RE: Debian

1999-01-17 Thread Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren

-Mensaje original-
De: Emilio de Miguel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: miércoles, 13 de enero de 1999 06:32 a.m.
Asunto: Re: Debian

Aunque con retraso (problemas con el modem) ahí va mi granito de arena.

Andres Hirane escribió:

 ¿ Puedo tener linux y windows 98 en un mismo HD (disco duro)?

Claro que puedes tener ambos. Eso si, el disco ha de ser algo grande
para que te quepan los dos: A partir de 2G para una cierta comodidad.

Tienes que mirar si tienes espacio libre suficiente en el disco: 1 Gb
para una cierta comodidad, pero si tienes mucho disco y quieres meterte
la Debian puedes dedicarle 2 o mas. No te asustes si te parece mucho, el
linux mas sencillo cabe en un disquette, y con X muy basicas lo tienes
en dos disquettes.
Una vez decidido y conseguido el espacio, desde el win corres defrag con
la opcion desfragmentacion plena.
Despues sales al DOS (No creo que valga una simple ventana de DOS) y
No vale una ventana DOS bajo windows. Ni siquiera lo intentes, en el
mejor de los casos tendrías que reinstalar WINDOWS, en el peor tendrías que
reformatear el disco duro a bajo nivel, es decir, lo perderías todo, todo,
todito, todo..

buscas por el CD de linux una aplicacion que se llama FIPS.EXE, esta es
la que te recortara la particion de windows dejandole sitio al linux. Te
creara una particion para linux, si no vas a usar swap, deja esa, sino,
borrala y durante la instalacion creas las particiones precisas.
En cuanto al programa de particiones (si todavía no te has metido con
ello) te recomiendo uno más compatible con DOS-WINDOWS y que te permita
instalar un gestor de arranque. Yo utilicé PARTITION MAGIC de POWERQUEST que
es muy intuitivo y fácil de usar tanto desde DOS como desde WINDOWS,
pero es un programa comercial (hay que apoquinar), aunque creo que tiene una
versión shareware.

Para instalarlo te sera de gran ayuda conocer un poco el hard de tu
maquina, y que tengas predisposicion a leer.
Muy cierto. acostúmbrate a leer toda la documentación que puedas
encontrar, no te limites a preguntar, así no sólo se aprende algo sino que
además te evitas problemas tontos. Esta regla es general, vale para
cualquier cualquier cosa que vayas a poner en el ordenador, tanto soft como
hard. Ante la duda, tira de manual.

A partir de aqui, comienza realmente el proceso de instalacion:

-Arrancando un fichero bat que suele venir en el cd (se llama
install.bat normalmente)
-Haciendo que la maquina arranque desde el cd (tienes que tocar las
opciones de la bios y solo las placas modernas te lo permiten). Yo tuve
un problema en este modo, la Debian 2.0 no montaba el CD para pillar los
drivers en medio de la instalacion.
-Creando los discos rescue y drivers con la utilidad rawrite.exe (mira
la documentacion para la sintaxis)

La instalacion en si no suele ser demasiado compleja. Si montas la
Debian lo peor es el paso del dselect: suele ser muy tedioso.
De todas formas, si tienes problemas vuelve a escribir.

 A mi me gustaria tener linux, pero tengo un problema. Mi familia usa
 windows y no me dejarian borrarlo.

Una vez instalado, configuras el lilo para que por defecto arranque el
windogs y nadie se te va a quejar.
Si instalas un gestor de arranque puedes elegir el sistema operativo al
encender el ordenador. Para ello, cuando el programa de instalación de
DEBIAN te pregunte si quieres arrancarlo como principal le dices NO. El
propio programa de instalación se encarga de instalar en el gestor de
arranque la opcion DEBIAN. La opción WINDOWS del gestor se la tienes que dar
cuando lo instalas.

 Tengo 14 años y no entiendo mucho sobre esto.
No te preocupes, la edad lo cura todo.

 Lo unico que se es que quiero tener linux, porque windows me tiene
 aburrido con sus fallas.

A mi me tenia aburrido ;)

A mi me sigue aburriendo: 6 reinstalaciones en 3 semanas (MIERDOWS 98).

Antonio A. Rivas

Instalación de Linux

1999-01-17 Thread José Valcarce Alonso
Me ocurre que quiero instalar diversas aplicaciones, configurar y
compilar el Kernel
y me dice que no encuentra el gcc, el cc ni el make.
He instalado el debian con diskettes creo que es la versión 2.0.34.
Espero que me entendáis pues soy nuevo en esto del Linux. De momento me

Re: Instalación de Linux

1999-01-17 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Sun, Jan 17, 1999,
José Valcarce Alonso...

 Me  ocurre   que  quiero  instalar   diversas  aplicaciones,
 configurar y compilar  el Kernel y me dice  que no encuentra
 el gcc, el cc ni el  make.  He instalado el debian con
 diskettes creo que es la versión 2.0.34.

Para el primero,

[anarres]~# dpkg -l gcc*

| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
||/ NameVersionDescription
ii  gcc GNU C compiler.

Para el tercero

[anarres]~# dpkg -l make*

| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
||/ NameVersionDescription
ii  make3.76.1-8   The GNU version of the make utility.

y `cc' es un enlace simbólico a `gcc', solo necesitas instalar

A ver si es sufuciente, ;-)


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-
 -=-=-  Computadora de 1992   -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]  Free Software Foundation  Linux  Documentation Project CAStellano

Re: Ibernet ha desaparecio !?

1999-01-17 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Sat, Jan 16, 1999,
Han Solo...

  [anarres]~# host does not exist (Authoritative answer)

 Lo que  pasa es  que han  cambiado de  nombre. Y por  lo que
 parce no han avisado a nadie. Los nuevos nombres son:

Gracias, ha funcionado a la primera, :-)


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-
 -=-=-  Computadora de 1992   -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]  Free Software Foundation  Linux  Documentation Project CAStellano

Re: Ibernet ha desaparecio !?

1999-01-17 Thread Hue-Bond
On Sat, 16 Jan 1999, Cosme Perea Cuevas wrote:

llevo  dos días  sin  poder bajar  las  news. Hoy, después  de
recibir otro Bad Status del Suck

 Yo  al suck  lo llamo  desde /etc/ppp/ip.up.d/  así que  no veo
 errores, pero hoy no vino ningún mensaje nuevo.

que  algún  colistero  que  tenga  acceso  desde  un  servidor
gratuito sin problemas,  pues que me lo recomiende,  por si lo
de Ibernet se alarga.

 Por lo visto han cambiado  el dominio, precisamente hoy hice un
 tcpdump  para ver  un  asunto y  me  encontré con
 (pensé que sería

Los sueños no se descubren hasta que uno despierta (Abre los ojos)

In love with TuX - Linux 2.0.34 Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

Compilación del Kernel 2.0.36

1999-01-17 Thread José Valcarce Alonso
Al hacer make depend me da el siguiente mensage:
  gcc: installation problem, cannot exec 'cpp': No such file or
y he buscado el cpp y existe, con lo que es posible que no esté bien

Re: Compilación del núcleo

1999-01-17 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Hue-Bond [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
   La ventaja de este método es, a) más rápido hacer actualizaciones
   (make-kpkg configure; make-kpkg ... kernel_image); b) se crean
   paquetes que se pueden instalar y desintalar
   Pues yo no veo  ventaja en eso. ¿Para qué vamos  a andar con un
   oscuro dpkg cuando sabemos poner a rular un núcleo?

 Después de pasar por las siguientes pesadillas uno aprecia el make-kpkg:

  * Actualizar un kernel en un 'laboratorio' de máquinas, las cuales,
por motivos obscuros, cuentan todas con configuraciones distintas

  * Compilarle el kernel a un compañero y tratar de explicarle como
instalarlo, donde poner los módulos, que archivos cambiar, y
tratar de preveer todos los miserables problemas no previsibles

  * Desintalar el kernel que instalé hace dos meses y que realmente
había olvidado que estaba allí (el que compilé hace 20 minutos
tiene 60+ archivos)

   ¿Qué hace el dpkg -i para instalar el núcleo?

 Nada muy especial, si eso es lo que quieres decir.  Revisar el estado
 del sistema, verificar enlaces por aquí y por allá, revisar la
 configuración de lilo, las cosas que se supone que uno debe hacer
 cuando instala un kernel pero que siempre olvida al menos una.
   Yo creo  que si supiese  instalar programas a pelo,  tampoco lo
   haría con  el dpkg. Pero  eso forma parte  de la filosofía  de cada

 Ah... sí.  Siempre es bueno saber realmente como se hacen las cosas,
 pero llega el punto donde uno se aburre de hacer lo mismo una y otra
 vez ad nauseum.  Quiero decir, yo compilo todas y cada una de las
 versiones de Window Maker que salen, y me siento un rato a
 despulgarlo y hacer parches, y lo encuentro entretenido, pero si
 estuviese haciendo eso con todos los programas que realmente uso, no
 hago nada más, y realmente quiero hacer algo más...
  To  : Marcelo E. Magallon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc  :
   ¿No hay alguna forma de  hacer To: debian-user... en lugar de
   hacer un Cc:?  Es que toi un poco cansadito  de andar cambiándolo a
   mano. Uso pine 3.96.

 Sí, usa un programa de verdad... (perdón, perdón, perdón, no pude
 resistirlo, he desarrollado aversión al pine) Si no recuerdo mal, el
 pine tiene algún tipo de función que es 'reply-to-list' (o
 'reply-to-all') o algo por el estilo.  Nada más para referencia, mutt
 tiene tres funciones distintas:

reply contestar al autor
list-replycontestar a una lista de correo
group-reply   contestar al autor y todos los destinatarios

 Creo que pine hace lo primero y lo último (al menos hay una forma de
 decirle que pregunte si desea contestar a todos los destinatarios).
 Para las listas de correo yo uso generalmente lo segundo...  Si no
 tienes problemas con leer un manual un poco gordo, mutt es una joyita.


Re: Migrar a 2.2.0

1999-01-17 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Xose Manoel Ramos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  * paquete del kernel 2.2. (fuentes o binario)

 Hay un paquete del 2.1.125, con sus parches y sus cosas...
  * paquetes con las utilidades necesarias para compilarlo

 a ver... gcc, ld, make, bin86, libncurses{algo}-dev (si quieres usar
 'make menuconfig').  Son todas cosas que ya tienes instaladas o que
 están en tu CD de Debian.
  * ¿Que paquetes hay que actualizar para utilizar este Kernel?

 netbase = 3.09-1 si quieres usar ipchains.
 ppp = 2.3.5

 además de que los cua* ya son definitivamente obsoletos.

 Quizás sea necesario un fdutils más nuevo que el que tienes, pero yo
 uso el 5.2pl4-3 y no recuerdo haberlo actualizado.

 Puede ser necesario un makedev recuente (tengo 2.3.1-11 aquí) y
 también la biblioteca de C, pues creo que hamm tenía libc6 2.0.7pre4,
 y es recomendable tener una 2.0.7pre6 o mayor (la que está en este
 momento en slink sirve)

 También una versión más reciente de modutils es requerida

 Los puertos paralelos son diferentes (/dev/lp1 - /dev/lp0 en la
 mayoría de los casos)

 necesitas un pciutils reciente 

 Casi todas estas cosas están en Debian 2.0, pero no sé a ciencia
 cierta cuales no (la que recuerdo es ppp)


Re: Enmascaramiento del dominio y sendmail¿¿?¿?

1999-01-17 Thread miquel
On Fri, 8 Jan 1999, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:

 Hola a todos, tengo un problema con el sendmail que hasta ahora no me había
 dado cuenta de el. Resulta que no puedo enviar e-mails a direcciones
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] pues tengo enmascarado el dominio como akela, que es
 el nombre de mi máquina, la cual por otra parte se conecta a Internet vía
 módem (no está en red local).
 La configuración de sendmail la realicé según indicaba el documento:
 fetchmail+sendmail-COMO.txt que me bajé de
 ¿Alguien sabría cómo meterle mano a este problema?... por que yo ¡ni idea!.
 Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

No sé si alguien ha contestado ofreciendo una solución a este problema y
se me ha pasado por alto. El caso es que yo tengo el mismo problema -no
puedo enviar correos a direcciones que coinciden con el dominio
enmascarado- y tampoco sé cómo solucionarlo.
Javier ¿lo has resuelto?



Pipes en Linux

1999-01-17 Thread José Antonio Pozo
Hola, ¿cuantas pipes se pueden abrir a la vez en C?. Gracias

Re: still fighting for normality

1999-01-17 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Sat, Jan 16, 1999 at 03:27:55PM +, Rich Harran. wrote:
 I've been trying to get a dos partition mounted in group 'dos', with
 read-write permissions for those in this group.  I found an old thread on
 this, and now have:
 /dev/hda1 /mnt vfat unmask=0002,gid=101,uid=0,showexec  0 2
 in fstab, (where 101 is dos gid).  However, the drive mounts with

This works for me:

/dev/hda1  /windoze vfatdefaults,uid=1000,gid=101,umask=003 0  0

in /etc/fstab yields 

19:26 $ ls -d /windoze/
drwxrwxr--   7 alphengl windoze 16384 Dec 31  1969 /windoze/

with everybody below that having those same permissions.  I think unmask may 
be a typo.



Crazee Edeee, his prices are INSANE!!!


1999-01-17 Thread Sam Franc
I have been lurking on this group.
What text do I need to get to interpret what all this language means,
such as:
 /dev/hda1   /dos   vfat   defaults,umask=002,uid=0,gid=35   0   0
I am a complete novice and want to install Linux, but I see I need to
learn a new language before I start.

Re: terminal based schedule program

1999-01-17 Thread Paolo Pedaletti
Ciao Pere,

On Saturday 16 January 1999, alle 06:43:04 +, Pere Camps wrote:

   I'm looking for a telnet accesible (ie: terminal) program that
 will allow to set some schedules: meetings, appointments, date limits,
   Does anybody know any package that does that?

look for:


in your linux-distribution


Paolo Pedaletti, Como

Re: still fighting for normality

1999-01-17 Thread Paolo Pedaletti
Ciao Rich,

On Saturday 16 January 1999, alle 15:27:55 +, Rich Harran. wrote:

 I found an old thread on this, and now have:
 /dev/hda1 /mnt vfat unmask=0002,gid=101,uid=0,showexec  0 2
 in fstab, (where 101 is dos gid).  However, the drive mounts with

here is my /etc/fstab:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system mount point type options dump pass
/dev/hda3   /   ext2defaults,errors=remount-ro   0 1
/dev/hda8   swapswapsw  0 0
proc/proc   procdefaults0 0
/dev/hda5   /usrext2defaults0 2
/dev/hda6   /usr/local  ext2defaults0 2
/dev/hda7   /varext2defaults0 2

/dev/cdrom  /mnt/CDROM iso9660 ro,conv=auto,user,exec,noauto,async  
0 0
/dev/hda1   /mnt/C vfatrw,conv=auto,user,exec,noauto,async,umask=000
0 0
/dev/hdc1   /mnt/D vfatrw,conv=auto,user,exec,noauto,async,umask=000
0 0
/dev/hdc5   /mnt/E vfatrw,conv=auto,user,exec,noauto,async,umask=000
0 0
/dev/hdc6   /mnt/F vfatrw,conv=auto,user,exec,noauto,async,umask=000
0 0
/dev/sda4   /mnt/ZIP   autorw,conv=auto,user,exec,noauto,async,umask=000
0 0
/dev/sda1   /mnt/zip   autorw,conv=auto,user,exec,noauto,async,umask=000
0 0
/dev/fd0/mnt/A autorw,conv=auto,user,exec,noauto,async,umask=000
0 0

and when I do:
/usr/local/home/paolop$ mount /D
I see:

/usr/local/home/paolop$ dir /D/
total 688
-rwxrwxrwx   1 paolop   paolop 240398 gen  7 19:38 Image1.bmp*
-rwxrwxrwx   1 paolop   paolop 260114 gen  7 19:39 Image2.bmp*
-rwxrwxrwx   1 paolop   paolop 114554 gen  7 19:39 Image3.bmp*
-rwxrwxrwx   1 paolop   paolop   3888 mag 31  1998 dirfile.xcd*
drwxrwxrwx   4 paolop   paolop   8192 mar 14  1998 dos-dati/
drwxrwxrwx  11 paolop   paolop   8192 mar 14  1998 dos-prg/
drwxrwxrwx   2 paolop   paolop   8192 apr 10  1998 recycled/
-rwxrwxrwx   1 paolop   paolop  34661 giu 25  1998 sd.ini*
drwxrwxrwx  12 paolop   paolop   8192 mar 12  1998 win-prg/

but when I am under fabiop name (my brother):

niels:18:46:22:fabiop$ mount /D
niels:18:47:26:fabiop$ dir /D/
total 688
-rwxrwxrwx   1 fabiop   fabiop 240398 gen  7 19:38 Image1.bmp*
-rwxrwxrwx   1 fabiop   fabiop 260114 gen  7 19:39 Image2.bmp*
-rwxrwxrwx   1 fabiop   fabiop 114554 gen  7 19:39 Image3.bmp*
-rwxrwxrwx   1 fabiop   fabiop   3888 mag 31  1998 dirfile.xcd*
drwxrwxrwx   4 fabiop   fabiop   8192 mar 14  1998 dos-dati/
drwxrwxrwx  11 fabiop   fabiop   8192 mar 14  1998 dos-prg/
drwxrwxrwx   2 fabiop   fabiop   8192 apr 10  1998 recycled/
-rwxrwxrwx   1 fabiop   fabiop  34661 giu 25  1998 sd.ini*
drwxrwxrwx  12 fabiop   fabiop   8192 mar 12  1998 win-prg/

before or later I will change the umask to a more secure one.
But for me (and now) this works well.


Paolo Pedaletti, Como

Re: RH vs Debian (Switch to Red Hat ?)

1999-01-17 Thread Sean Johnson
A registered company maintains legal liability.  A profit making company also is
insured, which makes it feasible to sue if they decide to break a contract, etc.


Henning Makholm wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (shaul) writes:

  There is the difficulty that Debian is an organization that is based on
  volunteers, where RH is a registered company. So managements tend to
  see RH as much more solid and stable organization then Debian.

 No doubt you are true about that, but I've never completely understood
 why managements think that way.

 A registered company can quit business, go broke, or simply decide to
 skip the product.

 A volunteer effort of individuals spread out over the internet is
 unstoppable as long as anyone, anywhere, thinks the product should
 live on.

 Henning Makholm

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Xi - Xserver

1999-01-17 Thread Jameson Burt
 On 16-Jan-99 Shao Zhang wrote:
Has anyone tried out the Xi graphics video server??
Is it really much better that XF86??
 Depends on the card, monitor, etc.  However it does not interface nicely with
 the Debian X packages.  Personally I would suggest supporting Xfree.  Hell,
 send them the money you were going to give to Xi -- help fund some free
 development and not a business.

A few months ago I had just purchased the Matrox G200, 
so I got the Xi graphics server.

Before, through xdm, I ran three simultaneous X servers:
one for my child, one for my wife, and one for me.

Facing troubles figuring how to use the Xi Graphics card with xdm,
I sent them email.
Response: xdm is compicated and they do not support xdm.

However, I did for a while enjoy Xi graphics slightly different look.
I believe they gave XFree its first video driver software,
so Xi Graphics gets my ear.
I decided to do what would give me the most flexibility,
have the most support, and what I could share with others:
my Xi graphics expenditure became a sunk cost and 
I returned to XFree.

Jim Burt, NJ9L, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (703) 235-5213 ext. 132  (work)

A poor man associating with a rich man will soon be too poor 
to buy even a pair of breeches.   --Chinese Proverb

Re: Debian Weekly News

1999-01-17 Thread Joey Hess
Shao Zhang wrote:
   I found this great link from LWN.
   But, then I went back to the debian home page, and coundn't find
   Am I missing something??

It's not linked to from the debian homepage yet, being only 3 weeks old. The
url to it is

see shy jo, Debian Weekly News editor

Re: Program to chart ppp through-put?

1999-01-17 Thread Paolo Pedaletti
Ciao Jim,

On Saturday 16 January 1999, alle 01:31:54 -0500, Jim Foltz wrote:

 Is there some program that can log ppp data through-put? I'd really like to
 see what's happening while I am downloading for extended periods, like
 when I upgrade Debian.

I use this:

/usr/sbin/pppstats -w 10  /var/log/pppstats.log

and during the download do:

tail -f /var/log/pppstats.log

Then, later, you can plot usefull data using gnuplot.
using a line like:

plot /tmp/pppstats.log using 1 with linespoints, \
 /tmp/pppstats.log using 7 axes x1y2 with linespoints

Easy, isn't it? :-)

Happy GNU Year


Paolo Pedaletti, Como ITALYa

Re: terminal based schedule program

1999-01-17 Thread Pere Camps

 I haven't found any, but there are some good web-based
 programs around if you have a browser.  Come to think of
 it, you could probably use Lynx (a text-only web browser)
 to access one of those.

Do you recall the name of those programs / CGIs? I am very used to


-- p.

Re: terminal based schedule program

1999-01-17 Thread Pere Camps


I've checked them, and I need more powerful programs.

Thanks anyway!

-- p.

Re: Language

1999-01-17 Thread Henning Makholm
Sam Franc [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  /dev/hda1   /dos   vfat   defaults,umask=002,uid=0,gid=35   0   0
 I am a complete novice and want to install Linux, but I see I need to
 learn a new language before I start.

The precise line you're quoting is an entry in a table. Knowing the
column headings helps a lot when understanding what it means, but
everyone in the discussion did not quote them because they are
there to see in everyone's local linux installation.

I know it can look confusing, but you wouldn't expect to be able
to understand random lines from a CONFIG.SYS file on a dos/windows
instalation just as that, either, would you? The good news are

1) You do *not* need to learn how to parse this before you start.
   In fact, the best way to learn linux (or any other OS) is to
   try to install it and mess with it until it works the way you
   want it to.

2) You don't need to *learn* it at all, not as in being able to
   memoize it when away from your computer, at least.
   I don't think anybody knows the syntax of every configuration file
   in a Debian system by heart, but most of us get along anyhow. The
   most important ability to have is the ability to look up the precise
   details in the on-line documentation when one needs them.

3) Linux offers more knobs and turns for controlling precisely how
   it behaves than any other OS you've ever worked with. The full
   amount of customability is much too big for a pretty graphical
   set-up screen to handle well, so one has to use text-based
   config files instead. It pays off tremendously, though.

4) It is usually possible to actually understand what the black
   magic in linux configuration files do. The role and format of
   each file is generally well documented in the on-line help.
   Contrast this to the situation on a windows box where
   the CONFIG.SYS file (not to mention the registration database)
   mostly consists of opaque entries that some automatic
   installation tool decided you want, without also deciding that
   you want to know why you want them.

Henning Makholm

Re: Program to chart ppp through-put?

1999-01-17 Thread Jim Foltz
Thank you Paolo, this is what I needed. In fact, gnuplot was on my list
to experiment with to see if I could make it plot the data from pppstats.

ACORN techie
AOL/IM: jim foltz

lowmem install

1999-01-17 Thread wtb

Kudos to the developer who fixed lowmem.bin!!! Recall that it would not do
the required swap partition tricks.   The new lowmem.bin dated Dec 98 and
carried in the slink directory worked like a charm.   It had hamm installed in
about an hour smooth as silk.   Quite a treat after three months of
pussyfooting with the July 98 version.
Now my next problem is getting the ppp software to recognize com 7 as 
a valid com port.   Com 7 is 3E8 IRQ5.

Re: terminal based schedule program

1999-01-17 Thread Frank Smith
Here's a sample page to try out with lynx (I'm on a winbloze box at the
moment and can't see how it works with lynx):

The distribution is on the same site.

When I was looking for web groupware calendaring programs a year or so ago,
a search turned up quite a few of them in Java and Perl with various
features and prices (many were free). My bookmarks on the subject were
mostly personal home pages that now just return 404s, but I'm sure a
search engine can locate current links.
If you are looking for a personal appointment reminder instead of
a groupware calendar, maybe some of the normal unix commands others on 
the list have mentioned would better meet your needs.


Logitech Soundman Wave support not compiling

1999-01-17 Thread Matt Miller
Has anyone built the sound driver with Soundman Wave support?

I've tried under 2.0.34, 2.0.35, and 2.0.36 (I'm scared to inflict 2.1.125
on my unsuspecting hamm system), but always with the same result.
Following is stderr of 'make zImage':

soundcard.c:387: warning: `debugmem' defined but not used
sound_switch.c: In function `sound_open_sw':
sound_switch.c:400: warning: unused variable `retval'
sound_switch.c: In function `sound_ioctl_sw':
sound_switch.c:532: warning: unused variable `mixdev'
drivers/sound/sound.a(dev_table.o): In function `sound_install_audiodrv':
dev_table.o(.text+0xa8e): undefined reference to `DMAbuf_init'
dev_table.o(.text+0xa93): undefined reference to `audio_init'
make: *** [vmlinux] Error 1

I'm using 'menuconfig', and selecting the 'Old configuration script'.

If my kids don't get some sound in their games, I might have to recreate
my dos partition.  (Okay, I'm not that desperate.)


Matt Miller

'Choose portability over efficiency.'
Mark Gancarz, 'The Unix Philosophy' - Tenet 4

CDROM ISE-SCSI: Help please!

1999-01-17 Thread Timothy Hospedales
I have compiled my kernel with IDE-SCSI emmulation to try and burn CDs.
However, I can no longer mount my CDROM drives using /dev/hd[x]. Can someone
point me to the new devices they are being seen as, and|or the relevant
manpages? /dev/sd[x], /dev/sg[x], /dev/scd[x] don't seem to work. :(.


E-Mail: Timothy Hospedales [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 16-Jan-99
Time: 21:07:49

This message was sent by XFMail

setleds and num lock

1999-01-17 Thread ktb
Hi,  I have been working on this problem for a while.  I can't get my
number lock to default in the on position while in X.  This is what I
have done:

In the   /etc/init.d/rc  file I placed:
# I add the following for NumLock ON by default
 for tty in $INITTY; do
   setleds -D +num  $tty
This activates my num lock on all terminals (tty1 through tty6) but not
my X terminal tty7.

I tried adding the linesetleds -D +num$  to
/home/kent/.bash_profile  like so:

# ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash(1) for login shells.

umask 002

setleds -D +num$

crossyourfingers:/home/kent# ls -l /home/kent/.bash_profile
-rwxr--r--   1 kent kent  113 Jan 16 14:34

This creates the following error I don't understand, at the top of my
xterm windows, when I open them:

KDGETLED: Invalid argument
Error reading current led setting. Maybe stdin is not a VT?

I have also changed the line to read   setleds -D +num   and recieved
the same error message.  I have also tried both lines in the
/etc/csh.login   file.  I get the same error message.

I am using xdm and afterstep if that makes any difference.  Once again I
need some help.

Re: Netscape4.5 cannot find libraries

1999-01-17 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Torsten,

you wrote on: 16 Jan 99 at 09:28 (received 17.01.99)
about   : _Re: Netscape4.5 cannot find libraries_

I also have serious trouble with Netscape 4.5 (from, only  
version available for Linux). I run the kernel 2.0.34

First try installing the xlib6 and xpm4.7 packages from the oldlibs

Those packages are installed on my machine.

If you still got problems, please check if /etc/
contains at least the following lines:


If you still got any problems, please ask us again.

My /etc/ looks like this:


ldd netscape gives me the following (ran ldconfig several times as root) = not found = not found = not found = not found = not found = not found = not found = /lib/ (0x4000a000) = /lib/ (0x4000d000) = /lib/ (0x400cb000) = /lib/ (0x40103000) = /lib/ (0x4014) = /usr/lib/ (0x40149000) = /lib/ (0x40186000) = /lib/ (0x4019f000) = /lib/ (0x40244000)

The first missing libs (did not check all of them) are located in /usr/ 
X11R6/lib. Since I am a linux-newbie, I may have messed with the system in  
earlier tries to get netscape running. I copied some libs, made soft- 
links, etc. but to the best of my knowledge, I un-did all this again. My  
previous attempts caused netscape to find all libraries, but abort on  
startup with message segmentation fault :-(

Shall I de-install and re-install some components (dselect, apt-get)?

Kind regards


Apt rocks; Gnome rocks.

1999-01-17 Thread Alan Eugene Davis

The following is a copy of email I have sent to a friend who has been
working with Debian.  I have expressed doubts to him many times
concerning the problems I had been having with my own Debian system.
I had been having trouble compiling 2.1.X kernels, and in other ways
too the system was broken.  I didn't have time to update/upgrade, and
apt wouldn't deal with the kludged up system.  Finally I have
reinstalled from a 2.0 LSL CD, upgraded to up-to-date Hamm, and then
straight up to Slink via apt-get dist-upgrade.  Now I am selectively
upgrading to some potato packages.  

The following is my take on the amazingly clean Debian distribution
and its amazing tools.  As a  user of  Debian for well over three
years, I have been plagued by doubts.  Today, I want to express my
gratitude to the many Debian developers who have contributed to this
system, not to mention to all of the thousands of programmers who have
contributed to the extant free software base.  (I over heard a local
computer shop owner saying that Windows 98 upgrades are causing all
kinds of problems; perhaps he was seeding his clientele with FUD, but
all the same, it makes me laugh.)

Thanks.  (I have taken the liberty of mailing copies to debian-user
and debian-devel).

Alan Davis


I've been having fun with Debian since my upgrade.  Apt is a FANTASTIC
piece of work.  Please try it.  

After I reinstalled from the older CD, I ran apt-get update; apt-get
upgrade to bring the installation up-to-date.  It took a few hours.
Apt goes out over the internet to  Debian's main server, and ftps the
files necessary to bring the system up to date, then installs.  It
works well.  Only a few glitches.  Solvable---right now X11 is a bit
fragile if you update to slink, but to update Hamm is really cool.
That is the CD was Hamm, and I told apt to update Hamm to the up to
date files on the FTP site, since there have been a few fixes, etc.
The update went well.  

Then I pointed apt to the slink area on the FTP site and told it to
update the distribution to slink: apt-get update-dist.  100MB of
files were required.  There are currently some glitches, since slink
is not yet stable, so I used the -d (download only, do not install)
switch to apt-get.  There is discussion on the mailing list about
problems with the upgrade, but I couldn't get any answers (the list is
much larger, the subscriber base has apparently grown beyond
imagination, and what was once one-to-one help in virtually every case
is not apparently happening.  Maybe people are tired of my requests

I finally decided, the next day (after the 100MB of files had been
FTPd automatically) to give the install a try.  It took a bit over an
hour, I guess.  X was broken.  A couple packages were broken.  There
were some glitches with apt downloading packages I hadn't requested,
and apt not following the list of wanted upgrades and holds I had
carefully tried to do with dselect---it's possible that I don't yet
understand how to use it all.  Dselect was always out of my control.
Apt is amazing though.  It updates to slink, finds no
inconsistencies.  I had to manually get the x11 files.  The problem is
that there is no one-to-one mapping  of hamm to slink in some
packages.  One hamm package is found in four or more slink files.
(More of the rampant fractionalization I have detected in Debian
before.)  It took a couple hours to get it fixed.

By the way, outside of mainstream hours, suddenly there is a radical
improvement in PCI.  I was getting consistent 3.3 kb/s ftp speeds.
Thus the 100MB took only a relatively few hours!  

Once I had slink going, I pointed to potato, the newer distribution
that isn't yet even frozen, so all ongoing new compiles have been
going in there since October.  I have used apt to upgrade specific
packages from potato, such as the packages needed to compile the
newest kernels. AND THEY COMPILE OK!  

And there is new video code in the newest kernels, including multiple
matrox support.  Including a whole new way of abstracting the video
hardware.  It works well, I think.  This is pre 2.2.0 code.  2.2 will
be the next stable releases, it's been way over a year and a half that
2.1 has been in limbo.  

I started tweaking with apt, installing some specific packages, and
decided to try to install some x11 files that I saw on the FTP site,
in potato.  I used apt-get install packagename.  Well, some
package couldn't be installed, cause of  unmet dependencies on some
libraries.  Apt get told me, and suggested I try to reinstall with the
-f switch to apt-get.  It worked, installed all needed packages to
meet the unmet dependencies.  So I tried gnome.  

That's the subject of this message.  Gnome ROCKS.  There is a Gnome
application called electric eyes for browsing directories of
graphics---wow.  Of course the GIMP is also more than compatible,
since Gnome also depends on the GNU gtk+ libraries, etc.  Mc was
written by the guy who I 

xconfig, menuconfig

1999-01-17 Thread Frederick Page

Hi *.*

I'm linux newbie and guess this is kind of a dumb question, but I cannot  
find menuconfig or xconfig (trying to make the config-files in order to  
compile my kernel). (Running hamm, 2.0.34)

Which package do I need to install?

RTFM-answer welcome, but please name the man or howto :-)

Kind regardsFrederick

How to use mingetty instead of getty ?

1999-01-17 Thread Raghavendra Bhat

I want to replace getty with mingetty as it uses minimal resources. I tried
changing getty to mingetty in /etc/inittab but it did not work. How do I go
about it on a Debian 2.0 box. Why is Debian using getty as the default
instead of mingetty which is the default in a Red Hat box ?

ragOO, VU2RGU.

Keeping the Air-Waves   FREEAmateur Radio
Keeping the WWW  FREEDebian GNU/Linux

Re: xconfig, menuconfig

1999-01-17 Thread Ossama Othman

There are no such packages.  They are Makefile targets.  Go into your
Linux source directory and do make xconfig or make menuconfig.

Have fun!

58 60 1A E8 7A 66 F4 44  74 9F 3C D4 EF BF 35 88  1024/8A04D15D 1998/08/26

Warning on mounting partitions: automate e2fsck?

1999-01-17 Thread Carl Fink
The system I'm typing this on gets rebooted daily.  (Yes, yes, I know
that's bad, but my landlord doesn't like my leaving the system on when
I'm not home.)  After foo number of mounts, the boot process
automatically runs e2fsck on the root partition.  However, I mount
several other partitions automatically via fstab, and on those I will
after foo number of mounts get a warning that the drive should be
checked.  However, it's a pain to switch to runlevel 1 and manually
check all those partitions.

Why should I have to?  Why can't the same process (init?) that
autochecks the root partition, just automatically check the others
instead of warning me?  

I have only vague knowledge of what happens when a Debian system
bootstraps, so please make any answers fairly basic.

Thank you.
Science and Technology Programming, I-Con 18
April 9-11,

Re: How to use mingetty instead of getty ?

1999-01-17 Thread Oleg Krivosheev
   Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 09:40:15 +
   From: Raghavendra Bhat [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Resent-sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
   Precedence: list
   X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/32880
   X-Authentication-warning: [] didn't use
HELO protocol
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
   Content-Length: 487


   I want to replace getty with mingetty as it uses minimal resources. I tried
   changing getty to mingetty in /etc/inittab but it did not work. How do I go
   about it on a Debian 2.0 box. 

works for me in Debian 2.0. Just remove any options concerned with
getty speed. Below is part of my /etc/inittab. And don't forget to
install mingetty

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty1
2:23:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty2

   Why is Debian using getty as the default
   instead of mingetty which is the default in a Red Hat box ?

i have no idea

   ragOO, VU2RGU.


Re: Warning on mounting partitions: automate e2fsck?

1999-01-17 Thread Ossama Othman

 automatically runs e2fsck on the root partition.  However, I mount
 several other partitions automatically via fstab, and on those I will
 after foo number of mounts get a warning that the drive should be
 checked.  However, it's a pain to switch to runlevel 1 and manually
 check all those partitions.
 Why should I have to?  Why can't the same process (init?) that
 autochecks the root partition, just automatically check the others
 instead of warning me?  

Does your /etc/fstab entry for those filesystems have the fsck-pass entry

For example, in my /etc/fstab file I have:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
/dev/sda1   /   ext2defaults1   1
/dev/sda2   noneswapsw  0   0
/dev/sda3   noneswapsw  0   0
proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
/dev/sda5 /usr ext2 rw 1 2
/dev/sda6 /tmp ext2 rw 1 2
/dev/sda7 /export/home/fuzzy ext2 rw 1 2

Notice that my last 3 filesystems are marked pass 2 meaning that they
will get checked second, i.e. after the root filesystem.  From what I
recall, those filesystems always get checked automatically for me.  Make
sure you don't have a zero 0 in the pass column of your filesystem(s).
Swap and proc never get checked for obvious reasons.


Re: How to use mingetty instead of getty ?

1999-01-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 RB == Raghavendra Bhat [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RB I want to replace getty with mingetty as it uses minimal
RB resources. I tried changing getty to mingetty in /etc/inittab but
RB it did not work.

This is what I have:

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty1
2:234:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty2
3:234:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty3
4:234:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty4


Re: Language

1999-01-17 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Sat, 16 Jan 1999, Sam Franc wrote:

 I have been lurking on this group.
 What text do I need to get to interpret what all this language means,
 such as:
Learning a new language isn't necessary to get a linux box running, and
use it effectively. Sure, there are some new concepts (uptimes 1 day :)
), but IMHO, you don't _need_ to worry about the complex stuff to begin
with. I'd suggest getting hold of a book:

Debian Linux Users' guide (comes with 3CDs), which is available from


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

CR key broken ?

1999-01-17 Thread Nidge Jones

I have asked this before, but I still can't get to the bottom of it ?

When I telnet into Debian 2.0 from a Terminal on the Ethernet, the CR key
becomes broken in a few things and doesn't fucntion right.

The terminals are DOS based machines running NCSA telnet clients, and worked
just fine to Debian 1.3.1 ? The problem started following my upgrade to 2.0.

The problem..

At the Linux prompt all is well, nothing appears to be wrong. However start
something like JOE (editor) up and the CR doesn't insert when you hit it,
it just wraps to the next line. For example, if you are half way through a
line of text, and you hit CR, the second half of the line will drop to a new
line , and all other lines drop down to make room, yes !

But not here, if I do such an action, the text will just drop ontop of the
line below, making editing impossible.

Now the problem doesn't persist if I start JOE (or the likes) in a SCREEN
session, or indeed if I export the TERM type to VT102 or 220.

Trouble is exporting the TERM type then breaks so many other things, and
starting SCREEN everytime I want to use JOE (or the likes) is a bit sad.

Now, SCREEN has it's own config file to set things up... But just what is it
changing to make CR work OK, that my normal BASH shell isn't?

Ie if I can find the answer. I could perhaps just add it to my /etc/profile
file eh ??

Ideas !

Nidge Jones

Re: Why not as a newsgroup?

1999-01-17 Thread Thomas Adams
On Sat, Jan 16, 1999 at 09:42:13AM -0500, Roger Pittman wrote:

   Per the source code, the standard (oversimplified) sequence is:

Ahhh, yes, what you describe is how it works usually. It's fine if you're 
sitting at a leased line or pay a flat fee for your phone call to your ISP. 
But what we were talking about were newsreaders which grab the headers of your 
selected groups, disconnect and let you mark articles for retrieval at a later 
time. This is not that usual with Unix newsreaders than it is with Windows and 
Mac programs, unfortunately.

Re: CR key broken ?

1999-01-17 Thread Joey Hess
Nidge Jones wrote:
 At the Linux prompt all is well, nothing appears to be wrong. However start
 something like JOE (editor) up and the CR doesn't insert when you hit it,
 it just wraps to the next line. For example, if you are half way through a
 line of text, and you hit CR, the second half of the line will drop to a new
 line , and all other lines drop down to make room, yes !
 But not here, if I do such an action, the text will just drop ontop of the
 line below, making editing impossible.
 Now the problem doesn't persist if I start JOE (or the likes) in a SCREEN
 session, or indeed if I export the TERM type to VT102 or 220.

If you're only seeing this problem in joe, it's probably not that CR isn't
working, and not that joe doesn't understand you've hit CR, but that joe
doesn't properly update the screen when you do. You can test this by editing
a file in joe and saving it and then looking at it with less or more and
seeing if the CR's are really where you put them.

Unfortunatly, joe has a very odd, messed up little termcap library all its
own. It doesn't seem to work very well when used from things like windows

see shy jo

Re: Language

1999-01-17 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Sat, Jan 16, 1999 at 04:35:12PM -0800, Sam Franc wrote:
 I have been lurking on this group.
 What text do I need to get to interpret what all this language means,
 such as:
  /dev/hda1   /dos   vfat   defaults,umask=002,uid=0,gid=35   0   0
 I am a complete novice and want to install Linux, but I see I need to
 learn a new language before I start.

Hi Sam,

now you got two excellent responses, but no answer what the line really
means :) I will try to give that, but bear with me if I assume to much
techno-knowledge. Ask questions!

I realize that this information will be probably too much for you if you
have not installed Linux yet. You probably want to safe this mail somewhere
and return later, when you have more experience. You do *not* need to know
this to install and explore Linux!

The line is, as somebody else said, a line of a table. This table contains
one line for each filesystem which can be mounted. A filesystem is something
like a disk partition, a floppy, or a cdrom. It can even be a remote file
system (Windows user would call it a file share), or a pseudo filesystem for
communication with the operating system kernel (the proc file system,
forget about it if you don't understand a word).

The line comes from /etc/fstab  (short for File System TABle).

The first column contains the device file, which tells the system which
device to use, especially which partition on the device. hd mean Hard
Disk, a means the master on primary IDE controller (b is slave, c and
d secondary IDE controller). The 1 means first primary partition.

So, /dev/hda1 is the first primary partition on the master disk on primary
IDE controller.

The second column contains the location to mount the file system by default.
In DOS, you use A:, B:, C: etc to mount your partitions. In Windows,
you have Desktop\C, Desktop\D, or, in a network,
network environment\workgroup\fileshare. In Linux, you can choose an
*arbitrary* location, whereever you like. /dos means, the user has created
a directory called dos in the top level directory (root directory), and
he wants to mount the /dev/hda1 partition there. So, if /dev/hda1 has a file
called foobar in the top level directory (C:\foobar in DOS), you could
access it as /dos/foobar under Linux.

The third is some special information about the TYPE of the filesystem. In
Windows, you know that there can be fat, vfat, fat32 filesystems. In Linux,
there are many more, ext2fs is the standard file system for Linux, so you
will see this often. Linux supports all Windows file systems, macintosh,
amiga, some Unix, network file systems etc. You can get a list of supported
filesystems in your kernel with the command cat /proc/filesystems.

I have:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /proc/filesystems
nodev   proc

This means, proc is not a real filesystems (nodev), but the others are.
BTW, iso9660 is the standard file systems for CD ROMS.

The fourth columns contains a list of options to pass to the mount command.
There are many options, the options above mean: defaults: use all defaults
options (which these are you can find in the documentation). umask, gid,
uid set the owner, group and permissions of the files. I would recommend
not to worry about these at this stage of learning.

The fifth and sixth columns are a bit cryptic. The fifth is related to some
dump command, forget about it for now. The sixth means in which order the
filesystems should be checked at boot time. 0 means, do not check this
file system at boot time. 1 is usually rthe root file system, and 2 all

I hope this clarified thiungs a bit. If you are interested, there is more
information. Try man fstab, man mount in your Linux shell.


Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09


1999-01-17 Thread Peter Horatsche
Mein Name ist Peter Horatschek.
Ich habe mir das CHIP LINUX-Spezial mit DEBIAN GNU/LINUX 2.0 gekauft.
Aber jedesmal wenn ich das installierte Linux starte stürzt es ab. 
(Es reagiert auf keinen TAstendruck mehr). Was kann ich tun? 
Hilfe bitte an: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Fw: Bitte weitersenden! B I T T E!!!! (fwd)

1999-01-17 Thread Raphael Becker
Michael Hammann wrote:

 bitte macht bei diesem vielleicht lebenswichtigen Schneeball-
 eMail mit :-)

 Julian Weddige schrieb:
 Subject:Bitte weitersenden! B I T T E

Denk Dir schon mal eine sehr gute Ausrede aus, die könnte für Dich
lebenswichtig werden!


P.S. Bitte NICHT antworten!

AMD K6-2 / Bogomips problem

1999-01-17 Thread pat

I think i have a problem with one of my new K6-2 box.

I have two boxes : same motherboard (ASUS P5A) , same amount of memory
Same output of /proc/cpuinfo for both

*except* for bogomips.

One is a 350MHz and it gives me ~350 Bogomips
the other is a 400MHz and it gives me ~800 Bogomips

I think there is a problem. What do you think ?
What should i check first ?

Thanks for your help


Re: AMD K6-2 / Bogomips problem

1999-01-17 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Sun, Jan 17, 1999 at 11:13:41AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One is a 350MHz and it gives me ~350 Bogomips
 the other is a 400MHz and it gives me ~800 Bogomips
 I think there is a problem. What do you think ?


 What should i check first ?

Read the Bogomips mini-Howto.



Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09


1999-01-17 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Sun, Jan 17, 1999 at 12:14:59PM +0100, Peter Horatsche wrote:
 Mein Name ist Peter Horatschek.
 Ich habe mir das CHIP LINUX-Spezial mit DEBIAN GNU/LINUX 2.0 gekauft.
 Aber jedesmal wenn ich das installierte Linux starte stürzt es ab. 
 (Es reagiert auf keinen TAstendruck mehr). Was kann ich tun? 

Als erstes könntest Du uns eine genaue Fehlermeldung geben, ohne die wissen
wir nämlich gar nichts (stürzt ab ist nicht gerade inreichend informativ).


An welcher Stelle stürzt es ab, was sind die letzten paar Zeilen auf dem

Wenn die Bildschirmausgabe irgendetwas mit Hardware zu tun hat, welche
relevante Hardware hast Du installiert (wenn Du nicht ahnst, was ich meine,
beantworte nur die erste Frage).


Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

RE: Learning more/Linux programming books

1999-01-17 Thread Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren
I think that it is worth considering skipping the Pascal stage and
going straight to C, or equivalent languages. Taking this approach a bit
further, I think it is even worth considering going straight to C++,
by talking first about the procedural aspects of C++ and only then, as a
second stage, talking about the OOP aspects.

Are you crazy? He's a begginner and he wants learn programming not to get

Let me suggest a different angle toward this issue. You are interested in
learning more about programming the Linux system, right? Linux is written
in C -- not Pascal, not C++, for the most part. I am not disparaging
those languages, and in fact am more interested in using C++ than C.
Certainly the C++ advocates feel that you can just learn to program in
C++ to start with. But I decided to go ahead with C because I want to
understand the Linux system well.

How can you run if you don't know how to walk? If you want to learn
programming the best language is Pascal:
a) It's closer to the natural language than C and, of course, C++, and all
of us think in our own natural language (english, spanish, french, german,
etc...) and this is the first language we use when we develope a program.
b) It forces you to make a highly structured code. Bad programming habits
appears easier with C than with Pascal.

Learn C is not necessary the way to understand linux. To understand linux
you must know how to programm devices like controllers, video cards, sound
cards, etc..., and programm devices is something that you can do with Pascal

STARTEG project - Oviedo (Spain)

problem with video card

1999-01-17 Thread homega
Hi there,

I hope this won't be too much of an off-topic.

I recently had to change my video card (S3 Trio64V+, 2MB) for a new one
(from SuperProbe:

S3 VIRGE/DX (PCI probed)

2048 Kbytes

Generic 8-bit pseudo-color DAC (with 6-bit wide lookup tables (or in
6-bit mode))

Now, the problem is that it doesn't give any trouble in W95, but it does
with Linux:  every now and then I get like one or two refreshing-like
movements on my screen.  I thought this also happened during bootup with the
BIOS, although I believe it's just when LILO is loading up.  I contacted
with the monitor manufacturer (Philips 104I SVGA) and could give me no
support on this problem.

Anyone knows what could be going on?

Although this doesn't seem to be related, I also changed the box for a ATX
one (the mainboard had support for AT and ATX). 


Un saludo,



Re: compiles

1999-01-17 Thread Nidge Jones

If you been following this topic, you will know I upgraded two 1.3.1
machines here to 2.0. And both were having similar kernel compile problems?

In my last mail I explained how I had solved the Kernel compile problem, 
by purging and re-installing the libc6-dev package... Following a suggestion
about the /usr/include structure being different???

I also said I was going to do the exact same thing on the remaining 2nd 
Debian 2.0 system (ie purge and re-install libc6-dev)... to see if by some 
miracle (or fluke, he he) the same would happen again. 

And guess what, it worked :-)

Kernel compiles (2.0.36) work like a dream on both machines now, just as I
would expect them to ! Well at least as far as the make 'dep' 'clean' and 
'zImage' go. I still have to test make 'modules' and 'modules_install'. But 
I am now confident all is OK.

So, my brokenly Debian 2.0 system isn't so brokenly now, and is getting back
to what 1.3.1 used to be like - Heaven !

I Still know of a few more broken things, and I dare say I wil find more. But
many are simple to solve. Like installing a needed OLDLIB package, or a little
re-configuring etc.

The nagging problem I have at the moment is with damm broken CR (see last
mail), if only I could sort that out, I would be rockin again :-

I must say thank you to all that helped on debian-user, Besides helping mend
my brokenly box, you have also helped restore my faith in Debian once again.

I have had some (lots) of *VERY* testing and frustrating times this last
week or so?

But fear not, I am holding the annual Redhat/Slackware CD burning ceromoney 
as per normal sometime later today :-))
In fact one of the Redhat CD's might just escape the ritual this year. As this
last week it has become of great use (for a change)... Masquerading as a 
Coaster to stand my drinks on grin.

Nidge Jones


1999-01-17 Thread Patrik Magnusson
I have compiled a new kernel, I run make zdisk to make a boot-disk
and that works just fine. But I can't make my hard-drive boot-able. 
When init is about to start I get an oops, 'unable to handle kernel
paging request...'. I have also tried make-kpkg but I get the same
lilo.conf points to /vmlinuz, I have tried /boot/vmlinuz, and
placing a copy of zImage under / and /boot/ with various names
(vmlinuz, zImage...)

Any ideas? 

(btw do posts to linux.debian.user find their way to this list?)

Re: CR key broken ?

1999-01-17 Thread Nidge Jones
Joey Hess Writes..

 Unfortunatly, joe has a very odd, messed up little termcap library all its
 own. It doesn't seem to work very well when used from things like windows

It has worked 100% excellent here for months, from my DOS/NCSA terminals 
to my Debian 1.3.1 server. The problem only started when I upgraded from
1.3.1 to  2.0

Just knowing what is broken isn't it !

Nidge Jones

Re: Apt rocks; Gnome rocks.

1999-01-17 Thread Wichert Akkerman
Previously Alan Eugene Davis wrote:
 The problem is that there is no one-to-one mapping  of hamm to slink
 in some packages.  One hamm package is found in four or more slink

We are going to address this issue though. For X there will very likely
be an upgrade path that does not suffer from this problem. For the
netstd package that has been split up we have yet to find a good
solution; if you use dselect to do the upgrade (dselect can use apt!) it
should have installed the new packages  automatically by the way.

 Mc was written by the guy who I think started gnome, Miquel van
 Smoorenberg (spelling wrong).  This guy is in Mexico, and has been a
 key linux developer.  I am now apt-getting the gnome mc package.  

You are confusing two people: we have Miquel van Smoorenburg, who wrote
things like sysvinit and minicom and is a Debian developer, and lives in
The Netherlands. The person you are referring to is Miguel de Icaza, who
is responsible for a lot of the GNOME project, and is indeed also the
author of mc.


This combination of bytes forms a message written to you by Wichert Akkerman.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Warning on mounting partitions: automate e2fsck?

1999-01-17 Thread Carl Fink
 Does your /etc/fstab entry for those filesystems have the fsck-pass entry


I never actually read the docs on fstab and didn't realize what that
field meant.

Thank you very much.
Science and Technology Programming, I-Con 18
April 9-11,

Re: AMD K6-2 / Bogomips problem

1999-01-17 Thread pat

On 17-Jan-99, Marcus Brinkmann took time to write :
 One is a 350MHz and it gives me ~350 Bogomips
 the other is a 400MHz and it gives me ~800 Bogomips
 I think there is a problem. What do you think ?

i think there is, see below

 What should i check first ?
 Read the Bogomips mini-Howto.

besides the fact it seems outdated (1997-12-13), it says like me:
  AMD K5/K6  clock * (2.00  plusminus 0.010)   11.1

and it lists K6 at 166Mhz having already ~330Bogomips !

so my AMD K6-2 at 350Mhz should have 700Bogomips isn't it ?

so next part of my question:
what should i check ? bios settings ?
(the howto is not precise enough imho)


Re: still fighting for normality

1999-01-17 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Sat, Jan 16, 1999 at 03:27:55PM +, Rich Harran. wrote:
 rwx for group), but this doesn't work, and I can't even chmod the
 permissions as root.  If I type
   chmod --verbose g+w /mnt
 it claims to have changed the permissions, but doesn't actually.  

the vfat filesystem doesn't support permissions; everything you mount will 
have the permissions defined by your umask.  if you need file perms
you might want to look into the umsdos filesystem; try man fs for a
little more.


The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint
has a past and every sinner has a future.
-- Oscar Wilde

Dynamic IP addressing

1999-01-17 Thread Jonathan Burley
Does Debian support DHCP/BOOTP IP addressing? 

popularity-contest mail gets frozen

1999-01-17 Thread James Dietrich

I have installed the popularity-contest package and the mail
it generates is not sent, but rather frozen.  This is what the
first file in /var/spool/exim/input/ says:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to all of its recipients. The
following address(es) failed:

unrouteable mail domain

-- This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. --

Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received: from root by debian with local (Exim 2.05 #1 (Debian))
id 101qMj-0005bU-00; Sun, 17 Jan 1999 06:27:37 -0500
Subject: popularity-contest submission
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 06:27:37 -0500

And then follows the package-usage info.

And this is what the other file in /var/spool/exim/input/ says:

mail 8 8

916572518 0
-ident mail
-received_protocol local
-body_linecount 362
-frozen 916581369

119P Received: from mail by debian with local (Exim 2.05 #1 (Debian))
id 101qNi-0005l7-00; Sun, 17 Jan 1999 06:28:38 -0500
048  X-Failed-Recipients: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
050F From: Mail Delivery System [EMAIL PROTECTED]
059  Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
039I Message-Id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
038  Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 06:28:38 -0500

I'm running the latest from potato with exim as my mailer.  Exim seems
to be configured properly for everything else I do.  One other point that
may be relevant--I'm not online all the time, but shouldn't this message
get queued up and sent like all the other mail that I send while offline?

What's going on here?  Is it a misconfiguration on my part?  If it would
be helpful to provide any more information/config files I'll do so.


Re: CDROM ISE-SCSI: Help please!

1999-01-17 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
On Sat, 16 Jan 1999, Timothy Hospedales wrote:

 I have compiled my kernel with IDE-SCSI emmulation to try and burn CDs.
 However, I can no longer mount my CDROM drives using /dev/hd[x]. Can someone
 point me to the new devices they are being seen as, and|or the relevant
 manpages? /dev/sd[x], /dev/sg[x], /dev/scd[x] don't seem to work. :(.

I'm using SCSI emulation on my burner and CDROM drive, and they both work
fine. I mount them with devices /dev/scd0 and scd1. I have noticed that
you must have SCSI support, SCSI CD-ROM support, and SCSI generic support
compiled *in* the kernel, not as modules.

| pretzelgod | [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| (Eric Gillespie, Jr.)  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| That's the problem with going from a soldier to a   |
|  politician: you actually have to sit down and listen to |
|  people who six months ago you would've just shot.  |
|  --President John Sheridan, Babylon 5|

Re: Dynamic IP addressing

1999-01-17 Thread Brandon Mitchell
On Sun, 17 Jan 1999, Jonathan Burley wrote:

 Does Debian support DHCP/BOOTP IP addressing? 

Yes, I'm using DHCP via the dhcpcd program now.  I've heard of others
using bootp.  There is a new dhcpcd program that you will need to use for
the 2.2 kernels, but I forgot it's name.


+---  ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
| The above is a completely random sequence of bits, any relation to |
|   an actual message is purely accidental.  |

Re: Learning more/Linux programming books

1999-01-17 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Sun, Jan 17, 1999 at 05:05:48AM +0100, Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren wrote:
 I think that it is worth considering skipping the Pascal stage and
 going straight to C, or equivalent languages. Taking this approach a bit
 further, I think it is even worth considering going straight to C++,
 by talking first about the procedural aspects of C++ and only then, as a
 second stage, talking about the OOP aspects.
 Are you crazy? He's a begginner and he wants learn programming not to get

I agree with him. Yes, he is a beginner. However, OO programming and
procedural programming are different enough. If you teach the bad habits you
get in C first, it is harder to change to a type safe and well organized OO
programming language. 

 How can you run if you don't know how to walk? If you want to learn
 programming the best language is Pascal:
 a) It's closer to the natural language than C and, of course, C++, and all
 of us think in our own natural language (english, spanish, french, german,
 etc...) and this is the first language we use when we develope a program.

This can also be a disadvantage, because programming _is_ much unlike
natural language. 

 b) It forces you to make a highly structured code. Bad programming habits
 appears easier with C than with Pascal.

Then you should advocate C++, because it is type safe and enforces much more
organization than C or Pascal. Procedural programming is more structured
than BASIC, but OO programming is much more structured than procedural
 Learn C is not necessary the way to understand linux. To understand linux
 you must know how to programm devices like controllers, video cards, sound
 cards, etc..., and programm devices is something that you can do with Pascal

This I agree with. However, reading C code written by experts requries some
understanding of C on its own.

You can start with any language. For a complete beginner, I would advocate
Scheme. Even if you don't want to do big projects in Scheme, you can start
very fast. A good book on programming (using Scheme) is Structure and
Interpretation of Computer Programs, Abelson/Sussman.


Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

Re: AMD K6-2 / Bogomips problem

1999-01-17 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Sun, Jan 17, 1999 at 03:34:42PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 besides the fact it seems outdated (1997-12-13), it says like me:
   AMD K5/K6  clock * (2.00  plusminus 0.010)   11.1
 and it lists K6 at 166Mhz having already ~330Bogomips !
 so my AMD K6-2 at 350Mhz should have 700Bogomips isn't it ?

I don't know what -2 means at K6-2.
 so next part of my question:
 what should i check ? bios settings ?
 (the howto is not precise enough imho)

Quote from the howto:
 Many CPUs are prone to faulty setups of

  ·  memory cache setting (write-back is wrong for BogoMips, often
 reported lower than 5; write-through is ok)

  ·  turbo-buttons (should be ON)

  ·  BIOS-software emulated fake cache (change it for real cache)

  ·  similar cache and clock related things.


Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

GCC/e2fsck probs resolved

1999-01-17 Thread Scott J. Geertgens

  Thanks to all who replied. I did a e2fsck on the drive, then reinstalled
the GCC package and have had no problem since. Life is good :) 


Re: man page for hwclock

1999-01-17 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
James Dietrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Simple question: Where did it go?
 I'm running the latest from potato.  util-linux 2.9g-3
 /usr/man/man8/clock.8.gz - hwclock.8.gz
 ls: /usr/man/man8/hwclock.8.gz: No such file or directory
 /var/catman/cat8/hwclock.8.gz does exist, so it used to be there.

Please report a bug (but check the archive first).  The man page for
hwclock seems to be missing in this packages version.



RE: CR key broken ?

1999-01-17 Thread Ted Harding
On 17-Jan-99 Nidge Jones wrote:
 I have asked this before, but I still can't get to the bottom of it ?
 When I telnet into Debian 2.0 from a Terminal on the Ethernet, the CR
 key becomes broken in a few things and doesn't fucntion right.
 At the Linux prompt all is well, nothing appears to be wrong. However
 start something like JOE (editor) up and the CR doesn't insert when
 you hit it, it just wraps to the next line. For example, if you are
 half way through a line of text, and you hit CR, the second half of
 the line will drop to a new line , and all other lines drop down to
 make room, yes !
 But not here, if I do such an action, the text will just drop ontop of
 the line below, making editing impossible.

I'm not finding it easy to understand what's going on from your
description, but if I understand aright then:

In case A: you press return in the middle of a line, the line breaks, the
second half and all below drop a line, and the second half begins at the
left of the screen.

In case B: you press return in the middle of a line, the line breaks, the
second half and all below drop a line, and the second half begins
vertically below where it was before.

If that's the case, then in case A your screen display is executing a
CR-LF combination, while in the second case it is executing a LF only.

Quite where this arises is anyone's guess, since the relationships between
keyboard input, file contents, and screen display depend on a variety of
translations carried out internally.

Normally, for keyboard input to a text file in any editor, the CR key
inserts a LF into the file (the standard UNIX end-of-line delimiter).

Normally, when a text file with LF EOL delimiters is output to screen, the
LF is translated into a CR-LF pair.

So case A looks normal, and case B looks like a failure to translate
LF-CR-LF on output. This is possibly an stty problem: try giving the

   stty -a

in the relevant terminal, and compare the output with what man stty

God luck,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 17-Jan-99   Time: 12:04:44
-- XFMail --

Thanks for help becoming normal and /dev/null problem

1999-01-17 Thread Rich Harran.
Thanks to everyone who helped me sort out the proper mounting of my dos
drives so that the group 'dos' could access them rwx.  As many of you
suspected, it was my inability to distinguish between 
umask and unmask
which was causing my problem (I have the same problem with umount: I read
an 'n' which isn't there).  For some reason, I wasn't getting an error
message though?

Anyway, I'm still having trouble with my /dev/null, which sometimes
reverts to permissions:
when I reboot, causing X (and other) problems (it also did so after I had
got X running today, possibly when I symlinked by ~/.netscape/cookies file
to it).  Could anyone please tell me why this happens, and how to stop it.

Thanks in advance

Re: Debian 2.1?

1999-01-17 Thread Mark Brown
On Sat, Jan 16, 1999 at 06:02:25PM -0500, SEGV wrote:

 Okay, it's been another month. Are we any closer to a 2.1 release for x86?

Hopefully.  It's still slated for release this month.

 Is there a web site where I can more closely track progress?

There is a list of release-critical bugs avalible on the web at .  These are bugs which
must be dealt with in some way before release.  Some bugs may be fixed
already by uploads which haven't made it into the archive yet.

Other than that, you can try following the debian-devel mailing list.
Summaries are posted to debian-devel-announce and on the web somewhere,
but obviously they aren't complete.

 Will it be out before or after kernel 2.2?

Perhaps - depends when they are released :-) .  It won't contain kernel
2.2, but it contains pretty much everything kernel 2.2 requires.  All
I've had to upgrade was PCMCIA and DHCP (the required PCMCIA support
hasn't even been officially released yet, so problems are perhaps

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Re: dosemu and freedos

1999-01-17 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (shaul) write:

  Also the
  setup-dosemu program appears to be missing, does anyone know if there is a
  deb with it in or do I need to get it from the sources.
 I do not know about it.
It's part of the dosemu package, but it's located at a unconvenient

$ locate setup-dosemu

I don't know if this should be reported as a bug.



1999-01-17 Thread Christian Lavoie
I was wondering... (And this probably already has been mentioned 
anyway), why wouldn't DPKG/APT/DSELECT use a real database server 
mySQL/mSQL/PostgreSQL/... to keep it's own database?
  Because a database has to be set up, as well as taking a significant
  amount of space that simply isn't available on the installation 
  dselect/apt has to work as soon as the base system is installed.  If 
  introduce a complex product like a RDBMS, there's just too much extra
  that can go wrong.

 Good point. Another one is that many low-end machines don't have 
 the horsepower or disk space to run dpkg/apt with an 
 sql server. We need to keep Debian as lean  mean as possible.

Actually, not all of dselect's methods work right out of the floppies. 
Neither does most of Debian's 1500 packages. But I think that to 
ALLOW, and not FORCE, dpkg to access a database server could be of 
use. Think of it on large networks where the admin must sync a few key 
packages, or in places where identical machines are a necessary, or 
highly appreciated thing.

My point is that it actually can be quite useful to do, yours is that 
it's quite stupid to FORCE things that way. The hell with it, I'm 
fully agreeing with ya. ;) Does anyone really uses weekly all of 
dselect's methods? Why then would one use maultiple packages 
databases? I think were arguing on a 'one fits all' vs a specialized 

Anyway, once you've got a database server installed, I think it should 
be a great thing to use, since anyway, next re-install is in a few 
decades. ;P

Christian Lavoie

Re: AMD K6-2 / Bogomips problem

1999-01-17 Thread Phillip Deackes
 besides the fact it seems outdated (1997-12-13), it says like me:
   AMD K5/K6  clock * (2.00  plusminus 0.010)   11.1
 and it lists K6 at 166Mhz having already ~330Bogomips !
 so my AMD K6-2 at 350Mhz should have 700Bogomips isn't it ?
 so next part of my question:
 what should i check ? bios settings ?
 (the howto is not precise enough imho)

I think I would be concerned too. I have an AMD K6-2 3D 350 MHz
processor, overclocked to 400MHz and I get the following from cat

processor   : 0
cpu : 586
model   : AMD-K6(tm) 3D processor
vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
stepping: A
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid   : yes
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8 syscr mmx 3dnow
bogomips: 801.18

Sorry if I state the obvious, but you are running at 3.5 x 100 MHz? You
do have 100 MHz memory?

I have found in the past on a couple of occasions I have had ludicrously
low bogomips figures and have re-compiled the kernel (not even changing
the settings!) and the rate has gone up the next time i have re-booted.
Only ever happened with a RedHat system - don't know why.

What kernel are you using? There are a couple of AMD K6-2 patches

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux v.2.0 

Re: Netscape4.5 cannot find libraries

1999-01-17 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frederick Page) writes:

[necessary Packages are installed, is fine]

 The first missing libs (did not check all of them) are located in
 /usr/ X11R6/lib. Since I am a linux-newbie, I may have messed with
 the system in earlier tries to get netscape running. I copied some
 libs, made soft- links, etc. but to the best of my knowledge, I
 un-did all this again. My previous attempts caused netscape to find
 all libraries, but abort on startup with message segmentation
 fault :-(

Please do the following and compare:

~$ ls /usr/lib/libc5-compat/libX* 
/usr/lib/libc5-compat/   /usr/lib/libc5-compat/
/usr/lib/libc5-compat/   /usr/lib/libc5-compat/
/usr/lib/libc5-compat/   /usr/lib/libc5-compat/
/usr/lib/libc5-compat/   /usr/lib/libc5-compat/
/usr/lib/libc5-compat/  /usr/lib/libc5-compat/
/usr/lib/libc5-compat/ /usr/lib/libc5-compat/

You should have at least some libX11, libXpm files there.  Some of the
are symlinks.

 Shall I de-install and re-install some components (dselect,

If the libaries are not in their directories, please manually install
the oldlibs/xpm4.7 and oldlibs/xlib6 packages.  Just something like:

dpkg -i .../debian/dists/stable/main/binary-i386/oldlibs/xpm*

You can also call ldconfig -p | grep 'libc5.*X' to check which
libaries the dynamic linker knows of.  My output is:

$ /sbin/ldconfig -p | grep 'libc5.*X' (libc5) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (libc5) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (libc5) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (libc5) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (libc5) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (libc5) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (libc5) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (libc5) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (libc5) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (libc5) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (libc5) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/



video capture--does Snappy run under linux? Other reccomendations?

1999-01-17 Thread Richard Black

I am looking for a cheap way of capturing still images from my Hi8
camcorder.  Looking around, Snappy ($100), seems to fit the bill.

Is there anyway this will run under linux or linux/wine?

Does anyone have any other recommendations?



TCP/IP Printing

1999-01-17 Thread Colin Boyd

Sorry to ask this again, but I realized that I wasn't subscribed to the 
list from this account last time, therefore if anyone replied I couldn't 
see it.

I recently convinced my boss to buy me an ethernet card fo my linux box. 
I successfuly recompiled the kernel using the tulip driver and it all 
works. Now I want to be able to print to our office printer. It's a HP 
LaserJet 3 with an Axis MIO card. This could prove to be it's downfall, 
as the particular MIO card requires a windows based print server. In 
fact it recommends win 3.11. So that is our current configuration. 

I've never needed to print from Linux before, as until now it has simply 
been a hobby of mine. However the time has come for me to learn. I've 
read all the printing How-To's I can find and they haven't been a lot of 
help. Somewhere I read that there is a Printing-to-windows howto, but to 
quote the author, it's available out there somewhere.

If anyone has any idea about where I could find that how-to, or if you 
just happen to know how to set up Linux to print in this configuration I 
would very much appreciate any help you could offer.


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: AMD K6-2 / Bogomips problem

1999-01-17 Thread pat

On 17-Jan-99, Marcus Brinkmann took time to write :
 On Sun, Jan 17, 1999 at 03:34:42PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 besides the fact it seems outdated (1997-12-13), it says like me:
   AMD K5/K6  clock * (2.00  plusminus 0.010)   11.1
 and it lists K6 at 166Mhz having already ~330Bogomips !
 so my AMD K6-2 at 350Mhz should have 700Bogomips isn't it ?
 I don't know what -2 means at K6-2.

it's the new generation of K6 chips. also known as K6-3D
 so next part of my question:
 what should i check ? bios settings ?
 (the howto is not precise enough imho)
 Quote from the howto:
  Many CPUs are prone to faulty setups of
   ·  memory cache setting (write-back is wrong for BogoMips, often
  reported lower than 5; write-through is ok)

less than clear to me

   ·  turbo-buttons (should be ON)

in these days i rarely found units with turbo buttons anymore

   ·  BIOS-software emulated fake cache (change it for real cache)
   ·  similar cache and clock related things.

yeah... but 'similar' doesn't tell me where to start searching...

Thanks for your help, 
but besides the bios to check - and i'm not very optimistic with that, will
see tomorrow - , i don't see anything to do... bad !


start svgalib progs from X

1999-01-17 Thread Brandon Mitchell
I want to start qwcl (quake world) from xqf (an X game finder).  I
remember something that would change the current vt (via chvt maybe) and
then run your non-X program, followed by a change back to X.  Does anyone
know of such a program/script?


+---  ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
| The above is a completely random sequence of bits, any relation to |
|   an actual message is purely accidental.  |

Re: TCP/IP Printing

1999-01-17 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sun, 17 Jan 1999, Colin Boyd wrote:

 Sorry to ask this again, but I realized that I wasn't subscribed to the 
 list from this account last time, therefore if anyone replied I couldn't 
 see it.
 I recently convinced my boss to buy me an ethernet card fo my linux box. 
 I successfuly recompiled the kernel using the tulip driver and it all 
 works. Now I want to be able to print to our office printer. It's a HP 
 LaserJet 3 with an Axis MIO card. This could prove to be it's downfall, 
 as the particular MIO card requires a windows based print server. In 
 fact it recommends win 3.11. So that is our current configuration. 
 I've never needed to print from Linux before, as until now it has simply 
 been a hobby of mine. However the time has come for me to learn. I've 
 read all the printing How-To's I can find and they haven't been a lot of 
 help. Somewhere I read that there is a Printing-to-windows howto, but to 
 quote the author, it's available out there somewhere.
 If anyone has any idea about where I could find that how-to, or if you 
 just happen to know how to set up Linux to print in this configuration I 
 would very much appreciate any help you could offer.

/usr/doc/SMB-HOWTO.gz (in the doc-linux-text package).

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xconfig, menuconfig

1999-01-17 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Ossama,

you wrote on: 16 Jan 99 at 22:13 (received 17.01.99)
about   : _Re: xconfig, menuconfig_

There are no such packages.  They are Makefile targets.  Go into your
Linux source directory and do make xconfig or make menuconfig.

Thank you very much for your information, I will try so later.

Kind regardsFrederick

Re: non-free/libs package gets installed into libs

1999-01-17 Thread Ossama Othman

 When the packages was installed, you must have gotten an e-mail from
 maor-installer saying:
 | If the override file requires editing, reply to this email.  If your
 | upload fixed reported bugs, you should close them now.
 I'm not sure which packages you're trying, but you should check
 override files on the ftp sites (debian/indices/override.*.*.gz) first
 and reply to the e-mail with notes what has changed.

I didn't upload the packages to master by that time.  The installation was
local.  I built the packages and then installed them as soon as I built
them.  I just sent the packages to master last night so I should find out
if the problem persists once the package gets installed into Debian.

Unfortunatley, I still can't figure out why the local installation went
into libs instead of non-free/libs.

58 60 1A E8 7A 66 F4 44  74 9F 3C D4 EF BF 35 88  1024/8A04D15D 1998/08/26

Browser with CSS1 support.

1999-01-17 Thread Sergey Imennov

Description: PGP message

Re: Browser with CSS1 support.

1999-01-17 Thread Christian Lavoie
   I'm looking for a web-browser that would handle
   CSS1 tests, provided by   I tried Mozilla
   ( slink .deb ), and, despite the claims of, tests were not 'passed'.

   Are there any suitable browsers?

Emacs-W3 also claims CSS1 support. W3's own Amaya also has some 
support (but it shouldn't pass the tests, AFAIK)

Christian Lavoie

Re: AMD K6-2 / Bogomips problem

1999-01-17 Thread pat

On 17-Jan-99, Phillip Deackes took time to write :
 so my AMD K6-2 at 350Mhz should have 700Bogomips isn't it ?

 I think I would be concerned too. I have an AMD K6-2 3D 350 MHz

I am !

 processor, overclocked to 400MHz and I get the following from cat
 processor   : 0
 cpu : 586
 model   : AMD-K6(tm) 3D processor
 vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
 stepping: A
 fdiv_bug: no
 hlt_bug : no
 f00f_bug: no
 fpu : yes
 fpu_exception   : yes
 cpuid   : yes
 wp  : yes
 flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8 syscr mmx 3dnow
 bogomips: 801.18

i have :
processor   : 0
cpu : 586
model   : AMD-K6(tm) 3D processor
vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
stepping: M    difference !!! what is it ?
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid   : yes
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8 syscr pge mmx 3dnow
   ^^^ difference !
what's that ?
bogomips: 350.62

i will try to read the kernel sources if i understand anything...
but i someone knows about these things...

 Sorry if I state the obvious, but you are running at 3.5 x 100 MHz? You
i have to check tomorrow directly on the main board (is that what you think :
multiplier and bus frequency)

 do have 100 MHz memory?

i have two 64Mo chips 100MHz coming from different manufacturers (could that
be the cause ?)
will bogomips change if memory changes ?
 I have found in the past on a couple of occasions I have had ludicrously
 low bogomips figures and have re-compiled the kernel (not even changing
 the settings!) and the rate has gone up the next time i have re-booted.
 Only ever happened with a RedHat system - don't know why.

isn't that strange ?
bogomips should only depend on hardware no ?

 What kernel are you using? There are a couple of AMD K6-2 patches

2.0.36 without any patch i can think of.

otherwise the 'compile as [386/486/Pentium/PentiumPro]' option in kernel
compilation could change the bogomips rating or not ?
i compiled it as a 686.
should i compile it as a 586 ?


Script..... cvs......

1999-01-17 Thread filsin

I need a hand with scripting... ive got a script that 'want' to update cvs 
things. But sometimes i get messages like:
cvs [update aborted]: connect to failed: Connection 

The script goes on ignoring the message and it think, it has update the 
module... How can i make it more intelligent trying again when this message 


Phillip  Neumann

Re: start svgalib progs from X

1999-01-17 Thread Tino Schwarze
Hi Brandon,
 I want to start qwcl (quake world) from xqf (an X game finder).  I
 remember something that would change the current vt (via chvt maybe) and
 then run your non-X program, followed by a change back to X.  Does anyone
 know of such a program/script?
There is a little program called switchvt... I hardly remember, but I think
it was just a single C file. It might do the job as it talks to the kernel
console code. (I haven't used it for a long time; neither do I know whether
it should/will work with newer kernels as there have been 'some' changes
to console code recently)

HTH. Tino.

Re: AMD K6-2 / Bogomips problem

1999-01-17 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 otherwise the 'compile as [386/486/Pentium/PentiumPro]' option in kernel
 compilation could change the bogomips rating or not ?
 i compiled it as a 686.
 should i compile it as a 586 ?


- Pentium for the AMD K5, K6 and K6-3D, Cyrix MediaGX,
 Cyrix/IBM/National Semiconductor 6x86 and GXm, IDT Centaur
 WinChip C6, and Intel Pentium/Pentium MMX
   - PPro for the Cyrix/IBM/National Semiconductor 6x86MX, MII and
 Intel Pentium II/Pentium Pro

I don't know if it would affect bogomips, but it might be worth a try.

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: C++ book.

1999-01-17 Thread ari gold

everybody learns in different ways. that's for sure. so the stroustrup book
may be the one for you.

however, i have had much more success with other books (like the
primer). while he may be a buddha when it comes to writing languages, i don't
think stroustrup is that great of a teacher ... so far. the book is good to
have because it is THE WORD on the language. but i'd go elsewhere to learn...

best of luck,


== shaul  writes:

  Can you recommend a good C++ book ?  How about the 3rd edition of
  Stroustrup's book ? Is it better then the new edition of the C++
  Primer ?

Re: C++ book.

1999-01-17 Thread Steve Beitzel
As far as a book to learn from goes, I would Recommend C++: How to
Program, Deitel/Deitel 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 1998.  I learned from the
previous edition of this book.  It's really good, IMHO.



   /  \
 / /\/\ \
/\   Steve Beitzel
   /  /\  /\  \  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /   \/  \/   \
 /  /\  \ICQ#: 19510745
 \  \/  /
  \ ___/
   \   /___\  /
\  \___/ /
 \  /
   \  /

On Sun, 17 Jan 1999, ari gold wrote:

 everybody learns in different ways. that's for sure. so the stroustrup book
 may be the one for you.
 however, i have had much more success with other books (like the
 primer). while he may be a buddha when it comes to writing languages, i don't
 think stroustrup is that great of a teacher ... so far. the book is good to
 have because it is THE WORD on the language. but i'd go elsewhere to learn...
 best of luck,
 == shaul  writes:
   Can you recommend a good C++ book ?  How about the 3rd edition of
   Stroustrup's book ? Is it better then the new edition of the C++
   Primer ?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

smail mail

1999-01-17 Thread tracheotomy bob
I've read the documentation but I can't find what I'm looking for.
mailq lists the mail waiting to be sent, but is there a command that says

Send all waiting mail NOW! ?



Re: start svgalib progs from X

1999-01-17 Thread Brandon Mitchell
On Sun, 17 Jan 1999, Tino Schwarze wrote:

  I want to start qwcl (quake world) from xqf (an X game finder).  I
  remember something that would change the current vt (via chvt maybe) and
  then run your non-X program, followed by a change back to X.  Does anyone
  know of such a program/script?

 There is a little program called switchvt... I hardly remember, but I think
 it was just a single C file.

That's about all I remember, too.  (Although I was trying runvt, loadvt,
launchvt.)  Anyone have ideas on where it's located/hiding, switchvt
didn't show up in any packages.


+---  ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
| The above is a completely random sequence of bits, any relation to |
|   an actual message is purely accidental.  |

mail to multiple machines

1999-01-17 Thread tracheotomy bob
Hallo all,
I'm not all that well up on how mail works so it's a bit of a mess at 
the moment,
but here's my current problem.
I have two user accounts set up on my machine at home, this one for the 
group and my 'normail' login account. It's like this for two reasons, firstly 
to keep Debian 
mail separate from my normal mail and secondly because I know diddly about 
routing mail to 
different mailboxes for a single user.
Now I've just bought a laptop and set up my normal login account on 
that, but not 
this Debian account. If I now connect to my SMTP server, what happens to my 
Both machines have a domain name of so will all the mail 
for this account be downloaded regardless of which machine connects? So if I do 
with the laptop and this account doesn't exist what happens to the mail? I 
thought all undeliverable
mail went to the 'postmaster' but that hasn't happened. So where's it gone? 


re: C++ book

1999-01-17 Thread SEGV
When you get proficient you will want Stroustrup's books, Meyers' books, and
perhaps Lakos' book.

Until then, pick whichever introductory book works for you. The Primer is
probably good.


Filenames vfat-fs

1999-01-17 Thread Matthias Schulz
I mounted on my notebook the win95-partition as shown:

mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/win95 -t vfat

It seems to be with no problems. But in each win95 is a directory named
Program Files. I can't change in this dir, because it's a space in
the  filename. Has it a way to change in this dir - other than mount the
partition as ... -t msdos where this dir is named Progra~1?

Thanks Matthias

Re: smail mail

1999-01-17 Thread Pere Camps

 I've read the documentation but I can't find what I'm looking for.
 mailq lists the mail waiting to be sent, but is there a command that says
 Send all waiting mail NOW! ?



-- p.

Re: Filenames vfat-fs

1999-01-17 Thread Henning Makholm
Matthias Schulz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/win95 -t vfat

 It seems to be with no problems. But in each win95 is a directory named
 Program Files. I can't change in this dir, because it's a space in
 the  filename.

Have you tried escaping the space in the shell? Either of

cd /mnt/win95/Program Files
cd /mnt/win95/Program\ Files
cd /mnt/win95/Program' 'Files

should work unless there is a bug in the kernel's long filename support.

Henning Makholm

Montego sound setup

1999-01-17 Thread Scott J. Geertgens

  Can anyone point me to a doc that explains how to get sound support from
a Turtle Beach Montego A3dXstream soundcard? I'm assuming a dedicated
driver has yet to make it into the kernel, but I'm hoping I can get _some_
sound from it...Thanks.


Problem booting for install

1999-01-17 Thread Eric Jensen
Ok, actually a friend of mine is having this problem.  When he boots to
the rescue disk, or uses the install batchfile with loadlin, he gets the
LILO prompt, hits enter, sees a few lines of kernel messages and then his
machine just reboots. 

He has an AMD K6 with an Award BIOS, a Western Digital 8 Gig as his
primary master, a Maxtor 2 Gig as his primary slave, and a 24x CDROM as
his secondary master.

Any ideas?