message:
> > > 
> > > /etc/cron.daily/cracklib:
> > > 45375 45375
> > > 
> I'm using the same version, and here's the key section of my
> /etc/cron.daily/cracklib:
> /usr/sbin/crack_mkdict ${cracklib_dictpath_src} |\
>   /usr/sbin/crack_packer ${cracklib_dictpath}
> The man page says that crack_packer creates 3 files, yet there's no
> mention of anything being sent to standard output, so I don't know if
> adding "> /dev/null" to the end of the line will do anything, or will
> it?

Ooops ... I have a locally modifed version.  Yes, adding the ">
/dev/null" at the end of the line will solve this problem.

I'm the maintainer for cracklib2.  I'm planning on a new release in
the next few weeks and I'll fix this bug at the same time. 

Jean Pierre

Re: missing

1998-11-03 Thread Ed Cogburn
Jeff Katcher wrote:
> Hi all
> I am trying to experiment with the grass4.2 GIS software, and when I
> start it up I get the message
> /usr/local/grass42/etc/gis_set: can't load library ''
> I (ass}u{me} ;>) that this means I need the "curses" library (as opposed
> to the "ncurses" library)  is there a Debian package that contains
> this?  or do I already have it somewhere and just can't find it.
> Thanks in advance
> Jeff Katcher
> Linux Dewbie
> on my system is a symlink to libncurses.  There is no  I would try making a symlink from
'/usr/lib/' to '/lib/' (or xxx.3.4 if you
are still using ncurses 3.4).

Ed C.

Re: XF86Setup on Debian2.0 - help

1998-11-03 Thread Ed Cogburn
M.C. Vernon wrote:
> > I was installing Debian2.0 on a new PC and I have two question:
> >
> > 1) While in deselect, I would see the follwoing
> >
> > EIOM
> >  ***   etc etc
> >  ***   etc etc
> >
> > How can I tell that the above pkg has already been installed ? Is that
> > by that last asterik under 'M' ?
> dpkg -s packagename is probably the best bet. You don't need to be root to
> do this.
> > 2) While trying to setup the XServer, I get this message pop on my
> > screen :
> >   Out of Range
> >   Hf: 28KHz - 70 KHz
> >   Vf: 40Hz - 120 Hz
> >
> > and the screen just freezes there. I had to do a hard RESET to get
> > in again. This has stopped me from setting up the XServer.
> >
> > I started the process by doing /usr/bin/X11/XF86Setup (as root)
> > Pls help ?
> That's bizarre. XF86Setup should work with all card/screen combos. Try
> running XF86Config instead.

He means 'xf86config'; no uppercase.

> HTH,
> Matthew
> --
> Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo
> Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
> Selwyn College Computer Support
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Ed C.

Re: absolute beginner again

1998-11-03 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 03 Nov 1998q, Alain Cadenat wrote:
> Thanks to all for your answers
> I am ok with .gz files now !
> But it appears I started the wrong way ! each time I want to read email or
> access to the web I have to reboot and goes back to windows, then go back to
> linux  try etc..
> So first thing is to get connected under linux.
> I tried to configure a PPP connection at the install but it does not seems
> to work.
> I dont even know if Linux knows I have a modem.
> So what do I have to do to have a ppp connection, get my mail, and browse
> the web (...h by the way ftp will not be bad as well)
> Alain Cadenat

Your enthusiasm is admirable (really, I mean it!), but remembering my own
move to linux from DOS, I'd say take your time and don't try to do everything
at once. I used DOS and linux in parallel for quite a few months; email and
internet were the last things I got working.  Of course, if you are already
experience in unix this caveat may not apply, but if not it takes a
considerable time to get used to the different way of doing things. But it's
DEFINITELY worth it in the end : )


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0

"The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on..."   - Edward Fitzgerald

Re: absolute beginner !

1998-11-03 Thread john
Alain Cadenat writes:
> I dont even know how to read the .gz files in /usr/doc

Download and install the dwww package.  You will then be able to read all
the docs on the system (man pages, info files, and everything in /usr/doc)
with a web browser.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: absolute beginner again

1998-11-03 Thread john
Brent McMillan writes:
> Your modem should be found at /dev/SttyX where "X" is (modem com port -
> 1).  Eg, if your modem is on com 4, then you can reach it at /dev/Stty3.

Make that '/dev/ttyS3'.

If you have trouble getting your pp connection working with pppconfig email
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: /etc/ppp/ip-up not being run

1998-11-03 Thread john
> The ip-up script is not being run when I start a ppp connection using
> pon.

Why do you say that it is not being run?  Do you realize that stdout is
redirected to /dev/null when ip-up is run?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Repost - First-time Linux setup - questions

1998-11-03 Thread Jerry E. McGoveran
I've just got the basic Linux 2.0.35 working and have been busily
adding packages.  Among them is the olvwm package.  When I try to
invoke olvwm, I get a library missing error message.  When I look
in /usr/lib, the file olvwm complains about is there.  Apparently,
the environment setup is not complete on my system.  SunOS uses
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  Is it the same in Linux?

What else am I going to find that needs setting up?  Is there an easy
way to do it all?



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Linux - SMP

1998-11-03 Thread Daniel Mashao
I have had problems before but now I am running Debian Linux on an SMP
machine and it crashes once a week or so. It locks real hard and all I can
do is press the on/off switch to get started. 
I suspected the memory but all the tests I know of do not seem to
indicate the problem is with the memory (e.g. recompiling the kernel

I cannot find any record of why it locks so hard because then it is all
dead. Any suggestions? The machine has 2 pentium 2 chips with 128 MB ram.
All your help is appreciated - thanks.

Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469

Re: splitting up a MIME-digest

1998-11-03 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
On: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 17:53:10 + (UTC) Thomas Lakofski writes:
> I have a couple of messages with about 1200+ messages in each as
> MIME-digests (thanks to the braindead forwarding of microsoft exchange
> server)
> I was wondering if anyone had suggestions of a way to split these
> digests up into folders of individual messages.  Sadly, the obvious
> candidate, the 'split-digest' package (or whatever it's called)
> doesn't do it.  I was thinking I would need sed or something, but
> have no idea how to concoct a recipe for it.

Perl and the MIME::Decoder package (named libmime-perl and
libmime-base64-perl in Debian) should help you here as the last

In addition, the Gnus mail and newsreader (for Emacs and XEmacs) is
should[1] be able to handle each one of these messages as single one and
saving them in a folder should not be complicated.


[1] Untested, I havn't seen MIME digest yet.  Normal digests (as
posted in comp.risks) are handled well.

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